Messages of God's Love: 1988
Table of Contents
Having a Good Time
Memory Verse: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15
Having left New York’s shivering cold, it surely felt good to step out into the warm, fresh air of tropical Barbados. Since we had been sitting on the airplane for four hours already and had a little time before the plane took off again, we were ready for a walk.
In the front of the airport is a walkway planted with tropical plants. It was interesting for us to see the palm trees and flowering shrubs. The beautiful flowers smelled so good. Enjoying the fresh air and scenery, we wandered away down to the end of the area.
There are many people in this world who are “having a good time.” They do not know that what they are doing is sinful, and that God is watching them. If they do know it, they don’t care. Yet our sins will take us down to hell unless we trust in the Lord Jesus. Maybe as you read this you are still one of those people the Bible describes as, “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” 2 Timothy 3:4.
We were having a good time, but someone was watching us. A security guard stopped us and asked, “What were you doing way down there?”
“Oh... uh... just enjoying the flowers, sir.”
“Well, you don’t belong down there.”
“But there were no signs to tell us.”
He very sternly said, “Your gate is number 12,” and he pointed where we should go.
We quickly moved on toward gate 12.
God has not left us without warnings. We cannot say to God, “There is nothing to tell us,” because He has given us His Word, the Bible. It tells us, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. He also tells us, “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15.
We could argue with the guard that there was no warning. But any who stand before God as their judge will be speechless; they will have nothing to say.
The security guard did not arrest us. He told us what to do and we did it.
God does more than warn. In love He tells of a way to escape those wages of sin. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.’ 1 Timothy 1:15. Yes, God Himself has given His own Son to die and pay those wages so that sinners who believe are free.
Do you ask, “How can I be free from my sins?” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
The Trapper's Story
We sat in the trapper’s cabin that day listening to his stories. He trapped in the winter and was a fishing and hunting guide the rest of the year. He was very familiar with a large area of northern Ontario. He told the following story.
“Three years ago I was working my trap line far to the north. The snow was very deep that winter. The only mark of man in all the area was my own, as I traveled on my snowshoes from trap to trap. Coming over the crest of a hill, I saw a thin wisp of smoke rising straight up in the still, cold air. I knew of no other trappers in the area, so I wondered what would have caused a fire in this part of the bush. There were no cabins of any kind in this area, and yet the smoke was a definite sign of man, but who could it be? It was late afternoon, night was coming on, and with a long way back to camp I could not risk going further to find out.
“Three days later the wisp of smoke was still on my mind, so I decided to go back to see what had caused it. Fresh snow had fallen, and walking was difficult. After searching for many hours and finding nothing, I was tired and about to turn back. A hill was ahead, and I knew a small lake was on the other side of the hill. I decided to go as far as the frozen lake and then return home.
“I will never forget what I saw on the other side of that hill. There on the ice was a military aircraft, which I learned later was an F-101 fighter jet. It sat on the ice on the far side of the lake and looked to be undamaged.
“Crossing the ice to the other shore, I found the pilot. He lay in a shallow hole scooped out in the snow. There were branches broken from nearby trees pulled over his body. Beside the place where he lay, covered with snow, were the charred remains of a fire. This had been the cause of the smoke I had seen. Placing my head against his chest, I heard a faint heartbeat. He was still alive!
“I made a sled out of branches and parts of the plane and brought him out and got him into town. The Provincial police helped me get him to a hospital. He had been injured in the crash landing of his jet and had suffered severe frostbite in the days following. But he lived. He told of three weeks of struggling to stay alive in the bitter cold. Emergency rations on board the plane kept him alive, and he waited, hoping to be rescued. But as the time dragged by, his hope began to fade. The cold numbed him, and he was afraid to lie down to sleep. With great difficulty, because of his injury, he managed to keep a fire burning until his strength failed. When the last flickering flame died, his hope died with it. The place he hollowed out in the snow was a grave where he expected to die. He had reached the end of his strength, the end of his hope; there would be no rescue, he would die alone.”
This story shows us exactly where a person is when he sees that he is a sinner and needs to be saved. He has tried everything; works, prayers and feelings have all ended with no help. He is lost; he cannot do a thing to save himself. Then, and only then, does the Saviour do His mighty work of saving the lost sinner.
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
Christ is the only hope for a poor, helpless sinner. Notice that He does not help to save, nor does He save any but lost sinners. Have you ever been really lost? He goes “after that which is lost, until He find it.” Luke 15:4.
Cheerful Ovenbirds
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the Lord shall rejoice in His works.” Psalms 104:31.
Ovenbirds were not given this name because they are baked in ovens, but because their nests look like an old-fashioned baker’s oven. There are many varieties of ovenbirds throughout North and South America. In North America they are found only east of the Rocky Mountains. All are noted for their lovely melodies, especially when a bright moonlit night brings them out to sing in groups.
Their unusual oven-like homes are admired by bird lovers. Hover, it takes much searching to find one as they are well concealed. The nests, looking like ovens or igloos, are made of twig-supported mud or clay with a small opening at the bottom. Usually these are built on the ground, up against a fallen tree, and near a pile of brush or leaves. They are so well hidden that a person may walk right past one and never see it.
When a male ovenbird wants to attract a mate, he puts on quite a display. With wings and tail spread out, he hops around with his head bobbing up and down excitedly. If a female is impressed by this she will agree to be his mate, and they soon are busy building a home. This is done very carefully. As it progresses, if they are not pleased with any part they will remove that section and do it over, or perhaps when finished will add something to improve it.
After the eggs are hatched and the chicks are in the nest, the mother is most careful to protect them. When she leaves them for any reason, she stays close to the ground to avoid letting the nest be discovered, running like a mouse for a good distance before taking to the air. When she returns she does the same.
Those in South America are found all over that large continent, some in deserts, some on ocean shores and others in mountains as high as 16,000 feet above sea level. These usually make their nests somewhat differently from their northern relatives, although following an oven-like pattern. One variety even makes its home in plain sight and seems to prefer being near people. These oven-like nests are often built snugly on top of a fence post or stump.
Who taught these unusual birds to build such elaborate nests and how to raise and protect their young? Who gave them such sweet voices? Of course it was the Lord God, their Creator, of whom the Bible says, “O Lord, how manifold [what variety] are Thy works! In wisdom Nast Thou made them all.” Psalms 104:24. None of the birds or animals are aware that they are watched over by their Creator, but we who experience that care and love to us should always be thankful to Him and say with the Psalmist: “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalms 107:8. Have you ever thanked Him for His love and care?
The Bear Who Came to Lunch
Memory Verse: Behold, to over is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22
Henry and Jane were visiting a national park. AS they entered they noticed large signs which read: STAY IN YOUR CAR: KEEP WINDOWS CLOSED WHEN PARKED: DO NOT FEED ANIMALS. And a park employee at the entrance also warned them of these things.
They spent several days in the beautiful park and enjoyed being able to see so many animals in their natural setting. “God ... giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” 1 Timothy 6:17
One day was very hot, and they were driving slowly along with their windows open, enjoying the beautiful park scenery. They came to an area where several cars were parked along the road. There must be something there worth watching, they thought.
They pulled over and parked their car, then began looking around. They quickly saw what everyone was watching. Near the road were six beautiful elk feeding in a meadow. Not wanting to frighten the animals by getting out of the car, they took some pictures from the open car window and sat watching those beautiful animals for some time.
Jane turned away from looking out of Henry’s window with him, and to her great surprise there stood a black bear looking at her through her open window! She could feel his hot breath on her neck. Jane screamed and pushed against her husband. He quickly opened his door, and both of them scrambled out his side. Then he quickly slammed his door shut behind them.
That bear climbed right into the car through Jane’s window and began tearing up the front seat, then sniffing the air, climbed over to the back seat. The bear must have smelled their lunch which was in the trunk because it began to claw and tear at the back seat. Those sharp claws soon found their way right through the seat and into the trunk!
Seeing what was happening, people in a nearby car hurried off to find a park ranger. Henry and Jane could do nothing but stand back and watch that bear who was now sitting in their ruined car contentedly eating their lunch!
Soon the ranger came, and he managed to get the bear out of the car. But the inside of the car was left a mess. The upholstery was in shreds, stuffing from the seats was scattered all over, and loosened springs stuck out. All of their belongings were tangled and torn.
Remembering too late the warning to “KEEP WINDOWS CLOSED WHEN PARKED,” they sadly got back into the car and found a place to sit on the torn-up front seat. They decided they had better just go on home and drove on out of the park. What a sad ending to a happy vacation!
How much better to obey not only the authority of people God has seen fit to place over us, but to obey our heavenly Father! “How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof; and have not obeyed the voice of my teachers.” Proverbs 5:12,13.
Have you heard the gospel message and not obeyed? Have you heard that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"? 1 Timothy 1:15. Are you truly sorry about your sins, and have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your very own Saviour? He died to save you from death and judgment if you will trust Him.
It would have been best for Henry and Jane to have obeyed the instruction and warning given to them when they entered the national park. They had been told to keep the car windows rolled up. And it will be best for you if you obey God’s instructions, receiving the protection of His eternal love and everlasting life in heaven.
“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice [to forfeit].” 1 Samuel 15:22.
Who Needs a New Heart?
An ambulance rushes to a hospital. The doctors and nurses hurry to their appointed duties. The operating-room staff prepares for two operations. One operation will be on a person who has already died! (What is going on? What kind of a hospital is this?)
The siren has barely died down as the stretcher is rolled rapidly to the waiting operating-room team. On the stretcher is the body of a young man who has been killed in a car accident. His family knows he wants his body used as a “donor.” This means healthy organs from his body are to be used for other people who need them. His body is being taken to the operating room so that his healthy heart can quickly be removed and used to replace a diseased or worn-out heart in another person.
Think how complicated this type of operation must be! A team of perhaps 12 doctors, specially trained nurses, hospital equipment and sterilized rooms are all needed. All of this is required to make the operation a success. It can lengthen the life of a person whose body might still be healthy, but whose heart is diseased or worn out.
But remember, as wonderful as this kind of operation is, the results are only temporary. Someday this new heart will finally stop beating too.
Do you know we have a Physician who is greater than all of the expert heart doctors? This Great Physician is Jesus Christ. He has been giving new hearts to people for thousands of years. His “operation” is needed by everyone, because we all have the heart disease called SIN. The Bible tells us how bad our hearts really are: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9.
The Lord Jesus will replace a sinful heart only for someone who is willing —someone who knows that he is a sinner and needs a new heart.
Do you believe what the Bible says about your heart — that it is wicked? Do you realize that the Lord Jesus is the only One who can give you a new heart? In Psalms 51:10 David prayed: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
The Lord Jesus Christ has already done the work. He suffered and died on the cross for the sins of those who would believe in Him — for the sins of those who know that they need this “new heart.” “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
After the Lord Jesus has given you a new heart, you will want to thank Him. Perhaps you can thank Him by saying, “I have trusted in Thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing unto the Lord, because He hath dealt bountifully with me.” Psalms 13:5,6.
Caterpillars for Dinner
“Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.” 1 Timothy 4:4.
How would you like a bowl of fried caterpillars for lunch? Or would you enjoy taking a few along for snacks on your next picnic? “Horrible!” you might say, “Don’t even suggest such a thing!” But there are people in southern Africa who would tell you that you don’t know what you’re missing until you have tasted this very special food.
The African natives don’t mean that every kind of caterpillar should be eaten — just those known as Mopane worms (because they are found mostly on Mopane trees), or a few others like them. These are large caterpillars, as long as four inches with fat bodies circled with green and black bands, or sometimes with yellow or red bands instead of green. Many Africans eat them either raw or cooked, as a snack or added to other foods in stews.
Boys and girls, as well as men and women, collect them. When one is removed from a leaf, it is pressed flat to remove the inside part and then either eaten right away or added to others in a basket to take home. Sometimes they are canned for eating later. It is not just the natives in the forests who enjoy them, but many wealthy people buy them in sealed cans or in plastic bags in grocery stores and meat markets. Housewives, fixing lunch bags for workers or for children in school, often include a package to be eaten for dessert — just as most of us would eat a piece of cake or a candy bar.
While all this may seem like a bad dream, this food is actually full of vitamins and minerals and helpful for good health.
Visitors who have tried them report they taste like nuts; others compare them with roast beef, while some think they taste more like a breakfast cereal. But all visitors agree it would take quite a while to really want them included in their meals!
The opening Bible verse tells of the bounties of God’s provision for all He has created. Of course, the verse does not mean that everything can be eaten without first knowing if it is harmless or needs special preparation. It may have been God’s purpose to have it changed into medicines, or even as a poison to dispose of dangerous pests, or for some other use than eating. But it does remind us that the Creator had a definite purpose for everything He brought into being, and all can be accepted with thanksgiving.
Have you thanked Him for His goodness to you, not only for daily food, but in providing His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be a Saviour for those who acknowledge their need of having their sins washed away and who accept Him as their personal Saviour. If you have not yet accepted Him, don’t wait another day!
Memory Verse: “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans 5:12
Alison is a fine young lady who graduated from college last spring. It was a thrill to watch her climb the steps to the platform and receive her diploma. It took her a little longer than most of the students to climb those steps, because she had to walk with the help of two special canes. The dean kissed her on the cheek, and everyone clapped for her. Her mother wept with happiness.
You see, life has always been a little more difficult for Alison. She was a normal baby for the first few months of life. Then suddenly she got quite sick with a disease called cerebral palsy. Alison’s life as a child with this disease was difficult for her and her family. Much time and money were spent on medicines and therapy. Operations followed.
When Alison was only eight years old, her father suddenly died. Then she and her mother had to take care of themselves.
Through all of these problems, I have never seen a happier, sweeter, more pleasant person than Alison. It has always been a pleasure to be around her. Everywhere she goes people love her.
Why do you suppose she is such a lovely person? I believe it is because we see the loveliness of Christ in her. You see, she and her mother are both believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the head in their home and the main object of their lives.
This winter Alison is back in college for more studies. Her purpose is to be able to help other people who are handicapped to make the most of their abilities. She gives the Lord Jesus all the credit for her abilities and skills.
Boys and girls, we have so much to be thankful for when our bodies and minds are whole. Do we thank God for this? I hope so!
But each one of us is born with another kind of handicap — our life is handicapped with sin. “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans 5:12. Sin brings ruin and judgment with it. But God loves sinners and wants them to be whole. Through the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus, on Calvary, God can take your sins away. In heaven Alison will have a new body, free from its handicap of cerebral palsy and its handicap of sin. But right now she has a saved soul because she asked the Lord Jesus to take away her sins.
How about you? Are you saved? Wouldn’t you like to be? You only need to ask the Lord Jesus to take away your sins. When He takes you to heaven you also will have a new body free from its handicap of sin. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
“This is faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
Exposed by a Shark
In 1799 an America ship, the Nancy, was carrying illegal, stolen cargo to the West Indies. This was discovered, and the ship was boarded and searched by the authorities when it docked in the West Indies. Before the police came on board, the captain threw the papers overboard describing the cargo. He knew that if these papers were found they would show that he was guilty of smuggling. The police, although not finding the papers they searched for, arrested the captain and he was brought to trial.
At the trial, without enough evidence against him being presented, the captain’s lawyer was winning the case. However, before the trial was over, the captain of an English ship, the Ferret, was called forward. He told the following account:
“While sailing along the coast of Jacmel, near the island of San Domingo, my crew spotted a large shark. It was shot and hoisted on board for examination. Inside the shark’s stomach we found a bundle of ship’s papers that listed the cargo of the ship Nancy.”
These papers were then presented as evidence to the court. Upon examination they clearly showed that the Nancy was carrying illegal cargo. The captain was found guilty of smuggling and sent to prison.
The head of the shark was on display for some time after this strange occurrence at Port Royal, Jamaica. The jaws can still be seen in the Museum of the Royal United Service Institution in London.
Those who were part of this strange story died long ago, but what is illustrated still holds true today. In this age of freedom and independence, people think they can go anywhere they like and do as they please. They often will make up stories to cover their actions. God’s Word, the Bible, warns everyone, “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23.
As certainly as the captain of the Nancy had to pay for his sin, so will you, but to a higher Judge. God “hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained.” Acts 17:31. The Apostle Paul wrote: “God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” Romans 2:16.
All of us know that what the captain of the Nancy did was wrong, even as there are many who are “secretly” putting their beliefs or faith in something that is not right. It could be an idea, a teaching or a religion. But if it is anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and grace to sinners, then it is wrong. The Lord Jesus tells us in the Bible that “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.” Matthew 24:11. Being sincere is not enough. You may sincerely believe something, yet be sincerely wrong.
Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to be safe and sure. The captain of the Nancy had to go to prison for the crimes he had committed. The judge could not offer him a pardon, but pardon is being offered to you — God is offering to forgive your sins and save you from the punishment your sins require. “Through this Man (Christ Jesus) is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 13:38), because “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18. He is now risen from the dead, and seated on the throne at the right hand of God. He has the authority to forgive your sins.
You must settle the question of your sins. You cannot afford to make a mistake about this matter. Do not let it wait any longer. If you die it will be too late. Confess your sins now, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
Just as I am — without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee;
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
Who Am I?
A Man was coming down the road
The crowds were waiting there;
They’d heard that He could heal the sick,
For blind ones He did care.
Among the crowds a little man
So rich and very just,
From his lofty perch his eyes did search
To see this Man he must!
The procession stopped; the Man looked up;
He called him by his name—
“Come down,” He said, “I’ve come to dine;
At your house I’ll remain.”
Oh, what joy as he hurried down
To receive Him to his home,
Questions he had, and thoughts in his heart,
Perhaps He would make them known.
Though half his goods he gave to the poor,
And wrongs were four times repaid,
His heart was searched as he thought on this,
And he pondered what was said.
The light broke through as the answer came
“This day is Salvation come,”
For the Son of man had sought him out,
And had found another lost one.
Trees of the Desert
“The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad... and the desert shall... blossom as the rose.” Isaiah 35:1.
The Sonora desert lies mostly in Mexico, but reaches into southern California and Arizona as well. It sustains thousands of desert plants and trees designed by the Creator to withstand the harsh climate, including many strange ones which most of the time appear to be dead, but to which a rainstorm brings an immediate change.
One of these is the boogum, or cirio, tree. Its trunk looks like a huge pole reaching 25 feet or more in height and almost as big around at the top as at the bottom. Its stiff, thorny branches have leaves and flowers in the short, moist season, but otherwise it appears dead and bare. Large groups of these grow on rocky slopes of the desert where the only rainfall comes in the form of infrequent cloudbursts. The Creator has designed some of its roots to spread a great distance to greedily draw the moisture into its trunk and branches. Its other roots go down deep, also taking in as much moisture as possible.
In contrast to the boogum, and growing nearby, is another rather strange-looking tree. Because it has such a thick trunk and limbs, it has been called the elephant tree. In spite of its odd looks, this is one of the most beautiful trees of the desert when a good rainfall brings out its fresh leaves and pretty flowers.
Another is the ocotillo, or candlewood, a thorny bush with many bare branches reaching upward and also designed by the Creator to withstand the dry heat of the desert. This one, too, is leafless most of the year. But the magic of a rainstorm brings out its greenery along with many scarlet-colored flowers that almost look like bright flames shining at the top of its long stems.
Yet another is the jumping cholla, a large, cactus, tree-like bush and one that is to be carefully avoided. It should never be touched with bare hands as it is totally covered with needle-sharp stickers that are most painful to remove from wounded flesh. Its flowers are a creamy white.
The Bible verse at the beginning of this article looks on to a future time, known as the millennium following God’s judgment against those who have refused His love and bringing His blessing to those who have been faithful to Him.
In Song of Solomon 2:12-13, there are expressions that cheer the heart of all who today love the Lord and which are brought to mind by the blossoms of the desert plants we have just considered. Here is what it says: “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.... Arise, My love, My fair one, and come away.” For all who know the Lord as their Saviour, this reminds us of a wonderful promise of a soon-coming time when He will call us home to the glory of heaven. Will you be part of that happy company?
Willie's Homework Paper
Memory Verse: “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13
Willie was in fourth grade. Sometimes his teacher, Mrs. Holms, gave the children assignments to begin working on in class. What they didn’t finish at school had to be taken home and finished that evening. A parent was supposed to sign the finished homework paper, and it was to be turned in at school the next day.
After a week of rain nearly every day, the weather had turned nice. Willie and his friends had played outside after school until time to go in for supper. Then after supper Willie had found other things to do, so the homework hadn’t been finished.
One day soon after, the telephone rang and Willie’s mother answered it. She was surprised to hear Willie’s voice on the other end. She knew something was wrong because Willie was almost crying.
“What’s wrong, Willie?” she quickly asked.
“I... I... I didn’t finish my homework,” he choked out.
“Is that all, Willie?” she asked doubtfully.
There was no mistaking — Willie was crying now. “Th... that was last week,” he added tearfully.
“Willie, is that the only reason you’re calling me from school?” she questioned him.
“Well, you were supposed to sign that paper,” he explained.
“Willie, is that all?”
“Well, actually there were two papers,” he admitted.
“Is there anything else?”
“Well, yea... I signed them,” he confessed.
“You signed my name, Willie?” “Yea, and I spelled it wrong,” he blurted out tearfully.
Willie was in trouble. The first thing he had done wrong was not finishing his homework. Then to cover that up so his teacher wouldn’t notice, he had done something else wrong — he had signed his mother’s name on his papers. This made it look like his mother had seen the papers and knew about the homework. But, he had spelled his mother’s first name Mery instead of Mary. Mrs. Holms had seen the misspelled name on both papers and knew what Willie had done. Willie’s cover-up job had fallen apart. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23.
We all understand Willie’s sinking, guilty feeling when Mrs. Holms called him up to her desk and asked him about his homework and pointed out his mother’s misspelled name. Everyone of us has done something just like it, which we knew was wrong. We usually got caught and had to confess what we had done. Punishment followed. But sometimes our cover-ups worked and we didn’t get caught, and so we thought we had gotten away with it. But we hadn’t. Even though our parents or teacher never found out, God saw it. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3. God saw what we did, and He called it sin. The Bible tells us that all sin must be punished by God. That punishment is being reserved until after we die, in an awful place called hell. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this’ the judgment [punishment].” Hebrews 9:27.
However, God loves you and me, and He wants to forgive all our sins. But still, there is punishment necessary for those sins. Because He loves you and me dearly, this is what He did. He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to bear that punishment for sin on the cross "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:28. If you are truly sorry about your sins and confess to the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner, He promises He will forgive you. Then you will not have to be punished for your sins, because He already was punished for them when He died on the cross. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.
Won’t you confess to the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner and accept His forgiveness?
An Important Warning
A gasoline leak at a gas station in Halifax, Nova Scotia allowed vapors to seep into sewers. These vapors could easily explode, and the authorities ordered all people from several hundred homes to leave the area. Electric power was switched off so sparks would not cause an explosion.
The same thing had happened in Saint John, New Brunswick a short time before, and there had been explosions and fires. So when people were told what had happened in Saint John and that they had to leave their homes for the same reason, they believed it.
Some in panic grabbed their children and ran. Others looked around the house and said, “What shall I take with me?” There was no time to think; they had to leave right away. No one was prepared for such an event.
One of these days something that has never happened before is going to take place. There will be no time to get ready then. Do you know what it is that is going to take place?
The Lord Jesus is going to call all who believe on Him to go home with Him to heaven. Even those who died trusting in Him will go. They will be raised up from their graves, and we who are living will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord Jesus in the air. “The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17.
If you want to be ready to go with Him then, you must trust Him now. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Those who do not trust in the Lord Jesus will be left behind when He comes. They will never have another opportunity to be saved from the punishment of hell. The Bible is plain about this: “That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness [sin].” 2 Thessalonians 2:12.
In Halifax the dangerous vapors were removed and there were no explosions or fires. However, God has warned us of sure judgment for any who are not saved. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27. Do not wait to see; it will be too late then! God loves you. Won’t you trust Him right now, and He will save you from the judgment that is coming.
Fingernails, Toenails and Hair
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him.” 1 Corinthians 12:18.
Did you ever think how amazing it is that when a person reaches 20 (or near that age) his or her body stops growing? The Creator has wisely arranged this, for if our spines, legs and arms kept growing, what a peculiar assortment of giant people there would be!
However, three parts of our body don’t stop growing — hair, fingernails and toenails. Why is that? Actually it is a kind provision of our Creator. Consider our hair: it keeps dropping off and in time would also be rubbed completely off if new hair didn’t push up through our scalp a little bit every day, which it does at the rate of five or more inches every year. This means that every 20 years more than eight feet of new hair replaces what has dropped out.
But why should our fingernails and toenails keep growing? We can be thankful they do, for nails do get broken or damaged, and if a new supply didn’t grow, the ends of the fingers and toes would soon be exposed to all the painful bumps and accidents now absorbed by the nails. They are really wonderful pieces of armor.
Also think how useful our fingernails are in picking up a coin dropped on the floor, a needle on a flat table top, and many other small things. And without them, how would you untie a knot in a thread, piece of string or fishline? How would you relieve an itch if you had no fingernail to scratch with?
Some may think fingernails and toenails are bone, but that is not true. They, like our hair, are made of a material called keratin which our system produces from the food we eat. How does it get to these specific parts of the body? Our brain is constantly giving instructions to every part, and it’s as though it were speaking to the stomach and saying, “Now as soon as that food is digested, send some keratin up for the hair, send another part to the ten fingernails and still another part to the toenails.” This isn’t just imagination; it’s actually the way our body responds to the brain’s commands! When these instructions are carried out and the new part forms behind the old one, it pushes it out a little, until finally it’s so noticeable that you may find it necessary to trim your hair, as well as those nails on your hands and feet.
This is all part of the Creator’s wonderful arrangements for us, as our opening verse expresses. Each member of the body responds just as He has established. Let us not fail to thank Him daily for providing every little, but important, detail of our bodies. “Giving thanks always for all things unto God.” Ephesians 5:20.
Do You Recognize Him?
Memory Verse: “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9
Tsai Sung Hua picked up a silver hammer and struck a small gong. Two personal attendants entered his room. One carried the gorgeous robes of his office, and the other carried his hat with a peacock feather hanging down and a red button which was the sign that the wearer of the hat was a Chinese official of highest degree.
After he dressed in his robes and hat, he walked out onto a balcony overlooking a large courtyard. Several less-important officials were already there. Tsai Sung Hua walked to his position at the front of the balcony without saying a word.
Carefully he looked over the courtyard of the examination hall below. High walls with locked and sealed iron gates surrounded it. Along one wall were many cells, barely large enough for a person to sit down in. In front of these cells were six hundred students, all young men, standing still and silent like statues. Slowly Tsai Sung Hua looked them over. Several were dressed in patched, worn-out garments, making Tsai think of his own life of poverty when he was a student. Most of their faces seemed frightened and strained. Their futures depended upon the results of this 72-hour examination.
After examining the courtyard from the balcony, he looked at an official in a watchtower on the wall and nodded. At this signal the man beat a large gong. The young men in the courtyard gazed up at the watchtower and saw the man wave a banner. In a loud voice he cried out, “O ye spirits of the dead! Look upon these students gathered here! If any has offended in word or deed do punish the offender and avenge the wrong!” The students, all of whom believed in evil spirits, shivered with fright, and some nearly fainted. Another gong was sounded and each student went to his own examination cell.
A servant carrying a banner over his head walked through the courtyard making sure every student could see it from his cell. On the banner was printed the subject of an essay they must write. Each student received a single roll of paper. They were given three days and nights to write the essay and were ordered to stay in the cells with only brief breaks for rice and water. They were strictly forbidden to speak to anyone until their examination was finished. The students who wrote the essays were often appointed to important positions in the government. This system of choosing public officials had been in practice in China for over 1400 years.
Tsai Sung Hua was appointed by the emperor to be in charge of the examination hall. For his faithful service he was rewarded with wealth and honor.
Late in the evening of the second day of the examination, Tsai Sung Hua felt restless. He took off his gorgeous robe and hat and in a dresser drawer found a coarse, gray servant’s uniform. He put it on and slipped unnoticed out of his quarters and into the darkness of the courtyard. He walked there for a few moments. Then he heard someone sobbing. In the darkness he found a young man crying as if his heart would break.
“What is the matter?” Tsai asked. “Who are you?”
“My name is Hung,” the young man replied, “and I am here from the city of Wusih. My mother is a widow and too poor to send me here, but some friends loaned her money for me to come. My essay roll slipped out of my gown into the dirt and is ruined! Now I have no more paper, and I dare not return and tell my mother I have lost the chance! It would break her heart! I have no choice... I can only kill myself!”
Tsai Sung Hua listened with sympathy, remembering the strain of his own examination. “I have a roll of paper I do not need,” Tsai said. “I will get it for you and you can rewrite your essay.”
When Tsai returned with the paper, the young man looked into his face to thank him. Astonished, he recognized him, not as a servant, but as the Chief Examiner. He bowed to the ground. “Sir,” he cried, “I shall remember you with gratitude all the days of my life. You have saved me and my mother.”
If Tsai Sung Hua had not walked as a servant through the courtyard, the young man might have killed himself that night. His grief in losing the roll was so keen and his hopes had been so bitterly dashed that he felt he couldn’t go on living.
One far greater than Tsai Sung Hua put on the form of a servant and walked through this world. Although it could truly be said of Him, “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3), yet we read, “Christ Jesus... made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:5,7,8.
When Hung recognized who the man in the servant’s uniform really was, his heart filled with gratitude, and he bowed to the ground before him.
Have you recognized this wonderful One who died on the cross? He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Has your heart filled with gratitude and have you bowed before Him?
“The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:35,36.
“He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:10-12.
“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9.
Robby's Seed
On the last day of school in June, Robby’s teacher gave each child a different kind of seed to plant in his yard at home. Robby went home and planted his, but it was a long time before he knew what kind of plant grew from his seed. In September the children brought what they had grown to school with them. Tracy had a big red flower. Mike had a tomato. But Robby told his teacher that his plant was still growing in his yard, and he still didn’t know just what it was.
“Wait a few more weeks,” his teacher said, “and you will soon find out.”
How happy Robby was a few weeks later to discover that it was a pumpkin vine! His mother made some delicious pumpkin pies out of the pumpkins.
Every Christian boy and girl is planting seeds during his life. I don’t mean real seeds like Robby planted. We are planting seeds of love, kindness, hate, lying or unkindness. What kind of seeds are you planting? What you plant in your “garden” you will harvest later. If you have accepted Christ as your Saviour, ask Him to help you plant seeds of love and kindness. You will collect love and kindness in return, and He will give you a reward in heaven, too.
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.
“Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9.
Solitary Wasps
“O Lord, how manifold are Thy works! in wisdom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of Thy riches.” Psalms 104:24.
You may have seen a wasps’ nest made of paper, suspended from a protected part of your house. These wasps who live in colonies and cooperate with one another are called social wasps.
There are other wasps who make nests for their young in an entirely different way. They do not live in colonies and are called solitary wasps. In an earlier article we learned of one called the black wasp caterpillar hunter. This female makes a nest in which to lay her eggs and provide for her young by digging a hole several inches deep in well-packed sand. At the bottom of this hole she lays her eggs. Then she hunts for a caterpillar which she paralyzes with her stinger and drops in the hole beside them. The caterpillar is still alive but cannot move, and when the eggs hatch out, the caterpillar becomes a fresh food supply for them.
It is common for various species to build similar nests, some of them dropping insects, spiders or caterpillars beside the eggs as a food supply when the larvae need it. Not one of all these wasps needs to be taught these things, nor experiment until it is done right, for these instincts are the Creator’s gift to them, passed on from generation to generation.
One of the other varieties is known as the bembix wasp. Several of them make holes side by side in the ground to form colonies, digging with front feet specially designed by the Creator for this purpose. Each female wasp, after placing her eggs at the bottom of her nest, drops paralyzed flies down the hole. An interesting thing about bembix wasps is that after the eggs have hatched into larvae and eaten the food left for them, they cover themselves all over with a hard coating of fine sand held close to their bodies with sticky saliva. After being wrapped up that way through the winter months, they come out of this hard cocoon and crawl up into the outdoors as full-fledged wasps.
Sand and wood wasps follow habits similar to those of the bembix, but sometimes drill their holes in fence posts rather than in the ground. These particular wasps use paralyzed spiders and a few other insects for their food.
Another species feeds on nothing but paralyzed bees, which no doubt are very tasty to the larvae when they come out of their long sleep and find this food right beside them.
As we think of how wonderfully the ways of the Lord God, the Creator of all things, are displayed, we can easily understand the Psalmist who declared, after expressing the above 24th verse, “I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.... I will be glad in the Lord.” Psalms 104:33,34. Are you among those who join in that kind of singing?
Storm Warnings
Memory Verse: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24
Fall is hurricane season in the southeastern United States as well as in the Caribbean islands. These violent, tropical storms usually have winds over 70 miles per hour and are often accompanied by heavy rains. Ocean tides rise much higher than normal, causing lots of damage to coastal areas. Hurricanes can even start small tornadoes when they reach land, which can cause further damage to homes and lives.
This past fall, while I was working in the southern part of Florida, a hurricane developed in the Caribbean. The weathermen named it Hurricane Floyd. As I was going to work that morning, it was already moving toward the southern tip of Florida at about 15 miles per hour. Within the hurricane itself the winds had risen to about 80 miles per hour. That was strong enough to cause a lot of destruction, and so this was not a storm for people to ignore.
By noon, the weather reports were still warning that the storm was moving in the direction of south Florida, so all children were sent home from school early. The teachers didn’t want any children to be in school when the storm struck; they wanted them all safe at home.
Early in the afternoon, with the storm moving still closer, businesses closed down and also sent their workers home early. At each company before they went home, workers put up aluminum panels over every window. This would keep them from being broken by objects which were carried by the strong winds, if the hurricane or a tornado came close to their building.
On their way home many people stopped at grocery stores to buy extra food. If the storm stayed in the area for several days, nobody wanted to be stuck at home without enough food.
As I saw all of the preparations being made, I was impressed with how seriously everyone accepted the report that there was a dangerous storm moving in their direction. The fact of a coming storm also reminded me that God has warned us of another coming storm — the storm of God’s righteous judgment against our sins. We have all sinned; the Bible clearly tells us in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” And not one sin can ever enter heaven. Instead, the storm of God’s punishment must fall on us, if we do not use the shelter He has provided from that storm.
Like many other people, I went home early that afternoon and stayed inside all evening. At any moment I was expecting to hear the wind howling outside and the rain start beating down. But when I got up the next morning, everything was calm outside, and it looked as though only a little rain had fallen. It turned out that the storm had moved back out to sea without touching much of the coast of southern Florida. Even the weathermen decided to rename Floyd a “tropical storm” instead of a “hurricane.” A tropical storm isn’t as powerful as a hurricane.
God has not only told us about the coming storm of judgment, He has also told us about the shelter He has provided for us because He loves us. He sent His own Son, the Lord Jesus, into this world. At the end of His perfect life in this world, the Lord Jesus was crucified. While He hung on that cross, God punished Him for sin. The awful storm of all God’s righteous anger against sin beat on His blessed head until, at the end of the three hours, He cried, “It is finished.” John 19:30. He suffered the full force of all that storm. Now, everyone who believes that the Lord Jesus bore all the punishment for their sins is safely sheltered from ever having to go through that storm themselves. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation [judgment]; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
Just like all of the people who believed the weather reports that warned of the soon-coming storm and got ready for it, we also should believe God’s report and accept the only shelter that He has provided by believing in the Lord Jesus, our Deliverer from the coming wrath.
The next morning after the storm had passed, I heard many people laughing and even mocking the weathermen and all of the preparations that had been made for nothing. And there are many people who mock at God’s warnings also. But that does not change the fact that the Lord Jesus is going to come “in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 1:8. Those who are not sheltered by believing in the Lord Jesus and His precious blood which He shed on the cross to cleanse from all sin will spend all eternity in hell. There they themselves will be punished for all of their sins, and that punishment will never end.
How is it with you? Are you sheltered from that storm by the Lord Jesus, or will you have to face it alone?
Ann's Cats
One time when I was visiting in a certain city, I stayed in the home of an old friend. My friend’s little daughter Ann had two cats which were interesting to watch.
One cat was a plain white cat named Dewey. He was a gentle cat that was very nice to have around. The other cat was a large angora cat which had the funny name of Mother Grundy.
Now, Mother Grundy was a pretty cat with long, silky hair. But her nature was not nice. In fact, she was the meanest cat that I have ever seen. When visitors would come to Ann’s home they would usually say something about what a beautiful cat she was. But after being there for a while, they would find out what Mother Grundy was really like. She was nasty and mean, and you never knew what she might do next. She could be lying quietly on your lap while you petted her, and then suddenly she might reach out her paw and scratch you!
Once Ann tried to keep a puppy in the house, too. The puppy and Dewey got along fine, but Mother Grundy was so mean that the puppy was terrified! She would chase him and hiss at him. The poor little puppy always seemed to have some scratches on his nose and face from her sharp claws. They finally had to get rid of the puppy.
Mother Grundy reminds me of some people who are so nice at times, but mean and nasty at other times. There are some boys and girls who are like that, too. How nice it is to meet children who are always friendly to other people.
If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, then, you can be cheerful all the time. This is because God’s Holy Spirit is living inside of you. God your Father would have you do only good things. But sometimes we let that “old self” show and tell us what to do. Then we can be just as mean and nasty as we were before we were saved. This is sin, and we should confess to God what we have done and ask Him to help us. This is the way to please Him and live our life for Him.
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” Galatians 5:22,23.
The Seldom-Seen Lynx
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18.
The pretty cat-like lynx that slinks silently through trees, brush or snow for its prey likes the cold Arctic-like climate of the Yukon, Sweden and Russia, but many are also in warmer areas of Canada, the northern United States and a few Asian countries. But whether living north or south, they all prefer homes in thickets of trees or brush and customarily have tiny twin kittens each year.
A fully grown lynx will weigh from 30 to 60 pounds, be about three feet long and have a two-inch tail. Its fur is finest in the winter when it is a thick, luxurious gray mixed with long silver hairs. Its most outstanding features include a stubby fur-covered tail and a very noticeable pair of upright ears with long tufts of hair rising from the top of them. Many consider the lynx the most handsome animal in the Arctic region.
Their principal food in the north is the snowshoe rabbit, but if these are scarce they will go after small deer, caribou or large birds. The Creator has provided them with large paws, bigger in diameter than the palm of a man’s hand, and in winter extra fur grows around the edges to help them walk in snow.
Those farther south also like rabbit meat, but include in their diet squirrels, gophers and other small animals and birds. They have keen sight and hearing and stalk their prey silently until close enough to make a springing leap and grab it. At times they lie on tree limbs, waiting to pounce on prey passing below. But, while the lynx is an enemy to small animals and birds, it is actually quite shy and no threat to people. If possible it will always vanish before a person can get anywhere near it.
Do you think the Lord God is aware of these animals as they live out their lives in such remote places? We know He is, for we read in the Bible, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9. The verse following tells us more: “All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee.”
This looks on to a coming time when God’s punishment of sinful people will be over and He will restore the earth to peace and freedom from sin. At that time (called the Millennium) all created things will “praise Him” in their peaceful way, and a tiger, bear, lynx or any other vicious animal will no longer kill, but all will live peacefully together. And the saints of God (those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour) will bless Him more fully than is possible today. If you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you should be happily praising Him right now, and it will be your privilege to praise Him even more in that future day as well.
Dorothy and the Pigs
Memory Verse: “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5
One day after school was out in the spring, Dorothy went to visit her aunt and uncle who lived on a farm. They had just gotten a lot of baby pigs. One that Dorothy decided was her favorite was white with some black markings on it. But when it was time to go home she had a box with two little pigs in it one was her favorite white and black pig and the other was rust colored.
Her father set up for her a low, electric fence to keep the pigs near their nice new house. Dorothy washed and brushed them often. She put a little stool in their play yard and sat and talked to her pets. They soon got to know her voice and would come when Dorothy called them. She found that they liked toys, because when she gave them some rags and a couple of balls, they tossed and shoved them around. One of the balls was a pigskin football, and she would tell her pigs, “That is what happens to little pigs who do not behave.”
Grandma and Grandpa lived just down the road from Dorothy’s house. One day some friends came to visit her grandma and grandpa. They soon heard all about Dorothy’s pigs and wanted to go over to see them.
When Grandma called Dorothy on the phone to tell her they were coming to see her pigs, she quickly washed and brushed her pigs and tied ribbons around their necks. They looked so clean and all dressed up.
By the time Grandma and Grandpa and their guests had finished dinner and walked over to see Dorothy’s pets, the pigs didn’t look quite the same. They had rolled in the mud where Dorothy had dumped their wash water and had gotten themselves and their pretty ribbons all dirty. The pigs didn’t know they had done anything wrong. They just snorted and sniffed and ran back and forth squealing when they saw Dorothy coming toward them. They were so glad to see her. But Dorothy was so disappointed when she saw them. She got out her pig brush and started brushing the mud off them again.
Will they always stay as cute baby pigs? No, they will continue to eat and eat and grow and grow... until they weigh about 100 pounds. Then they will have to go back to Dorothy’s uncle who will keep them until they weigh about 220 pounds. Then he will take them to market and sell them there with his other grown-up pigs.
Dorothy knows all about this. Last year she raised twelve baby geese. They followed her everywhere and used to sit looking in the window, waiting for Dorothy to come outside. The pet geese finally had to go to market too.
You can see that this little girl is a very loving person and has a wonderful way with animals.
However, she knows that animals do not have a soul. She goes to Sunday school and has learned that the Bible says that God gave a soul that lives forever only to people. “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7.
Dorothy will be sorry to see her pet pigs go back to her uncle’s farm, and she was sad to see her geese leave last year too. But she knows she will probably have something else next year to love and care for. Perhaps she will have some rabbits, or maybe a baby calf, or even some baby goats. These creatures are of the earth and cannot go to heaven. People have souls that live on and on — forever — either in heaven or in hell. When we wash our pets here on earth they will get dirty again; it is their nature to do so. But when we are washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ who died for us, we are washed clean of our sins forever! We are then fit to live with the Lord Jesus in heaven for eternity.
Dorothy has been washed clean of her sins, because she has told the Lord Jesus that she is a sinner and asked Him to wash her sins away so she could be with Him in heaven forever. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” John 3:36. “Unto Him [the Lord Jesus] that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5.
A Wonderful Chinese Word
There are some beautiful gospel pictures hidden in the writing of the Chinese language. In the old Chinese writing they had thousands of characters to represent things. In our language we have the alphabet with letters which we out together to make words to describe things or thoughts.
The Chinese character for MAN is like this, as if a boy but his hands in his pockets and then spread his feet apart.
The Chinese character for COME is quite interesting. First, a cross is made. By itself it stands for the number TEN in Chinese, reminding us of the Ten Commandments. No one has ever in his life kept them completely; only the Lord Jesus did, because He was without sin. All of us are sinners and deserve death.
God said, “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
But if we put a MAN on the CROSS, like this, how wonderfully we see what Jesus the Saviour did for us when He was lifted up on the cross that we might be saved from the punishment for our sins. We must confess what we are and have done, and then trust in Him for our eternal salvation. We have each sinned and broken God’s laws and commandments in one way or another. But the Lord Jesus was made sin for us, suffering there on the CROSS; then He died, and His blood was poured forth, making it possible for sins to be taken away.
Now in this large character what else do we see? “Oh,” you say, “there are two other MEN, one on each side of the MAN on the CROSS.” That is exactly right.
And that is the Chinese word for COME. When Jesus was put on the cross there were two thieves crucified with Him, having to die for their own sins. One of these two men repented of his sins, trusted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and asked Him to remember him when He came into His kingdom. Jesus said to him, “Verily I say unto thee, To-day shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:43.
We do not read in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 23, that the other thief believed. He did not repent of his sins, and so he died as he lived—he must spend eternity forever away from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you heard the earnest message of welcome from the Lord Jesus when He said, “Come unto Me"? Matthew 11:28. Oh, do not miss the great salvation which is offered free to sinners. Jesus is no longer on the cross, but at God’s right hand, still waiting for you to COME to Him, as is so wonderfully illustrated by our Chinese word picture.
“Behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
The Ungainly Ostrich
“The ostrich.... [leaves] her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in the dust.... She scorneth the horse and his rider.” Job 39:13,14,18.
Although it cannot fly, for size and strength no bird can match the 300-pound, 8-foot-tall ostrich of Africa. Neither can a rider on a horse match its 50-miles-per-hour speed across the desert. The female is called a dun and to raise a family lays half a dozen or more ivory-colored eggs (each one 24 times as large as a hen’s egg) in a hole scraped in the sand. She sits on them during the day or, as the above verse says, leaves them exposed to the hot sun. The male takes over incubating them at night.
The ostrich is a very hardy bird; some live up to 70 years. Those in the wild usually live in flocks of 100 or more and peacefully share the open spaces with zebras, giraffes and other animals. If necessary, they defend themselves with their strong legs — a well-directed kick either killing or discouraging any attacker.
Its appearance seems strange indeed. Its long, bare legs with ankles like knees and its manner of walking on the two padded toes of each foot, with head held high, give an almost mechanical appearance. Short, heavily feathered wings give it a football-shaped body, and its bulky feathered tail looks like it was just stuck on to help balance it. Topping it all is a long, naked neck with a flat, hairy head having bulgy eyes and a wide beak, all combining to look like a periscope. In fact, this is one of the Creator’s provisions for it, enabling it with its keen vision to see from a lofty height over miles of desert land, just as a submarine’s periscope scans the ocean.
Visitors to ostrich farms are amused to watch one swallow an unpeeled orange. Down its long neck goes the orange, spiraling around, the bulge visible all the time through its skin, until it disappears at the bottom. The birds are also sometimes tamed and ridden by people brave enough to try. But, as no saddle is provided, it takes an experienced person to be able to ride very far without sliding off over its tail.
Why do you think the Lord God created such an odd bird? We might ask the same question about some unusual fish, or the platypus, or an opossum, or strange insects, or other unusual birds. Do you not suppose that as the Supreme Designer of the universe it was never. His purpose to make every animal, fish, bird, or even every person alike? How monotonous that would be! The same is true of flowers, vegetables, trees, etc. How grateful we should be that He included such a wide difference in all He has made — another example of His wisdom.
And remember, too, that He did not leave anything to the chance that “evolution” would improve on it. No, for after every part of creation was brought into being, the Bible tells us, “God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.” No improvements have been necessary.
Out of Control
Memory Verse: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
Mr. Walters had been having trouble for some time with his car stalling, so he had a mechanic take a look at it. The mechanic suggested setting the idling speed a little faster, which he did. It seemed to help, so Mr. Walters thought his troubles were over.
A few days later Mr. Walters tried to start the car, but now there was a new problem. When he turned the key he heard a click, but it would not start. He suspected a loose battery connection, so he wiggled the battery cable. The car still wouldn’t start. He tried this several times, and each time he turned the key nothing happened. Being fed up with the problem and not expecting the car to start, he became careless. He tapped the battery terminal, reached through the opened door and turned the key... without getting in.
To his amazement and horror the car not only started, but it began to move backwards... with no one inside to steer it or turn it off! It nearly knocked him down, and because of the fast idling speed that had been set it was picking up speed. The runaway car was headed toward several cars on the street, but because it was going backwards the front wheels turned and caused it to go around in a circle.
It missed the cars and came back toward Mr. Walters’s house. It looked as though the car would crash into the dining room at first, but it made a tighter turn. Missing the dining room, it hit the front steps, just missing Mr. Walters and the huge tree in the front yard.
By now Mr. Walters was in a state of panic. The car swung around three times, each time clipping the front entryway and the steps. It seemed like it would be an endless horror, but finally the car swerved in a different direction, causing it to jump the curb and slam into the big tree.
In addition to damaging the steps, the opened door of the car was torn off and the rear of the car was destroyed when it hit the tree. However, through the Lord’s care no one was hurt, and the damage to the house was not as bad as it could have been.
Allowing sin in our lives is like starting a car without a driver. The car in this story was out of control, and no one knew when or where it was going to stop. It could do great damage and harm, possibly even causing death or permanent injury.
You see, boys and girls, sin can and does do great harm. Because God is holy, He hates sin and must punish it. God warns us that “the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
Yes, God hates sin, but He loves the sinner. That is why He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to die for sinners. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
God not only wants to wash you from your sins, but He wants you to let Him control your life so that you will live for Him and be happy.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
Won’t you ask Jesus to wash your sins away and let Him be in control of your life?
Missing Sheep
Jack was a hard worker on his father’s sheep ranch in Montana. There was always work to be done after school and on Saturdays: sheep to watch, shearing, fences to repair, and other jobs.
One day his father reported that during the last month four lambs were missing. They decided coyotes must have gotten them. The number of coyotes had been increasing the last few years, and now they were causing problems. Although they probably could not kill a full-grown sheep, lambs were an easy catch for a pack of coyotes.
A two-day coyote hunt was organized by Jack’s father. Several were found and shot. One of the ranchers found a coyote pup which they also wanted to kill. As Jack watched the pup, it reminded him of a small dog, so cute and helpless. The pup looked at Jack as if it expected him to take care of it. Jack decided that it would make a nice pet for his little sister, Cheryl. He finally convinced his father to let him keep it, but his father did not like the idea at all. When he finally agreed he reminded Jack, “It may be a cute puppy now, but it is a coyote, and a coyote it will always be!”
Jack wrapped the pup in his jacket and carried it back to the ranch for Cheryl. Soon the pup was another member of the ranch and was named Bucky. Everybody, including Jack’s father, enjoyed the playful pup. At night Bucky slept near the door since his watchful eyes and good hearing made him a good watchdog. No one really thought of him as a coyote.
One night when Bucky was about a year old, there was a full moon and the night air was cold. Some restless feeling within Bucky stirred him. He went to the edge of the yard and gave the long, mournful cry of the coyote. Jack, who had not gone to sleep yet, heard the call and looked out the window. In the moonlight he could see the shadows of several other coyotes, and without looking back, Bucky ran off to them. Bucky’s coyote nature had stirred within him and he had gone to live with his own kind.
Bucky had acted like a dog and lived like a dog. He even looked very much like a dog. But he was a coyote, and he had a coyote’s nature.
Some of you may act like a Christian and in every way pass as a Christian, but if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are not a Christian at all. You were born a sinner, and you have a nature that sins. You may even have Christian parents and live in a home where the Bible is read and obeyed. You may go to Sunday school and repeat your Bible verses perfectly every week. But remember, you will always be a sinner in God’s sight unless you are born again — unless you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Saviour. He died for sinners and He wants you to be saved. He loved you so much that He came into this world and died on the cross, shedding His blood. Won’t you accept Him as your very own Saviour? If you do, God will give you a new heart and a new nature that cannot sin. Your sins will be gone, and you will no longer be a sinner in God’s sight. He will see you as a new person because of what the Lord Jesus has done.
“But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometime were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:13.
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit.” Joel 2:22.
There are about 125 species of monkeys in the world. Here is a short summary of three of them all natives of South America.
The capuchin monkey, with its foot-long tail, is a rather pretty blackish or golden-olive color, with a white-bordered face and breast. It is one of the most clever, full of pranks, and quickly makes friends with people as well as with dogs and other animals. Little ones ride on the mother’s back as she scrambles through the trees.
Many years ago these monkeys were useful to organ-grinders who earned a scanty living in the streets with their hand organs. The capuchin, held on a long leash, climbed up to balconies and upstairs windows with a tin cup in which people dropped money and which it then brought back to its master.
Then there is the spider monkey, dressed in long, black or sometimes red, glossy hair. It is somewhat larger than the capuchin, with long, sprawling legs and arms, which account for the name spider. However, its long limbs give it an awkward walk — its front forepaws point outward and the hind ones point inward.
Its two-foot-long tail is like an extra hand, with ability to grip limbs tightly so that its body can hang from a tree limb while it searches for food or just enjoys a good swing. It sometimes uses its flexible tail to hook insects out of holes that are too deep for its hands to reach. The spider monkey is also quite an acrobat and easily carries its little ones on its back as it runs among the branches of the tall trees.
Another is the short-tailed red Uakari, about the size of a cat. Its coat of long, red, silky hair covers its entire body, including a stubby tail, but its face, like that of nearly all monkeys, is bare. They are full of mischief, but very strict in training their young. When angry or excited, their faces turn scarlet, their fur rises up, and their cries sound like insane laughter.
These spry little animals always amuse us with their monkeyshines, but are at the same time an example of God’s creatures that seem to enjoy His goodness to them. We do not expect them to know about the Creator’s care, but the Bible gives us repeated reminders of His care over all living things — and more particularly over each of us, as we read in Job 12:10 — “In whose hand is the soul [life] of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” What love He has shown us, and not only in caring for our needs! He provided His Son, the Lord Jesus, to bear on the cross the sins of all who trust in Him, so that when our life on earth is over we will be in the delights of heaven with Him. Will you be there?
Bow's New Home
Memory Verse: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
Emily was really concerned. This was the third day of watching the little stray dog wander around her neighborhood. It was also the third day in a row of very cold weather. Emily decided she just had to bring that poor little dog inside.
It wasn’t much of a job to catch the dog, as he was just as eager to get inside as Emily was to bring him into the house. But what a shock she got when she gathered him into her arms! His coat was dirty, tangled and full of burrs. The dog could not stay in Emily’s house in that condition, so she carried him to the basement and head for the laundry tub.
It took plenty of soap and warm water and a sharp pair of scissors before the dog was clean and free of burrs. As Emily finished up she was surprised to see that he was a white dog rather than the dirty brown one she had carried in.
Each one of us was at one time wandering around in need of someone to save us, just like this dirty, ragged little dog. That Someone we need is the Lord Jesus Christ who loves us. The little dog needed a good hath, and our hearts need to be washed clean of sin. 1 John 1:7 tells us: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Without that clean heart we never would be fit for His home in heaven.
My heart was stained with sin,
Until the Saviour came in;
His precious blood, I know,
Has washed me white as snow.
When Emily saw that he was a white dog, she remembered that the school-crossing guard at the corner had told her that one of the school boys had lost a white dog. Emily waited until she knew the children would be getting out of school. Then she walked down to the corner to talk to the guard about the dog. The guard spotted the boy who had lost his dog, but when they talked to him he said he had found his dog earlier that week.
Poor Emily, she had been so sure that the little white dog belonged to that boy — now she had to decide what to do with the dog. She lived with her brother, Joe, and while she walked home she decided she would talk to him about what she should do with the dog. Maybe he could come up with an idea.
Well, it didn’t take Joe long to make a decision — “We’ll keep him.” And that’s just what they did. Emily tied a big bow around the neck of the little white dog to celebrate that he was now part of the family. Then Joe suggested, “Let’s call him Bows!”
How very kind of Emily and Joe to give “Bows” a home and take good care of him and love the little dog. Have you ever thought of God’s kindness and love in preparing a home for those who have accepted His Son the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour? “I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3. “I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3. In love, God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross to make a way for us to become part of His family and be accepted in His home in heaven.
Are you part of His family and on your way to His home? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour?
Trouble Inside
“What’s wrong with our mantel clock?” asked Mr. Kelly one evening when he came home from work. “It’s 6:00, and the clock says 5:30.”
“I don’t know what has happened to it. It has always kept good time until today,” answered Mrs. Kelly. “Elsa missed her school bus this morning because of that clock.”
Mr. Kelly moved the hands of the clock around until the exact time of 5 minutes after 6:00 was reached. He wound the old clock with the key and said, “Let’s see what it’s like tomorrow.”
The next morning when Mr. Kelly checked the clock he saw that it had lost even more than thirty minutes during the night. So he reset the clock again, but still it would not keep the right time. It ran slower and slower. Finally, it stopped and would not run at all.
One night after work Mr. Kelly said, “I’m going to take the back off the clock and see if I can find the problem.”
Elsa and Mrs. Kelly watched him. And what do you suppose they saw? Something had made a little home for itself inside the clock! In among all the clock parts was a fine, silky web.
When Mr. Kelly opened the clock the little spider that had made the web ran away as fast as its eight little legs could carry it.
“That’s right!” scolded Mr. Kelly, “You go away! You tied up the wheels of our clock with all of your spinning. You and the clock are both busy workers, but you cannot work together. You had better fix up a home somewhere else!”
He brushed the spider’s web away. Then the wheels started turning again in the clock, and he set the hands at the right time. The next morning the clock was telling the right time. After that the clock told Mrs. Kelly just when to get breakfast ready, and it told Elsa that her bus was due, and no one was late again because of the clock.
You know, the clock looked okay on the outside, didn’t it? But there was trouble on the inside! That is the very same problem some people have, because there is trouble on the inside — their hearts are tied up in sin. The Bible tells us, “From within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts... murders, thefts... wickedness... pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within.” Mark 7:21-23.
We cannot just take the back off our heart and clean out the bad things in it, like Mr. Kelly did with the spider and its web inside the clock. We have to have our heart washed clean from sin by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. The heart that we are talking about is not the heart inside of us that pumps our blood. It is the part of us that loves, and affects our thoughts and our understanding. We need to accept and believe the message of the gospel with this heart, not just with our mind. That is why it says in Romans 10:9 and 10, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Won’t you accept Him in your heart as your Saviour?
Your Body's Kind Boss
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable." Psalms 145:3.
Do you know that your body has more than 5,000 parts? The Lord God, who created us, made each part for a particular purpose, and they work together in harmony as they did when He created Adam. We understand how important some parts are, such as the heart, lungs, digestive system, etc., but perhaps you have never heard of a very important part of the brain called the hypothalamus which is about the size of a man’s thumb. Let’s take a look at it.
The hypothalamus realizes you need food before your stomach is aware of it. So it sends your stomach a message, as though it were saying, “It’s time more nourishment was getting into this body. Tighten up your muscles to make him hungry so he’ll eat some food.” Without such a message, your stomach wouldn’t tell you to eat something.
The same is true of your heart. When you are afraid, working extra hard, running or nervous, a message is sent to it, “Beat faster and get the blood flowing more quickly into this person’s veins.” Your hand held over your chest at such a time would tell you your heart is doing exactly as told. At the same time your lungs are told to bring in more oxygen, which is why you find yourself breathing harder under such conditions.
It is important that your body stay at 98.6°F. even if the weather is roasting hot or freezing cold. The hypothalamus is right on the job about this too. Let’s suppose you are outdoors in the sun and uncomfortably hot. A message immediately goes to your blood vessels, “Tighten up a bit and don’t let the blood go through too fast!” The heart gets similar instructions, and the sweat glands are told to get to work to help cool the skin. Then, too, the stomach is told to make you thirsty so a new supply of water can replace the evaporating sweat. If the day is cold, just the opposite messages are sent and, among other things, the sweat glands close up to keep necessary water inside you, while the blood is told to flow more quickly to help produce heat.
If there were more space we could go on and on about this remarkable hypothalamus and how a loving, and wise Creator has placed one in your body to take care of these and hundreds of other duties as well.
In the days of David, the Psalmist, people did not know about such things, but he recognized how wonderfully God had made him and wrote, “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully [amazingly] and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.” Psalms 139:14. Have you ever thanked God for His wonderful care over you?
Does Your Tongue Hurt or Heal?
Memory Verse: “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
“Many years ago,” a woman wrote in a small farm magazine, “I learned what real Christian love can be like. Mother was struggling alone to provide for us three children. She did her best, but we barely had enough food and clothing. A Sunday school nearby began inviting the neighborhood children to attend, and Mother said I could go. I used to slip in quietly and leave quickly, ashamed of how I was dressed.
"One day we were told there would be a special treat for us the next Sunday. For each child there would be a small gift and delicious food. How I wanted to go! But how I wished I had something better to wear! I knew some of the children laughed at my shabby dress, so I asked Mother to be sure my best dress was clean.
“That Sunday I was so excited as I went off to Sunday school. How I was looking forward to the special treat!
"‘Just look at that poor child over there in such a terribly wrinkled dress! Couldn’t her mother at least iron it for her!’ loudly whispered a well-dressed mother to her friend.
" ‘My Amy is in the same class with her, and she tells me that she always looks that way. There’s just no excuse for sending a child to Sunday school looking like that. And to the treat too!’
“I had overheard what they had said, and the words were like a knife to my heart. I couldn’t think about anything else, and the delicious cookies just stuck in my throat. My only thought was to run home and never, never return. As I sat miserably alone blinking back the tears, the smell of perfume made me aware that someone was very near to me. And just then I felt an arm slip around my shoulders. I looked up into a face so sweet and kind that I shall remember it the rest of my life.
" ‘Katy,’ she was saying, ‘we are so glad you came! When you finish eating I’d love to walk you home. I’ve been wanting to get to know you better. Would that be all right?’
“She did just that, and as we walked she asked about my family. After a while she very casually asked if my mother possibly needed an iron. ‘Anyway,’ she said, ‘we have one that I would like to bring over... if she can use it, that is.’
“Would Mother like an iron! Needless to say we accepted the gift, and through other kindnesses from this lovely Christian lady my wounded heart was healed.
“This incident,” she added, “influenced and colored my whole life.”
This story has a real message for those of us who love the Lord Jesus. Do you stop to think how you hurt other children when you make those sly, unkind remarks to your friends about someone who perhaps isn’t as nicely dressed or as popular as you are? Or if someone is standing alone and feeling strange, do you try to make friends with them? Have you ever thought that failing to do so really hurts the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ? This puts a serious light on actions like these.
Among the six things that the Lord hates is “a proud look.” Proverbs 6:17. The Lord Jesus wants His children to “preach the gospel to the poor” and “to heal the broken-hearted.” Luke 4:18. Jesus also said in Matthew 11:5 that “the poor have the gospel preached to them.” It is wrong to look down on or make fun of poorly dressed children who need the Saviour and whom He loves and wishes to save. “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10. Why not dare to be different, and reach out to “heal the broken-hearted"? Your friends might snicker, but then again, they just might decide to do the same. The wonderful woman in Proverbs 31 had, among her other qualities, one jewel which we should desire "In her tongue is the law of kindness.” verse 26.
The Name of Jacob’s youngest son?
(Gen. 35)
A Stone that told what God had done?
(1 Sam. 7)
A Saint who showed great unbelief?
(John 20)
One who to God poured out her grief?
(1 Sam. 1)
A Man to save his life who fled?
(Gen. 19)
Foolish Monkey
“What a silly monkey! No one could ever catch me that way,” said Andy.
“Me either,” said Alice.
“What are you talking about?” asked Bruce who had just joined them.
“Oh, the missionary was telling us, this afternoon in Sunday school, how they catch monkeys in Peru. He said the Indians there like to eat monkeys. So, to catch them they cut a round hole in a coconut just big enough for the monkey to stick his hand in. Then they put a peanut inside the coconut and tie the coconut to a tree. Along comes Mr. Monkey. He likes peanuts very much, you know. When he discovers there is a peanut inside the coconut, he puts his hand in to get it. But when he holds the peanut, his hand becomes a fist and it’s too big to pull out! But the silly thing about Mr. Monkey is that he won’t let go of the peanut. When the Indian sees Mr. Monkey he says, ‘Now, I will have a nice monkey dinner.’ "
“Mr. Monkey sees him coming. He is afraid and squeals and chatters. Mr. Monkey pulls harder and harder to get his fist out of the coconut. But still he will not let go of the peanut. Then the Indian grabs him!”
“Silly monkey!” said Bruce.
“Yes,” said Andy, “but that is not all of the story. The missionary said that we think the monkey is silly, but we are just as silly.”
“Why?” asked Bruce.
“He explained that we are all sinners, and Satan has us trapped. If we do not run to the Lord Jesus Christ for safety, Satan will have us forever! We are just like that silly monkey, because we hang on to our sins and won’t let them go. Anything that we hang on to that keeps us from coming to the Lord Jesus is like the peanut that made the monkey lose its life.”
“I’m glad I’m not like that monkey,” said Bruce. “I’m glad I know the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. My sins are gone forever!”
Boys and girls, what about you? Are you trying to hold on to the things of this world, rather than letting them go and turning to the Lord Jesus who loves you? No matter what it is, if it keeps you from asking the Lord Jesus to be your Saviour, you are just as silly as Mr. Monkey. Don’t wait any longer. Satan, your enemy, has his eye on you! He does not want you to come to the Lord Jesus. But Jesus is lovingly welcoming you to come, just as you are. Once you admit to God that you are a sinner and accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Saviour, you are saved and on your way to heaven to be with the Lord Jesus. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
A Queen who filled another’s stead?
(Esther 2)
A King who had God’s witness slain?
(Acts 12)
And One whose prayers stayed the rain?
(1 Kings 17)
Who lived the longest here below?
(Gen. 5)
The first letters give the place you know.
(Matt. 2)
A Cute, Expensive Pet
The Wonders of God’s Creation
For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind.” James 3:7.
The above Bible verse tells us that people have always been able to tame all kinds of creatures. We might ask, “How could men and women, so much smaller than an elephant, a bear, or a whale, ever persuade these and other wild animals to do their amazing tricks or even become friendly pets?”
It can be done because it was God’s purpose to have it this way. Man was God’s highest creation, and it pleased Him to let man dominate over everything else, as the Bible tells us: “And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26. No animal ever showed fear or hatred toward humans until sin came into the world, but since then they are no longer naturally friendly, making much patience and skilled training necessary to teach them obedience.
Talking of pets, how would you like to have a horse sit on your lap, or have one or two of them make themselves at home in your living room? Well, that’s just what is going on in many places today. However, these are not horses you can saddle for riding or use for farm work.
They are what are known as “mini” horses and they look like living toys. Some are so small they could walk right under a race horse and not even bump their heads. Breeders who raise them have a rule that they cannot be called “mini” if they are more than 34 inches high (about the size of a big dog), and some are much smaller than that.
These little fellows should not be confused with Shetland ponies, which are much bigger. The “minis” are a friendly group all by themselves, and the Creator has allowed men to develop them over the years through what is known as a “breeding process.” But the “minis” are true horses and come in the same variety of colors as their larger relatives.
They make wonderful pets and love to be around children, and will play actively with each other. But they are sometimes surprisingly bold, too, and if a full-sized horse seems to be intruding, “minis” will snort, toss their heads and perhaps stand on their hind feet in such a threatening way that the big horse is glad to get out of the way in a hurry.
These unusual little animals are really just for folks who can pay thousands of dollars for them, but most owners are friendly and happy to show their pets if you ask them nicely. Harnesses are often made to fit these little horses so they may take part in parades or animal shows, pulling a small cart or wagon, sometimes with a small child riding in it.
Does God care about these “mini” horses? One of the Bible verses tells us that He certainly does: “In whose hand is the soul [life] of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10.
The House Mouse
Memory Verse: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Galatians 1:3-4
Jim had rented an old house with a garage where he could work on cars and trucks. He thought it would be a good idea to have a watchdog on the property, because of all the tools and equipment he kept there. So Jim got himself a nice little dog and named him Ralph.
One day as he was busy sweeping the kitchen in the old house, a strange thing happened. He had moved Ralph’s water dish to one side, and then he moved his dog biscuits (the kind that are shaped like little bones) out of the way. Then he began to sweep where they had been.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jim saw one of the dog biscuits move back across the floor. That’s very strange, thought Jim, and he pushed it out of his way again with the broom. Then he went back to his sweeping.
Slowly, the biscuit began to move back across the floor again. This time Jim stopped to watch, and Ralph, now by his side, also watched this strange happening with interest.
What do you think was moving that biscuit? It was a fat, little, gray mouse. This was a very brave mouse to try to carry that dog biscuit away right under the eyes of a dog and his master!
Jim reached down and picked up the biscuit, but the daring little mouse wouldn’t let go. It just hung on tightly with its little white teeth. Its little pink feet were waving frantically in the air, and its long skinny tail waved back and forth, but it still hung on. Jim gave the biscuit a hard shake, and the mouse flew off onto the floor. It quickly scampered off and down a hole in the baseboard.
All the time this was going on, Ralph just sat there with his head cocked to one side, watching. He must have thought that was a very interesting sight.
“You are the worst watchdog I ever saw,” scolded Jim as he looked for something to cover the hole in the baseboard. He found some aluminum foil, folded it into several layers, and taped it over the hole.
As he picked up his broom he heard a frantic scratching noise behind the aluminum foil. The little mouse wanted back into the kitchen! It still wanted that dog biscuit!
Some of us are eager to get at things we should not have. We are just like that little mouse who wouldn’t give up. In Isaiah 9:20, the Bible tells us, “He [the sinner] shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied.”
Jim was so disgusted with that little mouse that he dropped his broom, put on his baseball cap, and went out to his pickup truck. Off he went to the store and bought a package of cheese and crackers and a mousetrap.
When he got back he put half a cracker with some cheese on it in the trap and set it. Then he removed the aluminum foil and placed the trap near that hole in the baseboard. He and Ralph sat down to watch while they ate the rest of the cheese and crackers.
Sure enough, out came that daring little mouse and headed right for the delicious-smelling cheese and crackers.
Be careful, children! Satan may tempt you first with something you would like very much. Even though you know it is something you should not do or should not have, you may enjoy it and think no harm has been done. The hungry little mouse thought that dog biscuit was so good.
After that, Satan will tempt you with something that he knows you would like even more... and he often puts it in a dangerous place. The hungry little mouse wasn’t interested in the dog biscuits anymore when he smelled the cheese and crackers. But he didn’t notice that the cheese and crackers were in a dangerous place — a mousetrap!
“BANG!” went the trap. The little mouse was caught!
Beware, children! You may find yourself trapped in places where you are not supposed to be and doing things you are not supposed to do. “He [the sinner] is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a snare.... The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way.” Job 18:8,10.
The Lord Jesus loves you very much and wants to protect you from Satan. If you will come to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as your Saviour, He will forgive your sins and make you one of His own children. He has the power to keep you safe from Satan’s traps until He takes you safely home to heaven. “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Galatians 1:3,4.
“I am Jesus.... to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.” Acts 26:15,18.
Who Am I?
The prophet stood midst glaring host of men and priests of Baal
No answer from the brassy skies, their shouts to no avail.
The altar laid—the trench was digged, the barrels of water drained
They looked in fear and terror at the fire of God unchained.
The drought and famine now soon o’er;
God’s power and might made plain
This prophet ran before the king; he’d heard the sound of rain.
The Ox Knows His Owner
Farmer Goodrich took me with him when he went out to call his bull in from the field. When we arrived at the pasture, there wasn’t a bull or any other creature in sight. It was a very long stretch of pasture, going downhill for quite a distance, and at the bottom was a lot of brush and small trees.
With a high-pitched voice, Mr. Goodrich began making the strangest moo calls that I have ever heard.
He mooooooed over and over again. Seemingly out of nowhere, out of the brush and up the hill, a large bull and two rather large beef cattle came running. They came right up to Mr. Goodrich as though they were saying, “Here we are. What do you want?”
Not being from the country, this was all quite interesting to me. As I watched, it reminded me of a verse from the Bible that says, “The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib [stall].” Isaiah 1:3. Watching the animals obey as they came running to their master’s call was a lesson for me.
And you know, boys and girls, the Lord Jesus is calling to you also. What is He saying? Just simply "Come unto Me.” COME TO ME! Have you come to Jesus? Do you, know Him? If you haven’t done so yet, won’t you listen to His voice and come to Him right now? Just tell Him that you have heard Him say “Come unto Me” and that you want to come to Him, follow Him and serve Him. Won’t you do that now?
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
What Do You Do First
We were going through the book of Acts in my Sunday school class of early grade schoolers. When we came to chapter six, in trying to explain what “daily ministrations” where I asked the class, “What do you do when you first get up in the morning?” Most of the children answered, “We get dressed.” A few said, “We eat breakfast.” But Brian sat quietly, shaking his head “no.” So I asked Brian, “What do you do?” And he said, “First we pray.”
What a sweet reminder of the really important things from a little eight year old.
Life-Saving Instincts: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“But be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.” Isaiah 65:18.
Every creature has God-given instincts, enabling it to survive and prosper even in hazardous conditions. What’s more, the instincts are already present when one is born and are not something that have to be developed, although they do grow sharper as they are used. Evidence of this is perhaps more noticeable in birds, fish, animals and insects than in other living things, but all have been amply provided for in this way by the Creator, according to their particular conditions of life.
For instance, one of the most outstanding examples is in the migration of birds (which we have considered in past issues). The more we learn of their long migratory flights so precisely taken over prairies, mountains and oceans and in all kinds of weather, the more we are amazed at the instincts provided by the Creator, enabling them to complete these flights. Or, consider the lovely monarch butterflies; the adults fly each summer from Mexico and California up into Canada and Alaska, lay their eggs and then die. But as the following winter approaches, the young ones that have never been beyond the place of their birth migrate south in huge numbers to the very trees which their parents left many months previously.
Space does not permit reminding ourselves of the great distances whales migrate, nor the long travels each year of caribou, antelope, yaks, gnu, salmon, eels and others throughout the world. All these migrations, and many, many others, are guided by God-given instincts and repeated faithfully by each new generation. The most intensive study of researchers cannot explain how these migrations can take place so accurately, but all we need to know is that they are part of God’s creation, and He has provided the instincts that bring about their travels.
But instincts work in other ways as well. The blinking of your eye as something suddenly approaches it, and the immediate raising of your arm to ward off an unexpected threat when there is not time to otherwise prepare for it, are both instincts we employ day after day. Sensing that a stranger approaching us is to be avoided, whereas another may be safely spoken to, is another example of God-given instincts.
Wild animals have been given an instinct to avoid poisonous things, such as certain mushrooms, berries, roots, etc. A deer, for instance, will eat leaves from bushes all around an oleander plant, but instinct tells it to leave that one entirely alone. Human beings do not need this instinct since we can be taught what is poisonous, because God has given us an intellect for this. His careful provisions for both man and beast remind us that “He hath made the earth by His power, He hath established the world by His wisdom.” Jeremiah 10-12.
(to be continued)
Ruthie and the Popcorn
Memory Verse: “He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6
The family was all over by the river. They were watching the water-skiers while the two little boys were fishing. The grownups sat in lawn chairs. What a lovely fall day it was.
Ten-year-old Ruthie came and hung on the arm of Mother’s chair. She swung back and forth and began to coax for some popcorn.
Father said, “Let Mother rest awhile, she has had a busy day, Ruthie. Do you know how to make popcorn?”
“Oh yes,” answered Ruthie. “I know just how to do it, and I can do it all by myself too.”
Mother agreed to her making some popcorn and added a few instructions. “Be sure to use the big heavy pan with the tight-fitting lid.” Then she told Ruthie just how much oil and popcorn to put in the pan and reminded her to keep the burner low so as not to scorch the popcorn.
Ruthie was so excited she skipped the whole way to the house. You see, she had three older sisters, and she seldom got to do things all by herself. Older sisters and brothers sometimes forget to be kind and usually tell the younger ones what to do. They forget that the Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:32, “Be ye kind one to another.”
Soon the heavy pan was on the stove. The oil and popcorn were carefully measured and put in. Ruthie made sure she turned the burner on low. Then with anxious eyes she watched to see the first kernel pop in the sizzling oil.
There it went! “Pop!” It was so white and fluffy. Then “pop-poop,” and the corn was making such a happy sound as it began to fill the pan. Suddenly, one kernel shot right up and out of the pan as it popped, then another, and another! Soon popcorn was flying all over the kitchen!
Ruthie was really frightened and didn’t know what to do next. She ran out of the house over to the river screaming. “Mother! Mother! Help! Help!”
Everyone came running. What a popcorn snowstorm met them in the house! Popcorn was all over! Ruthie had tried her best to do a good job of making the popcorn all by herself. But she hadn’t followed one important instruction of her mother’s — to put the lid on the big pan.
God’s book, the Bible, gives many instructions for us to follow. But one of God’s instructions is the most important and must be followed if our life is not going to end in disaster. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6.
Everyone helped clean up the kitchen. Even the dog was invited into the house for a popcorn feast. Then Ruthie started again, but this time after she had measured the oil and popcorn, she set the burner just right, and then she carefully placed the lid on the pan. All the popcorn stayed in the pan this time.
Soon it was finished, and Ruthie salted it just the way she had been told. She started for the river again with the apple basket in one hand and the big pan of popcorn in the other. When the family saw her coming, they all clapped their hands and cheered her along. They were pleased that Ruthie had done everything right this time.
“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19. Have you obeyed God’s instructions? If you will confess that you are a sinner and believe that the Lord Jesus died to save you, He will wash away your sins so that you can go to heaven. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15. All you have to do is come to Him and believe. This is the most important instruction from God and must be followed first. Have you done this?
Who Am I?
A child so small, he heard the call though yet so young and tender
His mother gave him there to live and helpful service render.
Three times now, wakened in the night. Who was it called his name
The One that searches heart and soul and Israel’s will could tame?
His presence known, the answer came in words not loud but clearest
“Speak Lord” (for I am but a boy) “Speak for Thy servant heareth.”
Oh child so small, have you heard a call; a voice that speaks in love?
“Come unto Me and ready be, to dwell with Me above.”
Why Snakes Don't Have Legs
Did you ever wonder why snakes do not have legs? If you have ever gone to the zoo you have probably seen all kinds of snakes — big ones and little ones, black ones, brown and green ones. But I am sure you have never seen a snake that had legs. Do you know why snakes do not have legs? The answer is in God’s Word, the Bible.
When God created the first man and woman He placed them in a beautiful garden. It was filled with all kinds of good things for them to eat. God told them they could eat the fruit from any tree except one. If they ate the fruit from that tree, God said they would die.
But the wicked one that the Bible calls the devil, went into that beautiful garden in the form of a serpent (snake). We do not know what it looked like then, but I do not think it looked anything like a snake does now. The devil told the woman they would not die if she and her husband ate the fruit that God told them not to eat. So the woman disobeyed God and ate fruit from that tree. Then she gave some to her husband, and he ate it too. They both disobeyed God, and this is sin. We know that later on they did die, just like God said they would. So you see, boys and girls, what God tells us is the truth. What the devil tells us is a lie.
After the devil lied to the woman, God said that the serpent would crawl on the ground. And that is what the snake has been doing ever since.
All boys and girls sometimes disobey their parents or do other things that they know are wrong. The Bible tells us, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. This means all boys and girls are sinners.
The Lord Jesus loves each one of us so much He let wicked men nail Him to a wooden cross, and He suffered, shed His blood and died. The suffering from the nails in His hands and feet was terrible. But suffering for our sins was far worse! During the three hours of darkness that covered the world while He was on the cross, Jesus took the punishment for the sins of everyone who would believe in Him.
Maybe you have never asked the Lord Jesus to be your Saviour. Wouldn’t you like to come to Him right now to be forgiven and have your sins washed away? “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Jesus died and was buried, but He rose out of the grave alive and is now waiting to save you. “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man [or boy or girl] hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20.
Just think, the Lord Jesus, the Son of God is alive in heaven right now. He is inviting you to be saved from your sins. Won’t you do it right now? Just close your eyes in prayer, and ask Him to wash away your sins and be your Saviour.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life.” John 5:24.
Life-Saving Instincts: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made... the earth, and all things that are therein... and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6.
A friend recently wrote to us of his experiences with chickens when he was a boy. On one occasion he brought home a rather large freshwater crab from a fishing trip and was curious to see what a rooster in the barnyard would do with it. So he set the crab down in front of it and immediately, with a couple jabs of its strong beak, it pecked off the large claws and then pecked a hole in the crab’s back and proceeded to eat the meat inside. The rooster, of course, had never seen a crab before, but the Creator had given it an instinct to know what to do.
Another time one of the hens with baby chicks was allowed outside her coop for some exercise when a strange small dog suddenly appeared. Immediately the hen flew onto the dog’s head and, almost smothering it with her wings, began to peck into its head with her beak. The frightened dog tried to run away, but the hen stayed with it and would have continued her attack if she had not been pulled off. Here was another instance of instinct enabling the hen to know what to do, although she had never before had such an experience.
The letter went on to tell of some chicks hatched in an incubator, not yet exposed to living outside the brooder. Like chicks everywhere, when awake they seemed to be always chirping noisily. But when a strange sound was heard, every chick immediately became silent. Now, they didn’t have a mother there to teach them, but through a God-given instinct they knew what to do when something threatened.
Our friend also commented that boys and girls have to be taught to obey, and some do not learn very well, whereas the chicks were instinctively obedient to the instincts given them by the Creator. And he pointed out that, although we are sinful by nature, the Lord Jesus offers eternal life to all who will come to Him in faith, admitting their sin. His promise states: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise [in no way] cast out.” John 6:37. With the new, eternal life He gives, we also are given a new nature that delights to obey Him.
We thought you would find the stories of this man’s experiences with chickens interesting examples of how God-given instincts help so many of His creatures. We hope that every one of you has come to the Lord Jesus, confessing your sins, and has accepted Him as your Saviour. If you have not yet done this, we urge you to accept His invitation this very day. His wonderful promise is that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [evil].” 1 John 1:9.
A Hungry Cougar
Memory Verse: “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.” Psalm 91:2
The family had just pulled in, and Lisa, Anne and Jon ran off to explore the new campground. It was their favorite kind of camping spot, among tall evergreens and near a rushing, ice-cold stream. They discovered trails through the underbrush as they made their way toward the inviting water.
For their vacation this summer, Dad had borrowed a camper, much to the children’s dismay. They preferred their old tent, camping out like real pioneers. However, so far, the week had been fun exploring Vancouver Island’s wild, beautiful parks.
Anne and Jon had just arrived at the edge of the clear, rocky stream when their father called them back up to the campsite. They really didn’t want to go back yet, but they obeyed, after first finding their sister. Dad had learned from the ranger that there was a cougar in the campground! It had killed a small dog that morning, and the ranger feared that it might grab a young child next.
A cougar, also known as a mountain lion, is usually five to six feet long and weighs 100 to 150 pounds when fully grown. It is rarely seen by people because it usually hides in the deep, wild forests during the day and hunts at night.
This powerful animal silently stalks its prey, much as a housecat sneaks up on a bird or mouse. It pounces on its unfortunate victim, digging in with sharp claws and fangs, and dragging it down to the ground.
The cougar usually hunts deer, elk and mountain goats, and in the north it will hunt moose and caribou. But if it is very hungry it will stalk smaller animals — even skunks and porcupines. Because last winter had been unusually cold and snowy, deer were scarce. This starving mountain lion had come down from the mountains to a populated area to hunt for smaller animals.
This frightening news of a cougar right in the campground caused the three children to scramble into the camper, glad for its sturdy walls to protect them.
Before long, a shot rang out in the forest nearby. Soon Anne, Jon and Lisa could see a small crowd gathering down the road. Hurrying over with Dad, they saw a young cougar, like a giant kitty cat, lying dead in the back of the ranger’s pickup truck. The thin, soft-furred mountain lion looked harmless. Its ribs were visible through its tawny skin. For a moment the children were sorry that it had been shot. But then they remembered the danger while it was alive, and were very happy that the forest was safe again for campers and their pets.
This reminds us of a verse in the Bible, “Be vigilant [watchful]; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8. The devil is our enemy, although he would like us to think he is not dangerous. We can only find safety and protection from him by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ, just as Lisa, Anne and Jon were protected from the cougar by going into the camper.
Have you run to the loving arms of the Lord Jesus? The devil cannot touch you there. The Lord Jesus loves you dearly and died on Calvary’s cross for your sins, if you will trust Him. He is waiting for you to run to Him for safety and protection right now. “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.” Psalms 91:2.
A Dog Called Missy
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zanger and their children lived on a farm in California. They had to leave the farm and move to Kansas. They had a dog named Missy which they all loved, but Mr. Zanger explained to the children that they could not afford to keep Missy any longer. Leaving the dog with a kind neighbor, the Zanger family drove away one morning.
At first Missy refused to stay with her new owner, returning each night to the empty Zanger farmhouse. Finally, after a week of disappointed waiting, the dog disappeared.
Ten months passed. The Zangers were now settled in their new home in Kansas where the father had gotten a job. But even though the parents had said they could now afford to have a dog, the children still loved Missy and refused to get another dog.
One day, as the youngest boy was walking home from school, a dirty-looking dog came rushing toward him. The little boy was frightened by the scraggly, skinny animal bounding toward him. He turned to run, but the dog was jumping up on him with her tail wagging and her tongue kissing him all over his face! It was Missy, who somehow had traveled more than 1,500 miles from California to Kansas! The story of her ten-month journey will never be known, but Missy had searched until she found her “family.”
What a story about the devotion of a dog to the family she loved! Surely, it was love that carried her on and on, over those endless miles, until she found herself “home” at last. She found the “home” which she searched for in the midst of her family circle, loved and cared for by the children especially. But as happy as Missy was to be home, the happiness of the children in having her home was greater.
Well, this happy picture makes us think of the more wonderful story of a much longer journey, and of a much greater love. The Lord Jesus Christ left His home in heaven and came down to this world to find and save lost sinners, so that He might have them in heaven with Himself. But how different His welcome was from Missy’s! Except for a few poor people whose hearts God had prepared to receive Him, there was no welcome for Him in this sin-filled world. “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.” John 1:11. He had to say, “They have rewarded Me evil for good, and hatred for My love.” Psalms 109:5.
But the Father who sent Him loves us anyway, even though there was no love in our hearts for His Son. He is going to fill heaven with those who accept His Son, the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. It was on the cross that the Lord Jesus suffered the punishment for all those who believe in Him. His blood shed there washes all our sins away. We will be welcome in heaven, because of what the Lord Jesus has done for us.
Now, those of us who know Him as our Saviour are all on a journey traveling on to eternity to be united with loved ones gone before, to be forever with Jesus in the love and happiness of His home.
But for those who won’t have the Saviour and refuse His love, to leave this world will be to pass into the darkness, misery and despair of hell, where there will be no love or comfort of friends — only “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 8:12.
A Big Fish
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9.
Large fish are fairly common in salty ocean waters, but not many are found in rivers, streams or lakes. So when a big pike or salmon, weighing from 30 to 80 pounds, is taken by a fresh-water fisherman it makes a good story in fishing circles.
Fishermen catch them in various ways — sometimes with a huge hook and line made out of strong rope, at other times using a net, or some prefer going after them with a bow and arrow or spearing them with a harpoon. After catching one and hauling it out of the water, a fish this size is, of course, too big to carry on mountain trails in one piece. So the natives cut them up into small pieces to take to their homes or to the markets.
However, in South America there is a fresh-water fish by the name of arapaima which can grow more than twice as long as a man, but the ones usually caught are no longer than ten feet and weigh around 250 pounds. But that still is a big fish, isn’t it? This one makes its home in several South American lakes, but most are in sluggish streams or swamps that are part of the Amazon River system, where large quantities of small fish provide ample food for their huge appetites.
The arapaima’s body (except for its head) is covered with olive-green scales on the front part, with the color turning to soft red toward the back and deep red before reaching the big tail. It has a long, two-foot fin atop its body from the tail forward, and another one underneath, the same size, from its tail to its stomach. A strange thing about this fish is that it frequently needs a supply of fresh air, as the water in which it lives does not have enough oxygen for the needs of its big body. So every 10 to 15 minutes it rises to the top, sticks its mouth, shaped like a big scoop shovel, through the surface and noisily inhales a big gulp of air.
This is a very popular food, considered by many as good as trout or salmon, and delicious steaks are frequently cut from them. But their tongues are too tough and rough for eating, so these are allowed to dry and harden and then used as files on the woodwork of the native homes.
This unusually large fish is just one more, among thousands of others throughout the world, that reminds us of the Creator’s pleasure in making many varieties when they were brought forth on the fifth day of creation, as we are told in Genesis 1:21,22. As our opening verse expresses, He always keeps a watchful eye on them, providing for all their needs. But His thoughts toward every boy and girl are even greater. The Bible tells us, “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7. Are you one who trusts in Him?
I Can't Get Down
Memory Verse: “Go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” Proverbs 4:14,15
One day the older kids climbed up on Grandpa’s car, so... up went Anna too. Anna is a very active three year old. She tries to keep up with her older sister and brothers and does very well at it.
When Grandpa called to tell them to come down off the car, the older three slid to the ground. But Anna stood on the trunk of the car with a scared look on her face. In a trembling voice she said, “I can’t get down!”
Anna was an unhappy little girl. She wanted to obey, but she had gotten herself into a spot that she could not get out of by herself. Lots of people have done just what Anna did. Maybe they were looking for fun and found themselves in trouble they couldn’t get out of. Some children and young people think it is fun to smoke cigarettes or fool around with drugs. Then when they get older they discover they have a bad habit that they can’t give up.
Anna was not entirely to blame for her problem. She had followed others. The popular saying, “Everybody does it,” can get you into trouble. The results may stay with you the rest of your life.
The Bible says, “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” Proverbs 1:10. Don’t be afraid to say “no” when a bad suggestion is made. “Go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” Proverbs 4:14,15. After you have said “no,” then turn and walk away from those who urge you to join in their “fun.”
There is something helpful in Acts 4:23. It tells about Peter and John being freed from prison, and then says, “And being let go, they went to their own company.” If you are a Christian, stay with your Christian friends and encourage and help each other.
Are you wondering what happened to Anna who was on the car and couldn’t get down by herself?
Well, Grandpa heard her call and came and picked her up, gave her a hug and set her down on the ground where she was safe.
It may be you are already in trouble and, like Anna, you have to say, “I can’t get down.” Remember in Psalms 23:3 it says, “He restoreth my soul.” Get down on your knees and tell the Lord Jesus all about it. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. You may have to live with the results of your sin the rest of your life, but the Lord Jesus still loves you and will forgive you and help you. You will be happy and able to praise Him. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15.
Open the Door
“Help! Help! Somebody, help me!”
Awakening out of a deep sleep, I suddenly sat straight up, eyes wide open, trying to clear my mind. Where was I?
“Help, oh please, somebody help me!” I heard again. No, I was not dreaming. My heart was pounding as I climbed out of bed. If only my husband were home. He always knew just what to do. The hands of the clock pointed to 3:15 a.m. I ran quickly downstairs. Did I hear knocking at the back door?
If only I were very brave, I would open the door and call, “What do you need?” Now the knocking was at the front door. I hurried through the kitchen and rushed to the front door. The frantic crying continued "Oh, please help me... let me in!”
I parted the curtains and strained to see out into the darkness. Yes, there was someone on the porch. Switching on the light, I found myself peering into the eyes of a strange woman.
“Please let me in,” was her distressed plea.
“W... w... what happened?” I stammered through the door.
“My car went off the road and I’m hurt.”
On this lonely country road, ten miles from town, houses are far apart. She must have walked some distance. “I’ll call the sheriff’s office. They will be able to help you,” I said.
“No, don’t do that,” she cried.
I still did not open the door. Running to the telephone, I was soon talking to the sheriff who said he’d send someone right out. He added that if I were alone, not to open the door, and to stay on the line until the patrol car arrived. This was not easy as she continually pleaded, “Oh, please let me in... I’m so cold... let me call my husband.”
The sheriff said, “Ask her for her husband’s telephone number, and we’ll put the call through for her, but do not hang up your receiver.” She gave a number through tight, white lips which I repeated to them. The sheriff used another telephone in his office to call the number she had given me.
They told her husband about the accident and where his wife was. He said he was only about five miles away and would come right over. When I heard they lived in the area, I quickly went and unlocked the door. The poor woman staggered in.
Do you realize someone is knocking at your door? This is no ordinary person who says in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.”
Perhaps you feel you have good reason for not opening your heart’s door to the Lord Jesus Christ... you are too busy right now to think about these things. Maybe you are afraid to open the door... are there things in your life that you feel He would not approve of? Perhaps you do not recognize His voice... He speaks in a still, small voice sometimes while we’re in bed, in the quiet hours of the night. Or, sometimes He speaks through an incident that makes us feel our need for help. If we ignore His small voice He may have to speak louder — by a tragedy or accident that makes us realize we are completely helpless. Even then we are not left without hope. He tells us in Psalms 50:15, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee.”
The patrolmen arrived and then called for the paramedics. The woman’s arm was broken in five places. She was in a state of shock, and needed to be taken to the hospital for immediate treatment. I was sorry I had not opened the door for her right away. Poor thing, in such need of help, yet the door stayed shut.
Whether you realize it or not, your need is even greater — because we are at the very door of eternity. You have an important decision to make. Are you going to choose to go to heaven, or hell? If the Lord Jesus came today do you realize that the door to heaven would be closed forever? “When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and He shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are.” Luke 13:25.
Can you see that this is the most important decision of your life? “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
Four Unusual Frogs
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“There is a time... for every purpose and for every work.” Ecclesiastes 3:17.
One of the first signs of spring throughout North America is a nighttime sound like tinkling bells from ponds and marshes announcing that the little peeper frogs are coming out of their winter mud-baths. Peepers don’t care which day is the first day of spring according to our calendars. For them it is the first day temperatures rise to about 50° F. The males then appear, soon followed by the females which have been attracted by their pretty chorus. Tiny tadpoles soon hatch from sticky eggs laid in great numbers in shallow water, and it takes these tadpoles most of the summer to change into mature frogs. Peepers are all of one family, though some may be tan-colored while others are orange or reddish-brown.
The Coqui frog of Puerto Rico is also small — less than two inches long, and three together weigh less than a pound. Only the males “sing,” but their croaks sound about as loud as a noisy motorboat. These noisy little creatures usually sleep in the daytime and come out only at night, but after a heavy shower they all come out and join in a chorus, making a terrible racket —whether day or night.
Ecuador is the home of the pouched frog, so named because the female has a pouch on her back where her male companion tucks the dozen or more eggs she has laid. When the eggs are ready to hatch out as miniature frogs, the mother goes to a nearby pool under the trees and releases them out of her pouch by using a long toe on one of her hind feet to pull open a slit on her back. The tiny froglets, happy to leave their crowded home, hop into the pool and start life on their own. Soon they climb to the high tops of tropical trees where their bright-green bodies are well hidden among the leaves. Some of the leaves hold little pools of rainwater, providing the moisture all frogs must have.
Another South American species is called the poison dart because natives use a poison found in them to make their arrows and other weapons more effective. The eggs of these frogs are laid on watery ground, and when these little frogs hatch out they are carried piggyback by the parents to plants growing high among the treetops. Here they find necessary water, just as their cousins, the pouched frogs, do.
Frogs are not liked by everyone, except perhaps young boys and animal-lovers, but they are God’s creatures and serve His purpose in our interesting world and are under His watchful care. We may not understand His purposes for all creatures, but we can understand a wonderful purpose He has for all boys and girls and men and women who love Him, as expressed in Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Does this verse apply to you? If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour it surely does.
A Kitten in Trouble
Memory Verse: “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2
When Don drove his car into the auto repair shop he was all excited.
“What’s the matter?” asked the mechanic. “Need your brakes fixed?”
“No,” answered Don.
“Wheel alignment?”
“No,” answered Don again.
“Well, what’s the matter?”
“I have a cat under my car and I can’t get him out!” And sure enough just then they heard a “meow” coming from underneath the car.
“The cat’s been under there ever since I left home earlier this, morning. I tried getting him out with a stick, but I think he’s too scared to come out,” remarked Don.
Yes, the little kitten was so scared he didn’t know what to do, so he just cried “meow!” This reminds us of Psalms 40:1 where it says, “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”
Children, if you do not know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour your danger is far greater than this little kitten’s. We have sinned against the Lord Jesus, and those sins will take us into a lost eternity unless we cry to Him in faith to save us.
The mechanic raised Don’s car up on the hoist so they could look up under it. Sure enough, there was the kitty wedged in on top of the gas tank.
In no time at all the mechanic reached up there and rescued little kitty from his place of danger and set him down on the ground.
And now we are reminded of Psalms 40:2. “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit... and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” This is exactly what the Lord Jesus did for each one who will accept Him, when He suffered and died on Calvary’s cross. Why? Because He loves us and wants to save us from our awful sinful condition if we will only let Him.
Now the little kitty was running around on the firm garage floor. In our verse it says, “He... set my feet upon a rock.” And 1 Corinthians 10:4 explains that “that Rock was Christ.” How necessary it is for us to build our lives on a firm foundation — the Lord Jesus Christ.
As they stood talking, the little kitten came and rubbed up against the mechanic’s pant leg and purred as if to say, “Thank you for saving me.”
Boys and girls, have you let the Lord Jesus save you from your sins, and then have you thanked Him for saving you? Oh how He loves to hear “thank you” from you and me. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.
The Safety Booklet
It was stuck in the door — a booklet on safety. I found it when I returned home from the store. Carrying it into the house, I laid it on the table along with the other mail.
Later, looking through the mail, I noticed the booklet again. It was all about downed powerlines and what to do and what not to do if you should be near one. I read it from cover to cover and then set it aside with the other mail for my husband. I remember thinking to myself that there was a lot of good information packed into that little booklet. However, I soon forgot about it.
The booklet was found a few days later by my husband when he went through the stack of mail. He also read it and remarked about how well-written it was.
After that the booklet would be found in most any room of the house. Each member of the family who read it thought it was too good to throw away, so they would set it somewhere else. Then another person would pick it up and read it.
Sometime later our son Rick, who was 17 at the time, was driving on the main street of town during a heavy rainstorm. The winds gusted to hurricane force. Rick was following a bus that had stopped for a passenger. He was waiting for the bus to move on so he could make a right turn.
All of a sudden several live powerlines fell across Rick’s car, snapping, buzzing and shooting fire! Rick didn’t move, Rick didn’t panic — he waited for help. After several minutes many people gathered nearby, shouting advice to Rick about what he should do. Most of what they told him was wrong, and he would have been killed if he had followed their advice. Rick calmly sat still and waited.
Thirty-five minutes passed before the power was finally turned off and Rick was told that it was safe to move the car.
Later I asked him how he had known what to do. Without a word, he led me to his car. Opening the door, he pointed to the booklet that had been around the house for several weeks and somehow had ended up on the front seat of his car.
Yes, Rick had been in real danger. But by acting correctly and not listening to bad advice, he escaped injury and possible death. How many of you reading this account are not acting wisely about eternal life? Do you know the danger you are in if you are not saved? Each of us as sinners is on a dangerous road that leads to hell. But God in His love for us has provided a way of escape. He tells us about it in His Word, the Bible, where we find exact instructions on how to be saved from our sins and receive everlasting life. Read them for yourself: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Be careful! There are people who are giving wrong instructions. They have their own ideas. Don’t be misled by what they say. Read what God says in the Bible, and then do what He tells you. If you have a Bible in your home, have you read it? Rick would not have known what to do if he had not read the safety booklet. God shows us plainly the way to heaven, but we must go His way, or not at all.
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13,14.
The Marvel of Birds' Eggs: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalms 50:11.
There are over 9,000 known species of birds in the world, making up many millions that are active every day. In springtime, millions of eggs are in nests throughout the world in a great variety of sizes, shapes, colors and markings. The smallest (some no larger than a pea) are those of a hummingbird, and the largest are those of an ostrich, 24 times as large as a chicken’s egg.
Each part of an egg is important. The yolk is surrounded by a substance called albumen, and the shell holds it all together. The yolk provides food for the almost-invisible cell that will eventually become a bird, and albumen (the white part in a hard-boiled egg) provides moisture. But food and moisture would do no good if the developing bird couldn’t get oxygen or get rid of the deadly carbon dioxide given off with every breath. Calcium is also needful so its bones can form and be strong.
How can all of this take place when the new life is so completely surrounded by the shell? Well, the Creator has wisely designed the shell with tiny holes (pores) that can only be seen with a microscope, but which allow air to enter and carbon dioxide to leave. The shell also gives off part of its own calcium for the calcium needs of its tiny resident. An extra supply of air is also stored in a separate part at the end where the chick’s head will form and, by using its special “egg tooth,” will break out of the shell. This takes lots of energy, and without the extra air supply the little chick would never make it. So you see, an egg is really a far more wonderful plan of the Creator than we can fully understand.
The body of the mother or father bird sitting over the eggs gives just the right amount of warmth to help the little bird to develop. While sitting on the nest, a God-given instinct tells the parent to turn each egg over from time to time so that the yolk stays in the center and all parts get their share of heat. It seems rather sad, doesn’t it, that domestic chickens are seldom per mitted to hatch their own little ones, as their eggs are placed in incubators for hatching. The purpose of this is to encourage them to go on laying fresh eggs and not spend time incubating them.
Scientists can examine eggs and the manner in which so many varieties are formed but cannot really understand how this all came about, unless they acknowledge that it was the Lord God who created and now preserves them. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us: “God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty... that no flesh [person] should glory in His presence. But of Him are ye [Christians] in Christ Jesus... that, according as it is written, he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-31. Do you acknowledge your Creator?
The Lost Helicopter
Memory Verse: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
Have you ever lost something that meant a lot to you? — maybe your pet, a toy or even a special friend? Sometimes we lose things and find them again right away, but sometimes we lose things that we never do find.
Just as Mrs. King started down her driveway for a walk, she heard a girl call over to her, “Have you seen my helicopter?” The girl came running up, talking the whole way.
Susan had been flying her model, radio-controlled helicopter that afternoon when suddenly it went out of control and fell to the ground. Susan lived several blocks away from Mrs. King, but she was sure the helicopter had fallen in the area of Mrs. King’s house.
Mrs. King went to her back yard and looked in all the trees, around her garden and even on the roof of her house, but the lost helicopter was nowhere to be seen. As Mrs. King left on her walk, Susan continued looking in the trees lining the street and asking the neighbors if they had seen her helicopter.
The next day Mrs. King found a notice in her mailbox. She had already forgotten about the lost helicopter, but Susan hadn’t. After Mrs. King read the notice she went back outside to take another look around, but the helicopter just was not there. Susan continued to hunt for her helicopter for several more days, but it had disappeared, and she never did find it.
In the Bible in Luke 15:3-7, there is a story of a shepherd who had 100 sheep and lost one of them. He looked and looked until he found that lost sheep. He was so happy he called all his friends and neighbors to tell them he had found his lost sheep. That sheep was valuable to him. Then in Luke 15:8-10, there is another story of a lady who had 10 pieces of silver and lost one of them. She used a light to look for it and swept her house until she finally found it. Then she called her friends and neighbors to tell them she had found it. That piece of silver was valuable to her. I’m sure if Susan had found her helicopter she would have been very happy too, because it was valuable to her. She might have gone around to some of the neighbors to tell them.
Did you know that you are lost in your sins if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? This is why you are lost.
God created every one of us, and so we belong to Him — we are valuable to Him. But because Adam and Eve sinned, their children were born sinners, and so each one of us is also born a sinner. (None of us had to be taught to do things that are wrong.) Our sins separate us from God, and this makes us “lost” from Him. Even though we are lost from God, He still loves us and we are still valuable to Him. We are so valuable, in fact, that His Son offered to become a man and give up His life as an offering for sin. And this is just what Jesus did on Calvary’s cross, opening the way for us to be “found.” “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
Are you still lost in your sins? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. If the shepherd was happy when he found his lost sheep and the lady was happy when she found her piece of money, think how happy the Lord Jesus will be when a boy or girl (or anyone) accepts Him as their own Saviour! “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10.
"Let Go!"
What a fine day for fishing! Two brothers, George and Tom, waited patiently for a bite as they stood and fished on the shore of Grigg’s Dam in Columbus, Ohio. Both were policemen, and this was their day off. They were enjoying the warm sun on their backs and the relaxation of the sport, but neither of them had caught a fish. George suggested they try moving to the rocks above the falls. Fish were known to be more plentiful in that area, so they moved up to the new spot and cast out their lines once again.
Tom, the younger of the two, had an expensive new fishing rod which he had just purchased the day before. Today he was using it for the first time, and he expected to be able to pull up the largest fish with it. Tom was quite proud of his new rod.
Ask yourself this question: What do you value most in life? Are you working only for yourself and for things that money can buy? Everything that can be bought with money will be destroyed. God says in the Bible that “heaven and earth shall pass away,” and this includes everything that you can see or touch. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt [destroy], and where thieves break through and steal.” Matthew 6:19. He told His followers to store up treasures for themselves in heaven. How do we do that? We shall see, but first let us continue our story.
Just as they had hoped, George and Tom started catching fish in the new spot on the rocks. They fished for about an hour and then noticed that the water level was rising. George packed up his fishing gear to leave, but Tom decided to stay a little longer. George warned Tom about the rising water, but it did not change Tom’s mind. He was enjoying using his new rod so much that he simply did not want to stop fishing! Worried, but knowing how stubborn his brother could be, George climbed back up from the rocks and returned to shore.
It wasn’t too much longer until Tom realized the water was now up to the level of the rocks! He could not climb back the way George had gone, because the water was now all around him. He was on an island of rocks in the middle of the river.
Suddenly, he heard someone shouting from the shore. It was George who, having seen that Tom’s return route was cut off, had gone for help. The fire department had answered the emergency call. One of the men threw a rope across the now-rushing water to the rocks where Tom was trapped.
“Quick! Grab the rope!” Tom was told.
Tom reached out using the hand that was not clutching the fishing rod, but he missed. Again the rope was thrown to him... this time he caught it.
“Now let go of your rod, tie the rope around your waist, and we’ll pull you in!” was the next command.
Tom knew he was in danger, but he would not let go of his new fishing rod. Instead, he just grabbed the rope with one hand, still clutching his “treasure” with his other hand.
Is there something you are clutching that keeps you from trusting in the Lord Jesus? Is it sports, or getting good grades, or your friends at school? You must let go before it is too late, or you will never be saved.
For Tom it was too late. He could not hold the rope tightly enough with only one hand, and as they pulled him in through the fast-moving water, he went under once ... twice... and finally lost the rope altogether. The third time Tom disappeared under the surface he did not come up again. It was too late!
We hope you won’t be like poor Tom who wouldn’t let go. The Lord Jesus is calling to you to depend upon Him for your salvation. He came to this earth and died on the cross for your sins. He shed His blood to save you. Now He is a risen Saviour, waiting to take each boy and girl who trusts Him to be with Him forever in heaven. This is the real treasure. Won’t you take it now?
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ... for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.
The Marvel of Birds' Eggs: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air.” Genesis 2:19.
Among the millions of eggs in birds’ nests throughout the world, some are round and others are oval or pear-shaped. They have a wide range of colors and markings from pure white to pink, brown, yellow and even green and black.
It is a provision of the Creator to use an egg’s coloring primarily to match its surroundings so it can’t be easily seen. For instance, those of many desert birds match the color of the sand, rocks or brush around them. A striking example of how the pretty soft-pink color can conceal an egg from its enemies is found in the egg of the African sand grouse. She makes her nest on the ground underneath a camel’s foot tree which has leaves the same color as the eggs. When the leaves fall around or into the nest, the eggs are almost impossible to see.
Eggs of owls, woodpeckers, kingfishers and many other burrowing birds are always white, so they can be easily seen by the parents in their dark homes. Another example of the Creator’s provision is seen in the plovers that nest on sandy or rocky ground — their eggs are entirely covered with markings that perfectly match the sand, gravel, etc. on which the nest rests.
With seabirds that make their homes on rocky cliffs without using a nest, an exception to uniform coloring is seen. In a small, crowded space where eggs laid by many birds of the same kind lie almost next to each other on the bare rock, the color of each bird’s eggs is often different from those of its nearby neighbor, for otherwise no mother would be sure which were her own. So the Creator has arranged an exception for such groups.
Occasionally, nests easily seen contain brightly colored eggs that seem to invite being snatched by nest robbers, but instead they are left undisturbed. That is because these eggs have a very bitter taste, and no matter how hungry a snake, mongoose or other robber might be, after one experience they definitely are not interested in trying one of these again.
The variety of egg shapes is also of interest. Many seashore birds, such as those already mentioned, that lay their eggs on the bare ledge of a cliff without a nest to hold them, have eggs that are pointed on one end and are large on the other. When these eggs are accidentally bumped they won’t roll over the edge and be destroyed, but just spin around in a circle.
We know birds never give a thought to the wonderful design of their eggs, but we can easily see that they are special provisions of the Creator, as the Bible verse expresses it: “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9. This includes you. Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness and tender mercies toward you?
(to be continued)
A Family in Trouble
Memory Verse: “God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.” 1 John 4:9
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels and their four children were taking a trip by car into Canada. The two girls, Bethany and Jenny, were reading and chatting in the back seat. Two-year-old Brian was also in the back seat, strapped snugly into his car seat. He liked watching the big trucks go by. Baby Jeremy, tired after a couple of hours’ ride, was fussing in his infant seat, up front between Mr. and Mrs. Daniels.
Suddenly Mr. Daniels exclaimed, “Hey, look at the hood!”
“Smoke!” cried Mrs. Daniels. “The car’s going to explode!”
Mr. Daniels quickly pulled over to the side and stopped the car. He ordered everyone to get out as fast as they could. Bethany was fumbling with the strap of Brian’s car seat. It wouldn’t come undone. Mrs. Daniels climbed in back to help her, while Mr. Daniels grabbed the infant seat with Jeremy in it. Then they all ran into a field so they’d be out of danger if the car exploded.
Will you be out of danger when God destroys the earth? God warns us that because of sin it will be burned up. “The heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10. But along with the warning, God has provided a place of safety for anyone who will accept His loving offer. “But whoso hearkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.” Proverbs 1:33.
After they had watched the car for a few minutes, Mr. Daniels began to wonder if what they thought was smoke was really steam. He cautiously went up to the car, then carefully lifted the hood. Yes, it was steam. But Mr. Daniels still didn’t know what to do about it. However, there was one thing he could do... he bowed his head and asked the Lord Jesus to help him. You see, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels have both accepted God’s loving offer. They have accepted His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, as their Saviour, believing that He died for their sins. They are in that place of safety and belong to Him. They can go to Him about any problem because of His promise, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15.
As Mr. Daniels stood by the steaming car, a pickup truck stopped and a young man jumped out. Running up to the car, he asked if he could do anything to help.
“I’d be glad if you could,” answered Mr. Daniels gratefully.
The young man looked under the hood. He saw the problem and knew just what to do. The radiator hose had burst. It didn’t take him long to cut off the bad part and clamp the good part firmly back to the radiator where it belonged.
The Lord Jesus knows just what is needed in our lives too. He knows our problem, that we have sin in our hearts. He understands our danger, that all sin must be punished. And He has provided the answer for it all; He bore the punishment for sin on Calvary’s cross so that we might go free. He has proven His love for us. “In this was manifested [shown] the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live [have new life] through Him.” 1 John 4:9.
That helpful young man had a can of antifreeze in his car and a thermos of ice water too. He poured both into the radiator. Another car had stopped to help and had more antifreeze which was added.
Soon the family was on their way again, thanking the Lord Jesus for His goodness to them. “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.” Psalms 107:1.
Have you accepted God’s loving offer? Do you believe that His Son, Jesus, died for your sins? Are you in that place of safety?
Attacked by an Octopus!
The storm was finally over. It had almost been a hurricane; the wind and waves had caused much damage in the harbor. The most serious damage appeared to be to the ship, the S. S. Dunvegan Castle which had collided with the pier. There had been damage to both the ship and the pier, but it was hard to tell how bad the damage really was.
To learn how much damage had been done to the ship, an underwater diving company was hired. John Palmer was sent to make the inspection dive. With him was his support crew which stayed on the ship to assist him during the dive. John reviewed with his crew the signals he would use during the dive, especially in an emergency.
John went overboard in his diving suit with attached air lines and with ropes to pull him back to the boat. The sea was calm, and John was able to make a good inspection of both the ship and the pier. He was about to signal his crew to pull him back to the surface, when suddenly something darted out from a crevice in the rocks and gripped his arm as if it were in a vise. In a moment of appalling horror, John realized that he was in the grip of an octopus! Then another tentacle flashed around his chest, and he was held in a deadly embrace!
John was helpless. There was nothing he could do to get free. He knew his only chance was to get help from above!
Are you still being held captive by your sins? Sin is deadly! Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save you and break you free from its tentacles of power. If you have never come to the Lord Jesus in all your sins and asked Him to be your Saviour, you have no more power to free yourself than John had. Signal to the One above, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will set you free. “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21.
Up on deck lay John’s only hope to get out of this alive! With all his might he desperately pulled the emergency signal.
Almost immediately John felt himself rising... they had gotten his signal and were pulling him up. But his enemy, the octopus, was going up with him! Still, he didn’t lose hope — he would soon reach help. Up, up, up he went. It seemed to take forever, but finally he could see daylight. He soon reached the surface of the water.
“An octopus!” yelled the first man to see John. “Quick! Get a knife!” Using the knife and a small ax, they worked at releasing John. It was not an easy job since octopus tentacles are lined with hundreds of tiny suckers. But at last John stood free — no longer the captive of an octopus. What a relief!
Would you like relief from your sins? Jesus is able and willing to save anyone who comes to Him. “He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters.” 2 Samuel 22:17.
The Marvel of Birds' Eggs: Part 3
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young.” Psalms 84:3.
In past issues we have considered some of the unusual nests built by birds in various parts of the world. With most nesting birds the female picks the spot and starts to build by herself. The male bird, showing up later, may not approve of his mate’s work and make her change it or do it all over again. At other times he will rearrange the work the female has already done.
Many birds do not make nests at all. In last week’s issue we talked of the seabirds that lay their eggs on bare rocks. Others, like the royal terns, just make a slight bowl-shaped spot in the sand — fully exposed — where one egg is laid. Often thousands of terns do this as a group, with the sandy “nests” nearly touching each other. Penguins, flamingos and many other birds nest in similar huge groups, with nests also close to one another, yet each mother, returning from gathering food, knows which nest is hers and makes no mistakes.
The European cuckoo, too lazy to build its own nest, invades another’s while the owner is away, knocking one of the existing eggs out and laying one of its own which matches almost perfectly with those already there. When the true mother returns she is unaware of what has happened, and when the little cuckoo eventually comes out of its shell she accepts it even though it doesn’t look like her other babies.
The softest nest of all is one made by the eider duck in the maritime provinces of Canada. From her own body the mother duck plucks enough down to provide a soft, warm and comfortable lining for her eggs and for the little ones when they hatch out. Other ducks “wintering over” instead of migrating, will also do this.
A nature lover long ago wrote: “How well suited the lining of a bird’s nest is, not only for the comfort of the young, but to keep the eggs from breaking. The tender and brittle eggs, which you can hardly carry in cotton, lie there without harm.”
Certainly, the wonders of God’s creation are not hard to see in every phase of bird life. He looks after even the lowly sparrow as well as the more exotic birds for their whole life span here on earth. But David, who wrote the above psalm, was thinking also of the goodness of the Lord Jesus to the people of the earth, inviting them to let Him be their Shepherd and Saviour, with a promise not only for this life but for the life hereafter, when he wrote: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalms 23:6. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you too can apply to yourself what David wrote.
Moving Day for Olga
Memory Verse: “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” Luke 12:40
Olga the 2000-pound walrus at Brookfield Zoo was 26 years old. She had lived in the same pool (her home at the zoo) for most of that time. After all those years the cement in Olga’s pool was crumbling from all the salt in the water. (Walruses live in salt water. Those not in zoos live in the Arctic Ocean.)
So a new home had to be built for her. What a big job it was to build a home large enough and then to move all 2000 pounds of her to her new home!
The moving date was set for October 2, 1987. Olga’s new home was only about one-quarter mile away. She would have about nine times more space than she had had in her old home. For 14 months the zookeepers had been getting her ready for the move. It took that long for Olga to get used to the 15-by-8-foot transport container in which she was to be moved... and when the day came it took an 80-ton crane to lift her and a truck to move her!
When Olga arrived at her new pool, the zookeepers used fresh fish to coax her out of the transport container. And because she loves to eat, it wasn’t long until she was in the water eating the fish. It was confusing for her at first as she inspected her new home. The zookeeper even had to command her to “stay” as she seemed to want to get back out of her new pool. But soon she was happy to be back in the water, and it wasn’t long before she was up to her old tricks of whistling, waving and blowing kisses to the visitors watching her.
Those of us who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our own Saviour have our “moving date” coming up real soon. The Lord Jesus is coming to take us to our new home in heaven. All is ready for us. “I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again, and receive you unto unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3. He hasn’t told us the exact date; it will be a surprise. But our “moving date” is set and He has given us a promise about it — “For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Hebrews 10:37. So we know there is just a little while left. That could be a few more months, a few more weeks, a few more days, or maybe only a few more minutes!
Are you going with us?
Then the Lord Jesus tells us something about the actual “move.” “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain [that’s us] shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. So He is going to call us up to meet Him in the air, and then He will take us the rest of the way to heaven with Him. I can hardly wait!
But how about you?
Then in 1 Corinthians chapters 15, where He tells us more about it, He says in verse 52 how quickly it is all going to happen — “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye"! You need to be ready to go right now, because there won’t be time to get ready then — we’ll be gone!
Are you ready to go?
If you are still in your sins, you aren’t ready; you’ll be left behind for God’s judgment! You need to believe that the Lord Jesus died on the cross for your own sins, and He will forgive you. That’s all it takes to be ready to go. Don’t wait any longer. Hurry! Today could be “moving day"!
“Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man [the Lord Jesus] cometh at an hour when ye think not.” Luke 12:40.
Jesus may come in the morning,
Jesus may come at noon,
Jesus may come in the evening,
For He is coming soon.
The Runaway Tricycle
One day Tommy and Billy were riding their tricycles. Their daddy was walking along with them. It was fun to ride their tricycles farther than they were allowed to go alone.
When they turned down a steep hill, somehow Tommy’s feet slipped off the pedals. Faster and faster he went down the hill. He wasn’t really scared. Perhaps he was too young to think of what would happen if he hit a tree or couldn’t stop before he reached the busy road at the bottom.
Back at the top of the hill, Daddy made Billy get off his trike so he wouldn’t go down the hill too. Then Daddy prayed, asking the Lord Jesus for help for Tommy.
Every Christian has this very real help. In fact, the Bible says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15.
Daddy’s trust in the Lord Jesus was not disappointed. Tommy’s trike hit a bump in the sidewalk and flipped him onto the grass. Tommy was not hurt, and the tricycle wasn’t even damaged!
Once the three were together again, what do you think Daddy did? He did what the last part of Psalms 50:15 says — he thanked the Lord Jesus for keeping Tommy from harm. He didn’t wait until they got home; he prayed right there on the street!
Another verse tells us that the angels are spirits “sent forth to minister for [to serve] them who shall be heirs of salvation.” Hebrews 1:14. At that time neither of the boys knew the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. God allowed them to grow up, and each of them has admitted his sinfulness to God. They both have put their trust in the Lord Jesus as their own personal Saviour.
The Word of God tells us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23), and “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. At whatever age you are right now, you may come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him as your Saviour. You don’t have to wait until you are grown up. Have you done this? “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
The Graceful Springbok
The Wonders of God’s Creation
The Springbok is one of the most graceful members of the antelope family. Their home is on the prairies of Africa where they share the friendly company of zebras, giraffes, wildebeests and many others. But they are sometimes victims of hungry lions, which capture them by creeping up unseen and then making a sudden leap before there is opportunity to escape. Wild dogs, too, are among their enemies, but usually pick out the sick, old, or very young ones that have gotten away from the herd.
Springboks are well named, for one of the things that helps identify them is their practice of suddenly springing high in the air with their backs arched beautifully. They appear to do this often just for the fun of it. They seem to be one of the Creator’s happy animals. It is a lovely sight to see them leaping this way on their long frail-looking but strong legs.
They are delicately colored animals, appearing to wear a tan cape over their entire backs and down the outside of their legs, but with the remainder of their bodies a pure white. Crowning all, a pair of horns, looking like many shiny black discs piled one on top of another, rises almost straight up for some eighteen inches from their heads and gently curves forward at the top. Their appealing white faces with stripes between the eyes and nose, as if skillfully sketched with soft crayons, large deer-like eyes and long, erect ears, all give them an alert appearance.
These animals, which do not search out shade while browsing, seem to prefer the open country with its extremely hot sunshine. Their usual food is the wild grasses of the prairie, but when these are hard to find, they will substitute leaves and tender parts of shrubs and will even eat roots dug out of the ground with their sharp horns.
In times of drought and when food runs low, thousands make long migrations together to greener pastures. We might ask, “How do they know where to go and how do they know when to return?” Those who have studied their ways cannot answer these questions, but to us who know of the Creator’s care over all living things, it is not difficult to realize that He is the One who directs them to go and lets them sense when it is time to return to their native land.
A Bible portion expresses this care so well: “These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season. That Thou givest them they gather: Thou openest Thine hand, they are filled with good.” Psalms 104:27,28. Have you thanked Him that His same loving hand is stretched out for you too? He invites every boy and girl to trust in Him and know Him as their loving and personal Saviour.
Speagle de Beagle
Memory Verse: “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:28
A short time ago, someone either lost or abandoned a cute little beagle dog in our neighborhood. He showed up on our doorstep looking for food. We talked to all the surrounding police stations and animal shelters to see if we could find the dog’s owner, but nobody seemed to be looking for a “lost” beagle.
The dog was almost fully grown, and he was really cute. The children wanted to name him Spot, but the beagle did not pay any attention to the name. He acted like he didn’t even hear us no matter how or what we called him. Finally, someone called, “Here, beagle!” and to our surprise he came running. We then tried, “Here, speagle!” and he came running to that too. He was then named “Speagle de Beagle.” It looked like Speagle had found a home... almost.
He was well liked by everyone except Brutus, the family dog, and Fluff, the family cat. Brutus’s problem was one of jealousy. But Fluff’s problem was very serious Speagle wanted to hunt him down and finish him off!
One day Corrine stopped to pet Speagle, but Brutus got jealous. He whimpered and trotted over to them. Being a much bigger dog than Speagle, he picked Speagle up by the scruff of the neck and carried him several feet away from Corrine. Then he dropped him and trotted back to Corrine, hoping to be petted himself. Instead of being petted, he was given a scolding for what he had done. He hung his head in shame.
Speagle’s problem with Fluff was far more serious. The family cat was scared off into the woods and chased up a tree a few times. So we decided Speagle had to be tied up. But that didn’t last long because Speagle chewed right through the rope. Then we tried keeping him in a pen, but he chewed his way through the door! He chased Fluff into the woods once more, and this time Fluff didn’t come home for nearly a week! We were all worried. We did not know whether Fluff was dead or alive.
Because Fluff was already an important part of the family, the decision was made — Speagle had to go. We tried to find a home for him, but nobody wanted the cute little beagle, so we took him to an animal shelter. We hope they found a good home for him, but we don’t know.
Yes, even though Speagle was lost and needed a home, he had a nature that loved to hunt animals smaller than himself, and so he could not fit into our family... even though we liked him and wanted to keep him.
Boys and girls, God loves you and wants you in His family too. But we have all sinned and have ways that are not pleasing to God. We could not help Speagle because we could not change his nature. But God has the power to help you. He can forgive your sins. He can give you a new nature and a new life, and a home in heaven.
God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to die on Calvary’s cross to save lost sinners. If you have not accepted Him as your Saviour yet, you are lost in your sins. But if you receive Jesus as your Saviour, He will wash away your sins and will give you a new life and nature that want to please Him. He will also make you a part of His family forever. What a happy home awaits all who will receive Him. Won’t you tell Jesus you want Him as your Saviour and Lord now?
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.” John 10:27,28.
Grow up or Go up …
One day while driving in the town of Wichita Falls, Texas, I was stopped at a red light. There in front of me was a little, battered-up Volkswagon. On its bumper was a sticker that said, “When I grow up I want to be a Cadillac.” I thought to myself, “Little Volkswagon, you and I both want something. Mine will happen, and yours will not.”
I want to “go up,” not “grow up"! The Lord Jesus died for me that I might be saved. He died for sinners, but only those who admit that they have sinned and believe on the Lord Jesus are saved. It is because I have believed the good news of salvation through the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross that I am saved. Being saved, I know for sure that I will “go up.”
A poor, battered-up, little subcompact car cannot change what it is, because it does not have life. It can never grow up or be anything else but a Volkswagon. But for those who are saved, the Lord Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3.
Because He died on the cross, rose from the dead and went to heaven, all to prepare a place for me, what I want will soon happen — I will go up to be with Him. Have you believed on Him? Boys and girls are growing up while the Lord Jesus waits for more to be saved. Receive Him into your heart so that you may go up when He comes to call His own out of the world to be with Him in heaven.
Space Is Important
Last summer I planted a packet of Chinese cabbage seeds in my garden, and I think every one of those seeds must have sprouted, they came up so thickly. So I took some of those little cabbage plants and moved them farther down the row, leaving six to eight inches of space between each one. But I didn’t finish the job that day, and I never did get the rest of them transplanted.
The crowded ones that were left as they had come up, grew tall and weak and spindly, and finally went to seed without ever giving us any food at all. But the ones that had been transplanted and had more space grew into nice, thick heads of cabbage and helped us out with many a salad during the spring and early summer. Each time I walked by that row of cabbages it was a good object lesson to me of how we do need to give space in our day to the Lord Jesus, to read His Word, the Bible, and to pray so that we will grow to be strong Christians and bear fruit for our Saviour.
The Lively Tarsier
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18.
The alert and lively tarsier lives in the East Indies and the Philippines. It is small, ranging from 10 to 15 inches long, including its rat-like tail. It uses this tail as an extra support when clinging to a branch and also to help keep its balance when leaping among the trees. Its fur is brownish-gray except around its mouth, chin, nose and between the eyes, where it is usually yellow or light orange.
Seen face-on, it is an amusing and lovable little creature — its eyes look like a big pair of goggles, its ears perk up, and the spread of its mouth is a pleasant grin. A button nose sits perkily above its small mouth and chin, and its rather large ears, opened toward the front, stand rigidly erect, presenting a very alert appearance.
This long-legged little fellow (about the size of a big squirrel) lives in trees. The second and third toes on each of its hind legs have sharp, bare, long claws, and both hands and feet are cushioned underneath with non-skid ridges. These help it get a good grip on tree trunks and branches as it leaps among them. Incidentally, its long legs help make it a champion jumper among animals its size; it can leap as high as four feet and as far as six feet in distance.
One of the outstanding things about the tarsier is its large eyes, close together, with pupils about three times as large as other animals its size. The big pupils are surrounded by dark rings, making it look as though it is wearing sunglasses. These eyes are in many ways its most valuable possession, for it is a night worker and the Creator has wisely provided it with most remarkable vision to aid in its search for insects, lizards, snakes, etc., which make up its food.
In addition to good eyesight, its head (like an owl’s) can turn around so far that it can see behind itself without moving its body. Then too, it has been given very sensitive hearing; its large ears can twist individually in various directions one this way and the other that way — when trying to identify a sound. As for itself, it moves quietly through the darkness and, wherever possible, keeps well hidden among the trees’ leaves.
The Bible tells us to be glad and rejoice in that which God has created. The more our attention is drawn to the wonders of His creation, including these little tarsiers, the more we are impressed with the truth of the Bible verse quoted above our opening paragraph.
It is good to think on such things as we see the various forms of life all around us, for each one represents a part of God’s creation. How happy it is for us to know Him, not only as our Creator but more importantly, as our Saviour too.
A Sweet Story of Love
Memory Verse: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6
A few years ago I heard a sweet, true story that reminded me of the precious Saviour’s love. I would like you to hear it.
Olin Brown told me about his son who was a soldier in the Army in the 1950's, during the Korean war. Near the end of the war Major Brown spotted some little Korean children playing near a small lake. The children were war orphans. (This means each child’s father and mother had both been killed.) These children were living near the lake in a home for war orphans. They were dirty, poorly dressed and were eating little dead fish that had washed up on the shore of the lake.
Major Brown was a very kind man. He immediately felt pity and love for these children and wanted to do something for them. One dear little girl caught his eye. It was love at first sight on his part.
Major Brown gave some money to the orphanage to help care for the children. Every time he visited the orphanage he thought more and more about adopting the one little girl with whom he had fallen in love. He talked it over with his wife in the United States, and they decided they wanted to adopt this little girl if they could.
Major Brown talked to the people in charge at the orphanage and assured them that he and his wife wanted the little girl very much.
After a few months the adoption papers were signed. Soon the little girl and Major Brown flew to New York where they were met by Mrs. Brown. It was a very happy time for the Browns.
The darling little Korean girl was taken into the Brown home where they gave her everything she needed — they showered her with lots of love, taught her what was right and wrong and how to obey, and gave her lovely clothes and toys. Major and Mrs. Brown adopted other children with whom she could grow and whom she could learn to love.
When I heard the story from Olin Brown, the little Korean girl was a grown-up woman and was teaching school. She was most grateful for all the Browns had done for her.
Though the Browns did everything that could be done to make their adopted daughter happy, the Lord Jesus has done so very much more for poor sinners like you and me. He not only loved us, but He gave His life for us that we might be brought to God. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6.
When Major Brown first found his little girl she was in deep need. She was helpless, hopeless and needed everything the Browns could give her — especially love. Boys and girls, have you ever felt helpless, hopeless and in need of someone to love you? The Lord Jesus offers you a Saviour’s love. Accept Him as your Saviour, and you will be able to say of Him, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
The Warning
Rain had been falling for the past several days, but this afternoon it seemed even heavier. Traffic was light on the British Columbia highway that went around Howe Sound. The north-south highway made its way over bridges crossing small creeks and scenic gorges that fell away to the Sound below. Today, the tall evergreens were partially hidden in mist, and clouds blocked the canyons. By now the rains had become so heavy that the normally small creeks had become raging torrents, and the canyons were funneling mud and debris into the water below. One lone car traveled the highway through the heavy rain, its wipers sweeping steadily against the constant downpour, with the driver, no doubt, wishing he were at home.
Soon, in his rearview mirror he saw another car overtaking him, and with a flying splash of spray it went on by. He watched it for a moment, and then it disappeared.
Disappeared?... WAIT A MINUTE! Quickly his foot hit the brake, which sent his car into a shivering skid! He suddenly suspected... if that car had dropped out of sight, then that must mean the bridge ahead was out! His car was sliding sideways as he fought for control, but he had to stop! It seemed like forever until it finally did stop, and his suspicion was indeed confirmed — the bridge had washed away!
For a moment he felt weak with relief and thankfulness. Then a thought struck him — he must warn others of the danger! Quickly he jumped out and ran back through the rain.
When he saw another car coming he began to wave his arms and shouted, “STOP! STOP! The bridge is out!” Without even slowing down the car went on around him and off into the mist.
Surely that next car would stop, so on he ran, waving his arms and shouting again, “STOP! STOP!
STOP!” In utter disbelief he watched as, with horn blaring, the car went on around him and disappeared!
We are told that “He [God] hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained.” Acts 17:31. Men, women and children are being warned to flee the wrath of God. Are you listening to that warning, or are you speeding on to everlasting judgment? God offers you safety and forgiveness through His Son Jesus Christ, by that great work on Calvary’s cross where He shed His blood for any who believe in Him. Stop and seriously think it over; eternity is forever!
As another car came into view the man increased his frantic efforts. By now he was soaked to the skin, but he hardly knew it; he was so intent on stopping another car from plunging into the canyon. This time his efforts were rewarded... the car stopped, and a roadblock was quickly set up.
Though God is patient and not willing that anyone should be lost, we have no guarantee on our life here. Not one of us can be sure we will be here for another year, another day, another hour or even the next minute. The cross of Christ is the roadblock between time and eternity.
Stop, my friend. Do not go another step without Christ as your Saviour, for without Him you face the blackness of darkness FOREVER.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Odd Creatures of the Sea
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Sing unto the Lord a new song, and His praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea.” Isaiah 42:10.
There are over 20,000 species of fish in the world, and all have been designed by the Creator for the particular part of the ocean, or other bodies of water, where they live. Let’s look at a few that make their home in the Red Sea.
One of them, a foot-long fish called the stargazer, hides itself completely in the ocean’s sandy bottom, with only its strange mouth showing with teeth that look like broken pieces of spaghetti. Small fish, curious about this exhibit, are immediately snapped up by the stargazer’s vicious mouth.
Garden eels anchor their tails in burrows at the sea bottom; the rest of their yard-long bodies are held straight up toward the surface, swaying in the current and looking like stalks of seaweed. They never leave that position (except when frightened), but sway toward one another — sometimes in a friendly way — sometimes to fight. If a diver or another object frightens them they sink into their burrows, completely hidden, and remain there until the danger is past. Small bits of marine life drifting by provide food for them.
The jet-black razor fish is very timid and when frightened drops to the bottom and lies there like a piece of black rubber or a greasy rag until the intruder, apparently fooled, leaves the area. Like the stargazer, sometimes it will bury itself in the sand.
Still another Red Sea native is a six-inch-wide, bright-red sea urchin, related to and looking a little like a starfish. This one has hundreds of black prickly spines all over its body, just like a porcupine, to protect it.
Another odd one is the dark-brown sea moth, with a long, narrow snout and heavy, armor-like coat just the color of the sandy ocean floor. As it glides slowly along with almost transparent “wings” spread out, it is almost invisible. But when pursued it can put on a burst of speed to escape all but the swiftest fish. The armor becomes too tight for the sea moth as it grows, and drops off from time to time, but is soon replaced by new armor.
A snapping shrimp and a little fish called the goby, are real chummy companions and make their home together in a burrow in the sea bottom. This shows how well they get along; the shrimp uses its claws to keep the burrow entrance open and while doing this, it makes sure one of its tentacles is always touching its companion. If the goby senses danger it wiggles its body in warning, and the shrimp immediately scoots down the burrow — followed promptly by the goby.
These are just a few of the millions of fish watched over by the Creator. His eyes never leave them, just as He watches over every person in the world, for we are told, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3. What do His eyes see as He looks at you?
"Show and Tell"
Memory Verse: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Do you have “Show and Tell” in your class at school? Michael did. Every Thursday afternoon Mrs. Miller, Michael’s teacher, would remind the class: “If any of you have a special treasure you would like to share with the class, bring it to school tomorrow, and you may show it to the whole class and tell us all about it.”
The children brought things like a special rock or a souvenir from summer vacation. Some brought their favorite stuffed animals and even favorite photographs to share with the class.
One Thursday afternoon in early February, Mrs. Miller made the usual “Show and Tell” announcement to the class. Michael decided he had something he wanted to bring the next day. His dad had found something really neat in a trash pile by the side of the road a few months ago. Michael knew that all the boys, and maybe even the girls, would be interested in the really great things you could get free from the trash.
On Friday morning he set off for school, lugging his treasure and looking forward to sharing it with the class.
Finally his turn came. “Michael,” said Mrs. Miller, “what do you have to show us today?”
Michael walked to the front of the room and faced the class. Pulling his treasure out of the sack he had carried it in, he held it up for everyone to see. “Look at what my dad found in the trash,” he announced. “Does anybody know what it is?”
There was a moment of silence as the children stared at the strange object. Mrs. Miller was staring too, but she was not puzzled as to what it was — she knew what it was and was horrified!
“Michael,” she said, quickly walking over to him and cupping her hands under his, “I want you to very gently lay that hand grenade in my hands... thank you. Now please go back to your seat.”
Michael obeyed, but he sure couldn’t figure out why Mrs. Miller was upset and reacting this way. After all, his dad had said the old grenade was just a dud and couldn’t hurt anybody. He quickly told her what his dad had said.
Mrs. Miller very carefully and gently set the hand grenade on her desk. She still seemed upset and kind of scared as she stood between the hand grenade and the children. She seemed uncertain what to do next.
Not wanting to leave the children alone, she finally said to Anita who sat closest to the door, “Anita, please quietly get up and slowly open the door. Good. Now I want you to quickly walk to the principal’s office and ask him to call the police and tell them that I think we have a ‘live’ hand grenade in our classroom.”
The children were really frightened now, and while Anita was gone to the office, Mrs. Miller did some explaining. She told them she wasn’t sure the hand grenade was safe and that as long as they stayed still and quiet they would be all right. But if anyone were to accidentally bump the grenade it might explode, and then many of them could be killed or seriously wounded.
Why do you suppose Mrs. Miller frightened the class like that? Why didn’t she just let Michael pass the grenade around for everyone to handle and look at? It was because she knew the danger they were all in, and she loved the boys and girls enough to warn them of the danger and to try to protect them.
Maybe someone has frightened you too. Perhaps your mom or dad or Sunday school teacher has told you that you have sinned, and that “the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. They have warned you that God cannot allow one sin into heaven, and since “all have sinned” (Rom. 3:23), that includes you. Why do they tell you these scary things? It is because they love you, and they want you to learn how to get rid of those sins so that you can be in heaven with the Lord Jesus who loves you even more.
The police soon came to Michael’s classroom and said that the grenade really was a dangerous “live” one! They ordered the children and Mrs. Miller to quietly leave the room and go to the playground. Soon the bomb-disposal squad arrived. Using their special equipment, they carried the hand grenade to a safe place far away from people and exploded it harmlessly. Michael and his classmates were safe.
It took special men with special equipment to remove the danger to Michael and his school friends. And it took One Special Man in one very special way to remove my sins by taking all of the punishment that I deserved. The Lord Jesus Christ had to die on the cross of Calvary and shed His blood so that my sins could be taken away. Now He tells us that “the blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. Isn’t that wonderful? He loves us so much that He died so that your sins and my sins and the sins of every sinner who will trust in Him can be forever washed away.
My sins are gone, and I am ready to go to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven. Are you safe from the judgment to come? Are your sins gone? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Little Rebel
Teena was a lively two-year-old who was always running. She was not, however, quick to obey. A command to “stop” or “come here” was more often a challenge to do just the opposite with a teasing laugh.
One day a friend of the family took her to a beautiful hotel which had a lovely fountain inside that changed colors. There were many other interesting things to see too. It was an exciting, new world to the little girl. Teena ran here and there, and seeing a lovely patio outside, she made a dash for it.
Her friend, realizing that the little girl might not be acquainted with sparkling-clean, sliding glass doors (which were closed), called, “Teena, stop! Stop right now!”
But Teena only laughed and ran faster. Thud! Down she went! Oh, how her head hurt! Now all her fun was ruined, and she had an ugly bump rising on her head to show for failing to obey. At least her lesson was learned with a glass door and not a speeding car.
Are you thinking, “foolish Teena"? Are you any wiser? Do you laugh when you hear warnings about Satan’s lies and the punishment ahead for sinners? “The soul that sinneth, it shall die,” we read in Ezekiel 18:4. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. “Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?” Ezekiel 33:11.
Naturally, none of us likes to obey. But a person who fails to obey will always have trouble. It is only when we listen to God’s command to repent of our sins and turn to Him that we can be forgiven. And oh, how He longs to do us good! He is a loving, giving, gracious God who punished His precious Son, Jesus, so that He might be able to wipe clean our awful record of sins. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18.
The Happy Warblers
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“I [the Lord] know all the fowls of the mountains.” Psalms 50:11.
Warblers are well named, defined by the dictionary as “birds that sing with trills,” meaning their songs have a great run of notes going up and down so quickly that it almost sounds as if their beaks were trembling.
There are about 125 varieties of warblers. Most of them spend the short summer months in North America and the rest of the year in Central and South America and a few other tropical areas. They are small birds, about the size of a sparrow. All have cheerful warblings (although their melodies are not all the same) and are very active, but there is a great variety of pretty colors among them, including some red, some yellow, blue, greenish-gray, yellow-green, orange, etc.
Warblers are a real help to mankind in eating caterpillars, moths, plant lice and other insects that are harmful to growing crops and flowers. Farmers are understandably pleased when these birds nest nearby.
Their food is obtained in a variety of ways, and the bills of each have been designed by the Creator to best serve each of them. For instance, the long, slender bill of the blue-winged variety easily penetrates buds and flowers for insects that are otherwise hard to get at. The American redstart has a flat bill which helps it capture insects flying through the air, etc. Each kind of warbler’s bill, legs, feet and wings are designed in ways which only the Creator could do for its individual pattern of life. Many find insects in foliage while walking on the ground; others find them while flying and some, like the black-and-white species, hunt their prey on tree trunks and branches, the strong claws on their feet holding them on the side of the tree.
Nests are mostly cup-shaped in trees or shrubs, but a few build them on the ground or in rocky areas. The females construct the nests, in which they usually lay four eggs, incubating them for nearly two weeks. When the little ones are hatched, both parents feed them for another two or three weeks before their feathers are developed and they are able to fly away on their own.
These cheerful birds, with their great variety of songs, would surely thank God for His goodness if they were able to, and perhaps David the psalmist was thinking of this when he declared: “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.” Psalms 150:6. But he knew birds could not do this with their voices and added in the same verse, “Praise ye the Lord.”
We surely should praise Him for His wonderful works and His goodness in dying on Calvary’s cross for the sins of everyone who will accept Him as his personal Saviour. Have you thanked Him for that work of love?
Porky and the Thunderstorm
Memory Verse: “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:17
Porky is a strange name for a dog, and sometimes Mr. George, the farmer who owned him, wondered if Porky wasn’t a rather strange dog. When the Georges got Porky as a puppy, he was cute, fat and furry and had a face that reminded them of a pig. That’s how a cute, little puppy ended up with a pig’s name — Porky.
Porky had lots of freedom on the farm where he lived. He roamed the fields and the woods and could even go down to the river to cool off on hot summer days. The family gave him lots of love, fed him well, and taught him some tricks. Porky, with tail wagging, met almost everyone who came into Farmer George’s yard, so he got plenty of attention too.
Often dogs are afraid of thunder. Sometimes they hide under furniture or in their dog house. Shaking with fear, some will sit close to a person for comfort.
Every time Porky would hear the slightest rumble of thunder off in the distance, he would take off running. He seemed to think he could get away from the thunder this way. Dogs cannot understand that it is God who sends the rain for our good, and that He is in control of all the storms. “God... giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields.” Job 5:8,10.
Porky didn’t run home when thunder scared him. His favorite place to run and hide was the little town about a mile away. The place where he often hid was under the parked boxcars on the railroad track. That would be the first place Farmer George would look for him when the storm was over, and Porky was always happy to get a ride home in the pickup truck.
But one night when Porky heard thunder rumbling, as he headed for town on the run, he spotted Mrs. Mel’s garage door open. He ducked in there and hid under her big freezer.
What a surprise for Mrs. Mel when she went into her garage in the morning! There was a big furry head and two frightened eyes peering at her from behind the freezer. Mrs. Mel recognized Porky. She phoned the George’s house to have someone come get him.
As usual, Porky loved his ride home.
Dogs aren’t the only ones that hide. People hide too, from God, because they are afraid. Adam and Eve disobeyed God when they ate of the fruit of the tree, because God had told them not to eat from that tree. That was sin. So they tried to hide from God, but it just didn’t work. “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9. Adam told God that he was afraid, so he had tried to hide from Him.
Jonah tried to run away from God too, and he got himself into a big problem. God had told Jonah to go to Nineveh, a wicked city, and preach to the people there. “But Jonah rose up to flee [run]... from the presence of the Lord.” Jonah 1:3. It didn’t work. God had prepared a great fish to swallow him. Jonah had lots of time then to think about his sin and running away from God, as he spent three days and nights in the belly of that fish.
Are you running away from God? Are you afraid and looking for a place to hide? All of us have done things that are wrong. Like the rest of us, your sins make you guilty before God. But there is no hiding from Him no matter where you go. “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth.” 2 Chronicles 16:9. “Thou God seest me.” Genesis 16:13.
You don’t need to be afraid and hide any longer, because “GOD IS LOVE.” 1 John 4:8. He has provided a way for us to be free of our sins and guilt. He sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on Calvary’s cross to bear the punishment for the sins of everyone who will accept His love and believe. “The Son of man [Jesus] is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56. “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:17.
If you will believe that Jesus loves you and died for your sins and guilt, your fear of Him will vanish.
The Missed Flight
Recently I was standing at the counter at one of the gates at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois asking for some information from the agent. While I was waiting for him to get the answer for me, an older well-dressed man came up to the counter. He asked one of the other agents when he and his wife could board flight 700 for Miami, Florida. The agent’s mouth dropped open in surprise. She turned around to point out the window behind her.
“Sir, flight 700 is that plane, just backing away from the gate,” she said. “There is no way that you can get on that flight now. I started announcing it was time to board that flight over half an hour ago, and I made several announcements telling people to get on the plane.”
The man and his wife evidently had sat through all of the boarding announcements and for some reason either had not heard or responded to a single one of them. The agent told them that the only thing they could do now was to go to the ticket counter and try to get a new reservation for the next flight to Miami later in the day.
That man and his wife thought they were all ready for their trip. They had checked in and received their seat assignments, they had all their luggage with them, and they were very close to the door of the plane they wanted to take. But because they did not actually go through the door and get on the plane, all their preparation was useless. They were told by the agent, not just once but many times, to board the plane, but still it did them no good.
This reminded me of many boys and girls and men and women in this world today. They know that there is judgment ahead for every lost soul. They know how to be saved from that judgment. They may think that they are very close to being saved by going to Sunday school, memorizing Bible verses, and living good and honest lives (which are all good things). And yet, if they do not put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they are still lost; they are still in their sins, heading for the judgment. In that condition they can never get to heaven, where they would like to go.
God has warned you many, many times to “flee from the wrath to come.” Luke 3:7. God commends His love to you “in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. God invites you to accept His beloved Son as your Saviour today while there is still time. Some day very soon the door of His mercy will be shut forever, and then you will never have another chance to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. That man and woman probably were able to get on another plane a few hours later to go to Miami. But if the Lord Jesus comes or if you die, and you have not accepted Him as your Saviour, you will be lost forever. There will be no second chance for you. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
The Cute Cottontails
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth?” Jeremiah 23:24.
Have you wondered why some animals are called hares and others rabbits when they look so much alike? Although they are closely related, there actually are differences. For instance, hares have nests above ground, and their babies are fully covered with fur and have wide-open eyes when they are born. Also, they can hop around within just a few minutes.
Rabbits, however, are born in underground nests, have no fur at all, and their eyes are closed. Unlike hares, baby rabbits don’t venture outside for about three weeks. Both rabbits and hares are silent animals, but in serious danger they can let out loud screams.
There are some 80 species of rabbits, but today we will just consider a few of the cottontails. It is natural for us to consider all cottontails as likable as they are so inoffensive and quietly go about their business, eating inner bark of saplings and shrubs, as well as clover and various grasses, fruit and other foods. This is one of God’s creatures that has no desire to harm any living thing and just takes care of its own needs. Incidentally, the cottony underpart of their tails, which is almost always showing, accounts for their name.
All cottontails are timid, with short bodies, small roundish faces, large ears (but nowhere as big as a jackrabbit’s), placid eyes and most have soft tannish fur. But two kinds, both referred to as swamp marsh rabbits, don’t have underground nests. These live above ground and at times build large nests among the low branches of bushy trees.
Among rabbits in general, many live on marshy land, but others prefer arid deserts. Two of these are the pygmy and the nuttall — both cottontails. The nuttall is considerably larger than the pygmy and not as shy. The pygmy is really tiny, weighing less than a pound and, going about its business mostly at night, it is seldom seen. A resident of the desert close to the mountains of California and Oregon, it is clever in caring for itself and raising its young where food and water are scarce, summers are very hot, and winters are extremely cold.
Perhaps because of the presence of these two varieties in those areas, a shrub which grows only in those areas has the name “rabbit brush.” The pygmy particularly likes to make its home under this shrub, where it is not exposed to some enemies that are numerous in the more lush desert sagebrush.
These little animals are clever at hiding themselves, but are always under the watchful care of God, their Creator. As the beginning Bible verse tells us, we are never out of His watchful care either. Have you thanked Him for this love and accepted the invitation to become one of His own children by accepting His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour? Have you thanked Him for His care of you today?
A Deadly Game
Memory Verse: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
To hear of someone winning a fight with a shark would be exciting, but I once tangled with a tarp (tarpaulin — waterproof material), and I nearly lost the battle too.
We lived on a farm in western Colorado near the great fishing and camping areas of the Rocky Mountains. As you might suppose, my father had plenty of gear for these sports — supplies which he eagerly unpacked each spring to air out. On this particular sunny morning, Dad had spread a large, heavy canvas tarpaulin out in the yard. I was only ten years old and full of fun and mischief. Using the tarp as a “stage” on which to perform, I played until I dropped. Then I stretched out on it to rest.
As I gazed lazily up at the blue sky, a sudden gust of wind flipped a corner of the tarn over me. Crazily. I started rolling and unrolling myself in the heavy old canvas. Had I been told I had to do this, I likely would have complained, “Roll up in that musty old thing? No way! I might suffocate!”
Young people sometimes behave this way. On some casual suggestion or challenge they might take the first step with an evil or dangerous habit, perhaps not even enjoying it at first. But just add the idea of daring to do it, and the bait is almost sure to be swallowed. And that’s what I did; I just kept adding one more roll-over each time, always hurrying to unroll in time to breathe. Then — you guessed it — I suddenly reached the “point of no return.” The old tarp held me tightly — I couldn’t unroll.
My frantic struggles only used what little air there was more quickly. I tried to call for help. My air was running out. Within moments, I drifted into the long, dark tunnel of unconsciousness.
I was just another victim of doing something foolish, such as we hear of all the time. How often has a young person, daring to try some dangerous habit, been trapped while thinking that they were in control and could just stop when the fun was over. But no... the habit holds them tightly, and many go down to death.
And what then?
“The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this [death] the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27.
But there was someone who loved me and cared enough about me to check what I was doing. Mother, no doubt led of God, had heard my last muffled cry. Instantly, she unrolled me from the tarp and quickly breathed the breath of life back into my limp body. Mother’s loving care of me was wonderful.
You may or may not be involved in a dangerous habit that looks tempting and exciting, but don’t be tricked; “the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4. There is nothing funny or brave about sinning. It is your sure ticket to death and hell. That is the bad news. The good news is — “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15. As my mother loved me enough to check up on me in my foolishness, so our loving Saviour, who knows everything about you and yet loves you, offers the only remedy for sin. He bore the punishment for those sins “in His own body on the tree.” 1 Peter 2:24. He can finish your story of sin with a happy ending "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
Alexander's Answer
Alexander Brown was a mischievous little six-year-old boy whose adventures really got him into trouble. But Alexander found out one thing for sure — God still answers prayer.
Several times Grandmother had warned Alexander not to go into the river nearby. But one day he did, and he almost drowned.
As Grandmother tells it, “He had gone to mail a letter for me and then wandered down to the river. Soon after, some of his little pals came banging on my door shouting that he had fallen into the river. I rushed down, but I could not see him. I thought he must be dead; the water was so high and the current was really strong.”
Alexander had decided to paddle his little raft across the river. He thought that if he stayed close to the wooden footbridge that crossed the river he would be safe. He told himself that he could hang onto it if he ran into trouble.
He was halfway across the river when a flash flood swept him away. A wall of water, caused by a heavy rain farther up the river, turned Alexander’s “play river” into a raging torrent.
Alexander was not a very good swimmer. Even if he were, the current was too strong to swim against. He found himself tossed like a piece of driftwood in the swirling current. Using his doggie-paddle stroke, he fought to keep his head above water.
Alexander was in trouble! But how many children today are in trouble much the same. They find themselves caught in the flash flood called “sin,” being swept downriver toward death! Remember, the Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. God says we have all been caught by sin for “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
For a while Alexander was able to keep his head above water. Then, “I just went down,” he explained later. “I was frightened and shouted for Mummy to help me.” But Mummy could not help him — she was miles away.
“Then I shouted for God to help me,” he said. “All at once there was a branch hanging down in the water. I grabbed it and pulled myself out.”
Soon he was safe on the riverbank. God answered a six-year-old boy’s prayer! And He saved him from certain death in the flash flood. But what about those boys and girls who are still caught in the river of their sins? Will God hear them shout for help? And will He supply a branch to pull them safely out of sin? Oh yes, He certainly will!
Jesus is called “The Branch” in several places in the Bible (Isa. 4:2, Jer. 23:5, Zech. 3:8). He is the One who will pull you safely out of your sins. “Christ died for our sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:3. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13. Just ask the Lord Jesus to save you, and you will find that you are safe — just like Alexander found himself safe on the riverbank.
The Busy Phalaropes: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And God created... every winged fowl after his kind.” Genesis 1:21.
You may never have heard of the pretty sandpiper-like birds called phalaropes, but there are great numbers of them that travel thousands of miles every year, mainly between the cold Arctic lands of the North and the warm tropical countries of Central and South America. Some travel even farther south to West Africa, New Guinea and the coasts of Arabia. Those that make the longest trips fly as much as 15,000 miles each year in their round-trip migrations!
There are three species of this rather strange bird. One is known as the gray (but sometimes called the red); another has the name of red-necked (also called the Northern), and the largest of them all, with just one name, is the Wilson’s.
The gray (red) travels in early summer up into the Arctic tundra areas where great quantities of food await it; the red-necked (Northern) prefers to have its summer home a little farther south, sometimes as far down as Canada. The Wilson’s variety chooses farther south yet, nesting in southern Canada and along the northern border of the United States.
Because the Wilson’s phalarope spends part of its time in California where it can be observed closely, more is known about it than the others, so we will pretty much limit our study to that species in this article.
The coloring of all these birds is different in summer than in winter. The one called gray (red) has gray and white plumage in winter, but is bright red in summer. The Wilson’s, on the other hand, is also a very pretty bird in summer; its wings, neck and top of head are a combination of blue, orange and deep red with the rest of its body white. In winter its coloring changes, giving it brown wings, legs and crest atop its head, but plain white over the rest of its body.
These birds are equipped by the Creator with long legs and partially webbed feet, as well as long beaks, all of which are useful as they wade around shorelines looking for insects and food particles. But they are also good swimmers and have been given thick water-proof feathers that help them float high on water.
With most birds the male has the outstanding colorful feathers, but with these it is just the opposite, especially during the nesting period when the females are actually the prettiest and like to show off their colorful feathers when trying to attract a mate. The mother bird is also a little larger than her companion (just the opposite of most other birds) and has some strange ways about her, which we will look at in the following issue.
Meanwhile let us never forget that “all things were made by Him [the Lord God]; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3.
(To be continued)
A Special Picnic Time
Memory Verse: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
It was time again for everyone in the little Sunday school to make plans for the Sunday school picnic This was always a special time for the children. All of the children who had been going to Sunday school were invited, and they could each bring a friend along too. There would be games, races, prizes, hot dogs and lots of other good things to eat. But most importantly there would be singing and a Bible talk. The children could hardly wait for Saturday to come.
Mr. Riley always brought a car full of children, because many of them had no other way to get there. He had stopped to pick up several other children, then drove to Marie’s house. As they drove up they saw a lot of people standing around in front. In the middle of everyone was a big red rescue truck from the fire department. Then they saw that two men were carrying a stretcher out of the house. They were so startled and concerned when they recognized that the person on the stretcher was Marie! She looked so white and still. They couldn’t tell if she were even breathing.
Everyone in the car sat very quietly. They were all thinking of their little friend and her serious trouble. Mr. Riley suggested that they all close their eyes while he prayed for Marie. He prayed that, if it were the Lord Jesus’ will, she would be made well again and be back with them soon. He prayed for Marie’s family too, and asked the Lord Jesus to comfort them. Then they drove on to the picnic.
At the park everyone was quiet for awhile after they heard about Marie. But soon they began to play. They ran races and played many games. They had a wonderful time. Everyone got a prize. Then it was time to sit on the grass to sing and listen to a talk from the Bible before they roasted the hot dogs for supper.
Each of the children got to pick a song to sing, and then they sat quietly while Mr. Riley talked to them. They soon found out that he had not forgotten about their little friend, Marie. He told them that several weeks earlier Marie had told her Sunday school teacher that she was saved from her sins and knew she was going to heaven. Her teacher asked her how she knew that for sure.
“Well,” answered Marie, “the Bible is God’s Word, and it tells us that the Lord Jesus came here from heaven and died for me, so I won’t have to go to hell. He’s coming soon to take me back to heaven with Him too. You see, sinners can’t go to heaven even if they sinned just one sin.”
How wonderful that Marie knew this and believed it, and that she had told her teacher so.
Mr. Riley asked the children at the picnic, “If that had been you being carried out on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital by the rescue squad, would you know for sure where you were going if you died? Would you know if you would be in heaven or in hell?” He wanted them to really think hard about it. Then he told them that boys and girls who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour would never go to hell because Jesus has washed their sins away. The Bible calls that being “saved.” “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
Several days later they learned that little Marie was going to be okay again. She had been very sick. Without knowing it, she had also been a real help to her friends. The children had learned from what had happened to her how important it is to be saved right now. To wait might be too late! “Boast not thyself of to-morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1.
Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save you right now. And HE WILL!
“What must I do to be saved?... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:30,31.
The Shipwreck
“SOS... SOS... SOS,” the radio operator sent out his call for help. “Help! We are sinking!” was his call. Far out on the Pacific Ocean a little ship, the Helen B. Sterling, was fighting to stay afloat in a terrible storm. Mountain-high waves were sweeping over her decks. Again and again they crashed over the ship. Water was pouring in through several damaged areas, and it seemed that it would be impossible to keep the vessel afloat much longer.
Going again to the radio cabin, the captain told the operator to continue sending out the SOS call. Maybe someone somewhere would pick it up, although the captain knew there was little hope of another ship being close enough.
Do you know that you need help? Do you realize that you are in danger because you have sinned and that you cannot help yourself? Or are you still looking around to see if there is something you can do to please God? We know from the Bible that there is only one way to be saved from our sins, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.
The Lord Jesus loves you and is waiting for your SOS call for help. Do not be afraid, like the captain, that no one will hear. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1. He is waiting and wants to save you. He shed His blood on the cross so that sinners just like you and me can be saved. All that you have to do is believe that He died for your sins.
The storm grew worse, and the brave sailors realized that they could not last much longer. The ship was beginning to break apart from the constant pounding of the waves. Again and again the radio message went out “SOS... SOS... SOS.” Would anyone hear?
Many miles away the Australian battleship Melbourne was steaming toward home. Suddenly the SOS call from the Helen B. Sterling was received on the radio, and the message was quickly sent to the captain. Immediately the great battleship changed her course and at full speed headed toward the sinking ship.
As the hours passed, the Sterling, battered by the mighty waves, was slowly filling up with water. Could the Melbourne reach her in time? It seemed impossible.
Going to the radio cabin again, the captain had the following message sent out: “Can’t last another hour. Waterlogged. Sea sweeping right over us. Clearing boats, but impossible to survive in these seas. Good-bye.”
Is this the call of your heart and life? I hope that it is! As sad as it may seem, it is only when we know that there is nothing we can do to help ourselves that we will turn to God, who has been waiting to save us. He is willing, able and wants to save us. We only need to ask Him.
Although the message from the Sterling was sent without any hope of reply, the answer from the Melbourne was “music” to their ears — “We are certain to reach you. Keep heart!”
The captain of the Melbourne kept his word. Just before the Sterling sank, the great battleship came alongside. With much difficulty the crew of the sinking ship was brought on board to safety.
Sometimes boys and girls don’t really understand that they cannot get to heaven while they still have their sins. To be rescued from their sins, they must first call for help. The battleship Melbourne would not have even known about the Sterling if the call for help had not been sent. But God loves you and knows all about you, and He is just waiting for your call to be saved.
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15.
The Busy Phalaropes: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer... I am the Lord that maketh all things.” Isaiah 44:24
In last week’s issue it was mentioned that the mother phalarope has some strange ways. One of these is that the female birds prefer to travel without their mates, and in flying either north in the spring or south in the fall, they always arrive at their destination a few weeks ahead of their mates.
Arriving at a promising area (on which all the females seem to agree) each one selects a spot that seems to suit her as a nesting site. Having made a choice, she gets to work with her strong legs and beak, digging a shallow nest in the dirt, either close to a pool of clean water or sometimes in a meadow a short distance away. She seems to consider she has completed her part of the job when she has finished the digging and leaves it up to the male to line the hole with moss or leaves when he arrives. Usually the females make their nests near others to form a sort of colony.
When the males arrive, each female picks out the one she would like for a mate. Then she shows him her nest and soon is busy laying three or four eggs in it. After this she leaves him and, like an obedient husband, he takes over the responsibility of incubating the eggs and taking care of the chicks when they hatch out. Sometimes the mother bird will decide to raise a double family. She will build another nest, lay eggs in it, and this time, seeing her mate is already busy on the first nest, she actually takes over and incubates and raises the second group herself. Aren’t these strange things for a mother bird to do?
When fall weather is coming the mother birds leave the little ones with the father birds and depart by themselves for the tropical lands where they will spend the winter. A few weeks later the deserted ones also leave on the same journey, joining her at a stopping point on the way.
A principle stopping point for the Wilson’s species is small Mono Lake in the mountains of California. This lake is quite salty and the home of myriads of little creatures called brine shrimp, which the phalaropes especially like. At Mono Lake they stop for a month or more, refreshing themselves with this nutritious food as well as mosquitoes mid brine flies, fattening up and renewing strength for the rest of their journey. Thousands of them leave together, temporarily darning the sky as they take off.
In the lives of these interesting birds we easily see God’s wonderful care over them and His wisdom in directing them north in the summer and south in the winter to preserve their great numbers and provide ample food at all times of the year.
His ways are best for each of us too, and the Bible gives us good counsel, saying: “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy oaths.” Proverbs 3:6
A Father to the Fatherless
Memory Verse: “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12
Elias never knew his father. There was no one in his home he could call “Daddy.” His mother was kind to him and to his brother and two sisters, but his father had left them when Elias was too small to remember him. In a family where there is no father, life is difficult.
The fatherless family lived in a small Indian village high in the Andes Mountains. Their tiny hut was made of adobe — bricks of mud dried in the sun. The other boys in Elias’s village were also poor, but most of them had a father to help the family, so they did not understand that Elias’s family was also poor in another way.
Although Elias did not know it, the worst part of his life was not that he was poor. It was not even that he did not have a father. The worst part was that he did not know that there is a God who is a loving Father to any who are born again into His family. He had never heard that “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and that “A father to the fatherless... is God in His holy habitation.” (Psa. 68:5.) Elias thought often about how poor his family was and how hard he and his mother had to work just to have enough to live. No one had told him that God loved him and wanted to show him “the exceeding riches of His grace, in His kindness toward us, through Christ Jesus.” Eph. 2:7.
All the other children in my village have a toy, Elias thought to himself. Some of my friends have two or three toys, but I have none. His face darkened as he thought about this, and in his heart he said, It is because I have no father... my father ran away... he does not love us. Why did my father leave us?
For many years these thoughts troubled poor Elias. His mother was kind and worked very hard, but it was all she could do to provide a little food and a few clothes for her four children.
When Elias was 13 he was sent to Argentina to work in the sugar cane harvest. It was hard work for a young boy of 13, and he was far away from his family. Day after day he had to help burn, cut and gather the long stalks of sugar cane. Snakes were often lurking among the rows of cane. The pay he received was scarcely enough to buy his food. The workers all lived in crowded shelters, and there was much sickness. Elias thought about these lonely, hard days, and again he said in his heart, It is because my father deserted us. He did not love us. We have to suffer now. My mother and I have to work hard and we never have anything nice. Seeds of bitterness were growing in Elias’s heart. He blamed his father for his hard life; he blamed his father that he never had a single toy; he blamed his father that his kind mother had to work so hard for so little. He had never known his father, but now he hated him.
Elias married a young girl when he was still in his teens. He worked hard for his little family, but those feelings of hatred toward his father were still deep in his heart. He told his young wife about his life of hardships and he vowed, “If I ever find my father, I’m going to kill him!” He did not stop to realize that this would be a terrible sin. He did not know that the Bible says, “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Rom. 14:12.
One day Elias heard that his father was living in a small town several days’ journey from the mountain village where Elias lived. He would have to travel down out of the mountains and into the area where the jungle began. Elias bought a pistol.
He began the long journey, and as he traveled he made his plans. He did not want to do this in secret. No, he wanted all the world to know what his father had done. He planned to meet his father in the central plaza of the town, and he planned just what he would say. He would call out for all to hear, “This is what you deserve for what you have done to my mother, such a fine lady!”
So Elias with his plans of murder reached a small town that was only about one-half-hour’s ride from the place where his father lived. Here he knew of friends who would let him stay with them for the night.
Unknown to Elias, the God who loved him was seeking him. Even though his heart was filled with these terrible plans, the Lord Jesus Christ who came into the world to save sinners from their sins was seeking Elias.
Elias stayed overnight with his friend and told him about his plans. His friend not only begged him to give up his plans but also told him about a loving God who would receive him into His own family if Elias would accept the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. The light of God’s love for him poured into Elias’s sore and sinful heart, and he believed that Jesus had died on the cross for his sins. He was now one of God’s own children. Elias now had a loving, caring Father. What joy for him to find that at the very time he was planning to commit the worst sin of his life, God was reaching out to him in love. To his amazement, he found that when his sins were washed away in the precious blood of Christ, he could forgive his father. He, who had so recently bought a gun, could now put it away. He, who had hated, could now forgive because God had forgiven him for so much.
Elias began his journey back to his family in the mountains with a new peace in his heart — and a new purpose for his life. He told his wife about this loving God who is a Father to the fatherless. He told his mother, his brother and sisters about a Saviour who loved us while we were yet sinners. It is a great joy to know that they also came to the Saviour for forgiveness and found that God brought them into His own family as sons and daughters.
Are you one of God’s sons or daughters?
An Alert Engineer
Stan, the train engineer, pulled out of the Jersey City freight yards with 60 cars behind his engine. He was heading west toward Bayonne, New Jersey.
As he approached 22nd Street the beam of his bright headlight cut through the darkness and caught the outline of two boys on the overhead bridge that the train was about to pass under. One of the boys looked as if he were holding something out over the railing of the bridge.
He’s going to drop that on the train! Stan thought. Quick as a wink he jumped out of his seat, turning to face the rear of the train just as the huge cement block bounced off the hood and came crashing through the windshield. Shattered glass flew everywhere, covering Stan’s back and head but, thankfully, not giving him any serious cuts. The block landed squarely in the seat and embedded itself where he had been sitting only a moment before!
The Lord Jesus tells us to be watchful: “Watch thou in all things.” 2 Tim. 4:5. He often gives us a forewarning of trouble to come, and He wants us to be alert and on guard, not only against physical danger, but He pleads with us “as strangers and pilgrims, [to] abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” 1 Peter 2:11. “Keep thy heart with all diligence [persistence]; for out of it are the issues of life.” Prov. 4:23.
A Ferocious Caterpillar
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And God made... everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Gen. 1:25.
Caterpillars are usually considered a pest in gardens, but otherwise they are just ugly, harmless creatures. But on the island of Hawaii there are several species of one known as a fighter caterpillar. It comes equipped with sharp claws and strong jaws, making its meals out of insects flying or crawling within its reach. These caterpillars are only about an inch long and are camouflaged to look like a colored leaf or a twig, from which they reach out to catch their prey.
Examined closely, they resemble a miniature spike-covered golden fist with six fingers, each of which is equipped with a needle-like spear. With these they reach out so fast that if a person is not watching closely he will miss the action and wonder how that insect ever got into the caterpillar’s claw.
These well-armored creatures are the larvae of an unusual Hawaiian butterfly which lays eggs, two or three at a time, on leaves, where they hatch out looking like little worms. These larvae go through some molting stages, finally spinning cocoons around their bodies and later emerging as pretty butterflies. It is before the cocoon is formed that this vicious way of life takes place.
While in the larval stage they are sometimes referred to as “earth measurers,” because of their looping way of moving about, like some American caterpillars do. To do this, with their hind legs they first A Ferocious Caterpillar firmly grasp the surface on which they lie, then stretch out full length before changing the grip from back to front. The back then moves forward in a horseshoe-like loop, gets another grip on the surface, and the process is repeated over and over. If an insect gets in the way it is either devoured or knocked out of the way with the “looper’s” tough head.
At times, instead of going forward, one will move down to a lower spot by anchoring a spider-like thread, which it extrudes at the starting point, then dropping away, it extrudes as much more thread as is needed to reach the desired spot. Then it resumes business in a normal way.
We might wonder why the Creator made such awkward bits of life, but they have a definite place as part of His creation. Caterpillars are always mentioned in the Bible in connection with God’s judgment against evil. This is a solemn reminder that in a future day those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will be brought into terrible judgment.
But those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour will never face that judgment, because they have trusted the only One who could, and did, bear that judgment for them. His promise to these is eternal life in the splendors of heaven.
Which group are you in?
Safe on the Rock
Memory Verse: “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.” Psalm 18:2
Len and Fred shoved their boat away from the breakwater at about 5:30 on the evening of June 30, 1933. They were off on their usual night’s work—salmon fishing in the Bay of Fundy.
By the time they reached a good area in which to fish, they were about ten miles from shore. Fred was beginning to worry about the dark clouds forming above them, but they went ahead slowly for the next mile, laying out their seven large nets and hoping all would be well.
At 11:00 p.m. a thick fog rolled over the bay, and the waves began to get high. The two men began hauling in their nets. They soon discovered that the rough water had dragged another fisherman’s nets on top of theirs, and the nets were badly tangled. There was nothing they could do but cut the nets and pile all of them in their boat. Then they started the engine and headed for home.
Suddenly a huge wave broke over the boat, half filling it with water and making the engine die! As fast as they could, they put their nets out again, hoping the nets would hold the boat steady in the rough water. But about 2:00 in the morning they realized they were drifting and found that the storm had loosened the nets from the boat. Now there was only one thing left to do: put up a sail and try to steer for the harbor.
But it wasn’t long before they saw that it wasn’t the harbor they were headed for. In the early morning light they could see the cliffs looming up through the fog, with waves as high as trees smashing against them. Len and Fred were losing their battle with the sea.
It looked hopeless. The men were sure the end was near for them. Len asked Fred if he knew where his soul would be in eternity.
Fred answered, “I guess it’ll be all right.”
“You’ve got to be sure about it!” insisted Len, yelling above the noise of the storm. “I’m just a sinner, but I know the Lord Jesus has washed away all my sins in His precious blood. Just tell Him what a sinner you are, and ask Him to save you. Then you’ll be safe for all eternity too.”
In another moment a huge wave picked their boat right out of the water and flung it up on the rocks, standing it on its backend and flipping Len and Fred out onto the rocks beyond it. The two men were bruised but safe.
Fred thought a lot about how the Lord had saved him from death that night, and later he trusted in the Lord Jesus as His own Saviour and could say, “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer.” Psa. 18:2. “The Lord.... set my feet upon a rock.... and He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” Psa. 40:1-3.
Exactly 51 years later, on June 30, 1984, Len’s nephew, John, who had graduated from high school that spring, started out with his partner, Mark, for a night’s catch. Again a storm came up. The boys maneuvered their boat, already taking on water, into the mouth of the St. John Harbor. John called his mother on the two-way radio to let her know that they were entering the harbor and would be home soon.
As the storm grew worse, waves were breaking over their boat. Because the two boys had forgotten to clean out the scuppers (openings in the side of a boat that allow water falling on the deck to drain out), their boat was filling with water and sinking fast.
Mark ducked into the cabin to get the life belts. He thought he had both of them, but he had only grabbed one. It was too late to go back to get the other one.
“You wear it,” John offered. “Don’t worry about me... I know the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.”
Their boat sank.
Mark wore the life belt while John hung on to a piece of plywood. He hung on until he was just too tired to hang on any longer. About 3:00 a.m. he slipped off his piece of plywood into the stormy sea.
Early the next morning an old man found Mark, unconscious but still alive, washed up at the same spot where Len and Fred’s boat had been thrown up on the rocks 51 years earlier.
Now it is almost June 30, 1988 four years closer to the time when the Lord Jesus is coming. Are you ready? If you were in a sinking boat on a stormy ocean, or if the Lord Jesus were to come today, where would your soul be? Are you safe on the Rock, Christ Jesus? Have you told the Lord Jesus you are a sinner and let Him wash your sins away and save you for all eternity? If you haven’t done it yet, do it now.
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
Snooky's Escape
What a sad day it was for Snooky’s family! Their three-year-old German shepherd-collie dog was sentenced to die. Snooky was a big dog, but she was friendly. She even liked to stand up on her hind legs and greet their neighbors with a loving lick. But one day someone left the front door of the house open just as the mailman walked past. That’s when Snooky’s troubles started.
The proof was strong — teeth marks in two mailbags and one shredded pair of trousers. Biting the mailman was what brought Snooky’s sentence of death.
Snooky’s owners, their lawyer and several neighbors came to the dog’s defense. They went to the judge and insisted that Snooky was not a mean dog. “It was her first time, her first offense, and we don’t think she should die,” they explained to the judge.
The judge thought about it, and then he changed his mind saying that Snooky could stay with her family. What a relief!
The judge was able to save Snooky from death even though she deserved punishment. Each one of us also deserves punishment because we are sinners. The Bible says that all have sinned (Rom. 3:23), and we each deserve to be punished for those sins. Revelation 20:15 tells us that our punishment will be the lake of fire (hell), and that will be forever. But when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we are saved (Acts 16:31), because the Lord Jesus was punished for those sins. “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.” 1 Peter 2:24. The judge could remove Snooky’s punishment and save her from death, but he could not be punished for her. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who could be punished for our sins so that we can be saved. Have you asked Him to be your Saviour — to take away your sentence of death?
The Handsome Goldfinch
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father [being aware of it]. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. " Matthew 10:29.31.
In an earlier issue we looked at finches in general. Now let’s look at just one of them, the goldfinch, in more detail. This is one of America’s most beautiful birds (often called a wild canary). The male is an exceptionally pretty, compact and neat little bird, particularly in the spring and summer when he is dressed in golden feathers with a contrasting jet-black cap, wings and tail feathers and pretty cross stripes of white. His legs and short, sharp beak are orange-brown. But in the fall and winter he changes the pretty gold and yellow to look more like the olive-gray female.
These birds fly in a rapid up-and-down wavelike motion. It is delightful to watch this display and hear their distinctive sweet melodies. They seem so happy in the way of life the Creator has arranged for them.
Nests are made of thistledown and fibers from various plants, woven with strands of grass into a soft nest where five or six eggs are laid and hatch out as cute baby chicks after about two weeks. While the mother incubates the eggs, her mate faithfully brings her quantities of seeds to satisfy her hunger.
The Creator has made the goldfinch a seed-eater rather than an insect-eater. Accordingly, He has arranged for their young to hatch out in the late summer, just as seeds are ripening with the most nourishment and are easy to pick. Thistle seeds are a favorite with them, and climbing about the stickery thistle plant does not seem to bother them a bit. But there is a variety of other food for them as well, including ripe berries, the seeds of grass, weeds, wheat, oats, etc.
Baby birds are not able to digest whole seeds, no matter how ripe and tasty. Until they are older and able to digest and gather their own food, the parents feed them by eating and digesting the seeds in their own stomachs (crops) and then, putting their beaks in the little ones’ mouths, they cough up the digested food.
How did the goldfinch — and all other finches — know to delay their nest building until late in the summer? And how did they learn such an unusual way to feed their little ones? We know the answer: the Creator gave them the instincts to do these things when He first formed them, and each new generation does not need to be taught again because these instincts come naturally to them, just as the Lord God planned it.
Messages From Highway Signboards
Memory Verse: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
Signboards along the highways can often be real attention getters. They tell us where and what we should eat, at which motel we should spend the night, what we should buy, and on and on. Some signboards present a very general message, but others present a very personal one. Have you ever thought of how many “signboards” there are in God’s Word, the Bible? — messages that should demand our attention: “All have sinned” (Rom. 5:12); “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7); “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7), and many more.
For many months on a main highway in the Chicago area there was a signboard with a very personal message: “Carolyn, I love you! Rusty.” Rusty must have really cared for Carolyn, to pay what that message cost to run for so many months on an expensive highway sign. Do you think Carolyn believed Rusty’s message? The Apostle Paul had a personal message for a man in charge of a jail. In Acts 16:30, the jailer asked him, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul’s message from God to him was, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. This is still God’s personal message to each sinner today. This message was very expensive for God to present. He had to give His beloved Son to be punished and to die for sin. Do you believe God’s message?
On a highway in Montana a large signboard advertised "1,000 used books for sale,” at a store in the next town. What a large collection of used books! Many of those books would be old and have outdated and useless information. Have you ever read the most important book, God’s Word, the Bible? It does not give us outdated and useless information; it gives us the up-to-date truth! It not only tells us the only way to be saved, but it also has messages to guide us all through our life. “Thy Word [the Bible] is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105.
While traveling through Wyoming we saw a large sign that advertised: “Campground — Over 200 shade trees!” That would seem like a strange message for people who live in parts of the country where many trees grow, but it was a good message for that part of Wyoming where there are almost no trees. On a hot summer day many travelers would welcome those shade trees and would stop to camp there. The Bible’s message to those who belong to the Lord Jesus is, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.” Psalms 23:2. The Lord Jesus offers us welcome relief from the burning and scorching of sin. He will care for us even when the world around us is dry and barren.
In New Jersey there were large signs on many of their highways with this message: “Time is running out!” This was to remind people about a certain government bill that they were to act on. This is also one of God’s messages for you to act on, because God’s time may be running out for you. “Ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14. When your time here on earth has run out where will you be? There are only two answers — heaven or hell. If you will accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour now, your answer will be heaven. You won’t have to worry about your time running out.
Many of the signboards we see do not give us a good message; in fact, some of them carry bad messages. But a farmer in northern Illinois displayed a very good message for everyone that passed his barn, “To God Be The Glory.” It would be wonderful if each one of us gave God the glory due to Him by acting on His messages in the Bible and thanking Him for His personal love for us.
"What Is a Giant?"
Two little boys and a little girl were sitting by an old car talking to a visitor at their house. These children were living on a Cree Indian Reserve in Canada. When asked if they would like to hear a story, the smallest child climbed into the visitor’s lap and the other two leaned against his knees, listening.
“I will tell you a story from the Bible about a boy named David and a giant named Goliath,” he said.
“What’s a giant?” asked one little boy.
These children knew about powwows and witch doctors, evil spirits and demons, but not giants. How to describe a giant to such little people was the problem now.
“A giant, in this story, was a bad person as big as that tree,” was the reply. (Trees do not grow very high in the far north woods of Canada. This giant is described in 1 Samuel 17:4 as being “six cubits and a span,” which would be about nine-and-a-half-feet tall. The tree he pointed to was about ten feet tall.)
As he told them the story the three little ones stared up at that tree with open mouths. How amazing, that the boy David could kill a giant that big with only his smooth stone and his sling. The visitor explained to the children that David was able to kill that giant because the Lord Jesus was with him.
Can we kill the “giants” of sin with the Word of God, the Bible? Yes, we can, “for the battle is the Lord’s.” 1 Samuel 17:47. The Lord Jesus Christ is near to you. He is waiting for you to receive Him into your life and heart. If you belong to Him, He is able to keep you from the giants of drinking, smoking and drugs, and He will keep you from the demons and evil spirits who take control of people. He has angels to guard little ones and to protect them. We know this because the Bible tells us in Matthew 18:10, “These little ones... their angels do always behold the face of My Father which is in heaven.”
After the visitor finished telling the children that wonderful story, he taught them this little song:
Only a boy named David,
Only a little sling,
Only a boy named David,
But he could pray and sing;
Only a boy named David,
Only a rippling brook,
Only a boy named David,
But five little stones he took.
And one little stone went in the sling,
And the sling went round and round;
And round and round and round and round,
And round and round and round,
And one little stone went up in the air,
And the giant came tumbling down.
Soon they were singing and using the motions to kill the giant, just as David had.
Perhaps they did not understand it all, but someday they may, because learning how much God loves us and what He can do for us is how we grow in the knowledge of the truth — understanding a little at a time.
Turtles and Tortoises: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Almighty, we cannot find Him out: He is excellent in power, and in judgment.” Job 37:23.
There is so little difference between turtles and tortoises that they should probably all have the same name. But in general, those living along ocean beaches or close to other water are called turtles, and those with homes in deserts or on land elsewhere are known as tortoises. None have teeth but very effectively use their sharp-hooked beaks and sharp edges of their mouths as good substitutes.
All lay eggs in nests dug in sand or soft earth by females using their hind feet. They lay from a handful to 100 eggs or more, covering them carefully and leaving them to incubate in the warmth of the sun. Hatching, the babies dig their little bodies out of the nest and are “on their own,” for the mother has forgotten all about them. Those that survive such enemies as skunks, raccoons, snakes, large birds, etc., may live for 50 years or longer.
One called the wood turtle should perhaps be called a tortoise, for it wanders far into forest lands during summer but hibernates under water in winter. This is one of the larger turtles and carries a large olive-green shell with spiderweb-like patterns all over it.
Another, known as the spotted turtle, likes to stay near wet areas in searching for food and making its home. It got its name from the bright yellow spots that appear all over its coal-black shell.
One from Mexico, protected from hunting by the government, is the Bolson tortoise, weighing up to 30 pounds. It has an unusually heavy, wrinkly looking, yellow shell and armor-like plates on its forelegs. It digs a 20-foot-long burrow with the spade-like feet and sharp claws of its front legs, going right through hard soil without difficulty. The long burrow is a nice retreat from both the heat and cold of Mexico’s climate. It gets along fine in its waterless surroundings, never needing a drink, for the Creator has arranged for it to get all the moisture it needs from the plants and vegetation it eats.
The more we study God’s creation, the more our attention is drawn to the great variety in His handiwork. Different species of bees, ants, bears, deer, turtles and many others tell us of His pleasure in creating them — alike, but different! Let us always remember that no creature ever appeared by chance —all were created in the Lord God’s infinite wisdom and for His pleasure. “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11.
Where Is True Hope?
Memory Verse: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
The city of Juarez, Mexico is just across the Rio Grande River from El Paso, Texas. The river forms the border here between Mexico and the United States. Although the two cities are only a few miles apart, there is an unbelievable difference between them. El Paso is a city of opportunity with jobs and good living conditions. But Juarez is a poor city of 4 million people, most of whom came there hoping for a better life. Instead, they have found only more of what they left — poor conditions and misery.
Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Samuels, a Christian couple, had a day free to spend in the area of these two cities. They stopped for breakfast at a restaurant in El Paso. Bowing their heads and thanking the Lord Jesus for their food, they asked Him to guide them to meet people to whom they might be a help and who would be an encouragement to them.
Within five minutes two women sat down at a table next to them and struck up a conversation with them. These women rarely came to this restaurant, but, also being Christians, they soon realized that the Lord Jesus had guided them to pull in, just for a cup of coffee. One had prayed a prayer just like Mr. Samuels’s that morning, and it wasn’t long before they all felt that the Lord had brought them together for a purpose.
The Samuels were soon using their time to help out for a day in Juarez, Mexico. The two Christian women were part of a group that gather food, clothing and firewood and deliver it daily to the hungry and cold and homeless along with the good-news message of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The night before, the temperature had fallen to-4°F, and a 22-inch snowfall had recently hit the area. Most of the people they went to help were not used to such cold weather and had no way of keeping warm. The year before, 75 of them had frozen to death in similar weather.
As they handed out clothing and firewood from the back of several pick-up trucks, they saw a little girl with no shoes on her feet and wearing only a flimsy dress, standing in the snow. One of the houses they went into had a fire burning right on the concrete floor with no chimney to take the smoke away. Little children were huddled around warming their hands. The smoke was choking the Samuels, so they had to leave. They went into town and bought a number of blankets and passed them out, but it wasn’t nearly enough with so many in need.
In Juarez, the city of hope to many, there are few jobs, no trees for firewood, and little can be grown to eat. But worse than that, there are many who have never heard that God loves them — that He is the only One who can give them a changed life — the only real hope in this world of sin and misery.
Sin has brought such a curse on this earth that many children are suffering untold misery. But even worse, after a life of suffering many will end up in eternal misery, for they will not receive the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
Do you have a life of suffering? We hope not. It is good to have a place we can call home where there are comforts like heat, plenty of blankets, shoes on our feet, food on our tables, and above all, love in our family. If you have such a home, thank the Lord Jesus for it and let your parents know that you appreciate it, by helping them and showing that you love them.
But what about your soul? Are you saved from your sins and enjoying the warmth, comfort and love of the Lord Jesus? If not, then you will suffer for all eternity in the lake of fire. But God is “not willing that any should perish.” 2 Peter 3:9. Just as the Samuels were sent to show love, and help a few in Mexico with their natural needs, God, showing His love, has sent the Lord Jesus into this world to save those who will accept His love from the suffering of the punishment for their sins.
The Lord Jesus “suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18. But just as these people in Mexico had to come out of their houses to let them know they needed help, you must come to the Lord Jesus to receive His love. He calls out to you, “Come unto Me.” Matthew 11:28. His offer is available right now. Don’t delay. The joy and peace of knowing the Lord Jesus will be yours now and for all eternity.
In addition to giving people wood, food and clothing that day, they told them about the true hope, the love of the Lord Jesus who died for them on Calvary’s cross.
We pray that they will accept this true hope and that you will too.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
"I Know It!"
Along the coast of Nova Scotia is a shoal called, “I Know It.” A shoal is a sandbar that makes water dangerously shallow for boats. This shoal was even more dangerous because it held a large hidden rock under the surface. Here is how this shoal got its strange name.
Some men were sailing along in a fishing boat near this place. One of the men warned his friend who was piloting the boat about this shoal. “I know it,” the man answered, and on they went without correcting their direction. A little later he was warned again, “We are near that shoal!” “I know it,” he said again. Just then they crashed onto the rock.
You might be thinking, “How foolish that man was,” and you are right. Now, what about the warnings God has given you in His Word? The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death.” Death is at the end of a life of sin. It is eternal death in the lake of fire. Do you answer, “I know it,” and go on without correcting your direction by receiving the gift that the rest of that verse offers? “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
Those who receive God’s gift of eternal life are called Christians. The Bible also has warnings for Christians — to stay away from evil. “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” Proverbs 1:10. “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” Proverbs 4:14,15. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” 2 Corinthians 6:14. These are some of the warnings that God gives us so that by correcting our directions we can be happy Christians. “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” John 13:17.
Here is another man who was not willing to correct his direction. We had traveled a long distance to tell some people about the Lord Jesus and the way of salvation. This one man to whom we were speaking informed us, “You didn’t have to come all that way to tell me how to be saved. Since I was a boy I have known it.” He motioned with his hand to show us how small a boy he had been then, and then he repeated, " ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.’ Acts 16:31.” He did know how to be saved and could even quote a verse from memory about it. We asked him, “And have you believed on Him, Sir?” He turned and went out the door without answering.
How sad, but this very same thing is being repeated in many Sunday schools and homes where the Bible is read and taught. Many boys and girls learn verses and have Bibles of their own, yet they have never trusted in the Lord Jesus for themselves. There is danger ahead for you if you are one of these. You may “know it,” but have you believed it?
“O give thanks to the Lord.... To Him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endureth forever.” Psalms 136:3,4.
Turtles and Tortoises: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“O give thanks to the Lord ... .To Him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 136:3, 4
In the rivers of the Mississippi Valley, the alligator snapping turtle makes its home. Measuring about four feet from its snout to the end of its tail and weighing about 150 pounds, it is considered the ugliest and most dangerous of all turtles. Three rows of rough bony ridges run from front to back on its yellowish top shell. In the water it makes its meals of frogs, fish, worms and even small turtles and is swift as a rattlesnake in capturing them. It does not attack humans unless annoyed, but its immense jaws could bite a man’s arm or foot off.
It has an interesting way of catching fish. Lying in a quiet spot at the bottom of a stream or pond, its wide-open mouth exposes a tongue on which a piece of pink flesh, looking like an angle-worm, wriggles back and forth. This makes an effective bait, attracting small fish which hope to make a meal of the “worm.” So right into the turtle’s mouth one swims, and you guessed it — instead of getting a meal, it becomes a meal.
Another interesting one is the gopher tortoise, named for the extra-long tunnel it digs with a roomy den at the end. It sometimes shares this den with a gopher, frog, an owl, snake or raccoon, getting along very peacefully with them while in the den. This tortoise’s black shell gives the appearance of lumps of coal glued together.
One unusual turtle is the Matamata of South America. Its rather flat shell has hard spikes over the top to discourage predators. It has a long neck and pointed head and paralyzes its prey by dousing it with a mouthful of poisonous spray.
A book could be written about these strange animals, but we have space for just one more, the eastern box turtle. Its high brown shell is decorated with tan figures, some of which look like letters of the alphabet. This shell provides an unusual amount of security, for the turtle can completely draw its head, tail and legs under it, with further protection from a flexible seal all around where the top shell meets the under shell. The underside hinges in the middle so it can box itself in tightly.
The Creator has given each turtle and tortoise just the right equipment for the conditions under which it lives, and the opening Bible verse expresses that this wisdom and power, beyond our ability to fully understand, comes from Him. Each of us should often thank Him for His love and goodness to us in so many ways. But we should particularly thank Him for the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, on Calvary’s cross that has provided salvation to all who put their trust in Him and know Him as their Lord and Saviour.
Have You Ever Been Found?
Memory Verse: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
One day Grana and Grandpa took Lynn down to the boardwalk at Ocean City. On one side of the boardwalk is the ocean, and on the other side is a long line of little shops where an artist will draw your picture or a storekeeper will sell you candy, doughnuts, souvenirs or clothing. In these interesting shops you may find just about anything you would like to buy. Lynn and her grandparents were looking through the shop windows when they came to one that had some things that were interesting to Grandma and Grana. The three of them went inside.
What Grandma and Grandpa were looking at did not interest three-year-old Lynn, and so she wandered off to look at something else. After a while she turned around and realized she was no longer with her grandparents. She was frightened, so she began running through the store looking for them, but she couldn’t find them. She ran out on the boardwalk and looked one way and then the other way, but they weren’t there either. Filled with fear and panic she started running up and down the boardwalk crying, “Grandma! Grandma! Grandpa!” But she couldn’t find them. Finally she clung to a post and just stood there crying.
In Luke 15:4, the Lord Jesus asks a question: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?” And that is just what Grandma and Grandpa did. As soon as they realized that Lynn was no longer with them, they started frantically searching for her. They were determined that they would not stop searching until they found her.
There was someone else there on the boardwalk looking for people in trouble too. It was a policeman on a motorbike. Riding by, he saw Lynn standing, clinging to her post and crying her heart out. The policeman stopped and wanted to pick Lynn up so he could take her to safety, but she wouldn’t go with him. She wouldn’t let go of her post.
The Lord Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost — you and me. How sad it would be if we wouldn’t go with Him, if we wouldn’t let Him take us up in His loving arms and wash away our sins and make us safe for all eternity.
The policeman would not force Lynn to go with him, and the Lord Jesus will never force us to go with Him either. But the policeman had an idea. He would see if he could find the people Lynn belonged to. And it didn’t take him very long. He didn’t have to ask Lynn what they looked like because he could tell when he saw them that they were frantically looking for someone.
When the man in the Bible found his sheep, he laid it on his shoulders and with a thankful heart carried it home. Then he called all his friends and neighbors together and said to them, “Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.” We repent when we admit that we are lost in our sins and need the Lord Jesus to lift us up out of them. He is the only one who can do that, because He died on the cross and shed His precious blood to wash away our sins. “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. For ye were as sheep going astray.” 1 Peter 2;24,25.
The policeman came up to Grandpa and asked, “Did you lose a little girl about three years old and wearing a blue dress?”
“Yes, I did,” he quickly answered.
And so the policeman told him just where he could find her down the boardwalk a little way, clinging to a post.
Do you think Grandma and Grandpa decided they would go have a milkshake or a cup of coffee before they went to find Lynn? NO! They hurried to find her and picked up their dear little girl and covered her with kisses, telling her over and over that everything was going to be all right.
That’s the way the Lord Jesus will treat you, too, if you will let Him carry you to a place of safety in His loving arms. He wants to wash away your sins right now. Will you let Him?
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
"David, I Want You!"
Walking down the street one fall afternoon, I saw a group of boys playing football in the field by the school. Some of them had on helmets, shoulder pads and jerseys. Others did not have this equipment, but that did not seem to make much difference. It was a rough game of tackle, and they sure seemed to be having fun.
I stopped to watch, wishing I could join them, but knowing they did not need me. It did look pretty rough. While watching, I heard someone’s mother calling from the back door of one of the houses near the field. The voice called, “David, I want you.”
I wondered which one of the boys was David, but none of the boys seemed to pay attention to the voice.
“David, I want you, right now!” the voice called again a little louder.
“What do you want?” one of the boys finally answered, taking a few steps toward the house.
“I want you, right now, I said,” the voice at the door spoke sternly.
“Oh, all right,” answered David, walking slowly away from the group of boys and the game.
It was obvious that David was having a good time and did not want to go home. He did not know why he was wanted at home. What he did know was that he was having fun. How many of us can remember times like that — when we did not answer a call or a question because we did not want to hear. The call was loud enough for David to have heard it the first time. He just did not want to listen. It was only when the call was repeated that he finally obeyed.
Have you heard the Lord Jesus Christ calling you? “Jesus stood still, and called them.” Matthew 20:32. Each time you hear the Bible read or read it yourself, it is the Lord Jesus talking to you. He is saying, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
I remember when I heard Him calling me. He called because He lo Jed me and wanted me to be one of His children. I am so glad that I listened and came to Him. He washed away all my sins and gave me everlasting life. Now He is close by me all the time, because He wants me to be happy.
He will do the same for you, but you must obey His voice. If you do not pay attention to Him, you cannot be saved. Do not get so involved in your “games” that you do not want to listen to the voice of the Lord Jesus. When you know He is calling, listen to His voice, obey Him, and you will be happy forever.
“I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3.
The Father's Care
Oh, wonderful story of deathless love,
Each child is dear to that heart above!
He fights for me when I cannot fight;
He comforts me in the gloom of night;
He lifts the burden, for He is strong;
He stills the sigh and awakes the song;
The sorrows that bear me down He shares,
And loves and pardons because He cares.
The Lovely Pintails
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season. That Thou givest them they gather.” Psalms 104:27,28.
In the large family of ducks, pintails have a prominent place, noted for their speed and handsome appearance. The females (hens) are rather noisy with their loud quacking, but the males (drakes) use double-toned whistles that are much more melodious.
Drakes’ heads are usually reddish brown, with solid-white feathers from below reaching part way up their necks. Holding those pretty heads gracefully, they look like statues on the water. The hens, like their mates, have slender necks but dull-colored feathers. The tail feathers of both extend to sharp points, accounting for their “pintail” name. This is particularly noticeable when flying.
Their melodious whistling is one of the first signs of spring when they are preparing for migration to spots along the border of Canada and the United States and on into the Yukon and Alaska. In the fall they reverse the flights, traveling far and wide. Some from Canada fly to England, some from Alaska to far-off Hawaii, and others show up in India, Russia, Africa and Europe, while a large number make shorter flights to California, Louisiana, Mexico and South America.
In the fall months pintails are among the first to leave the north, and the following spring, the first to fly back. On these travels, great flocks nest in prairie country near the Canadian border, north and west of North Dakota, where there is an ample supply of wheat and other grains left on the ground after harvesting. Some also make California their choice, enjoying the barley and rice grown there. Hunting clubs, government groups and others are working together, planting separate fields of grain in places easy for the birds to reach, thus providing them with their own private farms in order to spare farmers’ crops.
Pintails, along with numerous other ducks feeding in marshy areas, all mingle happily together, their many calls mixed in a tremendous chatter. As evening comes, pintails, pigeons, teal, mallards, etc., all rise from the ponds or fields in large flocks, hurrying to find roosting places for the night.
With so many millions of birds in the world, do you think the Creator, the Lord God, can tell them apart? Does He really know about each one? Yes, He certainly does, just as the Bible verse above tells us. Another one states it this way: “I know all the fowls [birds] of the mountains.” Psalms 50:11.
He also has His eye upon you and wants you to follow His guidance every moment of your life. “In all thy ways acknowledge Him,” the Bible says, “and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6. That is the only true and happy way of life.
A Fish Story
Memory Verse: “The Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56
When I was a small boy, like many boys and girls who may read this story, my family was very, very poor. My dad worked long, hard hours just to keep us six children fed and with enough clothes so we could go to school. He had very little time to play with us or to take us on vacations. But one summer he did get some time off from his job, and he took the family to the Concho River in central Texas for a day of fishing.
When we reached the river, we got our poles and lines all sorted out. Then we baited our hooks and began to fish. I was the first one to catch a fish. We put my fish on a stringer and put it back in shallow water. This would keep it alive until we were able to catch more fish to add to our planned fish fry.
What fun it was to be with Dad and the whole family, looking forward to eating freshly caught fish. Mother had said she would cook them on an open fire with potatoes and onions fried together in the same skillet after the fish had already been fried. Mmmmmmmm, we could hardly wait!
But the fishing was not very good that day. Or maybe we were not very good fishermen. It turned out that my fish was the only one we caught. We would still fry it and all eight of us would have a few bites each.
When we went to get the fish, to our dismay a large water moccasin had just about completely swallowed my fish! We all were frightened by this big poisonous snake and disappointed that the only fish we caught had been captured by the evil thing. Dad and we boys killed the snake, of course, but we had lost our only fish... my fish.
When the Lord Jesus called Peter and John to be His disciples, they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19. Do you know, boys and girls, why the Lord Jesus needed fishers of men? He needed fishers of men because the people to whom the disciples were sent were lost in their sins. You are lost in your sins, too, if you have not admitted to God that you are a sinner and accepted Jesus as your own Saviour.
Perhaps someone has been “fishing” for you. If your dad and mother know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they may have been “fishing” for your precious soul many times when they have read the Bible with you and prayed for you. Your Sunday school teacher may have been “fishing” for you today. Would you like to be “caught” for the Lord Jesus Christ? Being “caught” is to be saved by having all your sins forgiven by Him. You will go to heaven to be with the Lord Jesus when He comes or when you die if you accept Him as your Saviour.
Satan, the enemy of your soul, is described in God’s Word, the Bible, as “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” Revelation 12:9. He is hunting you to swallow you up and to take you down to hell, the place that was prepared for him and his angels. Just as that water moccasin nearly swallowed up my fish, Satan gets closer and closer to swallowing you up, the longer you wait to come to Jesus and accept Him as your Saviour.
The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus defeated Satan. Jesus had to die on the cross and rise from the dead to defeat the plan of Satan. Satan would like to have you as his prize. If you turn to the Lord Jesus now, you will never know the horror of being swallowed by the old serpent. When you let Jesus come into your heart as your Saviour, He would like you to also become a “fisherman” for Him. He would like you to tell other boys and girls how you were saved from being swallowed up by Satan.
“The Son of man [the Lord Jesus] is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
Hit and Miss
While they were waiting for their parents to finish chatting, Robby and Eric were busy cramming their pockets with stones to throw at the sturdy old oak tree in the front yard.
“Look at me, Grandma! Watch me hit that big tree!” Robby called, nodding his red head toward the oak tree and winding up like a baseball player eager to strike out the man at bat. But the stone flew right past the tree followed by several more stones that also flew right past the tree.
Six-year-old Eric watched the younger boy for a while, then threw his stone. A direct hit.
“Good aim, Eric. You directed that stone right to the center of the tree. That’s like our memory verse for this week, isn’t it? — ‘The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.’ 2 Thessalonians 3:5.”
“You’d have to take your heart right out and put it in the Lord Jesus’ hand for Him to do that,” replied Eric.
We can’t actually do that, can we? Yet the Lord Jesus does say, “My son, give Me thine heart.” Proverbs 23:26. We can let Him control our hearts and guide us in all our ways.
A Close Call
Some of the mountains in the beautiful Allegheny range are so steep that they seem almost to crowd against each other. It would have been an endless job to tunnel through them, so when the engineers built the highways, instead of using tunnels they built bridges that jump from one peak to the next, spanning the lush green valleys and sparkling blue rivers below. On a clear day the view is spectacular! It was just such a day when Allan, with his wife Martha and cousin Ron were driving from Eagle Rock, Virginia, to visit their family in Anjean, West Virginia.
They had such a pleasant visit that it seemed no time until their vacation was over and they had to head home and back to work. But the day they left for home was not pleasant. Rain was sheeting down out of a blackened sky and making little rivers on the highway. They wound their way up the mountain to the series of bridges they would have to cross before they arrived back at Eagle Rock.
Crossing one bridge, they noticed the valley below was so deep they couldn’t see the tops of the trees. It was scary driving on the slippery bridge.
Suddenly, Allan lost control of the car. Each of their hearts cried out to the Lord for safe keeping as they skidded toward the guardrail, with horrible thoughts of plunging over the edge and hurtling 1900 feet to certain death below. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15. Martha said later that it seemed as though the Lord reached down and put His hand right on their car, stopping it within one inch of the guardrail!
King David told of an even greater deliverance when he said, “Great is Thy mercy toward me: and Thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee.” Psalms 86:13,5. Quite often one or another of us needs to be saved from danger, but every one of us needs to be saved from our sins, or we’ll be plunged into a pit far deeper than that Allegheny valley. That pit is called hell. Don’t let that happen to YOU! Call upon the Lord Jesus for salvation. He loves you and died for sin, and He promises, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
Those Feet of Yours: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“He... set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” Psalms 40:2,3.
A newborn baby has 350 bones, some so soft and pliable that they hardly appear as bones. Some of these fuse together as the baby grows, so that when he is full-grown the number is reduced to 206. It takes the foot, with its 26 bones, about 20 years to fully develop as one of the most distinctive parts your whole body.
The arrangement of these 26 foot bones has been perfectly designed by the Creator not only to support your weight, but to enable you to move freely about. This is important because, just in the normal pattern of activity, an adult walks about 65,000 miles during his lifetime (equivalent to two-and-a-half times around the world).
Your foot’s perfectly designed arch acts as a spring in tune with the bending of your knees and movement of the ankles and toes.
Many of these bones are not strong in themselves, being only half the thickness of a pencil, yet the way they are arranged, they are strong enough to support a heavy person. If you had X-ray vision to see through the skin of your foot, you would discover why they don’t break, even with all the rough treatment they get. The bones in the foot are attached to strong muscles by over 100 tendons, keeping them in place and working in harmony with the muscles, so the work load is shared by all of them working together.
Not only are those parts of the foot kept in such remarkable order, but to further strengthen them, the whole wonderful package is kept in place by tape-like bands strapped over and around them. Then there are the important blood vessels bringing constant nourishment to all parts, as well as nerve ends that carry messages to and from the brain.
The principal purpose of our legs and feet is, of course, to carry our bodies wherever we need to go, and God in His Word, the Bible, reminds us to be careful where we let them take us.
If we are His children, through faith in Christ, the opening verses tell us what He has done for us. Another verse says, “Ponder [think about] the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.” Proverbs 4:26. Another place says it this way, “Lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet.” Hebrews 12:12,13.
These are important instructions if we are to live happy, Christian lives, pleasing the Lord Jesus and helping those around us.
(to be continued)
A Tough Race
Memory Verse: Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8
Most children, and even some grown-ups, really like a race. Often children call out to each other. “I can beat you!” and off they run. If it’s an organized race, someone will say, “On your mark, get set, GO!” and everyone runs as fast as they possibly can. Sometimes children like to have a hopping race or a swimming race — but how about a 100-mile bicycle race! In Psalms 19:5, we are told it takes a strong man to run a race, and only strong, well-trained men were going to enter this 100-mile bicycle race.
The race was set for a Saturday morning in July on the Manitoba prairie in Canada. However, instead of the warm, sunny day the racers had expected, rain was falling, the temperature was about 45° and the wind was strong. It was just a miserable day for bike racing, but the race would go on anyway. The starting point was in a valley, so the first two miles were uphill, and if that wasn’t bad enough, they would head right into the gusty wind.
What a slow start for the racers! That day the thought was not to be the first one to the top of the hill, it was just to make it to the top, for each racer knew there were still 98 more miles to go after that first hill.
Several places in the Bible the life of a Christian is compared to a person running a race. Often life’s pathway is difficult and the race seems hard, but we are told to run with patience — that is, we should keep going and not give up — and we can only do that by looking to Jesus. “Let us run with patience [endurance] the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1,2. The bicycle racers had trained for months, some of them even years to prepare for this race, and it was still going to be very difficult for them. Are you prepared for the “race” that every Christian runs? A song we often sing tells us one way to train:
Read your Bible, pray every day,
And you’ll grow, grow, grow.
We get stronger as we grow, and it takes a strong person to run a race.
Several cars and vans followed the racers with the drinks and food they would need to keep up their strength. They also carried medical supplies in case a racer should become ill or get hurt. Someone would be right there to help out all along that 100-mile ride; the riders would never be left alone.
Isn’t it good to know that as we go through life we have Someone who promises to be with us and help us all along the way. “The Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5. “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 124:8.
It was over 41/2 hours before the first racers came in sight of the finish line. They were a tired, wet group. Even though each racer wanted to win the first prize, there was no burst of speed — just a steady pedaling to make it to the finish line — and then a cheer went up as the wheels of the first bicycle — the winner — crossed that finish line.
In 1 Corinthians 9:24, we are told to run the “race of life” as though we wanted to win the first prize. “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” That should always keep us running steadily in the right direction. Just as every bicycle racer was happy to reach the finish line, even if he didn’t get first prize, a day is coming soon when each of us who has accepted the Lord Jesus as our Saviour will be happy to be with Him in heaven, and our “race of life” will be over. Are we each good runners? Are we keeping our minds on the finish line?
“Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 124:8.
Looking for a Friend
Tony was looking for an old friend. When he got near the place he was looking for, he stopped to ask someone the way to his friend’s house. The man giving him directions lived in the area. After receiving the directions to his friend’s house, Tony asked, “Is that the best way?” The man who gave him the directions answered, “That is the only way.”
Boys and girls, there is no other way to heaven except through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that “all have sinned,” and “that through this man [Jesus] is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.” Acts 13:38. If you and I are going to be in heaven, it must be through faith in one Person, the Lord Jesus, and the blood He shed on Calvary’s cross. We must open our hearts to receive Him as our own Saviour. This is the only way to heaven.
The good news of the gospel must be believed. God expects us to believe what He says. “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures... He was buried, and... He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.”
1 Corinthians 15:3,4. Do you believe what God says about the way to heaven? You must if you want to be in that happy place where we all want to go. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
"Am I Too Little?"
“Am I too little?” asked little Deena after the talk to the hobby class children was over. Most of the children had gone into the next room for cookies and juice, but Deena stood right in front of me. She looked at me, waiting for me to answer.
“Too little for what?” I asked, not knowing just what she meant by her question.
Her head dropped, and she looked down at the floor. I continued since she seemed too shy to answer my question. “You’re not too little to come to the hobby class. We like to have little girls here.”
Deena still stood looking down as if her question had not been answered. Then as she raised her head I could see that her eyes were filled with tears. She asked, “But am I too little to be saved?”
I picked her up and wiped her tears. Then we sat down on some nearby chairs.
“No, Deena,” I answered, “you are not too little to be saved. It was about children just your age that the Lord Jesus said, ‘Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.’" Mark 10:14. Then I slowly and simply explained to her the story of the love of Jesus and how gladly He receives and saves anyone, even little children who will accept Him as Saviour.
When we finished talking and praying, she was a happy little girl. She had some juice and cookies and said to me as she left the room, “I’m going to tell Mommy that Jesus died for me, and I can go to heaven now because I’m saved!”
Wasn’t that a nice confession? But there is more. The next week she came to the hobby class bringing another little girl with her. Deena brought her friend right up to me and said, “Ann wants to be saved, too.” Yes, Deena had both believed in her heart and confessed with her mouth (Rom. 10:9) that the Lord Jesus had saved her. Her joy was so great that it attracted others, just like a magnet, to the Saviour.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
Those Feet of Yours: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105.
In the preceding article we considered the marvelous structure of a person’s foot, with its 26 bones, as well as tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels.
Your feet, which you may have just taken for granted, are one of the outstanding features of your body. No machine designed by the most clever engineer could, for its size, match the human foot for its ability to move your body about and hold up the amount of weight put on it. The only way we can grasp at all how it can work so marvelously is to admit that God, the Creator, has provided its wonderful design.
Its service is not only to enable you to walk about, but to run, jump, kick and stand still when necessary. If you weigh around 100 pounds, then the pressure on each foot, when you run fast, will be equal to about 500 pounds, and a man weighing 175 pounds will have a running pressure of half a ton or more. Just think also how a healthy foot can take the terrific impact of a soccer or football player giving a forceful kick to it!
You may be resting when just standing still, but the foot has work to do even then that you would never think of. At such times messages fly back and forth from your brain to each foot in order to keep you steady and in balance —subconsciously tightening a mule, moving your big toe, the ankle bone, the heel, the sole of your foot and other parts, all taking a share in the messages that come through the amazing nervous system the Creator has given your body. Thus you keep your balance without even knowing all this is going on. But that’s why, if a person faints while standing, he will immediately fall over. The body parts can’t communicate with each other at such a time.
The Bible tells us of this, stating, “But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him.... There should be no schism [division] in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.” 1 Corinthians 12:18,25. Isn’t that a wonderful thing?
So we see a little of how important this part of the body is and the wisdom of taking care of these feet, so valuable to us. Let us remember, too, that the Lord Jesus, of whom the Bible says, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Prov. 15:3), is constantly watching our walk, and when we are aware of mistakes we have made, our prayer should be like that of the Psalmist: “When I said, My foot slippeth; Thy mercy, O Lord, held me up.” Psalms 94:18. Yes, He will always put us back on solid ground when we confess our sins to Him.
Good News!
Memory Verse: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
“Do you hear me, Delfin?” asked Mama. “Don’t you ever go near a jeep!”
“Yes, Mama,” answered Delfin. “If a jeep comes, I’ll run and hide.”
Delfin meant what he said. Mama had just told him that the ones who drive jeeps are usually gospel preachers. Gospel preachers were the ones who would catch little boys, carry them away and cut off their ears. No, Delfin would never go near a jeep.
Poor Delfin. He had never been told that the word “gospel” means “good news.” He had never been told that the preachers were coming to tell the Indians who lived high in the mountains that God loved them and had good news for them. Sad to say, he had never heard that God’s good news was that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Tim. 1:15. No, Delfin had only heard the devil’s terrible lies about the gospel and gospel preachers.
But there was not much reason to be afraid, really. Few jeeps ever made their way high up into the mountains to the sleepy village where he lived. Nothing very exciting ever happened. Day after day Delfin and the other Indian boys looked after the goats. Day after day they led them to the same stream for water. They always went to the same hillside to search for firewood, and even their food was always the same. Only on fiesta days was there excitement. The celebration for the new year was the most exciting of all. For three days big firecrackers were set off, and the older folks would dance through the village down to the shrine and back again, to the sound of flutes, drums and the booms of firecrackers. Delfin had heard that the firecrackers would scare off the evil spirits of the new year. When the men brought dynamite to the fiesta, Delfin would shiver with a mixture of thrilling excitement and fear. This biggest of booms would surely drive away the evil spirits! After the fiesta, Delfin would take his goats back to the hillside to look for pasture, and so his days passed with fears of evil spirits, jeeps and gospel preachers embedded in his heart.
Sometimes the priest would come to the village where Delfin lived. He liked that. Everyone would go to the chapel where the priest would hold a ceremony and the people would light candles and kneel before the images to pray. Delfin respected the priest and thought that someday he wanted to be like this important man. One day Delfin, using all his courage, told the priest of this secret desire in his heart.
“I would like to study the Bible and be a religious man like you,” he said timidly.
“Boy,” replied the priest sternly, “don’t you ever read the Bible! Those who read the Bible go crazy in their heads!”
Crazy! thought Delfin, terrified. How awful!
“If you want to be a religious man, then come and help me in the chapel,” continued the priest more kindly. “You can clean the chapel and help to repair the images.”
Delfin smiled. He would like that very much.
So began Delfin’s new efforts to be religious. It was a strange mixture of faith and fear. His faith, sadly, was not in the Word of God, but in the images, the priest and in his own efforts to be good. And still there was fear. The fear of the evil spirits, the gospel preachers and now this new fear of the Bible itself did not go away as he tried to be good. If only someone could have told him that the Bible is God’s own loving Word that “is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psa. 119:105.
One of Delfin’s jobs at the chapel was to repair an image when it was broken. He would get a little plaster and form again the broken ear or arm of the image, then paint it again to match the other side. Once in a while a tiny thought would pierce the back of his mind — If these images are our Saints and they are so powerful that we pray to them, then why can’t they look after themselves? Why do they get a broken ear? Delfin knew such thoughts must be very wicked and that he should probably confess them to the priest. However, as he mixed the plaster for the images, those thoughts would come back again — Why can’t they fix their own hands?
One day when Delfin was alone in the chapel, a daring thought entered his mind. Do people really go crazy if they read the Bible? Is it true?
There was only one Bible that he knew of in the whole village. It was the large one right there in the chapel. No one was there to see him. Would he dare to read it? Would he dare to see for himself if it were true?
Maybe I will read only a little, he thought boldly, then I will go only a little crazy.
He hesitated... and then with his heart pounding he went over to the big Bible.
I’ll be careful, he thought to himself. I’ll check exactly where all the images are and exactly which window the sun is coming in so that I’ll know if I’m crazy.
He checked carefully around. Trembling, he reached slowly for the Bible. He looked up quickly! The images were still there... the sun was still shining in the same window. His heart pounded as he opened the Bible just a little. Quickly he looked up again... no change in the images or the sun... he wasn’t crazy yet. With dread and yet wanting so much to see, Delfin opened the Bible just enough so that he could read a few words. The place that he opened to was just where the New Testament begins. For the first time in his life he was reading the Bible, and to his horror the first words he read were, “THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW.” The GOSPEL!... gospel preachers!... the ones who cut off the ears of boys! Delfin read no more. In terror he shut the Bible and ran out of the chapel shaking like a leaf. He ran and ran, and in his heart he said he would never again open a Bible.
As the days went by, his fright faded a little and he thought about it more calmly. One thought stood out above all others — he wasn’t crazy. Not even a little.
Delfin had been a captive of Satan with chains of lies that held his heart in fear. He did not know that they were lies, but now he doubted if everything he had been told were true. God was in His own way working with Delfin. The deliverance from lies and fears and evil spirits was coming. The One whose love casts out fear had His eyes upon Delfin. The One who came to set Satan’s captives free planned that one day Delfin would hear His Word, the Bible, even if he were afraid to read it.
When Delfin first saw the gospel preachers he didn’t see a jeep so he did not know who they were. All he saw was a group gathered on the street corner in his village singing. No doubt much that Delfin heard as he listened that day he did not understand. But as he listened he heard one preacher reading these words from God’s Word, “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: they have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: they have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.” Psa. 115:4-8.
Oh, how these words sank into Delfin’s heart. How he knew the truth of them! Had he not repaired ears of images that could not hear? Had he not painted eyes that could not see? God in His love and grace poured the power of these words into Delfin’s heart and he reached out for more. He listened to wonderful words that told him of God’s “good news"; “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Delfin believed and accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour. He is now a grown man with sons of his own, but he has never forgotten that day when he learned that the “gospel” he had always feared was really God’s “good news” especially sent to a poor Indian boy.
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32.
Three Precious Promises
Take an A and a K.
Put an S in between
And a marvelous blessing at once will be seen;
For ’tis “Ask, and it shall be given unto you;”
’Tis thus, Jesus speaks, and His Word’s always true.
Between an S and a K.
Put two E’s straight away,
And a wonderful promise you’ll have for today;
For the Lord is so kind,
He says “Seek, and you’ll find;”
And the blessing He’ll give is what just suits His mind.
Between two lovely K’s,
Place an N, O, and C,
And a rich mine of wealth at once you will see;
For the Saviour says “Knock,”
and the Door opens wide;
Faith’s key does unlock,
and Christ’s word must abide.
Then “Ask,” “Seek,” and “Knock,”
For this is God’s way;
And sure are His blessings,
which ne’er pass away.
Don't Argue With a Jaguar
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“For every beast of the forest is Mine.... And the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psa. 50:10,11.
A jaguar can easily be mistaken for a leopard, as the golden-yellow fur of each, covered with black spots, is so similar. But there are some differences. The adult jaguar, for instance, is bigger, and many of the circular spots covering its body have a black dot inside them, while those of the leopard are solid.
The jaguar, up to seven feet long, plus a two-foot tail, is the largest of all the cat family in North, Central and South America. The huge mouth in its broad head has strong, sharp teeth and a long tongue covered with tiny rasps that help get the last bite off the bones of its victims. Out of that mouth also comes a frightening roar.
Huge, well-padded paws are equipped with fearsome claws that (like a house cat’s) remain hidden in the toes but are extended as fierce weapons when fighting or catching prey. However, in spite of these fearful things, it is a handsome animal with small, erect ears, beautiful eyes and large shoulders.
It is not afraid of water, jumping right into a stream or pond to catch its prey, which might include a deer, fish, turtle or even a small crocodile. Normally, though, it stalks the animals in high grass or brush — seeing, but not being seen — silently creeping closer and suddenly pouncing on its victim — a peccary, armadillo, tapir or other animal. Its sturdy legs and large shoulders provide plenty of strength to drag even a heavy victim a mile or so away, where it may hide a portion for another day.
A jaguar prefers to live alone except when helping raise a family of two or three little ones. It often travels many miles a day hunting for food. If the animals already mentioned are not available, it will help satisfy its hunger by eating insects. When not on the move, it likes to stretch out on a bare limb or a smooth, partially shaded rock. Being master of the forest, it has no fear of attack except by hunters, but these do not often intrude.
The Bible does not mention the jaguar, but the Lord, desiring His people to change their bad ways, said of them: “Their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten Me.... As a leopard by the way will I observe them.” Hos. 13:6,7. This means that while they forgot Him, yet, like an unseen leopard (or like our unseen jaguar), He was watching everything they did. A little farther on in the chapter He added, “In Me is thine help.” (vs. 9.)
Is it possible you have forgotten Him and are careless in your ways? Oh, how graciously He invites you to confess it to Him and accept Him as your Saviour before it is too late! If you have not done this, won’t you do it right now?
A Scary Bear Story
Memory Verse: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roar
Most of the summer work on the farm was finished. Now there was a little break before harvest would begin. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson decided this would be the time to take their four children on a little camping trip. Spring and summer on the farm were always such busy times. It would be so nice for the family to rest and relax for a while before harvest and school would both begin. Mr. and. Mrs. Donaldson also felt it would be a good time for the family to spend extra time reading the Bible. They would remind their children again of how important it was that each one of them accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his own Saviour. Each of the children knew that they had sinned many times and that God could not allow even one sin to enter heaven. Each one had memorized Ephesians 1:7, “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace"... but did each one really believe it for himself? Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson weren’t really sure. And with school to begin soon, they wanted to remind them again that they needed to “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11. This would help to strengthen them for the coming school year. They knew that their children would need the keeping power of the Lord Jesus to see them through the year. How well they knew that the devil is so busy trying to tempt young people and children. “The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
They found a lovely place to set up their pop-up camper. The camping area had a nice cool woods to explore and a sparkling lake for the children to swim in. They all pitched in to help set up camp in a site that had its own picnic table.
By evening Mrs. Donaldson noticed she wasn’t feeling well. She decided she would sleep in the station wagon. In that way she would not have to disturb anyone if she had to get up during the night.
She didn’t sleep very well, so when it started to get light she decided to take a little walk. When she came back she thought she would get back in the car and maybe get a little more sleep. Closing the car door, she suddenly saw a large, black bear looking in one of the windows. It must have been following her. It put both front paws on the car window and was staring at her with its little, beady eyes.
Mrs. Donaldson was not only surprised, she was terribly frightened! She shut her eyes so that she wouldn’t have to look at it, and prayed that the awful bear would just go away and not bother them.
But the big, black bear didn’t go away; he wandered on over to the picnic table. Mrs. Donaldson nervously watched as he dumped a bucket of water over. Then he scattered a box of their dishes all over the ground. He sniffed around the barbecue grill. Then he began to dig into a box of her good plastic containers.
That was just too much for her to take! That bear must not get into that box of good things. She quickly jumped out of the car and began to scream as loudly as she could. “Harold! Harold! Help! Help!” she yelled. “There’s a bear out here tearing up everything!”
Mr. Donaldson dashed out of the camper and began to yell at the bear. The children started to cry and scream and ran to the safety of the car. They quickly climbed in with their mother and locked all the doors. But there stood their father very much alone with that big bear!
The bear scrambled up the nearest tree. Mr. Donaldson picked up a large stone and threw it at the bear, at the same time yelling at the top of his voice. The bear jumped to another tree to get away from the stone attack as Mr. Donaldson threw more stones at him, ordering the bear to go away. Back and forth the bear jumped from tree to tree. Mr. Donaldson was pitching stones and yelling, and the bear was jumping. It was quite a sight to watch from inside the car. Finally, the bear climbed down and ran away into the woods as fast as he could go.
The rest of the family fixed a quick breakfast, but Mrs. Donaldson would not come out of the car for hers. They had to pass it to her through the window. Mrs. Donaldson managed to get a little sleep while Mr. Donaldson and the children cleaned up the campsite. As they worked they talked about the intruding bear. They all agreed that it had been a very scary time to be sure, but soon they were able to laugh at themselves and at the bear jumping back and forth between those two trees, doing his best to avoid the stones being thrown at him. They all agreed that that was one camping trip they would never forget.
That bear certainly was an enemy of the Donaldson’s. Using a few rocks as his only weapons and with no other protection, Mr. Donaldson resisted the bear. But God was good to him and the bear ran away without charging him. We, too, have an enemy to resist. Our enemy, Satan, is far greater, stronger and more clever than a bear. To resist Satan we must be sure to put on the whole armor of God and only use the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, as a weapon. Satan is too clever and strong for us without God’s protecting armor and care.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.
There Is No "If"
Tommy and his mother were looking at a children’s book of Bible stories. The story about Noah had a big picture called, “Noah Entering the Ark,” which was very interesting to Tommy. He could see the animals, birds and Noah and his family going into the ark, all escaping to safety from the flood that God was going to use to punish the people on the earth.
“What if the ark had wrecked and sunk?” asked Tommy. “Then everybody in the world would have been drowned!”
“There was no fear of that, because God was in control,” his mother answered. Then putting her arm around Tommy she added, “There is no IF, Tommy, when God says ‘should not perish’ in the Bible verse John 3:16 that you know.”
Tommy repeated the verse slowly, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
“God means what He says in that verse, Tommy,” Mother continued. “If you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and take Him as your Saviour, you will be safe, just like Noah, his family and all the animals that were in the ark. There is no IF, Tommy.”
How true this is! God says to all who trust in Him that they shall have “everlasting life,” or as it says in another verse — they “shall be saved.” It is also true the opposite way. To those who choose not to believe, Psalms 1:6 says they shall perish. There is no IF about that either.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
The Lively Kinkajou
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11.
If you like pets you would find a tamed kinkajou (also called honey bear) an appealing and playful one. But in the wild they are tough and fierce. In the forests of southern Mexico, Central America and parts of South America, this six or seven-pound thickly furred member of the raccoon family makes its home. Fully grown they are two feet long, or slightly smaller, plus a slender tail of the same length.
Like some monkeys, their tails are used to grab branches in traveling through the trees and enable them at times to hang upside down, as well as being a help in keeping their balance when jumping from one branch to another.
They are a pretty grayish-brown with some faint darker colors and a white stomach. Heads are round with pointed noses, cup-shaped ears and large, innocent-looking eyes adding to their beauty. The Creator has also provided them with sharp claws on their front feet to help in climbing. They also will hold a piece of fruit or other food in one hand while breaking off pieces with the other for eating, just like we do.
During the day they nap in crotches of trees, with tails wrapped snugly around them. They become lively at twilight, hunting food, including fruit, honey, small birds and animals, insects and nectar licked from flowers. Long tongues are a help in probing crevices for insects. At times they will use their long tails to reach into insect nests, there pull them out and lick off any insects stuck to them.
Usually just one baby is born to the parents each year, looking like a cute little kitten with its soft tan fur and tightly shut eyes that don’t open for about four weeks. But long before that its tail can get a tight grip on things it encounters. When only three months old it might be found playfully hanging head-downward with its tail securely wrapped about a small limb. In a year’s time it is fully grown. Many have long lives for so little an animal — some in captivity reaching nearly 20 years.
These cuddly animals are examples of the Creator’s care for all living things, even in the wild, tropical forests. But His thoughts toward every boy and girl are far better, for He invites you to live with Him in heaven when your life here is over. In great love the Lord Jesus made this possible by bearing on Calvary’s cross the sins of all who admit they are sinners, thank Him for dying for them and take Him as their own Saviour. Will you be with the happy ones who will be with Him for all eternity?
"Chad, Can You Hear Me?"
Memory Verse: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3
“Just lean back and gun it for all you’re worth, and it’ll make it up and over the jump... c’mon, you can do it!”
Such a challenge, such excitement! He leaned back and gunned it hard. The cycle roared up the sand ramp... but his timing was off. The motorcycle went straight up... and then flipped over backward. His helmet flew off. In landing, his head took the full force of the crash! Time came to a sudden halt for Chad. He had been having such fun on his motorcycle.
The sad, loving eyes of his father studied the young face, so still, with no expression, there on the hospital bed. His eyelids remained closed, never flickering, almost as if he had died. “Chad, Chad, my boy,” he groaned. “Oh, Chad, can you hear me? Say something, Son. Do you hurt? I’m praying; we are all praying.”
But there was no answer, no movement.
Many tubes were connected to Chad lifelines which had been applied so hopefully by doctors and nurses. “He is young... he may survive... or....” The doctor’s words hung unfinished. Why should he add more anguish to the parents’ hearts by predicting the future of this young man.
All the money, all the skill of doctors, and time, and equipment were nothing compared with the love of those who cared and prayed for Chad.
There is Someone who loves us very much, too. “For God so loved the world [you and me], that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9.
Death-like, Chad slept on. All mankind is dead in trespasses and sin. How can we awaken you, lost one, to your danger — eternity is just ahead! You have no promise of tomorrow. “Wherefore He saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14. He waits. He waits for you to say, as did Saul of Tarsus that day when the Light shone into his heart, “Who art Thou, Lord?” and, “What wilt Thou have me to do?” Acts 9:5,6. The answer: “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.
Nurses continued working over Chad day and night, often checking the life-support systems that were keeping him alive. There was no change — he slept on.
“Chad, Chad, this is Tim... do you know me? I’m your brother,” sobbed the young man who had encouraged him to make the jump. The only answer was the throb of the equipment that kept Chad breathing.
While there is life, there is hope. The many people praying for Chad never stopped, but after eight weeks his life seemed to be slipping away. Friends and relatives came and went. Neighbors spoke encouraging words.
One morning his mother walked down the now familiar hallway in the hospital. She paused at the door and prayed a silent prayer — “Oh, Lord, give me courage, give me strength.” She walked quickly into the room and went straight to Chad’s bedside. Taking his hand, she studied the quiet form of her boy... no change. The sight of the tube in his throat and tubes in his nose and arms was still hard to handle. But even as she looked, she saw a slight movement of his lips. Quickly she bent down in time to hear his faint, “Hi, Mom.”
Oh, joy! Those words were the sweetest music in all the world to her at that moment. “Yes, Chad, this is Mom. Oh, thank God, you are better this morning!”
The extreme effort to speak had exhausted him; he was “out” again. But it was the start to recovery. Although Chad still had a long road ahead, he had come out of the coma. How thankful they all were!
What a comfort it was to his parents to know their son Chad had accepted Christ as his Saviour early in life. If he didn’t make it, they knew he would be in heaven with his Lord and Saviour.
But if it were you in that hospital bed, could your parents be as sure about you? Do not put off accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Time is so short, and accidents can happen so quickly. The Bible says, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3.
The Little Fisherman
Dave had asked the Farrells to pray for his friend Anne who was not saved. Anne was a friendly person and very nice. The Farrells were glad to pray for her. They usually prayed as a family, including their little boy Steve who was four years old.
Little Steve loved the Lord Jesus. As small as he was he repeated his verse in Sunday school and loved to sing the hymns, too. Steve had often told his parents that he was saved and would go to heaven because the Lord Jesus had died for him, too.
Steve’s mother suggested that they invite Dave and Anne for dinner one evening. (The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 3:2 That we should be “given to hospitality.") The young couple was happy to come.
After dinner and a Bible reading Steve went over to Anne and asked, “Why aren’t you saved? Don’t you want to go to heaven with us when the Lord Jesus comes back?”
Anne looked down into that little face and found herself giving an embarrassed giggle, and then she said, “Oh, I don’t know.”
Little Steve, still looking up at her, said in a very serious voice, “It isn’t funny. You shouldn’t laugh because you could go to hell if you’re not saved.”
We know that in 2 Peter 3:3 we are warned “that there shall come in the last days scoffers.” These are people who make fun of the Bible and laugh at its wonderful words!
With tears in her eyes Anne reached down and hugged that serious little boy. Although she did not accept the Lord Jesus as her Saviour that night, what little Steve had said made her think very seriously about being saved.
Sometimes in Sunday school we sing:
I will make you fishers of men,
If you follow Me.
In the Bible in Matthew chapter 4, we read how the Lord Jesus found Peter and Andrew fishing. He called them and said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” verse 19. From that time on, Peter and Andrew “fished” for men by telling them about the Lord Jesus and His love for them.
We can be fishermen for the Lord Jesus today too, and little Steve was being a good fisherman when he talked to Anne about the Lord Jesus.
Some time later the telephone rang and Mother told Steve that the-call was for him.
The voice said, “Steve, this is Anne, the lady who had dinner at your house some time ago. I called to tell you that today I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and I wanted you to be the first one to know about it. So now when the Lord Jesus comes we will both be taken to heaven. I want to thank you, Steve, for praying for me.”
The Bible says, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
Wasn’t that a nice telephone call for a little boy to receive! Steve and his family were so happy to hear the good news and they thanked the Lord Jesus for answering their prayers.
The Jellyfish: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many.” Ezekiel 47:10.
Jellyfish, living near the surface of the sea, are related to the anemones, living at the bottom. Both have poisonous tentacles that sting invaders, either paralyzing or killing them. Then they devour them.
The jellyfish’s transparent body, which looks like a colored umbrella, is 95% liquid, yet contains muscles, nerves and a digestive system. It floats on or near the surface of the water with its long tentacles dangling below. The “jelly” that forms the body has only one opening through which food, brought to it by the tentacles, is taken in and digested. The outer jelly’s principal purpose is to keep it afloat.
The tentacles (20 or more of them, depending on the species) are almost all loaded with poisonous harpoons. Small fish are usually paralyzed when they approach too closely because these harpoons explode with corkscrew-like stingers that penetrate the victim’s skin. The tentacles of other jellyfish, instead of shooting out stingers, immediately wrap themselves around any fish, crab or shrimp that bumps it. Either way, once a tentacle has hold of a captive, it curls its way up to the jellyfish’s open mouth, drops in its meal and descends again to wait for another victim.
But not all fish that swim within range are caught. Some have been given an instinct by the Creator to swim safely between the tentacles when escaping from an enemy. Many of their pursuer.; are so intent on catching the smaller fish that they fail to see the tentacles and, bumping them, are themselves immediately captured. Of course, if the little fish is careless and bumps one of these dangerous arms, that is the end of it, too.
Common jellyfish have little effect on swimmers who accidently bump them except for a prickly feeling that is similar to being stung by a nettle. However, some varieties with stronger poison can prove so painful that the swimmer cannot make it back to shore. So if you are swimming in the ocean and see a jellyfish, stay clear of it and be thankful it can’t chase you.
Our opening Bible verse speaks of the great sea (ocean) having “exceeding many” kinds of fish. Here again we are reminded of the Creator’s pleasure in the great variety of things He created. The people in Nehemiah’s day included these thoughts as they praised the Lord, adding “and Thou preservest them all.” Neh. 9:6. Later in the Bible we read, “He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [are preserved].” Col. 1:17.
How wonderful to know the Creator, not only as your preserver, but of more importance, as your personal Lord and Saviour. Do you have a personal relationship with Him?
(to be continued)
Daddy's Shortcut
Memory Verse: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
Several summers ago our cousins came for a visit. There were four big boys in their family and several children in our family as well, so it was lots of fun to be together.
The weather was hot for June, and we were making good use of our above-ground swimming pool! Almost everyone was in their swimming suits except our dads and moms. Kurt was standing on the deck of the pool, deciding if he should plunge in or get wet slowly. Daddy came up on the deck behind him and gave him a little push. In went Kurt with a yell and a big splash!
Even though it felt rather good to cool off, Kurt wanted to get back at Daddy. He turned and quickly swam back to the deck. Not wanting to get pushed in since he was fully dressed, Daddy leaped over the railing to reach the steps leading down from the deck, rather than taking the extra few seconds to open the gate to escape.
Boys and girls, are you hoping for a shortcut to heaven? There isn’t any. There is only one way to heaven — God’s way. The Bible says, “Enter ye in at the strait [narrow] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matt. 7:13,14. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.
As Daddy landed on the wet steps, his foot slipped and down he fell, shoulder first, right into the backyard fence.
Daddy was hurt! The bigger boys helped him into the house. He had knocked his shoulder out of joint and lay on the floor in terrible pain. It was hard for us children to see him in such pain and groaning.
Thinking later of how much pain Daddy felt with one shoulder out of joint made us think more about how much pain the Lord Jesus Christ must have suffered while on the cross before He died. The 22nd Psalm tells of some of His sufferings at that time. In vs. 14 it says, “All My bones are out of joint.” Yes, the Lord Jesus went to Calvary’s cross and suffered so much, and all because He loves us. He suffered first from the hand of man. Then during those last three dark hours he suffered God’s punishment against sin —your sin if you will accept Him as your Saviour. He loves you very, very much to have suffered so much.
Soon Daddy was on his way to the doctor who put his shoulder back into place. The doctor also put Daddy’s arm into a sling, which he had to use for several days. This resulted in the family vacation, that had been planned for the following week, having to be canceled. It was a disappointment not only for Daddy, but for the whole family.
But you know, the loss of a vacation can in no way compare with the loss that will be yours for all eternity if you try to take a shortcut to heaven. Shortcuts don’t work! There is only one way to heaven: “Jesus saith... I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.
Daddy thought his shortcut was the fastest way to escape from Kurt, but it only ended in pain and disappointment. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Prov. 14:12.
Runaway Robert
It was late in the evening when I climbed back into my car in the parking lot to go home. Leaving town, I had driven several miles out in lonesome country when I saw a hitchhiker wanting to go my way. He looked rather young, and he had a backpack on his back. I figured he must be trying to get to the campground just beyond the next town, so I stopped to pick him up.
“Where are you heading?” I asked as he settled in the seat next to me. I could see now that he was quite young.
He was quiet for a moment and then said, “I don’t know... I’m running away from home.”
That answer scared me! What should I do with a runaway who was just a young boy. I decided to find out more about why he was running away.
“I believe in the Bible and know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.” I said to him. “If you are in some kind of trouble, I’m going to take you right back home.”
Then he told me his name was Robert and that he was 12 years old. He went on to tell me how mean his Dad was and that he beat him and his mother. Both he and his mother had been planning to run away for a long time. Today when his parents were both gone he had packed his backpack and left, riding his bike. It had broken down before he got very far away from their apartment.
So Robert came to my house to spend the night. He first called his mother and told her where he was. She told him that she couldn’t come right then, because his dad was home, but she would come the next morning. She would take his dad to work, go home, pack her things, and come pick up Robert. Then they would both run away together. At least this is what Robert told me his mother had said.
Sure enough, the next morning about ten o’clock a car pulled into my driveway. However, much to my surprise and Robert’s too, both his mother and dad got out of the car!
Based upon what Robert had said about his dad, I expected he would really be upset. Instead, I found them both to be gentle, considerate, and kind. I did not get the feeling that either one of them was thinking, “Just wait until you get home! Boy, are you going to get it!” Instead, his dad told me that Robert was having some problems, and they were having difficulty talking to each other.
“I think we need to talk, Robert,” he said. “Would you like to stay here, or would you like to come home and we’ll talk?”
Robert agreed to go home, so he got into the family car with his sleeping bag, small cast-iron skillet, hunting knife, fishing gear and hiking boots. As they went out the door his mother said to me, “I can’t understand why Robert would want to run away. He has his own room, his own bunk beds, his own stereo, and we love him very much.”
There was no doubt that Robert was having problems. He thought his biggest problem was his dad and that running away would solve that problem. Well, it didn’t. It only gave him more problems — a broken bike on a dark, lonely highway and no place to go. Maybe the problem was not Robert’s dad at all. Maybe the problem was with Robert himself. Perhaps he needed someone else to blame, and that someone was his dad.
Let me ask you a question "What do you think of God?”
Some people will answer that He is a far-away, hard-to-please God who is just waiting for us to do something wrong so He can punish us.
Is this what you think He is like? If it is, then how can you explain a verse like John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Does this sound like a God who is angry with the people of this world and is just waiting to punish them and send them to hell? No, these are happy words that tell of His wonderful love to this world. How great was His love? Great enough to send the Lord Jesus Christ, His only Son, into this world to die for sinners. We could not ask for greater love than this. “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:8.
This is the kind and loving God that we have for you — a God who loves you so much He wants you to spend eternity with Him in heaven. But since all of us are sinners, and since sin cannot be in God’s presence, we must have our sins washed away. And that is what God’s love provided — a Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who was punished for the sins of all who will believe in Him. His blood shed on the cross has washed away all trace of sin from the record that God keeps. Because we are cleansed, we can spend eternity with our Saviour in heaven. Won’t you accept Him as your own Saviour now?
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isa. 1:18.
The Jellyfish: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Happy is he... whose hope is in the Lord his God: which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is.” Psa. 146:5,6.
In the preceding issue we looked at the design and habits of jellyfish found in oceans all over the world. Following is a description of a few of them:
The giant of them all is the Cyanea Arctica, measuring eight feet across its body and armed with tentacles 200 feet long. These live in cold northern waters and are seldom seen by men.
Perhaps the most talked of and feared is the Portuguese man-of-war, with 20 or more tentacles, also reaching down some 200 feet. It has a bright blue body and a gas-filled sail reaching above the surface for a means of travel with the wind. Its tentacles have enough poison to kill two dozen fish at a time and can prove fatal to a swimmer.
But there is another more to be feared than the man-of-war. That is the sea wasp found off the north coast of Australia. It has a transparent box-shaped and jet-propelled body and tentacles that also go deep into the ocean. It is perhaps the most deadly of all with an abundance of poison. This jellyfish kills more people each year than do sharks.
Another sky-blue variety is called “by-the-wind-sailor.” Like a miniature man-of-war, it drifts with the wind and is sometimes stranded in great numbers on seashores. Its body is only two or three inches wide with short tentacles, which confine its catch to tiny fish or other sea life.
We only have space to mention one more, out of the vast number of these creatures. This one, the physalia, lives in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It is a beautiful blue, or sometimes pink, with tentacles from 40 to 100 feet long and, like some of the others, can kill a man. Strangely though a small fish, named nemeus, makes its home among the physalia’s deadly tentacles and even nibbles on them from time to time with no harm from the poison.
Little jellyfish are often carried by adults like a pile of saucers and eventually, one by one, break away to live their own lives.
Most jellyfish are quite pretty, and a person not knowing the danger might be tempted to pick one out of the water, but would soon regret doing so. This reminds us of Satan, the great deceiver, who likes to put hurtful temptations into our lives. How important to notice David’s prayer: “By the word of Thy lips I have... [been kept from] the paths of the destroyer. Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” Psa. 17:4,5. As our opening verse states, happiness is found only when we rely on the Lord God to preserve us from Satan’s evil ways.
The Stolen Bag Candy
Memory Verse: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3
John had just come home from the store where he had bought a big bag of candy. How good it looked! He set it on the kitchen table and thought of how a few pieces would be such a treat after supper that night. Then he ran outside to play.
Soon John’s younger brother, Steve, came into the kitchen. He noticed the bag of candy sitting on the table. How tempting it looked. Steve quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching. Nope, there was no one. He snatched the bag and took it to his bedroom and closed the door.
Now, where will I eat it? he wondered. An idea came to mind. So under the bed covers he crawled and started eating the delicious candy.
Boys and girls, do you know that there is One who is watching you every minute? There is nothing that you can do to hide from God, not even hiding under the bed covers. “Thou God seest me.” Gen. 16:13. The Bible also says, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Prov. 15:3. Have you ever stolen any candy or maybe some money from your brother or sister? Perhaps no one else knows about your secret sin, but the Lord Jesus knows about it and everything else about you. And He loves you. He wants you to confess to Him that you are a sinner and believe that He died on the cross for your many, many sins.
Soon John came back into the kitchen from playing and noticed his bag of candy was gone from the table. “Hey! Has anyone seen my candy?” he called.
Mother came into the kitchen, and they both began looking around for the missing bag. Mother happened to notice that Steve’s bedroom door was closed. She decided to check this out.
Opening the door, she went into the room with John right behind her. What do you think they saw? A great big hump in the bed covers! Pulling them back, they found a very guilty-looking little boy. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Num. 32:23.
Steve returned what was left of the bag of candy. Then he had to be punished for stealing.
The Bible says that “stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell.” Prov. 9:17,18. Your sins will take you to hell. Oh, won’t you come to Jesus now and confess to Him that you are a sinner and let Him wash your sins away? “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Heb. 9:27,28.
Did He bear the punishment for your sins?
Amy's Swim
Amy had a happy smile on her face as she skipped along holding her mother’s hand. It had been a hot August week. Every day Amy had begged, “Mother, can’t I please go swimming?” Every day the answer had been the same: “Wait until Daddy has a day off work so that he can stay with the baby, and then I’ll take you.”
Now at last the day had arrived, and Mother and Amy were on their way to the pool. Amy had learned to swim the summer before. Now that she was seven years old, she felt sure she was big enough to swim in the deep end of the pool with the older children.
When they arrived at the pool, they found it crowded with children. They all were laughing, splashing and shouting as they enjoyed the cool water. Amy was quick to join in and soon was running out to the end of the diving board, jumping off and paddling back to the side of the pool. Mother sat near the side of the pool and looked up from her knitting with a smile each time Amy shouted, “Watch me this time, Mother!”
After a while Amy began to get tired, but she did not want to quit just yet. “Just a few more times,” she promised herself, “and then I’ll quit.”
At last she realized she would have to stop and rest for a while, but first she wanted one last jump. Out to the end of the diving board she trotted, took a big jump, splashed into the water, and began paddling very slowly to the side.
Suddenly, Amy knew she was in danger. She was just too tired to swim any longer, and she began to sink. She knew what she should do; she should call for help. Mother was sitting right by the side of the pool, and the lifeguard with his whistle around his neck was sitting up on his platform, ready to help anyone in trouble. Still, Amy did not call for help. Do you know why? She was afraid that if she called for help her mother or the lifeguard would pull her out of the water and say: “You’re too little to be in this deep water! Go back to the shallow end of the pool with the little children.” She was afraid they would laugh at her and spoil her fun, so she struggled and thrashed around in the water until she began to sink down, down, down to the bottom of the pool.
Boys and girls, would you be as foolish as Amy was? I hope you would be wise enough to call for help if you were drowning. However, you might be even more foolish than Amy for another reason.
The Bible tells us that “All have sinned” (Rom. 3:23) and that “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). You know that you are sinking deeper and deeper in sin, but you are still struggling to save yourself, not willing to call for help to the only One who is able to save you. The Bible tells us, too, that “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor. 15:3) and that “Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Rom. 10:13). Have you called upon His name? Have you told the Lord Jesus that you know you are a sinner and asked Him to save you? Or, like Amy, are you afraid that your friends, or even your family might laugh at you or make fun of you? Do not put it off. Call upon the Lord Jesus today while you still have the chance.
Amy slowly rose to the surface again, still struggling and still stubbornly refusing to call for help... but someone was watching. Mother looked over to see what Amy was doing and saw her head and thrashing arms just above the surface of the water. Dropping her knitting, Mother shouted to a big girl who was in the water near Amy, “Please! Grab that little girl and bring her over here!” Quickly the big girl grabbed Amy by her hair, and towed her over to where Mother was waiting. Mother thanked the big girl very much as she pulled Amy out of the water and hugged her tightly. Mother’s watchful care and the strong arm of the older girl had saved Amy’s life.
Amy nearly lost her life because she would not admit she needed help. I hope you boys and girls will not be that foolish. Admit that you are a sinner, and call on the Lord Jesus today. He promises, “Call upon Me... I will deliver thee.” Psalms 50:15.
You Would Like a Cuscus
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“For of Him [God], and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36.
In the forests of several areas of the south Pacific, including Malaysia, New Guinea and Australia, one of the most colorful and lovable little animals in the world makes its home.
There are many varieties of the pretty little cuscus (sometimes called a phalanger). Some have white fur, others have yellow, black, or even grayish-green. Some are of mixed colors, such as the whitish-gray spotted cuscus, with numerous patches of soft reddish color spread over its coat. In fact, many of them change color several times in their lifetime. Their round eyes, bulging outward a little, may be yellow, orange or red, and their button noses most likely are a bright yellow. All are tidy in their habits and keep their hair in good condition by frequently combing it with their sharp claws.
The cuscus is part of the animal family known as marsupials, a mother usually giving birth to one or two very small, underdeveloped babies each year and carrying them in her pouch for several months before they are able to hop out and make their own way around.
These are good climbers and spend most of their lives in tall trees where they hunt smaller animals, insects, lizards, small bird eggs and fruit, adding portions of green leaves to help their digestion. Very seldom do they come to the ground. They never seem to be in a hurry, and it is not unusual for one to sit all day high in a tree as though enjoying the scenery, but actually sleeping, for they do much of their hunting at night.
The Creator has provided them with strong claws, their hind feet also having fleshy pads to make them more surefooted on bare branches. He has further provided for their safety with a prehensile tail, which they can wrap around a nearby tree limb for extra security.
The cuscuses have few enemies, but if threatened will lash out with their forepaws while barking and snarling. Actually they are difficult for animals or birds to kill, because their fur, which grows so thickly that it covers their ears, fits so loosely on their bodies that an enemy cannot easily get a good hold on them.
We have enjoyed considering many animals, both small and great, gentle and vicious, odd-looking and handsome, and with each one we could think of the words of the Psalm writer: “O Lord, how manifold [numerous] are Thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of Thy riches.” Psalms 104:24.
It should be our joy also to follow the reminder, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” Psalms 95:6. Just think of how much we have to thank Him for!
At the Count of Three
Memory Verse: “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:27, 28
We were two little girls full of fun and foolishness, that day 50 years ago when Mother sent us to the spring for a bucket of water. The dirt around the spring had been dug out about four feet and lined with smooth stones. The water level was down about two feet and was usually about two feet deep as well.
We had been acting silly as I carelessly stooped to fill the pail. Oops! Slipped!
After my big splash, I looked up expecting to see my sister’s laughing face. Instead, there was a huge diamondback rattlesnake slithering up on the rocks just a few feet from me. He had come for a drink, too, and maybe wasn’t too pleased with my being there. I knew that I must stay just as still as possible, and also that I could never get past that snake. In a quiet voice I told my sister to get Mother.
It was only a matter of minutes until the two of them slipped quietly up. Mother had Dad’s double-barreled shotgun. Speaking softly, my normally timid mother coolly and firmly gave me instructions: “At the count of three, drop flat into the water and stay down until I pull you up.”
I knew that I must obey exactly. My eyes tightly shut, heart pounding, I heard the clicks as she cocked the old gun.
“One, two, three!”
Believe me, I dived as flat to the bottom of that two feet of water as possible.
Even underwater the boom from that shotgun was deafening. I was sure that the whole pool also had been blown up! Mother wasted no time grabbing me up in her arms. There wasn’t much left of that snake!
What mercy God showed to me that day! A strike in the face from that huge poisonous snake might well have meant death to a small child like me. I had been so careless — so foolish not to watch for danger when we well knew these poisonous snakes were around.
The “old serpent,” as the Bible calls the devil, slipped onto the scene in the very first chapter of Genesis, and he is still in the world today. He is the smartest, most deadly enemy of all. Many boys and girls and men and women go along being deceived by him, living only to find and follow fun when suddenly, as I did, they come face to face with the “king of terrors.” Death is that “king of terrors.” “The sting of death is sin,” we read in 1 Cor. 15:56. God says that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Heb. 9:27. Here is that terrible “sting” — judgment for all those sins you and I have done. (Would you dare say, “I have never sinned"?) God, however, loves us and is not willing for us to come to the point of judgment. There is hope. “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Heb. 9:28. He bore the punishment, so that in Heb. 10:17 God can say, “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” You can be one of the “many” whose sins He suffered for if you will receive the message by faith, believing that He suffered for your sins.
As God held back the strike of death for me that day long ago, so also He is still holding back the day of judgment for you, so that you might be rescued from sin and the devil. Reach out and “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. Don’t fool around. God expects and honors the sincere, urgent cry to Him.
The sky was dark and stormy-looking when a man set out on a snowmobile to go to the next town in Switzerland where he lived. Soon after he started it began to snow, and then it turned into a real blizzard. The snow fell so heavily that it quickly covered the road in front of him.
It’s too late now to turn back, thought the man as he continued pushing ahead. What worried him more was the area through which he was traveling was known to have avalanches. The snow continued to fall fast and heavily.
He had only gone a little farther when he heard the roar — the unmistakable sound of an avalanche! Before he could do a thing he was engulfed in a swirling, rushing mountain of snow. It knocked him unconscious and he was soon buried in three feet of snow and ice.
When he did not arrive at his destination, a search party was organized. Accompanying them in their search was a specially trained dog who could detect by smell a person buried in the snow. For some time they searched the mountain roads without success.
Then the dog, unnoticed by the rest of the party, turned off the path and wandered off a little distance by himself. Suddenly he stopped and with his nose deep in the snow he sniffed. Then he began to dig down into the snow with his paws.
Down under the drifts the man, now conscious, became aware of something digging down through the snow toward him. What could it be? Perhaps some wild, hungry animal hunting for its dinner had discovered him. He must act quickly to save himself, he thought. With difficulty he drew his pistol from its holster, and pointing it upward at the dark form above him, he pulled the trigger. There was a loud shot, a yelp of pain, a dull thud as the animal fell, and then all was still.
The search party heard the shot and hurried to the spot. There they found the dog lying dead on the snow. The half-frozen man under the snow heard voices. He was soon pulled to safety and lived to tell the story of his rescue.
How sorry that man must have been when he saw the dog lying dead on the snow. It had been killed in the very act of rescuing him from certain death.
The dog has been often called man’s best friend. And yet man, who is a sinner, has a better Friend still. “There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Prov. 18:24. Jesus the Saviour of sinners is the best Friend of all. He has done for us what neither man nor creature could ever do. He knew that we were hopelessly lost in our sins, and He came to seek and to save us. “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
On the cross of Calvary He bore God’s punishment for sin, and He gave His life so that sinners could be brought back to God and safely home to heaven. He came from heaven into this world to save sinful men, and men killed Him. Yet God turned this terrible act into the means of man’s salvation, for God now offers pardon to all who will believe in Jesus as their Saviour through the blood Jesus shed there. Won’t you accept Him right now as your Saviour?
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Heb. 2:3.
The Magnificent Elk: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Heb. 4:13.
In Europe the animal called an elk is really similar to the American moose, whereas the elk of America differs in some ways. Because of this difference, those in America are technically known as wapiti, but are most commonly referred to as elk.
Related closely to the deer family, the American species is second only to the moose in size. A big male may stand as high as five-feet tall at the slight hump behind his shoulders and weigh up to 1000 pounds — though some are considerably lighter.
There are two principal varieties of native elk. Almost all of them live in national parks or protected reservations. One is the Rocky Mountain elk, making its home in those high mountains, mainly at Yellowstone Park and close-by Jackson Hole in Wyoming. The other, living at lower levels and staying year-round in grassy meadows, is the Tule elk. Many of these are found in California, Idaho, Washington and Alaska. One difference between them is their feet — the Rocky Mountain variety has feet almost as wide as they are long, while the Tule’s feet are nearly twice as long as they are wide. This difference is a provision of the Creator, giving the Rocky Mountain elk feet that help them in the deep snows, while the long and narrow feet of the others are more suited to the meadows and adjacent dry hills in which they live.
Considering their size, all elk have small heads with mule-like ears, but their antlers may spread more than five feet and have a total of about twelve points. They have a cow-like body and walk much like a camel. Their legs are slender, but strong. Coarse hair forms a shaggy mane, and they are covered with mostly reddish-brown fur. Their tan tail is just a stub, surrounded by a large yellowish patch of fur that helps identify them. In winter months a temporary warm undercoat and heavy outercoat change to grayish-brown, until they return to lighter fur in spring.
Elk are majestic animals, holding their heads high (except when grazing) with eyes and ears alert. All their grazing is done in the daytime with one or two of each herd maintaining a lookout while the others eat. If danger threatens they scatter in every direction.
Their manner of life in harsh surroundings impresses upon us how wisely the Lord God, their Creator, has provided instincts for all living things and that, as the Bible verse states, “For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth... and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [are preserved].” Col. 1:16,17.
(to be continued)
A Statue That Danced
Memory Verse: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13
Hugo was a young man in his early twenties who worked for the Department of Agriculture in Lima, Peru. His job was to travel to other places in his country to estimate crop production for the coming year. Many of the people in Peru were poor, and many were without jobs. Thousands lived in tiny grass huts scattered across the dry mountainsides. They had no running water and no electricity. Since there were so many in need, Hugo was thankful he had such a good job and looked forward to an easier life than many had.
Sadly, Hugo had never really thought about the fact that there was something more important than having a good job and an easy life in this world. He had never thought about the fact that he would someday have to leave this world and stand before God. He had not once heard the good news of the love of God. No one had ever told him that Jesus had suffered and died on the cross for sinners. In fact, Hugo seldom thought about God at all. But among all the millions of people in Lima that God was watching, He was soon going to speak to Hugo.
One day Hugo had to go to a town to inspect the crops of that area. He stayed in a hotel near the central plaza and had noticed the large statue that was in the middle of the plaza. Hugo was sitting in his hotel room when he heard the rumblings that were all too familiar ... an earthquake! Anyone who had lived in Peru probably would not have been as surprised or as worried as you or I would have been, because small tremors often shake that country. But this time Hugo knew right away and he thought, This is not just a small tremor. This is a real earthquake!
The earth thundered more loudly and began to shake. Hugo was alarmed and ran quickly downstairs. The earth shook with more force, and he thought it would be best to crawl under the large statue in the plaza for protection. He ran towards the statue... and then suddenly stopped short, not able to believe his eyes! The statue was dancing! He stared in shocked fright as the earthquake sent the statue turning around and around. In a desperate attempt to find a safe place, Hugo turned to run halfway between the hotel and the statue. He had taken only a few steps when, again, he could scarcely believe his eyes. The entire hotel collapsed, and the roof fell right to the ground! Hugo stood rooted to the spot as disaster hit almost every building in the town — they were all collapsing as he stood there watching.
Many were killed that day, but Hugo’s life was spared. He realized how close he had been to death, and a voice seemed to say to him, “This is the hand of God! God is speaking to you!”
Hugo had not read the Bible and so he could not decide just what God wanted him to do. He did not know that the Lord Jesus lovingly says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28. Hugo only knew without a doubt that he had felt the hand of God over his life.
Hugo helped rescue school children who had been trapped under debris. Then he wondered if he could find any of his possessions. However, the hotel had been completely destroyed, so it was hopeless. He spent the night in the open countryside in a truck, because the aftershocks continued all during the night. There was much fear still that the few walls and buildings left standing would also collapse.
Hugo wanted to return home to Lima, but the roads had also been destroyed by the earthquake. So he began to walk with others to the nearest open road. They walked for three days through the countryside and had much difficulty finding food. At last they found a road that was open. As Hugo traveled back home, he thought again, “God is speaking to me.”
Not long after this, Hugo was invited to a little gospel meeting. He listened as the preacher told of God’s wonderful love in sending His only Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for sinners. He heard that his sins had taken him far away from God, but that the Lord Jesus had shed His precious blood to wash those sins away. He heard the simple message that “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Rom. 10:13.
After the gospel meeting one of the Christians said to Hugo, “God is speaking to you!”
“Yes!” agreed Hugo. But he surely must have wondered how this man could have known that God was speaking to him. Hugo had not understood all the message, but that very evening he knelt down and simply called upon the Lord Jesus to save him. His sins were washed away in the precious blood of Christ and now he understood what God had been saying to him. He began to read his Bible and learn more fully about the wonderful salvation that God had given him. He now tells others of his wonderful Saviour.
God had spoken very loudly to Hugo through the earthquake, but He has also spoken to you. Perhaps it has been through your parents or through your Sunday school teacher or even an illness. Maybe He is speaking to you right now, through this little paper. God wants you to listen, because He loves you and wants to warn you that those who reject the Lord Jesus and His love will be in hell forever. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
The Bible says, “For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth [notices] it not.” Job 33:14. It takes an earthquake to make some people listen. Have you listened to God’s Word?
Favorite Toys
Most little boys and girls have a favorite toy. It might be a truck, or an airplane, or a doll, or something else. I’m sure if you would ask your daddy or mommy if they can remember their favorite toys, they would say, “yes.”
Most of us have favorite things or favorite friends. Sometimes schoolteachers have favorite students. And some parents might have a favorite son or daughter. However, God does not have favorites like we do. He does not love some of us a little more than others. He loves each one of us so much that He sent His own Son to die for our sins, if we will accept His love.
Have you ever tried to count the grains of sand at the beach? Well, God’s thoughts about you are a higher number than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of this world added together! The Bible tells us this in Psa. 139:17,18: “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.”
The Magnificent Elk: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Wherefore, let them... commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” 1 Peter 4:19.
Antlers, crowning elk’s heads from May until the following March when they are shed, are important to the life of the stags (males). On a mature male they rise as much as four feet above the head and have a spread of about five feet. They are composed of two sections on which “spikes” grow out, adding beauty and majesty to their appearance.
When their antlers begin to form in early May, they are just short stubs growing on the top of the head. But they grow quickly, and when full size they are covered with an outer velvety skin which soon drops off in chunks. The elk help this shedding process by rubbing their antlers against tree trunks, stumps and rocks. When all the skin is finally removed and the bones polished by the rubbing, the antlers become hard and sharp.
The stag is well aware of his new rack of antlers when he is trying to attract the females (cows), but finds other stags with the same idea challenging him. Soon there is a great deal of fighting going on in a herd. The older, tough stags usually hold their own in pushing and wrestling matches, but sooner or later find themselves defeated by younger ones stronger than themselves. The herd then belongs to the victor.
Antlers are the principal weapons in these contests, although they use their sharp hooves as well. But there is sometimes deep tragedy, as their antlers lock together and they are unable to separate them. Eventually, too weak to stand up, they fall down with their antlers still locked, both of them destined to die for lack of water and food.
After the herd leadership has been established, those of the Rocky Mountain variety realize that winter is over, and it is time to migrate to the mountain meadows, rich in luscious grass. In these travels, stags group separately from the cows and their calves, but join again later. The trips may be relatively short, or as long as 30 or 40 miles. They travel slowly, eating their way to the higher elevations where they spend the summer. In fall they descend to lower meadows again, and in places where winters are severe and where they are officially protected, some of their food is often provided by friendly people.
Like all of God’s creatures, elk, always under His watchful care, are not aware of it. But the care is very real, as it is for each of us but in a much greater degree. The care God gives us is blessed with the rich love of His heart which includes His supreme gift, the Lord Jesus Christ as a Saviour to all who will put their trust in Him. Have you accepted this precious gift and thanked Him for it? “Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Cor. 9:15.
Buffy's Close Call
Memory Verse: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
Buffy was a big dog, full of fun and adventure. He was part of a happy family where four children saw to it that he was fed and cared for every day. But Buffy would sometimes run away to find some excitement. Then the children would hunt through the neighborhood to find him. One cold afternoon late in the spring he set off on an adventure that almost cost him his life.
Buffy had not gone far from home when he found some open water in the frozen river, just big enough for a dog his size to enjoy a refreshing swim. He had often gone swimming with his owners at a lake during the summer. So it must have been with these pleasant memories in mind that he plunged into that icy water! It wasn’t long before he felt the cold through his thick fur. Buffy scrambled out and climbed, wet and shivering, up the riverbank. He was cold and looked around for a warm spot to rest before heading home.
Nearby, the gleaming railroad tracks shone in the afternoon sun. Buffy had been scolded a time or two for playing on those tracks. Trains regularly used them, making them dangerous to be near. He had keen ears, and right now they told him that all was safe. He could depend on his keen hearing to alert him when a train was coming while it was still a long way off, and his strong legs could take him to safety. Buffy stretched out contentedly on the warm tracks and fell asleep.
A short while later he awoke with a start, sensing something was wrong. He tried to scramble to his feet, but found himself held fast to the track. He squirmed and fought with all his strength, but something would not let him go. Finally poor Buffy gave up and slumped down exhausted, whining pitifully. His keen ears had heard the rumblings of a train far in the distance, but his soaking wet fur had frozen fast to the steel train track. The river water which had looked so inviting and the warm, gleaming track had combined to hold him fast. Now his life was in danger.
Boys and girls, stop here and answer this question. Have the pleasures of sin attracted your eyes and led you into hidden danger, like Buffy? Have you turned away from the pleadings of God and the loving invitation of the Lord Jesus to come to Him? What seem to be harmless pleasures often can hold us prisoner. God’s Word says, “He, that being often reproved [warned] hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” Prov. 29:1.
Our story has a happy ending. Buffy’s frantic yelps were heard by three boys on their way home from school. Rushing to rescue him, they cut away the frozen fur and freed him from the tracks before the train came rushing by.
Are you willing to admit that sin has a tight hold on you? And are you willing to admit that you are helpless to do anything for yourself? It only takes one cry from your heart to the Lord Jesus and He will deliver you from the coming destruction that follows a life of sin. He is waiting for your call. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
Jungle Password
During World War II, Lieutenant Jack Richards was shot down in the southwestern Pacific. His plane sank almost as soon as it hit the water. Rolling over on his back, he floated for some time in his rubber suit, thankful that he had escaped without being injured. But for all he knew, he might be in enemy territory. Anyway, he knew he was stranded.
Darkness began to creep over the ocean, and Jack could just make out the wooded outlines of an island. He decided to swim to it. But distances were confusing, and he wondered if he could swim that far. Overhead he could see the star of the Southern Cross. Thoughts of home raced through his mind as he swam on. Ahead he could see the island dimly outlined by the moonlight. Jack prayed for strength and help, talking to that blessed One who was his Saviour and Lord.
It was after midnight when he reached the shore. He crawled into a cave and thanked God for helping him. Exhausted and hungry, he soon fell asleep.
In the morning he awakened to see the sun through the fringe of bushes. What would he find on the island? Well, he would soon know! Emerging from his “hotel room,” he looked around. Everything was still; the island was thick with trees and other brush.
Carefully, he slipped along through the cover of the brush, feeling that he was being watched, but seeing no one. Toward noon he saw an open space ahead and approached more slowly. Then a bend in the path exposed a little building that looked like a little church. Throwing caution to the wind, Jack broke from cover and ran. He lifted the latch, and the door swung open. Sure enough, it was a little gospel hall. Kneeling down, he gave thanks to God for saving his life and asked Him for help and safety. Rising, he went back outside, closing the door behind him. He was startled to see at the edge of the clearing a large group of natives — men, women and children.
Connecting them in his mind with the gospel hall, Jack began to greet them with words and smiles and motions, only to be met with a stony silence. Puzzled to know what else to do, he began to sing. He first tried “Amazing Grace,” but there was no response from the natives. He tried another, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” but the result was the same. Again he spoke to them, but there was not the slightest response. The natives watched every move he made. They did not seem to be hostile, just curious.
He decided to try one more song. He began a favorite childhood hymn that everyone knows, “Jesus Loves Me.” Instantly those faces came to life, rippling with smiles. By the time the first verse was finished Jack was almost overwhelmed by their friendliness. They brought him food and drink, and the next day helped him to return to his camp.
God’s care of Jack brought him to a place where he could be rescued by those who also loved his Saviour. Although they could not speak the same language, their hearts were the same, because of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Rom. 1:16.
The Quarrelsome Stickleback
“Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made... the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Neh. 9:6.
Sticklebacks are a common fish found in both fresh and salt waters across the United States. They get their name from the sharp spines standing up on top of their bodies. The most common is the three-spined variety, a very lively little fellow about two inches long. There is also a 4-spined, a 10-spined and a 15-spined, which, at four inches long, is the largest of all.
The one we will look at is the three-spined, rather pretty in its grayish-golden color that takes on added patches of red in the springtime. In spite of its small size it is a tough fighter, especially in nesting season.
Two of them in combat will dart and snap at each other. If one gets his teeth in, he will hang on like a bulldog, whirling around and around until the other admits defeat and escapes. When this happens the winner’s shining green sides, golden and scarlet head and silvery-white stomach become brighter, but the loser’s colors fade in defeat. However, if he wins a battle later, the bright colors come out again.
Sometimes after the winner has chased the loser away, the loser gets bold and chases the winner back home. Then they go at it again, never actually fighting, but chasing back and forth until they get tired of the game.
Fights are usually in defense of a nest composed of all kinds of fibers found in the water and fastened together with a sticky material given off by the male. In defending his nest, this little fellow’s fierceness is great enough to scare away fish much larger than itself.
The nest builder (male) convinces several females to use it as a place to lay their eggs. Strangely, a female will often turn right around and eat the eggs she has just laid if the male fighter doesn’t chase her away. The eggs incubate in ten days and then the nest he has worked so hard on is destroyed. Most of his time is then spent guarding the young ones until they are able to take care of themselves.
It surely seems strange that, contrary to the usual pattern of parents, the mother fish has no interest in her young ones, and if the father didn’t care for them they would not survive. But it is another example of the Creator’s interest in making a wide variety of creatures, and we know from the verse at the beginning of this article that He cares for even such tiny beings as these. We, too, need God’s care and protection, and He tells us to “Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually. Remember His marvelous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.” 1 Chronicles 16:11,12. Have you thanked Him for such loving care?
A Calm Passenger
Memory Verse: “In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge.” Proverbs 14:26
“Duck your heads as you board,” called the pilot.
Bending low to enter the doorway of the 19-passenger Beechcraft, we worked our way along the narrow aisle, carrying our hand luggage. Each of us found a seat in the single rows that lined the sides of the small plane. After stowing our bags under our seats and buckling our seat belts, we were ready for takeoff for the short flight from Portland, Maine to Boston, Massachusetts.
My seat was directly in front of a nervous young man wearing earphones and holding hands across the aisle with his young wife, who also was nervous and also had earphones clamped on her head.
While we were waiting for the engines to warm up, I took out my Bible and was enjoying the story of Peter’s miraculous catch of fish that early morning long ago after he had fished all night and had caught nothing. I was thinking, What a Saviour we have! He not only created and controls all the fish and the sea they swim in, but also the land we live on and the sky we were about to fly into.
I could hear this young couple behind me talking. “I’m scared of this little tiny plane,” the wife admitted to her husband. “Me too! Let’s turn our tapes as loud as they’ll go, and maybe that’ll help drown out the noise of the engines.”
I looked around the plane at the rest of the passengers. Everyone seemed fearful. But my heart was already soaring far higher than that Beechcraft would ever go, right up into heaven, into the presence of the Lord Jesus who invites us to “come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16. How I wanted to share my confidence in Him with these fearful passengers, but I was much too bashful to speak even to the ones sitting closest to me. So I began to pray that the Lord would “put the fish into the net” for me, just as He did for Peter.
Finally we took off. We had been in the air no more than five minutes when the nervous young man behind me put his hand on the back of my seat and said, “Ma’am, ma’am, what’s that at your feet?”
I looked down, and there blowing over my feet was a thin, continuous cloud of smoke. “Looks like smoke,” I answered him.
“Sure does,” he agreed, ripping off his seat belt and hurrying unsteadily up the narrow aisle of the shaky little propeller plane to tell the pilot.
Leaving the control panel in the care of the co-pilot, the pilot came back to my seat and, stooping down, ran his fingers through the smoke, rubbing them together to “feel” it. “That’s just from the air conditioner... nothing to worry about,” he assured us.
“Sorry to have bothered you, ma’am,” the relieved young man said to me.
“Oh, no bother, but here’s something that may comfort you,” I replied as I handed him and his wife each a copy of the little “Salvation Bible,” full of precious Bible verses that are able to lead any searching soul to the Lord Jesus, whose perfect love casts out all fear and brings those who believe on Him into His family as sons and daughters of the Almighty God.
They both read right through the little book while I prayed that the Lord Jesus would direct His Word to their need. I thanked Him for His promise, that His Word would not go forth without any return, but would accomplish that which He intended. “So shall My Word be that goeth forth... it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11.
When we had safely landed, the young couple walked with me to the baggage-claim area, talking warmly all the way and promising me they would keep and read the little books. I may never see them again, but if each of them would turn to the God of love and accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as Saviour, I will see them again in heaven.
“In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge.” Proverbs 14:26. Will you be in heaven, too?
Lost and Found
“Scoot... go outside!”
Hearing that angry voice and with a little help out the door, Nipper seemed to know that he was not wanted in that house. Down the back porch steps and out into the cold rain the little brown and white dog was led to the cold garage.
Poor Nipper was lost. He had followed a little girl home from school who had petted him and seemed friendly. But her mother had not seemed so friendly. They had found out from his collar tag that his name was Nipper, but he was not welcome in their house.
He must have wandered away from his home and gotten lost. For two days he had roamed around looking for his home. No one seemed to care about a little lost dog, and he had not found very much to eat. He would not have known that there were four children at home crying for him, and that they had been hunting and calling for him during those two days.
That evening the friendly little girl told her daddy about the little dog that had followed her home from school. Later, as he was reading the paper, he suddenly asked her, “Is that little dog brown and white?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Is the name on his tag Nipper?” “Yes it is, Daddy.”
“It says here in the ‘Lost and Found’ column that someone has lost a little brown and white dog with that name. Is he still around?”
“I think he’s out by the garage, trying to keep dry,” his daughter answered, relieved. “Want me to check?”
Nipper was still there, and after a telephone call Nipper heard the familiar voices of four children calling him. Their parents had driven them over to pick up their lost pet.
I wonder if any lost boys or girls are reading this story today. Do you know that in the Bible God talks about “lost” and “found” people? Some boys and girls are “lost,” but some have been “found,” and they are so happy!
God describes the lost ones very carefully. He says they have sinned and cannot go to heaven. The name that they carry is “sinner.” They cannot find their way to heaven by themselves.
Someone is searching for lost boys and girls like you. “The Son of man [the Lord Jesus Christ] is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10. He loves you very much. If you will let Him find you and save you, you will no longer be “LOST,” instead you will be “FOUND.” Then someday He will welcome you into His home called heaven.
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
The Hard-To-Reach Goeduck
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“But be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.” Isaiah 65:18.
The geoduck is not a bird, as the name would suggest. It is a large clam found deep in the sand off the ocean shorelines of Washington, Oregon and northern California. Its name comes from an Indian word meaning “dig deep,” but has been changed to the comical name gooey-duck. It is one of the largest clams, except for some deep-ocean giant clams that reach 500 pounds and may be up to four feet long.
Something odd is that its five-pound body bulges out all around the two halves of its seven-inch shell, which seems not large enough to give it full protection. But the Creator has not made a mistake in this design; He has well adapted it to its home beyond the shoreline. Only twice a year is this creature slightly exposed to danger. Here is how that comes about.
The geoduck’s body is always completely buried under about three feet of sand, but has a siphon (tube) extending above the sand into the water through which it secures food from water washing over it. Fish may see the top of the siphon, but leave it alone since they don’t know what’s at the other end, nor could they dig through the sand to reach it if they wanted to.
But there are two-day periods twice a year (in spring and fall) when extra-low tides take place, and only then can clam-diggers reach them. However, they aren’t easy to find, because the moment digging starts the gooey-duck quickly pulls its siphon all the way down, and the hunter, digging through three feet of sand with a shovel and bare hands, often cannot locate the clam.
Because these large clams are now so scarce, people are not allowed to catch more than one a day during these two periods each year. But most clam-diggers consider them well worth the effort because of the wonderful flavor of more than four pounds of clean, boneless clam meat when made into chowder or cut into strips and fried with a cracker-crumb coating. However they are eaten, one clam supplies enough meat to make two good meals for most families.
As we have noticed in some of our other articles, there are many odd creatures in the oceans. But they all are a part of God’s creation, and when He brought them forth He proclaimed, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas.” Genesis 1:22. They have done this “after their kind” ever since, never changing into something else, as we sometimes read or hear. The Lord God declared that everything He made “was good,” and nothing has needed a long period to evolve to its present state.
His instruction to young people is, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Eccl. 12:1), and also, “Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God.” Job 37:14. It is well worthwhile to do this. These instructions carry much wisdom.
Ice Cream for Breakfast
Memory Verse: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9
Have you ever had ice cream for breakfast? We hope not! It is not a good breakfast food, but that’s just what Peter wanted one morning. He thought he deserved it, and his mind was made up that ice cream was the only thing he would eat for breakfast that morning.
Peter was a lonely, 9-year-old boy. His family was in an unhappy state, since his mother and sister no longer lived with them. Peter and his father lived in an apartment together. His father drove a taxi and often was not there when Peter got home from school, so Peter spent many hours alone.
In the same apartment building lived a friendly Christian couple, Albert and his wife Anna. They knew that Peter was usually alone in the afternoons, so they often invited him to their apartment to play games, have something to eat and hear Bible stories.
One afternoon, Anna thought she smelled something strange and opened her apartment door to the hallway. Smoke! She ran for the caretaker and he came running. He quickly found that the fire was in Peter’s apartment. Peter was again alone and had tried to fix his own supper after he got in from school.
The fire wasn’t too serious, but it got Peter into a good deal of trouble, and he was sent to a foster home. Albert and Anna also moved to another home, and they did not see Peter for some time. When they did see him, it was a surprise....
One cold December night several months later, there was a knock on their front door. When Albert opened the door there stood Peter! His father was also there, and he asked, “Could Peter stay with you for a couple of weeks? Things aren’t working out at the foster home, and I wondered if you could give Peter a place to stay for a while?”
Albert looked at Anna and Anna looked at Albert. They both looked at Peter. He had nothing with him except a bag of potato chips... no clothes, no pajamas, not even a toothbrush!
Stay for several weeks and he brought nothing with him but a bag of potato chips? Albert and Anna were each thinking to themselves. However, they had become quite fond of Peter and wanted to help him, so they agreed that he could stay.
For several days all went well. Peter enjoyed the attention he received, and it was fun to go shopping with Anna to pick out some new clothes, a toothbrush and a few other things. Peter often said “thank you” and behaved himself quite well.
Several mornings later, Anna heard Peter already out of bed and in the kitchen, so she went downstairs to make his breakfast. To her surprise Peter was already making his own breakfast! He had taken the ice cream out of the freezer and was piling it high in a dish.
“Peter,” Anna said, “you can’t have ice cream for breakfast!”
“Why not?” demanded Peter.
“Well, it’s not really good for you,” Anna explained. “You need something more nourishing than that for breakfast.”
“But I want ice cream,” Peter insisted.
Anna tried to gently explain and reason with Peter, but he thought he deserved something better for breakfast than any of the regular breakfast foods that Anna offered him. He wanted the best, and as far as he was concerned ice cream was the best.
Peter seemed to forget that he had been kindly received in this home. He apparently forgot about the new clothes, the good meals and the happy time he was having. He forgot to be thankful, and when he didn’t get something he thought he deserved, he got quite angry. He said, “If I can’t have ice cream for breakfast, then I won’t have anything!”
And so it turned out that Peter spent quite a long morning with an uncomfortably empty feeling in his stomach. I’m thankful to tell you that he accepted happily what was offered to him at an early lunch.
Now I have not told you this story just to show you Peter’s faults. No, I have told you because I am afraid that you and I sometimes are very much like Peter. Have you and I been thankful for the good things that God gives us? Have you ever thought that God owes you something? We do not deserve any of God’s good gifts, because we are sinners. The Bible says plainly, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
Do you think possibly that you deserve to go to heaven because you have tried your best? God says that “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5.
God gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for us when we were still far away from God and loved our sins. He offers His free salvation to us, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us.
Peter refused to eat anything when he was not allowed to have ice cream. Have you refused God’s offer of salvation because you want to have it your way? If so, you will end up with no salvation at all "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. No salvation means you will have to bear the punishment that you deserve for your sins. “If ye believe not... ye shall die in your sins. After this the judgment.” John 8:24; Hebrews 9:27.
God loves you, cares for you and has given you many good gifts. He still offers you His greatest and best gift — the gift of salvation. Will you accept it? “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9.
A friend of mine was awakened in the middle of the night by the cry of “FIRE!” Running to the window, he saw that it was the house across the street. He quickly dressed and ran out to help.
He found that all the people who lived in the house had gotten out safely, except for one little girl. She was still asleep in her bedroom on the second floor. The mother was panic-stricken, not knowing what to do.
My friend decided to try to save her, even though flames and smoke were pouring from the house. He rushed up the burning steps to the second floor, through the heat and smoke.
The child was still sleeping and did not know she was in any danger. My friend quickly picked her up, wrapped her in a blanket, then made a dash down the stairs. About five minutes after he handed the little girl to her mother, the roof fell in with a crash! She was saved just in time!
Although the little girl was not hurt, my friend suffered much to save her. The fire burned his arm and hand badly, leaving one of his fingers permanently scarred and twisted because of the burns. Whenever I shake hands with him, the twisted finger seems to whisper over again the story of the house on fire.
Perhaps you, like that little girl do not realize that you are in danger! You are sleeping on in sin, not thinking that at any moment you might die, and your soul would be lost forever. Listen now to the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” He let cruel men who hated Him nail Him to a cross, hammering nails through His hands and feet. He suffered and died on that cross, because He loves you and me. One of those men thrust a spear into His side, and blood and water flowed out. God tells us this blood from the Lord Jesus can wash away sins, yours and mine, if we will just believe in Him. (This is called being “saved.") When those of us who are saved are in heaven with the Lord Jesus, we will see the nail marks in His hands and feet and the spear mark in His side from His suffering on the cross for us. They will always remind us of how much He loved us and what He went through to save us.
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
How the Aye-Aye Got It's Name
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat [food] in due season.” Psalms 145:15.
The unusual little aye-aye is about 15 inches long plus a two-foot-long tail. It is found only on the island of Madagascar off the coast of southeast Africa. Its distinctive cry of “I-I” caused the natives to make that its name, which we now spell in English “aye-aye.” It is a member of the lemur family.
A night-time feeder, it is rarely seen, spending most of the daylight hours curled up in a ball-shaped nest in the hidden fork of a large tree. Sometimes it grooms itself with its long fingers during the day.
Its appearance is rather unusual, distinguished by its pale-brown smooth face and white chin, sharp red eyes and alert black ears. The rest of its body is covered with long, silky, rust-colored or grayish-black hair, darker along its back than on its stomach and legs. Its head is broad at the top, but tapers to a narrow point at its small mouth and chin. Because of its rather spooky-looking eyes, the natives have long thought that it has an evil spirit and avoid touching it. But that is just superstition, and the aye-aye is not inclined to harm anyone.
The most interesting thing about it is the middle finger of each front hand (paw). This finger is twice the length of the other four fingers and as thin as a birthday cake candle. Armed with a long sharp nail and hinged in the middle, this finger is the principal means of catching much of the aye-aye’s food.
Its sensitive ears pick up the sound of an almost-silent grub or insect inside a tree trunk or fallen log. With its strong teeth it immediately chews a hole in the wood, through which this spindly finger penetrates, grabbing an insect and bringing it out to eat, returning again and again until no more victims remain. These slender fingers are also helpful in removing bark to expose tidbits, as well as scooping out the insides of fallen coconuts, and are even used by the animal as a toothpick!
The aye-aye’s food is not just insects. It is also fond of fruit and their juices, often dangling by its legs from the branches to get at ripe, juicy treats. It considers sugar cane a special treat, tearing off pieces of the stalks with its strong teeth and chewing the sweet juiciness from them.
The aye-aye is another example of the Creator’s marvelous works, some of which are never seen by human eyes, but which, as our opening verse tells us, are always under His watchful care, whether in the darkness of night or light of day.
There are foolish people who think their activities are hidden from God, but the Bible tells us: “For His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings.” Job 34:21. True happiness is only found in knowing the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and Friend, trusting in Him every day for every event of our lives.
The Few and the Many
Memory Verse: “He that believeth on Him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18
If you had been driving through the town of Amherst, Massachusetts, one warm, drizzly evening last April, you might have seen a group of people, some old and some young, standing in the rain by the edge of the road.
What are these people doing, you might have wondered. Could they be having a picnic? No, because there are no tables and no food.
Are they looking for something that has been lost? No, because the way to look for something lost is to spread out and walk around, but these people are just standing there all bunched together.
Let’s suppose that you decide to stop and find out what’s happening. So you park your car and walk over. You see someone who looks friendly and ask, “Why is everybody standing out here getting wet?”
“You must be new here, otherwise you would already know.”
“Yes, I was passing through and saw all these people standing around in the rain. What would I already know if I wasn’t new here?”
“That we’re standing out here to see if the salamanders crawl through the tunnels.”
“What tunnels?”
“Those tunnels over there,” your new friend says, pointing a short distance away to some small tunnels going under the road. “We put them in this winter and we have been waiting until now to see if the salamanders would go through them after they awakened from their winter’s hibernation.”
“Why can’t they just walk across the road?”
“That’s what they have always done, but so many of them got run over by cars that a group of us got together and decided to do something about it. We had these tunnels dug under the road so that the salamanders would have a safe way to get to the other side of the highway.”
“See, here comes another salamander out of the woods. He’s headed right for the tunnels... oh no... he’s going right by them,” says your friend.
“Looks like he doesn’t know what’s good for him,” you reply.
“Nope, hardly any of them do. Out of 50 salamanders crossing so far this evening, only one of them has used a tunnel.”
“The salamanders just don’t know what’s good for them I guess.”
We were just supposing you had stopped in Amherst and had had this conversation, but the facts of the story are true. In Amherst the people were so concerned about those little reptiles crossing the road and getting killed that they installed the world’s first salamander-safety-tunnels under their highway. But they were disappointed that first night when only one out of 50 crawled through a tunnel.
God has also prepared a way of escape that many are ignoring. He has sent the good news of the gospel to many, many thousands of men, women and children (in fact to everyone). Through the Bible and His servants God has pleaded with each one of us to accept His already-prepared way to be saved from our sins. “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and... He was buried, and... He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3,4. But so many have ignored His plan of salvation and continue to follow the way that leads to death.
God is still sending the good news of His love and grace to all people. Romans 10:15 reads, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” They have “beautiful feet” because they carry the loveliest message that man has ever heard. It’s a message that reveals, like nothing else ever could, the immense love in God’s heart. It is hard to understand why many are not interested in it when they hear it, and why they ignore God’s loving and free way of salvation.
After learning about the 49 salamanders who ignored the safety tunnels, you might have thought to yourself that those salamanders were not smart enough to know what those tunnels were for. The same cannot be said of you and the way of salvation. God has given you enough intelligence to understand that you are a sinner and need a Saviour. “I wasn’t able to understand the gospel,” will never do as an excuse for not believing God’s good news. In fact, there are no excuses for not believing it.
Will you be among those who accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and safely reach heaven? Or will you be among the many who ignore Him and are cast into outer darkness? “He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18.
Tammy's Doll
Tammy used to pass a store that had a beautiful doll in the window. One day when she and her brother Tim were passing the store, Tammy said, “I would just love to have that doll!”
What a surprise Tammy had a few weeks later! Her brother gave her a box, and what do you think was in it? It was that very same doll she had seen in the window. How she thanked Tim over and over again for such a wonderful gift.
Do you think Tammy paid her brother for the doll? Oh no! She just accepted it and thanked him for it. And that is what God wants us to do with His wonderful offer of salvation — just take it as a free gift. He has sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for you. If you ask Jesus to be your Saviour and thank Him for dying for you, God will make you one of His own children. Why not come to Him today? God’s gift of salvation is the best of all gifts.
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
Mushrooms-Good and Bad
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to us-ward.” Psalms 40:5.
There are some 5000 kinds of mushrooms, with only a small number of them safe to eat. But all are interesting as part of God’s handiwork in creation. There are many shapes and sizes. Some are as large as bowling balls, while others are no larger than a common pin. They come in a great variety of colors —brown, black, blue, orange, green, violet, white, etc. Some grow on tall stems; others grow close to the ground or even under the surface.
Names given them include the huge puffball, weighing up to 20 pounds and each year producing millions of spores (seeds). Because of its distinctive color, one is called red blusher, another inky cap and another scarlet cup. This last one grows so close to the ground that it looks like a bright-red soup bowl.
The jack-o-lantern is a deep-orange color. Underneath the top, 100 or more paper-thin ribs spread out to form the base for its smooth topside. Turkey-tails grow on trees and stumps. Their undersides, colored like turkey feathers, contrast with a smooth white or tannish top.
Deadman’s finger looks like a dirty finger sticking out of the ground from a giant, buried hand. One, the horn of plenty, and another, the son of the woods, are found in great numbers. Then there is one with large outstretched petals, giving the appearance of a vegetable starfish. Another, spreading its petals on the ground, has a smooth, round center which looks like a bright-brown cookie.
One of the more common mushrooms in the western United States is the morel variety, soft-gray in color and often found in grassy meadows. This is one that is safe to eat and looks like a poorly folded miniature umbrella, full of odd-shaped spongy wrinkles.
These are just examples of a few, with others looking like closed umbrellas, open parachutes and many other shapes. But it cannot be stressed too much to leave all mushrooms alone, unless you are with a mushroom expert who can distinguish between poisonous and nonpoisonous ones. Eating only one of certain poisonous varieties is enough to cause a person’s death. Of course, those for sale in grocery stores are safe and make good eating.
In a way mushrooms provide an example of the two forces that are in the world — good and evil — and perhaps the Creator would like us to think of them that way. The Bible tells us to “Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” Romans 12:9. A person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and commits his way to Him and turns to the Word of God, the Bible, for guidance in all affairs of life, will be given wisdom to recognize evil and abhor (stay away from) it, finding real pleasure in cleaving (holding tightly) to that which is good. But we need to continually ask God’s help to recognize these things, just as mushroom hunters need wisdom in the mushrooms they select.
A New Home for Pedro
Memory Verse: “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12
I would like to tell you about a poor little boy named Pedro. He lives in a very large city in a far-away country called Brazil. Not only was Pedro born blind, but even worse, his mother did not love him. Sadly, she was a woman who cared more for the pleasures of sin than for her tiny baby. She did not take care of him — she did not feed him, wash him, nor did she cuddle him close. Poor little Pedro! Only an old granny came to give him a little to eat. Because he could not see, they thought he also could not hear. Since no one talked to him, his body grew but he never learned to talk. Poor Pedro was left lying on his back for over four long years. If the old granny had not fed him a little, he would have died. Who could love a little boy like Pedro with so many problems?
He was often sick with a tummy full of worms and his blind eyes were red and sore with infection. If you had seen him lying there you surely would have thought how hard it would be to love this blind little boy who was sick and very dirty.
Not far away in this same city where Pedro lived was a Christian couple, Mario and his lovely wife Christina. They had two children with pretty blond hair and laughing blue eyes. They lived in a nice home, but best of all, because they read the Bible and believed it they were a happy family. The Lord Jesus had washed their hearts from sin and brought many joys into their lives. Because their Saviour, the Lord Jesus, had done so much for them, they wanted to help others. They prayed, asking Him to show them someone they could help. Perhaps they could bring some child into their home to share in their love and what they had.
As they were praying about this, a friend told them about poor, blind Pedro who was now almost five years old. The old granny had died, and now there was no one to even give him a little food. Pedro lay on his back unable to sit up or talk or see. Mario and Christina felt that this must be the Lord’s answer to their prayer. They went to see Pedro. What they found was a very sick little boy, dirty, blind and unable to talk or walk.
Would you or I have turned away, not even wanting to look at that poor little boy? Mario and Christina didn’t. Their love went out to Pedro. They took him home to be their own son. They washed him and fed him and saw that he got all the doctors’ care he needed. What a happy day for Pedro! He was taken from his lonely, unhappy life in that tiny hut and given a place as a son in a loving family in their own home.
Boys and girls, I can see in this true story a picture of God’s love to you. If you have never come to the Lord Jesus for salvation, then you are just like Pedro. You are blind, for the Bible says, “The god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ... should shine unto them.” 2 Corinthians 4:4.
You are also sick, like Pedro, because the Word of God describes those who are still in their sins by saying, “The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores.” Isaiah 1:5,6.
And if your sins have not been washed away in the precious blood of Christ, you are also poor, for God says that those without Christ do not know that they are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” Revelation 3:17.
But our good news for you is that God loves you, just as Mario and Christina loved Pedro. God wants to adopt you into His family as one of His children, and to care for you, and have you share in all the riches of heaven and the joys of His happy family.
Would you think that Pedro would refuse Mario and Christina’s love and care and ask them to leave him alone in that tiny hut? No. Would you, a sinner, refuse God’s love and care and all the happiness that He offers you? I hope not.
Pedro is now learning to sit up and can say a few words. He is receiving the best care that loving parents can give him. But do not forget that Mario and his wife first loved Pedro when he was very unlovely. They remembered that when God sent His only Son to die for them, they were not only “unlovely” because of their sins, but they were also enemies of God. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.... When we were enemies, we were reconciled [peace was made] to God by the death of His Son.” Romans 5:8,10.
Come to the Lord Jesus today to receive the forgiveness of your sins, and God will welcome you into His family as one of His children. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12.
Will you accept God’s offer of love and happiness?
“Hi, Grandma,” said five-year-old Cheryl, cuddling her doll in her arms as she came close to my chair. Beside me on the kitchen table sat an apple, plump, rosy, inviting. Cheryl spied it and began dancing around the table, her blond hair bobbing up and down. Her doll, now held loosely by one hand, dragged behind her. Cheryl’s brown eyes never left the apple.
“Yes, you may eat it,” I said in answer to her look.
The doll dropped. Cheryl climbed up on a chair and started munching happily.
My eyes returned to my book. Too soon the munching stopped. I glanced up to see what had happened. Cheryl was sitting with her right arm stretched as high as it could reach, and in her hand was the last third of the apple.
“There’s still fruit on your apple, honey.”
“I know.”
Still she sat, now propping her right arm up with her left hand so the apple would be as high as possible.
“Why don’t you finish your apple?” I asked.
“I’m sharing with God. Don’t you think He’d like a bite?”
“Sweetheart, I’m sure God is very happy that you want to share your apple with Him, but because He is God He doesn’t need to eat like we do.”
As she brought the apple down Cheryl asked thoughtfully, “Can God hear me now?”
“Yes, right now He can hear all we say, and He knows if we really mean what we say or if we’re just talking.”
Cheryl looked up and said shyly, “I love you, God.” Then she slowly finished her apple and slipped down to continue playing with her doll.
“But Jesus called them unto Him, and said, Suffer [encourage] little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” Luke 18:16,17.
The Black-Footed Ferret
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Thy ways.” Revelation 15:3.
When western prairies of the United States were being settled many years ago, millions of prairie dog homes dotted the plains. Because these animals were considered pests they were hunted and poisoned, so that today hardly any are left.
That poisoning also meant the death of a smaller animal — the black-footed ferret — not only because they, too, were poisoned, but with the elimination of prairie dogs their principal food supply was gone. Now there are also only a few of these ferrets left — mostly in the state of Wyoming where efforts are being made to protect them.
The pretty black-footed ferret looks like and is related to the weasel, as shown by its slim body, short legs, alert expression and sharp eyes. Only about two feet long from nose to tail tip, it weighs a mere pound and a half. Its fur is mostly tan, but its racoon-like face and throat are white with a black streak, like a bandit’s mask, across its eyes, then continuing over its head and all along its spine. Legs and paws are also black, accounting for its name. Being close to the ground its agile body is well hidden in the grass as it skims along at high speed.
It is a fierce night-time hunter, often attacking animals larger than itself. For instance, prairie dogs often weigh more than twice as much, but although the ferret may get badly wounded, it is rare for them to lose the battle. When it is over the ferret drags the heavier creature to its burrow for eating. Ground squirrels, mice, rabbits and other small animals are also their victims.
Little ones (kits) are born and raised by the mother in early summer. Sometime before fall each one moves to a solitary burrow where it makes its home and carries whatever it captures for its own consumption.
In the Lord God’s original creation all things lived peacefully together, but when Adam and Eve brought sin into the world that perfection was ruined, affecting all living things. And today lions, tigers, ferrets, hawks, falcons, sharks and many other creatures still attack and kill one another.
But the Bible gives us cheerful news about a coming day when “the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.... They shall not hurt nor destroy... for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.” Isaiah 11:7,9.
Before that takes place all who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their own Saviour will have been called to heaven and will look down on this peaceful scene with thankful praise to God for restoring His creation so wonderfully. Will you be in heaven with them?
Mmmmmm, Coconut Ice Cream
Memory Verse: “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13
Tom was standing on a long extension ladder that was leaning against a coconut tree. That tree must have been about 30 feet tall. He had in his hand a long pole with a saw on the top. Soon a cluster of coconuts came crashing down to the ground. We all helped carry them over to the compost pile. Then Tom took a large machete, over two feet long, and began slicing through the tough outer husk. Working only on one side of each nut, he soon exposed the hard inner shell. Then he made two holes through that shell into the nut and drained off the “coconut milk.” Finally, after opening a half-dozen coconuts he had-collected a pitcher full of coconut milk and a big pan full of coconut meat. “Thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.” Psalms 128:2.
We were soon to have ‘a real treat, something that we had never had before —fresh coconut ice cream! Cream, eggs and sugar were added to the chopped coconut meat. This was all poured into the container inside the ice cream freezer. Ice and salt surrounded it. The handle of the freezer was turned and turned, until the thick, rich ice cream was just right.
It had taken Tom all afternoon to prepare this treat for us to share. We all ate it slowly and greatly enjoyed the delicious, fresh flavor. We really appreciated all the work he had done to make this possible. We told him how much we enjoyed it and thanked him.
When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we confess to Him that we are sinners. God sent His Son here to open the way for sinners into heaven. That way is open for all who trust in the finished work of Christ. In John 17:4, the Lord Jesus, speaking to His Father, says, “I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” The work is all done, never to be done again. “But this Man [the Lord Jesus Christ], after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God.” Hebrews 10:12. There is nothing now for us to do but believe. Then we know that our entrance into heaven is sure.
We really enjoyed our fresh coconut ice cream. Perhaps someday we will taste it again. But there is not a pleasure nor a treat on this earth which could be as wonderful as the joy we have as Christians. We have the joy of knowing that our sins are gone and of soon being with our Saviour in heaven! There is nothing for us to do but believe and then thank Him.
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13.
Saved by His Horse
I remember a story about a man who was traveling on horseback across the desert near the Rio Grande River in New Mexico. He had lost his way and wandered about in the burning heat of the sun, searching for water. He thought that both he and his horse were going to die from lack of water. Oh, how thirsty he was!
Most of us do not know what real thirst is—when the throat becomes dry and hot and the lips are cracked and burning. Those who have experienced this kind of thirst say that they would have given all they owned for just a drop of water to moisten their lips and cool their tongue.
As the hot day dragged by the rider urged his wear horse on, still hoping to reach a stream or a pool before they died.
It was late in the afternoon when they reached the top of a ridge. The man looked down into a little canyon and saw grass growing thick and long. That meant water. That was what he was looking for—a spring that would have good water. It seemed to come from nowhere, but there was a little trickle of water coming out of the side of the canyon. It was almost too good to be true.
Climbing down from Lady, his horse, he led her down the steep slope. He let her go to the grass and water while he waded though the small, marshy bog to get right where the water trickled out of the canyon wall. He stayed there a long time, his feet deep in the cool mud of the bog, drinking and cooling himself in the cool spring water.
Finally getting his fill, he tried to pull his feet out of the mud. But they would not come out. He tried pulling one out at a time, but the more he struggled the deeper he seemed to sink in the bog. He was stuck and could not move, and he knew it. Had he been spared from dying of thirst only to die in a bog?
Then suddenly he thought of Lady who was grazing downstream. “Lady!” he called, “Lady, come!” She seemed to sense something was wrong and came close to where he was caught in the bog. “Come closer, Lady,” he commanded. She moved close enough so that he could catch hold of the saddle straps. It was his only hope, so grasping the straps, he hung on.
“Now, Lady, pull,” he said firmly, “let’s go!” The horse seemed to understand, and for the next few moments she pulled and strained. The man hung on tightly, knowing that this was his only hope of getting out of the bog. It felt like his arms and legs were being pulled out of their sockets, but still he hung on.
Finally, the bog lost its grip on his legs and feet, and Lady dragged him to firmer ground. The man fell to the ground, exhausted but saved.
This story gives us two pictures of a sinner. The first picture is of a sinner who, sooner or later, discovers that this world is nothing but a dry desert. Nothing keeps him happy for very long. There is nothing to satisfy what his heart and soul need. If he goes on like this he will die in his sins and be lost in hell forever. But the Lord Jesus Christ lovingly calls to each one, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink.” John 7:37. He is the fountain of life and gives the living water. If a sinner will take a “drink” from Him, he will live forever.
The man helpless in the bog is our second picture of a sinner. He is stuck in the bog of sin, sinking down to death and hell. Can you see yourself in this picture? Can you see that, like the man in the story, you cannot help yourself? But there is a Saviour and a friend, the Lord Jesus Christ who loves you. If you will call to Him, He will come and lift you out of the bog of sin. He will wash away all your sins and start you on your way to heaven. He also will keep you happy and satisfied all along the way. You can depend on Him! Why not trust Him today?
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.
The Babirusa, or Pig Bear
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord is good to all and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9.
The 200-pound babirusa, about three feet long plus a foot-long, rope-like tail, is a very ugly animal. It is brownish-gray in color with two pairs of curved tusks. The lower pair grows right out of its mouth and rises a foot or more before curling toward its forehead. The upper pair is rooted higher in the snout, but also makes a circle towards the top of its head. Their use seems to be to push brush away from their eyes.
It’s not likely you would want a fierce-looking animal like this for a pet. However, their looks are deceiving, for they are actually shy and passive. They live in the East Indian islands beside rivers and lakes where they feed on water plants, wild fruit, other vegetation, and insect larvae and where they like to wallow in the mud, just as pigs do everywhere.
They are a member of the pig family, much like those on American farms, except for the tusks. Their short-legged, large bodies give them a bear-like figure, which accounts for the nickname “pig bear.” Long, pointed snouts are topped with small ears and gruesome eyes.
Females make nests in carefully hidden places and usually give birth to just one or two smooth-skinned piglets each year. Natives often capture these, taming and raising them on their farms for their meat, which tastes as good as any pork or bacon. Little children usually take care of them.
A difference between these wild animals and pigs or hogs raised on most farms is that domestic hogs have only one stomach and so cannot eat grass and vegetation, but need corn, soybeans and other grains along with table scraps. But the wild pigs have an extra part to their stomachs, like sheep and goats, and whatever they eat goes into this “sac” where it is digested before it can nourish their bodies.
Because of this it is much cheaper to raise the wild pigs and feed them inexpensive vegetation — which the natives already do. American farms are considering doing the same, so perhaps you may someday see some for sale in your local butcher shop.
Strange as these animals are, they are just one more example of the Creator’s pleasure in placing a wide variety of creatures on the earth. But the supreme work of His creation was in making mankind, as expressed in Psalms 40:5: “Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to us-ward... if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.” The principal “wonderful work” was in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, bearing on the cross the sins of all who will admit their need to be saved and accept Him as their Saviour. All are invited to do this. Have you accepted this loving invitation?
The Herring's Enemy
Memory Verse: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6
It was a fine spring morning, and I was out enjoying the sunshine, the warm breezes and the newly unfolding leaves. My walk that day brought me to the banks of a quiet stream to watch the yearly migration of herring. Every spring these small fish (about 12 inches long), guided by the perfect instinct given to them by God their Creator, swim from the ocean, upstream, to lay their eggs in shallower water. I sat down and watched these fish gather by the dozens in a small pool before dashing upstream through the rapids on their way to the lake above, which was the end of their journey.
I soon discovered was not the only one interested in the fish going by. Seeing some movement in the grass and the splashing of water along the stream bank, I moved closer to investigate and saw a curious sight.
A snake had taken hold of a passing fish and was trying to pull it out of the water. How that fish fought! One moment they were in the water, then back on land, moving almost too quickly for my eyes to follow all the action. Back and forth they went as the snake kept a firm hold on the struggling fish.
That snake reminds me of Satan. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us that “your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour [destroy].” 1 Peter 5:8. He is looking for careless ones who are going merrily down the stream of life, too busy to think about God and what He says about their sins. Satan is called “that old serpent,” which points out how dishonest and crafty he is. Once he has a hold on boys and girls and men and women, they can never, by their own strength, break loose from his deadly grasp.
As I watched the battle, the fish grew weaker, and I knew that it had almost no chance of escaping from the teeth of the snake. Feeling sorry for it, I grabbed the tail of the snake. Quickly it let go of the fish and turned to face its own enemy. As the fish flopped back into the water, I dropped the snake, which turned and slithered away in a hurry.
“When we were yet without strength... Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6. The Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came into the world, Satan’s territory, to save us, because we could never save ourselves from such a strong, clever enemy. Christ pitied us in our lost and helpless condition and gave up His life on the cross to take us out of the deadly grasp of our great enemy. Those of us who have put our trust in Him have had our sins forgiven and are safely on our way to heaven to be with Him forever. He is willing to save all who call out for salvation. Why not accept Him as your Saviour today? “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Blind Bartimeus
Suppose you were to lose your eyesight and be blind. Wouldn’t that be terrible? Close your eyes tightly and walk slowly around in your house or in your yard. Then think of being like that for the rest of your life. You would not be able to see your parents, brothers or sisters, friends, anything inside your house, or any of God’s beautiful creation. All of us take our eyesight for granted most of the time. How often do we thank our loving Saviour for giving us eyesight?
In the Bible we often read of blind people. A wonderful little story about a blind man named Bartimeus is found in Mark 10:46-52.
Bartimeus lived outside the village of Jericho in Palestine. He was a beggar who sat beside the road calling to people who passed by to give him money. This is how he got the money to buy what he needed in order to live.
I am sure that Bartimeus did not have a very nice house to live in, nor all the food to eat that he wanted, nor nice clothes to wear. But what he probably wanted more than any of these things was to be able to see. Then he would not have to beg for money. He could work and earn money to buy the things he needed. But there was no hope for a blind person in those days. Who could give sight to a blind man?
One day he heard, probably from a traveler on the highway, that there was a special Person living in the town of Nazareth who was healing all the sick people in the villages around. It had even been reported that He had made blind people to see!
Can you imagine what Bartimeus must have thought when he heard that good news? Oh, how he must have wanted to go to Nazareth right away to visit this wonderful Person. However, not only was Nazareth 60 miles away, but the road was rough and dangerous, and there was no one to lead him there. He could only hope that this wonderful Person might come to Jericho where he lived. I’m sure he must have asked many questions of the travelers who passed by him each day. He eagerly listened to everything that was said about this special Person.
Then one day he heard the noise of many people coming out of Jericho. What did it mean? Who was coming? It must be someone important, because the people were so excited.
“Who is coming? What’s going on?” called Bartimeus, hoping someone would hear him and answer his questions.
“It’s Jesus of Nazareth,” someone answered him.
Jesus of Nazareth! He was the Person he had heard about, the One who could give him his eyesight!
Soon Jesus was walking right near him. Would Jesus heal him? Bartimeus knew that Jesus could, but would Jesus know he was beside the road?
The crowd was moving past. What could a blind man do? He could not see where Jesus was and walk up to Him. It was impossible to move through that crowd of people. Soon Jesus would be gone and might never come this way again. There was only one thing for Bartimeus to do.
“Jesus!” cried Bartimeus as loudly as he could. “Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!”
“Be quiet!” shouted some unkind people in the crowd. “Don’t bother Him. He is not interested in you.”
But Bartimeus knew that this was the opportunity that he had been waiting for. This was that wonderful Person who could give sight to his eyes.
“Thou Son of David, have mercy on me,” he cried again!
“And Jesus stood still.” Above the shouting and noise of the crowd, He had heard the voice of blind Bartimeus. It was the call of faith of someone who recognized who He was and that He could heal.
Jesus commanded that Bartimeus be brought to Him. While the crowd watched, someone helped Bartimeus to reach Jesus. Bartimeus had quickly thrown off his old, tattered clothes and stood trembling in front of Jesus.
“What do you want Me to do for you?” Jesus asked kindly.
“Lord, that I might receive my sight.”
Jesus, who knew all about Bartimeus, said to him, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Immediately the blind eyes of Bartimeus were opened. He looked up into the face of the One who had opened them — the Lord Jesus Christ! Bartimeus was so thankful to the Lord Jesus for healing his eyes that he became a follower of Jesus.
This wonderful story from the Bible teaches us what a loving Saviour we have and how He is willing and able to save any who come to Him in faith. We read in Hebrews 7:25 that “He [the Lord Jesus] is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.” Won’t you call to the Saviour right now to save you, just like Bartimeus did? He is passing by, but He will stop at any simple call of faith.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1.
Hidden Outdoor Life
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Yea, the darkness hideth not from Thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee.” Psalms 139:12.
Most of us give little thought to the living creatures God has formed to fill important, but hidden places in the world around us.
The very soil and grassy lawns we walk on are good examples. Just a teaspoonful of dirt may contain countless tiny forms of plant and animal life which can only be seen with a microscope. The most important of these are bacteria which help keep the soil clean and replace nutrients when they decompose dead insects and vegetation. Of course we all know there are angleworms and a variety of bugs, as well as moles and other creatures beneath the surface, but we can’t grasp how many there actually are. All are a part of the Creator’s great plan and are important in enriching the soil in which much of our food is grown.
Rocks on a hillside are often covered with moss or other growth, and many living things hide beneath these soft covers, including tiny mites, beetles, ants, centipedes, even mice, toads, moths, snails and innumerable other things. Rainwater trapped in a crevice of a rock is often the home of larvae wriggling their way into becoming mosquitos. A rotting log is also sure to contain untold numbers of hidden life, including microbes, more bacteria, several kinds of ants, termites, slugs, lizards and others.
Enjoying a salt-water beach, few people are even aware that living things are hidden in the sand. Tiny crabs, shellfish, various worms, fleas and numerous other insects are there, and a great amount of unseen life is out in the ocean waters beyond them.
Underwater creatures also hide in streams under rocks or in the shelter of an overhanging tree. You would be amazed at all the nymphs, larvae, crawlers, worms and even spiders down there, along with others which become an important source of food for the fish.
But there is One from whom nothing can hide — the Creator Himself — of whom the Bible tells us: “For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested [made known].” Mark 4:22.
If any reader is trying to hide from God, it is impossible, “For His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings.” Job 34:21. Just stop and consider that He knows all about you, and realize how important it is to ask, as the Psalmist did: “Show Thy marvelous loving-kindness, O Thou that savest by Thy right hand them which put their trust in Thee.... Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.” Psalms 17:7,8. Have you put your trust in this loving Saviour?
Christopher's New Minibike
Memory Verse: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
When Christopher was 14 he saved up enough money to buy himself a shiny new minibike. He liked to ride it, and he often asked me, his mother, if I would like to try it out. I wasn’t very eager, but one sunny summer day there were about a dozen young people at our place, and they were taking turns riding the minibike. Christopher insisted, “Come on, Mom, you take a turn, too.”
Now, I was used to riding my pedal bike. The brake on my bike was a hand lever right up by the handle grip, so when I squeezed tightly on this brake lever the bike would stop quickly. But the minibike was altogether different. Right beside the handle grip was the lever that controlled the gas, so when you squeezed that lever you went faster instead of stopping.
Becoming a Christian is just the opposite of our old way of life, too. 1 Corinthians 15:22 tells us, “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” In Colossians 3:9,10 it tells us that when we have become a Christian by accepting the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, we “have put off the old man [old nature] with his deeds; and have put on the new man [new nature], which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him.”
I hopped on the minibike. As long as I stayed on the driveway things went pretty smoothly, but when I started to ride out across the field, the going got a lot rougher. I got scared, so I automatically squeezed what would have been the brake lever on my bike. The minibike speeded up and started flying over boulders, mowing down saplings, shooting down little hills and over potholes. The faster I went the tighter I squeezed; the tighter I squeezed the faster I went!
The young people watching me were having a good laugh at my expense. I was beginning to think things over. You can’t ride a minibike the same way you ride a bicycle, and that’s the way it is in life, too. When we become a Christian our whole way of life is changed. Romans 6:13,14 tell us, “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”
As I realized the change I needed to make in the handling of the minibike, I let go of my grip on the gas lever... and gradually came to a stop.
We need to let go of our hold on our lives too and let God control them. “For our conversation [way of life] is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who... is able even to subdue all things unto Himself " (Phil. 3:20,21), even our old sinful natures.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
The Runaway Gerbil
Kristen and Johnny had two gerbils named Arnold and Bucky. They were both active little animals, as most gerbils are, but Bucky was especially adventuresome. He was always exploring everywhere he could when he was allowed out of his cage.
Kristen and Johnny went to visit their grandmother for a week. Their parents stayed at home while they were away. Early in the week Daddy noticed that Bucky was not in the cage. The lid had not been closed tightly and was slightly ajar. If you’ve ever had a gerbil for a pet, you know a gerbil doesn’t need much room to squeeze through. Bucky had gotten out!
Every night after Daddy came home from work, he went “gerbil hunting.” The cage had been kept in the basement, so that is where Daddy searched. Although he spent many hours trying to catch Bucky, there were too many hiding places. He saw Bucky several times, but could never catch him.
When the children came home a few days later, Bucky was still loose in the basement. Kristen thought that since Bucky was her pet she could easily catch him, but she found that she couldn’t. Johnny tried everything he could think of, too. They even put food out by the cage and then waited quietly for Bucky to come and get it. However, when Bucky did come and the children tried to catch him, he would scoot away out of their grasp.
One day Kristen prayed, asking the Lord Jesus to help them catch Bucky. Now, you may think that catching a gerbil is not very important to the Lord Jesus and that we should not bother Him about such little things. But in the Bible the Lord says, “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” James 4:2. There is no problem too small to bring to the Lord Jesus. He never gets upset about our asking for anything that He would like us to have. “If we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us.” 1 John 5:14. Also, James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally [generously], and upbraideth [scolds] not; and it shall be given him.”
Later that same day as Kristen looked for Bucky, the quick-moving little gerbil ran behind an old bookcase that was being stored in the basement. Scooting behind the bookcase was easy, but Bucky soon discovered that there was no other way out. The bookcase sat in the corner of the basement. Bucky could run behind the bookcase until he reached the corner. But then he could not go around the corner, because the bookcase was pushed tightly against the wall. He could not go under it, either. The only way out was the same way he had gotten in. By then Kristen was guarding that end to keep Bucky from getting out. He was trapped!
Kristen called for Daddy to bring the cage quickly. Carefully, they worked together to get Bucky back into the cage.
The Lord had answered Kristen’s prayer, and so easily, too. I’m sure the family must have thought, “If we had prayed about it sooner, we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble.” How often we all forget to pray, or we think that something is not important enough to bring to the Lord. Let’s remember that the Lord does hear and will answer our prayers. Sometimes the answer will not be what we were hoping it would be, but it still is an answer. Let’s always thank the Lord for answering our prayers.
It was not long until Bucky settled down to his normal caged life. But about two days later Kristen noticed that Bucky seemed sick. He only got worse over the next two days. On the fourth day after being caught, Bucky died.
Kristen and Johnny’s parents wondered if he had eaten some poison or something else that was not good for him while he was out of the cage. Bucky might have thought he was having a good time while he was loose. It seems, though, that his good time was harmful to him and even caused his death.
Some boys and girls are so busy having good times that they don’t bother to think about God. Sometimes even children who love the Lord Jesus Christ and know Him as their Saviour want to “run away” — do things that are not pleasing to Him. But each of us must remember that “the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. Your “good times” will only last a short time, but your soul lives forever. If you are not trusting in the Lord Jesus and are “running away” from Him, why not allow yourself to be “caught.” He wants to “catch” you in His love. He loves you so much that He has already taken the punishment for all your sins if you will only believe Him. He shed His precious blood on Calvary’s cross for any who accept Him as their Saviour. Tell Him that you believe that He died for you. He has promised to save you. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Then you will want to thank Him for saving you, and tell others about Him. Don’t be unwise and run away from the Lord Jesus like Bucky ran away from Kristen’s family. He loves you. Accept Him as your Saviour today.
“The Lord is... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9.
A Scarlet Beauty
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And God created... every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying... let fowl multiply in the earth.” Genesis 1:21.22.
In the rain forests of South and Central America and Mexico, there are many brightly colored macaws (which some people consider the most beautiful of all birds), sharing the forests with closely related parrots. One macaw is named the red and blue, its upper and lower plumage a bright red complemented with patches of yellow, and a red tail tipped with blue.
A somewhat similar one is the blue and yellow. A flock of these in flight is a sight to be long remembered. Among the large ones is the Hyacinthine which is a solid deep blue. It can be identified by its unusually strong beak with a sharp point on the upper part extending beyond the lower one.
There are many more interesting ones as well. But the one considered most outstanding has the name of scarlet. It is one of the largest, measuring up to three feet from its beak to the tip of its tail. This one is a brilliant ruby red with blue trimming on its wings and tail feathers (on some the trimming includes green and yellow). Looking down on several scarlets in flight with wings outspread and tails straight behind them, they almost look like pieces from a rainbow in their bright contrasting colors — a beautiful spectacle!
Macaws resemble parrots in appearance and habits and also, like them, are inclined to be noisy. They all have big appetites and have been provided by the Creator with powerful beaks that can crack open the hardest seeds and nuts easily. Most of them hold their food with their feet while breaking it into pieces with these strong beaks. Like chickens and most other birds they have no teeth, but from time to time swallow grit or tiny pebbles into their gizzards, which break down the solid food into needed nourishment.
All macaws and parrots have strong, short, flat tongues which, together with their strong beaks, are used to grasp branches and pull themselves up or sidewise when searching for food. However, when one of them is tamed it will never bite its owner (some pay extremely high prices for these birds), but may just give a playful nip to his ear or cheek.
Macaws do make nice pets and can be taught to say a few words, but we do not expect them to know about their Creator who is always watching over them. Thanks to God’s Word, the Bible, His many kindnesses are known to us, and we should always be grateful for His care over us. We should be especially thankful for the Saviour’s love in giving His life on the cross so that we may have our sins forgiven. He loves you and will forgive your sins and be your Saviour if you will only come to Him. Have you come to Him?
How to Catch a Groundhog
Memory Verse: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36
Something was eating the lettuce and carrots in our garden! We had worked hard early in the spring to prepare the ground and plant the seeds. The new little plants had come up nicely, and now an animal was eating in the garden. We watched closely and found that a groundhog was the guilty one. We didn’t mind a groundhog having a little breakfast now and then, but we did not like him eating all his meals day after day in the garden in which we had worked so hard.
Finally, we decided to call the Humane Society to see if they could give us any suggestions on how to catch a groundhog. “Sure,” they replied. “We’ll lend you a trap.”
That very day they brought a trap to our house. This trap would catch an animal but would not harm it. The man was very helpful and told us, “Just put a little corn in the trap and you’ll catch the groundhog.”
Before going to bed that night, we set the trap in our garden with some corn inside and looked forward to the end of our problems.
The next morning we looked out the window and saw that, sure enough, an animal was in the trap. I went out to see, and imagine my surprise when I saw that it wasn’t the groundhog! Inside the trap was our neighbor’s pet cat! Our family especially likes cats, so I immediately said, “Poor pussycat!” and went to set the cat free.
As I got close the cat hissed at me. I moved closer to the cage, and it growled at me. As I reached for the trap door, it swatted its claws at my hand. That cat! I was trying to open the door and it was fighting me! That cat thought I was trying to harm it when I was really trying to set it free.
It reminded me of how our loving God is offering to set boys and girls and men and women free from their sins, and many are either afraid or angry. Some refuse to go to a Bible meeting to listen to God’s Word because they do not know that the Bible says, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. Others get quite angry if someone even offers them a simple gospel paper that tells of God’s love. Others know very well that they are sinners and need to be saved, but they turn down God’s offer of salvation because they are afraid they will not enjoy living like a Christian. But everything that God wants to give you is for your good and blessing. He alone brings lasting joy. Believe and trust in the goodness of God today! “Oh how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee.” Psalms 31:19.
We were finally able to free the frightened cat, but we still wanted to catch that groundhog! So we set the trap out the second night, and sure enough, the next morning there was another animal in the cage. When we went out to see this animal, we could hardly believe it. This time we had caught a raccoon! The poor old raccoon really wanted out of that cage. He must have worked all night long trying to escape. He had stuck a paw out the sides of the cage to try to dig his way out. He had clawed and clawed in the dirt and had dug quite a deep hole on each side of the cage. But, of course, he could never dig his way out! He had only succeeded in filling the trap with dirt!
This was an example to me of folks who know that they are “trapped” in their sins. The Bible says plainly, “His own iniquities [sins] shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.” Proverbs 5:22. Many try hard, just like this raccoon did, to free themselves from sin. They try to “be good” or “do the best they can,” or perhaps they even do many kind and good works. But the Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus has already finished the work for our salvation. When the Lord Jesus was on the cross, He said, “It is finished.” He bore the punishment for sin and now He offers a free salvation, because — He paid the price! “Not by works of righteousness [good works] which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5.
We opened the door and let the poor raccoon out of the trap. And so we waited for night to come to again put more corn inside the trap, because that groundhog was still eating our carrots and lettuce.
But the third morning the trap was empty. Well we tried again, and the fourth morning it was still empty.
By this time we were getting just a bit discouraged, so we phoned the Humane Society again. “It just isn’t working,” we told them. “We caught a cat and a raccoon, but the groundhog pays no attention to the corn in the trap and eats our garden instead.”
They gave us another suggestion. “Try putting a little butter on the corn.” Butter! We had not ever thought of trying that. But since this was our last hope, we tried one more time. When we set the trap that fifth night, we put out buttered corn.
The next morning when we woke up we found that, sure enough, there was an animal in the trap. We had caught our groundhog at last! It had ignored plain corn for four nights in a row, but it couldn’t resist buttered corn!
We must warn you that Satan also has his “traps” set for boys and girls. He will offer you many attractions and entertainments to lead you away from God. Since you are young, you may think that you will not fall into the devil’s traps of sin like older people do. You may tell yourself that you will be careful and never get very far from God. Beware! If “plain corn” won’t tempt you, Satan also has “buttered corn.” He will make a temptation so inviting that you will not be able to resist it unless... you have the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and you call to Him for help. Receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour now while you are young. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36. “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Ecclesiastes 12:1.
Skipper the Hero
Jimmy was spending a day at Muskrat Lake, north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He brought his dog Skipper along, since the two of them went everywhere together and enjoyed being outside.
They were having a good time when suddenly Jimmy and Skipper saw a rattlesnake in the grass. It was ready to strike at Jimmy! Before Jimmy could think of what to do, Skipper attacked the snake. Instead of biting Jimmy, the snake bit Skipper. The snake was later killed, but Skipper’s life was in danger.
Jimmy’s family rushed the dog to a vet, who helped him recover from his wound. Skipper is fine now, and no one is more pleased with his brave dog than Jimmy. Skipper even had his picture in the newspaper with Jimmy beside him. How thankful Jimmy was that Skipper saved his life.
How thankful we should be, too, that the Lord Jesus took our punishment on the cross. He suffered there for us so that we wouldn’t have to bear our own punishment in hell. What a wonderful Saviour He is! “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.” 1 Peter 2:24.
We hope that everyone reading this story can say, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
More Than You Can Do: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7.
Have you ever put a jigsaw puzzle together? Some of them are hard to do, but with patience you find that the pieces finally fit into one another.
Just to see what would happen (but never could), let’s make believe that you learned of a place where you could get parts for making a human body, and you think how nice it would be if you could make someone your size for a companion just by putting them together like a puzzle. So you send away for a full set (we’re still pretending, of course) and are full of excitement when it arrives.
Looking the packages over you note one is marked “Bones for Skeleton,” another reads "400 muscles,” and the label on yet another reads “Blood Vessels, Veins and Capillaries.” Moving these into your house, you temporarily leave behind others with a variety of labels, such as "200 Million Nerve Fibers,” "30 Feet of Digestive Tract,” “Body Cells — Red,” “Body Cells — White,” “Heart and Lung Parts” and many more.
After getting these all inside you pick up a book that came with them, entitled “How to Assemble Parts Follow Directions Carefully.” As you look over the instructions you begin to realize what a difficult “puzzle” this is going to be in putting everything together.
You continue reading; “Arrange skeleton first,” it says. “This is an extremely important foundation for all that will be attached to it! Be sure the 26 pieces of vertebra are in just the right position so the spinal column will be curved correctly and flexibly, but strong enough for its job.” It goes on to say, “Note that these pieces are hollow so the thick spinal cord, containing blood vessels as well as 21 pairs of nerves, can pass through it all the way from the brain to the hips. Be sure everything is kept absolutely clean. Follow the diagram for placing the 12 pairs of ribs in their right positions. Be careful that the hip bones are placed at just the right angle and those for the legs, as well as shoulders and arms, so they will be free to move in their socket joints at all times.”
About this time (in our “pretend” account) you are beginning to feel very uncomfortable and wonder if you can possibly follow all those directions accurately, plus the directions for the great number of other items that will have to be placed in and around these parts of the skeleton. Undoubtedly you would begin thinking, “I shouldn’t be doing this at all” as the opening Bible verse came into your thoughts and you realized that only the Lord God can really make a human being and give it life.
In the next issue we will learn what becomes of this “make believe” situation.
(to be continued)
The Train Accident
Memory Verse: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7
Ed and Jan were a happy Christian couple. They each had accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour and loved to tell others about Him, so they kept a box of gospel tracts beside the front door. As they went out they would pick up a few to take along with them.
One day as they were buckling their seat belts before driving to Pembroke, Ontario, Ed said, “You know, Dear, I think the Lord would like us to take a lot of these tracts with us today.” So he went back into the house and picked up a big stack of gospel tracts. Each one had a picture of a train with a vistadome (a dome with large windows for sightseeing) on top.
As they drove along, talking about the stack of tracts, Ed remarked while looking at the picture, “Don’t you think it would be fun to go across the country on that? You could see for miles around, looking through that glass dome top.” Jan agreed, and added that the Canadian Pacific vistadome train would probably be traveling at that very moment on the track that soon would be running alongside the highway on which they were driving. But they decided that since it was such a fast train, it was unlikely they would see it.
It wasn’t too many miles farther, as they came over a crest of a hill, that Jan said, “Look, Ed! What’s that?”
“It looks like the vistadome train lying on its side on the track!” As they drove closer they saw it was just that. “Do you think anyone is alive?” they wondered as they stopped their car and started toward the overturned engine.
“Wow! I almost fell! Be careful. This stuff is slippery!” said Ed, looking down to see his feet in a pond of asphalt that covered the track and all the ground around it for quite a distance. Just then they saw a strange-looking man come from behind the train. He looked strange because he was black with asphalt almost from head to toe and had streaks of blood running down his face and chest and arms.
That blood running down that man’s chest and arms didn’t wash off a speck of that black, sticky asphalt. But the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, can wash away every trace of sin that has ever blackened your heart. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
“What happened to you?” Ed asked the man covered with asphalt and blood.
“I was driving my tractor trailer truck full of asphalt down that hill, and the sun was glaring in my eyes so that I couldn’t see the train coming. When I did see it, it was too late to back off the track, so I gunned it to try to get across before the train got here. I made it over in the tractor, but the engine hit my trailer and spilled my load of asphalt all over the ground.”
By that time another truck had stopped and took the injured truck driver to a house at the top of the hill to get cleaned up and bandaged.
Ed and Jan made their way through the gooey asphalt with their first-aid kit and the stack of tracts, still wondering what they would find in the train.
If you were to come so close to death, would you be wondering where you would spend eternity, or would you know for sure that you would be with the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven? You can know for sure. John 5:24 says, “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”
Soon they saw the conductor climbing up out of the overturned train. “Are you hurt?” asked Ed and Jan together.
“Not badly,” replied the conductor. “This morning I prayed for the Lord’s safe keeping, as I always do before I go out on a run. The Lord has graciously kept me in safety, and I think all the passengers as well.”
Soon the passengers began to climb out of the train too. Ed and Jan gave each one a gospel tract. Because the tracts had a picture of a train on them, the people thought the railroad company had sent them, so everyone took one. The Lord Jesus had kept them safe during that frightening time and the gospel tracts told them how He would keep them safe for all eternity. “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:28. And if we listen to His Word and believe in Him we will have everlasting life and never come into judgment.
Among the last of the passengers to come out of the train were several tearful young boys.
“Our mother is waiting for us at the next station,” they told Ed and Jan, “and we’ll never get there. What shall we do?”
Ed and Jan assured them that God had already proved His care over them by not letting them get hurt in the train, and He would continue to look after them. The railroad company was planning to send limousines to take the passengers to their destinations. “But best of all,” they told the boys, “God will take care of us for all eternity. Tor God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’" John 3:16.
The boys said, “We don’t usually think about God, but we’re sure going to say our prayers tonight and thank Him for all He’s done for us.”
That was a good idea, wasn’t it? Revelation 7:12 Says, “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever. Amen.”
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7.
A Strange Hiding Place
Not long ago my husband was visiting a neighbor. The neighbor’s wife had a number of mother hens with baby chicks. She did not keep them in a pen, so they wandered all around the yard scratching, clucking and looking for food. Most of the baby chicks stayed close to their mothers, but one baby chick wandered around the yard more or less by itself.
Whenever there was danger or a sudden noise in the yard, all the mother hens would cluck to their chicks, and the baby chicks would quickly run under their mother’s wings. They felt quite safe there.
As my husband chatted with our neighbor, he was surprised when he suddenly felt a baby chick up his pant leg! “Why did the baby chick do that?” he exclaimed.
“That’s an orphan chick. He doesn’t have a mother,” explained the neighbor. So my husband kept his leg very still, and the baby chick nestled close to his leg until it felt warm and thought it was safe to come out.
Later, when my husband told me this story, he exclaimed, “Imagine that such a tiny chick with such a tiny brain wanted love and security! The chick knew when it had these and missed them when it didn’t.”
Boys and girls, God has made your heart with even a greater need to find love and security. All the entertainments and activities of this world will never satisfy and fill your heart. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6. Unless you come to the Lord Jesus and receive Him as your Saviour, you will never find the lasting love and true security that your heart searches for.
The little chick found a place of security that day in the leg of my husband’s pants. He felt safe there. You also need a place of safety from God’s judgment that is about to fall upon this world. The Lord Jesus bore God’s anger against sin while He was on the cross so that He could freely offer you the forgiveness of your sins. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
The little orphan chick found a safe place. Have you? “Flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7.
A Saving Word
A Mount on which a king was slain?
(1 Sam. 31)
A Bride brought home with camel train?
(Gen. 24)
A Shepherd by his brother slain?
(Gen. 4)
A Brook dried up through want of rain?
(1 Kings 17)
A Queen who for her people prayed,
And by her means had judgment stayed?
(Esther 7)
Initials form a precious word,
Which those know best who trust the Lord.
More Than You Can Do: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully [amazingly] and wonderfully made.” Psalms 139:14.
In the last issue we started a “make-believe” account that pretended you, the reader, thought it would be fun to put together another human being, if the body parts could just be ordered and assembled. In this imaginary account you had just received the many boxes of body parts, but were wondering about the wisdom of getting involved in such a project. Now let’s go on from there.
Turning the pages of the instruction book, you find a heading, “Heart, Lungs and Blood Vessels.” It reads, “Now that the bones are laid out, note that each one has tiny holes running through it. Pass the capillary blood vessels through these holes and connect them to the larger blood vessels leading to the heart and lungs, as shown in the diagram.”
At this point you give up. You haven’t even gotten to the part about the miles of large and small blood vessels and know that neither you nor any person on earth could possibly put them in their proper places. Nor have you yet read instructions for placing the brain inside the skull and connecting its thousands of nerves to other body parts, nor how to get eyes, ears, nose and mouth securely in their places.
And those millions and millions of cells! Where do they all go, and how are you to turn them into flesh and skin and other parts? You just don’t have the courage to even look at more instructions. All you now want is to get the foolish idea of making a human being out of your head and send the order back.
Well, this has all been “make-believe,” but perhaps this will help to impress each of us with how wonderful the human body is and how the Lord God alone can create it and give it a living soul: “The Lord God... breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7. This He did in a moment’s time when He made Adam out of the dust of the ground and also created Eve for a companion. What He has since arranged is also wonderful, in first creating a baby and having it fully develop after it is born.
No wonder David, the Psalmist, could make the expression in our above Bible verse — as he thought of the wonders of it all — and also write, “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members [all parts of my body] were written... when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!” Psalms 139:16,17.
Aren’t you glad to know that the Lord God is the One (and the only One) who can create life? Even if we could put a body together, we could not give it life. But it is no puzzle to God to put all our body parts together in perfect order and give us the breath of life. Let us never be deceived by the teaching of “evolution” which states that we came from monkeys or other forms of life. The teaching of God’s Word, the Bible, is where real truth is always found.
Sue Couldn't
Memory Verse: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
Sue was helping load the dishwasher after dinner. She filled the top rack and pushed it in and began pushing in the already-filled bottom rack. “Why won’t this rack roll in, Mom?” she asked.
“There must be something sticking out or up,” answered her mother as she washed in the sink the pots and pans that wouldn’t fit in the dishwasher.
“I don’t see anything,” said Sue, still pushing harder.
“Well, there’s got to be something there holding it,” said her mother, bending over the dishwasher and jiggling the rack back and forth. But she didn’t see anything either. She jiggled the rack once again, and then light glinted off something shiny underneath it.
“There it is! It’s a knife blade hanging down and catching on the heating element.” Mom pulled out the knife and laughed as she held it up. “That’s the end of that paring knife,” and she laid it on the kitchen counter. The blade was bent almost to look like the letter “C.”
Is there something in your life which keeps you from functioning as you should? Don’t just try to push ahead without finding the problem. God wants you to stop and take a look at your life in the light of His Word, the Bible. God is light, and He will show you that what is wrong in your life is sin. But God is also love. God loves you so much that He sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for sin, “that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Now the bottom rack rolled in easily and the dishwasher was soon busy at its job of washing its load of dishes. Mom turned to the sink to continue scrubbing the pots and pans.
Sue picked up the bent knife and felt badly because she had ruined it. Maybe I could straighten it, she thought, so she began to push hard on the blade. Instead of the blade straightening, it suddenly snapped, and the broken end jabbed into her hand at the base of the thumb, leaving a big, bleeding gash. Mom grabbed a clean towel and Sue pressed it on her hand to stop the bleeding.
“How can I be so stupid?” Sue asked herself. “It wasn’t worth it to try to fix that old knife.”
But some of us are still trying to fix up our old, sinful lives when we really need a brand new one. We need to be “born again” by the Word of God which lives and lasts forever. The Lord Jesus says, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” John 3:5-7.
Have you been born again? Do you have a new life that only God can give? Or are you trying to fix up your old sinful life? God says it can’t be fixed. “Verily, verily [truly, truly], I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God [or heaven].” John 3:3.
Help From Above
The station wagon filled with happy youngsters bound for a late fall outing labored carefully up the mountain curves. “Dear me!” exclaimed their young driver, “I think I’ve missed my turn for the lunch spot I had planned. How about the wide place in the road ahead? Anybody hungry?”
The response was a deafening “YES!” City dwellers, all of them, these children rarely came to the beautiful mountain heights, and the car could hardly contain their excitement. No sooner had the wheels stopped than four boys, three in their early teen years, burst out into the crisp sunshine, adventure bound.
“Hey, Mickey, look at that waterfall down there!” yelled Bud. “Let’s go!”
Ignoring the calls to wait, they foolishly plunged down the bank for a closer look. How like some of the boys and girls of today they were, who think only of pleasure for the moment and don’t pay attention to warnings. “Live for NOW,” they say. “Have your fun and worry later!”
Our boys, skidding recklessly down the steep bank, realized too late that there was a sharp drop below... the bottom being the rocks and icy waters and the “neat” waterfall. Furthermore, it was a long way down. They clawed in vain for something to grab that might stop their plunge. “My whole life — my sins anyway — flashed to my mind, and I really prayed,” Bud confided later. Two of the boys managed to slide in a curve, helping to slow themselves, but that was not the case with Mickey and Scott.
The other boys and the leader were still back at the car fixing lunch. They were not aware of the trouble that Mickey, Scott, Bud and Joe had gotten themselves into. It was decided to eat without them.
Not until lunch things were being packed away did Bud and Joe appear. White-faced and solemn, they reported their fall. “Mickey,” they said, “can’t seem to walk, and Scott is groggy, but maybe a sandwich might help....”
It was then that our friend in charge looked over the bank — and gasped. “I think I’d better call for help. There’s no way I could go down there!”
The nearest fire department soon arrived. Excited but relieved, the boys thought the problem was solved. However, the firemen soon came back up. “The one boy has a broken leg, and it’s too steep for us to bring him out. We’ll just have to lift him from above,” was the fireman’s serious report. They radioed for a “chopper.”
The little troop of boys and their leader grouped together for prayer. Never had they all been so much in earnest. Again we are reminded of those who madly rush after sinful pleasures... until perhaps they run into serious trouble. Maybe they make some promises to God and try to be “good” for a while, but then soon forget them. The sinner is helpless to get free from Satan’s grasp by his own power. No, help must come from above. How good it is to read in the Bible that God’s ears are open unto our cries for mercy. “God be merciful to me a sinner.” Luke 18:13. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6. God, looking down, saw our desperate need and sent His own beloved Son to lift us from the pit of sin. Just as the helicopter later carefully lifted our suffering friend Mickey from the dangerous rocks, our blessed Saviour made Himself fully responsible to lift us up and away from Satan’s grasp. He did this by taking the punishment for our guilty sins upon His own pure self and enduring God’s wrath against them. Therefore, the saved sinner can say, “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay.” Psalms 40:2.
Are you on that fatal slide to the pit of hell, or have you taken the lifeline from above — Jesus, the Son of God?
Three-Leaved Poison
“But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison." James 3:8.
Poison ivy and poison oak (not related to real ivy or true oak) are quite common throughout the United States. They are a problem to people only and don’t bother dogs, cats, cows and horses. However, the poison can come in contact with the fur of these animals and is passed on to anyone who pets them.
The strong poison in these plants is an oil that comes out through the leaves, stems and even the roots, so that even in the winter a person rubbing against a bare branch may experience a painful itching rash, lasting almost a month. Even dead plants can be poisonous; also a wind blowing across the leaves can carry tiny droplets of the oil to a person’s skin, as can also smoke from their burning. Once the oil has penetrated the skin, doctors can only relieve the pain and itching a little, but the victim will still have a painful time of it, as over a million people discover every year.
These plants are not always easy to see as they grow along the ground or climb tree trunks or telephone poles. But the two of them have one thing in common — the leaves of both are in clusters of three to a stalk and can be as large as your hand or so small it would take half a dozen to match the larger ones. To be safe, stay away from all plants, bushes or vines that have three-leaf clusters on them!
In San Francisco ferry boats used to take passengers to enjoy outings in the surrounding areas. Visitors who did not know about poison oak would often return to the boat carrying bouquets of beautiful autumn-colored branches, thinking they were actually pretty oak leaves. Then someone would sound a warning, “Throw those overboard! They’re poison oak!” The victims would promptly do so and hurry to wash off the poison, but this did little good, for the oil had already penetrated into the pores of the skin and would soon be doing its painful work.
These hazardous plants, with their three-leaf clusters, remind us that the Bible says that, in addition to the poison of an unruly tongue mentioned in the beginning, there are three other harmful things that Satan often uses to tempt us. These are, “the lust of the flesh [using our bodies in a bad way], and the lust of the eyes [looking at things not pleasing to the Lord], and the pride of life [thinking ourselves better than others and wanting to be admired].” 1 John 2:16.
How much better to say “NO” to Satan when tempted by any of these bad things and ask the Lord’s help to do only that which pleases Him.
The Coyotes of Maine
Memory Verse: “I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11
For many years the coyote had almost vanished from parts of Maine, but more recently they seem to be making a comeback.
We were speaking to Walt Dutch, a trapper, not long ago. He thinks coyotes are here to stay. He says that although they are around various parts of Maine, they are seldom seen because of their shyness and the denseness of the brush and woods where they live. In southern Maine he believes the animals are half coyote and half wolf. In central Maine, where they are called a “coy dog,” he says they are half coyote and half domestic dog.
Dutch was called on last summer by farmer Goodrich to trap some coyotes on his land. One of the farmer’s cows had given birth to a calf while grazing out in the pasture, but the calf was nowhere to be found. Mr. Goodrich searched the pasture, but only the calf’s backbone was found. The calf had been eaten by coyotes as soon as it was born. That is why Mr. Goodrich contacted his trapper friend Dutch.
Dutch told us that the coyote has an important place in the wild, keeping down the rodent population. But around farms they can be troublesome and a danger to small animals.
After placing his traps on the Goodrich farm, Dutch checked them each day to see if he had caught anything. Several days later he found that one trap had been sprung, but there was no coyote in the trap. The coyote had indeed been caught, but sensing its great danger it had chewed off the paw that was caught and had freed itself, minus one paw. Dutch continued to set the traps throughout the summer, but without catching a single coyote.
Finally, one day the trap was sprung again. This time the coyote chewed off the leg that was caught in the trap to free itself. Dutch knew it was the same coyote because the leg was missing its paw. After this, the old trapper decided to take his traps home.
When Dutch told us this story, it reminded me of a story in the Bible. Like a coyote, a wolf seeks out easy prey. John chapters 10 speaks of the wolf that comes to catch the sheep and destroy them. But the Good Shepherd cares for the sheep.
You and I are those sheep. The Bible often calls us sheep because we want to go our own sinful way. Then we run into trouble. Sheep need a shepherd to protect them, not only from wandering away but from the greater danger of a wolf. The Good Shepherd is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can protect us.
Mr. Goodrich and his friend Dutch were not able to save the calf or even to catch the coyote so that it could not strike again. But the Lord Jesus has defeated our enemy. You see, boys and girls, sin and Satan are just like that coyote or wolf, but the Lord Jesus suffered and died on Calvary’s cross for sin, and there He defeated Satan. Yes, He gave up His life for the sheep. He says, “I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11. He also says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27,28.
Have you decided to follow Jesus? Is He your Good Shepherd? You can tell Him right now that you want to follow Him! He will save you and give you eternal life if you do this.
Who Am I?
The garden was fresh with the morning dew, the fragrance lingered still
As flowers turned faces to greet the sun and shake the evening chill.
Droplets flashed on the firm, ripe fruit, the mists of dawn fled away,
Feathery clouds graced a golden-pink sky, heralding a perfect new day.
The man was alone the’ his Friend was near, and their company much enjoyed,
In the cool and breezy afternoons they were daily thus employed,
But he longed for one to share with him, and God was good in giving
An help meet to complete him; her name means “mother of all living.”
But the sweetness was soon broken as they listened “hath God said?”
Not believing God they believed a lie, and sin raised its ugly head.
From the garden they now were driven, flaming swords to bar their return
Their fall was complete, and judgment was mete as their lives took a different turn.
God’s rest was so sadly broken, His lovely creation now marred,
The one He created in likeness by sin was ruined and scarred.
His wonderful plan of redemption, e’en before eternities past,
Would now look ahead to fulfillment in glories forever to last.
The Deep Mire
Judy could almost taste those plump, juicy raspberries. How she loved them! There they were, dead ripe, just a few feet away in the family garden, and she could not pick them! Her father had told her that the ground was too soaked from the long rainy spell, and that she would “sink to China” if she tried to pick them. “Stay out of that garden,” he had warned.
“They’ll all fall off and just be wasted,” she grumbled. “There has to be a way to get them. I’ve just got to figure out how!” she thought.
It wasn’t long before she had figured out a plan. Once she was sure that her father was not around, she put on her boots to go outside. Awkwardly holding two flat boards (each about two feet wide by three feet long) and her bucket, she snuck into the garden. Her idea was that the boards would act like little rafts on top of the mud, and she would move them forward as needed. They worked fairly well, but it was hard to pry them up from the mud. As she struggled along she began to wonder if the berries were really worth all this. And then some troublesome thoughts kept coming into her mind. She remembered Bible verses her parents would often repeat, such as, “the way of transgressors [sinners] is hard” (Prov. 13:15) and something about the wicked “set in slippery places.” (Psa. 73:18.)
Suddenly, Judy lost her balance from a too-long reach. Oh! Oh! To keep from falling, she had planted one foot firmly in the ooze... and it sank to the top of her boot and was still sinking! Again, a Bible verse flashed across her mind, “I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing.” Psa. 69:2. Judy knew these Bible verses were referring to the Lord Jesus’ feeling on Calvary’s cross while He was suffering for the sins of those who trust in Him.
But right at the moment she had to get out of this mire. Her one foot that was still on the board saved the day. Quickly slipping out of her buried boot, she squatted on her board to dig it out. At last she was able to back up to firm ground.
Judy thought and thought about the mire. “To the Lord Jesus, what was the mire? All the awful filth and badness of our sins — my sins!” she answered herself. “And here I am, sinning some more! Oh, how awful!” Thinking further she murmured, “It really is best to obey. Will I ever learn? Anyway, I think I’ll always remember this miry experience. It’s really something the way those Psalms tell the story of my Lord’s suffering on the cross. There is also that one that says, ‘All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over Me.’ (Psa. 42:7). To think He went through it all for a sinner like me!”
Later in her warm, clean room Judy kneeled down to thank the Lord Jesus for three things: sinking beneath the deep mire of her sins and bearing the punishment for them, rising in complete victory from the dead, and forgiving her disobedience that very day.
Have you realized these same things and thanked Him?
“He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.
The Fantastic Flamingo: Part 1
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world. " Acts 15:18.
There are six species of flamingos, the most beautiful and outstanding bird throughout the world. Three species are in the Andes mountains of Peru, Chile and Bolivia and the Galapagos islands west of South America. The others are in Central America, Mexico, parts of Africa and the Bahama islands. Because plume hunters killed so many, they no longer live wild in the southern United States.
It is a memorable sight to see a flock in flight, with colors ranging from pale pink to deep scarlet, or a combination of the two, with some white accents as well.
One species known as the greater flamingo is the largest and most numerous. It is as much as six feet tall with a wingspan of five or six feet and can fly 35 miles an hour. Another species, called the lesser flamingo, is the smallest.
Each flamingo (regardless of species) has a long, graceful, snake-like neck and heavy body held high on long legs with webbed feet. During resting periods it stands on just one leg, with the other lifted up and bent, having its head snugly tucked under a wing. Its box-like beak is distinct from that of any other bird: the lower part is like a scoop and the upper part forms a lid.
When feeding, its bill is thrust upside down with scoop open into the ooze at the bottom of a marsh, and its flexible neck swivels this around in circles to collect food of various kinds. Then it lifts its head out of the water, pressing the two bill parts tightly together to squeeze mud and water through the sieve-like center edges of the beak. The food that remains (algae, small shellfish and other animals) is passed into its throat by its long, thick, oily tongue.
In one of the Bahama islands, a colony of a species known as the Caribbean, consisting of over a thousand beautiful orange-red birds, is protected by the government. Many tourists go to see them, and some have been trained to march in perfect order, like prancing horses, and perform other tricks for the visitors.
During nesting season most of the South American group, as well as those in Central America and Mexico, are exceptionally beautiful, with brilliant red plumage over their entire bodies, except for their beaks which are a combination of light pink, white and jet black.
While the opening verse assures us of God’s watchful eye over these birds, they, of course, are not aware of their Creator nor of His care. But He has given us His Word, the Bible, to tell us this is so, and more importantly to tell us of His more special loving thoughts toward us. It is a very rewarding Book to read. Do you read it every day?
(to be continued)
A Story About a Lost Ring
Memory Verse: “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” Colossians 3:20
Eight-year-old Heather and nine-year-old Emily lived on a farm in Michigan. They had Christian parents who brought them up in the fear of the Lord. They also went to Sunday school every week where they learned more about the Lord Jesus and His love for sinners. They were taught that the Bible tells us that each one of us is a sinner until we confess our sins to the Lord Jesus and believe that He died on Calvary’s cross to put away those sins. Then we become a part of the family of God. This is called being saved. Those of us who are saved should want to please Him. One way is by obeying our parents. “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” Colossians 3:20.
School was out for the summer, and the girls found many things to do on the farm. A favorite pastime was to bring their dolls and what little doll furniture they had to the empty corn crib and set up a playhouse. This kept them busy for hours. Then there were the rabbits and their cuddly baby bunnies to play with. The farm was lots of fun.
One hot morning in August the girls seemed bored with their usual outdoor activities and wandered into the kitchen where Mother was busy fixing dinner. Dinner on the farm was a busy time for Mother. It had to be ready on time since Dad brought in his hired helpers, as the custom was in those days.
Mother was busy rolling out pie crusts for blueberry and peach pies. The girls spied her gold wedding ring on the windowsill above the sink. Immediately Heather had an idea.
“Mom, can we wear your ring for a little while?”
“No,” was Mother’s firm response. “It will slip off your fingers. It is too large and heavy and will get lost.”
“But we will be very careful with it,” explained Heather. “Can’t we have it for only five minutes?”
“Please,” added Emily. “We will only run around the house three times outside.”
Their pleadings continued until Mother, anxious to get them out of the kitchen, finally agreed, but said they could not take it outdoors, and only five minutes for each girl.
Gleefully, they took the prized possession and left the kitchen.
Heather clasped the ring tightly in her hand and put her hand in her apron pocket, saying, “I won’t ever let go of it. It will be safe in my pocket.” Out the door they went, taking the ring along, disobeying Mother’s strict orders to stay indoors with it.
When the two girls went out the door, where Mother couldn’t see them, who should they discover sitting on the grass waiting for them to come out to play but the Graham children, their school friends who lived down the road. Immediately the ring and their promise to Mother were both forgotten.
For an hour they had great fun. It was seldom that the girls got to play with other children.
Soon Mr. Graham finished his farm business with Dad and stopped by the house to pick up his children who were having a super time romping on the lawn and swinging in the old elm tree with Heather and Emily. “Goodbye, and please come back soon,” the two girls called to them as the Graham car drove down the road.
Then suddenly, Emily and Heather remembered Mother’s ring. It wasn’t in Heather’s pocket anymore! How could the girls face Mother now! A Bible verse both girls had learned must have flashed across their young minds: “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23.
“We’ll pray and ask the Lord to help us find it,” both girls agreed. Up to their room they hurried, closed the door and knelt down beside their beds. Back down the stairs they nearly flew. There wasn’t much time left now until dinner.
They combed the grass, searching carefully, but they did not find the ring.
The Lord did not help them to find the ring. Can you children guess why? Perhaps it was because the girls were disobedient on two counts: first, for going outside against Mother’s orders, and second, for not bringing the ring back when the time was up.
What sad results come into our lives when we disobey our parents and even as grownups when we disobey God’s Word, the Bible. Disobeying at any age is sin.
That ring was never found in their mother’s lifetime, but many years later the ring was discovered by a granddaughter who lived on the same farm with her parents. Emily and Heather are now both grandmothers and often tell this story to their grandchildren, hoping it will be used of the Lord Jesus to speak to their young hearts about how important it is to obey their parents all the time.
Next week we will tell about another wedding ring that was lost, but this one had a happy ending.
You May Come in Anytime You Want to
The children were putting up signs on their bedroom doors. One was a printed sign from the dime store. It was made of red cardboard and said: “PRIVATE PROPERTY. KEEP OUT!” Another sign was written with pencil on white paper, and it said: “DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT KNOCKING.” Another sign simply said: “THE GIRLS’ ROOM.”
When little Joe saw the other children making their signs, he said, “Mommy, I want to make a sign, too.”
“What do you want your sign to say?” she asked.
“I want it to say, ‘YOU MAY COME IN ANYTIME YOU WANT TO.’ "
Wasn’t that a nice, friendly sign? Signs like these show us the feelings that different boys and girls (and adults, too) have toward others and toward God. Some people seem to be wearing a sign that says, “KEEP OUT. PRIVATE. MY HEART IS MY OWN TO DO WITH AS I PLEASE.” They forget that God made them and that they must answer to Him for everything they think and do.
Others keep the Lord Jesus knocking on their door while they are trying to clean things up inside. They forget that to be happy in God’s presence their sins must be washed away. Only God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, can do that. If any one will come to Him as a sinner, He will wash all their sins away. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed on the cross, can make all who believe in Him clean and white.
He is knocking at your heart’s door right now. Won’t you let Him in? He loves you and would like you to answer His knock with little Joe’s sign — “COME IN ANYTIME!”
“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup [eat] with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20.
The Fantastic Flamingo: Part 2
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works." Psalms 145:9.
Flamingos make their homes in great colonies on lake shores, river mouths, or shallow ponds and marshy places, preferring water that is slightly salty. Nests are made by rolling mud (sometimes mixed with pebbles) into little balls with their beaks to a selected spot and tamping the balls in place until a nest rises anywhere from six inches to three feet above the water. It looks like a miniature mountain with a large crater on top to hold a single egg. In the hot sun this nest dries out almost as hard as cement, and that’s all they do to it — not bothering to line it with soft material as most birds do.
There may be thousands of nests in one colony, each one looking identical, but every bird knows which is its own. Just one egg is laid each year in late winter or early spring, the mother and father flamingo sharing in incubating it for about a month and feeding the young bird for quite a while after it hatches.
The gray and fluffy chicks are covered with soft down; their bills at first are straight and legs are short, but these develop quickly. At two-and-a-half months they can fly and are nearly fully grown in a year’s time. However, they do not turn pink until four years old. Then, with great displays of their pretty wings, necks, heads and legs, mates are chosen, and soon a new pair is building another nest and raising their own little one.
Shrimps are their favorite food. These, along with small crabs, help account for their brilliant red plumage. But they also eat great quantities of algae that float in the water, as well as plankton, insects and fish. In Kenya, where food is plentiful, it is not unusual to see these lovely birds feeding in groups of millions, turning a large water hole into a beautiful pink area in the otherwise dry desert. Tourists sometimes ride in airplanes to get the best view of them.
For many years these birds were cruelly killed for their beautiful feathers as well as for their very tasty meat. But we are glad that in most places they are now protected.
It is not difficult to think of the Creator’s pleasure in creating such lovely birds, and He gives us the assurance in the Bible that He is good and kind to them, as expressed above.
And it is He who provides for our needs, too. But He has done more than that, as we read in Hebrews 11:40, “God having provided some better thing for us.” This promise is, “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. It is only through faith in the Lord Jesus that this wonderful gift can become ours. Have you accepted Him as your own Saviour? Is the gift of eternal life yours?
Another Lost Ring Story
Memory Verse: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15
Last week we had a story about a wedding ring that was not found until many years later. Today we will tell a story about a ring that was lost and found again.
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and their family lived in one of the larger cities in the northwestern states. One hot summer day a group of Christian families decided to pack a picnic supper to go, after working hours, to a nearby lake to enjoy the water and cooler air. The children agreed it would be a great way to get cooled off.
Everyone arrived at the lake in good time and found a suitable picnic spot. Soon the children were running and playing on the grass. The smaller children found the swings, while the older young people and grownups took to the water to cool off in a hurry.
Mrs. Fleming became not only the one in charge of a few toddlers, but also the ring-bearer of those who went for a swim. It was fun to have such a variety of rings on so many of her fingers.
After everyone had cooled off it was decided that it was time to start the charcoal fires, and everyone was hungry, especially the children. The women came out of the water to dry off, get dressed and claim their rings before getting the food ready.
To Mrs. Fleming’s awful surprise Mrs. Potter’s diamond ring was missing! Soon the alert was passed around, and instead of getting the food ready, everyone crawled in every direction on hands and knees, combing the grass and sifting through the sand with their fingers, hoping to find the lost ring.
The sun was setting in the west and soon it would be too dark to see. Mrs. Fleming remembered shaking the sand out of the blankets and thought that the ring may have slipped off her finger at that time. She also knew that the Lord Jesus, who knows all about us, knew exactly where that ring was. She prayed, asking the Lord Jesus to direct her eyes to the exact spot. Scarcely were the words spoken in silence... when there before her eyes she saw something sparkle in the already-fading sunlight. It was the ring, almost buried in the sand.
What rejoicing there was among the group! The lost ring had been found! Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Potter hugged one another in relief.
Then the whole group thanked the Lord Jesus for answering their prayers. Once more they had proved the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness to some of His children. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15.
Do you think to ask the Lord’s help when you have a problem? He always listens to an honest cry for His help. And in His wisdom He often answers those prayers in remarkable ways. “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24.
The Broken Ladder
Grandpa Tom was so happy to be retired from his job. For many years he had gone to the office where he worked hard every day. Now he could stay at home and enjoy doing the things he had always wanted to do. He started each day off by reading two chapters in his Bible. Then he usually spent several hours working in his yard and cleaning up things in his garage. Grandpa Tom liked to keep anything that he thought he might need someday.
One day, his daughter Debbie noticed that he had a ladder with several cracks and a broken step.
She knew this was very unsafe, so she carried it out to the trash. Now, what did Grandpa Tom do but go out and carry the old ladder right back into the garage!
Grandpa thought that throwing the ladder away was wasteful; he planned to repair it and make it as good as new. But his daughter knew that the ladder should be thrown away or be repaired immediately, because it was dangerous to use.
Grandpa had a good plan in saving the ladder, but he forgot about safety. We often think our thoughts are right and forget to consider God’s view of our thoughts.
The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55:8, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord.” How important it is to have the Lord’s thoughts as found in His Word, the Bible, and to walk in His ways. If we think our own thoughts and walk in our own way, it will lead to everlasting death. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12. But God has a much better way for us and that is the way of salvation through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
One day in the fall, Grandpa Tom was out puttering around in the garage while Debbie was fixing lunch. Because he did not come in when she called him for lunch, she walked out to the garage to call again.
What a sad sight met Debbie’s eyes! The old, cracked ladder was in broken pieces, and Grandpa Tom was beside it on the floor.
Debbie quickly ran to get help from a neighbor, who then called for an ambulance to come. In just a short time Grandpa Tom was in the hospital where the doctors and nurses worked hard to save his life.
It was several months before Grandpa Tom was able to come home from the hospital. Even though he is at home now, he will never be well enough to do any of the things he once loved to do.
If only Grandpa Tom had left that old ladder in the trash where it belonged, he would not have had the terrible accident — an accident he will suffer from as long as he lives. Grandpa Tom’s thoughts of saving the old ladder were really not wrong, but he will suffer from the results of those thoughts the rest of his life.
Are your thoughts about God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, right thoughts? Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? If you do not, you will suffer forever in that awful place called hell. “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15. For those who have right thoughts about God, who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, eternity will be “fullness of joy” and “pleasures for evermore.” Psalms 16:11.
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword... and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.
A Night Under the Stars
The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also.” Genesis 1:16.
Have you ever slept out in the open? Perhaps as you were lying on your back in a sleeping bag you suddenly noticed that the stars were beginning to come out. There were just a few at first, but more and more soon appeared until the sky seemed chock-full of them — some twinkling, others colorful, but all thrilling you with their beauty.
After a short while you perhaps realized that a group of stars you had especially noticed were no longer where they first were, but now were twinkling through some nearby trees and others seemed to have taken their place. If you thought about it you probably realized this was due to two things — the earth was turning about a thousand miles an hour, and the stars themselves were traveling at a similar or even greater speed. But you knew that tomorrow night they would be there again.
An experience like that is something to be thankful for. David, out in the fields with his sheep, had the same experience and later wrote the 8th Psalm, declaring, “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man?” Also in the 19th Psalm he wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God,” as well as similar thoughts God put in his heart to write.
It must be that everyone in the world at some time wonders about those billions and billions of stars — where they came from, how they always have their own place in space, or why they never crash into one another. It would seem that the Creator wants everyone to recognize that He alone brought them into being and keeps them in their places. His beautiful displays should cause each one to say, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11.
Astronomers have wonderful opportunities to look at the stars with huge telescopes and find much more of their beauty than the rest of us. Every year they discover galaxies never seen before, and many feel there is no end to the whole universe. They have given names to some stars, but could never find enough names for the billions more that are out there. However, the Creator knows exactly how many there are and has given a name to every single star, as we read in the 147th Psalm, “He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names.” Isn’t that wonderful?
Surely we should recognize Him as Lord of all and declare with the Psalmist, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.” Psalms 145:3