March 29

Psalm 66:18
“If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me—Psalms 66:1818If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: (Psalm 66:18).
HERE we have the reason why many of our prayers are not answered. So long as we are not honest before God, so long as we are endeavoring to hide or gloss over unconfessed sin, we have no right to expect anything from God. He has never promised to answer the prayer that comes from one who is going on in that which he knows to be wrong. It is as we come before Him in a self-judged spirit, seeking to know and to do His will, that He delights to hear and undertake for us. If we ask anything according to His will we know that He hears us, and will answer in a way that will fill our hearts with praise and bring glory to His own holy name.
“Lord, teach us how to pray aright,
With reverence and with fear;
Though dust and ashes in Thy sight
We may we must, draw near.
Give deep humility, the sense
Of godly sorrow give,
A strong desiring confidence
To hear Thy voice and live.”
—James Montgomery.