Luke 14:15-33

Luke 14:15‑33
Gospel—A.M. Barry
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March 1959. Detroit Gospel by Ambery.
Wetters Rd. in Hell through all around.
They return to the 14th chapter of Luke Song.
In the 13 words.
And there's one of them that heard these things, he said unto him, Blessed is he that shall eat bread with a little dog.
Searching man made a great power and bad man.
And sent his servants and supper time to say to them that were visible.
Come, for all things are now ready, and they all, with one consent, began to make it few.
The birds fell under him. I bought a piece of ground, and I was needful and see it. I pray they have me to you and another grade. I walked by the open box and I go through them. I pray they have made you another sin. I had married a wife, and therefore.
The last I ever came in the show is Lord these things. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his turn, go on quickly into the streets and range of the city, and bring in hidden the poor and the main and the fall and the blind.
And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded, and yet.
Where is the road?
And the Lord said unto this Pharaoh, and go out into the highway different cases.
And come elderly.
To come in that my house may be failed.
Brian family, you that none of those men which were busy thou a piece of my stuff.
And there was great molecules that were skin. And he turned in the federal band. If any man comes with me, and he's not his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters he had in his own life also, he cannot be my desire.
And whosoever does not bear his craw to come after me, cannot be my excitement. For which of you is attending to build the power, since it's not about first? And how does the cost, whether he has sufficient finishes, left happily after he has made the foundation, and is not able to finish it, All that behold, and begin to walk in saying, this man began to build.
And was not able to finish.
Or what he's going to make for him, another King said. It's not down first he can tell us whether he be able to 10,000 and making him to come up again at the end of 20,000.
Or else while the other is, he had a great way off he sentence, and then the faith and desires conditions of peace, so likewise whosoever he be able to that forsake us not all the impact he cannot be my sight, it's all the good, but it's the thought of lost his faith, or wherewith shall it be? Is neither pistol or land, or yes, of the downfield but men ask about.
He that have ears to hear.
I'm sure that all. What is this compliment? All in the city of Detroit.
In there, but they like to go to heaven.
But there are many in all, only with hairs over hair.
When there's no other place left for them, like an old woman that got their heart.
He asked her where does he like to go? Why don't you die? Why she says that? Heaven, of course. Well, he says when he wanted a dime, she said no.
So you you can just figure out what the the event buyer answer that she really has no desire whatever is going to happen to sort of a last resort.
There's no other place to go and she couldn't live in this world any longer or then she wants to go together. So that's why it was just many four souls that are living in this world today.
But you know the the Blessed Lord wants the faith of people forever.
And he wants them to enjoy heaven before they get into that plastic form.
Now is one who is speaking here.
Fast Lanza Disney that shall eat bread and the Kingdom of God. I'm not able to say how genuine his desire was.
Or he might have been one of those care.
Speaking of.
We're just.
Called how? Restful.
How? How much better it would be to be in a better world than this. We had a dear old sister with his foreman who spent her last.
Years and four years.
Nursing home there.
And one day we were visiting old Mrs. Farmer and he was telling us about one time she was boarding in a place.
In Winnipeg.
House And he said one day, one evening, one day there was some of the borders.
They were all in.
And there comes in the conversation. It came out first why they would like to go ahead.
And I'm very like to go to heaven and see you tomorrow.
It's better than being wonderful of being free from all the way home this life.
And another.
To get rest after all the thing.
Always there, this deer was a very retiring.
And it's sort of a soul. And she hesitated, she said She didn't like to.
Speak out in a place like that. Finally the Lord gave her. The spirit inquired of his court up and she said I'd like to go to heaven. See my statement.
Because it was a perfect Christ, the Word.
Move there one by one. Five last night let the mayor to return. Oh, strange. How strange. There were those men talking about why they wanted to go to heaven. And there wasn't one who was in there that had any desire to care about her safety or had any desire to go to heaven to see the blessed state of blessed Savior.
Nine percentage. I trust with all my heart. There's nothing like that here in this room tonight because once kind of a place is a place where these is gone.
And everybody that's there is going to be occupied with him.
Everyone will be seeing his praises up there, and I dare say it that is a Sinner in his sin to get it ahead without pleasing in Christ to be in the last placement that we can think of in the universe. He care to say it'll be miserable. I wonder sometimes if it was possible that it's a mercy for Senator. Seriously. Because.
Of men like those fellows I was telling about that couldn't sit for 5 minutes in A room.
Where just the name of Jesus was Nancy, where God, may all of God be sold.
About wanting to go to heaven and see her Savior. How would it be like for those men to be put in a place where they would hear nothing but about the Savior for all eternity, but they want to live there, but they be satisfied there. I'm sure not stranded because heaven, you see, is 1 by that bless the plants who die on the cross of the catalyst.
Well, the answer the Lord gave to this man was to tell Obama great suffering.
A great summer we were seeing all blessed gospel sound.
And the gospel message is indeed a great and wonderful and marvelous message.
And what a wonderful fact it is that God is inviting 4 senators in this world.
Is common land based on the greatest and most Mars Lebanon that man has ever been told about.
Well, we think of of a supper.
Me today is going to make big other tests.
For dinner, big meal of the day.
And I'm sure that this gentleman who provided this great suffer, he must have been a man of being because he invited in all the neighborhoods to come and enjoy his effort with him.
Well, God is a great and bountful giver.
God delights the bless. You know, man has got reverted ideas about God.
Where did you get them? Right straight from the bed Devil. The Devil told our first parents that God wasn't as good as they thought he was.
They told me that God was holding back the very best.
Thing that they had and the poor stupid creature listening to the voice of the Him and Satan has been deceiving mankind with that lie from that database twice as when men get in trouble.
That immediately.
The name of God.
Because of the blame God for all the trouble, they treat God as though his one thought was to get them into thought.
Man in his own heart, until he has brought the fire into the enemy of God, just left all the things by me. We're not only a Sinner, but we're actually intelligent.
And man showed his all hatred of God when he took his beloved comments, fit in his face, and made him cross cool across California. The silver spider of all that man is done to dishonor the praise of God. God is the only distinction sinners.
Come to the Christ that one that man has so long rejected, and received him as his own savior.
What we find here that?
The bumper is prepared and the message is now. The time for all things are now ready.
And God has alarmless feast for a Sinner who will be the invitation the spacewalk is being offered where defenders aren't thinking we're guilty.
And yet a word like this comes to us through the doctor, through this man says, Paul is preached on you the forgiveness of sins, and by him all, I believe, are justified from all things from which he could not be justified.
By the law, and then the gift of eternal life. For God so loved the world. He gave. The only God responded, Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have.
Ever or eternal life, isn't that something to be succumbed? Friends think of being justified, a guilty man and yet justified before the judge that can't allow sin in his presence.
We receive that you're the one who gospel of the grace of God, and then God is offering peace to his enemy.
So that we can have peace with God to our Lord Jesus Christ.
And have no ears. We can pay to death if we believe in our hearts that Christ is our Savior. We can face death without the least uncertainty, for we know that with our soul.
That all is the.
Well, isn't that something will be upon all the other friends walking and harmless things. It's all in the divine poor souls.
Come and just be on all these wonderful gospel truths that I could enumerate in this blessed book.
Before the whole time that we have before.
Well, we find that.
He sent out his service.
Family of messages come. It isn't due, is it? I doesn't ask the senator to bring something. Suppose he did bring something. Wouldn't it have been an insult to the one who provides the feet?
Oh, the president of the United States was to invite someone here to get at the White House, and he took along your lunch with you and spread it out in in the.
Of the president and his wife. Could you think of where you're in?
Invitation. I doubt whether if anyone here that invites one of their friends would be pleased if they were treated in that way.
Surely to bring something in your own and so when people come and present their good works for anything that they might bring to God is just the same kind of an insult.
Hold on, Axe, is that you feel the need of Christ as your safety. That's the only way.
I am preparedness.
The only thing that God requires is to be Christ, and I wonder if there any uncle here I get a little more.
Feel as though they like to.
Really trusting in the Lord Jesus is very.
Well, if you have a desire to feel that need in your soul.
Why? It's because the Lord is speaking to. In other words, it's that invitation that's going out for the Conservative Here in this chapter is none other than the lesson, Holy Spirit.
We have another.
Here there's only one third but.
Holy Spirit of God and Friend, the Lord Jesus has done the whole work on the cross.
And now he is sent the Spirit of God down here to invite you to come and receive the freshest and wonderful work that he has become. Isn't God good friend? He gave his Son to die on the cross, and then he sent the Holy Spirit to tell you about that woman his work, and that he's up in heaven now, waiting with open arms to receive.
All that will accept him as they're seated.
And the message is bounding out.
For all things are now ready.
That means the work because remember a friend that the gospel is now a message about.
Work that only partially accomplished was the only God, faith, and tell you lost your temper.
Like my poor soul thinking, sure they do something that is wrong, That the only thing is up to that hour. That wouldn't be a finished work, please.
How many of our of the sins of the believer did the Lord Jesus suffer on the cross? Thank God He suffers for all of them. And when he said his precious blood there?
The worker is here that the blood of Jesus Christ lands up from the aid of the Lamb.
Some children know what all these things the land of us from.
All states.
Oh, thank God the work of Calgary finished for the Lord Jesus on my absence will crawl after he had suffered.
The judgment of God during the three hours when He was forsaken. The other bold word of it is finished.
And all the law, said this dude, he was always demanding something of mine.
But the Lord's words are.
It is finished, It is done, the great transactions done. I am my Lord in his mind, and I followed on, glad to confess the Lord Sivan.
Well, what was the result of the message?
Inviting the guests to come in and enjoy the beef that was prepared.
By the plants thing, it says that they all began to make excuses.
One had one excuse and another and other excuse.
Why is the transaction so many?
Are so badly indifferent.
To the God, Well, it's because.
They have no desire.
To turn away from the old things in this world that absorb their thoughts and within their time they're just satisfied. Go on.
And the light of sin and the life of ease and indifference to go along with the world and don't want to hear the gospel.
Like the man on the train said to me and I giving away tracks he saw, he said. A lot of people don't want that.
All the world doesn't want your old brother close five years ago, he says. This old world is not very tired. I wonder why they think today.
Another day is a good together fantasy. Listen to the message.
If you preach nothing but responsible.
Without any.
Training centers or brass bands to get some entertainment.
You can't find in places where they're very, very many, but you know to come out and listen.
All friends were in the vain kind of the world that the Lord was talking about here.
Same position like this, all with one expense.
Began to make excuse and how civil their excuses were. I think these men were just simply liars because the one said that he had bought a piece of ground was not at least go and see it. Ever hear of a farmer that bought a farm without looking at?
Yeah, we hear a man behind the tracks here and 2nd manufacturer and not knowing where, what condition it was in. I used to use a vehicle trace and buying horses, but that's all the question is going to be.
And the day he burned the head of horses. Mine was a lot of horses farm his land and living in a very particular area now and then to see if he was blame at the out of the ease or desires or good noise for particular. Here's a land that he bought 5 little balls and he didn't even know whether they were going to work or not.
And then the last man who said he married a wife and therefore he could not come, and the poorest excuse of all, because he could have told his wife that was no excuse about almost her. In fact none of the excuses was found but that.
Holy God. And then we're just brought up face to face with this fact, dear friend.
That there really is no excuse at all for a Sinner staying away from Christ. Man has to revenge because all has done everything.
He provided everything, and more than that, he's taking the Sinner. Is it because he will lose or we know he will gain happiness down here, he'll have peace in his soul and then at the end he'll have heaven as his portion and illegal a Sinner going on without any?
Questions ever. And then now reminding him.
That eternity is again, and he's not ready to be gone. It's a satisfactory way to live entire, unfortunately, that if you were scared from time to eternity that your soul will be lost, that you're not ready to meet God.
Faith of the peace becomes and believing. And they trust me, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. Well, there's not only a game for all eternity for a hereafter friend, but the presidency is without comparison. Isn't it what you gain right in this present life if you accept Christ? No, there's no excuse for it. And yet man would rather have to be.
The devil's?
Off rather than the wonderful offer that God has made the poor of all things. Well, when all these guests were first invited, may these excuses. It tells us that the master of the house being angry.
All houses are the heart of God.
The sea is primarily describing His Grace actually trampling the blood of his fond of their feet. No, I actually heard a man say that one time.
Animals are like the whole of the instead it's not put into his family and held me because I trampled and flows in my feet.
Religion needs to do.
Utter content for Christ.
And the blood that he shared there to wash away the thin of that very man, was there to find God and bless the sun.
But then here the servants showed their master, and he tells them to go out quickly into the streets and lay into the city and bring in hit her the poor and the main in the hall and the blind.
Now sometimes dog has to be roughly with centers before they would see his voice. I remember when I first moved to Chatham I used to make things resistance to the General Hospital and they had one board where they were.
Old van That's where Insurables, And there's one man I took quite an interest in land by the name of Gibson.
He was paralyzed from the hips down.
Five and and.
His chair all day long around a wheelchair.
And the great supper too, but a happy child of the daughter. Many precious hour we spent together talking about the things of the Lord. And I met one day when I leave someday, Mr. Gibson, that Uganda thank the Lord for.
Your trials and your condition, Holy Place brightened up. Because I thank you now.
He said it had been for this. He said I would never been saved. He said the Lord spoke to me. I might, I wouldn't listen. And he said finally the Lord let me have a fall on the bond.
He says basketball for me, but my trust in the heart, Jesus and exception is my Well, that seemed pretty hard, isn't it? That have to be a purple all your days.
To be dependent on others for everything that was beautiful and yet all it was so much better than to have lost his precious soul, which that was he would have lost as the Lord not come in in that own way.
And put that man down where he would listen. There's a message of his grace. All the word is go out into the street and go out into the street.
I'm waiting and bring him together, the poor.
After Lord, you know, when he was here, he told those who came about John the Baptist and he says the poor have the box will please for that. I've been recently or this fall and they aren't trying. Problem. Susan follows up some of the work of those who have compelled defense meetings. You know, they went through some of the poorest places that you can find.
Activity. You would be surprised.
Find such poverty. It was scary to think it was poverty like 11.
In America. But you do find it there. But there they found more of an ear that was gone straight.
In any place where they could fix a tank as the poor has gone peaceful, then they got a big mound out and all that.
Why they spent the party.
There isn't bad in this world.
Who who answered to their their needs in regards.
And all those who are rich.
In this world.
Are the ones who are usually hardest to reach. We know the grace of God can reach anything.
But it doesn't the case of the rich man and managers but.
Rich man died in one. The beggar you know, was carried by when he died by angels.
Carried to Abraham.
Well, the main.
The Mall, the Blind.
Where Barnum is, you know they're they by the highly appearing of Jesus. Just before we have the story of the blind Bartimaeus, we have the rich young rulers and everything that partially desires this world. And he turns his back on Jesus and goes away sorrowfully. Whereas there's a poor beggar. When he hears that it's Jesus that's passing by, he's crying about Jesus.
Master have mercy, and the Lord will have mercy on that quarter blind man and friends that 12 for sinners to discover their spiritual blindness.
Well, that is our condition. We're blind. We can't be right of fall until God opens our eyes. But it is our spiritual eyes to see beauty and loving us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has opened our eyes to see that dust in the open. The eye is a blind. Martin is.
Walk so those who have found out how helpless they are.
Friends who find out how helpless we are.
If we can take a step this right, and when we find out how helpless we are, but then we turn to one who can help us.
And friends, its only Jesus.
Glad to help.
Law, sinners and all, how graciously.
He lives, but you know, it tells us the poor from the Dunhill, and that's been amongst friends and give them the throne of glory.
Well, that's the plan for people you know, the grace of God, reason, feathers that are found out there needs.
That have discovered their righteousness and their helplessness and their loss of condition, that they're blind and wretched. Then the Lord comes in in his wondrous grace and mercury and fading power. Bless them.
And the sermon said, Lord, it is done as thou has commanded, and yet.
There is room.
The him we were sending, the old blessed dog was found, yet there was wrong.
Was written by a brother. I think his name is. I remember writing December. I may have the name wrong, but the story is correct anyway, about the this him writer.
When he was a young man, careless and indifferent about eternal things.
He he was going home one night and bought a new man.
And he was very anxious to make musical, but glad because he was going to spend the evening reading.
And we met someone he knew who invited them to.
To go to the gospel means and he found way refused that as he had made-up his mind how he was going to spend the evening. But this friend went on with him and they walked together and killed the king to the hall where.
The gospel reason was being held.
And the places had filled up until.
It was packed to the very door and some way when this man discovered that the place is filled and there is no seat left.
Great desire seized.
Getting in here with a doctor last night and told this young man and.
This unbeliever found a way that they could get up on the way and climb up somewhere and get up.
Above they back with their way dangling over some practice.
The hall where the gospel was to be switched with the fact.
Well, the second time, the Lord said to the burden, the servant go out in the highway competition and come elderly.
I call faithful attention to it being 1/3 in this place.
And that third, we already stated the Holy Spirit.
I long to see anyone here, lawyers or whoever it is.
In the sound of my voice.
You receive a message to get paid with regard to anyone.
Is the third about this man that you will find right now? There's one thing I can't think of and I can't compete.
Any more than that friend that compelled that man he met on the street to come in. But there was a compelling power, you see.
Put the desire into his heart to hear the gospel.
Well, no human beings can do that.
But the God compels against his will.
Also, he doesn't.
Oh, God doesn't compel us against our wills. But I tell you what he does. He makes this. Really.
Perhaps within the next chapter, the 15th chapter is playing the meaning of what we're talking about in the case of the prodigal son. When that prodigal went off to the far country with his pockets full of money, did he have any intention of going back to the fallen? Oh no. That was the last of his thoughts. And while he was living in Iraq, living and spending his money to freely and when his friends were around him.
He had no loss or interest, his poor old father, I suppose, who is weeping his heart away there at home over that audio sun.
But when there is thy son.
Come to himself? Well, there was something that compelled to come home, and it was sick and all over here he found himself.
In the famine, Strickland, land and all that he could get in four and one was the feed, swine or citizens.
And when he had spent everything, and even the swine's food was not offered by then, he said it ought to arrive and go to my heart, He was compelled to go home.
So God in his infinite mercy friend, does make sinners willing after someone here tonight.
I could spread it along and surprise you, but you know he's trying. The little boys and friends, She ever think about that?
I remember.
I believe the Spirit of God was frivolous small time.
And that was just a real.
Old man, woman, spirit, off crying and things to give you to come to this to just faith of the Lord Jesus. Yes, let us say, I expect me as the one who died from my extinct.
So I believe my faith well, the Spirit of God is frightened and use of that temple.
Why staying in your heart? You don't have to.
How many people excitement? Some people, in order think they have to have a lot of excitement to get paid.
One time he said that I should have a mourner thing.
I never thought.
You said I want to do a revival meeting on time and he said going forward and he said several dollar round him played him a little bit more than that.
They got the frame around me and they said all of a sudden, he said I'm.
Did you get a trial?
Because I got religion and she said I got a little service.
And from all I ever saw, I heard of that man. I think all he did was religion.
And he just went on and ungodly way fame. There's no evidence to give it to the corn against all he got religious.
Well, we thought because he got a good feeling and got worked up in all why he thought that hell that was getting cleaned. Oh, there's nothing but that kind of friends. He's got a temporary quietly in your soul, in your heart saying yes, Lord Jesus.
I do put my trust in you. It's my case. I'm not putting words in your mouth. No one has the same kind of conversion.
Many are converted in there young and 10 year years and even can't remember go back to them. But in some way or other it's sometime or other this has taken place that you have accepted the Lord of Evil.
As your own faith.
And Omar, The thing is, you can accept the invitation right here tonight.
In the basement is going out, you see the murderer and seeking souls.
And you can just define the matter right here or not.
Well, I think we have the time to go into the last part of the chapter, but that part of the chapter has to do with the Spider-Man. What is it? Exciting.
Well, on the cycle is simply one who follows the Lord Jesus Christ.
Everyone who has accepted the Lord has been Savior isn't necessarily a disciple of Christ.
But the Lord said here, except the man forsake Now all that he had, he counted right now.
And the Lord uses the illustration of the man that builds a power and he didn't burst it down and then calculate whether he had sufficient to finish it.
And the only guy started and there is still the money man through this far away because he didn't count the cost. And then he tells us another story of Lama King that went out to fight with another king. He had only 10,000 in his army, but the other king had 20,000.
And when the.
Matter over and made his calculations Why he says why what he is why getting into a violence King had quite a minute and certainly if I had and by in the battle of him I'm running to lose. I'll be the leader and Chloe Sanders is an administration desired condition for peace.
All we have in those two illustrations.
The two ways one might count the cost.
Either man that didn't count the call. It's like one that is truly faith, and yet he never really gets before the Lord. And we whether it's worthwhile to be a devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh friend, is it worthwhile thinking about being?
You think more?
Anything or made a mistake when he throws the soccer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the places of university. That means when we see Moses in heaven.
How happy or you will go up the Moses, their Moses. Don't you wish you going on with Pharaoh and taking the chance that you have their lead. What do you think you expect, all we would say tomorrow to farmers that I was made willing to make good decisions to turn my back on all the wealth and all the places, everything that needed all.
Cast my law in with those five.
There are people, our friends just look the new very young believers. Just look the minor square in the face and get into a large family and look into it as well. Word and account of costs.
In company but your blessed Savior. And if you do, you let him have it weigh in from the game. There is to be a true disciples Christ. You'll make no mistake.
You won't start to build and then knock that finish, but if you're like the king, that counts the problem with the enemy not over to the enemy.
That came with his strong army. If it looked at the devil and consult with him, all he'll tell you is a dangerous thing.
I remember dear man that lived here in Detroit years ago. I don't live down in Kentucky.
I remember his conversion. He could truly converted, but I he told me this, he said. He said I can't be needed for Christian life.
And really.
He said it in the factory where I work. Why? He said. They had a man in there that was always giving away fire and talking to people, and he said when they had to.
Let some of the men go and they said, oh, we just have this preacher.
Well, it was long after I visited him before the Lord took him home. Sometimes the Lord doesn't take people home who are truly the Lord when they're not faithful and are taken away.
Well, the Lord has taken care of his family all these years. They've grown up and I think they're older, but he can pack a Turkey.
Oh, right. Don't count the cost, You guys don't ever make a success in life. You'll never get any friends.
That you're only just.
An oddity in this world. Don't listen to his suggestions. He'll frighten you. Just like this king frightened, the other king saw that he just made conditions of peace. And that's what is so sad. And it happened.
Many dear young people.
They don't consultably count.
They're trying to end up just like this thing. They're trying to desire to get to the people. We better get along rather than take a real stand, right? Only one thing more than our and that is the call attention to the fact.
And this was a great song.
I am the other portion of the 22nd of Matthew is called the dinner. And here is something. And why? Because the supper is at the end of the day, the last meal of the day.
We used to have people that had no breakfast fast.
Well, they might miss the records and make up to the lunar, but suppose it missed the noon hour. Oh, there's only one of me left, isn't it? And he missed faculty is over.
And the last meal that has gone by.
And there is this fallen warning about it. If you refuse the gospel message, you've never had another remember, there is no second chance.
Word to us is this. Behold, now is the effective time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Out of northern salvation tomorrow and he doesn't mind, and as he calls him into bed tomorrow never come. And another normal adage is this, that the way called by and by leads to the House of parents.
To be so putting off the dance for one night and then they put it off for another night and they're hard to get harder. And they keep putting it off until it lasts and they land in eternal care.
So the only three things to do is to make a decision and to make it not. We may never have another opportunity to make. Why not? I'm trying to surprise.
If you haven't yet, Bob granted any here unsafe that they may make that receive air this week posted.
#35 Shall we gather? Coming when the day in Christ arrives? Are we here? The Savior sun?
God holds beyond this guy, the Asheville gathered his glorious, glorious coming. Gather with his things that he's coming it warriors and failures love.
Shall we have?