Lord of life, and King of glory!
Now to Thee our hearts we raise;
While we sing the joyful story
Of the triumphs of Thy grace.
Long in error's path benighted,
Deeply sunk in sin's abyss,
We Thy proffered mercy slighted,
Would not have eternal bliss.
Straying then on sin's dark mountain,
Thou didst bid us cease to roam,
Make us see the living fountain,
Call with power Thy wanderers home.
Jesus, strength of our salvation,
None can pluck us from Thy hand;
In the hour of dark temptation,
Kept by Thee we safely stand.
Though by enemies surrounded,
Onward still our steps we wend;
All our foes shall be confounded,
Safely come our journey's end.
Grace begun shall end in glory;
Jesus, He the victory won;
In His own triumphant story
Is the record of our own.