There are many stories about London Bridge; I suppose because it is so crowded with human life. On the day of which I wish to tell you, one poor woman was wearily coming home from her day’s work. She was very poor and wretched, and as her footsteps dragged along over the bridge, she thought of her future of toil and suffering, and the awful darkness of eternity.
Coming toward her, in the opposite direction, were two Christian women who spoke earnestly of the Lord Jesus as they walked along. Just as they passed the poor woman, one of them quoted some precious words from the Holy Scriptures to her friend.
Surely it was God, by His Spirit, who directed those words just then. I do not know what they were, but we will know in heaven, for those three women will be there. The poor woman heard those words as from the Lord Jesus Himself, and her burden was gone. The entrance of God’s Word had given light indeed. Her fears had fled. She had now peace in her soul about the question of her sins, with Someone to live for—the Lord Jesus—and Someone to go to when she left this world—the Lord Jesus! She went on her way rejoicing.
You have heard God’s Word. Have you received it as from God Himself? You will never be saved until you do. God’s Word is forever settled in heaven, and the awful memory of it will be in hell. Has God’s Word brought to you the knowledge of your guilt, and of the blood of Christ that cleanses from all sin?
ML 07/11/1954