March 10

THIS is true sanctification: to be set apart from the world and all its allurements for Himself, that we may be to the praise of His glory. It is when He is known, first as our Saviour and then as our Lord, that our hearts instinctively turn from all else to Him, and that we find in Him full satisfaction as we dwell in His presence, securely sheltered beneath His wings, enjoying the wealth of love that He delights to lavish upon His chosen ones.
“Set apart for Jesus!
Is not this enough,
Though the desert prospect,
Open wild and rough?
Set apart for His delight,
Chosen for His holy pleasure,
Sealed to be His special treasure!
Could we choose a nobler joy? — and would we if we might?
Set apart to serve Him,
Ministers of light,
Standing in His presence,
Ready day or night!
Chosen for His service blest
He would have us always willing
Like the angel-hosts fulfilling
Swiftly and rejoicingly each recognized behest.”
—Frances Ridley Havergal.