Sometimes when you have a secret about something very happy that is going to happen, you like to share the secret with your closest friends before it actually happens, so that they can look forward to it with you. That is what the Lord Jesus did in our chapter. He took three of His disciples to the top of a high mountain, and there He showed them, along with Moses and Elijah, what a beautiful and glorious time it will be when He gets to reign as the supreme King over this whole world. They learned that day that God will have everyone give all the honor to His beloved Son. Now this hasn’t happened yet, but we can look forward to it too.
After having such a wonderful view of the glory of the Lord Jesus, the disciples find that they are unable to cast a demon out of a boy. Why? Jesus says that we must have our trust in Him; we have no strength in ourselves. We can’t get along one minute without Him. And it’s when we pray that we tell Him what we need and get His help for all our problems.
These are some very important lessons that we’re learning along our journey, so we’d better take a break while we find the following verses.
1. God knows and is going to judge every ____________ that is in our hearts, so we should always be careful that our thoughts are pleasing to Him.
Romans 2:___
2. Those who go to preach the gospel to someone else have ____________ feet, because God so appreciates every time that we tell someone else about the Lord Jesus. Romans 10:___
3. Christ died for ungodly people who have no ____________ .
Romans 5:___
4. We should always continue to ____________ , and then eagerly watch for the Lord to answer our requests. When He does, and even before, don’t forget to thank Him. Colossians 4:___
5. The Lord Jesus is now sitting on a throne of grace, and we are invited to come boldly and to come often to get all the ____________ that we ever need.
Hebrews 4:___