IT is of Jerusalem that the Lord here speaks— Jerusalem as it will be in the latter day when the people of Israel will have returned to the Lord their God, and He Himself will be manifested in the midst of them. But the spiritual application is for believers in every dispensation. We today can count upon Jehovah to be a wall of fire about us protecting from every danger, and to be the glory in the midst of us and enlightening our hearts and giving us to rejoice in the revelation of His infinite lovingkindness. No foe can ever injure the one who is under the divine protection.
“Zion stands with hills surrounded—
Zion, kept by power divine;
All her foes shall be confounded.
Though the world in arms combine;
Happy Zion,
What a favored lot is thine!
Every human tie may perish;
Friend to friend unfaithful prove;
Mothers cease their own to cherish;
Heaven and earth at last remove:
But no changes
Can attend Jehovah’s love.
In the furnace God may prove thee.
Thence to bring thee forth more bright,
But can never cease to love thee;
Thou art precious in His sight;
God is with thee—
God, thine everlasting light.”
―T. Kelly.