Luke 4:1

Luke 4:1
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John's Gospel chapter 13 and verse four. He rises from supper.
Laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself. After that he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with a towel wherewith he was girded.
Then cometh he to Simon Peter. Peter says unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.
Peter says unto him, That shall never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. Simon Peter says in the implored, Not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus said to him, He that is washed needeth not safe to wash his feet.
But it's clean everywhere near it. Clean, but not all.
Or he knew who shall betray him. Therefore, said he, he are not all clean.
So after he had washed their feet and taken his garments, and was sat down again, he said unto them, Know ye would have done to you. He called me Master and Lord, and you say, Well, for so I am.
If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet, ye ought also to wash one another's feet. For I've given you an example that you should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you.
The servant is not greater than his Lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
If you know these things, happy are ye if you do them. I speak not of you. All I know who am I have chosen that the Scripture may be fulfilled. He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
Now I tell you before it comes, that when it has come to pass, you may believe that I am He. Verily, verily I say unto you, He the Receiveth, whomsoever I send, receiveth me.
Neither receiveth me receiveth in this sent me when Jesus had thus said.
He was troubled and spared, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.
Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom His faith.
Now there was leaning on Jesus wasn't one of his disciples, and Jesus loved Simon Peter, therefore beckoned to him. They should ask who it is, who it should be, should be a plummet state.
He then lying on Jesus breast, as unto him, Lord, who is it? Jesus answered.
Here it is to whom I shall give us stop when I adept it. And when he did the stop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.
And after the stop, Simon entered into him, then said Jesus unto him, that thou doest do quickly.
Now no man at the table knew for what intent he faked this unto him.
Some of them thought because Julius had the bag, that Jesus said unto him by those things that we have need of against the feast, or that he should give something to the poor.
He then having received the software immediately out, and it was night. Therefore when he was drawn out, Jesus said, now as a Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him.
If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself. Angel straightway glorify him.
Little children.
Get a little while. I am with you. You shall seek me. And as I said unto the Jews.
Whether I go, you cannot come. So now say I to you.
The new commandment I give unto you that you love one another, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Why this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if he had loved one to another.
Simon Peter said on the end. Lauren, whither goest thou? Jesus answered him. Whether I go, thou canst not follow me now, but thou shalt follow me afterwards.
Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake. Jesus entered him. Good thou lay down thy life for my sake. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, the **** shall not crow. So thou hast denied me fright, glory and the towel.
And indicating the place of service that he took.
Hurting himself with a towel that be the mark of the servant and he could tell us something brother, about the water. Now in verse five, but with the water or there may be any significance in putting it in a basin.
The water in the basin that he uses.
To help another. It's the opposition of the Word of God.
When you are walking away and that causes.
Awesome. We're going on in some course and a scripture is brought before us and the power of the Spirit of God, and it has the effect of cleansing that is it brings before us.
God's mind about our pathway and that produces self judgment. So we need to always be willing to allow our walking ways to be brought under the light of God's Word, wherewithal to the young man cleans his way, but by taking heed thereto according to thy word.
In connection with the basin, I was just thinking before when it was red, there is the contrast, as we mentioned yesterday, between the washing all over.
And then that cleansing in connection with the firemans along the way. And the Lord poured the water into the basin. And so perhaps it would bring before us the thought that when we seek to be a help to another, why we should bring the word that applies to that particular situation before Him and.
We find the Lord does this with us in our own pathway. There may be many other scriptures but.
He brings some particular scripture that suited to that situation and brings that before our heart.
I was thinking of the passage in Romans chapter 15. Is it?
Romans chapter 15 and verse 14.
And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye also are full of goodness.
Filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another.
You notice here, when we apply this to the Lord Jesus, how perfectly true it was, full of goodness by surely as we think of His pathway, as the Scripture says, He went about doing good.
The love and the grace that He showed to the disciples and as it brings before us in our chapter. Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end. And then He had full knowledge of all that was going on in their lives. And also we know that as the perfect One, He could bring that word before them, just suited to their present needs.
And I have thought how this is practical for us too.
We might go to a brother to whom we had never shown any kindness and try to speak to him. And perhaps he doesn't receive it too well because he has never known us as a person who has acted kindly toward him.
Isn't it nice when what characterizes our pathway as Christians is full of goodness? And then if it is necessary to correct why, then there are two things I believe that are important.
First of all, that we know what we're speaking about so that we don't just speak on hearsay that we know what we are Speaking of. And then we also know the scripture that would apply to the situation and be able to bring that before the person, not just as our opinion. I think you shouldn't be doing this, but rather the light of God's Word, which would.
Have power over them and bring them to an exercise.
Because self judgment is really the application of the word of God to our walk and ways. And so we have that principle in that verse that says that if thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst give him drink, for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. We might wonder what does this mean?
Heaping coals of fire on his head. Well, fire in the Scripture is a figure of judgment.
And so if you show kindness to a person, it may be the means in God's hand of producing self judgment in that person. If I have been unkind to someone and then he shows a kindness to me, then immediately I begin to think well.
Think of the way I've acted to him and now he's turning around and acting this way toward me and this produces self judgment. It changes our thoughts. Well, the Lord Jesus was the perfect example of all this, I believe. And it is good for us to remember there's all these different things. The Lord laying aside his garments, He could have come in his Godhead glory, but instead He took.
Servant, He took the humble place. If one could speak reverently, taking his place at their feet, they could have kicked him. But the Lord took his place there in humble grace to correct them. He was full of goodness. He applied the word, and the result was blessing. Well, it's a lesson for us all. And the Lord said, if you know these things, happy are you if you do them.
Presented as an example, does he not?
For his disciples to follow. And I think that Father the the water port in the basin is a very good thought. And I'd like to just add, it seems to me the basin of course is a receptacle. It's that which was to hold the water. And so one who would undertake as the Lord here to wash the feet of another.
He would apply the word which he himself has received, not merely something that he knows is true, but something that he has received. You might say that he himself has become a receptacle of that, of that truth, of the word that would apply at the time, something that he has received himself that he might be able to use for the help and blessing of another.
And also not to get ahead in our.
Going through these verses, but perhaps we might make a comment in regard to the general part of of the washing of the feet, because he does say that he gives us an example that you ought to wash one anothers heat. And no doubt the verse our brother referred to in Romans is a good example of this able to admonish one another.
It seems to me that the washing of the feet of one another.
Has is not so much the thought of of restoring one who has gone off into dishonorable path and has had to be put away, perhaps in the large table. It seems to me that it's the removal of those things that hinder 1 going on in the enjoyment of the Lord, where there is an exercise to do so.
Because it appears that the washing of the feet here is not some gross sin into which they might fall.
But it's those tendencies to take up with earthly things that will hinder our enjoyment of the heavenly things. And we can where we see that there is an exercise to go on and follow the Lord in the truth.
And there's a real desire to please the Lord, and we might detect something in the walk and in the pathway or associations that is a hindrance to this. And it seems to me that this is where the foot washing comes in. And one who has been a receptacle, as it were, of the word himself that he has been able to.
Take in the word as the Lord has taught him, He might be able to be used of the Lord to.
Wash the feet of another, so that the little hindrances to going on in a path of of obedience and service and submission to the Lord, that that would not be hindered by these, you might say.
Blemishes, not so much. I I don't think the thought at least. Maybe others might have another idea, but it doesn't appear to me to be the thought so much of of sins that would require, for instance, the putting away from the Lord's table.
It seemed to be more in connection with the things that might hinder those who are seeking to go on with the law.
To make sure the water is not too hot and how new IT is in athletic state to notice. And he made sure that he drives his feet to make them comfortable. Don't you make that version Psalms, which says?
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, the light under the path. So many times we've been saved from many states that followed. We've seen maybe young people going on and how nice it is to do it in love and be able to say that there be witness.
Lord's power keeping up falling into Satan way of trying to get us to go straight and you think that would have a very.
Well, I'm sure that's true. It's like the connection of our brother, Johnson would say. I was thinking of the last.
Verses of the chapter before because I believe it's connected.
The 49th verse or I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me. He gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His commandment is late, everlasting, whatsoever I speak. Therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak now before the peace of the past, where we can see the connection here.
That the Lord Jesus spoke the words that had been given to him by his Father. And so very often, perhaps some of us have sat in a meeting and the brother has spoken and we have felt, well, that's the message just for me, and we have received it.
The Scripture says if any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God. And so the one who speaks, if delivering a message from the Lord, it is suited to the needs of those who are present. And then that 50th verse is very lovely because when it says I know that his commandment is life everlasting. It's not like under the law. The law demanded something of man that he had neither the heart nor the power to give.
But isn't it lovely to think that when the Word of God is brought before a soul who truly knows the Lord, the new man within him responds to the claims of Christ, His commandment, his life everlasting means that when God asks us to do something, it has the power of a command over the new man. When?
Someone we love wants us to do something we don't say. Is that a request or a command?
It has the power of a command because love responds to the claims of that person.
And the Newman in the believer responds to the claims of Christ.
And so one has often made the comment, God will never ask us to do anything, that the new life within us doesn't delight in doing His commandment, His life everlasting. And so as we wander, he may use ministry of this kind to touch us, to bring us before us. The water is poured into the basin. I believe it's the needed word for the occasion.
And it reaches the conscience, it reaches the heart, and there is the exercise that our feet might be cleansed with a desire to walk in communion with Him, because that is the desire of every renewed man, is to walk in the company of the Lord Jesus. I remember our brother Walter Gill one time at Des Moines.
We were washing.
Up Walter Jaleel, Frank Gill, Walter's father's father. We were watching before.
A meal in Des Moines and he put one hand behind his back and tried to wash the one hand all alone.
We wondered at first, wife was doing this, several of us standing by and he said, did you ever try to keep one hand clean?
When the other was not able to help and he struggled and struggled and it was just about impossible, so he pulled out the other hand and he went on just kind of talking to himself for our benefit. He said the left hand cleans the right and the right hand.
Cleans the left. He went about it. Then he picked up the towel and he said and the left hand tries the right and the right hand tries the left and the job is well done. He walks out and really left us with something to think about. If you've ever had one hand incapacitated, I had the experience. It's almost impossible to keep that hand clean as you would like it to be all along. And there's never a complaining between.
Hands, you're always getting soiled and I'm always having to clean you up. Because we are members together of the same body. This kind of service should really be accepted and valued and appreciated and perhaps one reason or maybe two reasons why we fail in it.
One is because we feel ourselves that we have failed so badly in these matters that our our attempt to help in the washing of another brother might only reveal our home failure and inconsistency and so we hesitate to say anything.
And the other is we're really trying to spare ourselves and not our brothers by our hesitation to speak in a way that would wash the feet of another. We're perhaps a little afraid of the reaction that we might receive. And I think what we've heard about.
Full of goodness, filled with all knowledge in a very, very needful preparation for the washing that has been spoken of.
I know I was just reading Mr. Jarvis on that about that facing.
He takes a linen towel. It's a linen towel and.
I heard himself.
Then he pours water into a washed hand base. Although that was interesting is the connection with what you've been saying, Brother Albert a wash and basin and then he.
Began to wash the feet of the disciples. That's an interesting connection.
What can they might suggest that it would take clean hands to do this, but it's not our own hands clean in the process of washing the feet of another.
We look at one verse in First Timothy 5 verse 10.
Speaking about the widow, well reported of good works, if she hath brought up children, if she had lost strangers, if she had washed the same feet, if she have relieved the afflicted. Now may I ask, how does the sister do that?
Wash the feet of the thing. Well, I suppose then the what is referred to here was actually done a literal thing, because that was a kindness that was shown to people as they traveled and their feet were dirty. Why? I believe sometimes the host or Hostess might take the humble place and wash the feet of the guests. But of course it can be applied in a spiritual way, and I'm quite sure that many sisters have done.
And I've done it in a very lovely way. Perhaps I've done it in a way that is better than a brother at times because being able to get a little closer to the person, they might be able to do it in a more helpful way.
So that certainly it's not limited to Brothers I, I believe that this is a work that can go on. In fact, it speaks of the older women teaching the younger women.
And there are things that a sister can say to another sister which perhaps would seem very difficult and almost out of place for a brother to say. Saw the service of the sisters as most important. And although we spoke of ministry as it might be given in the meeting, certainly much of this is carried out in a private way and perhaps no other person but.
Too involved? Know anything about it?
But the Lord knows about it and the Lord takes account of it. I think it's so lovely, the verse which we mentioned before, that the Lord should say, if he know these things, happy are ye if He do them. Because so often things remain, and little things that could be, that could be cleared up or not, because there isn't that willingness to seek the good of one another before the Lord.
So that's what happiness there is when there is that freedom of spirit one with another, and that willingness to talk things over in the light of God's precious Word.
We don't want to limit the fall here in this chapter of the foot washing having to do with.
Removing an obvious defect from someone.
It isn't. It isn't merely dealing with someone who has failed. Seems to me that this foot washing applied to all of the disciples. They all needed it. And sometimes there is a tendency to neglect those who are going on faithfully. It appears outwardly as if they do not need any foot washing. But I believe we all need it. We we all need the the cleansing.
Effect of the word that that would remove anything that hinders our ones continuance in the past it I don't think we an answer to our brother Francois question. I agree that I think primarily it refers to hospitality that the sisters would show it's their province, their home and they take in strangers and show hospitality. But we do know that.
A sister without formally teaching.
Or even.
Something of that nature can wash the feet in a spiritual way of the Saints by a word and by her own conduct. We read about those women who can win even their husbands without the words, by their chaste conversation, and so forth. And no doubt her sisters can in that sense encourage others to be.
As it were less earthly minded too, as they observe the conduct of the wall manner and the spirit.
So that these are things that that a sister can do. I think if we limit the foot washing to merely correcting a brother or a sister, we will lose a lot of the thought here.
Is this too better than the emphasis in our contact with one another? Ought to be on the word, not on social. Get together when we're together.
Apart from the assembly meeting in a home.
We might, by being occupied with the Word, talking about the things of the Word of God.
Unknown to us might perform their service. I don't think many times this is taking place and we really know that we are performing that service. This is certainly a danger in our day. Christened them all around.
The work is getting less and less of play in the interaction and intercom union of Christians between one another.
And other things take that place. But this passage should clearly show to us that the emphasis has to be on being occupied with the Scriptures, with the Word of God, and we might perform that service and not realizing we're doing it.
Chapter 15, verse 3 Lord says, now are you clean through the word which I am supposed to unto you? So it's the word that cleanse us.
And that's how we can do it. Well, I believe the apostle of 1St Corinthians 10 says.
Give none offense as the Jew nor the Gentile. Sometimes, you know, we might bring the word before some money and we, we might give an effect. Well, how are we going to do it? Well, I believe there's only one way, and that is to bring the word of God before one another and the meekness and the gentleness of life.
And if their last spirit, there will be the effect, there will be the time following to the one that perhaps we have an intent for. But we're done.
Well, when it says they're giving none offense, I believe it means personal offense.
Because there are times when the word of God does offend, we find that the Lord when he spoke faithfully, He had to say that this offend you. And the disciples came to the Lord on one occasion and said that most thou not that the Pharisees were offended at this thing. Well, the Lord of course was perfect in everything. He could not, he would not apologize, but he had spoken was the truth.
And so there are times when the Word of God may offend and we can't help it, but we should do it in the right spirit, as you said, and then we have to leave the results with the Lord. Speaking of a sister's part I, we were just reading the other day at home about Abigail and Shirley. She would be an example. David was just about to act rashly.
In the matter with Nabel and we see how Abigail came out.
And occupying her proper place as a sister, she took the humble place, bowed before him, she brought gifts to him. And then she spoke to him and told him. And he, so to speak, had his feet washed. He didn't carry it out. And he said, Blessed be thou. He thanked her for what she had done, and she had brought before him something that kept him from.
A rash act, and while I agree that it hasn't necessarily to do always with some special things.
Nevertheless, we can see the Lord tells the reason for it, and that is that we might have part with Him. And so there are so many little foxes, little things that can come in and hinder our communion with the Lord. They may be one specific thing, they may be just earthly mindedness. There may be a great many little things perhaps that we are hardly aware of.
What other things have replaced the Lord Jesus place in our hearts and ministry helps to correct that and restore.
That fellowship with him, what is sweeter in our lives than to have part with him?
To be able to look up and talk to Him at any moment as our dearest friend, and to be in the consciousness of His presence, Well, ministry always should have that before in view, so that the hearts might be drawn nearer to the Lord. And if anything is necessary to be removed, the water of the word will have that effect.
The very fact that the presence of the towel is mentioned.
It seems to be something of a body connection with this type of people. Are you, for instance, when we see an example, a situation like in Galatians, where the Apostle Paul had to rebuke the Galatians Saints so sharply, there is no thought or suggestion of a towel. No, no, no, Father suggestion of leaving the Saints feeling comfortable. They called for the strongest possible review.
And in the second chapter of Galatians, when the apostle Peter.
Had to be rebuked for sitting apart with the Jews again. There's no thought, it seems to me, of that application of the towel. The Word is used. It's true. The word is always what cleanses. But what we have so beautifully brought out here is that before even the Lord applies, the water provision is made in the towel.
The Saints to be left healing restored, feeling that there has been that which has ministered to their refreshment. And so we find that when he when the Spirit of God brings this proportion before us.
The thought in the heart of Peter comes out finally when he says, not my feet only, but also my hands in my head. The desire of his heart was to enjoy the Lord's company, to have the fullest possible part with him. That's what he wanted.
The reason I mentioned that, brethren, is because.
As husband mentioned, there are times when the word of God has to be applied faithfully brought before the soul in the can I say the sharpest possible way is a voice to the conscience. We, we, we, we see a, a, a something of a picture of it. In the case of Finnehas, when he took the spear, there was no question of of any kind of comfort. It was a, a type of sin that had to be rebuked.
When we see in First Corinthians chapter 5 where we have moral evil that has come in amongst in the assembly, the word is put away from among yourselves, that wicked person. The sharpest possible rebuke is given for that kind of moral evil. That's allowed. But what we have here, as mentioned already, is that defilement that that which comes into the lives of each one of us.
And and so a brother comes to me, and he sees that something is something is getting in between my soul and the Lord.
Something is hindering my enjoyment of the Lord, something I'm allowing in my life, something I'm allowing in my family. And He comes to me with the precious word. The basin doesn't clean. The basin simply holds the word. But He brings the word. But with the word He also brings the cow.
And so in ministering the word of God, He also brings the towel so that he drives my feet. And the lovely thing is the attitude of heart that we see that the Lord is seeking here is that they might have parts of it, and that what they passage that we have before us applies to.
Because, you know, we can take the Word of God and we can take the attitude of the Lord here and the example He gives and the admonition to his disciples, and we can apply it to cases and circumstances that do not apply. For instance, as you mentioned about having to to withstand or to rebuke. We find that First Thessalonians 5.
That the apostle says, now we exert you, brethren, warn them that are unruly. Well, that's one attitude.
And then he said comfort. The feeble minded are literally encouraged to play Hardy, but you don't encourage the unruly.
He warned the unruly, but you encourage the faint hearted and so I believe in the foot washing here. It's not just a matter of setting someone straight if you think has gone wrong. I think it's in order to further their spiritual progress and their enjoyment in the things of the Lord that they might have more part with Christ. It's not really dealing.
With someone who has going on in self will and disobedience.
Who might were warning or where some form of discipline might have to take place. It seems to me it has to do with the seeking to help on and further the progress and the enjoyment of those who haven't exercised to follow along with the Lord. But as our brother said, there might be something, some little hindrance that.
One detects in US and the desire is that they that they have, they're watching for our souls.
And we have in Hebrews 13, there are those that watch for our souls. And so when they would seek to bring something from the word in the way of washing our feet that would affect our walk and our ways, it's not just to set us right.
Or to show us where we're wrong. But in order that we might have heart with Christ, we might have that practical and have that practical and personal enjoyment of the portion that belongs to us in association with the Lord Jesus. I believe that's the Spirit which is taken up.
I hope this application is not too remote, but I must admit I was thinking of it last night after what was said concerning the cleansing of their feet in preparation for the position that was to be presented to them in the following chapters.
I thought of your name. And when he was cleansed and he was about to return to that idolatrous land from which he had come, he he wanted, he asked for.
Two new burden of Earth. Very, very strange request, but it would seem that he felt, I don't want to go back there and stand in that same position that I left when I come up here to be cleansed of my leprosy.
He wanted to go back and occupy a position that would be in keeping with the God of Israel whom he had come to know, and I thought of that perhaps as a little example of his feet being washed, that he might stand in that new position.
But what really impressed me was that he asked for two mule bird in the earth. One would be sufficient for him, I would think.
But faith asked for two and I have wondered could it be the dear name and thought, I really don't want to have to stand alone, and I don't expect to have to stand alone. I want to have two mules burden of earth in order that not only my own feet might stand in that place that would be suited to the God of Israel.
But I'm going to trust him that someone else will share that place with me, perhaps thinking of the Israelites made perhaps thinking of his own wife or someone else to share that new position with him. And so if by the grace of God, our own 4 feet have been washed.
That we might realize the joy and privilege of standing in a place that would be suited to a wonderful truth presented to us in the following chapters. Surely we would like to see that place shared by others, and perhaps even in that sense.
There is the washing of the feet of others. The very place that we occupy, the truth that we enjoy, we trust, shared with others might be the means of washing their feet, that they might also stand in that new position. Washington, and that which it implies.
Is it not good to see the attitude in which the the act was done?
That is the end of the fifth verse. And to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. It wasn't just that he had a towel, but it was a towel wherewith he was girded. And I believe that that would suggest the position or the attitude of a bond slave.
Their brothers said in this prayer at the beginning of this meeting that the Lord Jesus went lower than we, that is, He took the lowest possible place. And so the attitude and loneliness, all loneliness. Why he was able then to wipe the apostle or the disciples feet. Now if it had to deal with that which was sin, it could not be in that attitude because sin must be judged if the stewardship.
But here it's defilement, and so it's the lowest possible position. That is that which is nothing of me, no reason for myself, but it's really to accomplish the will or the attitude of another, the one to whom we are bond, slave responsibilities brought before us. Here one is the responsibility to receive the word.
To allow the Lord to wash our feet. We see in Peter when Peter first of all says, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
But then when the Lord says what thou canst, if I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.
Then Simon Peters answer is, Lord not my feet only, but also my hands in my head. The desire, if this was going to be what was needed for him to enjoy the Lord's company. Then we see in the heart of Peter not only my hands only, but also not only my feet only, but also my hands in my head. Now there was a lack of understanding at this point.
And I suppose that's, I believe that's what's referred to when when the Lord says.
What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter. That is that at this time there was a lack of understanding and entering into these things what the Lord was doing. But the time would come when the Spirit of God had come, when there was the intelligence in divine things and an understanding of what the Lord was doing and entering into these things and what the Lord was doing. But there is the responsibility, brethren, seeing Peter, to allow the Lord to wash our feet.
And when a brother comes to me with the Word, my responsibility is to receive the Word, to realize that it's the Word of God and allow that Word to speak to my soul, that my feet might be what now? His responsibility is to come, as it were, in the guise of the servant, with the girded towel, with the basin full of water.
That is, with the word that the Lord has given him.
To bring to my soul, to bring to my conscience, to bring to my heart, whatever it is His responsibility is the best part. But my responsibility is to receive what the Lord has to say to me, and I can never be justified in rejecting the Word because a brother came to me in the wrong spirit.
Because He said it in the wrong attitude. Perhaps he didn't have the towel, but the washing is by the Word. And as I say, the part from my soul is to allow that Word to have its way with me in order that I might enjoy the Lord's company. The question as to the spirit in which it's done, that's left between the servant, the one who brings the Word, and the Lord. He's the one who has the responsibility.
I'm in the position of the one to bring the word to be sure that it's done on my knees as a servant. Garments laid aside, towel provided for, and the base is full of water.
Yes, we see how that in the their expressions that emphasize the mutuality of these things says here that you should wash one another's feet, not merely to wash the feet of another one, but one another. And that verse, it was referred to in Romans, able to admonish one another. It's not merely able to admonish others, but be able to admonish one another. There's a feeling of mutuality.
That could exist among the Saints with a desire to help one another in our seeking to go on together in the truth, the thought of mutuality. I believe not only the washing the feet of another are admonishing another, but in that spirit of admonishing one another and the washing of the feet of one another.
There are some people who take this literally, and I think it should just call attention to that verse. It's already been mentioned, that seventh verse. What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.
Life was just literal meat washing. Well there was number problem. Peter quite understood what it meant to take a basin of water and literally wash a persons feet. But for him to understand the spiritual significance of it was another thing. And the Lord said he would understand that later. And I believe if we could say humbly that that is what we are seeking to get is the spiritual meaning of it. For that's what the.
Had before him and what he was doing Undoubtedly as it was mentioned, the sister might literally wash another feet when they came to her home in the way of hospitality. But here the Lord goes into it to show that it's more than that. It's a spiritual thing that he is bringing before him before Peter's. I was also thinking how when Peter made this reply.
Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. I thought of how.
Many there are who profess to know the Lord and think that if they fail they have to get saved all over again. And really, in that sense Peter was talking as if why the one washing was not sufficient to cleanse him once for all. He had to have that repeated. Isn't it lovely to see that that never has to be repeated by one offering us perfected forever them that are sanctified?
The believers standing before God is always perfect because it's in Christ. We are made the righteousness of God in Him.
Now that standing is unchanged, and so the thought of having to be washed all over again, the Lord shows that that is not necessary. And so let us see clearly that no matter what failure has come in as a believer, if a true believer ever and always stands in perfect acceptance before God, but he may be out of fellowship with God and out of fellowship with the Lord Jesus, and that needs to be restored.
By the feet watching, I wondered myself if Peter really entered into what the Lord was bringing before him. It was true he wanted to have part with the Lord, but there still seems to be a measure of self-confidence. As though in this case too he would place himself a little above the rest and say why I wouldn't mind being washed all over. And we see by what comes in the end of the chapter.
That that self-confidence in Peter had to be dealt with and we can take a superior position of feeling we are better in a more spiritual, more willing and all and others. And the Lord has to let us see how very, very weak we are in ourselves. And so while it is important and necessary as it's been brought before us to allow our feet to be washed, let us always take the humble place.
Realize what the Lord did to restore Peter was to say.
Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? More than these? He had taken the place of having more affection for the Lord, and even here it seems, is saying about why he would be glad to have even his hands and his I mean his hands and his head washed too, and then saying he wouldn't deny the Lord.
How slow we are to learn that we are nothing. The flesh profiteth nothing.
So that let us ever be humble before the Lord and realize that the only place of blessing for us is to realize that we are nothing, and the Christ alone is the one to be exalted.
In connection with that, verse seven also rather like to make one a comment. We find that that which exists exist around us today.
In Christendom seems to take on the character of evolution, that is a religion of evolution. It seems as though the doctrines of some of these denominations change with the current of the day, with with the popular demand, we might say. And so there are those that do practice.
Foot washing as a literal thing.
But in looking into the history of this, we find that the the beginning of the foot washing in their in their doctrinal position was to wash away the sins that were committed since the last time that you had your feet washed. And it was also that which was preparatory to the remembrance of the Lord, so-called.
But today they've changed that and they have many strong argument as to their position.
But I believe it's so important to understand the beginning, oftentimes of where these things began.
Because God requires that which is passed, and to see as we have here, what it is that the Spirit of God.
Is actually bringing before us that is that spiritual application as we have been Speaking of it here at these meetings, a one to one basis. But are we not right at the present moment getting our feet washed as we hear one and another give a little word and explanation and that's those things that would apply to ourselves?
And have been brought out. Peter had to accept this. We have to accept what we hear, whether it's an individual speaking to us as another individual.
Whether it's one on the platform, whether it's someone exhorting us in a reading. And I recall some years ago that a reading, it was not an assembly reading, but after I recalled speaking to another brother who had been there and some remarks had been made during that reading, that seemed to apply to myself.
And I remarked this to the other brother, he said, oh, I thought that was meant for me.
Well, it's good if we can apply the truth to ourselves, isn't it?
Washing may not rather be the defilement may not be something that we detect ourselves. There are things because we are in association with this world, we are surrounded by it. We become defiled and then someone speaks in a reading, a word is passed, perhaps individually.
But that word is just what we needed to cleanse that he promised we didn't know we had. But it's it's a collective thing, isn't it? As well as by individuals as it appears that the as we the figure here is of.
Those who have been.
Bathed their clean every fit that is only computers.
He makes the exception there. They were not all clean, because Judith of course, had not been born again, and he did not have that new moral nature, but the others did, and as possessing that they were entirely clean, but.
The figure is that one having faith in the course of his walking.
On the ground, on the earth, his feet with compact the earth, and the result be would be that they would become soiled.
And so then the feet only needed to be washed. And this is what I had referenced to a few moments ago. And I believe that we, we need to see that we all need this foot washing. It doesn't just apply to someone who has gone astray.
We all need it, because when they come in contact with this world, even in the necessary things of life, we come into contact with that which has the stamp of death upon it and that which is contrary to God. One cannot in his work, in his business, his employment, wherever he is, failed to come into contact with that which is defiling and which is not according to God.
And if we are not being cleansed by the Word, these things will attach to us and they'll become a part of our thoughts and our motives and our desires. And This is why it's necessary, this foot washing regularly and in various ways as it's been brought before us. It could be, I believe the Lord can wash our feet on our own as we read the Word in His presence.
The washing of water by the word. It may be that he might use another Christian.
Another brother or even a sister, and it may be as our brother Thomas mentioned in ministry for the reading of the word. But there are various ways. But we all need it, and we all need it regularly, that our feet might be continually cleansed, because we do come into contact with this world where there is defilement on every hand, the very scene itself as the staff of death upon it, and it defiles us as we pass through it.
Well, of course, with the Lord Jesus, there's no thought at all in connection with the application we're making here. The Lord Jesus could go through this perfect, this defiling scene and remain perfect, undefiled by anything. So I take it in connection with the woman that it was just simply the humility that here she was the center of the city.
One who in true repentance, was taking her place before the Lord Jesus.
And his feet would show the humble place, the place of blessing for the Sinner, or the place of blessing for the same is always at the feet of the Lord Jesus. And so it was her tears, her true repentance. And then of course she anointed the Lords feet. But I wouldn't in any way connected with the thought here that we have a washing.
I would take it that the other was just her place of repentance before the Lord Jesus.
In fact, I believe it's well for us to see that as the Lord walked through this defiling scene. And yet He was always perfectly clean because there was nothing within the Lord Jesus that responded to all the defilements about Him.
With us, there is something that responds. However, I would say that there's no excuse for us to contact, to pick up the defilement along the way. There is provision for it. That's why it says in first John Chapter 2 if any man said.
And so we find that there was provision made in the 19th chapter of Numbers. Here was death and a tent about the vessel that had the covering bound upon it was preserved clean in spite of the fact that death was there. And so we are going through this world, we're surrounded by death. There can be that covering bound upon us, so to speak, so that.
It's possible for a young person to go and work in an office.
And still, if the covering is bound upon him to maintain his soul in communion with the Lord, in actual fact, we all offend. But in the provision that God has made, now there is sufficient provision so that we might be preserved. The thing is, we don't always avail ourselves of it. I believe someone asked Mr. Darby the question one time, Is it possible for a Christian to live?
Sins. And his answer was, I don't know of anything stronger than the grace of God.
Or anything weaker than the flesh. So that provision has been made.
Let us never excuse ourselves for picking up the defilements. For myself, I have enjoyed that little thought in the Song of Solomon where the bridegroom looks at the bride and says how, how, how beautiful are thy feet with shoes, all Princess, daughter. And I thought of how I can walk through the most.
Defiling mud pile and not have my feet defiled if I have shoes on.
And God has provided for us so that we can go through a defiling scene like this and be preserved happily. He has provided that when we do get the files that there is provision and that is what we have before us. So we're not to excuse ourselves. The grace of God is sufficient. But also where to realize how weak the flesh is.
And constantly we are in need of this cleansing in our pathway.
I like this thought too, that the Lord turned to the host on that occasion and said, Thou gave us me no water for my feet. The thing that would speak, if you wish, of refreshment and honor was really lacking on the part of the host on that occasion, but she provided it for him. And it's so very, very lovely to think.
Until I say that shortly, this.
Rejecting world will be pretending to honor the birth of the Lord Jesus. Does that refresh him? Does that bring him joy? Or does it not rather refresh him, bring him joy and honor when someone would bow his feet with tears?
So I just love to think that on that occasion he really found joy as that poor woman bowed and wept at his feet, that which the host had failed to give him, and in this world that pretends to honor the Lord Jesus.
How delightful is the privilege of vowing it is seated. You wish with fear that really brings him joy and refreshment and honor. Albertsons. It would be the customs to provide water and let the person wash his own feet, which would then magnify what the Lord Jesus did in watching his disciples speak. He didn't merely provide his water and say here it is, but we couldn't by reading the scripture for ourselves perhaps.
Be clear of the file. But the Lord Jesus took a lower place until and watched his decisive thinking of theaters here at his question about in the ninth verse, Peter sat unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. And the Lord Jesus answered to him. I was thinking too, that Peter.
Someone has said if he didn't have Peter's history.
We might be very discouraged, but Peter, he failed in many ways, but he was the Lord, wasn't it? And so the Lord Jesus washed his feet here. And then he leaves them. He says that they might. I've given you an example that you should do as I've done unto you. What poor Peter here couldn't do that We find following this, that.
He he had to speak from John as to.
Who it was that was to betray the Lord. And then I was thinking too, going over to the 21St chapter with references to me, to His, his being restored.
We know there was failure, and we know we fail too, but I'm thinking of of the way in which we can wash one another's feet. The only way is to be before the Lord ourselves, as the brother has been saying in Washington.
Wash hand facing with our own hands. But in the 21St of John, where the Lord Jesus there brings before Peter the need of.
Exercising his heart and conscience. There we find even here Peter says in John 21 and verse 21, Peter seeing him.
That is John.
Set to Jesus, Lord, what shall this man do? Peter still had his eye upon what another might do. Sometimes we get in that position too, don't we? We're not in in exercise before the Lord as to our own position, our own case. And so I like the answer. The Lord Jesus says in the 22nd verse, Jesus says unto him, If I will, that he carry till I come, what is?
The following I believe this is a very precious worry for us, isn't it? What is that? That he follows our needs? And then what do we find in those two lovely epistles of Peter? We find him washing the Saints feet. I think this is very blessed because we need as we are thinking of it in loop 6 where?
The Lord Jesus there continued all night in prayer.
Always in communion with the Father. And it wasn't isn't that thing for us. The secret of being able to help others and wash others feet is to be in communion with Him, having our own hands washed and our own feet washed, as Peter did here. I think this is very precious because Peter then those epistles, as has been already mentioned.
The ministry that we get in Peter's epistles for the pathway.
It surely is that which washes our feet while we're here.
In this chapter that the primary thought does not seem to be so much.
One who has sinned where other forms of discipline might be necessary. This, however, does not mean that when other forms of discipline are necessary that the Word of God should not have a primary part.
In laboring with that person.
I remember story being told in Germany. They had a brother who had.
Gone astray and the friend on front of brothers meeting sent several brothers to that brother to labor with him, and he labored with his power without accomplishing anything so they came back and they.
At one of the leading brethren much used of God at that time and would you please go so if they felt that they had not accomplished what they were sent and hoping to do well, his brother went to this brother visited him. He didn't even sit down. He just read certain scriptures to that person.
That applied to that situation.
And then walked out. But it accomplished that his brother came to see his error. So I'm only seeking to make sure that we do not think that the word of God in more serious cases does not have to have a prominent heart in dealing with one who had gone astray. It might not be with the thought of comfort.
As much as to exercise the conscience, and we have nothing else for cleansing for our pathway but the word of God.
Well, His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. I feel it is very, very important that we should make the Word of God our guide in all things, where we can only be sure that we have the truth when we have it in the words of Scripture. As soon as anything is put in our own words, it might slightly be changed, but in the words of the Scripture there is the truth of God.
Of Numbers 19 a little while ago, and you just spoke concerning that the word of God must be that which is.
Is used, is that not the principle that we get in Numbers 31 Concerning everything that was brought back to the camp as regard to the battle, that is, regard to the victory on the field, It had to be cleansed before it could be brought within the camp.
Is the application of the word of the application at a water purification which came from Numbers 19? I believe that would be that which would allow it to be fit to come into the presence of the Lord, and so how to apply that in every way to all things of our life.
The application of the water purification, that's the Word of God in every way. And it's so easy, is it not? Rather to bring home our trials and our troubles from work or from school, wherever we happen to be, Or to meet our husband or our loved one at the door with the troubles that confronted us through the day? How much better to meet one another with the Word of God cleansing one another and being able to enjoy then the Lord together.
It's true we need to talk to one another, but I just think of it as an application of these things.
And verse nine, I'm sorry, verse 10.
It reads there if the iron be blunt.
And he do not wet the edge, then must he put two more strength?
But wisdom is profitable to direct. This is what our brother Brinkman was referring to, I believe the principal brought out here.
And that is so often as a result of our own lack of communion. The iron is blunt.
That is, that the edge hasn't been wet in our own souls and being in God's presence. And the result is that when we go, we carry a blunt instrument. That is, we don't have the sharp edge of the Word of God-given to us by the Spirit of God, directed by wisdom to be the very word that God would use to the conscience. And the result is.
That the same speak for one's own soul. The natural inclination, then, is to put two more strengths.
We think if we argue longer, perhaps if we talk louder, if we if we allow the flesh to get in and act a little bit that we're going to accomplish the purpose of God. Whereas all is required is the sharp edge of the word of God and the reminder to our own soul that it's A2 edged sword through with the loss to deal with the under burning person, somebody that may calculate these.
Would be well believed with the portion of the Word of God. I much prefer a bumper sticker with a few words of scripture on it than any saying that might be ever so true. The Word of God is what the Spirit of God can use. Lord, just not live with us.
Way of doing these things I remember many years ago.
At a conference like this there was a the same chapter before us and the brother related this story and I believe it is in fit as well. There was not a word said yet there was restoration.
It was a brother.
Gradually had a strange to coming to the meeting.
It was missed first, now and then, and born more.
Things himself from his brother. There was this exercise in prayer before the Lord how to deal with this, and the brother had as much on his heart to visit his brother, and he asked the Lord to show him what he should talk to about his brother. He came in the evening.
And it was the winter time, and after the normal greetings, they sat down in the living room in front of the fireplace.
And there's stores that have a fireplace. Know what this means? When the fire falls apart, it says the coals roll aside and soon they turn black and the fire stops burning nicely, his brother having looked to the Lord.
He took the poker, another word was said and he broke these coals back together.
And soon the flame started burning again, brightly.
His host watched what was happening, and when the fame started, tone brightly says brother, I got the message.
Brethren, we keep close together with our brethren.
We all know what it is. When we get separated, things will hold.
Listen to your brother was restored without mentioning a Scripture, but it was the wisdom God gave because the one was thinking of that the Lord spoke in parallel to be understood by his listeners. And I think this was the wisdom of he had received from the Lord to just apply a little peril to his brother's conscience.
I know I never forget this, how it speaks to us. Keep closing together with your brethren. Don't think in the path of isolation.
We can have these enjoying, enjoyable times like we have here together right now.