Looking to Jesus

Duration: 44min
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Address—C. Kohler
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Shall we turn to the 9th chapter of Mark's gospel and beginning with the second verse, And after six days Jesus take it with him? Peter.
James and John.
I'll leave the lock into our high mountain apart by themselves.
And he was transferred.
And this river became shining and sitting white snow, so as no fuller on earth can wipe them.
And there appeared on the dam alliance with mortars.
And they were talking with Jesus.
Peter answered the sentences. Master, it is good for us to be here.
And let us make the Tabernacles once a week, and one promotes, and one for life.
For you is not what to say, for they were sore afraid.
And the cloud will be shattered on The Voice came out, the cloud said This is my beloved son, hear him. And suddenly when they have looked round about, they saw no man anymore.
Save Jesus, holy with themselves.
And as he came down from the mountain, children, they should tell no man what things they have seen, till the son of man who risen from his head. And he kept that saying with themselves Question, mark one with another, what arising from the dead could leave.
Here 1 little move in the service of our blessed Lord as he went about.
Ministering the Word, the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Under healing the sick and the distress.
And blessing on the right hand and on the left.
Then we find all this interlude comes in.
He goes up into a mountain apart from the people and from his activities.
He is transfigured before her, that is to say.
He is suddenly no longer seen as a man.
Who would wear it with a spoil?
As a man who labored unceasingly.
Day and night was given to the service of his father.
Doing his blessed will.
And no doubt, as he felt so, his mouth and rose.
On the desolated places.
That's a great deal.
To be seen. Are they weariness?
On that and also the many things he did and the feeling of people himself, there are sicknesses and carried, or there are prominence and carried out sicknesses.
By then I understand that he felt keenly just as though he himself were the one that was sick, as though he himself were the one that was in trouble.
He felt with the troubled one just what they were passing through. That's really what we are called upon to feel in the same way we're supposed as being in the body, to feel concerned about those wrong about us.
Under the field, as though we ourselves were the ones in cover. For the blessed Lord can tell these things. I was concerned about our salvation of those roundabouts who we spoke.
But now, as I said in this interlude.
Is no longer seen in that way. For just a brief moment the glory which was inheriting His shines for under of the apostles who knew him in his other ways are amazed to cut this off.
They saw his Cummins shining like the sun.
Besides garments way into life.
Or as described here, so white as though 4 on earth with white one he was transfigured.
Was this the same man? Yes, this is the same man, but it's a different glory.
Instead of the glory of the suffering One, one who came a humbling stuff and who was obedient for the death, even the death of the cross.
Are not so much that angle of it as the fact of that term. There's a glory to come, and that Peter brings much of that before us, the sufferings of Christ and the glory which should follow.
So in this 9th chapter mark which we've just read this part of.
He stands figured before them, and they see Him shining in something of the glory that is to be his when his Kingdom is set up.
Because God has ordered the fact that the man that they cast out.
On whom they denied in his own. I'm so shamefully treated. He's the man of God's counsels. He's the man that God is interested in.
He's the man that is going to rise supreme above all others and as we have been in Philippians 2 already.
He is now exhausted. At God's right hand is given a name above every name in the name of Jesus. Every knee should follow.
On every country confessing Lord to the glory of God the Father.
And as the disciples are awakened up and listen for I could look how you said they fell asleep.
They're awakened out of this deep, and suddenly this wonderful vision appears to have it was nothing that they had understood before or that they contemplated.
About here, His own glory is allowed to shine off for just a little while.
On the On the Marble Life.
Plus we see the failure in connection with it because Peter Ration wishes to make 3 tabernacles, one for Moses, one for Elijah, and one for Jesus, putting them all on one common level. God will stand for that at all.
The consequently takes Moses and Elijah already and now.
Out of the cloud he speaks and says this is my beloved son.
To ye him.
And now they look about.
Where all these other men that appeared in glory with Jesus?
Get on.
Jesus is alone.
His glory shines on and God says, This is my beloved Son.
There's no comparison.
There's no way in which God will allow these others who were servants in His house to be put on the same level with His own Son. This is my beloved son. Hear him.
I'm thinking this wonderful vision that they saw. I'm thinking of what appeared to them on how when they looked around they found no man save Jesus only.
A blessed thing for us when we get our eye upon the blessed Savior.
And when no one else can by any means be put in his company.
He alone, He has a place alone of his own. We read of him that God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son. Now He has many sons, but there's always this one only begotten Son.
Has a glory which is altogether his own that nobody else can share with it. Now let's turn to Hebrews.
Hebrews 12.
In the 11Th chapter, we find notable men.
Who performed wonderful things on the principle of faith. They believe God.
And having believed God, they were strengthened and blessed.
Are unable to do things that were far beyond their ability.
And now having given us all this wonderful picture of what these were, these endured, then he brings us down to the Smoke chapter. And he says, wherefore see, we also are confident about with so great a power of witnesses.
That is his company in the 11Th chapter, without referred to the great power of witnesses.
It's not as some people have thought, that those who have gone on before are occupied looking at us and seeing how we're going on and they're they're witnessing our pathways here. No, that's not the thought at all.
As far as I can see.
So the thought is that these witnesses were witnesses of the blessed resolve of faith in operation. And now here we are with all this evidence before us in the 11Th chapter of what faith has accomplished in others.
It tells us here, seeing we also accomplished the thoughtless, so greater power of witnesses let us lay aside every week.
Every hindrance is awake, let us see aside every week, and the sin which got so either this sentence, it may be anything at all in our pathway down here which would descend us. The sin which God so he will beset us, may not be something very wicked.
It may be just occupation in excess.
I thought they should be.
But these things are easily distracted and draws away from occupation with Christ, and God wants us to understand all that we're to lay aside every weight on everything that by any means.
Would occupy us with something less than his own dear son.
So he says here, let us lay aside every week.
And the sin which does so easily to set us.
And let us run with pace of the race.
That is set before us.
And how important it is for us to bear in mind that we are running in a race, the apostle tells us in First Corinthians laughter. They that run in a race. They all run, but only one win the prize.
But he would have us all run and all receive the prize.
Why you say pop in that beat?
Settle it off because there are enough prizes to go all around. God will withhold any from anyone who deserves anything, but He wants us to run with patience. The race is set before us.
And he wants us to do so with having our eye set upon the only one who can be an example to us, the only one who can.
Show us exactly what would be pleasing to God. That's the Lord Jesus himself.
Reading about some farmer who ploughed very crooked forest.
And another farmer.
Hereby they just burrowed quite straight. So he asked this farmer how he got his forest so straight. Why he said that? I set my eye on an object before me and I fell straight toward that object in the forest. He said I'll get straight forward.
This father thought that was a good idea.
So the next clawing, he looked at Oscar, an object. He saw a coop in the distance, and he ploughed straight toward that cow. When he got through, he looked and loved. His fur was just as crooked as ever could be. Why was this? The cow was a moving object.
It shifted about as it felt that there was something here more tender to graze upon. Why? It shifted over that way and then, or shifted over this other way, and by and by. The man had a very crooked volume altogether.
If we want to plow a space, first if we want to.
Mop out our path and be sure that we're not wasting a lot of time and energy and getting crooked results. We want to keep our eye upon the one object that God has set before us, and that's what we have here.
So it tells us after we run the patient's eraser set before us.
Then it says looking.
Under Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, which I think should read a little differently. I understand it should read rather like this, looking more earnestly under Jesus the author and finisher of faith. That is, the whole path of faith from beginning to end was taught by this Blessed One to the glory of God, and you make no mistakes if you follow.
In his steps.
So then it tells us looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher faith that is the beginner little creeper of the path and looking for birthday again, and that's what I had before me. More particularly that is the looking.
Now we saw in the 9th chapter of Moth how when God took away.
Moses and Elijah, how the disciples, they look around.
And they saw no object.
And then they lost again on the saw Jesus only, no man, but Jesus only.
All the wonderful thing to get ones eye upon that blessed farm. Jesus only.
I saw they saw no man save Jesus only now, here in our 12Th chapter of Hebrews, we are. I thought it to look more earnestly.
Order him earnestly. Look off under him. We have a good many difficulties in our life down here.
I'm saving is going to make her path just as hard as you can.
And oftentimes we wonder whether we have God's mind or not. And, well, the thing that we're doing, what I have done was British glory.
Well, the secret of the whole thing we want to have his mind is to be so occupied with the Lord Jesus.
And the soul walk, and looking off earnestly under Jesus the computer and finisher of faith.
Under them we think are quite motivated again, because here we read also who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross.
Despising the shame on the set down with the right hand of the greatest on heart.
I've often thought that perhaps as good an illustration we have in structure of what it was that can move to joy to endure all this is what we have in David.
Today, as you remember, went down at his father's request to see how his brethren appeared in the battle.
Undertake with them are these 10 cheeses under whatever other things that were.
For the addresses and for the capital host. And when David got down there, David saw, to his surprise, something he hadn't counted on.
There was a massive man, a monster.
That came forth of the camp of listeners and he challenged the armies of Israel to French, a man that could fight with him.
Well, we know of course from the scriptural interpretation of this portion.
All that, all this monster representative, that great enemy of ours who wielded such power that we all were terrified.
So that.
Who through fear of death.
Brought us into *******.
We needed a delivery.
Well, nobody dared to go to meet that great giant.
And none of the president of David saw the.
Man who was most outstanding among all the other men there. They all fled from before this monster.
On David is astonished at it. Why? Who is this uncircumcised Protestant that he should defy the armies of the living God?
And then someone said, David, do you know what will take place? The man that dares to go down and fight that giant and slaves him, he's going to have three things.
He's going to have his father's house set free in Israel.
He's going to bring great wealth.
But he's going to have a bride. Now, if you take those three things, I think they bring you before you a picture of what this joy that the Lord has. That is to say, there is a wealthy thing to bring to the fame and glory of God by going to the cross.
Them selling this family of his father's house free in Israel.
And he was the church, the drive and all, he said. These three things are such importance to me.
I'll gladly go down and I'll give my life.
To secure her, so we're told as to the in the 5th chapter of Ephesians. As to the church, he loved the church and gave himself for it. He didn't keep anything back.
Christ also loved the Church and gave himself for him.
He loved us, but He gave himself for us and each individual one of us can say about me, I'm gave himself for me. Yes, the bless the Lord Jesus went down and meet that great foe and whatever cost it might be to him, he was going to deliver our souls and it's going to bring glory to God.
And he was going to have it.
In that glory, share with him all the glories that God was apostle created.
And so, proof of the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising his cave, when he sat down with the right hand of the majesty of God.
But now you and I have him before us as an example.
Applicable of earnestly to him.
We're to seek in every way to be more like the blessed Lord Jesus and God who knows the motive of each of our hearts and who knows what our daily lives are.
Desires us indeed to be so taken over his son that we become more like him. Or if we have it.
In Corinthians.
That's a violent RI stage upon him in glory. We've changed into the same image from glory to glory, and that's what God purposes concerning us as Christians is not merely that we already come to meetings which are very important.
It's not merely that we should be spending a very little time in prayer, which is very important.
Not merely that we should be occupied a great deal with greedy, which is also very important, but the heart is to be occupied with Christ, nothing less.
Nothing less. 110 five Gravy and reading become critical.
One can by lacking in prayer become terrorists and indefinitely. What God wants us occupied with Christ, He wants our heart. Just feeling with the loveliness of that blessed man. He worked all hearts to drink in of that wonderful love of His.
On soul, or to be able to show that same law, on that same grace unto others.
So looking off Wednesday under Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, is the way in which we gather the energy and the strength.
To go on with himself, running patience, the race which is set before us.
I'm looking at another version of the 34th song and the first verse.
Says they look.
Under him and were lightened, and their fingers were not ashamed.
No, what was that first thing? They looked at his pin and were lightened.
That's the best English word that they could find to express this thought, but the marginal reading gives you another thought.
And that is, they looked at him and they closed under there. In other words, there is something about looking at the term that just made a heart.
Alive in its activity.
And as the Elderfeld Bible puts it, they were her language. That is to say, they were.
Not only.
Cheers and confident, but they were exhilarated. It was a spirit that was all. Left it off above the things of time. How unbecoming it is for a Christian to walk along with a long face.
What would say? Is that the kind of a Christ you have?
Is it a long ways that God wants to see in his children or is it a glad that happened faith?
I'm sure to glad and a happy face she wants on his children. He wants them to show the whole world how good God has been to him and you don't do that when you have a long face.
Knowing me, I will remember an older brother saying many years ago, you have a Christian with a long face. That doesn't mean he's a godly man. It may mean he has a structure and how true that is. Instead of him being a godly man, maybe he's just a crack.
If we are really going on with the Lord, why our souls would flow altogether?
We'd be lifted up above the circumstances here, below we being living as it were in the 7th heaven, someone said.
I don't know whether is a 7th heaven or not, but the point is simply not that it will lift you right up above everything else down here. What a comfort, what a joy it is.
Just to be going on happy, rejoicing before the Lord for this praise. So the psalmist over and over again speak about them being full of his praise, praising Jehovah all the day.
The first verse says I'll bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth, and that's for God's glory. That's how God is glorified in US. He wants us to be, said happy witnesses of Himself that the whirling says He's got something I'd like to have.
But they don't care about.
A person who just simply said I've got my religion is that all a person has? Is religion all? How much better it is to have Christ have Christ before us? Looking for fantasy under Jesus.
And here they look to him, and they were lifted up in their spirits, and they were just filled with rejoicing.
Well, that's what we want. We want little of that. We want to know something about it.
We have a dear brother in Brooklyn who labored a great deal in the gospel.
And somebody describing him said he had the faith of every Christian should have a happy looking faith.
That brother really enjoys the gospel and he wants others to enjoy it with him.
So he has a face that every Christian should have, a happy face rejoicing in the Lord.
All how blessed is it?
And so they looked at him, and they called to him, that is to quicken their whole sensibilities.
It made them rejoice, it lifted them up above all the difficulties down here.
And occupy them with the glory.
And so they're recalibrated, there's strength and they were impressed. They would cheer and they would cheer onto all of us.
Yes, I looked at it here.
And were like.
Don't help us to know more about looking.
Up in? Yes indeed.
Looking on extent under Jesus now in the 9th chapter of Hebrews.
You have 3 appearances, 24 verse.
For Christ is not evident, for holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the truth, but in heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us.
And then in the 26th verse, but now once in the end of the world, have he appeared to put a wish in by the sacrifice of himself.
That is quite a time should be before the adversity. 24 verse. But then there's another verse here also in the 28th verse. So Price was once offered to bear the sins of many, and other than the look for him, shall he appear the second time?
Without sin or the salvation.
Now there's another girl, there's a look at the coming one and to look at the one who is about to come and establish himself that what is rightfully his his Kingdom. But before he does that, he's going to catch away his church. However, if we love his appearing.
As we have mentality.
A reward that is to be given to all them in love is appearing just the same as when he had bought himself.
Or he could speak of having thought it would fight and having finished the course and having kept the faith.
Hence what he says is made-up of mere crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day, or not to the only, but on the far limit. He loved his period, that is to say.
Loving is occurring to me means all, that they so walk with him and so live with him, that things out here mean nothing to them.
They're not interested in schemes and ambitions of men.
They're not interested in making a name for themselves or a place or making their future secure in the world.
They're not interested in that what they are interested in.
Is in helping to bring them all the early return of all Lord Jesus. So then, and all the alternate love is appearing. What a test these scriptures are to our hearts. Are we in the good of them? Are we living as we should?
Here alone is Christ as much to us as He should be. Are we as full of praise to God our Father for all His loving kindness and goodness to us?
As we should be.
All these things will test us.
Not how much we know. Not how much we may be able to preach. Not how well we might be able to say things. No, indeed. But how well we can walk in this blessed car. Now there isn't much said about Phoenix.
But what love is said is so significant.
In it for 65 years old when he had a little family.
And Leonard tells us that for 300 years she walked with God. Now I don't believe that he just learned.
You stop and walk with God, but I believe he's walking with God all those years before too. But God wants us to know the question is a family man whose responsibilities and cares, just as you and I have, that he still walked with God?
And he walked with God under one day. He was not for God took it. But before this translation he had this testimony to the accused God.
Now that testimony, without doubt, was in his own soul.
Doubt at all, but he knew that God was pleased that having walked with him.
And so we find him working with God. 300 years now. Sometimes we get weary walking a little while. Matter of a few years we begin to feed her off. What's the matter?
There's something wrong there, isn't it?
300 years 7 without diminishing at all.
The fiber is, what with God? What was the secret of it? I believe the secret of the class. And he looked beyond this world, and he looked at the goodness of God and the majesty.
Under the splendor of God is revealed in creation, but also as He hadn't handed down him from Adam all the way down.
Surprisingly, only to stop and think of it.
Three men spanned that whole period of time from the Garden of Eden to the Flood.
Three men lies, one to the other, and the third man still living after the flood.
A matter of 16146 years, Nearly as we can figure it, three men's lives spanned all that period of time. How to beat it was in the midst of it.
And Phoenix heard the words of faith that came down to him.
In that line of those who were to be the.
Line of blessings.
Quick stay on the Messiah to come.
And all these years he walked through God, 300 years. I think it's in the enjoyment of much of the precious truth that was intimated in the Old Testament. As a matter of fact, I think a great deal was intimated fail that we don't know much about.
Water these Old Testament, whereas they have something.
That fill their souls and make them sure of what God had decreed for them. And so it walked to God 300 years. We find also that dealing with a prophet and being prophesied of the coming of the Lord with 10 thousands of his Saints.
Venues upon those that were ungodly, but when you get them there like that, it makes you wonder why you and I are so cherry with our daily affairs.
Are we keeping something back from the board or we not to be exercised about it?
Peanut, walk with God, if we walk with God, bless the Lord Jesus.
In our daily pilgrimage knowledge, what a difference is with making with a lot of things about which we're not so terrorists.
And we will be well pleasing unto God.
All that what is meant by looking more famously under Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, to pass the faith, whereas one object was to please his Father.
Are very blessed in reading to know that that he is coming again, Lord Jesus is.
And very shortly he's going to catch away this pride. I'm convinced that we're on the very eve of this wonderful event that's about to take place.
And at any moment now, it may expect.
And we be caught away from this world. Everything indicates how confused and upset and disturbed mankind is. He doesn't know. Where is that?
I know that there's something coming and he can't understand what.
I filled with more or less the stress because he doesn't know how to handle the situation. It's beyond. It's only the Lord Jesus that's able to set things right.
And his coming is assured and is very close and we will look for his appearing.
Are really anxiously desirous that he should come.
Not because we would escape the dangers that threaten this race, but because we wondered. We love it, we just feel it. We can't be happy away from him.
As is true that he will be satisfied.
When it has all his own home with him and that bright glory, it is equally true that we shall be satisfied.
When we awaken this life, when everything that is converted to Him will be gone, and when we shall be just like the blessed Lord who loved us and gave us that, the ultimate joy, That's the great thing that is set before us. And if you want us to be occupied with it, all these other trivial things.
Only help to make it harder for us in the program.
The Lord has given grace so we may have our eyes fixed upon Him.
And may rejoice in his goodness.
To us.