Luke 7

Duration: 59min
Luke 7; Isaiah 53
Gospel—R. Rule
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And we open our meeting by singing hymn #24.
We know there's a bright and a glorious home.
Away in the heavens high, where all redeemed shall with Jesus dwell. But will you be there? And I Will you be there? And I We're all redeemed, shall what Jesus dwell. But will you be there? And I #24.
We know there's a brighter soul.
Turn together to Luke's Gospel, Chapter 7.
The 7th chapter of Luke.
Verse 28.
Luke 7 verse 28.
I say unto you, I say unto you, Among those that are born of women, there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist, but he that is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.
And all the people that heard him and the publicans justified God.
Being baptized with the baptism of John.
But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.
The Lord said, Where said unto them.
Pardon me, the Lord said. Where unto then shall I liken the men of this generation? And to what are they like?
They are like unto children, sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced, we have mourned you, and you have not wept.
For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine. And ye say.
He hath the devil.
The Son of man is come eating and drinking, and ye say, behold, A gluttonous man and a wine bever, a friend of Republicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of all her children.
And one of the Pharisees desired him, that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to meet, behold, a woman in the city, which was a Sinner. When she knew that Jesus sat at meeting the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, and stood at his feet behind him, weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and had wiped them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.
Now in the Pharisee which had bidden him sought, he spake within himself, saying.
This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman. This is the touch of him, for she is a Sinner.
And Jesus answering, said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee.
And he saith, Master Sayon.
There was a certain creditor which had two debtors, The one owed 500 pence and the other 50.
And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both.
Therefore, which of them will love him the most? Simon answered, and said, I suppose he to whom he forgave the most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged. And he turned to the woman, and said, Simon, seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house. Thou gave us me no water for my feet, but she washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her head.
Thou gavest me no kiss.
But this woman, since the time I came in, hath not ceased to kiss my feet, my head with oil, thou didst not anoint. But this woman hath anointed my feet with ointment. Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much, but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And he said unto her.
Thy sins are forgiven.
And they that sat at Meat with him began to say within themselves.
Who is this that forgive us sins also?
And he said unto the woman, Thy faith has saved thee, Go in peace.
Before seeking to comment on the scriptures that I've read.
I'd like to ask another question. The hymn has already raised one question.
In the hymn that we sang, it spoke of the House of the redeemed.
The question asked many times. Will you be there and I?
Will you be honest with yourself tonight?
And answer that question as best you can in the presence of God.
Will you be there?
And if you can't answer that question.
Definitely in a positive way.
I'd like to ask you another question.
What value?
Do you place on your soul?
Have you ever stopped to answer that question? What value do you place on your soul?
You know you have a living soul, it says in Genesis.
God breathed into Adam the breath of life, and he became a living soul, Not a dying soul, a living soul. And dear friend, you have an immortal soul and you are going to spend eternity somewhere.
Now I know that you've if you're have reached the age of maturity, or at least approaching it, you've given a lot of thought.
To the years immediately ahead, but you're only going to be here a little while.
Now I'll ask you, how about eternity?
Life is only for a very short time.
But have you honestly given thought to the question of your immortal soul and where you will spend eternity?
Well, I desire by the grace of God tonight to speak a little about your price of soul.
And to seek to point out the way that you may be sure that you will be among that number.
That spend eternity with the redeemed in that home that we are singing about.
Oh dear friend, if when we were singing the hymn you could not answer that question positively and.
And say yes, I will be there in that home above that home of bliss, that home in the glory, if you couldn't say yes.
Will you please give serious consideration to what we want to speak to you about tonight?
Now, I know that most people here have heard the gospel many times.
And if you're one of those that have, I'm not speaking to you primarily.
I want to speak with the Lord's help as simply as possible, having in mind especially.
Those that do not know the blessed Savior that we're here to tell about tonight. Those who have never opened their heart to receive Him, perhaps never felt their need of Him. Oh, dear friend, if you've never felt your need, May God give you to feel your need tonight, that blessed Savior that we wish to speak about our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now turning to the portion that we read in the 7th of Luke.
There is a.
In the 29th and 30th verses we have that which shows two different reactions.
To John's preaching.
Now what John preached.
Wasn't the gospel of the grace of God?
But there is a similarity in this respect.
That John called people to repentance.
Repentance toward God.
In one of the gospels we read of him in the area near Jordan. How he said repent ye.
For the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
And it says here in the 29th verse that the people that heard him and the publicans justified God being baptized with the baptism of John. But then it tells of a company the Pharisees and the lawyers had rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of him.
Now, as I mentioned before, John spoke.
His preaching he brought out the need of repentance toward God.
And you know, dear friends.
While repentance is no savior.
There can be no repent. There can be no salvation apart from repentance.
Even for you and me.
Now you might say, I don't know what you mean by repentance.
Well, perhaps as simply as I can put it would be to say repentance.
Is taking God's side against myself.
Owning I'm a Sinner. Have you ever owned that you're a Sinner before God? In Romans 3 it says there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Now the Pharisees here in this portion they would make a difference for themselves. Romans 3 says there is no difference all of sin, but the Pharisees would put themselves in a special category.
They were religious.
Outwardly, at least.
But we find a contrast here. It says the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of John.
Well, you see, it says they rejected the counsel of God against themselves. God had called them and through the preaching of John the Baptist to repentance.
To own their condition before God, their sinful condition. They rejected that counsel. They felt they were good enough. They were satisfied with themselves.
Well, dear friend, have you ever, honestly, in the presence of God, felt your need as a Sinner?
And on to God that you are a Sinner and that you needed a savior.
Oh, if you never have done that, May God give you bring you to feel that need this very night.
The Pharisees.
They didn't feel any need. They were satisfied with the course and their with their own life. In fact, if we were to turn, and perhaps we might take the time, I'll just do it very briefly. We might turn to the 18th chapter of this book. And you have a similar contrast of two men. One was a publican.
And the other Pharisee in the 18th of Luke we have these words.
Now it's the Lord Jesus again speaking here, and here's what the Lord Jesus says.
Verse nine of Luke 18.
Spake this parable unto certain, which trusted in themselves that they were righteous.
Is that you by any chance, dear friend? Are you trusting in yourself? Are you one of those that feel that I'm a little better than my neighbor and I know people that go to church and their life isn't what it ought to be, and I'm living a cleaner, more upright right, more upright life than they are. Are you just satisfied in yourself and the life you're living? Perhaps you're like.
Perhaps you're like the one the Lord is going to speak about. Here, let us read on.
He said verse 10, two men went up into the temple to pray the 1A Pharisee and the other Republican.
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself. God, I thank thee that I am not as other. I thank thee that I am not, as other men are, extortioners, unjust adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week I give ties of all that I possess.
How would you sum up his prayer? Well, I'll tell you how I'd sum it up. He in effect, says. God, I just thank thee. I'm such a good fellow. I thank thee. I'm such a fine fellow. I thank thee that I'm better than my neighbors. I thank thee. I'm better than this Republican.
Is there any of that in your thoughts dear friend? He was self-righteous.
Now notice what the publicans said.
The publicans, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a Sinner.
Oh dear friend, that's a blessed prayer to utter if it comes from the heart. God be merciful to me, a Sinner. You know what God says, what the Lord said, he said. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other justified. All the blessed, glorious fact of the gospel is that one may be a Sinner, A wretched Sinner, like that publican he owned, that he was a Sinner, but he went to his house justified.
There was repentance on his part. His prayer was a prayer of repentance.
God be merciful to me, the Sinner, dear friend. You need the mercy of God.
Have you ever realized it? Have you ever felt your need? Oh May God give you to feel your need tonight if you've never felt it.
You need God's mercy, but there is mercy for you, for God is rich in mercy.
For his great love, wherewith He loved us. Yes, He sent his Son in order to die for you and me, that He might show mercy to You and Me who deserve nothing but judgment.
Well, the contrast between the Pharisee and the public and here in Luke 18 gives us a little insight into the the the two classes referred to in verse 29 and 30 of the 7th chapter that we read now going on.
The verses that follow the Lord brings out the inconsistency of those who were critical of himself.
He said, Where until shall I liken? This generation goes on to say, in verse 32, they are like children sitting in the marketplace, calling one to another and saying, We have piped unto you, and you have not danced, we have mourned you, and you have not wept. And then he gives the the illustration of the contrast between John and his ministry and the Lord. It says, John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine. And you say he hath the devil, Well, the Lord came just the opposite.
It says the Son of man has come eating and drinking, and ye say, behold, A gluttonous man and a wine bever. They were ready to find fault, whichever approach and in connection with the Lord, they say, a friend of publicans and sinners.
Oh dear friend. I'm thankful to say he was a friend of publicans and sinners, and he's the sinner's friend today.
And I would to God, if you've never learned that, you might learn to know him as your friend.
And your savior, if we were to turn to the 15th of Luke.
We find you don't need to turn to it, but I'll just mention that at the very beginning of that chapter we find it says there are the publicans and sinners do near to hear him and the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them. Oh, here the Pharisees they murmured, because he was with publicans and sinners friend. He came from glory to meet the need of those poor publicans and sinners to meet your need and to meet my need.
And we find here in this chapter that he met the need of a poor soul who was indeed a Sinner.
But she was one who was ready to acknowledge her condition before God.
And you know, the first step of blessing is to acknowledge our true condition before God.
That's what we said before. That's what repentance is owning our true condition before God.
Taking God's side against ourselves and owning our need before Him? Well, it says here.
An introduction to this woman that we're going to speak about. The Lord makes this comment in verse 35. He says wisdom is justified of all her children.
I believe in what follows, we have this woman proved to be a child of wisdom.
I suppose in one sense we might say this 35th verse. We might say that it tells us that.
If one is wise, their conduct will manifest their child of wisdom.
Well, in what follows we have a woman that was one of the children of wisdom, and would to God that you might be numbered among them too. You know these Pharisees who turned their back on the Lord Jesus? Do you know who they were, Children of folly?
And friend, if you're turning your back on Jesus Christ tonight, you're a child of folly.
Bear with me in saying it, your honor your on a long course and oh when you get if you go on the course that you're on, if you've turned your back on Jesus Christ in a lost eternity.
You'll realize then what folly to have gone on rejecting the Savior. Rejecting Jesus Christ, the one who came in love to save your precious soul. Boy, I hope that there none will go out of this room tonight, still numbered as a child of folly.
Rejecting Jesus Christ.
Well in verse 36.
It tells us that one of the Pharisees desired him, that he would eat with him.
And he went into the Pharisee's house and sat down to meet. That was very gracious on the Lord's part.
I'm sure there was number real warmth of heart on the part of the Pharisee toward our blessed Savior.
That's manifest from what follows further down. But oh, the Lord is ready to get close to any hoping to reach them, hoping to give them to feel their need. And so he goes and sat down to meet, And it says in the 37th verse, the woman in the city, which was a Sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meeting the Pharisees house, bought an alabaster box of ointment. She stood at his feet behind him, weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears.
And to wipe them with the hairs of her head and so forth. Oh dear friend, it says here, this woman.
In the city which was a Sinner.
Now I don't know. We're not told what primarily it was that worked in her heart.
We're not told whether it was primarily because she felt her great need.
Or primarily because of the attraction of that blessed one had to her heart.
Main thing is this. She was drawn toward him.
She wasn't invited. No, the Pharisee hadn't invited her.
She may have come uninvited.
But I like to think this.
The very fact that she was a Sinner and knew it was her title.
To the Savior, we read in the Scriptures that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
This woman was a Sinner. He was one of those she came to save. And friend, you're a Sinner, and Christ came into this world and died to save you.
But all that you might feel your need of him. This woman, I believe she felt her need.
You know, it's very frequent. You hear people often. They'll talk lightly of sins.
Oh yeah, they'll say. Yeah, we've all we're all sinners. Ah, but that was worth reality about it. With this poor soul, she came weeping. She felt her need and went to God, dear friend, that you would feel your need tonight if you've never known that precious savior as your own savior.
We find here that the Pharisee.
In verse 39 it says when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spake within himself saying this man, if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner woman. This is the touch of him, for she is a Sinner.
Oh, dear friend, how little that Pharisee knew who he had in his house.
He now had doubts. He now had come to the conclusion the Lord wasn't even a prophet.
Ah, that blessed one was God, manifest in flesh.
God come down in grace. He was the blessed Son of God.
And here the Pharisee says if he were a prophet would have known what manner of woman this is for she is a Sinner.
Ah, he knew all about that woman. As I said earlier, the fact that she was a Sinner, that was her title to him. For Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
And not only did the Lord Jesus know who she was, and not only was it a joy to his heart to bless her.
But he knew all about the thoughts of that Pharisee.
You'll notice it says in the 40th verse.
Jesus answering. What did he answer? Had the Pharisee said one word to him about about the matter? No, he hadn't. If you look in the 39th verse, it says that the Pharisee which had bitten him when he saw it, he spake within himself. He talked to himself, not to the Lord. But you know, dear friend, the Lord knows the thoughts.
He knew the thoughts of that Pharisee. He knew exactly what was in his heart.
And he knows what's in your heart tonight. He knows every thought that you've ever had.
In the Book of Revelation we have a record where the Lord comes.
As judge at the Great White Throne, and it says the books were open. Did you know God is keeping a record not only of your acts, but of your thoughts?
He knows the thoughts and the intents of the heart. He knows not only the acts that you've committed and the sins that maybe others have seen. He knows though the very thoughts of your heart.
Yes. And he knew the thoughts of this Pharisee. And the Pharisee was thinking, well, he can't even be a prophet.
Or you have known this woman as the Sinner, but the Lord answered that Pharisees thoughts it says in verse.
Jesus answering, said unto him, Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee.
And he saith Master Sayon, Well, now these next two verses are very instructive.
There are three things special I want to call your attention in the 40th and 41St verses.
Or 41St and 42nd. There was a certain creditor which had two debtors.
The one owed 500 pence and the other 50, and when they had nothing to pay.
He frankly forgave them both.
Now I'd like to call your attention the fact that in that verse 42.
Some translations, and I believe the most accurate, the critical translations, render that when they had nothing to pay, he freely forgave them both. Now there are three things in these two verses I'd especially like to bring to your attention first.
A certain creditor had two debtors.
You know, dear friends, God is the creditor here. This is a parable. And he's speaking now a picture of these two people.
The Pharisee and this woman that was a Sinner and he's using this parable, in fact, or this illustration.
The creditors, a picture of God himself, he says. This creditor had two debtors, You know, you and I all are debtors.
We've all sinned.
That's the first thing. The second thing is that it says when they had nothing to pay.
You know, dear friend, there's nothing. You have absolutely nothing.
That you can do or pay to God to answer for your sins. Nor can I.
They had nothing to pay. Nothing. How much is that? Just a great big zero. Nothing. There's nothing you can do to pay your way to heaven. Lots of people think they can. Oh, yes. Lots of people think they can do things to get to heaven and pay their way. In a sense, no, he said, when they had nothing to pay. That's the second point. And the Third Point is he freely forgave them both.
Oh dear friend, if you'll own your condition before God, God is ready to forgive it says he freely forgave them both.
But first there has to be owning one's condition and need before God.
A story comes to mind that I've enjoyed. I read it year or so ago, and I believe in the message of love.
It tells about an incident over in England many years ago.
A man.
At that time was working.
Working for a tailoring firm that made men's suits.
And one day when no one else was around.
He stole a very large roll of material cloth.
But he was found out.
And he was discharged.
And brought before brought into court.
The judge When his case came up, the judge asked him if he had anything to say for himself, but he just hung his head down.
The judge said to him.
I understand you worked 15 years for your employ former employer.
Did he pay you satisfactory wages?
The man murmured. Yes.
Well, he said. Don't you think it's a very despicable thing, a man that has treated you fairly for 15 years and provided employment?
To rob him.
He said. I'm going to find you.
£10, that would have been around $30 in those days, but with all the inflation we've had probably be about $75 today.
And he said I'm going to place that fine or 1010 days in prison.
Well, the man looked up to the judge and he says sorry, but I don't have any money.
Well, and the judge says, well then you'll spend 10 days in prison.
Just at that moment, in the back of the audience of the courtroom.
A woman broke out in tears.
It was obvious that she was the man's wife and she was there to hear what happened. She broke out in tears.
But just a moment later, a tall gentleman in his 60s stood up.
Well dressed, man, he said. Your honor, I have a request to make.
This man was my employee.
I would like to pay the fine.
And then give him his job back. Take him back as an employee.
The judge said your request is granted.
And at that juncture, another broke out into tears, this time the man himself.
He was touched by the love and grace shone on the part of his employer.
So this tall gentleman, he walked up to the front, he paid the fine, and then he took his former employer by the employee by the arm.
And tenderly let him out of the courtroom.
Well, dear friend, that's a little illustration of the gospel.
You and I were debtors.
Certain creditor had two debtors. You could never pay the debt of your sin and guilt.
But oh thank God, the Lord Jesus came from glory. He went to Calvary's cross, and he suffered, bled and died.
That you and I might go free in the 53rd chapter of Isaiah that says he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities.
The chastisement of our peace was upon him.
And with his stripes we are healed.
Oh dear friend, that's the Lord Jesus.
That's being spoken of prophetically in that verse in Isaiah 53.
Yes, he was wounded for our transgressions. The one that's redeemed, the one that's trusting in him can say yes. He died for me, for my sins. The employer went up and paid the penalty.
That the court had required in connection with that man that had robbed him.
And having paid the penalty, the judge let the Sinner, the man who would sin, go free.
And he could do so righteously, because the fine was paid by another.
Well, dear friend, God can righteously forgive you the Sinner.
Because the Lord Jesus paid the price at Calvary's cross.
This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
The Apostle Paul could say of whom I am chief.
Friend Christ died for you.
He's paid the price. Will you have him? What do you think were the thoughts of that man in the courtroom that was found guilty and couldn't pay the fine? What do you think were his thoughts toward the employer when the employer paid the fine and took him by the arm and says come on back, I'm going to give your job back again. I can just imagine how his heart would go out to that employer. But Oh dear friends, the gospel, a story of the gospel, is so much more wonderful.
The Lord Jesus not only paid the penalty for you and me, but those that receive him.
They not only have their sins forgiven, but God makes them his own children.
He doesn't merely say I'm going to give you a job, he says I'm going to make you part of my own family. In the third chapter of John's epistle, it says, behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us. Though we should be called the children of God, and so everyone that's come and brought to the Savior becomes one of God's children. Not only has his debt for his debt forgiven.
Oh dear friend, it's a wonderful salvation that we seek to proclaim to you tonight.
What have you done with that savior? As I said before, the man that was guilty and would have had to go to jail if he hadn't taken advantage of the opportunity, the grace shown by his former employer?
But you know, dear friend, he would have had 10 days in jail.
If you die without Christ, how long will you have?
In the lake of Fire, 10 days.
10 weeks.
10 years. How long? 10 centuries.
Friend, I say to you, think it over. It will be for all eternity. For all eternity.
If I were to stand here tonight and try to talk in terms of.
Well, some larger multiple of 1,000,000 and billions and trillions. I'd just be started if I were trying to tell you how long eternity is. I could never tell you. It's never ending. It's never ending. We're not talking about 10 days in prison, dear friend.
I mentioned those that are going to stand before the Great White Throne when the books are going to be open.
It says that Whosoever's name was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
And friend, everyone that's cast there will be there for all eternity. Oh, my friend, it's a very solemn thing to be like the Pharisees. They rejected the counsel of God against themselves. We saw in that 30th verse. I believe it was rejected The counsel of God don't reject the grace of God, dear friend.
Oh, I say to you, don't go out of that room tonight without Christ. You don't know how long you'll be here. I often refer to a little bookmark I have in my Bible that speaks of life's clock.
The clock of clock of life is 1 but one and no man has the power.
To tell just where the hands will stop at late or early hour. Friend, you don't know. The clock of life might stop tonight for you. You have no assurance you'll be here tomorrow. You absolutely cannot assure me that you'll be here tomorrow.
Where would your soul be if you died tonight?
Oh, I say to you, now is the time to open your heart, to receive that blessed Savior. It's right. Now behold, now is the accepted time.
Behold, now is the day of salvation. Don't leave this room tonight without opening your heart to receive that blessed living, risen Savior. He died for you. He loves you.
And he wants to bless you.
Well, getting back to our chapter in Luke 7.
We saw that when they had verse 42, they had nothing to pay. He freely forgave them both. Oh, thank God there's forgiveness for all who will own their need. And he turns to Simon, and he points out a few things where Simon was lacking. I said I didn't feel there was warmth on his part. He mentions, among other things, verse 45. Thou gave us me no kiss but this woman, since the time I came in, hath not ceased to kiss my feet.
I believe over in the Far East, over in the east at the time this was written.
A kiss answered to a handshake. In our country this day, it was a normal way of a warm greeting, but there wasn't the warmth on the part of this Pharisee. But oh, that woman. She was attracted to him.
Now I mention that we're all sinners. I didn't comment but in verse 41 it says these two debtors 10500 pence and the other 50.
I'm not saying that we've all sinned alike. We haven't. We've all sinned. Some have committed more sins than others. That was the 500 pence debtor and the 50 pence debtor. You may be a little better than your neighbor. Maybe you're qualified to put yourself only in the 50 pence debtor. But the point is, you're a debtor. You've sinned and you have nothing to pay. You have nothing. You can give God the answer for those sins.
You need a savior. This woman, I believe the Lord was thinking in terms of her as the 500 pence Debtor.
But that made no difference to him. She could have been a 5000 pence Debtor, and he was still.
Be her savior, he says in verse 47.
I Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven.
70 Dear friend, how blessed this poor sinful woman, and he can tell her her sins, which are many, are forgiven.
Oh, how blessed, how blessed. I remember a brother who was here at the meetings was in Toledo some years ago.
And he gave the gospel on this portion.
I enjoyed it very much.
And in talking to us, he asked this question, he said, You know.
If you were to die tonight.
Wouldn't it be lovely?
To be able to have written that one word over your coffin.
Friend, could that word honestly be written over your coffin if you died tonight?
It all depends on whether you're trusting the Savior. This woman, her heart had been attracted to the Savior. She was found in tears at his feet. She realized her sinful condition. Oh, but now the Lord tells this Pharisee who didn't realize his need, her sins, which are many. Yes, he knew she was a Sinner. Yes, he did. Oh, but he says they're forgiven.
Oh, thank God, thank God. Those that are brought to trust in the Savior know that their sins are forgiven.
For she loved much, but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little, and now he turns to her directly.
First he was talking to the Pharisee, because the reason I think he was talking to the Pharisee.
Is that in verse?
40 We find the Lord answering the Pharisees thoughts.
But now that he's answered the Pharisee, he turns right to this poor woman.
And it says, he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.
Oh dear friend, there are many here in this room that know that that is true of them.
Is it true of you? Do you know that your sins are forgiven?
While you may know it, but it has to be based on trusting on the Lord Jesus as your Savior, as the one that paid the price when you had nothing to pay, the Lord said. When they had nothing to pay, yes, you and I, we had nothing to pay, but the Lord has paid the awful price.
And oh, what a price it was.
You know, somebody has said in connection with the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross. It says, by the way, in one of the Epistles, it says in Galatians 2 The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. You know, sometimes we give nice gifts to others. We do nice things for others.
But all connection with the Lord Jesus, it says the Apostle could say he loved me and gave himself for me.
And you know, dear friend, he couldn't have given more. We were seeing this afternoon how he's the creator. He brought the worlds into being.
Just by speaking the word.
But you know, the Lord might have given two stars for your redemption that would never have saved your soul. 100 stars. A whole Galaxy that would never have saved your soul. All He had to do was speak the word to bring the world to for this world to be created.
But you know what?
He had to die for you and I to be redeemed.
Yes, he gave himself, the apostle says. Gave himself for me.
He couldn't have given more, and nothing less would have satisfied the claims of divine justice.
Well, he tells this woman thy sins are forgiven, and then those about him raise a question.
It says they that SAT meet with him began to say within themselves who is this that forgiveth sins also?
Who is this that forgive us sins? Oh, how little they realized who he was.
I've mentioned that he was the Creator. It says in John's Gospel, in the beginning was the Word. That's the same one we're talking about. The Word was with God. The Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. And then it goes on to say all things were made by Him and without him was not anything made that was made. Yes, the Creator. If I turn to the 8th chapter of John's Gospel, I'll read it. You don't have to turn to it, but I'll turn to it hardly and read it.
The Lord in talking to some rejecters there, he said, Verse 24. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins. For if ye believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins. Oh, if you believe not that I am the ever existent, 1.
Ah, and they say, who is this? Who is this that forgive us sins? Also, it's the I am.
The one who could say, if he believed not that I am, ye shall die in your sins. Perhaps there's an agnostic here. Perhaps there's one here who doesn't believe that he was the Son of God, that he is the eternal one. Dear friend, if that's you, I say to you, in all earnestness, do you believe not? The Lord said, If you believe not that I am now, these are his words. Ye shall die in your sins. And friend, if you die in your sins, you will perish in your sins. And the Lord says in that same chapter, if you die in your sins, whether I go, ye cannot come.
Oh dear friend, there's an awful end ahead for those that die in their sins.
Whether I go, you cannot come. It's to spend the lost eternity.
In hell.
Oh my friend, if you have never felt your need of the Savior, May God give you to feel your need tonight.
That's where you're headed. If you die without Christ, won't you open your heart to receive Him? He loves you. He died for you, He says. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely, will you come tonight? Will you have him tonight?
And then he says something else to the woman. Verse 50, for our time is almost up.
He said to the woman.
Thy faith has saved thee. Oh dear friend, this goes even further than thy sins are forgiven. Thy faith has saved thee. Oh, she not only has sins forgiven, she saved. And if we read this book, we find all the blessings that are connected with having the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and being made his children and heirs of God always says thy faith has saved thee and friend. The only way anyone gets saved is through faith.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that if not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Not of works, lest any man should boast, yes, when they had nothing to pay.
Thank God, salvation is a gift. It is the gift of God, not of works blessed. Any man should boast there's no body going to be in heaven and say, well, I made it. I lived a pretty good life and I made it. Now there'll be no boasting there, Friend, everyone that's there is going to sing what we were reading the other day in Revelation 1 unto him that loved us, loves us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. It's the blood of Jesus Christ, God's son, that cleanseth from all sin.
Oh, will you have him tonight? Will you believe on him tonight? Trust in him.
And then you can know that you're forgiven. You can know that your faith has saved thee. And then, as the last three words of the chapter puts it, you can go in peace. You can go on your way in peace. Yes, in Romans 5, Speaking of those who know the Lord Jesus as the one who was delivered for our offenses, we read in the end of the fourth chapter and raised again for our justification.
I haven't mentioned resurrection as much as I should have. Perhaps tonight if he was delivered for our fences. It says that he was raised for our justification. We present to you tonight, dear friend, arisen Savior, a risen Savior, and the fact that he's risen is God's seal of the fact that he's satisfied with the work that he accomplished on Calvary's cross. And the next verse, the opening of the next chapter says therefore being justified by faith.
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, there's peace. Christ has made peace by the blood of His cross, and now faith believes and trusts in him. We're justified by faith. We have peace with God. And he told this poor sinful woman go in peace. Oh, it's a blessed thing to be journeying through this scene, having peace with God, knowing your sins are forgiven. Oh dear friend.
Do you know that? Have you trusted in this blessed Savior? My time is up. Will you trust him? Will you have him? Will you open your heart to him tonight and receive him as your Savior? As I said before, He loves you. He died for you. He longs to bless you. Will you accept his invitation? For he says, come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. And so I say to you, believe.
On the Lord Jesus Christ.
And thou shalt be saved.
Shall we sing #10? There is a Savior on high in the glory.
A Savior who suffered on Calvary's tree. The Savior is willing to save. Now, as ever, His arm is almighty, His love great and free.
Oh come now to Jesus. That dear loving Savior receive him this moment, and peace shall be thine.
You're not glory.
A Savior who suffered on Calvary St.
A savior will need to say how else I.
His arm is almighty, his love free and free.
Oh my God.
Savior who understand my glory.
This world wants rejected and they'll do the streets.
All of the lucky rain complaints are from the sun.
Suffered from sinners like me.
I hear the long wings.
They take it down and fall.
Those hours of darkness he suffered for sinners on Calvary's cross, all forsaken alone while making atonement and bearing the judgment are ended. And now he's on high on the throne. Last stanza.
And patience for sinners killed for us.
And as I receive thee now, just as the Lord.
Salvation and pardons my heart, Golly offers.
To receive me by faith in their heart.
Oh, I'm now to change.
Well, dear friend, there's a nice invitation in that chorus. All come now, not tomorrow. Come now to Jesus that dear loving Savior receive in this moment and peace shall be thine The Lord told that sinful woman go in peace. Wouldn't you like to have peace?
Come now to the Savior, shall we pray?