Messages of God's Love: 1991
Table of Contents
Note on ML Dates
Because of how this was digitized, it was difficult to determine the actual corresponding date of every article. However, they should be accurate to within a week. If you are looking for an article from a specific date and cannot find it, look at the weeks both immediately before and immediately after the week you are looking for.
Baby on Board
January 6, 1991
American Airlines flight 581 from Bermuda to Boston carried a very special passenger. Six-week-old Eric was traveling with his parents and doctor to the Boston Children’s Hospital where he was to receive special medical care.
Little Eric was carefully brought onto the airplane in an incubator. Emergency medical technicians and flight attendants hovered over him. For several minutes they worked, carefully strapping the baby’s incubator into a safe position for flight.
I couldn’t help noticing Eric’s tiny face and body. He only weighed about 5-1/2 pounds. He had silky black hair and was neatly dressed in a little blue outfit that was too big for him. And even though Eric had a tube entering one side of his nose and tubes entering both wrists, he seemed to be resting comfortably.
“It’s sad,” said the woman in the row in front of me.
Somehow I didn’t think so. I was glad Eric’s parents and doctor were doing all they could to save his life.
Just as Eric’s parents were taking him to Boston for medical help, many parents take their children to Sunday school or other places where they can hear about the Lord Jesus Christ and how He can save them from their sickness of sin. These children do not need a doctor for their natural body, but a Saviour who can give them a new sinless heart.
Ezekiel 18:4 says, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” This death is not just natural death; it means being separated from God forever-all because of our sins. When the Lord Jesus Christ suffered on the cross of Calvary, He bore the punishment for sin so that we could be healed. Isaiah 53:5 says that “with His stripes we are healed.” Only the healing that the Lord Jesus gives can make us fit for heaven. It is the blood of Jesus Christ that “cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
During our flight Eric’s parents and doctor kept checking on him. The incubator had a machine on it that showed them Eric’s heart beat. His parents loved him very much, and they were deeply concerned.
There are many concerned parents, Sunday school teachers and others who love children and want them to be saved. And even more important, God loves children and is deeply concerned about them. In Ecclesiastes 12:1 Solomon urges the reader to, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Jesus Himself declares, “Suffer [allow] little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16.
Some children put off getting saved from their sins. They use the excuse that they will do it when they are older. But they don’t seem to think about whether or not they will live to be much older. Little Eric’s life was in danger, and he was only six weeks old. Proverbs 27:1 Says, “Boast not thyself of to-morrow.” God wants each one to be saved right NOW! “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
After about two hours we landed safely in Boston. Turning to Eric’s mother I let her know I would be praying for him.
If you are still in your sins, many are probably praying for you, that you will let the Lord Jesus heal you before it is forever too late. Our prayer is that you will believe God’s Word and accept His healing for your sins. He is ready and willing.
Are you?
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.”
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Orca (or Killer) Whales: Part 2
“They that go down to the sea in ships... these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.” Psalm 107:23,24.
Orca whales and people often seem to be attracted to each other. These whales (a member of the porpoise family) have never been known to attack a human. They swim in pods (or groups), and some pods are more friendly than others. For instance, a man once reported that while rowing his boat on Puget Sound a pod overtook him, but slowed down to swim alongside. One of them swam back and forth under his boat several times, lightly brushing the boat with its fin, as though wanting to be friendly. Scientists studying them get to know some well enough to give them individual names.
The lively antics of orca whales are amusing and amazing. Naturally playful, they seem to challenge one another in leaping and splashing, breaching (jumping out of the water) as much as 30 feet, turning somersaults in the air, swatting the water with their tails, twisting their bodies and landing on their sides or backs with a big splash.
Another form of amusement for them is to dive under a patch of kelp (a water plant), and with their mouths pull strands of it loose from the roots. Kelp has air sacs that enable it to grow upright in the water, and when its stem is cut loose from the roots it rapidly shoots out of the water a foot or so into the air. The whales seem to enjoy this. Incidentally, they don’t eat the kelp-it just washes ashore in the waves.
They never seem to fight among themselves. This is unusual and is another of the Creator’s wonders. An observer in a boat reported watching two pods traveling in opposite directions meet near the surface. He watched to see what they would do. When about 50 feet apart, both pods stopped for half a minute, then submerged and mixed, passing each other with gentle touches as a greeting and then resumed their separate ways. They are kind to each other in another way. When one of them is injured and can’t swim to the surface for air (being mammals they breathe air), others immediately come to help it. They swim under it, bumping it to the surface where it can breathe.
They are known to often visit rock-bottomed shallow areas where they can rub their stomachs, sides and backs on the rocks. They apparently do this to rid themselves of small creatures sticking to them, or perhaps just to scratch an itch.
We know the Creator took great delight in placing these lively creatures in ocean waters, and they are all under His watchful care day and night.
Does He look on people, too? He certainly does. In Job 34:21 we are told: “For His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings.” What does He see as He watches you?
When Tommy’s pet poodle “Bongo” died Tommy was very sad. They had been such good friends and had played together for a long time. Tommy’s mother made him a promise to help him get over his painful loss. She said, “Tommy, I’ll let you pick out any dog you want that’s for sale and I’ll get it for you.”
Tommy didn’t have to think long about what kind of puppy he wanted. He already knew. He had written his sixth-grade term paper on “sled dogs.” He knew that he wanted to get a sled dog. Not only did he want a sled dog, but he wanted the largest kind of sled dog there was-an Alaskan malamute.
Alaskan malamutes are much like wolves. They don’t bark; instead they howl just like wolves do. Tommy was really interested in this breed of dog and convinced his mother that the switch from a poodle to a dog as big as a wolf was all right.
After looking around for a couple of weeks, they found an ad in the paper“Alaskan malamute puppies for sale.” Tommy could hardly wait as they drove to the place where the puppies were.
The kennel owner showed him the puppies. “You see this big one here,” he said, “we call her ‘Lonesome’ because when we leave her alone she cries and howls.” As soon as Tommy looked at Lonesome, he knew that was the dog he wanted. Her howling didn’t bother him at all, but only made her more appealing. The other puppies just didn’t compare with this one. So Tommy and his mother bought Lonesome.
Lonesome whimpered all the way home. When she got to her new home she cried and whined. Tommy tried to get her to go up the steps into the house, but she cried and ran the other way. When he brought out food and water, she wouldn’t come near it. When he tried to pet her she would only whine and run away from him. Tommy was patient with his new puppy. He never once thought that maybe he had picked the wrong dog.
Tommy’s mother boiled some chicken livers for Lonesome to eat, thinking that might be what she was used to eating and that would make her feel at home. No, that didn’t work either. Lonesome just couldn’t get used to her new home and new owners.
All that afternoon and for part of the next day, Tommy followed Lonesome around their large yard pleading with her, “Lonesome, I love you. I want to be your friend. Don’t you like me?” But all she would do was cry and whimper and run away from him.
Late in the afternoon of the second day, an idea flashed across Tommy’s mind. He knew before he even tried it that it would work. He would pretend to cry. That seemed to be what Lonesome understood most. When she heard Tommy’s pretend crying, she came right over to him to try to comfort him. Tommy petted her for a good long time... until they were friends at last.
Tommy’s idea worked. Pretending to cry did the trick; he had won Lonesome for his friend.
Tommy won Lonesome’s heart after a long time of pleading. Perhaps the Lord Jesus has been pleading to be your friend for a long time too. The Lord Jesus is the great winner of hearts. He knows each one of us better than we know ourselves. He also knows that we are all sinners and need a Saviour. To win our hearts He was nailed to Calvary’s cross and was punished by God for sin. You see, even though He had never sinned He had to be punished to open the way so sinners like you and me could be saved. Because of our sins we are all on our way to that awful place called hell-an eternity of darkness-and there is only one way of escape. That way is by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour, believing that on the cross He suffered for your sins. Every boy or girl or grown-up who trusts in Him as his or her Saviour will spend an eternity of happiness with Jesus in heaven. Just as Lonesome came to Tommy after he did so much to win her love, won’t you come to the Lord Jesus and trust Him to save you? Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Revelation 3:20. He also said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Won’t you respond to the Lord Jesus’ love today?
“Behold, now is the accepted time.”
2 Corinthians 6:2
The Spider's Web
“The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.” Proverbs 30:28.
To most people spiders are a nuisance, but they do serve many good purposes, including eating great numbers of flies, mosquitos and other insects. Many birds not only eat spiders, but steal their webs to weave into their nests for added strength or to make a smooth inner lining.
There are about 40,000 different kinds of spiders in the world. Most can spin webs, and they come in a great variety of shapes. The most clever are the outdoor spiders who make the most beautiful webs. These webs can be seen best in early morning while silvery dew clings to them. The garden spider stretches its beautiful webs between branches of tall plants. Another, the orb-spider’s creation, when covered with dewdrops looks like a grand display of lovely pearls hanging on drooping strings.
But the webs of all are creations no human being could ever duplicate. They vary in size and shape, but commonly have two dozen or more strands forming circles around a tiny center (the spider’s home). These are held at proper distance from each other and strengthened by a number of “ribs” that, like the spokes of a wheel, stretch straight out from the center. All is so cleverly done that it looks like a blueprint had been followed. But spiders don’t need blueprints, for the Creator has given them the instinct and ability to make their own webs in God-given patterns and designs.
Two or more “spinnerets” are attached to the rear of the spider’s abdomen from which the liquid silk threads flow, finer than a human hair. The reason for more than one spinneret is so a spider can produce different types of silk for a particular purpose. The different spinnerets can produce liquid silk in a very thin thread or a thick, wide band, or silk that quickly dries or remains sticky. It can even produce a thread that looks like a beaded necklace.
The webs are amazingly strong. Most can withstand the force of a bumblebee or other large insect flying straight into them, as well as the insect’s frantic struggles to break loose. The Creator has provided spinnerets that make just the right kind of web for each purpose, all stronger than rayon, silk, or rubber. Even snakes that get entangled in webs sometimes can’t get away.
The Lord God, the Creator of all things, has given the spiders these wonderful capabilities and His watchful eye cares for them just as He cares for every living thing. That includes every boy, and girl, and man, and woman. A verse from the Bible tells us: “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest [seen] in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:13. Besides knowing Him as your Creator, do you know Him as your Saviour too?
Tree House Adventure
School had just let out for the summer, and Tiff had an idea for an adventure that her neighborhood friends could enjoy. With the new houses being built just down the block, there should be plenty of scrap material for some good fun. She coaxed her best friend, Duffy, to come along, and they were delighted to find lots of scrap lumber in a trash pile.
“Okay, gang,” the young leader exclaimed when the rest of the children had gathered at the trash pile, “Let’s build us a tree house! We can drag all this lumber over to the woods in back of Suzy’s house, and maybe Duffy’s dad could give us some hints on how to make one.” They all thought this was a great idea! And so their adventure began... The site for the tree house was chosen-a huge maple tree with its lowest branches a good 20 feet up. Next, the children asked Duffy’s dad for some building advice. The following day everyone met in the Day’s backyard with all the saws, hammers and nails they could find in their dads’ garages. Hauling the lumber to the tree took most of the morning, but at least it looked as though the dream tree house would really be built.
Sometimes we get so busy with our own plans that we forget that our Creator God has a master plan for our lives. He is watching each one of us, and His plans for us are for our good and blessing. But when we are so busy that we forget Him, He often reminds us that He is in control.
Suzy and her brother Zack began to nail short boards up the trunk of the tree for a “ladder.” Since the floor of the tree house would have to be built on the lowest branch, the ladder had to be built first.
“Now start passing up the boards for the floor,” shouted Zack from the first branch, “and send Duffy up with plenty of nails in her pocket.”
To everyone’s disappointment, the longest boards were not long enough to reach across to the other branch in the fork of the tree. So Zack decided they could just overlap two boards a little and nail them together in the center. “I think it’s called a splice,” he informed them. Duffy remembered her father saying that this should not be done as the boards wouldn’t be strong enough to hold everyone’s weight. Tiff seemed to know what Duffy was thinking. “It’ll be O.K.,” she said, “as long as we put in lots of nails. And anyways, if we don’t do it, we don’t get our tree house,’cause there just aren’t any longer boards.” All agreed with this, for the children were determined to have their tree house, no matter what.
We aren’t any different than these children. We all have to admit that sometimes we get our hearts set on something and nobody can talk us out of it. The Bible tells about someone like that-someone who heard the instructions of the Lord Jesus and did not obey them. The example was a man who built his house on sand. He was going to do things his own way. What do you think became of that house? The Bible says, “It fell: and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:27. God’s instructions are important. Let’s make sure we are building our lives on a good foundation-salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Once the floor was finished, the gang decided to add a guardrail all the way around. Imagine their delight when they returned to the trash pile to find twice as much lumber as there had been the day before!
The tree house was given an upper level... a double-decker tree house!
“Duffy, be sure you drive those nails in tight. We’ll be so high on that level we’ll need walls to keep us from falling off.” Flimsy plywood walls were added and a plywood roof. The children were pleased with their new tree house... all except Suzy. Her inner voice kept telling her the whole thing looked shaky. And though she wouldn’t admit it, she was scared each time she climbed to either level.
Suzy knew the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, but she didn’t pray much or read her Bible. Still, she wanted to do what was right, so she told her dad about the spliced boards in the floor.
When Mr. Day examined it for himself, he told Suzy and Zack they were not to go up there anymore. “And tell the other kids to take it down and move it to a smaller tree,” he added, “or find longer boards.”
Suzy told the gang what her dad had said, but no one would volunteer to rip the floor apart; they all knew they wouldn’t find longer boards.
Soon the kids had forgotten Mr. Day’s warning and were all climbing and having a great time in the tree house... all, that is, but Suzy. However, not wanting to be called a chicken, she finally joined them in the tree, but she was unhappy deep down for disobeying her dad. If Suzy had been reading her Bible she might have remembered the wise verse that says, “Happy is the man that feareth [obeys] always: but he that hardeneth his heart [refuses] shall fall into mischief.” Proverbs 28:14.
Later in the summer a third level was added. Again the floor had spliced boards. Nobody would admit how scary it felt to be on that high level. Nobody seemed to notice how springy the floor felt at times.
One afternoon as the gang climbed the three levels, chattering away like a bunch of monkeys, Suzy heard it-a crack! Before she could cry out a warning, she felt the third level floor give out under her. Splintering noises followed her cry as, layer by layer, the whole tree house collapsed... with only a few boards left still hanging in the tree branches or clinging by bent nails to the trunk.
After all the crashing and hollering had stopped, each one of the gang got to his feet, stunned and scared, but unharmed except for some scrapes and scratches. They all learned a hard lesson that day because they had not listened to Mr. Day’s warning.
But there is a much more important lesson for each of us to learn from this story. Have you chosen not to listen to God’s warnings about your sins? He warns that no sin can enter heaven and that only the blood of the Lord Jesus can remove them. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. Have you listened to His warning? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
The gang lost their tree house by not obeying Mr. Day’s warning. If you do not obey God’s warning, your loss will be far greater-you will lose eternal life in heaven.
“What shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17.
Schatzi and the White Cat
Grandpa’s farm! What a fun place to visit during summer holidays! The children would feed the chickens; Grandpa would butcher them and Grandma would fry them yummy! And the children loved to play with Grandpa’s dog. Although she was part German Shepherd and part wolf, Schatzi was so gentle that she would even let the children sit on her. How the children had looked forward to the visit!
Matthew and Nathaniel did not know it yet, but there was also a snow-white cat prowling around Grandpa’s farm. It moved quietly around the yard staying out of sight, so no one had seen it yet. Its fur was so beautiful that it must have been someone’s favorite pet, well-fed and well-loved. Its owner probably petted its pure white fur and said, “Nice kitty.” But no one knew what it was doing late at night when no one was looking.
One day Matthew and Nathaniel heard Schatzi whimper. Schatzi! Beloved Schatzi what was wrong?
“Grandpa, what’s the matter with Schatzi?” asked Matthew.
“Oh nothing,” said Grandpa. “She’ll be all right.”
Suddenly everything wasn’t all right. Schatzi grabbed a furry white animal with her teeth and the animal fought back. Everyone thought Schatzi had caught a rabbit. The fight didn’t last long, and then Schatzi brought the furry animal and laid it at Grandpa’s feet. They were all startled to see it wasn’t a rabbit. It was a white cat!
What had happened to Schatzi? Had gentle Schatzi suddenly turned wild? After all, she was part wolf! Everyone started to scold their favorite dog.
“Don’t go too near her,” the boys’ father warned.
But Grandpa wasn’t worried. He knew what had happened. He had not told anyone yet, but something had been hurting his chickens. He always put the ones that Grandma would cook the next day in a crate, but for the past few mornings, Grandpa had found that the chickens’ throats had been scratched and some of the wings had been ripped off. This had happened for three nights in a row. Schatzi must have known it too. And it was no mystery to her what animal was hurting the chickens. Sure enough, the next night the chickens were unharmed. Schatzi had fixed the problem. It had been the white cat.
The cat looked very beautiful on the outside, but at night it had been secretly trying to kill chickens. Have you ever stopped to think that some boys and girls are like that bad cat? Perhaps even you yourself look quite nice on the outside. And maybe most people even think that you are a kind Christian boy or girl. But if you have never had your sins washed away in the precious blood of Christ, then you are like that white cat pretty on the outside but full of sin on the inside.
“The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7. This Bible verse warns that God can see right down into your heart and see what you are on the inside. Even if you carry a Bible in your hand and go to Sunday school, God knows if you are still stained by sins of lying, unkindness, and disobedience to your parents. But God also loves you very much, so much that He has provided a way that your sins can be washed away “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
When Schatzi killed the cat, that was the end of it, but God has made you different from a cat. You have a soul that will live forever in either heaven or hell. The Bible says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27. Matthew and Nathaniel thought that Schatzi was too kind and gentle to ever kill a cat, but when she found a cat trying to kill Grandpa’s chickens, she attacked it. Some people say that God is too loving to put anyone into hell, but God is also holy and He must punish sin. But He also offers a free pardon for all who trust in the Lord Jesus as their substitute for the punishment they deserve. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Be warned, boys and girls, by this story of the beautiful white cat. Even if everyone else thinks you are a nice person, God looks right down into your heart. Come to the Lord Jesus today and He will make you as white as snow. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18.
“The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
The Toy Deer
“It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet.” Psalm 18:32,33.
Some time ago we had an article on miniature horses and how some owners would allow them in their living rooms as pets. But miniature deer (while true members of the deer family) are smaller yet so small they can walk under an adult deer and never touch it.
One of these is the toy, or key deer, living on some of the islands known as the Florida Keys. It is a cute little beauty only 24 inches high. It has a black muzzle and large eyes, with velvety brown fur covering its head and top of its little body, but its stomach is white.
It is sad that, because they are so friendly, people feed them things that make them sick, and some even kill them for the meat. Guards are kept nearby now, so this doesn’t often happen.
Another member of this pygmy deer family, known as a muntjac, is a resident of England. It, too, is about 24 inches high and some of them have short antlers. Not only is it the size of a dog, but it also barks like one. The head and front of its body are light tan, but otherwise it is dark red all over.
They were first imported from China many years ago and their numbers are now in the thousands. Like those in Florida, they are extremely tame and quickly make friends with people. The English people feed them proper food and often build shelters for them next to their homes. Some of the farmers, however, don’t look on them so kindly when the muntjacs get into their gardens!
Then there is another known as the red brocket, located in areas of Mexico, and Central and South America. These are similar in size to the toy deer and the males have short antlers. They have a reddish coat except for dark brown legs and a tail that, like the others, is white when raised.
But the tiniest deer of all makes its home in the Andes Mountains of South America and has the odd name of pudu. This one is only 15 inches high and weighs less than 25 pounds smaller than many dogs. Some are reddish brown with black heads, and others are lighter brown. A pudu is very wild, and it is hard to get a glimpse of one as it scampers over the mountain slopes and through the forests.
The Psalmist’s use of “hinds’ feet” in the above Bible verse means “deer’s feet.” He was thankful that God, the Creator, had given him such strength and happiness that he felt like leaping for joy, just as a deer does. And people today who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour have learned that full trust in Him provides them with the same happiness, giving them strength and guidance every day. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
Five-year-old Emily walked slowly along, looking down at the sidewalk. Suddenly she stopped. What was that? Something bright and shiny had caught her eye. Kneeling down, she peered down through the metal grating along the curb. There, down in the hole underneath the grating, was a coin, and Emily wanted it.
Working her small hand carefully through the grating, she stretched her arm as far as it would reach and was delighted to find she could just reach the coin. She grasped it firmly in her small fist and then tried to pull her arm back out. But that is when she found she was in trouble. She was stuck. She could not get her hand back out through the grating.
Emily tugged and pulled as hard as she could, but the more she pulled the more the grating hurt her. She was worried now and began to call loudly for help.
Emily was in trouble, but if you have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are in far worse trouble than she was. You are trapped in your sins, and there is no way you can free yourself. Proverbs 5:22 tells us, “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden [or trapped] with the cords of his sins.”
A neighbor lady heard Emily’s calls for help and hurried over to find out what was wrong. When she saw how firmly Emily’s hand was stuck, she hurried home and came back with some butter. Smearing the butter all over Emily’s hand, she tried to make it slippery enough so Emily could slide it through the grating. But it didn’t work. She was still stuck.
Another neighbor came out with some grease for Emily’s hand, and another tried pouring liquid soap over her hand. But nothing helped, and Emily remained stuck.
Are you trying, like Emily, to get yourself out of the trouble you are in? Maybe you are trying to get rid of your sins by being good, or by going to Sunday school, or by reading your Bible. None of these things can ever take away one single sin. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can set us free from the sins that have trapped us. He loved us so much that He died on the cross and shed His blood so that you and I might be set free.
Emily’s neighbors finally called the fire department, and the firemen, after much effort, managed to get her hand free from the grating. How glad she was to be able to stand up straight again and to run home to Mother.
The firemen, however, found something strange. They discovered that the reason Emily could not get her hand through the grating was because she was holding on tightly to the coin she had found. If she had only let go of her treasure, she could have opened her hand and easily pulled it back through the grating, sparing herself all the fear and pain.
Are you hanging onto something that is keeping you trapped in your sins? Perhaps you have friends who would laugh at you if you came to Jesus, or maybe some bad habit that you don’t want to let go of is holding you back. Don’t let anything keep you from coming to Jesus. Let go. He wants you to come to Him right now, and He will forgive you and wash all your sins away. Won’t you accept Him today?
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Fill in the Blank
Try to complete this text.
A_ _ A _ D _ _ S _ A_ _ _ E G _ _ E _ _ O _ _ E _ K A _ _ Y _ S _ A _ L F I _ _
Submarine Sos
The submarine, “Komsomolets,” was on fire. The men on board were fighting the spreading fire, but in the thick smoke they were losing the fight.
It was April, 1989, and the Norwegian Sea, which usually hid the spying Soviet submarine from the American fleet, was now a raging enemy. With flames spreading through the various compartments, the burning submarine surfaced to struggle with an added problem-the cold, choppy sea with its growing waves and blowing snow flurries. There could be no doubt... these men needed to be saved. But who could rescue them?
The SOS signals sent out to Soviet navy headquarters were distorted and unclear. The admiral in Moscow knew something, somewhere was wrong. But who, and where?
This story makes me so thankful for a little verse in Hebrews 7:25, “He is able... to save.” God is able to save because He knows not only what our trouble is, but He knows who we are and where we are. Our cries to Him are never distorted or unclear! Psalm 34:15 assures us, “His ears are open unto their cry.”
But these poor men were crying for help and there was no ear to hear, until an hour later. Quickly a patrol plane was sent out and several navy ships headed out to direct rescue operations, but they were all 500 miles away.
Help was needed NOW, not LATER. Could it be any comfort to know help would arrive, but too late? How glad I am that our verse says, “He is able... to save.” He is able because He is close to each of us. Isaiah 38:20 says, “The Lord was ready to save me.” Paul says in Acts 17:27, “Though He be not far from every one of us.” He is not 500 miles or even one mile away when we need Him.
As the fire burned through the hull, the submarine began to settle in the sea, stern down and bow up. The men realized they didn’t have time to wait for help to come.
Strong winds blew the first inflated life raft overboard. Some of the men swam through the icy water to get on the upside down raft. The only other life raft was swept too far away for any of the exhausted crew to swim to. That left nearly 50 men trying to get on one life raft built to hold only 25. How sad it must have been for any man in the water to look at the raft which could save some lives and realize there was no room for him.
How different it is for any who call on the Lord Jesus. He is not only able to save from eternal death, but He says in His parable of the great supper, “Yet there is room.” We also read in John 3:16, “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish.” The word “whosoever” means you, me or anyone else, and it certainly means He has room for all.
While some of the burned and half-frozen men were hanging on to the half-submerged life raft, six other men were still trying to get out of the sinking submarine. Five were able to get into the escape capsule, but as they closed and sealed the door they heard a knock. Another man was alive and wanted to get in. But the door was sealed, and they were unable to open it in time. The submarine walls were breaking and water pouring in swept the man away.
We’ve all had the experience of standing and knocking outside a closed door. Thankfully, most doors open in answer to our knock. The Lord Jesus is able to save because He, too, is an “open door.” “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9. Sadly, even this door must close some day. Now is still the day of salvation, and the door is still open. We read of those who began to stand outside and knock (Luke 13:25). But they came too late! Some people don’t think that accepting Christ as their Saviour is an urgent matter. They feel another day will do. But Jesus says, “Be ye also ready.” Matthew 24:44.
The escape capsule with the five men in it at first would not break loose from the submarine. After the depth gauge needle went off the scale at 1300 feet, an explosion knocked the capsule free. When it bobbed to the surface the pressure inside blew the door off. The capsule quickly filled with water. One man was saved. The others, including the commander of the submarine, were lost.
In the icy water men were hanging on to the life raft with their hands or teeth. As an hour passed while waiting for help to arrive, two dozen of the men could no longer hold on. They let go of the raft and perished in their helplessness. Finally, a fishing boat arrived and picked up the 29 men still alive.
Another 40 men could have been saved if help had been closer. But help was closer! If the Russian submarine had only called on nearby Norway for help, most of the men would have been saved! Since the submarine was a new high-tech type, the Soviet navy did not want Norway to see it. Because they wanted to keep their submarine a secret, they refused to ask for nearby help. That may seem foolish to you, but may I ask you, What reason is keeping you from calling on Jesus Christ for salvation? As a sinner you are lost in your sins and about to perish, but Jesus Christ died on the cross for you. Because of that, He is nearby, ready and able to save you! Just call.
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.”
John 10:9
Desert Wild Flowers
“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.”
Song of Solomon 2:12
It’s only natural to think that deserts are dry and barren, but there are times when they are full of beauty. Desert plants and trees all bloom, mostly in the spring, and many have beautiful flowers.
One of these is the agave, or century plant, with long bayonet-like leaves. Its 10-foot flower stalk is capped with beautiful white flowers. Another, the ocotillo, or candlewood, for a short time each year has beautiful scarlet or salmon-colored flowers. From a distance these look like bright flames on the ends of many stems. Joshua trees add their beauty, bursting into bloom in the spring with creamy white flowers.
The Mohave mound cactus, close to the ground, is covered with large scarlet flowers from April to June. At the same time the desert mariposa displays large bright-red flowers, perhaps growing amidst a golden-yellow carpet of dandelions. Others include the Saguaro tree which grows 50 feet high. During May it displays lovely creamy blossoms with yellow centers clustered at the end of its branches.
Then there is the sand-loving phlox, with its small, pretty reddish-pink flowers, as well as the hedgehog cactus. Its prickly stems stand out with many-petaled, brilliant, four-inch red flowers with yellow centers. Yet another beauty is the fish-hook barrel plant with tiny reddish flowers overlooking the peculiar hook-like leaves for which the plant is named. The ball cactus flower, one of the prettiest, has waxy yellow petals coming out of a pretty orange and red center.
If we had more space there are many more desert beauties we could list, but perhaps these few will paint a picture in your mind of how beautiful desert lands can be.
In a time that is coming called the millennium, after the Lord Jesus has taken to heaven those who have accepted Him as their Saviour and has judged those who have rejected Him, He will change the earth into a place of peace and thankfulness for God’s blessings. The Bible tells us that during that time the deserts will be places of exceptional beauty. The prophet Isaiah has written, “The desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing.” Isaiah 35:1,2.
Will you be included with those in heaven who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, looking down on the new, beautiful deserts?
Jimmy and the Candybar
Jimmy was spending a long afternoon at Grandma’s house. Grandma lived in a neighborhood of mostly older people, so there were no children around to play with. All the grown-ups were talking in the kitchen, and little Jimmy didn’t have anything to do.
Suddenly he remembered the pretty glass bowl that Grandma kept on top of the cabinet in the dining room. Yellow candies were usually in the bowl. Jimmy thought he needed one. He went into the dining room and peered over the top of the cabinet. Sure enough, there was the glass bowl... but no candies. Disappointed, Jimmy rested his chin on the cabinet top, looking at the empty bowl.
Now what could he do? He noticed the cabinet had some drawers. He pulled one open and started looking through it. All he found were some old napkins and tablecloths. They even smelled old, like mothballs. But wait, what was this... a candy bar! He could tell from the wrapper that it had peanuts, chocolate and caramel in it.
As Jimmy took the candy bar out, he had an uneasy feeling inside. He knew the candy bar was not his to take. He thought of asking his grandma-she had probably forgotten all about the candy bar and would be glad to let him have it. But then he would have to go into the kitchen and ask, and his mom wouldn’t like him asking for it. Jimmy made up his mind just to eat the candy bar without telling anyone. Grandma would never miss it.
Jimmy’s uneasy feeling came from God. God, our Creator, has given each man and woman, boy and girl a conscience. That is the feeling that bothers us when we are doing something wrong. It also tells us we are sinners. Many times we choose to go right ahead and do what we want in spite of what our conscience tells us-just like Jimmy was about to do. Then we try to forget about it. But God does not forget. He is holy and cannot let even a little sin slide by without His noticing it. “God requireth that which is past.” Ecclesiastes 3:15.
Grandma’s yard had a high hedge around it. He could find a good place in the hedge to hide with the candy bar. So Jimmy crouched in the cool, leafy shade of the hedge and unwrapped it. He opened his mouth wide and took a big bite. But Yuk! he spit it out just as quickly. The candy bar was so old it was hard and had an awful taste! It must have been in that drawer for a long, long time. What a disappointment it turned out to be for Jimmy.
Sin is just like that. It often looks like something we want-something we might enjoy. But it always ends in unhappiness. The Bible tells us that “the wages of [payment for] sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
If Jimmy had just asked his grandma about the candy bar, she would have known it was not good to eat, and she would have given him something better. And if you will come to the Lord Jesus with your sins, He will wash them all away and give you something much better-His gift of a happy home with Him in heaven forever.
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Kings and Emperors of the Penguins: Part 1
“Unto thee it was showed, that thou mightest know that the Lord He is God; there is none else beside Him.” Deut. 4:35.
There are millions of penguins of many varieties. All live in the cold Antarctic regions. In this and the following issue we will look at two varieties of these birds-the kings and emperors.
Penguins walk with a clumsy waddle. They stand together in dense crowds, often shrieking noisily at one another. They cannot fly, but are excellent swimmers. Their strong wings act as flippers and, along with their webbed feet, provide power for diving and swimming. They can dive more than 800 feet deep and stay below as long as 15 minutes. The Creator, who made the salty oceans their homeland, made it possible for them to drink salt water and eat snow since fresh water is hardly ever available.
King penguins avoid ice and snow when possible and prefer small islands in the sub-Antarctic with bare or rocky shores. Great numbers crowd together so tightly that from a distance they look like a pretty carpeted field.
They are brightly colored. Their heads are deep brown or black, fringed with red at their necks with a strip of orange and yellow. Backs and wings are dark blue, contrasted with white bodies. Orange spots on each side of their head look like brightly colored earmuffs.
A pair does not make a nest as most birds do. Instead, when the single egg is laid (on bare ice) the male takes over its care. He works it into a warm spot between his two feet and covers it with a soft pouch the Creator has provided for this purpose. He stands there for nearly two months, without food or water, turning the egg over from time to time.
Amazingly, the female, who has been feeding in the ocean all this time, returns the very day that baby hatches out. (How did she know the right time?) She then takes over-feeding the chick with pre-digested food. Meanwhile the male takes to the water, stuffing himself with seafood and returns in two weeks to help out. From then on the parents follow the two-week, switch-over schedule until the little one can take care of itself.
Here is another example of God’s care over all His creation, far beyond our ability to understand. The Bible tells us, “Known unto God are all His works” (Acts 15:18), but nothing compares with the care He shows to every human being. The Lord Jesus gave His life on the cross to pay for the sins of all who know Him as Saviour. How can we know Him as Saviour? When a prison keeper asked, “What must I do to be saved?” the answer was, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:30,31. Do you believe on Him and have the eternal life He promises?
(to be continued)
The Wrong Way
Lisa could hardly wait. It seemed like school would never end. The last day before summer vacation always seemed like such a long day. But at last it was over, and as she hurried home from school her eyes were sparkling with excitement.
Summer vacation always meant a trip to the cottage for Lisa and her family, and this year would be no exception. Mother had been working hard all week washing, ironing and packing for her large family. Tomorrow they would leave on the long drive to their cottage by the lake.
Lisa’s daddy and mother loved the Lord Jesus, and they often told their children of God’s love in sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to shed His blood for their sins. They also frequently showed their love for the Lord Jesus by the kind things they did for others.
This year they had thoughtfully invited Aunt Ellen to go along with them. Aunt Ellen had a married daughter who lived near their cottage, and they knew she would enjoy a visit with her daughter. So although Lisa’s family was large, they decided they could make room for one more in their van.
Very early the next morning the van, loaded with the family plus Aunt Ellen, started out on the long drive. At first everyone was excited, but as hour after hour went by the children and their parents became drowsy in the warm van. It was then that Aunt Ellen saw a way she could be helpful.
“Let me drive for a while so you can get some sleep,” she suggested. “Then after you’ve had a nap you can drive again.”
They pulled the van over to the side of the road and changed drivers. Soon they were on their way again. Aunt Ellen was a good driver, so it wasn’t long before Lisa’s parents were sound asleep.
Aunt Ellen smiled as she drove along. She was looking forward to seeing her daughter and son-in-law, and she was thankful to have the chance to help out a bit by driving.
Suddenly she frowned. The road signs showed that she would have to make a decision in a mile or two as to which highway she should take, and she just wasn’t sure which was the right road. She glanced at Lisa’s parents; they were both sound asleep. She hated to waken them. So she chose what she thought was the right road and kept on driving.
God tells us in His Word, the Bible, that “there is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12. He also tells us in John 14:6, “Jesus saith... I am the way.” The way to what? The way to heaven. Aunt Ellen needed to know the way to the cottage, but even more importantly, we need to know the way to heaven.
Aunt Ellen kept on driving, glancing anxiously at the highway signs and hoping they were on the right road. On and on she drove.
Finally Lisa’s daddy yawned, stretched and said, “Thanks, Ellen. That sleep felt good. Now I’m ready to drive again. By the way, just where are we?”
“I’m not sure,” she replied. “I think we’re on the right road, but I’m not positive.”
A quick check of the road map showed that not only were they on the wrong road, but they had gone miles and miles in the wrong direction. Now they would have to spend more hours getting back to the right road, and it would be late evening before they would reach the cottage.
Poor Aunt Ellen. She had tried to be helpful, but she had delayed everyone by taking the wrong road.
Boys and girls, are you sure you are on your way to heaven? Maybe you’ve been given the wrong directions. Have you been told to “Be good,” or “Pray,” or “Go to church” to get to heaven? Those roads will never lead you to heaven.
Perhaps you think you know the right way and are trying with no map and no guide to get to heaven on your own. If so, you will only end up like Lisa’s family-on the wrong road.
The Bible, God’s Word, tells us there is only one way to heaven, and that is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “I am the way” (John 14:6), and His death on the cross and His blood shed there make the way to heaven open to all of us who will accept Him. Won’t you accept Him today? Then you will know for sure that your sins are forgiven and that you are on your way to heaven.
Kim Learns to Add
Kim is a cute little girl in second grade. But you will soon see that Kim didn’t pay much attention last year when her first grade teacher was teaching the class how to add. Kim could not add the number 1 to another number. Can you? I wrote out a page of problems for Kim like this:
1 + 1 = 4 + 1 =
2 + 1 = 5 + 1 =
3 + 1 = 6 + 1 =
Can you write the answers on this paper? With a little help Kim could. I explained that each answer was one number higher than the number she started with. She seemed to understand, so I asked, “If you add 1 to 132 what would you get?”
“1,000,073,” she replied with a big smile.
Thinking I had made the question too hard I asked, “Kim, if you add 1 to 84 what would you have?”
“1,056?” she asked, not really sure.
“Kim,” I said, “you are just guessing. I want you to THINK.”
Now, I’m going to ask all of you who are reading this story to answer some questions. Don’t guess at the answers-THINK!
Here is the first question. How many bad things are going to be in heaven? Did you answer, “None”? That’s right, because even one bad thing would spoil heaven, just like one bad thing that Adam did spoiled the earth.
Now I’m going to ask you a more personal question. Have you ever done even one bad thing? If you said “Yes,” that is right. But if you said “No,” that answer is wrong, because God tells us that all of us have done bad things. God calls bad things sins, and He says in 1 Kings 8:46, “There is no man which sinneth not.”
Here is the next question. Since you have done bad things, how can you go to heaven when no bad things are allowed there? Don’t guess-THINK! Here is the answer. You can only go to heaven if you let the Lord Jesus forgive your sins. Ephesians 1:7 tells us that in Jesus “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.”
But how can He forgive us? Does He just say, “Oh, you’re a nice person... I’ll forget about your sins”? Don’t guess about this. It’s most important that you KNOW the answer to this question.
The Lord Jesus can’t ignore our sins. Every bad thing each of us has ever done must be punished. But God knew we’d have to spend forever in hell and we still wouldn’t be finished being punished for our sins. Because He loves us so much, God provided Someone else to take that punishment. He sent His own perfect Son to die on Calvary’s cross to be punished for our sins.
So now your punishment for your sins will be paid by the Lord Jesus if you will come to Him and truthfully say, “I am a sinner, and I want to be forgiven.” He will forgive you and wash away all your sins in His precious blood. In 1 John 1:7 we read that “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.”
You’ll be glad to know that Kim has learned how to add. She can now add the number 1 to another number correctly. And I hope that when she reads this story she will learn the only way there is to heaven. She needs to let the Lord Jesus forgive her sins.
Now, here’s one last question for you. Will you let the Lord Jesus forgive your sins? “Who can forgive sins but God only?” Mark 2:7.
“Who can forgive sins but God only?” Mark 2:7
Kings and Emperors of the Penguins: Part 2
“[God] in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10.
In our last issue we looked at the king penguin. Now let’s explore the one called emperor penguin. Perhaps both names, king and emperor, were chosen because these birds are the largest of all penguins. They stand three to four feet high and weigh from 40 to 50 pounds.
There are similarities between the two, but also definite differences. For instance, emperors do not like grassy or muddy places for homes; they choose only snow or ice in cold Antarctic areas. Colonies may vary from a few hundred to a million or more.
Another difference is in their coloring. The emperor’s head is black. Its sharp, strong beak is grayish, with a red mouth and bill plates (lips). The yellow of its chest extends partway around its neck, with snow-white below the yellow. Thick, waterproof feathers hide its legs from view. A solid black coat on the back makes a group standing together look like short men dressed in tuxedos.
They mostly stand when not in water. Very seldom does one stoop over unless feeding a young chick. Then the parent bends over to deposit previously eaten and digested seafood in the chick’s mouth.
They seem to enjoy sliding on snow or ice. When they come to a long, sloping, smooth place, they get down on their stomachs and use their strong, narrow wings like arms to push off. At the same time they kick their feet and enjoy a good long slide, like a boy or girl on a sled.
Penguins can swim faster than fish and catch them from behind, using their strong, spike-like beaks. Sometimes they swim at great depths for 10 or 15 minutes. If you have tried holding your breath for even one or two minutes, you will realize how wonderfully the Creator has designed them for this purpose.
Mother and father emperors incubate just one egg each year. They handle this responsibility differently than the kings do. The father takes the first turn, holding the egg on his feet in a warm pouch for two weeks (compared with two months for the father king). Then the mother, who has been feeding in the ocean, returns to take her two-week turn, and then they switch again. At the end of about two months the chick hatches, and both parents share in its feeding until it is big enough to care for itself.
As the opening Bible verse indicates, every living thing has been created by God, and He watches over all. When He gave life and form to each creature He “saw that it was good.” Although “evolution” tries to leave God out, how much better to believe the truth-what God tells us in the Bible.
The Adopted Kitten
“Mew, mew, mew, mew.” Brian and Lisa ran to the spot where the cries of a tiny kitten were heard. There, all alone, they found a tiny ball of gray and white fur with baby-blue eyes just beginning to open. The little kitten was very hungry and lost. Apparently the mother barn cat had moved her litter away from the curious eyes and hands of the children, but this little baby had been forgotten.
That night the little kitten traveled to the city home of the family and was fed with an eyedropper. It eagerly licked the milk from the dropper, but it took a long time until the kitten’s tummy was full, even with all the family taking turns. This little kitten had one great need-a mother to feed and care for it.
Then Brian’s friend, Matthew, came over and said that their cat had a new litter of kittens. Maybe, just maybe, their mother cat would take care of Lisa and Brian’s little kitten until it was old enough to eat regular cat food.
The three of them ran across the street with the little kitten to see if the mother cat would accept a strange kitten in her box. The little kitten was placed on the floor where Mama Kitty was drinking a bowl of milk. She looked at the mewing kitten and moved right over and began cleaning it with her tongue. When Mama Kitty had finished, the children put the kitten into the box with the other kittens, and Mama Kitty climbed in and they all began to eat hungrily. The mother cat began to clean all her babies again, including the newly adopted one.
While watching Mama Kitty accept the lost kitten, I was thinking of what a perfect picture this was of how lost and helpless we are in our sins, “having no hope, and without God.” Ephesians 2:12. When we cry, “I’m lost, I’m helpless,” no matter how weak our cry, God hears us. He reaches out in love and adopts us into His family, making us one of His very own children. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” 1 John 3:1. When we receive Christ as our Saviour, we are “washed... from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Just as the little kitten could not feed itself and could not save its own life, so we are not able to save our own souls. There is no list of good things that we can do to save ourselves. The little kitten could not pay for its adoption and neither can we. The kitten could only drink and live, and we can only believe and live. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet [helpless] sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.
More Ants, Please
“Thou art worthy, O Lord... for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Revelation 4:11
Australia and New Guinea provide good homes for one of the world’s strangest animals the foot-long spiny anteater (not to be confused with the great anteater). The spiny anteater is sometimes mistaken for a porcupine. It also has some features similar to a platypus and a kangaroo. It has a pouch on its stomach for hatching a baby from a tiny leather-like egg. It also provides milk for its baby and carries it around for about three months, until it is strong enough to get out into the open. This anteater’s home is usually in a burrow underground or dug into the side of a cliff.
Its face has a long, skin-covered, bony snout with a tiny mouth and rather large open nostrils atop the end. Although its body is covered with spines, there are no spines on its face.
Its front claws are good for rapid digging for ants or termites in soil. Its back claws are good for tearing logs apart and pulling heavy stones away to make its nest. Each back claw also has one extra-long nail with which it grooms its brown fur coat which lies beneath its armor of coarse, sharp spines.
While this animal may seem very strange to us, the Creator designed it especially for the life-style He gave it. This is particularly noticeable not only in its claws, but also in its long, narrow, tough, toothless snout and its exceptionally long, sticky tongue. This tongue dips into ant or termite nests and brings great numbers of them to its mouth. If it also picks up some dirt, the Creator has also provided special glands that digest the dirt as well as the insects.
Because of their sharp, barbless spines, these little fellows are seldom bothered by wild cats or dogs. But when threatened, the anteater presses close to the ground, and using both front and hind feet it rapidly claws the earth away beneath itself. It gradually settles its body down into the hole, inch by inch, until only its sharp spines are showing. By that time the enemy gives up and leaves. When threatened and unable to dig its way to safety, it curls up into a round ball, with its tender parts well protected by its needle-pointed spines.
The beginning Bible verse speaks of the Creator’s pleasure in all the things He made, which includes this unusual creature. But His greatest pleasure is in any person who trusts in Him, not only as his or her Creator, but, more importantly, as his or her own Lord and Saviour. Are you giving Him that pleasure?
Strange Friend for Raquel
This was Raquel’s wedding day. She looked lovely in her white dress. Yet it almost seemed a little strange that things were going so well for her.
Sad to say, Raquel had turned her back upon God’s love. She had also turned her back on all that her Christian parents had taught her from the Bible. She had been told of the loving Saviour who gave His life on the cross of Calvary so that sinners could be saved. She had been warned of the danger of turning away from God’s offer of salvation. Raquel’s father had read the Bible with his family every day for many years. And she had often been at Bible meetings to hear about the wonderful love of God. But sadly, Raquel thought it was more important to have fun. She did not see that there was any harm in some sins. She had done just as she pleased, forgetting the serious warning in the Bible, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7.
And so for many of the young Christian girls who knew Raquel, it must have seemed strange on that wedding day that things were going so well for her. Why did she get a husband who was so handsome and so strong? Perhaps none of the girls remembered that day what the Bible says, that the “pleasures of sin” are only for a season a short time. There were a few older ones who saw and knew with sorrow that a girl cannot sow wild seeds and expect to harvest sweet fruit.
For a while, however, things went very well for Raquel. Her new young husband, Juan, even attended the Bible meetings at first. But it was not long before she found out that Juan had a drinking habit he could not break. As the years passed Raquel had two small children, but Juan was not a kind father. Those who lived near Juan and Raquel knew that it was not a happy family. After several years of unhappiness, Juan left his family and never returned. Raquel was left with two small children to care for. To make things worse, she began to get very sick.
Raquel found a job to provide for her two children. But soon she was so sick she couldn’t work. The doctor told her that she had the dangerous disease of tuberculosis. She and the children moved in with her parents.
Sadly, Raquel ignored the serious illness of her body just as she had ignored the serious need of her soul. She was given free medicine by the government, but she hardly ever took it. Soon she was so sick the medicine could no longer help her.
A Christian friend went to see her. She found that as Raquel grew weaker, her thoughts finally turned to the God she had forgotten for so long. Would God help her now? Did she deserve forgiveness after choosing a path of sin for so many years? No, Raquel did not deserve forgiveness, and now just before she died there was nothing she could do to make herself a better person. But God’s offer of salvation has never been to those who think they are good. His salvation has always been for those who know they are sinners and simply come to Him with their sins for salvation. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15. “I am not come to call the righteous [good], but sinners to repentance.” Matthew 9:13.
“You will be leaving this world soon,” the Christian friend said kindly to Raquel. “Are you ready?”
Raquel was too weak to sit up, but she quietly said, “Yes.”
She told her family that she was sorry for her life of sin and weakly said, “I know Jesus loves me.”
Shortly before Raquel left this world, someone asked her, “Where are you going?” She could no longer talk but she pointed “up.”
Raquel had found that living without God was not a happy life, but she had also found that when she turned to God from her sins, He still loved her and would forgive. “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon [forgive].” Isaiah 55:7.
Tuberculosis had been a strange friend to Raquel. It had given her a long time to think about the fact that she was leaving this world soon to meet God. But we must warn you that not everyone has a long, slow warning before they leave this world. God is telling you in His Word, the Bible, that you must prepare to meet Him now. “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Ecclesiastes 12:1. Will you turn to the Lord Jesus now for salvation?
May this warning from Raquel’s life help you to see that the pleasures of sin never last. Your happiness will never last if it depends on your friends or your money or your health. The joy that God gives is the only happiness that will last. “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.” Proverbs 16:20.
Ducks and Chickens
JENNY was a little girl who lived on a farm. Her mother had given her a hen and some eggs to be hatched. Jenny looked forward to the time when she would have some little chicks all her own.
But these eggs were not all the same size: seven of them were hen’s eggs and six were duck’s eggs. For many days the little mother hen patiently sat on the nest. After about three weeks, two different groups of yellow, fluffy, baby birds hatched. Jenny was so excited and decided to make a house for the new family.
One morning a few weeks later when she went to the chicken house to feed them, she discovered that all of the young ducklings were gone and only the young chickens were left. She ran and told her mother the sad news.
Her mother laughed and said, “Jenny, go down to the pond in the field and see if you can find them there.”
So Jenny hurried off to the pond. Sure enough, there were the six little ducks having a wonderful time enjoying their first swim in the water. She tried to get them to come back to the shore, but no, they were too much at home in the water and having too good a time to leave. It was just as natural for them to be in the water as it was for the chicks to be on the land. Even though both were hatched in the same nest, the two groups had different natures.
Jenny’s mother saw a little lesson in this. She explained to Jenny that we all are born with a nature that is selfish, loves to sin, loves the world and its pleasures, and is against God. But when a person becomes saved, he is “born again,” born of God. He receives a new nature that is holy, that cannot sin, and loves to obey and please the Lord Jesus. However, that other old nature still stays in the Christian as long as he is alive. A Christian is to keep that old nature in the place of death with the help and power of Christ. But sometimes a Christian lets it become very active.
The old nature can only sin; the new nature cannot sin. May the Lord Jesus help each of us who is saved from our sins to walk in the power of that new nature.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us [brought us back] to Himself by Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:17,18.
“Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17
The Noisy Cicada (Sik-Kay-Dah)
“[God] doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.” Job 5:9.
The periodical cicada has the longest life-cycle of all insects and is seen just once every 13 or 17 years. They appear mostly in the northeastern United States, but show up in the Midwest and northern California as well. The Pilgrims were aware of them, but never understood how they could disappear for so long a time.
Most people become aware of them in early summer when they come out of the ground (sometimes millions of them), climb tree trunks or anything upright, and shed their skins. In the next few hours their bodies harden as their large wings unfold, growing stronger and colorful. They can then fly short distances into trees.
Males make an ear-piercing buzzing song to attract females. The shrill notes are not made with their mouths, but are produced by vibrating drum-like membranes on the underside of their bodies. Sometimes males will group together, producing a chorus of song. At times they will suddenly become totally silent for several seconds as if by signal and then all begin their buzzing again.
These one-and-a-half-inch to two-inch-long insects with bulging eyes are harmless to people, but do serious damage to tree branches. The females make deep slits on the underside of twigs and branches for depositing their eggs. A few weeks after the eggs are laid, the outdoors gradually becomes quiet again as their life cycle is over and they begin to die. Their work of producing a new generation is completed.
After about two months the eggs hatch and the little nymphs drop to the ground. They immediately dig little tunnels into the soil where they disappear from sight, not to be seen for another 13 or 17 years, unless someone uncovers a few when digging in the soil. What do they live on down in the soil all those years? As far as scientists can tell they live entirely on moisture sucked out of tree roots, and this satisfies both hunger and thirst. This does not seem to hurt the tree roots.
Incidentally, there is another species of cicada which has a shorter life span, staying underground for only two to five years. These are called dog-day cicadas. Their buzzing songs are heard in late summer.
The more we discover and investigate the great variety of animals, birds, fish and insects the Creator has placed on the earth, the more we are impressed with His wisdom in not only creating them, but in caring for them as well. We should say like King David did many years ago, “I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all Thy marvelous works.” Psalm 9:1.
Alan Gets Lost
LATE ONE AFTERNOON Alan went on a hike across the fields with some of his friends. He found lots of interesting things to stop to look at along the way. He was so busy looking at the birds and flowers that he didn’t realize he had left his friends. He was all alone.
He called to his friends, but there was no answer. As he wandered around he was getting scared. He wasn’t sure just where he was, and he could tell it was getting late. Soon the sky began to get dark. He was really afraid now, because he was lost and he knew it. Where should he go? It was an awful feeling.
Suddenly Alan saw a light glimmering off in the distance. That meant one thing to him people! He headed for the light as fast as he could. But in the growing darkness he didn’t see a row of bushes as high as his waist until they were right in front of him. I can’t stop, he thought, I won’t stop I’ll have to jump as high as I can and go over them.
What Alan didn’t know was that on the other side of that row of bushes was a muddy creek! Backing up for a running start, he jumped and cleared the bushes... but landed right in the middle of that muddy creek! He cried out, “I can’t swim!” Frantically he managed to scramble out of that wet blackness, and then he started to run again.
He made his way toward the light, puffing and panting. But as he ran he was thinking, I wish it was someone’s job to always look for lost kids and find them!
Someone really is looking for lost people, and He really does care about lost boys and girls. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, and He came to find and save those who are lost in their sins. “The Son of man [the Lord Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
Finally, poor Alan reached the light. It was a house. He stood on the porch, cold, wet and crying, and pounded on the door.
Soon someone opened the door and saw at once that Alan was lost and scared. The kind people took him inside and called his father and mother. Then they cleaned him up and gave him something to drink.
Oh, how wonderful Alan felt when he knew he was no longer lost, but safe! Jesus said, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee.” Psalm 50:15. And He will wash you clean of your sins so that you will be whiter than snow. “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7. He also promises to give you the water of everlasting life so that you will never be thirsty again. “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14.
Those kind people not only helped Alan by taking him in and caring for him until his parents came, but they told him about the Lord Jesus Christ and His love, and that He was seeking the lost to save them and take them to heaven too.
Alan remembered that awful experience of being lost and how those kind people befriended him. He also realized that he was lost in another way in his sins. He soon came to the Lord Jesus to be washed from his sins and to drink of that water that gave him everlasting life. Alan is now a grown-up, and he often thanks the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for his sins. Alan knows he can never be lost again, for Jesus is an “all-the-way-home” Saviour. And if you will turn to Him you too will have a Saviour who will love you and keep you forever.
“Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17.
Noah Webster
HAVE you ever used a dictionary? If you go to school I’m sure your teacher has had you look up the spelling or the meaning of a word in a dictionary. You may even have one at home. Chances are that at least one of the dictionaries you use is a Webster’s Dictionary.
Noah Webster was the man who put together the first American dictionary. If it were not for him, people in New York might be speaking an entirely different style of English than what they speak in California. Mr. Webster was born in 1758 on a farm near West Hartford, Connecticut. As a boy he loved to read. It was all his father could do to get him away from his books long enough to help with the farm chores. Although his family did not have much money, Noah was able to earn enough money to go to college. After graduating he became a lawyer for a short time and then he started teaching.
While teaching school in the 1780’s, he wrote a beginner’s spelling book, a grammar book and then a reader for school children. Millions of copies of the speller were sold, which helped everyone in the United States to spell and pronounce words the same way. It took him more than 30 years to write what is called the dictionary because language was changing so fast with new discoveries in almost every area of life.
When he was about 40 years old, he began to wonder if all his work was what really mattered most in life. He wondered if he had been building his beliefs on what he had done, rather than on God’s mercy toward him. One day he told his wife and three children, “Starting today, I’m going to study the Bible until I find out what really counts!”
This was the beginning of a very important time in Mr. Webster’s life. He studied the Bible as carefully as he had worked on his dictionary. God was working in his life. The more he read the more he understood what a proud sinner he really was. Late one night he kneeled down and asked God to forgive him. He confessed that he was a sinner and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. He believed that the work that the Lord Jesus had done on the cross was everything, and that his own life and works were nothing. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9.
The next morning Mr. Webster told his family about his Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. They began to read the Bible and pray together each day. Soon they also believed and confessed the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
Mr. Webster found out what many of us have learned, that we can’t trust ourselves or our own ideas as to what is right or wrong. We need God’s standards as shown in the Bible. It is there we see what we are in God’s sight“gone astray” and in need of help from Him. Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Ever Meet a Walrus?
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.” Psalm 145:3.
What a marvelous sight it must be for a person standing on an Alaskan cliff to see a great mass of huge brown walruses sprawled on the ocean shore below. There are sometimes hundreds or thousands of them-some lying on their stomachs or sides and others lying on their backs-all pressed tightly together, with their long white tusks pointing in every direction!
They don’t seem to worry that the sharp tusks of others might pierce them. However, a latecomer working his way through the mass is always greeted with angry snorts and grunts and even some jabbing with the tusks, but not enough to really harm it.
Walruses live only in the cold Arctic, far from civilization. Daily they eat about 200 pounds of clams, snails, oysters, fish and other marine life from the ocean. When not busy looking for food they like to rest on shore, sprawling closely together to share each other’s warmth. At certain times of the year these groups break up into smaller numbers.
These giants keep gaining weight. An old male may weigh 2000 to 3000 pounds. Their entire bodies are covered with a thick black layer of wrinkly blubber, covered with orange-brown hair, making wonderful insulation for them from the icy-cold waters, just like a warm blanket.
Walruses are anything but pretty. They have puffy, whiskered muzzles with tusks that point downward from their upper jaws. These tusks are actually extra-long teeth, six inches or more in diameter, tapering to a sharp point at the end. They are about a yard long and weigh about 12 pounds each.
The Creator designed their tusks to handle several jobs: for protection from their enemies (polar bears), for pulling themselves up on the ice, and for digging shellfish from the ocean bottom. Tusks of the males are much longer and thicker than the females’.
Eskimos are now the only people allowed to hunt walruses, and for many they are a main source of food. Catching one is a great event, not only for the amount of meat it supplies, but for its valuable ivory tusks and its skin which makes good leather.
Animals such as these may seem strange to us, but they have a definite place in God’s creation. When we think of all He has created, small and great, we can only agree with the Bible verse, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11.
Can you say, as King David did, “Happy is he... whose hope is in the Lord his God: which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is”? Psalm 146:5,6. This is true happiness.
Joe the Fireman
Joe is a volunteer fireman in the little town of Willow, Alaska. Many little towns don’t have a regular fire department. Instead, men who live and work in the town volunteer to take training in fighting fires. When a call comes in reporting a fire, a siren that calls the firemen blows in town. The men leave their jobs and go to the fire as fast as they can.
One night the siren blew in Willow, calling the volunteer firemen. A house was on fire. Joe and Nick, another volunteer fireman, hurried to the garage to get the fire truck. As soon as they got to the house that was burning, they unreeled the big water hose and ran inside with it.
The smoke was so thick that they couldn’t see anything. They had to feel their way carefully.
While Joe was holding the hose he thought he heard someone call for help. He wasn’t sure because of the noise of the big hose spraying water. Then he heard the call again. This time he went to see.
Joe didn’t know that another fireman besides Nick was in the house. Jeff had come in through a window in another room. He was checking to make sure that the people who lived in the house weren’t still inside.
Joe headed to where he thought the call had come from. He still couldn’t see because of the thick smoke, but his foot hit against something. He bent down and discovered it was his friend Jeff! A big box had fallen on the young volunteer. Joe lifted the heavy box off Jeff, but Jeff was hurt and couldn’t move. Joe hurried for help to carry him out of the burning house.
Jeff knew he was in serious trouble when the heavy box fell on him. He knew he was hurt, and he knew he needed help. He was smart; he called to Joe.
Other people are in serious trouble too, but they aren’t as smart as Jeff. They won’t call for help. They aren’t in a burning building, but they are in a world full of sin and God says He is going to burn it up. God warns us in the Bible that only those who call on Him will be saved. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Joe cared enough for Jeff that he ran for help. They got Jeff out and took him to a hospital. And God loves sinners so very much that He sent His Son Jesus to rescue all who will call to Him. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
The next day when the fire chief went to investigate, he found that the big heavy box that had fallen on Jeff was actually a freezer full of fresh moose meat. A moose can weigh 1200 pounds or more, and a freezer full of moose meat would be much too heavy for a man to lift. But God gave Joe the strength to lift that heavy freezer. Years ago Joe realized he was a sinner and called to the Lord Jesus to save him from his sins, and God has been helping Joe ever since.
Do you realize you are a sinner in serious trouble? God loves you and wants to save you from your sins. You only need to call. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee.” Psalm 50:15.
A Fearless Cat
In our small yard in town we had two calico cats. The older one was small, but she was a real fighter. Her name was Heidi, and she was not afraid of either man or animal. When we yelled at dogs to scare them out of the yard, Heidi would chase them with great fierceness. We were quite concerned when sometimes she would chase one of them beyond the boundary of her territory, for fear the dog might turn on her without our being there to protect her. She would run after the dog, striking with her claws at his backside to keep him moving. One time she even jumped up and rode on the back of a large dog to hurry him on his way. After the dog was sent off with his tail curled under, Heidi would trot triumphantly back to the yard with her tail held high.
The younger cat, Kinza, was larger than Heidi and solidly built. She did not spend much time in the front yard because she liked the safety of the back yard with its high fence, trees and shrubs. She was sometimes called a “fraidy cat” because she could be easily startled and would run and hide. She usually curled up under a bush to sleep while Heidi would stretch out on the front lawn and sleep in the open on a hot day.
Heidi is no longer with us. We miss her and her watchful patrol across the yard in front of our house. When she didn’t come home one day, our children went looking for her and found her lifeless body in the field across the street. She must have been caught out there in the open by a large enemy and had no place to run for safety.
Heidi was a brave cat and very sure of herself, but Kinza knew her weakness compared to the large dogs living on our street, and she kept out of sight of her enemies. Perhaps you may know people who are like Heidi. Instead of seeing themselves as sheep needing the protection of the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, they see themselves as being larger and stronger than they really are. Our enemy, Satan, is just waiting to trap those who think they don’t really need the Lord Jesus. These people have no fear and think only “fraidy cats” need His help. These are the very people Satan lures into his territory to become his victims. “Your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
Do you know that the Lord Jesus loves you and waits with His arms open to save and protect you? “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10.
Are you a Heidi or a Kinza?
A Hidden Message
If you are between the ages of five and nine years old there is a hidden message for you in this diagram. Starting at the top row, work from left to right and then go on to the next row. Find all the times that your age is shown, writing down each letter that is shown under your age. This will be your message from the Bible.
Anna's Money
Anna, you really have dollar signs in front of your eyes tonight, don’t you?” said Grandpa. Three-year-old Anna was dancing around the room, holding a dollar bill tightly across her eyes.
“Yep,” she said confidently, “I’ve got lots of dollars and lots of monies, and I’m going to the store to buy a dolly, and all the candies, and all the pops, and all the gums!”
One of Anna’s older brothers had given her four one-dollar bills and four quarters in exchange for her model horse that he wanted for his farm. Anna had big plans for that money. And we do the very same. We sometimes have things that we value, and we build big plans around them. But our Lord Jesus asked a searching question: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:36,37.
Anna was very happy with her money. When someone would suggest that she give it to her mommy or daddy to keep safe for her, she’d stuff it all back into her jumper pockets and insist that she could take care of it herself. But a minute later it would be out again, sometimes in her hand, sometimes on the floor, sometimes in a little heap on the couch. The Lord Jesus knows so much better than we do how to keep both us and our possessions safe. The Apostle Paul realized that when he said, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12. The only safe way is to give ourselves and all we own into the Lord’s hands for His saving grace and keeping power.
Anna told us several times how she was going to spend her money. “I’ll eat all the candies, all the gums, and all the pops right down into my tummy,” she said, tipping her head back and pointing one chubby little finger into her mouth. “Nobody will have any left. The lady at the store will have to say, ‘It’s all gone.’ Won’t that be sad?”
Anna’s plans for her money were short-term. She was not going to save any of it in a piggy bank for later. She wanted everything it could buy right now. This is how young children think. But some of us who are a little older think the same way. Our plans are all short-term. We would rather not think about long-term plans. We would rather get all we can of what the world offers and not worry about long-term plans for the needs of our souls.
Some day not only all the candy, pop and gum will be gone, but so will bikes, sports, clothes, cars, and money! Everything will be gone! “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10.
Where will that leave you? With a lost soul?
That’s really a scary thought!
While you still have the opportunity, why not settle those long-term plans with God right now. He loves you and wants you to be positively sure that when everything else is gone, your soul will be safe in heaven with His Son, Jesus Christ.
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven... for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.
“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36
Beauty in the Depths of the Sea
“O Lord, Thou art My God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1.
The chambered (or pearly) nautilus is considered to be the most beautiful and amazing shellfish in ocean waters. Only five species are living today. Their homes are along the coasts of the Hawaiian Islands, several South Sea islands, South America and India, usually at the edge of coral reefs, where waters are warm.
The coiled shells of these sea animals occasionally wash ashore. One that is not severely damaged is a real prize for a collector. Live nautiluses are now trapped and placed in aquariums in the United States and a few other places so people can see their beauty. Measuring from eight to ten inches in diameter, their coiled shells are exceptionally pretty, with alternate red and white stripes over the top and solid pearly white underneath.
The animal and its shell begin life hatching from an inch-wide egg about as long as a man’s finger. As the animal grows, its shell develops in the form of a spiral. It adds a new chamber to its shell each time it outgrows the old one, and each chamber becomes slightly larger. For the first half-dozen years these come rather rapidly, but by ten years of age just one chamber is added per year. When reaching its life-span of about 20 years, its shell will have as many as three dozen chambers surrounding the original center piece, and its body will be about the size of a man’s fist.
The chambers are used as a mixing area for water and air, permitting the nautilus to move up and down, to ocean depths of 1500 feet. As the chambers increase the shell’s size, the unusual creature within moves forward inside the shell while a new perfectly curved wall forms behind it. When one of these shells is carefully cut in half, the beautiful curved mother-of-pearl walls can be seen.
The nautilus has long finger-like tentacles on the front of its body that catch small fish, crabs and lobsters, which form its food supply. A jet-propulsion system moves it either forward or backward as it catches food.
These beautiful and interesting creatures are another example of the wonders of God’s creation, as the Bible verse expresses it, “Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made heaven... the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6.
How important not only to know the Lord Jesus as your Creator, but to know Him as your Saviour. Is He your Saviour?
A Crash Through the Ice
What was supposed to be just the end of another busy day for four businessmen and two pilots turned to terror and tragedy moments later.
Having climbed aboard the small jet airplane, Mr. Donald W. Andrews did not take off his topcoat because it was still cold in the cabin of the plane. He buckled his seat belt and opened his briefcase. As he began reading reports, the jet began its takeoff down the runway through a snowstorm, heading back to Michigan. “It seemed like a normal takeoff,” he said later, “except we ended up in Lake Michigan!”
The small jet crashed through the ice about 80 yards south of the runway. “Suddenly I was aware that we were bouncing and sliding along the ice,” he said. “Then we came to a stop... in the water. I jumped up, stripped off my topcoat and suit coat, because I’m a poor swimmer, opened the emergency door, and climbed onto the wing.”
As the plane slowly sank into the icy water, Mr. Andrews and three others had to hang onto the tail section. “I have never been in water so cold before,” he said. “Almost immediately my arms and legs became numb, and I knew I was in trouble.”
The four men who survived the crash of the plane were still in real difficulty. All of them were in water so cold that they could freeze to death in minutes. The plane which was their only support was almost completely under water. Only part of the tail was still above water for them to hang onto.
What a terrible situation to be in! They knew that they were unable to do anything for themselves in that water. “It was the longest period of time I have ever spent in my life,” said Mr. Andrews. “It was so cold my arms and legs were completely numb with no strength in them.”
Those who are still lost in their sins are in difficulty like these four men were. There is no way they can help themselves; they need the help of Another. God has said in the Bible, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6.
The Lord Jesus Christ has provided a way of escape for those who will trust in Him. “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6. For those men in the icy waters of Lake Michigan hanging onto a plane that was just about to sink, there was the need for help NOW! For those still in their sins, God’s Word says, “Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
“Just as the tail was going under and I was on my back floating, I saw the helicopter,” reported Mr. Andrews. “What a fantastic sight! It seemed like I was in the water a long time, but from the time we hit until the time the rescuers got there, it couldn’t have been more than 10 or 12 minutes.”
One of the rescuers in the helicopter said later, “We saw four of the six men in the water and we tossed a raft to them. Three of them managed to get in, but the fourth began to sink. That’s when I jumped in to save him.”
The four men were finally rescued by a pontoon-equipped helicopter rescue squad which landed on the water beside the raft. Three of the men were able to climb onto the pontoon, and the one who had begun to sink was picked up in a harness as the helicopter hovered in the air. All were quickly flown to land and then were transferred to a hospital for treatment. All four recovered.
Two of the six men on the jet did not survive the crash. They did not live through the initial impact. One moment they were sitting in the plane looking forward to getting home, and the next moment they were in eternity. For those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their own Saviour, they would suddenly be in heaven with Him. For those who have not accepted Him as their Saviour, we know from God’s Word, the Bible, that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and “neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. Believe on Him now; accept Him as your own Saviour and know for sure that you are prepared to meet your God (Amos 4:12).
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
The Osprey and Its Prey
“Doth the hawk fly by Thy wisdom?... Doth the eagle mount up at Thy command, and make her nest on high?” Job 39:26,27.
The osprey (also called fishing hawk), with a five-to-six-foot wingspread, is a pretty bird in the hawk family. It is shiny brown above, but parts of its head and neck are yellow and white. The underparts of its body are plain white, including its heavily feathered legs. It is very impressive with its erect head and sharply curved beak.
These birds are found in many countries. In America they spend summers from Labrador to Florida and Alaska to California. Most migrate to Central America for the winter.
Ospreys do not have songs; they have high-pitched whistles. They feed only on fish, which is why their homes are near lakes, rivers or ocean shores.
Their huge nests are a mass of sticks, usually lined with grass or seaweed. They use the same nest year after year, always adding to it until it may reach three feet high and three feet wide. Before so many forests were cut down, trees were a favorite nesting place. From high branches they could look down into the water and choose their fish targets. But now many build nests on telephone poles, roofs of barns, posts in water, etc. Helping solve this problem, naturalists build platforms 30 feet or more above the water, and the ospreys find these good substitutes.
Others build nests on rocks as high as 300 feet. It is quite a sight to see one take off from this height, then dive feet first into the water to snatch a luscious fish in its strong talons. It carries the fish back home in its talons, perhaps eating a few mouthfuls on the way.
The male migrates north again in early spring, soon followed by his lifelong mate. Returning to the same nest, they clean it and add to it. Soon they have three or four little ones to care for. The mother stays with the young at all times, and the father provides all the food. The little ones eat so much they become heavier than the parents, but return to normal size before learning to fly.
The Bible tells us that on the fifth day of creation “God created... every winged fowl after his kind.” Genesis 1:21. And in Psalm 145:15 we are told, “The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat [food] in due season.” Another Bible verse says: “For His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings.” Job 34:21. Is that comforting to you? Or does it trouble you?
Lost -In a Desert!
Albert never expected to get lost the day he left his friends in the mountains of Bolivia. They had had a happy time singing hymns and reading the Bible together the day before. He had stayed overnight, and now he planned to take the bus home. He would have to walk a few miles over to the road in order to catch the bus.
“Stay on the footpath,” his friends told him. “Don’t go on the goatpath.”
So Mr. Albert started out on the path to find the road. A bus would be coming by sometime that morning and would stop to pick him up. Everything went fine for a while, but the path often divided and went in two directions. He was not always sure which way to turn.
Soon Mr. Albert noticed that there were goat tracks on the footpath. Perhaps he had taken the wrong path. He went back to check, but now it seemed that there were footprints on the goatpath, and goat tracks on the footpath! How could he tell which was which?
Mr. Albert continued walking, but just ahead someone had dragged firewood along so that it was impossible to see any path at all. He walked back to where the thorn bushes had blocked out the path to see if he could find it again. But to him it looked as if the path went in all directions. Now he couldn’t find his way back to his friends, and he couldn’t find the road. He had less than a quart of water and was lost in a Bolivian desert!
Mr. Albert knew he was lost, but there are many people in this world who are lost and they don’t even know it. You don’t have to be in the middle of a desert to be lost. Thousands of people in this world are lost because they don’t know where they are going when they leave this world. Many would like to go to heaven, but they don’t know how to get there. They are lost in their sins, because they have turned away from God.
But there is good news for people who are lost. It’s found in the Bible in Luke chapter 19, verse 10. “The Son of man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” The Lord Jesus came into this world to look for and to save those who are lost in their sins. If you would like to go to heaven but don’t know how to get there, then turn to the Lord Jesus. He said, “I am the way.” John 14:6.
When Mr. Albert realized he was lost, he said a prayer in his heart and then climbed a hill to see if he could see anything. There were only desert sand, thorn trees and another hill to climb. He climbed the second hill, and in the distance he could see what looked like a slice in the mountainside. It could be the road. He took off, forgetting completely about paths, and walked toward the slice in the mountainside. When he got there, he found it was the road! Not long after that a bus came along and took him home.
Mr. Albert found the road almost by accident, though it was with the help of God answering his prayer. But if you are saved it will be no accident, for Jesus has been looking for you. Are you 8 years old? Then He has been looking for you for 8 years. Are you 12? Then Jesus has been looking for you for 12 years. Come to the Lord Jesus today for salvation and you will be on your way to heaven.
Do You Like Spiders?
One time I was invited to a friend’s house for dinner. While we were eating, I happened to see a spider on the wall. I hoped my friend would not notice it, or she might be upset.
Another time I was visiting friends for a weekend. The family’s three children and I took a walk. When we returned, we found a big spider on the floor of the front hall. The children made quite a commotion over it, and one of them quickly stomped on it and squashed it.
I’m sure you could find a spider in my house right now. And I think you might even be able to find one some place in a king’s palace, if you ever had the opportunity to visit a palace.
Some people are afraid of spiders and they won’t go near them. Others think they are ugly and make them shiver, so they kill them. But spiders are really very wonderful and clever. If you will look closely at their webs, you cannot help but be amazed.
I want to tell you about a spider that saved a man’s life. This happened during a terrible time in history. King Charles IX of France did not like the Huguenots (who were Christians). On Saint Bartholomew’s Day in 1572, he ordered, “Kill them all so that not a single one be left to reproach me!” Thousands of Huguenots were killed before it all ended.
One man who was saved was a baker. King Charles’s soldiers were hunting for him to kill him, because they knew he was a Christian.
The baker knew they were hunting for him, so he climbed into his big oven, which was not heated that day, and closed the door on himself. As soon as he did, God sent a little spider along to help him. This spider spun a web all over the oven door.
When the soldiers searched the bakehouse, one of them suggested that the baker might be hiding in the oven. But another soldier said, “No man, he is not there; don’t you see the spider’s web all over the door?”
So they went away without opening the oven door, and the baker escaped.
There is a verse in the Bible that says, “The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.” Proverbs 30:28. What do you think it means? I’m sure it wasn’t put in the Bible just to tell us what we already know-that a spider can be found in a fancy palace as well as in a plain little bakery. There must be another reason; God must have some lesson to teach us from this verse.
We know that a spider is little and weak and even ugly. But it is wise and takes hold with its hands and climbs into a place of safety.
Let’s just change the word spider to sinner and think about it for a minute. Isn’t a sinner little and weak? And in God’s sight there is nothing uglier than sin! Then think about this-why does God, the Creator of the whole universe, think we are worthy of anything or even notice us?
This is truly a miracle-in spite of how worthless we are, God loves us! His love for sinners is so great that He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Let us be wise like the spider. Let us take hold of the Lord Jesus Christ with hands of faith, accepting His love. He promises a place of safety in heaven from the punishment that is coming soon for sin.
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.” Romans 5:8,9.
Birds in Prison
WE live beside a family who is very interested in nature. They have many kinds of trees, and different kinds of wild flowers that they enjoy in the summer. They also have a bird-feeding station that keeps their backyard alive with birds all winter. But if you step inside their house, you will also find two happy little birds just waiting to land on your head, or shoulder or finger!
These little birds, Java sparrows, don’t know what it’s like to soar above the treetops. They have never had the freedom to fly for miles. Their tiny eggs were hatched inside a house. They were fed by human hands. And when their eyes opened they were already familiar with human voices and the sounds of the house. They don’t know any other way of life and are happiest when people are around. They fight each other for the place closest to a person’s face and are constantly trying to “kiss” people’s lips. It takes a little while to get used to having birds suddenly so close.
Although it is an interesting experience to be around birds so tame, it is still rather sad. They are, after all, prisoners. No, they are not in a bird cage, but they do not have the freedom to fly outdoors in the open sky. The house they live in is their prison.
Who could explain to them that this life is not what was intended for them at all? Who could explain to them that God intended them to enjoy the freedom of a warm climate, and to use their wings to fly where they pleased? Only if someone could become a Java sparrow could they be told so they would understand.
What a picture these little birds are of every member of the human race. We were born into a sinful world, far from God. His plans for us on earth were spoiled when man sinned, and we were, in a way, stolen by Satan. We are in Satan’s prison.
But God wanted us back. He wanted to tell us that this was not what He had intended for us. He wanted to tell us how very much He loved us. But He lives in heaven, and we live on earth. How could He tell us so we would understand?
God found a way. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to become a man here on earth. Jesus would show us how much God loved us. And He did.
But Jesus did even more. He paid the price to set us free from Satan’s prison where we were because of our sins. The price was not money. He went to Calvary’s cross and shed His blood to pay the awful price that God required for the sins of every person who would trust in Him to be bought back. “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold... but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18,19. “Ye are bought with a price.” 1 Corinthians 6:20.
Would you like to be delivered from Satan’s prison of sin? All you need to do is believe that Jesus died on Calvary’s cross for your sins. He promises to redeem you and make you a child of God. Satan can never steal you again. God says, “Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.” Isaiah 43:1.
“Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.” Isaiah 43:1
Lemurs of Madagascar: Part 1
“Remember His marvelous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.” 1 Chronicles 16:12.
In past issues we reviewed lemurs (lee-murs) in general. In this article and the next we will explore a few more who live in the Perinet reservation on the island of Madagascar.
Lemurs are cute little animals with a wide variety of sizes and colors. Most have very long tails provided by the Creator to help them keep their balance when jumping between high trees. The hind legs of most are longer than the front legs. Perky, upright ears and sharp eyes have also been provided to help them avoid their enemies.
Lemurs live in trees most of the time. Their strong legs, feet and clawed toes enable them to scamper around as nimbly as squirrels. They wrap their long tails around the branch of a tree while hanging upside down to look for food below them. They eat leaves of trees, fruit, berries, insects, flowers, bark and tree gum. Most of them find their food at night. Because the females are the leaders, if a male gets careless and eats food before his mate does, he is likely to get a hard slap from her.
Now let’s look more closely at a few varieties. An unusually pretty one, with the ability to make long jumps, is the sifaka. It is named this because its calls sound like that word. Larger than most of the others, its body and tail are white with black on its neck and face and a jet-black skullcap on top. It usually makes its home in groups of six or more in a large tree. Strangely, this one has never been known to drink from a puddle or pool of water; it gets moisture by sipping dew from leaves. Unlike most of the others, the sifaka is active in daylight hours, perching on a large limb during the night to sleep. At daybreak it bursts out with loud calls that can be heard for a great distance.
Another lemur has the simple name brown lemur, because its coloring is brown. It has long, husky hind legs more than twice the size of the front legs, and a bushy brown tail longer than the rest of its body.
Like all creatures, other than mankind, these pretty animals are not aware that the very One who created them is always caring for them. Psalm 36:6,7 tells us, “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” The same writer stated in another psalm: “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.” Psalm 95:6,7. How happy His heart must be when a boy or girl does kneel down and worship Him!
The Broken Shingle
GOD often uses our everyday experiences to teach us important lessons. This was the case when I was a boy of 10 or 12 and had an afternoon paper route.
It was fun to be able to ride my bike up and down the streets near our home and deliver newspapers to the customers along my route. It was fun to have my own job and get a pay envelope once a month with a little spending money earned all by myself. But it was not fun to come home all soaking wet and have to wring water out of my clothes after delivering papers in the pouring rain. That didn’t happen too often, and plastic bags were always provided to keep the papers dry.
Some customers were fussy and had to have their paper always neatly placed on the top step near the door. Others were not so fussy, and I could just toss the paper from my bike as I continued down the street. Sometimes my aim was good, and the paper landed neatly near the door. But sometimes my aim was bad, and then I would have to get off my bike and undo what had happened, like digging the paper out of the bushes.
Once I remember throwing the paper and hitting the side of a house... a house sided with asbestos shingles. You can probably guess what happened... I had a broken shingle to show for my carelessness. The problem now was, what should I do. I had no power to undo the damage. Instead, I carried the worry of that broken shingle as I finished my route and returned home.
Perhaps this is a little like the burden of sin that we carry with us, as we are reminded of the many times we have gone our own way and it has gotten us into trouble. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6. This verse tells us that we don’t need to continue carrying our burden of sin, because God has made a way for our burden to be removed. God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, into this world to die in our place and bear the punishment for our sins so that we can go free. What we are not able to do God has done for us. Now we can simply accept His free salvation and thank Him for it. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12.
I am happy to say that I didn’t have to continue carrying the worry of the broken shingle either. As soon as I got home I told my dad what I had done. He collected a few tools, and together we went over to the house where I had broken the shingle. He was able to repair the damage so that all was made right once more.
How thankful I was each time I passed that house to see that the shingle wasn’t still broken. How thankful you will be, too, if you’ll talk to the Lord Jesus about your sins; let Him remove your burden of sin and wash your heart clean with His precious blood. The work has all been done by Another. There at Calvary’s cross the Lord Jesus suffered, bled, and died to set you free. There’s nothing more for you to do.
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10
Mr. Haley owned a pet store in Lansing, Michigan. While on a trip to Florida, he bought a large fish to take back to his store. He put the fish, called a grouper, in the large tank in the store’s front window. There were other interesting and unusual fish in the tank. But this fish was the largest. It was about a foot long and weighed three pounds.
The grouper soon grew fat on the five pounds of chopped fish that Mr. Haley fed it every other day. The fish didn’t move around much; it just stayed at the bottom of the tank. Mr. Haley decided that it was lazy. This made him think of a funny name for the fish Flazey short for fat and lazy.
Flazey soon became a favorite. Customers would stand at the tank watching her. Many of them talked about how fast she was growing.
Some weeks later Mr. Haley noticed that a few of the unusual and expensive tropical fish in the same tank were gone. He wondered who could be taking them out of the tank without his knowing it. He kept close watch on the customers in his store, but more of his expensive fish disappeared.
Then one day the mystery was solved. As he stood watching Flazey, suddenly, one of his tropical fish worth several hundred dollars disappeared down her throat! His favorite and popular pet was the thief! Flazey had been eating Mr. Haley’s expensive tropical fish for lunch.
Mr. Haley needed to find a way to stop Flazey from destroying more of his expensive fish. Since so many people, including himself, had grown fond of the grouper, he did not want to destroy her.
Mr. Haley’s hard question of what to do with Flazey is a little picture of God’s hard question of what to do with sinners and their sins. God loves sinners, but He hates their sins. It would have been fair and just if God had decided to destroy us along with our sins. That is what we deserve. But God’s love for sinners was so great that He made a plan so that He could save us after punishing Another for our sins. His plan was very expensive. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation [the one punished] for our sins.” 1 John 4:10.
So that sinners might be saved who deserve nothing but punishment from God, “the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14. God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, down into this world. The end of the path for the Lord Jesus down here was the cross of Calvary. During those three hours of darkness as He hung there, “Christ was... offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:28.
Word got around of Mr. Haley’s difficult decision of what to do about Flazey. Mr. Haley’s customers solved his problem. They collected money and bought him a plane ticket to Florida. Mr. Haley and Flazey flew back to Florida where Mr. Haley could put her safely back into the ocean where she came from.
Because Christ died to put away sins, God is able to reach out to sinners and offer them the forgiveness of sins and eternal life as a free gift. Won’t you be one who, as a sinner, comes to Christ for salvation?
A Free Gift Offered
It wasn’t the kind of offer that comes every day. Dr. Staby, the college professor, said he would pay all the expenses for three of his students, Barry, John and Bill, to visit greenhouses in Cali, Colombia. Dr. Staby had made frequent trips to visit the greenhouses of Colombia, and he decided the three college students would benefit from seeing the acres of flowers grown there.
Barry, John and Bill had about two months to prepare for the trip. Bill, who had known Dr. Staby for only about six months, obtained a passport and made other necessary preparations for the trip. John seemed to be planning the same way as Bill. Barry did nothing. He had worked for Dr. Staby for nearly five years, but he did not believe the offer.
God, also, is offering you a free gift. The price has already been paid by the Lord Jesus Christ when He died for you on Calvary’s cross. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. The gift of eternal life that God is offering you must be accepted now, for “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Less than two weeks before the planned trip, Dr. Staby passed out the tickets. Barry was shocked. He still had done nothing to get ready because he hadn’t believed Dr. Staby’s offer. He quickly tried to get a passport, but it was too late.
Many men, women, boys and girls have heard the gospel many times, but they have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They are like the foolish virgins who didn’t get oil for their lamps. Midnight came and “the door was shut.” They cried, “Lord, Lord, open to us,” but He answered, “I know you not.” Matthew 25:10-12. Don’t put it off until tomorrow, for the Lord Jesus may have already come, or you may have died and it will be too late.
Everyone thought John was ready; he seemed prepared. He flew from Ohio to Miami with Bill and Dr. Staby. At the airline counter in Miami the agent asked John for his passport before he could get on the plane for Colombia. He reached into his back pocket where he had placed it. It was gone! Lost, stolen or forgotten, it didn’t make any difference-it wasn’t there, and he could not go to Colombia without a passport.
Those of us who are Christians delight in knowing that once we are saved, we can never be lost. It is not enough, though, to act like you are saved. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. If your sins are not washed away when the Lord Jesus comes back, you cannot go to heaven. You will spend eternity in the lake of fire.
John said that night was the saddest he ever spent as he prepared to return on the next flight to Ohio.
Bill believed Dr. Staby’s offer. He applied for his passport right away, and then he kept it in a safe place. When the time came, he was ready to go, and he enjoyed the trip to Colombia with Dr. Staby.
The time for you to believe God’s offer and be saved is right now! If the Lord Jesus should come back today, then you will be ready to go.
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Cor. 9:15.
Lemurs of Madagascar: Part 2
“Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath.” Deuteronomy 4:39
The smallest of all lemurs is the lesser mouse. This one is only about four inches long, plus a four-inch tail and weighs just a few ounces. This tiny creature, colored brown over the top of its head, back and tail, has white on its chin, neck, stomach and the back of its front feet. Sometimes it is simply called the mouse lemur.
By contrast, one of the largest is the indri. Its body is about two feet long and weighs about 15 pounds. Surprisingly, its tail is quite short. But it is handsome with its black and white body and black hands and feet, which look like they have fancy gloves and slippers on. The indri can jump as much as 20 feet between trees. A male and female, waking from a nap in the daytime, make strange calls which can be heard a long distance away.
Another large lemur is the ring-tailed. Its whole face is white, contrasted with a cap-like top, eyes, nose and mouth which are all deep brown, giving a striking appearance. Its body is dark brown above and solid white beneath. Its name comes from its long, heavily furred tail, which has wide rings of dark brown and clear white around it.
There is something strange about those named black lemurs. Only the male is black. The female is a beautiful reddish color, with a black face fringed with feather-like white tufts of hair around her chin and up both sides, but the top of her head is smooth and bare.
There are three varieties of a species known as bamboo lemurs. They got this name because they mostly eat the tender parts of bamboo shoots. The prettiest is called the golden bamboo. The males have red-gold tails, golden eyebrows, golden chipmunk-like cheeks, teddy-bear ears and black noses and eyes. Of the other two bamboos, one has reddish fur and the other is more plain gray-but all three varieties really are beauties.
If these animals interest you no doubt a library near you will have books with pictures of a great many more. They are, of course, only a very small part of God’s creation.
Whatever we see or hear in the things of nature should always remind us that nothing came into the world by chance. A Bible verse tells us: “Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6. How plainly this verse tells us that the Lord God made it all.
“He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2
From Microbes to Elephants
“Remember His marvelous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.” 1 Chronicles 16:12
Did you ever stop to consider the wonders of the world around us close up and far away? How a clear starry night amazes us with its vastness, or the beauty of a delicate flower, the waves of the ocean thundering against a rocky cliff, the flight of a bird, an elephant or monkey in a zoo, or a horse, cow or pig in a barnyard. The beauty of an oak or redwood tree, as well as the delicate frond of a maidenhair fern, should make us think about the very wonder of their existence.
How does a tiny seed, falling to the ground, take root and become a buttercup, a lily, a violet or other plant in a meadow or deep forest? How did cacti and other desert plants learn to store enough water for a coming dry season when, on rare occasions, they are pelted with heavy rainstorms? How does a pigeon, carried to a distant, strange locality, know how to fly straight back home?
What causes a compass to point northward? Who provided gravity to enable animals and people to stand upright, to walk or run without falling, or to keep loose objects from flying off into space? Who thought of storing snow on mountain peaks in winter and keeping it from melting until moisture is needed at lower levels? Why don’t the oceans overflow with all the rivers continuously pouring such huge quantities of water into them?
With all the stars and other planets in the skies, how did the earth get placed at the most perfect position in relation to the sun and moon? Who set it spinning at just the right tilt and proper speed to give all living things just the amount of heat and cold, darkness and sunshine required in the various parts of the world in which they are placed?
Did you really ever stop to wonder how these and millions of other things have taken place? They are all examples of the wonders of God’s creation and should make us think very seriously about our relationship with Him!
A Bible verse makes it very personal: “Doth not He see my ways, and count all my steps?” Job 31:4. Yes He does, and He wants every single person not only to know Him as his Creator, but as his Saviour God. He invites each one to come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, who gave His life on Calvary’s cross to take away the sins of all who will trust in Him. If we admit to Him that we are sinners and look to Him as our Saviour, then His Word tells us: “If we confess [admit] our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. Have you done this?
The House That Fell Into a Hole
FOR many years nothing seemed wrong with the house. I often passed it on the way to work, and the family who lived in the house was comfortable there. Then one day a power shovel came and began to dig a huge hole in the empty lot next to the house. There were many office buildings nearby, and a parking garage was to be built on the empty lot.
The power shovel dug a hole about 20 feet deep, and then workmen went in with hand shovels to dig out the dirt close to the house. It was not long before so much dirt had been dug out that the foundation of the house could be seen. It was a great mistake. But it was soon plain to see that the builders of the house had made an even bigger mistake. The foundation of the house had been built on layers of sand and clay-one of the worst possible combinations for a foundation. One day without any warning, the whole house tumbled into the hole, furniture and all!
That house built on the sand had been in use for many years, but when a test came, it tumbled. The Bible says that anyone who does not build his life on the Word of God is just like the unwise person who builds his house on the sand. Jesus said, “Every one that heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:26,27.
If all that matters in your life is good times, hobbies, education or a career, and you leave out God and His Word, your life is like the house that fell into the hole. When real tests come or when you are facing death, you will find that those things are of no help. They will be worth nothing when you stand before God, your Creator. “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12.
Is your life built on God’s Word? Have you admitted to yourself and to God that His Word is true when it says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”? Romans 3:23. Have you accepted God’s remedy for your sins? “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
The family had no warning that their house was going to fall, and if everyone hadn’t been away they all would have been killed. The last time I saw the house, someone was down in the hole playing on the broken piano! You have had a warning, right now from this little paper, and you need to be ready to stand before God. The Word of God says, “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12. You can be ready by simply coming to the Lord Jesus for salvation. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Are you building your life on a foundation that will crumble-on things that are worthless? Remember the house that fell into the hole and come to the Lord Jesus today. “The foundation of God standeth sure.” 2 Timothy 2:19. “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock.” Psalm 40:2.
Mrs. Mills enjoyed teaching school and loved to see her students learning every day. She had a student, named Brian, in her fourthgrade class who refused to pay attention. He was not learning and was in danger of not passing to the fifth grade. The problem was Brian felt having a good time was more important than learning. The result was that he would not have his homework assignments done on time, and only once in a while did he answer questions correctly in class.
I wonder if there are any girls or boys reading this who are like Brian when it comes to the Word of God. Perhaps you have never paid enough attention to the Bible to find out that it is a message to you from God. When you read the Bible or listen to it read, do you learn what God wants you to know? God had the Bible written because he has a very important message for you.
One very important thing to learn is “All have sinned.” Romans 3:23. Even though we don’t feel that we are sinners, if we have displeased God even once we are a sinner. Every time we try to hide something we are doing, we are hiding it because we know it is wrong. Hasn’t this happened to you? It proves that God is right when He says, “All have sinned.”
Another important thing to learn is that the result of sin is death. God explains that this death means to be put in a place of awful sorrow and suffering in complete darkness forever, never to be allowed into heaven. Just as Brian’s refusal to pay attention was about to result in his failing to pass into the fifth grade, so our refusal to pay attention to the Bible may result in our missing heaven.
Most important of all we learn that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15. God loved us so much He gave His Son, Jesus, to die for sinners like us so that anyone who believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life. Have you ever admitted to God that you are a sinner? God is now willing to forgive anyone who will admit to Him that he or she is a sinner and will believe His Word, that Jesus died for sinners.
Are you wondering what happened to Brian? Well, because Mrs. Mills’ class was ahead of schedule in their workbooks, she arranged for them to have the first hour of each day, for a week, to play any game they chose in the gym. When she made the announcement Friday afternoon, Brian was reading a comic book which he had carefully hidden inside his school book. He was so interested in it that he didn’t hear anything Mrs. Mills said.
Monday morning arrived and Brian found himself alone in the classroom, alone except for Mrs. Mills, that is. Hoping to teach him a lesson she said, “Because you chose not to listen in class you are here by yourself and not in the gym with the rest of the class. Now you may come to class each morning the rest of this week and write for an hour, instead of going to the gym. It is important to pay attention.”
I only hope Brian learned a lesson from all that happened to him. His punishment only lasted a week, but the punishment for sin is forever! It will never end! So learn a lesson from Brian-pay attention to the Word of God that says, “Now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2. Confess to God that you are a sinner and that you want Jesus as your Saviour, and you will be saved from the results of sin and death. (Romans 10:9-13.) “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
Mary's Pumpkin Seed
“MOTHER, Mother,” Mary called as she ran into the kitchen, letting the screen door slam behind her. “Come see what I have! My teacher gave each one of us a seed and told us to take them right home and plant them.”
“What kind of seed do you have, Mary?”
“She gave me a pumpkin seed.”
“Well, isn’t that wonderful. Now, let’s see. We’ll need a spot where it will get plenty of sunshine, and it will need lots of room for a long vine. Also, your pumpkin plant will need to be out in the open so it can get rain. Let’s go over to the southwest corner of the yard to plant your seed.”
Mary carried her little packet, holding the seed tightly in her hand. First they went to the garage where they found a little shovel and then on over to the spot Mother had suggested.
As they knelt on the soft earth together and planted Mary’s seed, they talked about the pumpkins that would grow. First they would see a plant sprout from the seed, then grow into a vine with big green leaves. Then large yellow flowers would open that would finally turn into the orange pumpkins.
They watered the seed carefully.
Within just a few days there was a little green shoot poking its head out of the ground. Soon it grew into a vine.
Isn’t God’s creation of seeds wonderful? Inside one little seed is the possibility of a plant that will be perhaps eight feet long, have huge green leaves and big yellow flowers. The plant needs just the right amount of sunshine and water, and God’s plan will do the rest to make fruit develop from the flowers.
As the pumpkin vine grew longer and longer, Mary and the other children in the family began to be excited about the pumpkins that would grow. It would be so much fun having a home-grown pumpkin for a pumpkin pie.
Big green leaves and then big yellow flowers formed on the vine. How that little family waited for those yellow flowers to turn into the pumpkins that would be coming along behind them.
But it never happened.
“Mother, what is wrong with my pumpkin plant?” Mary wanted to know.
“Well, Mary,” said Mother, “our pumpkin vine grew leaves and flowers, but for some reason the flowers did not get pollinated. It had to have a grain of pollen from another flower before a pumpkin could begin growing.
“We can be just like that pumpkin plant, Mary. Our plant produced beautiful yellow flowers. Looking at its flowers we could not tell that it hadn’t been pollinated. We could not tell that it had not received that grain of pollen that it needed to grow a pumpkin. We could not tell, until it did not produce fruit for us.
“You know how disappointed we all are that our pumpkin plant has not had any fruit. We have looked forward to having big orange pumpkins, and we have had none. Can you imagine how sad God must be when we do not receive the new life He wants to give us? We cannot become one of His children and produce fruit for Him until we have that new life. We receive that new life by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour.
“Mary, you know, God tells us that all things work together for good to those who love Him. He intends that even our disappointment over our pumpkin plant will be for our good. It’s actually exciting that He allowed us to have a pumpkin vine with flowers that did not give us pumpkins. There is a lesson here for us.
“You know, Mary, I can’t tell by just looking at you if you have received new life. It is only when you show the fruits of that new life that I can be sure. Do you have that new life, Dear? Have you truly told the Lord Jesus that you have sins that need to be forgiven and accepted Him as your Saviour?”
We cannot play games with God. He knows all about us and He knows our hearts. We have to have our sins washed away in His precious blood to receive that new, everlasting life. Then and only then, when we have that new everlasting life that He gives us, can we bear fruit for Him. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24
Friendly Sheep Dogs
“Be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.”
Isaiah 65:18
Different kinds of dogs are used in herding flocks of sheep. Without using them, raising the woolly animals would often be impossible. They are generally all called “sheep dogs,” regardless of what kind of dogs they are.
Years ago in many pasture lands of America located close to mountains or forests, a serious problem developed with coyotes killing great numbers of lambs and sheep. Rarely could the sheep dogs they used then stop the coyotes, for fear of their own lives, and owners and shepherds didn’t know what to do about it.
In searching for an answer they heard that in parts of Europe where wolves were killing sheep, just like the coyotes were in America, the problem had been taken care of by using “guard dogs” that could live right with the flocks and protect them. One country was Yugoslavia, where flocks of sheep were accompanied by dogs that looked almost like the sheep themselves, both in size and the color of their fur.
Further searching found the same answer in other parts of Europe, although the dogs were not all the same kind.
Some of the dogs were brought to America and put in with flocks of troubled sheep. It was soon learned that these did not behave like the usual American sheep dogs. They were very friendly with their woolly companions, walked and slept among them, and wove their way through the flocks without frightening them or causing them to run off.
At nighttime the coyotes learned something, too. These dogs were not afraid of them, but chased them away and even killed them if they got in a fight. The owners and shepherds happily discovered that their loss of sheep to coyotes was greatly reduced. Ever since then they have been used in large numbers wherever there are coyotes.
It is interesting how friendly these dogs are with the sheep. This is due partly to the fact that from the time they are puppies they live with the sheep, look very much like the sheep, and grow up apparently thinking they are all one family. They lie down together, rub against each other in a friendly way, and the dogs will even lick the sheep on the mouth, just like a kiss.
This is another example of the wonders of God’s creation. The dogs’ protective ways over the sheep remind us of the Bible’s warnings to us about Satan, who is likened to a wolf who is seeking to catch sheep (people) and harm them.
But the Lord Jesus Himself assures us: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27,28. Do you know Him as your Good Shepherd?
Wasps Everywhere!
SAM and his dad were looking forward to a few quiet days at their cottage, so they were both a little excited as they pulled their car up in front of the old place. Dad got his keys out to unlock the cottage door. Sam suddenly stepped back a little as he noticed wasps between the window shade, which had been pulled down, and the glass in the door. However, the real shock was ahead of them.
As Sam’s dad slowly opened the door they could not believe their eyes. There were wasps all over the floor and on the walls, even in the light sockets! As they walked across the floor, they made a crunching sound as their shoes squashed the wasps. Dad found a broom and began sweeping wasps out the door. They didn’t fly around; they seemed to be sleeping. He swept them out by the hundreds!
Finally, Sam and his dad were ready to settle down for the night. But poor Sam just could not sleep as he kept hearing a buzzing sound. Finally he and his dad got up and turned on the light and looked under the mattress. Sure enough, there was another layer of wasps! Thankfully, neither Sam nor his dad was stung; the wasps seemed to be dormant.
Often boys and girls try to treat their sins the same way Sam and his dad treated the wasps-they think they can just sweep them away and that’s the end of them. They might try to sweep their sins away by being kind to others or being especially good, or even going to Sunday school. But it just doesn’t work! Just like more wasps kept turning up, more of our sins keep turning up. There is only one way to get rid of our sins. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. Have you trusted the Lord Jesus Christ to wash away your sins with His blood? Have you accepted Him as your Saviour?
Sam and his dad were very glad they did not get stung by any of the wasps. Most of us know how much a wasp or bee sting can hurt. The Bible tells us that sin also has a sting, and it is a serious sting; it is death. “The soul [person] that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4. Accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour right now. He is able to take away that sting.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
The Rescued Cat
It Was a Cold evening with blowing snow and the temperature well below the freezing point.
“Listen. I hear a fire engine!”
We quickly went to the window. Dark smoke was rising above the houses on the next street. We put on warm clothes and walked in the direction of the smoke. Sure enough, an apartment building was on fire! Some of the people who lived in the building were looking on, watching their belongings go up in flames.
The question on everyone’s lips was, “Is anyone still in there?” Firemen broke windows, intending to check, but smoke poured out and prevented them from going in. They could only hope that everyone was out.
We watched the fire fighters with their water hoses until later that evening. The next morning we walked back over to see what was left. The building was still standing and there were icicles hanging everywhere.
Firemen could not go into the building until morning. To their amazement they heard cries from a terrified cat! They searched for it by following its meowing. One of them opened a kitchen cupboard, and there was the unhappy, confused cat, almost too cold to meow any longer! You can imagine how happy that cat must have been to get warm again!
When the firemen found the cat, it wasn’t curled up asleep in that kitchen cupboard, not caring that it was frightened, cold, and hungry. It was meowing good and loud! It wanted to be rescued. And we would warn boys and girls, and grown-ups too, who are still in their sins not to ignore their danger. If no one had found that poor cat, it would have frozen to death. And anyone still in their sins faces an awful penalty “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23.
There is One who cares about you and wants to save you from that awful penalty. You only need to call to Him, the Lord Jesus, admitting that you are a sinner who needs to be saved. He promises, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Will you let the Lord Jesus rescue you?
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13
Three Unusual Animals
“In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.”
Job 12:10
The Addax
The heavy-bodied, short-legged addax is one of the desert-dwelling antelopes. It is a grass-eating animal, with extra large hooves that provide easy travel over the loose sands of Africa. Like so many animals of the desert, it can go many days without drinking.
Only the males of some antelopes have horns, but both the male and female addax have long, twisted, handsome horns the most distinguishing feature about them sweeping back high above the ears of their pretty heads. They stand about 40 inches high, are gray in summer and turn darker in winter. A white band of fur covers their faces like a towel, and a dark tuft of hair on the forehead looks like a wig. But these do not in any way detract from their striking beauty.
The Numbat
Another name for the numbat is the banded anteater. It is one of the prettiest Australian animals, but is very rare. It is about twelve inches long, plus a seven-inch tail. Alternate black and white stripes surround the top and sides of the body and its pointed, gentle-looking face has big eyes and large ears. Legs and feet are golden brown, with the lower part of the body entirely white. It is a very beautiful little animal.
It is a true termite-eater. The Creator gave it features to extract these insects from the tunnels they make in rotten wood. The numbat will pass up ants and other insects as long as termites are available.
The Coypu
The coypu looks like a big guinea pig and lives on the edges of lakes and rivers of South America. It feeds on water plants, mussels, snails and small fish. Its soft underfur is called nutria and sells for high prices to be made into winter jackets and coats. Its fur is in such demand that many of the animals are now raised on game farms.
Eight or nine little ones are raised each year. The little ones are good swimmers and are able to be on their own in about a week’s time, but usually stay longer than that with their mother.
The opening Bible verse tells of the Creator’s care for all living things (including boys and girls) and another verse exclaims, “O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1.
Can you say the same?
Only One Life Preserver
MARGE zipped up her windbreaker and shivered a little. She really wondered if it were a good day to go sailboating. There were heavy clouds off to the west and the wind was rather gusty. When she questioned if they should be going out on the water, both Mark and Mike assured her they were good sailors, so all would be well. Only the presence of Mark, to whom she recently had become engaged, reassured her as she reluctantly got into the sailboat.
All week Marge and Mark had looked forward to spending Saturday sailing on Lake Michigan with their friend Mike in his sailboat. Their day of relaxation on the lake had finally arrived, and now the weather was gray and cool. But the three had headed out to the lake anyway, hoping the weather would change for the better.
Not one of them had bothered to listen to the weather forecast that morning. If they had they would have heard that a “small craft advisory” had been issued. It warned boaters to stay off the open water.
A sailboat properly handled is safer than a motorboat in rough water. The keel of a sailboat keeps it from tipping over. But sailing can be dangerous under certain conditions as there is no way to stop a boat under sail (no motor to cut and no brakes to put on), and it is also difficult to turn around.
The three friends guided the sailboat out of the harbor and out onto the open water. The brisk wind pushed the craft along at a good clip. They planned to stay out all day and watch the sun set behind the Chicago skyline. Farther and farther out they sailed. The city’s tall buildings became tiny blocks on the horizon.
Then rather quickly those heavy clouds from the west were over the lake and the wind picked up, whipping up large waves with whitecaps. Realizing the lake now was in no condition for even good sailors to be out on, the two men tried to turn the boat back toward the harbor.
As they were turning, a sudden, violent gust of wind gave the boat an unexpected lurch. Marge was caught off guard and thrown into the water. When Mark saw her he dove in after her.
Mike, who was sailing the boat, was in an awful spot. He couldn’t stop the boat; he couldn’t even turn it around to come to the aid of his two friends. He quickly grabbed the life preservers hanging on the rail at the back of the boat and heaved them with all his might to the two struggling to stay above the surface of the rough water. Then all he could do was head for shore to send back help.
Mark grabbed one life preserver, but the other one was carried out of his reach by the rough water. One life preserver for two people! The boat had already disappeared out of their sight. No other help was near.
The water was cold and the waves were so high they washed over them. Mark knew one life preserver wouldn’t be able to support both of them very long. It would be a couple of hours before the help Mike would send out would reach them. What could they do?
Mark made up his mind... he gave the life preserver to Marge and let go of her. They drifted apart. She saw him struggling in the waves. He went under once and came back up. He went under a second time, and she never saw him again. It was two long hours before the coast guard rescued the devastated girl from the stormy lake.
It was a tragic moment when Mark and Marge were in the rough water with only one life preserver between the two of them. Mark had it in his power to save his own life by keeping the life preserver, but had he done that it would have meant the death of Marge, the one whom he loved.
Most of us will never find ourselves facing such a decision. But will you permit me to tell you of One who has made that decision about you? He loves you so very much He gave up His life to make it possible for you to have everlasting life. This person is the Lord Jesus Christ. When He died on Calvary’s cross He received from God the punishment for the sins of those who would accept Him as their Saviour. He died so that these people would escape God’s punishment for their sins in hell.
He had it in His power to save Himself from the death of the cross, but because He loves us more than Mark could ever have loved Marge, He chose to die so that the way of salvation might be opened up to us. As a song writer beautifully wrote: Himself He could not save, He on the cross must die, Or mercy cannot come To ruined sinners nigh. Yes, Christ, the Son of God, must bleed That sinners might from sin be freed.
It is because of His Son’s death that God is able to offer everlasting life to all who will accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Seeing what it cost God to be able to offer you the gift of everlasting life, don’t you think you should accept His gift at once?
Injured Hawk
Police Sergeant William Boaz saw the injured hawk standing on the road. He radioed into headquarters, telling them what he had discovered and then pulled his squad car over to the side of the road. Getting out, he stood in the road and directed traffic around the injured bird.
Soon the animal control officer arrived and pulled over. He got out a large net and an animal carrier. The two men gently lowered the net over the bird and then coaxed it into the carrier. The animal control officer then drove to a wildlife center with the hawk.
Erica Miller, the veterinarian at the wildlife center, examined the red-tailed hawk, a beautiful bird. She quickly found that it had a serious open wound in its neck and one of the main feathers in its left wing was broken off. She could only guess that it had been hit by a car.
The hawk’s neck wound was so bad that it could not heal by itself. Without Erica’s help the bird would die. She loved birds and animals. And being a veterinarian she also had the skills to help many injured birds and animals recover. There is Someone who loves boys and girls, too. His name is the Lord Jesus, and He understands all about our sickness of sin. The Bible tells us that He is the One who can save boys and girls from their sins. “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21.
Erica put the bird to sleep so she could sew up the deep wound in its neck. After that, the bird could only drink liquids for a few days while its neck healed.
The next repair job was that broken feather. The hawk could not fly without it. Erica thought about the problem and came up with an idea. A few weeks earlier she had worked on another red-tailed hawk that had been injured. She had not been able to save its life, but she had kept some of its beautiful wing feathers. She could use one of its feathers to replace this hawk’s broken feather.
Erica and one of the wildlife keepers worked together. They spread the wing out and clipped off the broken feather near its base. Then they glued a straw-like piece of bamboo over the stub. After the glue had dried Erica placed the new feather into the other end of the bamboo. It looked perfect and would be strong enough to last until a new feather would grow after the hawk molted.
The red-tailed hawk that had died could not know that one of its feathers was given to another bird so it could fly again. But when it comes to the matter of removing our sins, the Lord Jesus knew exactly what it would cost Him. It was only His blood that could wash our sins away. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. And He went to Calvary’s cross and died for you and me. Who can understand love like this!
Three weeks later, after the hawk was healthy again, Erica and one of the keepers placed the bird in a carrier and drove it to a nearby forest preserve. The keeper took the bird out of the carrier and let it perch on his arm. How thrilled and happy they were as they watched it flap its wings and fly up into the sky out of sight.
What a happy ending to the story of the injured hawk. And your life can be happy now and have a happy ending too. You can be healed from your sins. The Lord Jesus loves you and will wash them away in His own blood if you will come to Him. He says: “Come unto Me” (Matthew 11:28) and “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
The Water Strider
“Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number.”
Isaiah 40:26
Springtime has come; the snow and ice over the pond have melted, and there are new signs of life. An amazing variety of creatures rises to the surface, having come from the muddy bottom or from stems of plants, as well as from under rocks, roots and water-soaked logs. Along with frogs, snails, and salamanders are a number of small insects such as sow bugs, beetles, and nymphs stirring about on the bottom.
Included in this awakening in lakes and ponds of Canada and the United States are many water striders, also known as water skippers or skaters, which live on the surface. If placed on your open palm, a full-grown one with its thin, wire-like legs extended would just about cover it.
They are usually found in large groups, quickly scattering in all directions when threatened and coming together again when the danger is past. When one of these is seen skimming over the water it appears to be mostly legs, since each leg is about twice as long as its body.
But it is these long, thin, spindly legs that enable it to “skate” over the quiet surface of a pond with its body lifted slightly above the water, never resting on it. Both the front and back pair of legs extend from the center of the strider’s body-the back legs do the steering, as well as some of the pushing, while the front legs provide most of the power that gives it such speedy movements.
Actually striders do not swim; they glide smoothly and quickly over the surface. No splashing takes place-the legs just touch the surface lightly and leave little dimples behind them.
Water striders feed on dead insects as well as tiny live ones they are able to capture as they skate and sometimes leap about in their search for food. It is plain to see the Creator designed them only for swampy areas, for they cannot travel on dry ground.
You might think these little creatures, skimming about in such a lively manner, are hardly worth one’s attention. But they do serve a purpose in God’s creation and are one more example of His wisdom and pleasure in making them an important part of the area of the world where they live.
How often do you take time to “stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God”? Job 37:14.
The Favorite Cookies
THERE was one kind of cookie that was Wendy’s favorite. They were round chocolate cookies with white icing in the middle. Her mother did not buy them very often, and when she did Wendy was only allowed to have one each day.
One day Wendy quietly opened the drawer where the cookies were kept and quickly took the whole package out and went outside. The first cookie she ate was delicious, not quite as good as usual, but delicious just the same. The second one was very good too. She ate it more slowly. The third one wasn’t nearly so good, and she found she was too full to finish it. Sitting with the half-eaten cookie in her hand, she began to think. She realized she couldn’t undo what she had done. If she put the half-eaten cookie back, her mother would ask a lot of questions that she didn’t want to answer. And she didn’t want to keep the smeary cookie package in her hand, so she decided she had better hide it somewhere outside, far away from the house.
The farthest place she could think of was the mailbox out at the street. She stuffed the package of cookies and the half-eaten cookie in the mailbox and closed the mailbox door without anyone seeing her. She ran off to play and forgot about the cookies. Now the Bible says, “He that covereth [hides] his sins shall not prosper [do well]: but whoso confesseth [admits] and forsaketh [stops] them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.
The next day Wendy was playing happily when her mother came to her with a very sad face. She had a smeary cookie package with a half-eaten cookie in it in her hand, and there were ants all over the cookies. She asked Wendy to tell her what she knew about the cookies.
Wendy told her mother the whole story because now her mother knew. Wendy did not realize it at the time, but she had hidden the cookies in the one place her mother was sure to look each day.
Of course she was found out. There were tears, and punishment and forgiveness. It wasn’t just her mother whom Wendy had sinned against, but God as well. Stealing is a sin, and she needed to tell the Lord Jesus what she had done. Because Wendy believed that God gave His Son to die for her sins, she was forgiven and could thank Him.
This is the Bible verse Wendy’s mother taught her: “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14.
Flames Everywhere!
“Okay, It’s Time to go swimming,” called Mother. The six children raced out and crowded into the station wagon. No one cared if they were a bit squashed. They were off for an afternoon of fun at the pool.
They were all chattering happily as Mother drove toward town along the hilly, curvy road between the rolling wheat fields. As they came down one hill and made a sharp turn, they looked up the next hill to see a wall of fire crackling over the ridge! A field of golden wheat was on fire. The long arms of flames left only black, smoldering stubble behind as they burned their way down the hill.
Everyone pressed against the windows to see the fire. “Let’s stop and watch,” a couple of the older children said.
So Mother pulled over and stopped the car a safe distance away.
But five-year-old Lois didn’t want to stop. She was scared. “No! no!” she cried, “let’s keep going!”
But the rest couldn’t pull their eyes away from what they were seeing flames leaping forward and gobbling up the wheat. They wanted to stay.
Soon they could feel the scorching heat even inside the car. Poor little Lois was more frightened than she’d ever been in her life.
The tumbleweed in the ditch beside the road suddenly caught fire. Now everyone wanted to leave. Mother decided it was time to move. She turned the key in the ignition... but the car wouldn’t start.
It seemed to Lois that the tongues of flames were reaching out to wrap themselves around the car. Fear gripped her and she looked around for a way of escape. She saw a newly plowed field on the hill behind them. There was nothing on it for the fire to burn. She made up her mind.
Quickly Lois climbed out the open back window of the station wagon and raced for the plowed field. She knew that if she could get away from the awful heat to the cool, moist dirt she would be safe!
This was a very scary fire, but it wouldn’t burn forever it would eventually stop when there was nothing left to burn. Because the Lord Jesus loves us so much He came to warn us about a fire that will never stop. The Bible calls it the lake of fire, or hell. The Lord Jesus loves you and wants to save you from your sins so you will never be in that awful place. He wants you to come live with Him in heaven where you will be safe and happy.
Little Lois was running as fast as her legs could carry her up the hill to that field of safety. There was nothing left in that field for the fire to burn. That plowed field is a little picture of the safety we can have in the Lord Jesus. He is that “field of safety” for sinners to run to. He has already passed through the fire of God’s just anger against sin. And now He offers us forgiveness of sins and a place of safety. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7.
Mother was trying desperately to start the car. She didn’t know Lois had climbed out the back window until one of the other children called out, “Look at Lois running up the hill.” She sent teenage Rick to bring her back. Lois was almost to the field when Rick caught up to her and carried her back to the car.
Mother still couldn’t start the car. By now they were all terribly hot, thirsty and frightened, and praying to the Lord Jesus for help. He soon answered those prayers and sent a truck along to pick them all up. Now they were safe. Later they also were able to go back and tow the car home.
If you are still in your sins, do you see your danger? If you will come to the Lord Jesus admitting your guilt as a sinner, He will forgive you and write your name in His book of life. This puts you in that place of safety where there is nothing left for the fire to burn.
“Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15.
The Hardy Carp
“Jesus saith unto him... Go thou to the sea, and cast a hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money.” Matthew 17:26-27.
History tells about the interesting fish called the carp in China more than 2000 years ago. Since then other countries in Asia, Europe and North America have experimented with them in ponds, lakes and rivers.
Isaac Walton, considered one of the world’s great fishermen, wrote: “The carp is the Queen of Rivers, a stately, a good and very subtle (clever) fish.” Not only do people enjoy fishing for them, but some people enjoy eating them, both fresh and canned. There is no way of knowing whether the fish mentioned in the above Bible verse was a carp, but it was probably much like one.
Not everybody likes carp, partly because they multiply and spread rapidly in lakes and rivers. A female lays about 500 eggs at a time in clumps that stick to rocks or weeds near the bottom. Though carp are useful as food, they are harmful because they deprive other fish of food, as well as shelter. They destroy many water plants, making ponds and streams muddy that would otherwise be clear and attractive. The carp, some as long as 36 inches and weighing as much as 30 to 80 pounds, can hardly be called a pretty fish. Most of them have large, coarse scales all over their bodies, with whiskers along the sides of the mouth and tough, bony fins. There are, however, several varieties, some with just three or four rows of scales on the sides. One called the leather carp has only a few scales and looks almost bare.
Their method of eating is somewhat disgusting. With their whiskers and flexible lips they feel along muddy areas for insects, fish eggs and other food. Now and then they suck up a mouthful of mud, then spit it out, apparently to see what they’ve caught. They finally swallow the food along with the mud, only slightly diluted.
In spite of this, many fish lovers enjoy fishing for them, and they remain a good-selling item in many fish markets of the world. Though they are not popular, these fish serve a purpose in God’s creation. Just by watching their ways we can see the Creator’s wisdom displayed, as these Bible verses point out: “Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought [made] this? in whose hand is the soul [life] of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:8-10.
Not only is the life of a carp in the Creator’s hands, so is yours! Think about it!
Kevin's Dangerous Ride
MRS. Frith said she had never before been so frightened in her life. She was driving slowly along Park Street, just two blocks from her home, when suddenly she saw something speeding down the hill on Linden Street. Even though she tried to stop and swerved up over the curb to miss it, the object was just too close, and she heard the loud thud of something hitting her car.
When Mrs. Frith jumped out of her car, she found a bloody-faced boy. He had been riding down the hill flat on his stomach on his skateboard.
The screeching of brakes and loud thud had brought Mrs. Kriss running out of her house on the corner. One glance told her what had happened, and she ran back inside to call the police. Mrs. Frith was so thankful as it seemed the police were there almost immediately.
The injured boy kept trying to get up off the grass. He insisted that he was not hurt, even though he was covered with blood. When Officer Jim arrived the boy refused to tell the officer his name, giving such reasons as, “I’m not hurt; my mother isn’t home,” and “I don’t want to go to the hospital.” Then the paramedics arrived and there was no more argument the boy was going to the hospital. So they loaded him into the ambulance, and off they sped to Central Hospital.
Later, Officer Jim came to Mrs. Frith’s house to get her report of the accident. The boy had not been seriously injured, Officer Jim assured her. Following x-rays and a good clean-up, he had been sent home. It turned out that he was much more frightened than hurt.
Kevin was 11 years old. Just the day before the accident occurred, he had been stopped by Officer Jim and sternly warned about riding his skateboard down the hill on Linden Street. Officer Jim had written down in his records that he had talked with Kevin.
No wonder Kevin was afraid! He knew he had been warned by the officer, and now he not only was hurt but he was also in serious trouble. Officer Jim told Mrs. Frith he had given Kevin a ticket for disobeying the law.
Have you ever thought of how many times you have been warned that you are a sinner by your parents, at Sunday school and maybe even by Christian friends? How thankful you should be if you have listened to that warning and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and know you are safely on your way to heaven. But what if you are like Kevin and are ignoring the warning? In Job 33:14 it says, “God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.” Has God warned you once... twice... and still you are not paying attention to His warnings?
Kevin did not listen to Officer Jim’s warning. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us, “Ye must be born again.” John 3:7. Have you listened, and obeyed what you have been told by God? Kevin ended up with his name written in Officer Jim’s police records, and that was something he did not like. God is keeping records too, but it is good and it is important that your name be included in His records. “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ now and your name will be written in His book.
Who Am I?
The camp was spread on the desert sands,
The people in thousands were numbered;
Each tribe had a spot for their camping place,
And a captain that bore their standard.
Fourteen-thousand, six-hundred and sixty souls
Of the tribe of Judah alone,
Kept rank in the march behind this man
Whose name joins a list of renown.
His sister was wife to Aaron the priest
(Try Numbers 2 and 3),
And in case you still don’t know his name,
Matthew 1 and 4 you may see.
"The Worst Storm That Ever Was"
In the Last Year Or so we have heard of some storms tearing through the country of England, uprooting old, old trees and causing much ruin and unhappiness. But none of them compares with “the great storm of 1703.” Day after day, raging winds and rain forced families to stay indoors and kept all boats and ships in harbors.
Finally, after two weeks, November 25th was the first clear day with calm seas. Seamen were eager to sail again. People sighed with relief that now the winds had calmed down and they could get some sleep.
A man named Mr. Winstanley was anxious to get out to some rocks in the English Channel. Four years earlier he had built a great lighthouse on the Eddystone Rocks. He and a few men were going across to make some small repairs. He was proud of his lighthouse and felt in his own mind that nothing could destroy it. He even said he wished he could be inside it during “the worst storm that ever was.” He and his men landed on the rocks on November 26th, and began their work.
However, unknown to everyone, a hurricane coming across the Atlantic Ocean was growing stronger and stronger. By midnight, the roar of the wind that had reached 100 miles an hour was terrifying. The hurricane hit and raged for three hours. Tidal waves drove a wall of water over the countryside. Thousands of trees were uprooted, and houses were reduced to rubble. Roofs rolled up like paper and were blown into the distance. Inside was no safer than outside, and while many were killed on land, thousands died at sea.
Do you want to know what happened to Mr. Winstanley and the men who were in the great lighthouse? The big yellow light was beaming brightly just before the hurricane hit, but the next morning only the rocks were left. This famous lighthouse and all who felt safe in it disappeared without a trace.
How sad it is to put faith in something that will fail when the testing time comes. God warns us that a day is coming when the anger of God will be poured out on a world that rejected His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In 2 Thessalonians 1:8,9 we are warned that those who do not believe or obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ “shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord,” and those who do believe and obey will escape all of it. They are safe in Christ, the Rock, and can say with confidence, “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that... we should live together with Him.” 1 Thessa-lonians 5:9,10. That is the difference between a believer and an unbeliever. One is safe from the storm, and the other is destroyed by the storm. It is not too late to trust in the Lord Jesus for salvation right now. “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust. Psalm 18:2.
Are you safe from the storm?
“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.” Psalm 18:2
The Birthday Party
CAROL is a grown-up lady now, but she has never forgotten her exciting day. It was her 12Th birthday, and her mother had promised her a birthday party with some of her friends.
Finally school was out, and she hurried home to greet her friends as they arrived. Soon everyone was there. They played games in the basement, and everyone had a good time. It was almost time for cake and ice cream when her father came home, bringing a package beautifully wrapped with a big bow. All of the children were anxious to see what was inside. But since it was time to eat, they all sat down quietly at the table while Carol’s father asked God’s blessing on the food.
When they had finished eating, everyone crowded around the package and tried to guess what Carol’s present was. Carol tried to guess too, but her father kept saying every guess was wrong. All her friends watched her unwrap it. None of them had ever seen anything quite like this present. It was a black plastic box with levers and buttons. Her father explained that it was a tape recorder. When the buttons were pressed, voices and all sorts of sounds could be recorded on a plastic tape inside the machine. He also told them they would be able to hear what they had recorded if they played the tape back again.
Everyone listened carefully as the tape of their recorded voices was played. There was much laughing and excitement as each voice was heard and recognized. Then each one took a turn recording a message on the recorder in another room. When the last one had finished, they played it back for everyone to hear. Tina was Carol’s best friend, and her message was the last one. Suddenly the room became very quiet as Tina’s voice was heard saying, “I’m glad that I’m Carol’s best friend, because she told me about God and how He loved me so much that He sent His Son Jesus down to earth to die for my sins. I’ve learned the Bible verse that says, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin,’ and I believe it. Now I want to tell everyone how happy I am that I’ve taken Jesus as my Saviour.”
For several seconds there was complete silence in the room. Many of the girls realized that they also needed to have their sins forgiven. Then someone said, “Let’s finish that ping-pong game,” and they soon forgot what Tina had said.
Perhaps all the others quickly forgot, but Carol did not forget what Tina had said. Yes, she had told Tina about the Saviour, but she had never really believed it for herself. Her parents were Christians and she had told everyone that she was too. But she knew it wasn’t really true because she had never told the Lord Jesus that she was a sinner and needed her sins washed away. She thought she would wait until she was a little older.
But as she went to bed that night she kept remembering what Tina had said. It bothered her so much that she couldn’t sleep, so she got up and wakened her mother and father. She told them that she wasn’t really saved and she wanted to be. She wanted to be happy like Tina.
The three of them knelt down beside the bed and prayed. Carol told the Lord Jesus that she knew she was a sinner and thanked Him for dying for her sins. She saw that God had given His Son to die for her sins. She knew there was nothing she could do to take them away so she could go to heaven. Now she understood that Jesus had died as her substitute, and all she had to do was accept this wonderful gift. Now she had that peace and happiness of knowing that the matter was settled once and for all.
How about you? Are you saved from your sins? Do you realize that your sins will shut you out of heaven forever? It is only the Lord Jesus Christ who can forgive your sins. It is so easy to pretend that you are saved, but it’s what is real that counts with God. Won’t you settle the matter right now? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
The Warthog
“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.”
Psalm 50:11
Several varieties of warthogs, one of the world’s ugliest animals, are found in East Africa. Related to pigs, they have larger bodies and longer legs than pigs have. Mature warthogs weigh up to 200 pounds. Their skins are tough and thick so that they are not easily hurt. They get their name from the large fleshy warts on their faces between their eyes and the four tusks. These curved tusks, sometimes over two feet long, grow out from the sides of their ugly snouts. One stroke of these sharp tusks will cut a wild dog in two.
Their general color is dull brown with some black. The front parts of their bodies are covered with long, bristly hair, but the rest is nearly bald. Tiny eyes at the top of their foreheads contrast with their large hairy ears.
One look at a group of these fierce-looking creatures and most animals are immediately alert and more than likely to bound away as quickly as possible. A traveler in Africa reported his experience in this way: “Suddenly, from behind us, comes a snorting and woofing, as up from a nearby swamp, with flyswatter tails bolt upright, trots a family of warthogs-father, mother and three young-all enameled in mud. We made a hasty exit and were relieved they did not take after us.”
As you will gather, a warthog is about the fiercest looking of all animals, but actually they prefer to be peaceful. They often turn away from enemies, running at speeds of about 30 miles per hour with tails sticking straight up in the air. The sharp tusks are not just for fighting; they also use them to dig for edible roots and to enlarge empty dens to make a home for an expected family. In the heat of the day they would much rather be wallowing in a soft sticky mud bath than fighting.
When a family of these tough-looking beasts arrives at their den, the young ones (sometimes a dozen of them) go in first, then the mother follows, and last of all the boar (father) backs in, blocking the entrance. If an enemy appears it is not likely to attack when it gets a look at his tusks and ugly face.
We might wonder why warthogs were created, but the fact is that when God created them they were harmless. Sin, brought into the world by the disobedience of Adam and Eve, changed the animal kingdom, as well as humans.
This is a solemn reminder that “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. Another verse tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” 1 John 1:9. Are your sins forgiven, or are you still facing the wages for your sins?
“My Sheep Hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.”
John 10:27,28
MAY 19, 1991
Anna and the Sheep
ANNA was just four years old when her father and mother took her for her first visit to a farm. Soon they were busy talking to the farmer, and little Anna set off on her own to visit the sheep.
“Here, lamb. Here, lamb,” she called as she chased the curly-haired animals. But the sheep all ran off and then stood watching her from the other side of the field.
Finally Anna stopped running after them and stood quietly looking at the sheep she could not catch. Now it was the sheep’s turn to be curious. One of the bigger, bolder lambs came over and sniffed Anna. Anna pulled back. The sheep reached out with its tongue and licked her hand. Anna didn’t like that and called her mother, “MaaMaa.” All the sheep pricked up their ears. The lamb licked Anna again. Again Anna cried, “MaaMaa.” Now all the sheep began to crowd around this strange creature that talked like they did. Soon the whole flock encircled her as she stood crying for her mother, “MaaMaa, MaaMaa.” Poor little Anna felt very scared and uncomfortable.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable among Christians? Maybe you can talk like a Christian, but perhaps you don’t really belong to the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus. To become one of His sheep you must be born again. Each of us has been born once into a human family, but we must also be born into God’s family to become a Christian. When we sincerely tell the Lord Jesus that we’ve done wrong and need His forgiveness of our sins, He will give us a new life, His life. Then we become one of His children, one of His sheep.
Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine.... My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:14,27,28.
Hearing what he thought was a sheep bleating, the farmer interrupted his conversation with Anna’s parents and said, “Whatever could be the matter with the sheep? I must go and see.”
The farmer hurried over to the flock with Anna’s parents following along behind. They were very surprised and amused to discover the trouble. The farmer made his way through the flock and picked up the unhappy little girl, who was very glad to go back to her mother’s arms.
Are you really one of the Lord Jesus’ sheep? Have you accepted Him as your Shepherd?
Enchanting Hummingbirds: Part 1
“That which may be known of God is manifest [made plain]... being understood by the things that are made [created].”
Romans 1:19,20.
Hummingbirds make up the largest family of non-singing birds in the world and, in relation to their size, are the most intelligent. More than 400 kinds are known. The largest number and variety are in Central and South America, Cuba and Mexico. The United States has 19 varieties seven on the West Coast and several more along the Gulf of Mexico.
There is only one kind east of the Mississippi River, and great numbers of them are seen throughout summer months. It is known as the ruby-throated and is well named because of the male’s brilliantly colored throat, contrasting with the white and metallic green of its other feathers.
Actually the ruby-throated is one of the smallest birds in the United States less than 4 inches long. During the nesting season the male becomes very bold. He is a real threat with his sharp beak and ability to swiftly dash around a larger bird and give it some sharp jabs. One was seen scaring away an eagle that came close to its nest. One of its favorite nectars is from the cardinal flower. These and other tubular flowers in home gardens attract them. The tiny bird darts from plant to plant, finding insects as well as feeding on the sweet nectar of the flowers, using its long, slender bill.
“Hummers” make their homes only in the Western Hemisphere of the world. A few spend summer months in Canada and on occasions as far north as Alaska. Most of these migrate south in the fall, where flower blossoms are fresh and sweet during winter months. Some migrate across the 500-mile Gulf of Mexico without stopping. This is truly amazing when you stop to think of the great amount of nectar and insects they normally eat each day just to stay alive. But the Creator has provided them with an amazing way of building up extra body weight before the migration, and they draw on this while crossing the water. Others migrate over land, usually stopping for rests along the way to replenish their bodies with fresh food.
These lovely birds are wonderful examples of the Creator’s delight when, on the fifth day of His creation, He placed the first hummingbirds in the world. Ever since, He has had them in His care.
The opening Bible verse tells us that we should all recognize that God is the One who has done this. Do not be deceived by those who will not believe that God is our Creator. Another Bible verse warns us of this: “Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods.” Deuteronomy 11:16.
(to be continued)
"Stay With the Boat"
THE blue waters of the bay glistened in the sunshine. Laughter and the hum of a motorboat could be heard as six young people took turns water-skiing around the cove. As he steered the boat, Paul looked to the western sky and saw that it promised to be a beautiful sunset. What better way to enjoy it than to water-ski beneath the flaming colors!
Noticing the gas gauge, however, Paul realized there was not enough gas to last for the rest of the evening.
“No problem,” said his cousin Bill, “we’ll just drive her around the point to get more gas.” The two girls who had been skiing agreed, and they climbed into the boat, leaving their skis and life jackets on the beach.
“We won’t need the life jackets,” reasoned Gail; “we’ve got a few floats in the boat.” Off they roared out past the breakers, six young people and not a single life jacket on board.
This carelessness almost cost these young people their lives, but the Bible speaks of another way of being careless that is far worse. “How shall we escape, if we neglect [put off] so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3. And yet many people are passing by the only Safeguard against a lost eternity-that Safeguard is the Lord Jesus Christ.
After refueling the boat, Paul had not gone far when he noticed the tide had changed and the water had suddenly grown quite rough. He decided to go a mile farther out to bypass the waves, but as he turned around again a large wave broke over the boat, filling it in one terrifying second. Quickly, Paul gave orders, knowing that some were good swimmers and some were not.
“Gail, Julie and Mark, you swim in with me-I think we can make it to shore if we take two floats and stay close together. Bill and Larry, maybe you both had better stay by the boat. We’ll get a rescue squad out as fast as we can. Stay with the boat, guys!”
Determined, the four set out for the long swim back to shore.
Two hours later, and every muscle aching, they reached shore to find Paul’s mother had already been anxiously scanning the water for them from the beach. A rescue squad had already been called and was just setting out. By this time the sun had nearly disappeared and it was getting dark. The water was rougher than ever, and the four young people with the rest of Paul’s family stood quietly and anxiously on the point.
One man returned in a large boat. “I couldn’t find any boat,” he reported sadly, “I’m afraid it must have sunk.”
Paul’s heart sank as he remembered his last words to Bill and Larry “Stay with the boat, guys.” The only float left must have been carried out of their reach by the strong tide.
Darkness settled over the point. Car headlights glared out into the dark water, lighting the way back to shore. The family and friends drew close in a circle and prayed earnestly together. Even the sunshiny day seemed now like a cruel memory. As it grew darker, they continued to pray.
Dimly, some splashing was heard, but no... it was only the waves... or was it? Tears welled up into Julie’s eyes as she distinctly heard two faint voices out in the darkness... and they were tears of joy! Bill and Larry had seen the car lights, and had followed them to safety, in spite of being weary and waterlogged from their long swim.
That scene of happiness on the point that night is just a small picture of the scene of happiness in heaven when one lost sinner is found. The Lord Jesus is the Light that shines out to lead the way into everlasting light. Two thousand years ago He bore the punishment for the sins of every person who would accept Him as Saviour. Today He lives in heaven, risen from the dead, and waiting for you to accept Him.
“Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest... and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14.
“I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12.
“There Is a Way Which Seemeth Right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
MAY 26, 1991
Enchanting Hummingbirds: Part 2
“Take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul [heart] diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen.”
Deuteronomy 4:9.
In last week’s issue we had an introduction to the beautiful and amazing hummingbirds and learned that the ruby-throated live in the eastern United States. Now let’s look at some that live in the western part of the country.
One of these is the rufous, mostly orange-red in color, but with a black chin and mottled gray over its head. Some of these spend the summer as far north as Alaska, but most remain in California and Oregon. Another is the well-named black-chinned, with metallic green top feathers, contrasting with a deep black chin and white throat. Then there is one called Anna’s, also a dark green color. It spends its summers in California and its winters in South America.
Some of the others with descriptive names include the racket-tail, which has a forked tail three times the length of its body. Another one with a long tail is named fork-tailed. An interesting one named bee is the smallest bird in the entire world. Its body is only about two inches long from the front of its short beak to the end of its short tail. This tiny bird weighs less than a penny. But it can beat its wings as vigorously as the others, about 80 times a second faster than your eye can see. In flight its wings are seen as a blur. By contrast, the largest hummer of all is called giant and is about ten inches long, but as noiseless as a butterfly in flight.
All hummers must eat at least their own weight in food each day to keep strong and healthy. Their diet is mostly the nectar from flowers and tree blossoms, but also includes a surprising amount of insects and spiders, which provide essential protein.
Hummers’ nests are a surprise to those who have never seen one. The insides of their nests are about as big around as a quarter. They are usually made of very small twigs or stems, often coated with clay on the outside and strengthened with spider webs wrapped around it. To do this the female finds a web stretched between two supports. Hovering awhile, she decides just where to grab it with her beak. She pulls it away by flying backward and continues flying in reverse all the way to the nest. If she flew forward the web would wrap itself around her and present a real problem.
How do you think she learned all this? Well, she didn’t have to learn it. This is one more example of the Creator’s wonderful provisions for every living thing He has placed on the earth. He provided helpful instincts which are passed on from generation to generation. As we think of these little beauties, we can easily understand the words of the Bible which tell us: “[God] doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” Job 9:10.
(to be continued)
A Child's Trust
“Why doesn’t Jesus visit us sometime, Mommy?” asked four-year-old Gail.
“Because Jesus is up in heaven,” answered her mother.
“Can’t Jesus fly in an airplane like Daddy does sometimes?”
“Jesus does not have to fly in an airplane, because even if His body is in heaven, He is also with us. Before He went back to heaven, He said that He would be with us all the time.”
“But, Mommy, I can’t see Him.”
“No, we can’t see Jesus, but we know that He loves us and is with us. Think of the wonderful things He does for us. There are many real things we can’t see with our eyes. You can’t see my love for you, but you know that I love you because of the many things I do for you.”
The next day Gail was sick. She said, “Mommy, I know Jesus is with us and I’m going to ask Him to make me all better.” Then she knelt down beside her bed and prayed, “Dear Lord Jesus, please make me all better. I know You love me, and I love You. Amen.”
God wants all of us to have a simple, childlike faith in Him. “Suffer [let] the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14.
sister and I had to ride our bikes about two miles each day to catch the bus to get to work. In the British Isles where we lived there always seemed to be a stiff wind blowing. And no matter which direction we pedaled we always seemed to be riding into the wind.
But coming home after work one evening the wind was just right! There was a strong wind at our backs; we simply sat and allowed the wind to blow us home. We laughed as we glided along, going really fast without having to pedal even once.
When we came to our turnoff, my sister thought that this was too much fun to stop. She suggested that we should go another mile down to another road that would also take us home, so we sailed along like a skiff in the breeze.
As we came to the second turnoff, she called out merrily, “Let’s keep on going!” This was so much fun! And even though I had second thoughts about going on, I followed her.
On and on we went, enjoying our present fun without a single thought for Afterward! We never stopped until we had sailed all the way to the next town... about five miles beyond our turnoff.
Now we turned to go back, and soon what we had done became very clear to us. That wonderful wind at our backs was now a bitter enemy at our faces and fought us every inch of the way. Straining every muscle for what seemed inch by inch, we struggled back home, pedaling into the wind. How we scolded ourselves for being so foolish.
We finally made it, but we were exhausted. However, we learned an important lesson-the fact that enjoying our careless fun with no thought for Afterward carried a penalty. And today many young people think of only one thing—have a good time right now and don’t worry about Afterward. The Bible has a warning about this: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof [the Afterward] are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12. God is warning us that a careless life of sin carries the penalty of a lost eternity. This is so serious and so important that He repeats it a second time, word for word, in Proverbs 16:25. When God gives us a double warning, He’s telling us we had better do something about it!
When I had second thoughts about going on past our turnoff, they were useless because I didn’t do anything about it. You might have a few serious thoughts as to whether your careless fun is right or wrong, but unless you get off NOW, you will be swept along to a lost eternity, and there will be no turning back. You can blame your sister, your friends or yourself, but your Afterward with its penalty will be set.
Before it is too late... stop, and think of two foolish girls, freewheeling into town, and then ask yourself if perhaps you might be doing the same thing.
“Enter ye in at the strait [narrow] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.” Matthew 7:13.
Following Instructions
EARL was on a business trip, and he was going to fly from one city to another in a small plane. He watched the pilot start the airplane and they took off. It was a clear day, a good day for flying.
Several hours later they flew into clouds and they could not see where they were going. They were still in thick clouds as they reached the city where they wanted to land. They realized they needed help. The pilot had to land by instructions from the control tower.
Earl noticed that the pilot listened very carefully to what he was being told to do. He did not let anything take his mind off what he was doing. His whole attention was taken up with what the man in the control tower was telling him, and they soon landed safely on the runway.
We should be doing the same thing, if we belong to the Lord Jesus. He wants us to be happy while we wait for Him to come to take us out of the world to live with Him in heaven. He wants us to follow His instructions. He does not want us to be hurt by the enemy of our souls, Satan. Satan is watching closely, trying to do us harm and to lead us away from the safe path of following our Saviour. We need to be reading God’s Word, the Bible, every day and also praying to Him and listening to what the Lord Jesus has asked us to do. Then we will be happy and we will be kept safely from many things that would take our thoughts away from our precious Saviour who loved us so much that He gave His life for us on Calvary’s cross to save us from our sins.
“The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.
“Not by Works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5
Enchanting Hummingbirds: Part 3
“The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.... He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered.” Psalm 111:2,4.
The Lord God had a definite purpose in making hummingbirds. More important than their attractiveness is their work for certain types of flowering plants. It is amazing to see how God has placed at least one variety close by to meet the special needs of these flowers.
The bird, of course, thinks only of the sweet nectar in the flower, but if the plant could speak it would no doubt be grateful each time the right hummer visits it. The bird’s long beak, inserted in the flower right to the bottom, becomes covered with pollen. It unknowingly carries the pollen to another plant of the same kind, accomplishing what is known as cross-pollination which is necessary for the development of seeds. Bees, moths and a few other flying insects help in this work, but the hummingbirds surpass them all.
Their beaks have been specially designed. Some are short and just right for flat flowers, like the half-inch beak of the purple and green thornbill. By contrast, the longest beak of all is that of the sword-bearer. It looks like a five-inch knitting needle and is the only beak that can reach the nectar deep in the Andes passion flower. If there were no sword-bearer hummingbirds there would have been none of these plants after the first season, for nothing else can pollinate them.
The curved beaks of some hummers are interesting. Among these is one called Lucifer, noted for a black beard and dark wings on a beautiful body. Its long beak curves slightly downward just the right amount to reach into the flowers that have exactly the same curve in them. Another with a longer curved beak is the sickle-bill. And an unusual one whose beak curves up is known as the mountain avocet. These are just a few of the more than 400 varieties known in the western world. Perhaps another time we can look at the extraordinary tail features of some of them. With the few we have been able to briefly look at, when you see one now you will understand more fully the wisdom of the One who created them and looks on them with pleasure.
But also think of the even more marvelous ways He has provided for you. A Bible verse states what the Psalmist wanted to see: “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law.” Psalm 119:18.
Another verse tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7.
Do you read the Bible and have you ever thanked the Lord Jesus for giving it to you, so you can know of His love and trust in Him as your Saviour? Or does the last part of the verse describe you?
Following Directions in the Strawberry Field
In the state of Washington the strawberries begin to ripen in the month of June. Many people like to go to the fields where they are grown to pick and fill their own boxes with the delicious juicy berries. Then they take them home and enjoy making jam and pies, or eating them fresh with sugar and cream.
One June our family went to the U-Pick field to pick berries. After the people have finished picking all they want, the field owner weighs their boxes and charges them by the pound for the berries they have picked. We had picked about 75 pounds that day and carried them to the weighing shed to pay for them. As we waited our turn, we noticed the two girls ahead of us having their berries weighed. One of them asked the owner, “How much do we get?”
The owner replied in surprise, “I don’t pay you... you pay me!”
The girls had made a big mistake! They thought they were working for someone who would pay them for picking the strawberries. They had not talked to the owner first to find out if they could earn money by picking berries for them. This reminds us of people who think they can do good things for God to earn their way to heaven. They don’t bother to find out first if that is what God asks them to do. If they would read the Bible, which is God’s Word, they would learn that God plainly says that it is “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5. Another Bible verse says that “all our righteousnesses [good works] are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. It’s plain to see that we cannot earn our way to heaven!
So what can we do?
There is nothing we can do-it has already been done for us. The Lord Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt of our sins, so all that is left for us to do is accept Him by faith as our Saviour. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9.
The girls soon realized their mistake. What could they do? They had no money to pay for the berries they had picked. The owner said to them, “You should have asked first. How would you like it if somebody went into your yard and dug it up and then expected you to pay them for doing it?”
The owner finally had them sit down and pick the stems off the berries and then paid them what they would have paid their hired pickers who worked in the commercial field.
The girls were very embarrassed, but they did as they were told and got the money and went home. People who are trying to work for God to earn their salvation will someday be worse than embarrassed. They will be speechless before the great white throne of God’s judgment, which we read about in Revelation 20:11. All the trouble the girls had could have been avoided if they had just asked the owner, and we can escape the judgment of God by doing what He tells us in His Word, the Bible.
Salvation is a gift, and a gift is not earned. Have you accepted God’s gift of salvation?
Safety Instruction
EIGHT-YEAR-OLD Larry asked his mother for permission to burn the papers in the trash can out in the backyard. Since it wasn’t windy his mother told him to go ahead. She knew his father had talked with him about fire hazards and had taught him how to use matches safely.
Seeing his mother watching him from an upstairs window, Larry waved to her. As the trash started burning she went back to cleaning the bedroom.
Only a few minutes later his mother heard Larry screaming. She dashed back to the window and saw Larry rolling in the grass with his pant leg on fire. She raced downstairs and out to Larry. By the time she reached him the fire was out. He had followed the rules his father had taught him, and that may have saved his life.
God our Father has given us some “safety instructions” in the Bible because He loves us and wants you and me to spend eternity with Him in heaven. First of all, He warns us that we are sinners and cannot go to heaven if we still have our sins. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Then, He explains how we cannot get rid of our sins by anything we try to do. “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. In other words, we cannot settle this problem of our sins by ourselves. He also warns that all sin must be punished. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Hebrews 9:27. Each of us will be punished for our sins after we die unless God’s Substitute has already taken that punishment for us. Then He explains who that Substitute is. God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to take the punishment for our sins if we will accept Him as our Saviour. “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:28.
Won’t you follow God’s safety instructions right now and be sure that you have everlasting life before it is too late?
“These Things Have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13
Tree Fringe-Toed Lizards
“Thou art great, and doest wondrous things: Thou art God alone. Teach me Thy way, O Lord.” Psalm 86:10,11.
There are more than 2000 kinds of lizards throughout the world, and the fringe-toed lizard is perhaps the most amazing of all. It gets its name from the small, tough scales on its hind toes that swivel like tiny paddles when making its way over loose sand, across which it can run with amazing speed or, when necessary, dive into for safety.
This is a cute little creature with a slender orange body about three inches long. As far as is known, it can live in just one spot in North America, and that is a place near Palm Springs, California, called Thousand Palms Canyon. There it lives comfortably among huge sand dunes which are also occupied by tarantulas, rattlesnakes, rabbits, quail and a wide variety of other creatures.
Rough, furrowed skin covers its body, but its stomach, throat and legs are smooth. Its flat body (flatter than most lizards) and its pointed snout, provided by the Creator, both help it to dive head-first into the loose sand for safety. With surprising speed it buries itself and completely disappears from view, either lying still down there or moving off quite a distance without being detected.
How can it breathe under the sand? Well, the Creator has taken care of that in a remarkable way. In the first place, He has given it a special nose like no other creature has. Part of it is a trap beyond which sand cannot pass, although allowing the small amount of air it requires to pass. When back on the surface it simply blows out the trapped sand.
Its eyes have been given additional protection from harm. Each eye has two overlapping lids, completely stopping even the tiniest speck of sand from getting to the delicate part of the eyeball. One of these lids acts just as yours does blinking up and down when something threatens; the other moves from side to side to do the same thing. If, as rarely happens, a speck of sand gets past this double guard, then it simply wipes it away with a fringed toenail of a hind leg.
This lizard apparently gets sufficient moisture from the stems of desert plants. If this is not enough, it can move out into the morning fog, which condenses and runs down its skin into its mouth, which it holds lower than the rest of its body for that purpose.
As the opening verse from the Psalms expresses, we can see even in a little creature like this an example of the untold number of things that speak of the greatness and wonder of God and His creation. Thinking on it, the Psalmist could say, “Teach me Thy way, O Lord.” Psalm 86:11. That excellent desire should be in the heart and mind of each of us also.
A Sick Tree
HAVE you ever heard of sending a get-well card to a tree? Well, it really happened! Last year an old oak tree in Austin, Texas, was poisoned, and some people felt so bad about the “sick” tree that they went to visit the tree and left get-well cards!
People in Austin felt especially sorry about the tree because it was 600 years old. According to history, the city’s founder, Stephen Austin, had once signed a treaty under its branches with the Indians who lived in that area. Since that time the tree has been called “Treaty Oak.” Last year when someone poured poison on the ground around the tree, its leaves began to turn brown and drop off. Someone phoned the city officials and told them that Treaty Oak “looked sick.”
This phone call set off an alarm. As soon as it was discovered that the ground had been poisoned, 15 city employees were put to work to try to save the tree. They sprayed the leaves with fresh spring water and then dug out the poisoned soil in a 30-foot circle around the tree and replaced it with new soil. Then they gave it antitoxins and even put up large screens to protect Treaty Oak from the hot Texas sun.
What a lot of work to help a sick tree! But do you know that the Lord Jesus has done much more than this for you? He wants not just to “help” you, but to save you. If you have never received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, then you are “sick” like the tree. The poison that has made you sick is sin. The Bible says, “The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying [rotting] sores.” Isaiah 1:5,6.
The Lord Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. He came purposely to save us. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15. The men in Austin could only hope that they could save the tree, but we can know for sure that we are saved. The Lord Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath [not just hopes he has!] everlasting life.” John 5:24. Another verse says, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13.
Get-well cards were not the only thing that the people of Austin took to Treaty Oak. Some took flowers and some went just to “visit” the tree. Someone even left a can of chicken soup! Maybe all that attention for a sick tree seems silly to you. I think it shows that they really wanted to see their 600-year-old oak tree live. But what about those people who care so much about saving a tree and think nothing at all about their “sick” soul? Which is more important? A treeor your own soul that will live forever?
Now, all but one-third of Treaty Oak is dead. The city of Austin says they will have to cut down all the dead wood in the tree or it will fall and hurt the people who come to see it. It is sad to think that the beautiful old oak tree is now almost dead, but it is even more sad to think of precious boys and girls who have not come to Jesus for salvation. When a tree dies, that’s the end of it. But when a boy or girl dies, his or her soul will live on forever in either heaven or hell.
When you think of Treaty Oak, remember that your soul is worth much more than a tree-it’s worth much more than all the world! “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Mark 8:36,37. All the “medicine” for the sick tree didn’t work very well, but the “medicine” for a soul sick with sin is a perfect cure. It is the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
The Mouse and the Ring
Mrs. VanArnem got ready for bed, she removed her watch, her brooch and her three rings. Then she carefully laid them all on the dresser.
During the night the house was quiet and no one entered or left Mrs. VanArnem’s bedroom. Still, when she got up the next morning and went to put on her jewelry, one of the rings had disappeared. The watch, the brooch and two of the rings were exactly where she had left them, but her valuable diamond ring was gone!
Mrs. VanArnem called her children and her servants together and told them about the missing ring. They searched all over the house. Every possible hiding place was examined carefully, but no one found the ring.
Three years later Mrs. VanArnem had workmen come to do some repair work on her house. Part of the floor was taken up, and there under the floorboards lay the skeleton of a mouse with the beautiful diamond ring around its neck. The poor little mouse must have been nosing around on top of her dresser looking for something to eat and must have accidently stuck its head through her ring.
Since the ring was so smooth and round, it probably didn’t hurt the mouse very much at first. But as the mouse grew and its neck got larger, the ring probably began to pinch and to hurt. The workmen who examined the mouse’s bones said its neck bones had been bent by the pressure of the ring which had finally strangled it.
That poor little mouse didn’t intend to get trapped. He was just curious about something pretty and got caught in it.
The same type of thing can easily happen to any of us, too. Every time you sin it is as though a little wire is slipped around you. At first it doesn’t seem too bad, but those wires get tighter and tighter and stronger and stronger all the time. The Bible says that the sinner “shall be holden [held] with the cords of his sins.” Proverbs 5:22.
How could the mouse have gotten free of the ring? No other mouse could have helped him, but some person could have slipped the ring off his head or could have cut through the ring to set him free.
No boy or girl can get free from his or her own sins either. Only the Lord Jesus, through His death on the cross and His blood shed, can remove the sins that have trapped each one of us. “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
The little mouse couldn’t ask for help, but you can. Won’t you call to the Lord Jesus today? He loves you and says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15.
“Before They Call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24
JUNE 16, 1991
The Runaway Van
ONE hot summer day not long after the Johnson family had moved to another city, Mrs. Johnson had to do some grocery shopping. She had just started up the big family van and shifted into gear when one of the children came running up to her. “Mommy, Mommy! There’s a puddle of gasoline underneath our car in the driveway.”
Feeling a little concerned, Mrs. Johnson turned off the motor in the van and went into the house to tell her husband about the gas under their car. He told her that he had recently filled up the gas tank, and because it was such a hot day the gas was expanding and spilling out. He assured her it was nothing to worry about, but suggested that she take the car to do the shopping rather than the van. This would use up some of the gas and keep more from spilling out. So Mrs. Johnson took the car instead of the van.
Shortly after she left, one of the older girls saw their little brother Tony playing “mechanic” underneath the van parked in the street.
“Tony, you’d better not play under there,” Nancy warned him. “What if for some reason the van would start to roll down the hill?”
“OK,” said Tony, and off he went to play with his brother.
A short time later a man knocked on the Johnson’s front door. Betty, the oldest girl, answered the door, and the man asked her if they owned a green van. Betty said yes they did.
“Well, it rolled down the hill and ended up in our front yard,” said the neighbor man. “In fact, our tree stopped it from going any farther. It also looks like it went over my next-door-neighbor’s six-foot retaining wall along their driveway.”
“Oh no!” exclaimed Betty, and she called to her father to come hear the bad news.
Mr. Johnson soon made arrangements to have the van removed from the neighbor’s front yard and towed to an auto body shop for repairs.
When Mrs. Johnson returned from shopping, she heard the bad news. You see, when she turned off the motor in the van, in her concern about the spilled gas she forgot to put the gearshift into “park.” Since it was parked on a hill, the van rolled down the hill, over a wall and into the neighbor’s yard. Only moments before, a few children had been playing in the street, but God had graciously directed those children to be out of the street and safely in their own yards when the runaway van rolled down the hill. And there was more to be thankful for that Tony had listened to his sister and had stopped playing under the van! The Johnson family thanked the Lord Jesus for His protecting care over Tony and the other neighborhood children that day.
Children, do you know this loving Saviour, the Lord Jesus? Is He your very own Saviour? Do you go to bed at night in peace, knowing He will be watching over you all night long? Do you turn your day over to Him each morning and trust Him for His protecting care? You can if He is your Saviour. The Johnson family had just that morning asked Him for His help and protection over each family member throughout the day. The Lord says, “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24. And in Psalm 34:7 it says, “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.” Little Tony had accepted the Lord Jesus as his own Saviour, and so if the van had rolled over him, he would have been safe in the arms of Jesus for all eternity.
But what about you? Where would you be if your life should suddenly be taken? We hope that even right now you will let the Lord Jesus wash away all your sins in His precious blood. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
The White Pelican
“God that made the world and all things therein... is Lord of heaven and earth.... In Him we live, and move, and have our being.”
Acts 17:24,28.
The white pelican is found in many places around the world, including the United States and Canada. Its huge broad bill with a pouch on the underside is the most noticeable thing about it, along with its beautiful wings which spread eight to ten feet across. Although this large water bird is awkward on the ground, it is graceful when flying or swimming.
They thrive on a diet of fish, and sometimes work together to catch them. Large numbers will swim together in a line, beating the water with their wings. Frightened fish find themselves trapped as the birds scoop them up in their open bills. Their stomachs filled, they return to shore to digest the meal and soon fly into the air in great flocks, apparently just for the pleasure of it. They are often seen flying single file.
They nest in groups of a thousand or more on the shores of an island or inland lake. The females lay just two eggs that take a month to hatch. The chicks are at first without feathers and quite ugly, but the mother is very attentive, keeping them well fed with fish which she first digests and then brings back up into her pouch. Opening her upper bill wide, she lets the little ones help themselves, which they are always ready to do, practically crawling into her pouch in their hurry. The little ones stay in the nest three months before learning to fly and then are taught how to catch their own fish.
With their wide wingspan, adults glide on air currents, covering as much as 40 miles or more a day over water in search of fish. When a fish is spotted near the surface, the bird dives down and scoops up several quarts of water along with the fish. Lifting its head to let the water run out, it then gulps the fish down.
It is easy to understand why fishermen don’t like the competition from pelicans. Actually, much of their catch is made up of sick or injured fish, which the sportsmen wouldn’t want anyway.
The Bible verse above causes us to think of God as the Creator of every living thing on earth. But what is more important is that everything we do depends on His care and loving-kindness. How important it is to accept His invitation to take the Lord Jesus as our Saviour. His Word, the Bible, says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. When we do this He calls us His sons and daughters and assures us of eternal life with Him. Are you clean and forgiven?
A Child of the King
A missionary in India hired a young Hindu boy from a mountain village to help him in his home. The boy’s name was Burean, meaning “Evil One.” His mother had given him this name, hoping to keep away the evil spirits.
Every morning Burean was present at the family’s Bible reading in the missionary’s home. He listened to the reading of the Bible and the prayers.
One morning after they had finished reading, Burean exclaimed, “What wonderful things you read out of that Book! I’ve never heard such things before!”
The missionary asked, “Do you believe them, Burean? If you believe them, they will be yours.”
Burean replied, “They are wonderful things, but they are not for me. They are for you. You are a child of the King. You have white skin. I am only a poor, dark-skinned Indian.”
The missionary said, “Burean, I am a child of the King because I believe on Jesus Christ. My white skin does not make me a child of God. You also can be a child of God if you will believe on Jesus. Where you live, what you own, and the color of your skin make no difference!”
Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world, Red and yellow, black and white All are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.
“Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3.
“For Christ Also Hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18
JUNE 23, 1991
A Trip to Canada or Heaven!
“We’re going on a trip to Canada!” our children told the neighbors.
How excited the three children were! It was great fun to get everything ready for the long trip north.
“Don’t forget my fishing pole,” said our eight-year-old fisherman.
“Have you packed my Sunday dresses yet?” asked our only girl.
There certainly were a lot of things to take, although fishing poles and frilly dresses weren’t the most important things we needed in our suitcases. The list grew so long that Mother finally put the list on the computer. Money, extra clothes, maps, toothbrushes, life jackets, medicines-it seemed like a lot for a two-week trip to Canada! And when the car was being packed, all three children sneaked in some extra toys that Mother didn’t even know about!
“Did you bring my jacket?” asked Dad after we started off. “And what about the children’s passports? they may ask for them at the border.” Yes, everything had been packed, but even while they were on this trip, Mother and Dad thought about another trip they would soon be making. But, strange to say, on this other trip they wouldn’t need a single thing that they had brought along for the trip to Canada!
Maybe you’ve already guessed that the other trip they expected to take was when they would leave this world and go to heaven. They were sure that they would be going someday because the Bible says, “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18. The Lord Jesus Himself said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions... I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3.
But not a single thing this family packed would be needed for the trip to God’s home in heaven. No passports would be needed, because it does not matter at heaven’s door what country you are from. God’s Word says, “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:15. Money would not be necessary, because the Bible says we are “justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24.
But what about the medicines that had been packed just in case someone got sick? Would they be needed in heaven? No! The Bible says, “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4. And the toys, fishing poles and pretty dresses? Oh no, none of these will be needed either. Instead, there will be robes of white, harps, and a marriage supper. But most important, the One who died and shed His precious blood to wash away our sins will be there to fill heaven with joy and praise. Wouldn’t you like to go with us to God’s wonderful home in heaven? You only need to trust in the Lord Jesus today!
It is only fair to warn you that if you don’t accept God’s great salvation, then you will make a very different trip when you leave this world. Those who do not receive the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will be thrown into the lake of fire. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17. There is something in hell that poor sinners will need. They will need water to cool their tongues, but not a drop will be given. Oh, do come to the Lord Jesus for salvation! He loves you and wants you to be with Him in the mansions of heaven.
Perhaps you are wondering what we will do in heaven if we don’t even need toys or fishing poles. I think one of the first things I will do is join in the singing of praises to my Saviour who died for me. And next-I will look for you. Will you be there?
The White Whale Shark
“For by Him [the Lord God] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth.” Colossians 1:16.
There are about 350 kinds of sharks in the oceans of the world. We usually think of these creatures as dangerous, and many are, including the one known as the white whale shark. When one of these 20-foot fearsome-looking citizens of the sea is spotted, it is easy to see why they are called whale sharks. They swim extremely fast and can keep up with big ships when looking for food scraps that are being thrown overboard. These sharks are found in many places, mainly off the coasts of South Africa and Australia, but along the Pacific coast of North America as well.
They usually travel alone or in pairs and are always on the lookout for fish and other seafood, including seals, sea lions and small porpoises. Their most common method of capturing food is to hide in rocks deep under the surface, waiting for a seal or other victim to swim by. They make a quick dash, attacking it from underneath if it is too large to be swallowed whole. Their mouths have many strong, sharp teeth, with spare ones embedded under those on top. The spares soon fill in the space of any that break off.
It is through its snout that a white whale shark senses the nearness of other things swimming nearby. This is a more reliable way of locating food than by their rather poor eyesight. Incidentally, it is thought by marine experts that the rare attack on a human is the result of mistaken identity-probably thinking a swimmer is a seal. These experts suggest that where sharks of any kind are likely to be, it is best for swimmers not to wear dark swimming suits. They say divers and others who wear black wet-suits may really be asking for trouble.
Baby white whale sharks are about three-and-a-half feet long at birth and look just like a miniature of the mother. They stay close by her while learning how to catch their own food.
We might wonder why such vicious creatures were placed in the oceans, but they were not vicious until sin came into the world and spoiled all of God’s creation.
But there is a day coming, after those who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour are taken to heaven, when all creation will be at peace again. This is the time referred to in Isaiah 11:6 where we are told, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid [baby goat]; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” Will you be with us in heaven looking down on this happy scene?
Too Late!
MR. Edwards was a happy Christian who lived on the beautiful island of St. Vincent in the West Indies. He lived in a little house on the side of a volcano called Soufriere. His job was to check on the volcano so he could warn people if he thought it was going to erupt.
Every day Mr. Edwards would climb up the side of the volcano and check the temperature of the water in the crater at the top. Then he would report to the authorities what it was.
Not everyone liked hearing the reports Mr. Edwards gave of the water temperature going up. Some people grumbled that he was just trying to scare everyone. Others laughed and said that old Soufriere had been around a long time and had never done much damage.
Maybe you boys and girls feel the same way about what you hear in Sunday school. Perhaps you think you are just being told scary stories. But the warnings you have been given are all true.
The Bible has told us about the judgment that is coming on this earth. We have been warned to “flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7. We are also told that “the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night... the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10.
Just as no one could predict exactly when Soufriere would erupt, so no one can predict exactly when God’s judgment will fall on this sinful world. We need to pay attention to the warning in Matthew 25:13 which says: “Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”
One morning Mr. Edwards got up, read his Bible, and prayed for God’s help for the day as he usually did. He was just eating his breakfast when he heard the first rumblings. Alarmed, he realized that Soufriere was about to erupt. Leaving his breakfast, he ran down the mountain shouting to all the villagers to run for their lives!
Some of them just laughed. “Mister,” they said, “we’ve heard those noises all our lives and nothing has ever happened.” Others said, “There’s still time... we’ll start getting our things together and soon we’ll leave.”
“No! No!” Mr. Edwards shouted. “Leave now! The volcano may erupt any minute!”
Some believed the warning and ran with Mr. Edwards down the mountainside to safety. But others weren’t in any hurry to leave, and some just decided to stay behind in their homes.
Suddenly the volcano erupted with an awful roar! And for those who had not paid attention to the warning, it was too late. More than 1000 people lost their lives.
God has warned you of judgment that’s coming. Do you believe His warnings? Put your trust in the Lord Jesus now before it is too late. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
“Whoso Putteth His Trust in the Lord Shall Be Safe.”
Proverbs 29:25
JUNE 30, 1991
The Loud Alarm Clock
AN old preacher told us that when he was a young man he and his brother moved away from home to each learn a trade. The two brothers found a room in the city to rent. They moved a few things in, including a big alarm clock.
A clock was very necessary, because one of them had to be at work at 6:00 a.m. while the other did not begin until 9:00 a.m. The preacher telling us the story was the one who began work at 9:00.
The alarm was set for 5:00 a.m., and the old preacher could still remember those first few mornings. The alarm went off with such an awful clang that it nearly scared them out of their wits, and he could not get back to sleep at all. This continued for several mornings, but gradually it became easier for him to get back to sleep. And do you know that by the end of the first month he no longer heard that clanging alarm clock or his brother getting up and getting dressed for work. He slept right through all of it!
Boys and girls, this is exactly what happens when we go to Sunday school and read and hear about Jesus loving us and coming to die for us. We sing, “Hear Christ calling, Come unto Me, I will give you rest,” and we ignore Him and go away forgetting about Him. Over and over we are invited to “Come to the Saviour, make no delay.” We read in the Bible that “Whosoever will may come,” and we know a decision must be made, either to come to Christ, or to reject Him. God allows us to hear the message often, because He is “long-suffering... not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance,” 2 Peter 3:9. But the truth is, the more often we hear the message and ignore it, the sooner we no longer hear the call at all. Then we finally sing the words and hear the message, but our minds are closed to it.
It’s an awful thing for any who have rejected or ignored the only Saviour of sinners and His gift of eternal life, and no longer hear the warning of danger. Yet, still today he stands at your heart’s door, knocking, sometimes gently, but often loudly and urgently. Listen to what He is saying: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man [woman, boy or girl] hear My voice, and open the door, I WILL COME IN to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20.
But only you can open the door to let Him in. Will you receive Him today?
The Railroad Bridge
MY tiptoed down the hall early in the morning and peeked into Grandpa’s bedroom. Seeing that Grandpa’s eyes were open, she climbed up on the end of his bed and said, “Grandpa, please take me fishing today.”
Every summer when Grandpa came to visit, Amy looked forward to going fishing with him. Grandpa loved to fish, and since Amy’s home was right near a river, they often went out together to catch fish for supper.
“Let’s try a new fishing spot today,” Grandpa suggested. “Why don’t we try fishing from the railroad bridge. That looks to me like it might be a good place.”
The morning train had already gone by, and no other train was scheduled until late at night, so they put their fishing rods over their shoulders and climbed the hill to the railroad tracks. Walking along the tracks they soon came to the railroad bridge. They walked out to the middle, baited their hooks and began to fish. Grandpa caught a nice, big sunfish while Amy waited patiently for something to nibble at her bait.
They were enjoying their peaceful, quiet spot, when suddenly they heard a sound that made them stare at one another in fear. A train was whistling for the railroad crossing less than a mile away. An unexpected freight train was approaching the bridge!
Grandpa didn’t know what to do. The railroad bridge was a long one, and he realized that if they tried to run back to get off the bridge the train would probably hit and kill them before they got to the end. By now they could see the train thundering toward them.
Catching sight of them, the engineer knew instantly that he could not stop in time. In helpless frustration he pulled the train whistle again and again as the heavy freight train rushed on toward Grandpa and Amy.
Grandpa shouted at Amy, but the noise of the whistle combined with the roar of the train made it impossible for her to hear. Putting his mouth right down to her ear he yelled, “Drop your rod.” Then picking Amy up in his arms, he stepped off the tracks out onto the railroad ties which extended over the river.
Setting Amy down on the end of one of the ties, he put her small hands on the bridge railing. Pressing close behind her, he put his arms around her, placed his hands on her hands and held on tightly.
The bridge shook as the train roared by three feet behind them. The noise was deafening, but Amy was completely safe in the shelter of Grandpa’s strong arms.
After the danger had passed and the noise had faded away, Amy held Grandpa’s hand as they walked back home.
“You know what, Grandpa?” Amy said, “I was really scared when I saw that train coming, but when you put your arms around me and held me tight, then I felt safe. Thank you for holding on to me.”
Are you safe in the strong arms of the Lord Jesus Christ, boys and girls? If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your own personal Saviour and know that your sins are gone, then you are held safely and are secure forever. Satan may try to bother you and may trouble you and try to frighten you, but the Lord Jesus promises: “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand.” John 10:28,29.
Amy’s ears hurt from the noise of the train, and the bridge shook under her feet, but she was safe and happy with Grandpa’s arms around her. And all of Satan’s attempts to bother and disturb you will never make you frightened or unhappy as long as you remember that the Lord Jesus is holding you tightly and will never let you go. “For He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.” Hebrews 13:5,6.
Tamarins in Danger
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth... the beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” Genesis 1:24.
Tamarins, natives of South America, are part of the monkey family but they do not look like them. Let’s look at two species that are in danger of disappearing, because the forests in which they live are being cut down or burned.
One is the cotton-top (called pinche by the people of Columbia, where they live). Its soft-gray, gentle face, is emphasized by a large, upright mane of pure white hair, hanging down over an orange-brown collar. The rest of its body is entirely white.
Another, the golden lion of Brazil, is now one of the rarest animals on earth, with only about 300 still living in the vanishing forests. It is about two feet long, including its tail, and weighs only about one-and-a-half pounds. It looks almost too fragile to live in the wild, but it does very well there.
Thick, orange-red, velvety hair frames its pretty face with its pleading eyes, small nose and large square mouth. It likes to locate in thick bushy areas under tall trees. This also supplies many of the insects it eats, including bugs that live in cup-like leaves of many plants. Wild bananas and other fruits are favorites, too.
At times tamarins make their homes in hollowed-out trees, where the mother, with perhaps just two little ones, teaches them to make their own way in the forest. It is amazing to see her leading her little ones over branches or along a vine stretched between trees.
The father brings up the rear and keeps an eye on the youngsters as well. Coming to the end of a vine, one by one they leap to nearby tree branches, the little ones jumping successfully without any training.
It is usual for young tamarins to stay close to their parents for quite a while and help take care of baby brothers and sisters. Surprisingly, the otherwise gentle females are often quarrelsome with one another (even sisters and mothers and growing daughters), until a father moves in and quiets things down.
Recently some of the golden lions have been taken to zoos in the United States, where large numbers of little ones have been born. Many of these have been taken back to Brazil and placed in more natural homes where they seem to be thriving under the watchful eyes of forest officials. Efforts are being made to save the remaining forests of Brazil, which would also help increase the tamarin population.
Does God, their Creator, know about these tamarins? He certainly does. A Bible verse assures us, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9. It is also written: “For His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings.” Job 34:21. What does God see when He looks on your ways?
“It Is Time to Seek the Lord.” Hosea 10:12
A Wait at the Airport
IN these days of fast airline service all over the world, often the longest waits are right at the airport. Recently, I had a long wait when I went to the airport to meet someone coming in on a flight.
The plane was due to arrive at a little past 8:00 p.m. I arrived with plenty of time to walk to the gate before it was to land. At the gate I found out that there would be a one-hour delay.
I was disappointed and a little unhappy about such a long wait. But then I became interested in the reason for the delay. It was not a problem with the plane coming in, because they said it was already on the ground waiting to come in to the gate. The problem was with the plane still sitting at the gate that wasn’t leaving on time. And so the “parking space” was full. It should have left at 8:00 p.m., but it had to wait for some of the flight crew who were late. The announcement over the loud speaker said that the plane would now leave at 9:00 p.m.
This made me think of God’s patient love in waiting for lost sinners, and the set time when He will wait no longer. “The Lord is not slack [late] concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering [patient] to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. “Because He [God] hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge [punish] the world in righteousness [justly].” Acts 17:31.
The gate attendant had to explain to many passengers why the plane was late in leaving and reported that it definitely would leave at 9:00.
After a short while the flight crew arrived and got on the plane. Good, I thought, now it can leave and my plane can come in. But no, it did not leave. It remained at the gate until 9:00 p.m. The gate attendant’s promise that it would leave at 9:00 was kept, so that none of the passengers would be disappointed.
This reminds us that what God tells us in the Bible can be fully trusted. He cannot and will not go back on His promises! Anyone who puts his trust in Jesus will not be left behind for punishment. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.” John 10:27,28.
At exactly 9:00 p.m. the walkway to the plane was removed and the door was closed and locked. Just then a passenger came running up to the gate and pleaded to be allowed to get on the plane. The gate attendant spoke by phone to the pilot, but the pilot said, “No.” The flight could not be delayed any longer to allow the man to get on. The plane pulled away from the gate, and the man turned away disappointed. He had waited just a little bit too long.
The pilot could not be blamed for not letting the man get on; the pilot was being very fair and reasonable. And right now there are people who are taking advantage of God’s patience by waiting a little longer to come to the Saviour. 2 Corinthians 6:2 warns us that “now is the accepted [right] time... now is the day of salvation.” Do not wait even a little bit longer! The Lord Jesus is coming soon! He loves you and wants you to trust Him for your soul’s salvation. A missed plane means perhaps only a few extra hours of waiting for another one, but to miss God’s offer of salvation means you will suffer forever in the lake of fire.
“It is time to seek the Lord.” Hosea 10:12.
Slave-Maker Ants
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion... [is] seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
In the deserts of Arizona there are ants with the technical name Polyergus, but they are more commonly known as the western slave-maker. Unlike other ants, these are not capable of hunting food for themselves or their little ones and could not live without other ants doing this for them.
Because of this they make raids on another species of ants, known as the Formicas, and here’s what takes place. Several times a year the leaders in the nest send out scouts to find Formica nests. When the scouts find these nests they come back and somehow let the others know the “good news.” Then a huge army of several thousand takes off behind the scouts, following them to the unsuspecting victims.
Without any warning they march right into the Formica’s nest, not attempting to fight them-although they would be quite capable of fighting with their strong jaws and sharp teeth. Instead, they spray the entire area with a chemical from their bodies. This chemical does not bother the raiders but is so unpleasant to the Formicas that the queen and all her workers get out as fast as possible. However, they cannot take with them the thousands of their babies, known as pupae, that have not yet hatched.
That is exactly what the raiders want to happen. Each raider grabs one pupa and carries it back to its own nest. Thousands are carried back where some are eaten by the hungry captors. Most are carefully looked after and in a short time develop into full-sized ants. These are taught how to go after food to bring back for themselves as well as for their captors.
Of course, these newly hatched ants can’t remember anything about their former home and fit right into this pattern, apparently accepting the fact that taking care of the others is their job.
The cruel and selfish ways of the slave-makers bring to mind the Bible verse at the beginning, telling us to beware of Satan who is always wanting to make us his slave and make us serve him. Every person in the world is often tempted by him, although many do not realize Satan is their cruel master.
But for Christians, knowing the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, there are many other Bible verses to help us resist the evil one. One tells us: “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4. And James 4:7,8 tells where to turn for help, saying: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh [near] to God, and He will draw nigh to you.” Yes, we are invited to turn to God in every trouble and we can be sure of His loving help.
The Old Shack
IN the outskirts of New York City stood a little, old shack. The place was run-down with cracked windows, a leaky roof and a garden overgrown with weeds. There were, however, some beautiful old trees which shaded the shack and made the property attractive. Old Mr. Brooks, the owner, was a wrinkled and bent-over old man. He never moved very far from his fireside in winter or from his garden in summer.
In the busy city nearby, Mr. Parker, a millionaire, was making plans to build a new home. As he drove around searching for a nice piece of property on which to build a new house, he came across Mr. Brooks’ property. The beautiful setting and the lovely old trees seemed like just what he wanted, so he sent his agent to see if the old man would sell his property.
Mr. Brooks was surprised and delighted with the agent’s offer to buy the property. He thought it was wonderful that a millionaire would want to buy his home. He agreed to sell it, and after the agent left he got to work quickly.
In an old cupboard in his basement, Mr. Brooks dug around and found a hammer, some nails and even some old paint and a brush. For almost two weeks he hammered, patched, repaired and painted.
Finally the agent returned and looked quite surprised when he saw what had been done to the old shack. Putting his hand on the old man’s shoulder, he said quietly, “Mr. Brooks, I’m afraid you misunderstood me. Mr. Parker doesn’t want your old shack. He would never think of living in it. What he wants is your property.”
Poor old Mr. Brooks. All his time and effort fixing up his home was useless. The old shack was just going to be torn down.
Many boys and girls (and grown-ups too) are doing the very same thing that Mr. Brooks tried to do. They hear about God and decide that they would like to be good enough for God to love them. So they try to fix up their lives by obeying Mother and Dad, going to Sunday school, and maybe even reading their Bibles. But all those things, like the old man’s nails and paint, are not what God wants.
God wants you just as you are. He tells us that “all our righteousnesses [good deeds] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6), and warns us that “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5. He loves you just the way you are, and sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for you.
Don’t try to fix up yourself for God. Just come to Him admitting your sins, and accept His love for you.
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.
“The Son of God who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
The Lost Letter
WE were expecting Grandma’s weekly letter to arrive. Mother watched through the living room window as the mailman came up the front walk. He dropped one envelope through the letter slot in the door. Mother saw it fall to the floor, and she walked quickly over to pick it up-but no letter was to be seen! She knew it had to be there, because she had seen it! Looking closely at the floor, she discovered a crack just at the edge of the door frame. I brought her a flashlight, and shining it down the crack we could see Grandma’s letter.
She tried so hard to get it out, but the crack was too narrow for even tweezers to grasp the letter. She finally gave up and waited for Dad to come home from work. As soon as he came in, she told him about the letter.
Dad worked and worked, trying to get the letter out of the crack. He was able to move it with a thin wire, but he couldn’t grasp it or snag it on a hook. He finally had to make the crack a little wider with a wedge. And what do you think he found? He found not just one letter, but several pieces of mail! Some of them looked like they had been there for a long time.
The whole family watched while Mother and Dad opened the mail they had just found. Some pieces were advertisements now almost ten years old! It was surprising to see how prices had gone up in the ten years the mail had been down the crack.
The most interesting piece of mail was for me. It was six years old and had been written by my best friend. It was an invitation to her house for dinner!
I know about a wonderful letter which also has an invitation in it. Maybe this letter is lying somewhere in your home and you have never read it. This letter I’m talking about is the Bible which contains God’s loving invitation to spend eternity with Him in heaven. He tells us how much He loves us and wants us to live with Him forever. He also speaks about the home He has prepared for us.
The Bible warns us that no sin can ever enter God’s home (Revelation 21:27). It also tells us how Jesus came down to earth and died for sinners. He rose again from the dead, and He is now in heaven waiting for us. He has sent this invitation for us to believe Him and come to live with Him in heaven when our life on earth is over.
Have you answered this invitation? I did not accept my friend’s invitation to dinner because I did not receive it in time. But can you say that? You have probably heard God’s invitation before, and He is waiting for your answer right now. We do not know how long He will offer this invitation. Tomorrow may be too late. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
"Jesus Loves Me, This I Know"
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
How many times have you sung that hymn? If you have ever been to a Sunday school, most likely you have sung it a lot. Children all over the world sing it because it has been translated into many languages. I’ve heard it sung in Chinese, Spanish, French and in the language of the Inca Indians.
In the Inca language it goes like this: Cristo munawan! Cristo munawan! Cristo munawan! Bibliapi ajinanin.
We usually think that mostly children sing, “Jesus Loves Me,” but I know lots of older people who like to sing it too. In fact, it was the very last song that José ever sang. José lived in a small village in Bolivia. He always wore a bandage over his nose because the disease of leprosy had eaten away part of it. And the ends of his shoes were empty, because leprosy had eaten away his toes.
The first time we visited in José’s home, we were a little nervous. We had never been in the house of a leper (someone with leprosy) before. But it was not long before the Bibles and hymnbooks were out and José sang of God’s wonderful love and read from his precious Word.
But José was very old, and not long after this we heard that he was very sick and about to die. He no longer knew who his wife was and was too weak to eat... but he could still sing. And the song he sang was, “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know”! He sang it several times before he died and went to be with Jesus in heaven.
Just a few years later another old lady in Bolivia was also about to die. We called her “Sister Maria” and our children went with us to visit her on what turned out to be her last day before she went to be with Jesus. Although she was too weak to get up, she knew who we were, and as our children sang she began to sing with them, Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible tells me so.
That was also the very last hymn that Aunt Ola sang. She too had received the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, and she slipped away into His arms while she was singing that wonderful little hymn.
Have you stopped to think why this hymn would cheer up old people when they are sick and weak and about to die? Why would they want to sing something so simple in their last moments on earth? I’ll tell you why-because the love of the Lord Jesus is the most important thing we can know in all the world! Fun times, friends and even family can completely fade away, but the love of the Lord Jesus never changes and will last when everything else is gone. Do you know about the love of Jesus? You may have sung the hymn many times, but can you say, “The Son of God [the Lord Jesus], who loved me, and gave Himself for me”? Galatians 2:20. The Lord Jesus proved how much He loves us when He died on the cross. Accept Him as your Saviour and you will begin to enjoy His great love. Then you can truly understand and sing, “Yes, Jesus loves me.”
For Your Sweet Tooth
“I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live.... My meditation of Him shall be sweet.” Psalm 104:33,34.
The word sugar does not appear in the Bible—the nearest to it is when the Lord says, “To what purpose cometh there to Me... the sweet cane from a far country?” Jeremiah 6:20. People in the land of Israel apparently did not grow sugarcane, but sent away for it. The natural sweetener they had in their own land was mostly a constant supply of honey, which is often referred to in the Bible.
We may be sure the Creator included sugarcane for our use when He caused vegetation to grow on the earth. In the many years that have passed it is now grown in great quantities throughout the world.
In preparing sugar from canes, it is first ground in big rollers, squeezing out the sweet juice. This is treated to remove anything that might be harmful and then put in big tanks or pans where the water is removed. This leaves sugar crystals to be further processed so that it appears just as it comes to your kitchen shelf or table. Bakeries and candy makers are among the largest users-some buying tremendous quantities for their products.
Sugar is an important part of our diet. A grown person eats about 100 pounds a year in candy, ice cream, cake and pie, breakfast cereal, etc. Its chief value to us, aside from a sweet taste, is how quickly it is digested and can “pep up” a tired or hungry person. But we have to be careful about how much we put into our bodies. Too much can be harmful, especially to teeth.
Other sources of sugar have been discovered over the years. The principal one is the sugar beet which is grown in fields and dug out of the ground just like a potato. It is processed in a refinery in much the same way as cane sugar. To look closely at a sugar beet as it is dug from the ground it is hard to imagine the amount of sugar it will produce.
You are perhaps familiar with the sweet maple sap that comes from maple trees in some northern parts of North America. This, too, is sometimes refined into dark sugar. There is also grape sugar with its special sweet taste, another called malt sugar, as well as sugar made from corn, sweet potatoes and even carrots.
In addition to enjoying God’s love and singing to Him, the Psalmist exclaimed, “How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” Psalm 119:103. And in another place he says: “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 19:10.
The more we read God’s Word, the Bible, the sweeter we, too, will find His loving words to us. Have you tasted that sweetness?
“If Thou Shalt Confess With thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
THE sky was gray and overcast one November day as a passenger jet approached the airport. The captain and copilot in the cockpit of the airliner could see about 15 miles through layers of broken clouds.
“We would like permission to approach runway 21,” the captain radioed to the control tower.
An air traffic controller responded, “Fly southwest toward runway 21. You may descend, but fly no lower than 7000 feet.”
The captain repeated what he thought he heard: “Descend to 5000 feet.” But was that the altitude given to him by the controller?
Nobody caught the mistake. The captain thought he had heard “5000 feet,” and the copilot, who was at the controls, began to descend slowly through broken clouds.
When the jet reached 5700 feet, a warning light suddenly blinked on, followed by a loud alarm and a voice that ordered, “PULL-UP!” The copilot immediately climbed higher, and the warning stopped.
The alarm and voice had come from the Ground Proximity Warning System, which is special equipment which warns that a crash is about to happen. Although these pilots had probably never heard it sound in real flight, they were trained to obey it at once.
As they leveled off and continued on toward the airport, the captain said, “That warning may be false... the radar might not be working right.” The copilot began to descend again.
At 5500 feet the warning sounded again with the loud alarm and the voice ordering, “PULL-UP!” He pulled up sharply, climbing as steeply as the aircraft would climb.
The captain called the controller on his radio and asked, “What is the terrain clearance out here?” He wanted to know how low they could safely fly on their way toward runway 21.
“Climb to 7000 feet,” the controller immediately told him. They obeyed, and were soon on a safe course again. The captain and copilot looked at their map and saw a mountain peak of 5200 feet right where they had been headed. They had come within 300 feet of the mountain! Later figuring showed that they were only about seven seconds away from hitting the mountain when they obeyed the warning and pulled up to safety.
Seven seconds away from eternity! What solemn thoughts must have gone through these pilots’ minds as they realized how close they and their passengers had been to certain death! They thought they were doing the right thing, following the right directions to a safe landing. We are glad that, in spite of following wrong directions, these pilots obeyed the warning voice in time, and were spared from a fiery crash.
No airline pilot would step into the cockpit of a plane without knowing where he is going and the direction he should fly. There is no guesswork he follows a flight plan. And there is no guesswork about the only way to heaven. God loves you and me so much that He gave us clear directions so there would be no misunderstanding. We want to make sure that each of you is following the right directions, which are found only in the Word of God. He clearly tells us, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9. You can’t work for salvation. It is a gift. Yet so many people think that they can get to heaven their own way, ignoring God’s directions. They believe that if they stay away from bad habits, do the best they can, and maybe go to Sunday school and learn verses, this will be enough to get them there. But God’s Word, the Bible, warns us that “there is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12.
God’s directions are clear, simple and positive. You need to admit to Him that you are a sinner and believe that the Lord Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He promises that you will be saved and on your way to heaven. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.
Some Special Noses
“Once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.” 1 Kings 10:22.
This Bible verse tells us that King Solomon included monkeys in the shipments he ordered every three years. He must have found them interesting to watch, just as many of us do today. Here is an account of three kinds of monkeys with unusual noses.
Mr. Bignose of Borneo: The nose of the male proboscis monkey is the most noticeable thing about this red and yellow fellow with big brown eyes and a hairy face. But there is something most unusual about this monkey’s nose it gets bigger every year!
Most of the time its big three-inch nose hangs over its mouth like a bag of pink flesh, and it has to shove it out of the way so it can eat. The babies, like mischievous youngsters, tease him by tweaking it, but he doesn’t seem to mind too much.
The Creator had a special purpose in this unusual feature. As the “man of the house” he has the responsibility of guarding his family. When danger comes near he blows his nose up even bigger, making a loud honking noise, which not only warns the family but scares the enemy away.
Another nosy one: In New Guinea there is a much smaller relative, called the white-nosed. Its prominent nose has a triangular white spot on its tip with a separate white fringe around it. This little fellow, with pretty olive-green and yellow fur on its back and sides contrasted with white underparts, is usually playful, but can be cranky at times.
It seems most happy to perform for onlookers and enjoys their applause for its variety of stunts and pranks. But if any of its companions try to get in on the act it angrily chases them away.
Some with a tiny nose: Three varieties of these live in China. All look quite similar except for the color of their fur. These, understandably, are named snub-nosed. Their tiny noses hardly show at all because they are squeezed between bulging eyes and their thick upper lip.
The most common of the tiny-nosed monkeys is named Sichuan and has beautiful golden fur. It lives in the mountains along with the panda bears. The names of the other two are Guizhou and Yumman. These monkeys are very few in number, and many people have learned to love them.
We know the Creator delighted to include these interesting animals in His creation. We also know they are not aware of His watchful eye over them, but we are aware of His watchful eye over us. And His love for us is far greater. When they die that’s the very end for them. But there is a wonderful promise of a home in heaven for every boy and girl, and man and woman, who has accepted the Lord Jesus as his or her Saviour. Will you be in heaven?
The Stolen Pear
O you like to eat pears? I do. There is nothing nicer than a ripe, juicy pear. They taste so good.
A group of boys was walking along a road one day when they found a pear tree with fruit on it. There were seven pears on the tree, and they looked so tempting and so good that the boys stopped to look at them.
As they were standing there the owner of the property came walking across his land, enjoying all the good things he had growing there. When he saw the boys he stopped and talked with them. He asked them if they liked pears, and they answered that they certainly did. So he said to them, “Do you know what I’ll do? I’ll give you six of these ripe pears. There are only seven on the tree, so I’ll keep one for myself.”
Wasn’t that kind and generous of him to give away all his pears but one? You know, God has given us all things richly to enjoy, as He tells us in the Bible in 1 Timothy 6:17. And He has given us six days in the week in which we can have a good time and do our own work, but He has kept only one day for Himself the Lord’s Day (Sunday).
Well, those boys enjoyed eating the six pears that the kind man had given them. But as they went on their way, they thought about that one other pear that the man had kept for himself. They said to each other how nice it would be to have that other pear also. And so they went back and picked the last pear and divided it up.
How ungrateful they were when the man was so kind to them, you’re thinking. But are we any better than those boys? Do we remember how much the Lord Jesus has done for us? And do we try to please Him and do His work on His day? Or do we steal that day from Him?
We should want to please Him every day of the week, of course, but especially on the Lord’s Day, which He has kept for Himself.
Who Am I?
The prophet stood midst glaring host
Of men and priests of Baal
No answer from the brassy skies,
Their shouts to no avail.
The altar laid the trench was digged,
The barrels of water drained
They looked in fear and terror
At the fire of God unchained.
The drought and famine now soon o’er;
God’s power and might made plain
This prophet ran before the king;
He’d heard the sound of rain.
“Children, Obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1
JULY 28, 1991
Fire Ants
TOMMY and Sarah were playing together in the backyard of their new home. Their family had recently moved to a southern state and they were not used to everything found in that warmer climate. Mother had told them: “Don’t go near that little pile of sand over there because there are fire ants in it, and they bite very hard.”
After Mother went back into the house, Tommy and Sarah went over to the anthill. They stood watching the little ants with great interest. “Let’s get a stick and poke it into the pile,” said Tommy. So they each found a stick and began to poke around in the pile of sand. This stirred up those busy little ants.
The Bible tells us that “it is an honor... to cease from strife [stay out of trouble]: but every fool will be meddling.” Proverbs 20:3. “Meddling” means to get into something that is none of your business. The dictionary says it is to “interfere”. Tommy and Sarah were meddling with that anthill when they were plainly told not to. Not only did they disobey their mother, they also were very unwise to meddle with fire ants.
Almost immediately, hundreds of biting, reddish-brown ants swarmed up the sticks and onto Tommy’s and Sarah’s hands and arms, and more crawled up their legs.
Suddenly Mother heard screams from the backyard. She came rushing out of the house to find biting ants all over Tommy and Sarah. She grabbed the two children and quickly dumped them into their little wading pool. As she tried to wash the ants off the children, they crawled onto her arms and bit her too. When she finally got the ants off the children and herself, all three of them were covered with hundreds of tiny, red, stinging bites!
How sorry the children were for not listening to their mother. They had learned a lesson the hard way. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23. They could have saved themselves and their mother a lot of pain and unhappiness if they had only remembered the Bible verse they had learned in Sunday school “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1.
A few days later there was a heavy rainstorm, and the backyard flooded. Mother went out with her boots on to pick up toys Tommy and Sarah had left outside. Looking over where the anthill had been and seeing that it had washed away, she thought, Now we’ll be rid of those terrible little fire ants! But looking around, she discovered colonies of them had clustered together, forming living rafts to keep from drowning. As a result many would live.
After the water went down, those ants had spread all around the yard in places where they had not been before. The family’s fire ant problems were not over. We certainly hope Tommy and Sarah’s painful lesson will keep them far away from the ants. But even some of us who are older will ignore lessons and warnings. And there are usually sad results. Those of us, young or old, who have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Saviour can turn to Him for help when we are tempted to sin. We have the promise, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1.
Tragedy in the Ocean
“As the fishes that are taken in an evil net... so are the sons of men snared in an evil time.” Ecclesiastes 9:12.
Some man-made things are causing real trouble and tragedy for some of the ocean’s residents: many become entangled in nets, fishing lines, plastic bags and plastic holders from six-pack cans of beverages. These often result in painful and sometimes long-delayed deaths.
What is happening? Along comes a whale, porpoise or seal, and, not seeing a fishing net, swims into it and soon finds it wrapped around its body. The more it struggles the more it is bound up and cannot swim to the surface for needed air, with the result that it drowns.
Someone in a boat throws a plastic bag overboard with a few scraps of food in it. It disappears below the surface. If it is a large bag, a seal, interested in the food, might thrust its head into it and not be able to pull back out. Or, if it is a small bag, a seal or porpoise might think it a jellyfish or something else good to eat and swallow it, and it sticks in its throat. In either case the victim is almost sure to die.
At other times one of these ocean swimmers will get its head clear through a plastic holder, but can still swim to the surface, where it will discover it cannot get rid of what has become a tight collar around its neck. Climbing on a rock or lying on the sand it too eventually dies.
When God placed man upon the earth, He made him responsible over the rest of His creatures, including the fish of the sea. Sadly, sinful man is often careless or cruel to God’s creatures. But there is good news. There are kind people who spend a great deal of time freeing such victims. One group is called the Whale Hotline. They travel by boat to a captured whale, dolphin or seal on the ocean surface, gently approaching it and freeing it after hours of hard work. On other occasions it may just be one or two men who feel sorry for a trapped creature and do this job.
At other times a sea lion or porpoise will be found ashore with a band of plastic around its throat so that it cannot eat. Kindhearted individuals, with guns that do not kill but sedate (put to sleep) the animals, gently cut the collar away. Waking up, the animal is free from its trap.
King David prayed, “In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed.... Deliver me speedily.... Pull me out of the net that they [my enemies and Satan] have laid privily for me: for Thou art my strength.” Psalm 31:1-4.
Let us look to God who alone can save us from the evil nets and snares of the devil.
"Cats Don't Use Spoons"
TOM ran into the house, slamming the door behind him, and called, “Hi, Mom, I’m home.” He “screeched on his brakes” when he saw his mother in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the icing of a delicious-looking chocolate cake.
“Boy, I’m hungry! Can I have a piece?” he asked.
“No!” answered his mother firmly. “This is for dessert tonight. The Harringtons are coming for dinner, and this cake must not be touched ’til then. Here’s the icing knife and bowl you can lick if you want.”
Tom soon had the knife and bowl licked clean. It tasted so good! He looked at the cake longingly. His mother put it on the cupboard shelf and closed the door.
She said to Tom, “I have to go to the store for some things. You go out and play, and remember, that cake is not to be touched until dinner time.”
Tom went outside and soon forgot about the cake as he played street hockey with his friends. After a while a couple of the boys were called home, and the game broke up.
With nothing to do, Tom decided to go in the house for a drink. The game had made him thirsty. As he got a glass out of the cupboard, he saw the chocolate cake sitting on the shelf.
Boy, does it look good, thought Tom.
He kept looking at it and his mouth watered, he wanted some so badly. He kept telling himself that Mom had said he shouldn’t touch it. But he really wanted a piece—chocolate was his favorite.
If I just snitch a little icing off the side near the bottom, nobody will know the difference, he thought. My finger’s dirty... if I use a spoon it won’t hurt the cake.
He reached in the drawer for a spoon and took a spoonful of icing with just a little cake. It was so good that he just had to take one more. Then he heard a car door slam. Mom’s home! Now what do I do?
Just then he saw Tammy, the cat, walk into the kitchen. She had often been caught up on the counter in the kitchen and sometimes even on the table helping herself to food. Tom thought quickly. By the time his mother had the key in the front door, he had closed all the doors into the kitchen and was in his own room. Tammy was in the kitchen and could not get out. His mother would find her there.
Sometime later when his mother called him for dinner, Tom came running at once, making his best attempt to whistle. He stole a quick glance at his mother to see if she looked angry. She didn’t, and he wondered if she had noticed the little piece out of the cake. He went to wash his hands without even being told. He was going to try to be as good as he could.
But before long his mother called him to come to the kitchen. “Tom,” she said in a stern voice, “you have disobeyed me! I told you not to touch that cake. I let you lick the bowl, and then you turned around and did what I told you not to do!”
“Me, Mom?” questioned Tom. “I’ve been out playing... it must have been Tammy. That bad cat has been into the food again.”
His mother reached into the sink and picked up the spoon that still had some icing on it. “Tom,” she said sternly, “cats don’t use spoons.”
Tom’s face got red and his eyes dropped. He couldn’t look at his mother. That Bible verse flashed into his mind – “Be sure your sin will find you out.” The spoon proved that he was guilty.
When we do wrong, as Tom did, it is not just our parents or friends whom we hurt. We sin against God. God tells us in the Bible that “the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. But God in His great love for sinners sent His Son to die on the cross and bear the punishment for the sins of every sinner who will come to Him for forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [sin].” 1 John 1:9.
If you will admit to the Lord Jesus that you are a guilty sinner, He will forgive you right now.
“Greater Love Hath No Man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
AUGUST 4, 1991
What Is Most Important?
HOW many of you children didn’t like what you had for supper last night? And maybe you were unhappy and complained because your mother made you eat some of it anyway. Have you ever gone hungry for a whole day? There might be a few of you who have, but most of you children eat three meals a day and maybe some snacks in between. Perhaps most of you thank the Lord Jesus for your food when you sit down to eat, but have you ever thanked Him that you have never had to go without food?
There are many children in this world who will go to sleep tonight hungry. And many of them won’t even have a bed to sleep in. I am going to let you read a letter about two boys who would have been so happy to have had your supper last night and would like to have slept in your nice clean bed. They would have been pleased to have your worn-out shoes, too. This letter comes from southern Mexico.
I want to tell you about two little boys I met last night. I’m not sure that I can tell you about them without crying, but I am going to try. They were brothers; one was 14 years old and his little brother was 5 years old. They were from Guatemala and they weren’t supposed to be here in Mexico, but they came to try to beg for some money. They were very scared. The older one could speak some Spanish, but his little brother didn’t understand any. They spoke an old Indian language. They were both very small for their ages. I was walking down the street about 8 p.m. when I saw them sitting in a dark doorway. I looked at them, expecting them to ask for money. But they just looked back at me. They were pathetic to see, just dressed in rags, no shoes; each one had a little bundle over his shoulder. They didn’t say a word, so I asked them, “What do you want?”
The older one said very softly, “His head hurts him.” I then saw that the little brother had a rag wrapped around his little head. As I took the rag off to look at his head, the little boy sat perfectly still and did not make a sound. His scalp was covered with sores that had pus oozing out of them.
“Where do you live?” I asked.
“Guatemala,” the older one said so quietly I could hardly hear him.
“Where did you sleep last night?” I asked.
They said they had paid a man about 35 cents so that they could sleep on the sidewalk.
“Where is your daddy?” I asked.
“Guatemala,” he said. “He just had an operation,” and he drew a line with his finger down the middle of his stomach to show me where his father had been operated on.
“Where is your mother?”
“Guatemala,” he replied.
“Is she fine?” I asked.
My heart breaks as I recall his answer: “She is blind,” he said very softly. Not one word of complaint. He had brought his little brother with him to Mexico to try to get enough money so that they could get some medicine for his little brother, and he wanted to get some clothes to take back down to his family in Guatemala. He was so tender to his little brother and his little brother was totally submissive to him. They had traveled several days, much of the time walking with their little bundles over their shoulders.
“Do you know about God?” I asked him.
And he replied simply by pointing up into the sky.
“Do you think that He loves you?” I asked him, and he nodded his head. “How do you know that He loves you?” I asked. His answer was the most beautiful that I have ever heard.
“Jesus,” was all he said.
“What is your name?” I asked him.
“And what is your little brother’s name?”
I took them down to the Red Cross where Abraham sat perfectly still while the nurse shaved his head and scrubbed it with disinfectant. Several times he made a face, but never a sound. The nurse got after Juan, telling him that he should take his little brother to an orphanage where he could get better care. Juan spoke briefly to Abraham in the Indian language, and Abraham shook his little head. “He wants to stay with me,” Juan said softly.
I walked with them back to the place where they would spend the night on the sidewalk. Juan pulled out a little rag of a sheet about the size of a shirt and spread it out on the sidewalk. He put his little bundle of rags at one end, and without a word Abraham laid down on it with his head on the rags. I waited until Juan had laid down beside his little brother, and then I walked away, doing the only thing that I could-asking God to please take care of them for Jesus’ sake.
I wish that you, too, would please pray for them. I hope that we can see them some day in heaven.
To have a lot of clothes and money isn’t really very important, is it? The only thing that is really important is to have the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.
Do you have what is really important? It takes money to buy food, clothes and other things. But some day all that will be left behind: “We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.” 1 Timothy 6:7. But what is most important in all the world will not be left behind—it is Jesus! He is in heaven right now, and He loves you so much that He died for you. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13. Will you let Him be your Saviour?
Garden Eels and Flying Fish
“They that go down to the sea in ships... see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.” Psalm 107:23,24.
Garden Eels
If you were to look underwater near some Red Sea beaches you might come across what looks like a group of three-foot-long pieces of black garden hose standing upright, gently swaying as the water flows around them. But as you would move closer they would, one by one, sink out of sight into the ocean bottom. Then, if you remained perfectly still, they would come back up and you would later learn that these marine creatures are called Gorgasia, or garden eels.
They are nourished by specks of sea life that float into them. Occasionally they bend over and fight one another, perhaps over bits of food. But they usually stay upright all day long, sinking into their anchor holes at night.
Flying Fish
Unlike garden eels that spend most of their time motionless, flying fish spend most of their lives in motion. Many of them make their homes in warm waters near the equator, but some can be found in warm waters as far north as Florida and California, as well as other parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The smallest species are only about 2 inches long and the largest about 18 inches long.
These fish don’t really fly; they throw themselves out of the water by a strong push with their tails, leaping through the air several hundred yards. They spread out their fins which act like the wings of a soaring bird. This is not done for fun. Like other small fish, they are often the targets of larger fish. They escape by taking to the air.
Sometimes they look like skipping stones as they skim over the waves, their tails flipping them back up each time they drop down to the surface of the water. They are seldom very high in the air, but occasionally drop onto the decks of small boats. Then they are likely to wind up in a frying pan, for they make a very tasty meal.
Does the Lord God, the Creator, pay attention to such things as garden eels and flying fish? He certainly does, as a Bible verse tells us that “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:13.
This verse and many more like it, cover all living things. But it is most important to notice that this includes people for whom He has a special loving care. He invites us to come to Him in faith and trust His wonderful love.
Do you know Him as your Saviour?
“Ye Shall Know the Truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
AUGUST 11, 1991
The Memory Verse
The children in Sunday school seemed to be really enjoying singing praises to the Lord Jesus. They sang, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” “Jesus Loves Me” and other happy songs. Then it was time to say their memory verse: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10.
Some of the children stumbled over that big word, “propitiation.” But when it was fiveyearold Jonathan’s turn, he said it slowly and clearly “propisheashun.” Then came the question: What could that long word “propitiation” mean?
One of the children said, “Favor.” Another said, “Saviour.” But Jonathan must have talked it over with his mommy and daddy before Sunday school, because he had such a good answer. “It’s the gift God gives to us that makes Him happy with us.”
Mr. Webster says in his dictionary that it is something that wins or regains goodwill. After man sinned, God could not show His goodwill to man because sin was a terrible violation against God’s holy and righteous nature. There was nothing you or I could do to remove the violation. But God so loved everyone that He sent His own Son to “propitiate” Him to satisfy His holy anger about sin. God’s Son, the Lord Jesus, did this when God’s great anger against sin was poured out on Him as He suffered on the cross. Now God is satisfied, and He is showing His goodwill by offering salvation to everyone.
Do you like it when your brother or sister has done something wrong and your mother gets angry with you about it? No; I think you’d be quick to say, “I didn’t do it!” But I know the Lord Jesus has been punished for every wrong thing I have ever done or will do so I can go free! That makes me happy and sad at the same time. I’m happy because I know my sins are forgiven and I will never be punished for those sins. But I’m sad because the Lord Jesus had to be punished in my place.
Now I’m washed clean in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, so God is happy with me. And if I trust God with my life instead of trying to look after it myself, He will help me to do the things that please Him.
It’s wonderful to know that the Lord Jesus is the propitiation for my sins. He is the gift that God gave to me so He can be happy with me. God is offering you this same great gift too. Won’t you come to Him and accept Him as the propitiation for your sins? Then God will be happy with you, and you will be happy with God now and forever.
Sam the Lizard
Would you like to be friendly with a lizard? Yuck! At least that’s what many of us would say! Lizards aren’t usually considered to be beautiful or nice to pet, and most of us are happy to stay away from them. But not Joey and John. These two brothers like all of God’s creatures and have had common pets like birds, fish and a rabbit, but also some unusual ones like a llama... and a lizard!
Joey and John first found the lizard when they came to visit us in Texas a year ago. They carefully caught it, put it in a plastic container with holes in the top to let the air in, gave it grass and food, and named it Sam.
“Let it go,” we said. “It will just die.”
“No way!” the boys said. “We’re taking Sam home to Michigan!”
When they left for Michigan, we promptly forgot about Sam the lizard, but Joey and John didn’t. Sam was well cared for by his new friends. They gave him food and water and a nice new home-a cage with plastic sides. They didn’t always just leave Sam home alone. Once one of the boys even took the lizard to Sunday school! (Sam behaved himself and stayed right on Joey’s shoulder the whole time.)
A whole year later, Joey and John and their family came again to visit us in Texas. When they got to our house, the boys came in all smiles with news of their trip... and with Sam! We had been sure the lizard would die, so we could hardly believe our eyes! After all, who would take care of an ugly lizard for a whole year? Joey and John, that’s who!
The boys have learned to be kind to God’s creatures, as I hope you are. And they have also learned that God cared for us when we were “ugly” in our sins. Bad words, lies, pride and other sins made us “unlovely” in God’s eyes, but the Bible tells us that “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. Jesus shed His precious blood to clean away those ugly sins and give us eternal life, if we will come to Him, admitting we are sinners.
When Sam the lizard came back to Texas this year, the two brothers needed someone to look after their pet for about four days since their family was staying in a hotel while they looked for a house to rent. They guessed that lizards might not be welcome in the hotel.
Poor Sam. Suddenly he was left with us, a family who is just a bit squeamish about looking for the type of food a lizard eats-insects, worms, etc. I’m sorry to tell you that in those busy four days that we kept Sam, we completely forgot about him and never fed him once! He was, however, none the worse and when Joey and John once again carried him home, to our relief, they didn’t even scold us for our neglect.
Sam would never be really happy though, not even with the good care the boys gave him. Sam was a wild lizard and what he enjoyed most was freedom. As much as the boys enjoyed Sam, they knew that he would really like to be free to run in the trees and in the grass and to find his own food. So after a few weeks in Texas, the boys took Sam back to the place they had first found him and opened the cage. Sam was free!
Have you ever thought about how much you like to be free? Just try telling any boy that he must stay in a certain chair and not get up, and you’ll soon see how much that boy likes to be free. But if you have never come to the Lord Jesus for salvation, then you are not truly free. You are chained with your sins and are not free to enjoy all the good things that God wants to give you. You cannot free yourself from your sins and you cannot stop sinning. The Bible says, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36.
Come to the Lord Jesus today for salvation, and He will set you free from the chains of your sin.
Joey and John still sometimes look for Sam to see if they can get a glimpse of their old pet lizard, but they haven’t tried to catch him again. Sam’s enjoying being free.
Are you?
The Deadly Cobra
“Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil [men].... They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders’ poison is under their lips.” Psalm 140:1,3.
A wide variety of cobras live in lands such as China, India, Burma and the Philippine Islands. The one we will look at is the king cobra, which grows to nearly 20 feet long. It is scary watching one raise its flat head two or three feet above its coiled body with a hood behind its neck flared out, poisonous fangs exposed, greenish tongue flicking in and out, and beady eyes staring at you. But actually, they are more likely to hurry away rather than harm humans, and are more interested in making a meal of a smaller snake or animal.
Some varieties of the king cobras have brownisholive backs; others are gray or black with light bands over the back, and underparts may range from white to yellow or black. Scales on the back of the bigger variety are mostly deep black with some brownish areas and the underpart a tannishyellow.
Their red eyes with coalblack pupils are always open (they have no eyelids) but only see an object when it moves.
“Snakecharmers” train small cobras to stay coiled in an open basket until the “charmer” plays a flute while swaying his body back and forth. Soon the snake rises up and also sways, to the delight of spectators who give the “charmer” a few coins for the show. Most of these people are unaware that the snake is deaf and can’t hear the music, but is actually sensing danger and holding itself on guard. It would do the same thing without the music.
Many people in those Asian and Oriental lands worship cobras. Tragically, they are taught by native priests that these serpents are gods, controlling not only every person’s life and health, but also their crops and sunshine, rain and storms. Expensive temples are built to worship these snakes, including idols often shaped like a coiled cobra, or groups of them with bodies lifted at various heights from the floor and having human heads crowned with gold or jewels. People come with flowers, food and expensive gifts, bowing down to these and worshipping them.
We are thankful for Christian people who try to turn these poor deceived people to the Lord Jesus as the only true loving Saviour and away from the power of Satan. In Revelation 12:9 Satan is referred to as “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.”
Do not let that evil one deceive you. The Lord Jesus wants you to put your trust in Him. His Word, the Bible, invites each person to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.
“The Father Sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14
Sweet Potatoes
ALMOST everyone likes sweet potatoes. However, they have to be grown in a warm climate. In some parts of Africa they grow very well and are a main food, because white potatoes don’t grow well.
A missionary lady in Africa had an African boy plant and take care of a patch of sweet potatoes for her. It was a pretty sight to look at the many little potato hills all covered with long, green potato vines.
The missionary was looking forward to a meal of these potatoes baked with wild honey, so she walked over to see if the ground on the little hills was cracked open. That is the way to find out if they are ready to eat.
Choosing one of the largest hills, she pushed aside the vines. Instead of finding cracked ground, she was terrified to find a puff adder curled around the potato plant! Puff adders are very dangerous, poisonous snakes. Everybody in Africa is afraid of them.
This dangerous snake reminds us of Satan. In the Bible we read, “That old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan.” Revelation 20:2.
We know that the Lord Jesus Christ was tempted in the wilderness by the devil. Then the devil again tempted Him three times. Each of the three times He answered by saying, “It is written,” and then quoted a verse of Scripture. After the third time of quoting Scripture, the devil left Him.
When we are tempted to do wrong, may we follow the Lord’s example by quoting a verse of Scripture.
What a loving Saviour we have! It was He who protected the missionary from being bitten by the puff adder. She screamed at the top of her voice, “Muroro!” (serpent) when she saw the puff adder. The garden boy heard the cry and came running with a big long stick and killed the snake. It never frightened or harmed anybody again.
The Lord Jesus is ready at all times to protect and care for all those who put their trust in Him. “Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:4.
Help From Above
“Let’s take a little walk and stretch our legs before we get back in the car and go on!”
Jim and Sara Whittle and their little girl Alisha had stopped in the town of Truro for a late supper. They were on their way home to the United States after visiting the Cape Breton area in Canada. Jim lifted Alisha onto his shoulders to give her a ride as they left the restaurant. They headed down the street to cross the bridge into the neighboring village of Bible Hill.
Alisha felt nice and warm all bundled up in her winter clothing as she sat on her daddy’s shoulders. The February sky was clear, but the night air was moist. This made the frozen sidewalk a bit slippery.
Jeff Goodwin, a truck driver, was driving toward the bridge when his headlights picked up a terrifying scene just as it was happening. He saw a man, woman and a small child, perched on the man’s shoulders, walking across the bridge. Suddenly the man slipped, and the child tumbled over the railing.
Within seconds Jeff stopped his truck and ran to the horrified parents. Over the railing and below them hung Alisha, snagged by her snowsuit hood on a beam jutting out from the bridge. Beneath her they could see the dark waters of the Salmon River swirling through a five-foot crack in the ice.
“Save my baby! Save my baby!” Mrs. Whittle screamed frantically.
Boys and girls, do you realize that if you are not saved from your sins you are hanging helplessly in a very dangerous position? If you continue on in your sins, they will eventually take you to a lost eternity. The Bible says that “the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15. The “book of life” is God’s list of everyone who has been saved from their sins. If your name is not included in that list, you need help from above! God does not want you to hang helplessly in your sins. He loves you and has provided a way for you to be saved through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14. “For God so loved the world [you and me], that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever [you and me] believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Jeff rushed to his truck and returned with a rope. Using skills he had learned while working as a tree trimmer, he tied the rope to the railing with a couple of quick hand knots. Then attaching the other end of the rope around his waist, he climbed over the railing.
As he lowered himself down the rope he could hear Alisha crying hysterically. Jeff struggled to reach her, then quickly slipped off his belt and tied it around her so he could hold her better. Holding her closely and using every ounce of his strength, he began the climb back up the rope.
Just as he reached the top and lifted Alisha up to her anxious parents, Jeff felt a terrible pain in his side. He managed to reach safety, but the extra strain had caused damage to his body. Later Jeff had to have an operation to repair the damage to his side.
How thankful the Whittles were that Jeff had saved their daughter’s life. She had come through the terrifying experience without a scratch! And you may be saved from your sins without its costing you anything. The Lord Jesus has already paid the price. When He died on the cross, the Bible tells us a soldier “with a spear pierced His side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.” John 19:34. Another verse tells us, “Without shedding of blood is no remission [canceling of sins].” Hebrews 9:22.
King David wrote, “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined [listened] unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” Psalm 40:13.
Won’t you trust the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, to cleanse you from all your sins?
Beware of the Piranha!
“Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He... in the earth, in the seas, and all deep places.” Psalm 135:6.
There’s a fish in some of the freshwater lakes and streams of South America that has perhaps frightened more people than the fiercest sharksthe piranha. And that’s easy to understand, because so many true stories have been told about large animals and people being attacked and eaten by a large school of these bloodthirsty fish. Although only 4 to 18 inches long, some scientists consider them more dangerous than sharks. They have razorsharp teeth, and sometimes a thousand or more attack as a group, stripping the flesh from the victim in minutes.
Some related species eat plants, nuts, fruits, lizards, frogs, snakes, etc. Sometimes they will sneak up on other fish, nipping off a fin or scale without otherwise attacking it. The fin soon grows back, and no serious damage has been done.
There are about 30 species of piranhas, but one thing they all have is razorsharp teeth. These teeth are quickly replaced when the old ones become dull or damaged. They can open and close their toothy jaws faster than the blink of an eye.
One species, the redbellied piranha, is only about seven inches long, but well equipped for its size with razorsharp teeth in a thick skull. It is actually brownishpurple on its back, but has a brightred stomach.
While all are fierce looking, some are really noted for their beauty, and the redbellied is among these. Another is covered with olivecolored scales flecked with gold; others are deep purple, etc.
Little ones hatch from eggs laid in nests prepared by both the male and female. However, the male quickly takes over, not letting his mate or any other creature even approach until the eggs have hatched.
Some people eat piranhas. Natives catch them for part of their daily food supply, in addition to selling quantities in fish markets. They apparently make a tasty meal.
These unusual fish are just another example of the millions of creatures living in water which the Creator took a delight in placing there. When we consider His power, wisdom and love to boys and girls all over the earth, we all should respond to the Bible verse telling us: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Ecclesiastes 12:1. But no one is ever too old to remember our Creator. And no one is ever too young or too old to accept Him as Lord and Saviour.
“I Am Come That They Might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
Ann's Disaster
un loved dogs, so she didn’t wait for even a minute to say “yes” when Lisa asked her if she would take care of Buster for the weekend. Ann knew that Buster had lots of energy and would need a walk several times a day, but she was happy to have the dog and to be a help to her friend.
Things went just fine the first day. She and Buster took some nice walks, and Ann had lots of fun playing with him. But the second day things didn’t go quite so well.
Ann and Buster started out on a walk with Buster on his leash. Suddenly, Buster became so excited that he ran in circles around and around Ann. There she stood with the dog’s leash wrapped tightly around her legs, and she couldn’t move! All of a sudden Buster tried to run straight ahead, and Ann fell over onto the ground with a thud!
Just as Ann was held tightly with Buster’s leash, a verse in Proverbs 5:22 tells us we are held tightly with a cord: “He shall be holden [held] with the cords of his sins.” If you are still held with the cords of your sins, you are headed for a disaster.
There was no one around to help poor Ann, and when she fell to the ground she broke her leg. But the good news for each sinner is that the Lord Jesus Christ is able to help you and set you free from those cords of sin that hold you so tightly. The bad news is that if you won’t accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you are headed for a much worse disaster than Ann’s. You are headed for punishment for your sins in the lake of fire, to be there forever.
There is only one way to be set free from your cords of sin: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
The Prickly Hedgehog
“I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm.” Jeremiah 27:5.
Unless you have traveled in northern Europe, Asia, southern and eastern Africa or New Zealand it is not likely that you have ever seen a wild hedgehog.
Some people in England make friends with hedgehogs and tame them by setting out food for them at night, which is when they do their hunting. They usually eat any kind of insect, slug or caterpillar they may come across, as well as leaves, nuts, seeds and eggs.
Although when fully grown they are only about as long as a man’s shoe, the Creator has provided these odd little animals with an excellent means of protection from harm. Except for smooth heads, the backs of hedgehogs are covered with a complete armor of sharp, bristly spines, like a porcupine, down to their stubby tails. These spines normally lie flat while the hedgehogs are resting or searching for food. But when a dog or other animal threatens them, they roll into round balls, tucking in their heads and drawing their legs up tight, which leaves the sharp spines pointing in every direction. A dog or other creature that is stupid enough to grab this black prickly ball in its mouth immediately yelps in pain and is left with some of those spines stuck in its mouth, nose or tongue a rather painful lesson to learn!
Hedgehogs have this name because they make their homes under bushy hedges, hiding there in the daytime and coming out only at night. Males and females stay with each other throughout their lives. In nests of woven moss and grass they raise three or four little ones each year. Their spines at first are soft and few in number, making them look like young birds. Hedgehogs hibernate in winter, but may come out briefly to search for food, then promptly return to the nest.
These funny little creatures remind us again of the pleasure our Lord, the Creator, had in bringing so many varieties of life into the world. But we read in the Bible that His greatest delights are with men and women, boys and girls. For all who will accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, He has prepared a place in heaven where all will be peace and love, a wonderful change from this world of sin, sorrow and trials.
Have you heard that wonderful message, “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15), and confessed to Him your need of a Saviour and accepted His wonderful promise of eternal life?
A Hungry Grizzly
The headline in the newspaper article said, “CONDEMNED GRIZZLY GIVEN A NEW LIFE.” Most of us are aware that a grizzly bear can be a terribly dangerous animal to be near. It can turn vicious if it is hungry, especially if it is a mother with her cubs. The best thing to do with a grizzly bear is to stay far away from it.
The grizzly in this story lived in the state of Montana. In her search for food, she roamed along the edge of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area.
People taking vacations sometimes camp in that wilderness area, and campers always carry food. It doesn’t take long for bears to smell it and find it. Smart campers keep their food in their cars or hang it up high between two trees out of the reach of bears. But not all campers follow these safety rules. Some of them leave food on the ground in canvas packs or in coolers. This is like sending the bears an invitation to dinner. After bears have found food in a camping area once, they will return night after night to search for more. All campers, even sleeping ones, are in danger when there is a grizzly bear around. A grizzly has a mean nature and will turn nasty, attacking people and sometimes killing them.
This three-year-old Montana grizzly learned where the camping areas were, and she began raiding them each night. She soon became well known to the rangers who patrolled the area. They tried tranquilizing her and moving her far away while she was asleep, but she was smart and would always find her way back. The rangers fastened a collar radio around her neck to keep track of her.
She also was well known to ranchers living near the wilderness area for two reasons. She raided the beehives that some ranchers kept (honey is a bear’s favorite food), and she dug up cattle bones in fields where ranchers had buried them.
She soon got to be so troublesome that the rangers were ordered to capture her and get rid of her before she attacked a person. She was condemned.
All grizzly bears are born with a mean nature that wants to kill. Bears cannot change their nature. All people are born with a sinful nature that wants to sin. We cannot change our sinful nature either. Because of our sins we are condemned to die. “By one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans 5:12. But there is hope for us.
Zoo keepers in Detroit, Michigan heard about the grizzly bear’s death sentence. Because she was a young, healthy animal, they offered to give her a permanent home in their zoo. They decided that she was worth keeping alive. Even though they couldn’t change the mean nature she was born with, she could have a happy life in the zoo where she would be fully cared for, and she would not be a danger to people.
We are glad the zoo keepers offered to care for the grizzly and give her a new life. But they would always have to be very careful around her because of her nature that loves to kill.
The Lord Jesus knows all about our sinful nature. Although He hates our sins, He loves us so much He is offering the gift of everlasting life to all sinners-including you and me. He has a happy home ready in heaven for anyone who will accept His offer of forgiveness for their sins. Those who accept it are given a new nature that loves to please Him. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away... all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Using several dogs to track her, the rangers hoped to capture the grizzly alive. Her collar radio beeped a signal that told them she had moved outside the wilderness area in her search for food and was near one of the ranches. She finally was cornered by two of their dogs that chased her under the porch of a ranch house. She was captured alive.
The newspaper article says that after she was shipped to the Detroit Zoo, they gave her a special meal of herring and honey, to help her like her new life. She now is no longer a condemned grizzly.
If you have accepted the love of the Lord Jesus and His offer to forgive your sins, you can put your name in that headline and change it to read, “CONDEMNED-GIVEN A NEW LIFE AND A NEW NATURE.”
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1.
“Jesus Saith Unto Him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6
The Lost Girl
A woman in China who was a Christian once went to visit a couple who had no children of their own. She found them happy because they had recently bought a four-year-old girl to raise as their own. They told the woman that there was one thing about the girl that puzzled them. Before she would eat food, she always folded her hands, closed her eyes and said something.
The visitor knew at once that the little girl must have had a Christian upbringing. She then remembered that she had seen an advertisement about a lost girl in a Christian paper. The parents lived in a distant town.
She was finally able to find out where the little girl came from and that she was the missing child. She had been stolen and sold.
When the foster parents heard the facts, they returned the girl to her parents. What a happy time for both the little girl and her parents when they were together again.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.
"Passenger Assistance"
At 9:30 a.m. we picked up our heavy suitcases at the baggage pickup in the airport. Now we had to find the shuttle bus that would take us to the remote parking area where we had left our car.
We had been on the airplane all night, and so we were tired. But we had enjoyed seeing the sun rise while we were flying above the clouds-another reminder of our Lord’s wonderful power in creation.
We walked down a long, wide hallway that looked as though it would take us to an exit, but instead it took us into a new wing of the airport that was under construction. Building materials lay everywhere, and a few signs were already in place. One said, “TAKE ELEVATOR TO REMOTE PARKING.” We dragged our suitcases into the elevator and went up one floor. We got off near a long, flat ramp with windows all along both sides. When we looked down there were four separate roads running side by side. Which was the one the shuttle bus ran on? we wondered.
A workman with a mouthful of nails answered our question with, “Nope, I can’t tell ya how to get to remote parking. Sorry.”
We walked along the ramp and it soon became clear to us that we were high above the road. “We’ve got to go back down,” said my husband. We got on another elevator and came out not too far from where we’d been before. This time we ignored the sign to get on the elevator and went out on the street.
A van stopped to pick up some passengers for one of the hotels. “No shuttle buses on this road,” the driver told us.
Back inside the building, we saw another workman. “Sorry, I don’t know the way,” he said.
“Well, you’d better stop standing under that sign then,” I told him. He stepped out of the booth he was building and looked up at the sign over it that read, “PASSENGER ASSISTANCE,” and grinned.
We were finding that no one who worked at the airport was able to give us directions to the shuttle bus. And yet that was the only way we could get to the remote parking lot. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and were wearing a sign that says, “I AM A CHRISTIAN,” could you give people good directions on how to get to heaven? Would you be able to explain clearly God’s plan of salvation? The Bible, God’s holy Word, tells us there is only one way to heaven. And Jesus Himself explained it-He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.
Now we were back under the sign “TAKE ELEVATOR TO REMOTE PARKING,” and we knew that sign wasn’t right. So this time we went all the way down a long ramp and, to our great disappointment, we ended up back at the boarding gates where we had gotten off the plane. We set down our luggage, shook our tired arms, and stood looking bewildered and not knowing what to do.
Just then a policeman came over and said, “Hi! You folks look as though you’re lost.”
“We sure are!” When we told him where we wanted to go, he pointed back down the long ramp and said, “Go out the back door and find Zone 4.”
So back down the ramp we went! Our luggage felt like lead. We went down the elevator and out the back door. We looked up the road and we looked down the road, but we couldn’t find any “Zone 4.” At this point we were doubting the directions the policeman had given us.
We went around the corner and there on a concrete island in the middle of the street was a large, welcome sign: “ZONE 4-SHUTTLE TO REMOTE PARKING.” We heaved a sigh of relief, plunked down our suitcases, and waited for the bus. Soon we were on our way to our own car and then on the road to home.
Although it is sometimes difficult to know who to get exact directions from when we are trying to find our way to a certain place, when it comes to finding the exact way to heaven there is always one trustworthy source, the Word of God. Since heaven is God’s home, why not read His book, the Bible, that gives exact directions? We had gone around in circles trying to find the shuttle bus and lost lots of time. And if you were to ask someone who isn’t sure of the way to heaven, you could just go around in circles and perhaps be left out.
There are many verses in God’s Word that tell us the way to heaven and everlasting life. Here is a good one: “Verily, verily [truly, truly], I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him [God] that sent Me [the Lord Jesus Christ], hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation [punishment for our sins]; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
A Sportsman's Fish
“And Jesus... saw... Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:18,19.
Sports fishermen, standing on the banks of a cool stream with a strong current or fishing from drift boats, hope to catch a few steelhead trout to take home for eating. But many of the fishermen get a thrill out of just catching these fighters (related to salmon) and immediately release them back into the water.
Steelhead trout, weighing from 3 to 20 pounds, are found mainly in oceanside streams from California to Alaska, but some also live in North Atlantic waters. They are actually rainbow trout, but are called steelheads because they change to a steely blue color during their migrations from fresh water to salt water.
Travel to the ocean is usually in the spring and their return, after three years in salt water, is in the fall. In these migrations some will travel 200 miles or more in the river, but no one knows how far they travel in the ocean. As they work their way upstream, mates are selected and together they return to the same spawning area where they hatched. No one can understand how they pick the right stream after being gone so long, but it is a God-given instinct that works without fail.
However, as many rivers and streams now have dams that steelheads cannot get past, hatcheries are used in many places to hatch great quantities of eggs taken from migrating females. The fingerlings (baby fish) are placed in suitable mountain streams in the spring soon after hatching.
Mature steelheads have smaller scales and shorter heads than salmon. They are beautiful fish, dark blue-gray along the back from the top of the mouth to and including the large upright tail. There is a soft pink band just below the blue-gray and appearing again on the lower fin. Between the lower fin and the pink band is another olive-colored band. The entire underside is plain white. This coloring pattern is almost identical to some salmon.
Others are silvery with tints of gray and pink. Some adults also have tan backs spotted with small brown circles atop the pink middle stripe. They will all give a fisherman a long, tough fight when hooked.
What do you think the Lord Jesus meant when he told those two fishermen, in the Bible verse above, that He would make them fishers of men? He was promising to use them to bring the gospel to many people to save them for heaven, by telling them of God’s love in sending Him to be the Saviour of sinners. And Peter and Andrew did that faithfully.
Have you ever been “a fisher of men”? Have you ever told others about our blessed Saviour and His love for them?
September 8, 1991
“He That Covereth His Sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13
Can You Write Your Name?
Danny is in kindergarten and he has just learned to write his name. Can you read it here? (You will have to hold it up to a mirror to see it correctly.) Danny writes his name on books, paper, or anything he can find. He even writes on the wall, which, of course, he should not do. Little children love to write their names just after they have learned how. When my younger sister learned to write her name, she wrote, “Anita, Anita, Anita,” everywhere!
We like to be able to write our name, but it is far better to have our name written in heaven! If you have trusted Jesus as your Saviour, then you can “Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20.
Is your name written in heaven?
Amy and the Watch
Amy, I’m going to take some of these blueberry muffins next door and give them to Mrs. Peters while they’re still hot. I’ll only be gone a few minutes.”
Amy was playing with her doll and would rather go on playing than stop to go see Mrs. Peters. She was the old lady who lived next door and was nearly blind.
After her mother left, Amy put her doll in the stroller and pushed her all around the house. She pretended she was on a shopping trip. She decided to stop at the grocery store (which happened to be her parents’ bedroom). Looking around at all the “groceries,” Amy saw her mother’s wristwatch on the dresser. She must have forgotten to put it on because she wears it every day, Amy thought.
Amy had been told she was not to touch anything on her mother’s dresser. She had accidently broken a little cut-glass bottle one time when she had picked it up to look at it. But all Amy was thinking about now was how much she wanted a gold wristwatch just like her mother’s. She decided just to try it on to see how it would look on her wrist.
She nearly dropped it several times while trying to get it on. “Oh, it looks so pretty,” she said out loud. “I wish it was my very own... I wonder how it winds up?” She found the little gold wheel on the side of the watch and began to turn it as she had seen her mother do. She turned and turned the little gold wheel, until it seemed to be stuck. No matter how hard she tried, it wouldn’t turn any more.
Just then she heard her mother unlocking the back door. Amy very quickly took the watch off and carefully set it back on her mother’s dresser where she had found it. Then she pushed her doll stroller out into the hall so her mother wouldn’t even know she had been in her bedroom.
Amy knew what she had done was wrong, but she thought her mother would never find out, especially if she didn’t even know Amy had been in her bedroom. But Amy must have forgotten that the Lord Jesus loved her so much that He couldn’t let her get away with that sin. That would only make her think she could get away with it again. One sin often leads to another, then another, and still another, as we shall see.
“Amy, I’m home,” called her mother.
Amy pushed her stroller into the kitchen where her mother was.
Looking at the clock, her mother said, “Oh my, I hope you weren’t worried because I was gone a little longer than I expected. I forgot to put my watch on this morning and didn’t realize how long I had been talking to Mrs. Peters.”
Amy’s mother went right to her bedroom to get her wristwatch. As she put it on she noticed it had stopped running. That was unusual, so she decided to wind it so it would start again. Then she discovered her watch had already been wound. In fact, it had been wound so tightly that it had stopped working.
Amy’s mother knew she hadn’t wound the watch too tightly, so there was only one other person at home who could have.
“Amy, did you take my watch off the dresser?”
Amy didn’t want to look at her mother, so she turned her back, pushing the stroller away, and then quickly said, “No.”
“When I just now put it on I discovered it had stopped,” her mother said. “And when I tried to wind it I found it’s wound too tightly. Amy, are you sure you didn’t touch it while I was taking the muffins to Mrs. Peters?”
Amy kept fixing her doll in the stroller, never looking at her mother, and answered, “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Amy,” her mother continued, “I’m very sorry, but I don’t think you’re telling me the truth. Maybe you had better go to your room to think it over.”
A little later her mother went into Amy’s room and found a very unhappy little girl. When she asked Amy if she had thought over what she had told her, Amy burst into tears. Then the whole story of the watch came out.
Her mother reminded her of the verse in the Bible that says, “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23. Then she explained that it is always best to tell the truth right away. “If you tell one lie, often you tell another one to cover up the first one, and then the problem grows bigger and bigger, and you become very unhappy. Lying is sin. Telling the truth not only keeps you happy, but it is doing the right thing and it pleases the Lord Jesus.”
Amy had to be punished for what she had done. By supper time she was again a happy little girl and could join the family at the dinner table. Have you ever told the Lord Jesus the truth about yourself, that you are a sinner and need His forgiveness? He loves you very much, and He is waiting for you to come to Him.
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.
Bats Are Helpful: Part 1
“[God] in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10.
In the United States and Canada bats are active only at night. This makes people who are not aware of their helpful ways afraid of them. Many people think bats are creepy or dangerous.
Some also think they are part of the bird family because they fly. Actually, they are animals. They don’t lay eggs as birds do, but give birth to little ones just as a mouse or a chipmunk does. The mother nurses them, just as most animals do, for a few weeks before they learn to fly and take care of themselves.
How unfortunate that they are so often thought of as evil creatures, for they are one of the most important ways the Creator uses to control mosquitoes and other harmful insects. Some bats eat 600 mosquitoes in an hour, and when you multiply this by the 20 million bats living in just one cave, such as they do in Texas, it figures to a total of about two-and-a-half tons of those pesky insects eaten in just one night. Let’s not discourage bats!
Some varieties prefer fruit and nectar to insects. The Creator has arranged that these bats do an excellent job of pollinating plants, fruit trees and berry bushes as they search for sweet nectar. In fact, there are some flowers and plants that would soon be extinct if they were not pollinated by bats.
Some bats hibernate in the fall and winter after fattening up in advance. But if they should be disturbed and excited, this reserve of fat is not enough to keep them alive very long. Well-meaning but uninformed explorers who bring lights and noise into caves where the bats are resting, awaken and excite them, and many die soon afterward. Thoughtful “cavers” who know this avoid caves where bats are hibernating.
In still other instances, people who do not like bats go into caves and kill great numbers with fire or dynamite, not realizing that these little animals are actually among the most helpful little creatures on the earth.
In certain parts of the British Isles there are wise people doing just the opposite. Old buildings, deserted castles and other places are being fixed up so bats can make their homes in them. When we think how much good these little bits of God’s creation do, we wish people in other places would do the same. We hope that the Creator will not let them be completely destroyed.
In the following two issues we will look individually at some of these likable nighttime creatures.
Did you notice that the beginning Bible verse includes all mankind when it speaks of God’s care over living things? Have you thanked Him for His care and love?
(to be continued)
“How Shall We Escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3
"Catch a Bird"
Arn’t the birds pretty?” said three-year-old Margaret to her mother one beautiful day as they sat together in the garden. “See the robins? See that blue bird over there in the tree? I wish I could catch a bird. Will you help me catch a bird, Mommy?”
“Well, my father always used to say that if you put salt on the bird’s tail you could catch it.”
“Did you ever catch one?”
“No, I never tried,” said her mother.
“You never tried?” said little Margaret surprised. “If I could catch a bird, I’d try!” And with that she ran into the house to get the salt shaker off the kitchen table.
For a long time Margaret chased the birds, trying to put salt on their tails. Finally she got discouraged and ran over to her mother in tears. “They won’t stay still long enough for me to put salt on their tails,” she cried.
Mother scooped Margaret up into her arms and said, “That’s like trying to get to heaven by doing good works, isn’t it? We just aren’t able to do good, so we can’t get to heaven that way. We have to trust the Lord Jesus. He’s the only One who was always good because He was God’s Son, and He never did one sin. He died for us to wash away all the naughty things that we’ve done so we can go to heaven and live with Him there forever. Wasn’t that very, very kind of Him?”
Have you told the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner, and have you let Him wash your sins away? Have you ever thanked Him for dying for you? “Not by works of righteousness [good things] which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5.
"I Smell Smoke!"
Today we are going to do a science experiment,” said Miss Lozano to her third-grade students. “We have been studying chemical change, and now I will show you what we mean.”
Miss Lozano took a small paper towel, a match and a tin pie plate. She had shown third-grade students this experiment for several years now, and the boys and girls always enjoyed watching a chemical change right in front of their eyes.
Miss Lozano put the paper towel in the pie plate. Then she struck the match and burned part of the paper towel. Then she showed the children how the fibers in the paper had turned to carbon. It was a perfect experiment for the science class.
There were, however, air conditioning vents in the school, and the smoke from the burned paper towel traveled through the vents to the office of the school. The principal began to notice the smell of the smoke. That smells like smoke! he thought. There were 875 students in the school, including 99 pre-kindergarten students. These little children were only four years old, and it was their first year to be at school. The school had not yet had a practice fire drill, and the pre-kindergarten children had not yet been taught what to do during a fire drill.
Now, the principal had a decision to make. Should he take the time to go around the school to look for a fire when the Fire Department had said that in most fires even one breath of smoke can kill a person if there are poisonous gases from a carpet burning? He could have rung the fire alarm for the children to go outside, but the pre-kindergarten children wouldn’t know what to do and they might panic.
The principal made a wise decision. He calmly announced over the loud speaker that all teachers should take their classes outside right away. Then he called the fire department.
In no time at all the students filed outside, and almost as quickly they heard the big fire trucks pull up to the school with their sirens wailing. They brought a big pump truck with over 500 gallons of water to use right away until they could hook up with the fire hydrant which was right outside the school. Six firemen searched the school wearing hats, boots, flame-proof coats and air tanks for breathing. What they found was only a few ashes in a tin pie plate in Miss Lozano’s class!
Once the students were allowed back in the classroom, the firemen in their flame-proof coats and boots came into Miss Lozano’s class. She was a little embarrassed but explained, “I’ve done this little experiment every year with my class and nothing has ever happened before!” The children thought they noticed just a slight smile on the teacher’s face and a few giggled. The teacher laughed too, and suddenly the class exploded with laughter—the sight of all that equipment and those big firemen for their tiny fire, so safe in a tin pie plate.
But no one thought the principal had made a mistake. He had to think of the 875 students in the school and of the 99 small children who had never had a fire drill. He wasn’t about to take chances, and no one found fault with him for that... not the firemen, nor the teacher, nor the children. He had made a wise decision when he knew there was a fire, however small it might have been.
How about you? You also have been told that there is a fire coming for those who have not taken Jesus as their Saviour. And it’s not a tiny fire in a tin plate. It’s the lake of fire in hell, and the Bible says it will never be put out. God has warned you about it now, because He loves you and wants to save you from the fire. Have you made a wise decision? Have you accepted God’s offer of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
There was a lot of equipment and preparation to escape the fire in the tin plate which was already put out before the principal called the fire department. Have you made any preparation to escape the fire that will never be put out? God is offering you salvation. All you need to do is accept His gift. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
The principal was wise in a small matter. Will you be wise in a much bigger one?
Bats Are Helpful: Part 2
“I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old.” Psalm 77:11.
There are about 1000 varieties of bats throughout the world. The greatest number are in Central and South America, but many are in North America, Europe and other areas as well. Some have a wing-span of more than five feet, and a few weigh more than a pound, but most are much smaller.
They are the only animals that can truly fly. (There are some squirrels and lemurs that appear to fly but are actually just gliding from one tree to another.) Although bats are not birds, they have been provided with wings made of tough skin stretched over delicate “finger” bones and muscles. The most amazing thing about them is the different head shapes, as some of the following names indicate.
Bats “see” in the dark by giving out high-pitched squeaks through their mouths and noses. The sounds make waves in the air that bounce back immediately to the bat when they reach an object. Then the bat’s large odd-looking ears send the sounds to the brain, where the bat can identify and avoid whatever is in its way, or make a meal of it if it is an insect. In this way they not only avoid bumping into things, but can also identify a moth, a singing frog, or other things they catch for food.
Summing it up, bats fly with their “fingers” and “see” with their ears, enabling them to find their way through the most difficult places, even in the darkest night. Another odd thing about them is that they do not actually have nests, but hang upside down, holding on to the edge of a rock wall, a timber or other support. Even newborn babies do this without being taught.
They are found everywhere, except in polar regions and on mountain tops. A favorite spot to see them is the Carlsbad Caverns of New Mexico where visitors often have an opportunity to see thousands of them flying out of the caves as darkness takes over. A similar spot is at the Blowing Wind cave of Alabama, where about 500,000 gray bats make their home.
Following is a brief description of some of these interesting flying animals: One named Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, a native of Thailand, is the world’s smallest, weighing less than an ounce. The largest is the flying fox, also in Thailand. Some of these weigh more than two pounds and have wingspans up to five feet across.
The greater horseshoe bat has a very red face, legs and claws, along with almost-transparent huge wings which in some varieties are white, others are light green and sometimes light tan.
The fishing bat, especially fond of minnows, locates its prey with sonar and snares it with oversized claws. The very faint noise of ripples on the water made by the minnow swimming near the surface tells the bat where to find it.
(to be continued)
Who Am I?
The sound of ringing hammer and the ax made chips that flew,
People pointed, laughed and mocked at him, but he had work to do.
He warned of coming judgment and that God would punish sin,
But they laughed and said, “Who are you?”
Still he offered them, “Come in!”
Their safety now was ready-and eight souls were there-no more.
Creation’s souls came with them and then God shut the door.
His judgment fell upon them, though they cried and beat in vain.
No safety now-nor ever, for God had indeed sent rain!
“Behold, Now Is the Accepted Time; Behold now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
Too Late
Mr. and Mrs. Lethom were on their way to visit some friends. Since their friends lived on the other side of the bay, they knew they would have to take a ferryboat to cross over. But they had never been in the area before and did not know which road to take to the ferryboat landing. They decided to ask someone.
They saw a police station, so Mr. Lethom went in to ask the way. The officer knew the road quite well and gave them good directions. He also knew what time the ferry was to leave. Looking at the clock he said, “You will just make it if you drive the speed limit!”
When you have a problem you have never faced before, there is someone you can ask for help. God made you and knows all about you: what you like and what you don’t like. And He knows what you really need. But more than this, He loves you and wants you to be happy. He has given us a book; it is the Bible. We learn from the Bible that what we need most is salvation, because we are all sinners: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. God doesn’t only tell us that we need to be saved from our sins, He also tells us how He has provided the way to be saved: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
The police officer not only told the Lethoms how to get where they wanted to go, but he also told them they would have to hurry. This is what God also tells us, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2. There should be no waiting around!
Mr. Lethom thanked the officer and started out driving at the speed limit. The road was winding and hilly, but they were making good time that is, until they caught up to a car that wasn’t in a hurry. It was impossible to pass the slow car for some time. Oh, how they wished for a straight stretch of road so they could pass!
Finally, the Lethoms were able to pass the slow car and hurry on toward the ferry. At last they came around the final bend only to discover the ferryboat was 50 feet from shore and moving away! They were too late. How disappointing it was. They would have to wait a whole hour for the next ferryboat crossing!
Can you guess what happened next?
Mr. Lethom suddenly said to his wife, “Look, the ferry has stopped moving. It’s coming back!” Sure enough, the captain had seen them and returned for them so they would not have to wait for the next trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lethom were thankful to the Lord for this and waved a “thank-you” to the captain on his way back.
Here is where our story is different from the Bible. If you miss a ferryboat, even if it doesn’t back up for you, there is always another one. But, if you miss the coming of the Lord Jesus because you wanted to wait until you were a little older to be saved, or you were afraid of what your friends might say, or for any other reason, you will NEVER have another opportunity. NEVER!
The Bible tells us faithfully that those who miss the coming of the Lord Jesus will be left behind for judgment. Later He will come “from heaven... in flaming fire taking vengeance on [punishing] them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 1:7,8.
Don’t let anything or anyone make you miss salvation and the coming of the Lord Jesus. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
Do it now and be in time!
Bats Are Helpful: Part 3
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3.
In the two previous issues we have considered some of the amazing bats found in various parts of the world. There are about a thousand varieties, every one intensely interesting, but of course we can only briefly consider a few. In addition to those mentioned already, here are a few more: The Panamanian frog-eating bat has no difficulty hunting its prey on the darkest of nights. A frog sitting on a log or rock can’t help croaking occasionally and usually plops safely into the water if its croak attracts an enemy. But when a bat’s sonar system reacts to such a noise, the bat is usually too fast for the frog, attacking it head-on with wide-open mouth and long-fingered hands snatching it away for a good meal.
Many folks think the black-faced fruit bat is ugly and dangerous. But when seen straight-on with its toothy mouth open and big black eyes shining, it looks like it wants to be friends. Actually, it isn’t harmful to people at all.
Another, the leaf-nosed bat has unusual flaps of skin on its face that are responsible for its name. These seem to be helpful in bringing in the sonar rebounds that help it find its way, as well as capturing insects.
There are many flowering plants that depend entirely on bats for pollination in order to bear fruit and reproduce themselves. If these plants were to disappear, the bats themselves would soon die out without their nectar and pollen. In other words, they are dependent on each other and it works out beautifully, just as the Creator designed it.
In Mexico the Sanborn’s long-nosed bat has an extra-long red tongue for gathering nectar and pollen. The end of its stubby nose has an odd piece which looks like a little flag sticking straight up about two inches. Its principal source of food is nectar and pollen from a plant called agave. This food is very high in acid and most bats couldn’t handle it, but the Creator has provided the long-nosed with special stomach glands to handle the acid. Sorry to say, much of the area in Mexico where the agave plant grows is being destroyed, so the future does not look very good for this particular bat.
If you’d like to learn more about these interesting little animals, your school or local library has books available for you.
Let us remember that the Lord God who created bats looks on them at all times, and as our opening Bible verse tells us, He is looking on each of us, too. How nice it is to try to be pleasing to Him in all that we do.
Be in Time!
David and Michael were the first two boys to arrive at school that morning. They were anxious to play marbles, so while they waited for the bell to ring, they drew a chalk circle on the blacktop and crouched down to begin their game.
Soon the school yard began to fill with students, and the air rang with noisy shouts and laughter. The noise level rose until suddenly the bell rang and the students lined up and filed into their classrooms.
The sudden quiet made David and Michael jump up, scattering their marbles. Where had everybody gone? Quickly gathering up their marbles, they raced for the school door, but they were too late. They had arrived in the school yard in plenty of time and had intended to go in, but they were so absorbed in their marble game that they kept putting off going into school. Now they would get a scolding from their teacher and be marked tardy.
Are you, perhaps, doing just what David and Michael did? You know you are a sinner. You know the Lord Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to save you from your sins. You know you need to accept Him as your Saviour, but you think, There is still time left. I don’t want to stop what I’m doing right now... I’ll do it later.
The Bible warns us that “they that were ready went in with Him... and the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10. Those who were left behind could never get in. The door was shut forever.
Of course, David and Michael got into school even though they were late, but if you put off accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you may be shut out of heaven forever.
When the Lord Jesus comes again to call all those who belong to Him to be with Him in heaven, the door to heaven will be permanently shut. No one will be able to quietly creep in later. It will be too late forever. You will be too late forever!
Won’t you accept the Lord Jesus today?
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
“I Am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
Bushy Tail
Back and forth, back and forth ran Bushy Tail. Up and down the big oak tree he ran all day long. Then when the hickory nuts were ripe, what a mess he made! Who? Why, Bushy Tail, the squirrel. Sitting in the hickory tree he would chew off the outside shell, letting it fall to the ground so he could get to the nut. The shells were scattered all over the sidewalk. What a mess it was!
As Mark watched from the window of Grandma’s house he asked, “Grandma, what’s Bushy Tail doing with all those nuts?”
Grandma was stirring a batch of bubbling, boiling apple jelly. Mark watched her as she turned off the heat under the pan. One by one the hot jars were filled with the hot jelly. Then she poured hot, melted wax on top. All the pans and jars sure made the kitchen a mess.
“You see, Mark,” said Grandma, “our friend Bushy Tail is doing just what I’m doing. Only he’s out gathering acorns and hickory nuts, and this morning I was out picking the apples. He’s storing his nuts in the old tree, and I’m storing the apples in these jars. Bushy Tail and your Grandma are both getting ready for the cold, winter months. And we are both making a mess!”
“But you feed Bushy Tail all winter,” said Mark. “How come he needs all those acorns too?”
“Well,” answered Grandma, “God has created something in that little squirrel that tells him to get ready for winter, and nothing will stop him from doing it! The Bible tells us that little animals like Bushy Tail can teach us a lesson. It tells us to study their ways and habits and to become wise.” Grandma then read the verses to Mark about the ants, the conies, locusts and spider which God says “are exceeding wise.” Proverbs 30:24-28.
“Remember too,” she went on, “that other animals have their shelters to go to when danger is near. Have you ever watched our little friend Chippy the chipmunk that plays around in the front yard?”
“Sure. When he hears a noise or when the dog comes out, he runs in that hole under the step.”
“That’s right,” said Grandma. “And what do you suppose can reach him in there?”
“Nothin’, I guess,” replied Mark.
“That’s right. Not even the rain gets in there. That’s what the Lord Jesus means when He tells us to study these little animals to become wise. He tells people who are busy thinking, planning and doing things to beware of the judgment that is coming. And we must get ready now, or it will be too late.”
“How?” asked Mark.
“By trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ,” said Grandma. “He suffered on the cross for us. Now all those who trust in Him are covered by His blood. And God says, ‘When I see the blood, I will pass over you’ (Exodus 12:13). The punishment we deserve has already fallen on the Lord Jesus.
“Then, once we are saved,” she continued, “nothing can separate us from His love and care. He is like the stone step that hides the chipmunk. The pouring rain hits the step, and the dog can sniff around it and bark all day, but the chipmunk is safe.”
Mark had nothing more to say, but he sure had lots to think about as he watched Bushy Tail wisely getting ready for winter. What about you? Are you ready for the judgment that is coming on this world? If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour, then you are as safe as you can possibly be. The Lord Jesus is coming very soon. He is going to take out of this world all who have trusted in Him. Are you ready? The time is very short. Accept Him right now as your Saviour.
“Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12.
“I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish.” John 10:28.
Walking in the Dark
Mr. Donaldson lived in a village on an island. He had to walk a long way to the school where he was a teacher. It took him six hours to walk to the school, so he stayed there during the week. He enjoyed being with his family on the weekends. It was always hard to leave them Sunday afternoons to start the long walk back to the school.
One Sunday afternoon he left rather late. It was a very difficult walk over hills, through valleys, and along steep cliffs by the ocean where the waves pounded against the rocks, making a roar like thunder. As he walked it became dark. He wore a backpack in which he carried his lunch, clothing and books. At the very bottom was his flashlight. I know my way since I’ve made this trip so many times before, he thought to himself. He decided not to stop to dig the flashlight out of his backpack.
It was unwise to think he could find his way in the dark. And that’s the same way so many boys and girls live (grown-ups too). They think they can find their own way in this dark world full of sin and evil without God’s help.
Walking became more difficult and rough since he was on the windy side of the island. The ocean was pounding against the rocks with greater and greater force. The cliffs were high, and the trees and underbrush were so thick that even on a moonlit night the path was dark. I still won’t bother getting out my flashlight, he kept assuring himself. I can make it without it. So on he trudged.
Suddenly his foot slipped off the path. He tumbled down the steep hillside, slipping and sliding, and grabbing for whatever he could hold onto. His hands finally found a sturdy bush, and he held on for dear life!
We don’t need to stumble and fall. God has a light we can use to find our way in this dark world. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word [the Bible] is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” We also learn in John 12:46 that Jesus is the light. He says, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide [live] in darkness.” John 12:46.
There was no one around to help Mr. Donaldson, and he did not expect anyone to come along that late at night. He had to scramble and crawl up over rocks and roots, dirt and weeds until he made it back up to the path, where he rested. His clothes were dirty and torn, and he was badly scratched and bruised. He blamed himself: I had my flashlight with me, but I didn’t use it. His flashlight was a good one with good batteries, but he thought he didn’t need that help.
Have you been going through this dark, dangerous world without the help of the light that will lead you safely to heaven? The Lord Jesus says, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12. Why not turn to Jesus who can lead you safely every step of the way.
The Water Hyacinth - Both Loved and Hated
“The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come.” Song of Solomon 2:12.
Beautiful flowers with sweet smells are usually enjoyed by both young and old. However, there are a few exceptions, and the water hyacinth is one. It’s true that it has a cluster of beautiful lavender flowers growing on a strong stem with green curly leaves. But we will see how its beauty was the cause of a big problem.
Originally a native of South America, travelers found it so attractive that many carried plants back to their homes in countries all over the world. They could easily carry it since it is a floating plant and its roots need no soil. Anyone could pick out a small plant with short roots and put it in a jar or plastic bag with enough water to keep it alive until it could be placed in a pond or pool at home. No doubt they were extremely pleased to see how quickly the plants multiplied in their garden pools... until they discovered they had a real problem on their hands.
And that’s the very reason why many people don’t like this pretty plant. It grows and multiplies so quickly that it soon takes over a garden pool, choking out other water plants. Just ten of these plants will, in less than a year, multiply into thousands, until the water cannot be seen. And if the pool is connected to a stream, some of the hyacinths will drift into it and start new groups along the way, with some drifting on into a lake. If not soon destroyed, even a large lake can become completely covered so that a boat cannot get through. Then these plants have to be pulled out and hauled away at great cost.
But, in spite of this, many people today like this flower and spend great sums of money to keep it, because its roots live on the impurities in the water, like chemicals and other harmful matter that dissolve in water and make it unfit for drinking or for use in swimming pools or in manufacturing.
When this bad water reaches the plants the impurities are taken out by the roots. This saves some of the expense of getting rid of the impurities some other way. However, removing the plants costs lots of money too, for workers have to continually get into these pools or lakes on rafts or boats to thin them out. But still the hyacinths and their problems are less costly than other water-purifying methods.
These lovely looking plants which can cause so much trouble make us think of bad habits that at first may seem harmless, but which can lead to serious trouble if they are not stopped. A Bible verse tells us: “Happy is the man that feareth [honors the Lord] always: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.” Proverbs 28:14. The Lord Jesus wants us to confess our sins right away, and when we sincerely do this and trust in Him, He will forgive us. Be sure to remember this.
October 6, 1991
“Our Help Is in the Name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8
Who Protected Grandpa Walt?
Grandpa Walt had a busy day planned. He had just stepped out of the door of the bank and was walking briskly down the street to take care of some other errands, when a tall, young man suddenly fell in step beside him.
“Well, you’re lookin’ good!” the young man remarked breezily to Grandpa Walt. “Where are you goin’?”
Grandpa Walt was a Christian, and he seemed to feel the Spirit of God inside of him giving a warning signal. This man was up to no good, Grandpa Walt was sure.
Turning to the stranger with a quiet smile, but with true certainty, Grandpa Walt replied happily, “I’m going to heaven! Christ died on the cross for my sins, and one of these days He’s going to take me to heaven... I can hardly wait!”
Like a flash, the young man began to walk faster, and was soon lost in the crowd.
God’s Word, the Bible, says, “Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler.... His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” Psalm 91:3,4.
Have you learned the power of God’s Word in your life? It not only can save your soul for eternity, but it is able to protect you from harm during your lifetime. The Bible says, “Even to your old age... will I carry you... and will deliver you.” Isaiah 46:4.
Rain, Rain, Go Away
How many children have said, “Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day!” Rain can spoil our plans if we expect to be outdoors. But it never did any good to say that rhyme... there’s no use talking to the rain. But if you knew the One who controls the rain, then that would be different!
Well, Tommy personally knew that One who makes the rain. So instead of saying that rhyme, he talked to the One who controls it. Do you know who that is? It is God. “The living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein... gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” Acts 14:15,17.
Tommy and his father had plans one day to take some young friends to the zoo. The two young friends came from a poor family and had never been to the zoo before. They had heard about lions, elephants and giraffes, but had never seen any of them. The zoo, however, was about an hour’s drive away, and by the time they got near the zoo there were big dark thunderclouds overhead.
“I’m afraid we’ve come on the wrong day,” Tommy’s father said. “It looks like rain.”
By the time they pulled into the parking lot at the zoo, the sky was covered with clouds and it had begun to rain. They waited for a while in the parking lot, but there was no sign of the rain letting up.
“We might as well go home,” Tommy’s father said. Everyone was disappointed. Tommy didn’t think about the rhyme, “Rain, rain, go away,” but he did think about God, his Father, who controls the rain.
He had read that Bible verse, “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8.
“Let’s pray about it,” he suggested. His father didn’t think there was much use praying about it. It looked like an all-day rain, and the two visitors with them were only just beginning to learn to pray to God. If the rain didn’t stop, maybe they would be discouraged about praying. But Tommy knew that God could stop the rain if it was His will. So his father agreed, and Tommy prayed, asking God to stop the rain so they could go in to the zoo.
Nothing seemed different when he finished praying. The rain kept falling and the sky looked just as black. They waited for a while longer, but finally his father said, “I think we’d better just go home.” So he backed out the car and they started for home. They did keep looking at the sky.
They hadn’t gotten very far before Tommy noticed a little blue in the dark sky. “Daddy! The rain’s going away!” he exclaimed. They kept looking at the sky, and it did seem that the rain was going to let up. God, the One who controls the rain, had answered Tommy’s prayer. The two young people who were just learning to pray saw that God really does answer prayer. So they turned around again and went back to the zoo. They spent a happy day seeing so many of the different animals that God created.
Has God ever answered any of your prayers? Have you ever talked to Him? This was not the first time that Tommy had talked to God. Several years before he had come to the Lord Jesus and asked Him to wash his sins away. The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13. Even if God always gave you sunny days, you would still have to leave this world some day. Just having sunshine or rain whenever you like will not get you into heaven. If your prayers have always been just asking God for things you want, then you have missed something far more important. You need to ask Him to save you from your sins. Jesus suffered on the cross and died so that He can, not just give you happy days on earth, but more importantly, give you the forgiveness of sins and a home with Him in heaven. Life is short, but heaven is forever.
The Bible also warns about people who would not listen to God or turn from their evil ways. It says, “He gave them hail for rain.” Psalm 105:32. The rain, of course, is good for the crops, the trees and flowers. But hail can damage an entire crop in a short time. It is a serious thing to ignore the salvation that God offers. It was a long time ago that God sent those wicked people hail instead of rain. But the Bible also warns that after the Lord Jesus comes to take all the Christians to heaven, God is going to punish His enemies by sending the largest hail that has ever fallen. “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent.” Revelation 16:21. A talent is about 55 pounds! How much damage will that do when pieces of hail weighing 55 pounds crash through houses?
Where will you be then? Will you be a friend of the One who controls the rain and be safe in heaven? Or will you be left behind and see giant hail falling from heaven? God loves you and wants to save you from the judgment that is coming. The Lord Jesus said, “Verily, verily [truly, truly], I say unto you, he that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
Geese Fly High: Part 1
“God... doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.” Job 5:8,9.
Most of us are familiar with the large gray geese seen on many farms. Sometimes a boy or girl will be in charge of taking care of a dozen or more. These are called domestic, or tame, geese. They are raised for their eggs and to sell to meat markets, or as food for the farmer’s family.
But we are going to look at some of the many wild geese in this and the three following articles. While different in some ways, particularly in their coloring, they all have similar habits and patterns of life. They are big birds, often weighing 20 pounds or more and measuring two to three feet from the tip of their beaks to their tail feathers. The wingspreads on most of them are six feet or more-equal to the height of a tall man.
Their lives depend on lots of water and, except when flying, they are always either swimming or on marshy ground nearby where they make their nests. Usually the females do this by themselves, picking spots slightly higher than the swampy surroundings. Their nests are large, made of twigs, branches and coarse grass, and lined with a thick cushion of soft down plucked from their feathers.
Usually six to nine large round white eggs are laid and incubated by the mother, whose webbed feet will sometimes accidently knock an egg out of the nest and send it rolling. But this doesn’t bother her much. When it stops rolling she stands over it with her back to the nest, lowers her long neck and with her big beak patiently rolls it backward to the nest and up and over the side, back where it belongs.
Baby geese (called goslings) are cute little puff balls of yellow down. They are right at home the first time they get in water and paddle off for a swim. They have waterproof feathers and webbed feet which ensure their water safety. With most varieties the little ones stay with the mother all summer, then travel with her on the fall migration, and stay with her through the following winter season. In this long program they are sure of excellent training for their adult lives.
Food eaten by these birds includes leaves, roots and seeds, all of which may be found under water, on its surface, or on adjoining dry land. They also like fish and other water creatures. At times they annoy farmers by getting into their crops. When grazing in fields or open areas, sentinels take their place along the edges while the others feed. They take turns standing guard.
Geese of each colony usually remain together, both in migrating and meeting throughout the year. Pairs stay together the year round, and some pairs remain with one another until the death of one of them.
They are remarkable examples of the wonders of God’s creation, as a Bible verse tells us: “Thou art worthy, O Lord... for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11.
(to be continued)
“The Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56
OCTOBER 13, 1991
Leoncio Found a Bible
As he slowly pushed open the creaky old door, dust and dirt fell on him. Leoncio went in anyway. The old adobe hut had been empty for many years. He passed by it every day on his way to work in Tacabamba, Peru.
In one of the small rooms he found some old school books. Along with them he also found another old book. He brushed it off, but it was still musty smelling from being damp and old. He opened it up to the title page: Santa Biblia (Holy Bible).
Leoncio had never had a Bible of his own. He had never even read one. He sat down on an old wooden bench in the hut and began to read. This book was very interesting. Several hours went by. When he finally decided he’d better start for home, he took the Bible with him.
During the next few weeks, he spent every spare minute he had reading the old Bible. He soon saw that he was a sinner and needed a Saviour. Soon after, Leoncio accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his own Saviour.
“You are foolish!” said his father when Leoncio first told him about his “new Friend”. But Leoncio went on reading his Bible anyway, and talked about it to his family.
One day one of his brothers also accepted Christ as his Saviour. After that, one by one, all of Leoncio’s brothers and sisters became Christians. But his father and mother would not accept “this new idea”. “How can you be saved when you haven’t gone to the church?” they would ask. Leoncio would explain that the Bible contained all of God’s words and that they could read it themselves.
After Leoncio had prayed for his parents and read the Bible out loud to them for many weeks, they also found peace through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They not only had heard God’s words, but they saw how it had changed the lives of their children.
It was an old, musty Bible, but God used it to bring new life to a family.
“For I have given unto them the words which Thou gavest Me; and they have received them... and they have believed that Thou didst send Me.” John 17:8.
The Operation
Before my operation a doctor, called an anesthetist, came to me to explain how she would put me to sleep for the operation. She told me she would inject something called sodium pentothal, and in about twenty seconds I would be “out” in a deep sleep. When I got the injection, it wasn’t long until the ceiling started looking blurry to me, and then I didn’t remember another thing. I was completely unconscious in a very deep sleep. That was so I would not feel any pain while the doctor operated on me.
An hour later I woke up. I was lying on my side, even though I had fallen asleep on my back. I was still sleepy, but I knew where I was. I was in the “Recovery Room.” That is a special room where doctors and nurses watch patients carefully for several hours after they wake up when their operations are over.
Later at home someone asked, “Is that what it is like when you die?”
I answered, “I don’t think so. I didn’t know anything that happened during that hour.”
What is it like when you die?
In Luke 16:19-31 There is a story of two men who died. One was a believer and the other was an unbeliever. (A believer is a person who admits that he is a sinner and believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins. Because he truly believes this, his sins are washed away. He will be in heaven with the Lord Jesus when he dies. An unbeliever is a person who has not admitted that he is a sinner and does not believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins. He still has every one of his sins. And because of this, he cannot go to heaven when he dies; instead, he will be cast into the lake of fire.) In the story of the two men, when the unbeliever died he was in torment (terrible pain). Four times in the story the word torment is used. It also says he could remember things he had done in his life, but he was so miserable he did not want his brothers to have to “come into this place of torment.”
While I was in that deep sleep in the operating room, the doctor was working on me, but I was not in torment. I am so thankful that I did not feel anything or even remember that they had turned me over onto my side. How awful it would be to die in your sins and remember them for all eternity! You will also remember your Sunday school verses, the gospel meetings, and the many times you could have had your sins forgiven but didn’t. You will know it is too late then, and it is your own fault! How awful!
What is it like for the believer to die? In Luke 23:39-42 we have the story of the dying thief who was crucified right beside the Lord Jesus. He turned to Jesus and said, “Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Verily I say unto thee, To-day shalt thou be with Me in paradise [heaven].” He was not going to be in a deep sleep and not know what was going on, like I was in the operating room. He was going to be completely awake with Jesus in that wonderful place Jesus called paradise. He would know Jesus and be so happy with Him.
When a believer dies, 2 Corin-thians 5:8 describes it like this: “We are confident [sure]... and willing rather to be absent from the body [to die], and to be present with the Lord.”
When death comes to you, will you be in torment, or will you be in paradise with Christ which is far better?
The following inscription is on a tombstone in Lorneville, New Brunswick: If you do nothing, you are refusing the Lord Jesus Christ. Torment is ahead for you. To confess to Him that you are a sinner and accept Him as your Saviour will take you to paradise to be with Him forever.
“The Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56.
Remember, friend, as you pass by,
As you are now, so once was I;
As I am now, soon you will be;
Prepare in time to follow me.
Geese Fly High: Part 2
“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Ecclesiastes 12:1.
Following an introduction to wild geese in the previous issue, let’s take a look at a few of the many varieties. Like most birds, females usually have subdued colors, and where coloring is mentioned in our description it refers to the male goose.
Living in both Canada and the United States, the Canada goose has a dark beak, head and neck, with a white band under its throat. It is one of the smallest varieties, but great in numbers an estimated three million of them.
Another one with great numbers is the snow goose, making its home mainly in Alberta, Canada. It is well named because of its pure-white feathers all over, except for a portion of the wing tips. It is an impressive sight to see a white blanket of thousands landing on shores or water. You can also spot them miles away as they fly toward you low in the sky.
Large blue geese (related to the snow goose) are also very numerous. Most of them spend the summer months in northern Canada and migrate to Louisiana and Texas for the winter months.
The red-breasted is one of the world’s beautiful birds most vivid in its brilliant red breast, complemented with a black and white head and a patch of red in the white part. Its body is speckled dark gray, with a few patches of white.
The emperor is also impressive, with its red beak contrasting with a pure white head and back of its neck. The upper part of its body is blue-gray with brown markings, and the rest a mixture of brown and white, nicely balanced with legs and feet of soft pink.
The spur-winged goose perhaps looks less like an ordinary goose than any of them. Its brilliant red beak runs clear to its forehead. The lower part of its face and throat is white, with a black mantle of feathers over the top, circling around to its breast. The rest of its body is mostly blue-green, but its wings and stomach are white, with red legs matching its prominent beak.
The brant of Greenland is a salt-water bird. It has a small white and red patch directly under its yellow-beaked black head, with the black continuing down over its neck and chest. A white body, contrasted with white-streaked brown wings, makes it a lovely-looking bird.
This is just a sampling of the great number of varieties of geese found, not only in America and Europe, but in other parts of the world as well. Every one of them speaks in its own way of the Creator’s wonderful creation of such an amazing variety of living things.
The Bible verse above states that we should, while young, be enjoying the knowledge of God and the blessed Lord and Saviour, through whom all things have been created and are upheld. Reading God’s Word impresses us young and old alike that the teachings of creation in the Bible are true and give lasting joy and wisdom.
(to be continued)
For Little Folks
If you are between the ages of five and nine years old, there is a hidden message for you in this diagram. Starting at the top row, work from left to right and then go on to the next row. Find all the times that your age is shown, writing down each letter that is shown under your age. This will be your message from the Bible.
“Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Galatians 1:3,4
OCTOBER 20, 1991
Who Made It?
Sir Isaac Newton had a friend who, like himself, was a scientist. Newton was a Christian and loved the Lord Jesus Christ. However, his friend was not a Christian. He didn’t even believe that there was a God! Newton had spoken to his friend many times about how God had created a wonderful universe. Each time, though, his friend would shake his head, saying, “No,” and reply that the universe “just happened”.
Newton had finished the design of a scale model of our solar system. A very skilled craftsman then built it from Newton’s plans. In the center was a large ball made of brass which represented the sun. Revolving around this sun were smaller balls attached to spokes of different lengths. These balls represented the planets, and the spokes placed them at the proper distances from the sun. All of these balls representing Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, were in their proper order. (Today we know that the planet Pluto is also in our solar system, but Newton did not know this.) These balls were all geared together so that when a crank on the front was turned, they all moved in their orbits around the sun.
One day Newton was in his study reading when his friend came to visit him. His friend saw the model and instantly recognized what it was. As he slowly cranked the model he studied it closely. He said to Newton, “This is tremendous! Who made it?”
“Nobody,” Newton answered without looking up from his book.
His friend turned to him with a confused look and said, “You must not have heard me. I asked, ‘Who made this wonderful model?’ ”
Looking up, Newton said with a perfectly straight face, “Nobody made it. Those balls and gears just appeared and put themselves together!”
His friend, now quite upset, said, “You must think I’m a fool! Of course somebody made this! He’s a genius, and I’d like to meet him!”
Newton set his book aside and slowly walked across the room to his friend. As they stood in front of the model, Newton explained to his friend, “This model is just a poor imitation of our wonderful universe. You know the laws and the precise order which govern our universe. I can’t seem to convince you that this model, this toy, does not have a designer or a maker. However, you have said many times that the solar system, which this model represents, ‘just happened’. Now tell me, is that the logical conclusion of a scientist?”
Newton’s friend quickly understood how foolish he had been. He realized that there had to be a Master Designer and Creator for everything! It wasn’t long after accepting the thought that God was the Creator that he also accepted His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as his Saviour.
Have you accepted Him as your Saviour?
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. “All things were made by Him.” John 1:3. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12.
"Don't Touch"
Mother, Grandma and little Robby walked together into the fabric shop. Right away Robby noticed a tall rack with hundreds of cards of colorful buttons hanging on it. He put his hands behind his back and toddled over to the rack, muttering to himself, “Don’t touch, don’t touch, don’t touch.”
But when you’re only one-and-one-half years old, it’s so hard to see something you want very much and still not touch it because you aren’t supposed to. Grandma helped him out. She picked him up, took him to a safer spot, and then went back to her job of matching thread with the fabric she was buying.
Pretty soon she heard that little voice again, “Don’t touch, don’t touch, don’t touch.” But this time one chubby little hand was clutching a card of bright orange buttons.
It had been just too hard for Robby not to touch those cards of brightly colored buttons even though he knew he shouldn’t. His first mistake was to go near them. And how many of us who are older still have not learned that lesson-not even to go near things that we know we should not have. It is called temptation. We are tempted to touch, or see, or hear, or taste, or try something that is not good for us. And the minute we go closer, it becomes even harder to turn away from it.
Grandma took Robby away from the buttons the first time, but when he went back to them he got into trouble. It takes little children quite a while to learn what they can touch and what they cannot touch. God gave them a father and a mother to teach them those things. And God has given us His Word, the Bible, to warn and teach us about temptation. It tells us that Satan is the one who tempts us with those things that will get us into trouble. And when we touch, or see, or hear, or taste, or try that temptation, it is a sin. James 1:15 tells us, “When lust hath conceived [when we follow that temptation], it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” And that is exactly what Satan wants! Every sin is a victory for him.
But the Bible also tells us that we can have a victory over temptations and sin. But we can’t do it alone. There is Someone who loves us and is waiting to help us at any time. He has already won the victory over Satan and sin. The Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, suffered and died on the cross for our sins. “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Galatians 1:3,4.
Robby was too little to understand that Jesus had died on the cross for him and that he could give his problem of sin and temptation to the Lord Jesus to handle. But if you are old enough to read this story, you are old enough to understand that you are a sinner and need to accept for yourself the victory the Lord Jesus won on the cross. He will wash away your sins in His blood so that you may be included in His victory over sin and Satan.
He invites you to come to Him right now. “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden [struggling with your sins], and I will give you rest [victory].” Matthew 11:28. If you have already come to Him, you can say this verse and really mean it: “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57.
Geese Fly High: Part 3
“Remember His marvelous works that He hath done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth.” 1 Chronicles 16:12.
What a wonderful experience it is to see and hear a large flock of geese flying overhead, huge wings flapping steadily up and down, heads and necks extended straight ahead, and webbed feet stretched out behind. The honking noise of a flock, whether in flight, making a landing, or on the surface of a pond or lakeshore, is often so great that people nearby have to shout to be able to hear one another.
Throughout most of Canada and the United States millions of geese-in many varieties-migrate south from the soon-coming cold winter of Arctic lands, Alaska, Canada and northern United States. Their destinations are the southern parts of the United States, Mexico, some Atlantic islands and even far-away Europe. While in the North they enjoyed abundant food, made nests and raised their young through the spring and summer, but now it is time for warmer southern spots.
In these southbound flights it is estimated about three million Canada geese follow the long-used four “flyways” stretching across Canada and the United States. In addition there are thousands of other species taking shorter trips to southern Oregon and California. Some also go to wintering places in New Mexico where a Rio Grande River Refuge awaits them and many other kinds of birds.
In late summer similar flocks head for reserves in southern and eastern United States. Many of these flocks gather in huge groups in the Hudson Bay area of Canada before starting the long journey south. At some mysterious signal leaders take off and others follow in a V-shaped formation. They travel about 30 miles per hour, usually around 7000 feet above ground, but some fly as low as 3000 feet. Some have been spotted by airplane pilots as high as 29,000 ft. (more than five miles high). How high they fly seems to depend on how long the flight will be, as well as how high the mountains are over which they will fly.
We might ask, “How do they know these things in advance?” Again the answer is that this knowledge that we will never understand is really part of the instincts given them by the Creator. In their long flights, which may take two weeks or more, stops are made along the way for resting and feeding.
How do these amazing birds know where to go when seasons change, and how do they know after a few months to return to the exact same nesting spots? Many experiments have been made to explain this, but the real answer is that the Creator gave the first pair these amazing instincts which have been passed on from one generation to the next.
Moses, who wrote the Bible verse at the beginning, possibly didn’t know about geese, but he called on his people to remember all God’s wonderful works that they were familiar with, as well as remembering what God had told them. We have the advantage of God’s written words in the Bible. Do you read it and remember it?
(to be continued)
“All We Like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
OCTOBER 27, 1991
Walking on Water
As every boy and girl will know, Africa is a land with a hot climate. Until recent years the native children knew nothing about ice or snow. I read about a missionary in Africa who tried to explain to some of them how lakes became hard and solid in his northern homeland. He told them that children could play on top of the water. But nobody believed him. They did not understand that water could freeze when it became very cold. They had never seen it, and so they said he was lying.
However, he brought one of these boys with him when he came back home for a rest, and took him to a frozen lake. The missionary asked him to walk on the ice with him, but the boy was afraid. The missionary took him by the hand, and together they walked out across the lake, walking on the water just like the missionary had said.
“You did not believe what I said about solid water,” the missionary reminded him.
“I believe NOW,” the boy replied quickly.
He had to see it before he would believe. He did not trust the missionary’s word when he could not see it.
The Lord Jesus has told us a lot of things about God. He has told us how we can come to know Him and how we can have a happy place in heaven after we die, or an unhappy place of torment if we do not believe Him. He asks us to believe BEFORE we see, for He is simply telling the truth. He has said, “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed,” John 20:29. Jesus said He was THE TRUTH. He could not tell a lie. How important it is then that we listen to every word He says, because, like the missionary, He is simply telling what He has seen and knows, because He is the Son of God and came from heaven. He also warns, “He that believeth on Him [Jesus] is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18.
Will you believe what Jesus has told us?
Geese Fly High: Part 4
“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee.” Joshua 1:9.
Every fall about two million birds fly south along North America’s west coast, coming down from the Arctic, Yukon and western Canada. Many make long rest stops at the Klamath Basin Wildlife Refuge at the border of Oregon and California. Thousands of these birds are Canada geese and snow geese, often arriving in such large numbers that they throw a deep shadow over the land and water as they fly along.
For many of these birds, the Klamath Refuge is the end of their trip, and they stay there until returning north in the spring. Others stay there through the whole year. It is estimated that 100,000 snow geese, as well as great numbers of Canada geese, and smaller numbers of other varieties, account for these great bird masses.
Flight groups never get mixed up with one another or show any uncertainty as to where they are going. Each individual bird and each group follows its own “flyway” year after year on their flights south. But when they fly north in the spring, most take entirely different routes. Their God-given instincts apparently direct them to follow the winds and air currents most favorable in each direction.
We might also ask, “How is it possible for these heavy birds to make such amazing flights?” When the Creator provided them with migration instincts, He also gave them bodies with extra-strong bones having hollow centers which are filled with air. This not only reduces their weight, but air in ample supply is thus assured, providing along with additional air-storage sacs in their bodies all that the strenuous flying requires, and which could not be supplied just through breathing at the high altitudes.
But that’s not all that’s special! Numbers of them, flying in V-formation have not had any training. This is a God-given instinct which they do not even think about, but which serves an important purpose. By flying a little above and behind the next bird forming the “V,” a goose benefits by the lifting help of air currents formed by the beating wings of those in front. The farther behind in the “V,” the more it benefits from this lift. But the lead bird, all alone at the front, does not have this help. So when he tires he drops to the very back and one of the two closest behind him moves up to the front until he then gets tired. Then he drops to the back, and another one moves up to take his place. This goes on during the whole flight all the birds readjusting their positions automatically and just at the right time.
Birds do not know their Creator is always watching over them. But boys and girls and men and women who know Him as their Saviour, can always have peace of mind no matter what happens. Our beginning verse assures us that our Creator is always watching over us and will never leave us.
Do you know this One personally who loves you this much?
A Missing Bird
Tracy had a pet parrot named Wyler. Although Tracy’s family all lived in Illinois, she and her parrot lived in Colorado.
In April, Tracy decided to take a little vacation and drive back to Illinois to visit her family. Since she had no one to take care of Wyler while she was gone, she decided to take him along with her on the trip. She would carry him in her car inside his cage, and he’d be right at home.
By Friday, Tracy had gotten everything ready to go. Now all she had to do was pack her little car, set Wyler inside in his cage, and they’d be off. But there was one thing Tracy hadn’t thought about-Wyler’s cage was so big it wouldn’t fit in her little car!
Now what? She couldn’t leave Wyler behind, so she’d have to find something else to carry him in. She scrambled around and found a cardboard box large enough for him but small enough to fit in her car. She cut out some breathing holes for him, put in some food, and then in went Wyler into the box for the thousand-mile trip to Chicago.
Saturday afternoon Tracy and Wyler arrived safely. Tracy carried Wyler’s box into her parents’ garage and set it down. Her family had heard her car drive in and came running out the door to greet her. While they were busy talking and laughing, Wyler decided he’d had enough of that box and started working on those breathing holes. In about 15 minutes’ time he gnawed his way out of the box, flew out of the garage and perched in a 40-foot tree, and then flew off into another tree just as high. Wyler was free!
Have you ever wanted to be free to do just as you please? Sometimes as children or teenagers we don’t like the rules our parents have made. Sometimes we don’t like the rules at school, either. And often we don’t like the rules that God has given us in the Bible. We feel “caged in,” and we’d rather be free to go our own way. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” Isaiah 53:6.
Suddenly, Tracy and her family realized what had happened, but it was too late. Wyler was free, and nothing they did to lure him back worked. Tracy was upset, but hopeful that if they left some food outside in the box, maybe he would come back.
They waited all day Sunday, but no Wyler came back.
Monday morning came, and still there was no sign of Wyler. By then Tracy was afraid she might never get her bird back again. She called the Community Services at the police station to report “a missing bird.”
Late Monday afternoon several boys were sitting on the beach by Lake Michigan. It was a cold, windy April afternoon, and they were huddled in their winter jackets as they sat and watched the waves roll in. They heard a strange noise behind them in the bushes and decided to check it out. Much to their surprise they found a large, colorful parrot trying to work his way into the bush to stay out of the wind and keep warm. (Wyler was discovering that being free wasn’t such a good idea after all.) The boys decided this bird had to be somebody’s pet, so they contacted the nearest police station to report “a bird found.”
In Luke chapter 15 we read the story of the prodigal son who felt “caged in” and wanted to be free to go his own way. “And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.... And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” But in time he found that his freedom only brought him problems and sadness. Some of us have also learned that going our own way only brings problems and sadness. When we go our own way it is always away from God, and that is the way of sin.
Just as the prodigal son’s father never stopped loving his son and waiting for him to come back, God never stops loving us. He is patiently waiting for anyone who will come back to Him. It doesn’t matter how ragged and sinful your life might be, God offers total forgiveness through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, for anyone who will return to Him.
Wyler was soon delivered to his relieved and happy owner and continued his vacation... in a bird cage where he was safe, warm and lovingly cared for.
When the prodigal son returned home, his father welcomed him with open arms. “But when he [the son] was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.... This my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.” Luke 15:20,24.
When you and I return to the Lord Jesus, He not only forgives our sins, but He promises that He will care for us and never leave us. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.... The Lord is my helper.” Hebrews 13:5,6.
For Little Folks
If you are between the ages of five and nine years old, there is a hidden message for you in this diagram. Starting at the top row, work from left to right and then go on to the next row. Find all the times that your age is shown, writing down each letter that is shown under your age. This will be your message from the Bible.
“O Taste and See that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” Psalm 34:8
NOVEMBER 3, 1991
Tell the Truth
“CRASH!” went the glass from the window as it shattered onto the back porch. Kevin stared at the broken window. He could hardly believe it. I didn’t know I could throw a football that far. He suddenly realized that he was bigger and stronger than he was last year. It was the first time he had thrown his new football. The throw had been a nice spiral, too, but it went right through the back porch window. I guess I shouldn’t have thrown it toward the house, he thought as he ran up to see what had happened.
Looking at the mess he thought, Mom and Dad are going to be mad at me when they get home. And I’ll probably have to pay for the new window, and I hardly have enough money to buy Mom’s birthday present. Maybe, just maybe I won’t have to tell them I did it. If they ask me, I’ll have to tell them, but if they don’t ask me, then maybe it won’t be like lying.
Then something popped into his mind. He remembered what his Sunday school teacher had said just the week before. They had been reading in Acts about Ananias and Sapphira and what happened to them when they lied. “Boys,” their teacher had said, “telling the truth is so very important. There is no such thing as ‘a little white lie’ in God’s sight. Those who are not Christians think nothing of lying about something if it will help them. But the penalty that fell on Ananias and Sapphira shows what God thinks about lying. Yes, boys, a lie is an awful thing, and often it is just the beginning of a path of sin. Also remember that an acted lie is just as bad as a spoken lie. Someday one of you may be tempted to hide something by keeping quiet. In God’s sight that is just another way of lying. When Satan tells you to keep quiet, ask God to help you to tell the truth and not sin by keeping quiet. He will help you to do what is right and pleasing to Him.”
Just then Kevin’s parents drove into the driveway. As Kevin went around to the front, he asked God to help him tell the truth.
Kevin’s father immediately saw that something was bothering him. “What’s wrong, Kevin?” he asked.
“I broke the back porch window with my football, and I’m really sorry.”
“How did it happen?” asked his father.
“I threw my new football toward the house, and it went lots farther than it’s ever gone before... then SMASH! I’ll pay for the new window, Dad.”
“That’s all right, Kevin,” said his father, putting an arm around Kevin’s shoulder. “Accidents happen. I’m just glad that you came and told me about it right away.”
As they talked more about it, Kevin told him how he almost didn’t say anything about the window. But then he remembered what his Sunday school teacher had said that keeping quiet is another way of lying.
“Son,” said his father, “I’m glad to see that you’ve learned a lesson today. It’s so easy to lie even without opening your mouth. I hope you’ve learned something else too. When you’re tempted to do something wrong, ask God for help to do what is right. Never think you can do it by yourself.”
“Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.” Psalm 120:2.
The Lost $20 Bill
On the way home from the doctor’s office, Edith and the children stopped at the bank to get some money to go grocery shopping. The bank teller smiled at the three little boys and gave each of them a lollipop.
The two older boys gobbled up their lollipops quickly, but the baby managed to smear most of his on his face, hands and clothes.
Soon they arrived at the supermarket. Edith got out of the car with her car keys and a $20 bill in her hand. Then she unbuckled and lifted the sticky baby out of his car seat, holding him carefully so she wouldn’t get his sticky lollipop all over herself as well.
When they reached the door, Edith realized she no longer had the $20 bill in her hand. “Oh, boys,” she said, “I’ve lost my money! We’ll have to go right back and look for it!”
Back they went to the car and did a careful search-on the ground, under nearby cars, inside their car, and through Edith’s purse. No money. They searched again. All three of them looked over every inch of ground while the baby waited in the grocery cart in an empty parking space two cars over. Still no money.
“All we can do is pray about it,” Edith said to the boys. She knew where to turn for help. “Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:8. The three of them knelt down on the blacktopped parking lot by the baby’s cart. Edith prayed. Then she encouraged the boys to pray too. Each one of them asked the Lord Jesus to help them find the $20 bill.
When they opened their eyes, there it was, right behind them. “Look, boys, there’s our $20 bill! It’s a good thing we prayed... I know it wasn’t there a moment ago. Perhaps it blew out from somewhere.”
“That’s right,” added six-year-old Jonathan. “But you know, Mommy, the Lord Jesus could have sent it right down from heaven.”
Do you have this kind of trust and confidence in the Lord Jesus? Little Jonathan was only six, and already he could trust Jesus to return that $20 bill in any way He chose.
Do you have a best friend that you trust? Why do you trust that friend? It is because you have talked to that person a lot, and you know that he or she cares about you and will help you. This is the full trust and confidence that you can have in the Lord Jesus. He loves you and wants you to trust Him as your Saviour and Friend. To prove how much He loves you, He died on the cross for you. And He will wash your sins away in His own blood if you will trust Him. “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man [woman, boy or girl] that trusteth in Him.” Psalm 34:8.
If you will trust Him as your Saviour, then you can trust Him as your special Friend who is always there to help you with any problem. “This is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us.” 1 John 5:14. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1. Will you trust Him to be your Saviour and Friend?
Two Tropical Iguanas
“I will speak of the glorious honor of Thy majesty, and of Thy wondrous works.” Psalm 145:5.
Some time ago we looked at the family of lizards called iguanas found throughout the deserts, forests and waters of the world. Most iguanas look like miniature dragons, but are actually shy and are not a threat to people. A grown one will weigh as much as ten pounds and be six feet or more long, including its long thin tail.
Another of these is the tropical green iguana, making its home among the trees from Panama to Brazil. It also looks like a miniature dragon, with its sharp claws as well as spines sticking up all along its back. But this one is also really shy and hides when anyone gets near it. Except when hunting food, it likes to stretch out on the limb of a tall tree and enjoy a sunbath. It looks so much like the bark of native trees that it is difficult to spot unless it is moving.
Its principal food is tender leaves and shoots high in tall trees, as well as wild fruits. Little ones are hatched from eggs laid by the mother in a hole she has dug in the sand or ground. Soon after hatching she takes them up into a tall tree where they feel right at home and live up there until nearly full grown. They eat leaves and buds and drink water from cup-like leaves that hold rainwater. The parents often spend time with the little ones up in the trees, but they gather much of their food down on the ground, because they can more quickly escape if anything dangerous shows up.
But, sad to say, natives in those tropical areas have discovered that iguanas are good to eat. It has been necessary to pass laws limiting the amount of hunting that can be done, for fear that before long none would be left. As a result farmers are allowed to raise them on their own properties and sell them to meat markets, where they receive a good price. Iguana meat tastes so good it is sometimes nicknamed “chicken of the trees.”
A contrasting species is the Galapagos marine iguana, somewhat larger and heavier than those found in deserts and forests. Groups of these may vary in color, but their leather-like bodies are most often brownish-black or gray. Their skin is coarse and fierce-looking with fleshy upright spikes from the top of their heads to the end of their tails.
This species likes to cling in large groups to the steep, rough rocks rising above low tides of the ocean beaches and feast on seaweed and other marine plants that grow there. They are good swimmers.
Read the Bible verse again at the beginning of this article. Are you one of the happy ones who believes and trusts the Lord God who created all things? Another Bible verse says: “Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name.” 1 Chronicles 16:8. Have you done this?
Cross Out Puzzle: Genesis 8:8-12
How many times did Noah send out the dove from the ark?
To find the answer, cross out all the letters A, B, C, K and S.
Write the remaining letters here: _________________________
To check your answer, read Genesis 8:8-12.
A Sunbeam
Caleb’s grandparents were visiting their daughter’s home, and Caleb and his brothers loved to have them come. They had such good times together when Grandpa and Grandma came. Grandpa heard the children singing, “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.” Do you know that song? It goes like this:
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
To shine for Him each day.
In every way try to please Him,
At home, at school, at play.
And the chorus goes this way:
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.
But one day Caleb was unhappy, and that day he was NOT a sunbeam. His Grandpa said, “Caleb, I promised you children a treat, but I can’t give a treat to you when I see you acting that way. I heard you singing, ‘I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.’ But you aren’t a sunbeam today.”
And, boys and girls, the Lord Jesus wants us to be sunbeams to shine for Him every day of our lives. How can we shine for Him? We can be kind and loving in the things we do and say, just as He was kind and loving to everyone. That is just like a ray of sunshine on a dark, cloudy day. How glad we are to see the sunshine when it has been dark and gloomy. It cheers us up, doesn’t it? If you love the Lord Jesus and He has washed your sins away, you can be a sunbeam for Him because you love Him. Do you know why you love Him? The Bible tells us why— “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. And when we think about how much He has done for us, we will want to do all we can for Him and shine for Him. Then the Lord Jesus will be pleased, we will be happy, and others around us may want to know about Him.
Trooper, the Faithful Dog
Do you know what the word “faithful” means? The dictionary uses words like “dependable”, “steady”, “loyal” and “true” to explain what it means. Let me tell you about a dog named Trooper that lives in Iowa, and I think you’ll understand a little more about that word “faithful”.
I’m not sure exactly what kind of a dog Trooper is, but he’s a pretty big dog with a coat of thick white fur. He’s friendly, but he doesn’t jump up on you. You only need to call his name and he comes right over with his long tail wagging, waiting for you to pet him or scratch his head. And he is a faithful dog. I have no doubt that he is very faithful to his master, because he is so faithful in another way.
Trooper lives about a mile away from a little meeting hall where Christians go to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and to hear and learn about Him. For some years now Trooper has also gone to the same little meeting hall. He doesn’t go inside; he waits outside. When the people arrive Trooper is there to greet them. When they come back out, he is still there with his tail wagging.
You may think that he is waiting for his master to come out, but his master does not attend this little meeting hall. Yet Trooper is there every Sunday morning at 9:30, every Sunday evening at 7:00, and every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Whenever there is a meeting going on in that hall, Trooper is one of the first to arrive and the last to leave. And he doesn’t come in a car or van-he walks.
Iowa has some pretty harsh weather. In summer the temperature sometimes will go above 100 degrees, often followed by thunderstorms with lots of lightning. In winter it often goes below zero with blowing and drifting snow. But Trooper is always at the little hall right on time, and he waits outside regardless of the weather until everyone has gone home again. He is dependable, steady, loyal and true. Trooper is faithful.
Do you have a faithful friend? Someone you can count on to be dependable, steady, loyal and true to you? Most of us have at least one friend we can count on. But there are some things that even our faithful friends or pets cannot do. They cannot be with us all the time. If Trooper were closed up in the house, he could not get out to be at the meeting hall on time. And something else our faithful friends cannot always do no matter how much they want to: They cannot always keep their promises. All it takes is a heavy snowfall, and many promised plans are canceled.
Now let me tell you about one faithful Friend who can be with you all the time and who always keeps His promises. His name is Jesus. He loves you and has made some promises to you that He will always keep. In Joshua 1:5 He says, “I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake [desert] thee.” In Hebrews 13:5 He says again, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
And He has made some other promises to you that He will keep if you will let Him. If you will come to Him and admit that you are a sinner and believe that He died on the cross for your sins, He promises to forgive you. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. And He adds another promise to that one-a home with Him in heaven. “I go to prepare a place for you... that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3.
There are many more promises that He has given us in the Bible. And He will keep every single one, because He is God and “God is faithful.” 1 Corinthians 1:9. “He is faithful that promised.” Hebrews 10:23. Closed doors or bad weather will never keep Him from being dependable, steady, loyal and true.
Is Jesus your faithful Friend and Saviour? He wants to be.
“I Am the Resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” John 11:25
NOVEMBER 17, 1991
Who Can Help a Dead Man?
“Mr. Albert! Come quickly!” a voice called at the window.
Mr. Albert looked at his watch and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning. Why would someone be calling at his window so early?
When he looked out, he saw a neighbor, Juan, was there.
“My wife is very sick!” he said. “Please take us to the doctor at once.”
Mr. Albert got his jeep and went around to the neighbor’s house. Juan’s wife had a terrible sore throat, and now she was losing the use of her right arm. They rushed to the hospital, and as soon as they got there they called to the doctor, “Doctor! We have a very sick lady here!”
As they walked quickly to the emergency room, another group of people arrived and called out, “Doctor! An emergency! A man has been killed!”
The doctor didn’t stop what he was doing. He didn’t even turn his head. All he said was, “Over there is the room for dead people.”
Why did the doctor act so quickly for the sick lady and not move at all for the man who had just been killed? Because there was nothing at all the doctor could do to help a dead man. The only thing left to do for the dead man was to fill out a death certificate. No one could help the dead man.
And that’s just what Mary and Martha thought when their brother died. They knew that if Jesus had been there when their brother, Lazarus, was sick, that Jesus could have healed him. But when Jesus wanted to open the grave, Martha said, “Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.” After all, who could help a dead man? But Jesus had told Martha, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” John 11:25.
The doctor couldn’t help the dead man at the emergency room, but Jesus can help even a dead man! All Jesus had to do was speak a word, because Jesus is God. He said, “Lazarus, come forth.” And the dead man heard and obeyed! Today the Lord Jesus can still speak to dead men. He speaks to men (and boys and girls) who are dead in trespasses and sins. Just as He gave life to Lazarus, He can give life to those who have no life towards God. “God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us [made us alive] together with Christ.” Ephesians 2:4,5.
Have you ever heard the voice of Jesus speaking to you? He speaks to you through His Word, the Bible. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation [judgment]; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24. The Lord Jesus wants to take you from being dead in your sins and give you everlasting life. Listen to Him today.
Even though the doctor couldn’t help the dead man, he was able to give medicine to Juan’s wife. She had a bad case of tonsillitis and had been paralyzed because her throat was so swollen that a nerve was pinched. After a week she was back home with her family and able to eat. Lazarus, the dead man who lived again, was also having supper the next time we read about him. And who was he with? Jesus! If you already have eternal life, then you also need to spend time with Jesus. He loves you and likes to see your face and hear your voice. Have you spoken to Him today?
Gorgeous Toucans
“I [the Lord] know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11.
There are over 40 species of toucans, ranging from 10 to 24 inches long. They live in Southern Mexico and Central and South America. The special feature of these birds is a huge, brightly colored beak which sets them apart from all other birds. Following are some details of three of them:
The Sulfur-Breasted Toucan
This one, with a beak longer than its body, has a yellowish-tan breast. This blends nicely with its green beak. A patch of pink shows on both upper and lower parts of its beak near the mouth and a darker green around the eyes. Body feathers are principally deep greenish-blue.
The Toco Toucan
Brazil is the home of this one, somewhat smaller than the sulfur-breasted, but with quite different color patterns. For instance, its seven-inch beak, which is also longer than the rest of the body, on most tocos is bright red and bright yellow. A black patch is on the end of the upper half, as well as a black ribbon circling it near the bird’s eye. This band extends over the lower half of the beak as well.
There is a deep blue circle around black eyes and a white or yellowish neck, but on some the throat and breast are a light chocolate brown. Beyond that point the body is deep black, except for a red heart-shaped area between the bottom of its tail and body.
The Keel-Billed Toucan
This one has perhaps the most startling colors of all. Its beak, not as long as some, has a bright red front on the upper part, followed by green all the way to its head, except for an orange spot in the center. The lower half has a smaller matching red point, backed by purple-blue, then a mixture of green and white, winding up with a final spot of blue at the base of the bird’s head.
The lower part of its head, throat and part of its stomach, are canary yellow, while the upper part and rest of the body are deep black, except for a bright red shield between the tail and body. Quite pretty, don’t you think?
Toucans all have rather long, slender legs and long toes with sharp claws. Their unusual beaks are thin and light in weight, and are great for snatching insects in the air, picking fruit or robbing eggs from bird nests. Wings are short and rounded and tails quite long. Their calls are harsh and lack the melodies common to so many other birds.
As the opening Bible verse reminds us, it is the Lord God who created all things, including these spectacular birds. But, in spite of His greatness, He has loving thoughts toward every person on earth. Another Bible verse tells us “[He] will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:4. Are you saved from your sins?
The Two Puppies
An emergency friend of mine had two young Terrier puppies that were identical. The more I studied these two dogs, the more I saw they were exactly alike. They were still young enough that they liked to drink milk, but you could tell that their teeth were starting to grow. How did I know? Because they chewed on everything! Boots, mittens, toys—anything small they found they chewed.
Then the day came when their owner decided to sell them. He wanted both of them to go to good homes. However, you cannot always know how somebody is going to treat a dog after they buy it. Even though he thought the two buyers would be good owners for the puppies, it turned out that one buyer was kind, but the other buyer was very unkind.
The puppy who had a kind owner was always with his master, trotting by his side or running and playing with him. He had the best dog food to eat, and he was brushed once or twice a week.
The other puppy had a hard time. Some days he got enough to eat, but other times his owner would go away and forget all about him. Sometimes his owner would hit him with a stick. Before, the two dogs had been together in the same happy home, but now things were very different.
Two boys or girls may grow up together in a Christian home. They will each have had the same teaching and love shown to them by their parents. But when it comes time to decide about the Lord Jesus Christ, they sometimes go different ways. Then they have different masters, and they are treated differently. Of course, our puppies did not have a choice as to who their master would be. However, boys and girls do have a choice.
Every boy and girl has a precious soul which God says is worth more than the whole world! But since we are all sinners, Satan is our master, and we need to be redeemed (bought back). But who could pay such a price? God loves us so much that He would pay that price. In love He sent His only Son to die on Calvary’s cross. The Lord Jesus Christ suffered on the cross for our sins and paid the full price to redeem us. Will you accept Him right now as your own Saviour? Then He will be your Master, and what a wonderful Master He is! He will make you very happy. Some day He will take you to His home in heaven.
However, if you are not saved from your sins, you are lost, and Satan is your master. He is a hard master. And some day, if you continue to serve him, you will die in your sins and be lost forever.
Why continue to be a slave of sin and Satan? Come to the Lord Jesus now, and thank Him for dying for you. He is a loving Saviour and Master, and He wants you to be His child.
“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15.
Fill in the Blank: 1 Samuel 13
Try to fill in the missing letters in the squares.
This story is found in 1 Samuel 13.
There was a man in Israel who went up with his wife, _ _ N _ _ H, to Shiloh to worship before the Lord. Now Hannah did not have any children. She P _ _ Y _ D to the Lord, promising that if the Lord would send her a _ _ N, she would give him back to serve the Lord in the temple. The Lord heard Hannah’s prayer, and gave her a son. Hannah named him S _ M _ _ L. True to her word, Hannah took Samuel, when he was still a child, up to Shiloh and brought him to _ L _, the priest. She said, “I have L _ N _ him to the Lord; as long as he liveth.” And so Samuel served the Lord even when he was a child. Every Y _ _ R Hannah went up to see Samuel, and she brought him a little C _ _ T which she made from year to year. One N _ _ _ T when Samuel was _ _ L _ _ P he heard his name called. He went to Eli, but Eli had not called Samuel. Eli told Samuel that it must be the Lord, and the next time he heard his name called he should say, “S _ E _ _, Lord; for Thy S _ _ V _ N _ H _ A _ _ _ H.” Samuel did this, and the Lord spoke to him about the things He would do in Israel. Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him. All Israel knew that he was a P _ _ P _ _ T of the Lord.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
NOVEMBER 24, 1991
Carmen's New Baby
Carmen the cat lived with the Mendez family in Arizona. She had a little family of kittens in a box in the corner of the kitchen.
One day young Juan came home with a tiny little ground squirrel that lay limp in the palm of his hand. “Look, Mother,” he exclaimed, “I found it out under a bush, but it’s almost dead.”
“Poor thing,” his mother said sadly. “Something must have killed its mother, and now it is starving.”
Juan asked if he could keep it.
“But how?” said his mother. “It’s too little to eat lettuce, and how could we keep such a tiny thing alive?”
Just then Carmen their cat strolled in and walked over to her box. That gave Juan an idea.
“Mother, let’s give it to Carmen. Maybe she’ll take care of it along with her babies.”
“Cats are natural enemies of ground squirrels,” said Juan’s older brother. “Carmen will just kill it.”
However, Juan decided to give it a try. He put the little ground squirrel in among the kittens in the box and watched to see what would happen. Carmen was purring contentedly. When she saw the little stranger she sniffed him all over, then pushing him aside, she called her babies to dinner.
But the hungry little ground squirrel sensed that food was near and crawled over to the mother cat, hoping to get in on the feast. Again Carmen batted him away, but again, driven by hunger, the little fellow came back to try again.
Finally, while Carmen was busy washing one of her kittens, the tiny stranger found a place to nurse. From then on Carmen accepted the new baby as one of her own.
The little fellow thrived on such good milk, and strangely enough he became Carmen’s favorite. He was much more active than her own babies and could climb in and out of the box long before her own kittens could. Juan named him Frisky.
Frisky loved to jump on top of his big, white adopted mother and ride around on her back. He would climb chairs and the family had to be careful not to sit on him. Sometimes when he was climbing a chair Carmen would grab his tail and pull him back down.
Juan and his brothers and sister loved to play with Frisky. He would climb up and sit on their shoulders, and when he scolded and chattered in his little squeaky voice he would make them all laugh.
Frisky was accepted as one of the family. When he grew older he made a tunnel in the backyard for his home. Then he found a mate and they had a little family of their own. Carmen often paid them a friendly visit.
The story of Carmen and Frisky reminds us of how God has taken poor, lost, helpless sinners into His family. Because of our sins we were enemies of God, and yet He loved us so much that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for us. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Every one who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour is born into the family of God. “As many as received Him [Jesus], to them gave He power to become the sons of God.” John 1:12.
Little Frisky was loved and cared for by Carmen the cat, but he could never become a cat. He always remained a ground squirrel. But when God takes us into His family and we become His children, he gives us a new life.
Soon the Lord Jesus is coming to take His family home to heaven to be with Himself forever. Do you belong to His family and will heaven be your home someday?
A Trip to Alaska
When we started off for Alaska, my husband and I loaded up our car with several big boxes of food as well as all the things we thought we would need to keep house for a couple of months. Then we piled in many books and tracts and all our clothes.
Our little car was crowded to the limit when we went to say “Good-bye” to some of our friends. One dear Christian lady brought out a large box and said, “You must take these tracts to give out on your trip.” Earle was looking doubtfully at the car, not sure where we could fit anything else in. But she was insisting the tracts should go with us.
So we took the box and set it on the back seat. For the first thousand miles or so of our journey it seemed as though every time one of us wanted to nap or get something we needed, that box had to be moved. It was always in the way.
Then we picked up Alvin. We didn’t usually pick up hitchhikers, but we felt that here was one the Lord would have us stop for.
We soon found out that Alvin Ferguson was a true Christian. Ever since his wife had died, he had spent most of his time going from one little town to another throughout the midwest, giving tracts to the children at the local schools. He also was visiting hospitals and speaking to everyone he met of God’s wonderful love in giving His only begotten Son to die for lost, guilty sinners.
The day we met him, Alvin was about 1,000 miles from home and his backpack was empty. He had just given away his last tract and was praying that the Lord would provide him with more. Right then we knew who that box of tracts in our back seat was for! And once again the Lord had kept His promise in Philippians 4:19“My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Alvin needed more tracts, and we needed to get that big box out of our way.
We had dinner with Alvin, found him a place to sleep, and loaded his backpack and pockets with tracts until not another one would fit... and the box was empty! And then we had to go our separate ways, but not before we thanked the Lord Jesus for His wonderful ways of taking care of us. Our Lord Jesus never fails to provide.
Is there anything you need? In Matthew 7:7 God says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Are you still lost in your sins? Then you do need something-you need to be saved from them. God says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. Will you let Him save you?
Little-Known Takins
“For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.” Psalm 50:10.
In the high-altitude forests of the Min Mountains of Tibet and China, an animal called the takin makes its home. Although as large as a cow, it is not often seen because it hides when people come near, although some have attacked hunters.
It is an odd-looking creature with a big clumsy-looking head and a thick, short neck. Atop the male’s large ears, that stand straight out when listening to something, rises a pair of strong U-shaped black and rather blunt horns, pointing backwards.
Takins weigh about 650 pounds and look clumsy, but they are extremely nimble, making trails in the mountain areas at the top edge of canyons, where people would be afraid to go.
Although they look like cows, they are actually related to mountain goats. Their hoofs are more like those of goats, and their calls are a combination of a bull’s bellow and the bleating of a goat. They also chew the cud.
Their food is a variety of plants, leaves, thistles, wild flowers, nettles, berry vines and tender new branches of trees. To reach the foliage or leaves on branches too high for them, they will stand on their hind legs and lean the front ones against the tree. Sometimes they will bend a young tree down to the ground by straddling it. In winter when snow is deep and plants are buried, they eat the foliage of trees as high as they can reach. Sometimes this is not enough food, and in severe weather many of them die.
Herds may have from 10 to 30 takins, including parents and young ones. Mothers take full care of their babies since the fathers don’t take much interest in the young. Sometimes the bulls seem to get playful together, but soon the playfulness turns into serious fights.
Babies are cute as can be, usually a fuzzy dark-brown color, not at all like their parents who are grayish-red with a black mouth and snout. But as they mature they gradually change to the adult coloring. Youngsters are quick to play together, tumbling and trying to outrun each other. Female baby-sitters often take over responsibility for the babies and young ones, caring for a dozen or more of them.
At one time takins were killed by native hunters for their tasty meat and pretty hides, but now the Chinese government fully protects them from hunters.
These animals remind us of an expression in a Bible verse that says, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9. A little further on it is written, “Happy is he... whose hope is in the Lord his God: which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is.” Psalm 146:5,6. Is He your Lord and Saviour?
“Unto Him That Loved Us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5
The Unforgettable Swing Set
It was time to take our two young children to the doctor for their regular checkups. Dr. Smith was a friendly man with children of his own. He knew that a doctor’s office can be a scary place for little people. So when he came into the examining room, he first spent some time talking with Sally and Jimmy so they wouldn’t be afraid of him.
We had taken Sally’s shoes off. Dr. Smith saw them sitting on the table beside her and told her what nice shoes she had. Then he told her a true story about when he was little.
He said their family was very poor, so poor that he and his brothers and sisters used to wear shoes made out of cardboard. He went on to say that his father didn’t have money to buy them toys to play with, either. Then he said, “But there was one time I’ll never forget.”
His father had a very rare type of blood. One day the hospital called his father and told him they had someone very sick who needed this rare type of blood. They asked him if he would come to the hospital to give this very sick person some of his blood.
“Yes,” he told them. And he went right over to the hospital to donate some blood.
But when he came home he brought a big surprise with him. The hospital had paid him some money because his blood was so rare. He took that money he had received for giving a little of his blood and bought his children a fine swing set.
This gift that Dr. Smith’s father had bought with the money from donating his own blood was something that had meant so very much to Dr. Smith when he was a child. And that is why he said he would never forget it. It showed him how much his father loved him and his brothers and sisters.
As the doctor was telling this story, it made us think of another loving gift that was bought with blood. God gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to shed His blood on Calvary’s cross for sinners. Now, Dr. Smith’s father only gave a little of his blood, not all of it; he didn’t give up his life to buy his children a swing set. But the Bible tells us that “God commendeth [proves] His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.
The Lord Jesus was the only man who was perfect and never sinned. And only His blood can wash away sins. There is none other like Him. And because He loves us so much, He gave up that perfect life to pay for our sins which were against Him. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. The swing set wore out and became useless. But Jesus paid the price for something that will never grow old or wear out-He paid the price to give us eternal life. If you will come to Him with your sins and believe that His blood was shed for you, the gift of eternal life is yours! “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5. There is nothing else that can buy this gift that is freely offered to you. Will you accept it?
Stars of the Sea
“Thou... art Lord alone; Thou hast made... the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6.
About 2000 kinds of starfish, or sea stars, abound in the world’s oceans. The greatest number are found along the Pacific Coast of North America. There are many varieties, and while most of them have five rough, pointed arms, there are some which have more. The sunstar has 13 arms, and others have as many as 50!
It is common for starfish to eat dead sea creatures, but they also go after live clams, oysters and crabs. A clam or oyster closes up its shell tightly when attacked. But the greedy starfish attaches a suction-cupped arm on both sides of the shell to pull it apart. The shellfish holds out for a long time, but the starfish has more strength and finally pulls the shell apart. Then, placing its stomach over the victim’s body, slowly digests it.
Starfish may appear to be harmless little sea animals, but many of them are actually vicious. They will attack other starfish of their own kind or some other variety, and it is not always the biggest that wins out.
The stomach is on the underside of the starfish’s center and is like a piece of soft but tough elastic. The starfish crawls over the victim and covers it with its stomach. Then it patiently waits while the food is slowly digested. It is amazing how large a victim can be eaten that way. The meal may take several days or even weeks to digest.
A surprising number of starfish in a wide variety of shapes and forms live in the ice-covered waters of Antarctica near the South Pole. One of these is so different and pretty that it has been named feather star. It does not have the usual solid arms, but its body is covered with beautiful, long, yellow “feathers” with thin centers that wave back and forth in the ocean currents and snare small particles of food that drift by.
Another outstanding one, with the odd name of odontaster, is bright red and eats anything dead or alive, from the tiniest algae to large marine creatures. One named brittle star has a round smooth tannish body, about a foot in diameter, and five long spindly legs, tapering to points at the ends. These probe all around for food to bring to its stomach.
While many of these creatures seem strange to us, the Creator had a definite purpose in placing them in the seas and preserving them, as the beginning verse reminds us. But He does not love them as He loves every person on the earth. This is expressed so well in the Bible verse that speaks of those who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, saying, “I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. Have you accepted that love and thanked Him for it?
Buttons and Brandon
Brandon was a brave boy, but there were two things that frightened him.
One of them was the neighbor’s dogs, King and Spitz. They were always kept chained to their doghouses, but they growled and snarled whenever Brandon went near them. They weren’t nice like his own dogs. Brandon was afraid of what might happen if they ever got loose and chased him through the fields and caught him. Just thinking about it would send shivers of fright down his spine.
The other thing that scared Brandon was Buttons, the pony that belonged to his sisters. If you didn’t know Buttons you would think he was the cutest and most gentle pony around. Little, shaggy old Buttons had lots of people fooled... but not Brandon. Buttons might have looked cute, but Brandon didn’t trust him. He wouldn’t get close to Buttons unless his father was with him. Buttons wouldn’t dare misbehave when his father was around, and Brandon knew this.
Sometimes when Brandon and his father were around Buttons, Brandon would see Buttons watching him, and he thought he knew what Buttons was thinking-You wait, little boy. One of these times you’ll be all alone, and I’ll catch you and teach you a lesson for being smaller than I am. Brandon’s sisters were all bigger and older than he was, and they always got along fine with Buttons.
One day when his father was in the house and his brother and sisters had gone shopping with their mother, Brandon was playing with his toy trucks in the backyard. Buttons had a fenced-in corral where he was kept. Brandon didn’t think he had anything to worry about, so he was busy playing.
Suddenly, Brandon got the feeling that someone was looking at him. Turning around he saw Buttons just a few feet behind him. Brandon was terrified! He quickly stood up and started walking backwards, never taking his eyes off Buttons who was walking steadily toward him. Brandon tried to call for help, but his mouth was dry and words wouldn’t come out. He kept walking backwards, not daring to run for fear he would be trampled. Then he backed up smack against the fence. Buttons had him cornered!
Buttons walked right up to Brandon (who had never been so frightened in his life before), opened his mouth and bit Brandon right on the chest, ripping his shirt and scraping his skin. Then Buttons turned and walked away.
When Brandon’s father heard what had happened he gave Buttons a good clout on the nose and put him back in the corral, firmly closing the gate that had been left open.
Buttons reminds us of Satan. Satan is our enemy and is always waiting to corner us one way or another. He is just watching until we let our guard down. Brandon’s father wasn’t around when Buttons cornered him and bit him. But the Lord Jesus is always there to help us right away when we have a problem. If the Lord Jesus is your Saviour you only have to call Him and He will hear you, even if you are so scared you have lost your voice. In the Bible He tells us, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee.” Psalm 50:15.
Wouldn’t you like to have the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? You can. It’s easy. Just tell Him that you know you are a sinner, and trust Him to forgive your sins. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.
“Come Unto Me, All Ye That Labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Larry's Lesson
Riding down the freeway with Grandma, six-year-old Larry held tightly to a cold, wet can of soda pop. Larry, his grandma, mother, brother and sister had been berry picking. It had been a hot day, and because they were all tired and thirsty, they had stopped to visit Aunt Peggy. She treated them to a cold drink of soda pop: a special new kind to Larry. He liked it so much that Aunt Peggy had given him an extra can just as they were leaving. He was bouncing happily! But when his mother heard him shaking his can of pop as hard as he could, she turned to tell him more about soda pop.
“Soda pop is not to be shaken. If you do, the fizzy bubbles will keep making more and more until they are all crowding to get out all at once. If you were to open it now, POP! they would explode all over you and the inside of the car. Now you will have to wait a long while so the bubbles can calm down.”
Larry seemed to understand. He began to complain if someone bumped his arm, and he even asked Grandma to try to “drive smoother” and not to hit so many bumps since it jiggled his pop.
Minutes later everyone jumped out of the car at Grandma’s house. No one noticed that Larry had lagged behind. Suddenly a loud POP! was heard. Whirling around they all saw a foamy fountain of soda pop spraying over Larry’s head and shoulders. It was so funny to see his look of surprise and shock! They all forgot their manners as they laughed and laughed. Poor Larry wanted to cry. He had not obeyed the warning, and now he knew, too late, that what his mother had said was true.
How many children, and older people too, are disobeying the warnings, from the Bible, of hell and punishment for their sins? Jesus Himself tells us more about hell than anyone else in the Bible. Someday these people will know that they, like Larry, should have listened.
Mother tried to clean up Larry a little before they started home. “I’m so embarrassed, Mommy,” he whispered. “Please don’t tell Daddy!”
Sin is like a stain too, but it is a stain on the heart rather than the soda pop stain on Larry’s clothes. It can never be hid from God and must be punished by Him as well. But God, who knew all our sins, laid them on the Lord Jesus and punished Him so that those who believe in Him will not be punished. “Christ... who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.” 1 Peter 2:21,24. There is a heart cleansing for you that will make you so clean and pure that even God cannot find one spot. But you must tell the Lord Jesus that you need and want His cleansing. A gift is not yours until you take it. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
Larry went home smelling like the vanilla in the soda pop, but God’s cleansing is perfect.
“Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7.
"How Do You Say 'Zoo' in Spanish?"
Do you know how to say “zoo” in Spanish? Tommy didn’t, but he learned the word quickly one day.
“Let’s go to the zoo this afternoon,” we said to Tommy.
“Oh boy!” he exclaimed.
Our family lived in a small town in South America for a number of years, and once in a while for a special treat we drove to the big city to take our small children to the zoo. We had twin babies at the time, so we began to prepare for our trip to the zoo by getting bottles, diapers and food ready for the babies.
“Mommy, how do you say ‘zoo’ in Spanish?” Tommy asked.
“Zool gico,” we said.
Tommy smiled and ran out the door as we continued to get ready to go.
Just as we were ready to get into the jeep, three neighbor children, Yenny, Betania, and José appeared. Their hair was combed. Their faces were washed. They had clean clothes on and big smiles on their faces. They looked like they were ready to go somewhere.
We hadn’t planned to invite anyone to go with us that day, but here were these three little friends all expecting to go somewhere. Suddenly we remembered that Tommy had asked us how to say the word “zoo” in Spanish! He must have run over to their house to invite them to go with us!
“Well,” we said, “would you like to go to the ‘zool gico’ with us?”
“Sí!” they all said together.
“You had better go ask your mother if you can go,” we said.
“We already have,” they answered quickly.
So we all climbed into the jeep and instead of taking three children that day, we took six.
Tommy had been eager to invite his friends to go with us that day, but God is even more eagerly inviting you somewhere! God is inviting you to His wonderful home in heaven. He wants you there so much that he sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, into this world to die on the cross and pay for our sins so that we could go there. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Yenny, Betania and José were just as eager to go as Tommy was to invite them. All it took was one invitation, and they got ready fast! And this was just to go to a zoo. But God has invited you many, many times to go all the way to heaven! There is a street of gold up there, and we will have a wonderful supper with harps and singing. Wouldn’t you like to go? God says to you, “Come; for all things are now ready.... And yet there is room.” Luke 14:17,22. God wants to have His house filled with boys and girls like you. Have you accepted His invitation? Are you ready to go? You can be. The Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Tommy only had to learn how to say “zoo” in Spanish in order to invite his friends that day, but the Lord Jesus had to suffer and die for our sins in order to invite us to heaven. Yenny, Betania and José only had to come that day-and that’s all you have to do too. Jesus said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
Will you come?
Talking Birds: Part 1
“[The Lord God] doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” Job 9:10.
Parrots are one of the few kinds of birds that can be captured in the wild, taken into a house or aviary, and soon become “one of the family,” even to the extent of joining in the talking. Probably most of you have had some contact with parrots.
Some not only mimic people with words plainly spoken, but also learn how to use them. Some will call for certain foods by name or greet people with a loud “hello” or “good-by”. Some have even been taught to call out the word “want” for something they want, as well as “no” when they don’t want what is being offered to them. However, this takes a lot of patient training, and not all parrots can learn that much.
There are many varieties of parrots, ranging in size all the way from the small brilliantly-colored lorikeets of Australia, about three inches long, to the largest, the hyacinth macaw of Brazil which measures some 40 inches from beak to tail-end. These are colored a solid deep blue, except for yellow eyes and a small yellow band across the neck.
Parrot varieties are found in many parts of the world, including Africa, the Philippines, southern Asia, Australia and the Orient. But the greatest number make their homes in Central and South America, as well as the tropical areas of Mexico and the West Indies. None are natives of North America, although they seem quite content when captured and brought here.
In their homelands they like to nest in holes in dead trees, and with strong beaks and claws will enlarge holes that are not big enough. They usually cover the floors of these nests with small bits of wood or leaves. The burrowing parrot is an exception to the tree-nesting parrots. Large colonies of these dig burrows into cliffs close to one another and can make an awful noise when all are chattering or calling at the same time. Another, the night parrot of Australia, hollows out a nesting spot in the base of a clump of coarse tall grass.
These remarkable birds are included in the opening Bible verse as it talks of wonders of God’s creation without number. He is the One who has provided so great a variety of wonders. They did not “just happen” to be the way they are.
In the following issue we will take a look at some of the individual species of parrots and their distinguishing colors and habits.
(to be continued)
The Manta Ray
“And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth... after their kind.” Genesis 1:21.
The manta ray is the largest of the ray family. It measures up to 22 feet across its “wings”, is ten feet long from head to tail, and weighs up to one-and-a-half tons. It lives in tropical oceans. Surprisingly, it has very small teeth and is actually one of the harmless creatures of the sea, feeding mostly on plankton (tiny plant and animal life).
A diver who recently saw one tells that at first he was afraid of it, but then he was surprised to find it quite friendly. After looking the diver over, the manta ray dropped down below him, barely moving. So in a bold moment’s decision, the diver also dropped down and gently landed on its back with his legs spread out and his hands on its shoulders. Soon its wings began to slowly beat, and the diver realized he was off on a trip with no idea how it would end. But he was pleased to find he wasn’t thrown off and that the manta ray seemed to be enjoying his company.
The ride didn’t last long, but was quite a thrill. When he told other divers about it, some of them decided to try the same thing to see if it would also give them a ride. Sure enough, it did. But the first diver found his last ride on another day the most thrilling. This time the manta ray carried him out into deep water, past sharks and schools of fish and other creatures. However, he couldn’t stay down too long or he’d be in trouble. When he finally let go, his new-found friend seemed surprised, stopped beating its wings and glided just a short distance away, as if waiting for him to climb back on.
As far as we know, no one else has had experiences such as this man and his friends had. We hope it impressed on them a real awareness of the wonders of God’s creation, for all the creatures of the oceans are included in the Bible verse that says, “For by Him were all things created... and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [continue to exist].” Colossians 1:16,17.
The Bible also tells all boys and girls to “remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1), and to know Him not only as the One who created and watches over them, but who loves each and every one. He invites you to know His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour. He died on the cross to put away the sins of all who trust Him to forgive them. He will then accept you as one of His own children, with the promise of a heavenly home when life on earth is ended.
If you do not belong to Him yet, why not look up and ask Him to be your Saviour this very day. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
In Five Years …
I had just finished buckling my seat belt on a flight from New York to Chicago when a businessman sat down beside me. As we talked during the flight I was able to guide the conversation to the things of God.
“Oh sure, I think religion is a good thing,” he told me. “When I was a boy I went to Sunday school and church every Sunday morning.”
“Are you a Christian?” I asked.
“You couldn’t really say that... I guess.” He hesitated, shrugged; “I’m really too busy to think about religion.” He went on to tell me about the large company of which he was president, a company with offices in other countries.
“Do you feel business matters are more important than spiritual matters?” I asked.
A startled look came over his face. “Well, you know how those things go. The fact is.... ” He broke off and cleared his throat. “I do plan to get right with God when I retire in five years. Things would have to... well, sort of change in the company if I did it now.”
After landing at the Chicago airport we each went our separate ways. My companion was going on to Los Angeles. It was less than an hour later that I heard of the crash of a flight which was taking off for Los Angeles. All aboard were killed. What a tragedy! My companion had reservations on that flight.
“In five years”... he was going to wait five more years. What a short period of time compared with eternity! There is no comparison between the riches of salvation and the dollars and cents of five more years! There was no way this man could know that in just a short time he would be in eternity, and evidently he was not saved from his sins. What a warning this should be to anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Every tick of the clock brings you nearer to eternity, and you could die at any moment even though you may think you have many years yet to live. “Boast not thyself of to-morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1.
God’s Son paid the price for your salvation. If you come to Him believing and accepting His work on Calvary’s cross for your sins, you will spend eternity in heaven.
“Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
The Lost Rattle
Little Josh had such a nice rattle. It was the shape of an hourglass, made of clear, firm plastic and inside were many brightly colored little balls floating in a liquid. Josh loved to turn it upside down and watch the balls go from one end to the other. But now the rattle was lost!
Josh’s mother always had kept the rattle in her diaper bag so whenever they went somewhere Josh would have it to play with. He liked it so much he would play quietly with it for a long time. Now both Josh and his mother missed it very much.
Even though it now had been gone for a couple of months Josh’s mother was still fretting over it. It had been such a favorite toy and such a help to her. Then she remembered Psalm 37 where it says, “Fret not thyself.... Trust in the Lord.... Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” It’s such a little thing, she thought. Still, I should pray about it and not fret. So that’s what she did-she prayed about the lost rattle.
Have you ever lost something and missed it a whole lot? Maybe it was a ball, or a ring, or something very special. Sometimes you find it very quickly, and sometimes it takes a long time. However, sometimes it is never found. But even while that ring or ball is lost, it still belongs to you. God has something that is lost too that He loves very much-you and me. He made us and brought us into the world, but we are lost from Him because of our sins. And He wants each one of us back very much.
That day Josh had a skin rash and had to go see the doctor. What a long wait they had for their turn. And how his mother wished she had that rattle. She reminded herself again to pray instead of fretting about it. While they sat they watched a noisy teenager talking to the lady at the desk. The teenager was tired of waiting for his turn to see the doctor too. Just for something to do he reached inside the lady’s window, picked up a toy and started flipping it first one way and then the other. Josh’s mother stared at the toy-it was a rattle just like Josh’s!
“Excuse me,” she said to the lady. “Did someone leave that here?”
“Yes, about two months ago,” answered the lady. “I usually throw things like that away, but this one was so special I kept it here, hoping the owner would come for it.”
“I believe that is my little boy’s rattle,” his mother said.
The lady smiled as the teenager handed Josh his rattle. “I’m really glad to have found its owner,” the lady said.
It had taken Josh’s mother two months to find his rattle. How glad they were to have it back. And there is good news for people who are lost. It is found in the Bible in Luke chapter 19, verse 10. “The Son of man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” God the Father sent the Lord Jesus down to this world for one purpose-to look for and to save those who are lost in their sins. He is anxious to have you and me back.
The Lord Jesus died and shed His blood so that all who believe on Him would never have to be punished for their sins. Isn’t God’s love in sending His Son to die for your sins enough reason for you to accept Him as your Lord and Saviour? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13.
Jesus told a lot of people one day that there would be joy in heaven over one sinner who repents-who is sorry about his sins and turns back to God. Have you done that?
Talking Birds: Part 2
“O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1.
A photographer with color film or an artist with a good selection of bright colors will always find parrots interesting subjects.
One called rainbow lorikeet is a good example of this with so many bright colors-red, blue, green and orange all blending so beautifully. This one lives in Australia and, contrary to the appetites of most parrots, its food is mainly soft fruit and nectar from plants and trees, rather than nuts and seeds.
The blue-naped variety of the Philippines is another pretty one. The head feathers behind its reddish beak are a brilliant green, followed by a large patch of blue on its neck (which is how it got its name). The rest of its body feathers are a mixture of light green, blue, yellow and black-a very pretty combination.
In Peru there are great quantities of macaws, an extra-large type of parrot with varieties of coloring. These have large yellow beaks, behind which a typical example will have a bright red head, throat, neck and shoulders. These colors are followed by orange on the wings before they turn brilliant deep blue. Another feature of macaws is their long tails, a mixture of green and red-really beautiful birds.
The blue and gold macaw, also of Peru, is well-named with its bright blue top feathers. Its neck is yellowish-gold in back, but black in the front. Its white round face has a small sharp black beak.
Another part of this family in nearby Brazil is the well-named scarlet macaw. With the exception of a few blue spots, its entire body is a display of brilliant scarlet feathers, including wings and tail.
Another in Brazil is called the red-spectacled parrot. This is because of a wide band of crimson-red across the top of its head that also surrounds its eyes. This one has a short tail, mostly deep green in color and red on parts of its wings. It is noted for its exceptionally long, strong claws.
If you have a parrot in your home or schoolroom you may say, “Our parrot isn’t colored like any of those!” That’s the interesting thing about these birds. The Creator has placed such a wide variety on the earth that it would be difficult to try to list them all at one time.
They remind us again of the splendor of God’s creation. And not only has He created them, but the Bible tells us that He watches over them at all times. Do you know that He watches over you with an even greater love? His invitation to you is, “Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:4. Do you know Him as your Saviour?
Fill in the Blank: 1 Kings 17
Try to fill in the missing letters in the squares.
This story will be found in 1 Kings 17.
Elijah was a prophet of the Lord in Israel during the reign of wicked King Ahab. Elijah told Ahab there would not be _ _ W nor rain because he had forsaken the Lord God. Without rain there would soon be famine, and even Elijah would have a hard time finding food to eat.
The Lord told Elijah to go to the brook _ H _ R _ _ H and the _ A _ E _ S would feed him there. Elijah did so, and he drank of the _ R _ _ K.
However, the brook _ R _ _ D up. Then the Lord told him to go to Zarephath and there a certain W _ D _ _ woman would sustain him. He found her gathering S _ I _ K _ with which to cook the last meal for herself and her S _ _.
Elijah told her to make a cake for him first, then one for herself and her son, for the Lord said the barrel of _ E _ L would not W _ _ T _, nor the cruse of _ _ L fail, until He sent rain upon the earth. And so it came to pass.
But one day the widow’s son became very sick and she thought he had _ _ _ D. Immediately she told Elijah. He carried the boy upstairs and laid him on his own bed. Then he stretched himself upon the child _ H _ E _ times and _ R _ _ _ D to the Lord. The Lord _ _ A _ D Elijah’s prayer and the child revived. Elijah carried him to his mother and said, “See, thy son L _ V _ _ _.”
Well, boys and girls, we learn from this story how the Lord Jesus cares for those who put their trust in Him. He hears their prayers too in time of need. If you haven’t trusted Him as your Saviour, why not do so now?
“As Many as Received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12
DECEMBER 22, 1991
A Dog Named Buttercup
Buttercup was so proud of her puppies. This was her first litter, and she was such a good mother to them. Vanessa, Olivia and Alicia, her three little owners, loved those puppies almost as much as Buttercup did. Lots of their friends came over to see the puppies and to hold them and play with them. Buttercup didn’t mind these visitors. She seemed to enjoy the attention to her little family.
As the weeks went by, the puppies grew bigger. The Herman family knew they shouldn’t keep the puppies much longer. It’s always easier to find homes for puppies when they are cute and playful, rather than when they are bigger. And so, one by one, they found a good home for each puppy... until finally the last one had been given away.
It was kind of hard for the family to give up the puppies, but it was even harder on Buttercup. She was so lonesome she just wandered around. Sometimes she howled because she missed her pups so much.
One day not long after, one of the girls brought home two baby rabbits. The family called Buttercup over to see the little balls of fluff. Once Buttercup saw them she could not take her eyes off them. She began to clean them just like she had done with her own puppies. She quickly adopted them as her own, nursing them and watching over them just as if they were her own babies. And the little bunnies seemed to be just as happy to have Buttercup take care of them. It didn’t matter to Buttercup that they were rabbits. She had adopted a new family.
This story of Buttercup and the little rabbits reminds us of how God has brought poor, lost, helpless sinners into His family. Because of our sins we were enemies of God, and yet He loved us so much that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for us. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation [offering] for our sins.” 1 John 4:10.
Every one who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour is born into the family of God. “As many as received Him [Jesus], to them gave He power to become the sons of God.” John 1:12.
The little rabbits were loved and cared for by Buttercup, but they could never become dogs. They would always be rabbits. But when God brings us into His family and we become His children, He gives us a new life like His. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away... all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Soon the Lord Jesus is coming to take His family home to heaven to be with Himself forever. Do you belong to His family?
Food From Afar
“O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” Psalm 36:6,7.
Shortly after Columbus discovered America, explorers in Peru, South America, came across an important food they had never seen before. They were pleasantly surprised to find that its round, oval, or flat-shaped hard tubers-many as big as a man’s hand-made good eating after being boiled, baked or fried.
So they took some home to the British Isles, where they grew so well and had such great food value that they soon became their main food. What was it they had discovered? Potatoes! So many potatoes were soon raised in Ireland that they got the name Irish potatoes, but actually they should have been called Peruvian potatoes, as that’s where they were first found. Even today visitors to Peru are discovering that the Peruvians are developing new varieties of them, as well as other foods, both new and old.
Being a main food now for so many of us, let’s look at its food value. A potato is about 80 percent water and 20 percent solid matter. Starch makes up about 85 percent of the potato’s solid matter and protein makes up about 10 percent. It also contains important vitamins as well as the elements calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. And good news for people who count calories, a medium-sized potato contains only about 70 calories-not especially fattening.
Potatoes are a close relative of tomatoes, red peppers and eggplants. However, they are not related to sweet potatoes or yams. They are grown in every state of the continental United States, but most are grown on large farms where growing conditions are best-mostly in the North. Russia actually grows more potatoes than any other country. Other leading growers are Mainland China, Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Great Britain, France and Spain.
Areas such as North America, Europe and Japan pride themselves on their inventions and development of computers, military weapons, automobiles, airplanes, etc. But it should humble us to realize that while some of these things are indeed clever and brilliant, actually our neighbors in many parts of Central and South America have had an important part in keeping to the simpler things of life and have for all these years been enjoying tasty and nutritious food, nuts, and fruit, supplied to them by a kind and loving Creator, of whom the Bible says, “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” Psalm 33:5.
When the Lord God provided necessary things for all His creatures, it was throughout the entire world. It was on the third day of creation that He declared, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb [plants] yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth.” Genesis 1:11.
The more we learn of the great varieties of that wonderful provision in so many parts of the world, the more we should thank Him for His wisdom and loving care over all His creation, and particularly for the way this benefits each one of us.
Face to Face With Lions
“The lions, Bwana! They have killed and eaten two more people! That makes 20 of our Songo tribe those killers have destroyed. And who knows how many goats and how much cattle.” The boy who helped in the kitchen was very excited and upset.
The missionary looked out into the darkness of the African night. Was it his imagination, or was he really smelling the musky odor that meant a lion was nearby? The moving shadow of every bush looked like a lion about to leap. He did not blame the people for being afraid. Never had he known the lions to make such raids on cattle corrals and villages as they were doing now. It was no longer safe to go outside at night.
In the bright sunlight of the next morning, lions were forgotten for the time being. There were the sick people waiting to be cared for, the morning Bible lesson to give, and school lessons soon to begin. The laughter of little boys and girls was in the air, and things did not seem nearly as frightening as the night before.
Glancing out a window, the missionary saw that some of the goats had gotten into his vegetable garden. He and his wife had worked hard on that precious patch of vegetables, and he knew it would take no time at all for those goats to do a lot of damage.
The missionary started toward the garden, stopping just long enough on the way to pick up a stick to chase the goats with. He had almost reached the goats when he stopped short in horror. He was face to face with three lions!
The lions were crouched with their eyes fixed on him. Their tails were switching back and forth, like those of great cats. The missionary gripped his useless stick as his heart cried to God for help. He did not dare to run-they would attack him in an instant.
Suddenly there was a frightened cry from one of the goats near him that had caught the scent of the dreaded enemy, the lion. Seemingly in bewildered panic, the goat dashed between the missionary and the lions.
In a flash, the three lions were on the goat in a snarling, clawing heap. The missionary knew that this was God’s deliverance for him, and he raced back to the house while the lions were taken up with the goat they had caught.
As soon as the missionary had gasped out his story, he and several others armed with guns hurried cautiously back to the spot. But the huge beasts had already bounded away, dragging the goat with them, and were nowhere to be seen.
How would you like to come face to face with even one hungry lion, boys and girls? Did you know “your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour [destroy]”? You can read this verse in 1 Peter 5:8. We cannot see this “lion” with our eyes, but he is very real. He wants to destroy every one of us. But Someone saw our great danger and has come between us and the devil. It was the Lord Jesus who stepped in between!
The frightened goat made a deadly mistake when he dashed between the missionary and those three hungry lions. But the Lord Jesus was not making a mistake when He came between us and the “lion”Satan. He knew exactly what would happen; He came on purpose because of His great love for us! “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities [sins]: the chastisement [punishment] of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6.
Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
Cross Out Puzzle: Matthew 27:28
What color was the robe the soldiers put on Jesus?
To find the answer, cross out all the letters F, H, M, Q and X.
Write the remaining letters here: _________________________
To check your answer, read Matthew 27:28.
“Without Faith It Is Impossible to Please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6
DECEMBER 29, 1991
The Two Natures
Flavio’s friend Clemente was visiting him for a few days in central Brazil. One morning Flavio took Clemente to see the lions at his father’s zoo.
Flavio stood near the cage of a huge male lion. He called to his friend, “Clemente, come watch this.”
Flavio gave a low whistle. To Clemente’s surprise the big lion sauntered over to the bars and purred like a big cat as it let Flavio stroke its mane and back. “Here, you try now,” invited Flavio. Clemente reached in and stroked the lion just like Flavio had and found the lion quite calm. Flavio explained, “We had this lion in our home when he was a cub. I played with him as he was growing up. He’s pretty tame.”
Flavio went across to a nearby cage and caught and killed a pigeon. “Now watch this,” said Flavio. He threw the dead pigeon on top of the lion’s cage. With a sudden taste for blood, the lion leaped at the bird and, clawing it down from the roof of his cage, he started to eat this unexpected feast. “Don’t try to pet him now,” warned Flavio. “His old, wild nature has returned.”
Just like the “tame” lion, those of us who are Christians have two natures. One is “tame” (the Bible calls it the new man) which the Lord Jesus gives us as soon as we believe in Him as our personal Saviour. The other is “wild” (the Bible calls it the old man) and is controlled by Satan. If we feed upon the world and its pleasures, the old nature shows out and we displease the Lord. But if we feed on God’s Word, the Bible, the new nature will show and others will see that we belong to Jesus.
“For the flesh [old nature] lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary [don’t agree] the one to the other.” Galatians 5:17.
An Exciting Sight
Do you have that new nature that loves to please the Lord Jesus? “Without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently [continually] seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1.
Those who have had the experience of watching a shooting star streak toward the earth have found it exciting. Actually there are thousands heading our way most of the time, but they are only visible in the dark hours.
Shooting stars are more correctly known as meteors. They begin usually as broken or burned-off particles of comets streaming through space. Countless numbers of them eventually group together in what is called a meteoroid swarm, and when their orbits through space bring them near the earth, some are pulled away from the group by the earth’s gravity. Although invisible until they enter our atmosphere, the friction of passing through air causes them to burn at white heat. This provides an outstanding streak of fire in the sky for just a brief moment. During that time most break and burn up completely before reaching the ground.
There are regular periods of these displays, which usually occur from midnight to six o’clock in the morning. Late July is one period, as well as early August, late October and the first week of January. (The meteor shower called Quadrantid is due January 3rd.) Of course it’s necessary to be away from bright lights to see them really well. And it’s no use looking for them on a cloudy, rainy or foggy night, or even when a full moon is high in the sky.
It is estimated that thousands of tons of meteors enter the earth’s atmosphere every year, and in just one of these displays there may be 200,000 or more visible in a six-hour period. It is quite common for a person to be able to see as many as 150 in an hour.
Larger ones, weighing five pounds or more, are sometimes involved, producing a much brighter display than the small ones. Some of these do land on the earth without completely burning up. Then they are called meteorites. They rarely result in any damage as most land in ocean waters, or deserts, forests, mountains, etc. Many museums have some on exhibit which were brought to them by hikers.
In a few instances some have been found that weighed several tons. Near Winslow, Arizona, a historic spot named Meteor Crater is a place where one of these landed long before Columbus arrived in America. The meteor itself is apparently buried deep in the ground, but has left behind it a huge crater that is well worth seeing.
Many things call our attention to the wonderful creation of the Lord God so many we can never know them all. But perhaps in heaven He will unveil them, one by one, to those who will be there with Him.
Astronomers admit they don’t have any idea how many stars there are, but the Bible tells us the Lord “telleth [counts] the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names.” Psalm 147:4. He has told those who love Him that He is their “Bright and Morning Star” who will soon be coming for them. Will you be included?
Lost in the Woods!
SUSIE, Amy, Ann and Peter, each carrying a pail of wild blueberries, moved slowly through the woods. They talked about lots of things as they picked from the little bushes that were loaded with berries. It was a beautiful, warm, summer afternoon, just perfect for being outside.
After several hours of picking, nine-year-old Susie, who was the oldest, suggested they start for home. The shadows were growing long as they started back toward the farm where they lived. They walked for some time, but still didn’t come to the dirt road they wanted to find. After wandering around for almost an hour, Susie said to the others, “Now, don’t cry, but I think we’re lost!”
Discussing what they should do next, Amy suggested that they ask the Lord Jesus to help them. The three sisters thought that was a good idea, but their cousin Peter said he didn’t want to pray. The three girls knelt down on the ground and each one asked the Lord Jesus to help them. They were used to talking to the Lord Jesus, because they knew Him as their Saviour. Peter, however, was not saved from his sins and did not love the Lord Jesus. He just walked on while the girls prayed. Catching up to Peter, Amy told him that if he didn’t ask Jesus for help, he would probably be lost in the woods all night! Peter just laughed, saying that since they were all together, how could he be the only one lost in the woods all night?
The four of them walked a little farther when suddenly little Ann wailed, “I left my bucket back there!” She had not picked it up again after they had knelt down to pray. It was just a short way back, but Susie didn’t want Ann to go back alone. She suggested they all go back together, but Peter refused. He didn’t want to go back and decided to himself that he’d find his own way out.
The three girls left Peter and soon found Ann’s pail of berries. But when they got back to where they had left Peter, he was nowhere to be found. As they wandered around looking and calling for Peter, they discovered a cow walking in the woods.
“Hey, that’s one of our cows!” exclaimed Susie. “We can follow it!”
The cow was the answer to their prayers. After the girls had followed its wandering path for quite a while, the cow eventually led them out of the woods. Then it was easy to find their way home. Peter, however, was still lost. He wanted to do things his own way, and so he was left in the woods all alone.
By the time the girls got home and told their parents that Peter was lost, it was nearly dark. Right away they began to search for him, but soon it was too dark, and then it began to rain. Lightening flashed and thunder crashed; it rained heavily all through the night.
Early the following morning they finally found Peter. He was soaked, frightened and lonely. They wrapped him in a blanket and carried him back home.
I am sure that Peter, who is now an old man, will never forget that night alone in the woods. But Peter didn’t learn from his mistake. He still wants to find his own way to heaven, just like he wanted to find his own way out of the woodswithout anyone’s help. Don’t be stubborn like Peter. The Lord Jesus Christ is looking for anyone who is wandering away from Him. He loves them and wants to pick them up in His strong arms and carry them home to His Father’s home in heaven. But no sin can enter into heaven, so the Lord Jesus had to die on the cross and be punished for sin. Now He can wash your sins away in His precious blood so that you are ready for heaven. Won’t you let Him wash away your sins and lift you onto His shoulders right now? He wants to carry you safely home to heaven. “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.