ONE Lord’s day afternoon as old Maria was passing along a street, she heard the singing of some children at Sunday school. Thinking it was a musical entertainment, she peeped in, entered, and stayed to the close. On leaving she asked the superintendent, “When will there be another performance?”
In the evening she was there for the gospel meeting, and for three years she did not miss one of these services. At first some were afraid of this strange person, fearing that she had gone among them with evil intent. But it had pleased God to work in her heart and bring her to believe in His beloved Son as her Saviour. The text which arrested Maria was this: “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:77But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:7).
Fully convinced of her sinfulness, and, with all the dark past of her life before her, she wondered what she could do to be saved. She thought the man who was giving out the gospel message would surely tell her to go with bare feet up the steep mountain, or else bid her do some hard work. How great was her surprise and joy, when she heard that Jesus had done everything for her, so that she had but to receive the precious gift of God. Ever since that day she gave a bright testimony to the grace of God being in her heart. Her life was changed, and she sought to live to the praise of Him, who by free grace had turned her “from darkness to His marvelous light.”
Maria offered the use of her house in order that the people in her neighborhood, far from the meeting room might hear of Jesus. At the time appointed for the meeting, Maria was found in the doorway, earnestly asking passers-by to enter. Among those passing was one well acquainted with her former ways, who said, “What is this—what is the meaning of so many people being about your house? You are going to have a dance, I sup pose?”
“No, sir, not a dance,” said Maria; “but we are going to have the joy of hearing the Word of God read to us, and a good man is to explain it to us. Welcome to the home of your servant.”
Maria was seventy-eight years of age, and giving up her former means of making her living, she went out into the fields and worked hard for her bread. Though so poor, she loved to give to the Lord’s work. One winter day she took a dozen fresh eggs to a servant of God, who was ill in bed. Although she could have sold them for a high price, she would not accept any return for them.
“It is very little that I can do,” said she, “to show my gratitude to you for showing me the way of eternal life.”
On another occasion she said with tears, “Every day I thank my good Saviour for His kindness to me, and I pray for three things—patience to bear my trials, strength to do my daily work, and at last a quick road to the glory.
How glad the children in the Sunday school must have felt that they were present on that cold day to sing of Jesus, especially when their singing was the means of causing dear Maria to hear the glad tidings.