Many years ago an old lady who loved the Lord Jesus was called on by a gentleman who also loved Him. They spoke together about a lovely verse of God’s Holy Word. It was one which perhaps you know quite well—
The old lady liked to think of the wonderful love of the Lord Jesus, and how He came down from heaven and died upon the cross so as to save her, and that she might be with Him forever, and she repeated the verse with great pleasure. And so did the gentleman, who also said the verse over.
Now, there was a little girl sitting close by the old lady. She was her grandchild, and when she heard the words again and again she pulled at her grandmother’s dress, and said,
“And me, too, grandma, me, too.”
She did not want to be left out in the cold, so to speak, for she knew that the Lord Jesus had loved her and given Himself, that she might be happy now and happy forever.
Yes; the Lord Jesus loves children—country children, town children, all children. Have you ever thanked Him for all that He has done?
Jesus loves the children;
In the days of old,
When they gathered round Him,
Then His love was told.
Tenderly He blessed them,
Kindly He did say,
Suffer little children,
Turn them not away.
Jesus loves the children,
‘Twas for them He came,
Leaving heavenly glory,
“Saviour-Lord” His Name.
He endured the judgment,
Suffering for sin,
That to heavenly glory.
He might bring them in.
Jesus loves the children
Though He’s now above,
Still He calls them to Him
In His wondrous love.
All their guilt He knoweth,
All their sinful way,
But in love He calleth
“Come to Me” today.
Come to Him, clear little ones, come NOW.
ML 02/02/1936