People judged Jesus by themselves. They expected Him to conform to the rules they had to live by. What they did not understand and did not accept was that He was the Son of Man; He was God who became a man but was still God. He was the ultimate rule maker and under no obligation to conform to man’s rules. Jesus was Lord even of the Sabbath.
He was rejected for who He was, and so in blind unbelief, they consulted together on how to destroy Him. He did not come to judge but to save, so He did not strive with men; He did not insist on His rights but went quietly among men to seek their blessing.
His presence was a test for everyone. He told the people, “He that is not with Me is against Me.” It is still true today: Every person accepts and is for Him or is against Him by rejecting Him and His rights over them.
Man said to Him, “We would see a sign from Thee,” or, in other words, Prove to me You are who You say You are. He said no sign would be given but the sign of Jonas (Jonah) the prophet who was in the belly of the whale for three days and nights. Jesus, after dying, would be dead for three days and then rise again. To refuse to accept Jesus as once dead and now alive forever leaves a person in a hopeless condition of unbelief.
Those who believe in Him will respond to Him to do God His Father’s will. Even Mary His mother was tested in this way. Being a Jew was not enough; even being His mother was not enough. When asked, He said, “Who is My mother?” Like everyone else, she must accept Him in faith and do His Father’s will.
1. Who is Lord of the Sabbath day? __________ Matthew 12:___
2. Did Jesus strive for His rights? Should we? __________ Matthew 12:___
3. Jesus said, “He that is not with Me is __________ Me.” Matthew 12:___
4. Jesus said that He would be __________ days and nights in the heart of the earth. Matthew 12:___
5. To be a brother or sister of Jesus, we must do __________ of His Father. Matthew 12:___