Messages of God's Love: 1995
Table of Contents
Airmail Delivery
Tom used to go to school on crutches, but his problem was worse now. He could no longer go to school. He spent his days in an upstairs bedroom with no company except Grandmother who came home tired after a day’s work. She loved him lots, but she had no money to spare. His friend Jack used to come, but Jack had moved away.
“Granny,” said Tom one day, “I want some paper.”
She never said “no” if she could possibly say “yes,” so the next evening she brought Tom a good supply of paper and a pencil. Jack had already brought him a Bible, and Tom had found good news in it, too good to keep to himself. Now he had thought of a way of sharing that good news.
Carefully he folded a sheet of paper into four squares, and in each square he copied in his best writing one of his favorite verses from the Bible. In one square he wrote, “‘I know whom I have believed [the Lord Jesus],’ 2 Timothy 1:12.” In another square he wrote, “‘We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us,’ Romans 8:37.” When each square was carefully torn off and folded, he wrote on the outside, “To the passerby. Please read.” Then he watched out the window, and as someone came by, he dropped one of his airmail messages.
Next day he heard someone coming up the stairs, and a young man walked into the room with a square of paper in his hand. He had read one of Tom’s messages, and it had sent him in search of a Bible to find out the meaning of the wonderful words written on the square of paper. He had continued reading, on and on in the Book, until he found that the Saviour of sinners was the answer to his soul’s need. But he wanted to find who was responsible for this way of spreading the message.
“Why do you do this?” he asked Tom.
And Tom’s answer is worth remembering. “Because I know Jesus,” he said, “and knowin’ is lovin’, and lovin’ is doin’. It ain’t love without.”
Do you understand Tom’s answer? Think about it. There are many, many children and grown-ups all around who are still lost in their sins. They need to hear the good news of God’s love and forgiveness for sinners. Ask God to show you ways that you can share the good news with them.
“Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.” James 1:22. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Romans 1:16.
Saved by His Horse
A man was traveling on horseback across the desert near the Rio Grande River in New Mexico. He had lost his way and wandered about in the burning heat of the sun, searching for water. He thought that both he and his horse were going to die from lack of water. Oh, how thirsty he was!
Most of us do not know what real thirst is - when the throat becomes dry and hot and the lips are cracked and burning. Those who have experienced this kind of thirst say that they would have given all they owned for a drink of water.
As the hot day dragged by, the rider urged his weary horse on, still hoping to reach a stream or a pool before they died.
It was late in the afternoon when they reached the top of a ridge. The man looked down into a little canyon and saw grass growing thick and long. That meant water. That was what he was looking for - a spring that would have good water. It seemed to come from nowhere, but there was a little trickle of water coming out of the side of the canyon. It was almost too good to be true.
Climbing down from Lady, his horse, he led her down the steep slope. He let her go to the grass and water while he waded through the small, marshy bog to get right where the water trickled out of the canyon wall. He stayed there a long time, his feet deep in the cool mud of the bog, drinking and cooling himself in the cool spring water.
Finally getting his fill, he tried to pull his feet out of the mud. But they would not come out. He tried pulling one out at a time, but the more he struggled the deeper he seemed to sink in the bog. He was stuck and could not move. Had he been spared from dying of thirst only to die in a bog?
Then suddenly he thought of Lady who was grazing downstream. “Lady!” he called, “Lady, come!” She seemed to sense something was wrong and came close to where he was caught in the bog. “Come closer, Lady,” he commanded. She moved close enough so that he could catch hold of the saddle straps. It was his only hope, so grasping the straps, he hung on.
“Now, Lady, pull,” he said firmly, “let’s go!” The horse seemed to understand, and for the next few moments she pulled and strained. The man hung on tightly, knowing that this was his only hope of getting out of the bog. It felt like his arms and legs were being pulled out of their sockets, but still he hung on.
Finally, the bog lost its grip on his legs and feet, and Lady dragged him to firmer ground. The man fell to the ground, exhausted but saved.
This story gives us two pictures of a sinner. The first picture is of a sinner who, sooner or later, discovers that this world is nothing but a dry desert. Nothing keeps him happy for very long. There is nothing to satisfy what his heart and soul need. If he goes on like this he will die in his sins and be lost in hell forever. But the Lord Jesus Christ lovingly calls to each one, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink.” John 7:37. He is the fountain of life and gives the living water. If a sinner will take a “drink” from Him, he will live forever.
The man helpless in the bog is our second picture of a sinner. He is stuck in the bog of sin, sinking down to death and hell. Can you see yourself in this picture? Can you see that, like the man in the story, you cannot help yourself? But there is a Saviour and a friend, the Lord Jesus Christ, who loves you. If you will call to Him, He will come and lift you out of the bog of sin. He will wash away all your sins and start you on your way to heaven. He also will keep you happy and satisfied all along the way. You can depend on Him! Why not trust Him today?
“I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.
Two Sons
The sleepy silence of the morning was broken by the ring of the telephone. It was my husband calling from the hospital. “Come to the hospital, quick! Dale had a motorcycle accident and it’s serious.”
I had been concerned about Dale’s interest in fast vehicles even when he was a teenager, especially when he bought his motorbike. Now he owned a motorcycle, but he was older, married with two children. I knew motorcycles were hazardous, but what could have happened this early in the morning? My husband and our two sons Roy and Dale had planned to meet at their favorite restaurant for breakfast. Instead, we were all going to meet at the emergency room.
I picked up Dale’s wife and we hurried to the hospital. My husband and Roy quickly explained that the doctor had said Dale’s injuries were very serious. He was soon transferred by ambulance to another hospital.
The hours dragged by as we waited for surgery to end, but eventual recovery was not to be. Two days later Dale was transferred into the courts of heaven to be with His Saviour, where there is no more pain or sorrow.
Our loss was hard to bear, but there was thankfulness in knowing that Dale belonged to the Lord Jesus. We could remember that, as a little boy of seven, Dale had said he wanted to become God’s child. He had prayed a simple, sweet prayer, “Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me my sins and come into my heart and life. I accept You as my Saviour now. Thank-you for dying on the cross for me.” Then during a conversation between us when he was in high school, he reassured me, “Mom, don’t ever worry about me. I made sure about where I am going when I die. . . . I made certain that everything was right between me and the Lord. I have made my peace with God.”
Now we had one of our sons in heaven. Had the motorcycle accident taken Roy’s life instead of Dale’s, we wouldn’t have been sure that he was safely with his Saviour. Roy had no peace and he did not read the Bible for himself. To him death only happened to the elderly. Even with time passing, he had difficulty dealing with his brother’s death and he seemed restless.
To earn extra money one summer, he took a job as a forest fire fighter in British Columbia. He was one of the first to go into an area of a fire. He was sometimes dropped by rope from a helicopter if the area was remote.
We had planned to go spend a weekend with Roy, but he called to tell us he was working the weekend shift. We were disappointed but made plans to go elsewhere since it was the fourth anniversary of Dale’s death. Shortly after our return, an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police came to give us news that stunned us beyond words - Roy had been killed in a helicopter crash.
Intense pain ripped through our hearts, and we turned to God in our grief. This loss was greater since we couldn’t be sure that Roy had joined Dale and his Saviour in heaven.
Then Rodney came. He was a special friend of Roy’s. He told us that he had had supper with Roy the previous Friday. That night Roy had told him that he had made things right with the Lord. “There is not one sin in my life that has not been forgiven,” Roy had said. Before he left at about midnight, the two of them had prayed together.
What beautiful words of comfort these were to us. We now knew that both our sons were in heaven with their Saviour.
We still feel our losses keenly, but we know that we will see our two sons in those wonderful courts of heaven one day soon. We hope that telling you about our sons’ unexpected deaths will impress upon you that death can come at any age, and it often comes without warning. If you had been in Dale’s or Roy’s place, would you be in heaven right now? If your answer is “I hope so,” why not be sure? You too can have forgiveness and the assurance that heaven will be your final home. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13.
A simple prayer of faith, acknowledging your need of forgiveness and accepting Christ’s work on the cross for your sins is all that God requires. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.
Why not take that step in faith right now and have peace with God. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1.
A Lesson from the Caribou
A man who worked for the Royal Canadian Air Force some years ago tells the following story:
“In bad winters the caribou sometimes find it hard to get enough food to eat. My job was to find the migrating caribou in my plane and then drop tons of hay to them.
“About 400 miles north of Winnipeg we located a large herd. Many of them were lying down, too weak to stand. When we dropped hay near them, the weak ones made no attempt to get up. But as we circled and watched, we saw a strange sight. Several of the stronger caribou walked over to the hay, picked some up in their mouths, and laid it in front of the helpless caribou before feeding themselves.”
What a lesson in kindness to others! Every kind action or deed of love that you do for others, if done as unto the Lord, will not lose its reward. The Lord says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Matthew 25:40.
“I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35.
What kindness can you do for the Lord Jesus today?
The House Mouse
Jim had rented an old house with a garage where he could work on cars and trucks. He thought it would be a good idea to have a watchdog on the property because of all the tools and equipment he kept there. So Jim got himself a nice little dog and named him Ralph.
One day as he was busy sweeping the kitchen in the old house, a strange thing happened. He had moved Ralph’s water dish to one side, and then he moved Ralph’s dog biscuits (the kind that are shaped like little bones) out of the way. Then he began to sweep where they had been.
Out of the corner of his eye, Jim saw one of the dog biscuits move back across the floor. That’s very strange, thought Jim, and he pushed it out of his way again with the broom. Then he went back to his sweeping.
Slowly, the biscuit began to move back across the floor again. This time Jim stopped to watch, and Ralph, now by his side, also watched this strange happening with interest.
What do you think was moving that biscuit? It was a fat, little, gray mouse. This was a very brave mouse to try to carry that dog biscuit away right under the eyes of a dog and his master!
Jim reached down and picked up the biscuit, but the daring little mouse wouldn’t let go. It just hung on tightly with its little white teeth. Its little pink feet were waving frantically in the air, and its long skinny tail waved back and forth, but it still hung on. Jim gave the biscuit a hard shake, and the mouse flew off onto the floor. It quickly scampered off and down a hole in the baseboard.
All the time this was going on, Ralph just sat there with his head cocked to one side, watching. He must have thought that was a very interesting sight.
“You are the worst watchdog I ever saw,” scolded Jim as he looked for something to cover the hole in the baseboard. He found some aluminum foil, folded it into several layers, and taped it over the hole.
As he picked up his broom he heard a frantic scratching noise behind the aluminum foil. The little mouse wanted back into the kitchen! It still wanted that dog biscuit!
Some of us are eager to get at things we should not have. We are just like that little mouse who wouldn’t give up. In Isaiah 9:20 the Bible tells us, “He [the sinner] shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied.”
Jim was so disgusted with that little mouse that he dropped his broom, put on his baseball cap, and went out to his pickup truck. Off he went to the store and bought a package of cheese and crackers and a mousetrap.
When he got back he put half a cracker with some cheese on it in the trap and set it. Then he removed the aluminum foil and placed the trap near that hole in the baseboard. He and Ralph sat down to watch while they ate the rest of the cheese and crackers.
Sure enough, out came that daring little mouse and headed right for the delicious-smelling cheese and crackers.
Be careful, children! Satan may tempt you first with something you would like very much. Even though you know it is something you should not do or should not have, you may enjoy it and think no harm has been done. The hungry little mouse thought that dog biscuit was so good.
After that, Satan will tempt you with something that he knows you would like even more . . . and he often puts it in a dangerous place. The hungry little mouse wasn’t interested in the dog biscuits anymore when he smelled the cheese and crackers. But he didn’t notice that the cheese and crackers were in a dangerous place - a mousetrap!
“BANG!” went the trap. The little mouse was caught!
Beware, children! You may find yourself trapped in places where you are not supposed to be and doing things that are wrong. “He [the sinner] is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a snare. . . . The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way.” Job 18:8,10.
The Lord Jesus loves you very much and wants to protect you from Satan. If you will come to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as your Saviour, He will forgive your sins and make you one of His own children. He has the power to keep you safe from Satan’s traps until He takes you safely home to heaven. “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Galatians 1:3,4.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
When Rita was a little girl, she and her family lived near a little town in southern Mexico. Rita’s father was a rancher and grew wheat, corn, garbanzo beans and other vegetables on their beautiful ranch at the foot of high, tree-covered mountains. Colorful birds, like those we see in zoos, were common around Rita’s home, and the rainy season brought many brilliant flowers and insects.
One day while Rita and her brothers were weeding a field for their father, some huge butterflies appeared. They were bright blue, green, red and yellow. Some were as big as a grown-up’s hand!
The weeding was forgotten as the children chased the butterflies through the field. They would almost catch one, then it would flutter away out of reach. Sometimes one landed on one of the children’s hands before it darted off. But when this exciting play was over, all Rita and her brothers had were empty hands and weeding to finish!
Are you chasing after something that you think will make you happy? A new toy? An exciting vacation? Fancy clothes? A special friend? Lots of money? If you got what you wanted, would your happiness last? No. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:25 that the pleasures of this sinful world only last a very short time.
The only thing that can really satisfy your heart is knowing that your sins are washed away with the blood of the Lord Jesus, who loves you and died on the cross to save you. Come to Him today for salvation, and you will find happiness that will last forever. Proverbs 16:20 says, “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.”
Now none but Christ can satisfy,
None other name for me;
There’s love, and life,
and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus, found in Thee.
“Through faith we under-stand . . . by the word of God . . . that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
Hebrews 11:3.
Anita’s heart pounded with excitement! Hardly anyone from Bolivia got to go to the United States! But she had just heard that her friends, the missionaries, were going back there for a visit, and when she asked her mother, her mother had said that she could go with them.
Anita never thought to ask the missionaries if she could go along with them. After all, hadn’t they been kind to her when the snake bit her on the arm? Her arm had hurt a lot and had puffed up like a balloon that day. So the missionaries had taken her to the doctor and had even said that she could stay at their home until her arm was better. How kind they had been. They had made sure that she had her medicine every day, given her lots of food, and let her play with all their children’s toys.
Yes, there was no reason to doubt their kindness, and now she could only think of going to the United States with them on a big airplane. Anita packed her bag and left for the town where her missionary friends lived. She did not stop to think about money for a plane ticket, and she did not even know about important papers like passports.
When she arrived at the home of her missionary friends, she knocked on the gate with great excitement . . . strange that no one answered. She knocked again louder and called to them. Still no one answered.
Sadly, Anita carried her heavy bag over to a neighbor’s house.
“Are the Alberts here?” she asked.
“Oh no,” the neighbors replied. “They left two days ago to go to the United States. They won’t be back for months.”
Poor Anita. She had been left behind.
Those who read this story will easily understand that Anita was not wise when she prepared for her trip. She did not have the money for a plane ticket or passport papers she would need, and she did not even know when her friends planned to leave. But can you also understand that many boys and girls are just as unwise about their plans to go to heaven? I’ve never met a boy or girl yet who didn’t want to go to heaven. But many who want to go there never stop to think about what they need.
To go to heaven you must have your sins washed away in the blood of the Lord Jesus. Not one sin can ever enter into God’s home in heaven, so you must have your heart cleaned from sin before you can go there. The Lord Jesus suffered and died on the cross so that you can be saved from your sins. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). Have you accepted Him as your Saviour? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Perhaps you plan to be saved, but, like Anita, you have not thought about when you should be saved. God’s Word, the Bible, says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
Many people think only of going to heaven when they die, but the Bible also tells us that the Lord Jesus is coming soon to take all the saved ones to heaven. We do not know the day or the hour when He will come, but you can be ready to go by accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour right now. Those who have never been saved will be left behind when Jesus comes. Then the door of salvation will be shut and will never open again.
When Anita’s missionary friends returned to Bolivia, they were amazed to hear how their little friend had expected to go with them with no money for a ticket, no passport and not even knowing when they were going. But their hearts were touched to think that she had not for one minute doubted their kindness or that they would want to have her along.
I hope you will not be like Anita in expecting to go to heaven without being prepared, but I hope you will be like her in believing in the kindness and love of God. He loves you and wants to have you in His home and with His happy family forever. Won’t you trust in His loving-kindness today?
Soul Food
One day my friend said to me, “When I was 17 years old I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart. For a while I was so happy, but now after all these years I have this empty feeling in my heart. What do you think is wrong?”
My friend felt so sad, and maybe you have felt the same way -empty. I was glad to give my friend some simple advice that could help you too.
A Christian (someone who believes God and has let Him wash his or her sins away with the blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ) needs to eat too. I don’t mean real food like oranges, peanut butter sandwiches and pizza! I mean the Word of God - the Bible. The Bible is food for your soul. You need to read it every day to get strength and direction for your new life. Obeying the directions in God’s Word and talking to God in prayer are also very important. If you are full of the music and entertainment of this wicked world, you won’t feel hungry for the rich treasures of the Bible.
If you’re not already reading the Bible regularly, why not begin today? Start to fill that empty place in your heart with God’s precious Word until you are full and running over.
“Thy Word have I hid in [my] heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11).
Morris the Moose
September 21, 1988, was a day that many people in the small town of Truro, Nova Scotia, will not forget. That was the morning an unusual visitor came to town and caused some excitement. No, it wasn’t a famous person like the Queen of England or the Prime Minister of Canada who was the cause for all the attention. This visitor had dark brown hair, four long legs, weighed about 700 pounds, and was wearing a clothes pin above his left eye!
Nobody seemed to know where Morris the Moose had come from. But one thing we did know was that he had passed through someone’s backyard and tangled in their clothesline on his way into town. The clothes pin told us that much. Another thing we knew for sure . . . Morris was lost! There he stood in a parking lot, surrounded by cars and buildings, not knowing which way to turn. Morris was lost and frightened! As big and strong as he was, there was nothing he could do for himself. Morris was helpless.
You and I without Christ are also helpless. The Bible tells us that we are sinners - “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). As sinners away from God, we are lost. Morris could only stand there in the parking lot with a helpless look on his face. He needed someone to rescue him. And we need someone to rescue us too. God saw that we were helpless, trapped in our sins, and sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to rescue us. God must punish sin, so the Lord Jesus offered and willingly took the punishment for our sins on Calvary’s cross. If we each believe that He died for our very own sins, we are cleansed from every single one. It is His blood which was shed on the cross that protects us from the punishment we deserve for our sins.
Thankfully, for Morris, help was very near. One of the buildings beside the parking lot belonged to the Department of Natural Resources. Soon, conservation officers had shot Morris with a tranquilizer dart, and then they safely returned him to his woodland home.
What a happy ending to our story. And your life can be happy now and have a happy ending too, because you can be saved from your sins. The Lord Jesus is very near and waiting to save you right now. Don’t wait another minute to accept Him as your own Saviour. “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Smuggling on an Airplane
Have you ever tried to smuggle a candy bar into class at school or into your room at home? The reason for smuggling it in is because it is against the rules to have it there. Most teachers have the rule, “NO EATING DURING CLASS!” and most mothers make the rule, “NO EATING CANDY BEFORE SUPPER!” Candy bar smugglers usually get caught and are punished. Smuggling is a sin - even candy bar smuggling.
In Buffalo, New York, a 16-year-old boy was about to get on an airplane that was going to Chicago, Illinois. He told the ticket agent he had an 18-inch, nonpoisonous, northern water snake he wanted to take with him on the plane. The agent explained that since they did not have a suitable cage to carry it in, he could not take the snake on the flight.
A little later when the flight was announced, the boy got on after first assuring the ticket agent that he no longer had his pet.
Before the boy sat down in his seat on the plane, he took off his jacket. After carefully folding it, he placed it in the compartment above his seat and latched the little door closed. The plane took off.
A little while later another passenger happened to notice a tail sticking out from under the edge of the overhead compartment door . . . and it was moving! The passenger pointed it out to a flight attendant who opened the compartment door. The smuggled snake flopped out and down onto the lap of the very startled lady sitting beside the boy. He quickly caught the snake, and it spent the rest of the flight in a box in the back of the plane.
Airplanes have rules about taking pets on board. They must be in a suitable cage. This boy broke the rules by stuffing it in his jacket pocket. Once the plane took off he figured he had gotten away with it . . . but he hadn’t. That tail sticking out gave it away!
And you and I cannot get away with breaking God’s rules. When we break any of God’s rules, He calls it sin. Smuggling is just one kind of sin. Telling lies is another. Disobeying parents or teachers is another. Sounds like we’re all sinners, doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly right. A verse in the Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). So there is no question about it - every one of us is a sinner, including you and me.
When the plane landed in Chicago, the boy and the box with his snake were taken to the airline’s office. He was scolded for what he had done and warned never to do it again. Then he had to sign a paper turning his snake over to the airline. They in turn gave the snake to the Anti-Cruelty Society who would find a suitable home for it.
The Bible warns us about the consequences of sin - sin must be punished because God is holy and just. The Bible also says that God loves each one of us, and He wants to forgive all our sins. But still, there’s punishment necessary for those sins. Because He loves you and me so very much, this is what He did. He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to bear that punishment for sin on the cross: “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28). If you are really sorry about your sins, confess to the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner. He promises He will forgive you, and then you will not be punished for your sins because He already was punished for them when He died on the cross and shed His blood.
Won’t you accept God’s love for you and thank the Lord Jesus for taking the punishment you deserve?
LOST in the Woods
Hundreds of volunteers, police and fire fighters searched late into the night for the three young brothers. It was raining, cold and windy, and the boys had been out in the woods since 10:30 that morning. But the search finally had to be called off until daybreak. Everyone was worried. How long can young boys survive in pouring rain at 38° with 30 m.p.h. winds?
It had been a school holiday in New Bedford, and Brian (13), Robert (11), Matthew (9), their dog Abby and a friend from school went to the woods for a walk. The boys had played in the woods many times, and, in fact, two of the boys had wilderness training. But the woods were deep and there were swamps.
The boys were having fun, but then it started snowing. They decided that it was time to head for home and tried to take a shortcut. It wasn’t long before they were lost.
Being lost in the woods in bad weather must be frightening. The boys probably realized then that taking a shortcut was the wrong thing to do. They should have gone the way they knew was the right way, but they couldn’t change that now.
Some people will always take shortcuts, even to get to heaven. They haven’t read the Bible’s double warning that says, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25). There are no shortcuts to heaven; God tells us there is only one way. And people who try to get there another way will learn, perhaps too late, that what God says in the Bible is true.
At some point, the school friend left the three brothers and their dog and managed to find his way out of the woods alone while it was still daylight. He reported that the brothers were still lost in the woods, and the search for them began immediately.
Brian, Robert, Matthew and their dog slogged through shin-high swamp water in their wanderings. As darkness closed in on the cold, hungry, tired boys, the temperature dropped. The boys and their dog took shelter from the wind and heavy rain under a tree where they huddled together for warmth.
With the first streaks of daybreak, the search for the three brothers began again. Volunteers, police and fire fighters called the boys’ names over and over as they searched deeper into the woods. Several hours later two officers were wading through knee-deep swamp muck when they heard the boys answer their call. The officers found them huddled together under a tree. Abby was standing guard nearby.
Thankfully, the boys recovered in a few days’ time from their 22 hours in the woods before they were found. It was a scary lesson they learned about following only the right way in the woods and no shortcuts. Are you following God’s way, the only way, to heaven? God tells us in the Bible that the only way to heaven is through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on Calvary’s cross to put away our sins. Jesus Himself says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). If you think you can get there another way, you will have a very sad ending. But it isn’t too late yet to change and follow Jesus. Will you follow the example of Matthew in the Bible? “Jesus . . . saith unto him, Follow Me. And [Matthew] arose, and followed Him” (Matthew 9:9).
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
The Library Fine
Recently I went to the library to take out some books. While checking them out, I was totally surprised when the lady, after carefully watching the computer screen, looked at me and said, “There is a fine outstanding since last December. A book you returned was overdue, and this fine will remain on our records until you pay it. Do you want to pay it now?”
I was shocked to think that, quite unknown to me, there was a fine against my name. No mistake about it, the fine was mine. But it brought to my mind something far more serious. It is possible that some boys and girls aren’t aware of the fact that God is also keeping a record of everything we think and say and do. And no mistakes will be made. God tells us that all have sinned, and those with sins still on their record cannot enter heaven. (Every one of us can quickly remember some sins that are recorded, and without mistake, against our names.)
How can we ever get these awful records wiped out? I took out some money, paid the fine, and immediately the library lady cleared my computer record. Just a simple transaction between the library lady and me, and the record was gone in a few moments. But we cannot pay God money, for He clearly says, “Ye [are] not redeemed . . . with silver and gold” (1 Peter 1:18). So what can we do about clearing the record of our sins since we can’t pay a fine for them?
There is good news. God has made a way for a guilty sinner to be cleared of all his debt of sin and made ready for heaven. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, punished Him instead of me, and all I have to do is accept Him as my own Saviour. I must have a personal transaction with Him -come to Him with my debt of sin, and He will clear my record because He has already paid the “fine” for me. The Bible says, “Christ . . . once suffered for sins, the just [Christ] for the unjust [you and me], that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
Will you take your debt of sin to the Lord Jesus and let Him clear your record? “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions [debt of sin] from us” (Psalm 103:12). “And Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19).
Gone, gone, gone, gone, yes my sins are gone;
Now my soul is free, and in my heart’s a song;
Buried in the deepest sea; yes, that’s good enough for me,
I shall live eternally. Praise God! My sins are gone.
A Drink of Water
We were going camping in North Carolina with our friends over a holiday weekend. The campground we chose was almost overflowing. The only campsites left were those far from the washrooms.
By the time we had put up our tents and settled in, I was tired and thirsty. As I began the long walk to the washrooms for a drink, I saw a pipe sticking out of the ground. It looked like a little fountain with water gushing up from it. That was considerate of someone, I thought, as I knelt down to take a drink. I was glad I didn’t have to take the time to walk all that way to the washrooms just for a drink. The children were hungry, and it was past time to get supper started.
The Bible tells us about our souls being thirsty. Each of us has a thirst to know the truth about God our Maker and what we can do about all our sins that displease Him. The Bible also tells us about a fountain of pure water where our souls can drink in the truth. Jesus said, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink” (John 7:37). Jesus is that fountain of pure water. He is the only one who can satisfy your thirsty soul by washing your sins away and giving you everlasting life. He says, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).
The drink that I took from that pipe in the campground satisfied my thirst. I didn’t know it then, but I was deceived when I drank that water. It tasted good to me, but it was polluted. That evening I took another drink from the pipe, again saving a long walk to the fountain by the washrooms.
When we woke up the next morning it was pouring rain. Our tents and much of our camping gear were soaked. And to add to the unpleasantness, I was sick.
After a soggy breakfast, we all decided it would be better to leave our dripping tents and rent some cabins at a campground in a different area. When we got there the sun was shining. Each family had their own little cabin with a kitchen and bathroom. After a day’s rest I felt much better.
Soon our wonderful weekend was over, and it was time to go back to the campground to take down our tents.
The tents were still wet and the weather was hot and muggy as we packed them up. I was thirsty and took another drink from the pipe close by, not realizing that that water was what had made me sick. The children were watching and they drank from it too. Again, it tasted good and we felt as though our thirst was satisfied. However, when we woke the next morning all of us who had drunk that water were sick.
There was no sign over the pipe to let us know that the water was not safe to drink. And people who tell you wrong things about God and the Bible don’t wear a sign on themselves to let you know they are false teachers. Proverbs 25:26 warns, “A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt [polluted] spring.” There’s no one so wicked in God’s sight as someone who does not tell the truth about the Lord Jesus and the Word of God. They are just like that polluted water we drank.
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). God wants us to read our Bibles carefully and check everything we hear by His holy Word. He says, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (l John 4:1).
It’s very bad to drink polluted water, but it’s much worse to drink polluted words. Read your Bible carefully and often. You can believe God’s Word. “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).
Tony's Trouble
Tony’s mother had to go to his older brother’s school one day. Tony was only four years old, so he had not started school yet. His mother had told him to wait in the hall quietly like a big boy while she was busy talking with the teacher.
Nearby was a drinking fountain, so Tony took a long drink. Then he fooled around squirting water a little bit. Suddenly he saw an interesting red rope hanging down above the water fountain. He looked at it a while, and then climbed up on the fountain to see if he could reach the rope. Sure enough he could. He gave it a good hard pull.
Oh my, what a loud noise! The big fire alarm on the ceiling gave an ear-splitting, screeching and clanging noise.
Tony’s mother came running back to where he was standing, frightened. All down the long hall doors quickly flew open and out marched long lines of boys and girls. They all lined up outside on the playground, shivering in the cold wind.
Tony was not old enough to remember what the Bible says in James 1:14, “Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” But Tony was old enough to know that his mother would not want him to climb up on the drinking fountain, nor to pull the red rope. Poor Tony; Satan had won another victory in him. The poor little boy began to cry as he clung to his mother.
The principal soon realized what had happened. He called the fire department and told them not to come, because it was a false alarm. But he was angry with Tony and his mother.
Tony’s mother said she was very sorry. But that was all she could do then.
After they had arrived home and Tony had calmed down a bit, mother had a little talk with him. She wanted him to understand that doing his own will and doing thoughtless things are sin. Sin is an awful thing in God’s sight, and no sin can be in heaven. God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take the punishment for our sins so that we might be with Him in heaven some day.
We are so glad that Tony understood what sin really is, because he then asked the Lord Jesus to forgive him and to make him one of His own dear children.
Tony’s mother took him back to the school so he could tell the principal that he was sorry for all the trouble he had caused. This was not an easy thing to do, but Tony did it to please the Lord Jesus. And then he felt so much better. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Bear Attack
It was a pleasant, sunny day in August in a coastal village in New Brunswick, Canada. Damian and Danny, both 16, decided to go for a walk on one of the woodland trails near the village. The thought of danger on that trail never crossed their minds, but within minutes they found themselves in an unusual and terrifying three-hour ordeal!
Life is often like that, isn’t it? Things seem to be going quite smoothly, but then suddenly, without warning, there is a serious accident or disease which changes everything. God’s Word, the holy Bible, says in Proverbs 27:1, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”
Very soon Danny and Damian saw an osprey nest in a tree in a blueberry field and stopped on the trail to look at it. They became aware that everything was strangely quiet—too quiet. When they looked around, there, about 30 feet behind them, was a large, black bear!
It gave the boys quite a start, but they weren’t too afraid because they had read that black bears were shy and passive. They began to slowly walk away.
Suddenly the bear charged them!
The boys knew there was no chance of outrunning the bear, and due to a recent forest fire there were no trees to climb. They hit the dirt and played dead, tucking in their arms and legs. They desperately hoped the bear would lose interest in them and go away. However, for some unknown reason, this bear was not reacting like most black bears.
He circled the two boys, sniffed them, reared up, whacked the bushes beside them, and even bit Damian’s shoe. After a while he seemed to lose interest in them, so the terrified boys made a dash for freedom. But this sparked the bear’s interest in them again, and he chased them. The bear was about to overtake them, so they wisely played dead again.
Once more the bear circled them, then reared up on his hind legs. The two friends, frozen with fear, could hear his heavy breathing. Time seemed to stand still, but in reality several hours passed. The bear was in no hurry.
What followed was the worst part of all. The bear sniffed Damian and then Danny. Going back to Damian he pushed his snout in Damian’s ribs and tried to roll him over. Damian braced himself. Back to Danny again. The bear pulled off his boot, licked his leg and heel, and then bit Danny’s heel! After licking Danny’s toes he bit into the big toe! He licked Danny’s elbow next, and then decided to chew on the rubber boot for a while. Then he went back to Damian and bit him in his back parts, then to Danny, biting him in the same place.
Just when the boys thought he was retreating again, the bear decided to circle them another time. He pulled off Danny’s other boot and chewed on it. Finally, the bear retreated.
The two injured boys scrambled to their feet. They figured the bear might chase them again, so they ran as fast as they could to the end of the trail. They ran to the first house they saw and, thankfully, found the front door unlocked and ran right in. The angry bear, close behind, ripped clothes off the clothesline and tore the screen on the neighbor’s back door. But Danny and Damian were safe at last!
Boys and girls, stop and think for a minute. What if you were attacked by a bear but didn’t survive? Every one of us has a soul which will live forever - either in heaven or hell. Where would your soul be? I want to tell you something very special about Danny and Damian. Both boys had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Saviour and knew they could call on Him. While the bear was attacking them they were praying to the Lord, asking for His help. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15). They knew that their prayers were heard and that the Lord helped them to be calm and brave. They also knew that if they had not survived, they would now be with the Lord Jesus in heaven. However, through the Lord’s mercy, they have fully recovered and are very thankful.
You too can have this wonderful assurance by accepting God’s free gift of salvation through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not put it off, for He is coming soon to take His own to heaven to be with Him. Be ready, like Danny and Damian.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
What Does Your License Plate Say?
License plates are a very important part of every car. In fact, in most places a car must have a license plate to be on the road. It is interesting to notice the colors and designs on license plates from different parts of the country. They often try to pass on a message about that area.
Have you ever watched for license plate messages? I often see a small red car with the license plate RED DOT. Recently, I saw a convertible with the message BREEZ-E! Others I have spotted have been THE GEM, MY HUNY and D-LITE. These people must really want others to know that they like their cars.
What would your license plate say if you could wear one -HAPPY? MEAN? GLAD? SAD? Many times the way we are acting passes on a message just like a license plate would. Our actions often are easy to read and sometimes, sad to say, the message is not a good one. For Christians a good license plate to wear would be one that says I’M SAVED. But wouldn’t it be even better if our actions showed that we were saved from our sins and belonged to the Lord Jesus? “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
Locked in the Dump
Jon, the handyman, was given the job of cleaning out Mr. Vodnik’s garage. It was filled with all kinds of things. Some things Mr. Vodnik wanted to keep, some he gave to Jon, and some were to be thrown away.
Jon took out those things that needed to be thrown away. Then he built shelves for the remaining articles so they could be kept in order and easily reached. When the job was finished there was quite a pile of things that needed to be hauled to the city dump. But Jon would need help, so he called Ben to help him.
Together Jon and Ben drove to the dump, paid the entrance fee, and drove on around the little hill to the dumping area. Time was short, so they had to hurry. “Throw this out . . . keep this . . . this is still good.” Paint, boots, light bulbs and other usable things were put in a pile. They finally finished sorting and dumping and then drove back around the hill to leave. But when they got to the dump office, no one was there to let them out. The heavy steel gate was closed across the road, chained and locked. They were locked in the dump!
What an uncomfortable feeling it was.
Soon they flagged down a lady who was driving slowly by. They asked her to call the sheriff to help them get out. It was beginning to get dark, and they could be in trouble if they were still in there after dark.
Do you think Jon and Ben were thinking of all the useful things they had sorted out from the trash? No, they wanted out! What a picture of boys and girls and grown-ups too who are spending precious time with the things of this world that seem attractive. Is this a picture of you? Where will you be when time runs out and the gate to heaven is closed and locked?
“Look, Jon, here comes the sheriff.”
Thinking perhaps they were robbers, the sheriff asked, “Do you have a dump fee receipt?”
“Yes, here it is. The dump keeper forgot us, locked the gate and went home.”
The sheriff tried to call the dump keeper, but all he got was the answering machine. The sheriff couldn’t help them. He said, “You will have to leave your truck here and come back for it tomorrow.”
Just like the dump keeper who forgot the two men and went home, your worldly friends will forget you, too, and go on their way, interested only in themselves. They do not care if you spend the rest of your time here on earth locked up with the trash of this world. But we want to warn you that very soon the open gate to heaven will be closing forever. The Bible says, “And while they went to buy, the [Lord Jesus] came; and they that were ready went in with Him . . . and the door was shut. Afterward came also the [others] . . . saying, Lord, Lord open to us. But He answered and said . . . I know you not” (Matthew 25:10-12).
How did Jon and Ben get out? They climbed up and over the top of the gate, and left the truck and all their “treasures” behind. They were thankful to get home to their families and supper. So it will be for you, too, if you belong to the Lord Jesus. All who have trusted in Him to wash away their sins will soon be with Him, leaving everything in this world behind.
If you are still locked in your sins in “this present evil world,” be real about your need and run for the open gate of grace before you are locked out of heaven forever. Come to the Lord Jesus Christ who loves you and died for you, and be saved from the coming judgment soon to fall on this world. Then you, too, can say, “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world” (Galatians 1:3-4).
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
Set Free
The little fish was so pretty as it dangled in the sunlight on the end of John’s fishing line. Its white underside was so very white and its back glistened with a silvery sparkle. But that sparkle did not shine as brightly as the sparkle in John’s eyes! This was the second fish he had ever caught and the first one that Dad had said was big enough to keep and eat. He took it around to show everyone at the campsite.
The only thing spoiling the beauty of the little fish was the silvery hook through its mouth and coming out of its gill. The little fish was caught in such a way that there was no getting away. It was captured . . . just as each of us has been captured by sin. The end of this little fish appeared to be the campfire come supper time. The end of you and me would be eternal punishment, except that a Deliverer has come and offered to free us from our sins. The little fish had no power to free itself from the hook, and we don’t have the power to free ourselves from sin.
Shortly after the delight of showing off his newly caught fish, a more quiet little boy than he had been earlier crept by my side to say that the little fish was free. It was fun to have caught the fish and it may have been good to eat, but it was no fun for this tenderhearted boy to keep one of God’s creatures on a fishing line. John had let him go. The little fish was free to swim again. But maybe it was free only to be caught by another fisherman.
It was not so easy for the Lord Jesus Christ to set us free. “Our Lord Jesus Christ . . . gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us” (Galatians 1:3-4). It was the hardest work that was ever done or will ever be done. His holy, spotless life was given, and His blood was spilt to free us from our sins. His work on Calvary’s cross will last forever. But what about John’s fish? John had no power to see to it that no other fisherman would catch his little prize. But when the Lord Jesus Christ took our place and broke the bonds that held us, the work was so wonderfully complete that we are forever His own prize. No one can take us from Him. He will never let us go. We are His forever. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” (John 3:36).
Maybe you have never come to the Lord Jesus as a sinner, admitting you need to be freed from your sins. If not, why are you waiting? He never will turn away a boy, or girl, or man, or woman who comes to Him. In the quietness of your heart just tell Him that you are a sinner and want Him to be your Saviour.
If you have already let Him save you, just thank Him for the wonderful freedom He has given you and the gift of everlasting life. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Face to Face With A . . . Skunk!
School was out for the summer, and like many families the Young’s liked to go camping. This time they decided to travel through the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire on their way to visit friends in Ontario.
By late afternoon they arrived at a campground overlooking a scenic river and set up their tent trailer for the night. After supper the family drove into a nearby town to shop for a few things.
“Daddy, can we get some donuts?” the children pleaded as they walked past a bakery. The aroma of freshly baked donuts was irresistible! “Let’s buy a dozen apple fritters and we’ll have them for breakfast,” agreed Dad.
It was nearly dark by the time the family arrived back at the campground. So that there would be enough room for everyone to sleep comfortably, they decided to store some camping supplies, including the apple fritters, under the trailer.
During the night it began to rain. Dad awoke and zipped the windows closed so no one would get wet. He also decided to take a flashlight outside to check if the van windows were rolled up. It was then he heard a rustling noise. Peering under the trailer with the flashlight, he was suddenly face to face with a skunk! By then, over half of the apple fritters had been eaten, and Mr. Skunk didn’t want to leave until he had finished the rest of his midnight snack.
Although no one wants to tangle with a skunk, Christian boys and girls (and grown-ups too) face a far more dangerous enemy every day. Satan is sneaky and tries to steal our fellowship and enjoyment of the Lord Jesus by tempting us to disobey God’s Word. He’ll whisper to us that it’s all right to steal something we think we should have or to speak unkindly to someone, maybe even our parents! But the Bible says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you” (James 4:7-8).
Dad shone the light on the unwelcome thief. After what seemed like five minutes, but was really only about 15 seconds, Mr. Skunk began to back away. Off he waddled into the woods, leaving his unfinished snack behind.
In the morning, Dad explained his nighttime adventure to the rest of the family. Everyone was disappointed about the stolen apple fritters, but another trip to the bakery soon produced a fresh supply. At breakfast, Mother said, “Maybe God had Mr. Skunk steal our apple fritters to teach us something. When Dad shone the light in his eyes, he went away, and when we meet Satan with the light of Scripture, he’ll flee too!”
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11).
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
The Earthquake
It was a terrible earthquake! The building seemed to jump and then roll back and forth. Pictures, dishes and light fixtures came crashing down! The terrified children alone in the fifth-floor apartment huddled under the table. Ten of them, ranging in age from four to twelve, had been left alone for just a few minutes. Then the earthquake occurred.
When the building stopped shaking the children ran to the door to go down the steps. They opened the door and stopped. The stairs had fallen! There was nothing but a big open space. Frantically they ran to the balcony and called for help.
Rescuers arrived at that time and quickly saw the problem. They radioed for ladder trucks but were told that roads to that area were blocked. They found ropes and ladders in the basement of a hardware store, but the ladders were too short to reach the balcony.
An after shock from the quake caused the building to rock again. It appeared as if it were about to collapse. Leaking gas in the basement burst into flames, causing the younger children to panic. The men shouted to the older children to find some string and lower it while holding tightly onto the other end. The children found a ball of twine in the rubble, and while quickly unwinding it, lowered it to the men below. The men tied a strong rope to the string which the children then pulled up and tied tightly to the railing of the balcony.
One of the men immediately began to climb up the rope. It was dangerous, but up he went to save those children at the risk of his life. Reaching the balcony he shouted down. “There’s a ton of kids up here! I can’t save them alone.”
Without any hesitation another man climbed up the rope. Together the two men made a slip knot at the end of the rope and lowered one child down to safety.
How this reminds us of the Lord Jesus who came to save sinners. But He did not say, “I can’t save them alone.” There was no one but He who could save us from our sins, and He went into death all alone. He said, “Of the people there was none with Me” (Isaiah 63:3). “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no saviour” (Isaiah 43:11). The children had faith in the rope, faith in those strong men, and it is just that kind of faith or trust that we must have in the Lord Jesus, the Saviour who is strong and mighty, if we are to be saved.
One, two, three, four children were lowered. How many more? Five, six, seven, eight reached the ground in safety. Breathlessly, friends watched below as the ninth and then the tenth were safely lowered. At last, all the children were saved - saved from the fire that was quickly spreading. What a salvation!
But their salvation was not as great as that which saves us from sin and everlasting judgment. What a Saviour Jesus is!
When all the children were safely down, the men quickly slid down the rope themselves as the onlookers cheered and thanked the men who were only too glad to have saved so many young lives. How thankful those children were! But our Saviour deserves far more from us, for He gave His life to save us. He died so we could have everlasting life. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
Wild Dogs!
It was raining hard and the roads in the desert were slick with mud, but I had to get insulin to my diabetic patient before noon. I drove toward the Indian village of Akchin, Arizona, as carefully as I could. In spite of my care, just as I came in sight of the village my car began to slip and slide. Suddenly my car slid into a mucky ditch and was stuck.
At the Indian Health Service Hospital where I worked, we had been warned never to walk through the desert alone. Rattlesnakes, wild pigs and packs of wild dogs were common in the area. But what could I do? Without insulin my patient might even die. Although I was frightened, I asked the Lord Jesus to help me, grabbed my bag of medical supplies, and started out through the rain toward the village.
I’d been walking only a few minutes when I saw a pack of wild dogs running in my direction. For a moment terror clutched my heart, then I quickly prayed, “Lord, hold my hand. Please keep me safe.”
The dogs were racing directly toward me now, growling, barking and snarling, their fangs bared, the hair on their backs bristling and their ears laid back. Soon they were close enough that I could see the saliva dripping from their jaws.
But somehow they didn’t touch me! It seemed as though the Lord Jesus had drawn a circle around me that they were unable to pass.
As I continued walking toward the village, a deep peace filled my heart. I knew that the Lord Jesus was walking with me, just as surely as He had walked with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the burning, fiery furnace. The fire had no power over them. They were not burned; not even a hair on their head was singed. Their clothes were not burned, and there wasn’t even the smell of smoke on them. (You can read that story in the Bible in the book of Daniel chapter 3.) And those dogs had no power over me, either. The Lord brought forcibly to my mind the words of Psalm 34:7: “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.”
As I approached, the men from the village, hearing the barking and snarling, came out of their houses with their guns drawn. The dogs ran off.
I did what I needed to do for my patients, and then the Indian men came back with me to the ditch where my car was stuck. Together they lifted it back onto the road.
I had trusted the Lord Jesus and He had not failed me. He never will. He loved you and me enough to die on the cross for our sins so we could be forgiven and be welcomed into God’s family. And He loves us enough to take care of us in every situation we will ever face in this life. He wants us to admit that we have no strength to save ourselves from our sins or even to take care of ourselves, and to trust Him to do it for us. Will you trust Him?
“Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psalm 34:8).
The Johnstown Flood
In May of 1889, a terrible flood, known as the “Johnstown Flood,” swept across part of Pennsylvania. Although many people lost their lives, there were many acts of heroism by brave men and women in rescuing victims of the flood.
Alice, a girl ten years old, had been trapped with her baby brother when the flood waters reached their house. It was lifted off the foundation and swept downstream. Alice knew that the Lord Jesus would take care of her, and kneeling down she prayed, asking Him to save her and little Robert from the flood.
A group of people had gathered on high ground above the flooded river. They were horrified at the destruction caused by the swirling waters. As the house with Alice and her baby brother floated by, they heard her calls for help. Charles Hepenthal, 17 years old, decided to try to save Alice. Those with him tried to discourage him, saying it would be impossible to survive in the swirling waters.
However, Charles jumped into the river anyway and swam toward the house. Reaching it, he was able to tie the baby onto his back and swam back toward higher ground. With shouts of encouragement from those on shore, he reached the higher ground. As they pulled him up he cried, “Wait! There is still another child in the house! I must save her too!”
Grasping a wooden plank to use as a support, he plunged again into the waters, but his struggle this time was harder because the water was even higher and the current faster.
As he fought his way toward the house, Alice saw him coming and prayed for help for him. When he finally reached the house he snatched her, and, using the plank as support, they slowly made it back to higher ground. Both children had been saved from certain death!
This story reminds us of a greater deliverance - the death of the Lord Jesus who saves all those who trust Him by faith in His precious blood. We were helpless, lost in sin and without hope until He came to seek and save us, and to “give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).
Have you called to the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, or are you still drifting with the current of this world and going on to eternal punishment because of your sins? The Saviour has said, “Come unto Me.” Do not put Him off another moment. If you do, He may turn away and never call again; then your last hope of being saved will be gone forever. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
Jesus said, “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
A Hard Question for Charles
Charles had been an orphan since he was four years old, so he lived with his grandfather, and Grandpa was good to him. Charles loved books and learning and found that life was full of interesting things to do and to learn.
But at 12 years old, Charles was not a little boy anymore. His thoughts went down deep, and he was full of wonder and sometimes full of fear. Thoughts of death crowded into his young mind, and he really wanted to know the answer to this hard question: “Where will I go when I die?”
Grandpa couldn’t help him, so he tried going to church and asking the people there. But no one could give him a definite answer. No one seemed to know any more than he did. He didn’t want somebody’s guess. It was too important. He wanted to know for sure!
One dark rainy evening as he was returning home, he felt that he could not bear the uncertainty any longer. Getting home that night did not seem half as important as getting the right answer to his biggest question. He could pass exams at school, but he could not answer the question of whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died.
Charles dropped to his knees right there on the wet road and prayed, “Lord, I can’t do any more.”
And suddenly, in his misery, the Holy Spirit showed to him the finished work of Christ on Calvary’s cross. Finished. The Lord Himself said so.
Why should he be miserable and hope somehow to get to heaven? On the cross after three hours of darkness, Jesus said, “It is finished.”
That settled it for Charles. Jesus had taken the punishment for his sins. His fears were gone, and they never came back. He rested on the finished work of Christ on the cross for the answer to his hard question. He knew the door of heaven would be open for him.
Is it really that important? What if you make a mistake and find yourself in hell forever?
Will you rest on the finished work of Christ for eternal life?
Jesus said, “It is finished: and He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost [died]” (John 19:30).
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).
Untamed or Tamed?
Several horse trailers drove up, and cowboys were all around each one as they brought out rearing, bucking wild horses. They were getting ready for a contest in which three-man teams would try to saddle wild horses and ride them around a one-half-mile track. They were beautiful horses, but untamed and dangerous.
The people watching cringed and caught their breath as the teams of men struggled to master the horses and saddle them, and then mount them. The horses were rearing into the air and neighing in fear and anger. Men moved cautiously, jumping out of the way of sharp hooves.
And then the accident happened. A cowboy got into the saddle of one of the horses, only to be thrown to the ground as the horse reared and took off running. The cowboy lay perfectly still.
The other men gathered around him while the wild horses took off around the track. The contest was forgotten as men looked anxiously toward the announcer for help. Finally an ambulance drove up, put the young man on a stretcher and took him away.
It makes us compare this untamed wild horse to the story in the Bible in Mark 11 about the colt “whereon never man sat.” Normally an untamed colt would be fearful and resist having someone sit on its back. But the Lord Jesus needed this colt, and it became gentle and obedient for Him. People laid their clothes on the colt’s back for Jesus to sit on. As He rode the now-tamed colt, other people spread their clothes and branches of the trees in the road. The Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the gentle colt with the people crying, “Hosanna; Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.” They were honoring Jesus, and yet they didn’t fully realize who He was.
Are you “tamed” in God’s eyes, or “untamed”? We all need “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21). If you do not believe God but resist Him and disobey Him, you are like those wild horses, bucking and rearing and doing all you can to keep from being mastered by the Lord. First Corinthians 2:14 says, “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” You must be “born again” by receiving Christ as your Saviour before you will be “tamed” and happy to have God in control of your life.
God loves us so much He sent His only Son, Jesus, to bear the punishment for our sins. Will you let Him “tame” you by admitting honestly that you are a sinner and accept Jesus’ work on the cross for your sins?
“All we like sheep [or wild colts] have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity [sins] of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).
A New Baby
Why do you think Mark and Hannah are so happy? You guessed it! The little baby they have been talking about and waiting so long for has finally arrived! And here they are, holding him for the first time! The doctor had written down on his chart when their baby was to be born. So, of course, the family was watching the calendar date with more and more interest as the weeks went by.
But I must tell you about another little baby who was promised to a family long ago. They were not told what month or even what year this baby would be born. At first, many of the people in that family were looking forward eagerly for that special child to be born. But the time seemed too long for waiting, and so most of them got busy thinking about and doing other things. In fact, they stopped looking at the calendar and forgot about the promise of His birth. When He finally was born, very few people even noticed or cared that He was there.
I am sure by now you have guessed who that baby was. It was Jesus whom God had sent to be the Saviour of the world. His family was the people of Israel - the nation God had chosen to follow His Son and to be an example to the unbelieving nations around them.
When a new baby is expected things have to be gotten ready. Mark and Hannah’s parents and all of their relatives and friends helped to prepare for the coming of little Andrew. They brought gifts and made sure his crib would be warm and cozy. This was not true of Jesus’ family. Though Joseph and Mary would gladly have done the same, the relatives - the children of Israel - would not even provide a place for Him to be born. So Jesus was born in a stable where the animals were kept. This is especially sad, because remember Jesus is God’s own Son whom He sent from heaven. But God wanted each of us to see how unkind our hearts really are, and how little we care about Him or His Son. Still, I do believe the animals in Bethlehem that night were more aware of their Maker than God’s own chosen people were, for the Bible says, “The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know [the Lord], My people doth not consider [the Lord]” (Isaiah 1:3).
All new babies have to be given a name. So Mark and Hannah’s parents had a special name all picked out for their new baby. I am sure they had a special reason for choosing the name Andrew. And God had a special name picked out for His Son before He was born. He told both Joseph and Mary to call Him “Jesus.” God had a special reason for choosing that name - it means “Saviour.” God had planned that His Son Jesus would “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
Have you thought about who Jesus really is? Peter said in Matthew 16:16, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” In 1 Timothy 1:15 Paul tells us why He came: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” And Isaiah 53:6 tells us who the sinners are: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all.”
It is too late to open our homes for a place for the Lord Jesus to be born, because the time of His birth is over, isn’t it? He is no longer a baby. But it is not too late to open our hearts to Him, because right now He is a man sitting on the right hand of God. On the cross He finished the work of salvation that God gave Him to do while He was down here. And now He is offering that gift of salvation to you. Will you open your heart to Him? Right now?
Supper was over and the dishes had been cleared from the table. As Dad opened his Bible the children listened closely while he read them more stories of Jesus. Tonight they were going to read in Luke 5 about the Lord Jesus calling His disciples.
The Lord Jesus sat down in Simon’s boat to teach the crowd of people on the shore. When he had finished speaking to them He told Simon to “launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught [catch]” of fish. Simon didn’t want to, but he finally let down one net and was astonished at his huge catch. He even had to call his friends, James and John, to bring their ship to help carry some of the fish! Then the Lord Jesus said to Simon, “From henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all [left everything behind], and followed [Jesus].” Later in the chapter, the Lord Jesus saw another man called Levi (or Matthew) collecting taxes. He said to Levi, “Follow Me. And he left all, rose up, and followed [Jesus]” (vss. 27-28).
When Dad had finished reading, the children had lots of questions. Then it was Dad’s turn to ask questions. He asked each of them an easy one. Little Julie was only four, but she loved the Lord Jesus and had trusted Him as her very own Saviour. Dad asked her, “What did Jesus’ disciples do after He called them?” He even gave her a clue by showing two fingers of his right hand following two fingers on his left hand.
At once Julie blurted out, “They were copycatters!”
Yes, the disciples followed Jesus and did what He told them to do. They copied His perfect example. Boys and girls often copy the examples of those around them. Some are good examples, but some are not. No matter how good an example someone is, he or she will still make some mistakes. Children who are following that example will often make the same mistakes.
But the Lord Jesus never has, never will and never can make a mistake. Each of us must decide if we are going to follow Him or go our own way. If we follow Him and obey His Word, the Bible, then He will guide us all the way to His home in heaven. But if we go our own way, it will take us down a path of sin that leads to hell.
Those of us, like Julie and her father, who have been saved from our sins, want to be followers of Jesus and copy His perfect example. The Lord Jesus loves us much more than we love Him, and He wants us to learn as much about Him as we can. We can do this by reading our Bibles carefully and by talking to Him in prayer every day. He will help us and guide us to be “copycats” of Him.
“Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21).
Jessé, the Golden Labrador
David, Charlotte and Stephen were enjoying their new dog very much. Jessé was a beautiful golden Labrador retriever with a lot of “puppy ways.”
One Saturday afternoon, David and Stephen decided to go to the ball field for a game of ball. It was a beautiful sunny day - a nice change from Friday’s rain.
As the boys gathered up their bat, ball and gloves, Jessé smiled her doggy smile and wagged her tail, hoping they would take her along. Yes, they planned to take her too.
Off they went to the field with Jessé on her new leash. When they arrived, David decided to let Jessé run free while the ball game was under way.
It was a good game and the score was close . . . so close that the boys forgot the time. It wasn’t until the sun was setting in the evening sky that David suddenly remembered! “Oops, where’s the dog?”
“Jessé, Jessé,” called David. But there was no answering bark. David called again, louder.
He noticed a black dog standing away down at the other end of the field. But he knew that couldn’t be Jessé—she was golden.
David was getting worried. Once again he called, “Jessé, here, Jessé.” Strangely, the black dog started to bound toward him. He found this very puzzling. The black dog came closer and closer and yelped in delight. Finally, it came right up to David. Suddenly, he was shocked to discover that the black dog was really Jessé!
Jessé had spent the afternoon acting like a pig instead of a dog. She had rolled in all the squishy, black mud at the far end of the playing field. Nobody would know that under all that black mud was a beautiful golden coat.
And sometimes it’s hard to tell if someone is a Christian, because some Christians are all covered with “black mud.” We would never know to look at them that their hearts have been washed clean of their sins. It’s all hidden under the “black mud” of acting and talking like their friends who don’t love Jesus. The fact that they made the decision to let the Lord Jesus wash them clean of their sins will never, never change. “Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12). True, their sins are gone, but their new life in Jesus cannot be seen.
Even though Jessé was covered with black mud, she was still a golden Lab. And David still loved his dog, but he sure was disgusted with her. Can you imagine how much work it took for him to get Jessé clean again? The scrubbing she got wasn’t very pleasant for her either, and neither was the scolding.
Dear Christian boy or girl, are you shining clear and true for your Lord Jesus Christ? He loves you and has bought you for a great price. His precious blood was shed on Calvary’s cross to wash you clean of sin. Though His love for you never changes, how sad He must be when that new life, which He has purchased at such a cost, is hidden under the black mud of worldly friends, worldly language, worldly fun or secret sin. It’s never too late to get rid of the dark worldly color and let your beautiful heavenly color shine clearly again.
“Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
“God made . . . every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind.”
Genesis 1:25
Lights of Warning
My friend, Jack, and I were driving back to school after spending the weekend at Jack’s parents’ home. We had stayed there longer than we should have, and now it was past midnight.
We were moving right along on the almost-deserted, two-lane road when I saw a small white light up ahead. Is it a flashlight? I wondered. Suddenly a wave of terror swept over me and I slammed on the brakes. We screeched to a halt only feet away from two cars that had had a head-on collision. The small light turned out to be the dome light inside one of the cars. It had been our only warning.
If it had not been for that small light our car would have been added to the wrecks already on the road, but God had allowed that little light to keep burning to warn us of danger ahead. And God has His little lights burning in this dark world, warning people of danger
ahead. His warning lights are people who belong to Him. They are warning people everywhere of the danger of dying in their sins. The Bible says that your sins will keep you out of heaven and take you to destruction. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
All three of the people in that collision died. I don’t know if they were ready to die or not. Jack and I stayed there with our car headlights shining on the wreck and our red blinkers flashing until the police and ambulance arrived. Meanwhile, several other cars came down the road, but stopped in time. They were safe because they had seen our lights.
If God has saved you from your sins, you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. He says, “[You] are the light of the world. . . . Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).
It is not God’s will that anyone should perish, but that everyone should repent and be saved from their sins by trusting in the precious blood Christ shed for the cleansing from sin. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). The Bible also warns us that “the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ . . . should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Jesus loves you, and He longs for you to be saved so He can bring you into His light. “While ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light” (John 12:36).
Are you one of His lights in this dark, dark world?
Surprised by a Seal
“Who wants to go to the aquarium today?” Mother called. Mary and her sister and brother whooped with delight. They loved to go to the waterfront, and a visit to the aquarium would be a special treat on this summer day. Mother said they would be meeting some of their friends there. It promised to be a day of fun.
When they arrived at the aquarium, their friends were waiting for them. They all paid the admission charge and went into the cool building.
The children were fascinated by the brightly colored fish swimming in the windowed tanks. There was even an eel! And they had never seen so many different kinds of starfish.
“Oh, look at these giant crabs,” someone shouted. In another tank an octopus was attached to the tank walls by the strong suction cups on its eight long arms. I wouldn’t want those powerful arms to get a hold on me, thought Mary.
The last room in the aquarium had a large open tank. When Mary and her friends leaned over the edge they saw seals of all sizes swimming and diving in the water. The seals poked their furry brown heads out of the water as they dove and played, hoping someone would throw them a bite of fish.
Nearby was a sales window where visitors could buy a bag of small fish to feed to the seals. Mary wished she could buy some, but Mother said no.
As Mary leaned over the edge of the pool watching the seals, she had an idea - she would pet one of those furry, soft-looking heads! Quickly she reached out and touched the nearest seal as it came up for food. Before she could pull her hand away the seal bit her, raking its sharp teeth down her finger.
“Ouch, he bit me!” Mary squealed, more surprised than hurt. As she backed away from the tank, she saw that she had been leaning over a sign. It read:
“Don’t Touch the Seals—They Bite!”
That sign was meant for Mary as well as everybody else. Just because she had not bothered to read it did not change the fact that those seals would bite. And lots of people have not bothered to read the Bible. They have not read God’s warnings about the serious results of sin. However, that does not change the fact that unforgiven sinners will be punished. “The wages [results] of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life [every unforgiven sinner] was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
The aquarium director took Mary and her mother into his office and kindly bandaged up her bloody finger. He was sorry about what had happened, but Mary knew that it was her own fault. She had not read nor obeyed the warning sign that was right in front of her and, as a result, had gotten herself into trouble.
How kind of the director to give Mary first aid for her hurt finger. And how kind of God to offer to spare you from the results of your sins. Though the first part of Romans 6:23 warns that “the wages of sin is death,” the second part presents God’s remedy— “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Will you accept God’s remedy for your sins just as Mary accepted the director’s first aid for her hurt finger?
Mary’s finger healed quickly with only some tiny scars to remind her of how unwise she had been. But punishment that never ends is waiting for any who turn away from God’s remedy for their sins. Have you accepted God’s remedy? Are you forgiven?
A Lesson from the Bees
A black thundercloud was moving in from the west, and the low rumble of thunder was heard in the distance. As I stood watching the signs of the coming storm, I noticed the air was full of bees. Each one was flying directly to the hive near the fence. I watched them for some time as they hurried in from the flowery meadows to their home. This Bible verse came to my mind: “Flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7 and Luke 3:7).
I thought of how much wiser the bees are than grown-ups and children of this world! The bees could sense a storm was coming, and they made a beeline for the safety of their hive. God has given us warning after warning in the Bible of the punishment that is coming on this sinful world. But people go on as if nothing were going to happen. They pay no attention to God’s warning, “Flee from the wrath to come.” His warning also says, “He [has] appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained” (Acts 17:31).
How safe the little bees are in their hives! The storm may rage around them, but it does not touch them. And oh, how safe each person is who has run to Christ for a hiding place: “A man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert [shelter] from the tempest [storm]” (Isaiah 32:2). That Man is “the man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:56).
Each of you - young and old -should be wise like the bees. Hurry to Christ! Don’t let any of the “sweet things” in the fields of this world tempt you to wait another minute. He will be your “hiding place” when that awful day of God’s wrath comes.
The storm clouds are gathering, and the rumble of thunder is coming closer. Are you safe?
Amy's Kitten
Amy was playing in the yard one summer evening. She was catching fireflies and putting them into a jar. She enjoyed watching them light up in the jar.
As she chased one firefly that was near the back fence, she saw something crawl between the pickets. Looking closely, since it was now nearly dark, she found a little gray kitten. It was dirty and skinny, but as it rubbed against Amy’s leg she could hear it purring. She felt sorry for the stray kitten. Picking it up, she carried it into the kitchen. “Look what I found,” she announced. “A kitty!”
As soon as Amy’s daddy saw the kitten he told her to take it back outside and let it go. She could feed it something on the porch first, but he didn’t think they needed a cat living with them.
Amy cried and pleaded with her daddy to please let her keep it.
Her daddy loved Amy very much and didn’t like to make her unhappy. But he did not like cats. He told her to put it out on the porch for now.
How can I keep Amy happy without keeping the kitten, he wondered. He decided that the next day he would take the kitten out to Grandpa’s farm and then buy Amy a new doll. That should make her happy, he told himself.
After Amy went to bed, Daddy went out on the porch to see if the kitten was still around. When he couldn’t find it he figured it had run away. “So I won’t have to take it out to the farm, but I think I’ll get her the doll anyway since she will still be upset about the kitten,” he explained to his wife.
She smiled and then said, “Maybe you’d better look over there in the corner of the porch in Amy’s doll bed.”
There Daddy found the doll on the floor beside a saucer of milk and the kitten curled up asleep in the doll bed.
“Amy put the kitten there,” her mother said. “That’s how much she loves that kitty. She gave it her favorite doll’s bed. Don’t you think you could let her keep it?”
Daddy did think about it. The next morning he went into Amy’s room and gently wakened her. “You can keep the little kitty,” he told her.
Oh, how happy she was! She threw her arms around her daddy’s neck and gave him a big hug and a kiss.
We may not feel like that kitty, but in God’s eyes we are all like a little stray kitten - dirty, hungry and friendless. Even worse, we are sinners. But God still loves us, and He sent His beloved Son to die for us. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Those who come to the Lord Jesus with their problem of sin will find a very warm welcome. He never turns anyone away, and says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). He washes our sins away and He comforts and feeds us. He also shows us not only how much He loves us, but that He will never let us go. One day very soon He has promised to come to take us to the Father’s house in heaven to be with Him forever. Oh what a wonderful Saviour He is. Is He your Saviour?
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
Junk Food
Do you like junk food? Things like potato chips and corn chips, French fries, doughnuts, and candy? They all taste good, don’t they. But they certainly aren’t healthy food for our bodies.
Do you know what else likes junk food? The mule deer that live in Grand Canyon National Park. They eat the junk food left by visitors, and some visitors actually hand-feed chips and candy to the deer. The park rangers say the deer really like the junk food, and that once they get a taste of it, they can’t resist it. After they have eaten a certain amount they get hooked on the stuff, and it is harmful to them. Their bodies lose the natural ability to digest vegetation, their normal food that God has provided for them.
The park rangers found some of the deer in extremely poor health and nearly starving, with no hope of recovery. So they had to do away with two dozen of them. All because of junk food.
There are other kinds of junk food too - for our eyes and ears. This junky stuff is found in comic books, magazines, television, videos, radio, tapes and books. Sometimes just a little taste of this unhealthy junk food gives our eyes and ears an appetite for more. Satan will gladly hand-feed it to us. The more we see, hear and read, the more we want, and it is so harmful. Soon we no longer want what is healthy and good for our eyes and our ears and our hearts. We can become just like those deer, hooked on junk of this world that causes poor health and starvation of our souls.
Christian boys and girls, beware of Satan’s junk food. Just one taste can soon become an unhealthy habit. Satan knows this, and that’s why he makes it so appealing. The Bible gives some excellent instruction to help us: “Submit yourselves . . . to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the [boy and girl] that [trusts] in Him” (Psalm 34:8). “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
Water Landing
In the days before Alaska was a state, I worked out of Anchorage as a fish warden. My job often included flying a small amphibious plane over the Pacific Ocean and the frozen northland. It was a dangerous job, and I was constantly asking the Lord Jesus to keep me safe.
On this particular day I took off with the plane heavily loaded with fuel oil. As I gained altitude the engine sounded rough. Not good, I thought. I wonder if I ought to go back. Since it had been a difficult takeoff because the plane was so heavy, I knew it would be impossible to land safely without using up quite a bit of my fuel. So I circled quite a few times to use up some of the fuel in my tanks.
As I circled and the plane grew lighter, the sound of the engine smoothed out. I decided to continue my flight. I checked the oil gauge and then started out over the ocean.
I hadn’t flown far when I heard a voice in my mind telling me to check the oil pressure. I checked the gauge again even though I had just done it. The pressure was falling fast! I’d have to make a landing.
In the few seconds I had left I radioed my position to the Coast Guard and brought the plane down on the rough water. How thankful I was for the inner warning voice and that I had lightened the plane earlier. It made the emergency, rough-water landing safer. I knew the Lord was with me in my desperate situation.
Soon a Coast Guard plane was in sight. The pilot spotted my plane and was circling overhead. But he signaled that he couldn’t land. The sea was too rough. He would send a boat.
My heart sank. It might take two hours for a boat to reach me from the Coast Guard station at Yakatat. How could I survive that long?
My plane was gradually drifting toward the rocks, and I thought of trying to swim over to them. But just when I’d made up my mind to go ahead, a sea lion lifted his head out of the water and roared at me. That quickly changed my mind. Instead, I clung to the plane trembling and cried to the Lord Jesus to save me. “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me” (Psalm 86:7).
As I prayed, the wind shifted enough to float the plane clear of the rocks, which would certainly have dashed it to pieces in the rough sea. Then I heard the unexpected roar of a plane directly above me.
I looked up. There flying overhead was one of the most dilapidated planes I’d ever seen. When the pilot brought it down on the water, it was spraying oil everywhere. And when I stepped from my plane onto this rescue plane, the fabric was so rotten my foot went right through it. But I was saved!
My rescuer told me he had heard my SOS call to the Coast Guard, and he was sure I couldn’t last until a boat reached me. He decided it was his job to come get me.
That was my second rescue.
Let me tell you about the first one. My Rescuer came all the way from heaven’s glory, because He knew there was no other way for me to be saved from the results of my sins. His name is Jesus. He cleansed me from every sin and gave me eternal life. And He wants to do the same for you. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5). “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Have you been rescued from your sins by the Lord Jesus?
Counterfeit Money
The newspaper story with the headline “Counterfeit Money” reported that a man admitted to printing fake (counterfeit) $20 bills. Until he was caught he was really doing well for himself. But anyone who happened to have received any of the fake $20 bills would lose what they had, without refund. Some might not even understand why a $20 bill that looked exactly like it should, could not be passed off as a real one and be allowed to continue being used. No doubt, most people would be very angry at being deceived, at being a loser and a victim.
But even a $20 bill is only a small thing, no matter how many a person might lose, when compared with being deceived about the way to heaven. We find many religious ideas being passed off today as the real thing. They are well organized and made to look true, but they are only counterfeits. Jesus Christ is the only one who stands the test and can truthfully say, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). God was His witness and spoke from heaven for all to hear, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). And then, God raised Jesus from the dead, giving us the assurance that He was the Sent One - the only way.
Would you like to own some counterfeit money? Of course not - it’s worthless! Would you like to think you might be following a counterfeit way to heaven? No - the danger is too great! God sent His Son, and called Him Jesus. He is the real Saviour. Check your money, by all means, but more importantly, check to see if your religion is counterfeit! If it is, you are not losing just money, you are losing eternal life!
“The Son of man [Jesus Christ] is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:56).
A Baby Robin in Trouble
It was spring, and something was going on in our neighbor’s yard. We could hear a pair of robins chirping frantically and see them nervously flitting from branch to branch. When we looked closer, we discovered a baby robin on the ground. It had fallen out of the nest. The father and mother robin were very upset and were keeping a watchful eye on their baby.
Something else was keeping an eye on their baby bird too. A neighbor’s cat! As the cat started creeping through the grass, the father and mother robin dove down again and again, chirping loudly and pecking at the cat. The cat couldn’t go any closer to the baby robin because the parents kept flying at the cat and pecking it.
We were afraid the cat might eventually win out, so we picked up the little robin, in spite of the parents who were now scolding us. The baby bird seemed to be so scared and hungry. It kept opening its mouth wide and chirping sharply as much as to say, “I am hungry and I need help!” And we were going to help it and do what we could to save the little bird’s life.
Do you realize, boys and girls, that you are in danger too, like that baby robin, if you have not been saved from your sins? But there is Someone to help and save you too. The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). There is a Saviour who sees you, and loves you, and cares about you.
The news reached another neighbor that we had found a baby robin. She had an empty birdcage, and the next day she adopted the helpless, hungry little bird. She nursed it like a mother would, and each day the baby robin seemed to grow a little stronger. Finally, after about a month, the young robin could fly on its own. All that summer the bird never seemed to leave her backyard and would come to her for food when she called it.
The Lord Jesus will do the very same for you. Because He loves you and cares about you so much, He died on Calvary’s cross for you. He will wash all your sins away and give you eternal life so you can live with Him in heaven someday. Will you come tell Him that you are a sinner and want Him to wash your sins away? Here is what He will do: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). “He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness” (Psalm 107:9). He will take care of you until you are safely home in heaven with Him.
The Birthday Cake
Mother was going to make a birthday cake for Nicole. This was not her real birthday; it was her half birthday, because she was only six months old.
“It will be a very little cake,” said Mother, “because she is only half-a-year old!”
“May we help make it?” both Mark and Julie asked.
“I could certainly use some help,” said Mother. She pulled two chairs over to the counter. “And you know,” she went on, “there’s something God can teach us while we make this cake.”
Mark and Julie climbed up on the chairs and took turns stirring the butter and sugar Mother had just put into the bowl.
Mother said, “The two things we’ve put in so far we like very much, don’t we?”
Mark and Julie agreed, because they sure did like butter and sugar.
“But now we have to put in some things that don’t taste very good - baking powder and flour.”
The two children tasted a little of both the baking powder and the flour and quickly agreed that they didn’t like the taste of either one, but especially the baking powder.
Then Mother went on with her explanation. “But when we mix together the things we like and the things we don’t like, what do we get? We get a cake that tastes good!” Mother added little spoonfuls of other things, and Mark and Julie kept stirring.
Then Mother explained, “God works the same way. He lets some things come to us that we like very much, butter-and-sugar kinds of things. But He also lets some things come to us that we don’t like, baking powder-and-flour kinds of things. These may be unhappy things like being sick or being hurt by something someone says about us. But God knows that all these things are needed to make us turn out the way He wants. We couldn’t use our cake very well if it had only sugar and butter in it. And God couldn’t use us very well either if only things we like happened to us.”
Nicole’s little half-a-birthday cake (with only half a candle on it) was dessert for supper that night. After supper Daddy taught them a Bible verse that said just what Mother had been telling them while they made the cake: “All things work together for good to them that love God” (Romans 8:28).
Laura Lee
Miss Henriette was a quick, busy little lady. She made every minute count, and she was a good business person. She owned several neat little houses on the same property with a little lawn in the center. Miss Henriette and her sister Kate lived in one of the little houses. The middle house was rented to a widow lady with a little girl about nine years old. The daddy had fallen off a horse and been killed. The last little house was used as a gospel hall. I was taken there on Sunday mornings to hear about the love of God.
In our area the whole city was quiet on Sunday mornings. Some people drove off to Sunday school, and others slept late. The widow lady must have worked late on Saturdays and then, like others, she slept in Sunday mornings. When she wakened, she wanted to be sure where her little girl was, so she would step outside and LOUDLY call her home. The little girl didn’t always come right away.
And so it was, that as we tried to say our memory verses in Sunday school, next door a very loud voice would call, “LAURA LEE, LAURA LEE!” It echoed all over the neighborhood!
It was rude, I thought, to interrupt people who were reading the Bible and telling of God’s love. But the mommy didn’t know.
A little later we would again hear, “LAURA LEE, LAURA LEE!” If the speaker were praying, he would have to pause because he knew no one could hear while Laura Lee’s mother was calling her.
It was naughty, I thought, to interrupt people’s prayers to God. But the mommy didn’t know.
I really thought that Miss Henriette would speak sharply to the mommy and make her stop bothering everybody. I was sure that if she didn’t stop her noisy calling, then Miss Henriette would ask her to move.
But Miss Henriette was a wise old lady of prayer and knew just what to do.
One week we were all surprised. Miss Henriette had invited Laura Lee to Sunday school! Miss Henriette was wisely following what the Lord Jesus says in Luke 18:16, “Suffer [let] little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.”
Laura Lee came, and she was delighted to listen along with us to the stories of Jesus’ love. She learned that she was a sinner and that “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). It was as though she heard Jesus, through His Word, calling, “Laura Lee,” and she accepted Jesus’ payment for her sins and gave her heart to Him.
Miss Henriette was a very wise lady, and she knew how to overcome evil with good. So the poor, tired mother got to sleep late and didn’t have to worry about where her little girl was anymore. We got a new friend, and Laura Lee now belonged to the Lord Jesus too and was happy. All of this happened because of Miss Henriette’s kindness in sharing the Saviour’s love.
Some time later, Laura Lee and her mother moved away to the country. We missed her very much. Soon Jesus will call, “Laura Lee,” once more, for her to be with Him in heaven. She’ll come quickly this time. “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
The Pony Express
The Pony Express was an important part of early American history. It ran from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California—a distance of 1900 miles. Forty men, each riding 50 miles at a stretch, dashed along the trail using 500 of the fastest horses available. The trip was made in 10 days.
To keep the weight down, their clothing was very light, their saddles were small, and no weapons were carried. The horses wore small horseshoes or none at all. The mail pouches were flat and could not be larger than a certain size. Letters had to be written on very thin paper, because the postage was $5.00 an ounce! However, even with all these limits on weight, there was something that every rider carried with him - a full-sized Bible.
The Bible was presented to each rider when he joined the Pony Express, and he always carried it with him. Why? Because the Scriptures were regarded as “standard equipment.” God was important to the people in those frontier days. They realized the need of reading God’s holy Word every day.
We, too, like the Pony Express rider, are on our way to a destination—eternity. God has arranged that He will not leave us without a compass or a guide. He has provided us with these in His precious Word, the Bible.
Is the Bible important to you? Is it standard equipment for you every day? Do you read and study it? I hope so.
“From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:15-17).
A Letter Would Be Nice
“If God is trying to tell me something, a letter would be nice.”
That’s what Brian said after the soccer game, because he was really shaken up that day and seemed ready to listen to God.
What does it take to make a person ready to listen to God? If you have ears to hear, then listen right now, for God has already spoken to you in the Bible, and He also instructs, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15). God wants to get your attention, just as He wanted Brian’s.
Brian was goalie for his team. It wasn’t the best kind of day for a soccer game; the whole field was a soggy mess. It had been raining earlier in the day, and the sky was looking black again. Suddenly a vivid flash of lightning split the sky, and something happened that Brian will remember as long as he lives.
“The St. Regis team was coming down on me,” he reported, “and suddenly I felt the hum of electricity all around me. Then the ball was just rolling along by itself and everybody was down.”
Twenty-one players, plus the referee, had dropped in their tracks. Only Brian remained standing. “I just stood there, looking over the field at all the bodies. It was a weird feeling.”
Something so unusual feels like a message from God, and Brian was not mistaken. The truth is that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Don’t wait until you are in a field full of fallen friends. You might very well be one of them. NOW is the time to listen to God.
One by one the fallen players began to stir and get up on their feet. All but the referee. He remained down. The paramedics were called, but it was too late to restore his breathing. He was pronounced dead.
The news reporter asked Brian how he felt about it. He recalled his close brush with death in a car accident a short time before, and he made the comment we have already mentioned - “If God wants to tell me something, a letter would be nice.”
But, Brian, God has already written a letter! He has cared for His wonderful letter through fire and storm for thousands of years, and there are more copies printed every day. Read the Bible. Find out that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). Find out that if you believe in the Son you have everlasting life. The message could not be more simple, and it is repeated over and over. Read John 3:16, John 6:47, and Romans 6:23 for starters.
What will it take to make you ready to listen? Perhaps your own death will be the message which will make you listen and remember the warning of this story. But then it will be too late to receive God’s loving gift. Hell is an awful reality.
“Lo, all these things worketh God oftentimes with man, to bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living” (Job 33:2930).
Are you listening right now? God loves you. He wants you to accept the gift of everlasting life from His Son, Jesus Christ. He died on Calvary’s cross for the sins of those who will come to Him for forgiveness. Will you come right now so God doesn’t have to speak louder?
Trust in Her Father
A newspaper reported the story of a fire in an apartment building where a little blind girl spent her days while her father was at work. As the fire spread, the firemen called to the girl to jump from the window of the sixth floor where she was standing, and assured her they would catch her in the net spread out beneath. However, she would not jump and stood helplessly at the window.
One fast-thinking fireman rushed to the place where the girl’s father worked and brought him quickly to the apartment. He immediately called his daughter by name, saying, “It’s Daddy, honey. Jump and we will catch you in the net.”
The little girl changed her mind immediately. She climbed out the window and jumped, where she could not see, landing safely in the net below.
What made the difference? It was trust in her father. She knew he would not ask her to do something that would harm her . . . she trusted him completely.
By dying on the cross in our place, the Lord Jesus made it possible for every person to become a child of God, learning every day to trust Him as our loving Father. The more we learn to know Him, the more we understand that He loves us and only asks us to obey Him because He knows what is best for us. The Lord Jesus tells us, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?” (Matthew 7:11). How wonderful to trust our heavenly Father the way the little girl trusted her earthly father.
The Eyes!
Each night before her four children went to sleep, Mommy had each one repeat the Bible verse that they had been given to memorize for Sunday school the following Sunday. The verse for this week was Proverbs 15:3: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
After each of the children had said the verse, Mommy tucked them into bed, kissed them good-night and went into her own room. Before long she heard someone whimpering and went to see who it was. The three boys were sound asleep, but Esther was crying.
“What’s the matter?” Mommy asked her sad little girl.
“Oh, Mommy, it’s the eyes, the eyes,” she cried.
“What eyes?” asked Mommy.
“The eyes of the Lord. They’re in every place and they’re looking at all my sins!” sobbed Esther.
“Why don’t you ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away, and then He won’t see them anymore.”
Mommy couldn’t have made a better suggestion, for we read in God’s Word, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), and, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Esther got up, knelt by her bed and asked the Lord Jesus to come into her heart and wash her sins away in His precious blood.
This is what He did about Esther’s sins: “I will forgive [her] iniquity, and I will remember [her] sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34).
He wants to do the same for you. Will you come to Him in simple faith like Esther did?
Beautiful Colors
Paul and Sue came in from playing and said, “Mommy, we have decided blue and green are God’s favorite colors because He made so much of them.”
When we look around we can see that they were right. There is the blue sky overhead and the green grass and trees all around.
The blue sky reminds us of heaven where the Lord Jesus is waiting to take His own children (those who have accepted Him as their Saviour). He said, “I go to prepare a place for you. . . . I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:23).
Green trees, plants and grass remind us of growing. The way children grow is by eating the good food their mothers prepare for them. The good food for growing and learning more about Jesus is the Word of God, the Bible, which we should read every day. Memorizing verses from the Bible helps us think of them as we work and play. (Paul and Sue were thinking about the Lord Jesus as they played outside. Can you remember why?) “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11). Yes, knowing what God has said in His Word can keep us from sinning.
There are other colors, too. Red reminds us of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross for us. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The yellow of the warm sunshine reminds us of God’s love that was shown when He gave up His only Son, Jesus, and that He continues to show in caring for us every day. “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Let’s not leave out white. Some of us see lots of beautiful, white snow in winter. White snow covers over the plants and leaves that have died. This reminds us that the Lord Jesus wants to cover over our dark sins and make them white as snow. “Come now . . . saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
Can you remember what each of the five colors reminds us of?
A Dangerous Enemy
The backyard bird feeder was a busy place. Lots of hungry birds came by for a good meal of sunflower seeds. One little bird was so greedy that, somehow, he managed to squeeze under the clear plastic window and get inside. Now he could eat all the seeds he wanted. But, suddenly he realized he was trapped inside the feeder, and then he wasn’t one bit interested in the seeds. All he wanted was to get out of there. Instead of squeezing out the same way he got in, he fluttered frantically about.
On the nearby deck sat Taffycat, sunning herself. Suddenly she saw the little prisoner and decided that a bird inside the feeder might be easier to get than the many on the outside.
After climbing up the post, Taffycat couldn’t get to the feeding platform but she managed to scramble onto the feeder roof. She peered over the roof at the little bird still fluttering inside.
Imagine the little bird’s terror at seeing the face of his worst enemy just inches away! He flapped and fluttered harder than ever.
What would you do if you had an enemy peering at you around a corner? You would run as fast as you could to a place of safety, wouldn’t you? We do have an enemy who is watching us all the time. We can’t see him, but he can see us. His name is Satan. But God has provided a wonderful place of safety where each of us can run.
Meanwhile, Taffycat was trying to figure out how to get to that little bird. She leaned way over and tried to reach the narrow platform, but she couldn’t do it. So she tried to jump onto the platform but she missed and fell to the grass. Up she climbed again, tried to jump to the platform, and fell again. She tried again and again, always ending up on the grass. Taffycat wasn’t going to give up!
Daddy finally took a hand in the matter. He shooed Taffycat away, then lifted the roof of the feeder and let the little bird fly out and away.
Taffycat was a dangerous enemy to that little bird, just like Satan is to us. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us to be watchful “because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). If you don’t belong to the Lord Jesus, you don’t have a place of safety and you will get caught in one of Satan’s traps. You may even be one of his prisoners right now.
But the Lord Jesus loves you and is able to set you free. He was victorious over death and Satan, and His precious blood is able to wash away every stain of your sins. He, alone, can set you free and keep you safe forever by His mighty power. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, [you] shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Have you let the Lord Jesus set you free?
Final Exams
Betsie always passed her school exams, but this was a special one, more important for her future than any she had taken before. The stack of books on her desk might have made most students groan, but Betsie had studied them all. She checked the list. No, there was one she had ignored, but it was such an old-fashioned book that she assumed it would not be included. She was sure she would pass - well, almost. But as the exam approached there was a nagging feeling about that one book, which she really did not like anyway.
On exam day she had to report to a building where she had never been before. Of course, there would be other students waiting for the same exam. Knowing she was not alone would strengthen her courage and help control the scary feeling.
But that was not how it turned out. She was sent to a huge room where she was handed the exam sheet and a book of blank paper. She was alone except for the eyes of a teacher looking through the window in the door occasionally. She hadn’t pictured it like this. The scary feeling grew bigger.
And now while Betsie scans her exam, let’s review for another exam. God says, “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12). God’s final exam is already scheduled, and the God of eternity will not just skim over our lives. Each of us, one by one, shall stand before God and hear His final word about us. It will be pass or fail.
Betsie’s hopes were still high until she read the question that represented 25% of the exam grade. It was based totally on the book she had ignored. Suddenly her hope of passing drained away. “Oh,” she groaned, “if only I had known that would be on the exam.”
God’s final exam will not be like that. God has no surprises for you at His final judgment, because He has already told you what will be on the exam. The Lord Jesus said, “The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48). How you have obeyed the Word of God will be the basis of your final judgment on that examination day. There will be no opportunity to try again. There is no other Saviour and no other hope if you reject the Lord Jesus as your Saviour.
But you still have today to accept Him.
Betsie read on, and she found that the word “OR” followed that hopeless question. It gave her a choice. There was a second question that she could substitute, and she knew she could answer it. Betsie’s hopes soared. Her brain was stuffed with all she needed to know, and her pen flew across the page.
While Betsie is busy writing her answer, please consider that, right now, you have a choice. You may today open the Word of God and read it, not to stuff your brain, but to find out what God says. Eternal life is a gift offered to you through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). God’s offer is for sinners only, so if you will admit that you are a sinner in His sight, this offer is for you. Read other verses, such as John 3:16 and John 5:24. This is the Word which will judge you on that final test day.
Betsie closed her exam book and signed her name with relief, and it was no surprise when she passed with honors. But God’s exam is not like that. You already know what will be on His final exam, and a head full of knowledge will never pass the test. God looks on the heart. He is the God who sent His only Son to die for sinners, and the same One who died on the cross will be your Judge in the last day. Will you pass or fail? It depends on whether you have accepted or rejected the Lord Jesus as your Saviour.
“He that rejecteth Me, and receiveth not My words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (John 12:48).
Even at Night
“God can’t see us in our house,” said three-year-old David as he looked at the star-filled sky above him. His grandmother had just reminded him of his Sunday school memory verse— “Thou God seest me.”
“Yes, He can,” said Grandmother. “And He can even see us at night.”
“But we close the curtains on our windows at night,” was David’s reply.
David’s grandmother patiently explained how God can see everything we do, hear everything we say, and knows everything we think. So there is no hiding from Him. Children are not the only ones who think it is possible to hide from God. Teens and grown-ups both sometimes think this way about their sins. But God has said, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). God does not want us to try to hide from Him, but to admit our sins to Him. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Marco's Catch
“John, isn’t it time you cleaned your gerbil tank?”
It was Mom’s third reminder. I thought I’d better get “around-to-it” . . . and now.
“C’mon, Richard,” I said to my younger brother, “you can help. Let’s make a fort out of blocks. We can put the gerbils inside it while I clean the tank.”
My gerbils live in a glass tank with a sturdy screen cover to keep out our cat, Marco. Sometimes Marco lies on the cover of the tank and watches them intently through the screen, his tail twitching now and then.
There are three gerbils in all: Theodore the father, Jemima the mother, and a little ball of black fur that is their baby, the only one that survived out of Jemima’s first litter of three. I haven’t named the baby yet.
Richard and I made a really neat fort, with two stories and a fancy tower. The gerbils were happy to explore their temporary home. I put a block at the opening to keep them safe inside while I went to empty and wash out the tank.
But we found out that our fort and tower were not really strong and safe.
Did you know the Bible talks about a tower that is truly safe? It says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). Someone might ask, What is the name of the Lord? Why, it’s the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the One who saves us if we call on Him. He is our strong tower.
When I came back to the bedroom with the clean tank, Richard suddenly cried out and I saw Marco dash out of the room with something furry in his mouth.
“He caught Jemima!” sobbed Richard.
My heart skipped a beat for fear that my little pet was going to die. Then, furiously, I took off downstairs to find that cat, with Richard close at my heels.
We flew down two flights of stairs to the basement, but Marco was nowhere in sight. Just then, my brother Charles came in the back door. He quickly realized what was happening when Marco whizzed past him with the gerbil in his mouth. Nobody is quicker than Charles in our family, and in no time he caught Marco. But Marco would not let go of his prize. Charles was so upset that he tossed Marco out the front door, gerbil-in-jaws and all.
Now Marco is our family cat and we all really like him, but at that moment we didn’t like him. He was the enemy.
But Marco was always the gerbils’ enemy, even when he was lying quietly, watching them. And Satan is always our enemy. He has many ways of tricking us to keep us away from Jesus, the One who loves us. Satan can make us feel comfortable, like a purring cat, and tell us that we are just fine as we are. He assures us that we’ll get to heaven when the time comes because we are pretty good, after all. Or he can terrorize us and tell us that he is in control and that we are too bad for Jesus to love us.
Neither is true. None of us can get to heaven by the good things we do or the bad things we don’t do. We are all sinners and need a Saviour. And Jesus loves us and wants to save us no matter how bad we are. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
After a little while, Charles went out on the porch to see if Marco had dropped Jemima somewhere and come back. (None of us wanted to see our gerbil dead.) He was surprised to see she was still alive, wobbling outside the front door, with Marco close by. Charles quickly scooped up Marco and brought him in and then went back for Jemima. He picked her up carefully and put her back in the tank.
We were all surprised to see that Jemima had survived being caught by the cat. In spite of a patch of missing fur, swollen-shut eyes and a slightly crippled front leg, she looked like she would live. In fact, Jemima is now fine. Her eyes have healed and she can run around like she used to without a limp.
The Lord Jesus can do more than remove us from Satan’s clutches. He gives us a new life that can please God and be free from guilt and fear. We can be happy in our Saviour’s love, today and forever. “Let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice . . . because Thou defendest them” (Psalm 5:11).
The Way to Heaven
“Who can tell me in one word the way to get to heaven?” the Sunday school teacher asked her four- and five-year-olds. Several hands went up.
“Okay, Peggy?”
“Sunday school,” replied Peggy promptly.
“What do you say, Megan?”
Megan suggested, “Praying,” and Lisa added, “Being good.” But not one of those answers was the correct answer the teacher was waiting for.
Then small, brown-eyed Alison shyly put up her hand and whispered, “Jesus.”
“Not by works of righteousness [good things] which we have done, but according to His [Jesus’] mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).
Trapped in a Boxcar!
Dick trudged along the hot, dusty road. Sweat trickled down his face, leaving a sticky, uncomfortable feeling behind. He had no work, almost no money and no way to get farther south where he could find a job.
Just then a train pulling empty boxcars thundered past and then gradually slowed to a stop. Its big, roomy boxcars with their huge, open doors looked inviting, but Dick knew there might be trouble if he tried riding a boxcar. It hadn’t been that long since he had seen a friend bumped from one by a railroad worker. They sure didn’t appreciate having nonpaying passengers. But, still, it would be faster than walking.
He waited until the train started to move, then made a run for an open boxcar. With great effort he jumped and pulled himself into the moving boxcar. But relief quickly changed to fear because of what he saw inside at the back.
The boxcar already had two passengers, and they looked scary. Dick wondered, Are they criminals? Will they try to jump me? He didn’t have much money, but they didn’t know that. As the train picked up speed Dick sat down near the open door so he could jump if the worst happened. His fellow passengers stayed in the shadows.
After a few hours the train began to slow down and pulled onto a siding. Dick got ready to jump as soon as it was safe. The boxcar suddenly jerked to a stop, but, before he could jump, the huge steel door slammed shut.
All three men rushed to the door and frantically began to try to pull it open. Meanwhile, the rest of the train began to pull away, and then to their horror they realized that their boxcar was being left on the siding. If they couldn’t get the door open, they could die from the heat! Already it was getting hotter, and the door wouldn’t budge.
Dick wasn’t worried about finding a job anymore, nor was he worried about the other men. They were all in the same fix together; they were all in danger of losing their lives unless they could get the door open.
The Bible says that “there is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). We have sinned and so have failed to meet God’s holy standards. Every person, no matter who they are, has sinned. And each one of us deserves the wages of sin which is death. Sadly, there isn’t anything we can do to help ourselves.
Dick and the others couldn’t help themselves either. They wanted to be free of their prison but were helplessly trapped. The heat was getting worse and their situation was frightening.
But help came, though in an unexpected way. Some time later another train backed down the siding and slammed into the boxcar where the three men were trapped. The jolt jiggled the door loose, and the men sprang to the door and were able to work it open.
And there is help for sinners in their frightening situation, but it was planned and paid for by the Saviour who loves us. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). His way of freeing us wasn’t as easy as it was to bump a boxcar door open. The Lord Jesus had to die and shed His blood for us. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Will you spring to that opportunity of salvation?
What Kind of Plant Are You?
I am sure that every boy and girl, and their parents too, will have a good idea of what is shown in this picture.
Did you guess carrots? Most people have eaten carrots. They are one of our most common vegetables. In fact, maybe you have even grown them in your vegetable garden.
But I have a surprise for you! These are not carrots at all. The leaves belong to a wildflower called Queen Anne’s lace, and the two fingers in the picture make them look like carrots. Their leaves look so much like carrot leaves that they are often called “wild carrots,” but their roots cannot be eaten. If a gardener should find Queen Anne’s Lace in his carrot patch, he would quickly pull them out and throw them on his rubbish heap. They are only a weed and are good for nothing.
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, has told us, “Every plant, which My heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up” (Matthew 15:13). This means that as God looks down He knows who His real children are, and He also knows who looks like and maybe even lives with His own children, but are not truly born into His family. The Lord Jesus came to tell us how we can become a real child of God, so that we will never have to be rooted up and thrown away like the useless weed. God is “not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9), and He is able to save ALL who come to Him by the way He has provided. The Lord Jesus died on the cross so that we might become children of God by putting our faith in Him.
Take another look at these imitation carrots. They look so much like the real thing, but they are only fit for throwing away. Now think carefully about yourself . . . Are you a true child of God? Will God accept you? . . . Or are you only fit to be thrown away?
Singing About Me
Four-year-old Mark ran across the kitchen and tugged on his mother’s arm. “Look, Mom,” he said happily, “I made my name. See, MARK.”
His mother looked down at the childish letters and was pleased.
All that week Mark practiced writing his name. By the time the family went to the gospel meeting on Sunday evening, he could write it quite well.
The first hymn they sang was,
Gazing on the Lord in glory,
While our hearts in worship bow,
There we read the wondrous story
Of the cross - its shame and woe.
Mark’s mother had helped him find the place in his hymn book. As Mark studied the words he was surprised. There was his name! He tapped his mother on the arm, whispering as he pointed to the second verse, “Look, Mom, they’re singing about me.”
His mother smiled, but Mark listened very carefully as they sang the second verse that included his name:
Every mark of dark dishonor
Heaped upon the thorn-crowned brow,
All the depths of Thy heart’s sorrow
Told in answering glory now.
Little Mark didn’t like the sound of those words, “dark dishonor.” He became very serious. And certainly it is something to be serious about - that Jesus, the Lord of glory, would come to earth to bear our dark dishonors, our sins, in His own body on the cross.
Mark squirmed uncomfortably in his chair.
Soon they were singing a second hymn. There it was again! His name was in it as clear as could be. “MARK,” he spelled out again. By this time he was almost in tears. Again he listened carefully as the people sang:
Mark the sacrifice appointed!
See who bears the awful load!
’Tis the Word, ’tis God’s anointed,
Son of man and Son of God.
“See, I told you they were singing about me,” he whispered again.
Later that night when his mother was tucking him into bed a happier Mark said, “I asked the Lord Jesus to save me tonight, Mommy.”
“That’s wonderful!” his mother answered. As she gave him a good-night kiss and turned out the light her heart was full of joy to know that her little boy had come to the Saviour to have all his “dark dishonors” washed away. “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7).
Does the thought of your sins make you squirm in your chair? Why not tell the Lord Jesus that you are truly sorry for your sins and want Him to wash them all away? Here is His wonderful promise: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
The Footprints
What big footprints! Diego knew that no one from his town wore shoes that big. He was on his way home from work when he noticed the footprints in the dusty road going toward his village. He was a believer in the Lord Jesus, and his young family lived in a small village in Mexico.
Diego wondered who was visiting in his village. Had a soldier come in? Why would he be coming to their village? Diego walked a little faster, all the while noticing the large footprints. Soon he realized that those footprints were going right up the hill toward his own house! Diego hurried even faster. His wife and small children were at home! Who had gone toward his house?
“Brother Alberto!” he cried. “I’m so glad to see you. I couldn’t imagine what tall man could have come to my house! I didn’t even know you were in Mexico! I’m so glad it’s you!”
Poor Diego almost collapsed with relief. It wasn’t a soldier or a stranger who had left those footprints; it was his own Christian friend. And other believers from the village had come too. His family was safe and, instead of the trouble Diego feared, they would have a happy Bible study.
Diego’s friend had left footprints- footprints that others could see and tell something about the type of person who had walked there. Are you aware that you are also leaving footprints in this world? The Bible says that “even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right” (Proverbs 20:11). People look at what you do and what you say to know what kind of a person you are. What you do and what you say are your “footprints.”
What kind of “footprints” are you leaving as you walk through this world? Are they footprints of love, joy and peace? Or have you left footprints of sin? If you are honest, you must admit that God’s Word, the Bible, is true when it says, “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). Bad words, lies and unkind actions are footprints of sin. God hates sin and will never allow even one sin into His home in heaven. But the good news is that God loves you. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross to save you from your sins, if you will believe in Him. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Would you like to leave footprints of love, joy and peace? Turn to the Lord Jesus and obey what He says, and He will give you these “footprints” - “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Galatians 5:22-23).
Diego knew that someone tall had left those big footprints, and people know something of what you are like by your footprints. What kind of footprints have you left at home, at school or at work today?
Downhill Run
John was a truck driver in the western United States and often drove through the Rocky Mountains with his heavy loads. Some of the roads that John drove over had many sharp curves and long, steep hills which made it dangerous for large vehicles.
Have you ever been on roads like these while traveling with your parents? What do you think would be more dangerous, going up the hill or going down? If you guessed going down, you are right!
Now John knew that if he were going to make it safely down every hill with his heavy truck, he had to be sure three things were done right every single time. He had to make sure that his brakes were in good condition; he had to make sure they were adjusted correctly for all 18 wheels; he had to be alert for road signs warning him of steep downhill grades. Not all steep hills had warning signs, so he always had to be prepared to slow down.
Slow down to go down hills? Yes! Trucks and other large vehicles should go slowly down hills. Drivers will shift into low gears so they do not have to step on the brakes too often. If they use their brakes too much, the brakes overheat and will not work at all. When that happens the vehicles become “runaways” and race down the hills, sometimes reaching speeds well over 100 mph! They often end in traffic accidents.
One Friday night John started down a long, steep hill, knowing he was doing everything right to make it to the bottom safely. Several miles behind him was a school bus loaded with a high school football team, all their gear, plus some loyal fans squeezed in too! The bus had only gone a mile or two down the long hill when the driver realized there were no more brakes, and the bus started gaining speed quickly. It had become a runaway!
The driver had to quickly do something to protect the 50 people on that bus from harm. He let his racing bus smack into the rear end of the next big truck they came to - John’s truck!
John felt his truck make a big lurch when the bus hit his truck. He knew that recreational vehicles occasionally run into the back of trucks when they lose their brakes. Usually both vehicles can make it to the bottom of the hill safely, but with a few dents. John immediately slowed down even more, shifting to a lower gear, and they made it safely down the hill and then stopped.
Can you imagine John’s surprise when he got out of his truck and went back to see what had hit him? It wasn’t a recreational vehicle! It was a large school bus, loaded full of people still half frozen with fear from their scary ride.
Needless to say, John received some well-deserved awards for safe driving and heroism, as well as a lot of special thanks for all the lives he had saved that night.
John was an ordinary truck driver doing a good job, and he ended up saving the lives of a busload of people. He didn’t plan to do that. But unlike John, the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came to earth to become a man with a planned purpose. He came to save us from eternal death and give us eternal life. As God’s Son He was no ordinary man. He was the only one who could become our substitute to take the punishment that we deserve for our sins. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Boys and girls and men and women are no different from the people on that runaway bus who faced almost certain death if the bus were not stopped on its dangerous downhill run. As sinners, you and I face eternal death if we continue on our sinful downhill run. The Bible warns that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Yet those who are still in their sins are often as unaware of their danger as that busload of people who started down that mountain. Those people were having a lot of fun being together, all looking forward to the game that night. Can you imagine how they felt when they realized they were not going to make it to the bottom of the hill safely and didn’t know how anyone could save them? This is your position if you are still in your sins.
Just as we know the happy ending to the runaway bus story, there can be a happy ending for you as a sinner. The Lord Jesus loves you and wants to forgive your sins and give you eternal life, if you will let Him. Not only does Romans 6:23 solemnly warn us that “the wages of sin is death,” but the happy part comes next: “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Will you let Him save you?
Your Identity, Please
It happened about 1865, when France and Germany were on the verge of war. A young Frenchman stood at the border of entry into his home country, but the border guards stood solidly in his way.
Who was this young man? Was he a rebel? or a spy? The guards were not to let anyone enter their country who could not prove that they were French.
“Your identity, please,” growled the guard without a smile.
“I am Gustave Doré,” answered the young man.
The guards laughed. They all knew the fame of Gustave Doré the great artist, but anybody could attempt to get through on a name like that. This was a joke. And the guards were armed.
But was it true? Was he really Doré, the great artist?
And is it true that you are a Christian? You may tell people that you are, but when you leave this world and stand at the border of eternity, you will find that God knows all your secrets and you can’t bluff your way through. God knows you are a sinner. Does God also know if your sins are forgiven, if you are cleansed by the precious blood of Christ? He certainly does. “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). If your sins are not forgiven when you stand at that border crossing, it will be too late to go back and try again. Are you saved, right now?
One of the guards had an idea. He handed the young man a paper and pencil. “Here. If you are Gustave Doré, draw that group of people over there.”
Doré was a real genius. The picture he drew was not only a true likeness, but full of life and character, all sketched in a few minutes. There was no need to sign his name because the truth of who he was shone out in every pencil stroke. The guards were instantly convinced that he was Gustave Doré, the great artist.
The Judge whom you will meet in eternity is the same One whose hands made the world. When He appeared in this world as a baby in Bethlehem, how would anyone know who He was? Read His book and see. He spoke as no other man spoke. He raised the dead, fed the hungry, healed the sick, cast out demons, walked on the water and raised people from the dead. The truth of His eternal power and that He was the Son of God shone out in everything He did.
Will you believe Him right now? Will you receive His forgiveness now and welcome Him into your heart? If you do, when you stand at that eternal border, you will receive His “welcome home” forever.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
Attacked by Whales!
William Butler and his wife were going on a round-the-world adventure. In their 40-foot sloop the two of them set out from Miami, Florida, on a trip that would take four years. For two months all went well.
By June 15, 1989, they were 1,200 miles west of the Central American coastline. At 4 a.m. a pod of about 200 whales was swimming past the Butlers when suddenly the largest whale attacked their boat. More whales began battering the sloop, and they punctured a hole in the fiberglass hull before they finally swam away.
The Butlers heard water gushing into their boat. They immediately launched their six-foot inflatable rubber raft, loaded it with some provisions, and sent out a Mayday signal - a call for help. Fifteen minutes later their boat sank. They were left alone in the Pacific Ocean in their small rubber raft.
To add to their problems, they accidentally poked a hole in their raft as they were getting in. They quickly found a patch in their emergency kit. Mr. Butler said afterwards, “By the grace of God, the patch we had was exactly the same size as the hole in the raft.”
For the next 66 days the Butlers floated with the ocean currents. They caught fish, first with a hook and line, and then by hand when they lost the hook. They had to eat the fish raw.
Nearly 40 ships went by, but no one saw them. The Butlers knew the value of prayer, and as they drifted alone out on the ocean they asked God to send someone to rescue them. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
The day after they fired their last signal flare, a Costa Rican coast guard boat was searching for a missing shrimp boat. They spotted the Butlers in their little raft, 30 miles from Costa Rica. The Butlers had drifted 1,170 miles in 66 days.
Mr. Butler said of their ordeal, “We discovered once again the power of God and prayer. That’s the only thing that really saved us.”
Let’s change places now, boys and girls. Put yourself in the Butlers’ place. You are alone on the ocean. All the ships pass right by without anyone seeing you. You are facing death. Now, can you pray? Do you believe that God sees you and hears your prayers?
Each of us is in our own little boat on the ocean of life. Some of us are looking forward to entering the safe harbor of heaven. Some are drifting with the currents and heading toward shipwreck on the shore of destruction, called hell. Where are you headed? To heaven or to hell?
The Butlers looked to God for help, and He sent a boat that wasn’t even looking for them. But did you know that God sent Someone to seek for you to save you? “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Without the Saviour you are lost on the ocean of life and heading toward certain shipwreck. Right now, trust in Jesus Christ to save you. Let God forgive you and let Jesus pilot you safe home to heaven’s harbor.
A Nice Place to Hide
Our family was given a pet one day, a beautiful, dark blue Betta fish, also called a Siamese fighter fish. At our house fish never seemed to live very long, but we decided to try keeping this beautiful tropical fish.
The children named him Purple, which described his deep, violet-blue color. We never tired of watching this two-inch-long tropical fish swim gracefully around in its fishbowl. We all agreed that with long, fluttering fins and tails in a variety of jewel-like colors, these fish are another example of God’s delight in creating beautiful things.
Purple ate his food eagerly when it was dropped into his bowl. He even devoured small minnows that the children caught in a nearby stream. He attacked the minnows viciously, as his name of “fighter fish” describes.
One day, after we had kept Purple for a few months, the children found a large snail shell. They all agreed that it would look nice in Purple’s bowl, so Mom dropped it in and everyone ran off to play.
A little while later, Mom looked up from her work in the kitchen and noticed that the fishbowl looked empty. I wonder where that fish is? she thought.
Looking into the bowl closely from all angles, she was puzzled at Purple’s disappearance. He couldn’t have just jumped out, she told herself.
Suddenly, she thought about the shell she had put into the fish’s home that morning. She took it out to examine it more closely. There was no sign of Purple, so she cracked open the shell. There Mom found the lifeless body of poor little Purple, curled into the farthest curve of the shell. He had gone inside and couldn’t swim back out, so had suffocated.
The opening in the shell may have seemed like a nice place to hide, or maybe Purple was looking for food inside. We’ll never know what made him swim into the shell. It reminded the family of the Bible verse that describes people doing the same thing. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25). Why would anyone choose a way that ends in death?
If we open our Bibles to one of the very first pages, we read about the serpent, Satan, tricking Adam and Eve into disobeying God. Ever since, he has been attracting people to his wide, smooth road that seems so nice, but ends in death in that awful place called hell.
Oh, don’t believe Satan’s whispered lies which tell you that you can go any way you want, and that God’s way doesn’t matter. Remember our poor little pet fish who chose a way that led to its death. Instead, follow Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
The Dangerous Secret
Many years ago Queen Mary made a law that no one was allowed to read or own a Bible. However, a blacksmith lived in the village of Harrant who loved the Lord Jesus and His Word. This blacksmith kept his Bible hidden in a wall of his home. He and his little daughter, Elsie, would spend many happy hours reading it in secret.
After hearing the Queen’s new law, Elsie’s father told her, “These are dangerous days for us. The Queen has ordered all Bibles to be gathered up and burned, and anyone found with one in his possession will be put to death. However, I cannot part with our Bible. It is the only copy left in this village. Let me warn you, Elsie, don’t tell anyone that we have it!”
The days that followed were very upsetting for everyone who loved God’s precious Word. Soldiers sent by the Queen were sure there was a Bible hidden somewhere in Harrant, and the village was searched again and again.
When the soldiers learned that the blacksmith was the only person in town who could read, they took him to prison. Elsie was cared for by their kind neighbors, but thinking about her father in prison made her very sad.
One day the soldiers came again to Harrant and searched every house. When they came to the blacksmith’s house they said, “We’ll burn the house and shop to the ground! If a Bible is hidden in there it will be burned!” As the soldiers came near the house, Elsie hid in the bushes to watch. She was heartbroken as she watched them set fire to the house and shop. When the house was burning furiously, the soldiers left.
As Elsie watched her house burning she thought of the Bible still hidden inside. She also thought of her father in prison because he had protected the only Bible in the village. Suddenly she dashed to the burning house and ran inside. The intense heat burned her skin and singed her clothes, but she stumbled to the wall where the Bible lay hidden. She quickly slid it out of its hiding place and hid it in the folds of her skirt. She was barely able to get back through the smoke and flames before collapsing outside the blazing house.
There, an hour later, the villagers found her still unconscious. Underneath her they found the Bible she had saved. They treated her burns, but she had scars from the burns for the rest of her life.
Most of us have a Bible in our homes, but do we value it as Elsie and her father did? Are you remembering to read it every day? Job said that he esteemed the words of God’s mouth more than his necessary food. (See Job 23:12.)
How good of God to give us His precious Word. It tells of His beloved Son, that precious Saviour God has provided for sinners. Time that we spend reading our Bibles is never wasted. If we are faithful in reading it, the Lord Jesus will turn that Word to joy in our souls. “Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16).
Have you read something from the Bible today?
A Gift for the Beggars
“Give us some money!” the beggar called.
I looked out the window to see who had called and saw three rough, unshaven men standing at our gate. We lived in South America and beggars often came to our gate. They were usually either children or old men, and most of them told us sad stories about their lives and asked if we could give them something to help. But these beggars were different. They shook the gate and one called out again, “Give us some money!”
My husband was not home but I felt sure the gate was locked, so I closed and locked the front door and made sure our three children were inside. A little later I peeped out the front window hoping the beggars had gone away. They had not.
“If you don’t give us money we’re going to come up to your house,” they shouted.
It still seemed best to ignore these men, so I went on with my work. A little later I looked out the window again and the front gate was empty. Good, I thought, they’re gone. But almost immediately I saw them right at the window! The front gate had been unlocked after all!
“Give us money!” they demanded.
I decided it was time to get help. I ran out the back door and out the back gate and called for my neighbor to come. He went around the house, gave the men some money, and told them to go away and not bother us anymore. To my relief the beggars left with their “gift,” and I never saw them again.
The beggars had not worked for the money so it was not pay, and they had done nothing to deserve it so it was not a reward. It was a gift, but it was not a gift of love. It was a gift so that they would go away. God’s gifts are not like that. His gifts are gifts of love, and they are not given so that we would go away, but rather that we would come to Him! The greatest gift that God has ever given was His own beloved Son, the Lord Jesus. God gave His Son to come into this world and die so that you and I could be welcomed into His happy home in heaven. “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14).
Have you accepted God’s wonderful gift of salvation? You do not deserve it because of your sins, but God loves you and is offering you a free salvation because the Lord Jesus paid for it when He died on the cross. “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Another kind of gift arrived at our door recently. This time it was not a gift for beggars but a gift for us. It was a small box of cereal and was marked with large letters - FREE SAMPLE. Was this a gift of love? No, of course not. It was sent in hopes that we would like the cereal and buy a much larger box.
God’s gifts are not like the free sample either. He is not looking for something in return. God wants to give His gifts to you simply because He loves you and wants you to be happy. The Bible says that God “made us accepted in the beloved [the Lord Jesus]. In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace . . . according to His good pleasure” (Ephesians 1:67,9).
We gave the beggars a gift so that they would go away, and the cereal company gave us a gift so that we would buy more cereal. But God gave His gift, His only Son, because He loves you. Have you accepted His gift? “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him” (Psalm 34:8).
Sometimes little children say funny things because they misunderstand something we tell them. That’s what little Penny did.
Every day after supper the children would repeat the Bible verse they were learning for Sunday school the next Sunday. The verse they were learning that week was Proverbs 14:9, “Fools make a mock at sin.”
When it was Penny’s turn to repeat the verse she looked up at her father and said, “Daddy, I thought Indians made moccasins.”
Daddy laughed, “Yes, Penny, Indians do make moccasins.” Then he repeated the verse, saying each word very distinctly, “‘Fools make a mock at sin.’ That means they do bad things and laugh and say they are having lots of fun doing them,” he explained.
Then he went on to say, “Did you know that there’s another verse in Proverbs 26:12 that says, ‘Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.’ That means that even if you are very naughty, and even if sometimes you are having fun when you’re being naughty, Jesus still loves you. He died for people like that. And if such a person would turn to the Lord Jesus and confess how bad he has been, God would forgive him because the Lord Jesus died on the cross to save sinners. So even if you have been a fool and have made a mock at sin, if you tell the Lord Jesus you are sorry and that you want Him to forgive you, He will.
“However, if you are wise in your own conceit, it means you think you are okay just the way you are and don’t need to be forgiven. That is simply not true. Every one of us is a sinner and we all need to confess to God that we are sinners and need to be forgiven.
“So I hope you won’t be a fool who thinks it’s fun to be naughty. But remember, it is even worse to be naughty and think that you’ll get along all right without God.”
Penny was thoughtful for a minute. Then she said her verse, “Fools make a mock at sin. Proverbs 14:9.”
For two weeks the three young men had taken advantage of basketball season. They broke into houses and stole while people were away at the basketball games. As they prowled around the house they had chosen that night, looking for money and jewelry and silver, they didn’t realize that a frightened person upstairs was calling the police. Suddenly headlights were coming down the lane, and one of them shouted hoarsely, “Somebody’s coming!” The men, ages 19, 20 and 22, raced for their van and took off.
They got around one patrol car, then drove into a ditch to get past another one. They were going to try to outsmart the police -their future was at stake. As they came to an intersection, they found another patrol car waiting for them, but they managed to avoid it and head north.
Driving up to 80 mph, the three burglars were desperate to get away. When a patrol car tried to pass them to get in front of them, it was sideswiped by their van. With five patrol cars after them, in a panic they jammed the accelerator to the floor. But the patrol cars were closing in and they knew it was over. Finally they pulled over and gave themselves up. They were caught; they were finished. The three couldn’t say a word; the evidence was there in the van—numerous stolen items, including jewelry and silver. The three men were arrested for burglary and theft and taken to jail.
What an ugly picture of sin and crime. These young men chose a wrong path and were caught and punished. They could not succeed; they could not outsmart the law. They were speechless and guilty. And though you may never have committed a crime, you HAVE sinned and you WILL answer for your life of sin. “For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his [life], according to [what] he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10).
God will have the evidence before Him; you will have nothing to say. “ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The important question will be, Are your sins washed away by the blood of Christ? Anyone who has received the Lord Jesus as Saviour has had his sins washed away. “The blood of Jesus Christ [shed when He died on the cross] cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Isn’t this good news! We can be made clean; we can have those sins washed away if we only accept the Lord Jesus as our Saviour. “When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son” (Romans 5:10). “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3).
God is gracious and God will forgive! “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). God will forgive your sins because of the work that the Lord Jesus did on the cross. Will you come to Him now as a sinner and let Him forgive you?
High Tide
There are some beautiful sandy beaches along the west coast of Ireland. One time when a group of us were touring, we came upon one of these beautiful beaches. Since the sun was shining brightly, we stopped to enjoy it. As we walked along the sand, we decided it would be warmer and out of the wind up on some rocks we saw a little farther on. Sure enough, it was the perfect spot. Each of us chose a nice, warm, flat rock to stretch out on to do our sunbathing.
With our eyes closed we basked in the sun’s warmth as we listened to the surf. But suddenly we knew something was wrong when one of us felt water at our feet. We sat up immediately and what we saw was frightening! We were now looking at a huge heaving ocean that had silently and completely surrounded us as the tide came in. Our rocks were now islands!
There was no way for us to escape. We could only climb up to the highest points we could find and hope we were high enough. None of us could swim. But had we been able to, the water was so cold we might not have made it.
We nervously watched the water continue to rise, but eventually we realized our ledge of rock was higher than the level of high tide. We could do nothing but sit gloomily to face several hours’ wait, until the tide went back out.
For me, the worst part of all was that, as we looked up the rock face, we could see people looking down at us and laughing. They were safe themselves, but they never shouted a warning to us that we would be cut off. We felt foolish and angry with ourselves for being so careless. But we were even more upset with the people who knew we were in danger but did not care.
With this story of our difficulty comes a warning shout to each one of you. We want you to know that one day soon the tide of judgment will roll in - quickly and finally. Those who are unprepared and careless (those who are not safe in Christ, the Rock of Ages) will be caught. Are you lying back with your eyes closed, listening to the hum of this world and basking in its fun? Take a good look, because time is running out for those in the wrong place. We warn you of terrible danger just ahead . . . where the tide will not go back out.
In our case, after waiting about five or six hours, we were able to get off our perches and go on our way. We were sadder but wiser and wishing that somebody had given us a warning shout. We hope you will listen as we give this shout of warning. You are in danger without Christ, but “whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
Ignoring the Rules
I was excited! I was going camping with my friend Jenny and her family at the beautiful Washington seacoast. We chatted happily through the two-hour ride in the big van as we drove to the ocean. When we got there, Jenny and her brothers and sisters clamored to ride the go-carts. I didn’t like that idea at all. I didn’t like driving anything. It reminded me of the awful time I drove our neighbor’s motorbike straight into a big tree. No, I really wasn’t interested.
“Oh, come on! Just try it!” Jenny urged. The others joined in, and soon they convinced me it would be fun.
As I waited my turn I noticed the big sign listing the rules, including “Tie up long hair.” But even though my hair hung past my waist, I left it hanging loose.
Why do you think I did that? It is a very simple answer - pride. I didn’t want to look funny with my hair all tied up.
I got on my go-cart and no one mentioned my hair. I seemed to be getting away with breaking that rule.
Soon I was heading around the track, a bit nervous, but starting to like it. Suddenly my head got jerked back hard! I tried to slam on the brakes, but they didn’t seem to work. It seemed to take forever before my go-cart slowed down. I was lying flat on my back with my hair being pulled tight, as the go-cart finally came to a stop. Ignoring the rule had caught up with me.
Are you ignoring what the Bible says about your sins and that you need a Saviour? Do you think you are getting along without Him just fine, just as I got along without obeying that rule for a while? I eventually got caught, and so will everyone who “[obeys] not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:8).
Jenny’s parents came running over. They thought I was dead since I was lying perfectly still. But I was very much alive! They soon realized that some of my hair had caught on the axle and wound round and round, pulling my head back until I was lying on my back. Once they cut off some of my hair I could sit up again.
The rule to “Tie up long hair” was there for my good. Because I chose to ignore it, I ended up with a very sore head. My parents had to make a long drive to come get me and take me to a doctor. I missed out on the camping trip and had a lot of pain instead.
And the Bible is for our good too. The One who wrote it, God, loves you so much He gave His only Son to die for you. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). If you listen to God as He talks to you through the Bible, you will know what real happiness is. But if you choose to ignore Him and go your own way, you will pay the penalty for your sins.
“He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).
Have You Noticed?
Have you noticed that part of the memory verse is in darker type? We’ll explain why.
We are happy that many of you learn these verses every week. Memorizing God’s holy Word is very important. Can you think of some reasons why? One very important reason is given to us in Psalm 119:11. It says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” If a verse has been learned, the Lord Jesus can bring it into your mind just when you need it most - to help you do or say what is right and what will please Him.
Some of you children probably learn these verses by yourselves. Some of you younger ones may have someone help you learn them. Perhaps there are some very young children who are only able to learn part of the verse each week. Since our memory verse this week is longer, we have printed in darker type a part for beginners to learn. We do this each time we have a longer verse.
We hope this will encourage everyone, even the very young, to memorize Scripture.
Is There Life in Outer Space?
A group of Christian students took a field trip to visit a star lab. The school district’s director of science had set up the lab. It was a large bubble that the students could crawl into, and a series of lighted cylinders projected the stars of the Northern Hemisphere onto the ceiling of the bubble.
Before the students crawled inside, the science director explained why the study of the stars is so interesting. He explained: “The sheer size of the universe fascinates us. Our galaxy alone contains billions of stars, and scientists think there are billions of galaxies with countless billions of stars in each one.”
The Christians smiled at each other upon hearing those astonishing numbers. Later one said, “Isn’t there a verse that says that God calls all the stars by name?”
“Yes,” the others agreed, “and the Bible simply says, ‘He made the stars also,’ as though it was no great thing for God to make so many billions of stars!”
The science director continued, “Of course, one of the most fascinating parts about astronomy is the subject of extraterrestrial beings. The possibilities of life being somewhere out there are so high that we know there must be life there.”
And then he made a surprising statement: “You have to laugh at science fiction films because they have extraterrestrial beings coming to little old ladies or children. We know if there are any out there, they will appear to someone important.”
Some of the Christians in the room were almost bursting by this time. How they would have liked to interrupt this man to tell him that, yes, there is indeed “Life” beyond this earth! In contrast to those who are searching the vast regions of outer space, we know that the source of life itself is in heaven and it is God. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth! Jesus told us, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He came all the way from God’s home in heaven to this world.
And, sir, they were thinking, He did appear to a little old lady! Her name was Anna and she was 84 years old! She saw the Lord Jesus as He was brought into the temple as a tiny baby, and then she went out and told others that the Redeemer had come!
And children? Did He come to them too? You know He did! He even took infants up in His arms and blessed them.
What about the important men of those days? Jesus did not appear to Augustus Caesar, nor did He come to the governor, Pontius Pilate, or to King Herod. God did send an angel to tell some poor shepherds who were staying by their flocks during the night. But He did not send angels to the kings or governors of this world. The Lord Jesus Himself said, “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes” (Matthew 11:25).
The science director also talked about those creatures he is expecting to find. “We hope those aliens will communicate with us.” Many other scientists have said similar things. The United States has spent billions of dollars on various space expeditions to search for life in the universe. Some say they hope that this life, when they find it, will be able to help with earth’s problems.
But this “Life” has already communicated to us by His Word, the Bible. He has told us all that we need to know about the beginning of the world, about the end of the world, and all the problems in between. The Bible, God’s communication to us, says that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
The science director finished his comments by saying, “We know that in a billion years it will be impossible for there to be life on earth. We don’t know where people will have gone, but they won’t be here.”
Those of us who believe God’s Word and have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Saviour know where we will be! “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout . . . and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
And it won’t be for just a few billion years! “So shall we ever be with the Lord.”
Where will you be?
Who's the Driver?
Mrs. Williams was crossing the road on a steep hill when she saw a car racing down the hill toward her. She quickly ran toward the other side of the road, but to her alarm the car swerved violently toward that side of the road.
“What is that driver doing?” she screamed.
With a desperate leap she made it to the sidewalk an instant before the car shot by. It only missed her by a few feet. Then to her horror she saw there was no driver at the steering wheel! Faster and faster the car flew down the hill, zig-zagging first to one side and then to the other, until it finally reached the bottom and crashed into a wall.
A life without the Lord Jesus Christ “at the wheel” is like a car without a driver - a danger to itself and to everyone else. Have you given the steering wheel of your life to the Lord Jesus?
Afraid of the Dark
Do you ever feel frightened when you see shadowy things in your bedroom after dark? When I was a little girl I used to think that a monster lived in my bedroom closet, and that if I left the closet door open it would come out and get me after the lights were out. That was silly thinking, but just the same I had a very real fear of that “monster.”
One day I told my secret fear to my Uncle Bill who was visiting us and whom I loved very much. Dear Uncle Bill painted me a very comforting Bible verse in blue and gold letters. It said, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8).
Uncle Bill helped me read the words, and I liked the verse very much. Along with the verse, which was painted on a piece of paper, he gave me money to buy a frame so I could hang it on my bedroom wall. Then he left to go back home on the train.
Now little girls seven years old don’t very often have dollars given to them; at least I didn’t. When I saw that money I immediately thought how wonderful it would be to have a new doll. I knew that money would be enough to buy a doll with a nice, soft body and eyes that opened and closed. The more I thought about the doll, the less I wanted a frame for the Bible verse, and the more I wanted the doll. I was very naughty and told my mother I thought it was mean to make me buy a frame when I wanted the doll so much more.
But my mother didn’t agree with me. She insisted that I buy the frame.
I cried and fussed and pouted, but it didn’t make a bit of difference. The verse was framed and hung above my bed. But now, instead of the verse being a comfort to me when I was afraid there was a monster, it only made me angry.
Do you know why? Because I was a naughty and covetous little girl. Do you know what covetous means? It means you want something you shouldn’t have. Or have you ever wanted something that belongs to one of your friends? That’s also the meaning of covetous. God does not want us to be covetous. One of the ten commandments God gave to Moses was, “Thou shalt not covet” (Exodus 20:17). God says being covetous is sin. Not only is it sin, but it makes us very unhappy and sometimes angry when we can’t have what we want. And so our sins multiply.
Most of us have been covetous and displeased God with our sin, but He still loves us. He proved how much He loves sinners when He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on Calvary’s cross for us. There the Lord Jesus took the punishment for the sins (including being covetous) of everyone who will accept Him as their very own Saviour. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
I want to tell you too that that verse on my wall has meant more to me than many dolls and has helped me go quietly to sleep quite a few times when otherwise I might not have been able to. Remember what it says: “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8).
The Hooked Fish
Walking beside the river, I stopped to watch some boys who were fishing. They were all excited because one of them had hooked a fish. I looked over the wall, expecting to see them reel in a small trout. But this was no little fish - it was a big fish, and it simply would not believe it was caught.
The boys began playing with it, like a cat with a mouse. They pulled it to the surface to show it that it could no longer do as it pleased. And then they played out lots of line so that it plunged and vanished from sight, thinking it was free. Then they reeled it in once more where it could only thrash around near the surface. Again and again, when they gave it more line it took off with freedom in its mind . . . but always the line was there to bring it back. It was hooked.
As I watched it plunge and thrash and put up a good fight, I wanted to cut the line and set it free. But I saw it grow tired and finally give up fighting. I left as the boys pulled it out of the water.
I thought of the fish I knew, the human ones, who had swallowed Satan’s bait. They had not realized that there was a hook attached that would take away their freedom. They had not realized that after Satan had tired them he would then destroy them . . . unless one stronger than Satan cut that line and set them free. Those boys were bigger and stronger than I, so I did not try to cut the line and give that fish its freedom. But we know that the Lord Jesus is bigger and stronger than Satan, and He is able and ready to cut Satan’s line of control over us when we call on Him.
There was no good news for that helpless fish, but there is good news for every sinner who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
Are you still hooked on Satan’s line?
The old gold mine in Kirkland Lake in northern Ontario still operates today as it did when this story occurred in 1962. It started as just an ordinary day for my cousin Russell, but it was a day that affected him for the rest of his life. The Bible warns us about the uncertainty of life: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1).
Twelve men rode down the mine shaft 4,000 feet into the earth that day. Russell and Richard were the only two working together on a compressed-air drill. They were drilling holes in which they would place dynamite.
Russell watched the drill bite into the rock. Suddenly the mine shaft roared. The sides, the top, everything caved in! He was crushed into a sitting position with his chin pressed to his chest. His hard hat saved his head from being crushed, and its brim made an air pocket in the dirt around his face. He could barely breathe, and he could move only the fingers on his right hand. He could hear rocks still falling. Then the only noise was the hiss of the broken air line to the drill.
Now, does that sound like a helpless position to you? Do you know the Bible says we are in a worse condition than that if we aren’t saved from our sins? One verse says that sinners are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1).
What did Russell need now? A shovel? No, there was no way he could use a shovel if he had one. He needed a rescuer to save him. He could not get out by his own efforts. This is why the Bible says, “By grace are ye saved . . . not of works” (Ephesians 2:8-9). We are more helpless than Russell was. We need a Saviour to save us from our sins.
Russell thought, Nobody even knows about me. He prayed, “Oh God, please hear me and save me.” He wondered if the collapsed mine shaft might be his tomb.
But the other miners were aware that there had been a cave-in. And God knows all about our need to be rescued from our sins too. “From heaven did the Lord behold the earth; to hear the groaning of the prisoner [sinner]; to loose those that are appointed to death” (Psalm 102:19-20). Thank God He knows and cares and has done something about it. He sent a Saviour.
Time dragged for Russell. It seemed like days had gone by. Then he heard men digging with machines through the rock. He sat there trapped in his vise of rock, now filled with new hope. But nearly blotting it out was his terrible thirst. He bit his tongue so blood would moisten his mouth.
He shouted when the men were quiet. They could hear him, but they couldn’t understand him. With his dry mouth and swollen tongue he couldn’t talk properly. But God hears the cry of a sinner plainly. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1). Remember, too, that in Matthew 14 when Peter began to sink in the waves he cried, “Lord, save me!”, and Jesus heard him in spite of the wind and crashing waves. “Immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him” (Matthew 14:31). And He will hear you too if you will call to Him to save you from your sins.
What a glad sight the rescuers were to Russell as they broke through to him. Do you think he asked them to come back another day? No, he wanted to be saved right then! And I’m sure he loved them for the costly and dangerous work they had done to save him! Will you let the Saviour save you right now?
In the hospital they told Russell that the crushed body of his fellow worker, Richard, had been found. Russell felt fortunate. He had been trapped underground for 58 hours, but he was alive.
I don’t know if my cousin Russell ever thanked God for preserving him. Have you thanked God for the Saviour He sent?
58 Hours of Terror
Uncle Tom planned to take little Heather to the zoo on Saturday. “Be sure to be ready at 1:00 sharp,” he told her. “I’ll come by in my car then to pick you up.”
Heather woke up very early Saturday morning and asked her mother, “Is it time to go to the zoo yet?”
“Oh no!” said Mother. “It’s only 8:00.”
Heather waited on the front porch all morning, because she wanted to be sure to be ready on time. How happy she was when 1:00 finally came! Uncle Tom took her to the zoo, and what a good time she had watching the lions, tigers, elephants and many other animals and birds.
For those who love the Lord Jesus, a happy time is coming too. It will be much happier than a trip to the zoo, because we are going to heaven to be with our Lord and Saviour forever!
Maybe even today all those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour will hear the shout that will call them away to be with Him. Would you be ready to meet Him if He were to come today? Have your sins been washed away in His precious blood?
How sad it would be if you were left behind, because terrible judgments are going to come on this world after the Lord Jesus has taken His people out of it! Run to the Saviour today for refuge and safety.
“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come” (Matthew 24:42).
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
Trapped Ravens
As Paul and Lorraine drove by the playground, they were surprised to see a flock of at least 25 ravens hovering near the ground. They all seemed to be cawing and squawking and frantically flapping their wings. Paul slowed the car and then was able to see that one of the ravens had become entangled in the net of the soccer goal.
“I have to free that raven,” Paul said. He parked the car and got out. Slowly he walked toward the captured bird. The other ravens now became even more frantic, trying to beat at him with their wings, but Paul patiently edged toward the goal, speaking very softly to the upset birds.
How kind and patient the Lord Jesus is with us. We are lost, guilty sinners entangled in our sins. And like those birds, sometimes our friends try to keep us from accepting the freedom the Lord Jesus longs to give us. Do you know that Jesus loves you so much that He was willing to come down from heaven and die on a cross of shame so you could be set free from your sins? No one else loves you like that!
Soon Paul was right beside the poor raven that was caught in the net. He smoothed the bird’s feathers and began to try to loosen it. But he found that the raven had worked so hard to get out of the net that it had managed to wrap the net around and around itself. There was no way Paul could release the bird without cutting the cords of the net.
The Bible tells us, “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins” (Proverbs 5:22). Those cords of our sins holding us so tightly can only be cut by the Lord Jesus. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Lorraine searched in the glove box of the car and found a knife. It wasn’t long before Paul had cut the net and the raven was free.
For a moment the bird just sat on the ground watching Paul and Lorraine, then it flapped its wings and flew away. When the raven flew, all the other ravens cawed. In their own way they seemed to be glad that their friend was free. For a while the birds flew in a circle above the playground, cawing for all they were worth. They sounded happy. Then they flew away.
Luke 15:10 tells us “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” The Lord Jesus wants us to be thankful too. He says in Psalm 50:23, “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me.” So let’s praise Him and thank Him as long as we’re on this earth. One day soon all of us who have been washed from our sins in His precious blood will “fly away” to heaven in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. That’s when the Lord Jesus Himself will come from heaven and catch up all His blood-bought children to be forever with Himself. How happy we will be then.
Hippo Hunt
The men on the mission station in Africa were planning to go on a hippo hunt. They asked us women if we would like to join them. A couple of us said, “Oh, yes, we certainly would.”
We were to be gone several days, since the hippos lived by a river quite a distance away. It was to be a journey through the jungle on a narrow, dusty path, single file.
After reaching the river we selected a site not too far from where the hippos were supposed to be living. We set up camp, got the tents all arranged and ate supper. Then, because everyone was tired, we went to bed.
Early the next morning we started off, the men with guns and the carriers with spears. Each person had to walk very cautiously, trying to hide ourselves so the hippos would not see us. It wasn’t too long until a hippo was spotted.
If you have ever seen a hippopotamus in the zoo, you know how very large they are. A full-grown hippo may weigh as much as five thousand pounds. Its legs are short, but it can run as fast as a person.
One of the men got close enough to the hippo in the water and shot it with his rifle. After making sure it was dead, a native tied a rope to one of its legs, and they all pulled the hippo up the river right to the camp where we had stayed the night before.
A very busy day followed. Many sharp knives removed the skin and cut up the meat. We had never seen such a pile of meat! There was enough to give to the people living in nearby villages. They came with knives to help and were given their portions. All were happy and thankful.
That provided another opportunity to witness for the Lord - to tell them that the God who sends the sunshine and rain to make their crops grow also sent His Son to save them from their sins.
The next day when all our equipment was packed, we started back home. We were glad to tell of His great love and kindness in helping to supply our need for food.
Even though very few of us have to hunt for our food, we should still be thankful for all that God provides for us. We sometimes forget that all the blessings we have have been supplied by a God who loves us. His love is so great that He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for sinners like you and me. On the cross the Lord Jesus was punished so that those of us who believe in Him can be forgiven and go to heaven. He died so that we can have everlasting life. His blood can wash us clean from every stain of sin if we accept Him as our Saviour. Is He your Saviour? Won’t you accept Him now?
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
The Angry Bees
Nobody saw the excited bees coming out of the one-inch hole in the outside wall of the repair shop. But minutes later Mr. Johnson was horrified to see his elderly father lying face down on the driveway, covered with bees. The noise and vibration of his power lawn mower had disturbed the swarm of killer bees. The angry bees had attacked him, stinging him over 1,000 times. Mr. Johnson rushed to his father’s side to try to help him. Suddenly he was covered with bees too. They were in his ears, his nose, his mouth, stinging him again and again.
Fire fighters came and sprayed the bees with a fire retardant that allowed rescuers to drag the two men to an ambulance. But as they drove away, thousands of bees swarmed the ambulance, forcing the driver to pull off the road. Finally the ambulance was able to go on, and the Johnsons were hospitalized and later released.
These were extremely dangerous, aggressive bees that had worked their way as far north as Texas from South America. The residents of Georgetown, Texas, where the Johnsons lived, were frightened and concerned. There had been reports before about bees attacking people to the south of them, but now they had come farther north than they had ever been before. One person was quoted as saying, “Before, we thought, That’s not going to happen to us. We’re too far north.” But it had happened - the bees had come.
Many people will deny that something bad can happen to them; they live life as though they will be here forever. But we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us. Even death can come quickly and without warning. How important it is to be prepared ahead of time. Luke 12:16-21 tells the story of the man who was so rich he said he was going to tear down his barns and build bigger ones. Then the next part of his plan was to party for the rest of his life. But God told him, “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.” The rich man was going to die that night, and then all those riches wouldn’t be worth a thing to him. All that would matter was whether or not he was ready to meet God. “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).
“A prudent [wise] man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished” (Proverbs 27:12). You and I prepare for college, for vacation, for retirement, but what about eternity? Are you prepared for your future after death?
There’s another story, in Luke 16, about two men, a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. The rich man had an easier life, but after his death he found himself in hell and the poor man was in Abraham’s company, which to the Jews of that day would mean heaven. The rich man cried to Abraham, “Have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.” Then later he begged Abraham to send Lazarus to his father’s house to tell and warn his brothers “lest they also come into this place of torment.” But Abraham said, “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.” God has faithfully explained about these things in His Word, the Bible, and we need to be wise and make preparation.
“Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12). “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:27-28). There will be judgment after death, but those who have accepted Christ Jesus as Saviour will be spared and spend eternity in heaven.
If your life ended tonight, where would you spend eternity?
Is God Only in the Sky?
Aunt Jenny had been painting a picture all morning. It was an oil painting of the barn, lake and woods which she could see from her living room window. The picture was about half finished as she put her brushes away to stop for lunch. As she stood back to study the picture, her little niece Ann came running into the living room.
Ann saw Aunt Jenny looking at the picture. She stopped and looked at it too, and said, “That’s a pretty sky, Aunt Jenny. Are you going to put God in it?”
Aunt Jenny did not expect that question, so she asked, “What do you mean, Ann?”
“Well,” answered Ann, “if God lives up above the sky, shouldn’t you put Him in your sky picture?”
Ann did not know what King David said about God in Psalm 139. King David said that God is everywhere! He said, God is before me and behind me, He is above me and beneath me. How can I run away from Him? If I rise up to heaven, He is there. If I go to the very deepest, He is there. Even the darkness cannot hide me from Him, because darkness and light are both the same to God.
Yes, King David found out that God is everywhere! He saw Him when he woke up and in everything he did during the day. So King David just talked to God and said, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24).
I hope Aunt Jenny and Ann make the big discovery that King David made. And I hope that you do too.
An Arm's Length from Death!
A large daily newspaper carried a picture of a hero, John Kohl, who had just received a medal and a plaque from the Federal Railway Administration.
The hero, we were told, was a 42-year-old train engineer with many years of experience. One day he was at the throttle of a 62-car freight train, traveling about 20 to 25 miles per hour through a town in Pennsylvania. Always watchful, his keen eye spotted an object down the track. Immediately he sounded warning whistles and began an emergency stop. The crew gazed in speechless horror as it became clear that the “object” was a little two-year-old girl playing on the tracks.
Startled by the terrible screeching sounds of the train’s brakes, little Jeanne jumped up and began to run clumsily - not to safety, but down the tracks!
There was no time to lose since the train couldn’t possibly stop in time. John coolly climbed out of the cab and quickly picked his way down the front of the engine. Hanging on with one arm, he leaned dangerously forward. With his one free arm, just at the right moment, he roughly swept the little girl aside so that she sprawled on her tummy beside the tracks. She was safe, but very upset!
It was another 200 feet before the train finally came to a stop and brave John Kohl could get off the train. He ran back to comfort the little girl who was sitting up by now, crying pitifully.
Suppose someone who had seen the whole thing were to come along and scold John, bawling him out for swatting little Jeanne so roughly. You would certainly tell such a person to stop talking nonsense. You would say, “Didn’t you see how that rough swat saved her life?”
We who speak to children about God are sometimes told much the same thing. People say, “Don’t frighten or upset children by telling them what the Bible says about sin and judgment to come.”
God’s Book has told us about future events again and again, and when we read that there is punishment ahead for sinners (children and adults still in their sins), we had better tell the whole truth so that even children may “flee from the wrath [punishment] to come” (Matthew 3:7). We know that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23), and that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). We also know that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). These truths are something like the rough slap Jeanne received. We need to know them in order to run to safety. Run where? And to whom? Why, to the arms of Jesus!
John Kohl was told, “You can measure the distance between life and death by the length of your arm.” In the same way we can measure that distance between eternal life and eternal death by Jesus’ mighty arm to save. Won’t you come to Him, confessing that you are helpless to save yourself? That verse, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7), can then apply to you, and you can know the forgiveness and comfort of His arms of strength. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6).
How Many Seeds?
What fun! The family was having a contest to see who could guess how many seeds were in the 20-pound pumpkin that five-year-old Sally had grown that summer. Early in the spring each of the children had bought a seed packet for one cent. Sally’s packet contained one, large pumpkin seed, and she planted it. Her pumpkin vine grew and produced fruit - nice, big, orange pumpkins.
When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He told a story about a farmer who planted lots of seeds. Some fell by the side of the road where the dirt was packed very hard. The birds ate those seeds, so they didn’t grow. Some fell on stony ground where they didn’t have much soil. They grew up quickly, but withered just as fast because they had no roots. Some fell among thorns that grew so large they choked the plants that came from the seeds. But some fell on good ground where they took root and produced fruit. Some of that fruit had 100 seeds, some 60 seeds, and some 30. The Lord Jesus explained to His disciples that the good seed was the Word of God, and the good ground was people who hear the Word of God and understand and believe it and in turn produce fruit for Him.
When we think of those seeds that grew into a plant producing fruit with 100 more seeds, that’s really quite a few, isn’t it? Now, how many seeds would you guess that 20-pound pumpkin would have inside it? The children guessed numbers like 35, 300, 400, and 500. Mom guessed 600. Do you think that was too many? She thought it was way too many, but she wanted one of the children’s smaller guesses to win.
The children were quite excited as they gathered around while their oldest brother cut the pumpkin open. Now they would see who guessed the closest.
Wow! There was a lot of pumpkin there, and lots of seeds too. They all reached into the center and began separating the seeds from the pulp. Each child who could count correctly began counting. They were only allowed to count fully formed seeds that could be planted to produce more pumpkins next year. The grand total was 745! You could have planted a whole field with that many seeds, so they saved a few to plant the next spring and roasted the rest for eating. They were yummy! The pumpkin meat was made up into delicious pies, muffins, bread and puddings and added to other foods. There was lots of fruit for the family from that one pumpkin.
But that wasn’t the only pumpkin from Sally’s vine. Up in the attic where they would keep cool were two more pumpkins. When the family opened the second one, they counted 601 seeds. The third one is still waiting inside its special orange package, its thick, round skin that God made to keep it fresh and good until it is needed.
Now, wouldn’t you like your life to produce fruit like that for God, who has done so much for you and me? He even sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us so we could have our sins forgiven.
The Lord Jesus told His disciples how they could produce fruit. It was by hearing His Word and understanding it (Matthew 13:23). We hear God’s Word by prayerfully reading the Bible or by listening to other people truthfully explain it. We understand it when we allow the Spirit of God to teach us what it means. He can’t teach us if we’re always in a hurry. We must sit still, like Sally’s pumpkin seed in the soil. We can be like Mary (whom we read about in the Bible) who sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to what He said. Jesus told Mary’s sister, Martha, who was rushing around, that Mary had chosen the one thing that was necessary. Have you chosen that one thing? God knows there are other things we need in this life. He will take care of those for us. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things [food, clothing and shelter] shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
Tell Your Classmates
When I was about ten years old and in public school, there was another boy in my class I wanted so much to speak to about my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Somehow I could never get up the courage to do it. More than once I prayed and asked the Lord Jesus to give me an opportunity and the courage to speak to Leslie about how important it is to know the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Timidly and shyly I went up to him one day in the school yard and gave him a gospel tract. I was really nervous as I told him about Jesus dying for sinners. He promised to read the tract, and I sure hope he did, because that was the very last time I ever saw Leslie alive.
The following day he was standing behind the boards by the ice rink to watch an interclass hockey game. Just as the final whistle blew, one of the players hit the puck at the boards. The puck lifted just high enough to clear the boards, and it struck Leslie in the temple. He fell over backwards - DEAD!
You can never speak to the “wrong” boy or girl about the Lord Jesus and His love for sinners. And no one is ever too young to tell others that “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3).
Strength and Beauty
One of the best memories from my boyhood was the building of a new highway near our house. This was more than 60 years ago, long before anyone thought of super highways like the interstate highway system we have today. It was also before heavy, road-building machines were made, such as bulldozers and large earth movers. Cars were becoming more and more numerous, so there was a need for a coast-to-coast highway across the United States. And this was the highway that was being built near our house.
You may wonder how all the dirt was moved in building a highway back then. They used a horse-drawn scoop called a fresno. This heavy metal tool looked like a huge shovel with high sides and was pulled by a team of two or more horses or mules. Handles, similar to those on a wheelbarrow, were attached to its sides. A man walked behind, tilting the scoop up just enough so it would dig out dirt and fill the fresno. Once full, the operator would lower the handles so the scoop would slide along the ground without taking on more dirt. The team driver, called a “mule skinner,” would direct the team of horses to where the dirt was needed, quickly pick up on the handles to dump that load and return for more. Can you imagine how slowly road building went in those days?
But my main interest was in the strength and beauty of those big workhorses rather than the actual road being built. I loved to watch those beautiful, strong horses moving great loads of dirt. It was amazing how they could work hour after hour through the entire day, moving such heavy loads.
The Bible tells us of people who are more interested in the value and beauty of what they have and see than in what is really important-their eternal salvation. Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” This includes everyone and makes having our sins washed away far more important than the enjoyment of what we have or what we do.
We had to wait a long time for the highway to be completed, but you do not have to wait to settle the important matter of taking the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. Boys and girls, the way is open right now for you to come to the Lord Jesus to receive salvation, the full forgiveness for all your sins. On the cross the Lord Jesus said, “It is finished.” This means that He did EVERYTHING God required to get rid of your sins. He bore in His own body the sins of everyone who would accept Him as Saviour. He now says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). He also says, “Him that [comes] to Me I will in no [way] cast out” (John 6:37).
Scamper and Scooter
Scamper and Scooter were two cats that belonged to six-year-old Ann. Ann loved her two cats, and they seemed to love her just as much. How they enjoyed playing together both in the house and in the backyard.
One day, however, Scamper seemed to be sick. She would not touch her bowl of food and didn’t want to play. Later on in the day Ann found her lying under a bush in the backyard mewing sadly.
Ann ran to the house as fast as she could. “Mommy!” she shrieked, bursting into the kitchen. “Come quick! Scamper’s very sick, and I’m afraid she’s going to die!”
Mother quickly went outside to see Scamper. Looking down at the little furry animal lying limp on the grass, Mother had to agree. “Oh my, Ann, she doesn’t look very good. But we’ll do everything we can to help her get better.”
Scamper was laid in a big box in the kitchen, and Mother coaxed her to drink a little warm milk. But when bedtime came she was no better. Poor Ann was so upset thinking that Scamper might die. Even Scooter seemed to mope around without his playful companion.
Ann’s bedtime story from the Bible was about the man sick with palsy who was brought sad and sick to Jesus to be healed and went away happy and well. As she listened, Ann got an idea.
“Mommy,” she said, “if Jesus can make sick people get better, don’t you think He could make Scamper get better too?”
“I’m sure He could, honey, if it is His will. Why don’t we ask Him?”
So at the end of Ann’s bedtime prayer she added, “Please, Lord Jesus, don’t let Scamper die, but please make her better again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Ann got out of bed early the next morning and ran down to the kitchen to see Scamper. The box was empty. What had happened? Had her kitty died? Then a loud mew came from under the table, and Scamper walked out, stretching sleepily, and coming to Ann to be petted. She seemed to be all better.
Mother came in during Ann’s and Scamper’s happy reunion. “You won’t forget to thank the Lord Jesus for answering your prayer, will you?” she said, reminding Ann.
So right there in the kitchen, Ann and Mother knelt down by the kitchen chairs while Ann thanked the Lord Jesus for making Scamper all better again.
Does the Lord Jesus hear a child’s prayer? He certainly does, and His answer will be whatever is best, as He is the only one who knows what is good for us.
Wouldn’t you like to have the Lord Jesus help you each day? Then come to Him right now, admitting that you are a sinner, and accept Him as your own Saviour.
Ignored Warning
One sunny day as I was sweeping my front porch, the little five-year-old boy who lives next door came over, as he often does after school. He is quite a rascal and speaks only poor English. Even though I am a mother of three children, he always calls me “sir.” But that sunny day in September it was not his poor English that surprised me. He said boldly, “Sir, you are going to die. Want me to tell you why? Because of the thing that’s coming!” With no more explanation than that he ran off to play with his friends and left me wondering what the “thing” might be.
It was not long before I found out. Soon the whole town was talking about it, and it was not a joke. The “thing” was a dangerous hurricane. The weather forecasters had named it Hurricane Gilbert, and already many people had died and many millions of dollars of damage had been done as it passed over islands on its path towards the coast of Texas. The weather forecasters gave warnings to all the people who lived along the Gulf of Mexico, saying that Hurricane Gilbert was one of the strongest storms ever measured. Its winds were blowing at 200 miles per hour!
Our neighbors were quite worried, and the whole town began to make preparations. Some people nailed plywood over their windows to protect them. Others used yards and yards of tape on their windows to keep them from shattering. Because people were stocking up on food, the bread and milk shelves of the grocery stores were soon completely empty. Schools were let out early so children could reach home before the storm hit. Refuge centers were planned. Almost everyone who lived along the coast closed up their home and drove inland where it would be safer.
Those of us who took the weather-men’s warnings seriously and prepared for it were shocked to hear of some who did not. One man on South Padre Island refused to leave. He said, “I just earned $600 nailing up plywood for people, and I want to be here to take it down for them.” Some others were reported to have actually been out surfing. They were enjoying the unusually high waves and were more interested in having fun than in getting away from the danger. These people seemed very foolish to us as the hurricane headed our way.
Would you unwisely ignore a warning like this? What about God’s serious warning of judgment that will come to those who die in their sins? The Bible tells us that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). God in His love has made a way of escape from this storm of judgment. He sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, to suffer and to die on the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty our sins deserved. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). How sad that not just a few, but many are ignoring both God’s serious warning and His loving plan for salvation. Are you?
The one man about whom I told you did not look for a safe place from the storm because he wanted to make money. The others ignored the warnings because they wanted to have fun. Has money or having a good time kept you boys and girls from being saved from the punishment for your sins? Have you found safety and the forgiveness of your sins in the Lord Jesus? The Bible warns, “Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12). “Flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7).
A Question for You
Peter asked, “Why does it say that God loved the world in John 3:16, and then He tells us not to love the world in 1 John 2:15?”
Have you ever wondered about that?
Often our questions can be answered by reading carefully where the verses appear in the Bible. Since the Bible is God’s Word, He can use it to answer all our questions. Let’s read the whole verse from John 3:16. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Notice the two italicized words, “world” and “whosoever.” God is telling us here that He loves the “whosoevers” of the world. That’s you and me, the people of this world.
Now let’s look at 1 John 2:1516. Here’s how it reads: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. . . . For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” If we know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and God as our Father, this is a warning to us not to love the world. He is not talking here about loving people in the sense that we care about them and want them to be saved from their sins. But rather, we should not love the world or anything in the world that would take away our love for the Lord Jesus or God our Father.
Can you think of some things in this world which might take away your love for the Lord Jesus if you love them?
Not Ready to Check Out
Three or four times a week I went to the nursing home to visit a dear old friend of mine. During these visits I came to know my friend’s roommate, Stanley. But there was something about Stanley I didn’t care for. I didn’t like to hear him talk. Sometimes he took the Lord’s name in vain, and the Lord Jesus is precious to me, so that made me sad.
One day when I went to visit my friend, Stanley was lying on his bed, gasping for breath.
After I’d greeted my friend, I said, “Hello, Stanley, how are you doing today?”
“Not good,” he answered. “I’m getting ready to check out.”
“What do you mean, Stanley, ‘check out’?”
“Yeah, I’m getting ready to check out.”
Assuming he meant he was about to die, I thought about the times I’d heard Stanley use the Lord’s name in a careless way, sometimes even as a curse word. I knew if the Lord Jesus were precious to him, he just couldn’t do that. Besides that, God has given us a plain commandment in His Word, the Bible, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7).
As I thought about those things, I said, “But, Stanley, you’re not ready to check out.”
Stanley gave no answer.
“Stanley, where would you go if you checked out?” I asked.
Still no answer. I had some other things I needed to look after, but I couldn’t leave Stanley like that. He was 71 years old and, yes, he looked as though he were soon going to die.
“Stanley, do you know there’s a God who loves you?”
“Yes, my mother used to take me to Sunday school and she told me about that.”
“Do you know He sent His Son to die for you?”
“Do you know that if you refuse to come to Him for forgiveness you’ll end up in hell?”
“Would you like to be saved, Stanley?”
“Do you ever pray?”
Stanley shrugged.
“Would you like to ask the Lord Jesus to save you, Stanley?”
“Stanley, there’s something I need to talk over with you first. Have you ever sinned?”
“Then you need to pray something like this: ‘Lord, I’m a sinner and I need Jesus to save me.’ But do it in your own words, not mine.”
Stanley bowed his head and prayed, “God, I’ve been a bad man. I need Jesus to be my Saviour. Jesus, save me.”
And I believe Jesus did save him. Stanley is still living, but he is not the same anymore. His language has changed, and now he reads Sunday school papers, just like the one you’re reading. He never did that before. When the Lord Jesus saves us, we become members of God’s family, His sons and daughters, with a nature like His. John 1:12-13 says, “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” Have you asked God to make you one of His children? Would you like to do that right now?
The Cookie Man
Danny and his family moved from Cleveland to Chicago. Since Danny’s father was transferred by the company he works for, they were given no choice - the whole family had to move. Even though Danny was only four years old, he had been very unhappy about leaving his grandma behind in Cleveland. The family had always lived near her, and Danny did not like to think that he would not be seeing her almost every day.
Every week since they had moved four years ago, Grandma had sent some of her homemade cookies to Danny and his family. She knew what their favorite kinds were: chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies. Every week the big delivery truck pulled up to Danny’s house in Chicago to deliver the box of cookies from Grandma. Danny always called the delivery man, the “Cookie Man.”
Once again, Danny’s father was being transferred. This time it was to far-off Puerto Rico. Danny thought about having to leave all the friends he had made in Chicago, and he felt sad. That week when the Cookie Man arrived with the box of cookies, Danny suddenly had a terrible thought, Does the Cookie Man go all the way to Puerto Rico? He quickly asked, “Mr. Cookie Man, do you deliver in Puerto Rico?”
“No, Danny, we don’t deliver there.”
Poor Danny would not be able to receive his grandma’s “box of love” from the Cookie Man after he moved to Puerto Rico.
Isn’t it good to know that God’s gift of love is available anywhere in the world. It does not depend on a delivery man. God’s gift of love is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). No matter where we live, we can receive God’s gift simply by accepting the Lord Jesus as our Saviour.
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world;
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight;
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Stuck in the Mud
“Wow! Look at that cool A-frame house,” I exclaimed. “Isn’t it neat with all those pine trees around it.”
“Yeah, it’s almost hidden from the road!” agreed my sister Maria.
One glimpse of a neat house surrounded by trees was enough to make us curious to see it again. The next time Dad drove my two sisters and me to music lessons, we asked him to pull into the long drive-way so we could see it up close.
After we had finished admiring the house, Dad started backing out of the driveway. He started, that is, but didn’t finish until much later that night.
The driveway had a curve that our van didn’t follow, unfortunately. One wheel dropped down over the edge into thick, clay-like mud that was on either side of the driveway, and we got stuck.
It sure wasn’t hard for the van to drop those two inches off the driveway into the goopy mess. It’s the same way with sin. It’s so much easier to fall into sin than to get back out. To back into the mud took only a few seconds, but to get back out . . . that took an hour and a half! And we commit sins so easily, but there is no way we can get rid of them by ourselves.
Dad drove the van backward and forward trying to get up onto the driveway, but each time the wheel just worked deeper into the muck. Then Dad backed the van completely off the edge, thinking that if it were at a right angle to the driveway it might be easier to get back up. But our van positively refused to move in that mud! We were really stuck, but we didn’t want to admit it. We thought that if we worked a little harder we could still get the van out.
Often people who are still in their sins don’t want to admit that they can’t get rid of them. They need to realize that no amount of work on their part will remove even one sin. Only the Lord Jesus can do that. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
We finally had to admit we needed help if we were ever going to get out of there. Dad went up to the door of the house to see if someone there could help us. The man who answered the door told Dad that he couldn’t do anything to help. How different it is with the Lord Jesus. He is waiting to help us. He says in the Bible, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
We still thought that we could get out if we tried a little harder, so my sisters and I pushed while Dad tried driving forward. But it didn’t work. We didn’t really have much strength to push the van, since I’m only 15 and Michelle and Maria are both younger. Then we came up with another idea - boards, gravel and newspaper. Why didn’t we think of that before? With these materials under the tires we did move a little, but not enough to get us up onto the driveway.
Suddenly, through the semi-darkness two headlights shone on us. It was a police car! As it pulled up next to us I felt like hiding, but I didn’t. Do you want to know why I wanted to hide? It’s because I didn’t like being in the light of the police car’s headlights. Since we weren’t doing anything wrong, I quickly realized the policeman was going to help us - not send us to jail.
The policeman told us that he would call a tow truck for us. “It will be your money, sir, not ours,” he informed us.
There is a cost for your salvation, and it was far more expensive than the tow truck bill that Dad had to pay. Salvation cost more than you could pay in your whole lifetime - from now till you are an old person. So what can you do? Since you cannot pay for your salvation, God sent His Son to pay the cost for you. He died on Calvary’s cross and shed His blood to cleanse you from all sin. If you will accept Him as your very own Saviour, the cost of your salvation has been fully paid. “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
The tow truck came quickly to pull us out. And guess what? Even the tow truck had a hard time getting us out of that goopy mud. But finally the van was up on the driveway, and we were glad to be on firm ground once more. The Lord Jesus has paid the full cost and finished the work of salvation for you. Will you come to Him and receive it?
A Child of the King
A missionary in India hired a young Hindu boy from a mountain village to help him in his home. The boy’s name was Burean, meaning “Evil One.” His mother had given him this name, hoping to keep away the evil spirits.
Every morning Burean was present at the family’s Bible reading in the missionary’s home. He listened to the reading of the Bible and the prayers.
One morning after they had finished reading, Burean exclaimed, “What wonderful things you read out of that Book! I’ve never heard such things before!”
The missionary asked, “Do you believe them, Burean? If you believe them, they will be yours.”
Burean replied, “They are wonderful things, but they are not for me. They are for you. You are a child of the King. You have white skin. I am only a poor, dark-skinned Indian.”
“Burean,” the missionary said, “I am a child of the King because I believe on Jesus Christ. My white skin does not make me a child of God. You can also be a child of God if you will believe on Jesus. Where you live, what you own, and the color of your skin makes no difference!”
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world,
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
“Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).
The Champion
“Come here, young man!”
Willy liked to be called a young man, and he stopped on the way to school to see who called him. It was a man standing by a heavy grindstone. He was going to sharpen his axe, but he needed three hands. He needed one to turn the grindstone and two to hold the axe to sharpen it.
“This is a heavy grindstone,” said the man. “Can you turn it?”
Of course Willy could. After all, he was 12 years old.
“Faster!” said the man. “What a big, strong boy you are!”
It was hard work, but not too hard for a big, strong 12-year-old. Certainly not.
“Faster,” repeated the man after he stopped to check the sharp edge of his axe.
“What a strong boy you are! You’re a champion!”
Willy was sweating with the effort, but he had never been called a champion before. He spun the heavy grindstone till he was out of breath and his muscles ached. Finally the axe was sharp enough.
“Get off to school now, or you’ll be late.” And the man laughed at him.
Yes, Willy was late for school. And when his friends found out the reason, they laughed at him too.
“You were a fool,” they said. “All that hard work, and he didn’t even pay you! And then you got yelled at for being late.”
Willy liked being told he was big and strong and a champion. But in the end, it only made him unhappy. Christian boys and girls, sometimes classmates or friends will praise you and tell you that you are really good at a certain activity, and that makes you feel good. But they may want you to do it for them when it would be wrong. Then it becomes sin and will only make you and the Lord Jesus unhappy. Proverbs 1:10 is a good reminder: “My son [or daughter], if sinners entice thee, consent thou not [say no].” Then you will please the Lord Jesus and be more than a champion and a conqueror. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us” (Romans 8:37).
Caught in a Ring
Scott and Dave were walking in town one fall day. Scott, who loved biology and was always noticing the plant and animal life around him, suddenly stopped. Something was moving under a bush they were passing.
Both boys were soon bent over, looking with interest. What they found was a garter snake which had gotten caught in the pull-ring from a pop can. The snake must have been poking through the leaves and litter that had collected in that spot. Somehow it had gotten its head through the pull-ring and crawled forward, passing through the ring until it had tightened around the thicker part of its body . . . and there the ring stayed. Since snakes have backward-pointing scales on their bodies, there was no way it could have backed up to slide back out of the ring. As they watched, the snake twisted and turned, trying to get rid of the ring around its middle. But nothing worked.
You and I have a serious problem that we can’t get rid of either. It’s the problem of our sins. We have ways of trying to improve ourselves, but they don’t last, and they don’t work. Our sins are still there. We have something in common with the poor snake in our story.
There aren’t too many of us who would do what Scott decided to do. Most of us shudder at the thought of snakes, let alone picking one up! But Scott loved all the creatures of nature and felt so sorry for the garter snake that he quickly and gently picked up the twisting creature and sat down on the ground to figure out how he could get the ring off.
Scott gently smoothed the snake’s body. Then an amazing thing happened. The snake completely relaxed in his hands so that he could smooth out its scales enough for Dave to slide the ring gently forward . . . until it slid right over the snake’s head and was off! The snake lay in Scott’s lap for about five minutes moving just a little, perhaps testing to be sure the ring was gone. Then it slithered across his lap, lowered itself to the ground and soon disappeared through the leaves.
Most of us would shrink back from picking up a snake to help it. But Scott had learned a lot about snakes and how much good they do for us by eating mice and rats and other pests. He cared enough for that poor snake to do what he could to save it from that ring. The ring probably would have strangled the snake eventually.
The Lord Jesus Christ knew all about the problem of our sins. He also knew that it would be impossible for us to get rid of them by ourselves. Even though He hates sin, He loves and cares for you and me so much that He willingly suffered and died on Calvary’s cross to bear the punishment we deserve. “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3).
If you will stop struggling with your “ring of sin” and accept His loving offer of salvation, He will gladly remove your sins for you and set you free forever. I let Him remove my sins and now I am free! How about you?
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
Jake the Horse
Ellen and Rose loved their old horse, Jake. The girls were small enough that Jake could easily take them and a couple of their friends all for a ride at the same time. When Jake got tired he would just lie down on the ground. That was his signal that he had carried them long enough. So the children would hop off, give Jake a hug, and go do something else.
One evening Dad had a talk with the two girls. “Jake has been a good horse and we all love him, but he’s too old to take you riding anymore. We’re going to put him out to pasture. You girls can visit with him, but I don’t want you to ride him anymore.” The girls were sad, but they understood that they were getting bigger and Jake was getting older.
A few days later Ellen invited several of the neighbor children to her house to play. They’d had a happy time, but now it was getting late and the sky was clouding over. Ellen’s mother came out to see how the children were getting along and when she saw the dark clouds she said, “I think you children had better go home now. It certainly looks like rain.” Then she went inside.
Jake was standing in the field near where the children were playing. Ellen thought, It will be okay if we ride Jake just this once to take my friends home. Of course, the children were glad to have a ride home. So they saddled Jake and Ellen got her old metal- handled umbrella. Then she and the neighbor children climbed up on Jake’s back. When they were almost to the children’s driveway, Jake lay down, and the children jumped off and ran the rest of the way home in the rain.
Ellen tried to get Jake back up, but Jake was tired. Ellen’s conscience was bothering her. She knew she was disobeying her dad, and she felt sorry for Jake too. But it was raining harder now with lightning and thunder.
“Com’on, Jake,” she coaxed. “We’ve gotta go home.” Finally Jake got up and Ellen climbed on again, resting the metal handle of her old umbrella on his back and snuggling down under its shelter as best she could.
If I can just get Jake back in the barn, Ellen thought, Dad will never know I rode him. But the longer Ellen rode Jake the more her conscience bothered her. She knew she was disobeying her dad, even if it had been to help her friends. “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:20).
She urged Jake to keep going. At last they were in the pasture, almost to the barn. Rain was pouring down and lightning was flashing, but Ellen felt better. The barn was so close. Now nobody would know how naughty she had been. Just then Jake shuddered and crumpled to the ground, dead.
Ellen jumped off and undid the bridle. That was pretty easy to take off. But tugging as hard as she could, she wasn’t able to get the saddle out from under the heavy old horse. She ran into the house, calling for Rose. Together they pulled and tugged and finally got the saddle off. The girls dried it, hung it in the barn and went in the house.
When Dad came home, he said, “I guess old Jake’s gone.” Ellen heaved a sigh of relief . . . her sin hadn’t been discovered. Then she heard Rose saying, “Yes, Ellen rode on him today and he just got too worn out and died.” Now Ellen was in real trouble, not only for disobeying, but for trying to cover it up.
Sometimes we can hide our sins from other people, but we can’t hide our sins from God, not one of them. “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). Not only does God see every one of our sins, but Romans 14:12 tells us that “every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” What are you going to do about your sins?
The next morning when Dad went out to bury Jake, Ellen went with him. As they looked lovingly over the old horse, Dad noticed an unusual swelling where the bridle had been. As he looked more closely he saw that Jake had been badly burned. The metal handle of Ellen’s umbrella had acted as a lightning rod and drawn the lightning down through Jake and into the ground. Jake had saved Ellen from being struck by lightning!
Tears were running down Ellen’s face. “Jake, you died for me. You kept me from being killed by lightning,” she sobbed.
Because of our sin and disobedience, the Lord Jesus died for us. “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24). But the Lord Jesus is no longer dead. God has raised Him from the dead and He is sitting at God’s right hand in heaven, and we can pour out all our love on Him. That’s what He wants -sincere thanks and worship from our hearts. Do you believe that His death on Calvary’s cross was for your sins? Have you thanked Him today for dying for you and giving you eternal life?
“Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures . . . He was buried, and . . . He rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
A Gift for Daddy
One night little Jenny whispered to her mother, “I’m going to buy Daddy a present for his birthday.”
Her mother smiled and said, “That’s fine, Jenny, but where will you get the money to buy it?”
“Oh, I know Daddy will give it to me,” Jenny answered.
Wasn’t that a good answer? Jenny knew that she could go to her father for the money and that he would love to get a gift from her. This is also true of us as God’s children. Everything we have is what God our Father has given to us. He knows that what we give back to Him in love is what we have first received from Him. He thinks of the love behind the gift, just like Jenny’s father would.
“For all things come of [from] Thee, and of Thine own have we given [to] Thee” (1 Chronicles 29:14).
A Fishing Trip
A family fishing trip! As far as Joel was concerned, this was even better than playing in the waves at the beach. His mother had suggested they go to the beach for an early morning walk to pick up shells, but Joel only wanted to get on with the fishing. He was the only one in the family who really enjoyed fishing. His father always went along to help and to enjoy watching Joel’s fun, but he did not fish himself -although he did like to eat the fish!
But today was going to be different. The whole family was going and his younger brother Daniel had a new fishing pole. It would be Daniel’s first time to fish. Mother, who did not like either catching or eating fish, had noticed the strong wind that day and remembered that someone had said, “Fish don’t bite when it’s windy.” Never mind, Daniel had to try out his new fishing pole, and Joel would fish in any kind of weather.
Soon both boys had bait on their hooks and their lines were in the water.
Only a few minutes had passed when Daniel suddenly called out, “I’ve got one!” He needed help bringing the fish in and was jittery after feeling the strong tug of the fish, but he held his pole again once it had more bait.
Soon he shouted again, “I’ve got another one!”
“Wow, Daniel,” his parents said, “you’re a good fisherman on your first day fishing!”
Joel enjoyed seeing Daniel’s two fish and had even helped his brother pull them in and had put more bait on his hook, but he wished that a fish would hurry up and bite his hook! After all, he was the one who really liked to fish.
It was not long before Daniel shouted for the third time, “I’ve got another one!” Clearly it was a good day for fishing, wind or not! By the time Daniel had shouted “I’ve got another one!” for the fourth, fifth and sixth time, Joel was troubled. Daniel was standing only a few feet away from him, so why wasn’t he catching any fish?
Joel knew of one other thing he could do that he had not done yet. Several years before, he had accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and he knew that he could take any matter to Him in prayer. So he said to his parents, “We could pray.”
“Okay,” they agreed, and so Joel, still holding on to his pole, bowed his head and closed his eyes. But before he said a single word he suddenly felt a tug on his line. “I’ve got one!” he shouted. He quickly reeled in his line and happily added his fish to Daniel’s in the bucket. Then with a surprised and almost puzzled look on his face, he said to his mother, “We were just starting to pray, but before I could say anything I caught the fish!” He could have understood it if he had caught the fish after he prayed. But why was it that he caught it before he prayed?
Mother was not puzzled. She smiled and told Joel of a wonderful verse in the Bible that says, “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). “God loves us so much,” she explained to Joel, “that He often gives something to us even before we ask for it.”
Boys and girls, do you know God as your loving Father who enjoys giving good gifts to His children -sometimes even before they ask? Our God is one who loves to give. First of all, He wants to give you something so wonderful that you never would have thought to ask for it. He wants to give you eternal life. The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep [children] hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:27-28). To receive this life, you must believe in the Lord Jesus and have your sins washed away. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
God’s love to you will not stop with just the first gift. Like a loving father, He has many wonderful things planned for you, no matter who you are. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). Do you know God as such a loving Father? Have you received the forgiveness of sins so that you may enjoy all the good gifts God wants to give you? Why wait any longer? Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour today!
If you have already received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and are already enjoying God’s wonderful gifts, then do not forget that God can now freely give you all things because the Lord Jesus first gave Himself to suffer for your sins on the cross. “Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:2).
And do not be surprised, like Joel was, when God sometimes answers a prayer even before you ask!
Car Burning!
Did you ever see a car burning?
As we traveled along Highway 417 toward Ottawa, Ontario, some months ago, we saw a car up ahead totally enveloped in flames! Our hearts sank. We wondered, Was anyone in the car?
As we got closer, two young men were running away from the flames. Then we saw several suitcases on the ground near the car.
“Oh, what a relief. Everyone is safe!” We knew they would save other people before saving their suitcases.
These young men were saved from the burning car. But were they saved for eternity? saved from the terrible fire of God’s judgment for their sins?
“God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved. . . . There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:35). Just tell Him that you are a sinner and want Him to forgive your sins, and you will be safe from that terrible fire of judgment. “What must I do to be saved? . . . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31).
In a Race
It was a long race for a boy of 11 - twice around the track on a very hot day. Jonathan might not have tried so hard, but Dad and Mother and Grandma were all sitting in the bleachers watching him. There must be a good reason, or you just don’t run a long race on a very hot day. With three very important people watching him, Jonathan had a triple-strong reason, so he kept on running.
Not that he was winning. There were other boys ahead of him, but being the winner was not the goal. There was a good reward at the end, of course, but that reward was for everybody, not just the winner. Then why try so hard? You have to have a motive, or you don’t put on speed. And Jonathan’s motive was his love for those three very important people watching him.
Maybe some of us don’t qualify for a race like that, but we can each qualify for the race which God describes in Hebrews 12:1. To qualify, you must know Jesus as your very own Saviour. He is our Strength and our Goal. Then God gives us two rules for running that race. First, “Lay aside every weight.” That means, don’t fill your pockets (or your life!) with junk. Carrying junk makes it much harder to run. Then verse 2 tells us, “Looking unto Jesus.” That means, keep your eyes on the goal and don’t look around to see how others are running. That’s God’s advice for Christian runners. Now start running! If you love Jesus, isn’t He the goal worth running for?
Nobody needed to tell those three in the bleachers where Jonathan was. Their eyes were on him all the way. They saw that on the second lap he was really hurting, but still running. He even put on a burst of speed when the finish line was in sight! Brave boy!
And Jesus sees exactly where we are in the race. He knows when the running gets tough and we hurt. But the finish line is in sight. Where is our burst of speed when we know that the Lord’s coming for us is so near?
Dad, Mother and Grandma rushed from the bleachers and exchanged big smiles and big hugs. And that was not all. There were hot dogs and drinks for everyone, and in such happy surroundings, everything tasted super. It was well worth the run.
And what will the rewards of heaven be for God’s tired runners? Jesus will welcome each with open arms. And He has wonderful surprises waiting for us, but He has told us very little about them. They are too wonderful to describe. But this much we know for sure, to be with our Saviour forever in the Father’s house will be wonderful, and we will leave the surprises to be enjoyed then.
So while we are still running, let us remember, “Lay aside every weight. . . . Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus” (Hebrews 12:12).
The Hungry Field Mouse
His little nose quivered with excitement. An interesting smell had reached the little field mouse, and he followed it until it led him right inside a garage and over to a big garbage can. He was hungry, and that food smelled so good. But he soon discovered that the plastic sides of the garbage can were too slippery to climb. He tried again and again, but he couldn’t climb up. So he tried another way. He ran up the wall beside it and, still smelling that food, he jumped right in.
He had a wonderful time climbing through the garbage, finding food scraps. He ate until his little tummy was full and then decided it was time to go home.
But he quickly discovered he had the same problem he had trying to climb in, only this time he couldn’t get out! He scrambled partway up the side of the can only to fall back down again. He jumped up the side time and again, getting a little way up, but always sliding down again. There was no way out. So there he stayed, trapped. He was down at the bottom with all the food scraps and good smells, but his freedom was gone.
At this point we must explain that our little mouse’s problem of being caught in the garbage can is just like the problem that every sinner has with sin. We are caught . . . and try as we might, we can’t get free. It looks pretty hopeless, and that’s exactly what Satan wants us to think. I doubt the little mouse knew that his situation was hopeless. He couldn’t get out of that garbage can without help, and you and I can’t get free of our sins without help . . . God’s help.
We do not know how long the little mouse was trapped in the garbage can, but when he was discovered, he was a pitiful, trembling, little bit of fur. The owner of the garbage can looked in and saw him. Feeling sorry for the little mouse, he carried the can far away from the house. Then he tilted it on its side and allowed the mouse to escape to freedom.
The owner’s kindness saved him from death. This is exactly what the Lord Jesus will do for you, because He “came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). He is ready to save all who call upon Him, and is able to deliver each one from the power of sin and Satan. He shows loving compassion and grace when a sinner realizes his lost and helpless condition and cries for mercy. He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Will you let the Lord Jesus set you free? “If the Son [the Lord Jesus Christ] therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
A Better Person
How Rosa wanted to go to that Sunday school class! Mama was willing to let her go, but Papa said “No!” Uncle Saul would let his daughters go—why couldn’t she go? How she would have liked to sing the songs with the other children. “Jesus Loves Me” was a favorite with almost everyone.
And the Bible stories - they were wonderful! It was exciting to hear about the story of David and Goliath and wonderful to hear how the Lord Jesus healed the sick, fed the hungry and raised the dead back to life.
But every time Rosa or Mama would ask Papa they would get the same answer: “No, Rosa’s not going to Sunday school!” Well, she could pray. Perhaps God would change her father’s heart.
The little Sunday school room was very cold, for Rosa’s family lived in a little town in the Andes mountains. There was no way to heat their homes, and the town was so high in the mountains that the sun never warmed them up. None of that would have bothered Rosa. She had warm clothes and could bundle up. If only she could go to sing the hymns, learn the Bible verses, and hear about the blessed Saviour, the Lord Jesus who loved her and died for her.
Rosa and Mama loved the Lord Jesus, but sad to say, Papa did not. His sins didn’t seem to bother him, and so he had never turned to the Lord Jesus to have them washed away. Because of this, he would not let Rosa go to the Sunday school. Sometimes Rosa would try to slip away without Papa knowing it and go to the class. But whenever Papa found out, he was very angry.
One day Papa had a terrible accident. He worked in the mines and his arm got caught in a machine and was badly hurt. He was taken to a hospital where the doctors did all they could to help him, but Papa was worried that he would not get better. He began to think of how he had kept his little daughter from going to Sunday school, and he wondered if God was going to punish him.
So Papa began to make promises. He promised God that if He would make him better he would go himself to the Bible meetings. He would give up his evil ways and turn to God.
Poor Papa. He did not know that God blesses us not for what we do, but for what His Son has done for us. He did not know that “by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). God was not waiting for Papa to be good by doing what he promised, for God tells us plainly in the Bible that “there is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Romans 3:12). God was waiting for Papa to simply look to Christ for salvation. “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22). I wish I could tell you that Papa did look to Christ for salvation, but I cannot.
God did make Papa better. It was not because of the promises Papa made, but simply because God is love and gives us so much. Sad to say, Papa did not keep his promises. After his arm healed, he went back to his sinful ways. He did, however, change in one way: Papa now let Rosa go to Sunday school! How happy she was to go with her cousins. She could now sing with a heart full of joy and learn more of the wonderful ways God cares for those who trust in the Saviour.
And so for several years Rosa went to Sunday school and to the Bible meetings. When she grew to be a young lady, she met a fine Christian young man named Hugo. After a few years Hugo fell in love with Rosa and wanted to marry her. Papa found out that Hugo loved his daughter.
Again Papa said “No!” Rosa loved Hugo and knew that he also wanted to follow the Lord Jesus. She prayed that Papa would understand what a fine young man Hugo really was.
One day Hugo came to speak with Rosa’s papa. This time Papa got angry and ordered Hugo to get out. He picked up a rock and threw it at Hugo. Rosa and her mother could do nothing but wipe their tears away . . . and pray. This they did. But this time Hugo and many Christian friends also prayed, and Papa again changed his mind, but without a serious accident. God softened his heart, and he began to see that Hugo would indeed be a good husband for his daughter.
Rosa and Hugo were so happy and thankful that God had answered their prayers. They had learned that God is a loving Father to those who trust in His Son, the Lord Jesus, for salvation. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
Do you know God as your Father like Rosa and Hugo do? Have you ever talked to Him in prayer? Or are you more like Rosa’s father? Are you planning to be a better person and hoping that God will think that you are good enough for heaven? Instead, won’t you believe God’s Word today, that there are none that do good, and turn to the Saviour who died for you? “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Keep Looking up
My grandparents had me go and stay at their house for a week. At the end of the week they gave me a treat. It was to go on a ferry, eat at A & W, come back on the ferry and go home.
Well, when we had gotten our tickets, we put them in the little slot and went through to wait in line. Some children, eager to get on the ferry, were by the doors waiting for the red light above the door to turn green. The older children were telling the younger children to “keep looking up, keep looking up.” They wanted them to keep watching that light, because as soon as it turned green, we could get on.
Are you ready to go up to heaven when the Lord Jesus comes? Are you looking up? You’re never too young to be saved, so you can be one of those who keep looking up. Do you know the verse, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6)?
Do you know what that means? If you accept Jesus as your Saviour, you can also be among that number that keeps looking up.
Indian Arrowheads
Some friends and I were hiking up a trail beside the river that runs near our home. Lying among the stones and pebbles, we found a lot of old Indian arrowheads made out of flint. The stones and pebbles around them had been worn smooth and round by weather and water, but the flint arrowheads were just as sharp and jagged as when they were made.
They made me think of our Lord Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever. His love never changes, and His holiness never changes. He will never allow one sin to pass unnoticed or unpunished. But His love for you and me took Him to the cross to bear our sins in His own body. He set His face as a flint to go to Jerusalem. He did not change His mind even though He knew that the people in Jerusalem hated Him and would nail Him to a cross to die. He also knew God had a wonderful purpose in it all for you and me: God “made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). That wonderful purpose was that you and I could be saved from the punishment we deserve for our sins.
Do you believe that He died for your sins?
Scared - Safe
Are you being raised in a Christian home? It is a great blessing. Your parents read you Bible stories. The wonderful stories of the Old Testament of Joseph, Samson, and David and Goliath are just a few of these true stories.
Your parents take you to Sunday school and other meetings where you hear the good news of salvation. You learn early in life that Jesus loves you and died on the cross to save you from your sins. You know how wonderful heaven is and how awful hell is.
You know that if you die still in your sins, you are lost forever. You also learn that Jesus may come at any minute to take the believers to be with Him in heaven. Those who will be left behind will have no hope of ever being in heaven.
Little Marie was lying awake in bed one night. She listened carefully, but could not hear her parents’ breathing. She was scared and thought, Maybe the Lord Jesus has come and I am left behind. She got up and went to their room to be sure they were still there and that she had not been left behind. Not long after this she trusted in Jesus and is now waiting for Him to come for her along with all the other believers.
Sometimes Ruthie got scared when she heard the gospel preached. She was not sure she was saved. So just in case she had not really meant it the other times, she would ask the Lord Jesus to wash away her sins again. She said, “I was really scared of hell and did NOT want to go there. God used that fear to make me choose heaven, Jesus and eternal life.”
One time she heard the story about the sick woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ clothes and was immediately healed (Luke 8:43-48). Jesus wanted the woman to tell it, so He asked, “Who touched Me?” She was afraid. It must have taken a lot of courage, but she told Jesus in front of all the people that she had touched His clothes so she would be healed. He said, “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” Ruthie got peace, too, when she understood that it was faith in Jesus that saves us from our sins.
Tommy’s experience was much like Ruthie’s. He now realizes that he wasn’t sure of being truly saved because he had never confessed Jesus with his mouth - he had never told anyone that Jesus was his Saviour. It was a secret he held in his heart, and no one but God knew. In Romans 10:9 we learn that both the heart and the mouth are necessary for salvation. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” When Tommy told someone that Jesus was his Lord and Saviour, Tommy became sure of his salvation.
Faith makes us safe. Telling someone makes us sure and gives peace. Have you confessed that Jesus is your Saviour?
When I was nine years old, somebody gave me a cage with a pretty bird inside. I didn’t like to see that poor little bird in a prison like that, so I decided to free her and let her go. But I soon found out it was not that easy. You see, that little bird was born in a cage and all her life was spent in one. Even with the cage’s door opened, she refused to escape! I even took her out of it, but when night came I found her sleeping on the top of the cage. She could not accept her freedom because she was born a captive.
You and I are also born captives. Do you know why?
When God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, they were perfectly free from sin. But it wasn’t long before they disobeyed God and brought sin into the world. “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). Since then, every person is born a sinner, a captive to sin, and this includes you and me. Fear, unhappiness, illness and death that come to us are some of the terrible results of sin.
One morning we were surprised to find another bird, a male of the same kind, beside the cage. I put him inside the cage with the female and, after a few days, decided to set him free. Impossible! To my surprise, he always came back. It seemed like the love he had for the other bird was bringing him back.
Perhaps you have tried to escape from sin by yourself and, like a bird born a captive, found it impossible. But there is One, the Lord Jesus, who came down from heaven to die for you on the cross and to save you from your sins. He knew what it was to be hungry and thirsty. And He suffered much pain and then death. He understands your feelings, and He loves you. His love for you is so great that He willingly went to Calvary’s cross. There God made Him sin for us. There Jesus suffered the judgment from God towards sin - our sin - so we could be set free from them.
Finally, I decided to take both birds out of the cage. The male would not leave for the love he had for the one that was born in captivity. It was wonderful to watch. After a few turns over the backyard, the two birds flew away together, and I never saw them again. The same love that made the male bird come down to the female’s cage took her out of it forever. Since that day the cage stands empty.
Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. He went up to heaven and wants to set you free from your captivity of sin and take you to His home in heaven. He tells you in Jeremiah 31:3, “I have loved [you] with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn [you].” He is waiting for you to accept His loving offer to set you free. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Will you let Him set you free?
The Loud Alarm Clock
An old preacher told us that when he was a young man, he and his brother moved away from home to each learn a trade. The two brothers found a room in the city to rent. They moved a few things in, including a big alarm clock.
A clock was very necessary, because one of them had to be at work at 6:00 a.m. while the other did not begin until 9:00 a.m. The preacher telling us the story was the one who began work at 9:00.
The alarm was set for 5:00 a.m., and the old preacher could still remember those first few mornings. The alarm went off with such an awful clang that it nearly scared them out of their wits, and he could not get back to sleep at all. This continued for several mornings, but gradually it became easier for him to get back to sleep. And do you know that by the end of the first month he no longer heard that clanging alarm clock or his brother getting up and getting dressed for work. He slept right through all of it!
Boys and girls, this is exactly what happens when we go to Sunday school and read and hear about Jesus loving us and coming to die for us. We sing, “Hear Christ calling, Come unto Me, I will give you rest,” and we ignore Him and go away forgetting about Him. Over and over we are invited to “Come to the Saviour, make no delay.” We read in the Bible that “Whosoever will may come,” and we know a decision must be made, either to come to Christ or to reject Him. God allows us to hear the message often, because He is “long-suffering . . . , not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). But the truth is, the more often we hear the message and ignore it, the sooner we no longer hear the call at all. Then we finally sing the words and hear the message, but our minds are closed to it.
It’s an awful thing for any who have rejected or ignored the only Saviour of sinners and His gift of eternal life, and no longer hear the warning of danger. Yet, still today He stands at your heart’s door, knocking, sometimes gently, but often loudly and urgently. Listen to what He is saying: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man [woman, boy or girl] hear My voice, and open the door, I WILL COME IN to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
But only you can open the door to let Him in. Will you receive Him today?
Polliwogs in the Milk
Lili walked along gracefully with a gourd full of milk balanced on her head. Mi-Mi, who lived on the other side of the village, gave her pennies for milk delivery every morning. Lili’s head was full of ideas of what she would like to buy with those pennies. But somehow, there were never enough. If only she had a few more pennies . . .
She stopped by the pond and lifted the gourd down for a peek inside. No, it was not quite full, and more milk would mean more pennies. Mi-Mi always measured the milk carefully and paid a fair price. Lili knew what she could do to get a few more pennies for her milk.
Lili had probably never heard of the ten commandments. Have you? Can you remember the tenth one? It says, “Thou shalt not covet.” Covet means to really, really want something you don’t need or that belongs to someone else. As Lili stood there doing nothing but thinking about what more pennies could buy, she was breaking the tenth commandment. If you have had the same kind of thoughts as she had, you have broken God’s commandment, and that is sin. You are guilty before God, and He says the penalty is death.
Lili soon arrived at Mi-Mi’s door and carefully lifted her gourd down, full to the brim. Mi-Mi came to the door with her jug and a cloth to strain the milk.
“Lili,” she said, “the children complained yesterday that the milk was watery. Did you add water?”
Lili remembered perfectly how she had scooped up handfuls of pond water into the gourd, but she answered, “Oh no, Mi-Mi, I wouldn’t do that!”
But as Mi-Mi strained the milk into her jug, she jumped in surprise. “Polliwogs!” she cried. “There are polliwogs in the milk! How did these get in?”
Lili’s pennies were very few that day. She had lost and not gained by her trick of adding pond water to the milk. But that is not the end of Lili’s story. It could have one of two endings.
If those sins remain on Lili’s heart and in God’s record of her life until she stands guilty before God, she will be doomed forever to the lake of fire.
But if Lili comes to the Saviour of sinners, the One who shed His precious blood to make her clean and remove every stain of sin from God’s record of her life, her eternity will be joyfully in heaven.
One of the same two endings will be true of your life. Either you will keep your own sins unforgiven forever, or you will be one of those who pour out your thanks to Jesus for washing your sins away. He is ready to forgive you. Are you ready to come to Him? Right now?
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
The Adopted Kitten
“Mew, mew, mew, mew.” Brian and Lisa ran to the spot where the cries of a tiny kitten were heard. There, all alone, they found a tiny ball of gray and white fur with baby-blue eyes just beginning to open. The little kitten was very hungry and lost. Apparently the mother barn cat had moved her litter away from the curious eyes and hands of the children, but this little baby had been forgotten.
That night the little kitten traveled to the city home of the family and was fed with an eyedropper. It eagerly licked the milk from the dropper, but it took a long time until the kitten’s tummy was full, even with all the family taking turns. This little kitten had one great need — a mother to feed and care for it.
Then Brian’s friend, Matthew, came over and said that their cat had a new litter of kittens. Maybe, just maybe, their mother cat would take care of Lisa and Brian’s little kitten until it was old enough to eat regular cat food.
The three of them ran across the street with the little kitten to see if the mother cat would accept a strange kitten in her box. The little kitten was placed on the floor where Mama Kitty was drinking a bowl of milk. She looked at the mewing kitten and moved right over and began cleaning it with her tongue. When Mama Kitty had finished, the children put the kitten into the box with the other kittens, and Mama Kitty climbed in and they all began to eat hungrily. The mother cat began to clean all her babies again, including the newly adopted one.
While watching Mama Kitty accept the lost kitten, I was thinking of what a perfect picture this was of how lost and helpless we are in our sins, “having no hope, and without God” (Ephesians 2:12). When we cry, “I’m lost, I’m helpless and need a Saviour,” no matter how weak our cry, God hears us. He reaches out in love and adopts us into His family, making us one of His very own children. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God” (1 John 3:1). When we receive Christ as our Saviour, we are “washed . . . from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Just as the little kitten could not feed itself and could not save its own life, so we are not able to save our own souls. There is no list of good things that we can do to save ourselves. The little kitten could not pay for its adoption and neither can we. The kitten could only drink and live, and we can only believe and live. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet [helpless] sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
Blind Bartimeus
Suppose you were to lose your eyesight and be blind. Wouldn’t that be terrible? Close your eyes tightly and walk slowly around in your house or in your yard. Then think of being like that for the rest of your life. You would not be able to see your parents, brothers or sisters, friends, anything inside your house, or any of God’s beautiful creation. All of us take our eyesight for granted most of the time. How often do we thank our loving Saviour for giving us eyesight?
A wonderful little story about a blind man named Bartimeus is found in Mark 10:46-52. He lived outside the village of Jericho in Palestine. He was a beggar who sat beside the road calling to people who passed by to give him money. This is how he got the money to buy what he needed in order to live.
I am sure that Bartimeus did not have a very nice house to live in, nor all the food to eat that he wanted, nor nice clothes to wear. But what he probably wanted the most was to be able to see. Then he would not have to beg. He could work and earn money to buy what he needed. But there was no hope for a blind person in those days. Who could give sight to a blind man?
One day he heard, probably from a traveler on the highway, that there was a special Person living in the town of Nazareth who was healing all the sick people in the villages around. It had even been reported that He had made blind people to see!
Can you imagine what Bartimeus must have thought when he heard that good news? Oh, how he must have wanted to go to Nazareth right away to visit this wonderful Person. However, not only was Nazareth 60 miles away, but the road was rough and dangerous, and there was no one to lead him there. He could only hope that this wonderful Person might come to Jericho where he lived. I’m sure he must have asked many questions of the travelers who passed by him each day. He eagerly listened to everything that was said about this special Person.
Then one day he heard the noise of many people coming out of Jericho. What did it mean? Who was coming? It must be someone important, because the people were so excited.
“Who is coming? What’s going on?” called Bartimeus, hoping someone would hear him and answer his questions.
“It’s Jesus of Nazareth,” someone answered him.
Jesus of Nazareth! He was the Person he had heard about, the One who could give him his eyesight!
Soon Jesus was walking right near him. Bartimeus knew that Jesus could heal him, but would Jesus know he was beside the road?
The crowd was moving past. What could a blind man do? He could not see where Jesus was and walk up to Him. It was impossible to move through that crowd of people. Soon Jesus would be gone and might never come this way again. There was only one thing for Bartimeus to do.
“Jesus!” cried Bartimeus as loudly as he could. “Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.”
“Be quiet!” shouted some unkind people. “Don’t bother Him. He is not interested in you.”
But Bartimeus knew that this was the opportunity that he had been waiting for. This was that wonderful Person who could give sight to his eyes.
“Thou Son of David, have mercy on me,” he cried again!
“And Jesus stood still.” Above the shouting and noise of the crowd, He had heard the voice of blind Bartimeus. It was the call of faith of someone who recognized who He was and that He could heal.
Jesus commanded that Bartimeus be brought to Him. While the crowd watched, someone helped Bartimeus to reach Jesus. Bartimeus had quickly thrown off his old, tattered cloak and stood trembling in front of Jesus.
“What do you want Me to do for you?” Jesus asked kindly.
“Lord, that I might receive my sight.”
Jesus, who knew all about Bartimeus, said to him, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Immediately the blind eyes of Bartimeus were opened. He looked up into the face of the One who had opened them - the Lord Jesus Christ! Bartimeus was so thankful to the Lord Jesus for healing his eyes that he became a follower of Jesus.
This wonderful story from the Bible teaches us what a loving Saviour we have and how He is willing and able to save any who come to Him in faith. We read in Hebrews 7:25 that “He [the Lord Jesus] is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.” Won’t you call to the Saviour right now to save you, just like Bartimeus did? He will stop at any simple call of faith.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1).
Seaweed — Pest or Blessing?
“Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.”
1 Timothy 4:4.
Did you ever hear someone say, “We can’t picnic on that beach; it’s covered with seaweed,” or, “There’s a good fishing spot, but too much seaweed,” or, “Don’t swim there; you’ll get caught in seaweed”? To seashore visitors such statements are common. Yet the good things about these rather ugly plants outweigh their problems, and their part in the ocean is in accordance with the Creator’s plans when He made the world and the seas in it.
There are many kinds of seaweed. The most common is the brown kelp. This is a giant species which in Pacific coast waters grows as tall as a 20-story building. Another is known as rockweed. Dulse, in several red-brown varieties, is another, and one drifting around the Sargasso Sea in great masses is called sargassum. In this variety live the millions of small eels that are born each year.
Seaweed can be a problem to someone cruising offshore when it gets tangled in his outboard motor. A homeowner gets upset when he discovers his ocean view is spoiled by dark-brown patches hiding the blue water. But it is very welcome to a sea otter, attaching itself to a strand to keep from drifting while napping, or to a fish escaping from a shark.
The beginning Bible verse refers to all created things (including seaweed) which, in one way or another, are beneficial to mankind if used properly. Did you know that thousands of tons of seaweed are harvested and sold for millions of dollars every year? It is used by a variety of industries, as well as appearing on the tables of people in many countries as an attractive and healthful food.
Seaweed is often an unseen but important part of glass, soap, vitamin pills and important medicines. Your toothpaste probably has some in it, as well as the pudding and pie your mother makes from store-bought packages. Shaving cream, cosmetics and paint, too, as well as chocolate goodies, ice cream, some candies and a long list of other products have seaweed as one of their ingredients.
Next time you visit the seashore and see whip-like or fan-shaped pieces of seaweed washed ashore, think how the Lord God has made this lowly sea plant a part of His benefits to you, and then thank Him for it.
Seaweed nourishes our bodies, but it is even more important to accept the spiritual food God provides through His Word, the Bible. In it He invites you to “taste and see that the Lord is good” and promises, “Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” Psalm 34:8. A man who did so exclaimed, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah 15:16.
If you have not received this joy in your heart, read the Bible and find that you, too, may “taste and see that the Lord is good.”
JANUARY 1, 1995
“Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.”
James 1:22
How Many Bones in Your Body?
“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.”
Psalm 139:14
Your body has more than 200 bones (not counting teeth). You may think your bones are hard and solid, but they contain about 25% water and 30% organic matter, plus important minerals such as phosphate, magnesium, iron and salts. Bones form the framework of your body, storing these minerals and distributing them in just the right amounts to help keep every part of your body healthy.
Your bones also have blood vessels, nerves and marrow inside them - all extremely important to the health of your body. Many of these bones are quite porous to keep them light, yet still strong. What a wonderful designer and provider our Creator is!
The pituitary gland, located at the base of the skull, controls the growth of the bones as well as other organs and functions in the body. Without its controlling hormones one arm might be longer than the other, legs would not match, and fingers and toes would grow to odd sizes and lengths. Such things would no doubt have happened if man had evolved, but what God does is always perfect!
Did you ever stop to think that your hand, with its 19 bones, is far superior to the “hands” of animals or birds? Your four, flexible fingers and thumb make it possible to firmly grasp, pull or push objects and to operate mechanical and musical instruments. Just think how your eight wrist bones provide strength and enable you to bend your hands backward, forward or sideways. And how wonderful the thumb is! Just try tying a knot or using a hammer, a saw, a needle or a pair of scissors without it.
Your feet are another display of the Creator’s wisdom. Ankle bones extend backward to form the heel while others go forward to make the sole and toes. This arrangement helps you to keep your balance. The arch of your foot, which is flexible and strong, absorbs the pounding that takes place when walking or running. If it were not designed this way, the rest of your body could not stand the shock. Incidentally, the muscles in your back also automatically keep you in balance without your even thinking about it, but if your back, legs and feet were not provided with proper bones, you would not be able to stand at all.
These are just a few of the ways our bodies remind us of how the Lord God has provided for us. The psalmist said, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17.
Our thoughts toward the Lord Jesus should certainly be full of thanksgiving. It was His great love that made Him die on the cross so that, through faith in Him, we might have our sins forgiven. His invitation is, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” Psalm 95:6. Have you ever stopped to think of this great love and thanked Him for it?
JANUARY 8, 1995
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Romans 5:1
Likeable Alpacas
In the South American countries of Bolivia, Argentina, Peru and nearby parts of the high Andes Mountains, large numbers of lively and playful alpacas seem to enjoy their time spent eating the tall grass and chewing their cuds. They are a lovable type of animal with odd but pleasant-looking, inquisitive, white faces. Their expressions seem friendly when they look you over with what appears to be a big smile. They also have long, thick necks and upright, alert ears.
They are short, thick-bodied animals, looking like a huge stuffed toy, with coats of fleecy brown, black or white wool which covers them from head to feet like a huge blanket. Actually related to the camel and llama families, they are only about three- to four-feet high at their shoulders, although their long necks make them appear to be much taller. Even-toed and hoofed and about as nimble as mountain goats, they are right at home on the high, steep slopes of the Andes Mountains.
For as far back as anyone remembers, numbers of alpacas have been tamed, given good care and raised by many ranchers. Their valuable wool, when about 12-inches long, is sheared usually every year, and each one produces about six pounds. In Peru alone, where some 2,000,000 of these animals are raised for that purpose, about 3,000 tons (more than 6,000,000 pounds) of wool are sheared every year. So you can see it is a large business and valued by the native people. (Maybe you have a sweater made of alpaca wool.)
While llamas and alpacas look alike to anyone not familiar with them, there are differences. One of these is that the llamas are stronger and principally used as pack animals, carrying loads across the plains and mountain passes, whereas alpacas cannot be used that way. Another easy-to-spot difference is that the alpaca holds its stubby tail close to its body at all times, while the llama holds its longer tail up in the air.
The Creator has given all these animals, whose homes are from 12,000 to 16,000 feet above sea level, extra-large lungs and three times as many important red blood corpuscles as man has, which enable them to live and be active at altitudes where there is less oxygen.
It is interesting to consider the vast number of animals placed on the earth by the Creator, and we know He found pleasure in providing a great variety of them. The Bible clearly tells us this, saying, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11. Have you ever praised Him and thanked Him for His care and love shown to you?
JANUARY 15, 1995
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
1 Peter 5:8
Weaver Ants Are Fantastic: Part 1
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.”
Proverbs 6:6
Ants of all kinds (there are thousands of species) are among the most remarkable insects in the world in their organized way of life and cooperation with one another. Solomon, who wrote the above Bible verse, could not have used a better example of wisdom in action.
Scientists tell us ants’ tiny brains contain half-a-million nerve endings that send messages to all parts of their bodies, instructing them what they are to do. When they are together they cannot, of course, speak to one another as we do, but through body actions and by means of chemical odors they seem to understand one another perfectly. God-given instincts enable them to do things in ways that seem to us almost impossible. Not one of them is selfish, but will even give its life for the good of the others.
Weaver ants live in Africa, Australia and Asia and make leafy nests in treetops. When selecting a new nest location, they in some way agree on the leaves best suited for this purpose, and often these are quite difficult to reach. To solve this problem they form living chains. One ant acts as an anchor on an overhead branch; then others, one by one, hold on with their legs around the middle of the last one in line, making the chain a little longer. This continues as far as necessary, until the chosen leaves are reached. The long chain of ants remains in place, perhaps for a whole day, while others walk along it to reach the new spot. These workers pull the chosen leaves together and lift the sides to form a tent, all of which requires teamwork.
But how do they make two or three leaves hold together? It’s hard to believe the method they use. A number of them, after helping pull the leaves together, return along the living chain to the home nest while the remaining ones stay on the job. At the home nest each ant picks up a larva (an ant not yet fully formed) and carries it along the chain to the new location. In a way only the Creator could arrange, each larva is then told to produce a continuous, sticky, silk thread. While producing this thread, each larva is passed by the ants along the joined leaf edges and woven through them, until the whole new nest is sewed and glued together. Then each larva is taken back to the home nest while work on the new home continues. Isn’t that amazing?
The activities of these little creatures should turn our thoughts to the One who has made them and taught them their ways. A Bible verse says: “[God] doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number” (Job 5:9).
We will consider more of the amazing weaver ants in the next issue.
(to be continued)
JANUARY 22, 1995
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
Isaiah 1:18
Weaver Ants Are Fantastic: Part 2
“The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.”
Proverbs 30:25
Brown-colored weaver ants are less than half-an-inch long, equipped with strong legs and two long antennae protruding below their black eyes. Connected behind the front section of their bodies by a small segment is their main and largest section - the gaster. It contains their stomach and three glands, each of which puts out a special odor on command. One odor is a general alarm for all ants to come quickly, another odor calls for help from nearby workers, and the third odor is used to make a trail-marking smell.
Another ant, smelling either of the first two odors, immediately acts on it. If it’s a general alarm, it hurries back to the soldier ants that guard the colony and then on to others with the message. Meanwhile it has left its own trail-marking scent so that while it spreads the message, these can all hurry to the rescue without waiting to be shown the way. If the call is just for nearby help, then it stops telling others when enough are contacted. None ever refuse to go.
The weaver queen lays thousands of eggs throughout the year. She is much larger than the others and requires lots of food, but never leaves the nest. Certain workers are assigned to feed and care for her, including a continual licking of her body to keep her clean and cool. Other inside workers feed and care for the eggs and the larvae that come from them. Still others are selected for outside work, including the soldiers already mentioned.
Some of the outside workers maintain “dairies” of aphids and other insects which, when gently licked, give off a sweet moisture. When the “milkers’” stomachs are full of this tasty food, they pass it through their mouths to waiting workers who then take it back to the nest for the queen and workers there.
The food of the weaver ants is mostly insects and seeds, and certain members are given the job of finding it and storing some away, just as our opening verse indicates. Sometimes a worker will capture an insect too large to carry, so it passes the word along by one of its special odors, asking for help, which promptly comes. If the prize is still living, they spray it with acid until it no longer resists, then between them they carry it to the nest.
Aren’t these provisions of the wise Creator wonderful to think about? We must conclude that only the Lord God could make such creatures and keep them from the first day of their creation, which turns our thoughts to the Bible verse, “Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!” (Psalm 113:56). That statement includes you. Have you given Him the right place in your life?
JANUARY 29, 1995
“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.”
Isaiah 55:6
All-Important Chlorophyll
“O Lord, how manifold are Thy works! in wisdom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of Thy riches.”
Psalm 104:24
To chemists chlorophyll is the remarkable molecule by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. If there were no chlorophyll there would be no plant or animal life. Since the cells in all animal life cannot utilize sunlight directly, it is through the chlorophyll in plants that sunlight is absorbed and its energy stored in their cells.
Briefly, here is what takes place: this marvelous compound, which only God can make, absorbs light energy and uses it to combine molecules of carbon dioxide from the air into a simple sugar called glucose. Glucose is further converted by the plant into other starches and fiber, which are the principal components of green trees, plants and grass. Chlorophyll is the means by which carbon is separated and passed along to make this food.
Now when this process takes place, oxygen is produced, which the plant cannot use. The Creator has at this point provided a wonderful exchange between animal and plant life. Chlorophyll enables the trees and other plant growth to get rid of the oxygen by releasing it into the air through leaves and other surfaces. Oxygen, as we know, is exactly what animal and human life require, so the release of oxygen by plants is essential to maintain the amount we need in the air to breathe.
But that’s only half the story. When exhaling, all breathing creatures release carbon dioxide into the air. This completes its cycle when absorbed by growing plants. With the action of chlorophyll the whole process is thus kept in motion, maintaining life all the time. How wise God has been in all His marvelous creation!
Yet chlorophyll, for all its wonders, is only active when cells are exposed to sunlight. This is evident when a healthy plant is moved into a dark room or basement, soon losing its color and beginning to die. But if brought back to a sun porch or bright room, it will once more become green and strong, because chlorophyll can take over its duties again and revive it.
In many ways this is a picture to us - a reminder that the need of every Christian is to “walk in the light” of God’s Word, the Bible. This is the only way we can have joy and happiness, as well as being able to bring others to know the love of God and salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you a healthy Christian?
FEBRUARY 5, 1995
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
Acts 4:12
The Lovely Pintails
“These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season. That Thou givest them they gather.”
Psalm 104:27-28
In the large family of ducks, pintails have a prominent place, noted for their speed and handsome appearance. The females (hens) are rather noisy with their loud quacking, but the males (drakes) use double-toned whistles that are much more melodious.
Drakes’ heads are usually reddish brown, with solid-white feathers covering their underparts and reaching partway up their necks. Holding those pretty heads gracefully, they look like statues on the water. The hens, like their mates, have slender necks but dull-colored feathers. The tail feathers of both extend to sharp points, accounting for their “pintail” name. This is particularly noticeable when flying.
Their melodious whistling is one of the first signs of spring when they are preparing to migrate to spots along the border of Canada and the United States and on into the Yukon and Alaska. In the fall they reverse the flights, traveling far and wide. Some from Canada fly to England, some from Alaska to far-off Hawaii, and others show up in India, Russia, Africa and Europe, while a large number make shorter flights to California, Louisiana, Mexico and South America.
In the fall months pintails are among the first to leave the north, and the following spring, the first to fly back. On these travels, great flocks nest in prairie country near the Canadian border, north and west of North Dakota, where there is an ample supply of wheat and other grains left on the ground after harvesting. Some also make California their choice, enjoying the barley and rice grown there. Hunting clubs, government groups and others are working together, planting separate fields of grain in places easy for the birds to reach, thus providing them with their own private farms in order to spare farmers’ crops.
Pintails, along with numerous other ducks feeding in marshy areas, all mingle happily together, their many calls mixed in a tremendous chatter. As evening comes, pintails, teals, mallards, etc., all rise from the ponds or fields in large flocks to find roosting places for the night.
With so many millions of birds in the world, do you think the Creator, the Lord God, can tell them apart? Does He really know about each one? Yes, He certainly does, just as the Bible verse above tells us. Another one states it this way: “I know all the fowls [birds] of the mountains” (Psalm 50:11).
He also has His eye upon you and wants you to follow His guidance every moment of your life. “In all thy ways acknowledge Him,” the Bible says, “and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6). That is the only true and happy way of life.
FEBRUARY 12, 1995
“Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink.”
John 7:37
Your Amazing Brain
“Thus saith the Lord . . . I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.”
Ezekiel 11:5
Your brain is a three-pound bundle of gray and white matter, so wonderfully made that only God knows how it works. Medical scientists try to understand it, but will never be able to know all about it, for it is God’s special creation. People marvel at what computers can do, but all the computers in the world put together could not match what your brain can do.
Researchers have learned many things about the brain’s construction. They know its 30 billion nerve cells are all interconnected; they know that almost every act of your body takes place only after it has been instructed by the brain; they know that what your ears hear and eyes see are sent to your brain to make sense; they know that your brain lets the taste buds in your tongue tell you if what you’re eating is sweet, sour or bitter. They also know that your brain, when necessary, sends messages to your heart or lungs to work faster or slower, and many, many other actions. Yes, researchers may learn much about the cells and nerves of your brain, but they cannot explain how each of them has its individual part in forming the way of your life.
It is these processes, among other things, that set human beings apart from animals. When God made man’s body, He made his brain distinct and superior to all other creation. No one else but God could produce language, music, technical skills, etc. Did you ever see a cow enjoy a beautiful view? a horse study a sunset? a sheep admire the beauty of a flower? Did a monkey ever invent a piece of machinery or a hog compose a lovely melody? Of course not. Such things are true only of mankind, whom God has made in His own image.
Scientists are just beginning to understand the workings of the brain. They have determined which part controls thought, memory and function. But they cannot explain how just hearing a certain song will remind you of something that took place years ago, or how the smell of a flower will perhaps instantly remind you of a long-past picnic in the woods.
In other words, although we can see the brain we cannot see the mind. Like our verse says, only God sees the mind, because it is one of the invisible wonders of His creation. It is through the mind (sometimes referred to in the Bible as the heart) that we understand that we are sinners, responsible to God and need to have those sins forgiven. It is through the same mind that, when we read the Bible, we understand what we read. With it we understand that the Lord Jesus died for our sins and that He will forgive and cleanse us if we accept Him as our Saviour. “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10). Have you done this?
FEBRUARY 19, 1995
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”
Proverbs 27:1
Palm Trees: Another of God's Gifts
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord. . . . For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters . . . neither shall [he] cease from yielding fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8
The Bible often speaks of palm trees. For instance, in Exodus 15:27 we read that when the Israelites were thirsty and weary in the desert “they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten [70] palm trees” where they enjoyed a good rest. Another occasion is found in John 12:12-13, telling of “much people . . . when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him.”
Palms grow throughout the tropics and other places where there is abundant sunshine. Varieties include cabbage palms, sagos, palmettos and the well-known date and coconut palms. An oasis of palms around a well of water is always a welcome sight in the desert. They also add beauty to many ocean islands, leaning over the shoreline. The Creator has so formed them that they stand firm in the strongest winds, fronds (leaves) trailing in the wind and their flexible trunks bending gracefully. Coconuts float and are often carried on ocean waves to distant shores, were they take root and soon add beauty and supply food to yet another spot.
It is easy to see why palm trees are considered one of the Creator’s great gifts to mankind, providing daily food for millions, as well as timber, fuel, boats, dishes and a long list of useful things. Soap and candles are made from coconuts and sugar from the tree’s sap. The fruit of some is dried into starch, used in puddings, and parts of the fronds are made into clothing.
Date palms provide one of the most reliable foods for people in many places. Large groves grow right in the southern United States, their fruit appealing to the appetites of those who like their sweet and nourishing quality. They also often help cookies, bread and cakes, as well as candies, taste so good.
As we speak of the wonderful fruit coming from so many of these palms, we are reminded that we are ourselves told in God’s Word, the Bible, to be “fruitful” in our lives, just as our opening verse states. Another verse in Colossians 1:10 says, “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work.” Also, reading from Luke 6:43-44, “For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt [bad] fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit.”
What kind of fruit shows itself in your life? When a Christian really wants to please the Lord and be helpful to people around him, the Lord will always help him or her to do so, when such a desire is told to Him in prayer. Do you do this?
FEBRUARY 26, 1995
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?”
Hebrews 2:3
Jupiter — The Colorful Planet
“The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the people see His glory.”
Psalm 97:6
High in the sky, 267 million miles from the earth, is the planet Jupiter. This largest of all planets (that we know about) makes its orbit 480 million miles away from the sun at a speed of 28,000 miles per hour. It is heavier than all the other planets put together, as large as 13 earths, and its surface is 120 times as great. Its night and day of only about ten hours contrasts with the earth’s 24-hour revolution.
In 1979 and again in 1986 spacecrafts flew by this great planet and found that its actual surface could not be photographed because a thick covering of clouds always hides it.
Jupiter can be seen from earth by using a strong telescope. Its pink- and salmon-colored clouds are a beautiful sight as it shines brightly on a clear night. Perhaps the most interesting and puzzling detail about Jupiter is its 20,000-mile-long red spot which seems to drift and change color from time to time and even temporarily disappears. Scientists think it may be caused by volcanos, but they do not really know. It may be caused by the 300-mile-per-hour whirling storms that scour its surface.
Because Jupiter is almost five times as far from the sun as is the earth, it is extremely cold, and nothing could live on it. No water could exist in its -200ûF temperature. Also, its atmosphere (poisoned by chemicals that erupt from inside it) could never support life even for one moment. Men, properly dressed in space suits, have walked on the moon, but none will ever walk on Jupiter!
This reminds us of the wisdom of God, the Creator, in placing the earth at exactly the right distance from the sun (approximately 93 million miles) to provide the correct amount of heat and light for all the creation He has placed here. King David, no doubt thinking of this, said, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge” (Psalm 19:1-2).
Jupiter is one of the four major outer planets of the sun, the others being Uranus, Saturn and Neptune. Not one of them could sustain any form of life. Only the earth was formed for that purpose. Jupiter’s attractiveness as a marvel of God’s creation includes one large ring around it, discovered by a spacecraft trip, plus the fact that it has 16 moons circling it, some with volcanos erupting on them. Twelve of them circle clockwise and four counterclockwise.
As we gaze up into the starry sky, let us always remember that all are kept in perfect order by the One who placed them there. In their beauty and the pattern of their orbits, which is always the same, He has taken great pleasure. We are privileged to share their beauty with Him in a small way.
MARCH 5, 1995
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
Psalm 119:105
The Tailless Chimpanzee
“The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.”
Psalm 50:1
Chimpanzees (which are usually called chimps) are members of the ape family, which also includes gorillas and orangutans, all living in central Africa. Almost all zoos have some and often teach them clever tricks to amuse visitors.
In the rain forests they communicate by grunts, hoots and calls, sometimes so loud they can be heard more than a mile away. They usually band together in groups of 40 or more. Old males sleep alone at night, but join the groups in the daily search for fruit and other food. All like to groom one another, sometimes kissing and holding hands. When they are friendly they grin with their teeth covered by their lips, but when they are angry their lips are pressed tightly together.
Chimps have small, round heads topped with large ears. Faces, ears, hands and feet are a bare pink, but the rest of their body is covered with thick, dark-brown hair. Mature chimps are two- to four-feet tall and weigh from 50 to well over 100 pounds. Some live as long as 40 years.
They can stand upright for only a very short time. When they walk they drop down on all fours, stooping over with their arms dropping to the ground with closed fists. This is in contrast to human beings with whom standing or walking in an erect, upright position was established when they were created by the Lord God. Chimps and gorillas may look somewhat like humans, but there is no relationship at all. Each was created in its own pattern. Mankind alone was given “a living soul,” extending life into eternity, compared with all other creatures for whom death means the final end. Any other teaching is incorrect.
Mother chimps have just one baby at a time, and so are able to give it lots of attention. While she moves from place to place, the baby clings to her back or sometimes hangs underneath, grasping the hair on her stomach. The little ones play, climb trees and wrestle with one another while the mothers are busy.
When large amounts of food are available, a group may invite others to join them by loud barking. Groups often work together, and farmers find it difficult to keep them out of their orchards because chimps always post a sentry to warn when anyone approaches.
The loving care of the Creator for these and all creatures is so nicely stated in the Bible verses: “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings” (Psalm 36:67).
As these verses indicate, although He cares for all creatures, it is only mankind that can know His love and His goodness which not only provide for daily needs, but have given us a Saviour. If we place our trust in Him, we are assured of an eternity in heaven. Have you placed your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ?
MARCH 12, 1995
“The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.”
Psalm 34:7
Special Hands
“Mr. Albert! Chilina’s cut her hand!” our neighbor called.
I hurried out to the gate to see what had happened. Chilina had often come to our Bible classes, and she was a special little friend.
“What happened?” I asked.
“She fell in the mud and there was a broken bottle there.”
“That’s a bad cut. I think we had better take her to the doctor.”
I quickly backed out the jeep, and Chilina and her mother climbed in. Thankfully, our doctor was at the hospital right then. He quickly took Chilina into the emergency room to clean her hand and sew it up.
“I’m not going to completely sew up the cut,” Doctor Franco said. “The palm of the hand is a bad place for a cut.”
“Why?” I asked.
“There’s a cushion of fatty tissue and not many blood vessels in the palm of the hand. It can easily get infected,” Doctor Franco explained.
Doctor Franco finished his work and told us how to care for Chilina’s hand so that it wouldn’t get infected. A few weeks later her hand had healed nicely.
Now let’s think about that hand and why God made it the way He did. The doctor had said, “Lots of fatty tissue and not many blood vessels there.” How kind of God to plan it that way! The fatty tissue makes a cushion to protect the tendons that are in your hand. The lack of blood keeps your hand from bruising easily when you use it to work. You couldn’t pound very well with a hammer if it were the other way around - not much little fatty tissue and lots of blood. God knew how much we would use our hands when He designed them.
Try it. Slap the palm of your hand down hard on a desk. Now try doing it, gently, with the other side of your hand. It hurts a lot more when you hit the back of your hand, doesn’t it? Those layers of fat protect the palm of your hand so that you can work with it. Wasn’t God wise to make your hand like that?
Now try this. Have a friend hold a pencil or a crayon behind your back so that you cannot see it. Feel it with your fingers and see if you can tell if it is the crayon or the pencil. Easy, wasn’t it? Now, close your eyes. Have the friend touch your arm lightly with either the pencil or crayon. Could you tell without looking which it was? Maybe you could, maybe not. It certainly wasn’t as easy as with your fingers. That’s because God has placed many more nerves in your hand than in the skin of your arm. God knew you would need them in your fingers to find things in the dark, to feel quickly if something is too hot or cold, and many other such things. God planned this for you - have you thanked Him for it? How often I have used my fingers day after day without ever stopping to think of God’s love in giving such special fingers to me!
But there’s even more. Both your hands and my hands are the same, with layers of fat and not much blood in the palm and lots of nerves in the fingers. Yet my fingers are also very different from yours. We each have different fingerprints - so different that fingerprints are used by the government and the police for identification. Even the twins in our family have different fingerprints. God gave us all wonderfully made hands, but He also made each one different. You are special.
And so God doesn’t just want a thousand children in heaven, He wants you. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that [put your own name here] believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). God was thinking about you before He ever made the world, and He wants you to be part of His happy family in heaven.
You can tell by looking at hands that God loves everyone, but when you look at your own specially designed fingerprints, remember that He loves you. Others have said, “The Son of God . . . loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Can you say it too?
Inseparable Companions
“His tender mercies are over all His works.”
Psalm 145:9
In the deserts of southern United States the creamy blossoms of the yucca plant are a beautiful sight. But this plant would soon become extinct were it not for the work of a little moth. The moth itself also would not survive were it not for the yucca. They are entirely dependent on each other.
No bees, ants or other insects help pollinate the yucca flower. This is entirely the work of the pronuba moth. The moth seems to know what it has to do. The yucca blossom opens in the evening and is open most of the night. While still daylight the female moth flies to a half-open yucca blossom. At darkness when the blossom opens fully, she collects a good supply of pollen. Then she forms the pollen into a ball about the size of her head. Tucking it under her chin, she goes to another blossom. As she walks up the pistil (female part of the flower), she deposits several moth eggs into its hollow center. Then she continues her climb to the top where she deposits the load of pollen on the top part of the pistil, rubbing it in by pressing her head against it again and again. This pollinates the yucca flower.
After some time the flower (at the point where she deposited the eggs) turns into a pod with a hard shell filled with seeds, among which the eggs lie. These hatch out as tiny caterpillars who use the seeds as their only source of food. Later they chew through the pod, drop to the ground and spin themselves into cocoons. An adult moth eventually comes out of the cocoon to repeat the cycle at the same time that new flowers are forming on the yucca.
Any other moth would just find a place to lay her eggs and then be on her way. What has directed the pronuba to collect pollen from one flower, then change to another flower before laying her eggs, and finally to remain until she has disposed of the pollen so necessary to the life cycle of the yucca? Certainly all this is not by chance. A Supreme Power has told the little moth what to do.
Some will say this is only instinct. Perhaps this is right, but it is God-given instinct, and the little moth is obedient to it. How serious to realize that man has been given an intelligence much higher than instinct, but he is walking in his own way away from God. It must be said of man, “When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:21-22).
The Spirit of God pleads with everyone to “[cast] down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and [bring] into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Is your heart submitting to Him, the Creator of everything?
MARCH 19, 1995
“The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20
What Is Our Blood Made of?
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood.”
Leviticus 17:11
An adult has about one-and-a-half gallons of blood flowing through his veins. The blood and the functions it carries out are what keep the body alive. Consider how many different parts make up your blood: one drop contains about 250 million red cells, and in the entire blood supply there are about 25 trillion! New ones need to be produced continuously, because they only last about 125 days with two million dying every second. As small as a red cell is, each one contains about 270 million hemoglobin molecules as well!
How did this come about? Medical scientists could never put such a complicated mixture together, and it certainly couldn’t have just produced itself gradually. No, when God breathed the breath of life into man, He provided a complete body system with everything that would ever be needed, our blood and all its complex parts included. Nothing was left to be further developed, and ever since it has remained the way our Creator made it.
In addition to red cells, blood also contains white cells; there is normally about one white cell to 650 red ones, and there are 2050 billion of these in the blood stream. An important duty of the white cells is to fight infection. There is also another line of defense known as antibodies, which are always present to carry on the fight against infections of all kinds. Then, too, there are platelets which are half the size of white cells. The work of these can be seen when wounds on the skin heal. The platelets stop the loss of blood by forming a scab, which is the beginning of the healing process.
The red cells are constantly doing their life-giving work of carrying oxygen to the cells of the body. The white ones are often more visible to us in the form of pus, which is composed of the bacteria and dead white cells the body has used in the battle against infection.
With so much dependent on it, we can easily see that it took a wise and divine Creator to make our blood so wonderfully complex and able to continue its work with every tick of the clock.
These thoughts remind us of One who willingly shed His blood, giving up His life on Calvary’s cross. The Bible tells us that “it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” (Leviticus 17:11). The Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross for us. If we believe that it was His blood that can make us clean in God’s sight, then we will be saved and have eternal life. “By His own blood He . . . obtained eternal redemption for us” (Hebrews 9:12). Accept the Lord Jesus Christ now as your very own Saviour, “for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
MARCH 26, 1995
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
Isaiah 53:6
A Living Bomb
A strange beetle called the bombardier beetle baffles scientists. It bombs its enemies with a bad-smelling, boiling-hot fluid which it shoots out by an explosion inside its body. Scientists know what chemicals make up this fluid, but they cannot figure out how the beetle controls its exploding.
The bombardier has two chambers inside its body where chemicals which it manufactures are stored. In addition, it has another part where it mixes them. Before mixing, it adds a third chemical called an inhibitor. This mixes with the first two chemicals to keep them from exploding. These mixed chemicals are stored in its body until needed.
As long as the inhibitor is present, the “bomb” cannot go off. But this little insect, in one of the many wonders of God’s creation, can “explode” this bomb whenever it wants. The beetle makes sure it is in front of its enemy. Then it forces the chemical mixture into a final chamber. There a liquid from another part of its body is present. This liquid overcomes, or inactivates, the inhibitor, causing the whole mixture to explode with a definite “bang.” It is discharged through a special nozzle in this chamber with considerable force. It either kills its enemy or chases it away. It is so well equipped with ammunition that it can explode this mixture 10 to 20 times before running out. Then, within a day, its tanks fill again.
How did this beetle get its storage tanks? When did it learn about making the chemicals and how to mix them without blowing up itself? Who taught it how to make the explosion at the right time? Could we believe the theory of some who claim that these things just happened? Or could we believe the theory that the beetle added one part at a time over millions of years? No. Such teaching is not only unreasonable, but it is contrary to God’s Word, the Bible. It can easily be seen that any bombardier beetle that did not have all its functions working together correctly would destroy itself before it could make necessary changes.
The Lord God, the divine Creator, designed the bombardier and made it complete with its amazing features when He first placed it on the earth. Scripture tells us, “Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He” (Psalm 135:6). All His wonderful works show the pleasure He had in creating them. The many varieties also show us His unlimited power and wisdom.
But we should pay attention to another Bible verse that says, “Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding” (Psalm 119:73). When He made mankind, He had a special purpose in mind. It is His delight to give understanding to every person concerning His love. Everlasting life God gives to all who love His Son and trust in Him as the Saviour of sinners. Has that understanding worked in your heart?
APRIL 2, 1995
“Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps.”
1 Peter 2:21
Houses Under the Sea
“O Lord . . . the earth is full of Thy riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.”
Psalm 104:24-25
Clams, scallops and oysters are included in the family known as bivalves. They all live in double shells, hinged with a strong ligament, which they can open or close.
Most clams live in soft sand or mud where they disappear quickly when danger threatens. The razor clam, an especially tasty treat, can dig its way to safety faster than most people can dig to catch it. But some clams, such as the quahog, do not dig at all.
The boring clam, which needs to be loosened with a pick axe, can burrow into hard clay or sandstone, using the sharp edge of its shell as a tool. Its extended “foot” anchors it in place while working, and a tube, called a siphon (which can be as much as a foot long), extends up to the clean, surface water for its food supply.
In the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, giant clams, up to four feet long and weighing several hundred pounds, thrive in large colonies. Stories of them trapping people in the water are probably not true, since clams cannot close their shells fast enough to do this.
Scallops are similar in many ways to clams. Their orange flesh, housed in a pretty, brown-marbled and ribbed shell, is a favorite of seafood lovers. The unusual feature about a scallop is its ability to swim through the water by jet propulsion while its double shell opens and closes.
Oysters, found in most of the world’s oceans, have their own way of life. They do not burrow, but remain on the bottom or cling to some solid object. They obtain microscopic food particles from the constant flow of water passing over them. Because oysters are a tasty food in great demand, “oyster farms” raise them commercially in many places.
Pearls, found in oysters, are the result of an irritant that gets inside the shell. The oyster tries to relieve this irritation by covering the grain of sand with nacre (a substance called mother-of-pearl). As the layers of nacre build up, they eventually produce a lovely pearl (white, pink, black or gray) and usually have a shiny luster to add to their beauty.
None of these shellfish are aware of their dependance on God, yet “these wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season” (Psalm 104:27). How gracious a provider He is to all His creation. But we ourselves should be aware of our dependence on Him, as the question asks, “Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:9-10).
Let us never forget to thank Him for every blessing, and especially for the gift of His beloved Son “who gave Himself a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:6).
APRIL 9, 1995
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth upon him.”
John 3:36
Snowmobiling is a popular winter sport in Idaho where there are lots of mountains and usually plenty of snowfall. With snowmobiles it is possible to travel into areas that are otherwise impassable in snow, and they can go many miles on a tank of gas. But, like other winter sports, there are risks, and snowmobilers need to be prepared.
Recently, a group of about ten young men decided to spend a Saturday snowmobiling in some nearby mountains. They left early, arriving up in the hills at daybreak. The weather didn’t look very promising. A storm had been forecasted, and the sky was heavy with clouds and the threat of snow.
Everyone parked their pickup trucks at the end of the plowed road and unloaded the snowmobiles. One of the men, Jay, owned a cabin which was still 20 miles away over a well-packed trail, so off they went.
A good breakfast at the cabin got everyone fueled up for the day and ready to head for the hills. Jay knew the area well, but since it was unfamiliar to the rest they stayed together in a group.
Soon they came through the forest to an area that was perfect for playing in the snow. They raced up the slopes and jumped their machines off drifts. Sometimes they had to dig them out of deep snow when they weren’t careful!
After a while it started to snow and the wind picked up, making it difficult to see. It was still early afternoon, but everyone decided to head back to the cabin, which was several miles away. Two of the men were not with the group. Then it was discovered that they had gone over another steep ridge and their snowmobiles had rolled down the hill and were buried in the snow. Jay and several others went to help them. But first, Jay gave directions to the remaining men on how to reach the cabin. They were to retrace their trail and follow the creek bed back.
They started out, but the wind and snow had covered all the tracks! They weren’t even sure where the creek was, and the only man that knew the way wasn’t there. They were lost in a terrible storm.
After hours of struggling through the snow and wind, some were ready to give up. They were so tired and discouraged and it was dark. But giving up the struggle meant facing the possibility of freezing to death before help could arrive. They decided to keep going, some of them asking the Lord Jesus for help. They knew they could depend on Him: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
Finally, at 9:30 that night they reached the cabin. It had taken them over six hours to travel just a few miles. The rest of the group were already there and waiting.
There were still 20 miles to go before they reached their trucks, but there was a big difference now. They were with the man who knew the way. And even though it was still snowing and blowing hard, he led them slowly and carefully to safety.
This story reminds us of how the Lord Jesus Christ can deliver us. We all like to have a good time and are happy when everything is going well. But sometimes the struggles and difficulties that we have to face make us want to just give up. We can’t find our way out of them. It’s not until we realize that we are lost sinners and in desperate need of a Saviour that we can turn to Him and say, “Lord Jesus, please save me!” He will hear our cry because His Word says in Romans 10:13, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” We may still have difficulties, but now we have a Leader who knows the way and whom we can safely trust. He also says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:27-28).
Wouldn’t you like to be sure you are safe forever? Why not take Jesus as your Saviour right now?
A Masterpiece of Design
“Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?”
Job 39:13
A bird’s feather is the lightest object in the world for size and toughness. It provides not only flight, but warmth and distinctive coloring as well. Most birds do not have feathers when they are hatched, but have soft, fluffy fuzz called down. They do not get feathers until later. What a wonderful provision of the Creator to give this nice, soft, warm coat to them before their feathers grow.
A feather is made up of a hollow but strong main shaft, called a quill, which tapers to a point. Each quill has about 600 little branches, called barbs. Each of the barbs in turn has about 800 smaller branches, called barbules. The barbules of most birds have tiny hooks, called barbicels, on the feather’s underside and corresponding flanges on the upperside. A single feather on a large bird might have about 30 million barbicels. A strong microscope is necessary to see these tiny parts. If you could count all of the barbicels on all of the feathers of one bird, you would find several hundred billion! Isn’t that astounding? Did you ever think a bird’s feather could be so complicated? Do you wonder why all these hooks are there?
When birds lift their wings to fly, the feathers hook one to another, making a firm fan. It actually looks like a zipper. Yet, as the bird flies through the air, to enable certain moves these hooks cannot remain hooked. When the hooks on one or more feathers let loose, the bird can carry out a sudden turn or perfect dive. The bird does not think about this. God created it so these actions are automatic and immediate.
The tail feathers are different from the other feathers and do not hook together. Some birds have only about a dozen tail feathers, but others have as many as a thousand. Whatever the number, all are rooted in a “pincushion,” with a separate muscle for each feather so the feather can pivot in any direction.
God has also provided each bird with a pigment (color) system so the species of all remain true in color and design. This helps the birds recognize their own kind, and they will not mate with others. He created “every winged fowl after his kind,” and they have been obedient to this rule throughout the years - never changing from one kind to another, as evolution teaches.
Thinking of the wonders of creation makes us want to join in the Bible verse, “Praise Him [God] for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness” (Psalm 150:2). We do indeed praise Him for these mighty acts of creation, but when we know Him as our Saviour we can praise Him even more: “By Him therefore let us offer . . . praise to God . . . the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15). Can you join in this praise?
APRIL 16, 1995
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.”
John 10:27-28
The World's Best Flying Machine
“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap . . . yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”
Matthew 6:26
The Creator made birds to excel as flying machines. Like an airplane they have wings, propellers, steering apparatus and provisions for takeoff and landing. All of these functions are performed better by a bird than any airplane.
In another article we noted the intricate design of their light feathers. The bone structure also shows the wisdom of the Creator. Everything about the strong, flexible skeleton is designed to avoid excess weight. Its reinforced tubular bones are hollow, yet strong. They contain a spongy network which fills with air as the bird breathes.
In fact, the whole breathing system of a bird is an important part of its being able to stay in the air. The lungs are a series of spaces around breathing tubes. These are connected to additional air sacs among the muscles and flesh. By pushing all exhausted air out of its lungs, a bird is able to draw back in an unusual amount of oxygen for its bloodstream. The circulation of air inside the bird has a cooling effect too. How wisely the Lord provided for these lively, feathery creatures.
Most of the bird’s flying power comes from the muscles of its breast which are connected to an unusually large breastbone. The breastbone is located in the underpart of its body so the bird will not be top-heavy. The neck, the most flexible part of its body, also helps balance it in flight. It has 14 vertebrae -twice the number of a giraffe!
Almost all birds are excellent fliers, but many heavy ones have difficulty getting airborne. Some, like swans, need a runway. While running down their runway, they beat their wings furiously to lift in the air. They all take off into the wind, just as airplanes do. Occasionally after landing on small lakes or ponds, water birds have to wait for a good breeze in order to leave.
Others seem to be aware of the difficulty of taking off from level ground and land on high spots. From there they can benefit by the pull of gravity to later get themselves well launched. But whatever the situation with any particular bird, God has provided it with the means and skills to take care of itself in ways that amaze us.
The Psalmist, thinking perhaps about these and other wonderful things, wrote: “Let them praise the name of the Lord: for He commanded, and they were created. . . . Praise the Lord from the earth, ye . . . flying fowl: kings of the earth, and all people . . . both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: let them praise the name of the Lord: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven” (Psalm 148:5-13).
APRIL 23, 1995
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
1 Timothy 1:15
The Polar Bear
“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth Himself to behold the things . . . in the earth!”
Psalm 113:5-6
The white, cold, lonely world of the Arctic is the polar bear’s home. The Lord God shelters it from the cold with a thick layer of fat underneath long, shaggy fur. Its fur has insulating air spaces between the hairs. This impressive animal is about five feet high at its shoulders, seven feet or more long, and may weigh half a ton. It is extremely strong and can pull a 500-pound seal out of water with just one paw.
God has prepared it well for its surroundings. When the sun shines on snow and ice, Eskimos have to take special care to avoid painful snow-blindness. But the polar bear has been given three eyelids and a special membrane to protect its eyes. Then too, this big fellow easily crosses ice floes and easily travels over ice and snow. It would find it difficult to walk on such slippery surfaces if it were not equipped with a covering of tough hair on the bottom of its feet that gives it a good grip. God has given it partially webbed feet and specially jointed legs which help make it a very good swimmer.
While its sight and hearing are poor, its sense of smell is keen and will alert it to prey as much as 20 miles away. It makes its home in an icy den where the female gives birth late in winter to two or three cubs, which are about the size of chipmunks. Two months after they are born she takes them out of the den and begins their two-year training.
Polar bears eat mostly seals. The bear lies on the thick ice, waiting for a seal to pop up at its breathing hole. Sometimes the bear will quietly swim to the edge of the ice where a seal is sunning and catch it. Besides seals, polar bears eat salmon, foxes, birds and occasionally a reindeer. Trappers have to keep a wary eye open when one is around, since they will kill sled dogs and steal animals from traps.
It seems cruel that the polar bear must kill so ruthlessly. It was not like this in the beginning. It was sin that brought this change into the world. However, there is a time coming when “the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox” (Isaiah 11:7).
But before that peaceful time comes, God is going to bring punishment on this sinful world and all those who have refused the gift of salvation He has offered. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour who died to bear that punishment in your place if you will only accept His invitation to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Won’t you accept His invitation today?
APRIL 30, 1995
“In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me.”
Psalm 86:7
Traveling With the Earth
“The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He established the heavens.”
Proverbs 3:19
“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 26:7
Years ago men thought the earth was held up by a great elephant, standing on the back of a huge turtle. Others thought there was a mythological god who balanced the starry sky on his shoulders. (They didn’t explain what the turtle or the god would stand on!) Scientists today laugh at those ideas, but still don’t understand how the earth, weighing six thousand million, million, million tons can “float” through space, or what keeps it in motion in its precisely kept schedules. But King Solomon knew the earth and heavens were created by the Lord God, and Job knew thousands of years ago that only God could “hang the earth upon nothing.”
Man has built airplanes that fly across the Atlantic Ocean at a speed of about 1,000 mph. But what is that compared to the speed you are traveling every moment of the day and night? Did you know that every 24 hours the earth makes a complete revolution on its axis and takes you on a 25,000 mile trip at more than 1,000 mph? Furthermore, that is only part of the journey you are on, for the earth also travels in its orbit around the sun at a speed of 66,000 mph. This makes 65 mph in a car seem rather slow, doesn’t it?
Even these figures don’t tell the whole story, for our entire galaxy of several billion stars is moving through space at 43,000 mph. Adding these figures together, we discover that at times we are racing through space at a speed of more than 100,000 mph! While we are doing this (without feeling any motion that makes us aware of such terrific speed), countless stars are passing through the heavens as well.
Who started all this motion, and how is it all kept in perfect order? God alone could create, put in motion, and keep all in perfect order, “upholding all things by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3).
But, as the result of sin coming into the world, there is judgment coming when “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10). Thankfully, those who know Christ as Saviour will be taken from this world into the safety of heaven before this destruction takes place. It is said of Abraham and other faithful people of Bible times that they “confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth,” and that they looked for a better country - a heavenly country (Hebrews 11:13-16). Heaven can be your place of safety too, if you will come to Christ who “is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25).
MAY 7, 1995
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Romans 10:13
Life from Seeds
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself.”
Genesis 1:11
A wonder of God’s creation is the way in which plants, flowers, grass and trees reproduce themselves. The seeds that are formed sometimes can push the tenderest blade of new life through the hardest soil. No matter how tiny, the seed of a tree has within itself the capability of producing roots, the tree trunk, branches and leaves. It contains cells with enough food to nourish the new growth until roots and leaves develop.
There are seeds that retain life for 20 years or more under extreme desert heat, and with God-given “time clocks” they do not sprout until the right conditions are present. Often this will be through a heavy cloudburst or a spring flood which removes the chemical coating of the seed that has preserved it so long. Now as the coating dissolves, the seed splits open, root and shoot are produced and a new plant begins to grow. One desert plant produces self-planting seeds with spiral tails. The spirals are sensitive to the slightest moisture in the air. They respond to the moisture by coiling and uncoiling in such a way that they dig themselves into the dry, sandy soil. When rain finally comes, they are self-planted and ready to take root.
It is easy to understand how seeds of various kinds are planted by people, but many are scattered far and wide by wind, water, birds, animals and insects. For instance, one Russian thistle may have 100,000 seeds on it, all of which are carried by the wind to new locations, even across mountains and oceans! Then, too, many seeds float down rivers and across oceans to distant shores and take root there. The coconut is an example of this.
The tasty fruits of trees and bushes, eaten by birds and animals, contain seeds or pits. These creatures may carry fruit a considerable distance before eating them and discarding the seeds or pits, where they often will take root and start new plants. What a wonderful provision of the Creator to use animals and birds to take part in providing a future food supply for their kind in places all over the world.
The Bible tells of one who sowed seed in a large area. Some never took root, others grew awhile and then died, but some fell on good ground and brought forth much fruit. In Matthew chapter 13 the Lord Himself explained about this. The seeds are examples of God’s Word being sown throughout the world. Some people paid no attention to it, and it did not take root with them. Others enjoyed it for a little while but did not really accept it in their hearts, so there was no new life there either. But the happy ones were those who received and believed the Word and received the new, eternal life, which is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Which one of these are you?
MAY 14, 1995
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
His Promise in the Sky
“I do set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant [promise] between Me and the earth.”
Genesis 9:13
How beautiful is the big arch of a brilliant rainbow, reaching across a stormy sky with both ends appearing to be anchored to the ground. What an amazing sight this must have been to Noah and his family. The rainbow that they saw was the first time in the world’s history that God produced this wonderful sight. It was a promise from God that flood waters would never cover the whole world again. This is something to remember every time you see a rainbow.
Scientists tell us that this colorful display “is an arch of prismatic colors caused by refraction, reflection and dispersion of light in falling raindrops.” It is not yet fully known how a rainbow produces seven distinct colors, nor how the colors show in perfect bands so vividly. They are always in the same order: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red - the red always on the outside in the prime rainbow, but on the inside when a second rainbow appears as a reflection of the first one.
Students of nature are seeking to understand how a raindrop, multiplied many millions of times, can bring the colors out in this order with the rainbow remaining stationary while the raindrops are falling rapidly through the air. Surely, if there were not a control over this remarkable display, the colors would merge together and the rainbow would lose its shape. We know the power of the very Creator of the universe is the control. It is He who, while supplying the world daily with clear, brilliant light from the sun, can conceal those colors. Then, according to His promise, they shine out in the “bow in the cloud” to remind the world that He rules both the heavens and the earth - “The heavens are Thine, the earth also is Thine: as for the world and the fullness thereof, Thou hast founded them” (Psalm 89:11).
The seven colors are called “cardinal” because, by mixing any of them, other colors may be produced. For instance, red and yellow make orange; red and blue become purple. But in the rainbow we see them as distinct colors.
While the rainbow is a reminder of God’s earthly promise, there is something more important as a reminder of His great love. That is the value He saw when His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, shed His blood on Calvary. For it is “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son [that] cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). It is the value of that blood that protects everyone whose faith is in the Lord Jesus from the terrible punishment that is coming on this world. Before that fearful time comes, everyone whose faith is in Him will be safe with Him in heaven.
Have you put your trust in that shed blood and accepted Him as your Saviour?
MAY 21, 1995
“It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.”
Hebrews 9:27-28
Living Yeast
One of the most wonderful smells, to me, is the smell of fresh, homemade bread, and the taste is even better. I love the bread warm, just out of the oven so it melts the butter, and then maybe with a little strawberry jam on it. Yum!
Let’s sit down in the kitchen and watch how it’s made. Surprisingly, the recipe is fairly simple and it has only a few ingredients. Flour, water, yeast, a little sugar, a little salt and maybe some shortening, and that’s it.
First, my wife takes yeast (the Bible calls it leaven), water and sugar and mixes them together in a big bowl. The yeast becomes active and begins to feed on the sugar.
“Hey, wait a minute! Do you mean there is something alive in my bread?”
“Yes, the yeast is actually a plant called fungus, which works to expand the dough, otherwise you would be eating something more like a cracker rather than bread. But don’t worry, it won’t be alive by the time you eat it.”
Next, she slowly stirs in the flour with a little salt. She continues to add flour until she can no longer stir it. Instead, she begins to knead it with her hands. She continues to add flour till the dough is no longer sticky, and then she stops. Next she covers the bowl with a cloth or lid and sets it in a warm place, letting the yeast, or leaven, do its work. Slowly it expands the dough, making it light and porous, until the dough has nearly doubled in size.
While we are waiting for our bread to rise, let’s talk about leaven. Although it is useful in making good bread, the Bible always uses leaven as a picture of sin or evil at work. Jesus told His disciples to “beware of the leaven [sinfulness] of the Pharisees.” These people outwardly were very religious, but inwardly they were not right with God. Jesus called them hypocrites. That means they pretended to be better than they really were. Have you honestly admitted to God that you are a sinner and need to have your sins washed away in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus? Or are you pretending? If you are, you have the leaven of being a hypocrite, just like the Pharisees. Be honest with God because He knows if you are only pretending. “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). He can see the leaven in your life.
Now let’s go check the dough rising on the counter. After punching down the dough so it doesn’t have big bubbles in it, the dough is formed into several loaves and put into pans. The yeast is still active, so the loaves rise again. When they are the right size, they are popped into the oven. The heat of the oven stops the action of the yeast, and soon the bread will be ready to eat.
Our lives as Christians need what those rising loaves need. Even after we are saved our old natures like to sin. If we allow sin to work in our lives, it will continue to expand until it affects every area of our lives and the lives of those around us as well. What is needed is the hot oven of self-judgment and confessing to the Lord Jesus when we have sinned. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).
Enjoy that fresh, homemade bread, and don’t forget to give thanks to the One who gives you your daily bread.
Who Likes Snakes?
“And the Lord God said unto the serpent . . . upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.”
Genesis 3:14
God was displeased because Satan, disguised as a serpent (or snake), had deceived Eve and brought sin into the world. He pronounced the curse in Genesis 3:14 as a constant reminder of that time.
There are over 2500 species of snakes. About one-tenth of them are poisonous. Sizes range from five inches to great anacondas and pythons, 30 to 40 feet long, that can swallow a deer or wild pig whole.
A snake would be handicapped without ears, nose, feet, legs, hands or arms, except that God has shown His kindness. In spite of the curse, God has provided it with means of getting along without these aids. In place of ears it has nerves that are sensitive to ground vibrations. Its sense of smell (aided by a flicking tongue) is keen. A change in temperature tells it when something is close by, and it easily locates whatever it is even on the darkest night.
It has flexible vertebrae (its backbone) which enable it to writhe, crawl and coil. Scales on the underpart of its body, overlapping like shingles, provide means of moving over the ground. Each scale hooks onto a rough surface, so the snake can pull itself along. When in a hurry, the snake presses against rocks, tree trunks, etc., to thrust itself forward.
A snake’s mouth is fitted with hinged jaws joined with elastic ligaments. This enables the jaws to open very wide and swallow objects of great size. Eggs are a favorite, and by unhinging its jaws a snake can swallow eggs without breaking them until they are well inside its body. Its stomach also has a special ability to digest egg shells, bones, feathers, fur and other animal and bird parts.
A snake never stops growing. As it increases in size and its skin becomes too tight, it makes a hole in its skin by rubbing its snout against a rough stone. Pushing its head through this hole, twisting and wriggling, it peels the old skin back over its tail, shedding it. It does this several times a year.
Snakes do not attack humans unless frightened or provoked. The Creator has made them helpful to mankind in their search for food because they eat rats, gophers, mice and other small rodents. A small snake will be quite content with a good meal every week or ten days. Larger snakes can easily survive on six or seven big dinners a year.
Like the snake in the garden of Eden, man also displeases God in his behavior. This is made clear in the Bible, which says, “There is none that seeketh after God. . . . There is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Romans 3:11-12). Yet God shows great mercy and kindness to all mankind, as His Word tells us: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Do you know the joy of having your sins forgiven through faith in the Lord Jesus?
MAY 28, 1995
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”
Proverbs 28:13
An Unusual Fish Hatchery
“Lord, Thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.” Acts 4:24
Among the islands of the South Pacific there are some unusual and pretty little fish called the mouthbrooding bettas. Only three or four inches long, they are busy little fish with a most unusual way of hatching their young.
Most fish prepare a place to spawn (deposit their eggs), and then after spawning swim away and forget them. But not the faithful betta. Somehow the female fish lets the male know when she is ready to spawn. He stays close beside her and catches the eggs on the back of his fins. He is very good at this and is able to catch nearly all of them.
After spawning, the female swims to her mate and with her mouth takes one egg from his fins and approaches him as though to give him a kiss. Instead, she blows the egg into his mouth! Then she goes back for another egg, repeating this process until his mouth is stuffed with all the eggs.
My, what a mouthful he has! But, surprisingly, he doesn’t swallow one of them. He casually swims around, usually for four or five days, until the eggs hatch and the baby fish swim out of his mouth.
With some species the female does the mouth-incubating after the male collects the eggs and puts them in her mouth. With other species the parent carrying the eggs has to swim around for two, three or even four weeks, waiting for them to hatch. In all betta species, both parents stay near the baby fish after they are hatched. If danger threatens, both parents open their mouths and the “small fry” promptly swim inside for safety. Of course, they soon grow too big for this hiding place and have to look after themselves.
We might ask, “What keeps the parents from swallowing the eggs or spitting them out so they can eat? When did they learn to raise their little ones this way?” The answer is that this is another example of the way in which the Lord God has instructed His creatures. From the very day of their creation, they have followed the pattern of life He designed for them. We know He delights to see all He has created following the patterns He has established. God gave them instincts for this when He created them.
His ways with men are ways of love and direction that are not known to the rest of His creation. David the Psalmist, enjoying His love, declared, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!” (Psalm 139:17). The greatest display of His love was in providing a Saviour who died on Calvary’s cross. There He paid the penalty for the sins of all who see their need of having their sins forgiven and accept His work in faith. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Have you done this?
JUNE 4, 1995
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
John 8:36
The Friendly Ladybird Beetle
“O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.”
Isaiah 25:1
How often have you watched a pretty little ladybird beetle (or ladybug), with its orange-red dress covered with black polka dots, crawl over your finger and said: “Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home; your house is on fire, your children will burn”? Of course, we really wouldn’t want her children to burn, because these delightful little creatures are one of man’s best friends.
These colorful beetles save growers millions of dollars every year. One of our greatest benefits from them is their destroying tiny insects on citrus trees. Another benefit is in the control of the Colorado potato bug, which is a serious pest all over North America. They also eat aphids, as well as many other plant-eating insects.
The female, laying up to 200 eggs, deposits them in cracks of bark or under leaves in areas where aphids live. When the larvae hatch, they immediately devour the aphids. They are sometimes called “aphid wolves” because of their appetite for these pests.
After a few weeks of eating at a great rate, a larva reaches full size and prepares for a change in its life. God-given instinct tells it to attach itself by its tail to the underside of a leaf. There it forms a shiny, porcelain-like chrysalis. Later it emerges as a fully developed ladybug, able to fly from one place to another, eating harmful insects in great quantities.
Our pretty friend has been provided with two unusual means of escape from its enemies. It can produce a foul-smelling fluid that makes it unattractive to its enemy. If this fails, it can “play possum,” and the would-be captor, thinking it is dead, will often leave it alone.
In late autumn the ladybugs hibernate, some going into buildings and some under the bark of dead trees or other sheltered places. In the western states millions of them fly long distances to the mountains and hide in the rocks. One group of them was estimated to contain 750 million. In the mountains the dormant ladybugs are hunted by collectors and shoveled into sacks to be refrigerated until spring. Then they are sold to orchardists and farmers, who are happy to buy them to place among their trees and plants.
God, who created these helpful little creatures, uses them so wonderfully to aid mankind. Should we not also wonder in what way we may serve Him? The Psalmist said, “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves” (Psalm 100:2-3). The Lord Himself invites us to serve Him. He has said, “If any man serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be: if any man serve Me, him will My Father honor” (John 12:26). If we know Him as our very own Lord and Saviour, it is a real privilege to serve Him.
JUNE 11, 1995
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Romans 6:23
The Stealthy Bobcat
“Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind . . . [every] beast of the earth after his kind.”
Genesis 1:24
Bobcats live in southern Canada, in many places in the United States, and as far south as lower Mexico. They are just as much at home in deserts and sagebrush as they are in forests or on rocky hillsides. Shy and stealthy, it is their sharp hearing that warns them to hide quickly from danger, and, being well camouflaged, they are difficult to spot. However, hikers have been startled to see one standing on a nearby log, watching them, then suddenly disappearing.
Bobcats are often confused with lynx or wildcats. Although they resemble one another, each is a separate species. The bobcat is a pretty animal, looking much like a large, domestic cat. But its black, stubby tail and buff-colored fur, patterned with black markings and a solid black streak the length of its spine, immediately show that it is something else. A full-grown, 30-pound male stands about 20 inches high and is almost three feet long.
The bobcat is a wonderful hunter. It stalks its victim by creeping a few inches at a time on its soft paws with its body pressed to the ground. It patiently waits until it is near enough to make a lightning dash and then pounces on its victim. Rabbits are a favorite food, and farmers appreciate the bobcat’s help in keeping their numbers down, as well as rats, mice and gophers. Unwary birds are frequently caught, and even turtles and fish are scooped out of shallow water. Although its piercing howls at night have frightened campers, the bobcat does not attack humans.
These outdoor cats are careful to keep themselves clean by licking their fur frequently and rubbing their heads with moist paws. In winter their fur is thick and heavy, but they shed this heavy coat in summer. This reminds us of the Creator’s kindness to all animals in caring for their needs in all seasons. And this care of animals also reminds us of His sure promise to people who love Him: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:5-6).
The mother bobcat prepares for her expected kittens (three or four in a litter) by searching for a hidden den or a cave and lining the floor with soft materials. She does all the work alone, including gathering food and training. When the kittens are born they are blind for nine or ten days. At three months she teaches them to find their own food, and at nine months they leave to begin independent lives.
How interesting it is to see how the Lord God cares for all the wild creatures He has placed on the earth. But of more importance is knowing that in His love to every man, woman, boy and girl, He not only watches over us even more carefully, but He invites us to take all our cares to Him as well. “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
JUNE 18, 1995
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.”
Proverbs 18:10
The Ways of the Owl
“But these are they of which ye shall not eat . . . the owl . . . the little owl, and the great owl.”
Deuteronomy 14:12-16
Although owls, as unclean birds, were not to be eaten by the Israelites, they were a part of God’s carefully chosen creation, and He has provided for them in remarkable ways.
The smallest of the 200 species is the little elf owl, which lives in the cactus of lonely deserts. The great horned owl and the great gray owl, both standing two feet high or more, are the largest. The most common owl is the barn or screech owl. It is a dull-brown bird about 14 inches tall, marked with feathered legs and stiff, tufted ears. Since it does not build a nest, when raising its young the eggs are laid in a hole in the ground.
Another, the burrowing owl, makes its nest five to ten feet underground and sometimes takes over a burrow of ground squirrels or prairie dogs, or shares it with them. Other owl species live in hollow logs or holes in tree trunks.
Most of these interesting birds hunt at night, except for the snowy owl of the Arctic which finds its food in the daytime. The Creator has provided owls with large eyes so they can see in the dark. They can see only a narrow area ahead, but can quickly turn their heads almost completely around, actually seeing more than most other birds. Their eyes are ten times more sensitive to light than the human eye. If exposed to bright light, they have a protective membrane that comes down like a curtain, reducing the glare. Along with their remarkable eyes, the kind of life they lead would not be possible if they had not also been given strong, grasping talons and sharp, hooked beaks to catch and hold their prey.
Most owls eat mice, rats, small birds, rabbits, squirrels, gophers and even snakes, skunks and scorpions. This makes them a real help to mankind and are one of God’s ways of keeping the populations of these animals under control.
Their soft, downy feathers offer little resistance to the air when flying, so their flight is almost silent. Their keen hearing is helped by face feathers, curved in a way that directs sounds to flaps of skin around their specially designed ears. This enables them to focus on the slightest sound and fly silently to it, no matter how dark the night.
In Psalm 102:6-7 we read, “I am like an owl of the desert. I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the housetop.” This gives us a picture of the experience of the Lord Jesus Christ as He went through this world. He was rejected, except by a few who accepted Him as their Saviour. Though He has now returned to heaven, many people still turn away from Him, rejecting His love and mercy. Do not be a part of this Christ-rejecting group, but hear and accept His loving invitation: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). He wants you to know His love and saving power.
JUNE 25, 1995
“There is no difference: for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
Romans 3:22-23
Your Skin Holds You Together
“I will praise Thee; for I am . . . wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.”
Psalm 139:14
Most of us never think about our skin unless it is injured or needs washing, but it is a most necessary part of the body. The underside is called the dermis, which is filled with nerve endings, blood vessels and glands. Over this is the epidermis, the visible part.
If you could spread an adult’s skin out flat, it would cover about 18 square feet, with each square inch containing approximately three feet of tiny blood vessels, 12 feet of nerves, 100 sweat glands and more than three million cells! Strangely enough, the skin’s surface is actually dead. However, the cells at its base are alive, and new ones are continually being produced. These new cells push the old, dying ones to the surface where they get rubbed off, even though we cannot see this taking place.
Your skin is an armor, providing protection from outside harm and a barrier to germs and foreign matter. Healthy skin can stand harsh weather and extreme temperatures of hot and cold that would damage your internal organs. It also plays an important part in the control of body temperature. When you are uncomfortably warm, radiation (the heat given off from your body) is made possible by perspiration, with its cooling effect. But in cold weather the pores close up and body heat is kept inside. Isn’t it interesting that skin permits moisture (sweating) to come out, but allows no moisture to go in, even if submerged in water?
The lines and whorls on our hands provide tiny ridges to grip objects that are to be handled. Those on the feet give a barefooted person sure contact wherever he walks. Perfectly smooth hands and feet would not work well at all. The little ridges were provided by a wise Creator. Fingerprints and footprints also are a positive means of identifying people - no two are alike, not even identical twins.
Of what use are fingernails? They stiffen the finger tips and offer protection from injury as well. Without them it would be impossible for the fingers to pick up most small objects.
Skin has a remarkable ability to recover from injury. Even when serious damage takes place, healthy skin will heal itself, often leaving a scar to remind its owner of the help it has given him.
When our faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ, we learn that we have another armor which protects against the attacks of Satan. Two important parts of this armor are “the Word of God,” the Bible, and “the shield of faith.” When, with God’s help, we put these to use we can resist Satan and find joy in the Lord Jesus. This armor is explained fully in Ephesians 6:1018. It is good to read these scriptures often.
JULY 2, 1995
“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.”
Luke 15:7
Trees Came First
“And the earth brought forth grass, and herb . . . and the tree yielding fruit. . . . And the evening and the morning were the third day.”
Genesis 1:12-13
It was not just by coincidence that God created vegetation and trees before He created the other living things. This way birds, animals and fish created on the fifth day, and man on the sixth, had food waiting for them. This food came from the vegetation created on the third day. There is an important fact about trees. In God’s newly made atmosphere, a continuous supply of oxygen was needed. This, of course, was for the “animal kingdom” which cannot live without oxygen. In God’s master plan, He designed trees and all other green vegetation to produce great quantities of oxygen, which is given off through the leaves. Air-breathing creatures (including man) help the trees in return by giving off carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide is used by the trees in the process of making oxygen and food for our use. This whole process is called photosynthesis.
Trees also cycle large amounts of water. A tree may have up to 50% of its total volume made up of water. The growth of one ton of wood requires about 1,000 tons of water. This comes mainly through the roots, with a complicated and wonderful tube system carrying water and minerals up to every branch, leaf and needle. How amazing that such a great volume of water can rise as much as 200 feet and be distributed in correct amounts to each part of the tree. Much of this water then evaporates into the air.
When the water reaches the leaves, it is utilized in the process of photosynthesis where, combined with carbon dioxide and using sunlight energy, food (glucose) is produced. Oxygen is also produced, which is released into the atmosphere.
The inner wood of the tree trunk is called heartwood. It gives the main strength to the tree. Next to the heartwood is the sapwood, which carries water from roots to branches and leaves. Surrounding this is the thin cambium layer, the most active part of the trunk, producing new sapwood and bark. The next layer is the inner bark, which carries the glucose produced in the leaves down to the cambium layer and some down to the roots. The bark, of course, is the only visible part of the whole trunk structure.
I think you will agree that trees are a most important part of creation. Not only do their beautiful structures aid in supplying the breath of life, but they also furnish food, fuel, lumber and shade, besides adding many nutrients to the soil.
There is a tree that is far more important than the trees we see. It is called the “tree of life.” See Genesis 2:9 and Revelation 22:2. The tree of life represents the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s created trees are essential for life to exist on earth, but the Lord Jesus Christ is essential for eternal life. Have you taken Him as your Saviour? “This is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John 17:3).
JULY 9, 1995
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16
A Summer Thunderstorm
“He causeth the vapors to ascend. . . . He maketh lightnings for the rain; He bringeth the wind out of His treasuries.”
Psalm 135:7
The psalmist was always impressed with the display of the elements, referring to them as the voice of God speaking to man. In Psalm 29:4 he said, “The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.” Perhaps you also have felt this as you have watched a thunderstorm, seeing the splendor of the lightning and trembling a little as a clap of thunder seemed to shake the earth. Yes, His voice is in these things.
In summer, although clear, blue skies may accompany a bright, sunny day, a storm will sometimes come up unexpectedly. Warm drafts of air, called thermals, often start this change. Rising extremely high and swiftly, moisture in thermals condenses and forms a beautiful, fleecy cumulus cloud, looking like a mound of whipped cream. But its beauty is deceiving. Within it turbulent winds form, whirling like a cyclone at speeds of over 200 miles per hour. Soon it changes its beauty into a darkened thunderhead. Inside the cloud the temperature is dropping, and soon ice particles are whirling madly about. Crashing into one another, they become hailstones.
All this violent action creates brilliant flashes of lightning. Soon the hailstones grow too heavy to stay aloft and break through, falling to earth. At times they remain frozen and, merging with one another, can become as large as baseballs, landing with enough force to dent car tops or break windows. What is God saying in all this? Surely He is reminding us that although we may be very proud and think highly of ourselves, we are as nothing in the presence of His power when it is displayed this way.
Not all storms are destructive. Usually the hail melts and turns into rain on the way down, and the soil quickly drinks it up. This is the goodness of God, as the Bible tells us: “For He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; to make the weight for the winds; and He weigheth the waters by measure. When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder” (Job 28:24-26).
Not only does soil drink up this moisture, but plants and trees welcome it, and the Biblical expression, “The little hills rejoice on every side,” is evident, as everything is freshened. Birds come out of hiding and also sing for joy, for the rain has brought to the surface a feast of worms and insects. If the rain continues, it seeps down to channels under the surface of the earth and replenishes the “water table” - a reservoir kept in the cool earth for the benefit of many of God’s creatures, including man and his wells and irrigation systems.
The thunderstorm and its moisture provide just another way in which the Lord looks over all the earth and blesses it with His goodness. Think about this the next time you witness a thunderstorm. Let God speak to you in it.
JULY 16, 1995
“All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.”
Hebrews 4:13
The Loggerhead Turtle
“For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth . . . all things were created by Him, and for Him.”
Colossians 1:16
If you were on a Caribbean island beach some dark night in early spring or late summer, you might become aware of a number of large creatures coming out of the surf. They drag themselves with much effort over the sand, higher and higher, until they are above the highest tidewater point. With the help of a flashlight, you would find that these were female loggerhead turtles. Each of these brownish-green turtles weighs close to 500 pounds. (They are not as large as the leatherback turtles which weigh up to a ton.)
You would find her busily scooping sand with her flippers, making a hole about seven inches wide and almost two feet deep. After an hour of this tiresome work, she will rest awhile, then place herself over this nest and begin depositing her eggs. The eggs will be deposited one at a time every few seconds. Usually between 100 to 200 are deposited and look like ping-pong balls.
Next she scoops the sand back into the hole and pats it down firmly. Then she scatters the excess sand over the area, making it look so natural that no one would suspect there was a nest of turtle eggs underneath. If you could get closer to her, you might think she is crying since there are tears running from her eyes. The fact is that this is a provision God gave these turtles for washing the sand out of their eyes. When the job is complete she returns to the sea, soon disappearing in the waves.
In about two months the eggs are ready to hatch. Before hatching, each baby turtle develops an “egg tooth” on the end of its nose. This is used to break out of the shell. It might seem they would die in their nest deep in the sand, but they work their way to the top, which might take several days. As the baby turtles come to the surface, they run as fast as they can toward the ocean. Since they are only about the size of a silver dollar, they must run fast because there are many creatures waiting to eat them. Birds, crabs, rats and other enemies chase after them, so that very few of these baby turtles make it across the sand alive. In the water there are sharks, fish of all kinds and more birds. Perhaps only six out of the whole nest manage to survive. In five to eight years survivors reach full size. Then they are safe from natural enemies and live to an old age.
Our lives are not as full of danger as these creatures’ lives are. God has graciously provided many benefits for each of us and cares for us most lovingly. He knows all our needs and activities too. It is written in the Bible, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee” (Ecclesiastes 11:9). This is followed by the instruction, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). What excellent God-given advice this is for us to follow.
JULY 23, 1995
“There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
Proverbs 16:25
Scoundrel Birds
“O Lord my God, Thou art very great; Thou . . . [dost send] the springs into the valleys. . . . By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.”
Psalm 104:1-12
The sight and sounds of birds usually produce pleasant thoughts, for so many of them cheer us with their pretty colors and sweet songs. But this is not true of all birds. Certain species are too lazy to build their own nests and hatch their young, forcing others to do this work for them.
Cuckoos are rather drab-colored birds, ranging in length from 7 to 24 inches. They often lay eggs in the nests of robins, warblers, sparrows, magpies and others. One even deposits her eggs in crows’ nests. Some of them lay as many as a dozen eggs during nesting season, but place just one in each nest. They do this while the nest’s owner is away, and on her return she is unaware of the new egg, so it hatches along with her own. Though the baby cuckoo is not at all like the mother’s own chicks, she feeds and cares for it as if it were her own, even when it grows to be twice as big as she is!
The cowbird sometimes takes over the nest of another bird in the same way. But on occasion she will roll out the owner-bird’s eggs, lay her own and take over the nest, not allowing the other bird to return to it.
The males of the honeyguide species will attack a bird sitting on its nest, forcing it to fly off. Then his mate comes and lays her egg for the nest’s owner to hatch. Young honeyguides are vicious and peck to death the chicks of the true mother when they hatch. All birds that do this are called “parasites” and have similar bad habits, either killing their nest mates or pushing the eggs out of the nest.
These adult birds do not always get away with these activities. Sometimes a bird realizes a strange egg is present, rolls it out of the nest, or leaves it and makes a new nest, laying eggs of her own. The house wren and yellow warbler are not easily fooled. Seeing an egg of a different color or size, the wren punctures it and pushes it out. The warbler simply builds another nest on top of the original, laying new eggs and letting the others spoil. If crows or robins catch these scoundrel birds doing these things, several will work together to chase them away and often kill them.
Certain finches, ducks, orioles and weavers also follow these bad practices. Their behavior makes us think of Satan who is always looking for an opportunity to put his thoughts into our hearts and minds. The Lord Jesus said of him, “The same is a thief and a robber.” In contrast, He spoke of Himself, saying, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (John 10:9). Are you letting Satan into your life, or have you entered through the Living Door to know God’s salvation?
JULY 30, 1995
“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.”
Psalm 34:8
What Happens When We Eat?: Part 1
“For He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.”
Psalm 107:9
The body requires essential elements to keep it alive. Food, which comes from the basic elements of sunshine, rain and soil, is the only source of sustaining life (together with water) and God has given the body an ability to take this food and change it into a usable form.
All food, to do us good, must find its way to the bloodstream which carries it to the body cells. (You have about 50 trillion of these.) But blood cannot carry and use large particles of food, so an all-wise Creator has provided a means of breaking food down into liquid form containing microscopic particles. For this purpose He has given us a very efficient digestive system. Let’s look at the first part of it.
When food is not already liquid, it must become liquid and this starts with the action of our teeth, especially designed to cut, tear and grind all solid food that comes into our mouths. The chewing process not only grinds the food into small particles, it also mixes in juices (called saliva) from the mouth. The tongue helps in this mixing process by keeping the food from being swallowed too quickly and by moving the food around and bringing it in contact again and again with the teeth. The tongue also senses the texture and taste of the food so that we can enjoy what we eat.
Chewing, with food broken up into very small bits and mixed with saliva, represents the first stage of the digestive system. At this stage chemicals (called enzymes) in the saliva have already started to break down the starches in food to simple sugars which the blood can use. It has also prepared the food for the next stage of digestion which takes place in the stomach.
If man were to try to make a system to digest food, he would need complicated machinery, chemicals and acids, but still could never do anywhere near the job carried on by our wonderful bodies, designed with utmost wisdom by God - another evidence of the wonders of His creation.
If we know that, we should be careful about the food we eat. How much more should we be careful about what is fed to our minds and hearts. Jesus said, “My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. . . . I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst” (John 6:32-33,35). May God give each of us a fresh appetite for the One who is the true bread from heaven.
(to be continued)
AUGUST 6, 1995
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7
What Happens When We Eat?: Part 2
“Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about.”
Job 10:8
Job knew that everything about him was ordered by a divine Creator and that the workings of his body didn’t “just happen.”
In the last article we considered that our bodies need a continual supply of food and how the body prepares this food for its use, first of all, by the chewing process. Now, after the food is properly chewed and moistened in the mouth, it is swallowed into the throat. Once it reaches that point the eater has no more control over it, for everything then takes place automatically. The long tube between the mouth and stomach is known as the esophagus, where muscles push the food along to the stomach. Food remains in the stomach for three or four hours for further processing.
At this point we meet another miraculous structure that God has designed within us. The membrane of the stomach has about 35 million little glands that work together, making gastric juice, which, with enzymes and helpful bacteria, break down proteins and carbohydrates and manufacture all kinds of vitamins from the food. You didn’t know you had a vitamin factory inside you, did you?
Eventually, all that reaches the stomach becomes fluid (with very few exceptions), and when this has taken place this organ has served its purpose. The liquefied food is then automatically passed along into the next stage of the digestive process which takes place in the small intestine. The result of the empty stomach is that hunger is experienced and the appetite for more food is renewed. Mankind, in general, has taught himself to eat usually just three times daily, but most other living creatures must eat almost all their waking hours in order to satisfy the needs of their bodies. The kidneys, liver and other organs, which are eventually nourished by the food we eat, have very interesting functions, but we will not examine them today.
The way in which food must stop in various parts of the body for processing reminds us that God’s holy Bible should be read with care. Through the Holy Spirit we will grow as the living Word is digested. The Apostle Paul spoke of this when he wrote of being “nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine” (1 Timothy 4:6).
Never hurry when you read the Word of God. It is better to read a few verses and “hear what God the Lord will speak” than to read more than you can take in at one time. Good advice for everybody is found in the scripture: “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them” (1 Timothy 4:15). May our prayer be, “Feed me with food convenient for me” (Proverbs 30:8).
(to be continued)
AUGUST 13, 1995
“He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
John 3:18
What Happens When We Eat?: Part 3
“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body.”
1 Corinthians 12:18-20
When that sandwich, apple and couple of cookies you had for lunch have finally been dissolved by the enzymes and acids of the stomach, it all moves into what is called the small intestine. Although it is actually 20 feet or more long, this long tubular passage fits into a small area in a series of closely overlapping coils. How wonderfully God has designed all the parts of the body.
The upper part of this organ is called the duodenum. Its job includes neutralizing the highly acidic material for the rest of the digestive system to handle. The pancreas, nearby, helps by sending along other fluids, as does the liver, which also has numerous other duties.
After more thorough breaking down in this part of the body, the food continues downward in the small intestine where complete and final digestion takes place. It is here that vital amino acids are produced from the proteins that are in the food we eat. Tiny blood and lymph vessels in the walls of the small intestine can now absorb this food. It is carried into circulation to the liver where final refining takes place. Blood being enriched there with protein molecules, glucose, amino acids and other components goes into the general circulatory system. All of the cells of the body are fed with this nutritious product.
The food residue, having now yielded up its storehouse of nutrition, passes into the large intestine, the colon. There is now nothing left but waste, and when this has been eliminated from the body, the entire process has been completed as far as these organs are concerned.
Isn’t it remarkable how these complex parts of the body process the food we have eaten? They all work automatically, helping each other, but never getting in the way of one another. Only God could create such a plan, put it into operation, and have it continue day after day, keeping the body alive and active, sometimes as long as 100 years.
Food that we eat takes care of our needs for a little while. But Christ, our heavenly food, gives eternal life to any who come to Him, willing to admit they are sinners and accepting Him as their Saviour and Lord. The prophet Jeremiah said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16). Has this been your experience?
AUGUST 20, 1995
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”
John 14:6
The Ants With a Dairy
“How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
Psalm 119:103
Those who grow gardens know about the little insects called aphids that live on the stems of tender plants. The aphids pierce the plant with their mouths and suck out the sugary juices. When the gardener finds aphids he usually tries to get rid of them. However, there are many places where they live unnoticed by the gardener.
The aphid uses only a small amount of this sugar in its body. The rest, known as “honeydew,” comes through its pores and appears as little droplets on its outer surface. Certain ants that search out these aphids know that by stroking the aphid’s back with their antennae, the aphid will give up the honeydew. This is then used as food for the ant colony. Sometimes ants are found taking care of a large colony of aphids. In doing this they look like milkmaids milking their cows.
If a good supply of honeydew is available, the ants eat their fill and then take it to other ants in their nest. These ants, known as “honey pots,” eat all the honey brought to them until their abdomens are stretched to their limits and they look like round, amber-colored balls. When they cannot hold any more they crawl to the ceiling of a chamber in the colony where they hang upside down and “go into storage.” Sometimes they hang this way for a year or more, a remarkable feat, because when full of honey they weigh about eight times their normal weight! A colony might have 300 or more of these honey pots. In winter months when the aphids are gone and food is scarce outside, the honey pots allow their companions to draw the rich nectar from them.
Strangely, the aphids don’t seem to mind the ants stroking them, and maybe enjoy it. Sometimes the ants build an earthen barricade around their “cows,” apparently to make sure they stay there. The eggs of the aphids are sometimes taken into the ants’ nest before winter and given good care. When they hatch in spring, the ants carry them to the new shoots of juice-producing plants, and then move them from time to time to the best spots.
The ants greatly enjoy the flavor of this honey, but Scripture tells us of something that has even more sweetness: “The judgments [words] of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward” (Psalm 19:9-11). Do the name of the Saviour and His words have that sweet meaning to you?
AUGUST 27, 1995
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.”
1 Peter 3:18
The Goldenrod and the Gallfly
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.”
Psalm 145:9
While most plants flower in spring or early summer, goldenrod doesn’t make its pretty display until late summer or early fall. It is usually seen along North American country roads, at the edge of farmers’ fields, in meadows or on hillsides. Those who enjoy its deep-yellow flowers are sorry that it has a bad name. People who are allergic to plant pollen often experience the worst of their hay fever problems in late summer when the goldenrod begins blooming.
Actually, its technical name of solidago means “to heal or make well.” Perhaps it was given this name before present-day medicines were available and when bandages for cuts and injuries were frequently made by pressing goldenrod leaves against painful wounds. When early settlers could not secure tea or coffee, it was handy to know that goldenrod leaves made a pretty good substitute. As a further item of interest, both Kentucky and Nebraska have made it their state flower.
An interesting benefit of this plant, as designed by the Creator, is to help many insects at a time when other flowers are no longer available. To some it is an important source of pollen, while to others the seeds and petals provide valuable food. Bees, butterflies, moths, etc. come to it, some even crawling into its flowers to keep warm on cool fall nights. Some lay their eggs in the blossoms.
One of the insects that finds a very special use for goldenrod is the gallfly. Females ready to lay their eggs repeatedly puncture some of its main stems, placing an egg in each hole along with a fluid that causes a “gall” to form (a lump about the size of a cherry). The egg inside this gall soon hatches into a larva and through the winter develops further into a pupa (chrysalis). In spring the pupa sheds its cocoon, and, very hungry, chews on the nourishing gall. As its body develops, it gains enough strength to butt against the tough outer skin of the gall until it breaks through and flies away in mature form.
How interesting to see how the Creator has provided in such an unusual way for this little fly to start its life. It seems natural for us to be impressed with things of great splendor, but often the Lord speaks to us through little things such as this.
As the Bible verse at the top of our page reminds us, the Lord is good to all His creatures, but His care goes out to mankind with a special love. This includes you and me, whether we are small or great. It is only through this care and love that “we live, and move, and have our being,” as we are told in Acts 17:28. Let us thank Him every day of our lives for this wonderful love and care.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.”
Isaiah 59:1
The Musical Cricket
“And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:25
For its small size the male cricket is a very noisy insect whose chirps can be heard a mile away on a quiet night. These sounds are made in much the same way as a musician plays a violin. The upper surface of each wing is equipped with a scraper. This is drawn over the lower part of the wing which has 100 or more rough cross-ridges. By moving its wings, the chirp sound is made. This “music” is the way the Creator designed crickets to “talk” with one another in their own special language.
Toward the end of summer, the female cricket makes a hole in the soil about an inch deep and deposits about 300 little banana-shaped eggs. The young crickets hatch the following spring and immediately begin searching for dead insects or tender plants to eat.
As the young cricket grows, its outer skeleton splits open and drops off. This is called molting, and it is repeated sometimes a dozen times. When the final molt takes place, the wings and other parts of the body are fully developed. The common, black or field cricket is about an inch long when it emerges from its final molt. It has two long antennae at the front of its head that act as feelers.
The cricket is able to fly but seldom does, preferring to move over the ground in great jumps, like its cousin the grasshopper. Mature crickets (which do not live through the winter) live a short but busy life, eating a variety of things. They prefer tender, juicy plants, often doing great damage to farmers’ crops. However, they also move into houses and other buildings, eating clothing articles and bookbindings.
In cold weather they chirp less, and in hot weather they chirp more. Do you want to know what the temperature is? They say that if you count the chirps for 15 seconds, then add 40, you will have the temperature in Fahrenheit. Try it sometime.
Crickets represent part of God’s creation and have their place among all the things He has made. He has not only provided special features for their way of life, but He also watches over them, providing for all their needs.
What does the Bible say about His care over you? In Acts 17:2425 we read: “God that made the world and all things therein . . . giveth to all [people] life, and breath, and all things.” And in Romans 8:31-32 these wonderful words appear: “If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Have you ever thanked Him for His wonderful gifts to you?
SEPTEMBER 10, 1995
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
John 8:36
The Importance of the Oceans
“And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas: and God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:10
The oceans cover about three-fourths of the world’s surface. Although God created billions of stars and planets, none except the earth, as far as we know, has more than a trace of water on it. This is understandable, for He had special purposes in mind when the earth was made. “He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18). The abundance of water found on the earth is essential to the preservation of every form of life He placed here.
Without the oceans, great extremes of temperature would make life impossible, since it is the action of the oceans that makes up for the uneven heating of the sun. The earth receives the greatest amount of heat at the equator. North or south of the equator the heat becomes less and less so that the North and South Poles are very cold. But between the equator and these icy places millions of people make their homes and are busy with life’s activities, with plant and animal life about them. This would not be possible if it were not for the oceans’ effect on the climate.
As the sun heats the waters near the equator they expand, creating currents which move to the north and south. These currents travel thousands of miles and carry the heated water on their surfaces (because warm water rises). This, in turn, causes the cold water they meet to drop below (cold water falls) and flow in the opposite direction, back toward the equator where they in turn are warmed, and the process is repeated.
Warm ocean waters are a large reservoir of heat that have a great influence on air temperatures. Great amounts of heat are stored in these sun-heated waters. This heat is not lost through radiation as fast as it is from land. That is why the air above the oceans is cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than the air above land.
Solomon wrote: “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again” (Ecclesiastes 1:7). His observation was true. The flow of waters into the oceans is balanced by evaporation, and the seas never overflow! Only a divine Creator could so delicately control these great actions so that they are always in balance.
It is estimated that in one hour the heat of the sun will raise over 5,000 tons of water from one square mile of ocean. Think of the great amount of vapor that is lifted into the skies when the sun shines on millions of square miles of ocean!
Surely God’s ways are past finding out. Isn’t it wonderful to consider how He made the oceans to contribute to the comforts of His creatures? Have you thought about His ways and purposes for you?
SEPTEMBER 17, 1995
“What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36
Lions' Teeth Are Not for You
“All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.”
1 Corinthians 15:39
Our 32 enamel-coated teeth are marvelous structures. They are arranged so the surfaces of the upper and lower teeth correspond to work together for eating and speaking. Have you ever thought about how each one is different?
In front are the incisors, or cutting teeth, remarkably shaped for taking a bite from an apple or sandwich, or snipping a celery stalk in two. Behind these are the cuspids (called canines or dogteeth), used for tearing off bites too tough for the front teeth. Then come the two pointed bicuspids, and finally the broad, flat molars to which all food goes for grinding. All these teeth are especially designed for man’s needs.
The teeth of animals are different. A lion’s set of teeth would certainly not be useful to you. The Creator has provided for each one’s particular need. For instance, gnawing animals, such as rats, mice, horses, rabbits and others, have incisors but no canines, since these are not needed for cutting off grass or gathering grains or other items in their diet. Because these incisors wear down from constant use, God has wisely arranged that they never stop growing during the animal’s life.
All flesh-eating animals have canine teeth made strong enough for tearing flesh. You can easily see these in the mouth of a dog, a lion, a cat or a tiger. These “fangs” are used not only for eating food, but also in catching and killing it. Most of these animals have rough tongues which act like rasps for removing flesh from bones. The teeth of hyenas are anchored in big, strong jaws, enabling them to break and crush large bones. Their molars have three cutting edges to help break up the skeletons of dead animals on which they feed. All these carnivorous (flesh-eating) animals bolt down their food without chewing it and do not use their molars for grinding food as we do.
Insect eaters have cone-shaped teeth which crush hard-shelled insects. Cud chewers - cows, deer, camels - have no upper incisors. Instead, they have a hard pad which forms the food into a cud before it goes on to the stomach.
The next time you brush your teeth, see how wisely God has arranged them for your use. What He has done for mankind as well as for His other creatures reminds us of the wonders of His creation and that His eye is on all to whom He has given life.
His Word, the Bible, is also likened to food . . . not for our bodies, but for our souls. “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts” (Jeremiah 15:16). It is certainly right for us to give thanks to the Lord for each meal set before us. Let us also thank Him for our Saviour, “the Bread which came down from heaven.” Jesus said: “I am the Bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). Have you thanked Him?
SEPTEMBER 24, 1995
“It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.”
Hebrews 9:27-28
Anxious thoughts tumbled over in my mind as I rushed home from work. My son John had been playing with his cousin when he accidentally got hit in the eye with the sharp point of a pencil. When I arrived home and looked at his eyelid and then his eye, it looked serious. His eye was red with broken blood vessels and his eyelid was bleeding.
Off we rushed to the doctor. After careful examination the doctor explained, “The eyelid is tougher than you think. I think his eye will be fine in time.”
The eyelid designed by our creator God has tough, fibrous tissue which does not easily allow sharp objects to pierce it. Also, strong muscles can snap the eyelid shut in an instant, without you or me consciously thinking to do it, which would waste valuable time. That is what happened to John. His eyelids closed a fraction of a second before the pencil hit, protecting his eye from serious injury.
King David wrote these words in Psalm 139:14 as he thought about the marvel of his own body: “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
Eyelids automatically bathe and polish our fine optical instruments about every five seconds when we blink. Eyelashes also stand guard, being very sensitive to any dust, grit or foreign matter that could harm or irritate the eyes. They signal the eyelids to shut if necessary. Did you know that your eyebrows also help to protect your eyes? The next time your forehead is hot and sweaty, feel your eyebrows. More than being a pretty decoration, they help to keep salty sweat from running into your eyes.
There is another most important use of the eyelid that we must consider before we stop, and for this we must use our voluntary muscles. There are things that can enter into our eyes which are far more dangerous than pencil points. These are things which can harm our souls. Besides the evil all around us, there are pictures and reading material in magazines and on television which can awaken what the Bible calls “the lust of the eyes.” Our eyes constantly transfer images to our brain, much like a camera, and there they often stay for the rest of our lives. In James 1:14 God faithfully tells us that “every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” We can avoid temptation often by simply closing our eyelids and turning away. Let’s use our eyelids to block out that which Satan, the prince of this world, would try to use to destroy us. “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee” (Proverbs 4:25). “He that . . . shutteth his eyes from seeing evil; he shall dwell on high” (Isaiah 33:15-16).
The Wandering Albatross
“Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Thy glory be above all the earth.”
Psalm 57:5
Over the centuries, sailors traveling on the southern oceans have been surprised to find a lone albatross here or there. Sometimes they are hundreds or even thousands of miles from land. Many have thought these large birds must have been blown out to sea by storms and couldn’t find their way back, but this is not the case.
From the beginning God has given these birds a remarkable sense of direction. Although they may seem to wander aimlessly, apparently they are never lost. They just seem to enjoy being out over the wide ocean expanses. God has supplied them with long, strong, pointed wings with a spread of 11 feet. This allows them to glide and soar great distances for long periods of time. They spend many months away from land, coming to land only to breed. It is assumed they sleep while gliding. When hungry they drop down to catch a fish; when thirsty they drink seawater.
An interesting project during the World War II shows their sense of direction and ability to fly great distances. The U.S. military established a huge air base at Midway Island in the Pacific, but immediately found this was a favorite area for hundreds of albatrosses who then interfered with air traffic. The decision was made to capture and remove them. In cages, some were taken to the Philippines, over 4000 miles away; some to Whidby Island in Washington State, more than 3000 miles away; and some in other directions. All were banded and released so they could be identified if seen again.
And they were seen again, as all eventually returned! It was estimated they flew about 300 miles per day in returning to Midway. How did they find their way over such distances?
While flying over remote areas of the ocean, aircraft navigators require sensitive instruments along with radio signals to be sure to stay on course and not get hopelessly lost. How can an albatross cover these many miles soaring so carefree, first in one direction, then in another, and never get lost? The answer is that God has put all this direction-finding ability into its brain. How helpless man looks with all his instruments compared with the instincts and abilities given these birds that are in the Creator’s care.
God has given mankind an intelligence far above other created creatures, along with fresh blessings every day. Yet how many people never give Him a thought and some intentionally turn away from Him. It makes us think of what Job said: “What is man, that Thou shouldest magnify him? and that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him? and that Thou shouldest visit him every morning, and [watch over] him every moment?” (Job 7:17-18).
God is so “long-suffering . . . not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). How deeply He loves us: “He . . . sent His Son to be the propitiation [offering] for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Do you have the joy of being a child of His through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
OCTOBER 1, 1995
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33
Beautiful Autumn Leaves
“Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord.”
1 Chronicles 16:33
These words were spoken by King David as he encouraged God’s people to praise the Lord for all His wonderful works. It seems so fitting that he used trees as an example, for they are an important part of God’s creation and in their beauty seem to “sing out” to their Creator. Beautiful autumn leaves plainly show this.
Although many trees keep their leaves or needles year-round, many species drop their leaves in autumn. But before they fall there is usually a brilliant and varied display of color in these leaves. Red maples and sugar maples, along with oaks, blaze with fiery red, orange and gold; dogwoods turn a shade of purple; sassafras take on scarlet and orange; poplars and aspens become golden yellow. Other species add their various beautiful colors and make the forests almost appear to be on fire.
Leaves are to a tree what lungs are to humans, controlling the passage of air and moisture to the tree. Chlorophyll in the leaves is like blood to humans, converting the water and air into living tissue. Sunlight provides the energy for this process.
Under the guidance of the Creator, every leaf is a miniature chemical factory, performing simply and efficiently in supplying sugar as part of the tree’s food (the rest comes from the roots). Leaves continually give off moisture which, along with their shade, provide coolness on a hot day. The leaf’s chemical activity absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and in exchange gives off oxygen, so vital to air-breathing man, animals, birds and insects. Without the forests and other plants of the world, there would not be sufficient oxygen to sustain all this life.
As fall approaches, a small ring of tissue begins to dry where the leaf stem is attached to the tree. It is at this point, called the abscission layer, that the leaf will separate from the tree. Little by little this layer interferes with the leaf’s processes, and soon the green color fades away as its chlorophyll is cut off. Then the spectacular colors appear - red, orange, purple, gold, yellow, etc. These colors have been in the leaf all along, but the green chlorophyll has kept them from being seen. Finally, the leaves are forced off by wind and rain, and a corky seal closes off where the stem was attached. A large maple tree will drop about a million leaves which, returning to the soil, enrich it for use by the roots.
What a treat it is to be present when this wonderful change takes place in these trees. The Bible tells us, “The Lord hath made all things for Himself” (Proverbs 16:4), and He surely has great pleasure in seeing this lovely display. However, this beauty is only temporary, but we are assured that “the glory of the Lord shall endure forever” (Psalm 104:31). All who know Him as their Saviour will be in the presence of His glory and beauty for all eternity. Will you be there?
OCTOBER 8, 1995
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
The All-Important Sun
“The heavens declare the glory of God. . . . In them hath He set a tabernacle [home] for the sun. . . . His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it.”
Psalm 19:1,4,6
Without the sun, all life on earth would cease. It is the source of all energy, starting with photosynthesis (the process by which plants use the energy of sunlight to produce their own food) produced in green plants and trees and the food they supply. It evaporates water from the oceans. This vapor fills the air, providing humidity to keep living things from shriveling, as well as providing the moisture for rain. The sun’s heat produces winds, refreshing the air. These winds stir up the oceans and lakes, adding oxygen which freshens them also. It is the source of light for an otherwise dark and dead world.
The sun is almost 93 million miles from the earth, but it takes only eight minutes for its light to reach us. The composition of the earth and its distance from the sun are exactly right for the forms of life the Creator has placed here. To provide the fullest benefits, God has tilted the earth’s axis by 23 degrees. This exposes various parts of the world to the sun’s radiation in such a way as to make possible the cultivation of twice as much land as would be possible if the earth were always at the same angle to the sun. This is very important because all of man’s food originates from plants.
In space there are stars estimated to be two billion times brighter than our sun, but God has made the sun just right for our needs. It is 860,000 miles in diameter, and, if it were hollow, it could contain nearly a million earths! It is a huge nuclear furnace, changing four to five million tons of its matter into energy every second. Yet it does not burn itself out, nor become smaller in size. Who but God could provide such a furnace as this!
The sun dominates the nine planets of our solar system and is responsible for holding each one in its course. No collisions are possible, because the speed of each planet as it travels in its orbit, together with the gravitational pull of the sun, makes it maintain a uniform distance at all times.
Who do you think put these heavenly bodies in such a precise pattern? Who set their speeds through space and established their travels around the sun so accurately? Only God, who put all this in motion, could have kept them in the same circuits and timetables ever since they were created.
The author of Psalm 84, impressed with the majesty of the heavens, referred to the Lord as his sun and shield. “The Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee” (vss. 11-12). Is He your sun and shield too?
OCTOBER 15, 1995
“Flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7
The Clever Baboon
“Every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks”
(2 Chronicles 9:21).
King Solomon apparently had a zoo near his palace, and apes were one of the animals he kept. We do not know what species of apes they were, but quite possibly they included baboons.
There are several kinds of baboons in South Africa. Most of them have dog-like faces, but some are called “pig face” because they resemble a pig. Baboons weigh about 50 pounds, and all have large canine teeth and cheek pouches in which they can store food. They are noisy and quarrelsome animals and sometimes viciously attack humans.
A visitor in South Africa recounted taking a walk into the jungle. When he was some distance from the village, he suddenly found a group of baboons surrounding him, causing him to fear for his life. Fortunately, a car appeared on the seldom-used road, and the baboons quickly left.
The members of this ape family live in communities and have a highly developed social system. They have a dominant leader with all others taking their places in a well-defined “pecking order.”
Making frequent raids on farmers’ crops, they are a serious pest. In one area farmers kept such close watch with their guns that the baboons discontinued coming into the orchards as a group. Yet the trees continued to be stripped of fruit, much to the dismay of the farmers. Finally they discovered what was taking place. A group of baboons was found forming a line concealed in brush adjoining the orchard. After making sure he was not being watched, the leader would silently approach a tree alone, pick some fruit and hurry with it to the first baboon in line. The fruit was then passed from animal to animal and placed in a pile at the far end of the line. Then they all had a feast. However, they seemed to know that this little game might be interrupted, so as the first of the fruit reached them, each baboon took a bite and stored it in his cheek pouch without eating it. They seemed to sense that if they were chased away they would at least have one meal.
This animal also has a characteristic that researchers wonder about. In periods of drought when other animals are dying of thirst, baboons somehow find water and survive.
Like every animal of God’s creation, this unusual one has been given instincts that enable it to flourish in harsh environments. The Psalmist said, “I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old. . . . Thou art the God that doest wonders: Thou hast declared Thy strength among the people” (Psalm 77:11,14).
We are responsible to recognize the wonders of God in creation, for this is one way in which He has “declared [His] strength among the people.” But it is much more important to know Him as the Saviour God who gave His Son “to be the propitiation [offering] for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Do you know His Son, Jesus, as your very own Lord and Saviour?
OCTOBER 22, 1995
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”
John 1:12
A Few Facts About Bats
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.”
Psalm 145:9
Most of us have heard how a bat can fly about in total darkness and never hit an object that might be in its way. Experiments were tried, blindfolding these creatures and turning them loose in rooms strung with piano wire, twine and other things. The bat just flew all around these obstacles and never once touched them.
God has furnished the bat with a “radar system” far more sensitive than any that man has invented. With its mouth, a bat produces a sound so high pitched that humans cannot hear its full range. These sound waves strike objects in its path of flight and send back echoes to the bat’s ears. The echoes tell the bat how it must turn to avoid colliding with objects or with each other.
After spending perhaps 30 minutes cleaning itself, this furry little mammal usually sleeps hanging upside down with its wings draped around its body like a cloak. (They are not dirty animals as many people think.)
God has given bats a sense of approaching winter with its scarcity of food. Some migrate to warmer climates, up to 1,000 miles away. Others gorge on insects and put on a layer of fat, then find a dark place, often a cave, where they hang by their hind feet and hibernate for three to six months. During this time the fat stored in their bodies sustains them until warm weather returns. Then they become active once again and are able to find insects to eat that also have become plentiful.
Although bats are rather strange-looking creatures, they are beneficial to man in destroying vast quantities of harmful insects. It is estimated that they eat half their weight in insects in one night.
Bats are not able to question and understand their ways of life, and they are not able to develop such wonderful abilities by themselves. God is the One who has created them, and He watches over them, providing their skills and caring for them in all their unusual ways. They carry on many of their activities in the dark, and they are equipped for this. We, too, by nature love a form of darkness that shuts us out of God’s blessings: “This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19).
When the Lord Jesus came into the world, He was “the Light of the world,” and He invites everyone to come out of darkness into His wonderful light. When we accept Him as our Saviour, He delights to give us a new title - “children of light.” Then we have the privilege of shining for Him.
OCTOBER 29, 1995
“Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18-19
How the Body Gets Its Oxygen
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
Genesis 2:7
Body cells keep us alive by performing their various functions. To do this they need a constant supply of oxygen, which begins when we inhale. As the air passes through the nose, it is warmed and moistened. If foreign particles are present, they are stopped by little hairs called cilia. Sneezing or blowing the nose clears out these particles.
When we inhale, our lungs stretch like balloons being filled with air. Then, in about two seconds, the lungs contract and the air is exhaled. This takes place about 15 or 20 times a minute. Getting a sufficient quantity of oxygen from this air and into the bloodstream is the main function of the lungs. This is why they need fresh, clean air that is free of smoke, dust and fumes in order to maintain good health.
When expanded, the lungs have a surface of about two square feet for the air to pass over, but this is not enough to take care of their work. When God designed man’s lungs, He wisely added to the lung capacity without making that organ huge and bulky. He did this by forming blood channels ending in tiny sacs all over the linings of the lungs. There are about 600 million of these sacs which increase the capacity of the lungs to 600 to 1,000 square feet (larger than many classrooms), which is 300 times the capacity of the lungs alone! Each one of these tiny sacs brings blood to its surface. In the two seconds that air flows over these sacs, oxygen is transferred to the blood. This enriched blood moves on to the heart and is pumped throughout the whole body.
The lungs not only take oxygen out of the incoming air, but they also remove carbon dioxide from the blood. This carbon dioxide is a product of the body-cell processes and must be removed. The blood carries it to the lungs where it is expelled by the lung’s exhaling action.
This entire process goes on without our thinking about it (except when we have a cold and have difficulty breathing). Only God could design and make our wonderful bodies and their remarkable details, which are the same today as when He created Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God, “in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10), is always aware of everything pertaining to our lives. Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness in watching over you so carefully? “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6).
NOVEMBER 5, 1995
“My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.”
Proverbs 1:10
Flesh Eating Plants
“I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders.”
Psalm 77:11
Many animals, birds and insects eat plants, but did you know there are some plants that eat insects? How remarkable this is, because plants cannot travel from one place to another to capture their food, and they do not have eyes or ears to help them.
One example of a flesh-eating plant is the sundew that grows in certain swamps. It gets its name from drops of sticky fluid on its leaves that glitter in sunlight like drops of dew. The leaves are also covered with small red hairs. If a fly or bug lands on these hairs, it is trapped by the sticky fluid. Immediately all the hairs near that spot fold in around the insect and hold it captive. The plant then absorbs its prey into its system, and the hairs go back in place to wait for another victim.
Another one is the butterwort which has fleshy leaves that produce a sticky substance. When an insect lands on a leaf, the edges curl in and trap it. The insect dies and is digested by the plant.
The pitcher plant has pitcher-shaped leaves that form a trap for insects. The lower edges of its leaves fold together to form a tube. The top edges are open and allow rainwater to collect in the bottom of the tube. The pitcher produces a sweet juice on the inside that attracts insects. It also grows bristly hairs at the top of the pitcher and they all point downward. Once an insect lands in search of the sweet juice, it passes over these hairs pointing downward which prevent it from crawling back out. The insect eventually falls into the water at the bottom and drowns. In time, the plant digests the insect.
One insect we would like to see trapped by this plant is the mosquito. But the female can fly right down into the pitcher, lay her eggs in the liquid, and then fly back out safely, just like a helicopter. After the larvae hatch and grow, the new adult mosquitoes escape the same way.
A certain wasp, in some parts of the South, bites a hole in the bottom of the pitcher, allowing the rainwater to drain out. Then it crawls through the hole, making its nest inside without harm. How did the wasp learn this trick? Only the Creator God could give it this knowledge.
These unusual plants certainly have no intelligence to figure out ways of capturing food. They are another example of the wonders of God’s creation. Only God could provide food for these plants.
We are reminded that the devil also has many traps in which he catches those who are not careful. If we know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and walk close to Him, He is able to protect us from evil. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
NOVEMBER 12, 1995
“Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord.” Colossians 3:20
The Bad-Tempered Camel
“The multitude of camels . . . [and] the dromedaries . . . shall come: . . . [their riders] shall show forth the praises of the Lord.”
Isaiah 60:6
A camel is not a pretty animal, nor is it known for its good behavior. It is one of the most awkward of all domestic animals and among the most difficult to manage. It has several bad habits, such as biting people or animals and spitting on strangers. Still, this animal is very useful to desert dwellers where it is known as “the ship of the desert.”
The Arabian camel, sometimes called a dromedary, has only one hump, but the Bactrian species has two. These humps serve a very useful purpose. When the animal is well fed, the humps store fat and stand erect and firm. As it travels across the desert without food, the camel can absorb the nourishment stored in these humps for several days. Then the humps shrink and become flabby, sometimes falling to one side. But when the camel feeds again, the humps resume their proper shape.
Camels can go without water for days or even months, depending upon the time of year. They need less water in cooler months, but will drink five gallons a day in hot weather. They also get some moisture from their food.
There are so many ways the Lord has made special provisions for this large animal. For instance, each foot has two, wide, smooth, hard pads so it can walk easily on hot sand. At rest periods it folds its front legs, dropping its forepart to the sand. Then it folds its long hind legs, and the whole body drops down. Its knees and chest, which would be painfully scraped by the sand in the process, have been given thick, hard pads for protection.
During sandstorms, men cover their faces with cloths to survive, but a camel needs no special care. Its eyes are protected by an extra lid, heavy eyebrows and long lashes, while its large nostrils automatically close to narrow slits to keep the sand out.
The special needs of this peculiar animal were all provided for from the very beginning by an all-wise Creator. Without this care they would never have survived in the harsh deserts.
As we think about how the camel’s special needs have been taken care of, it is a reminder that God has made a promise to those who love Him. To those who trust in His Son, the Lord Jesus, He has promised to “supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). This assures us that there is no limit to what He can do for every boy and girl.
He delights in all His creatures, but to mankind He has made special provisions, not only for this world, but for the world to come. He has given the promise of eternal life in heaven to all who know His Son as Lord and Saviour.
Have you accepted this wonderful gift? Have you ever thanked Him for it?
NOVEMBER 19, 1995
“Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”
Isaiah 65:24
The Little Dipper Bird
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord.”
Psalm 145:910
The water ouzel, or dipper bird, is an interesting little bird about the size of a robin and has bluish-gray, waterproof feathers. It lives mostly in the Sierra Mountains of California, the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington, and the mountains of British Columbia. Along a swiftly flowing stream with white-water cascades, rapids and waterfalls and where trees grow to the water’s edge, you might get a glimpse of one. However, it will be well hidden among the rocks, shadows and foliage and difficult to find.
The life of the dipper bird is spent near these mountain streams. It is a cheerful bird, full of happy sounds but with no distinctive song. It sings these happy calls regardless of what the weather may be, just as though it wants its Creator to know how happy it is. It flies rapidly over its watery homeland, following the stream’s course and never taking a shortcut between bends as most birds do. A waterfall is its greatest delight, as it flies through the spray or darts behind it. Just for fun it will float right over a waterfall or rapids, then fly upstream and do it again.
Of course, it cannot spend all its time this way. Like all birds it must keep busy finding food, which, for the dipper bird, comes almost entirely from the bottom of the stream, usually in shallow areas, but sometimes in deeper water. It eats all kinds of water bugs and other insects, and is especially fond of mosquito larvae and periwinkles. It catches these larvae by walking along the bottom of the stream with its body completely covered by water. Gripping the rock bottom with its strong feet and working its wings like oars, it can walk through strong currents safely.
Finished with underwater food gathering, it will suddenly pop out of the water, fly to a rock or log and burst into song again. It nods and curtsies, bobbing up and down as it sings. This is where it gets its name of dipper bird.
No canyon is too dark or isolated for this bird, just so there is a waterfall nearby. The male and female build their nest together in spring by a waterfall. It is made of moss, woven into an oven-like shape. It is usually placed on the ledge of a rock where spray from the water keeps it moist. Ferns grow up and surround it, concealing it from enemies.
Just as God watches over the lowly sparrow and not one falls to the ground without His knowing it (Matthew 10:29), so He watches over this lonely but cheerful, little dipper. He provides for all its needs and gives it the ability to carry on its unusual way of life.
And we are assured of His care over us too. In a more special way, our Saviour has said to those who love Him, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:5-6). Do you know Him as your Saviour, and do you thank Him for this loving care, watching over you every moment of your life?
NOVEMBER 26, 1995
“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus.”
Hebrews 12:12
Millions of Crabs
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Revelation 4:11
There are about 4,500 different kinds of saltwater, freshwater and land crabs, and it would take many books to write about all of them. All have flat bodies covered by a hard shell, eyes at the ends of stalks, and five pairs of legs covered with jointed shells. The two front legs are usually equipped with toothed pincers. Crabs that swim have flattened hind legs that work like paddles. Let’s look at a few.
Hermit crabs use empty shells of all kinds for their homes. They sometimes carry poisonous sea anemones on their backs as protection from enemies. The anemone shares the crab’s food by reaching its tentacles into the crab’s mouth when it is feeding. Its poison normally would kill the crab, but when they live together it does not harm the crab. Isn’t that amazing? Only God could make this possible!
In somewhat the same way the cowboy crab of Hawaii carries an anemone in each of its two front claws to frighten its enemies. It often joins the anemones in eating the food killed by their poison.
One called the sponge crab cuts out a piece of sponge just the right size and places it over its back as a disguise. It uses a special pair of legs God gave it for this clever trick.
Mole crabs bury themselves in the sand, leaving only their mouth parts and eye stalks exposed. Large numbers of them live together, getting food this way from outgoing waves.
Ghost crabs, the color of sand to blend with the seashore, live in burrows on the beach. They leave their burrows at night to explore for food and scurry back at dawn. Hiding in their burrows for the day, they close the opening behind them so cleverly that no one would guess it was there. During summer they store food for use when going underground in the fall. They do not appear again until spring and come out dressed in new suits.
Land crabs in the Samoan Islands live among rocks in the hills. Every October and November, exactly four days before the last quarter of the new moon, they travel down to the ocean in great numbers. Instead of going around rocks, tree stumps and even houses, they maintain a straight march, crawling right over them.
These are just a few of these interesting creatures. Do you think the Lord, their Creator, cares about them? We know He does, for the Bible tells us “all things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [are provided for]” (Colossians 1:16-17).
We also have been created by Him, and His care and love are over us at all times. He invites us to learn about Himself through His Holy Word, the Bible, and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Saviour. Have you obeyed the Bible verse that says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)?
DECEMBER 3, 1995
“By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Ephesians 2:89
Water and Ice
“Trust in the living God, who is the Saviour [Preserver] of all men, specially of those that believe.”
1 Timothy 4:10
Everyone knows that, in a container, hot liquids rise to the top and cold ones go to the bottom. Right? No; although this is true of other liquids, water is an exception. Cooler water does become heavy and drops toward the bottom when first exposed to cold air. Warm water beneath rises past it to the surface. This continues until the water temperature cools to 39° F (7° above freezing). When this temperature is reached, something unusual happens. Instead of sinking, the water at this temperature remains on the top, and when the temperature drops to 32° F it freezes there. The warmer water is still underneath, but can no longer work its way to the top.
Everyone also knows that the hotter things become, the more they expand, and the colder they become, the more they contract. Right? No, water is again the exception. As ice forms it expands, which helps to make it lighter than the water below. The water temperature under the ice is always 34.2° (more than two degrees above freezing). Continued cold weather may make more ice form, but it is always from the top downward.
Surely the Creator had a wise purpose in making this exception. If we stop to think about it we will discover at least one good reason. If cold water in a pond, lake, river or ocean continued to drop to the bottom, what would happen? When the temperature reached the freezing point, ice would form at the bottom, building up layer upon layer, until the whole area would become a solid block of ice. No water would remain, and all fish and other marine life would die. When the air temperature warmed up, only the ice on top would melt. The ice below would never melt under these conditions, except in very shallow places.
Not only would all marine life die, but everything living on land would also die. Water in liquid form is essential to the preservation of all life. Streams and rivers would stop flowing, ocean currents would be changed, and so many things would be affected that life could not go on. But as it is now in God’s amazing creation, fish and other water creatures live normally in their liquid environment. There may be a temporary ice covering over them, but life for them and on earth goes on in its usual way.
Here is another example of the Lord preserving and caring for all His creation. How wonderful to trust the God of Psalm 36:6, “Thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast.”
But while it is good to know Him as Creator, how much more important it is to know Him as Saviour. As our Saviour He gives us eternal life when we trust in His finished work on Calvary’s cross. “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:15). Do you know Him as your Saviour?
DECEMBER 10, 1995
“Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.”
Hebrews 7:25
The Desert Cactus
“Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant . . . but the water is naught, and the ground barren.”
2 Kings 2:19
In the American deserts there are about 300 species of cacti, ranging from the tiny pin cushion to the mammoth saguaro. All of these were created to fit into a hot and arid environment where rainfall might come only once a year or less. If cactus plants were unprotected, they would quickly be eaten by desert animals. However, God has provided protection by covering them with bristles and spines. But many small birds do find refuge in them, building nests among these bristles and spines where they are safe from predators. This is another way in which God has made special provision for some of His creatures.
Throughout southern Arizona and northern Mexico, the huge saguaros are often seen along the highways. Some of them reach 75 feet in height, and many live 200 years or more. The important feature about this huge plant is its ability to store water. Instead of taproots going deep into the soil, God provided it with a network of shallow roots only a foot or so beneath the surface. In the larger plants these roots may stretch out 100 feet or more. When it rains on the sandy soil, these roots soak up the water and transport it into the plant. The plant stores the water in its many storage cells, making it look very plump and smooth. During a heavy rain, a ton (2,000 pounds) or more of water will be collected into these cells.
An odd characteristic about the cactus is that it has no leaves. This helps preserve its water supply, because leaves not only need moisture for themselves, but also give off water - a process known as transpiration. Looking closely at a saguaro, it looks like a coat of wax has been sprayed on it. This glossy, smooth surface is another means of preserving moisture inside.
The strength of the tall saguaro lies in the ribs which run its full length on the outer surface. These give support against the strong desert winds. The ribs are much stronger than the trunk itself, and native Indians often used them for construction material around their homes and farms.
Many birds drill holes into the sides of the trunk and branches, making nests in the soft, fleshy structure. Normally decay would set in at such points, but the Creator has taken care of that too. A layer of scar tissue immediately begins to cover the wound, and in a short time a smooth, waterproof surface has formed around the opening.
Sometimes Christians refer to this world as being a desert place. We must admit that it is an empty, barren place, unless we have Christ in our lives, for He alone can provide “living waters.” The Lord Jesus has said, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst” (John 4:14). He extends a final invitation at the end of the Bible: “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). Have you accepted that invitation?
DECEMBER 17, 1995
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 10:9
The Mighty Elephant
“Behold now [the elephant], which I made. . . . He eateth grass as an ox. . . . His bones are like bars of iron. . . . The shady trees cover him. . . . He drinketh up a river. . . . His nose pierceth through snares.”
Job 40:15-24
Except for whales, African elephants are the largest creatures on earth. They may weigh five or six tons, while those in Asia are smaller.
When a baby elephant is born, the excited herd groups around the mother to protect her, and one of the females becomes an “aunty” to help with the baby. The 250-pound baby cannot walk immediately after it is born. It has to be helped to its feet over and over again, until it can stand alone. It grows to full size in about 20 years and may live to be 60 years old or more.
The elephant is a friendly and curious animal. It eats leaves, grass, roots, water plants, and other vegetation. Sometimes it will shake a fruit tree and eat the fruit that falls to the ground. Each day an adult eats at least 400 pounds of food and drinks 50 gallons or more of water. The Lord God, in His care over all He has created, placed them where there is plenty of food for them to eat.
Although an elephant has thick skin, it is very sensitive to touch. An elephant trainer will demonstrate this by lying down and allowing an elephant to place a foot on his chest. The elephant can do this gently, although its enormous weight could easily crush him to death. Its ivory tusks are often several feet long and may weigh 200 pounds or more. God compensated for the weight of the tusks by lightening the head bones with numerous air pockets. The tusks can push heavy objects out of the way, dig for roots and even become weapons when the elephant is angry.
An elephant’s trunk is an amazing structure. It has 2500 muscles and is actually a stretched-out nose and lip. With it the elephant can pluck a single blade of grass, uproot a large tree, and pick up water, dust or mud to spray on itself when it is hot or bothered by insects. The trunk is also used as a trumpet to call its companions. When needed, it becomes a weapon and sometimes is used for spanking a baby.
An African elephant’s ears are three times the size of its Asian cousin’s ears. When the elephant is angry its ears stand out threateningly, but they have also been given a more practical use by the Creator. An elephant is not cooled by perspiring like most other animals. Instead, it cools itself by waving these big ears back and forth. An entire herd doing this is an impressive sight.
The elephant not only follows its God-given instincts, but it is also very intelligent. However, no matter how smart these and other creatures are, it is only man to whom God has given a never-dying soul: “[Man’s] spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7). A person will either go to heaven or hell, depending on what that person’s decision is concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
Which group are you in?
DECEMBER 24, 1995
“By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”
Romans 5:12
Those Marvelous Muscles!
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works. . . . In Thy book all my members were written.”
Psalm 139:14, 16
Everyone is aware of muscles. There are over 400 in the body, although we are completely unaware of some of them. Some can be easily seen, like those in our arms, and others can be felt when they ache after strenuous exercise. Probably the most important muscle in our body is the cardiac muscle that pumps blood through the body thousands of times a day.
Without muscles you could not blink or move your eyes. Muscles open your mouth and move your jaws as well as move your tongue around in its many activities. You turn or tilt your head with muscles, and every smile or scowl is produced by muscular actions. Food is moved down your throat to your stomach by muscles. The action of the stomach and much of the remaining digestive system is also under their control. Without their help you could not use a fork, sew a dress, hammer a nail or play the piano. Feet, legs, arms and fingers would all be useless without them, nor could you sit in a chair or even get out of bed. Walking requires the use of about 300 muscles, and just standing uses 144 back muscles to keep a person from falling.
Some muscles, called skeletal muscles, only work when the brain instructs them. Others, the smooth muscles, act on impulse. All consist of thread-like fibers, blood vessels and tissue, bound in bundles and enclosed in a tough membrane. Upon command from the nervous system, these provide the strength for their specific job. When God created man, He designed every muscle perfectly and gave each one its own power plant through chemical energy. Calcium, potassium and other chemicals help supply this energy.
Some people incorrectly teach that man required millions of years to develop his wonderful body. But the Bible tells the truth, that God created man’s body: “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. . . . God is greater than man” (Job 33:4,12). Man’s body was made complete in every detail the day he was created by the Lord God. “His way is perfect” (Psalm 18:30). He left nothing to develop in later years. Sickness and death of the muscles and the rest of the body have come into the world because of sin. But the time is coming when those whose faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ will be given perfect bodies: “We look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be [made] like unto His glorious body” (Philippians 3:20-21).
Isn’t this a wonderful promise? But it is made only to those who have had their sins forgiven because they have trusted in the Lord Jesus and the work of salvation He completed on Calvary’s cross.
Have you accepted Him as your own Lord and Saviour?
DECEMBER 31, 1995
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”
John 6:37
Held Back
As Peter walked along the dike,
He heard a dreaded sound . . .
The trickle of leaking water,
That caused his heart to pound!
He hurried down the dike’s steep side
And did not hesitate
To use his arm to fill the hole
Before it was too late.
The darkness settled around him;
All night alone he stayed,
Holding back the angry sea,
That his country might be saved.
When no one else could save us,
Nor hold back dark judgment’s tide,
The Son of God stepped in between
When He was crucified.
“He saved others” (Matthew 27:42).
“He that believeth on Him is not condemned” (John 3:18).
The Best Book
The Bible is the best book,
The book we hold so dear;
A storybook, a picture book,
A book of songs to cheer.
The Bible tells of Jesus,
Now in His home above;
The Bible brings the message sweet
Word Puzzles
"Jonah" Word Search
This word search uses words from the story of Jonah. See how many of the words listed below you can find among the letters. Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction.
"Daniel" Word Search
This word search uses words from the story of Daniel in the den of lions. First read Daniel 6 in your Bible. Then see how many of the words listed below you can find among the letters. Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction.
Scripture Verse Word Search: Joshua 1:9
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “and” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9.
Scripture Verse Word Search: 1 Samuel 15:22
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “and” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.”
1 Samuel 15:22.|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Romans 14:12
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “of” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God”
(Romans 14:12).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Proverbs 14:12
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “of” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Hebrews 2:3
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “if” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?”
(Hebrews 2:3).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Psalms 69:34
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “the” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Let the heaven and earth praise Him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein”
(Psalm 69:34).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Isaiah 53:10
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “the” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief: when Thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand”
(Isaiah 53:10).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Isaiah 59:1
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “not” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear”
(Isaiah 59:1).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Proverbs 10:22
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “the” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it”
(Proverbs 10:22).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Psalms 32:7
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “art” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah”
(Psalm 32:7).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Ephesians 6:1
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “in” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right”
(Ephesians 6:1).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: John 15:13
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “for” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”
(John 15:13).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Isaiah 64:6
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “and” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away”
(Isaiah 64:6).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Isaiah 65:24
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “they” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear”
(Isaiah 65:24).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: John 8:36
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “the” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”
(John 8:36).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Acts 17:31
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “by” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead”
(Acts 17:31).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Romans 2:4
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across -every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “and” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long-suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”
(Romans 2:4).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Isaiah 43:2
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “and” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee”
(Isaiah 43:2).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Acts 13:39
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across - every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “the” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“By Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses”
(Acts 13:39).|{}|
Scripture Verse Word Search: Proverbs 3:5
Can you find the words of this Scripture verse in this word search? Look up, down, diagonally, backwards, across — every direction. Use a ruler if necessary.
Circle each word in the diagram as we did with “the” and then circle the same word in the verse once you have found it.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”
(Proverbs 3:5).|{}|
For Little Folks
If you are between the ages of five and nine years old, there is a hidden message for you in this diagram. Starting at the top row, work from left to right and then go on to the next row. Find all the times that your age is shown, writing down each letter that is shown under your age. This will be your message from the Bible.
For Little Folks
If you are between the ages of five and nine years old, there is a hidden message for you in this diagram. Starting at the top row, work from left to right and then go on to the next row. Find all the times that your age is shown, writing down each letter that is shown under your age. This will be your message from the Bible.