Matthew 16, 17, 18

Duration: 1hr 1min
Matthew 16:17‑18
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Address—C. Buchanan
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Let us sing #134.
Lord of Lords tonight, where we're going to begin in Matthew 17, we'll see that.
Lord of glory.
We adore thee, grace of Lord Ascendant high heart and soul. We bow before thee, glorious, now beyond the sky.
The worship.
Thee we pray.
Excellent in all right ways.
Anointed King with glory, grounded rightfully and Lord of all once rejected scorn His own seen by those that ain't to call the We are Theodore glorious now and evermore. Somebody starts with #134 please.
Thank you, Lord of the Floor.
Again tonight and Matthew 17.
Last night we reached as far as speaking about the Church and the pronouncement of the Lord.
I've only statement of Peter north of Christ, the Son of the living God.
He just had on this run. I will build my.
Shirt and they get some Hell shall not prevail against it. In our review from Matthew 13 to this point, we have learned of the Kingdom of heaven.
Announced while the king was here, beginning when the king went up.
And continuing till the king comes back. It's this fear of profession in which we have seen that two kinds of seeds are sown and the products are let grow together until the time of the harvest, and that Jesus also announced the church as a coming thing.
And now, as we read these early verses, we will find.
The third thing we call it the Kingdom in glory.
Gets the Millennial Kingdom.
It's not follows the Kingdom of heaven.
After the judgments that purify the earth in preparation for the King to return in his manifestation.
We did notice in the 13th chapter it speaks of the King, Kingdom of the Father and also the Kingdom of the Son of Man. They are the two sides of the Millennial Kingdom, which we call now the Kingdom in glory. It is the Millennial Kingdom.
And it's wonderful, I think that Jesus had led his disciples along in his instruction to this point. And as of where he stopped, he said, I'm going to tell you what's ahead. Hello brother. How wonderful it is to know what's happened. Yeah, these early verses we're going to read are so charmed. But we will read 13 verses and come back and come at home there. Matthew 17 one and after.
Six days.
Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother.
And bringing them up into an high mountain of Florida sandwich transfigured before that.
And his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto him then Moses and Elias talking with him.
Then answered Peter and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here.
If thou will, let us make here 3 Tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.
While he yet spake, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear ye him. And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and was sore up there.
And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise and be not afraid. And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man say Jesus own.
And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying No man, television to no man, and killed the son of Mandy, risen again from the dead, and his disciples asked him, saying, why then say the stripes, that Elias must first come?
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias.
Two leads channel first time and restore all things. But I say unto you that Elias is come already. And they have they knew him not, but have done under him whatsoever they listed. Whatever they like likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer of them. Then the disciples understood that He's taken to them of John the Baptist.
And I want to go back to the 11Th chapter and read just a few verses to help us to understand about John the Baptist a little better.
He was the forerunner and preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.
And we have already read the.
How he suffered at the hands of Harris.
Jesus speaking about John in verse nine of Chapter 11.
Asked this question, what went he out for the seat? A prophet, Yeah, I send you, and more than a crowd, for this is the village written. Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before he. Verily I say unto you among them that are born of women.
There have not arisen a greater than John the Baptist knows what says, notwithstanding he got his leash in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he greater than John the back and from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violence take it by force, for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
And if you will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
Well, John preached. He was the forerunner. He was the messenger sent before the face of the Lord to announce the coming of the Messiah.
That was a greater thing than any of the old asthma problems. But clearly Jesus says in this passage, notwithstanding, he that is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he telling us of our position during this dispensation of the Kingdom of heaven here, since Christ has gone up as King to the glory and sowing the good seed down here.
Our position is more favorable than John the Baptist one.
But it says.
In verse 12.
Now the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence.
An example of that is the beheading of John. A further example of it is Jesus on the cross. But then it makes a strange statement and the violent take it by force.
This means that it takes.
Spiritual energy to enter into the Kingdom of heaven today on the earth and follow a rejected Christ. That's divorce. It's a spiritual energy to get into that Kingdom and pursue the course of the followers of the king in a rejected and world that rejects Christ yet.
But it is a most blessed position to be in and we have reviewed a little.
Of the savior himself in chapter 15 going with his own experimentally and.
Being disowned and misunderstood and.
Rejected by the leaders of the people.
The highest religious order speaking against God's people. And that's what happens yet to those who are the children of the King following a rejected Messiah.
That the religious world around us does not like this humble, lowly people that take no part in worldly affairs and worldly government because we belong to heaven. This is not our home, this is not our country. And so we feel these things. But now the blessed Savior takes three to be a witness of that coming Lord.
And then as much as we are getting close to that, we expect.
The home call to have our part in the Father's house at any moment and then we know after the cleansing of the earth there will be manifestation. The earthly side of the glory will appear. We have that picture to us beautifully in this first part of the 17th chapter and.
Jesus takes these three into a high mountain apart and was pressed figured before that the first thing that appears to be here James and John is the Lord and his glory. Now, beloved, I think that's going to be our first view of heaven. It'll be that person hold this point and turn to Acts Chapter 7 and notice the beautiful way.
That Steven.
The first murder of this dispensation got his sight of heaven in a very special way. What the scripture says about it and then what he talks about it for what Steven says is a little different from what the scripture writes ahead of time. This is in the end of the 7th of Acts and.
Verse 54. When they heard these things, those persecutors.
He was suffering violence wasn't.
Being stoned they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth, but he now this is what scripture records that he looking up to heaven soul he Steven being full of the Holy Ghost looked up to step back into heaven and saw the glory of God. That kind of story and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. The next verse he begins to talk and said he said behold, I see the heavens open and the Son of man He doesn't say anything about the story to talk. He sees that son of man.
Standing on the right hand of God.
What's going to fill our gaze through all eternity to see that blessed man? So he was transfigured before Peter, James and John and his face to China, as the Sodom like it recounts in Acts 9 when Saul was stricken down. And that was bright light. When he talks about it the second time, he says above the brightness of the sun, that's Jesus.
That's Jesus, that life. What is the light?
And then it says the old there appeared unto them, but Peter, James and John, Moses and the Elias talking with him. Now this is the picture. There were two men there who were most of them in their lives, and they were conversing with Jesus.
This is the heavenly side of the Kingdom.
We're going to be on the heavenly side of the Kingdom.
It's a full picture in miniature of the Kingdom and glory that we're getting. The heavenly side represents the two represent those who have died and God buried. That was most he got a special buried burial. No man knows her, Moses 2 minutes till this day. And that's every St. of God from Abel on them that's ever been buried. God knows where they are and they're going to rise up and appear there in glory just as sure as we're reading about Moses.
But there's going to be some of us who don't pass through that, like Eli. He went out to heaven and his cherry, a world many of us, dear brother, will never die. I thoroughly believe perhaps none of us. It took me as that coming. So they're going to be the two groups there, those that need a full resurrection and those who need to change the body. And we're all going to be there and we're going to be conversing with Jesus.
Complete the picture.
He goes on and says.
Then it answered here and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here. We stopped there because Peter makes a mistake next. But that was the truth up to that point. Very blessed, but true. And so there's going to be the earthly side of the Kingdom represented here by the three Peter, James and John where they were men walking around in bodies that had a blood pump. And you know the earth beside of the Kingdom will still be people with the atom light being tested for 1000 years. True that they're going to have.
A body that will live through the 1000 years if they're.
Obedient and some of them will go that thousand years and children will be born. And that's the last Test of man in the flesh. And it's most marvelous thing to think that God will go ahead and test man in the pleasure for another 1000 years to see if man in the place without Satan will be found without Satan. Tempting and with a perfect government, they go on.
Well, some do and some don't, so there's a separation at the end of the Kingdom and then you go into the eternal day when all will be absolutely perfect. But this is the Kingdom of glory. Now we get something to learn from Peters words he says.
Lord, it's good for us to be here. It's not what let us make here 3 tabernacles, one for Thee, and one for Moses and one for Elias. And God closes up the scene. Well, we understand why I believe that God closed up the scene and he removed those men in the glory so that those three only saw Jesus because Peter had put.
On an equal level, Jesus.
With the lawgiver and the great comfort, Oh God won't stand for that. He is vulnerable and let us ever have respect and reverence when we talked about the Lord Jesus.
That's why I believe God has blessed the King James Flagler so much, because it teaches souls reverence to put Jesus in that place where he is respectful. He is God and he is man and certainly want to. And it's not spelled out exactly like that, but it's in here to ever have reverence and respect and never speak in a familiar way.
About our faith to bring them down to the level of men on the street or men like these great this great lawgiver and this great conference. So God closes the scene up and they saw no man say Jesus owner.
And then we have this amount of John the Baptist.
There's already more or less open up. He was the announcer of the king and he fulfilled his mission and he suffered violence.
But now today, those who are least in the Kingdom of heaven are in a greater position than John the Baptist block. So the good seed is sewn down here and it's a children of Kingdom in the Kingdom period going on.
As set here by God himself to represent the King while he is up there.
We must go on down to the 18th chapter, because I wanted to get into at least one part of that chapter, but I think we have to take the whole in our review. We have spoken of six similitudes of the Kingdom as six parables in chapter 13, which are likenesses of the Kingdom of heaven, and we have said that there are four more, being 10 and all, and in the last part of chapter 18.
We get this.
Last, the first one of the last four, which is the second. Then there are three more. The best we can hope to do tonight is to get as far as that first block. But we must go through the chapter to reach it properly because primarily the chapter takes up the church, and we're in the church as soon as we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ baptized in that body, and there's only one church in God's sight.
And here we have a provision in this chapter by the Lord for the.
Search to go on in its function.
Even though man is weak in the flesh.
And it's humbling to read how it turns out, but it's very helpful.
That is the second time.
That the church is mentioned in the Bible.
Jesus has to say in as much to go on, you're going to have to have authority and there is a sorry, but there is a divine center and that's the 20th verse, the 20th verse.
Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst.
Which Christ in the center, more or less of the chapter in the center of our thoughts, and the company gathered around him.
So what we are going to find is that there are 7 characteristics.
7 Characteristics of those who are gathered through the Lord's name in this channel.
And we read 5 verses and they teach us humiliation.
That is, that is one of the characteristics of this company that's gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is so, brethren, whether we have noticed it or not. And it is beautifully so and ought to be increasingly, increasingly more so. And here is where we pick people can learn from the little for the Lord set the little child in the midst.
As an example of humiliation, 5 verses we'll read in this 18th chapter. At the same time, king, the disciples under Jesus saying, who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven? See, they're talking about the Kingdom of heaven.
And it's sad, isn't it, to think that already amongst those disciples, they want to know who's the greatest in this Kingdom.
It's sad. It's the natural heart already coming out.
Sometimes we state this. We heard from no brother.
People wanting a place to cause much trouble, people put in their place are a great blessing and God will put us in our place and it's going to be down to take the low place.
Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst. This is lovely. Here's the little child in the midst of the disciples, and said, very, I send you, except you be converted and become as little children, he shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven. How humbly. Wherefore Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name.
Receive with me.
Well, we read one more verse. One of these little ones that believe in me. It were better for him that a millstone were hanging about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Well, blessedly our our lesson here is home.
Humiliation. These dear little shots we can learn from. They may get in their quarrels, but they settle them out quickly.
But big people want to know how can I get bigger and be achieved.
And it's been so in the Kingdom of heaven, particularly as we noticed in hottest picture, by the grain of mustard seed, which is a small thorough seed, but in Europe becomes the greatest of all trees, so that the birds that they are lodging the branches of it is this great and upward secular or worldly Christian which has become a great relief Christian.
Which has become a great thing in the earth, recognized by the nations and in effect ruling over the nations.
Especially in the greatest segment of Christmas, you have become great, and God never intended the Church the great thing in the earth. She is to represent the rejected Christ and will be great in heaven, but not on the earth until the King is great and gets his Kingdom.
So the lesson is to take the low place, and we have dear brethren, and I have to admire them so much. They're not trying to aggrandize themselves, to get big and puffed up and and all these things, and that's the way to get them to take the Roadhouse. He that humble himself shall be exalted. The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, to serve, and to give his life a ranks and for many.
Self likes to be served and takes himself. Great love serves unto history.
What lessons we can learn in humiliation we must press on. But this is the first characteristic of those dear Saints who are gathered the Lords name. It's humbleness.
The next one is S 2nd.
We're getting right next beginning verse 7.
Warned in the world because of offenses for it must need to be that offenses come.
But who does that man by whom the offense cometh?
Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, cast them far from thee. It is therefore thee to enter into life hope or maid, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if thine eye offend thee, plucking out, cast it from thee. It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into Hellfire.
Take thee that you despise not one of these little ones, where I say in you that in heaven their angels will only behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven.
For the Son of Man has come to say that which is lost.
This seems extreme.
Until we think of what it really is. It is self judgment that is taught here and there is to be no mercy by me in judging yourself. No mercy. That old flesh when it rears its head cutting off. I don't mean you were going to literally cut off your hands, but that's not what this time. It's everything that is exposed to that. If you get rid of it, it serves for nothing before your.
And it is one of the characteristics of those that are gathered through the Lord's name.
And it would be wonderful if we were more blessed of himself. Our brethren, troubles arise.
And they rise because we're not humble. That's the Umrah. And the first thing is pride coming out. If no one was proud, there would be any troublesome.
But it is, so the next thing that would stop it is if self judgment were practiced relentlessly without mercy. Just self. When it's exposed, if you send credit, get rid of it, repent, judge it, be done with it, confess it to God. That's the way of it. That's the reason to put this way. **** your eye out. Well, we understand how cruel that sounds.
Flesh is not to have any place before God won't let have any place. He's a glorious letting glory in the Lord that can boast in the Lord.
But those self wants to get out there. We've got to learn to tell each other.
Then we have another, but I'll speak a little before we go to it about children where we haven't put before us here as an example in humbleness and it's a valuable.
Group amongst us that should never be offended.
Attending here means turning little ones into the work in the Saints OR.
They are to be kept and cared for and sheltered from the world.
And then there is a very comforting thing for parents who have children.
I believe this verse literally.
Their Angel.
That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father, which is in heaven.
I'll tell you a story about it.
You may have had that experience.
Our son Douglas and family were down there Lima, Peru for five years.
Their home was on the second floor.
A park like place across from them are now about a block was a store where they sold bananas and various things and Rebecca was something like.
Five or 6-7 years of age, maybe even 8, I don't know, but.
Her mother sent her down with a few coins proving money to get some bananas and watch her out of the window. She went and could see her, entered the store, and she watched a long time. She never did see her come out of the store. So she got frightened, went down, ran down the store herself, and there was no Rebecca there.
And Elima is a horrible city full of foods.
And Rebecca, I mean Barbara, gathered the brethren together, and the children of the brethren started looking for Rebecca.
We looked for 45 minutes or an hour and finally.
Rebecca appeared all out of breath, from almost nowhere and.
Some boy.
It turned out later had wanted to get the coins away from and he had grabbed the coins out of her hand. She ran after him to get the coins back and tried to catch him and recapture the money that was stolen and got lost. And her mother was oh so thankful, frightened to think that in that wicked city of 3 million poor people.
There was her girl lost that age and her mother said the Rebecca, there must have been an Angel looking after you. And she said, yeah, mother, there must have been two of them.
Well, I believe there was an Angel, perhaps two or more looking after.
So, parents, you have angels to look after your children. Their Angel only looks at the face of the Father. That's going to happen.
And the Son of Man has come to say that which was lost. If one of them perished before the age of accountability, you can be short from this first, and that they're with the Lord. He died to say that which was lost.
When it comes to Zacchaeus.
It says about that adult man, the Son of man, has come to seek and to save that which is lost. There comes a time of responsibility in our lives when we have to be sought and then say that God takes care. Christ takes care of these little children while we press on.
Verse 12 Now thank you if a man have 100 sheep and one of them be gone astray that the not leave the 90 and ninth door into the mountains and she can that which he is going astray and if so we.
Let him find it. Verily I say unto you, He rejoiceth more of that sheep than of the 99 which went not astray. Even so, it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. Here the characteristic of those who are doubting to the Lord's name is a care for the lands, and this is past your work. This is the positive side of the time.
Thank God it's true. Our dear brethren, Pastor Shepherd and you Sunday School teachers are doing it and it's a blessing. I would encourage you in it, caring for the sheep. It's a wonderful, wonderful service.
Often not noticed and not much rewarded down here, but the rewards are coming. So this characteristic we can say is seen and it is very helpful.
So to be encouraged in the work of a pastor is a great thing. We come to verse 15.
And I don't think I'll proceed just step by step because I think it is known to you all here and it'll consume some time.
There it is.
The necessity of following these steps, brother to brother or brother to witnesses, and finally the Church to get these offenses taken care of as personal offenses are taken care of and they are done so amongst the Saints that are gathered through the Lord's name and like no place else in Christendom that I know.
It is a characteristic which is seen and is necessary, and the very necessity of having it here, I think, is humble. In effect, the Lord is saying I'm going to build my church, but I'm going to turn the responsible side of it over to you, carry it on to be the building. It's what we get in First Corinthians 3. Paul laid the foundation. Others build their line. You and I are the builders today.
Take heat how you do and so it's like that. So these personal vectors are to be taken care of and the very necessity of having them.
Ought to make us almost ashamed. We ought never to come to these points, but we do. We even come to the last where the Church has to take it out, and that's another thing.
Verse 18 New Read.
Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound to heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in that.
We read similar words spoken to Peter.
About the keys of the Kingdom, that is. He was open.
But now here's the binding and the losing that's put in the hands of the two or three cabinets, the Lord's name.
So this characteristic is authority, it's power, and brethren, it is power because.
You find in First Corinthians nine in the fourth verse that the Lord is there in that verse for the Saints were to be together.
All severe, and the Lord is the authority. We must be careful how we use that authority, but we are responsible if, if necessary, to use that.
And I don't find this authority anywhere else on earth, because it is with the two or three gathered to the Lord's name.
It's one of the characteristics of peculiar to those who are gathered the large name.
And it's necessary.
And this comes to that point. The purpose, of course, is the glory of the Lord 1St and then.
The time when we can loose.
It's good to get to that. We should be able to. We can't always, but the whole thing just put you before and then we have the 6th characteristic of those that have gathered the Lord's name.
Verse 19.
Again I say to you back here, two of you shall agree on earth by touching anything that they shall ask. It shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. This is prayer.
We can understand this.
If you might say the 7th one is on the 6th one, I should say it's a positive note because there is one more.
These six characteristics proceed.
The 20th 1St and there's one on the front, but prayer, how wonderful necessary it is, what a source of help it is, and the blanket check is if 243 Now you shall agree as touching anything that they shall ask. It shall be done of them of my Father, which is in heaven when, brethren.
Are in a court, I believe you fine the thought grants the answer.
This is a characteristic too.
Then we have this 20th verse and then we have verse 23 and it is another parable, a similitude of the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore He is the Kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his service.
Now we're going to find.
That the characteristic that applies here to the gathered Saints is forgiveness, brotherly forgiveness.
It's very important.
Brotherly forgiveness may we learn.
Let us put here as one of the similitudes of the Kingdom of habit. The Kingdom of heaven is likened and then he draws the picture till we read it at least part of it. It's like another certain king which would take account of his service.
And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him 10,000 times.
But for as much as he had not to pay, his Lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. The servant therefore fell down and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. Then the Lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt. To stop a little bit, because I believe.
We need to speak about this, this servant who owed so much. He owed 10,000 tons at that time, and perhaps primarily I believe it applies to the Jews.
Who have had the articles of God committed to them? They have had the prophets, priests, and kings, and last of all the Lord Himself the King, to witness to them.
And it didn't turn out well.
They despise the problems they shown those that were said unto him. And last of all, God sent his Son.
And they were ready to kill him, and they did kill him.
And so they had had much committed to them, and they owed it all. They were terribly in debt. They had not followed the Lord. They have not obeyed God. And.
So he had nothing to pay, because you had nothing to pay. But the grace of God came to you. And even in the Gospel period.
In the book of the Acts that you first and also the Greek.
The order of presenting the gospel of the grace of God. What we would say about the Kingdom of heaven. Here is grace needed to bring the two in grace with me. That's what's expressed as to the civility of the Kingdom of heaven.
And I'll point out the other three. We won't have much longer to talk on this one, so that we'll understand a little bit the last four. Here's grace needed for the Jew, who was more in depth to God than the Gentile. For the Gentile haven't had much given to him to whom much is given. All the Saints. I must be required with the Jew. But the Gentile was guilty also. And here we find about him in the end of this portion.
But pass on over to the.
20th chapter in the first verse.
And we'll just state what these last three similitudes of the Kingdom portray to us. We've set a needle chapter that is grace needed.
In chapter 20, For the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labor into his venue. And you know how the story went, those that went out early, they agreed for such and such a way. So others came along.
They agree for such and such a way. It turned out to be a penny a day but some came as 11Th hour and what much time to work. They went out and worked and when they came back everyone received the same day and those that worked so hard they thought that was unjust. But really what it is, is grace is on and grace is offered to alone regardless of when you come.
People can be saved right now and the Lord may come in the next 5 minutes.
It's grace that's offered. Oh, you must take it. And when you take it, you get the full, you get the full pay. There's no shortage of grace given to anybody, no matter how much they work. It's all great. It's offered you all. Then they go to the 22nd chapter.
And we get responsibility under grace in the first verses of the 22nd chapter.
And Jesus answered and speak unto them again by parables, and said, The Kingdom of heaven is like. Notice that word under a certain king, which made a marriage for his son.
And here we'll say its responsibility under grace.
But it's also grace refused.
Pictured by that man at least, who had didn't have on the wedding.
Pretenders imprisoned them are in a most serious position.
And I fear there are many of them that hose as Christians and have not placed Christ is the role of righteousness and without that no one will ever enter into the Kingdom of heaven, the Kingdom and glory. So it's grace refused to return to the 25th chapter and find that in this last the 10th cenotaph.
Verse One. Then shall the Kingdom of heaven be likened under 10 virgins, and five were wise, and five were foolish.
That we have again at the end, separation, just as we had you remember when we came to the 6th parable in the 13th 10 that dragnet cast into the sea.
The series in chapter 13 are complete and they bring us down to this separation.
We're getting near to that time when the wicked shall be severed from the just and the wicked thrown into hell and on the earth. They're just going on into the Kingdom on earth. And so it is here with the.
Ten birds by her wife.
And five were true, so the Lord.
Leads through these last four and comes to the same conclusion.
The Kingdom of heaven is going to run out. That is, this dispensation is going to conclude. It's going to be over. Well, this is wonderful in the gospel.
And we can use it that way, but encouraging for us who are, I trust, children of the Kingdom to go on willingly representing a rejected Christ and enjoying all grace has brought to us, rattling it immensely. And particularly that position has gathered under the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Having His presence enjoyed in the midst of the two or three where we can break bread in his name and let's pronounce that we are members on his part and remember that that cup speaks of his precious blood that put away our sins to bring us into this favorite position and looking onward to the Kingdom and Lord all we're going to be put into it soon.
The lesson in the 18th chapter.
About brotherly forgiveness, we couldn't get into it. It's just as easy to reach yourself as to speak about.
When we are offended, let us learn to forgive, Peter says. Until 70 times. How often? Tell my brother sinned against me and I forgive him 70 times. He thought that till seven times.
You know, the Lord says until 70 * 7 we would run out of account if we would just keep that out. That is where we're only super here and if we don't do it, there's going to be a root of Britain.
Breaking up and therefore many will be defined. So there again that last likeness of the gathered Saints, that is forgiveness is seen an ought to always be practiced so that we can enjoy that sweet fellowship. We'll sing to him the first one in the appendix, which is about that. It is more the forgiveness that we get.
Perhaps totally the forgiveness that we get when our sins are put away.
And like the two, we have to think that we were 10,000 pence debtors instead of 50 pence debtors for all of us.
Have nothing to pay. Then he came and we'll put away our sins. So number one in the appendix of some brother. Brother will start it for us.