M. R.

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
The Midland express had drawn up at the station and the engineer was standing on the platform for the few minutes that had to elapse before time for the departure of the train for the South. At the moment he stepped down from his cab, he was noticed by a Christian on the lookout for an opportunity to speak a word for the Lord. This zealous soul immediately accosted the engineer with a barrage of questions.
"And what do you think of the Lord Jesus Christ?" This was quickly followed by the second: "And what do you think of what He has done?" And finally: "And pray tell me, are your sins forgiven?”
The engineer, a man of ready wit, was not at all taken aback by the volley of questions hurled at him. With a smile, he pointed to the initials of the railway company on the side of his engine, and said: "That's my answer to all your questions!”
"How can that be? What do you mean by that?”
"I mean that M. R. supplies the answers to all you have asked.”
"Please explain yourself, for I don't understand you." "You asked, 'What do I think of the Lord Jesus?' M. R. tells me that He is My Redeemer.”
"Ah, I see! That's capital.”
"M. R. tells me what I think of what He has done, for He has accomplished a Matchless Redemption. You ask me if I am saved: M. R. tells me that I have been Mightily Redeemed! So you see I have ever before me that which reminds me of my Savior, of what He has done, and of how I share in it. Praise His name!”
Time now being up he returned to his cab, and with a loud, and as it seemed, a joyous whistle he drove off on his way to the South.
My Redeemer! Is He yours?
Mightily Redeemed! Are you?
Matchless Redemption! It is indeed!