Luke 22:7-10

Duration: 1hr 8min
Luke 22:7‑10
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Whom have we, Lord, but the soul thirst to satisfy exhaustless spring? The water is free. All other streams are dry, 153.
Our strings.
Are gone.
Our hearts.
By the artists are at all and their day.
Out of here.
To Lord and.
One more.
Sky Song followed by a wig. No, our heart.
From our sing to you, it is love.
We take.
I'd like to suggest, brethren, perhaps we might look at.
Luke, chapter 22.
And particularly from verse 7 down to.
Verse 19 but just with a thought of.
Looking at how the Lord instituted the Feast of Remembrance, the Lord's Supper, and then to look at Paul's doctrine and in connection with that and the blessedness of it.
And so I just suggest that my exercise in this is that when we were younger, some of us were younger, we used to often hear ministry on the divine ground of gathering and the blessedness of what it was to be gathered to the Lord's name and how it was a work of the Spirit of God to gather us a miracle.
Not only in our salvation, but a miracle to bring us into the knowledge of the truth, a miracle to gather us by His Spirit under the precious name of the Lord Jesus. And perhaps we could go over those principles and enjoy them together, and those of us that perhaps are a little younger in the room to be able to appreciate those things as well.
So Robert, I would suggest that it that's the mind of the brethren, we read from verse seven through verse 30 today. Would that be?
And verse 7.
Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare?
And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, burying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house where he entereth in, and ye shall say unto the Goodman of the house. The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?
And he shall show you a large upper room furnished there make ready. And they went, and found as he had said unto them, And they made ready the Passover. And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the 12 apostles with him. And he said unto them, with desire, I have desired to eat this Passover with you, before I suffer. For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves, For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the Kingdom of God shall come.
And he took bread, and gave thanks, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you. This do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper.
Saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you.
But behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table, and truly the Son of Man goeth as it was determined. But woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed.
They began to inquire among themselves which of them it was that should do this thing. There was also a strife among them which of them should be accounted the greatest. And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercised lordship over them, and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
But ye shall not be so, but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. For whether is greater he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat?
But I am among you, as he that serveth ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a Kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me, that ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom.
And sit on the Thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel.
So this little passage of scripture goes over the last Passover.
That God would recognize in the nation of Israel as the Lord Jesus, who is the type of that lamb that would be offered, that Passover lamb was going to be offered. And so that was the last Passover that God would recognize. Now He introduced a soul in Judaism. They look forward, not feast of the Passover, look forward to the cross of Calvary. It did look back to their redemption from Egypt. And so they were bought and then they were set at liberty.
From Egypt and from the power of the Pharaoh, really a type of Satan. And so they look back to their redemption from Egypt, but they look forward without knowing about it, to the cross of Calvary. And then the Lord Jesus himself introduces the Saints, these apostles. He introduced them to this. What would take the place, you might say, of the Passover? And so the remembrance of the Lord. So were there two meals that are there? They ate the Passover first.
And then after that was finished, then he introduces them into this from verse 1919 and 20, really in connection with the remembrance of the Lord. So it's necessary for us to know that there was a a break. But in that break in type, he shows us in a figure in this little historical event that took place versus 7 down to perhaps verse 15.
How he would establish his testimony, a new testimony in connection with the Church, and the principles of how that testimony would be established.
So I should say here was the true Passover amongst them about to go to the cross and be offered without spot to God. The the Passover sacrifice in the Old Testament was, as you say, just a pale reflection and a feeble foreshadow of what was in the heart and mind of God. And so the Lord Jesus was going to go as the true Passover. And I just say this, and I've said it before, that there are many types in the Old Testament that are not left up to.
Spiritual discernment or application to apply. They're so vital that we get a hold of that in the New Testament. It is confirmed what they actually represent or foreshadowed. And this is one of them because we are well aware that in first Corinthians chapter 5 and verse seven, it says even Christ, our Passover is sacrificed for us. So when we say Christ was the true Passover, the fulfillment of those passovers in the Old Testament, the Lamb that was taken and the blood slain and the bloodshed, that's not just some application that some discerning brother has has made.
That is actually what it means. So here we have the Lord Jesus and Justice. Think of what was hanging over that cloud that was hanging over this upper room at the time and how it must have impinged the heart of the Lord Jesus. Because we find that Judas the betrayer was going to carry out his awful deed. We find that the Peter was going to be betray him. All the disciples were going to forsake him and flee at the hour of his greatest need.
But isn't it beautiful when you go to the 12Th chapter of John at the beginning of this scene, it says having loved his own, which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. And I just say that because as we take up these principles, brethren, it is good for the for us to have our affections enlarged for the person and work of Christ. That's where it's going to have the proper effect. We can take up principles and doctrine, and that's good. We need those principles and doctrine because, brethren.
If we give up these principles, we might as well just become another sect of Christendom. I'm speaking very plainly, but that is the truth of the matter. These are principles that our forefathers paid a price. They bought the truth. They came out from secular and organized religion, and they paid a price when they saw these principles from the Word of God. And I say again, if we give them up, we've given up the very ground on which we profess to meet by grace.
As gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. But by the same token, let's get a hold in our souls as we proceed through these principles of the love of the Lord Jesus for us and all that it meant for Him to make these things real and good so we could enjoy them today.
And if we can get a hold in our souls of His love, then it's going to affect our love and deepen our affections and our appreciation as well. Having loved His own, which we're in the world, He loved them unto the end.
Seven, he brings in this statement. The Spirit of God says the Day of Unleavened bread.
Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed. And so it all looked forward. The Old Testament all looked forward to Christ, and He is the fulfillment of all those types and the direct teaching of those types. He was the fulfillment of it all. And so when it speaks of the Day of Unleavened Bread, there was really two feasts that were very closely connected. One was the Passover, where the Passover lamb would be killed. And as we know, they were going to eat the Passover.
Let's read of it in Exodus chapter 12, just to get the soberness of the event, the feast. It was very closely connected to the Day of Unleavened Bread, but let's read in Exodus chapter 12.
Verse three. Speak unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the 10th day of this month, they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the House of their fathers, a lamb for a house. And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him then his neighbor next unto his house.
Take it according to the number of the souls. Every man, according to the eating, shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year. Ye shall take it out from among the sheep or from the goats. And ye shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month. And the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door posts of the houses wherein they shall eat it. And they shall eat the flesh in the night, and that night roast with fire.
And unleavened bread with bitter herbs, shall they eat it, Eat not of it, run, or sought it all with water, but roast with fire his head with his legs, and with the pertinence thereof. And you shall let nothing of it remain until morning, and that which remaineth of it until the morning, he shall burn with fire.
Well, we could read more, but really you can just sense as this passage of Scripture is read of the solemnity of the occasion. There was number laughing. There was, it was a very solemn occasion and there was a land that was killed and it was really a type of the Lord Jesus. And it was set aside for four days and observed to see that it was clean, observed to see that there was no blemish in it.
And the Lord Jesus, perhaps someone has reflected and said the four Gospels presents the Lord Jesus and all of his perfections as the rightful king of Israel in Matthew, and the perfect servant and all of his obedience in Mark's Gospel. And then in Luke's Gospel of the Son of Man, a perfect man in walking and dependence upon his God. And then as the Son of God and John's Gospel, there was no sin in him.
And so the unleavened bread, they ate the unleavened bread. Now the Feast of Unleavened bread, they didn't eat for seven days there, but it was oftentimes in connection with this, the Feast of Unleavened bread, seven days speaks of a lifetime of feeding upon Christ and the sinless.
Walking in a clean path the entire life. And so the Passover was connected in a practical way.
With eating unleavened bread and walking practically in holiness.
And so this is how the Lord Jesus or the Spirit of God introduces this subject in connection with the unleavened bread and the Passover. And then the story unfolds.
So you don't have to turn back to it, but let me read the 15th verse of the 12Th of Exodus, because it follows on seven days shall eat unleavened bread. Even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses. For whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the 7th day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. Now maybe we'll, we'll take a minute and go to 1St Corinthians 5I quoted part of the verse. But there's again the two things are connected.
1 Corinthians 5.
And verse six, Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?
Purge out there for the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump as ye have, as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. So we have the two things they're connected in in in regard to the Lord the Lords Supper.
And we want to make it very clear that Levin is one of those types in Scripture that never varies. Many types vary from context to context, but Levin is one of those types that never varies. And leaven is always a picture of sin and its workings as to not only defiling us, but defiling others. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. The Lord spoke twice of the leaven of the Pharisees. And so we want to be very clear on that. I know there's been some teaching.
That leaven is sometimes a picture of that which is good, and so on. Not so. It's always a picture of sin. Now I want to make another little application in connection with what I read in the 12Th of Exodus. They were to put Levin out of their houses for seven days.
Seven days of the week.
Brethren, and this smites my own conscience. So what I'm saying I'm not pointing the finger at anybody else. If I have to point the finger, I have to point it at my own heart and leave it there. But if we are going to sit down and remember the Lord Jesus in the breaking of bread at the Lord's table, partake of the Lord's Supper at the Lord's table, we ought to be exercised to keep sin out of our homes.
For seven days of the week, the children of Israel, in order to eat of the Passover, they had to keep that which was a type of sin out of their homes for seven days. I say it exercises my own soul, and perhaps it will exercise yours as well.
Begins chapter 5 where you read verses 7 and eight. Purge out there for the old leaven.
That ye may be a new lump. Now I know he was addressing the whole assembly. But there's individual responsibility as ye are unleavened for even Christ, our Passover sacrifice for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. And so doctrine has an impact upon our walk, the doctrine of Christianity.
You know, they had the minimum standard in connection with God's holiness in the Old Testament. But you and I have the highest blessings that are ever given to man, and we have the highest privileges. And so our you might say that our responsibility is far greater and the Lord desires that we would walk in holiness. Now the verse that we read in First Corinthians chapter 5 speaks of a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump, and in that context it speaks of moral sin.
I think it's Galatians chapter five. He speaks there of a little, 1111 at the whole lump, and there he's Speaking of doctrinal evil. And both are to be kept. We're to keep ourselves from doctrinal evil as well as moral evil. And so that's why it's so necessary for us to be careful as to where we feed and where we get our doctrine. We need to be careful. Ecclesiastical separation is necessary.
I just wanted to make a comment from that what was read in the 12Th of Exodus, we had the 10th day mentioned there and we also had the 14th day. And I just appreciated the thought that the 10 speaks of responsibility, God, word, the 10 commandments and so on. And then we know that the Lord's public ministry was was over a period of two full years and.
Two partial years, so under Jewish reckoning, that would be for four years.
So that's that brings in the the 14th day. I was just thinking of him as the one that was the Lord Jesus was qualified.
In every aspect to be the sacrifice and so John could declare him as the Lamb of God. Behold the Lamb of God. So I just appreciated that there's no details that are not.
Not important are there in Scripture. God has given them for a purpose. So we have the 10th day and the 14th day. The Lord was the perfectly qualified one. He was responsible to to God. Has he exemplified that before God? I just appreciated that.
While they were still on Jewish ground here. And so the Lord Jesus tells them to go and prepare the Passover.
But I think we need to realize has been alluded to, that the Lord Jesus knew that this was the very spot where after the Passover Supper, he was going to institute the Feast of Remembrance, the New Supper. Of course, when we go to John's Gospel, we get other details about what transpired. Their supper being ended. He rises from the table, girds himself with a towel, He washes the disciples feet. He gives them that precious upper room ministry that we often meditate on and refer to.
But here we find it's more in connection has been said with the Passover supper. They were still on Jewish ground and then the institution of the new supper bringing them into a position where after Christianity was established, there would be a supper provided for them as well. And of course, eating or suppers in Scripture always bring before us the intimacy of fellowship and communion. And so they were going to still have this blessed privilege of the Passover because they were on that ground. But I think it's beautiful that he simply states.
Knowing that they were not only going to keep the Passover, but they were going to, he was going to institute the new supper. He simply states to them, go and prepare and He leaves it there. He doesn't tell them initially where to prepare. Why? Because He waits for a response from their hearts. And that's why I said earlier, brethren, we need to open our hearts to the person of Christ if the fundamental teachings and doctrines are going to have a practical effect.
Because where the heart is, then the feet will follow. Yes, the conscience needs to be reached too. But here we have the Lord Jesus telling them to go. And it must have thrilled His heart when they said, Where wilt thou that we prepare? Now why did they say this? Because they understood very clearly in the Old Testament under the Mosaic Law and the Levitical order of things, that it was never left up to them where they were to prepare.
In fact, if we were to go back and trace through the book of Deuteronomy, we would find that 21 Times the Lord Jesus, I'm sorry, Jehovah, when they were in the wilderness, he told them that when they entered the land and had rest, that he was going to put a place, his name at a certain point, and that they were to bring their sacrifices there and that they were to come up there and worship and keep the Passover. It was not left up to Israel to decide.
When they got into the land or cast lots as to within whose tribal territory it would be or what city, and when they did get into the land, God did finally choose. He chose Jerusalem, and it was to be the exercise and privilege and joy of every Israelite to come up to Jerusalem year by year, to keep the feast and to worship collectively. That is where Jehovah dwelt amongst his people collectively in the Old Testament.
So realizing this, the disciples immediately say, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And brethren, there's a feast and a supper for us too. And I believe that it thrills the heart of the Lord Jesus when we find out that there is a place where the Lord Jesus is in the midst of his own collectively, and where we can not only break bread, but partake of the Lord's Supper at the Lord's table. When we say, where will thou that we prepare?
Knowing that, again, just as in the Old Testament, so in Christianity the choice is not left up to us.
And can I just say this? And I think it will bear repeating as we go along perhaps, that sometimes I hear people say I trust I'm where the Lord wants me. That sounds very good, but I don't believe that's enough. I believe it's better to say I want to be where the Lord is. Because as soon as I say that, I recognize that there is already a place, a place established on earth where the Lord Jesus has placed his name and where he has promised.
To be in the midst of His own. And if I recognize that and have a true desire to be there, then in one way or another, the Lord is going to guide me and direct me and we're going to see this how He directed. I don't want to get ahead of our verses, but I just say it's important to have that response in our hearts and to recognize that there is a place already established where He is and desire to be there.
I wonder if it would be helpful to look at a couple of verses there, because as you say, they asked him where it wasn't up to human expediency as to select A room or select a place that was comfortable or that was suited their own.
Qualifications perhaps, but in Deuteronomy chapter 12 it says in six times in that chapter and six times in Chapter 11, it speaks of the place which the Lord shall choose.
But in verse 13, This is why they asked this question. Deuteronomy 12 verse 13 take heed to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest, but in the place which the Lord shall choose in one of thy tribes. There thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings and there thou shalt do all that I command thee so wasn't left up to their choice and I enjoyed this in my own soul. Perhaps you have is that there are some things that God chooses and he has a right to choose.
And he chooses perfectly and He provides perfectly. And so he provided he. I would just suggest some of those things that God chooses. He chose. He chose our parents before we were born and he made a perfect choice. And when I was younger, I didn't think it was really a very perfect choice. I think it's perfect now. I thank God that I submit to that. But He made a perfect choice in connection with our parents. We had no choice in the matter. And then He makes a choice.
It's his purpose, his choice in connection with the way of salvation. Is it left to me? No. He says there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all. There is only one way of salvation. Sounds very exclusive, but that's God's way. There's only one way and it's his choice. And then when it comes to the place of worship, it's the same thing. He doesn't leave us a place of to choose for ourselves.
And he appoints a place himself, and provides that place. And so here you have this question asked, Where wilt thou? They said unto him, Isn't it nice that the Lord provides those of like precious faith that have an exercise? And so he selected these two disciples, Peter the apostle of action, and that one who would be so prominent at the beginning of the church period in unfolding the things of God and preaching the gospel.
Of repentance to the Jews and to the Jewish nation for those first perhaps 7 chapters of Acts particularly. And so Peter was there, and John the Apostle of affection, and that one that leaned upon Jesus bosom. And so he sends them out.
And they, they had that desire together to ask him that question. And so they were willing to let him choose. It's a principle of blessing in your life and mine, not only in the spiritual realm, but in the natural realm realm, to allow the Lord to choose for us. And it's a place of blessing. It's a spirit of blessing in our souls if we allow him to choose for us. So have you asked the Lord, Where will thou?
12Th of Deuteronomy And I just wanted to make a couple of comments because I think that this whole question of one place is something that the enemy is bringing up. And, and when you think about it, as soon as you introduce the thought that there could be more than one place where the Lord is pleased to put his name and what it does, is it it raises the question in your mind and in every believer's mind, am I at that place or, or am I not?
And I believe it's, it's being used right now. And I just, I want to say this cautiously, but I feel like it's, it's something that we're not hearing as much ministry on. It's, it's something that is being challenged. And one thing I wanted to point out in this 12Th chapter that was instructive to me was in verse 2, the Lord's instructions to his people there is that they would utterly destroy.
And notice this.
All the places.
Were in the nations which ye possessed served their gods. So the Lord is saying, I want you to go in in this land that I'm giving you and I want you to remove all these places, a multiplicity of places that where they worship their God. And I'm going to put my name in one place. So one thing that marks this this is that there is one place and it's the place of unity.
It's where the Lord in verse five, the Lord your God shall choose out of all the tribes to put his name there also. It's the dwelling place of God. It says in verse two and verse five again it says even unto his habitation.
So he's in the assembly, he's pleased to put his name there, and it speaks of it as a dwelling place of God. And then?
It's also a place of rejoicing and.
The burnt offering is is offered there in verse 7.
There ye shall eat before the Lord your God. Ye shall rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto ye in your households, wherein the Lord thy God hath blessed thee.
So not only is it where we come to remember the Lord, but it should be a place of rejoicing because He is there. And then he says He will put his name there, as we've had already mentioned verse five and verse 11 and 21 and so on. And then it even goes as far in verse 27 to refer to it as the altar of the Lord thy God. And the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the Lord thy God, and thou shalt eat his flesh. So I've just enjoyed these marks of this place, but.
Just to say again that there is one place, brethren, and our desire should be to be there. And the Spirit of God is saving souls. And as was mentioned early on, he's saving souls and he's gathering them to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he's not going to gather Saints and division. That is not his work. He adds and multiplies as we have in the book of Acts, but he doesn't divide and scatter.
That's the work of the enemy. So may the Lord encourage us that there is a place, and I believe he's, he's provided instruction in his word as to how we can be there. And it's a place where He is, where he habitates. There's rejoicing there, and He wants us to be encouraged in that.
So let's this thought slip away. We don't get back to it. Let's develop it for a few moments because I think what's been said is extremely helpful and it's the truth of the Word of God. I'll preface my remarks by saying this. The problem is we so often miss apply Scripture and take it out of its context. And in the Word of God there are two aspects of things in this regard. There's the individual aspect of things and the collective side of things.
The problem is when we misapply the individual with the collective and vice versa. We need to take everything in its proper context before we develop this. I'll just give you another example completely out of context but just to prove my point. The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me, that's individual. What is the comparable truth concerning the collective side of it? Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it. So I think you see the point.
Now to go back to what Robert and John have said, the Lord Jesus, there's a difference between the Lord Jesus being with us individually and being in the midst collectively. They are two very distinct truths. One is individual and one is collective. So individually the Lord Jesus said, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age. It says in Hebrews, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
Every believer on the face of the earth this morning has the individual enjoyment, or at least they have the Lord with them, whether they're enjoying it or not. The Lord Jesus is with every individual believer. Let me just say this then. Wherever Christians meet collectively for any purpose, the Lord is with them because he's with every individual believer, and we don't want to forget that.
And then the measure in which the Spirit of God is given liberty when Christians are together, the Spirit of God can minister Christ and can lead in praise and worship and so on. The Lord is with every individual believer. But to follow this up, let's go to the 24th chapter of Luke because I think you see it there very, very distinctly. So again, let me just say this while you're turning to it. Lo, I am with you always, even under the end of the age, individual collectively, where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I.
Not with them there am I in the midst of them. Because when it's in the midst, it's the focal point. We're with one another at this conference, but none of us are the focal point. Christ is the focal point, the one who's in the midst. It's like the wagon wheel, the hub of the old fashioned wagon wheel. It's in the midst and it holds everything else together. And the closer the spokes are to the hub, the closer they are to one another. That's another subject. But just to prove my point here, to make my point from Scripture, because we always want to see these things from the Word of God.
To get the context here, we find that after the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead.
There were two individuals who were very discouraged and they decided to leave Jerusalem. Now I know in a sense Jerusalem had already been set aside. It was the city of shame that had rejected the Lord Jesus, taking him outside their walls and nailed him to a Roman jibbit. I realized that. But in a sense, let's think of it as still it was. It had things hadn't been established in Christianity yet here they were leaving Jerusalem, leaving the others who were gathered together in the upper room.
Now notice what the language as the Lord joins Himself to these two on the way to Emmaus.
Verse 15, Luke 24, verse 15. And it came to pass that while they communed together and reasoned, now notice this, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. See, even when we're discouraged, even when we're on the wrong path, going the opposite direction, the Lord doesn't leave us or forsake us. He's always with us as individuals. Now they get to Emmaus. Just drop down to verse 28.
And they drew nigh unto the village, whether they went. And he made as though he would have gone further. And they constrained him, saying, Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. Now notice this. And he went into tarry with them. Same language he's with them. And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them.
He was with them on the road to Emmaus. He was with them in their home. Now, we won't read all this, but as soon as they recognize him, he disappears. Why?
Because they were in the wrong place. They should have been back in Jerusalem with the other disciples. And so as soon as they recognized Him at their table, He vanishes out of their sight. He'd worked in their hearts. Their hearts had burned within them, in them. They say that, well, I'll read it, verse 32. And they said one to another. Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us, by the way, and while He opened to us the Scripture, immediately they rise up and they return to Jerusalem. Now I want to notice the change in language.
Verse 36 They've come back now they're telling the disciples what had happened.
Verse 36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood not with them, but in the midst. They were back where they should have been. They were back where the other disciples were gathered together in obedience to the word of the Lord. And when they got back there, the Lord Jesus was not just with them as individuals. He was now the focal point. They were in the right place and He was in their midst. So I just say that because I think what's been said is very helpful.
Now, if you'll just allow me, when we go back to our chapter, when they ask this question and the Lord sends them, He gives them very specific directions because there may have been other.
True Israelites, godly Israelites, in other parts of the city, even in the same house, shall I say even in other rooms of that house, who kept the Passover.
And they may have kept it to the latter of what was given in the Old Testament, but there was only one room where it says when the hour was come, he sat down and the 12 apostles with them. And I'm thankful for every believer that breaks bread wherever they are.
And the Lord is with them, but there is only one place, as John has said, and that is to follow the divine instructions. And we'll speak of that in a few moments, I'm sure, but to follow the divine instructions so that we cannot just break bread. Brethren, there is still at this late hour not just the privilege of breaking bread.
But there is the privilege by grace, and I want to stress that it is only by the grace of God, nothing in you or me. It is only the grace of God. But there is still the privilege of not just breaking bread, but partaking of the Lord's Supper. At the Lord's table. There is only one supper, and there's only one table as we get in First Corinthians.
Say in connection with to build a little on what John was saying a little earlier is that the habitation of the Lord in chapter 15 of Exodus, we'll just read the first time that it's used that term in verse two. It's Moses, the song of Moses, Exodus 15, verse two. So on redemption grounds.
The Lord is my strength and song. He has become my salvation. He is my God and I will prepare him in habitation.
My Father is God, and I will exalt him. That's the first time that that term is used.
In Scripture, but you know, in the nation of Israel, these things were corrupted. It's wonderful, you know, to think that they could come into the place in the Old Testament, the Tabernacle 1St and then the temple, and they could come into the presence of the Lord, but there was limited access to the presence of the Lord. And in chapter 25 of Exodus in principle he says, I'm going to read it and just.
Tell you what it says in the French translation. It's very precious to think of how the Spirit of God has worded this. But in chapter 25 of Exodus, verse eight, let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them. In the French translation, dwell in the midst of them. Isn't that lovely? And so when you and I come into the presence of the Lord, we're coming into the place, into the presence of the Lord. We're coming to remember the Lord Jesus in his death and by grace and by faith.
We can say we're gathered by the Spirit of God under the precious name of the Lord Jesus. We're coming into his presence collectively. We're coming into the place where he dwells in the midst of his people. And so in the Old Testament, we know in tight what happened is that they had two types of high places. And John read some of those little points there in Deuteronomy chapter 12, but they had two types of of high places. They had high places wherein they practiced.
Idolatry, and it was religious practice, but it had nothing to do with the living God. And the children of Israel were going to the land of promise, and they were to destroy all of those places. But then we find in the Old Testament, this historical books, that they had high places where they practiced Judaism. So they set up, you might say, an imitation of what was taking place in Jerusalem, and they practiced Judaism.
But not at the divine center where God had appointed them. And so it's helpful, I believe, to see that those two types of high places in the Old Testament, and they will give us discernment in connection with what it is to be truly gathered to the Lord's name. So isn't it wonderful to have an exercise to ask the Lord, what wilt thou where wilt thou that we prepare and to give him the choice and he will always lead to where Christ is in the midst. The Spirit of God will always.
Lead us to where He is in the midst. And I could give you examples of different individuals. I could tell you stories of dear Saints of God in Brazil and other places, even in North America that got down on their knees and in all of the confusion and Christianity were distressed and cried to the Lord and asked them to show Him, to show them where that place was. And the Spirit of God by the word of God, LED them in grace to that place.
There's two principles that.
Guide the Christians life that God is looking for.
The one is dependence. We see these perfectly displayed in the Lord Jesus.
Perfectly dependent upon God in His.
Humanity. So we have both of these things in the early part.
Of this account, we have the disciples asking the Lord and I, I, it's already been mentioned, but I've I've so much appreciated the fact that the Lord left his disciples to express their dependence. He didn't just give them instructions right away, but he left them to express their dependence. And I, I do believe that.
He does that for us. He there's.
Myriads of places that a believer could could meet to have Christian fellowship could enjoy the Lord, but God leaves us to express our dependence and.
We we do have to realize that there's many believers that we love in.
The surroundings of our lives that don't see or understand these principles, we don't have any desire to look down upon them, but God has given us this beautiful this just the other day I was sitting with the brother who was not real clear on the on the subject that we have here and I didn't have any desire to force him to be clear on it, but it at the reading after.
After dinner we just we just read this portion and I just, I just read this example of the Lord Jesus.
Giving his disciples instruction for guidance as to where and so dependence is the one absolutely necessary attitude for the believer to have.
God, that's the only thing that's going to bring glory to God, and the Lord Jesus did it perfectly. But then.
The second thing is, is obedience. So dependence and obedience. And we see the disciples were perfectly obedient.
In their carrying out the instruction that they received through dependence. And so you know, if if we're going to we're going to get down into the part of this chapter where we were introduced to the man bearing the pitcher of water. We're going to get to that point. We're going to see the principles that are connected with that. There's everything that they needed was provided for them to get.
To the place where the Lord wanted them to be, to hold the feast. And yet there's two very important principles and that is they were completely dependent upon the Lord. And when the Lord gave them instruction, they were obedient to what the Lord had given to them. So you know, it's really the Christian life is very simple. We have a nature that wants to do both of these things. We have in nature that loves.
To go to the Lord and ask Him for direction. We have a nature that loves.
To do the direct to carry through with the instruction that the Lord gives us. It's his nature and we've seen it so perfectly in the Lord Jesus. So it's in one sense, if we're walking in the enjoyment of our new life, these things will I as Robert was saying, we've all we've all come across, we've all been exposed to those who didn't have the privilege that many of us have being raised.
In the light of all of these things, most of us sitting in this room have been.
Privileged to have the light of these things from from birth.
But there's been there's many that have not had the light of them and and yet the Spirit of God just causes them to realize that the condition of Christendom is not what God intended it for it to be and they find themselves.
In very unsatisfying circumstances and they begin.
To ask this question where would either that we prepare and we've seen it. We know that this is this is how the Spirit of God works. It's right here in this chapter and there is guidance and we're going to enjoy that as we go through this this this chapter.
Points in connection with it you said dependence and obedience, and I believe with the Lord Jesus there was also submission.
He said there are four things really that carried the Lord Jesus through this scene. Dependence upon his Father and obedience to the will of his God and Father and submission. He says not my will, but thine be done.
And then there was love to his Father, and I think it's already been mentioned, love. And so there was utmost love to the Father. So those four things characterized even these disciples. They would have to act upon those four principles.
And that's really what leads us into the presence of the Lord, as we imitate the Lord in those things, those the dependents, obedience, submission to the will of God, not my will, but his will, and then love for the Lord.
Only, as Phil has alluded to, and I think it's important, it's only by the grace of God that any of us see any aspect of the truth. None of us would have got saved apart from the Lord opening our eyes and giving us understanding.
We can get up and present John 316 and all the simplicity in which it is written, but it has to be a work of the Spirit of God. And brethren, I want to keep reminding our hearts of this as we go along, that the position we find ourselves in today. If we find ourselves, and I believe we do, by the grace of God gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is only because of a work of the Spirit of God. It's the man bearing the picture of water that will comment on in a moment, but it is only.
The grace of God that has worked by the Spirit of God. It is God that works in you.
Both to will and to do of His good pleasure. And if you and I find ourselves at the place we find ourselves today, it is not because of anything special in ourselves. It is not because we somehow saw these things intellectually, or we were more pious or God fearing. No, it is only by the grace of God. And that's why we never want to, has been said. Look down on those who perhaps have never seen this truth.
Nor, as Phil has said, can we force others to see it. We need to be faithful in presenting that any aspect of the truth as opportunity presents itself. But as First Corinthians 14 explains to us, we only have the privilege of presenting the truth, speaking it clearly and simply, and the Spirit of God in a way that the Spirit of God can take it and apply it to the conscience and the heart and open the eyes of our of our fellow believers.
I say this is vital. We don't want to take these things, and I'm not criticizing because I don't believe we have, but we just want to be careful that we don't want to take up these things in either just an intellectual way or a boastful way. It is all the grace of God. Now you find here with the disciples, then there's three spheres that they enter here and I want to make an application. And brethren, I don't want to go too far with with applications and illustrations, but I believe it fits.
In connection with the line of things we're taking up, first of all, they were to enter the city. Now cities speak to us of this world in its confusion, and not just the godless world, but the religious world in its confusion. So the first mention of a city is back in Genesis, Cain went having.
Offered a false sacrifice, a sacrifice that was not acceptable to God. He went out from the presence of the Lord, and he built a city. Always. If you want to know what something really means, go back to the first time it's mentioned in Scripture. An older brother gave me that hint when I was young, and it's been a real help to me. So a city speaks as you follow through the confusion of this world, whether it's the godless world or whether it's the religious world. It speaks of the confusion of this world.
In all apart from God.
Should we wait till the?
There we go.
They so so they enter the city. That's this world we're in this world. We're in a world of confusion. And not only is this a world of godless confusion, we're in the midst of religious confusion, perhaps like never before.
Then they were to enter the house. Now again, I don't want to go too far, but we find in Second Timothy that profession has become a great house. And that's why I said earlier, perhaps there were other, even God fearing Jews in other rooms of that house that kept the Passover. And so we have many believers scattered and Christendom in the great house. And we're thankful for them and we're thankful that the Lord sorts profession and reality out and the Lord knows them that are His.
But it wasn't enough for them to go into the city. It wasn't enough for them to even enter the house. They were going to be showed by the man bearing the picture of water. They were going to be showed a specific room in that house where the Lord was going to sit down in the midst of his own. Now, there were two characteristics of that room. It had to be upper because that speaks of a real degree of separation. And so it's like those in.
Acts chapter 20. They met in the third loft. 3 speaks of death and resurrection. It's separation.
To Christ who has died and risen. And so it was an upper room.
And then it was large. It didn't really, practically speaking, have to be very large on that occasion. There were only going to be, besides the Lord, 12 or so men. So it didn't have to be large. Why does the Spirit of God record that it was large? Because the ground of being gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus is the largest ground on which we can meet. I want to give you a little practical example. Brother Garvin Seymour, whose name you hear often, he laborers for the Lord very faithfully in the Caribbean and the English speaking countries, country of South America, Guyana. And I travel with Garvin extensively through those countries.
And as we go about, we have the privilege of ministering to many Christians, many Christians who will perhaps never be gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus.
But, and we have the privilege of going into many institutions and preaching the gospel and Garvin and I often at the end of a day we say, aren't we? Aren't we glad that we're not shackled by some of the great names of Christendom because being gathered to the Lord's name gives us the broadest sphere of service that is possible. If I say, and I won't use any names, I don't want to offend anybody, But if we say we're connected with such and such a group and Christendom, that immediately is going to limit our sphere of service.
To that particular group. But when we say we're Christians here to minister Christ and we're not, we're not connected with any of the so-called denominations that men have set up and been scattered into. That gives us such a broad sphere of service. It's it's a tremendous thing. So it was an upper room separation from all that was going around religiously and otherwise in Jerusalem that night. Jerusalem had religion, but it had religion without Christ. And there's a lot of that today.
But then it was large.
To give to us the thought and the truth that the ground of being gathered where the Lord is in the midst to His name, is the largest ground that is possible.
And it embraces every believer.
And it is normal Christianity for a believer to be gathered to the Lord's name, given to christen Christians, isn't there? One is baptism and the other is this due in remembrance of me? In Judaism they had something like 613 laws or whatever and they couldn't even remember 10, not even hardly one. But you and I are only given 2 ordinances in connection with Christianity. And he desires us to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
And to remember him in his death, I might just say, too, in connection with the third loft, it has to do with the heavenly side of the truth. And so Paul was there in that third loft. It's the heavenly truth. And you and I don't belong to this earth, and neither does the church. It was an upper room because it didn't belong to this world.
And so the church is a living Organism, a heavenly Organism in this world, and we walk as strangers and pilgrims. So that's why it's a guest chamber. We don't belong here. And the Lord introduced him that these dear disciples, he introduced them himself.
To this large upper room. And if you'll notice in Mr. Darby's translation marks Gospel chapter 14 verse 14, he says where is my guest chamber? And so the assembly doesn't belong to the local brethren here, doesn't belong to you or I, It's his assembly. And so it was the temple of the Lord in the Old Testament. It was the Tabernacle of the Lord. It wasn't Moses Tabernacle, it wasn't the Tabernacle of the children of Israel. I know it's termed that in some.
Places, but it was the Lord's place and so we come into the presence of the Lord. It's a guest chamber and it's also the same word as I say in the French, the dwelling place of the Lord and I think the inn in Lukes Gospel chapter 10, Mr. Willis GC Willis in his little book the hid treasures mentioned since the same word the in the guest chamber, his dwelling place and it's just lovely to see it and to appreciate it and we just say that.
We should be very thankful, shouldn't we, that we were saved by the grace of God? We had absolutely nothing to do with it in the sense that after we were saved, we're responsible. I know. But in the sovereignty of God, He chose you and I before the foundations of this world. And in the grace of God, He has brought us into the knowledge of the truth. And if there's any been any diligence on our part to search it out and to learn it, to enjoy it, to thank Him for it. It's a sovereignty of God. And if we're gathered by the Spirit of God into the precious name of the Lord Jesus.
Sovereignty of God, because unless it was a work of God, none of us would be gathered to the Lord's name.
It's a work of God, and I say we ought to be thankful to the Lord and we ought to thank him for it because it is, as Jim has said, normal Christianity. It's normal for someone who gets saved to be to be baptized and for those that are perhaps preaching the gospel and giving them the gospel to baptize them, it's normal. And then to be gathered to the Lord's name is a normal experience in Christendom, in Christianity.
And so you and I are living normal Christianities. Marvelous grace of God. How thankful we should be.
We might just comment on the last part of verse 10. Perhaps we there's more that could be said, but it says follow him into the house.
And it's necessary, brethren, to follow the instructions of the Word of God, to follow the leading of the Spirit of God in connection with what it is to be found at the Lord's table.
I have desired to eat this Passover. Not only is it wonderful thing for us to be found where the Lord has chosen to place His name, but I believe it's the Lorde heart is warm, if I might put it that way. He desires to have us there. He desires to be with us.
Could we sing #21 Verses two and four of #21?