Love to Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
"Whom have I in heaven but thee?"
I love thee, precious Lamb of God,
Thy name to me is dear;
No charming music falls so sweet
Upon my listening ear.
I love thee as the humble One,
So lowly in thy birth,
Who made thyself of no repute,
Though Lord of heaven and earth.
I love thee as the spotless One,
The holy and the pure;
Made sin, that I its fearful weight
And curse might not endure.
I love thee as the gracious One,
So gentle and so kind,
Who wiped the falling tear, and loved
The broken heart to bind.
I love thee as the faithful One,
Who did the Father's will;
Who never sought thine own, but did
His blessed Word fulfill.
I love thee as the patient One,
Rejected and reviled;
Yet ever calm and tranquil thou,
Beneficent and mild.
I love thee as the suffering One,
Unpitied in they woe.
No heart responsive bent to thine
When waves did o'er thee flow.
I love thee as the dying One
Upon the cursed tree-
Ah! There I measure, Lord, they love
To such a wretch as me!
I love thee as the risen one,
No longer in the grave;
Triumphant now o'er death and hell -
Omnipotent to save!
I love thee as the reigning One,
Upon the Father's throne,
With majesty and honor crown'd,
And glory all thing own.
I love thee as the coming One,
And oh, I wait to be
Upborne in clouds of glory bright,
Dear, precious Lord, to thee!
Come then, oh Savior, quickly come!
Drive hence earth's night and war:
"The Spirit and the Bride say, Come,
Thou bright and Morning Star!"