Luke 24, Ezra 8

Duration: 57min
Luke 24; Ezra 8
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Open—E. Dods, D. Gorgas
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Under the house are gone.
1St 31 Then we departed from the river of the Hava on the 12Th day of the first month to go into Jerusalem, and the hand of our God was upon us, and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and of such as lay in wait by the way.
And then we came to Jerusalem, and above there three days.
Now on the 4th day was the silver and the gold, and the vessels weighed in the House of our God by the hand of Marama the son of Uriah the priest, and with him was Eliezer the son of Phineas.
With them, with the truth about the son of Yeshua and Noah Daya, the son of Bindui Levites by number and by weight of everyone.
Along the way, was written.
That's fine.
Like to look at one more burst in the first chapter of the book?
Verse 8.
Because they have 4 verses but one little section.
Even those Speaking of the vessels of the House of the Lord, even those his Cyrus King of Persia, bring forth by the hand of Mithridat the treasurer, and numbered them unto Shesh Bazar the Prince of Judah, And this is the number of them 30 charges of gold.
1000 Chargers of silver.
9 and 29.
30 basins of gold, silver basins of a second sort 410.
Other vessels.
1000 All the vessels of gold and silver were. 5400 All these bring up with them of the captivity that were brought up from Babylon.
Come to Jerusalem.
Look at the end of verse 9.
9 and 20 nines.
Are you ladies who have sets of things?
Know that you don't have 30 of this and 30 of that or you don't buy them that way. At any rate, 30 of this and 30 of that and 29.
But I don't think that it's letting the imagination go at all because this is a divine record and attention is called I believe in this record, to the fact that someone lost a knife.
Someone lost a knife.
I believe that there were 30. I believe this were sets of 30.
If you're reading.
I'd just like to call attention to whether that everything that God has committed to, and He's committed very much to it. We are responsible both for the number and the weakness.
I don't want to say an awful lot. I don't want to say bring in a lot of extraneous thoughts. There are many precious things that one could bring out of a chapter like this and these portions that we that we've looked at together. But the thought that I believe that God would lay upon our hearts this afternoon, upon your heart and mind is this. We have an awfully great responsibility for the truth that has been committed to us.
Precious things.
And there's going to be a weighing in time, my beloved brother and sister.
We are going to have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ when we get home.
And God will call us to account for how we have dealt with the truth that has been committed to it. It is God's truth, brethren. It is not ours. We have no right to compromise either as the number or weight.
With that which God has put into our hands.
And I feel the weight of it as I get closer and closer in the natural way of speaking to that weighing in time.
And I begin to think it more and more about that moment when I will have to give an account to the Lord for what I have done with that which has been committed into my hands.
It may sound generous when we say, well, we don't need that one night, you know, it's not that important. We can give it up. God records that there were only 29 knives.
The one who lost it.
I am sure will feel that loss.
Hold that fast which thou hast.
And that's connected immediately before that with the wonderful promised, and yet the solemn behold.
It won't be long as beloved president.
When we're going to have to give it count to how we have dealt with the truth of God.
It's a wonderful thing to think of the Lord's coming.
I'm afraid sometimes the reaction with this rather than a bright and blessed hope that is we get down under things and we do. Oh the Lord, thank, thank God the Lord is coming. I can't hold out much longer. I'm sure that's an aspect of it that's brought out in in.
June where it says looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ of eternal life. I enjoy the remark of Brother Bill Bothwell's many years ago in a reading meeting in Woodbridge. Brother Phil was a very is a very brother with his words.
He doesn't say much, but when he says it, it carries weight with it.
And we were looking at that portion in June about the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And he says, I believe, brethren, that it will be an emergency when he lists this out.
I'm just silencing the greetings one by one with reverence again to knock their heads. Little did we realize that 20 some years ago or more what kind of an emergency we were going to begin.
I suppose.
You said you couldn't get any worse than it is now.
World, why are from God our Ignatius the Blessed of God, having given up the knowledge of God and returning to their Pagan roots?
Everything seems to be crumbling.
Did you ever watch the breakup of the ice in the spring? What looks so solid all of a sudden just becomes mushy and just disappears. And I almost spent sometimes.
The character, the testimony of those gathered in the name of the Lord, that it's like the mush.
And the spring.
At least what? I don't know if you use that expression in tentative, but sometimes we use it around here. We call it rotten ice, and you don't trust it, do you?
But is it a time for discouragement? Uh.
Time of bright hope, you know.
And is it worth holding on? Is it worth keeping?
The truth of God.
It sure is. A little bit. Rather, it sure is. It's God's truth and it's precious. It's exceedingly precious. Even the copper was precious as gold. I don't think there's anything that we can afford to give up the truth of God. I believe every precious word should be cherished.
I'm not a great reader of FW Grants, but what one read years ago you don't.
Erase out of the mind and that there's one remark I don't want to erase out of the mind, and that is this. If you and I give up any point in Scripture.
We give up obedience as a principle, and it matters literally how much.
That's a very solemn statement, Beloved brethren, we cannot be generous with the truth of God.
It may sound.
Uh, new ways and, and popular to say, well, you know, we can. Well, that's arrogance to hold this or arrogance. Nothing that God gives is to be treated in that way. Nothing of his truth. Everything is present, everything important, both as to the number of things and as to the weight of them. Everything is held to our account.
I think sometimes what an awful responsibility I have.
It was coming some of the brethren last night that when I was first gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus, I had the immense privilege of sitting in the Brooklyn meeting number.
Brother Adrienne Roach were 42 Lords days out of the year.
Talking about this chart.
And I will never forget the truth that was communicated to my soul during those meetings and whatever. And as I look back on it, it was it was like AI was just like a blotter at that time. Oh, what a what a delight it was to to learn the course of time and to see the purposes of God outlined. I don't want to make too much of our brother, but you know, he could cram more into a meeting than most people can cram into two meetings. You know, he just spoke rapidly and he had very quick minds and, and.
I learned this tremendous amount, but you know, the solemn side of that is that makes me more responsible.
I was first gathered in Brooklyn. There were eight brethren in that assembly.
We were over 70 years old.
And some of those names I'm sure would stand out in your memory as they're doing mine, Charles Kohler and.
Brother, see you again, wifey, with those dear brothers that I look back on, from whom I learned so much.
That's a privilege, but it also is a solemn, solemn responsibility because God holds us responsible for the maintenance of the truth that He has committed to us. And we talk sometimes about the immense amount of truth that has been given to us, and we, and I'm afraid that we speak sometimes a little boastingly about it, and we forget the side of it.
That is.
So strong that you're going to have to give an account of that to whom much is given Of them, much will be required.
And we are going to have to give an account to God for what we did with this truth. It matters a little what other brethren think about it. It matters a little what other Christians think about it in that respect. Because we don't have to give account to them. We have to give an account to the Lord. That's where the weighing in is going to be in the House of God.
It was literally in Jerusalem for those Jewish Levites who had to give an account.
There will be, in the presence of the legend, the day of Christ.
Jump in the seat of Christ for you and I will have the weighing in. How do we treat the truth of God?
Now we read that verse that says by the truth, by the truth.
Doesn't say get the truth. It doesn't say study the truth.
I'm afraid that there is a laziness in regard to studying the truth, but I don't believe God ever pushed it simply as studied. Someone called my attention and I knew it for many years and it read that way, but it pulled my attention to why it reads that way. We often quote that verse that says study to show thyself approved unto God, and a brother called my attention to the fact that Mister Darky's translation doesn't say that.
It says you're diligent.
To show thyself approved or strive diligently, show thyself approved unto God.
Studying is something that the flesh can enjoy doing.
But acquiring the truth by purchase is paying a price for what we believe and what we hold on to. And that's what God makes good to your soul and mine.
Why are people today so willing to give up? And I'm appalled. Beloved brethren, I have to speak of it publicly. I am appalled as I see things in writing attacking the truth of God concerning being gathered through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, concerning principles that have to do with the assembly and the maintenance of the order of God's assembly. I've seen it publicly in writing.
And I just hang my head and think what has happened? What has happened?
And some of the ones that are giving it up, and I know this must break Gordon and Pearl's heart, some of them are people that sat there in Honor Lake and listened to Jordan McGraw give it out to us.
Breaks my heart.
Sure does our brothers more than it does mine.
Willing to sell what we don't pay a price for.
The latest sell but we don't pay a price for.
Men like Darby and Kelly and and Macintosh and Wig Room and, and the host of names you would never know that are not mentioned in chief. Men among the brethren, the host of those dear brethren who came out and took fresh hold of these things, to whom God committed the truth that you and I are treating so lightly. Those men paid a price. Those women paid a price. Some of them gave up titles.
Some of them gave up inheritances in order to, and I'm not talking about just the literal monetary price word, but beloved brethren, is a price. So holding the truth of God, are you willing to pay it? You want it? You want to really have it so you won't let it go? Pay the price.
Whatever the price is, it's worth it. God's truth is worth the price.
I pay such a little price for it.
I was brought up in a godly Christian home.
With a father who didn't know the ground was gathering, but it was wanted to know it.
Struggled and trying to learn it.
Gave us away the heritage that I just practiced blood for, where God's truth meant everything to my dad. Still does. I might say it still does. 89 years old and he's looking on to that weighing in time. He's told me so many times. He says ****. I don't care what anybody says. I'm getting close to the time when God is going to call, call me to account for what I've done.
With his truth.
And everyone of us has to pay a price at some point in our life for the truth.
It may be if we're brought up in it, that God allows a test such as you and I are going through right now where we have to get down on our knees and it isn't going to be by necessarily pulling books off the shelf and quoting James letters to one another. That isn't how we do it.
Get down underneath and say Lord.
I need help.
And I want to go on the path that you marked out for.
We answered that prayer. I'm sure we will.
I never forget.
I've mentioned this to some. Bear with me if you've heard it before. I've never, never forget.
When I got exercise about the grounded gathering, I was about 18.
Brother Paul Johnson had come through the meetings where I used to be a fellowship, and he stirred my soul about the value of false doctrine. I had never thought of false doctrine in a special way, for the Johnson came through, and as a young man I took hold of that. And then I said something's wrong, we're not practicing.
And I prayed and I said, Lord to go nowhere.
And I thought, well, the way to do that is to study the histories of bread. And I have to tell you the shame that I've wasted a lot of time studying the history of the present.
I was just as confused when I got to the end of that because we're very clever at writing letters and then we're and, and it's no better today than it was then. And those men were more skillful than we are at it. And I'm sure that the position can be obscured by careful writing of letters. And if it was on the basis of how you discern those letters, you'd never find out where the truth is. And just the same as you're not going to find it out by getting all the correspondences going around in others now and.
Sorting through it and weighing it and all of a sudden the way you're going to find out here.
Brother and sister.
We got all finished with it, wrote a paper in college or the history of the breading that my Catholic professor gave me an A+ where he said it was the first time he ever gave me freshman an A plus.
I had to admit I knew no more when I got to the end of that, and I did when I started writing it.
And then one day I was reading with 22.
I saw those precious words. Where will that? Oh, I said, that's what's wrong. I've never asked him. I was trying to do it with my own mind and intelligence. As you can, you can.
And I got down and I said, Lord Jesus, werewolf thou.
Where will thou? Where is that place?
And then, with all the joy in my soul, I remembered dear Brother Alan Hadley handed me. Long before he was gathered. He handed me a little pamphlet. One day when we were talking about these things, he reached in his student coat pocket and he pulled out Chapter Browns and grounded Catholic.
Couple of addresses given in 1940, if I remember correctly. I wasn't there, but I remember he had it up on the pamphlet that he gave those addresses, I think in Toronto in 1940. And I read them and I said, Lord Jesus, I want to be where that truth is carried out. I had no idea where it was at the time.
Right, sit down and Hadley, thank you, dear brother, I said. That is the final piece of the pie.
You haven't read that. Young people get a hold of it. It's great.
And God's truth hasn't changed since 1940 versus the early days of Christianity.
I want to be where the truth of the one body is carried out. It's painful. Sometimes it means you have to step out from life long associations.
But it's worth it.
But it's God's truth by the truth and sell it not.
Are you paying the price? Are you willing to pay the price for the truth?
Any man will to know his will.
Any man will to do his will or to practice his will. I think garbage translation gives it. He shout no of the doctors.
God isn't interested in satisfying your intellectual curiosity with the truth.
It's as if he says to you, wait a minute before I give it to you. Do you want it? Do you want to walk in it? You want to walk in it, Brother Bruce? Sure. You too.
But if you do and, you'll know.
And you'll know the doctor.
By the truth.
And sell it not?
All around this, people are selling the truth, and I'm not just referring to this present distress a moment.
There's a that element of that in it too, I'm sure. But in every part of Christendom today, the truth is being given up. This is an important, that isn't important distinctions. Whether the Lord comes in before the tribulation or in the middle of the tribulation, or whether there's any tribulation at all, that doesn't matter. Other things don't matter. Whether it's the righteousness of God in Christ or the righteousness of Christ, that doesn't matter.
Well, those things matter, these things, even the brass as precious as gold. Everything is to be maintained, everything is to be held the one night that just as important as anything else, because everything will be weighed in by number and by weight.
And I just plead with my younger brothers and sisters, get a hold of the truth of God and be willing to pay a price for it and make a covenant with your own soul. Direct your soul.
To seek out the truth of God and to walk it and to do it. That's what every did. He directed his soul to keep him to do, not just to have it up here, but to walk in it. And it costs something sometimes it may cost a friendship. It may cost family unity.
I have to tell you, in my case it's good.
And it isn't just a one time thing in your life. Saddest thing in in modern. My modern experience was when my daughter in California gave up being gathered to the Lord's name, but she got discouraged with the path and got away from the Lord and her soul.
That's sad, but I want to tell you something. I am not going to be given up by the grace of God. I'm not opposed to beloved brethren, but I know that the weighing in time is coming.
And I've asked the Lord with all I call the earnestness, so I know how that we might hold fast. It's only a little left. My grandmother was a my grandmother Borges was a year old lady never gathered, but she loved the board and very earnest Christian. And she lived with us at the end of her life. And I remembered he was quite fond of the Moody and stanky him.
It's a grand old hymn book, a lot of good old gospel hymns in that hymn book. And I got introduced to it by my grandmother and I remember 1 little hymn she loved that she used to sing and I just pictured as a young man.
Was it Hold the Fort, Brian coming? Jesus signals still to you. Wave the answer back to heaven.
By thy grace we will. And I think about him when I see giving up on every side and sometimes do I get discouraged and wonder sometimes if it's worth holding on to. Yes, the Fleck in this would say that and the devil would say that it's not worth it. Why not go out to a broader path? And you know you can have not have all this by dentist exception though you. I have a very dear friend who's an elder, one of the biggest.
Biggest evangelical churches in our area, Long Hill Chapel. Man of God he is because he's trying to hold on to things that he knows are things of God and yet sometimes we eat breakfast on Tuesday morning together and just read the scriptures and and dear brother Bob says to me so often, he said.
All the troubles in our church, she said. You wouldn't imagine.
See it's. It's everywhere.
But when you get discouraged like that, think of this. There's one up there who says, hold on, don't give up.
Hold the floor, he says. I'm coming.
Oh, that's a picture of the old, before the days of electronics, when we used to take those signal flags and then we were in the signal port in the old days, you remember, they used to wave flags with messages on them and get them across that way.
Would you believe that answer Back to the Lord Jesus and say by thy grace we go.
It's worth it, but the weighing in day is coming by the truth. And sell it not behold, I come quickly. Hold that fast. Which thou Nash that no man will take Like crown. There's a crown.
Not that we might glory, that we might lay into his pleasure feet.
They need to help us.
I wonder, brethren, if you experiment with me for the 24th chapter of Local.
Sort of. Quite a number of 30 speak on this before, but I believe it's worth repeating.
In the 24th chapter of Luke, the theme of the chapter is really open. It begins with an open grave and it ends with an open heaven.
That is not my thought. This afternoon I did numbers on my heart. I would like to begin with it at the 13th birds and behold two of them that same day.
Went that same day to a village called the Mayor's, which was from Jerusalem about 3-4 furlongs, and they talked together of all these things that can happen.
While they communicate together and reason, Jesus himself drew near me.
Her eyes were holding that they should not know instead of them. What manner of communication are these?
If you have one to another as you walk in her side. And then one of them, whose name was the old, the office asked him, said unto him, Our Talonia stranger in Jerusalem. Jerusalem has not known the things that have come to pass there these days. And the seven of them boxing, and the seven of him concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty indeed and word.
Before God and all people.
And beside all this, today is the third day that these things are done. Yeah. And certain women also of our company made us historians, which were early at the suffer crew. And when they found out his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels.
He said that he was alive and certain of them which were with us when septic or found an Even so said are the hymns gone off and he said on the damn old fool. The slow part to believe all of us and prophets are supposed not Christ to discover anything, and you enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets.
He founded under them in all the scriptures.
The thing I've been starting to do.
And they do not own the village, whether they went and he made as though I would have gone further and they could scream and say.
Abide with us for this toward evening, and the day is far spent.
And he went in to start it with and they changed the path and he started me with him. He took bread and blasted and graved and gave to them. Their eyes were opened and you and your granny started exciting.
And they said once without a day, not our hearts burn.
While he talks with his bottom weight and while he opens up.
And the Rose off the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the 11 gallery together, and then over with them, saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. And they told her things were done away, and how he was known of them. And break your breath.
So there was a stop for you. There is much in this chapter, but just a few thoughts that I had on my heart.
It's fine here. These two, two of them are saying they went that same day to Billy, called the maid which was from Jerusalem. About 3 scores per month.
We find here, dear brother, these two I believe, that were man and wife that were going away from the center of this and they were sad. They were stuck.
I remember.
Little story that I've heard years ago about love. I really believe these couples were going away in that central flat that they needed to offer.
I'm not. I'm sure this afternoon that each one of us in this room, we need love. It's only the love of our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us in Calgary. It can satisfy that law. So the story that I've heard of my mind was that it's quite a wealthy couple.
They didn't have any children and they decided they were they were their dog, a little boy.
I'm inquired this is a different places where they could go and then visit these children and finally they went to this place. They looked over the children and they found this little boy and they thought they would really like to have them. He seemed a very dear child. They began to tell this little boy all of them would do, for he was a plenty of money to spend and they were different with education.
And the all this nice things that we're going to be far another couple of patients with patients and he said if that's all they have to offer me, he said that's just to stay right here.
He said I want to come below.
Oh dear, we can stop for you. That's what you and I need in these days of difficulty, these days of the process. And here was this couple. There were things that I mentioned before they were leaving.
And we're going to knock the way. And their eyes were holding because they should.
Came to pass by a commune together and reasoned, you know, that's one of the first things when we get away from the Lord, very first thing we do, we start to be.
Because Jesus himself, Jesus himself through me always in his precious, you know, it could make us a terminal vision, these two words this afternoon, Jesus himself.
Here's some self ruining in one person.
But their eyes were holding that they should not know. And he said that what manner of communication are releases you have one to another involvement or sad, and one of them whose name is fear of the dance himself only a stranger in Jerusalem hath not known as things and come to God in their new day. And he said unto them, what things in the sudden very concerning Jesus and Nazareth, which was a prophet Michael and Jesus words.
Before God and all people.
How the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and crucified them. And then?
In the 22nd work, yeah, certain women also were coming menthastonies which were earliest in septical, and when they found out his body became safe that they had also seen a vision of angels and said that it was alive.
In the 21St February then set it on to them all schools and slow parts to believe all of the prophets have spoken.
I'm not Christ to have suffered these things, and you enter it slowly.
And the game is most and all the problems. Oh.
Concerns and stuff.
Things and turning himself now we probably would wonder how the Lord speaks of all those things that his name was mentioned in the Old Testament. But you know this walk was there some 7-8 miles away that we're walking. I'm not sure exotic miles and he had plenty of time to speak to them and I'm sure I would probably be controlling them about Cain and Hagel.
The story told them about that, that Abel's bringing the lamb, the blood being shed.
And I'm sure he he told about Abraham and Heidi. Abram taking his son is only some eyes we've got willing to offer him up as a sacrifice. And I'm sure too, he might have turned into the 53rd of Isaiah where he was wounded for our kind of dress. He was bruised for our nicotine. The justice of the God's Jesus among.
And by his strength.
And then I'm sure he probably got this for me, the 22nd 69%. But as he falls, he found it onto the ending, all the scriptures, the thing and turning himself.
Many seven of them.
Are are not priced or suffered these things in their entrance, So Senator junior and I of the village whether they went, they made as though he was gone 1St to make him crazy. Oh dear, this afternoon you and I are constrained the Lord's needs. Do we really want to have a blessed man with it?
Do we really want cure our hearts and these difficult things?
As we look around this in this world, there is much to describe, there is much to do it up seven we know if we were to turn into 50, find one and I will overturn, overturn, overturn. God is speaking in this world today. God is not willing that any should perish, that all should come to return.
God is speaking to this world.
And he's also speaking to his own people and all his treatment regality.
This afternoon.
And they constrain them, saying abide in the Oscars, Lord evening and the day is far spent anywhere in Parliament.
Oh dear, I want to talk to you. I think you need to as much as anyone here. So how how we need to constrain the raw key?
And if we do?
For both houses he will come in with our English, he will come in this party with us. He went in to carry with us, and they came to pass. As he stopped me to send. He took bread and blessed and break and gave to them, and their eyes were open, and they knew. And he advanced her to himself. So I wondered just to take a moment.
I wonder in this room.
Day the large numbers are here. I wonder if there's anyone in this roof that died another little you know if we're no don't belong to the Lord Jesus Christ if we never accept his own Savior. We are blind to these things that are in a word of God. We've kind of turned the 26th of August to compare that out and we're not only blind.
And we're bound. We're bound with the better of Satan.
I know again it says the knife, of course, that the Knight of Parsons.
The time.
So the Lord's coming in every way one the Lord come and take his own view of himself, the Lord himself. Again, we get there. He's not going to send an Angel, not going to send someone Michael, but the Lord himself in the sense of heaven, because the voice of the Archangel, the trump of God.
The dead in Christ arise first.
Then we, then we with our lives and remains to be caught up together.
So if we ever be with them all, rather do we really believe that? Do we really believe that the Lord would might come today? I remember my mother used to get a little paper way back in the Presbyterian Church and it was a little article in the book. This preacher had had spoken on the Lord's tongue.
After he finished he went around different ones and he said when you think the Lord will come today? They said they didn't. He said in such an hour as you think now if some of my problems. Well, we read here gander eyes were open and they knew and he vanished out of their sight and they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within?
While he talked with his bottle of weight and while he opened through us. Oh dearly.
Smile is dark it's afternoon and each one in this room that their heart was burned within their hearts would burn within what what happened after their hearts burned and it says they rose up the same hour and returned to university that found 11 gathered together.
Saying Lord is risen, He appeared to sign up and they told what things were done in the void and how he's known of them. In breaking the threat, God often thought, you know, this was a meal, this wasn't the Lord's Supper.
This was a meal, and the Lord took the bread.
And I've been done years ago.
It probably didn't have a nice handy and he broke. He broke the bread and hugged his feet. The 1000 nails.
She saw the nails. He was known of them in the breaking of bread.
But the 7th of the 33rd verse, and they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the 11 gallons.
In that couple that they traveled down the road and wondered about all these things budging down the road there and wondering about it all. And here the primary turning. Do you think they'd caught you on the road as they go back? Oh, I'm sure they're just just going smartly. Possibly because it was half the time. Half the time when you advise that it is, we need to go away.
And all of it has met the Lord Jesus.
I know this afternoon hearings again, if there's anyone here in this room who's never met the Lord Jesus, and if there's anyone who has become cold and gotten away from the blessed world, we pray that your hearts will be warm this afternoon, be drawn back. You've returned to that place of life. You know, there was this afternoon. We knew of some.
Who blessed, who left this place?
That earthly people, the Jews, had a place not in every place, but in a place where the Lord has stopped people.
And then again we read this morning and they said, how would they? How would they know the place? And it said, there will a man meet you, guard your pitcher of water fall in. We know in those days Manchester under this man was a picture of the Holy Spirit. And all may the Holy Spirit, we pray that the one that have been drawn aside to the whole Spirit was drawn over.
Draw back to that place. God still has a Center for sure.
Gather together in my name.
There am I in the midst of them, Not for sure if we come together for two or three hours, gathered by the Holy Spirit together.
They're not in the mid then. And when they got back, what did they tell? They told. Lots of things were done.
Always depression if we're living here, the Lord Jesus and enjoying his company. This is trying to tell others about law, God's law, the task of knowledge that your love of God.
I'm I'm happy those two must have been when they got back again with their brethren. Enough in US, please. The Lord would choose to faith they won't take up a lot of time.
This is a verse at the end of the chapter.
In the 51St verse.
Pepin Burns, and you blab them out as far as the destiny. And he lifted up his hands and blessed them, and he came to God hardly blessed them. He was pardoned for them and carried up into heaven.
I'd like to read it first.
And I connection with this.
First Doc 10 words while it looks that fast towards heaven, as he went out to hold two hands to the bottom of his white affair, which also said he had Galilee.
Why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
The same Jesus, The same Jesus.
Which is taken off from the original heaven. So so come in like man as your kids go in the heaven. Here's I've enjoyed this. How did he leave this world? He left the hands up and there was all upon the Lord and spin away in being our high priest and his hands are lifted up for us and how is he going to come back? He's going to come back.
To hands up with him.
OK oh what a a practice savior we have there was this afternoon can't help us speak with a letter and got some dear brother not for long ago said brother don't he said go on the main thing is to go don't turn down go on there is this afternoon Will you pray that each one in this room.
Could find that a piece of the joy that cannot be found anywhere else.
Only did not let it work and not but the Lord is the same woman. The water that I could give you to be in you.
Just look at John.
John 4 verse 10 Jesus passed in December or it's our newest to get to God in two days necessity. Give me the truth that would have asked of him and he would have given me living wallet. The woman sat on him, Sir, there was nothing to draw with him. Well indeed.
When then I saw that living was in the 13th for these thousands of seven, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again.
But who's one of the drinking of the water that I forgive? November 30th, the water that I sent you shall be in him as well. And water spring up in the river lobster. But Oh my loving Jesus.
They are coarse and in the closing days of God's grace, the end to know earth is to be feasting on the land and shrinking of that water, that well that never runs strong.