Malachi 3

Duration: 1hr 19min
Malachi 3
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A God and Father, we thank you once again for our Lord Jesus. We thank thee for the thoughts expressed in this hymn. Thank you for reminding us.
Of that blessed that glorious day for our Lord Jesus shall return to take his rightful throne over this world as King of Kings, as Board of Lords. Lord Jesus, those here amongst us of ourselves as lovely. How we long for that day when this world will have to own by that our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. They'll have to own and provide rightful sway. But that as we have had before us this morning, we think of that call that prepares our hearts.
That call to repentance, that call to be looking up and looking for the board teachers and to as we sang earlier, that him as to any objects that we might have that divide our hearts with the Tortiva sweet pray without discontinue to lead and guide and direct work in our hearts that we must be found not just in Word, but in in the very depths of our hearts waiting and watching for these but I sure return. Lord peaceful, we love thee, Lord Jesus, for each and every glimpse that we give of myself in my word. We pray now for the time before us as we have another meaning. We ask these advice here. It might be at liberty to a godfather to take of the precious things of Christ.
To reveal them to our hearts, to win our hearts away from this poor world. We ask these things with thankful hearts. My precious name, Lord Jesus.
I like this chapter.
Works well a man robbed God, yet he have robbed me, but he say, wherein have we robbed me and ties and offering your cursed and cursed when you have robbed me even this whole nation spring me all the ties and the storehouse, but there may be meat in my house and prove me now, if you're with being the Lord opposed, if I will not open through the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessings that there shall not be room enough to repeat.
I will refuse to devour for your faith. And he shall destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine. And he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, said the Lord opposed. And all nations shall call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land, says the Lord upon us.
Words have been stout against him, saith the Lord. Yet he say, what have we spoken so much against me? He has said it is vain to serve God. What prophet is it that we have kept this ordinance, and that we have walked more easily for the Lord of hosts, and now we call the town happy? Yeah, they that work quick in this set up. Yeah, they that tempt God are even solid.
Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that talked upon his name. And they shall be mine, says the Lord opposed. And that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them, that the man spare his own son that serviced him, then shall he return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him the serve of God and him that serveth and not.
For a past week, there's just an acid Greek crown man's body.
6th verse before we go on, because it seems to introduce what follows next, and that is, the Lord is reminding them that He doesn't change. And of course, as our brethren pointed out previously, that corresponds to Hebrews 13 and 18. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever. I like the Darby rendering of that. Not forever, but in the ages to come.
And here, though, it seems that the Lord is reiterating his divine purposes, His divine counsel concerning His people, that is, He has purpose them for blessing.
Not going to give up on it. Well, that's an encouragement to them that tells what the heart of God is. Because here, right at the end of Israel's history, when everything has failed, when they've had to be carried into captivity because of unfaithfulness, when even those who have returned from the captivity were allowing things. Excuse me?
Things in their lives that were out of character with the position they had taken the Lord reiterates in the first part of the chapter that is chapter one. I have loved you said the Lord. And then in the sixth verse he reiterates that he does not change as to his purposes of good and blessing concerning him. And so maybe we can remember that because what follows next here is.
You might say a dialogue that brings out where they really were at and the.
You might say.
Character of their heart, but didn't realize how far they were from the Lord. But it all begins with the Lord assuring them that his purposes of love have not changed in place.
22 to 23.
It is the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed because his compassion failed not they are new every morning. Grace is thy faithfulness, for we have to remember, President, that when we belong to the Lord is eternal facility. There is no question of that not going to close because we were chosen in him before one thing was.
That is made.
For the foundation of the world, we were chosen in God's heart for blessed. It was God's purpose and that's our foundation. It has nothing to do with us at all. But I think we should have that confidence that He doesn't. He selected us. He didn't choose Him. He chose up, but not just when He came. He came for us because God chose us in Christ.
To read that thought is another thought as to Jacob coming in here that I think is very encouraging to me. Jacob and I think brother Sam mentioned that God delights call himself the God of Jacob war even in the God of Abraham Jacob set forth.
A life of discipline.
And probably nobody more in the Bible needed more.
More correction than Jacob, but the end of the life of Jacob you see in there is the worshiper.
And as Bill said, the purposes of God don't change. He's going to flap his people. If we're not walking consistently with the God that says be holy for I am holy, then there's going to be chasing a correction in our lives. But it ends up in you if you want to bring it to his seated worshipper. And that connection, let's pick up the story of taking it. Never more working for your good, that all these things are as interesting.
And and we.
Feel that?
The way things are lined up against it. But as with Jacob, he didn't see that they were all working for the was a blessing that he longed for because he loved citizens of life. That's the word that he said on five years.
Pentecostal denominations particularly that make a big thing out of sight, and I'm surprised, as I talked to Christians, how many of them think that that is something no matter what other giving is to be done, the tithing is fundamental. I don't think, if we go to the New Testament, quite anything about tithing in the epistles.
Willing to be corrected on that, but I don't recall anything in the officials about fibers. There's lots about giving.
But in the application of this, I think that tithing is an obligation. It's not something voluntary. And I think the Lord is saying here, you brought me, you haven't given me what you should have given me, what the longest should be.
And then he says in offerings also that goes beyond that. That's what goes beyond it. And I think if we're honest, we have to say that's what's wrong, isn't it? We've we've not only missed, I'm not talking about money now, I think you know what I'm talking about. We haven't really given him his view, what's fundamentally his view.
So that's not 10% of our salary unit or whatever formula itself worked out. We have a sister in our assembly in South Tabor who?
Very interesting case. She was the sister of a Barber of our brother Alberto Sarna and.
Came up from Ecuador for a while she was part of a denomination down in Ecuador where they they do exist on fighting and they insist you put the amount on an envelope with you know how much you carry and everything that always bothered us but you can't and.
Her Barber assistant says Alberto takes it to the meeting. I think she ought to go to the meeting.
But she did. She came for a good long time with the majority conference and then went back to Ecuador.
And Debbie tried to get in touch with her down there and they had limited success.
And we're done with the conference down there and we both grew up.
And at the word table now, she said. Recently moved up to the state.
But she told me that the pastor said that's how we live is what the time.
That's how we see it.
That's why we have to keep track of them. That's why we have to know whether you're giving or not.
That's not what God is talking about. He's talking about in principle. I'm sure he's talking about literal size here, but I think in principle, in the application of a Todd is have we given God what is due?
It's not a question how would you offer something?
High and often.
Spies and offers and you notice he doesn't say bring your in the 10 words bring the the the offerings in bring the whole time everything that is owing to God. Can we be honest before the Lord would say where we haven't done that we haven't given what it's really trying, but thou has required.
A Not materially now.
Entirely. But have we given the Lord everything?
I recently read a book.
Hold my heart, my life, my role.
And it made me stop to think we sing so glibly.
Not him, the beautiful him. I found a friend of such a friend to say my heart and my strength, my life, my all are his and his forever. That's right. But is that true? Do we do it?
I'm talking to myself.
Take care of ourselves first, but there's something leftover to take care of the Lord. The word is bring the whole.
Time all of it into the treasure house, into the place that I've reserved for them, and then see what I will do. Typing today is like the vow, which we don't think, but they make a vow for the whole year and that.
You don't promise God anything if the Lord will. A tie is really as the Lord has blessed us and there's no limit to that. You give till at first you know you don't do that.
But it ought to be Our whole life is beside. We owe Him, you know. Whatsoever you do, do it mightily, as under the Lord, not under man. That's the guy.
You know you've got a nice house, use it for the Lord. That's all we're talking about. He didn't say sell the house, give it to support. Oh, use this for the Lord. If you have a car and help young people, get them meeting. If you're young people, you know everything should be accounted to Lord and then use it yourself as well. I don't know how many people here are old enough to remember the stories are being required.
Celebrating, celebrating, celebrating equipment and manufacturing So.
For earth moving today like nuclear and others was invented by him.
Well, detectives if I remember correctly.
I remember being very impressed with the boy reading his That Man.
He gave to God at one point 90% of his earnings.
You think the Lord was regretted in him?
No way. That doesn't mean you're going to get rich. It's not the point you want to be rich. I don't think those that will be rich have a special condemnation in the epistles. But I think the point here is not just money, it's everything we owe the Lord.
Our heart, our strength, our life, our role.
And the words are free.
And I'm afraid we were very miserly and very.
Careful, I go to the meetings up here every morning.
Is that what the board is saying? I don't think so. I think he says everything that is your obligation bringing.
And be careful.
I used to think of when I was the younger boy, I'd read that story about that poor widow out there gathering a few stickers.
Cook the last meal for her son and herself and the provinces.
Make me first of all cave.
Wow, that's hard. That's.
And as I got older and I realized that's really what God wanted. He wants to be first, but.
Bring it in, Bring it in my storehouse.
Food in my house and prove me doubt. That's the reason God likes to be tested.
He likes to be done.
And prove him.
And cease what he's going to do.
Shoot me now. What does that mean? That means put into the steps, in your assembly, in your family, in your private life.
In everything, put it to the test for him to the test. He's up to us. You know, we have prayer vision, a lot of corporate friends. There's special powers and corporate friends, but individual friends, we have that privacy and if we can pray to him anytime and it's always he's always blessed me.
Ever a busy system is beautiful, but you know in every president in the whole world put all their problems and concerns both before the Lord at the same moment. It would hardly act in granted and big help. How little is his tax now please think about it, how much you really put it for him and not your own reason.
You know if the Lord will forever. That's it.
Principles of hiking is.
Weather in the standard 90%, but 26 it talks about the first group. And I think what's important for us for as young people in this day and age is are we giving the Lord the first? Are we giving him what's left? I think it's already been mentioned what's left over after we've taken care of ourselves. I think of that and I'm not just talking about, I don't think any of us are talking about money now.
Speaking first, the Kingdom of God.
And in righteousness and all these things shall be happening.
In the morning when you get up, you give him the first fruits of the morning when you get up, before the rest of the house is up and and all the claims of of daily life come in. Are you giving the Lord a little bit of that first?
Brother **** mentioned that widow that like you said, make me now a little tape and then afterwards get yourself a weekend in the board. Even the first of our lives. Are we going to wait to give you what's left over after we've done what we want with our lives?
There would be a slight difference, which are not, between what we have in Malachi here and what we have under the wonderful light and blessing of Christianity that is here. As we've had it mentioned. It was an absolute obligation. Here is what you must give. Now with the offerings there is a little latitude. There were voluntary offerings which could be brought at any time, but basically they were told what they should do.
And here in these verses, if you will do this, the Lord says, then I will do this.
Well, under Christianity, how much more wonderful to consider everything in the light of grace. We don't deserve anything. And so the Lord Jesus could say, when you have done all those things, say ye, we are unprofitable. First we have done that which was our duty to do that is, God doesn't owe us anything, does he? And yet we get in Romans 8, He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all. How shall he not with them also freely give us all things?
So the magnitude of God's grace and God's giving was displayed as Calvary's Christ. Israel didn't know that in the same way that we do, but we know that.
And so in the New Testament, the drawing out of our hearts.
Is what brings us to the point of being ready to give to the Lord. Whether it's ourselves, whether it's our substance, whether it's our time, whatever it might be, because the only motive that.
The scripture knows for service is love of Christ, isn't it? And that's what we need more of. That's what we need to have in our hearts. That's what we need to have. Draw out our hearts, the love of Christ, strengthen them, and then all this will fall into place.
Lord will bless, but that's not the motive for doing it, is it? No, the motive is love to Christ. And if the Lord never gave me anything.
If I had, shall I say, perish the thought that if I had a miserable life?
As the circumstances all the way through.
It would be well worth it to follow the Lord and give him what was his due because of all that he did on Calvary's truck. The Lord doesn't act like that does He does no man status. He'll give you and me that joy inward me that nothing can explain. But you want somebody.
So the the suffering of the little wild are not worthy to be compared to the glory that lies ahead for us.
And that's it. Whatever it is infliction, poverty, what's the difference what the suffer here is, is God even worthy to be compared to what we have ahead For sure. And Paul said this little while I think that's lovely in the glimpse of eternity in glory anytime. Here is just a little while President that we can serve him and I'd like to mention you'll never have an opportunity again to please reward and serve him in the sense we do not.
Never in Florida would you be serving him. He may be praising him. He'll be serving you forever. So this is the time we can do it.
So the subject is second Corinthians 9 was chapter 8 is specifically given. I suggested it's the principle of it. So I read verse seven and eight of Chapter 9, but this I say he would stole it verbally shall be false apparently, and he was so bountifully shall recall his bountifully every man according has been purposes in his heart, so letting he have not regularly or necessity for God's love of the truthful giver.
And God is able to make all grace about 40 that she always having all sufficiency in all things may abound in every good work. God is able to make all great amount for you.
What an encouragement.
That was so needed for the Corinthians, wasn't it? And that verse that you quoted, I think it's 8-9, is it? That verse is the king verse for the Corinthians. They had promised and pledged to give for the forsake in Jerusalem.
Year at the time, you know, months and months went by and those things were suffering, you know, the Jews in Jerusalem and Judea.
That turned to Christ, were persecuted, lost their job, suffered terribly, driven out. And so Paul kept reminding them, you're storing it up, he said, just to pit their conscience. And finally he said, I sent someone to remind you. You promised, you know, you know, isn't that the way it is with a lot of us remain well, but they didn't do it, you know, so Paul decided.
He would firstly come and take it to Jerusalem.
Although he didn't go there, but he didn't take the gifts of some Jerusalem. It was so important. Well, that's the Corinthians he had to give him, for, you know, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was poor, that's not the Corinthians, but he brought that up. So he was poor. Yes, for your sake. I'm sorry. So he was rich. That's for your sake. He became poor, that she to his poverty might be rich.
Now give There's the standard. Beautiful, there's the standard.
There was a blind evangelist in College Point, NY by the name of Ralph Monsanto.
Man, I met him once.
Really devoted to the board at a white speech and did that site. Great help to him. I think they met while he still had site.
But one night they were they went to a missionary meeting.
And heard and appeal concerning some phase of the Lords work.
And their hearts were touched. They didn't consult one another, but they went into their funds and Rob took everything out that he had and put it in the collection of this missing project.
So to be.
And they didn't talk to one another right away after the meeting.
He told me this very talk to one another right away after the meeting but.
After the people were all gone and they started to talk about going home.
He said. You know, but I got something important to tell you today. I don't have the bus fare to get home, so neither do I.
I put everything I add into this collection, so I thought I was going to tell you I did too.
Well, he happily said, well, that's joyful to do that. For the wordless walk home. He had a long way to go. I recall lately, maybe a mile and a half, two miles to walk home. And in the College Point, NY, I probably got a very pleasant thing to do.
They've gone down the street a little bit and he said Ralph, look.
He said I can't look.
Anymore, which I could, but I can't look down, she says. There's enough there on the ground for both our bus fares and an ice cream cone inside, he said. What a lesson I learned out of that. That's how God does this.
There would not room for the blessing, really. So they they had their Punch Man, they didn't have to walk home, and besides that, they each had an ice cream coat.
God is good, isn't it?
I'd like to ask Brother Stan to comment on that scripture again in 2nd Corinthians 9. When is the reaping either sparingly or valently? Is it in this life or is it in glory?
I'm looking forward to the water.
So is it right to say then that?
The reaping may not take place until we're up there. I love that story your brother **** just told. And we could all tell similar stories where the Lord has boundlessly rewarded those who gauge so freely of whatever they had for him, whether it was time or money or energy or given of themselves in any way. But the reason might have to wait up there. So we get up there like that. We shouldn't necessarily expect it down here.
And tell one more story.
Brother Ruskin Jill visiting probably even prior to the depression came to Bloomington, IL and stayed with a couple by the name of in Waller. And this is a kid. I barely remember them, but he stayed there and it was a days of of of someone really forgive me for the labor and he said I'm on my way to Chicago and they said well.
Here we keep a little bit on the Mantel. We want to give it to you. So without knowing how much they give them, because you do, he did not have anything to get into Chicago. He went down to the train station and they gave him exactly the supreme ticket price for getting these Chicago.
And he was just he worked in the American boundary between no warranty.
Was there others? But there's an old German couple.
Set aside a little something and this brother was going to go to Chicago and he didn't have a guy and they fight.
Can I ask another question then?
What is the 4th of the windows of heaven being opened?
In verse 10 and the blessing being poured out so that there is not room enough to receive it.
Well, Ephesians chapter one might have the answer to that.
There are two things here that got this from others. I appreciate them. And that's in verse 13. Over shape is one.
And verse 14.
You were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.
That his feeling or his brand upon us, if you will. But then there's the part that I understand is for us, the earnest of that, the part that we enjoy here. So, yeah, even if we don't read in this scene, we have a sort of, if you will, what a promissory note, the earnest of the spirit. There's something given to us. And it may be the change on the sidewalk, which is the bus fare home, or it may be something else that assures us, you know, that there is something there for us when we get there.
And is it also the enjoyment in our soul of all that Christ is and all that He is for us, if we give out of the fullness of our heart, give ourselves to Him? Apostle mentioned that about the poor Saints that were in Macedonia. They gave first of all their own self, that is, their hearts were in it, and then, well, they were poor, they didn't have very much.
But they gave, it says beyond their power. Let the brother and sister, our brother **** was telling us about. They gave more than they really should. By rights have given not to have enough to get home by bus perhaps.
What was the difference? All their hearts were in it. But then what's the Lord going to do? Was he going to necessarily fill my bank account again? He may do that. And there's that promise in Second Corinthians there that He will provide for them. But there's far more than that. There's far more than restoring to me the material things that I've given. There's far more than giving me the bus fare home, wonderful though that is. There's far more than giving me the.
Train fare to Chicago.
And the brethren here that brother **** and brother stand, no, I'm not in any way taking away from the value of that, but there's far more. Oh, the enjoyment of Christ in the heart and all that He is. The enjoyment of Christian blessings, the enjoyment of being able to walk through this world and look after his interest instead of my own.
Who accept that? The Lord Jesus Christ. Did he get anything down here? No, outwardly nothing.
But who is the happiest man that ever walked through this world, who for the jawing that was sent before history. That's as an example for us in people 12 and that joy can fill your heart and mind. And I believe that's what's intended morally speaking, within the framework of Christianity by the windows of heaven being opened and the blessing being poured out there. So great to say. I I just can't receive it. I don't know how to take it. It may be as I say again.
Down here, the Lord should lighten the kid He delights to work in a wonderful way.
But I have to know who have given everything for Christ and who have got nothing down here.
And hopefully the boy.
And my mate and my brother messed up. He said he was looking forward to the judgment. See the price and what what you're saying you think of all the martyrs that willingly laid down their lives to be burned at the stage. What was the reward that that lay ahead for them? You know, to think of receiving to lift the Lord Jesus in the faith and to have him say well done.
God's good and faithful servant, I think for the soul that loves the Lord Jesus, and I think most of us ears do, there's no greater reward. Excuse me?
The whole thing is not extreme from firefighters, for our confidence will not be disappointed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.
And shall not be room enough to recruit. I like that part and I think it's great to mind for me first Christian is too. First I'll mention what Paul says to the Corinthians in verse two of First Corinthians 2I determined not to know anything among you say Jesus Christ and him and surprise, the verse I had in mind is nice. I have not seen.
Nor ear heard.
Neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, what God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit. For the Spirit searches the deep things of God.
That's about the answer to that. The reason there's no way we can have it all till we get the board. What we're going to see him face to face and everything is because in him Christ.
Do you have a word on the storehouse?
Very good question.
Would have been the temple with them.
Here probably yes, but I think applying it spiritually what I meant by a good question.
I think it would be Christ.
We should throw it at your street Now, families, one way to do it. But there's thousands of ways to give which Christ just follow. But it has to be for him. And when he translated treasure out. Yeah, treasure out.
For yourself.
As the words of Nehemiah 13.
Verse four for the enemy of God and.
Israel and first thought, Oh, I took the great chamber. We're a poor time. They laid the beetle offering the frankincense and the vessels and the pies to horn for new wine and the oil, but just made the beginning of the Levi set it up and he took that chamber.
And he gave it to this Avaya, someone from the world. And so when Nehemiah came back, he asked why out of that chamber so that it could be used again to score the five. And we had a earlier about worldliness and there was a storehouse. The purpose for it was for the things gone.
And the risk sector thing in spiritual things, having a storehouse, I believe in the Testament recognizes that we find, for example, in First Corinthians 16 that the apostle instructed them to lay by in store as God had prospered them. I believe showing us that I don't necessarily have to put everything into the collection on Lord's Day morning that the Lord may cause me to lay aside for him. No, he may.
Exercise me to lay by something in store.
And then if there's a need, perhaps that comes up unexpectedly or something that.
Comes up, then there's something to use for it. I remember a brother asking another brother many, many years ago now. He said, how come, How come you always have money when there's a need for something for the Lord? He said, you don't have any bigger salary than I do, and yet you always seem to be able to have some. And he answered and he said, well, I act on 1St Corinthians 16.
And he said then I don't spend it all. That's why the.
Government takes their slice off the top when the paychecks are issued because they know if they expected individuals to pay it out of their own pocket, they might not get it. Well, God knows our heart, and so he likes there to be a storehouse. But there's a storehouse in spiritual things, too. You get that perhaps at the end of Matthew 13, where the householder brings out of his treasures.
Thank you and all. He's got a store there. And so spiritually, I believe God would have us play by a store that we can dip into. Well, all of that perhaps would speak of exercise and somebody mentioned it to me in the just after the last meeting with the jury that it took exercise to have these things. I don't know. Is that is that partly the thought that we can't have all these things without there being diligent and exercise in them?
Brother James Ryan used to say salvation is free, but discipleship is cost.
There are a number of books of very few of them that I've read in my life that have kind of revolutionized my life. And one of the little book is still available for A True Recycle Ship by William McDonald.
Many of the young people haven't read that book. I recommend it.
Doesn't bring in as far as I can recall, having read it several times, I don't recall anything that would bring you things that would be contrary to what we know and enjoy the truth of God, but it's a challenge.
My wife and IA couple of years ago had the privilege in California of visiting the author of that book.
We thought we would like to take him out for lunch.
Assaulted dead is worth his influence on me. Called him up in front of the bill when you go out to lunch room and she said I'll have lunch with you. But we got to his door and he said no.
You're coming up here.
We were upstairs and there was.
Very simple apartment.
Is prepared sandwiches and soup for it at a lovely time with fellowship.
But I know that in his heart and he's thinking of stupid people.
In declining the invitation as well to a restaurant.
Practical. I was very practical.
We don't know what discipleship really is.
Don't know what it is.
And Luke is very plain about it. Matthew's plain.
The word uses expressions like he cannot be my disciple unless he does this that the other have we applied those things to our consciousness and our lives now as to the.
Treasure house or I was thinking this that.
Everything we have.
Should be later this week.
A young man with great promise that some of us have read about Jim Elliott.
Very intelligent man.
Went down to Ecuador.
Like to reach a tribe that had never heard the gospel. It was on his.
I think he was bringing it.
Something into God's treasure house.
He's the one I think he made Somebody correct me on this quote because I never get it quite right and he is no fool who gives up what he cannot cheat.
Get that which you cannot lose.
Tremendous statement. Tremendous statement.
He is no fool who gives up, not which he cannot keep.
You get that which you cannot lose, gain that which you cannot lose.
And I, I I'd like to challenge all of our hearts with that sort of thing. Are we bringing all and laying it before him to hear Lord Jesus, it's all God, everything is fine.
Don't say it unless you mean it because you're made like Jim Elliott, have to lay your life down.
Very touching to me to read.
How his wife went back into that tribe, seeking to reach.
Those very people that her husband had given his life for.
And I'm not talking about the Lord's Table when I say this, but she sat down and broke bread with a very man who had speared her husband.
What a game, what a privilege.
But then unspeakably, and again, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not talking about position now, I'm talking about.
The wonderful privilege of seeing that man who speared her husband.
Sit there with her and have fellowship with her.
Those are real things. And sometimes, you know, beloved brethren, I value being gathered. I was gathered.
Great exercise and more. It could have been a lot more exercise, but.
It was painful to be the brother that I was with.
I've never regretted that step.
But sometimes I look at my life and I say how little I show my appreciation to the Lord for that wonderful privilege of being gathered.
How little I devotion there is to him, and how much more devotion I see in other other Christians who have less light and less.
Less, perhaps, being able to say I'm confident this is where the Lord wants to be.
And don't, don't take it now. Please understand me. I'm not undermining.
What to understand and believe in? I value that my trust for today than I did in 1954 but.
I also realized.
How little reality there is sometimes in our lives. And this challenges me. Bring it. Bring in what you owe me, the word says, and prove it.
See what I will do?
Are we willing to take that risk?
And as I said, basically laying down your life before.
In his words of common brother and put your finger on that earth and.
Claim, but it's a promise from God.
If I give the Lord the first part of my life, if I only claim he's going to bless me in a way that I just can't, I can't contain it right there as a promise. We can put her finger on that person and go to God in prayer and say, Lord, you promise.
In the first place in our lives.
And I think the first part of the verse 11 is part of the promise there too.
Does it work or not to say that there may be meat in my house?
There are a process that takes place in the storehouse.
Well, look, Jehovah did say give me my bread. You know, that's what we ought to do.
Fred, the court is the sustaining food, and that's Christ. We speak the truth, but the bread is Christ, and God wants Christ. He wants his Son for himself. Give me my bread. And so many are not offering up Christ.
And emerald, which is what God wants.
That's the secret, Lord said. My bread that means his whole heart would ever be here, is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work to thank God. He did what God intended, but now God wants his friend, that's his son.
I agree totally. The promise would also indicate that if there are a devourer.
If there is the fruit being destroyed.
If the wine is tested, is fruit that God is speaking to us and dealing with it?
That we haven't given him what he should have.
So do we wake up to that or do we just say well?
It's a day of weakness.
I was enjoying not long ago.
The incident where?
The children of Israel carried the not enjoying the thought of it, but it's carried the parts out into battle.
It would sound as defeated.
They got together and they said why? What's the reason?
And I'm afraid we don't do that sometimes.
God wants to bless what the blessing is richly.
And what he's dealing with, what is not pleasing to him?
In our lives as individuals and corporately and we need to get before known to the Lord and then he's going to bring blessing in he's going to rebuke the devourer for our.
Hard safety. He will not destroy the fruits of the land. Apparently he had destroyed the fruits of the land. Would you think that didn't happen during this and.
And then there's going to be a testimony.
Verse 12 Man, all nations are going to bless them.
Right now where much of A reproach.
But do we want?
To be seen in living reality and truth to be set out, the Lord has given us.
I used to work for RCA.
So you know that years I worked for it is credit manager and.
Back in those days, they had a advertising slogan, Living Color.
Talked about television, but our television, the beginning days of our television, I guess they said you see it in living color. You know, the lovers. We have the privilege of setting forth the truth of God and living color.
Setting it out in such a way that people can display other people to collect look at it.
Well, I'm afraid there's a research connected with it more than.
Just for the Lord's Savior, the reproach, because we don't set it out in living color.
There's people have a lot of truth after they walk in it.
Have you heard that ever?
I heard it happened to your brother.
Strange and others.
I know that.
But we need to walk in these things. Give the Lord his place to live. He'll, he'll.
He'll make it so that they're free. A brilliant demonstration.
And we're set forth a manifold wisdom of God, the all very varied colors, wisdom of flaws.
On the present, I'm not saying that these persons are the true responses of my heart that are delighted to be the last three birds with inhabitants, although the pink tree shall not blossom.
Neither shall fruit be in the vine, the labor of the ollies, and shall fail, and the fields shall yield no heat. The flops shall be cut off from the gold, and there shall be no herd in the salt. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my foundation. The Lord God is my strength, and you will make my feet my hindsight, and He will make me to walk upon my high places.
To the cheap sinker on my spring and.
How could there be anything more spiritually delightful than to be able to say that anything and everything in this world amounts to nothing? But I'm going and I have nothing. But I will rejoice in the Lord. I will joy if the Lord God is my strength. And the conclusion is, and I think the translation is capital using the Lord Himself to the chief singer on my screen.
If we want the melody of heaven before we get there, there seems to be the way I've enjoyed that Brother Stan and that last person have a cut. He maketh my feet like I'm speaking, makes me to walk on my high places. God sees fit to repeat those words three times in the Old Testament. They're so significant and.
So you can't think of a bleaker picture than what you get there.
But yet the individual rises above it. And so I've enjoyed that thought and connection with verse eleven of our chapter because.
The Lord may in fact rebuke the Devourer in the present day, and I believe the Lord can and does do that. He made allow everything to work out well for us down here. But I don't think this verse is meant to imply that there won't be any problems or difficulties in the Christian life.
No Israel could expect earthly blessings, and the mark of God's favor was in fact just that. But for the believer, it's heavenly blessings. And as you say, it's the enjoyment of those things that lift us above this present world. Well, that's something that you can't. It's just an intangible thing. It's the unseen things that you get in 2nd Corinthians 5.
And it's the enjoyment of all that Christ is in our hearts that that we can have. Doesn't mean that the problems all go away, but it means we can have that president enjoyment of all that he is.
Characteristic of the day we live in is all and I think we ought to really give the glory to the Lord for this all that we're thinking about. And I first would read verse verse 8, the silver of chapter 2 at the eye.
The silver is mine, the gold is mine, says the Lord of Hope. That's his highest title, began by Anna back in first Samuel 1/2. The Lord of Hope, he introduced how nice it is. It follows on. But what did he say? He said what is real and worthy is mine and he knows it's like.
This verse tells me.
Like ***** 17, he knows them that trust in him. That's our eternal security. But what I have in mind is more important. The glory really should be.
The latter glory of this House.
Shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hope. And in this place, of course, that's where he is. That's it. In this place will I give feet. That is the Lord of hope. What does he mean? The latter glory of my house. Well, I will tell you. Where did he dwell today?
In the believer, we are the temple of God, corporately in the midst of those who are gathered to his name. How can this be more glorious than 1St century Christianity of fallen Peter and John? You know, I thought of Here's how it can be in 1St century Christianity. How many places did they have to go when they became traits here?
Think about it, I only had one place to go to false doctors and today how many places do they have to go when they become Christians?
About 2600 United States, but many more in the world.
That's the glory that freezes in the former glory.
In spite of the terrible condition we're in, in chrysanthemum in this world, God and gather to himself, think about it. Think about where you are. You had nothing to do with it. That's the glory of this flatter house, this house.
You ought to get all of our classes introspective. Whether.
All God's word for the glory of His Son.
The water yet he said, What have we spoken so much against me? You have said it is vain to serve the Lord. What property is this, that we have kept his ordinance, and so on.
Look at the 1St chapter of Malachi, verse 10. Who is there even among you that would shut the doors of my house for nothing? Neither do you Kindle Fire on my altar for nothing. I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord of hope. Neither will I accept an offering at your hand.
That's what he's saying here too. You know they wouldn't do one thing.
For the Lord, except as renewable age outside, isn't it? How sad? But they didn't even feel it. You said it's saying to serve the Lord has to be something for me. That's sad when you say it's sad to think that.
We we are more time for it. Why should we be looking for some profit out of it?
And walking mournfully before him and I believe.
Recognition of our state of faith.
Do we look for a profit on that?
You know, sometimes we there's a whole prosperity doctrine out there that kind of says if you give the Lord this, you send in your $25, you'll, you'll get the tremendous blessing.
Especially to get a T-shirt with my picture on it, that sort of thing.
And that whole mentality has been filled up.
In Christian circles today says, well, what's in it if you do this?
I just honor the Lord, that's the prophet is so the Lord talks about that is as things speaking thousand against him, speaking strongly against him.
Because God doesn't always anything he wants to bless you just.
And he sometimes will.
Down here will let us even see the results of that.
My heart was touched. I believe it's in the book for the Bill reads thing more carefully than I do. Speak correctly on this. Brother Willis book Sales of the Middle Kingdom tells about a returning missionary coming back from China to his wife on the same ship as the President of the United States.
When they come into the Golden Gate and.
Arrive at the harbor and there's a band waiting for where the president is. There all sorts of honors for them.
The dear old missionary brother is looking at me, one of the things waiting for him. Not much waiting for him.
And he started to cry.
He said nobody's waiting for it.
She touched the diamond. Teachers were not home yet.
We're not home yet.
What a lesson, brother. We're not home yet.
We sing at him and we like to sing in. Our rest is in heaven. Our rest not here. We would not lie down, you know. And roses you love.
And we're looking for a blood chain in the future.
I sometimes think that your sister has touched your husband's arm and said we're not home yet and a wonderful service to that man.
Cheered him through a difficult time. Should there have been Saints waiting on the dock for him?
Man who had devoted his life like that to the service, Yes.
But we're not home, and the Lord is going to.
Reward every act of thought and devotion for him still rewarded in that coming day in a way that we can hardly imagine.
The cup of cold water give it to his face.
Will be rewarded.
But don't look for it down here.
The first person in the past and last verse, and I'm going to read ahead to the first verse of Chapter 11 or so. There's no chapter break there. 1St Corinthians 10 and verse 33.
Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own prophet.
But the prophet is many that they may be saved, be followers or be imitators of me, even as I also am a Christ.
It is saying empty the first block.
You know they want reward open the door to the house without being safe. But today the ******* say the crystal jump better the past 33.
Dollars and.
Let's don't forget that this is suffering time, brethren, if we're looking to rain now, we're way off thing. We're going to rain, but this is soccer tonight. I'll read the verse life here.
For the third 29 of 1 flipping.
Or under you it is given, is the gift, brethren, in behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his faith.
You know, all considered all the suffering as the glory. I mean, it was to assault Christ. It was for him. And I don't think I know anybody.
Pastor, president who suffered like fall, you know, just Christ, but he's suffering and he considered it game to suffer, although things that are considered glorious were vain and dumb and quiet, but he didn't mind it. He didn't mind suffering for Christ.
And rather, this is the only time we have to do that. I mean, you have a reproach by bringing out Christ, Lloyd, peace to you, Peter says.
You ought to rejoice in your reproach for Christ, because what a glory of all your head. I should turn to it, Peter. Well, let's read it, because this is how to get things right. First, people first, Peter, I think maybe second.
First Peter chapter 4 okay, verse 12. This is what I had in my beloved thinking not strange concerning the fiery trial, which is the triumph. There's though some strange things happen under you, but rejoice in as much as you are partakers of Christ suffering not on the cross, but as you walk through here in holiness.
Christ suffering, that when his glory shall be revealed, he shall be glad exceedingly with joy. Notice this, if he be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you for the spirit of glory and of God rested upon you. On their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. That's the privilege of the gift.
That Paul was Speaking of as clippy as what it is given unto you to suffer for Christ. Here the time is almost over, forever, almost over. And how much have you done really any of that? That's the real.
Just before we could only have about 8 minutes and I don't want to do the honorable but I want to read verse 15 and 16.
And now we call the proud happy name day that works wickedness set up gave A10 dog are.
Then they that feared the Lord take often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard Him, and the Book of Remembrance was written before Him for them that fears the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord, opposed to that day when I make up my jewels, and I will scare them as a man spare of his own son. You know, could we have in conclusion something on that?
Very, very real encouragement.
That's a good word, brother. Standards so much on my heart.
I said, well, these other things that we're into, they're very important. I hope we get to that 16th 1St because it starts with a word then.
And when you find the word Zen, that's a time statement. What kind of a time is it talking about? A time when all this condition of things existed in Israel, The time when it might be, the time when you would say, I give up, there's no point in going on.
Is that what's encouraged here? No. Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another from the midst of that condition. And may I say, beloved brethren, that you and I have that.
Same privilege.
We're not going to find, as I see it in the Scriptures, a general restoration of things.
I don't think we're going to find whether generally waking up to this.
But there will be the privilege.
Of those who.
Fearing the Lord, those who care about Him and His.
Rights and his instructions in His word. Those who fear the Lord to speak often one to another. What did you talk about the the new curtains in the meeting room or something? Is that what they were talking about?
Well, I think it's illustrated for us. I like to think that these jewels that are talked about here are.
Portrayed for us by the Holy Spirit.
In the beginning chapters of Luke.
Smoke of the North.
Look at Zechariah. It's just an example. I use an example there Zechariah.
Old man didn't have any children. The Lord gives them a child.
The whole nine months of pregnancy and balanced clothes, you can't say anything.
It's quite a larger form, I'm sure.
But the moment he says his name is John.
And his mouth was open. Now he can look at my son. What a wonderful place. Go back and read that you'll see he takes 8 or 9 verses talking about the Lord Jesus not about then he says boy, I didn't say anything about this travel and thou child shall be called the prophet of the highest. But what does he speak about speaks about the Lord. And so I think that's what's taught here that they they spoke about the Lord and.
You think the Lord notices that?
So we spent some time together and we talked about the things of God.
I don't mean complaining about the Saints and complaining about the complaining about this or that thing.
But talking about them more?
We're working. He saw it, and he heard.
And he said, I'm going to write down the book of remembrance about those people.
And I like to think that the early chapters of Luke, the words of electricity, a few pages of that book that I've written, they often look at the early chapters of Luke in that way. Zechariah, Elizabeth.
Mary, Joseph.
The Shepherd.
And Simeon.
But are they all of them? Is that all the jewels? Does he show all the jewels off in those tractors? I don't think so. Please, I'll let you see a few pages for his current thing. And that book is written.
Before him, loads of fears aboard.
Cared about His right. They cared in the midst of all of that condition.
And the thought upon his life.
But upon his name.
Searching is there, What do we get together? What are we talking about?
The new car we're going to buy. Nothing wrong with buying a new car.
The the new stairs we're going to build. And where do we talk about him? Talk about him?
To reveal to me, and an encouragement at the same time, that whatever time we do spend it Speaking of the Lord together, encouraging one another, God knows he's writing it down.
They'll be buying it that day. They'll be mild. I'm going to own them as mine. I don't know if I understand if that.
My birthday.
My own part, I have no doubt that these people did that. I have no doubt that they were sensitive to the fact that they hadn't brought the ties in as they should have and other things that perhaps they had not done for the Lord. But doesn't mention that it makes things that you might save everyone could do, even if you were not in a position to be involved outwardly in doing some of these other things, fearing the Lord speaking to one another about it.
And I love that because in the day in which we live, I don't think this verse is meant to imply that we are simply to do a lot of talking and nothing else.
That isn't for thought, no. If the heart is right, what's in the heart will be translated into action one. But it has to begin with the heart. And so here those who feared the Lord sought out others that had the same thought so that they could enjoy fellowship together. And I have no doubt that it was translated into that which was reflected in their lives.