The Lord Jesus “went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.” The sabbath day was as busy as any other day for Him. However, many preferred their religious observance of this day rather than the grace and healing that the Lord provided. Their hard hearts did not prevent Him from doing a good work on the Sabbath, even though the Pharisees and the Herodians wanted to destroy Him for doing it.
What a busy servant the Lord was! In grace He called twelve men to share in the work and in the preaching. Then He called the scribes to show how wrong they were in saying that these wonderful works were of Satan. If Satan’s house were divided, it could not stand.
There were so many people surrounding the Lord that His own family had to stand afar off. Then the Lord said that those who did the will of God were “My brother, and My sister, and mother.” You can be brought into the family of God by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Saviour today.
1. On a certain ____________ day, why was the Lord Jesus grieved with the people in the synagogue? Mark 3:___
2. What was the response of the Pharisees and the ____________ to the wonderful miracle that the Lord did? Mark 3:___
3. The Lord chose twelve ____________ to be with Him and to go forth and preach. What else did they have power to do? Mark 3:___
4. Satan is compared to a strong man. Before the Lord Jesus can enter his ____________ and spoil it, what must He do? Mark 3:___
5. Who did the Lord Jesus say would be His brother and ____________ and mother? Mark 3:___