Make Haste

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 24min
Luke 19:5  •  18 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The speaker here is the Lord Jesus. The person addressed is a sinner among the publicans. The subject is of vital importance. The words are few, but earnest and decided. The Lord knew the value of one soul, and the profitless character of everything else in comparison with it. He could fully enter into the frailty of human life, the countless ages of eternity, the ceaseless torments of the lost, and the everlasting joy and glory of the saved. He felt the eternal importance of the soul’s salvation; hence His ministry was most urgent. At one time He would say,
on another occasion,
and here it was,
Zacchæus was a tax-gatherer, or publican, a chief man among them too, and seemed to have made money by his profession, for he was rich. Publicans were not considered honest persons, and therefore were not much respected; and Zacchæus’s allusion to taking things by false accusation seems to imply that he had not been blameless in this respect. He had, however, heard of Jesus, His mighty miracles, and wonderful works and words, and had a great desire to see Him. But the crowd around the Lord was great, which operated as a hindrance to his seeing Jesus, unless he ran before, outstripped the multitude, and got upon some elevated place. Though a rich man, his purpose was so decided, that he would not allow anything to hinder his seeing Jesus; he therefore ran before, and climbed up a sycamore tree, in the direction he knew that the Lord would pass. There might have been more than mere curiosity working in his heart; for he neither allowed the press of the crowd, nor anything else, to hinder his desire being gratified; we see, also, that he was enabled to obey the Lord immediately that he was
But, be that as it may, it is clear that Jesus was the great object of attraction to him —
Nothing less than Christ Himself would satisfy him; so he went where he knew that the Lord would pass. But he little thought, while he was occupied in seeking the Lord, that the Lord was seeking him. Many a seeker says, “I am trying to find the Savior”; but the truth is, that He who came to seek and save the lost is seeking them. They would not have desires after Christ, longings for an interest in His salvation, and heartfelt cries after Him, if He had not commenced a work of grace in their souls. When the women were seeking the Lord after His resurrection, the bright angel said to them,
Oh! my reader, if Christ Jesus who was crucified for sinners is the One you are really seeking, be encouraged, and fear not! In meditating on the Scripture before us, we may notice,
1. The gracious posture of the Son of God.
2. His urgent appeal.
3. The blessedness of receiving Jesus, and its results.
1. THE POSTURE OF THE SON OF GOD. We are told that
When Jesus came to the place, He looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchæus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house (Luke 19:55And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house. (Luke 19:5)).
What amazing condescension, for the Lord of glory thus to look up and speak to sinful man! What love! But such is the character of the heart of Jesus. Though bright angelic hosts surround the throne of heaven, we are told that
Yes, man, who was created in the image of God, always had a place in His heart; and when fallen into degradation and ruin, through sin and rebellion against his Creator, Jesus still loved man; and his fallen, undone state only served the more to make manifest the vast resources of Divine love and mercy. The Son of God, who is in the bosom of the Father, left the bright glory and happiness of the throne of heaven, condescended to be made of a woman, and came forth
that as Man, by the death of the cross, He might redeem man from all iniquity, and bring many sons to glory. This is Divine love. Though He was God manifest in the flesh, He emptied Himself, and took upon Him the form of a servant. He did all Jehovah’s righteous will, obeyed every jot and tittle of the law, and humbled Himself unto death, even the death of the cross, that by such depths of humiliation, pain, and death under the judgment of God as Sin-bearer, He might glorify the Father, and redeem us from the utter destruction and eternal despair to which, as sinners, we were justly exposed. It was the same loving-hearted Jesus, who afterward died on the cross, that came where Zacchæus was, and said,
It was the same Jesus who said to sinful Israel by His prophet in days of old,
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isa. 1:1818Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)).
It was the same blessed Savior who said to His apostles after His resurrection,
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned (Mark 16:15, 1615And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. (Mark 16:15‑16)).
It was the same Jesus who said,
and who still says,
Such is the love of Christ, and such is the gracious posture He still takes towards sinful man. He delighteth in mercy. He waiteth to be gracious. He saves to the uttermost. He welcomes every sinner that comes to Him for salvation. He calls loudly by His gospel, His servants, and His providence —
Still, with long-suffering kindness, He proclaims salvation for the lost, saying,
In wondrous grace He died for man’s redemption, and in the same boundless love He says,
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matt. 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)).
“Love, only love, Thy heart inclined,
And brought Thee, Savior of mankind,
Down from Thy throne above;
Love made Thee here a man of grief,
To bleed and die for my relief;
O mystery of love!”
We are all naturally lifted up with self-esteem. Men live and speak as if they were not fallen creatures; but all true Christians have experienced what it is to
come down
to receive salvation. All must
come down
if they would be saved from the wrath to come; for all have sinned, and the blood of Christ alone gives remission. The gospel is preached that men may
come down
to the Savior; for He calls the high-minded to
come down
and receive forgiveness of sins. Oh that proud men would
come down
and receive Christ!
The Holy Ghost convinces of sin before He gives peace to the soul through Christ. The way of God the Father is, to bring the lofty mind of man down to the Savior’s feet; for Jesus said,
Some persons are especially Pharisaic in their views. They seem inflated with self-righteous notions. They think themselves better than their neighbors. They boast of a well-spent life, and highly prize their good intentions. They flatter themselves in their own eyes, and when conscience accuses, they at once take refuge in their outward sanctity, creature-merit, religious ordinances, alms- deeds, &c., as a compensation. With self-complacent feelings they look down upon the passing crowd, and resolve to pursue their lofty course with increased zeal. Such, however, must
come down,
if they would know God’s salvation. Self-righteousness must be brought low, creature-merit must be disowned, and high thoughts must be laid aside; they must
come down
as lost, undone, unclean sinners to the Savior’s outstretched arms, if they would know His great salvation; for He came not to call the righteous, but to bring sinners to repentance.
There are also persons who, in pride of heart, cry out, like Pharaoh,
They despise the truth, stifle conviction of conscience, persecute God’s people, harden themselves against the gospel message, and say in their heart,
I have lately met one of these, to whom I kindly said, “Have you ever felt that you are a sinner in the sight of God?” His reply was, “I never talk on that subject.” The wondrous love of God to sinful man, that fills all heaven with praise and glory, was a subject too mean and trifling to be worthy of the contemplation of such a great mind as he thought he possessed. Such, however, must
to the Savior of sinners, if they would escape the fiery wrath and eternal indignation that is so quickly coming upon the impenitent and unbelieving.
There is another class of persons very different from these, but who equally need to
come down.
Their curiosity is excited in religious matters, but they have neither a guilty conscience nor a
and are, personally, strangers to the joy of Christ’s salvation. They like to hear this man and that — go here and there — make what they call religious acquaintances, and take pleasure in understanding every thing that is doing in the so-called religious world. Their minds are more or less exercised about the merits or demerits of various doctrines and outward rites, and the prosperity or failure, the orthodox or erroneous views, of those around them. They know well the difference between Judaism, Mohammedanism, Popery, and Christianity; and, giving preference to the last on this list, they watch with interest some of its outward operations and results. They are acquainted with the letter of Scripture, and bow to the claims of morality and benevolence; but, alas! the conscience has not been exercised before God; they are strangers to the tears of a contrite heart, and know nothing about the new birth. As some persons manifest curiosity in investigating the different branches of science, and take deep interest in watching the various actions of cause and effect, so these people carry the same spirit of curiosity and intellectual gratification in matters of religion as they call it; and, comparing themselves with some others, take pride in their measure of intelligence, instead of taking the place of
on account of their iniquity, transgression, and sin against God. But curiosity is to be dreaded as much as self-righteousness, or proud infidelity; all must
come down,
if such would be partakers of Christ’s salvation, and realize peace with God through the blood of the cross.
A sense of absolute necessity compels souls to
come down
to receive the Savior. We take refuge in Him; because He is the only hope. We fly to His outstretched arms, knowing we must perish for ever without Him. With self-abasement we renounce our filthy rags of self-righteousness, and gladly welcome the
All, therefore, that have truly found salvation, have experienced what it is to
come down;
to lay aside creature-merit and fancied goodness in every form, and receive salvation as lost and undone, as the free gift of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
But our Lord commanded Zacchæus to
How important this is! How many there are who in heart say,
Like Felix, they sometimes tremble under the word preached, but postpone the further consideration of it to
yet it is to be feared that with some
a more convenient season
never comes. There are others who, like Agrippa, are almost persuaded to be Christians, but are never altogether so, because they continually put off the personal application of the truth. When my family is grown up and settled, says one; when my business matters are over, says another; when I am free from present occupation, says a third; then I will attend to the state of my soul. Thus they reject Christ and His salvation. The farm, the merchandise, family duties, social obligations, and necessary occupations, are all cleverly pleaded by man’s desperately wicked and deceitful heart, as reasons for rejecting Christ and His great salvation. Still, however, the loving Savior cries,
Make haste!
it is, therefore positive disobedience to delay.
He says; it is therefore rebellion to object.
He proclaims by His servants; is it not, therefore, despising Him and His message still to linger without? How very solemn this is! How few persons seem to be sensible of the vast responsibility connected with the preaching of the gospel of God! How little men think when they hear, and they do not
make haste and come down,
that they reject the gospel of the grace of God, and thus close the only door of escape from eternal burning, and the only way of admission into glory! Oh that my readers would ponder again our Lord’s declaration,
How important it is that men should
make haste and come down
to the Savior’s feet. Who knows of whom it will be next said,
How very soon the divine mandate may go forth,
How sad, then, to put off the solemn consideration of the soul’s salvation! How perilous to say, “It is time enough yet,” when we do not know what a day may bring forth! To-day is the day of salvation; but we do not know what to-morrow will be.
Choose you this day,
said Joshua,
And the Psalmist exclaimed,
said our Lord to Zacchæus.
said the Savior to the believing malefactor. Now the gospel is preached. Now the Savior welcomes returning prodigals. Now He commands all men everywhere to repent. Now He says,
Make haste and come down.
But soon He will come forth in glory to put all enemies under His feet. How eternally important it is, then, that persons should now receive the Savior whom God hath sent?
made haste, and came down, and received Him joyfully (Luke 19:66And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully. (Luke 19:6)).
This is very simple, yet touching. The Savior always means what He says; He is always as good as His word. He told the sinful publican that He must abide at his house that day, and He did so; and the reason the Lord gave for being the guest of such a sinful man as this wealthy son of Abraham was, that He came to
Zacchæus then received Jesus — not peculiar views, or rites, or ordinances, but the Lord Himself. He believed that the Lord of glory loved him, and had come from heaven to save such a sinful and unworthy creature. This marvelous grace not only comforted him, but humbled him into a spirit of self-judgment and confession, and also constrained him to serve and follow Christ.
No one can receive Jesus without being happy. Zacchæus
received Him joyfully.
Present as well as eternal blessing is the portion of those who received the Lord Jesus:
To know the love of God in Christ His Son to us, as sinful and ungodly, in eternal deliverance from condemnation, and the fullness of its unchanging perfectness, fills the soul with joy and peace.
Salvation is immediately the portion of those who receive the Lord Jesus.
Man’s thought naturally is, that he must worship and serve God now, and risk being eventually saved; but God’s way is to give us salvation at once, and to receive our service and worship, because we are saved. Paul taught the Corinthian saints this doctrine. He says,
But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified
But how wonderful is the blessing of present salvation, the knowledge that Christ Himself is now our life and righteousness, and that because He lives, we shall live also!
“More happy, but not more secure, The souls of the blessed in heaven.”
The believer is also brought into fellowship with the Son of God. Eating together is a mark, not only of friendship, but of love and equality. David showed the kindness of God to Mephibosheth, by commanding that he should eat bread with him at his table continually, as one of the king’s sons. Jesus might have saved Zacchæus without becoming his guest; but the love of Christ not only saves, but calls us into fellowship with Himself, and brings us into the Father’s presence, as sons of God and brethren of Christ; loved by the Father as the Father loved Christ. This is unutterable love; but so it is, and it is our privilege to enjoy it.
But further. Zacchæus was exercised about godly walk, and commending himself to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. This must always be the result of knowing salvation by Christ. We then feel that we are not only God’s creatures, but God’s children; and we serve Him not only from duty, but from choice. We fear not, then, Divine wrath, but fear lest we grieve One who so perfectly loves us.
must be, more or less, the utterance of all believers, and this brings exercise of heart and conscience concerning our daily walk and circumstances. Remembering how much we have been forgiven makes it easy to forgive others; and a sense of the Divine kindness and mercy we have received constrains us to take pleasure in loving and serving others. The knowledge that the world has crucified the holy, loving Son of God, and that it is hastening on to its fearful judgment, makes us feel thankful that we are not of the world, but are rescued out of it, in wondrous grace, by the atoning death of Christ; and the blessed hope, that when Christ shall appear we shall be like Him, directs our souls upward and onward to the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Thus we see that present happiness, salvation, fellowship, and godly walk, are at once connected with receiving the Lord Jesus.
But what an awful doom awaits those who do not
make haste, and come down
and receive the Savior! Jesus said,
Thus we see that those who do not now
make haste
to come to the Lord Jesus for salvation are making haste on the broad road to destruction; and those who do not now
come down
at the bidding of the Savior’s gospel, will be cast down into outer darkness at the command of the Judge of all. Then eternity, eternity, must for ever shut out all hope and mercy; for weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, in darkness and despair, must be the unchanging portion of those who obey not the Savior’s call.
Once more, dear reader, let me say,
Make haste,
delay not, hesitate no longer, linger no more, at once decide, and
come down
to the loving arms of the Savior, whose blood cleanseth from all sin; and salvation, with all its present and eternal blessings, will be your portion for ever. May the Holy Spirit enable you to do so!
“Thine, alas! a lost condition,
Works cannot work thee remission,
Nor thy goodness do thee good;
Death’s within thee, — all about thee,
But the remedy’s without thee —
See it in thy Savior’s blood!”