Mere Profession in the Kingdom

Matthew 7  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Matthew 7
Let us not judge another, lest that which we judge in another come back on us. The mote in my eye may be larger than the beam in my brother's eye.
Let us search our hearts before asking the Father for something. He only gives in keeping with the principles of the kingdom of heaven. Otherwise we may consume it upon our lusts.
Christ is the straight, narrow gate. The broad, wide gate leads to hell. Only a few find the straight gate; the rest will not repent from their sins.
There will be those in the day of judgment that have preached in Christ's name, to whom He will have to say, "I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity." Only by repentance and faith in God's Word can we know Christ.
Man is likened to a tree, and the tree must bring forth good fruit, repentance, or be cut down. To enter the kingdom in repentance is good fruit. After entering, more fruit will follow.
The wise man chose a rock to build his house on for eternity; that Rock is Christ. The foolish man chose the sand, Satan's world, for the foundation of his house. The storm came and tested the foundations: on the sand the house falls; on the Rock it stands fast. The fall is great, for it is eternal for the man that does not have Christ as his Savior. And what an eternity-the blackness of darkness forever. In contrast, the man who built his house on the rock will enjoy eternal bliss in the house of eternal light. Here and now is the time for decision.