Love and Trust

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Thou hast loved me, precious Savior!
Notwithstanding all my sin;
And hast, through the door of mercy,
Sweetly drawn me safely in—
Drawn me in to God the Father,
Made me know and own my place;
As, in Thee, redeemed, accepted,
Justified, through reigning grace.
Thou dost trust me, gracious Savior
With Thine honor here below;
And wouldst have me striving—all the
Riches of Thy grace to show;
Thou wouldst have me, Lord, abounding
In the work of patient love;
Till Thou contest, occupying,
Every talent to improve.
I would love Thee, precious Savior!
Love like Thine must love beget;
And the pathway of Thy sorrow
I would never here forget:
Marred, Thy visage more than others;
Grief profounder ne’er could be;
Then, too, in death’s surging billows
Left and smitten—all for me!
I would trust Thee, gracious Savior!
Trust Thy love and tender care,
As I journey through the desert,
Till I meet Thee in the air:
Till I meet Thee—till I see Thee—
Till there’s naught on earth to do;
It will give me joy to trust Thee,
And refresh Thee, Savior, too!