Look and Live

Listen from:
Children—G. Whitaker
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If I forget before I forget, the Sunday School papers are up on the table when we are all done with Sunday School. Go right there and get yourself a copy, OK?
Well, we have our little hem sheet this morning. I wanna see.
We can sing a few songs.
I guess there's a bunch of children's favorites on the Backpage. Who has a choice?
25 #25.
Let's think the let's sing the 1St and the last verse of 25.
And you're crying, being gone to the rain. Be a night.
Salvation Story review.
Anyhow, I've done everything. OK, OK.
Nobody ever has told me before.
5-10 News on News 1170.
Then I am showing that I need to send him to him for the 18.
Tell everything. Tell him.
Salvation story is really.
Now you can't let him know what I'm done with, you know?
No, no, 5 emails. I'm sorry, I don't know how to close the phone.
Another one, go ahead.
Say it again.
Can you show me?
#15 #15.
Testing the first and last of #15.
Alright, well, you start.
And help them all around every time.
Today is on here. Oh, I will make it not clear.
Umm, with about be in time and now we're just saying about Yep, there is room.
There will come a day when there is no longer any time to accept Jesus.
We're either in Christ or we're in our sins. Simple.
Is there any middle ground between there? No, God doesn't see any.
Are you in Christ? Last night we heard some wonderful things in the gospel, didn't we? I want to go ask some questions about that in a minute. But first we want to say our verses, and we'll take time to do a few who would like to say their verse, OK.
You hold this.
Hello everyone, that Thursday is Camila Waters and he has no money, can he buy any it?
Can I have some help?
KAYYML without buying, without price, I say 55 verse one. Excellent. Who else would like to say the verse?
I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.
Philippians 413.
He also wants to say the verse. Sure. Oh sorry, can you help with that?
Can somebody give us a starting word?
Go ahead.
As for God.
Tisaway is perfect.
Thank you. That's that's beautiful.
We can say God's way is perfect, can't we? What better things could you have?
And to be brought up in a family.
That loves the Lord Jesus.
Just think, a lot of kids in this world, their moms and dads don't know anything about the Bible. They don't know the Lord as their Savior. But here God's way is perfect. And your children are on the front row and you want to hear that message of salvation. God's way is perfect.
And he's provided a way so we can come to God in the person of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
First, let's talk about what happened last night.
Were you kids at the gospel meeting last night?
All you could do is gospel. Can I ask you some questions?
Man talked about.
A jailer. He talked about a prison and there was a great what?
Earthquake. Wow, were you kind of shaken by that story? He told.
Oh, the jailer.
Wouldn't you the the jailer, he was shaken, wasn't he? I mean, why was he bothered when he felt this earthquake and all the doors went open? He was supposed to watch over the prisoners, right?
He thought they had escaped and he knew that it would cost him his life, right? So it was music to his ears to find out that.
Hey, we're all here, don't worry. Now my question is, what did the jailer say next?
I'm gonna put this on here again.
Having trouble with this switch? There we go. What did the tailor man say?
And what was the answer to that question?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
Why? You can't get any clearer than that, can you?
You know, in Genesis chapter 22.
I just want to mention a couple of things here.
As the story about Abraham and Isaac.
Isaac, remember he was the little boy that Abraham had and his family, and it's the boy that he had prayed for for many a year, finally got granted his request and his wife and they had the little boy. Isaac one day God said Abraham, he said yes.
I want you to go and take your little boy Isaac, and I want you to offer him up as a sacrifice to me.
You think that was a hard thing for Abraham to hear?
Wow, only boy.
Let's see what he says.
He said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. So they started out. Abraham said, no, I'm not going to do that. No, he just obeyed. Just started right out. And uh, he gets to the just about to the place in verse five, he says to his young men that were with him, You stay here with the donkey and I and the lad will go Yonder and worship and will come again to you. Oh, there's a little sign that he has faith in it.
So they got to hiking up the last little bit on that hill to where he was he was going to to perform this.
And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father. And he said, My father.
And he said, here am I, my son. And the boy said, behold, there's the fire, here's the wood.
But where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
What did the father say back to him?
Does anybody remember?
Abraham said My son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.
Why do we need a burnt offering?
If we want to approach God, we need an offering, or you don't get to approach Him.
Who is the one who is the perfect offering? What's his name?
Isaac in that story would have been a perfect answer, but for us, who is the perfect offering?
So Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus.
God provided himself a lamb for a burnt offering.
Well, what is it that God can't have in his presence?
If you're going to go up to be where God is, what cannot be there?
Then it's the whole question about sin and we all, it always boils down to this question. So what did the man say? The jailer man say, what must I do to be saved? And what was the answer? Who can tell me the answer to his question?
Believe last night at Gospel, that was the gospel gotten down to one word, and that word was believed.
That's right.
On the.
Little card here that was given to us. I was looking at it and I saw the first down at the bottom. Romans 832. I want to turn over to that one.
Romans 832 Says this.
He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? So that kind of ties in with the story about Abraham and Isaac, doesn't it? That's a good illustration of God and his beloved son.
And so.
God feared not his own son. Abraham didn't have to finally OfferUp Isaac. Did he know there was a ram caught in the bushes? Remember well, there was no ram caught in the bushes when it came time for the Lord Jesus.
To offer himself up, he had to go through a says, didn't he?
So because of that we can talk about verse one of chapter of Romans 8. There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. If we hadn't had that perfect sacrifice on the cross, we wouldn't be able to say now there is no condemnation or judgment could be.
I have something that I want to see if you can guess what it might be.
Kind of a picture here. I won't show it to you right at this minute, but first I'm gonna give you a couple of hints and see if you can maybe guess what I'm gonna talk about.
I'll read you 2 verses and then you think about them and that'll be a big hint of what it'll be. First Peter 224 who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that's.
Hint #1 The next verse I'll read for God. He hath made him Jesus to be sin for us.
So here's this question. Can you think of a picture of that in the Old Testament that would illustrate those verses?
Who his own self bare our sins, and his own body on the tree and.
He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Well, I'll tell you one more verse, and this will make it clear to you.
John 314 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so.
Must Lord be lifted up? I'll just put this up here so we can all see it.
Now I have some questions.
If you look at that snake.
On that pole, what would you think that's supposed to represent?
Does anybody have an idea?
Well, let's look at the account in Numbers Chapter 20.
And we'll see. Excuse me, Numbers 21.
The children of Israel were journeying from Egypt to the land of Canaan, right?
So it was a long, hot journey.
And God said, I'm going to take you from here over to there, and I have a wonderful land to give to you. Just do what I tell you. So they started their long journey and every time they had a problem and needed something, God provided the things that they needed. But you know, people got to complaining and they're saying, Moses, you and God have just brought us out here in this wilderness to kill us.
We're thirsty and we don't have anything to eat and on and on they went with their complaining. Well, God could listen only to so much of this after about 38 years or so, here's where we should Here we put into chapter 21 of Numbers and and verse five the the people fake against God and against Moses. Wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water.
What about the rock where Moses smote the rock and the water just flowed out for them? What else did he give them to eat? Manna, that white little wafery thing that fell on the dew in the morning. Took some effort, didn't it, for the people to gather it up, but they had exactly what they needed. But then it says, are so low to this light bread.
That talked about the Lord Jesus what's that's what the manna represented and it's like they were saying.
We don't like what you have to offer us, and so complain, complain, complain. So look what happens in verse six. And the Lord sent fiery serpents, fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses and said, we have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against thee. Pray unto the Lord that he take away the serpent from us. And Moses prayed for the people.
Now here's what the Lord said.
Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole.
What a strange thing to ask, and it shall come to pass that everyone that is piped in when he looketh upon it shall live.
And Moses made a serpent.
He got busy, and he had people who knew how to work with copper or brass, and they pounded out a thing that looked like a snake, and he put it up on a pole, and then look what happens. Moses made a serpent of brass and put it on a pole, and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent he lived.
Wow. When those people were walking in the rocky ground, there be a sting in their leg and they oh, no, there's no remedy for this. I'm going to die. I know it. Except for what we read, the command was just look, you will live.
God sent the fiery serpents in the 1St place, but he sent the remedy for the serpent bite. And what was it? Was it anything big and hard to do? No, all you have to do is raise your eyes and look.
What's God asking you kids to do today? Look to Jesus.
Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
You know, if you took top just about the the metal that they made this thing out of, they call it copper or brass or copper. It's a material that really is good in the fire. It stands heat like when they made the big the the altar out by the Tabernacle to make their animal offerings. It was made it coated with copper with with brass. It could take high temperature very well.
So it also speaks because of it is used on an altar. Altar speaks of judgment, right? You're going to bring an animal to the priest and he's going to slay it and light the fire under it and burn it all up.
Well, it talks about judgment. So just the the material used for this thing speaks to our hearts about the judgment of God against sin. OK, let's talk about the shape that it was put into.
He said, make a serpent out of this good material and then put it on a pole. Well, what's the serpent speak of? Is that something good? Is the serpent sake good? You know when you know when in in Garden of Eden, when the devil came, he came in the shape of a serpent and he talked to the Lady Eve and Adam got involved. But that is Satan himself. And so here's the serpent.
It represents.
Sin And so the verse that we started with that said, for he hath made him to be sin for us. It's as though you say, well, if you're going to represent something that represents Jesus on the cross, why wouldn't you put something like a man on a pole? But this gives you a little different look at it. You know, when Jesus died on the cross, he was hung there, wasn't he?
And when men did everything they could do, there was nothing left that they hadn't done. He was unrecognizable as a human because they treated him so awfully. Then what did God do when it came time to in those three dark hours, God like turned off the lights because you're not going to watch what's happening while my son dies for your sins.
But when we look at this, it's like, well, the lights are still on and we can sort of see what happened to the Lord Jesus. He was made sin and he was made sin for you, if you will accept him. And so there he is. And what does sin in God's sight? It's just something cannot be tolerated. Is it? It's, it's the most horrible thing. Well, so if his beloved Son was made sin for you.
It's like he bore the punishment for that sin and that.
I guess in my mind is a fitting example of in itself and being judged in the brass.
Totally underwent the full judgment of God so that what? So that you can have your sins put away and that you can be with the Lord Jesus Christ in glory if you have him. But what did he say? He that looketh shall live. If you're not interested and say, well, I got better things to do. He won't even raise your eyes to the Savior. What a terrible attitude that would be. What an insult to God if God says.
Here's what I provided for you. I recognize you have a need. Maybe you don't know yet. And we hope the Lord would by His Spirit would trouble each of you children about this need of a Savior.
And so God said, I see your need, here is my provision for you. You don't have to do anything hard. Just look, you felt the bite of sin and that poison from that bite is going through your body and you know you've got just minutes left at the most to live.
What a provision.
You didn't have to pay a bunch of money, they didn't have to do any act or feat of strength. They just have to look simple. Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else.
So the combined serpent on the pole.
Is a very good picture of the Lord Jesus hanging on the cross for us.
And he took God, took our sins. If if you want to accept Jesus right now, it's like it's already been done. God knew about this. And he said, I'm gonna take your sins and I'm gonna go put them on my son, the Lord Jesus, and I'm gonna punish him as your substitute so you don't have to receive that punishment.
And then you can be in Christ. So there again, you either are in your sins or you are in Christ. Which would you rather have? It's your choice.
Remember, there's no third choice. You just have to say, I will accept the Lord Jesus. I am the Sinner you came here to save. Are you willing to tell Jesus that? If you are, that's putting your faith in Him. It's like the gospel last night. Just believe you. Just look at the Savior. You know we need to pray. I'm sorry we didn't pray. Let's look to the Lord Jesus.
Our God and Father, we just thank Thee for this illustration of the serpent upon a pole, and we thank Thee for the simple solution for the people that had been bitten. We've all been bitten by the snake bite of sin. Our God, we own it to Thee. We recognize our need and we pray these children will come to the point of recognizing their need. And we pray, Father, that they will just be given the the faith to behold the Lamb of God to look.
And live we pray this with Thanksgiving in Jesus name, Amen.
I would like to choose this song. Can we turn to #26 in our hymn sheet?
There is life in a look at the crucified one, there is the Lord Jesus on the cross. Just look and live, let's say #26.
There is light in.
A&M not on our computer, not on premiere. So I prepare.
No, no.
So when we look.
We are brought nigh to God in the person of His Son.
We thank the Lord Jesus for his provision. When we when we think of the love that God had for us, that he would have been willing to have his Son take our place, that's an amazing love. You couldn't find love that anywhere equal to that in this whole universe and we can enjoy it. A person who doesn't know their Lord, the Lord is their savior. He has no way to glorify God. He has no way to.
To come nigh God, he needs that perfect sacrifice and Jesus is the sinless sacrifice and he just meets our need. And this is an offer that doesn't leave anybody out. It's to everyone here. The Lord Jesus loves you children. He loves you very, very much and he would like you to be with him in the glory soon. So we can as Christians, we can lift our voices in praise, can't we? To the Lord Jesus Christ for what he's done.
We can honor the Father by speaking well of the Lord Jesus. And I'm thinking of just a verse of one hymn. I'll read it to you. You all know it by heart. It's 224 verse three. Our hearts can go out in this way. We can say, astonished at Thy feet we fall. Thy love exceeds our highest thoughts.
Henceforth be thou are All in all, thou who our souls with blood hath bought. May we henceforth more faithful prove and never forget Thy ceaseless love has committed to the Lord now.
Once again, loving Father, we thank you for this perfect provision for our need in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning death on Calvary's cross. We thank thee for the hope of student being with the Lord Jesus in glory, Father.
Our hearts just are bursting with Thanksgiving for such a deliverance. There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. We thank you Lord Jesus for this wonderful gift of eternal life and we thank Thee for thy love to all these children and we pray that thou will encourage them as they grow up in the in the nurture and admonition of the Lord amongst Christian families.
And help us now to be in a humble and thankful spirit as we look forward to remembering the Lord Jesus and his death for us. We give thee our thanks and praise once again, our Father in Jesus name, Amen.