Malachi 2

Duration: 1hr 14min
Malachi 2
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Couple verses in Cambridge, Malachi 3.
1St And bring me all the time into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house, and prove me now herewith they have the Lord of hope, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
And I will refuse to devour.
But a lot of crowded he called always blighted for years, years to be said. We want to be fed Christ and we know the Holy Spirit will do that. We want truth and the Holy Spirit will give us truth from my precious word help us.
During this hour ahead and the rest of the day, the feeder according to thy will, that we have knowledge of thy beloved spot. Everything is in Christ, and so.
We're looking to Thee, Father, through the Holy Spirit, to give us thoughts of Christ and our position in Him, our blessing ahead. All things are from Him. We find faith. We look to Thee in the precious, worthy name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.
I have been thinking quite a bit about the third chapter of Malachi and I.
But we don't use to check that.
Might be profitable for us to look at the third chapter of Malachi and honestly let the Lord speak to his crew. Would that be agreeable to the President? I think we have the law to find in that.
Starting with the first word of God, I agree told I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, before shall suddenly come to his temple, even to the messenger of the covenant who leads the lightning. Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts, For who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appears. For. For he is like a refiners fire, and like fuller's soul.
And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of old and as in former years. And I will come near to you in your judgment, and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerer's.
And against the adulterers, and against falsewares, and against those that oppress the hiring in his wages, the widow and the fatherless, and that fun aside, the stranger from his right. And fear not me, that is the Lord of hosts, for I am the Lord. I change not. Therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed even from the days of your father's. You have gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them.
Return unto me, and I will return unto you, Say, If the Lord of hosts. But he said, Wherein shall we return?
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, wherein have we robbed thee ties and offers? Ye are cursed with a curse, for ye have robbed me even this whole nation. Bring ye all the ties into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house, and proof me now here with say, if the Lord opposed, I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out of blessings, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
But I will rebuke the Devourer for your sakes, and you shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field said the Lord holds, and all nations shall call you blessed, for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord both.
Your words have been stout against me, saith the Lord. Yet you say, What have we spoken so much against thee? He has said It is vain to serve God. And what prophet is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord holy, and now we call the proud happy? Yeah, they that work wickedness are set up. Yeah, they that tempt God are even delivered.
Then lay that fear of the Lord, speak often once to another. And the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before him For them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. They shall be mined, saith the Lord opposed. In that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them a man, spare his own son, that servant him. Then shall you return and reserve between the righteous and the wicked, between him the servant God.
And him that serveth him not.
And now we'd like to encourage ourselves to thinking of.
Passengers such as Ezra EMI as they are an encouragement but.
I've been more and more convinced, beloved president, that we have.
Come beyond that.
To a time such as we have a number.
And the characteristic thing in Malachi is.
Insensitivity to the real condition which?
The people of God were.
What do you mean we're robbing? What do you mean we we pollute the table? What do you mean there?
It's total insensitivity.
And I believe that at this end of the.
The moral condition that we are in is the moral condition in which the nation of Israel was.
At the end of the Old Testament.
There was number further revelation after this until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yes, man has interposed books, ballots, Maccabees and other books that are maybe historically interesting, but basically as you Divine Revelation, there are 400 silent years. I think that's how the Striker side speaks of it's a 400 silent year.
There's no.
Communication from God so that when you come to the book of Luke, which I believe picks up wherever where Malachi leaves off.
It's the same situation.
When the Lord entered into the sea and found exactly what we had is the book of Malachi.
So we need to pay attention to it, we need to be concerned about it.
And listen to God's voice. And it's interesting that the verses that start the chapter.
Are not the rapture.
They're not the rapture at all. The verses that start the chapter are straight a period before. It's a very solemn thing.
He talked about.
The day of his coming. I'm thinking about verse two. Who will endure the day of his coming?
We think of the Lord discovering all that wonderful, caught up to be with the Lord. It will be wonderful.
It will be wonderful.
But God wants us to think about.
The appearing too my son bought my attention recently. It took a study on it. She said that many many more times in the scripture.
When he talks about the coming of the Lord is talking about the period that it is about the rapture.
The appearing has to do with God's treatment.
Dealing with.
Judgment is unfaithful.
Or faithfulness, who shall endure the day of his coming? Who shall stand when he appears?
The Lord is coming with us in a very solid way.
Now it'll be wonderful. We'll be caught up before that forever. That's wonderful. I don't want to take away from that at all.
The hope of this coming rapid that the rapture just.
Thrills our hearts.
Come Lord Jesus is our responsibility, but.
President, let us hear the voice here.
God is dealing with indifference among His people.
Insensitivity, not knowing what their condition was. The Malachi is called to point it out. It's not a very happy ministry I guess.
Track it starts out I think the book it says the bird the.
Burden of the word of the Lord.
To Israel by Malachi was a burden.
One who would be faithful to the Lord, I think.
My Jude mentioned that same thought just sort of convinced you right about our common salvation, but he said I had to write me to contend earnestness once delivered us in the state. Well, I thought that you injury Doctor Reed remarks. But help us as we get into the chapter. Malachi means my messenger for these days.
You know, we don't know much about Malachi, but I believe it's typical of you, the condition to choose. We don't know much about you either. It's an interesting thing because the spokesman or the prophet or the one giving it out isn't important. What's important is the message. And this is a very important fortune. You know, I won't take much time, but I noticed the where is.
You know, whenever the Lord said I love you, they say where I am. Can you imagine the children of Israel saying wherein that's all of us. They say you know there's seven where is and that's really shows the nakedness of the condition should Malachi and today first one and two when I say what I mean chapter I want to take all our time. Wherein has thou loved that second one and six.
Wherein have we despised thy name? Think of that, Think of that. They didn't just take His name and faith or not to gather to it or honor it. They just fight it. Whether that's the thing too. All right, 3-1 and seven, wherein have we polluted you? His table is frightened, and the worst thing is to pollute the table, you know.
In Bethel all that was going on in idolatry and wickedness, the Lord sent a man of God out of Judea. What for? The curse, the table, the altar? There He hates both table. And for these first four are basic, and the next three are really remedial. This is a boy 217. Wherein have we weary is?
They despise His word. They didn't want to do His word. They were disobedient.
That weary to our Father and then the remedy. These are remedial. The 5th 137 Wherein shall we return? Isn't that awful? The Lord just pledge for repentance. They said. Why should we return? We never left, you know. That's the spirit of the day. We're never off the ground.
We're Christian.
You know this word, this world, I should say America.
Need some evangelists from over in India there and other places to give us the gospel. I think we're the worst of all. Right. I like to remind you where Chris is. I don't ask him anymore if they're crisps. I asked him, do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? That's success. Not Christian. There was a boy and I told his choice the same time in London at a cold, smoggy, misty taste.
Men going to work?
Couldn't see each other so bad he was yelling out get your hot mint spies here that a man thought, boy that award reach till I get to the terminology. He stopped, bought one. He took a bike, turned around and said land. Why did you say hotbeds fight? They're cold as ice, he said. That's the name they go by Christians, aren't we all?
You well anyway the the.
60 Wherein have we dropped it? What does that mean?
False worship God wants reality he wants true worship and that's robbing God and last seven one have wherein have we spoken against thee 313 Wednesday what reality he won twice vital he wants reality real Christian.
So we have these three remedial things that he told them, but they all didn't think they needed them. That's the thing. Well, that's Malachi. I love it. Don't you? I mean, it isn't a bad book.
You know, God never reads us without a gravity. He doesn't leave us alone when we're sinners, thank God. And he isn't leaving the sinners in this world alone either. That's Valentine's well.
Where does the address related to us again?
Right here.
It's the same condition as the brother.
I would travel to Facebook and I believe it is.
No, it's not the dark. Poor neighbors miserable flying.
Boasting of.
Bridges of cloak.
That's the condition we're in and above, below the we are there.
And if we hear the word voice, they'll be blessed.
We don't hear the Lord.
Well, nothing but you.
And I suppose that is the real thing.
Message that get, isn't it from Malachi as well as from the address to layers here. And that is that it was plenty of light in the sense that the people who were here were essentially the ones who had had the exercise to come back to the lab at the time of Derubable. And later on, of course, in Ezra and Nehemiah's time to listen a little bit later, they were the ones who had had these.
Energy to come back out of Babylon for the land of history.
To go back to what God has given at the beginning.
But then what has happened is he generated into the condition?
What is Laodicea? Laodicea, if we could put it this way, is essentially the light that was given in Philadelphia, but without the heart for Christ and without the power. And so there was light there, there was intelligence that the faith of God.
But it reminds us of the sons of the prophets in Elijah's time. And when Elijah was, or Elijah was to be taken up into heaven. The sons of the prophets were intelligent as to what was going to happen. But when they remind Elisha of that fact, his answer is rather abrupt, isn't it? I know more for your peace. Be quiet. You might think that's pretty pretty rude, pretty insulting. Why did he say that? Because they were intelligent, but it had no moral effect on them.
So what do they do after a life is taken up to heaven? They take 50 strong men and try and look for them all over the mouth in case the Lord didn't do a good job of taking them to heaven and drop them somewhere. Sometimes like that, Well, we don't want to be irreverent, but that's what it sounded like and so it shows it doesn't know so.
The application of Malachi imagery is Old Testament.
The picture is that a personally blessed, but the moral lessons can be translated, can't they, for our day, Because I hardly agree with brother Jason exactly the picture.
And let's not take refuge if I say bluntly in the fact that we.
So let's say it, or gathered, if we think to the Lord's name, we know the failure is probably most evident, evident where it is the most light. Is that right? So we need to take this apart, so quiet for himself. We're not together.
As a result.
All the point I was seeking to make is that if we say we are gathered to the Lord's name, and I have no doubt that we are, then this speaks more loudly to us than to any other.
It didn't Israel do this same thing when the Lord Jesus appeared to them? In the first verse here it says, behold, I will send my messenger. This is John the Baptist, wasn't it? Yeah, he had the picture here. And she'll prepare the weight for me and the Lord, she'll suddenly come to his temple.
John the Baptist called Israel.
Who has the bill said that in parallel they were on the right ground, they were in the right place, and yet John the Baptist came and called Israel to repentance?
And those that went out and were baptized of John the Baptist to repent, they were preparing in their hearts the Lord for I'll wait for the Lord to come to his temple, but I can't turn to the verse. But there's.
There's a verse that indicates that there were those that refused to go out, the Pharisees, they had nothing to repent of. They thought they're on the right ground. This is God's center. We don't have anything two to three kids up and we see where that ended up. So I think the the parallel with legitimate.
It's very, very real. What a thought. What a God calling us to read him today.
What if This is why the Spirit of God?
Has brought this before. What else is calling it to repent and we say well we're on the right ground. We gather to the Lords name as the camp around it's it's it's wrong.
Are we preparing our hearts for the Lord or do we respond to the call to Him? We're in a sad state. We may be on right ground, and I wholly believe that, but we're in a sad state. We need to respond to the call. Well, the worst for his right brother. If we're on the in that ground, then how responsible we are before God.
How responsible? Let us come over to my soul. Social normally reaches ears and especially the last few months.
A very solid responsible we are to have all the truth because she made through it.
To be able to conference.
But I don't want to take away from that one bit. I didn't do it on the 1St place. What do I do?
I'm walking, does it make a difference in my life? And I think that's what cause I think of gospel.
The little number of those that really were looking for an old lady like and I could find all of them and speak to them.
Goldberg, Penn State.
That's why 1 customers don't have a bigger part one cost that we don't have contention, right. We don't intend over map over, but I just I think it's maybe over 100 or even 847584.
I'm almost there. I'm not going to reach it. But you're not going to. You wouldn't be able to go to all that we're looking for.
All that we're looking for whatever, like this whole lady folks around.
Sometimes I have pictures, you know.
That if whatever it was.
One thing I'm sure of is that what is equipped for because I heard that Albert Einstein.
Mentioned that it can't be just a secret which is as great as yes and it's just that so if it's put it away and.
And and her she's reserved.
The rest of them don't care, like the sons of the problem.
I was rereading recently and tracked by Mr. McIntosh. The guy was read as young people read over. Reread it.
The difference between all these premillennial doctrines and waiting to be.
The difference between only three millennial doctors and.
I was dare to say all of this old.
Our center prophet or we should be reality letting it make a difference in their life.
I don't want to do that. Please don't take that.
Not feeling any question today please please.
We need to get real.
We over the floor.
We need to really see our really see what God has said to me and then walking.
And security they still introductory. But before we start June, I'm only a couple verses to know. And to know you're right where you are is simple. It's Revelation 3/8. Don't turn to it. They have kept my word and not denied my name. And it's a little clock. It's a weak little testimony, right? It isn't anything to boast it.
We're not voting, but that's the test and you can fly it to anything that's said. Rather, truth is what we want.
Keep my word, but don't deny my name either. Don't the only truth. That's all the last three days. But if you keep this word, that's everything. He's magnified to fight his words above all his name. Let's never remember. Forget that He magnified his words above all his things. The word is this. If you keep this word, you won't deny it.
On that two parts, dude means he shall be prayed that lovely, bad as it is. Alec, I, my messenger, what's needed right there in our condition, but you, he shall be praised. And that's coming, brethren. And notice verse 11. Woe unto them, for they've gone the way of change. But I don't have to say much. Everybody knows.
And ran freely after the era of Bala for reward. Oh my pleasure is that moving to give him Allah not I think God is faith among Christians for reward, making money on the word of God.
Well, I go down to 12. These are the spots of your feast of love, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear.
Clouds they are without water carried about of wind, Trees whose fruit withered, without fruit twice dead. What an awful thought, brethren, the second kid.
Twice said, plucked up by the roof, raging waves of the sea.
Foaming out their own shame, wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Then you want to know what Enoch Priest tells us right here. We don't know from the Old Testament what is that free, but I'll read it one verse. To execute judgment from all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, among their of their ungodly deeds.
Which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
That's the case of Valentine's.
I want to ask a question before I ask, I want to do a little toy. There's a little child that's controlled, not going into the cookie jar, and not only got into the cookie jar, we're doing it to drop the cookie jar.
What have you done is will you tell me and I'll confess.
Well, I don't want to be like that little boy, but I'm going to tell a story. I was bad and losing Wisconsin British. I asked a question.
What is the difference between?
Earthly mindedness and flesh and handsome. Well, if you're having an injury, I'll have a thought. I'm well, I mentioned what I thought the first thing flexionally is pretty obvious.
What I gave, I said what it is for me, It better be a world with us, every brother, practically.
Started off at one. I thought entirely on that school period was going to come down.
Hear that?
Wow, OK, We're doing very well in baseball.
The need The epitome of world, you know is professional sports.
I firmly believe that if there was much interest in the.
Word of God and there is fantasy, including.
Football players and college and professional sports we would have an increase in knowledge and appreciation for.
What I'm saying is when I go back down on these absolute terrorists of worldliness in the professional sports.
And I believe that there are many others that have a brother made me the labor appointed the cares of his life. This day. The grandfather is a professional sports, but it's an enemy of World War and we're occupying women to a fall. You may know who's being recruited or who is how who is here who is.
His proof that.
Really, why should you care? Because it's satisfying the loss of the world.
That's the end of my life.
Well, that's my question. All right. My question is, let me specifically what should we expect?
The little boy said look.
You tell me what I've gone and off the testicle. Now let's tell one another what what condition truly will always be.
Talking about Mr. Meeting, we talked about Christianity, radio creatures. Are we talking about professional football, baseball or money?
We should confess three things, by the face, by the grace, by the place. You ought to confess it all the time.
My father get away with that.
I think that's what Spirit of God is awakening our hearts here to moral principles.
Perhaps some of the moral principles?
Specific we're talking about. I think we could zero in on the specifics of forget the moral perfectly the word strike here.
But the word appeals to them.
The Lord.
Bobby Lord.
Can we do that?
We don't do that, can we?
That they are sensitivity to.
Perhaps not being the president of the Lord.
The state case to Israel when the law of heaven they cried out in Harry compared and then later he gave a party to have that thing they cried again hope he died, he married married. They had confidence in God and carnal confidence in God. I want the president of God really painted them. They tried out not here.
I just want to mention one thing. We'll get back into our point. There's a very fine thin line between appreciation to God for what He's done for us and pride in place is so fine. People run, which is the one side or the other. Don't ever stop appreciating what God has done. I'll never stop, but I trust I won't be proud of where I am.
That's the different statement, and let's don't confuse them. Rather, when we remember the Lord, I think we ought to be conscious of that table and the privilege. And let's never say we shouldn't do that. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Never at the table. Brothers were high priest were holy priests at the table. And I'll never appear to the table I trust any other way in any other constitution.
That appreciates to God for even being there and for not so I guess.
That verse, verse seven there, I think.
It kind of had a chance to bright light into our into our dark state of soul. Sometimes maybe we're not even where it says, return unto me and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts.
It's so easy to slip out of the presence of the Lord, and then what we have is going on in a form of Christianity.
If any have ever been to draft and spend all time with John, the band took US1 Time up into the mountains to the largest intermittent spring in the world. And as we we went up this valley, here was this beautiful little stream. And it was.
It was, it was blowing the same all the time. But as we got up into the mountain, then we went up to the side of a mountain and we saw the spring for this. This was coming from and it was a beautiful gurgling little little screen coming out of the side of the mountain. But all of a sudden it dried up and it stopped.
And we can hear the water going down the side of the mountain down into the valley. But this stream has stopped. And yet if you were down below, you would have thought, well, there's what what are we talking about it intermittent spring, This thing would stop for about 90 minutes. And then after a while they start gurgling and hear it and come again. And I think that's the way our relationship with the Lord is sometimes individuals. We are down in the valley there we would have thought, there's there's nothing wrong. The stream is still running.
But the closer you get to the Lord, the more sensitive you come to anything that would hinder the fresh.
The the fresh springs of his love, enjoyment of that in our souls and here he says return unto me and I will return unto you and they didn't even have my consent consensitivity. Sometimes we're not even aware of the fact that the Lord has departed from us. David committed a sin.
And then he committed another sin to cover up that first sin. And then he's going on like there's not a problem until all of a sudden Nathan prophet comes and brings him into the Lords presence that David Feliz that not only had sinned, but he had turned his back on the Lord and was enjoying the Lord. And then in the 51St song he said restore the peace and joy of ice salvation.
So I think this is the state here this that if we wanted to judge something, if we wanted to confess something, this is what we need to confess. That how easily we slipped out of the Lord's presence and go on like nothing wrong, go on in the form of Christianity and not be in touch with that different fountain of love. Verse two, who shall stand when he appears?
Revelation 6.
15 but I won't read it all. I'll just read the end of 16 and seven two.
Hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath is common. Who shall be able to stand?
No one. That's yes. No one.
Brethren, our standings is in Christ, not ourselves. We wouldn't be able to stand but for Christ. I know this is a great life, strong judgment in you, but when it comes for us and when he appears in this world is too late. It's so bad who have neglected or rejected the love of God that they could be faith, but they will not stay it. There will be no standing.
Nothing, said speech. So the answer to that who shall stand when he appeared?
Scripture sexual covers.
We're authors, but period that it's a shining.
What is the court dodge is for the put up ahead of time.
And everything being made.
Everything being exposed to what it is.
Now, very, very soon.
What is going to come? Tested better than himself regarding the voice.
Trump of God.
We were alive and remained coming to the Lord shall be put up.
With those who have gone before.
Every person will be put up to meet the Lord in the air, but we're not coming back to earth at that time. Gordon's going to take this home.
That takes place.
The judge received right.
Sharing that word, that is the time that.
Fear, that's when what we have in at least an accident is saying Jesus shall come in. What's the matter? Because you've seen it go into it. It's pretty close again. Put his feet down of all and he's going to set up a table. He's going to be reconciled with his president.
Appreciate a requirement for the furtherment of state.
Dealing with the brother who's got.
That most system of things.
Setting aside.
Rob's the Lord Jesus with joy. That way it'll be a wonderful time and you're going to endure by the supervision.
First, gold and silver.
No upward.
Buildings brought back into West.
Careful playoffs.
There is future blessings, for instance.
As the Lord is going to sit down and pray.
How beautiful, how much you would lose if this spiritualized side of the way make that sense. Something like that.
No, when he comes down and he showers on the boat right after that.
Bless you.
When he judges the earth is right.
At the end of that song.
He said the prayers of David, the son of just hearing.
That song is fulfilled. What else is your best friend?
And when I come here in judgment.
For safety and slip business together.
It's solid number.
Press it.
Tire Service.
You and I have nothing to fear as believers in the Lord Jesus of God for our sins, but I will remember quite some years ago now, a brother asking the question, I suppose rather than speech, and she had a general meeting.
When the question was raised, what if you don't have anything to respect of that?
I enjoyed the remark of a brother and Albert he had he said God is hoping for a testimony in this world that actors in every way that his character and until we can say that we have arrived at that point.
We have always something.
That is true. So knowledge of the truth, wonderful Lord is, is not enough. God looks for a moral state.
Direction of God so many times.
Will preach the gospel of the grace of God and he also agrees with God because there is a moral statement that's very important said about rapture and hearing that the rapture is that.
The questions are apart with affection for Christ, but the thought appears.
So what do you have here?
Well, that has to do with their project very easily pointed over the future blessing of Israel is going to bring these through circulation, going to break them through government, through judgment and order that they may be able to hear the offer of sacrifice.
3 senses of your part of his heart before our lives, in order that he might purify that.
And I'll go back because what? Why?
And I'm right there that you've got so commonplace that it's thought nothing else told the story before, but I'll repeat it again. I've tried to tell myself to pick up truck about a month this little toll and a man offered taking it off report some kind of on the low side. So I worked a little under it and just wondered about a little higher. Well, there's no problem. I'll take it more strong. Give me your receipt for $1500 less because of course he was going to have a sales back on when he went to get the right body.
Sales tax the extra money before you get you know that's done all the time to concentrate and he was quite taking it back when I told him that I couldn't do that well, but there is a testimony there there. I don't think I should tell his story but my late father by Albertville at a similar experience and I.
Get all the details of it, but he refused to do something that was going to result in Internal Revenue Service of their tax well thought will or something other than time, but then some years later got a call from that was in the hospital on statistic.
I saw that.
I don't know where it's going.
I need something die go for where it's going.
Whatever number.
The world is watching.
That's only one thing where the world is watching to see what kind of world secretary.
And that's working on here. I'm here for simple.
Very solo.
Fear of reward.
It's almost cool in the world.
That is the laborers you believe to ask yourself, don't we? Beautiful work.
Me Dow is a fears aboard all the people.
What is it that different ones that I hear the word I can't do that?
Bruce says fear of the moon. So let's do what this understand that's not terror or that kind of fear at all. So you're it's respect for who he is.
Our work danger has got double.
Terrorists also consider relations it to me.
I think that's what real.
I know I travel around it didn't want to be.
God is greatly could be weird to be as something that is saying.
We're dealing with flaws.
You're a question. I made it myself. How did you do that?
Very earnest and and.
Then you afraid?
But I didn't know what.
He used to stand up on the roof of his daughter that the group of Navy art and preach the drop follow their words and the.
Working with their work, Brooklyn.
What day was he working at 1:00 PM?
Everybody in the park.
Pause breakfast.
Expected to work all over the law the moment I get off.
No, I should tell.
Who would be well the reason to give person and nightest to starting what we would see.
Looking for that pleasant hope.
In fact, that brings you guys into two aspects of the Word coming. That's the end, the blessed hope, the rapture, and then it's really the appearing of the glory, the glory of the hearing.
Pretty confounded today.
It's very important work.
And I noticed that I don't use the.
Don't forget to reliable translation. But having said that, I have to tell you something hurt. Somebody read that word from that translation and I always wondered what denying that was that.
Saying no to.
They go to work great for God. That's what teaches us to say.
That rules.
But the grace of God.
And that's in our in our chapter.
The Lord says in verse 6.
I, the Lord changed not.
Oh, what does the change? That's wonderful. It's one of the most wonderful things about the name Jehovah. That's basically what it means.
The ever existing one that's changed.
He says I don't change.
Therefore you said the Jacob are not consumed.
Oh well, it's 6 tons of Israel or something. Jacob.
Don't we feel it sometimes that we're really fun to shake it? I like it that God called protection, that the fact that he's the God of Jacob, He likes to tell us that I'm the God of Jesus.
And now we realize that, Beloved, I think it encourages our art to know that because he doesn't change, we haven't taken soon.
We deserve to be consumed, don't we? I'm sorry, the name of Jacob? I was just searching it recently. They were. Jacob occurs almost more times than Abraham and Isaac.
Isn't there a lesson there?
But yeah, I I want to report what you mentioned. I agree with you 100% in connection with the basic overall veracity of that translation, because we have to remember that the Septuagint.
There's a comment that Darby makes that it was not really a faithful translation. It would be Greek version of it in general, but we should remember the Lord himself.
According to reported from that.
And many other parts and other translation cities that their sister arrested. She has one that we don't know which one it is, but it was beautiful and I didn't pursue it enough to see if there was a distance. Following that, let's say that this long convention comes in lightning first from a certain translation.
Not not. The departure is that we depend upon that translation because it has any false.
Well, at first I changed that. I just suggest Hebrews 13 verse 8. Let's put that in our heart.
Jesus Christ, the same should be capitalist. That's one of his names. Let's say that beautiful yesterday and forever. That's why we have such solid faith. It's because his word of God never changes. Man will try to change it, but he says you can do nothing against the truth only for it.
And I think that is so precious to know he chases not and they make change because.
As they say, they want to reach the mountainous tree. So you know, God will never bring the word down to the man of the street. You'll bring the man of the street up to his word. Oh, so don't be taken in by simpler, clear translations. I call a version. That's what they are. And they keep coming more and more. And Satan's going to be sure they keep coming. Yes, there's something that are true in them.
But you know, after 1820, I'm gonna just give it for what as as it is in the NIV since it's been brought up.
If you were two or three come together in my name, I will be with them. That's true because Satan can use things that are true to deceive anyone. Say it too. But we want the truth, and that's the way it is.
Two or three are gathered together there. I am in their midst now. The Liv has systematically taken in the midst out from Genesis to Revelation and I know of 24 very important times is there. They've taken it out systematically and all I'm going to say is that is really.
Going either upwards of the.
Real systematic error. OK, That was that's what a King James says in Target, too. I'll do a lot with that. It's a dishonest version of our citizens. I didn't want to run it. It was rather if somebody offers you a box of candy that sounds good, looks good, but it's only got a few pieces of poisonous, don't touch it.
Close years back of under 18 rounds had a sample talking about all the different translations from the NIV. That 60 / 60 times worth blood was omitted after that scared me off.
Left out.
One thing we have to be careful in comparing these things too, we get as long as.
Discussion of translation but just didn't seem to have come up. Maybe I didn't, I'm sorry if I did, but.
You have to be careful that it isn't whether some expression is left out or not left out, it's whether it's an accurate translation or what.
Scripture says what God said. I say that because I picked up a little family at one time in a Christian bookstore, a Christian bookstore that was owned by a brother. And I looked at it and it was put out, but it was Interior Bible Society. And I looked and said.
It had a comparison of translation, but they said this one denies this and this one denies that, and there is being one of those that do not.
I took it to the brothers.
Why do you ever sit there?
Isn't the issue. It isn't whether it says Lord or doesn't say a word or it says blood or doesn't say blood or I don't think wait because you're not at all from your point. I just want to say that you have to be careful. If God didn't say blood, we shouldn't say blood either. In other words, we want an accurate translation and.
First John 5.
Example of that where it says there are three to bear witness to heaven, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
And free to bear with us on earth.
That doesn't say that in the original text, and every Jehovah's Witness knows that. And if you don't know it and you try to use that first quiz move?
You're gonna be embarrassed. We want what God says so.
One place that one where it says we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin is required to go the same verse. You have a reason that says through his blood. In Colossians it doesn't.
Why? Why that? Well, you could look into it. You find out it's not denying the blood at all, but there's a reason why it's not there. God is idly put things in and leave things out.
This is a book given by God, holy men of God.
Were inspired or the word I think is carried along by the Holy Spirit and in leaving something out or including it.
It was the Holy Spirit of God to put to that, and respect for that is an important thing to ensure we have respect for what God says. You don't agree with that with your brother? I like to say one thing is valid, that God is in charge. And I've checked enough of the vast versions of translation to find out that the Gospel versions are many times stronger than that in the KJ. What does that mean?
God intends that souls can say, but once they're saved, they're dwelt by the Spirit of God and the teacher will let them see a bad translation. I mean, God is wonderful. I just have to use it. I see up among the three Indians, but you know, the three Indians get saved by it. They soon know it's wrong. Doesn't take long when the experience is well too. But even the even the Catholic.
Bible is a good Bible.
And actually, the 524 you mentioned is stronger than in our book. Our Bible is unsafe conversation, don't you like? And so on. So God's in charge. He could use the NIV, but I won't use it. There's a difference. I'm not God. The young man in the jail where we go who was arrested on, we're having strangled his mother on Mother's Day.
Under the influence of cocaine.
And the whole accusation against him was so devastating to him that they were afraid he was going to take his life. And they put it, but they're 24 hour surveillance, the bright light, nothing in the room that he could take his life.
And the only thing you could find in there was the New American Bible for Catholics.
Hey, I'm a Catholic.
And he got saved.
And he came to our Bible studies in jail.
Soon delivered from Catholicism.
But God used that Bible that was sitting there in the self, the only thing you had access to at that time.
God will use what and who he will, but never forget it. My servant nevertheless. But don't forget it and use Satan history. He will use whoever he will. I think he'll have his will done whatever the translation, but I don't preach from it. But I thank God that those people saved by. That's the nice part God faithful.