Hark! A voice from heaven addresses you, dear lost ones. Would you want to know what the voice says? Then listen:—"Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." Isa. 45:2222Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. (Isaiah 45:22).
Do what you are invited to do—"look" to Jesus. Where is He? Look up, by faith, and in the brightest spot of the glory of God you will see that very same Jesus who bore our sins in His own body on the tree. But you will see Him there without those sins. Buried, He bore them far away. What a work! God could not, would not have sin in heaven:
When Jesus was on the cross He had our sins laid upon Him. In the bitter darkness there He suffered at the hands of God for your sins and for mine. He made full atonement for them with His blood shed on Calvary. He went into the grave, rose again, and ascended to heaven without one of them. He had borne them all away. Now in the glory He awaits the time when He will have with Himself all who have accepted Him and His great work of redemption.
Are YOU one of the beneficiaries of this work of His love and grace? If you refuse to LOOK to Jesus, you will take out of this world with you what you never brought into it—SINS! And if you die in your sins, you will be buried in them; and they and you will have a resurrection together before the great white throne of a just and holy God.
Thank God, dear lost one, that you have a body still out of the grave, and a soul still out of hell. I cry to you in the language of Scripture: "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh [or beareth] away the sin of the world." John 1:2929The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (John 1:29).
"How am I to look?" you say. BY FAITH.
Believing in Him is LOOKING. Looking, believing, "thou shalt be saved.”
How wide, how all-embracing is the invitation! It is to "all the ends of the earth.”
This is the Old Testament way of saying "WHOSOEVER." Oh, LOOK to the blessed Lamb of God, and "be ye saved.”
''There is life in a look at the glorified One,
There is life at this moment for thee;
Then look, sinner, LOOK unto Him and be saved,
Unto Him who was nailed to the tree.”