Living for Jesus

YOUR great object, dear young friend, now that you know the Lord Jesus to be your Savior, should be to live for Him. Life is like a battlefield; it is a struggle. The world would have your heart, and God says to you, "My son, give Me thy heart." Who, then, is to have your heart, your affections, and the strength of your life?
The whole question of living for Jesus, or living for the world, depends upon where your heart is. You need not make a number of promises or resolutions; for, if your heart is really given to the Lord, you will live for Him. If, on the other hand, your heart is only half for Christ, then it is all for the world. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
There are precious years of your life, Christian boys and girls. "The way the twig is bent the bough's inclined." Every day spent with God is a day spent for God. Every day of your youth given to the world is bending the twig crooked. You could not straighten an old twisted oak tree; and the way the early days of your lives are spent will affect your whole life.
We cannot believe that any one of you is so selfish as to say, "I am saved—I am going to heaven; therefore, I can live for myself.”