March 18

Psalm 23:3
“He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake”— Psalms 23: 3.
WHO need fear or falter with such a Guide? He who died for us as the Good Shepherd now leads us on through the wilderness of this world as the Great Shepherd, guarding and protecting us until the glad hour when He will return as the Chief Shepherd to reward all His under-shepherds and to gather His flock about Him in the eternal fold.
Sometimes the road may seem rough, and conditions may be far from such as flesh and blood would choose, but when assured of His leading we can go on in faith and patience, knowing that all must work out for our blessing and for His glory.
“He leads us on by paths we did not know;
Upward He leads us, though our steps be slow,
Though oft we faint and falter on the way,
Though storms and darkness oft obscure the day;
Yet when the clouds are gone,
We know He leads us on.
He leads us on through all the unquiet years;
Past all our dreamland hopes and doubts and fears,
He guides our steps, through all the tangled maze
Of losses, sorrows, and o’er-clouded days;
We know His will is done;
And still He leads us on.”
—N. L. Zinzendorf.