Matthew 13:31-end

Matthew 13:31-end
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Address—C. Buchanan
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Says here King of Glory set on high.
Dirt, with strength and majesty, we, thy holy name, confess.
Thee with adoration bless.
Mighty Son of God.
Wondrous gift a man mistook some brothers start for us, Please 143.
King of Glory 7.
Let me fall asleep.
Maybe some other brother has another kid.
No, I can't start. I got off on the wrong Timmy. Well, we'll read. We can't get through it. King of glory set on high girt with strength and majesty. We thy holy name confess thee with adoration. Bless Jesus.
Mighty Son of God, wondrous gift on man distilled. Many crowns are on the thigh. Head glorious, first born from the dead.
Gladly Lord, we follow the need by the fathers. Just decree to his own anointed 1 to his well beloved Son. Wonderful words, aren't you? Well, let's pray.
We'll open to this chapter 13 again in Matthew.
We had reached the 31St verse.
Where we will begin just a little bit later.
But I think we should review a few things.
But first.
That the 2nd parable which we took up.
And spoke about.
In verse 3424.
He is called the Kingdom of heaven. Is Lincoln unto man that sowed good seed in his field, but while men slept, his enemies came and sowed tears.
This is the beginning of a set of 10 parables that are likenesses of the Kingdom of Heaven. Or similitudes is another word. There are six of them in this chapter.
And then there are four more scattered on in the book.
I think it would be well to point them out.
We will try to get through some of these six tonight that are in this chapter.
When we get to the 6th one, we find that there is a separation.
And then when we get to the last one, we find there's another separation.
These things are more than interesting.
They are set there for a warning for the Kingdom of Heaven is.
This sphere of profession here on earth, during the time while the king is in there, it began and it will end.
It began when the king went up to heaven. It will end when the king comes back from heaven and puts down the last Gentile power. He reviewed that a little bit yesterday.
The first one then of this 10 is that one in verse 24. The next one will begin later is in verse 31 and is called the Kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed.
The third one is verse 33. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto letter.
The 4th, 1:00.
Is in verse 44 again the Kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field.
The first one is verse 45. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls.
The 6th one is verse 47 again. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea.
These in this chapter.
Are more or less completing themselves.
What we're going to take up tonight from verse 31 on to the end of the chapter.
As far as we can go.
Are 5.
That are a development.
That first one, that's a likeness that is likened unto a man with so good city in his field, but then tears are so near.
You farmers know this better than anybody else in the world.
That you never so bad seated.
He always sow good seed.
And what we have here.
Is an enemy sowing the bad seed?
Then we get.
The product of the bad seed.
In two parables.
And then we get the product of the good seed in two parables, and then we get the separation of two. At the end of the age. We'll come back and cover this. So we have remarked about 6 parables which are likenesses of the Kingdom of Heaven.
We'll go then to Chapter 18.
Where we'll find.
To point out.
The 10.
In the seventh, in the 18th chapter, in the 23rd verse we have the 7th similitude of the Kingdom.
It says there the Kingdom of heaven is likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his service.
At Chapter 1823.
Then we go over to Chapter 20.
20 In the first verse we get the 8th 1:00.
Chapter 20 In the first verse we have the 8 similarities of the Kingdom and it says.
The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a man, that is a householder which went out early in the morning, so on.
These are all likenesses of the Kingdom of Heaven, and they have their specific teaching for us.
Chapter 22.
And the first and the second verse gives us the 9th.
Parable that is a similitude, a likeness of the Kingdom of heaven, that says the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which would make a marriage or his son.
And the final one is Chapter 25.
And the first verse.
In the Kingdom of heaven.
Then shall the Kingdom of heaven be likened unto 10 virgins, which had their lamps, and went forth to meet the migrants on. And you remember that there were five of those which were wise, and five which were foolish, and they're separated at the end of the age.
When you thrash grain, a combine does the whole thing now.
But when we used to guide bundles and put it on wagons carry the separator.
Driven by a steam engine or later a diesel engine, the grain would be thrashed out.
And the good grain, the wheat of its wheat would be put in the bin. The fans would blow up the chaff and morning glory seeds or anything else that you have there that was foreign material that you didn't want and separated, and you'd keep the good, throw the bad away. That's what Jesus is telling us about the present age.
And he does it in 10 perils. But the those in our chapter are.
Completing themselves concerning this operation and then he goes on in those that were scattered out 18/20/22 and 25 to give another set of parables which specifically speak of grace.
We might say that the one in chapter 18 was the need of grace. Well, certainly this world needs grace.
It's the need of grace. God's a gracious God, so he offers grace. That's chapter 20.
Grace was needed Chapter 18, Grace was offered in Chapter 20 and in chapter 22 grace was received.
And then there comes a separation.
In our series here.
We have these beginning with verse 31.
And 33 which give us the product of the bad seed.
This parable we have talked about on Saturday, on Sunday afternoon.
The parable of the tares of the field is the disciples call it is a rare it's it's a special one and it's very complete in itself and it has the development of the whole of these from 31 on to the end of their chapter. But these last five give details that fill in.
The one, we might say. The parent parable.
They can tone that parable, the tears of the field kind of apparent parable.
And the development of what was there in the embryo or the womb comes out in detail in the product of the two seeds that are planted.
So it it makes it helpful to understand that there are two seeds sown.
In the earlier parable that we took up first in the first part of the chapter.
We sat was the sewing of the Good Seed by the Son of Man while he was down here in the world. He did that too. This puts us in a most wonderful position.
In John's Gospel, Jesus in talking to his disciples.
Says to them other men labored, and here entered into their laborers.
Who are the other men?
Specifically, John the Baptist and the Lord.
And he said you're entered into their laborers.
They're gone. Who's in the labor land? He's brethren here and so in health.
Brethren all over the world.
The good seed is the children of the Kingdom.
We have the same message to carry.
Fuller developed than John the Baptist did and Jesus did, for they preached the gospel of the Kingdom. Nevertheless, it was a gospel.
And the gospel can be spoken of as.
God's good news concerning His Son, in whatever age it is. It began when man sinned. It was spoken first to Satan. It was this. The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head. That's victory over apprehended. That's Christ. Christ is the good news.
Well, the long test came in. The King was promised. The King came in this gospel, which begins the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, the King. King Kane grew up.
Entered into his ministry and proved who he was by what he did as well as what he said.
That is, he could undo the works of the devil. I was talking with Leo and Marguerite about that word undo, and I think of it when I think of Margaret's father Tom Love. It's found in chapter three of First John for this cause where the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil is our translation. A more correct one is undo the works of the town?
He came to.
Well, he healed the sick, he gave sight to the blind, he he gave voice to those that were done hearing to the deaf, and cast out demons and cleanse the lepers and reach the dead.
Those were the results of sins. Satan introduced sin. So the king showed who he was like what he did, and his words tell it to oh, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and his teaching. Well, he had been refused nationally by Israel, those to whom he came in the 12Th chapter of Matthew. So as we said to begin with on Saturday.
Jesus leaves the house. That's the 1St.
Words of this chapter. And he goes out by the seaside, and he gets the vote, and he goes out in the boat and talks to the people on the shore.
Now we'll start with verse 31.
We had finished up yesterday with the gathering of the wheat into my barn. This, beloved, is the rapture. This is the good seed that is collected and taken up to the Father's house, and it's before the burning. We refer to that. But now we're beginning another parable, and it is the product of the bad seed.
You get bad seed in your field that grows up and it causes you lots of trouble when you try to combine, but it's there and Satan has done that. So let's look at this parable, verse 31. Another parable put he forth unto them saying the Kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field.
Which indeed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree.
So that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches of it.
So here we have the first product of the bad seed.
And it may be spoken of as outward.
And it's it's what's visible and important to man, and it's greatness.
Now believers.
Were never set in the world to become a great thing.
That is those who accepted the king, those babes.
Who received Christ? Who could understand and still can understand the parables?
We're never set to become a great thing in the world.
Rather, we as believers are set here to follow the footsteps of a rejected first.
But you notice this man.
When he sews this seed, it's the bad seed.
It's small to start with, and so it was. I think this began in the days of the apostles.
That the enemy was sowing the seed.
And little by little, you can see how it developed its men. But it's men who Satan gets ahold of. You follow church history.
And you find out that the overseers began to take a title and told themselves bishops. They began to call themselves priests.
And the church is getting spread out and wasn't long until there was a great man down in Alexandria in Egypt, which was the center of Christianity in those days.
There was another one up in Constantinople.
Where Turkey is the northern part of Turkey, where much of the work of pole produced and results of the good seed too. But the enemy came in and men grant grant began to aggrandize, to make themselves big and to clean titles, and to clean and over rule over the masses, and so developed the cortical system.
And the layup cave.
And it was contrary to all the teaching of the Epistles.
Neither being Lords over God's heritage is a simple statement that we read in Peter. Well, they didn't. They didn't do that. They began to come great and they began to assume greatness. So much so that in the days of Constantinople.
The world began to rule in the public systems that were developed then. This is the tree growing big.
It is now this world system of things in Christendom which has become very great.
And it becomes like a tree. A tree is a great thing in the earth. And the symbols of Scripture. Often trees are used as symbols of nations, as we explain yesterday too, that Israel had been likened to a fig tree and likened to an olive tree and likened to a wine. And other nations have also in Scripture, in the prophets been called.
Great trees in the earth. So Christendom became that.
And here we have read.
When it is grown is the greatest among the herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches of it. This is a picture of what will end up as Babylon, the grave, the false church.
Which we can readily understand as we think of the world Christian.
Oh, it's a huge thing. And these birds are symbols.
Now those who find their nests, they're living in this great system of things.
And you'll find that the greater they are, the less of Christ and of God they have.
We don't have to say much about this. It is so big, the whole world knows it, but they don't know.
The meaning of what Jesus was teaching at.
Now this is Christendom.
And christened them, repeating what we said yesterday is a good name for the Kingdom of heaven. It's Christ, Kingdom down here while the king is up there. It's a big thing.
The World Council of Churches is a known organization which is trying to get together the diverse systems that men have set up.
And birds of the air as used here.
You find it back in the province of the Old Testament in connection with Babylon. She's become the whole.
Of every unclean and hateful bird.
It's looked at as.
And God's sake, that's bad thing. It's the product of the bad seed. It can't turn out anything else but it's outward secular greatness in this likeness of the Kingdom of heaven.
It's what men see.
They don't understand it, but we do. It's the outward secular greatness of the world, Christendom around us.
That's one product of the bad seed. The next, the next parable, verse 33, another parable speaking unto them. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto 11 which a woman took the other place, it was a man.
Now woman took and hid in three majors of meal till the whole was left. That's all it is to this parent.
But eleven, we had some wonderful rules over our sisters house tonight. I know she put some leaven in those to make them.
And you cooks knew what leaven can do to inflate.
And I've never seen a cook yet start the 11:00 to 11:00 to working. But she didn't stop.
My wife's going on town a few times and left the bread rising and one time it ran over and ran over down the avenue. That's right and it just keeps on going unless you stop it.
So now is a picture of the working of sin internally. That's all it is.
It's a picture of the working of sin internally. The first parable we talked about tonight is the.
Outward secular greatness of the world. Systems in Christmas.
This is the internal spiritual corruption.
It's the intern spiritual corruption.
That introduces poison into the children's brain. The three measures of meal are a type of the children's brain.
You see, the Christendom should have fed the young ones coming up the pure Word of God, the pure Word of God that does away with some that puts it away and still instead of inflating man in the flesh, which turns out into turns into inward spiritual corruption and it's a woman. I do think that these things are progressing.
In the order in which Jesus related them.
To typify the progress of the development of these things in these last 2000 years.
In a chronological order.
And we were carried up and thought to the days of Constantine, Constantinople, and then began to form what was the head of the system of things.
Not at Alexandria, nor at Constantinople, but at Rome. Now Rome assumed the ascendancy, and Rome is the common knowledge all over the world as the great leader of Christianity, or Christendom, or the great world systems of the Kingdom of Heaven.
And she is looked at as a woman.
And Rome is the one who began to introduce corrupt teaching into the pure Word of God.
I love the Roman Catholics.
I don't want to speak hard about something, but Rome has done this, Rome has not.
Denied this book. Some Protestant systems have. They hold that this is the word of God. They teach that Jesus was born of a virgin.
And that there is a heaven and that there is a heaven. But then they introduced their poison. You got to go to the human priest and get absolution. You got to pay for forgiveness of sin. Pay, pay, pay, pay, pay. You got it down. Bow down to worship lines. That's the internal spiritual corruption that's poisoned many of soul. God holds that against you.
Isn't it clear this is the development of the bad seed?
But as we spoke yesterday, we are not to do anything about this.
Let both grow together.
For us who are farmers, while I hear you talk about walking things, I didn't understand that term, Vermont time. But then I found out what it meant. We we'd gone down there and hooked them. We had it hooked, it hooked the weeds out and it just does. A farmer could get all those meat out of people.
But in Krishna we are not to do. We are absolutely not to do. And there's one of the failures of Rome that we referred to yesterday, and it is also a failure of The Crusaders.
And crusaders, and there were a number of crusades coming down from northern Europe to try to get back the whole man and looking for the Holy Grail and all this and trying to put the Muhammadans out and all the other religions, war after war.
Trying to eliminate the tears, what they thought were taken. But men can't judge these things.
And we're not to do it. We're to let both grow together.
So we have come to verse 34.
All these things speak Jesus unto the multitude in parables, and without a parable spake ye not unto them.
That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Prophet saying I will open my mouth in parables.
I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
And this is very interesting.
There's coming a change here. Jesus had spoke these this much, and he stopped with the product of the bad seed.
In the before the masses, he spoke all this before the military.
And he did not speak without a parable unto them.
And it says, I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.
But he did it in this form that seeing they may not see that's the multitudes that the one through Christ projectors.
They don't rejected him and he wasn't going to give them any truth that they could understand because they had rejected the king. But some had none and those were spoken to in parables and then it was opened up so that they could know.
So verse 36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. He goes back into the house.
And his disciples came unto him. They were his own. The little ones, the babes, those who were true to Christ, they came to him.
And they asked him, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
They asked him, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
They were so surprised by the tears that they forgot about the good seed as just one parable. To them, it was different from the first parable.
And so they call it the parable that tears of the veil.
Well, that was all right, and Jesus puts forth the most straightforward unfolding that you could possibly give.
We're just reading, He answered and said to them, verse 37, He that sowed the good seed is the Son of man. How that?
How very deaf.
He sold a good seat. He might have used the children of the Kingdom to do it, but he sowed the good seed.
You're put here by the Son of Man, you know.
I am children. He puts us in this world.
Satan puts the other kind of product.
The field is the world. You and I were born in this world.
The good seed are the children of the Kingdom.
Are you one of the good seed? You believe the gospel humor?
The Tares are the children of the wicked one.
That's really sharp, isn't it?
Now child of the devil, Jesus could say.
To somebody, we don't do that.
But he says, the children of the wicked.
The enemy that showed them is the devil. Now we know who served the bad sea.
The harvest is the end of the world.
We haven't come to that. It means the end of this age. It means the end of the time.
That we have spoken of as the Kingdom of heaven.
This will go on right up till the king comes back out of that.
And takes his rightful throne on the earth, and puts down the last Gentile power.
The reapers are the angels, not men.
We have nothing to do with the separation. It's left for angels, those with divine.
Discernment at the end.
Are going to sort out.
The good from the back.
They shook me on.
Our part of individual to be sure that I am one of the children of the Kingdom, you 2.
And to know how to go on down in this world.
Understanding why things are like they are.
Why sin goes on? Well, it's the patience of God. There are many other things that enter in, but this is very clear here. Then he goes to teach on this in verse 40. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire.
Well, you go out and gather firewood.
Care was telling me that he always halfway laid up. He went out and chopped a lot of movement. So he just loves to do that, get something to warm himself up with. Well, this is not gathered for that kind of purpose, but it's a gathering together of fuel for the fire, for the fire of judgment. As therefore the tears are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall be at the end of this age. World here means age, this age of world, Christendom.
The Son of Man shall send for his angels.
I believe they're here. We talked about that a little bit. We'll read a little bit more and come back. They shall gather out of His Kingdom.
All things that offend.
And then which do iniquity.
And shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
That's an interesting thing that we have read now.
Of the Kingdom.
The Son of Man is the one who sends the angels to gather out of his Kingdom. That is the Kingdom of the Son of Man. That's another way that the Kingdom is spoken of and is different from the Kingdom of Heaven as also we will get the Kingdom of the Father in these series of parables if we go far enough, which is another aspect of the Kingdom, the first talking specifically about the Kingdom of heaven and that's what we.
Are in when we propose Christ.
And every professor is in the Kingdom of heaven and responsible to the king whom he has professed, and ought to listen to the teaching of that king who gave this instruction here that day. That applies right now as well as the rest of the book.
As the tears are gathered in the fire and burned in the fire, so shall it be end of the at the end of the age.
And this is done by the angels who are the reapers.
And said angels are invisible.
And but in as much as some cults had developed to a great measure.
Who professed to be Christian and deny one of two things or both, That is, that Jesus is God or that Jesus is man, or both. They're completely false and.
Yet they say they're Christians. These are tares. These are the impostors, the imitators. Satan is a wonderful imitator.
But there's only one reoccurrency.
You haven't run into counterfeit here. Probably in El Salvador where we go quite frequently, 3 little assemblies down there we carry.
US currency because it's valid down there and it's valid all over the world when it's genuine, but they have run into a lot of foreigners who come in with counterfeit money.
And it's interesting.
How good some of that counter hit money is.
And the man who was changing our money there, I asked him a little bit about it. He said, oh, some of it. You can just feel it and jerking like that and tell what it's.
Bad or it's good?
And some of them you have to examine real carefully and look at it to a glass.
But then he had a machine.
That got a hold of a magnetic thread that the US puts in their bill right in the center of that.
Shield that got there and he showed me the light would go on if it was good and not if it was bad. Then he told me the Russians are the best counterfeiters of US currency. Said they can make it so good that you have to have a machine to tell whether it's good or bad.
Now Satan is clever and I referred to Mohammedanism.
And I am thoroughly convinced that it is one of Satan's masterpieces.
To imitate.
God's people down here on the earth and has LED.
Amora Stray.
From the truth of Christ than any other isn't.
It is nearly.
Well, it's half as big as all Christian.
Some of the books of numbers that you can get, each year they come out with a new one, 8788, and I expect 89 of the out for a few months, which gives you the data of the population of different countries, the different religions in the different countries, how many are educated, what language they speak, what currency they use. They will give you numbers which tell how many there are that are recognized as Christian and they lump the whole thing together.
And I'm thankful to say.
That of the 5 billion people that are living on the face of the earth approximately right now, the largest group of all or looked at as Christian, they came under this group, Christendom. They are in the Kingdom of heaven by profession, and there's about 1,000,000.
The largest division of that is Rome, which is about half of that.
And the largest other group is Islam or Mohammedanism, and they're almost.
Have that too, but they're growing by leaps and bounds. I thoroughly think that this is one of the bundles that God is allowing angels to gather together.
Because they're imprison them, and they're the product of the bad seed which the enemy sold, which men have developed, and there are many others, and they're getting set into bundles. 2 or but as we enjoyed yesterday, that we scattered into the barn before the burning. Another proof in these parallels that we shall never go through the tribulation. But the word of God carries us on in here.
And then it says.
In verse 42 shall cast them into a forest of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth they get the final judgement carries us right on to that. Then it carries us on to another result.
Then shall the righteous shame forth as the Son in the Kingdom of their Father. Notice that.
We're getting now the Kingdom of the Father.
You have noticed we are talking mostly about the Kingdom of Heaven, and we've limited it to the time when the King's outcomes out of heaven.
And push down the beast and takes begins to take the throne of the earth. But they're beginning to take the throne of the earth will be the seven years.
Judgments that precede the manifestation in glory of Christ, and we coming with Him.
And then we get what is called the Kingdom of the Son of Man, which is the earthly side of the Kingdom in the Millennium.
And the Kingdom of the Father is the heavenly Son. We're going into the Father's house.
That is, we're going in now.
The time of this Christendom age on the earth, when the King is in heaven, he judges things and then he comes back and you have two other aspects of his reign. In heaven, it's the Kingdom of the Father. On earth, it's the Kingdom of the Senate man. It's 1000 years of blessedness. Oh, it's going to be wondered. So we're introduced that far into this picture here.
Then he goes on back and he takes the product of the good seed. This is what the farmers like to see. This is what your heart likes to see, and it's very beautiful. Verse 44. Well, the person says who have ears to hear? Who hath an ear, who have ears to hear? Let him hear. I hope both of our ears are open tonight and we're listening to the word of God.
It's wonderful that in the Gospels it says who hath ears to hear clearly and when we get the addresses to the seven churches, which I understand the video took up with young people.
You'll notice it says he had half an ear right in here, just comes down to one ear. It's the end of the time in that Book of Revelation. If you haven't got two years to hear and listen with one and we've gotten 2 years and I hope they're both open, paying attention to the teaching of our Savior about the age in which we live, which is drawing to a conclusion. But here's the product of the good seed, verse 44.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field.
That which, when a man hath found, he hide it, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he had.
And bias that field.
These two are so alike, I'm going to read them together and talk about them together.
Verse 45.
Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls.
Who when he had found one Pearl of great price?
Went and sold all that he had and bought it. Now these two parables, the one of the treasure and the one of the Pearl.
Take the product of the good seed, which is the wheat, and they present to us.
The good things in Christmas, we're in Christendom, we can't get out, We profess Christ, we're in Christendom, we're living here and every believer in this Christendom. But it's the good things of Christendom in the two characters which Christ is looking for as being set here in Krishnam for Christ's glory and forced Christ joy or delight.
You and I, as the product of the wheat, the good seed, are here in Christendom, to be sat here for the glory of Christ and for his delight, and he sees that interest.
He sees that in us. He wouldn't have gone us so low he hadn't bought it if he hadn't seen it. The picture is of a man.
Who was looking?
For a treasure hid in a field, we've already had that. The field is the world. And as Christ looked down here at the world.
He saw something that was.
Of value to him a treasure is something that has value. Another way to speak of these two two likeness of the Kingdom of heaven as they present the value and the beauty that Christ saw in the Church.
Something that was worthwhile to him.
That's every believer he gave himself for me.
Christ loved the Church and gave himself for him, individual and collected.
We were down here in this pool. He saw something that was precious to him.
And he came to get it. No one else saw it. It was hit in the field.
Two brothers.
Larry, devout old brothers some few years ago, gathered amongst us.
We're talking together. One of them was arms that varies forward. His name was Armstead, too. I knew him as a young man. He was a unique fellow.
And they voted. But the man, the work began in Kentucky, where you go to Columbus and Mayfield to that brother more than anybody else.
And he and another brother somewhat like him, were walking along, and one said to.
Arms did Armstead. Father, we know you don't look like Christ.
He says yes, it does not yet.
What Christ was there? You don't look like Christ. Even we don't know what Christ looked like except his moral glory, his moral beauty, and that ought to shine in us too.
But it does not yet appear. The treasure is hidden. The fields. People look at us and they don't think, well, these Christians are beautiful. They're worth a lot. I'd give $1,000,000 for one of them. They might do the other way around.
And try to get rid of you for the do supper.
But Christ, he saw what he wanted.
It was a treasure exceedingly precious down here.
And for joy thereof.
He sold all that he had. What did he have? Every created temple she has.
The one on whom was God's delight ever with the Father, he left.
To become a man, to come down here.
And the bull?
Not just us, the whole field to take us out.
It's all in this, and He gets us out before he gets the wheel, but he's going to get the field. In the second Psalm God says about Christ, I have set my son upon my holy heel of Zion. He's not there yet. Ask of me, and I'll give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, the uttermost parts of the earth for thy position He has nestled. Yet in his prayer in the 17th of John he says, I pray not yet for the Word. I pray not for the Word He's saying there. I ask not for the Word.
He gets the treasure out first and he's going to ask for the world. It comes in the 5th of Revelation.
He's going to get the whole field, but he gets us out because he saw something valuable and something beautiful.
For this merchant man was looking for goodly pearls. You read that practice about the massless Pearl. It's a lovely track. Perhaps been used more of the Spirit of God to save souls and to attract them to Christ than anyone that I know. At least it's a wonderful day.
Not this Indian diver who's after these pearls. Well, you know the story and Sir, apartment symbol. And so this merchant man was seeking goodly purpose.
And when he had found one, just one.
Great price he went and sold all that he had and bought.
Now this is the 139th Psalm.
Hold this, hold one finger here. We'll turn back to it.
It's beautifully put before us.
And the way the 139th Psalm.
Curiously wrought in the.
Lower parts of the Earth.
Verse 15.
A Pearl, you know, is formed in a living creature down under the sea, down in the sea, through irritation internally in that by valve.
And it is formed little by little by little by little.
That's the description. That's the gem.
That Jesus uses here to picture the formation of the church.
Out of his ribbon side.
That irritation down through this age, through the Gospel, is forming 1 body, one church.
Little by little by little added pound added through his death he went down well. Let's read this my substance verse 1500 and 3915. My substance was not hit from the when I was made in secret.
And curiously brought in the lowest parts of the earth. We had to go down in debt to do it. Thine eyes did see my substance. Jesus knew you before he went to the girls. He knew me. He had to go down to the lowest parts of the earth against. And he's still for me. He's still adding. That's the reason he had to come here.
Thine eyes did see my substance yet being unparalleled. He doesn't say imperfect. This is an accurate language. They're still adding to it to make it.
Full and complete that one Pearl of great price when the last believers added.
That Pearl will be fully formed, and Christ will come. This is what Christ saw, this thing of beauty, and it reflects something of His glory.
Coming out of a living body out of Christ. Well, this is the gem that's used. Now we get the separation. Verse 47 again. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered at every time, which when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be at the end of the age we'll read. The Angel shall come forth.
And sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire.
There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth this completion at the end of the age.
The angels are used to suffer. That's the figure of the net cast into the sea. The sea is the masses of people, and they come down and they gather the good into vessels, and then they cast the bat away.
And then it talks about after casting a battle away, the angels are coming forth and sever the wicked from the just. They take the wicked out, cast them into the furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. They're gone.
Now he asked the question, have you understood all these things? They say unto him, Yeah, Lord, have you all these things a little bit, and what little bit we can get is most precious.
But people out in the world read these parables can't get anything.
You have to have the Spirit of God and.
When the Spirit of God unfolds them to you, you see that what Jesus said sitting in that boat or blooming in the house later about those seven parables has presented the whole of the age to the which we are drawing the toys. It's impressive. We're almost at the end of the age.
Well, one more verse here, therefore verse 52.
Every scribe Can you read and write? Have you been to school? Let's describe.
Which is instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven? Are we instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven? We're getting some instruction. We know a little bit about it.
The great clergyman Pompano, unless they read Chapter McIntosh, they might have gotten a few things like that, but here presented to the babes those who in simplest of heart follow a rejected practice.
And we are set here. We should be instructing. The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is in the household.
Man with a House got things in which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old chapter. Macintosh used that title for the periodical he he ran for some 35 or more years. Since I have 38 of his books, I think, which we've had published annually, a series something like Christian Treasury and full of good material. Now, in turn, we've got one minute.
To a verse in Leviticus 26 which should energize us. Leviticus 26 about the last little bit we've read here.
There's a verse there that goes so well with this in Leviticus 26.
Just the tenth verse.
Leviticus, 2610.
Ye shall eat old story and bring forth the old because of the.
Now that's a wonderful verse in connection with what we have.
If you and I are instructed in these parables and store them up in our houses, we'll be able to bring forth out of the Old Testament.
Food because of the new. The new reveals the old. It's Christ in the Old Testament, rather conceived in its place in the New Testament revealed.
And if you don't understand the New Testament, you can't understand the Old Testament as it applies today.
But when you can, you can bring out of the old destiny.
We've had some good food here now.
And some of it has been kept in the freezer a little while they brought it down. Well, that's a poor illustration. Some of they've gotten right out of the garden. But the the symbol is you've got the New Testament, you've got Christ teaching what this meant in the old age. And now we ought to be instructed in the Kingdom of heaven and bring forth food for our children.
Which brings forth out of his treasure things new and old. There's one short him we might sing #40.
I think it is.
Number 42 to him that saved us from the world were in it, but rather were saved. He's going to come and take us out because he set his heart of delight upon us as those of value and of beauty set here to represent Christian glory.
And his praise some brothers start #42 for us, please.