Gospel—John Kemp
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Good evening everyone. We are going to open our gospel meeting.
With a well known song.
#15 Oh blessed gospel sound.
Yet there is room.
God's love in Christ we see, yet there is room.
God's toast is filling fast, yet there is room, so we'll start with #15 someone would raise the tune.
Oh, 10-4 together and I remember it's true.
All right, and.
To know.
Now we're going to have a word of prayer. Loving God and Father, we thank Thee for the words of this hymn, that there is still room in the heart of God for sinners to come and receive the grace of God, salvation, pardon. We thank Thee for that finished work of Calvary.
And we thank thee for the Lord Jesus, the unspeakable gift sent by the heart of God.
That, uh, men and women, boys and girls, may escape that awful judgment. We pray that if there is anyone a stranger to God in his sins, that.
Thy voice may be heard.
The word might be as a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces, convicting, revealing a Savior provided by Gods wondrous love. Help us our God. We own our weakness and dependence upon Thee. We pray for wherever the gospel goes forth. We pray, especially tonight, that if there is one soul in his sins.
With judgment before him or her, that thou will speak by the follower of thy Holy Spirit.
To that conscience and that heart we seek Thy help. We thank Thee for this privilege. In the name for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
And I think another him.
#11 #11.
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life when the clouds unfold their wings of stripes?
Shall we stand In Sync #11?
When the water closed to your place.
On the right.
It has never failed.
While your ankle.
Whole dragon thought hell.
We're hard to make sure that it's gone full.
As I've been sure I feel.
Thank you. And we want to ask you that question tonight. At the outset, do you have an anchor for your soul, both sure and steadfast, which enter us within the veil? One week ago I was in St. John, NB.
And we had a group of uh.
Strangers in for a gospel supper.
In fact, over 40K. We are thankful to see such a good response.
But being in a maritime environment, I thought that an anchor might be a good illustration. So I obtained an old anchor because there's lots of them down there, you know?
And I held up this anchor before the people.
And I said, I think you all know about an anchor.
I'm not from a seaside city, but I know that an anchor is important for a boat. If you don't have an anchor, the boat will drift away. You've got to have a solid anchor that will hold that ship when it's put down on the bed of the sea. There was an anchor in.
Halifax, which weighed half a ton. It was holding down a battleship.
But uh, an explosion took place in December 1917 and that anchor didn't hold anything.
It was lifted up by the tremendous force of this explosion and it was hurled across Halifax.
1/2 a ton and I don't know how many miles an hour clipping off trees and everything.
1000 people, some say 2000, were killed instantly.
9000 were injured.
That anchor wasn't of any value.
It didn't hold anything.
With dear friends, tonight we want you to know.
That God is an anchor for your soul.
And I thought this evening before I came here to speak.
That life is real and life is earnest. The grave is not its goal.
And I thought of a verse in Jeremiah chapter 8, verse 20. The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Can that be said of you? You have had the opportunities, you have heard the gospel of God's grace again and again until it doesn't make much effect upon you.
As we sometimes say, goes in this year comes out the other.
My wife and I visited.
Niagara Falls sometimes.
If you go down underneath Niagara Falls, there's a tunnel and the wind is blowing. It's an awful roar and there's a man down there. This is the story of some years ago.
Who takes around the tourists through the tunnel?
Someone said to him how can you endure this awful noise day after day ringing in your ears? Well, he said it was difficult. When I first started this job, it did trouble me and bother me, but now I never hear it.
I'm here every day. I never hear that roar. He became sole accustomed, so hardened to that noise it didn't make any effect upon him. Is that the way it is with you, my friend, tonight, that you've heard the gospel so much that you've become hardened to it with eternity before you?
Not knowing where you will spend that endless eternity.
With Christ or without Him in the blackness of darkness.
With a conscience that will trouble you forever, or else in the glorious presence of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus, who loved you, gave Himself for you the anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, which entereth into that within the veil.
Children are starting school today or this week, I guess.
Nearly everyone in Canada, United States starts school at this time of year. They don't do that in Brazil. They start school in January, where my wife comes from, and I was thinking of a story.
That is a very solemn story.
There were a lot of young people.
That we're ready to start school in Brazil.
In a place that is called Santa Maria in the South of Brazil.
My wife knows the place and she has been there a number of times. Here were 200 or more young people ready to start calling.
But they wanted to have a night out, you know, to celebrate.
The, uh, opening of the college.
They went into a nightclub or a a bar, whatever.
And they were drinking and carousing and having a good time.
When suddenly there was.
A short in the electrical system somewhere and uh.
Something the the uh.
The curtains ignited and it was soon evident that the whole place was going to go up in flames and infernal 200 young people sitting there drinking with no thought of anything else but starting school in a few days.
And the sad thing in that catastrophe was that the doors were locked.
The person who, uh, managed the bar or the cafe, whatever it was, he hadn't got all his money from his, uh, clients, so he wasn't going to let them out until they paid. Just think over 200 people, young people, probably in the prime of youth.
In their late teens or early 20s.
Ushered into eternity.
Ushered into eternity when the classes began. 6 people in this class. Five people in this class.
The others gone into eternity. How salt, how solemn.
I don't know if they heard the gospel before, but I know, dear friends, that you, I think everyone under the sound of my voice this evening has heard the gospel message from the heart of God.
And God is giving you one more opportunity.
To close in with God's offer of mercy, faith is the hand that appropriates what love provides. That's faith. And tonight we want you to place your faith not in a sandy foundation, but in a person who died for you on Calvary's cross.
And rose again, triumphant over the power of sin and Satan and hell.
And a man in the glory, who is offering unto you.
A full and a free salvation tonight. Oh how wonderful that the gospel.
The gospel of God's grace is still going forth.
And we're going to look for a few moments at a character that I love to to read about.
And we're gonna start when he was a little boy. We're gonna make a few comments about him. Perhaps we know this story already.
But uh.
We're going to look at it again anyway. So Second Samuel.
Chapter 9.
Second Samuel, Chapter 9.
I think we, uh, we have heard this story before.
It's a hard name to pronounce here, but umm.
It is.
He was called Mephibosheth. Now who was this Mephibosheth? Well, he was the son of Jonathan. He was the grandson of Saul. He was really heir to the throne.
And now you know, at this point, David, who had been haunted like a Partridge by his grandfather Saul, was now crowned. He had. The Kingdom had been established in his hand.
And now with all power in his control.
He said I want to show kindness to someone.
Because, you know, there had been a covenant made between Jonathan and David. If you go back in First Samuel, you'll see there was a covenant made and, uh.
Although David could have brought vengeance upon this boy.
Stern justice could have demanded his life.
Here he was in the land, but he had never recognized David. When David was coronated as king, Mephibosheth was not there.
When, uh, they said God save the king, Mephibosheth was indifferent. He really feared David as an enemy. You know, people, dear friends, have that idea in their minds that God is their enemy. That is the lie of Satan. God is not the enemy of man.
He beseeches you.
To be reconciled to him tonight.
He has done everything possible that you might be brought into his presence. From darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, Mephibosheth is a beautiful example of the wondrous grace of God.
He didn't do anything to deserve this grace, really.
He was of the House of Saul and he could have come under judgment. Instead, David says in verse one, David said, Is there yet any that is left of the House of Saul that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake? Isn't that a wonderful expression?
The kindness of God, the benevolence of the heart of David is going out here.
To this poor lame person, Mephibosheth.
Who was in low Debar, the place of no pasture, And how many people are in the far country spending their time looking for satisfaction from the things of this world?
When a strongman.
Keepeth his palace. His goods are in peace. And that strongman is Satan. His palace is the world, and his goods are the souls of men and women who live without Christ. That's his, his, his goods. And he wants to keep you in peace. He doesn't want you to understand.
The love of the heart of God that overwhelming.
Grace that God is showing.
To sinners tonight. Well, we might go back in the history of Mephibosheth. How was Elaine here? He was a young man now, I suppose. I think he even was probably married, but he was lame on both his feet.
He was the son of Jonathan. If you go back in this book to chapter 4, you will see.
That Jonathan's son Mephibosheth.
When he was just a little boy.
And being looked after by a nurse.
Who heard that David was coming? And she thought immediately, David, we know him. Certainly he's going to demand the life of this child because he's of the House of Saul. His grandfather was Saul. He'll take his life. I'm going to pick him up and get him out of the place of danger.
Before David comes and in her rush.
To get the child into a place of safety, she dropped it.
Dropped him on the ground.
He became lame on both his feet.
And he never regained his ability to walk for the rest of his life. He was lame.
But you know, he was the son of Jonathan.
And uh, if we go back in the history of Jonathan.
We know that wonderful love that existed in the heart of Jonathan and David when they wept together. They made a covenant together and they loved each other, and David promised to be good to his household. But Jonathan did not follow David into The Cave of a doula.
Jonathan went back to the court of Saul.
He went back into a worldly atmosphere, and this is where Mephibosheth was brought up. I don't think there were any nice moppers on the wall like in some of your homes, boys and girls, I don't think. I don't know how much of the gospel Mephibosheth heard.
From his father, Jonathan.
Because Jonathan was killed, you know, in the attack of the Philistines, he lost his life.
So he never reigned with David as he thought he would. He never did.
He loved David as his own soul, but he did not share his rejection. Well, that's an aside, but coming back now to our chapter here.
Uh, verse two. And there was of the House of Saul a servant whose name was Zaiba.
While Zyba was a very shrewd character and he, uh.
Was a self-righteous man, but really he didn't know the heart of David.
And I don't think Mephibosheth knew the heart of David either, because he feared as he was in low debar there. And when he heard the summons, when David said go and fetch him, bring this boy into my presence, I believe that Mephibosheth was trembling.
He dreaded the presence of David.
For in one word, he could have sent him. He could have dispatched him.
But you know that was not the heart of David. There was of the House of Saul a servant, whose name was Zyba. And when they had called him unto David, the king said unto him, Uh, art thou Ziba? And he said, Thy servant is he? And the king said, Is there yet any of the House of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God unto him? And Zyber said unto the king, Jonathan hath yet a son, which is lame on his feet.
So, dear friends, tonight, let me stop here for a moment.
And assure you.
Of the kindness and love of a Savior God. That God is not willing that any should perish, and he is not looking for something good from you.
The fibrosis didn't do anything to merit the kindness of David and you. By nature, and myself also, we were guilty before God. We were in the far country, we were enemies by wicked works. We were sinners guilty.
And helpless and without God in the world.
But remember.
That God has a heart full of love and grace we turn over to the book of Titus. We'll see an expression there.
That uh, assures us of the love of God, Titus chapter 2 and verse umm chapter 3, where we at verse three, we ourselves were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice.
And envy.
Hateful and hating one another, but after that man had displayed the worst that was in his heart. What do we read after this? After that, the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to His mercy.
He saved us and so David, here is a picture of God coming out.
In his boundless grace.
In his mercy.
To meet the need of this poor boy, to bring him.
From the far country lo debar into his very presence in Jerusalem, to bring him to his table as a royal son, not as a servant, as a royal son Mephibosheth, as he came into the presence of David, it says here verse 5. Then King David sent and fetched him out of the House of Machir.
The son of Amiel from Lodi Bar.
The love that was in his heart was now manifest. You know this gospel meeting has its origin in heaven.
Because the gospel comes from the heart of us, Savior God.
And uh.
The gospel is free, but it is not cheap. And we are giving you facts tonight, dear friends. The truth of the Word of God is something that you can depend upon. It's an anchor of the soul. When I was visiting McGill University a few months ago, giving out tracks, a scientist came out. He says I'm a scientist.
He knew what we were giving out, but he said I want to have facts.
Not some theories as he thought, some fable. I want to have facts. Well, Sir, I said here, here are the facts of the gospel right here in front of you. But he didn't want it.
So God is giving us.
Facts from His word about our need of Christ and salvation through the finished work of Calvary. The finished work of Christ. Your friends, are you trusting in that work tonight?
Is your confidence and faith in what Christ has done for you when He suffered the agony of the cross, when He bore the punishment In the hours of darkness, are you resting upon what Christ has done or on your good works? It's a sandy foundation.
I've been reading the story of Hudson Taylor. You all will remember him as being a great evangelist in Canada.
When Hudson Taylor was brought up in a godly home, he had a mother and father that taught him the word of God from the time he was an infant.
And he responded to it. But as he became a teenager, 1617, he went out into the work world. And of course, his colleagues and his fellow workers, they made fun of him. Don't believe that old religion. They were skeptics. And you know, it affected the soul of Hudson Taylor. And he began to question.
What he had learned from his father and mother over the years, he began to question it. Is it really true? All his friends said, come, enjoy the pleasures that we are having. You can't trust these old ideas anymore. And dear Hudson was affected by this.
He began to question what he had learned from the Word of God.
In fact, he became himself almost skeptic.
But you know, he had a mother who loved him.
And she knew the direction that her son was going. And he had a sister that that was a believer, too. And they said, we're going to start to pray for Hudson.
So the mother was visiting some friends some distance away from their home in England.
She had her lunch and then she did not socialize anymore. She went into her room there at her friend's home, and she said, I'm not going to get up from my knees until I am sure that Hudson will be saved. Hour after hour she pleaded with the Lord. It's a remarkable story.
For her son Hudson, she knew the direction he was going.
Her prayers were earnest and filled with tears, but she got the assurance The Lord is going to save my boy Hudson at the same time.
Hudson disappointed with life, really feeling wretched, miserable because he had turned his back on light. He didn't know what to do this afternoon in the warehouse or where his father's library was so just to.
To while away the time, he picked up a pamphlet.
From the box that was on the table. Well, I'll read this story. I like these interesting stories, but the lesson at the end I don't want.
So he began to read the story.
And as he read that story, page after page, he came upon these words.
The finished work of Christ, he said. That's strange why the author would use that expression. The finished work of Christ, what does it mean? I've never heard that before. And as he went on and read.
His heart was opened and.
He was enlightened and his soul was convicted. He knew he was a Sinner, but now he saw the simplicity of salvation, that it was not through anything he could do. It was resting upon what Christ has done, had done for him, that finished work, that perfect work done by a perfect person to give man a perfect standing before God.
And he believed it.
He put his faith in that work of Calvary. Well, the rest of the story you may have heard when he came home.
The oldest sister that now he had the assurance of salvation. Oh, she said to Hudson, this is an answer to our prayers when he told his mother. Or she said, Hudson, you don't have to tell me because I know it had happened already.
And, well, if you have the trans young people.
Most inspiring biography I think you could read is the biography of Hudson Taylor Went to China 18.
18501852 And uh, was used of the Lord in a mighty way in that land to lead many thousands of souls from darkness to light in the power of Satan to God. Coming back to Mephibosheth, just let me make a few more remarks as time is going. Umm, it's a picture of the.
The love of God, David, from the very bottom of his heart.
He spoke these words as Mephibosheth, that lame boy. I suppose he had to be carried. There were the carriages from David. He had to come. He didn't know what to expect. Is David going to?
Take my life because of who I belong to now, the Lord David said Mephibosheth.
He called him by name. He fell on his face and did reverence.
Here he was in the presence of David. Have you ever been in the presence of God?
Here there was one who could have wrecked vengeance upon him. But no, instead David.
Displays the benevolence of his heart, the love of his heart. For Jonathan's sake, let me tell you, how can God show love to a Sinner like me and a Sinner like you? Guilty before God, deserving judgment like mephibosheth deserving punishment.
Deserving eternal death and banishment from the presence of a holy God. How can God show mercy to a person like me and you? It's because of the work of the cross. If you get a view of Jesus dying on the cross, this will lead you to repentance. The goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance when you see the Son of God.
God's beloved 1 allowing man to spit upon him. Spit in his face. Imagine.
To crown him with thorns, to scourge his back, to mock and ridicule the Son of God. And he did not give one word of retaliation.
Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
This is what reconciles man to God.
God doesn't need to be reconciled to you. Why? Because God was never against you. That's a wrong thought, to think that God has to be reconciled to us. We are the enemies. And so the message is.
Be reconciled to God, but not God to us. Because like David in our story here, there was no change of mind in David. No, but there was a change of mind in Mephibosheth.
And it's beautiful to see the grace of God here.
David speaking here to this poor boy Mephibosheth.
He answered. Behold thy servant. Yes, there's some people that think that they can serve God, that in some way or other they can escape judgment by their good works, their sandy foundation.
You know, I read a story recently about.
A man in England back in about 1696, his name was Mr. Winstanley and a lot of boats coming in over the English Channel had been wrecked. Many had lost their lives on Eddie Stone rocks there, those stones that were so, so dangerous.
Mr. Winstanley said.
I'm going to build a lighthouse that will stand the worst storm that ever came. So we had a model of it built there and he showed it to some of his friends and they said, Mr. Winstanley, that's not going to survive. Oh, yes, it will. Look it. I just give me the chance. So he went out on the Eddie Stone rocks and he built this big lighthouse.
It looked good.
And it lasted for a few years. And he says, I want to be in that lighthouse when the worst storm comes because he thought I'll be safe in that lighthouse. He had strong confidence in what he had done.
Well, the worst storm came in 1703.
It hit. It raged for days against Mr. Winstanley's lighthouse.
After a few days from Plymouth Harbor, they looked out.
They saw nothing of the lighthouse or of Mr. Winstanley. Everything was washed away.
He had strong confidence in what he had done.
But it was misplaced. It was. He did not have a solid foundation for his faith. So, dear friends, there's a storm of judgment coming, and we want you to be safe. We want you to be sheltered. We want you to know the man who is recovered from The Tempest. The man of Calvary who?
Himself went through the most terrible storm possible when he was.
On the cross.
In the hours of darkness, that was the most terrible storm that could ever.
That it could ever be seen or felt. The storm of judgment for you my friend, because of his love. That's why God can show kindness is because of the work of Christ on the cross. Oh what Amazing Grace.
In August, I wasn't able to go to Brazil this year because the doctor didn't want me to travel abroad, so I stayed in Ottawa area. But I like to go to the Highland Games.
Uh, once, once a year, so I knew where they were.
And I packed up my bags with tracks and calendars and bookmarks and.
I went out to the Highland Games at Knoxville, Ontario, just about one hour from where I live, and I prayed for the Lord's help and I started to distribute trucks. There were thousands of people there.
Thousands. And there were all the regiments in the regalia, the Scottish regiments, you know, the Highland clans from all over the country. But then their afternoon was going on.
And the show was going to come to an end.
I said to one lady, when I was here before they all played Amazing Grace, are they going to do that today? Yes, they will. So I looked out over the field, big field and all those regiments, 400 pipers and drummers, I don't know how many regiments, they were in their kilt. They all walked out onto the field.
It was a moving sight. I was standing there and there they were.
Big like a football field. And they all played Amazing Grace all in unison. It was a moving sight.
So I said to a few, I said I've tasted that Amazing Grace, my friend, because I was a Wretch and the Lord saved me so he can save you and I want you to impress this upon you in our story that we have been looking at how wonderful the grace of David.
And it's just a picture to us of the grace of God. Some people say you do your part and God will do his.
Haven't you heard that by some people?
Just do your part, and God will do the rest. But that wasn't the case with Mephibosheth. We've all done our part, and it's been a very sorry, uh, demonstration of what we really are. We've all done our part, but there's nothing we can do to make ourselves fit for the presence of God. We're just helpless like Mephibosheth.
We're a cripple. How can you get to heaven to glory?
If you're a cripple on both your feet, well, dear friends, we want you to know that God has a deep interest in your blessing tonight. And if you will come, the Lord is fetching you tonight. He is sending out the gospel through his ambassadors. Is there any of the sons of Adam in this room who are still away from God?
Still in your sins?
God is reaching out with his arms wide open like David did to Mephibosheth, and he's saying, come, all things are ready. Yet there is room, room in the heart of God, Room in God's house. Every day you would have seen Mephibosheth at the table of the king. There he had his.
Scarlet robe on. He was one of the King's sons. He wasn't a servant.
He was a royal son and his lame feet were under the table.
He didn't get cured of his uh.
His problem there, but he kept his feet under the table so.
Remember, brethren, that we.
We are. We have forgiveness of sins through the work of Christ, and we're justified from all things when we believe in Him. But we still are lame on our feet. We still have the old nature we still have.
Those evil, those evil desires there, if we get occupied with our lame feet instead of looking to Christ, we're going to be troubled. But you know, Mephibosheth was enjoying the company of the King every day. And so I say this as like we draw to the close of our meeting. Are you enjoying the company of the Lord?
He died in order to enjoy your company for all eternity, and tonight, if you are not saved, He is inviting you to bow the knee in repentance, acknowledging, like Mephibosheth, I'm only a dead dog. What could be more hopeless than a dead dog? You boys and girls don't want to have a dead dog around.
No, but if it was, it said, I'm just like a dead dog, dead in trespasses and sins. I want to look at one passage before we close. Look over in this same book.
Chapter 19.
And just to get a little background here.
You remember that, David? Uh.
He was anointed the king of Judah.
Uh, but as was mentioned this afternoon, he was a good king, but a poor father. And, uh, he reaped a lot in his family. And one of his sons, whose name was Absalom, he rose up in rebellion and usurped the throne of David. You read about it. We won't take time to, to go back, but you can read it the earlier chapters.
And now King David had to flee for his life. He was a fugitive.
You have to get out of Jerusalem to save his life.
Mephibosheth wanted to go with him, but you know he couldn't go because he was lame on both his feet.
This character Zyba was a rogue and a deceiver and David, when he got out of Jerusalem, he was met by zyba with a great abundance of food and wine and.
All sorts of provisions because they were in the wilderness. David and his company.
All, Messaiba said.
Well, uh, David asked. Where is Mephibosheth? Oh, he said. He's just waiting to take over the Kingdom when you're away. That was a blatant lie.
Because Mephibosheth really had prepared all that abundance he had. He was the one that had prepared it and put it on the ***** and the and the donkeys. But Zyba intervened and David was deceived on this occasion. But now I want to come in closing to the 19th chapter, just for a few thoughts.
Verse 24 of the 19th chapter and Mephibosheth.
The son of Saul came down to meet the king, and had neither dressed his feet, nor trimmed his beard, nor washed his clothes from the day the king departed until the day he came again in peace. And he came to pass when he was come to Jerusalem to meet the king.
Uh, that the king said unto him, Wherefore went Is not thou with me, Mephibosheth? And he answered, My Lord, O king, thy servant deceived me. For thy servant said, I will saddle me an *** but I may ride thereon and go to the king, because thy servant is lame. He has slander thy servant unto my Lord the king. Well, I think we can see in Mephibosheth.
A loyal.
Faithful man. Here he was surrounded by the enemies of David, those who were.
In merriment and exalting Absalom that were had completely forgotten about David. They didn't want him. They were having a good time with this person who had taken over the throne, but everyone in Jerusalem.
New one thing.
The fibrosis is loyal to David.
Uh, he didn't make himself attractive to Absalom, as we see here. He didn't trim his beard, he didn't wash his clothes. He didn't make himself attractive to the world. He was a mourner. He was waiting for the return of the king. He said. Never mind about Zaiba. Everything will be set right when Mephibosheth, when David comes back.
Everything is going to be set right.
When he returns, and David did return, and it was the joy of Mephibosheth to have David back with him. That was the one that had captured and won his heart and he was faithful.
In that environment of Jerusalem where everyone was opposed to David and dear friends, a word for us who are believers in the Lord Jesus. We are surrounded by those we meet every day. We know they don't have love for our Savior.
We cannot have fellowship with them. We can give them the gospel. Separation is not isolation. We are left here to be an ambassador for Christ. But are we going to join with their entertainments, with their their pleasures? Mephibosheth had nothing to do with what was going on in Jerusalem. He was waiting for the return of David Hope.
Characterized Mephibosheth, and that should characterize us when the Lord returns.
Those difficult things in your life that you cannot understand, they will be made straight. The Lord will explain it all to you, and you'll be satisfied with what He says. Because there's things in our lives that are difficult to bear. Remember reading about a woman, a dear Christian woman. Her husband was a drunkard.
And he drank all the money that came in.
He says.
To this brother, I think I'm going to lose everything.
She said.
My outlook has never been darker, but my uplook has never been brighter. So, brethren, for the Lord is coming when all will be set right. But may we be like Mephibosheth, loyal.
True and.
Separated from this present evil world as a testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ.
That others might know of this marvelous love that has been demonstrated.
Through the death of our blessed Savior on the cross of Calvary, we hope that no one in the company will go to a Chrysler grave. One story and I'm finished, Sister Abigail.
Was the daughter of Mr. Townsend. I have this correct. We wrote the track, Can we be sure? And sent it to Queen Victoria. Sister Abigail was an avid track distributor, distributor in the city of Buffalo. She never missed an opportunity when she traveled to streetcars. Every conductor got a track.
Probably everyone in the in the vehicle. Sister Abigail was faithful with her Bible.
And with their tracks. So one day she often traveled this route. There's the same conductor, old lady, He says, you always give me one of those tracks. But you know, I'm better than most people. And I know you mean well, but I really don't need that. She held up her Bible and she said, remember.
The Word of God says the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. That's your heart, Sir.
You need to come to the Lord. Oh, well, maybe, maybe so, but I've got lots of time. I'm just a young man.
Remember, it says, boast not thyself of tomorrow. Tomorrow is in God's hands, except Christ as Savior today. Well, day or so later, Sister Abigail traveled the same route. Where is the conductor? He's not there. There's another man. So I'll ask him what happened to the other conductor?
Old lady, the man said. Did you not hear?
Just a few days ago.
This man went out for an afternoon of pleasure.
And in jumping from one car to the other, he missed his footing and fell underneath the wheel.
And they rushed him to the hospital, hovering between life and death.
And he said that Lady that gave me that tract, I want her to know because he died. I want her to know that I'm not going to a Christless grace. He had accepted the Lord as his Savior when I don't know, but before he was taken into eternity. May God bless his word. Thank you for your attention. We want to sing just a very short song.
In closing here.
Maybe one for the children?
I was thinking of that.
That number 8 #8 maybe we'll.
Shall we stand and sing the first and last verses of #8?
Shall we pray? Loving daughter and our Father, we thank thee for the Lord Jesus Christ came down from the glory.
And accomplish that work of redemption for us and shed his precious blood, our only title to eternal glory. We pray that if there is anyone who is not yet.
Been under is not yet under the shelter of that precious blood escape from eternal judgment, that they may hear the voice of the Lord calling to them in tenderest tones. Come unto me, and I will give you rest. Bless thy word that has gone forth here unto moral, if thou dost tarry, and may each one of us realize our privilege of being ambassadors for Christ.
In this Dark World, hastening on to judgment, and yet still we are in the day of grace. We thank the Lord Jesus for loving us when we were so far from Thee. And we ask Thy blessing on the precious gospel message wherever it goes forth, and we ask it to a Thanksgiving for this happy day of fellowship and ministry in the name for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.