Mark 5

Mark 5
Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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We sing #4.
Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior for me #4.
Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior for me.
I was changing since darkness.
Now by his grace I am free.
Savior sinners.
Like me?
Standing his blood for my ransom.
This is the savior for me.
Mark chapter 5 verse one.
And they came over onto the other side of the sea into the country of the Gadarenes, And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs. And no man could bind him, no, not with chains, because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains.
And the chains have been plucked asunder by him, and the feathers broken in pieces.
Neither could any man tame him when all was night and day he was in the mountains.
And in the tombs crying and cutting themselves with stones.
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.
And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion.
For we are many, and he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country.
Neither was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd, A swine feeding.
And all the devils beside him sane, send us into the swine.
We may enter into them, and forthwith Jesus gave them leave, and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine, and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea. There are about 2000 and were choked in the sea. And they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country, and they went out to see what it was. It was done and they came to Jesus.
And see him that was possessed with the deep Devil, and had the legion sitting and clothed.
In his right mind, and they were afraid, and they that saw it told them how it befell to him.
Is possess what the devil? And also concerning the swine. And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts. When he was coming to the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but said unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and.
Had compassion.
On the He departed and began to publish into capitalists. How great things Jesus.
Had done for him, and all men did marvel.
Our beloved friends, in the 4th chapter we find there was a great can when Jesus said peace be still there was a great Cam. But tonight we have in this 5th chapter a great savior. All my friends, I ask you at the start of this gospel meeting, what about your soul? Every one of us in this room tonight is on the way to eternity. Every one of us in this room tonight is in the on the way to heaven or hell right now.
At 7:14 PM on December the 25th, 1966, you, my friend, and I are on the way to eternity, either to be in hell with the devil and the damned or in the glory with Christ and all the redeemed. And there's no middle ground, my friends. There's no neutral stand either. You're saved or lost right now, right in this room. Tonight. You're either saved or lost, either. You're in your sins. You're in Christ.
I never write with God or wrong with God. And so in this chapter we have before us, and this portion we have before us, we find a great savior. If you were to read the whole chapter, you'd see where the Lord Jesus had power over the demons, He had power over disease, and he had power over death. He was an all sufficient savior, a savior of sinners. His name is Jesus. Now we know tonight in this world.
They're celebrating the birth of Christ.
But all my friends, how few there are who know anything about the death of Christ and what that death means for the glory of God and for the blessing of man. And so I believe in this picture we have of this man. We have a man who represents you, my friends, represents me before I knew the Lord Jesus as my Savior. He represents this man. I believe mankind, and he's in complete ruin.
We would notice, first of all, that Jesus came to this place.
All my friends, the Lord Jesus had an appointment with this man, Legion. This didn't happen by chance. Nothing happens by chance with God. Jesus came to where the Legion was. Isn't it wonderful? Jesus came there because he wanted to meet this man just as he came to Psycho as well. So Jesus came here to this very place because he had an appointment with this man. Or the man didn't know it, but Jesus knew it. And my friends, you come here tonight, maybe some boy or girl.
Some young man, some young lady with Christian father and a Christian mother. And Jesus is here tonight to meet you. Jesus is here tonight to stand and meet you. You don't know it. Maybe you just come to another gospel meeting. It's your accustom on the Lords day and night to go to the gospel. And so you'll come. You'll come according to your custom to be religious. This is the sort of be religious on the Lord's day and night. But Jesus, my friends, is here tonight to meet you.
And you're a great need. Now, I believe in this little incident here. We have at least seven things said about this man. I'd like to refer them to you tonight. First of all, it tells us this man.
Had an unclean spirit at the end of verse two, an unclean spirit and verse three he had his dwelling among the tombs, and on the same verse no man could bind him.
No, not with chains. A man in verse four at the end of the verse.
Neither could any man tame him. And verse five. At the end of the verse he was cutting himself with stones, and verse six he ran and worshipped him. And in verse seven he spoke to the Lord Jesus and said, what have I to do with thee? I believe if you count them up, you'll find 7 things said about this man, at least seven. I mean all in scripture. That seven is perfection. And I believe in this case it shows a perfect rule in my friends, the absolute ruin. And tonight I would like to stay at the start of this gospel meeting.
That we believe, according to the word of God, that man is ruined from head to foot.
Man is a ruined Sinner, absolutely lost in his sins.
Absolutely hopelessly lost and God says he's dead in trespasses and sins.
You know, somebody once said at the end of a gospel meeting that if you say a man is dead, he'll say, well, I have nothing more to say, I'm dead.
But, my friends, you may be dead spiritually. Dead, but you're alive physically, and you're on your way to meet God. And tonight we like to bring you into the presence of Almighty God. You must stand there in the presence of God. Don't you fear God? My friends? Aren't you afraid that tonight your heart may stop beating and you'll stand in the presence of God? And if you stand there in your sins, you'll perish for the Lord Jesus said, if you believe not that I am he.
Ye shall die in your sins, and where I am there you cannot come.
All friends, how solemn this is. I want to ask you a question that I ask every time we have the blessed privilege of preaching the gospel. I want to ask you this question in the fear of God, in the presence of God and the view of the fact that you have never dying soul. If you were dead tonight. If you were dead tonight, my friend, if you were lying now in your casket and then they're taking parlor, I ask you, where would you be?
Can you say immediately I'd be with Christ? Can you say I'm saved for glory?
Or must you say? I do not know, Sir. I only hope that I'd be in heaven somehow. I'd get there by the mercy of God, my friends, tonight. If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your personal savior, if you've never been born again, if you've never been to Christ about your sins, you're lost. Tonight. You may be religious, but you're lost. Lost. I was speaking to a man a while ago, and I found out after what he told me was the truth.
He said, Sir, He said, I've lived a good life, upright, moral and clean living. I've done the very best I can. What more can God expect from me? And we said to him, Sir, did you ever tell a lie in your life? And he said, well, I suppose that I'd have to confess that I told a few lies. And I said, Mr. If you tore one lie, you're going to hell.
You're going to hell if you're going to have one lie in your life where the Bible says that even a lie which is 1 lie, will never enter into the presence of God. And so he said to this man, you're lost, my man. Have you only told one lie in your life? That you confessed to me that you told more than one? You're lost. This is what he said. And his answer, my friends, as the answer of 10s of thousands of people in the United States and Canada throughout the world tonight, he said, what about my good works?
What about my good life? Doesn't that count? And we said, Sir, God says that all your righteousness are as filthy rags. And I understand. I said to this man, I understand that the filthy rags and that verse are the rags that were taken off the lepers sores. What were they fit for? Would you give those lepers sores to God, those filthy rags that had on them the awful filth of the leper sores? God says that all your good works.
All your righteous deeds are just like those filthy rags that come off the leper's sores.
Lepers, rags to God, and this poor man had never heard this in his life, he said. I'm a member of a certain church.
And I said I was in the same business. Exactly the same, but priceless. On the way to hell. On the way to hell, my friends. Or tonight are you on the way to hell? What a solemn thing. I know that the modernist preacher. I know the modernist preachers taking hell out of the Bible. I know the modernist preacher scoffs and mocks at hell. But I tell you solemnly that God has not changed His precious word.
To meet the silly ideas of the 20th century, God has not changed his truth.
To fit in the program of this ungodly age in which we live tonight, God's words stand supreme. God says what he means and God means what he says or how. So, my friends, this man was totally lost. Complete wreck. He was lost and Jesus crossed his pathway. How wonderful Jesus came across the pathway of this man. All my friends, how often is Jesus come across Europe pathway. How often is Jesus stood?
With those blessed hands that bear the nail Prince, he received on the cross and stood waiting to give you salvation. And you've rejected the truth. You rejected the Christ. You rejected God's grace and God's love and God's mercy tonight on the last large day of 1966.
The same God of all, grace, stands ready with a pardon in his hand to give that to you. If you'll only acknowledge you're a Sinner. And all, my friends, I believe the first step to heaven is to find out your lost. The first step to fly to the heaven is to find out you're a rule. Hell deserve a wretched Sinner. That's the first step I believe into the presence of God for blessing. Oh, my friends, have you found yourself yet in the presence of God?
Did you ever get down your knees, and all them before God? You were lost, You were guilty. You were a Sinner, A Sinner in the presence of a holy God. Oh, my friend, have you ever done that yet? Did you ever find out you were lost or a member? When I was first a young Christian, and often with my Bible on my knee, I looked back over the past days, a servant of the devil on the way to hell, and I thought of God, of taking away my life.
A year ago, that was in 1930. I'd be in hell right now.
In hell.
All beloved friends, I crumbled as I thought of my poor lost soul in the in the in the regions of eternal doom, under the judgment of God for eternity. Young man, are you here tonight outside of Christ? Young lady, are you here tonight in your sins on the way to hell and judgment? Oh, I have good news for you. We have Jesus. Let us say, if you're here, Jesus passed this man came into this man's pathway.
Jesus met him. You notice what it says now it says.
What this man was doing, he dwelt among the tombs. Isn't that what you were doing tonight? Isn't that what every unsaved man is doing? He's dwelling among the tombs, among the dead. There he dwells among the dead. All his friends, his neighbors are dead. And there he is entertaining the dead. Living among the dead. Dead in trespasses. Dead in sins. Dead before God. No life towards God. No desire for God. Dwelling among the tombs. I want you to notice.
Also, in the end of verse three, no man could bind him, though not with chains all people have tried to reform.
They've tried to turn over a new leaf. They've tried to chain down men, but oh, they break the chains. They can't be tied. There. They are, my friends, determined to go on their course to damnation and judgment. They cannot be tamed. And it tells us in this next verse, neither verse four or the end of the verse, neither could any man tame him. There wasn't a man there in that country to tame this man. And I tell you tonight, my friends, is not a man in this world can tame you.
There's not a man in this world can save you. Not a preacher, not a minister, not a clergyman. There's nobody in this world can save your soul but one. And that's the man at God's right hand and the glory, the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, it tells us in the fifth verse.
At the end of the fifth verse, he was cutting himself with stones. What was he doing? He was harming himself. Oh dear Senator, you're harming yourself. You're harming yourself. God loves you. God wants to bless you. God wants to make your life happy. God wants to bring sunshine and joy into your soul. And here you are, rejecting the gospel and you're hurting yourself. He was cutting himself with stones. Aren't you doing the same thing? You're harming yourself, my dear friend.
God loves you always. Isn't it wonderful, I think of the Lord Jesus saying to Nicodemus, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. This man was completely wrecked and ruined.
But when he saw Jesus, he ran to worship him. Well, we know that men try to be religious. We know the woman in the 4th that John pleaded the same thing.
But all this man has many, many followers tonight in this great country, men who profess to worship Christ when in their very hearts they reject them. Well, every time we preach on this fifth chapter, the Gospel by Mark, our minds go down to the province of New Brunswick, to a little town, a railway town called McAdam. And there we think of a man named David McKay, who is known to some of us in this audience. Tonight we've had the pleasure of meeting this man. We knew him when he was a drunkard.
We knew him when his face was marked with liquor, when his eyes were blurry and bloodshot, when his whole life was spent in the service of the devil. With all beloved friends. Dave McKay met Jesus. Jesus met Dave McKay and all the sunshine and the joy in that man's face, the joy and the happiness that only Christ could give this poor man. Now I rejoice in Christian on the way to glory.
Oh, I sat talking to that man. I've said to him, Dave, for just like me, not one bit worse and not one bit better. That's a poor old Sinner, say, by the grace of God and all. I think of him. I think of him known in macadam by his different friends and business acquaintances.
Dave the Drunkard, And now Dave the hymn singer. Dave the Psalm singer, and on his very windows of his home, redeemed by the blood of Christ.
On the front door, a little text was hanging. Jesus, they all together. Lovely one. All I say to you, my friends, a great savior met Dave McKay and saved his precious soul. And now that man's testimony and macadam, his precious and the very man that would tame him, the very man that would say, let's get this man McCabe.
Who lived a life of sin and shame. Let's get this man in reform and let's get him into a A and turn over a new leaf. Now, my friends, under the power of the gospel of Christ. Dave McKay, a man of God is despised by the man who would try to tame. I tell you, my friends, this world, the United States of America included, does not want Jesus Christ and any turn whatsoever. The world does not want Christ.
Not the Christ of the Bible. The world has never said we're sorry that we elected Barabbas.
The world has never said we made a mistake. When we asked for Barabbas release we made a mistake. It still stands in the annals of God himself that this world said away with Jesus and crucify him and release unto us Barabbas and God says now Barabbas was a robber. Is it any wonder we can't get rid of War Horse? Is it any wonder that men are killing each other? Because if any wonder that crime is increasing in this country by leaps and bounds.
When this world shows a robber and nailed the Christ of God to the cross of Calvary.
Well, this man met Jesus. Isn't it lovely? Notice what it says, the precious Savior said in the eighth verse. Come out of the man. Thou unclean spirit. Why, even the demons were subject to this blessed man. He was God and flesh. Just imagine God has come down out of heaven. God, the God of eternity, the maker of heaven and earth, has come down to this world as a man and walk this world as a man. Blessed Savior.
Christ of God, he's been in this world. Come out of him, thou unclean spirit. Then in the ninth verse, what is thy name? Here we find the Sinner and the Savior are together and the blessed Lord Jesus isn't. What is thy name? Didn't he know his name? All my friends, He would have this man confess it all. His name was legion. He was completely under the power of the devil the other day.
A brother and I.
Visited a home and we saw a broken hearted mother and a broken hearted father, they said This mother told us, weeping my daughter just the other day because of some dispute with her boyfriend.
She took thirty of my sleeping pills and her brain is completely wrecked and she's in the asylum and all. She wept. She said, Man, I have a Bible, I've read the Bible.
And I read about Jesus.
Calling out of men and women, unclean spirits. Is there any hope for my daughter?
And the father said, I have to go to the barn. I'll be back shortly. And after speaking to this lady about the precious Savior, we knelt down to pray. And when we finished praying, the father had come into the room and he was on his knees, all beloved. Their daughter was taken captive by the devil. Her brain was gone and wrecked. And the doctor said there's no hope she'll be like that way for the rest of her life, no doubt. Oh how sad and how solemn this is.
And this story I just told you is a story of multitudes, of homes tonight in the United States and Canada. Broken hearted mothers and fathers as their children come under the very spell of the devil. And, sad to say, my friends, men who claim to be the servants of God, stand up and tell us that there's no devil.
They tell us that we don't need a savior. They tell us the blood is not, is of no avail at all, of the death of Christ is of no avail. These modernists, my friends, these modernists, these servants of the devil, I had the I I spoke to one of them and said, do you believe in the virgin birth of Christ? He said I have to think it over, I have to think it over. And the next day I asked Roman Catholic.
Very good friend of mine who I believe is trusting the Savior. I said, do you believe in the virgin birth of Christ? He said, With all my heart. With all my heart. I said mention in this man's name. I said he doesn't believe it. He said, I I can't believe that. He said he's one of the biggest preachers in Montreal. I said he's one of the biggest infidels in Montreal, one of the biggest infidels. That poor man's going into eternity now gone into eternity.
Think of it gone to eternity, I say, young man, young lady, our brother Smith this afternoon. Why? Amen what he said. Be not deceived by these professors or these preachers, these modernistic preachers who were on the way to hell themselves and who would drag you down. There's no salvation outside of the crossword of our Lord Jesus Christ. There's no salvation outside of the precious blood of Christ that was shed on the cross of Calvary.
There's absolutely no salvation if the Lord Jesus wasn't born of a virgin.
He was born of a virgin. Blessed be his precious, holy, adorable name. The Son of God was born of a version, or if he wasn't, and I say this reverently, he could not be my savior. Thank God he was born of a virgin. Thank God the Bible is the word of God from cover to cover all my friends and I Jesus is a savior. Jesus is the Savior. And praise God, Jesus is my savior. Is he your savior tonight?
Well, he died for you. He died for you. Isn't it wonderful? He gave his life.
Think of that. The Son of God gave his life on the cross of Calvary, as our dear brother said last night.
That question that comes down through the ages, that solemn question that Jesus asked on the cross in the hours of darkness when he bore my wretched sins. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? There's no answer. Heaven was still it was quiet. The heavens were clauses were against that blessed man.
But all beloved, how often as Christians, we've answered the question on our knees. Lord Jesus, Thou is forsaken for me. A hell deserving worm of the dust. A Wretch. A Wretch. A poor hell deserving Wretch. Thou was forsaken for me, Oh, what a savior Jesus is. Oh the love, what grace is is a savior A savior All my friends Christ is able to save tonight the Viola Sinner.
The most guilty Sinner. The most self-righteous Sinner. All are welcome to Jesus. He's ready to save you tonight. Well.
I want you to notice in the 12Th verse.
The demons besought the Lord Jesus saying, send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. And the Lord answered their prayer. Just imagine the Lord said he gave them leave and you know the herd of swine ran into the lake. This is a solemn thing. 2000 pigs ran into the lake. Well notice the 15th verse.
And they come to Jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind. Isn't that wonderful? Can you imagine it? He was sitting. He was sitting down in the presence of Jesus. What does that suggest, suggests?
Rest. Rest. He was sitting down in the presence of Christ.
That speaks of rest all, my friends. Have you got rest? Is there some lady tonight in this hall?
It has no rest and no peace. When you get into your bed at night, you say, If my heart stops beating in the middle of the night, where will I spend eternity? I have no rest. I have no peace. Oh Jesus says, come unto me all you got labor under heavy laden. I will give you rest. I won't sell it. I will give you. He's a giving God. I will give you rest. The next thing it says He was clothed, oh, he was clothed, the snake of it. Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. In this room the light is clothed.
And the best robe of heaven fit for heaven right now, at this very moment, fit will never be more fit than we are.
Right now fit for heaven, clothed by the grace of God, clothed in heaven's best robe, the very blessed Lord Jesus himself clothed on 3rd in his right mind.
Are you in your right mind tonight? Now, I know that I'm not trying to insult you, dear friends, when it comes to history or arithmetic or geography or some other subject, you may be very, very clever. But when it comes to Jesus, when it comes to the truth of God.
Are you in your right mind? How many people say when you ask them what is John 316 mean? All they say it means to go to church and pay your bills and live a good life and do the best you can, be religious and get baptized and you'll get to heaven. Why, they're not in their right mind. John 316. I can ask some of their little children, Ask the little boy this afternoon, what do you think of Jesus? And he said, I think a lot of them. I think a lot of them. Wasn't that wonderful? A little boy. I think a lot of them, Well, he was in his right mind.
Are you in your right mind, my friends? Are you in your right mind that concerning the Son of God?
Is so important. You can be wrong on everything else in the world, but don't be wrong when it comes to the Son of God. Oh, he's the Christ. He's the Christ, the manner trying to take him away tonight. They're trying to steal away our blessed Lord. But how good to stand here and say he's the Christ, the Son of the living God, the risen, glorified Son of God?
Cast out of this world, received up into heaven.
Then it says in the end of the 15th verse, they were afraid. Now that's true about the world. They're afraid of Christians. They're afraid. Why, when a man gets saved and starts to speak about the Lord Jesus, they get afraid. They're afraid. Why? A man told me. He said, you know, the asylum is full of men and women who read the Bible. The asylum was just filled with men and women.
Who read the Bible and who believe what you believe. And so we challenge him to come with us down to the asylum and ask them, They asked the doctors down there, how many men and women are in this in this asylum? Because I read in the Bible and believing in Christ. And how many men are in this asylum because of liquor and drink and sin. And we'll add up the number and see how it comes. He wouldn't accept the challenge, my friends. The devil will not accept any challenge.
That stands for Christ and the truth of God. But if we reason with the devil, if we argue with the devil, you have a seat every time. But the word of God, the Lord Jesus, that it is written, it is written, it is written. The word of God stands as the sword of a spirit to defeat the attacks of the devil.
And so.
It says they were afraid. I want you to know this. What happens here in the 16th verse? And they that sought told them how it befell the hymn that was possessed with the devil and also concerning the swine. And they began to pray him to depart out of their coast. Or how the world never changes. This whole world never changes. Oh yes, the the close of change and the transportation change and the buildings of change and the different.
And conveniences have changed the Frigidaires and different improvements in cars and motorcycles and aeroplanes. For the heart of man has never changed. Give us the swine. Give us the swine. Give us this crazy man. Give us this man possessed with demons. Give us anything but Christ, they said. Get out of our coast. Just imagine. Get out of our coast. Why, I believe my friends and I speak reverently if the Lord Jesus Christ came tonight to the big prisons in this country.
And if the Lord Jesus saved every prisoner in that prison, some of the great criminals of this country were saved for glory. And they got up and spoke well of Christ. They said get out of the country. They wouldn't want them in the country. They'd say anything but Christ, The world has never changed. Or a young man, young lady, you're growing up in a world that's against God and against Christ. He's getting worse every day. Every day is getting worse. You know, God tells us it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
Until there won't be a Christian in this world, there won't be one left. Everyone of them will be gone to be with the Lord Jesus. And God is going to judge this world. You know, it's a big statement. Isn't God is going to judge this. Well, let us narrow it down. God is going to judge Los Angeles, God is going to judge United States of America. And God is going to judge Canada. And God is going to judge England and God is going to judge this world.
This world that dared to spit into the face of Christ, that dared to nail the hands of the Son of God to Calvary's cross.
That dare to crown that blessed head with a crown of thorns. God is going to judge this world. Judge it, my friends. All its education, all its famous progress is going to be dashed out of the ground under the judgment of God. Oh, how sound, how solemn this is. Notice now in this 17th verse, the 18th verse. And when he was coming to the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. All this is lovely.
He wanted to be with Jesus. Now I believe there are seven things said about this man we will mention later.
In connection with showing us what Jesus had done for him.
And I want to draw your attention that if the demons prayed, this man prayed. And if the Lord Jesus said yes to the demons, he said no to this man. He prayed, and he might be with them. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but said unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. I want you to notice now these seven things.
That happened to this man because he met Jesus first of all we said, before he was sitting and he had rest.
Second, he was clothed. Third, he was in his right mind.
4th In this verse 18 he prayed. Oh, isn't that a sign of the new life? Isn't that a sign my friends, of new birth? The apostle Paul, when he was saved for glory, Ananias was told behold, he prayeth. He prayeth. Ah my friends, have you ever pray? We live in an age where there's not much prayer. The devil has everybody so busy there's no time to pray. I believe, young Christian, that the devil has taken the straw away today from us.
The straw ways and produced the same number of bricks. We have no time for prayer, no time to read our Bibles. We're always rushing, rushing, rushing. In this mad age, this man prayed. The next thing we find that said he wanted to be with him or do you want to be with Jesus? What a wonderful thing it is to see a young man or a young woman and they confess the Lord Jesus and they want to be with them. How can you be with them? Well, we know this man was physically with Jesus. How can you be with him? Young Christian, you can be with him at the assembly meetings.
You can be with them at the prayer meeting. He's in the midst. You can be with them in the Bible reading.
You can be with them on the Lord's Day more than I've often thought of the Lord's Day Morning.
You know, if we were to walk in the room. And the Lord Jesus looked across the room and smiled.
And he was there physically, so we could actually see him. And he looked across the room and said, I'm so glad you came this morning, so glad you came to Remember Me in death, or how your heart would bubble up, how you'd praise God, how you'd rejoice like those disciples. And when they went home on the 20 of the John and they said to Thomas, we have seen the Lord, all my friends. The next week Thomas was there. Nothing. It's nothing to keep him away.
They had seen the Lord. The secret of blessing and joy was to see the Lord. Do you want to be with Jesus? Are you found at the prayer meeting?
Young man, young lady, young Christian sister and brother, are you found at the Bible reading. He wanted to be with them. It was one of the signs that he had met Jesus. He wanted to be with him, Somebody said yesterday. To know him is to love him. You can't know Jesus and not love him. To know Mr. Love him because he captures the heart. He captures the heart. He fills the heart with joy. He fills the heart with praise. Ought to know him is to love him.
Well, the next thing we see, the sixth thing, it tells us he obeyed in verse 19. Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and that had compassion on thee. He obeyed all obedience. He obeyed. He didn't argue with the Lord. I speak reverently. He didn't say, Well, I want to be with you. I found you know I want to be with you. When the Lord should go home. He went home. He obeyed.
All my friends, how wonderful this is. He obeyed the Blessed Lord's word.
And seven he confessed that Jesus was Lord. Notice that go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and verse. 20 He departed and began to publish into capitalists how great things Jesus had done for him, Why he owned that Jesus was the Lord.
Tell what great things the Lord hath done for thee, and when he went home to his friends, he said. This man, Jesus, this is the man who's called Jesus. He's done great things for me.
He had compassion on me. I was a poor man, a legion under the power of the devil. I was putting myself with stones. I was smashing the chains. But I met Jesus and all the joy in my heart as I met Jesus, as I sat at his feet, it is blessed feet. And heard his lovely words, looked up and it was lovely face. I was in the presence of Jesus. He's won my heart and he's the Lord. God said, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, Jesus is Lord.
Believe in my heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved on the authority of the living. God's Word and heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away, as our brother said this afternoon forever and all, Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven. All men did marvel well, they might marvel, my friends, going back to New Brunswick just for a moment. I remember one day.
Going to one of the homes in New Brunswick in the little town of Macadam. And this man had a business, upholstering business and he brought us into his factory, so-called, and he had his chesterfields and chairs and things there. He was sort of a prosper looking man from McAdam, but he got talking about the gospel tent and he said, you know, there's a man here in McAdam, his name is David McKay, he said he used to work with me.
He worked for me, but he said I never could depend upon David McKay because he would disappear for 10 days. He would be drunk for 10 days, two weeks. I would never see my man coming to work. But he got religion and he said, my what a change has come over this man and our beloved brother, Pierre Patty was with me and his face lit up, is only his can light up. And he said, Mr. You're wrong.
You're wrong Mr. He didn't get religion, or the man said he did, Sir. He did. He's reading the Bible and he's singing and he's always talking about religion, Mr. Pirapada said again. And he said no Mr. He didn't get religion. He got Christ. He got Christ Mr. And you need him too. You need him too. All beloved brethren and dear friends tonight, how real this is to get Christ. The world is full of religion, fuller religion.
I often said as like the ANP store, you can go down with your wagon and get anything off the shelf. You want All kinds of religion. Anything you want. Christ. Rejecting religion, disobeying the word of God, denying the very truth of scripture. You can have any kind of religion you want. It will send you to hell, my friends. But God doesn't give us religion. He gives us a person. The person of Christ. The man who sat on the cross that is finished and he bowed his head. Oh, I love those words.
In John 19 he bowed his head.
All beloved, we should have bowed our heads for eternity in shame and disgrace. We should have bowed our heads for all eternal age. And we should have bowed our heads. But Jesus bowed his head. All blessed Savior, the only man I've ever lived with, had a reputation. The only good man, Whoever lived. God says there's none good. No, not one. Not even one good man in the world. There was one good man here.
And they crucified upon the cross of Calvary. They put them out of the world, but God received them in heaven. And all beloved is that blessed man ascended back into the glory. I believe that every Angel in heaven bowed before his blessed person is the man Christ Jesus, with the nail Prince in his hands and feet and the spear mark on his side, marched to the throne of God and sat down at the right hand of the majesty in the heavens, the Christ.
The Christ, the Son of God. Jesus, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God. He's coming back to judge this world. He offers you a pardon. Tonight he offers you salvation. Tonight he offers you blessing. Tonight, all my friends, is there any wonder the little hymn says Angel hosts their musing or the sights so strangely sad? God beseeching man refusing to be made forever glad.
All think of God, beseeching man. Come to me, he says. Come to me. I'll save you. I'll bless you. I'll give you heaven. If you'll only come to me, man, saying, no, I don't want you. I don't want you. I'd rather go to hell. I'd rather be damned in the pit. I'd rather be in darkness for eternity, weeping and wailing and gnashing my teeth and to come to Christ.
Is beseeching God loves you. We sometimes said God has blocked the road to hell with the cross of Christ.
All my friend, are you going to pass the cross? This might be your last chance, your last opportunity.
For salvation. But all listen to this verse. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, claims of us from all sin. Just imagine all your sins washed away A free and a full pardon save for glory, save for glory. I stood outside the little hall and Thomas and New Brunswick and I was talking to a young lady who was a Roman Catholic. She had been attending the meetings and I believe that God was speaking to her and as we stood there talking to her.
We told her that we said these words all shall only receive Christ tonight. If only you'll receive Christ tonight, you'll be as ready for heaven as the apostle Paul, the apostle Peter, and all the other men of God in this world. And I saw the light breakthrough. Her face lit up. And that girl, I want to say this reverently, my friends, because there may be some young people in this room tonight who have got fathers and mothers who are Christians.
And who were not saved at home.
This Roman Catholic girl, I believe, received the Lord Jesus as her savior.
Her husband, her husband was brought up among the gathered Saints, and he's a Christ rejecter. He's a Christ rejector.
All my friends, I tell you, Solomon, the night that many of our young people are in the same boat as that man down in New Brunswick, Christ reject his religious Yes, they come to Sunday school, They come to the Gospel meet every Sunday night. But they're lost. They're lost. They've never, never, never.
Open their hearts to Christ. Never. Maybe there's somebody in this room just like that. You've never opened your heart to Christ. You're religious, but you're lost. You know the way to heaven, but you didn't take it. You've never, never, never, never had personal contact with the Lord Jesus Christ. And you're a dead corpse tonight. You're lost. Or won't you look to Jesus. He loves you. He died for you. He suffered the just for the unjust.
To bring us to God, not just to bring us into salvation, but to bring us to God. To bring us into the very presence of God, into the very family of God, as his children.
And to give us that joy and that peace and that happiness that only Christ can give.
All my friends, I pray before we sing our last hymn and pray together. I just ask you tonight, are you saved or lost?
Are you heaven bound or hell bound? If we were to read in the 8th chapter of Luke's Gospel, we'd find the climax of the story. For this man's testimony was so great that when Jesus came back, the people were all waiting for him. Isn't it wonderful? When he came back to this country, they were all waiting for him as a result of this man's testimony. What about our testimony? What about my testimony? What about your testimony? Are you speaking well of Jesus? Have you ever confessed a little boy? Maybe there's a boy here tonight.
Or a girl. And you say, well, I believe in Jesus. Did you ever speak well of them? Did you ever tell your mother?
By the Lord Jesus as my Savior, I know him. As my personal Savior, I've received him into my I've given him.
I have received God's salvation. I have received Christ.
I have received God's gift and I am saved for eternal ages. Praise God, Oh my friends, what a wonderful Savior. What a wonderful Savior we have brought before us in this 5th chapter of the gospel of Mark the risen, glorified, soon coming Son of God. I pray that all the glory and all the praise may be his, for he alone is worthy. Let us sing the last verse, the number 21.
Decide for Christ today. Confess Him as thy Lord. Proclaim to all the Saviors worth How faithful is His Word, the last verse only, and the chorus the number 21.