Loving Back

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
LITTLE Alice was playing with her doll while her mother was writing. When her mother had finished the writing, she told Alice she could come and sit in her lap, and Alice said, "I'm so glad; I wanted to love you so much, mamma.”
“Did you, darling?" and she clasped her tenderly. "I am very glad my Alice loves me so; but I fancy you were not very lonely while I wrote; you and dolly seemed to be having a happy time together.”
“Yes, we had, mamma; but I got tired after a while of loving her.”
“And why?”
“Oh, because she never loves me back!”
“And that is why you love me?”
“That is one why, mamma, but not the first one, or the best.”
“And what is the first and best?”
“Why, mamma, don't you guess?" and the blue eyes grew very bright and earnest. "It's because you loved me when I was too little to love you back; that's why I love you so.”