Messages of God's Love: 2009
Table of Contents
You don’t have to be a grown-up to be one of God’s workers. Some of His workers are very young. In the Bible we read of Samuel as a little boy, a little maid, a young boy with his lunch, and even a very young king who were all used by God for His special purposes.
Trevor, who is nine years old, and his mother live next door to the Bells. Sometimes Trevor helps Mr. Bell as he works in the yard. The Bells have an aboveground swimming pool with a ladder attached to it, and the ladder had come undone from the side of the pool.
While Mr. Bell was untangling the ropes to tie the ladder to the pool, Trevor, who sometimes swam in their pool, dove underwater. Mr. Bell sat down in one of the deck chairs to work on the ropes, but the chair was not all the way open. He tumbled over the side of the pool deck and landed on the ground several feet from the pool. As he hit the ground, he heard something crack!
The next thing he remembers was hearing Trevor calling his name from the side of the pool and jumping up and down. “I couldn’t get the breath to talk to him,” Mr. Bell said. “I rolled over, and he said to me, ‘You can do all things in Christ that strengthens you!’”
Mr. Bell had taught Trevor that Bible verse in Philippians 4:13, and he said it was enough motivation to get enough breath to tell Trevor to go find help. Mr. Bell said later, “That little boy had enough smarts to give me that scripture, where I knew I had enough in me, through God, to be able to breathe.”
Trevor said when he saw Mr. Bell was hurt, he remembered what he had learned from police and firefighters—”Don’t panic! If somebody gets hurt, you don’t ever panic; just run and go get help as soon as you can.”
Barefoot and wearing his swimsuit, Trevor ran up the driveway to his own house, where his mother was making dinner. He called, “Mom, Mom! Uncle George is hurt really bad and he can’t breathe!”
Trevor was doing a good job of following the directions he had learned, starting with a Bible verse he had memorized. Many of you boys and girls learn the memory verse in these Sunday school papers each week. “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart” (Psalm 119:11). They are good verses to remember and use in different situations that you come up against in school, on the playground or in your neighborhood. The verse that Trevor used was perfect for Mr. Bell and enabled him, with God’s help, to talk to Trevor and tell him what to do.
Trevor and his mother ran next door and found Mr. Bell lying in the grass. She called 911, and she and Trevor sat with Mr. Bell, keeping him still and keeping the mosquitoes off of him until the paramedics arrived.
“He was trying to talk, but he couldn’t breathe,” Trevor’s mother said. “He kept saying, ‘My neck ... I think I broke my neck.’” She made sure not to touch Mr. Bell or move him. Later, she said the doctors told her if she had moved him even an inch, he would have been paralyzed.
Mercy Flight took Mr. Bell to the hospital, where X-rays showed that his neck was broken, along with three ribs.
Doctors gave him a collar to wear and sent him home, where he stayed in bed for several days, waiting for his appointment for a spinal surgeon a week later. The Monday after the accident, a Christian prayer group came to the Bell’s home and prayed for his recovery.
On Wednesday he went to the spinal surgeon, and Mr. Bell said the doctor told him they could not find any sign his neck had ever been broken. The X-rays showed his seventh vertebra was completely intact.
Mr. Bell tells about the passage in the Bible, John 6:24, which describes a blind man healed by Jesus. “He said, ‘I was blind and now I can see,’” Mr. Bell said. “One thing I can tell you, I had a broken neck, and now I don’t.”
At his home, Mr. Bell has a folder filled with cards and well wishes from friends and neighbors, including a handwritten letter from Trevor. Trevor wrote it when Mr. Bell was in the hospital. “Uncle George, I hope your neck is healed by the Lord,” Trevor wrote in the big block letters of a child. “I love you, and I’m praying for you.”
Mr. Bell says he has faith there is a good reason he came through the accident without serious injury. “I had a good chance of winding up being paralyzed,” he said. “But God has something else for me to do. And praise God Trevor was there. The Lord used him in a mighty way.”
Some of you children who have accepted the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour have friends at school and in your neighborhood who have never heard the way of salvation. When they ask you why you go to Sunday school, you can tell them about Jesus dying on the cross for your sins and how they can be saved too. And sometimes they may ask why you don’t do certain things. Many of the Bible verses you have memorized are gospel verses that you can tell them. This may be one special way the Lord wants to use you as one of His workers—for a friend to hear about Jesus and His love.
“The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple” (Psalm 119:130).
MEMORY VERSE: “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalm 119:130
The Wonders of God's Creation: Some Shocking Fish
“God thundereth marvelously with His voice; great things doeth He, which we cannot comprehend.” Job 37:5
It took mankind many centuries to discover electricity and many more years to put it to use. Even so, elaborate wiring systems and power plants are required before a factory or home can use it, and then it’s not always dependable.
In contrast, consider another wonder in God’s creation. He gave certain fish throughout the world the ability to make and use their own electricity. The three-inch-long flashlight fish, living deep in the Caribbean Sea, has a light as strong as a small flashlight. Its electricity comes from pouches below its eyes and can be turned on and off at will. A large fish pursuing it in dark waters gives up when the flashlight fish swims swiftly in one direction all lit up, then turns the light off and swims in another direction.
There are some fish that have rows of lights along both sides of their bodies. In the dark they look like toy ocean liners with lights shining through the windows. They can turn them on and off as they please. Others, such as the deep-sea viper fish and dragonfish, carry torches on the end of fleshy rods which they can turn in any direction, and there are others which have bright red taillights. The gulper eel, almost five feet long, is one of these. Still others have headlights sending out two beams with reflectors behind them, like a little car finding its way in the dark waters.
But not all use their electricity for lights. For some it is a weapon. Certain species of catfish use an electric shocking system to steal food from larger fish as well as to keep them away. Touching the stomach of a large fish with its fin is something like sticking your finger in an electric outlet, but don’t try this. The larger fish is stunned or knocked out, and the catfish escapes or helps itself to the food the larger one had intended to eat.
Electric rays, torpedoes and numbfish can all give severe shocks numerous times a minute. The electric ray’s body gets this power from about 450 electric tubes, insulated inside its body so there are no short circuits. When it really turns on the power, it can kill small creatures and can knock a man down. The marbled electric rays in the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Indian oceans are among this group.
The six- to eight-foot electric eel of the Amazon River and other waters of Central and South America is the most powerful of all and can disable large animals with as much as 500 volts of electricity.
These amazing creatures remind us of the works of God and the wonders of His creation, as our opening verse states—beyond our comprehension. But more amazing yet is His wonderful love in giving His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on Calvary’s cross. Is He your Saviour?
Four Anchors
Isn’t one anchor enough?
Perhaps you have heard of the Halifax anchor, which was large enough to hold a strong battleship. It was made of the heaviest iron and weighed ½ ton, but that made it all the worse when trouble came. There was a great explosion on that ship on the morning of December 6, 1917, in the Halifax harbor, and the great iron anchor was thrown two miles through the air, chopping off trees like a lawn mower on grass. About 2000 men, women and children were killed in that explosion, with another 9000 injured, and the anchor did not save them.
There’s a Bible story about anchors in Acts 27. One was not enough. They had four, and they had good, experienced sailors onboard who knew how to use them. Did these four anchors save the sailors? Read on and see.
Paul the Apostle was a prisoner on that ship. Inspired by God, Luke wrote about Paul’s journey. You can read his story in the Book of Acts in the Bible.
The ship sailed on the Mediterranean Sea on its way to Rome, but they were tossed about by stormy weather. After two stormy weeks, they checked to see how deep the water was. They used a line that reached to the bottom of the sea, and each check showed that the water was a little shallower. That told them they must be coming closer to land, but nothing could be seen in the dark, stormy night.
So they threw out four anchors to hold the ship where it was and waited for daylight. Perhaps they were too scared to think about being hungry, but it had been two weeks since they had eaten anything. Paul was not scared, because God had given him a promise of safety all the way to land.
What good is a promise? It depends on who makes the promise. In this case it was God who promised, and nobody, nobody, nobody can break God’s promise!
In the early dawn, Paul suggested everybody on board eat some food, and he set a good example by thanking the Lord and eating. The others all followed and ate too. Then they threw the wheat into the sea to make the ship lighter.
When there was more daylight, even through the rain they could see a creek flowing out from land into the sea. Then they threw off the anchors into sea, and we never hear of those anchors again.
Don’t trust in useless anchors! They may be all right for this life, but they’ll never take you safely into eternity. Be sure you are trusting the promises of God—”Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3). No useless anchors and no religion will ever take you to God’s city of holiness.
The sailors hoisted the mainsail and the wind drove them to shore where they ran aground. The front end of the ship stuck fast and the back end was being smashed by the violent waves. The ship was now a total wreck!
Kill the prisoners! cried the soldiers onboard. They might escape!
No! said the centurion who wanted to save Paul. Let those who can swim jump in first, and then let the others grab a broken piece of the ship and float to land.
Who was drowned? Nobody. God had promised Paul that there would be no loss of life, but only of the ship.
If you don’t know God’s promises for yourself, read your Bible and find out. You may lose all your things here, and certainly you will leave them all behind when you leave this world, but you cannot break God’s promise. “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).
Is there an anchor worth trusting? If you read Hebrews 6 you will find the only One. This “hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast ... even Jesus” (Hebrews 6:19-20). Since He rose from the dead and is already in heaven, and since He is my Saviour, He has promised that I will be there with Him someday too.
Is Jesus your Anchor? Will you be in heaven with Him too?
MEMORY VERSE: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36
Mr. Nelson's Mistake
Early one winter morning as I drove down our street, everything was covered with six inches of beautiful new snow.
I drove past Mr. Nelson’s home. Instead of a wide cement driveway back to his garage, he has two narrow cement strips, just wide enough for his car’s tires ... if he drives straight. This snowy morning I suddenly noticed something. Oh, oh. Mr. Nelson missed his driveway strips. There were his car tracks for everyone to see, about three feet off the snow-covered cement strips.
A short time later I had an errand up the street. When I reached Mr. Nelson’s driveway, I chuckled. He had taken a shovel and filled in those telltale tracks with snow, thinking he could hide his mistake. But no matter how carefully he tried to smooth over those tracks with the snow he added, he could never hide them. He only made his mistake more noticeable. The only way to erase his mistake was for the snow to melt.
Our sins are like that. We may think we have hidden them, and sometimes we can hide them from our parents and friends for a time. But there is One who knows the thoughts we have deep inside; we can’t hide one sin from God. He said, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
The Bible tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Jesus has washed away all my sins. Have you let Him wash away yours?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cheerful Cardinal
“He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills.... By them shall the fowls ... have their habitation, which sing among the branches.” Psalm 104:10-12
There are so many beautiful birds throughout the world—all part of God’s creation—that it is impossible to select one as being the prettiest. But somewhere near the top of the list is the lively, cheerful cardinal.
The male is particularly showy in his bright red feathers with a black, mask-like face and throat and black tips on his wings and tail. He has a perky, red, feathery crest on top of his head. The female is also pretty, but her coloring is not quite so showy.
Both male and female are cheerful, swift and busy birds. They have a variety of lovely songs that can be heard long distances through the forests of the eastern United States and as far west as South Dakota and Texas. They are also welcome residents of Ontario, Manitoba and Nova Scotia and an attractive addition to any neighborhood fortunate enough to have a pair. Farmers are happy when they settle nearby, for they eat great quantities of insects and harmful weed seeds.
Although the female’s song is softer than the male’s, it too is clear and cheerful, and both sing throughout the year. And that’s another nice feature—they don’t migrate. How striking is the flash of their bright red feathers as they fly over the snow or perch on a snow-covered limb to sing a happy song!
In springtime males and females nest in low shrubbery to raise a family—the male winning his mate by bringing her seeds and cracking the hard shell for her. She seems content to do most of the nest building as long as he feeds her. The finished nest is lined with soft material, then bluish-white eggs are laid in it, hatching out in about two weeks.
The baby cardinals are fed by both parents. After about ten days, they are ready to take their first flight. Soon after they fly, the mother leaves them, and the responsibility of teaching them the ways of bird life is left to the father. But he seems to enjoy doing this.
Do you think God cares about cardinals? Yes, He surely does, for they are His creation and included in this Bible verse: “These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season” (Psalm 104:27).
And how wonderful is God’s care over you! He includes you in another verse that says, “God our Saviour; who will have all men [all people] to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4). Are you one who has been saved by confessing to Him that you are a sinner and accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?
The Runaway Train
It was a dark, snowy night in the Canadian Rockies, and a 117-car freight train was making its usual run over a pass. The only people in the engine were the engineer and two firemen.
The train reached the top of the mountain and began to go down the other side. The engine and the first few cars started down at normal speed as they were held back by the weight of the rest of the train behind them. But as more and more cars started down the other side, their weight began to build up behind the engine. The train began moving faster and faster! The engineer soon noticed that the brakes weren’t working very well—then he noticed that they weren’t working at all! The tracks were coated with ice, and the 117 cars were sliding down the icy tracks and gaining speed!
Our lives often run smoothly, and we don’t think we need God’s help. But sometimes He allows us to hit trouble spots. It is then we learn that we really aren’t in control. Only God can keep our lives in control. Don’t wait until you are older to discover that you have no brakes! Little habits developed while you are young can ruin your life as you get older. The Bible reminds us that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour right now, and let Him control your life.
The train went faster and faster down the mountainside. The engineer and the two firemen thought about jumping out, but the train was already moving too fast. Its speed climbed all the way up to 85 mph, which was twice the speed it should have been traveling!
The three men could only sit and stare death in the face as the train hurtled along. The engineer told the men to start praying—and they did. Turning to God was all they had left, but you don’t have to wait until the last minute. You can turn to Him right now and know that He will help you all the time.
Back in the caboose, two more crewmen wondered what was going on. They knew the train was running away, but they didn’t know why, so they uncoupled the caboose from the rest of the train. This would allow the caboose to slow down.
Finally, as the rest of the train hurtled around a curve, it derailed. One hundred and four cars spilled over and plunged into the river below. But the engine and the detached caboose—which had its own set of brakes—stayed on the track! God had saved the men from certain death.
God loves you and sent His Son to die for you. The blood of Jesus can wash your sins away, and He will keep you forever. Will you accept Him as your Saviour—right now—while you are young? “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
MEMORY VERSE: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
Are You on the Winning Team?
“How many of you boys and girls like to play sports?” Will asked the Sunday school children. Most of them quickly raised their hands. “That’s good,” said Will. “Then I need some help. Will someone help me?”
Again many of the children raised their hands. Will chose the smallest of the boys. “Come up here, Cole,” said Will, who is a big, tall man. Four-year-old Cole, looking very sober, made his way to the front of the room. Will picked him up and tucked him under his arm. Cole looked very small tucked under Will’s arm, but then he set him down and asked the children another question.
“Let’s suppose we were going to play a game of tackle football. Whose team would you like to be on, mine or Cole’s?”
The children laughed. Of course they would like to be on Will’s team. Cole didn’t mind, because he got a prize for being a good helper.
Will read a verse in Hebrews 2:10 about Jesus being the Captain of our salvation if we trust in Him. Then he asked, “If the Lord Jesus is one captain, who’s the captain of the other team?”
“Satan,” one of the boys answered.
“And whose team is going to win?”
All the children were sure that the Lord Jesus’ team would win. And that’s right. Hebrews 2:9 says, “We see Jesus ... crowned with glory and honor,” and Revelation 20:10 says, “The devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire.” We know for sure from God’s Word the Bible who will be the winner. So whose team do you want to be on?
When we were born, each one of us was already on Satan’s team, because we were born sinners. We have to make a choice to be on Jesus’ team. You can’t be on two teams at the same time! Matthew 6:24 tells us, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.”
Satan is the great deceiver. He wants you to think that if you stay on his team you will be happy and be a winner. But God tells us that the devil, Satan, “was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44).
Be sure you are on the Lord Jesus’ team. If you will tell Him that you know you are a sinner and want Him to wash away your sins, He will gladly do that for you and take you on His team. Will you let Him be your Captain and be on the winning team?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Stealthy Bobcat
“Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind ... [every] beast of the earth after his kind.” Genesis 1:24
Bobcats live in southern Canada, in many places in the United States, and as far south as lower Mexico. They are just as much at home in deserts and sagebrush as they are in forests or on rocky hillsides. Shy and stealthy, it is their sharp hearing that warns them to hide quickly from danger. Being well camouflaged, they are difficult to spot. Hikers have been startled to see one standing nearby, watching them, then suddenly disappearing.
The bobcat is a pretty animal, looking much like a large, domestic cat. However, its black, stubby tail and buff-colored fur, patterned with black markings and a solid black streak down its back, immediately identify it. A full-grown, thirty-pound male stands about twenty inches high and is almost three feet long.
The bobcat is a wonderful hunter. It stalks its victim by creeping a few inches at a time, with its body pressed to the ground. It patiently waits until it is close enough to make a lightning dash and then pounces on its victim. Rabbits are a favorite food, and farmers appreciate the bobcat’s help in keeping their numbers down, as well as rats, mice and gophers. Unwary birds are frequently caught, and even turtles and fish are scooped out of shallow water. Although its piercing howls at night have frightened campers, the bobcat does not attack humans.
These outdoor cats are careful to keep themselves clean by licking their fur frequently. In winter their fur is thick and heavy, but they shed this heavy coat in summer. This reminds us of the Creator’s kindness to all animals in caring for their needs in all seasons. And this care of animals also reminds us of His sure promise to people who love Him: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:5-6).
The mother bobcat prepares for her expected kittens (three or four in a litter) by searching for a hidden den or a cave and lining the floor with soft materials. She does all the work alone, including gathering food and training. When the kittens are born, they are blind for nine or ten days. At three months she teaches them to find their own food, and at nine months they leave to begin independent lives.
How interesting it is to see how the Lord God cares for all the wild creatures He has placed on the earth. But of more importance is knowing that in His love to every man, woman, boy and girl, He not only watches over us even more carefully, but He invites us to take all our cares to Him as well. “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Expecting Gramma
Dear Children,
Let me tell you what happened to Chelsea and me one Sunday recently. Gramma had to go to Sunday school and our worship time by herself because I was still very sore from an operation I had had a few days before. Gramma and I never miss going together on Sundays unless one of us is sick. We hope that you never miss going to Sunday school or saying your memory verse. Those are important verses to always remember. You may ask, “What is your favorite verse, Grampa?” Here it is, and maybe you have already memorized it too: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Gramma and I usually leave the house on Sunday mornings about 8:30 a.m., but this Sunday she went alone. While she was gone, I had a hard time walking, so I lay down on the bed and Chelsea, our dog, lay down beside me on the floor. I could reach her head, so I rubbed her ears and tickled her under her chin. She loves it.
I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew I heard Chelsea moving around and whining a little bit. But then she came back and lay down on the floor beside me again. I checked the clock and it was 12:15 p.m. But soon she was up again and whining a little. Then she looked out the door window and looked back at me. So I said to her, “Chelsea, do you want to go outside?” But she came back and lay down again. The clock said 12:25 p.m. Suddenly it came to me why she was acting like this.
“Okay, Grampa, what’s the answer?”
Chelsea knew that Gramma would be home any minute. So I said to her, “Chelsea, do you want outside to go meet Gramma?” Her reaction was instant! She jumped up on all four paws, started to pant and puff, ran to the door and back twice, as if to say, “Hurry up! It’s about time you get up off the bed and let me out ... I don’t want to miss her driving in!”
Chelsea was right! We hardly got out the door and down the steps when Gramma turned into the driveway! What a welcome for Gramma! Chelsea did everything but knock her down and lick her face!
It was right then that I thought about when the Lord Jesus returns to take all the men, women, boys and girls who have trusted Him as their Saviour up into heaven. What a wonderful moment that will be! And it could be today! Chelsea knew Gramma would be coming any minute, and we know that Jesus will be coming any minute. He tells us in the Bible, “The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). What a happy reunion that will be—happier than Chelsea welcoming Gramma home! But, boys and girls, are you ready? Are your sins washed away? Look back at my favorite verse again and read what it says. That’s the answer! Come to Jesus right now to have your sins washed away so you will be ready.
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
MEMORY VERSE: “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.” Matthew 24:44
Leoncio Found a Bible
As he slowly pushed open the creaky old door, dust and dirt fell on him. Leoncio went in anyway. The old adobe hut had been empty for many years. He passed by it every day on his way to work in Tacabamba, Peru.
In one of the small rooms he found some old school books. Along with them he also found another old book. He brushed it off, but it was still musty smelling from being damp and old. He opened it up to the title page—Santa Biblia (Holy Bible).
Leoncio had never had a Bible of his own. He had never even read one. He sat down on an old wooden bench in the hut and began to read. This book was very interesting, and several hours went by. When he finally headed home, he took the Bible with him.
During the next few weeks, he spent every spare minute he had reading the old Bible. He soon learned that he was a sinner and needed a Saviour. Soon after, Leoncio accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his very own Saviour.
“You are foolish!” said his father when Leoncio first told him about his “new Friend.” But Leoncio went on reading his Bible anyway and talked about it to his family.
Soon one of his brothers also accepted Christ as his Saviour. After that, one by one, all of Leoncio’s brothers and sisters became believers. But his father and mother would not accept “this new idea.” “How can you be saved when you haven’t gone to the church?” they asked. Leoncio would explain that the Bible was God’s words and that they could read it themselves.
After Leoncio had prayed for his parents and read the Bible out loud to them for many weeks, they also found peace through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They not only had heard God’s words, but they saw how it had changed the lives of their children.
It was an old, musty Bible, but God used it to bring new life to a family.
“I have given unto them the words which Thou gavest Me; and they have received them ... and they have believed that Thou didst send Me” (John 17:8).
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Living Bomb
“God made ... everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind.” Genesis 1:25
A strange beetle called the bombardier beetle baffles scientists. It bombs its enemies with a bad-smelling, boiling-hot fluid that it shoots out by an explosion inside its body. Scientists know what chemicals make up this fluid, but they cannot figure out how the beetle controls its exploding.
The bombardier has two chambers inside its body where the chemicals it manufactures are stored. It also has another part where it mixes them. Before mixing, it adds a third chemical called an inhibitor. This mixes with the first two chemicals to keep them from exploding. These mixed chemicals are stored in its body until needed.
As long as the inhibitor is present, the “bomb” cannot go off. But this little insect, in one of the many wonders of God’s creation, can “explode” this bomb whenever it wants. The beetle makes sure it is in front of its enemy. Then it forces the chemical mixture into a final chamber where a liquid from another part of its body is present. This liquid overcomes, or inactivates, the inhibitor, causing the whole mixture to explode with a definite “bang.” It is discharged through a special nozzle in this chamber with considerable force. It either kills its enemy or chases it away. It is so well equipped with ammunition that it can explode this mixture ten to twenty times before running out. Then, within a day, its tanks refill.
How did this beetle get its storage tanks? When did it learn about making the chemicals and how to mix them without blowing up itself? Who taught it how to make the explosion at the right time? Could we believe the theory of some who claim that these things just happened? Or could we believe that the beetle added one part at a time over millions of years? No. Such teaching is not only unreasonable, it is also contrary to God’s Word, the Bible. It can easily be seen that any bombardier beetle that did not have all its functions working together correctly would destroy itself before it could make necessary changes.
The Lord God, the divine Creator, designed the bombardier beetle and made it complete with its amazing features when He first placed it on the earth. Scripture tells us, “Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He” (Psalm 135:6). All His wonderful works show the pleasure He had in creating them. The many varieties also show us His unlimited power and wisdom.
But we should pay attention to another Bible verse that says, “Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding” (Psalm 119:73). When the Lord God made mankind, He had a special purpose in mind. It is His delight to give understanding to every person concerning His love. God gives everlasting life to all who love His Son and trust in Him as the Saviour of sinners.
Money in a Pocket
Have you ever been very hungry and had nothing to eat? Who do you go to when you need food or water or anything else? If you are a child, you probably go to your mother or father and tell them. Parents are always happy to give you what you need, if they can. But what if they don’t have what you need?
This is a story from long ago of a father who had a great need, and he turned to God for help. God is a loving Father and is always ready to answer His children’s prayers, sometimes in unusual ways. Let’s see what happened.
The father in our story was a kind and loving daddy who hated to see his children have any need he couldn’t satisfy. Their mother was already in heaven, so he had to work very hard to take care of his family. He was a fisherman, but in stormy weather it was hard for him to catch enough fish to sell so he could buy the family’s food.
One winter, the weather was bad for so long that the family didn’t have any food left in the house and no money to buy more. The children cried because they were so hungry, and the poor father was terribly upset that he could not give them something to eat. So he prayed to God, because he loved God his Father and believed His words from the Bible, “Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God [feeds] them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?” (Luke 12:24). The father knew that God understood and cared that he didn’t have enough food for his children.
Sadly, the father lifted one of his hungry little girls onto his shoulders and took her outside for a walk. As he walked along, a pie man passed them. A pie man was a man who carried food on a tray on his head to sell to people on the street. Little Mary, who was on her father’s shoulders, saw the food going by on the pie man’s tray. Since she was quite hungry, she reached out to grab a cake. “No, my child,” her father said. “Those are not ours, and I have no money to buy you one.” Mary began to cry very hard and her father couldn’t comfort her, so he turned around to head sadly home.
Back at home when her father had put Mary down, he took off his heavy sailor’s jacket. As he tossed it aside, a large, bright coin rolled out of the pocket. At first he couldn’t believe his eyes or think where it could have come from. Then he remembered that just when Mary had been crying for the pie man’s treats, a woman had pushed into him. She, no doubt, had slipped the money in his pocket.
How glad and how thankful the father was to God for this answer to his prayers. He went out to buy food for his children as quickly as he could. Besides feeding them, he taught his children to thank God for the mercy and kindness He had shown them in giving them food.
We too need to remember to thank our loving God for His answers to our prayers, for He has said, “Be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
“My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
MEMORY VERSE: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
$100 Reward!
Notices were posted everywhere in our town, offering a $100 reward for the return of a beloved cat named Sunshine! Somebody had stolen this family pet from its home. I can’t imagine how much that cat must have meant to its owners! The reward was then increased to $150 because of a donation made by another person who also must have loved Sunshine. His owners were so upset they asked that people pray for Sunshine’s return! Perhaps the owners knew that James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Days turned into weeks, and still there was no sign of Sunshine. Then one day a picture of Sunshine appeared in the newspaper with a headline saying, “Sunshine Is Home!” He had been found miles away in a wooded area. He had been missing for 18 days, had lost 5 pounds, and had an injured eye.
The family thanked those who helped to bring him safely home and also said, “We praise our heavenly Father for looking after Sunshine and bringing him safely home. Thank you so much for your prayers!” This family proved that “our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8).
Have you ever turned to the Lord Jesus for help? He hears and answers prayers even if it may be for your much-loved pet. But first, He wants to hear you sincerely pray, “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. Please wash my sins away in Thy precious blood.” When you pray a prayer like this, He will wash every sin away and come to live in your heart and help you every day of your life.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Seaweed - Pest or Blessing?
“Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.” 1 Timothy 4:4
Did you ever hear someone say, “We can’t picnic on that beach; it’s covered with seaweed,” or, “There’s a good fishing spot, but it’s got too much seaweed,” or, “Don’t swim there; you’ll get caught in seaweed”? Seashore visitors find such statements common. Yet the good things about these rather unpleasant plants outweigh the problems, and their part in the ocean is in accordance with the Creator’s plans when He made the world with many seas.
There are many kinds of seaweed. The most common is the brown kelp. This is a giant species, which in Pacific coast waters grows as tall as a 20-story building. Another is known as rockweed. Dulse comes in several red-brown varieties. One drifting around the Sargasso Sea in great masses is called sargassum. Millions of small eels that are born each year live in this variety.
Seaweed can be a problem to someone cruising offshore when it gets tangled in his outboard motor. But it is very welcome to a sea otter, attaching itself to a strand to keep from drifting while napping or to a fish escaping from a shark.
The beginning Bible verse refers to all created things, including seaweed, which, in one way or another, are beneficial to mankind if used properly. Did you know that thousands of tons of seaweed are harvested and sold for millions of dollars every year? It is used by a variety of industries, as well as being a healthful food for people in many countries.
Seaweed is often an unseen, but important, part of glass, soap, vitamin pills and important medicines. Your toothpaste probably has some in it, as well as the pudding and pie your mother makes from store-bought packages. Shaving cream, cosmetics and paint, as well as chocolate goodies, ice cream, some candies and a long list of other products have seaweed as one of their ingredients.
Next time you visit the seashore and see whip-like or fan-shaped pieces of seaweed washed ashore, think how the Lord God has made this lowly sea plant a part of His benefits to mankind, and then thank Him for it.
Seaweed nourishes our bodies, but it is even more important to accept the spiritual food God provides through His Word, the Bible. In it He invites you to “taste and see that the Lord is good,” and He promises, “Blessed is the man that [trusts] in Him” (Psalm 35:8). A man who did so exclaimed, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16).
If you have not received this joy in your heart, read the Bible and find the meaning of “taste and see that the Lord is good.”
A Case of Mistaken Identity
It was fun to watch our collie, Thane, playing with our white, male Pekin duck. When Thane came close to the pond, the duck would fly out of the water directly at the dog, trying to protect the female ducks. Thane would dance around the duck, sometimes taking the duck’s head or wing in his mouth, but never harming it. It was a game with him, lasting about ten minutes before the duck got tired and went back in the water. This game was played two or three times a week.
One day we got a call from a lady whose husband ran the livestock sale barn, which was about three quarters of a mile from our house. She said that our dog had killed some of her ducks. I didn’t think that our Thane was guilty, mostly because of his gentleness with our duck. I told her this, but she insisted it was our dog. She claimed that she had followed the collie for a few blocks, and he was heading towards our place.
Since she was so upset, whether she was right or wrong, I felt, as a Christian, I must keep peace with these people. So I drove over there with Thane in the car, and the husband said, “Yes, he is the dog we saw chasing our ducks.” I asked what it would cost to replace the ducks, and he said he guessed it would be $20. I paid him the money and told him that if the dog bothered his ducks again, he had the right to shoot him as a danger to his ducks.
From that time on we kept Thane chained up, and we heard nothing from the duck owners for some time. Then one day the phone rang, and the voice on the other end said, “My husband just shot your dog. Come and pick him up!”
I replied, “It is not my dog, because he is chained out in the yard and I am looking at him right now.”
There was a long silence on the other end, and then she stammered, “Well, it must be that other collie down on Main Street.” That was the last word we heard of the killer collie.
Proverbs 13:15 tells us, “The way of transgressors [sinners] is hard.” The Main Street collie that paid with his life for his bad deeds proved this. The way of the transgressor is the way of every person who has not had his sins washed away in the precious blood of Christ. God’s Word plainly tells us, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Yes, I paid for the bad deeds of a dog that was not mine, and someone else paid a great price for sins that were not His own. Christ Jesus was sinless, and He willingly went to Calvary’s cross to pay the price for the sins of every person who will accept Him as Saviour. “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities [sins]; the chastisement [punishment] of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). This verse tells us that God placed our sins on His Son on the cross and punished Him in our place. Those who believe in His finished work can now have peace with God because their sins are gone forever. If you will not personally accept what He did for you, you will have to pay for your sins yourself.
Do you suppose that there will be any mistaken identity of believers by the Lord Jesus? This is what He says: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:27-28). What a wonderful promise, that our sins have been completely paid for—forever!
Are you one of His own? Have you accepted personally that Christ Jesus’ work and death on the cross was for your sins?
MEMORY VERSE: “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5
The Ox Knows His Owner
Farmer Goodrich took me with him when he went out to call his bull in from the field. When we came to the pasture, there wasn’t a bull or any other animal in sight. It was a very long stretch of pasture, going downhill for quite a distance, and at the bottom was a lot of brush and small trees.
With a high-pitched voice, Mr. Goodrich began making the strangest moo calls that I have ever heard. He mooooooed over and over again. Seemingly out of nowhere, out of the brush and up the hill, a large bull and two cows came running. They came right up to Mr. Goodrich as though they were saying, “Here we are. What do you want?”
Not being from the country, this was all quite interesting to me. As I watched, it reminded me of a verse from the Bible that says, “The ox [knows] his owner, and the ass his master’s crib [stall]” (Isaiah 1:3). Watching the animals obey as they came running to their master’s call was a lesson for me.
And you know, boys and girls, the Lord Jesus is calling to you. What is He saying? Just simply—”Come unto Me.” COME TO ME! Have you come to Jesus? Do you know Him? If you haven’t come to Him yet, won’t you listen to His voice and come right now? Just tell Him that you have heard Him say, “Come unto Me” and that you want to come to Him to have your sins washed away. Won’t you do that now?
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:18).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Swat That Fly!
“Lord, Thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.” Acts 4:24
Of the 85,000 kinds of flies in the world, the peskiest and best known is the common housefly. It has been called “the most dangerous insect in North America,” because of the germs it spreads. As unpleasant as houseflies are, let’s take a closer look at what the Creator has given them.
Starting from a tiny egg laid by a female fly, a white grub hatches and grows rapidly. Within a few days, it changes to a pupa and then into an adult fly. In proportion to its size, the fly’s eyes are huge. Each eye has around 4,000 six-sided lenses to give it outstanding vision. Its body is made up of five segments and is covered on the underside with stiff hairs. These hairs are usually loaded with often-harmful bacteria. It has six hairy legs with a tiny claw and a sticky pad on the end of each leg. These sticky pads trap and carry more bacteria.
Did you ever wonder how a fly can walk up a window or how it can walk upside down on the ceiling? The claws help it grip on smooth surfaces, and the pads are coated with a sticky substance that enables it to climb or walk upside down without difficulty.
The housefly multiplies rapidly. During her short two-week lifetime, each female will lay six clusters of 100-150 eggs. If every egg became an adult fly and none were destroyed, it has been calculated that within four months the descendants of a single pair would cover the earth. But God does not allow them to reach so great a number, keeping them under control with many enemies. In addition to people using insecticides or swatting them with fly swatters, they have many other enemies. Spiders, hornets, frogs, birds, mites and parasites also help keep their numbers down.
When the Lord God created the first flies, they were in no way harmful. But when sin came into the world, He allowed them to have their present bad habits as a reminder that “the wages of sin is death,” and they became one of the ways by which death-resulting diseases are spread. In a future time everything will be restored to order again, and these insects will no longer be harmful. That time will be after the Lord Jesus takes all who love Him into heaven.
Yes, even the housefly is under the Creator’s control and shows again how wonderfully He has made every creature. Actually, every boy and girl is a much greater marvel of His creation. The psalmist said, “I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works” (Psalm 139:14). He has not only made us His highest creation, but He wants us to know His great love.
"Run for Your Life, Coleman! … That Ship's Gonna Explode Any Second!"
There were two railway dispatchers working in the Halifax train station that morning. One was the dispatcher who shouted the urgent warning as he ran out of the station, and the other was Vincent Coleman. But instead of running for his life, Coleman ran over to the station’s telegraph office ... he had an urgent message to send!
The dangerous situation began to unfold in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, at 8:40 on the morning of December 6, 1917. In the Halifax Harbor, a French cargo ship carrying wartime explosives, the Mont-Blanc, was entering the right channel at a leisurely four knots. The captain spotted the Norwegian ship Imo through the haze, traveling in the wrong direction, and it was approaching in the path of the Mont-Blanc. The Imo was moving at almost seven knots, which was exceeding the speed limit of the harbor. That particular part of the Halifax Harbor was narrow and left little room for ships to change course.
The Mont-Blanc blew its whistle once, which was the standard signal to claim right-of-way. The Imo blew its whistle twice, signaling that its captain intended to hold his ship on its present course, even though it was traveling in the wrong direction for the channel it was in. Both captains refused to yield and continued blowing the same signals at one another.
At the last minute, both captains gave orders in an attempt to avoid a collision, but it was too late. The Imo’s prow struck the starboard side of the Mont-Blanc!
As the steel hulls scraped across one another, a shower of sparks ignited the vapors from the barrels of benzol fuel on the deck of the Mont-Blanc. In ten minutes’ time the ship was ablaze, which threatened the rest of the ship’s 2700 tons of explosives—TNT and picric acid—all of which was intended for use in World War I that was then raging in Europe.
A naval officer sent sailors ashore to warn the crowds of people gathering, that the burning ship was full of explosives and could explode momentarily. The harbor staff knew of the ship’s cargo and the danger it posed to the city and quickly warned workers in waterfront businesses, including the Halifax station, to leave immediately.
You and I have been given warning messages at times by a parent, a teacher, a police officer or someone else in authority that made us change our minds. God, our supreme authority, has given us a warning message in the Bible. “There is a way which [seems] right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). People have their own ideas about their sins, often thinking that God will overlook the little ones and hoping that doing their best will cancel out the big ones. But what does God say? “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). God doesn’t label sins as big or little. He says the penalty for any sin is eternal death, but He does offer a remedy to anyone who will change his mind.
Although Vincent Coleman was aware of his extreme danger, he also knew that two passenger trains were inbound for the Halifax station, which was located only a few hundred feet from the harbor and the burning ship. He quickly telegraphed a Morse code message along the rail line: “STOP TRAINS. MUNITION SHIP ON FIRE. MAKING FOR PIER 6. GOODBYE.” It was the last thing Vincent Coleman ever did.
Thankfully, his warning was sent in time, and trains stopped all along the line. His sense of duty and selflessness saved the lives of three hundred passengers.
At 9:04 a.m. the burning Mont-Blanc’s massive cargo exploded, and the resulting blast was enormous! It was estimated that 1,000 people were killed instantly. The blast tore buildings to pieces and shattered every window within fifty miles. Doors were blasted open and wood stoves were toppled, setting fires throughout the city. Two and a half square kilometers of Halifax were completely flattened. And then the twisted, red-hot remains of the blown-apart Mont-Blanc began to rain down on Halifax, setting entire city blocks on fire. The tragic human loss that day was 2,000 men, women and children, with another 9,000 injured.
Vincent Coleman’s bravery saved those three hundred train passengers, who would learn later about his unselfish sacrifice for them. He is still remembered as a heroic figure from the disaster. But have you read or heard about God’s beloved Son who gave up even more to become the greatest sacrifice that heaven and earth has ever known? He willingly left heaven to be born into our sin-filled world and lived a sinless and selfless life, healing many diseases and even restoring life to some. Instead of being honored, He was hated and mocked. Those who ridiculed Him and didn’t believe that He was the Son of God finally crucified Him. But God intended that the death of His Son would become a wonderful plan of salvation for sinners.
God cannot accept sin into His perfect heaven, and there is nothing sinners can do to pay the penalty for their sins and be accepted by God. But God’s beloved Son Jesus said He would pay the penalty for the sins of any sinner who would accept Him as Saviour, which is what He accomplished on the cross. He says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” Those who carelessly ignore or outright refuse His offer of mercy and forgiveness will spend their eternity in the burning fires of hell.
God loves you and wants you in heaven with Himself and His beloved Son who died for you. Will you change your mind and listen to God’s urgent warning? You only need to admit that you are a sinner and believe that Jesus died for you and paid for your sins.
“Flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “Flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Durable Coyote
“He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry.” Psalm 147:9
Coyotes are often mistaken for wolves or large dogs. Although they weigh only about thirty pounds, their long, thick, gray fur makes them look larger. At times they are noisy, and if you hear a pack of them howling on a moonlit night, it is something you will always remember.
Coyotes live throughout Mexico, the United States and southern Canada. Some make their homes on the prairies where there is a good supply of gophers, field mice, ground squirrels, small birds and insects. But coyotes are also plentiful in deserts, seashores, forested hills and even close to cities. Besides being meat eaters, they eat berries and fruits.
The Creator has made coyotes very clever. Trappers are amazed at their ability to steal bait from traps without getting caught in them. They will also quietly watch other animals or large birds hunting...then steal the food from them. When chasing rabbits, they work cleverly in teams. One chases a rabbit until it tires, then another takes over, and sometimes a third helps out. The rabbit can outrun them, but becomes exhausted and is finally captured.
Unfortunately, coyotes do kill sheep and chickens and are hunted and poisoned for this reason. But it has been noted that when no coyotes are around, packrats, mice, gophers and other rodents multiply and do serious damage to crops and other property. As a result, it has been decided that coyotes do more good than harm, and they are no longer completely killed off.
A pair of coyotes is usually loyal to each other for a lifetime. Once a year they raise from five or six to as many as fifteen pups. These are hidden in a den on a hillside, under a big rock, or underneath a stump. The pups are playful but trained to obey their parents instantly. They are taught to stay close to the den under their parents’ watchful care until they are given hunting lessons when about two months old.
These interesting animals usually hunt at night and hide in daylight in places where they are almost impossible to find. They often watch campers and hikers without their being aware of it. Normally coyotes do not bother people and try to avoid them.
Many of God’s creatures live by their superior strength or swiftness, but He has enabled this animal to survive and prosper by giving it a sharp intellect and cleverness. Since He cares for the coyote this much, the Bible assures us He cares for you even more: “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Also in Jeremiah 31:3 the Lord tells us, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.”
Have you accepted the Saviour’s love and care?
A Girl Named Achsah
Achsah was a little girl born in the wilderness long ago. She had many adventures; some were fun and some were unhappy. But there was one thing that made her different from other little girls. Her father was Caleb, and he was one of the few older men in camp.
Why was he still alive when the other older men had died? I will tell you why. God had promised to give the children of Israel the land of Canaan, and Caleb and another man named Joshua were two of the twelve men sent to spy out the land and see how good it was. The men came back and said that it was a very good land, but all but Caleb and Joshua said it would be impossible to take it over because the people living there were too strong.
But Caleb and Joshua knew the unbreakable promises of God. They knew that God would keep His promise to give them the land of Canaan no matter how strong the people were who lived there.
The other men died who spied out the land and gave a bad report. But Caleb and Joshua lived, and they got the land just as God had promised.
Do you know some of God’s unbreakable promises? Can you name one or two? Here’s one: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). No earthquake or explosion in the world can ever break that promise! Do you believe that promise from God?
Caleb’s daughter Achsah grew up to be a very nice young lady, and Caleb looked for a brave, young warrior to be her husband. He said, Whoever conquers the city of Kirjath-sepher can marry my daughter!
The brave young man who conquered Kirjath-sepher was Othniel, and he and Achsah were soon married. But that isn’t the end of the story. Her father had given her a very good southland for their home together, but she needed something more. She didn’t just sit at home and wish for what she needed; she got on her donkey and went to find her father. Then she stood and made her request: You have given me a southland. Please give me also springs of water. She knew desert land could not grow much without necessary water.
That was an excellent request. Caleb gladly gave her double what she asked for—he gave her both upper and lower springs. There were no withered seedlings in her garden! She was willing to be a worker and make sure that her land would supply plenty of food for her family. Her husband Othniel was a conqueror, and together they worked willingly.
Are you a willing worker for God? He has not promised beautiful gardens and plenty of money, but He has promised that He “shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). He doesn’t promise to supply all your wants but all your needs.
If you have not been cleansed from your sins by the blood of the Lord Jesus, this is your most important need! Here is another of God’s unbreakable promises for you: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
MEMORY VERSE: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Sheba the Sheep Dog
Sheba was a cuddly little ball of fluff when Alan and Mary put her into the corral with their sheep. Alan had picked her up that day from a neighboring farm where she had been born right in the corral with their ewes and lambs. Now, when she was six weeks old, she was so little and affectionate that the whole family would have loved to make a pet out of her. But she was a Great Pyrenees pup, and they had bought her to protect their sheep from troublesome dogs and intruders. If she were to be a good sheep dog, all her love must be for the sheep. She must learn to think of them as her family.
Sheba quickly grew into a large, strong dog, and when she was about six months old she began to set herself up as the leader of the flock. When she barked, she expected all the sheep to get behind her. If any did not, she would take them by the scruff of the neck, knock them down and wrestle with them until they were willing to follow her as their leader.
Sometimes the Lord Jesus has to wrestle with us too, when we are stubborn and want to go our own way. But it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance, and the writer of Psalm 119:67 says, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy word.”
Since the corral can be seen from the highway, quite a few times drivers have screeched to a stop and raced up to the house to tell Alan or Mary that a white dog was in their corral killing their sheep. Alan tells them that Sheba is not killing them; she is guarding them, and he offers to take them out to the corral to watch.
As soon as Sheba sees a stranger approaching, she barks savagely, and all the sheep crowd in behind her so she is standing between them and the intruder. God has put it into the instincts of these Great Pyrenees dogs to so love and care for the sheep that they will sometimes give their lives to protect the sheep from harm. This is a wonderful picture of our good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, who willingly gave His life to provide safety for His sheep. Sheba hasn’t been put to that test yet.
If you are one of the Lord’s sheep, He loves you so much that He willingly gave His life to save you from that roaring lion Satan, who is walking around looking for someone to destroy. Run to the Lord Jesus for safety, and be sheltered by His precious blood that cleanses us from all sin and opens the door of heaven for us.
“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Bald Eagle
“A great eagle with great wings, long-winged ... took the highest branch of the cedar.” Ezekiel 17:3
Many people consider the bald eagle to be the most beautiful and impressive of all birds. Fully grown, it stands three feet high, weighs about ten pounds, and has a wingspan of six to eight feet. A mature eagle has a dark-brown body with white feathers on its head, neck and tail. Its eyes, sharp-hooked beak and legs are bright yellow.
The Creator designed this bird for its special place in His creation. It has exceptional beauty, whether sitting in a tree or circling high in the air. Its eyes can spot a mouse a mile away or a fish far below. Its main food is fish, but it also eats mice, gophers, rabbits, snakes, birds and dead animals. Spotting prey, it may circle down swiftly or make a direct dive at a speed of a hundred miles per hour, stopping suddenly as its curved talons grab its victim.
Spotting an osprey or fish hawk flying with a fish, an eagle may swoop down and frighten it into dropping its food. Then the eagle dives down and catches the prize for itself. Often while looking for food, it will perch on a dead tree high on a bluff, just as they did in Bible days when the Lord asked Job, “Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high? She dwelleth and abideth on ... the strong place. From thence she seeketh the prey, and her eyes behold afar off” (Job 39:27-29).
Eagles keep the same mate for life. Their nest, called an aerie, is usually in the top of a high tree near water. They use the same aerie every year and add new material to it, so many old aeries are as large as twenty feet deep and nine feet across. Only one or two white eggs are laid each year and take about forty days to hatch.
The eaglets live on food brought to them by their parents. If both eaglets are healthy, they gain strength by playing tug-of-war with sticks or having little battles. They first learn to fly by hovering over the nest, but when eleven or twelve weeks old they leave the nest. If one is afraid to fly, the mother may push it out, then swoop below and allow it to rest on her back when it gets tired. The Lord spoke of this concerning His people Israel: “As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead [them]” (Deuteronomy 32:11-12).
Another Bible verse says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31). If the Lord Jesus Christ is your Saviour, you will find Him always able and willing to give you the strength needed for your Christian life.
Spike lay on a pile of blankets and looked as if he were nearly dead. The poor dog’s legs quivered and jerked in pain, and his fur was falling out. Until now he had been a beautiful husky, but he had worn himself out working with the men in the first Antarctic expedition led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd.
The expedition had landed in the strange, cold land of the South Pole a few months earlier. They had 1,500 tons of gear that all had to be hauled by dogsled from the ships to their camp they named Little America. The trail to the camp was miles long and rough. Spike had splashed through icy waters and stood dripping wet for hours in below zero winds. He had pulled heavy sleds through deep snowdrifts. Being a very strong dog, he always pulled more than double what any other dog pulled. Now he was worn out and sick.
It was after the expedition was settled in camp that Spike fell sick, and he lay sick for many months. The men in the expedition loved Spike. He was not only their best sled dog; he was also very smart. Some of the men came to see him every day, patting his beautiful head. He always raised his head whenever he heard a step near him, but he never whimpered as he looked at the men with his gentle eyes.
Winter with its long, dreary months of complete darkness had settled over the South Pole. When at last some daylight returned, it was time for Admiral Byrd to make his airplane flight to the South Pole, about 1800 miles from Little America. Six men with dog teams were to go ahead of the plane, in order to report back on weather conditions and be ready to help if the plane were forced down. The six men with their dog teams carried with them all the food and gear they would need for three months. Even though he was their best sled dog, Spike still was not able for this grueling trip and had to be left behind in Little America.
It was a terribly difficult trip, but finally the six men with their dog teams reached the goal, a large mountain far to the south. They watched as the plane flew to the Pole and then headed back to Little America. Then the six men were faced with the grueling trip back to Little America.
But the six men and their dog teams ran into serious trouble. After all the days in the harness, the dogs became too exhausted to finish the difficult trip back. The men helped as much as they could. They even tried to help pull the loads, but it wasn’t enough. To make matters worse, storms forced them to delay traveling. Meanwhile, their food supplies were used up alarmingly fast.
About fifty miles from Little America, things really became desperate. The six men sadly decided they would have to shoot some of their beloved dogs in order to feed the rest of the weakened dogs.
This story should be a reminder of how all of us are weak sinners. We may wish we could “do better” in order to deserve a place in heaven, but no matter what we do or how hard we try, we keep failing. We need help outside of ourselves, just as those doomed dogs did.
Fifty miles away, Spike had recovered enough that he was let out of camp at Little America one day. Somehow he must have sensed that he had missed out on a trip. As soon as he was let out, he streaked away across the ice pack, as sure of the trail as if it had just been made.
As the six weary, discouraged men sat in their frigid tent that awful day, they were sadly thinking they would have to kill some of their dogs when they heard an excited noise outside! Suddenly, Spike ran into the tent, leaping on them with joy. He still wasn’t fully recovered, but he had the strength needed to save his fellow dogs and encourage the men.
The men threw away all they could possibly do without, leaving only one sled load. They harnessed all the dogs to that one remaining sled, with Spike in the lead, and headed off. The weary dogs found courage and strength to go on, as Spike pulled and whined at them, driving forward without giving up. At last his grit and energy seemed to pass to the rest of the dogs, and they pulled with all the strength they had left on that last fifty-mile run. They made it to Little America in three days.
We may be amazed at the love, loyalty and devotion of a dog. But this is just a very small picture of the great work and love of the Saviour of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ. He did something for us that we could never do for ourselves. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). You and I don’t have the strength to earn our way to heaven, but the Lord Jesus has already opened the way for us by His death on the cross. He came all the way from heaven to take our load of sins upon Himself, bearing the penalty for sin while hanging on Calvary’s cross. He died there and then three days later rose again from the grave. Now He lives to take us safely all the way home to heaven.
Have you received His offer of free salvation? “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12). We don’t have to struggle hopelessly to be good; we only have to accept that we can’t do it by ourselves and believe on Jesus who loves us and died to save us. Will you come to Him right now with your lifetime of sins and let Him save you?
MEMORY VERSE: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Earth Still Turns
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22
God has placed the earth and every planet and star in its own special orbit through the vast reaches of space, and they all spin in perfect order and always on schedule. If this were not so, long ago they would have collided with each other and produced chaos too great to imagine.
Through improved instruments and computers, astronomers are continually amazed to find that the galaxies of stars reach farther away than has been thought. Some now say there may be no end to them! No one on earth will ever know for sure, but those who will be in the glories of heaven with their Saviour will then undoubtedly learn all about His wise creation. We have been taught that the earth turns on its axis every 24 hours (although it is actually 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds), providing an average of 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness every day of the year. Who do you think arranged this, and why doesn’t it ever run down or change? The answer is found in the Bible verse: “The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He established the heavens” (Proverbs 3:19).
The earth’s tilt of 23 degrees on its axis is another provision of the Creator, bringing a welcome change in seasons, as our opening verse states. This places more areas of the earth’s surface under the benefit of the sun’s warmth than would be possible if it were not tilted.
Imagine what life would be like (if there could be any life) if the earth did not rotate every twenty-four hours! On one side the heat would be so unbearable that nothing could live, and on the other side it would be so dark and cold that everything would freeze solid. Aren’t you glad the Creator is the One who controls this turning? We should thank Him, among other things, for the way this design takes care of all His creatures—some are active in daylight hours and go to sleep around sunset, while others sleep in the daytime and are active at night, all according to His plan.
It is sad to realize how mankind’s carelessness has spoiled many benefits our loving Provider has given us, yet He continues to provide for us in every necessary way. We can only agree with the psalmist: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament [expanse] showeth His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).
We are so used to these marvels that we rarely think about them, but it is good to stop and think about what this Bible verse tells us: “The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof” (Psalm 50:1).
Unconscious Underwater!
One fall morning, Alan and Bill planned a short trip, which included a hike to a waterfall followed by a swim at the Warm Springs Indian Reservation pool. Alan enjoyed seeing how far he could swim underwater in one breath of air. In this pool he had the chance to swim underwater a full two hundred feet without having to turn around.
It happened to be a weekday when there was no lifeguard on duty, so Alan decided to have Bill watch him in case of any difficulty. Alan was young and strong, and he was pretty sure he could make it to the end of the pool in one breath. He dove in and then swam hard. But then he did something very foolish. His pride urged him to keep on swimming, while his body was telling him to get more air.
Alan didn’t listen to what his body was telling him. Instead, he kept swimming even though his body was out of oxygen. Fifteen feet from the end of the pool he became unconscious and sank to the bottom of the pool!
Now in this condition, we can truly say Alan needed a saviour—someone who was strong enough to pull him out of the water and rescue him. Alan’s condition of being totally helpless is just like you and me in the sight of God. We all have offended God by having sinned in His sight. Yet at the same time, God loves us even though we are sinners, and He loves us with a very great love. Like Alan, we are helpless to save ourselves from the judgment we deserve for our sins.
Bill saw Alan down at the bottom of the pool and not moving. He jumped into the pool to rescue his friend before he drowned. But since Bill was smaller than Alan, he was not strong enough to lift Alan out of the pool. Thankfully, Bill called for help, and a strong man heard the call and came and lifted Alan out of the pool. That strong man saved Alan’s life.
Many sinners turn to religious leaders, thinking that these people can forgive their sins. But we read in the Bible, God’s Word, “Who can forgive sins but God only?” (Mark 2:7). God sent His beloved Son down to this sin-filled world to be the Saviour of sinners. The Bible tells us this: “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14). Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood so that you and I can have our sins forgiven. He is our strong Man, the only One who can forgive sins and give us everlasting life.
Jesus loves you so much that He died for you. Will you come to Him for forgiveness of your sins and a promise of a home with Him in heaven? He will hear your prayer and forgive you ... right now!
MEMORY VERSE: “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14
Candy's Trust
The front door slammed shut for the last time, ending the family morning rush to school and work. The sudden stillness seemed almost heavy, and perhaps that is why three-year-old Candy slipped onto the couch beside Mother for a little chat. Mother had settled herself there with a second cup of coffee to enjoy her small daughter. They often sat together like this, and Mother would share what was on her mind.
The family station wagon was old and had many mechanical problems. There was an ongoing dream and prayer with this family of seven to purchase a nice, large van that would end all problems and be just right for trips. Candy often chattered away about such plans, but today her thoughts went deeper.
Finally she asked, “Mommy, how is the Lord going to let us know when our own van is ready? Will He just call down from heaven and say, ‘Your van is ready!’“?
Now, I suppose you are smiling as Mother did, but with her smile was a tear of thankfulness for Candy’s simple faith. But you laughingly might say, “God doesn’t call down from heaven!” Oh? But hasn’t He? Since time began He has been calling down, sometimes out loud and sometimes with written words. Then wonder of wonders! He came down in the person of the blessed Lord Jesus. The written words He left us, although not so startling as vocal calls, are really best—because we can read and reread them to be sure we understand their meaning.
God has something for us too—something of far greater value than a nice van. Listen. In the Bible in Matthew 22, Jesus speaks of a great marriage supper in heaven, which God has prepared for His Son. He wants you to be a part of it and to have a home in heaven with Him. Jesus said, “Behold ... all things are ready: come unto the marriage” (vs. 4). Then in Matthew 24:44 He says, “Therefore be ye also ready.” How does a person get ready for such a wonderful thing? We must be clean, perfectly clean of any stain of sin, for heaven is a holy place. Old sins, forgotten sins, “little” sins—all must be gone! We cannot do one thing to make ourselves clean. So we have a problem. The Son of God Himself came down to help us with this need.
On Calvary’s cross He shed His own precious blood that we might be cleansed from our sins. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). And He promised, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
Now the question is, Are you ready? God is, and He still calls to you from heaven.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Big Rabbits
“I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field shall honor Me.” Isaiah 43:19-20
In desert country, you may not have to travel far before seeing a jackrabbit. It may be sitting up on its hinds legs watching you, or it may be leaping away in a zig-zag course to get out of sight.
The jackrabbit has big ears, yet all species do not have the same size ears. Those in Australia have enormous ears. They provide a keen sense of hearing and also act as “coolers” by giving off body heat in the intense heat of that land. The ears of jackrabbits in the United States are much shorter, since they live in colder areas and need to conserve heat in the cooler seasons. How wise our Creator was to help these active animals to be comfortable no matter where they live.
The jackrabbit has a keen sense of sight. Its eyes see forward, sideways and even behind. This, along with its keen sense of hearing, helps keep it alert to the threats of enemies. Its great hind legs enable it to make leaps and bounds at speeds up to forty-five miles an hour. It can also jump five feet in the air while leaping five or ten feet in distance.
The snowshoe rabbit is a cousin of the desert jackrabbit. This species can live comfortably in a cold climate. It has long, strong hind legs like its relatives of the south, but its ears are much shorter, since it needs to conserve its body heat in that climate.
A very special feature the Creator gave this rabbit is the “snowshoes” it wears in winter. Its feet, about twice the size of a jackrabbit’s, have toes spread wide apart. As winter approaches, long hairs grow between the toes, forming a pad. This permits it to walk on top of the snow and easily leap through it in ten-foot jumps.
In addition, God gives it a white winter coat in exchange for the brown one of summer. When sitting still on the snow, it is almost invisible. Towards spring as the snow melts and rocks and brown soil begin to appear among patches of white snow, this rabbit’s white coat changes to a mottled one, helping it to blend with the ground. When all the snow is gone, its coat returns to brown again for the summer.
These animals do not stop to think about God’s care over them or the special features He gave them when they were created. God’s care over us is very real too, and we should think about not only His care, but His great love for us. For those who know that love and have found salvation through faith in His Son Jesus Christ and His death on Calvary, He encourages each one to “[cast] all your care upon Him; for He [cares] for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Breakfast by the Sea
Some of us may find that fishing is fun, but for these seven men it had been a business. They were fishermen by trade. When Peter said, I’m going fishing, they all answered, We are going with you.
Years had passed since these seven disciples of Jesus had dropped their fishing nets into the sea, but they quickly remembered how to do it. They remembered that it was easier to get a good catch of fish at night. However, in the morning their nets were empty.
Why weren’t they able to catch even one fish by morning? Because Jesus was not with them. And if Jesus is not with you, you have an emptiness too. You can try doubly hard, but you can’t fill that empty place with anything you can do. The wonderful truth is that Jesus Himself is the only One who can fill that empty place in your life, and He is ready to be your Saviour right now.
The seven fishermen worked hard all night in the dark and hoped for a good catch, but in all those hours, nothing came into their net ... not even one fish. That meant they had no fish to sell and nothing for breakfast. What a big disappointment!
But Jesus was not far away. When morning came, He stood on the shore and called to them, Children, have you caught any meat [fish]? And they had to answer, No.
Jesus said to them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship and you will catch some. And they did catch fish ... their net was full!
This same Jesus calls to you wherever you are right now. Will you be as quick to obey Him as those disciples were? Jesus has all power, and He is quick to answer. He does not promise you fish with fins and scales, but He promises eternal life. However, those seven fishermen had to obey before they got His answer. And do you know what you have to do? Read John 3:16 and see! Read Acts 16:31 and see! Have you obeyed what Jesus has told you to do? If so, He has filled that empty place in your life ... your net is full!
Peter did not know who was talking to them on the shore. John told him, It is the Lord! When Peter heard that, he put on his coat and jumped into the water. He thought it was the fastest way to get to Jesus. We don’t know if he waded in or swam into shore, but he wanted to be with Him.
The disciples had a huge catch of fish, and they dragged the full net to shore and counted them. There were 153 fish! ... Plenty to sell and plenty to eat!
But what were fish compared with having Jesus with them? He was the risen Saviour who had already died and was buried and rose again the third day. It was those same hands with the nail wounds that already had prepared a fire of hot coals on the shore, with fish already cooking, and He had bread for them too. The fish they had caught in their net were good, but perhaps Jesus was showing them that He could provide for them. His way is perfect. We should never, never doubt Him.
John calls himself “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20). But he doesn’t say, “He loves me best.” Maybe for a while Peter had forgotten that Jesus loved him, but the Saviour’s love was just as real for Peter, and it is real for you too. It was Paul who said, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20), and he also called himself the chief of sinners. Our sin doesn’t turn away Jesus’ love for us.
How much does God love us? He loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. That’s a lot of love! If you come to Jesus because you need Him—because there is no one else to save sinners and because you believe His promise—then you’ll find that He loves YOU, just as truly as He loved John.
You may read this story for yourself in John 21.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
What Do You Weigh?
Most boys and girls like to step on the scales to see how much they weigh. Brent liked to do this, and he always wanted to weigh more than anyone else! One time, trying to be the heaviest, he puffed up his cheeks full of air. One of his friends said, “Brent, you can only weigh what you are. Puffing up your cheeks won’t make you weigh more!”
This is true of each one of us in God’s eyes; we can only “weigh what we are.” Unless we have our hearts washed clean of our sins in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are only sinners in God’s sight and on our way to eternal punishment.
In Daniel 5:27 we are told of a king who was “weighed in the balances, and ... found wanting.” This means that when he stepped on “God’s scale,” he did not “weigh enough.” God could see that his heart had not been washed clean of its sins, so he was not ready to go to heaven when he died. And he died that very night!
How terrible it will be when the Lord Jesus comes if you do not “weigh enough”—if your heart has not been washed clean of its sins. Let Him wash away your sins right now!
“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7). “Jesus Christ, who.... loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Millions of Crabs
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11
There are about 4,500 different kinds of saltwater, freshwater and land crabs. All have flat bodies covered by hard shells, eyestalks, and five pairs of legs covered with jointed shells. The two front legs are usually equipped with toothed pincers. Crabs that swim have flattened hind legs that work like paddles.
Hermit crabs use all kinds of empty shells for their homes. They sometimes carry poisonous sea anemones on their backs as protection from enemies. The anemone shares the crab’s food by reaching its tentacles into the crab’s mouth when it is feeding. Its poison normally would kill the crab, but when they live together it does not harm the crab. Only God could make this possible!
In somewhat the same way, the cowboy crab of Hawaii carries an anemone in each of its two front claws to frighten its enemies. It often joins the anemones in eating the food killed by their poison.
One called the sponge crab cuts out a piece of sponge just the right size and places it over its back as a disguise. It uses a special pair of legs God gave it for this clever trick.
Mole crabs bury themselves in the sand, leaving only their mouthparts and eyestalks exposed. Large numbers of them live together, catching food this way from outgoing waves.
Ghost crabs, the color of sand, blend with the seashore and live in burrows on the beach. They leave their burrows at night to explore for food and scurry back at dawn. Hiding in their burrows for the day, they close the openings behind them so cleverly that no one would guess they were there. During summer they store food for use when going underground in the fall. They do not appear again until spring and come out dressed in new shells.
Land crabs in the Samoan Islands live among rocks in the hills. Every October and November, exactly four days before the last quarter of the new moon, they travel down to the ocean in great numbers. Instead of going around rocks, tree stumps and even houses, they march in a straight line, crawling right over them.
Do you think the Lord, their Creator, cares about crabs? We know He does, for the Bible tells us “all things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [are provided for]” (Colossians 1:16-17).
He also has created you and me, and His care and love are over us at all times. He invites us to learn about Himself through His holy Word, the Bible, and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Saviour. Have you obeyed the Bible verse that says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)?
Bear and the Sawmill
A group of men was building a sawmill. There are many parts to a sawmill, so there was a lot of fitting, cutting and reworking of parts. All this made the job last over a period of weeks.
During those weeks, Sam’s dog, named Bear, liked to keep Sam and the other men company. Bear always chose the same spot to lie down where he could watch all the activity. This favorite spot happened to be the very spot where the large 52-inch saw blade, which would saw the logs, would soon be put into place.
Finally the big day came—which happened to be the 4th of July—to test the sawmill and run the first logs through. Bear kept a safe distance while watching the men’s activities.
The men were still testing the sawmill as evening wore on. Nearby some fireworks suddenly were set off. The loud bangs frightened Bear and sent him running for cover. And where do you suppose he ran for safety? Right toward the whirring saw blade where he had spent so much time in the past weeks!
A terrible tragedy was about to happen when Sam spotted Bear. Sam was not close to the saw cutoff switch. Even if he could shut down the motor, the blade would continue turning for some time until it slowed to a stop.
Sam shouted as loudly as he could, “BEAR—STOP!”
The startled dog looked up as he stopped in his tracks, only inches from the deadly blade. Then Sam commanded the dog to come to him. Although not really wanting to follow the command, Bear obeyed and went to his master.
Boys and girls, this story has much to teach us. So often we feel comfortable in dangerous places and dangerous situations. Bear felt comfortable for a long time, lying in a certain place. But we know it could have cost him his life, except that his master saw him in time and called out to stop him.
This world is a place of danger. We can even get comfortable and feel safe in it. Then when problems come, it can become the natural thing to just turn to the world for help. But the end result is even greater danger.
The world is on a path of death and judgment. But the Lord Jesus loves you and has His eye upon you, calling you away from the danger. He says, “Come unto Me ... and I will give you rest [comfort and safety]” (Matthew 11:28). The world says, “Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them ... and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).
Are you listening to the Master’s voice? Jesus warns you to stop! Then He tells you to come: “Come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live” (Isaiah 55:3). Have you come to Him? Death and judgment are ahead. Come to the Saviour now! He loves you and died on Calvary’s cross to wash away your sins. He anxiously waits to receive you and keep you in safety. Tell Him that you accept Him as your Saviour. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Now when the sawmill is running, Sam makes sure that Bear is in a safe place. He must be tied up so that tragedy cannot strike. And the Lord Jesus is carefully keeping those who belong to Him. He says, “ My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28).
MEMORY VERSE: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27-28
An Unexpected Experience
Steve was very happy when his work ended on a Thursday night in the town he had been sent to. Now he was able to head home, about a two-hundred-mile drive. Since it was winter, he knew to expect any kind of stormy weather while driving home. He was driving the company’s rented truck, so he felt quite safe and secure in this large vehicle.
But the surprise came suddenly and without warning! The highway looked clear and dry, perfect for driving, but it wasn’t. It was covered in black ice, which is impossible to see, especially at night.
Suddenly Steve lost control as the truck slid sideways off the road and rolled over three times, finally landing on its side. It was good that he had his seat belt on or he may never have come out of the accident alive. As it was, to get out of the truck he had to climb through the back window, which had been broken out as the truck rolled. His seat belt had held him in the seat and prevented him from being injured as the truck tumbled. He didn’t seem to have even a scratch.
Just as he was carefully crawling out of the broken window, something caught his eye on the ground that looked like a book. Yes, it was a book, and the title of it was “Fully Rely on God.”
Now I’m happy to tell you that Steve is a Christian, but he could hardly believe the message sent to him that night! Where it came from, he did not know, but he was impressed. He made up his mind then and there that he certainly would read the book. He took it to work with him the next day to read on his lunch hour.
Proverbs 8:33 says, “Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.” And the best instruction in the world is found in the Bible, the book we can “Fully Rely On.” No doubt, the book Steve found pointed him to the Word of God.
Have you read your Bible today and listened to its instruction?
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Masterpiece of Design
“Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?” Job 39:13
A bird’s feather is the lightest object in the world for size and toughness. It provides not only flight but also warmth and distinctive coloring as well. Most birds do not have feathers when they are hatched but have soft, fluffy fuzz called down. They do not get feathers until later. A feather is made up of a hollow but strong main shaft, called a quill, which tapers to a point. Each quill has about 600 little branches, called barbs. Each of the barbs in turn has about 800 smaller branches, called barbules. The barbules of most birds have tiny hooks, called barbicels, on the feather’s underside and corresponding flanges on the upper side. A single feather on a large bird might have about 30 million barbicels. A strong microscope is necessary to see these tiny parts. If you could count all of the barbicels on all of the feathers of one bird, you would find several hundred billion! Isn’t that astounding? Did you ever think a bird’s feather could be so complicated? Do you wonder why all these hooks are there?
When birds lift their wings to fly, the feathers hook one to another, making a firm fan. It actually looks like a zipper. Yet, as the bird flies through the air, to enable certain moves these hooks cannot remain hooked. When the hooks on one or more feathers let loose, the bird can carry out a sudden turn or perfect dive. The bird does not think about this. God created it so these actions are automatic and immediate.
The tail feathers are different from the other feathers and do not hook together. Some birds have only about a dozen tail feathers, but others have as many as a thousand. All tail feathers are rooted in a “pincushion,” with a separate muscle for each feather so the feather can pivot in any direction.
God has also provided each bird with a pigment (color) system so the species of all remain true in color and design. This helps the birds recognize their own kind, and they will not mate with others. He created “every winged fowl after his kind,” and they have been obedient to this rule throughout the years—never changing from one kind to another.
Thinking of the wonders of creation makes us want to join in the Bible verse, “Praise Him [God] for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness” (Psalm 150:2). We do indeed praise Him for these mighty acts of creation, but when we know Him as our Saviour we can praise Him even more: “By Him therefore let us offer ... praise to God ... the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15). Do you praise Him as your Saviour?
Big Trouble for Big Birds
Have you ever been in trouble? Most of us would have to answer “yes,” and some of us would have to admit we needed help to get out of that trouble. Those of us who have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Saviour know that He “is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). We only need to ask Him for help.
This story is about a large group of bald eagles that got into serious trouble and needed help. If you have never seen bald eagles, they are large, magnificent birds, and when fully grown they can measure up to three feet long, with wingspans of seven feet. Their white heads and tails and large, yellow bills easily identify the mature eagles. One favorite food of these birds is fish.
Almost half of all bald eagles in the world live in Alaska. God cares for them and gave them homes near an abundance of food. He sees and cares for all His creation, not just the beautiful creatures, but the plain, little ones too. In Matthew 10:29 we learn that even when a sparrow falls to the ground (or dies), God sees it and cares. And if He cares for the little sparrow, He cares much, much more for the people He made and loves.
One winter a large fish-processing plant in Alaska parked a truck outside that was full of fish waste and left it uncovered. Fifty or more eagles swarmed onto the back of that uncovered truck to feast on the fish remains. Although the eagles did not know it, they would soon be in serious trouble.
As the feasting eagles tore apart the fish remains, they were soon covered with fish oil. The poor creatures could not fly or even clean their feathers. Some were so weak the other feasting birds trampled on top of them, injuring them. In the very cold temperature, the birds began to freeze and die. What a sad mess! These birds needed help fast, but birds can’t call out for help.
Have you ever had to call for help, maybe to your dad or mom? It’s always a relief when they answer right away, especially if it’s serious trouble. But each of us has a very serious problem that family or friends cannot help us with. If we really think about the seriousness of our sins and that God says they will take us to a hopeless, everlasting hell, He wants us to know that not accepting the Lord Jesus as our Saviour is the MOST serious trouble possible. Jesus is the only One who can help us with our serious sin problem. God warns us, “The wages of sin is death,” but then He adds the help we need: “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). If we realize our danger, the Lord Jesus is listening for our call for help.
Of course, the eagles did not realize their danger, but some of the workers at the processing plant did. The truck was quickly moved inside the plant, and the contents were dumped on the floor. The eagles needed to be revived. They were so soaked in the fish oil that they could barely move, even when they were frightened and tried to scatter. Wildlife caretakers were called and began to catch the perishing eagles. What a job they had! The eagles had to be cleaned with dish soap in tubs of warm water. Then they were taken to a heated building to dry and recover. Sadly, at least nineteen eagles died, but many survived and were able to be released into the wild again ... because there were people there to help them in their trouble.
If you haven’t taken the Lord Jesus as your own Saviour, NOW is the time to accept Him and know you have His help now and forever. The Lord is near for each one who belongs to Him, not only in times of trouble, but also each day of our lives. He says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).
MEMORY VERSE: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Mary Jones Had a Wish
This true story took place in the country of Wales in 1802. It’s about a young girl and how, with God’s help, her wish came true.
Once a school finally opened near her home, Mary Jones quickly learned to read at age ten. Neither of her parents could read, so there was no Bible in their home. She walked two miles to a neighbor’s house every Saturday so she could read their Bible and study her Sunday school lesson. Mary’s wish was to have a Bible of her very own in her own language. But money was scarce and so were Welsh Bibles. Mary worked for six years to earn enough money to buy her own Bible. Finally the day arrived when she had the money she needed to purchase one.
At age fifteen, Mary walked twenty-five miles across the rugged countryside to the town of Bala to buy what she wanted most—a Welsh Bible of her very own. When she arrived at the place where Mr. Charles lived, the man who sold the Bibles, he had several copies of the Welsh Bible, but he sadly told her they had been promised to others. However, when he saw how brokenhearted and tearful Mary was, he handed her one of the copies. Mary’s prayers had been answered, and she walked the twenty-five miles back home with her precious treasure.
Soon her amazing story of working and saving for six years and walking twenty-five miles to buy her Bible caused it to be translated into many languages. This opened the way for the Scriptures to be shared with people around the world.
Do you have a Bible of your very own? Do you read it every day?
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Pocket Gopher
“I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old.” Psalm 77:11
There are many kinds of gophers, and each kind has its own name. Do you know how the pocket gopher got its name? It was called this because it has fur-lined pouches on the outsides of its cheeks. It stuffs food inside these pouches to carry back to its underground tunnel. It empties its pouches by turning them inside out, and then it heads back outside to collect another load. Squirrels and chipmunks also have cheek pouches for carrying food, but the gopher is the only rodent that has fur-lined pockets on the outside of its body.
Not many people have seen these gophers, for they seldom come out of their tunnels and usually only venture a few feet away, except when exploring for food. Their enemies are snakes, large birds and larger animals, and so they are nervous, darting quickly into their tunnels when danger is near.
These ten-inch rodents weigh less than a pound and are found over wide areas of North and Central America. They vary in color from reddish-brown to gray. The most noticeable features are their long, sharp-pointed, front claws and their large, yellow teeth, which are always showing even when their mouths are closed. They have large heads with very small eyes and ears.
You may wonder why the Creator designed them this way. The reason must be that most of their lives are spent digging tunnels, and these features are helpful in this. Incidentally, those big front teeth are used not only for gnawing food but are real power shovels, working with the claws when digging. What a wonderful provider the Lord God is for His creatures!
The main tunnel may be five hundred feet long with side tunnels and storage areas. The tunnels, which are always being lengthened, are about a foot below the surface but go much deeper where the grass-lined den is placed. There is a mound at the tunnel’s entrance, but the tunnel itself is plugged and only opened when it is necessary to look for food or to let in sunshine and fresh air.
The pocket gopher’s digging opens up hard ground, allowing rain to penetrate rather than run off. However, because they eat plants in the areas around their tunnels, they are not welcome guests to farmers and gardeners.
This is just one more of God’s underground creatures that displays the wonders of His creation and the diversity of life He has created for this earth. The psalmist was impressed with creation when he wrote, “Who is like unto the Lord our God, who [dwells] on high, who [humbles] Himself to behold the things that are ... in the earth!” (Psalm 113:5-6).
Do you know our loving God as the Creator and His Son Jesus as your very own Saviour?
The Tenth Commandment
Lili walked along gracefully with a gourd full of milk balanced on her head. Mi-Mi, who lived on the other side of the village, gave her pennies for milk delivery every morning. Lili’s head was full of ideas of what she would like to buy with those pennies. But somehow, there were never enough. If only she had a few more pennies....
She stopped by the pond and lifted the gourd down for a peek inside. No, it was not quite full, and more milk would mean more pennies. Mi-Mi always measured the milk carefully and paid a fair price. Lili knew what she could do to get a few more pennies for her milk.
Lili had probably never heard of the Ten Commandments. Have you? Can you remember the tenth one? It says, “Thou shalt not covet” (Exodus 20:17). Covet means to really, really want something you don’t need or that belongs to someone else. As Lili stood there doing nothing but thinking about what more pennies could buy, she was breaking the tenth commandment. If you have had the same kind of thoughts as she had, you have broken God’s commandment, and that is sin. You are guilty before God, and He says the penalty is death.
Lili soon arrived at Mi-Mi’s door and carefully lifted her gourd down, full to the brim. Mi-Mi came to the door with her jug and a cloth to strain the milk.
“Lili,” she said, “the children complained yesterday that the milk was watery. Did you add water?”
Lili remembered perfectly how she had scooped up handfuls of pond water into the gourd, but she answered, “Oh no, Mi-Mi, I wouldn’t do that!”
But as Mi-Mi strained the milk into her jug, she jumped in surprise. “Polliwogs!” she cried. “There are polliwogs in the milk! How did these get in?”
Both Mi-Mi and Lili knew exactly how those polliwogs got into the milk, and Lili didn’t get very many pennies that day. She had lost and not gained by her trick of adding pond water to the milk and then breaking another commandment by lying. But that is not the end of Lili’s story. It could have one of two endings.
If those sins remain on Lili’s heart and in God’s record of her life until she stands guilty before God, she will have to pay for her sins forever in the awful place God calls hell.
But if Lili comes to the Saviour of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ who shed His precious blood to make her clean and remove every stain of sin from God’s record of her life, her eternity will be joyfully spent in heaven.
One of the same two endings will be true of your life. Either you will keep your own sins unforgiven forever, or you will be one of those who will thank Jesus forever for washing your sins away. He is ready to forgive you. Are you ready to come to Him? Right now?
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
MEMORY VERSE: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
When I was a child, there was a framed Bible verse that hung on my bedroom wall. I learned it well, looking at it night after night. It is a very useful verse to know, and it would be a good idea if you learned it too. It says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15). This story is of a boy who called on the Lord Jesus for help when he was in great trouble.
Jamil was a little shepherd boy in the south of India. Water was very scarce in that area, and Jamil left his faithful ox to guard his flock of goats while he went in search of water. He walked until he came to an old well.
As he leaned over to see if there was any water, the wall gave way, and the poor boy fell into the well. Thankfully for him, a small shrub growing out of the side caught his shirt and stopped him from falling to the bottom. Shocked and bruised, he managed to pull himself up to a ledge while he thought of what to do.
How was he going to get out of there? It was impossible for him to climb out by himself, and he was in a very lonely area. In his fear and anxiety, he remembered that one day when he stopped to hear a gospel preacher in a village, he had heard of someone called Jesus. This Jesus could be called on for help in time of need or danger, and He would answer. Right there in simple faith, Jamil begged the help of Jesus.
After praying, he calmed down, and as time passed, he found himself nodding off to sleep. In this half sleeping state, he felt something touching him, and looking around he saw a rope. It was the rope that hung from the neck of his ox, which was now looking down into the well. The ox apparently had come in search of his young master. Quickly Jamil attached himself to the rope and called to his ox to back up, and so he was able to climb out of the well. Immediately he fell on his knees and thanked Jesus for answering his prayer.
Imagine the joy of that shepherd boy when he learned more about Jesus and came to know the One who had sent the ox to save him. Jamil became a Christian and often told the story of how his life was saved, always giving the glory to the Lord Jesus who hears everyone who calls upon Him. The Bible tells us, “The Lord is [near] unto all them that call upon Him” (Psalm 145:18). We can be sure that He heard a lonely shepherd boy in India, and He will hear us wherever we are.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Houses Under the Sea
“O Lord ... the earth is full of Thy riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.” Psalm 104:24-25
Clams, scallops and oysters are included in the family known as bivalves. They all live in double shells, hinged with a strong ligament, which they can open or close.
Most clams live in soft sand or mud where they disappear quickly when danger threatens. The razor clam, an especially tasty treat, can dig its way to safety faster than most people can dig to catch it. But some clams, such as the quahog, do not dig at all.
The boring clam, which needs to be loosened with a pickaxe, can burrow into hard clay or sandstone, using the sharp edge of its shell as a tool. Its extended “foot” anchors it in place while working, and a tube, called a siphon (which can be as much as a foot long), extends up to the clean, surface water for its food supply.
In the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, giant clams, up to four feet long and weighing several hundred pounds, thrive in large colonies.
Scallops are similar in many ways to clams. Their orange flesh, housed in a pretty ribbed shell, is a favorite of seafood lovers. The unusual feature about a scallop is its ability to swim through the water by jet propulsion while its double shell opens and closes.
Oysters, found in most of the world’s oceans, have their own way of life. They do not burrow; they remain on the bottom or cling to some solid object. They obtain microscopic food particles from the constant flow of water passing over them. Because oysters are a tasty food in great demand, “oyster farms” raise them commercially in many places.
Pearls, found in oysters, are the result of an irritant, like sand, that gets inside the shell. The oyster tries to relieve this irritation by covering the grain of sand with nacre (a substance called mother-of-pearl). As the layers of nacre build up, they eventually produce a lovely pearl (white, pink, black or gray) and usually have a shiny luster to add to their beauty.
None of these shellfish are aware of their dependence on God, yet “these wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season” (Psalm 104:27). How gracious a provider He is to all His creation. But we ourselves should be aware of our dependence on Him, as the question asks, “Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:9-10).
Let us never forget to thank Him for every blessing, and especially for the gift of His beloved Son “who gave Himself a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:6).
Otto the Bored Octopus
Elfi Kummer was completely confused. She had to close her Sea Star Aquarium due to an electrical problem. For two days in a row the electrical system needed for the aquarium had stopped working. The electricians didn’t know the cause, and her many sea creatures were in danger of dying when the electric pumps were cut off. The pumps sent oxygen into all the tanks which housed the sea creatures, so something had to be done right away!
Normally, the Sea Star Aquarium in Coburg, Germany, would be bustling with visitors viewing its 3,200 different creatures, representing over 600 species. One favorite creature was the very clever, six-month-old octopus named Otto. The workers had trained him to squirt passing visitors, and that kept him busy having fun during the busy summer months. But now, without the visitors to squirt, it seemed the two-foot seven-inch octopus was bored and began to cause trouble.
Otto wasn’t much trouble at first. Using his eight legs, he would juggle the hermit crabs that shared his tank and get a good reaction from the workers. That gave him the attention he seemed to need, but then the workers drifted off to do other jobs. He had the playfulness to grab the workers’ scrubbers when they tried to clean his tank. And imagine the stress for the creatures that shared his tank when this mischievous octopus rearranged the whole tank to his liking.
Otto sounds like some boys and girls I know. They think their “world” should be arranged to make them happy. Come to think of it, that same thinking could apply to a lot of men and women too. In fact, that’s the belief of the time we live in: “Do whatever makes me happy.” God says, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves” (2 Timothy 3:1-2). Looking out for our own pleasure is a sure way to get into trouble and to dishonor the Lord Jesus. In the tenth verse of the same chapter, the Apostle Paul says, “Thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, [love], patience.” Having this kind of purpose in life and a love for the Lord Jesus will help us to show love to one another and not selfishness.
Otto doesn’t have a conscience like you and I have. Maybe that’s why he seemed to think it would be fun to start throwing rocks at the glass walls of his aquarium. That brought the workers over to try to entertain him. They invented toys like bottled crabs for him to play with. But how long can you keep a clever octopus out of trouble?
After two nights with power outages, some of the workers decided to sleep in shifts on the aquarium floor. One worker would be awake at all times to see if he could spot the start of the electrical trouble. After watching for a few hours, he would wake up the next watcher to take his turn.
Toward morning, one of the watchers noticed Otto working his way up the side of his tank onto the lip of the aquarium and then taking aim at the 2000-watt light bulb overhead. WHOOOSH! Otto squirted a long stream of water onto the light bulb, and ZAP! It short-circuited the lighting system, shutting off the power to the whole aquarium building!
So that was the cause of the problem! A bored, trouble-making octopus was using his trained squirting capabilities to amuse himself. Rather interesting behavior for an octopus, but it makes me think about the more serious trouble caused by a selfish person.
For Christians in a selfish world, there is a perfect example of how we should behave. The Lord Jesus didn’t come to entertain Himself and just have fun. According to Romans 15:3, “Even Christ pleased not Himself.” He said, “I came down from heaven, not to do Mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me” (John 6:38). That’s actually the only way to have true joy, doing the will of God. We’ll never find lasting joy in trying to satisfy ourselves by having fun. In fact, we’re likely to cause trouble for others, like Otto did. When we are in God’s presence, we discover the truth of what Jesus said, “I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you” (John 16:22). Now that’s true happiness!
“Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not” (Proverbs 8:33).
MEMORY VERSE: “Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.” Proverbs 8:33
Rain Clouds
While we were driving to the store one day, we saw dark clouds in the sky ahead of us—very dark. Although we didn’t know exactly when, those dark clouds were telling us it was going to rain soon.
While we were in the store, we heard a clattering sound on the roof. Such a racket! We wondered if it were possible that rain could make so much noise, so we went over to the window to look. Yes, the parking lot was flooded, and the rain was coming down in torrents! We were very thankful we were inside the store.
Just as those dark clouds warned us it was about to rain, God is giving us dark clouds of warning that His judgment is going to fall on this sinful world very soon. Don’t be caught here when those clouds break! Come to the Lord Jesus now and be in a safe place. “Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee” (Job 22:21).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Computer Birds - Part 1
“Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of the birds is come, and the voice of the [turtledove] is heard in our land.” Song of Solomon 2:11-12
The ability of billions of birds to migrate to and from various parts of the world each spring and fall is truly amazing. If humans were to attempt these trips, we would need many kinds of instruments, charts and computers. But God has given these flying wonders the wisdom to stay on their courses perfectly.
Scientists are very interested in the abilities of these birds and would like to learn their secret. But man has not discovered the secret; it is the Creator’s gift to the bird kingdom. Amazingly, some, like storks, hummingbirds, plovers and terns, fly accurately for thousands of miles over land and ocean.
Some scientists think that birds are guided by the sun, and they may be right. But the sun travels from east to west, and for the most part birds travel north and south. If guided by the sun, they would need some kind of sensor to tell them the location of the sun in the sky at any time of day. Others think the night fliers use the stars for direction. However, the stars’ positions change as the earth revolves. So if the stars guide them, the night fliers have certainly been given something better than man’s global positioning systems to find their way. Still others think they follow landmarks, such as mountains, rivers and valleys. This might help those migrating over land; however, what about those flying over oceans?
None of these provide a real answer, since the migrators find their way just as well in total darkness, through foggy or cloudy skies, and often through bad storms. We must conclude that the Lord God who created and takes care of them is their source. He supplies this superb guidance and the amazing strength and endurance that takes them safely and accurately over these great distances.
It is wonderful to know the Lord as your Saviour and learn that He will provide daily strength for you too. The Bible says, “Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of His understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:28-31).
(to be continued)
Planting Time
Some of us in North America have had the fun of planting seeds in springtime. However, for some of you, North America is far away, and summer begins for you when snow begins to fall in the north. God made the world that way—round like a ball. He made it like that because that is the best way to preserve life, and He loves His creatures.
Seeds grow the same way all over the world. They need good soil, good rain and lots of patience from the person who plants them. Here is a story that Jesus told about planting seeds.
A man was planting seeds. He must have had lots of them, because he scattered them everywhere. If you think of each seed as a Bible verse, you will understand that God gives us lots of them. We have a whole book full of verses, and we’re scattering them right now. There is food in each one, and we can’t live without food. Will you make sure the Bible verses grow in your heart?
Some of the man’s seeds fell by the wayside. Nobody had dug up this ground, and the seeds didn’t stay there long. The birds gobbled them up before they had a chance to grow or maybe people walked right over the seeds. God says that in this story the birds are like Satan’s messengers. “Forget it,” says Satan, and lots of people do just that. If you forget God’s Word, it’s gone!
Some of the man’s seeds fell on stony ground. Everybody knows you can’t grow food on stones. Where will the roots go? There could be a little moisture, but not enough. Those seeds couldn’t produce food for anybody. Do you listen and remember what you hear from God’s Word? But if your friends don’t like it, then you don’t care about it anymore. God’s Word is too precious to waste.
Some of the man’s seeds fell among thorns. Maybe this was sort of good soil, because weeds grew there, but they were sturdy, thorny weeds. They crowded out those valuable little plants till they came to nothing. There are thorny weeds that are stronger than we are—weeds like worry or big plans that keep our minds full of thoughts so that the Word of God is crowded out. People say, “Oh no, I don’t have time to read the Bible, and I don’t have time to pray!” You have twenty-four hours every day, the same whether you are rich or poor. Don’t let the weeds of worry or ambition or fun crowd out the Word of God in your life.
Some of the man’s seeds fell on good ground. If you have a garden, you understand what good ground is. You must dig and rake, taking out stones and pulling up weeds, then adding fertilizer and water. Your garden will show if it has prepared ground. The seed is good seed, but does it fall in good ground in your heart?
This is so important that perhaps we should tell you how to prepare the ground. It begins by listening: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15). Look at your life and you will see that you really need this message from God. If you see your need to be saved from your sins, God gladly saves. Power belongs to Him. He has done all the work to save you from your sins. He sent His beloved Son: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
God is true to His promises. He will give you power to throw out the stones and dig up the weeds, but the willingness must be yours. Are you willing to let Him save you—right now—today? Are you willing to let Him help you remove the thorny weeds, the stones and the birds? Satan will never stop bothering you, but God is stronger than Satan. He can make that good seed grow into food for yourself and others. Best of all, He will reward you. That’s just what He wants to do.
MEMORY VERSE: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15
Lost for Seven Years
It certainly was a mystery when a cat named Smokey suddenly reappeared seven years after she had vanished from her owner’s backyard!
Denise had held out hope that Smokey would return someday. Even though she had moved, she still had the same phone number. Still, she was quite surprised when she got a call telling her that the Animal Control Service had her long-lost pet!
“I don’t know where this cat has been for seven years!” said Denise. The Animal Control Service had used a small identification tattoo on the cat to trace Smokey to her owner. Smokey is slowly getting reacquainted with her owner and new home.
Denise says it is important to have your pet marked with permanent identification.
I wonder if you have Jesus’ identification mark on you, showing that you belong to Him. God can see it, because He sees that you are covered with the precious blood of His beloved Son. When the call comes to go to heaven, will you go to be with Jesus? or will you be lost forever? It all depends on whether or not you have that identification mark.
Thankfully, Smokey wasn’t lost forever because of the identification mark on her body that showed she belonged to Denise. Are your sins covered with the blood of Jesus showing you belong to Him?
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Computer Birds - Part 2
“[Noah] sent forth a dove.... But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark.” Genesis 8:8-9
Noah’s dove had no difficulty finding her way back to the ark. This is a little example of the billions of birds that migrate over vast oceans and lands throughout the world each year. One, the blackpoll warbler, travels a 4000-mile journey between the forests of North America and Brazil. One part of this trip is an 86-hour, non-stop flight over water! The golden plover travels 15,000 miles or more each year, and the bobolink travels some 6000 miles between Canada and Argentina.
What makes them migrate? One reason is they need a place with long days and enough food to raise their young. Both of these are found in the North where trillions of insects hatch just as the birds arrive in spring. The Creator has arranged this, providing them with needed food and, at the same time, controlling the insects that otherwise would destroy the land. Then, aware that winter is coming, the migrators time their flights south to escape the cold of winter. Birds are the best forecasters on earth and can tell weather changes long before men can.
Young birds seldom fly with their parents. It is amazing how they can accurately fly to their destinations without help from their parents! Only God could give them this ability.
It is not only in the migration along their normal routes that their instincts are revealed. Experiments with birds removed from their normal surroundings and set free elsewhere have amazing results.
A number of shearwaters were taken in covered cages from the coast of Wales to both Italy and Switzerland. Although they are water birds and not used to flying over land, when released, these birds rose high in the air, crossed the Alps and flew straight back home. A cowbird from Illinois was taken to Colorado and released. A month later it was back home. This same bird was later taken to Quebec and promptly found its way back.
Eggs of many birds have been incubated hundreds of miles from their native lands. When the young birds are released at migrating times, they always fly to the home of their parents rather than with the birds with which they have been raised. There they join their true relatives in their migration route established for them by their Creator. These experiments confirm that birds have God-given abilities to find their way, even when taken to strange surroundings.
The love of God points a way for us too—the way to heaven. His Word, the Bible, says, “Broad is the way, that [leads] to destruction ... [but] strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which [leads] unto life” (Matthew 7:13-14). The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Have you put your trust in Him as your sure way to heaven?
The Geese and the Coyotes
Hi there, children!
Where we live Gramma and I see lots of Canada geese, and we often see their enemy, the coyotes. Early this spring when the geese came back, it wasn’t long until we also had a few coyotes showing up in the backyard. These coyotes were probably thinking that one or two of those fat birds would make a mighty good supper!
Since the weather was still cold, there was lots of ice on the creek. At times the geese and the coyotes would both be walking on the ice, and they would be watching each other pretty closely.
“Grampa, aren’t the geese afraid of the coyotes?”
Yes, they are afraid of the coyotes. You may be surprised to know that the coyotes are also afraid of the geese! If there are twenty or thirty geese, the coyotes will not attack. That’s because the geese are fearless fighters!
Today we saw that there were only three geese on the ice and one coyote, and they were watching each other very closely. The coyote was creeping very, very slowly towards one of those three geese. Gramma and I were also watching them very closely from the window.
Then Gramma said to me, “Doesn’t that coyote remind us of the devil?” I said, “He sure does!” We read in the holy Word of God in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant [watchful]; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour [destroy].” For those of us (men, women, boys and girls) who are saved from our sins, we know that we have protection, because God has told us in Psalm 34:7, “The angel of the Lord encampeth [camps] round about them that fear Him, and delivereth [rescues] them.” What a Guardian we have!
But, if you are not saved, you are in BIG trouble! Why? Because you don’t have any protection from the devil at all. He can deceive you into thinking there is nothing wrong with what he is telling you.
Maybe you are thinking, Not me, Grampa. The devil does not deceive me.
Oh, no? What about that little thing you took that wasn’t yours? You knew you really shouldn’t take it, but you took it anyway. That’s called stealing. Or what about the bad words you said. You knew it was wrong to say them, but you said them anyway. That’s called swearing or cursing. That’s two broken commandments already! Those things are called SIN, and SIN will keep you out of heaven! You are no match for the devil. The only One who is stronger than the devil is the Lord Jesus.
Children, the moment you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, your name is written down in the Lamb’s book of life, and you are saved and ready to go to heaven. Now listen to what happens if your name is not written down in that book. The Bible says, “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15). That is tragic! I’m so glad my name is written down!
But now you’re wondering what happened to the geese. Well, the coyote was slowly creeping towards the geese. Suddenly he CHARGED! But his paws slipped on the ice, and as he was sliding the geese took off! The coyote tried to stop, but he just kept sliding. He slid for seven or eight feet before finally stopping, and then he watched the geese fly away. Gramma and I had a good laugh! And you might say, “Hooray for the geese!”
Yes, the geese escaped, but what about you? Can you escape going down into the lake of fire? Yes, you can escape! God’s Word says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Children, if you are thinking that it’s time to trust the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you are right! Don’t let the devil give you any excuses for not doing it right now! You may miss a lot of things in life, but don’t miss God’s salvation! Remember, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
Isle Aux Morts
This island is located near the southwest corner of Newfoundland. Its name means “Island of Deaths.” It has been given this name because of the many shipwrecks that have taken place there. Many brave sailors have lost their lives, because of the numerous storms in this area. It is known to have more shipwrecks than any other place in the world.
The meaning of the name “Morts” is mortuary, where dead bodies are kept. That’s not a pleasant name for the place where people may live. However, we all live in a world where death arrives every day. Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? If so, the judgment is already past for you, because the Lord Jesus bore the penalty for your sins on Calvary’s cross.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Tailless Chimpanzee
“The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.” Psalm 50:1
Chimpanzees (usually called chimps) are members of the ape family, which also includes gorillas and orangutans, all living in central Africa.
In the rain forests they communicate by grunts, hoots and calls, sometimes so loud they can be heard more than a mile away. They usually band together in groups of forty or more. Old males sleep alone at night but join the groups in the daily search for fruit and other food. All like to groom one another. When they are friendly, they grin with their teeth covered by their lips, but when they are angry, their lips are pressed tightly together.
Chimps have small, round heads topped with large ears. Faces, ears, hands and feet are a bare pink, but the rest of their bodies are covered with thick, dark-brown hair. Full-grown chimps may be five feet tall and weigh as much as one hundred eighty pounds. Some live as long as forty years.
These mammals can stand upright for only a very short time. When they walk they drop down on all fours, stooping over with the knuckles of their hands supporting the upper part of their bodies. This is in contrast to human beings with whom standing or walking in an erect, upright position was established when they were created by the Lord God. Chimps and gorillas may look somewhat like humans, but there is no relationship at all. Each was created in its own pattern. Only mankind was given “a living soul,” extending life into eternity. Death means the final end for all other creatures.
Mother chimps have just one baby at a time and so are able to give it lots of attention. While she moves from place to place, the baby clings to her back or sometimes hangs underneath, grasping the hair on her belly. The little ones play, climb trees and wrestle with one another.
When large amounts of food are available, a group may invite others to join them by loud barking. Groups often work together, and since chimps always post a sentry to warn when anyone approaches, farmers find it difficult to keep them out of their orchards.
The loving care of the Creator for these and all creatures is so nicely stated in these Bible verses: “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings” (Psalm 36:6-7).
As these verses indicate, although God cares for all creatures, it is only mankind that can know His love and His goodness that not only provides for daily needs, but also has given us a Saviour. If we place our trust in Him, we are assured of an eternity in heaven. Have you placed your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Who Gives You Directions?
The police in a small Polish town were stunned when they heard a mini-bus driver screaming on a cell phone that his bus was sinking into a lake, and he and his passengers were trapped inside! While far away in the English countryside, a young lady was feeding her horses when she saw a woman drive her Mercedes car straight into a river! The raging current in the swollen river grabbed the car and spun it around, as the woman screamed and kicked at the windows trying to get out.
There is something alike in both stories. But first, have you ever heard of a Global Positioning System, sometimes called a GPS? Many cars now have this device. It helps the driver find his way in unfamiliar areas. The GPS figures out a set of driving directions and displays it on a map on the driver’s dashboard or sometimes announces driving directions out loud. A GPS is very helpful for lots of people, and they count on it to find their way. However, sometimes the directions it gives are not updated and are wrong!
The mini-bus driver had been driving down a road, following directions from his GPS. When he passed the first warning sign that the road ahead was closed, he ignored it. It was nighttime and he was unable to see the flooded road ahead. The police later reported that the road had been closed for a year and that the driver ignored three signs, warning the road dead-ended at a lake. The frantic calls from the driver brought police and rescue crews racing to the scene. Upon arrival, they could see the top of the bus far out in the water with three people seated on the roof. They had managed to climb out a window of the sinking mini-bus before the window was entirely blocked by water.
Instead of believing the three signs warning the road dead-ended at the lake, the mini-bus driver believed the out-of-date GPS directions on his dashboard and followed them right into really big trouble. If you had been the driver, would you have believed the GPS or the warning signs? Whose directions are you following right now? Sometimes friends, teachers and “experts” give instructions that don’t agree with God’s Word and that will steer you in the wrong direction. The Bible gives instructions that are completely reliable and never out of date! “Through Thy precepts [laws] I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:104).
What happened to the woman driving her Mercedes car? She had also ignored a warning sign that told her the river ahead was not crossable by cars. It was the middle of the day when she floored the gas pedal and headed for the middle of the rain-swollen river anyway. Maybe she thought her car, which cost $150,000, could handle just about anything. After all, it had a good GPS that directed her straight ahead and had probably given her many correct directions before. The young lady feeding her horses said she saw the car bounce back and forth from one bank of the river to the other as the driver screamed and frantically kicked at the windows, trying to break them, while water poured over the top of the car. Then as water began to pour into the car, it sank completely.
Proverbs 14:12 explains this driver’s story: “There is a way which [seems] right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” She believed her GPS directions and in the power of her expensive car, both of which took her on a terrifying, out-of-control spin down the river. Thankfully, the woman managed to get out of her car unharmed and was helped out of the river by the young lady who had seen it happen. The car, however, was a complete wreck and had to be pulled out of the river by a tow truck a week later.
Whose instructions are you following? Both the mini-bus driver and the Mercedes owner believed that the GPS directions were reliable and ignored the warning signs that the way ahead was closed. We know what happened. Are you one of the many people who believes what clever people around you say and don’t think you need to know what God’s Word says? God is the Maker of heaven and earth, and His directions are the only reliable ones. “Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89) ... no update needed. The Bible will not give wrong directions for reaching heaven after your life here on earth is over. And it certainly won’t lead you into a trap.
Here are God’s reliable directions to heaven: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son [Christ Jesus], that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Follow His directions, and your safe arrival is guaranteed!
MEMORY VERSE: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
A Shepherd to Follow
Even though you cannot always trust following a GPS, you can always trust following Jesus. Here is one of His promises: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28).
Can you fill in the missing words before turning to the verses?
In John 10:11, Jesus is “the _ _ _ _ shepherd.”
In Hebrews 13:20, Jesus is “that _ _ _ _ _ shepherd of the sheep.”
In 1 Peter 5:4, Jesus is “the _ _ _ _ _ Shepherd.”
Now, can you truthfully fill in the missing word in this verse?
Psalm 23:1: “The Lord is _ _ shepherd.”
Are you following Him?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Is It a Frog or a Toad? - Part 1
“Or ever the earth was.... My delights were with the sons of men.” Proverbs 8:23-31
From these Bible verses we know that the Creator, God Himself, loved the people of earth even before He created the world. This delight and joy also included having us share His happiness in what He has created. This includes learning about the many varieties of toads and frogs that He has placed in the world.
In response to the title question, “Is it a frog or a toad?” the term “frog” is used many times to describe what actually is a toad. Because they are both amphibians, there are similarities, but there are many differences. For instance, toads have no teeth but most frogs do. Toads have hind feet that are only partially webbed, while frogs’ feet are fully webbed. Only toads have warty skin, and this skin has a poisonous liquid, mainly in bumps just behind the eyes. This poison irritates and sometimes kills enemies, although it is harmless to humans.
The eyes of toads are interesting, and many people think they are quite pretty. Each variety has its own colors and jewel-like design. Like frogs, toads seldom blink their eyes.
Both toads and frogs have excellent patience. They sit perfectly still for long periods of time, waiting for something they like to eat to come swimming, crawling or flying by. Then, a quick flick of their long tongues captures dinner.
Most frogs and toads make their homes in warm climates. However, one that likes the cold is the boreal toad, a resident of British Columbia and Alaska. The Hudson Bay toad also prefers the northern climate. It is heavily warted and is easily identified by a white stripe down the center of its green back.
One of the most interesting is the suriname species of South America. It is so flat it looks like it was stepped on. It never leaves the water and eats small fish, insects and worms. When the female lays eggs, the male places them, one by one, in pockets on her back. Her skin quickly closes over them, providing a separate incubator for each egg. After several weeks the little toads come out fully developed and do not have to go through the tadpole stage like most other toads and frogs.
There is also a six-inch-long, four-inch-wide American toad with the name giant, but it is actually only about half the size of its cousin, the well-known American bullfrog.
Like each of us, toads and frogs are always under the watchful eye of our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us, “Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:9-10). Have you ever thanked Him for watching over you?
(to be continued)
Bobby Builds a Stall
Bobby had a toy horse he liked to play with. It looked a lot like a real horse except that it was quite a bit smaller. The horse had a long tail that Bobby could comb. It even had a saddle he could take off and put back on again.
Bobby wanted a stall to keep his horse in. His daddy said, “Since you are nearly five, I think you could build a stall yourself.” Bobby’s daddy explained his idea. “I have a hammer that is about your size and some nails, and here are some pieces of wood that you can use.”
Bobby was very excited and wanted to get started right away. Daddy said, “Let’s wait until tomorrow when I have a day off work. I think we can find a place to work in the backyard. Is that all right with you, son?”
“All right!” said Bobby.
Waiting one day wasn’t very long, but even so, it was going to take some patience on the part of a five-year-old to wait even one day. Do you children know what the word “patience” means? You’ve probably heard your parents say to you, “Just be patient,” when you kept asking for something again and again. Patience means to wait for something without fussing or complaining. Bobby could have stomped off and said he didn’t want to wait until tomorrow. That would not have been pleasing to the Lord Jesus or his parents. Instead, Bobby used patience to wait one day. However, like all of us, there were still more lessons for him to learn in patience.
The next day when Daddy was home, he and Bobby got everything together that Bobby was going to need to build the stall. There were three boards for the walls and a thick piece of wood for the floor. Bobby held the hammer while Daddy held the boards together. Bobby gave the board a mighty WHACK! Not only did he miss the nail completely, but the two pieces of wood broke and the hammer hit his finger! Oh, my! Poor Bobby went away, crying.
Thankfully, Bobby was more frightened than hurt. After everything calmed down, Daddy told Bobby, “Thank the Lord you weren’t hurt badly. How about if we try again, but I’ll have to get more wood first.” Another lesson in patience for Bobby. But he agreed that he wanted to try again after his daddy got more wood.
“Good boy!” Then his daddy said, “In the meanwhile, here’s a thick board. Why don’t you practice hammering before we work on the stall another day.”
So Bobby practiced the next day while Daddy was at work. Mother helped him hold the nail in place with one hand and hit it with the hammer in his other hand. In fact, she started several nails, so they were ready for Bobby to pound in. Soon he could do it all by himself. There was a lot of noisy pounding going on in that backyard.
Soon the time came when Daddy was home with more wood to help Bobby start again. Daddy held the pieces together while Bobby happily pounded the nails in. This time there were no hammered fingers. When they finished, they set the stall up, and Bobby was quite pleased as he put his toy horse into its stall. Everyone was happy, especially Bobby, because he learned to do things the right way, and he had learned several lessons in patience along the way.
Patience is a hard lesson to learn, even for grown-ups. Sometimes we pray for certain things, and we don’t get an answer right away. But we know the Lord Jesus answers all our prayers. Sometimes His answer is “Yes,” sometimes it is “No,” and sometimes He says, “Wait.” He knows what is good and best for each one of us. He tells us to “rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7). And while we wait for His answer, He tells us to “follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness” (1 Timothy 6:11). This is what will please the Lord Jesus, and both children and grown-ups need to learn to do this.
“Cast not away therefore your confidence ... . For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:35-36).
MEMORY VERSE: “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Psalm 37:7
"Don't Let Anything Bite Daddy"
It was almost bedtime. Daddy was away from home on a business trip, and Mother was reading a Bible story to her children. Little Andy listened carefully to the story of Daniel. Mother read how he was thrown into the lions’ den and how God had shut the lions’ mouths so they could not bite him.
A little later as Andy knelt beside his bed praying, his mother heard him say, “And don’t let anything bite Daddy.”
No doubt Andy knew that God, who had kept Daniel from harm, could take care of his daddy too. And he was right.
In this same simple way, shouldn’t each of us be asking God to keep us and those we love from harm and from sin? The Bible tells us God does hear our prayers and cries, and He promises to help those who trust in Him.
“They cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He [saves] them out of their distresses” (Psalm 107:19).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Is It a Frog or a Toad? - Part 2
“He [God] [looks] to the ends of the earth, and [sees] under the whole heaven.” Job 28:24
Yes, even toads and frogs are included in the above verse, as is every creature God has made. In the last issue we looked at the unusual ways of some toads in various parts of the world. Let’s look at a few more.
Among the smallest is Rose’s toad of South Africa which is only about an inch long. Another small one is the two-inch spadefoot. It has a sharp spade (shovel) on the inside of each hind foot, something like the toenail on your big toe. It uses these to dig underground to escape desert hot spells and then remains there until the rainy season. The spadefoot is sometimes called a frog, but it is more correctly a toad.
Both the Fowler’s toad and the oak toad look twice their actual size when they blow balloons from their mouths to increase the volume of their croaking. Some others make similar balloons by swelling out their throats to increase their croaking volume.
The yellow natterjack of England is also interesting. It has dark-brown warts and looks almost like a tiny bulldog. It doesn’t hop; it runs over the ground. Another is the pale-green South American granular toad. It looks peculiar because it is covered with sharp-looking points that scare away attackers; however, the points are actually just soft warts.
One species that does not have the normal drab colors of toads is the olive-green Colorado River toad. It lives in the deserts of the United States and Mexico and is the most poisonous of all toads. It has glands in its legs containing poison which, when rubbed into the skin of a small animal, brings painful death. This is good protection for this species and it is seldom attacked.
Another even more colorful species is the golden toad. Its colors range from a bright red to a brilliant orange. It lives in groups of a thousand or more and makes beautiful displays of bright color among the trees and forests of Costa Rica. It does not have to use loud croaks to keep in touch with others; its bright colors serve that purpose.
It would take a lot more space to write about all the known varieties of toads, but this look at a few should cause us to appreciate a little more of the Creator’s marvelous works. The Bible’s reminder that “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13) also includes each of us. It is solemn to realize the time is coming when each one must give an account of himself to God, who has been watching and caring for you. (See Romans 14:11-12.) Are you prepared for that time?
The King With a Small Name
He was the biggest king with the smallest name that you will probably ever hear of. This king’s name was Og. He lived long ago, and he was a giant. There were no electric lights then. When nighttime came, people just lay down on a bedroll on the floor and slept until sunrise. There was not much to do in the dark without electric lights.
But King Og had a bed. It was a real bed, and it was made of iron. Being a king, it was probably very comfortable with cozy blankets and pillows, but we really don’t know because the Bible does not tell us. But the Bible does tell us how big King Og’s bed was—nine cubits long and four cubits wide. And since a cubit was the length of a man’s forearm, that means it was almost fourteen feet long and six feet wide. So we know this king with the very small name was a very big man—a true giant!
However, it isn’t really size that is important. We know that a little, tiny germ can kill a person just as easily as a big, bad accident. Maybe King Og was proud of being such a big man, but the Bible tells us, “Man [looks] on the outward appearance, but the Lord [looks] on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Have you ever wondered what God sees when He looks on your heart?
He says, “All have sinned” (Romans 3:23), and that means not only King Og, but you and me too. And all the stain removers in the world cannot bleach out one of those sins! There is only one way to have our sins removed, and the Bible tells us how.
In their travels to the land that God had promised them, the children of Israel came to King Og’s country. Being a mighty warrior who ruled over sixty cities, King Og fought against God’s people. But there was a last day and a last night for the giant king. He did not win the battle, and he was dead the next day. Nobody can win against God—not ever!
They kept King Og’s huge iron bed, but it was just for show. Og was dead, and his body turned to dust until the resurrection. What then? The Bible tells us that the dead, small and great will stand before God, and the book of life will be opened, “and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
When that day comes, will you stand before God because you died in your sins? He is the God who sent His Son Jesus to die for you. He is the God who has love and forgiveness for you right now. Only Jesus can remove your sins and write your name in the book of life. He is the One who came into the world to save sinners. “What must I do to be saved? ... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31).
You may read this story of King Og in Deuteronomy 3:1-11.
MEMORY VERSE: “What must I do to be saved? ... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:30-31
Left Behind
Going out with Dad and my grandparents was always fun. One evening I was the only one of us kids able to go with them to the gospel meeting. I had been ready in plenty of time, but just as I was going out the door I remembered that I had to go get something special for my friend James.
I raced upstairs to my room and rummaged through my drawer till I found a special marble. Then I leaped down the stairs two at a time, but when I got to the bottom, I found my little brother Nathan locking the front door.
“Let me out!” I said, “I’m going to be late!”
“For what?” asked Nathan. “Dad’s already gone.”
“Mom!” I yelled, “Has Dad left already?”
“Why yes, Cliff,” said Mom. “I’m sorry, but you’ve missed him. I didn’t know you were upstairs.”
I plodded up the stairs to my room. I felt pretty sad to have been too late ... and all for a marble.
Have you ever thought that someday you might be left behind ... not just from an evening with your dad, but from heaven? The Bible says, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of Man [Jesus] cometh at an hour when ye think not” (Luke 12:40). To be ready to go to heaven, you must be clean from your sins, and Jesus will do this for you right now. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Once Jesus has washed away your sins, you don’t need to be afraid that He might leave you behind. And we can trust Him also to keep His promise to take us with Him to heaven. He will never leave behind anyone who has trusted Him, as my dad left me.
And I was left behind because of a marble. Are you letting something very small keep you from coming to Jesus? If you are left behind when Jesus comes, you will never have another chance to go with Him. But my story has a happier ending.
Just as I reached the top of the stairs, the door bell rang three times—the family signal. I ran down the stairs, unlocked the door, and there stood Dad.
“You came back!” I shouted.
“Yes,” said Dad as we both hurried out to the family van. “We stopped to pick up a neighbor, and when I called out, ‘Cliff, could you run to the door and see if he’s ready?’ Grandpa answered, ‘Cliff? ... he’s not here!’ Then I realized that you had been left behind.”
As Dad slid behind the wheel and I buckled my seat belt, I thought to myself, I’m glad I got to go along tonight, but now I know what it’s like to get left behind. I sure hope none of my friends will be left behind when Jesus comes!
And so I’ve written this story, hoping that you’ll be sure to be ready. Are you?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Great Blue Heron
“God created ... every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:21
When the Lord God created the world, He designed it with oceans, mountains, deserts, forests and everything else that made it a wonderful and beautiful globe. Then in each region He placed birds, animals and other creatures suited to that area’s vegetation and weather conditions. His wisdom becomes evident as we observe how each creature fits into the area where He has placed it.
One example is the great blue heron—a bird that is part of a variety known as waders. It lives in marshes, lakes, streams and other watery places. The great blue is the world’s largest heron, standing four feet tall and having a six-foot wingspread. It is a splendid sight to see one standing motionless in the shallow water of a pond with its long, spindly, red legs holding it like a statue. It is waiting for a fish, frog or tadpole to come swimming by.
Its name comes from the generally bluish-black feathers on its back and wings, but it is hard to make a general description because its coloring does not set a definite pattern. Each one is beautiful. As examples, one is bluish-black over its back but has reddish wings and red patches elsewhere. Another has the top of its head a deep blue with back and wing feathers a somewhat lighter shade, a rusty-red throat and neck, and a pinkish breast and lower body parts.
But the color varieties make great blues more interesting and do not affect traits common to them all. They have long spindly legs, long, narrow, flexible necks and strong, sharp-pointed beaks used to catch food. Their food includes fish, insects, frogs, mice or other tiny animals. They are very patient when hunting, standing statue-still in water, their yellow eyes alert for any motion. Then when a fish or other small creature approaches, they thrust their strong beaks down, quick as a flash, and rarely fail to catch it.
It is a delight to see this bird fly across the sky. When first taking to the air, its long neck is stretched straight forward, but as it rises high above the ground its neck is gradually drawn back to a graceful, double curve. With its long legs stretched out straight behind it, it makes a wonderful picture.
Herons live in large colonies high in trees alongside a marsh or stream. One tree may hold a dozen roughly built nests, so loosely woven that their eggs can be seen from below. Both parents care for the young birds for over two months before they mature enough to fly away.
Psalm 33:5 tells us, “The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” And Psalm 150:6 tells us, “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Have you ever praised the Lord?
How Much Are You Worth?
We visited a museum a few years ago where we saw a rare and beautiful diamond. Sixteen smaller diamonds in a platinum setting surrounded this large, dark-blue gem. It was locked in a rotating case behind three-inch-thick, bulletproof glass. A uniformed guard stood nearby, while crowds of people took turns viewing the treasure.
Precious jewels, like this beautiful diamond, are measured in carats. A carat is a unit of weight equal to two hundred milligrams. We learned that this precious gem weighed 45-1/2 carats. It was named the Hope Diamond and was donated to the Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C., in 1958. Like most famous jewels, it has an interesting history.
Sometime in the mid-1600s, a huge blue diamond that weighed over one hundred carats was dug out of a mine in India. It was extremely valuable because of its unusual color and large size. (Most diamonds we see in jewelry today weigh one carat or less.) This gem was taken to France and sold to the king, who had it cut down to 67 carats and set in gold. French royalty wore it until 1792 when it was stolen, along with other crown jewels, during the French Revolution.
The history of this diamond, referred to as the French Blue, is unknown for the next twenty years. Experts now think it was taken to England and recut to disguise the fact that it was stolen property. In any case, a diamond of the same color as the French Blue, but smaller, reappeared in London in 1812. It was in the collection of a diamond merchant who then sold it to Henry P. Hope, the rich banker from whom the jewel gets its name.
Over the next hundred years, this rare gem was either passed on to heirs or sold to pay off debts. Over time a story grew that bad things happened to all who owned the Hope Diamond. The story wasn’t true, but neither did the diamond bring anyone lasting happiness or a peaceful life.
People often ask, “What is the Hope Diamond worth?” One source says that, although it has an estimated value of at least $300 million, it is really priceless, because there is no other diamond like it.
And because God has made you a unique person, you are priceless—no money value can be put on your soul. You are an original and infinitely more valuable than even the Hope Diamond! We are told in God’s Word that no one “can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him” (Psalm 49:7). There is not enough money in this entire world to buy either your own salvation or your brother’s.
In the Bible, Jesus tells a story about a man that found a treasure hid in a field. He wanted it very much, so he joyfully sold everything he had to buy that field. This story Jesus told was a parable about Himself. He was the One who wanted to buy the field, which is the whole world. He saw treasure there, sinners like you and me! Do you know what it cost Him to buy the field? It was not a small price; He gave His life and shed His blood to purchase our salvation. “The Son of God ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Jesus willingly spent all that He had—His very life—to be able to save sinners. He returned to heaven after rising from the dead, but not before promising to come back soon to take all to heaven who have repented and believed that He died for their sins. He says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Have you believed that He paid the full price for your sins? If so, just like a sparkling diamond reflects the light, you can spread the light of the gospel in this dark world. Believers are reminded that “ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:20). One day soon you will shine as one of His jewels in His crown. “They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels” (Malachi 3:17). Let’s shine for Him today!
MEMORY VERSE: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
Tree Climbers
Have you ever climbed a tree? I watched Eddie climb our tree. He loves to do this just for fun, and he can scramble up fairly quickly.
It reminded me of a man in the Bible who once climbed a tree. His name was Zacchaeus, and he was a short little man. He climbed a tree for a different reason than Eddie does. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, who was coming along the road in the middle of a crowd of people.
But when Jesus came by the tree where Zacchaeus was sitting, He looked up at him and said, “Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house.” And he did just what Jesus told him to do.
Zacchaeus was a sinner, just like you and me. But before the day was over, Jesus said to him that salvation had come to him. This meant that Jesus had forgiven all his sins and someday he would go to heaven to live with Jesus.
Boys and girls, Jesus knows all about your sins, but He wants you to come to Him. He is calling you just like He called Zacchaeus. He loves you and wants to come into your heart and live with you until He takes you home to heaven. Won’t you tell Him right now that you are a sinner and would like Him to be your Saviour? He wants to forgive your sins, just like He forgave Zacchaeus’s sins. “I [Jesus] will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34).
The Wonders of God's Creation: An Unusual Fish Hatchery
“Lord, Thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.” Acts 4:24
Among the islands of the South Pacific, there are some unusual and pretty little fish called the mouthbrooding bettas. Only three or four inches long, they are busy little fish with a most unusual way of hatching their young.
Most fish prepare a place to spawn (deposit their eggs), and then after spawning swim away and forget them. But not the faithful betta. Somehow the female fish lets the male know when she is ready to spawn. He stays close beside her and catches the eggs on the back of his fins. He is very good at this and is able to catch nearly all of them.
After spawning, the female swims to her mate and with her mouth takes one egg from his fins and approaches him as though to give him a kiss. Instead, she blows the egg into his mouth! Then she goes back for another egg, repeating this process until his mouth is stuffed with all the eggs.
My, what a mouthful he has! But, surprisingly, he doesn’t swallow one of them. He casually swims around, usually for four or five days, until the eggs hatch and the baby fish swim out of his mouth.
With some species the female does the mouth-incubating after the male collects the eggs and puts them in her mouth. With other species the parent carrying the eggs has to swim around for two, three or even four weeks, waiting for them to hatch. In all betta species, both parents stay near the baby fish after they are hatched. If danger threatens, both parents open their mouths and the “small fry” promptly swim inside for safety. Of course, they soon grow too big for this hiding place and have to look after themselves.
We might ask, “When did they learn to raise their little ones this way?” The answer is that this is another example of the way in which the Lord God has instructed His creatures. God gave them instincts for this when He created them. From the very day of their creation, they have followed the pattern of life He designed for them.
His ways with men are ways of love and direction that are not known to the rest of His creation. David the psalmist, enjoying His love, declared, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!” (Psalm 139:17). The greatest display of His love was in providing a Saviour who died on Calvary’s cross. There He paid the penalty for the sins of all who see their need of having their sins forgiven and accept His work in faith. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Have you done this?
The Flat Tire
“What’s that?” we asked each other in alarm.
My husband Alex and I had been breezing along the road in central Illinois in our old car. We were returning to our home near Chicago from a summer spent at a university in the central part of the state, and the car was packed full. We were driving through farming country, with ripening fields of corn on every side. We saw very few cars and not many houses. Having the road nearly to ourselves was really nice ... until we heard that sudden, thumping noise under our car that startled us!
One look quickly told us that the tire was past repairing. Alex is no mechanic, but he could change a tire. However, out here in the country, changing a tire on the side of the road was not a good idea, especially since our trunk was jammed full—suitcases, food, kitchen stuff—the whole car was really packed! Well, we had no choice but to unload the trunk to get to the spare tire. Thankfully, the Lord allowed this to happen by one of the few houses around.
No one seemed to be home at the house as we started to unload the trunk in the home’s gravel driveway. We finally got down to the spare tire to discover, “Oh, no! ... The spare tire is flat too!” It certainly wasn’t going to be of any help!
Soon after we made the disappointing discovery of the spare tire also being flat, we were going to make a wonderful discovery about the faithfulness and constant care of our Father God. We were many miles from any help, and we did not have a cell phone. No one knew about our problem, and there was no way to tell anyone or call for help.
Did I say, “No one knew”? That was far from true. There was Someone who had been watching over us every step of the way. Our Father in heaven was soon to show us that we certainly did matter much more to Him than a fallen sparrow. He had once said that He notices even when a sparrow falls to the ground. Isn’t that amazing? He even knows how many hairs are on each of our heads! So He certainly knew about our problem of a flat tire and a flat spare tire too! “He [cares] for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Do you know Him as your loving Father and Friend? It is wonderful to have Someone to care for you who has all power in heaven and in earth!
There had been at least one vehicle that had passed us as we sat at the side of the road. Something, or Someone, made the driver come back to see if we needed help. Amazingly, this was not just any old car or truck we saw pulling up beside us on that gravel driveway. It was a tire-repair truck!
“What an amazing coincidence,” someone might say. No, we who know God as our Father know better. We are in His care day and night, and He has all we need for every emergency, big or small.
The truck driver kindly fixed the flat spare tire, helped put it on, and then directed us where to go to buy four new tires. “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He [knows] them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).
What a loving, caring God we have. Do you know Him as your loving Father?
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7
Cookie the Brave Cat
Cookie was just a little cat, but she was a mother and very proud of her kittens. Certainly she was not about to let any harm come to them.
One day a friend of ours came to visit us, and by his side was his big German shepherd dog. Immediately the dog spied the cat and took off after her.
“Wow, you’d better rescue your cat! That dog will tear it to pieces!” our friend exclaimed.
I started to run toward the cat, but there was no need. Cookie was standing still with her back arched, her hair bristling and her eyes flaming with anger. In a moment the dog was in front of her, and Cookie’s quick front claws were raking his nose and reaching for his eyes. That big dog tucked his tail between his legs and streaked across the yard yowling. Then he ran out the gate. His owner couldn’t believe what he saw.
Cookie followed the big dog a little way and then turned back to her kittens. She took quite a few backward looks to make certain that dog hadn’t changed his mind about coming back. The kittens didn’t even know they were in danger, but Cookie did, and she protected them.
If you’ve trusted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, then God in heaven is your Father, the One who made the heavens and the earth. He is greater and stronger than anyone or anything, and He promises never to leave or forsake any of His children. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).
Are you wondering how you can become one of His children and be sure He will be protecting you? You only need to pray to the Lord Jesus wherever you are. Tell Him you are a sinner and want Him to forgive your sins and receive you into His family. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12-13). Then He tells us to “fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine” (Isaiah 43:1).
Are you one of His children and are you being protected by Him?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Skin Holds You Together
“I will praise Thee; for I am ... wonderfully made; marvelous are Thy works.” Psalm 139:14
Most of us never think about our skin unless it is injured or needs washing, but it is a most necessary part of the body. The underside is called the dermis, which is filled with nerve endings, blood vessels and glands. Over this is the epidermis, the visible part.
If you could spread an adult’s skin out flat, it would cover about eighteen square feet, with each square inch containing approximately three feet of tiny blood vessels, twelve feet of nerves, one hundred sweat glands and more than three million cells! Strangely enough, the skin’s surface is actually dead. However, the cells at its base are alive, and new ones are continually being produced. These new cells push the old, dying ones to the surface where they get rubbed off, even though we cannot see this taking place.
Your skin is armor, providing protection from outside harm and a barrier to disease-causing germs and foreign matter. Healthy skin can stand harsh weather and extreme temperatures of hot and cold that would damage your internal organs. It also plays an important part in the control of body temperature. When you are uncomfortably warm, radiation (the heat given off from your body) is made possible by perspiration, with its cooling effect. But in cold weather the pores close up, and body heat is kept inside. Isn’t it interesting that skin permits moisture (sweat) to come out, but allows no moisture to go in, even if submerged in water?
The lines and whorls on our hands provide tiny ridges to grip objects that are to be handled. Those on the feet give a barefooted person sure contact wherever he walks. Perfectly smooth hands and feet would not work well at all. A wise Creator provided the little ridges. Fingerprints and footprints also are a positive means of identifying people—no two are alike, not even identical twins.
Of what use are fingernails? They stiffen the fingertips and offer protection from injury as well. Without them it would be impossible for the fingers to pick up most small objects.
Skin has a remarkable ability to recover from injury. Even when serious damage takes place, healthy skin will heal itself, often leaving a scar to remind its owner of the help it has given him.
When our faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ, we learn that we have another armor that protects against the attacks of Satan. Two important parts of this armor are the “Word of God,” the Bible, and “the shield of faith.” When, with God’s help, we put these to use, we can resist Satan and find joy in the Lord Jesus. This armor is explained fully in Ephesians 6:10-18. It is good to read these scriptures often.
Do you remember what made Methuselah so special in the world’s entire history? If you don’t know, read on and you will find out.
Although he lived to be a very old man, one strange thing about Methuselah is that he died before his father! I’ll tell you the answer to that puzzle right now: His father never died at all! And, if you are a real Christian, that fact might very well be true of you too. Yes, you may never die!
How could that be? We have the Lord’s promise that He will come back to take us to His Father’s home in heaven. And since He conquered death at Calvary, if we are still living when He comes, He’ll take us to heaven and we’ll never die!
Are you wondering about those believers who have already died and are buried? They can’t hear us now, but they’ll hear the voice of Jesus when He comes and will rise out of their graves in new bodies, ready for heaven, just as we will be. We’ll all meet our Lord Jesus together in the clouds. Now what could be better than that? (You can read about this wonderful event in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.)
Methuselah’s father was a true believer. His name was Enoch. And when his baby boy was born, God gave Enoch a special name to give to his infant son. The name God gave him meant, “When he is dead, it shall be sent.” As little Methuselah grew up, he may not have understood why he had that name, but he carried the message everywhere. He eventually became a great grandfather, and still he lived on and on, carrying God’s promise everywhere that something was coming when he died. Since that promise came from God, it was unbreakable. It is only God who can make promises that cannot be broken.
We all know that death is the end of man’s life on earth, and Methuselah didn’t die until he was 969 years old! Why was God so slow to end Methuselah’s life? Was there something that God was really unwilling to do? Yes. And here’s what happened the year that Methuselah died. THE FLOOD CAME.
That was such a huge disaster that only eight people lived safely through it. Everybody else in the whole world drowned. So far, there has never been another disaster equal to that. But God’s judgment on this world is sure to come. He will destroy this earth, not by water but by fire. That is His unbreakable promise. He has been so slow to do this that people say, “It will never happen.” But remember, God’s promise is unbreakable!
Only eight people were saved from that flood. It didn’t take long for people to sin and disobey God again, and that’s where we are right now. Is there hope for us? Can anyone be saved now from God’s coming judgment?
If Jesus had not come, the answer would be “NO.” But He DID come! “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). On Calvary’s cross, God poured on Him all the punishment that belonged to us because we are sinners. In His great love, “The Son of God ... loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). That settles it forever! What wonderful news!
Would you say then that everyone is saved from punishment for their sins? No, because refusers are not saved, and there are many, many refusers. Will you accept Jesus as your Saviour now—today—and no longer be a refuser?
Maybe you remember Noah who was one of the eight saved when the flood came. Did you know that Noah did not shut the door of the ark once the eight people and all the creatures were inside? God shut the door, not Noah. We are not going to shut you out of heaven, but if you are a refuser, God will do that.
There is no other Saviour but Jesus. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:56).
You may read about Methuselah in Genesis 5:21-27.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56
Robby's Seed
On the last day of school in June, Robby’s teacher gave each child a different kind of seed to plant in his yard at home. Robby took his home and planted it, but it was a long time before he knew what kind of plant grew from his seed.
In September, the children brought what they had grown to school with them. Tracy had a big red flower. Mike had a tomato. But Robby told his teacher that his plant was still growing in his yard and he still didn’t know what kind it was.
“Wait a few more weeks,” his teacher said, “and you will soon find out.”
How happy Robby was a few weeks later to discover that it was a pumpkin vine! Later on his mother made some delicious pumpkin pies out of the pumpkins.
Every Christian boy and girl is planting seeds during his life. I don’t mean real seeds like Robby planted. We are planting seeds of love, honesty, kindness, hate, lying or unkindness. What kind of seeds are you planting? What you plant in your “garden” you will harvest later. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, ask Him to help you plant seeds of love, honesty and kindness. You will collect love, truthfulness and kindness in return, and He will give you a reward in heaven too.
“Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Dragonfly
“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3
The dragonfly is a common sight near water or swampy areas in summer. It has four strong but delicate-looking wings. Since the day of creation, it has been able to dart through the air swifter than most birds, with its wings vibrating 1500 times per minute. It can outperform the newest helicopters in hovering, flying forward or backward, up or down, or rapidly changing directions. Unlike most insects, the dragonfly’s large head can easily turn to help it spot insects, which it eats in flight. Each of its enormous, compound eyes has approximately thirty thousand lenses, giving it excellent vision. It can see ahead, behind, above and below, all at the same time!
The dragonfly begins its life as a nymph in the bottom of a stream or pond. It creeps along the bottom and eats nearly anything that moves, including mosquito wrigglers, tiny minnows and tadpoles. It moves very slowly, but can spurt water through its body in a jet-propulsion manner, giving it extra speed in an emergency. Most nymphs remain underwater one or two years, but some remain up to five years.
When ready for its adult change, it creeps out of the water at the shoreline and becomes an air-breather for the first time. Resting in the warm sun, its skin splits open and a new creature comes out—no longer an ugly nymph but a fully developed dragonfly. Its wings soon unfold, but a few hours are necessary for them to dry and harden before it can fly. It is defenseless during those hours and is a tempting meal for birds and small animals.
Finally it takes to the air with no lessons or trial flights. Traveling at rapid speeds, its legs form a scoop-like net in which it catches its victims and transfers them to its strong jaws. A dragonfly’s appetite is huge, eating the equivalent of its own weight in thirty minutes when food is available. It prefers mosquitoes and so is a beneficial insect.
From the smallest microbe to the great whales, the Creator, the Lord God of heaven and earth, is always aware of the needs of each one. “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18).
Those who teach that life “just happened” and that it took millions of years for living things to reach their present form deny that God made everything to reproduce “after his kind.” The Bible warns, “Put not your trust in ... man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to [the] earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” Then it says, “Happy is he ... whose hope is in the Lord his God: which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is” (Psalm 146:3-6). Do you know this happiness through faith in Him?
Claire Innes and the Chicago Fire
People were shoving and pushing and yelling as they hurried toward the river and safety. Behind them smoke billowed out of tinder-dry buildings, and waves of heat and thousands of sparks were carried northward on strong winds. Twelve-year-old Claire pressed her bundle of treasures against her body and listened for her father’s voice above the noise and confusion.
A loud pounding on her door had awakened Claire that early morning of October 9, 1871. News had reached them that strong winds had blown a big fire across the river near their home in Chicago, and the flames were now lighting the early morning sky. Dressing quickly, Claire joined her family, throwing valuables into tablecloths and carrying them out into the already crowded streets. Wagons jammed the roadway, drivers yelled, and people shoved and pushed as the crowds panicked. Claire later had time to write, “Sparks and cinders now began to fall all round us ... . Father told us to drop our bundles and hold hands, but I did not drop mine. The crowd moved forward a little, then people began turning and pushing against us.”
Claire loved her father, but she thought she knew better than to let go of her bundle of treasures. You and I can be just as foolish in hanging onto things that will slow us down in following Christ. Hebrews 12:1 tells us, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Had she known everything that was about to happen, I’m sure Claire would have wished she had followed the truth of Proverbs 13:1: “A wise son [or daughter] heareth his father’s instruction.”
With the crowds shoving and pushing her, Claire still managed to hold tight to her bundle and keep her family in sight. She had to use one hand to keep falling, burning embers away from her eyes. Then someone grabbed for her bundle. With the help of another man, she broke free from the thief, but by then her mother, father and family were gone. They had disappeared in the swirling sea of smoke, burning cinders and shoving people. She wanted badly to wait for her family to return. Then ahead the roof of a building burst into flames and another caught fire.
Claire had to move on. She hurried after the disappearing crowd, trying to keep up, but it was impossible. She turned into a wide alley near a pile of bricks and other building materials and sat down to rest. She was exhausted. Then to her horror she saw that one end of the alley was suddenly blocked by a wall of fire and smoke. She hurried to the other end and found it was also blocked with billowing smoke and searing heat.
All Claire had wanted was to hang onto a little bundle of her treasures, but now she was separated from her loving family and trapped inside a prison of fire and heat. Satan sometimes uses little things to try to drive a wedge in between our hearts and the loving Lord Jesus. Sometimes he is successful. He lures people in, until it seems impossible to escape.
Hearing the noise of collapsing buildings, Claire buried her face in the dirt behind the big pile of bricks and covered her head. She lay there praying, as around her glass windows burst, roofs collapsed and flames hungrily ate wooden beams.
Slowly the heat lessened, and an injured Claire began calling for help. When none came, she struggled over piles of brick and reached the main street. Staring past the burning buildings, she began to think of how to find her family.
Her trouble, prayer and escape bring to mind the verse in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people ... shall humble themselves, and pray ... then will I hear from heaven.” Claire was only a young, frightened, trapped girl, but her struggles were like our struggles with sin and our need to humble ourselves before God and ask for His help and forgiveness. For those who are willing to admit to God that they are sinners and need His forgiveness, if they will believe that Christ Jesus died on the cross for their sins, our loving God promises this wonderful relief: “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34).
Claire returned where her home had been, but everything was gone except piles of bricks and ashes. She waited and waited, but her family didn’t come. She finally wandered slowly down the block. Ahead she saw her father and ran to meet him. Soon she had the wonderful relief of knowing that all her family was safe.
The greatest display of God’s love was in providing a Saviour who died on Calvary’s cross. There He paid the penalty for the sins of all who see their need of having their sins forgiven and accept His work in faith. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
MEMORY VERSE: “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:34
The Wonders of God's Creation: Likeable Alpacas
“Through faith we understand ... by the word of God ... that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3
In the South American countries of Bolivia, Argentina, Peru and nearby parts of the high Andes Mountains, large numbers of lively and playful alpacas seem to enjoy their time spent eating the tall grass and chewing their cuds. They are a lovable type of animal with odd but pleasant-looking, inquisitive, white faces. Their expressions seem friendly when they look you over with what appears to be a big smile. They also have long, thick necks and upright, alert ears.
They are short, thick-bodied animals, looking like a huge stuffed toy, with coats of fleecy brown, black or white wool that covers them from head to toe like a huge blanket. Actually related to the camel and llama families, they are only about three to four feet high at their shoulders, although their long necks make them appear to be much taller. Even-toed and hoofed and about as nimble as mountain goats, they are right at home on the high, steep slopes of the Andes Mountains.
For as far back as anyone remembers, numbers of alpacas have been tamed, given good care and raised by many ranchers. Their valuable wool, when about twelve inches long, is sheared usually every year, and each one produces about six pounds. In Peru alone, where some two million of these animals are raised for that purpose, about three thousand tons (more than six million pounds) of wool are sheared every year. So you can see it is a large business and valued by the native people. (Maybe you have a sweater made of alpaca wool.)
While llamas and alpacas look alike to anyone not familiar with them, there are differences. One of these is that the llamas are stronger and mainly used as pack animals, carrying loads across the plains and mountain passes, whereas alpacas cannot be used that way. Another easy-to-spot difference is that the alpaca holds its stubby tail close to its body at all times, while the llama holds its longer tail up in the air.
The Creator has given all these animals, whose homes are from twelve thousand to sixteen thousand feet above sea level, extra-large lungs and three times as many important red blood corpuscles as man has. This enables them to live and be active at altitudes where there is less oxygen.
It is interesting to consider the vast number of animals placed on the earth by the Creator, and we know He found pleasure in providing a great variety of them. The Bible clearly tells us this, saying, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11). Have you ever praised Him and thanked Him for His care and love shown to you?
Plans for Tomorrow?
Yes, the two bones definitely belonged to Mr. Steve Fossett. The proof was in the DNA tests of the two large bones found at the crash site in California.
In early September 2007, Mr. Fossett took off in a single-engine plane and then just disappeared ... until now. Also found nearby were his shoes and driver’s license, which he won’t need anymore. This wasn’t according to his plans.
Do you have plans for tomorrow? Most everybody does. But we have a warning from God’s Word, the Bible, that says, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). Not one of us knows what will happen tomorrow. Are you prepared if a sudden change should interrupt your plans? What if something unexpected happens and your life suddenly ends? That’s called “death.” God says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Elsewhere in the Bible He tells us that judgment is for our sins.
Mr. Fossett wasn’t planning on dying that day. He had survived many risky adventures. At age 63 he was a multi-millionaire and had spent much of his time and money setting records in hot-air balloons, airplanes, gliders and sailboats. He climbed more than four hundred mountain peaks and swam the English Channel. He was the first person to fly a plane solo around the world without refueling.
But one flight was his last, and he never returned. His flight into eternity was called an accident. He didn’t plan on a mountain rushing into his windshield that September day. No, he was planning his next world record, the land-speed record. It won’t happen. His appointment with death interrupted his plans. Was he prepared for that appointment? We don’t know.
Jesus told a parable of a rich man who had wonderful plans for tomorrow. He would tear down his barns and build bigger ones to store the plentiful harvest he had just had. Then He planned to retire and take it easy. But God said, Fool! You are going to die tonight, and who is going to get all your riches?
This rich man was so busy that he forgot about God, about his soul and about his sins. He unexpectedly stepped into eternity and left everything behind.
Don’t be a fool and leave God out of your life. You will have an appointment with Him someday. He tells us in Hebrews 9:28 that we can prepare for that appointment: “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” God’s beloved Son died on Calvary’s cross, bearing the judgment for the sins of many people—but not for everyone. Only those who acknowledge to God that they are sinners and believe that His Son Jesus died for them, bearing the punishment for their sins, are prepared. It has to be a personal transaction.
What if your plans for today are interrupted? Are you prepared? Have you made that personal transaction with God and His Son? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
School Friends
When I was in high school I often studied in the cafeteria before classes started. One morning while sitting alone at one of the tables, Ed, a student friend, sat down beside me. Right away he started asking me questions about how to be saved. He knew that I carried a small Bible with me.
I was happy to read several verses to him. I started with Acts 16:30-31: “What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Then I read Romans 10:9: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
While Ed carefully listened to those and other Bible verses, four or five other students known to both of us came over. They began teasing Ed and even tried to distract him by stuffing some prickly holly leaves down his back. Undisturbed, Ed listened closely as I explained the way of salvation as plainly as I could. Tears filled his eyes, not from the prickly holly, but as a result of God’s Holy Spirit working in Ed, showing him that he was a sinner and that he needed a Saviour. He soon saw that it was only the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross that could give him salvation. He understood and accepted God’s love in giving His Son as the Saviour for sinners—for Ed himself. Now he had passed from Satan’s darkness into the light of God’s love and grace. Ed’s face lit up with a smile, and his tormentors left.
The first period bell rang, but Ed had already heard the gospel bell just a few minutes before. He was now saved from his sins, and he had a new life in Christ Jesus.
Boys and girls, let me ask you a question. Have you heard the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15)? Will you meet Ed and me in heaven along with all the others who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour? Have you admitted to God from your heart that you are a sinner and told Him that you wanted your sins washed away in the precious blood of Christ? That simple step in faith is all that is needed. Won’t you do it now?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Mushrooms - Good and Bad
“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to us-ward.” Psalm 40:5
There are over 38,000 kinds of mushrooms or toadstools. Generally, the name “mushroom” is used for the few kinds that are safe to eat and “toadstools” for those that are poisonous. But all are interesting as part of God’s handiwork in creation. There are many shapes and sizes. Some are as large as a soccer ball, while others are no larger than a common straight pin. Their colors range in shades of brown, black, orange, red, violet, pink and white. Some grow on tall stems; others grow close to the ground.
Their names include the huge puffball, weighing up to 20 pounds and each year producing millions of spores (seeds). Because of their distinctive colors, one is called red blusher, another inky cap and another scarlet cup. This last one grows so close to the ground that it looks like a bright-red soup bowl. The jack-o-lantern is a brilliant orange color. Turkey-tails grow on trees and stumps. Their undersides, colored like turkey feathers, contrast with a smooth white or tan top. Deadman’s finger looks like a dirty finger sticking out of the ground from a giant, buried hand. Two, the horn of plenty and the son of the woods, are found in great numbers. Then there is one with large, outstretched petals that looks like a vegetable starfish. Another, spreading its petals on the ground, has a smooth, round center that looks like a brown cookie.
One of the more common mushrooms in the midwestern United States is the tan colored morel, often found in woodlands under oak trees in late spring. This one is safe to eat and looks like a partly folded miniature umbrella, full of irregular-shaped spongy wrinkles.
These are just examples of a few. A good rule to follow is to leave all mushrooms alone, unless you are with a mushroom expert who can distinguish between poisonous and nonpoisonous. An edible kind may have poisonous relatives that look similar. Eating only one of certain poisonous varieties is enough to cause death. Of course, those for sale in grocery stores are safe and make good eating.
In a way, mushrooms provide an example of the two forces that are in the world—good and evil—and perhaps the Creator would like us to think of them that way. The Bible tells us to “abhor [hate] that which is evil; cleave [cling] to that which is good” (Romans 12:9). A person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and uses the Word of God, the Bible, for guidance will be given wisdom to recognize evil and stay away from it. That person will find happiness in holding tightly to that which is good. But we need to continually ask God’s help to recognize good and evil, just as mushroom hunters need wisdom in the mushrooms they select.
Mary's Two Bibles
Mary was the daughter of missionary parents in India. She lived there until she was six years old. When it was time for her to start school, her parents sent her back to North America to live with her grandmother. Mary’s grandmother loved her very much and often told her Bible stories.
As Mary learned to read and write, she would send letters back to her parents in India. They sent many letters to her too. At first her grandmother would have to read them to her. However, it wasn’t long before she could read them herself.
One day when she was almost seven, she received a letter from her father. With it he included some money and a note that said, “You will soon be having your seventh birthday, Mary. I have enclosed money for you to buy yourself a new Bible as your birthday present.”
“That’s just what I wanted!” exclaimed Mary happily.
On her birthday, Mary and her grandmother went to a bookstore. They looked at all the different kinds of Bibles. There were big ones and little ones, some had gold edges on the pages, and some had leather covers, but they cost more. After looking at them for almost fifteen minutes, Mary told the saleslady how much money she had and asked if it would buy two Bibles.
“Yes,” replied the saleslady, “but not the nice ones you’re looking at.”
Mary’s grandmother heard this and asked, “Mary, why do you want two Bibles?”
“Because I want one for myself and one to send to a girl in India who is my age so that she can learn about Jesus too,” answered Mary.
So Mary bought two Bibles. They didn’t have gold-edged pages or soft, leather covers. But the saleslady told Mary, “The inside is just the same!”
As soon as Mary got home, her grandmother helped her carefully wrap the second Bible to be sent with a letter to her parents. She thanked them for her Bible and asked them to please give the second Bible to a seven-year-old girl in India.
Mary read her Bible every day and learned more of the love of Jesus. Her favorite verse was, “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). She read in a letter from her father that the second Bible had been given to a seven-year-old girl, just as Mary had asked. Each day Mary prayed for her unknown friend in India, that she also might learn to know about the love of Jesus and how He had died on the cross for her too.
After Mary finished her schooling, she went back to India to help her parents in their missionary work. Not long after she arrived, she met an Indian girl and learned that she was a happy Christian.
“How did you learn about the Lord Jesus?” Mary asked her.
“When I was seven years old, I was given this Bible,” answered the girl. “I read it and learned how the Lord Jesus loved me and died for me.”
Mary had finally met her unknown friend! This was the seven-year-old girl who had received Mary’s second Bible and for whom Mary had been praying all these years.
Do you have a Bible? If you will read it, you will learn about God’s love and how He sent His Son Jesus to die for you. If you already know Him as your Saviour, why not do what Mary did—pass on God’s Word to others so that they can learn of God’s love and be saved.
MEMORY VERSE: “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19
A Happy Surprise
Do any of you boys and girls who live in North America watch for the different kinds of birds to come back in the spring? It’s usually in March when we look forward to hearing that first red-winged blackbird’s call off in the distance or to hear that first robin’s cheerful call. Sometimes we see them before we hear their calls. About the same time of year, some of us are expecting to see some much larger birds, the sandhill cranes, winging their way north in large groups of Vs. Most of these cranes make their summer homes much farther north, so we don’t see them on the ground, but we see hundreds of them flying high in the sky.
But there is something very interesting about the sandhill cranes. We don’t see them first—we hear their calls as they are flying, and then we look up to find them high in the sky. Even though we are expecting them, it is always a happy surprise to hear that first group calling as they are flying high overhead. It might still be cold weather, but it’s a signal that spring is on its way! And who doesn’t look forward to spring!
The sandhill cranes’ calls are very unusual. It’s a trumpeting, rattling “gar-oo-oo” that can be heard for more than a mile. Sometimes they are flying so high that we can’t see them, but we can still hear their unusual calls and know that they are up there on their way north, following God’s plan for them.
Many of us are expecting to hear another welcome call, and this one will be coming from the sky too. For those of us who belong to the Lord Jesus, He has promised to come again in the clouds and call us home to heaven. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 that He will call us with a shout and with the trumpet of God! Won’t that be a wonderful sound? And He might call us home to heaven today! Then we will see our Saviour face-to-face and live in His happy home for all eternity.
But sadly, not everyone will hear the Lord Jesus’ call. There are many boys and girls and grown-ups too who have never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. They will not be included when He calls those who belong to Him to heaven. They will be left behind for God’s judgment.
What about you? Are you expecting to hear that wonderful call that might come any day? It will be such a happy surprise!
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Crocodile's Friend
“Thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast.” Psalm 36:6
We are all familiar with the vicious-looking jaws and teeth of the crocodile, which are able to rip apart the flesh of almost any animal or even a human. But while these teeth are very strong and sharp, they sometimes become infested with leeches and other parasites. However, God in His wonderful creation has provided an unusual way to remove these parasites from the crocodile’s teeth.
At times a crocodile will crawl onto a bank of the Nile River and lie with its jaws wide open, sometimes going to sleep in that position. Soon a little African bird, the spurwing plover (sometimes called the crocodile bird), comes along and sees the open mouth as an invitation to dinner. It will fly down and enter right into those terrible-looking jaws! It hops around the inside of the crocodile’s mouth, pecking out and eating all the parasites.
What an amazing thing this is! The crocodile usually snaps its jaws closed on anything that touches them—except when it is the crocodile bird. Somehow it knows that this bird is its friend, and it will not harm the bird.
This bird helps the crocodile in other ways besides cleaning its teeth; it feeds on insects living on the crocodile’s body. And flies are always bothering these big creatures too. The flies attack the crocodile’s eyes and sometimes cause sores to develop. This little bird goes after those flies too.
It is doubtful that either the bird or the crocodile behave this way because of any real friendship, but rather because there are benefits for both of them. Yet we cannot help but wonder at this unusual partnership. It is another example of how the Creator God watches over all creation.
How does this little bird know it will not be crushed in the jaws of the big reptile? What keeps the crocodile from snapping its jaws shut when the bird is inside? The answer is that this partnership was arranged by God, whose interest is not only in creating, but also in taking care of all His creatures.
While the crocodile does not harm the little plover, it will quickly attack anything else. The crocodile’s habits remind us of an enemy whose evil ways can trap us. The Bible warns us, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). This enemy wants to keep our thoughts away from God, knowing that this will lead to unhappiness and judgment. Our protection, through faith, is in the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, who “is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). Do you have the Saviour’s protection?
A Debt Too Big to Pay
Two for a dollar. This was a good price, but little Hudson did not have a dollar; he only had a few pennies. He could not make the salesman understand that two pennies were better than nothing. So he had to turn away, fighting tears because he didn’t have enough money.
If you are older than Hudson, you may have bigger debts and no money to cover them. The man in today’s story was a servant to a king and had used the king’s money to pay off his own debts. Then one day the king found out what his servant had done. By this time the servant’s debt was huge. How could he ever pay back what he owed to the king? The king ordered that all the servant’s possessions, including the servant himself, his wife and children, should be sold as slaves to pay off the debt. That meant the servant and his wife and his children would be slaves for the rest of their lives!
There was only one thing the servant could think of to do—take the low place and beg for the king’s patience, saying he would eventually pay back the whole amount to the king.
What do you think of that plan? Do you think a servant with no money could pay back the huge, enormous amount of money that he had stolen and wasted? It was a foolish idea, and the king probably knew this, but he felt sorry for the servant and said, I forgive you. So the servant did not have to pay back the huge debt that he owed the king.
How good and kind of the king to forgive his servant. The king was rich enough to spare that money and to forgive the thief and let him go free.
Do you want a God like that king? Maybe you do, but I need a God who goes far, far beyond such kindness. It was God Himself who saved me by sending His only begotten Son to die for me! Jesus paid my debt with His own blood. And He also gave me a new nature that delights to please Him. What a wonderful gift of love and mercy and forgiveness from God!
Now here’s the rest of the forgiven servant’s story. That servant went out a free man, and then he found a fellow-servant who owed him a hundred pennies. He took that fellow-servant by the throat and demanded, Pay me that money!
The fellow-servant fell at his feet and begged him, Have patience with me. I will pay the whole amount I owe you! But the servant said, NO, and sent him to prison till he paid every penny. Now that didn’t make sense at all. How could a man in prison pay anything? It was really very foolish to send the fellow-servant to prison!
Now look at your own life. How are you going to pay the debt of your sins to God? Money will never cover that huge debt! What can you do?
Listen to God’s answer. He is ready to forgive you, because He sent His only Son to take your place—to suffer God’s fair judgment against sin and to shed His precious blood for all who have sinned against Him. Nothing else will cover that debt—nothing!
Some of the other servants were very sorry about the fellow-servant being sent to prison, and they told the king.
Call that servant whom I forgave! ordered the king.
You are a wicked servant! said the king. I forgave your debt because you asked me to. Shouldn’t you have pity on your fellow-servant just as I had pity on you? Then the angry king ordered, Send him to the tormentors till he pays all that was due to me!
No doubt the king’s anger was right and the punishment was right. But my God is greater than that. He loves me and gave His only Son for me, and my debt is fully paid. Shouldn’t I then forgive others for His sake? His Word says, “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).
You may read this story for yourself in Matthew 18:23-35.
MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32
A Trip to the Zoo
Uncle Tom and Aunt Lisa planned to take little Heather to the zoo on Saturday. “Be sure to be ready at 1:00,” they told her. “We’ll come by in the car then to pick you up.”
Heather woke up very early Saturday morning and asked her mother, “Is it time to go to the zoo yet?”
“Oh no!” said Mother. “It’s only 8:00.”
Heather waited on the front porch all morning, because she wanted to be sure to be ready on time. How happy she was when 1:00 finally came! Uncle Tom and Aunt Lisa took her to the zoo, and what a good time she had watching the lions, tigers, elephants and many other animals and birds.
A happy time is also coming for those who love the Lord Jesus. It will be much happier than a trip to the zoo, because we are going to heaven to be with our Lord and Saviour forever!
Maybe even today all those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour will hear the shout that will call them away to be with Him. Would you be ready to meet Him if He were to come today? Have your sins been washed away in His precious blood?
How sad it would be if you were left behind, because terrible judgments are going to come on this world after the Lord Jesus has taken His people out of it! Run to the Saviour today for refuge and safety.
“Watch ... for ye know not what hour your Lord [is coming]” (Matthew 24:42). “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man [is coming]” (Matthew 24:44).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Pesky Mosquito
“Unto Adam [God] said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake.” Genesis 3:17
The week of constant rain has formed pools of water in ditches and other low spots. It has collected in the bottom of old tires and in empty cans along the roadsides. Standing water is where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
It only takes a day or two for a mosquito egg to hatch into a wriggler. It has a head on one end and a siphon for breathing on the other. It immediately begins to wriggle from the bottom of its watery home to the top. It takes in air with its siphon and then drops back to the bottom and repeats this cycle over and over. A wriggler eats small plants and small animals that live in the water.
After about a week, a wriggler changes into a thin-shelled pupa. It does not eat. In two to four days it is ready to shed its skin and become a fully developed adult mosquito. While in the pupa stage, it develops a breathing system that looks like tiny portholes along its body.
Rising to the surface, the skin on the pupa’s back splits open. It then pumps air into its body through the portholes. This causes it to expand, making the opening wider. It soon pushes its head and front legs out and then pulls the rest of its body from the shell. The veins of its wings expand and open. It rests for a day on its floating shell, allowing its newly exposed body to harden. Then it takes off with the familiar hum of its wings. Another marvel of God’s creation has been completed!
But not all eggs become mosquitoes. Many wrigglers become food for fish, ducks, frogs, turtles and other creatures. In Alaska young salmon eat them by the millions.
Only the female mosquitoes seek the blood of humans and animals. Inside her dagger-like beak, called a proboscis, are six needle-like stylets that stab into the skin to sip enough blood to satisfy her appetite.
Certainly mosquitoes are a problem for man and animal, but God has provided these remarkable little creatures to fulfill a place in the chain of life. The swelling and itch of a mosquito bite are reminders that sin has left its mark on all creation, marring it in many ways. Its loveliness will not be restored until a time to come when the Bible says the Lord Jesus Christ shall be acknowledged as “the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords” (1 Timothy 6:15).
Before that time all who have accepted Him as their Lord and Saviour will be called to heaven where He lives and where no sin will ever mar its wonders or the joy of those who are there. Will you be there?
Surfboard Rescue
Duke had heard that big waves were expected at a certain beach. He and his friends spent the night on the beach, waiting to ride the waves on their surfboards early the next morning.
As the friends peered through the early morning fog, they saw a fishing boat out in the ocean, coming close to shore. Instead of the fun they expected to have, they watched an alarming sight as a huge wave hit the boat and flipped it over, throwing the fishermen into the dangerous surf.
Without stopping to think of his own danger, Duke grabbed his surfboard and paddled out into the wild waves. He pulled four of the terrified fishermen onto his board and told them to wrap their arms tightly around it. The board somersaulted once, but the men hung on and made it safely to shore.
Duke raced back out into the wild, crashing waves to try to rescue more of the terrified fishermen. He pulled four more onto his board, but they had to leave others behind who were still floundering in the water. Duke and the second group of fishermen also managed to make it safely into shore.
Duke was certainly very brave to risk his own life, battling those wild, crashing waves to save as many fishermen as he could. Another man, Christ Jesus, not only risked His life for men, women and children floundering in their sins, but He knew it was going to cost Him His life in order to save us. Because He loves us so much, He came from heaven to earth to die for sinners who were facing the wrath of God for their sins. On Calvary’s cross He took all of God’s punishment for the sins of every person who will trust Him. The floundering fishermen had to be willing to trust Duke and his surfboard if they were going to be saved from drowning. And you and I have to be willing to trust Jesus and the blood He shed on the cross to cleanse us from our sins. Those who trust Him are saved from their sins eternally, and a place is reserved for them in heaven. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Duke was able to rescue eight of the fishermen from drowning that morning, and his friends saved four more. Sadly, they weren’t able to save others from drowning. But the story of Jesus can provide a much happier ending, for He is able to save EVERYONE who will turn to Him for safekeeping. “He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25).
MEMORY VERSE: “He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.” Hebrews 7:25
A Dog Called Missy
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zanger and their children lived on a farm in California. They had to leave the farm and move to Kansas. They had a dog named Missy that they all loved, but Mr. Zanger explained to the children that they could not afford to keep Missy any longer. Leaving the dog with a kind neighbor, the Zanger family drove away one morning.
At first Missy refused to stay with her new owner. She would return each night to the empty Zanger farmhouse. Finally, after a week of disappointed waiting, the dog disappeared.
Ten months passed. The Zangers were now settled in their new home in Kansas where the father had gotten a job. But even though the parents had said they could now afford to have a dog, the children still loved Missy and refused to get another dog.
One day, as the youngest boy was walking home from school, a dirty-looking dog came rushing toward him. The scraggly, skinny animal bounding toward him frightened the little boy. He turned to run, but the dog was jumping up on him with her tail wagging and her tongue kissing him all over his face! It was Missy, who somehow had traveled more than 1,500 miles from California to Kansas! The story of her ten-month journey will never be known, but Missy had searched until she found her “family.”
What a story about the devotion of a dog to the family she loved! Surely, it was love that carried her on and on, over those endless miles, until she found herself “home” at last. But as happy as Missy was to be home, the happiness of the children in having her home was greater.
This happy picture makes us think of the more wonderful story of a much longer journey and of a much greater love. The Lord Jesus Christ left His home in heaven and came down to this world to find and save lost sinners, so that He might have them in heaven with Himself. But how different His welcome was from Missy’s! Except for a few poor people whose hearts God had prepared to receive Him, there was no welcome for Him in this sin-filled world. “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11). He had to say, “They have rewarded Me evil for good, and hatred for My love” (Psalm 109:5).
But the Father who sent Him loves us anyway, even though there was no love in our hearts for His Son. He is going to fill heaven with those who accept His Son, the Lord Jesus, as their Saviour. It was on the cross that the Lord Jesus suffered the punishment for all those who believe in Him. His blood shed there washes all our sins away. We will be welcome in heaven, because of what the Lord Jesus has done for us.
Now those of us who know Him as our Saviour are all on a journey, traveling on to eternity to be forever with Jesus in the love and happiness of His home.
But for those who won’t have the Saviour and refuse His love, to leave this world will be to pass into the darkness, misery and despair of hell, where there will be no love or comfort of friends—only “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Mischievous Raccoon
“God Himself ... formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited.” Isaiah 45:18
In the fading evening light, a family of raccoons comes cautiously out of the woods. Their masked faces make them look like little burglars, which they often are. Tonight they head for a tree loaded with ripe plums. The kits remain on the ground while the parents climb up and begin shaking branches, causing a shower of plums to fall. Then the whole family enjoys the dinner.
This fruit dinner is a real treat. Raccoons eat mostly frogs, crayfish, turtle eggs and clams taken out of shallow waters. Birds’ eggs are also a favorite, especially chicken eggs. Sweet corn is another special treat. Raccoons stripping ears from the stalks have ruined many cornfields.
Although raccoons weigh only about twenty-five pounds, dogs are often surprised at a raccoon’s fighting ability. It will not hesitate to attack a dog two or three times its own size. When being chased by a dog, it is clever at escaping. It will wade in water, run along fence tops, climb trees, backtrack and leap down a hillside, all to break the scent trail the dog is following. Occasionally a raccoon may let a dog chase it into a lake. Then it will grab the dog by its neck and force its head under water until the dog drowns.
In spite of its sometimes nasty nature, a raccoon is a pretty animal. It has a fox-like face with a black mask around jet-black eyes, erect ears, a black, button nose with whiskers, and a bushy, ringed tail. It is also very smart and soon discovers how to open latches on chicken coops, pry off garbage can lids, unscrew bottle caps, and even open refrigerators if given the chance.
This animal is another of the wonders of God’s creation. He has given it many life-sustaining instincts and also an intelligence that allows it to learn things necessary for its survival. It is found both in the woods of the United States and Canada and in the deserts of Mexico and South America. Its life reminds us of the verse in the Bible: “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.... The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their [food] in due season. Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing” (Psalm 145:9,15-16).
We think of these provisions of the Creator in connection with every creature, but it is also good to remember this prayer that should be in the heart of every boy and girl: “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.... O satisfy us early with Thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:12,14).
Skamper and the Prodigal Son
Dear Children,
Today I would like to tell you about Skamper our cat and also the prodigal son. First I need to tell you about Skamper. Our dog Chelsea and Skamper get along really well together. In fact, sometimes they will chase each other just for fun. Usually Skamper will end up climbing a tree, and that’s the end of the fun.
Four nights ago we let Skamper go outside like we usually do, but this time he didn’t come back. Each morning and through the day Gramma would call, “Skamper, Skamper,” but Skamper never showed up. Chelsea wandered around the property sniffing tracks in the snow, wondering where her friend had gone.
Now I’ll tell you about the prodigal son. This story is found in Luke 15:11-32. If you don’t know the story already, it would be good for you to read it. But I will tell you a little about it. A certain man had two sons, and the younger son asked his father to give him the portion of goods that belonged to him, and so the father divided his goods and gave each son his share.
Now this younger son is called the “prodigal” son because he was a careless, reckless and wasteful person. He took the money his father had given him and went on a journey to a country far away, and he wasted all of it on the way he lived. Soon he had nothing left and was in danger of starving. What a shameful son he was!
In the meantime, the father was waiting and watching for his prodigal son to come back home. But will this shameful son ever turn around and come back to his father?
Children, I will tell you later what happened to the son. But now let’s go back to Skamper who had left home too.
Gramma and Chelsea and I were wondering what had happened to Skamper. Four days is a long time. Had he died? Did some wolf or coyote catch him? Skamper has a nice bed to curl up on, food to eat, water to drink, so why would he leave all this behind and go away? Sounds like the prodigal son, doesn’t it?
On the fourth night after supper when it was dark outside, Chelsea started to bark, just like someone had come to the house. So Gramma and I went to the front window and looked out. Nope, nobody was there. But Chelsea kept walking around, trying to tell us that someone had come! So I said, “Okay, okay, Chelsea, we’ll look out the back door.” I don’t like opening the back door in cold, windy weather with snow on the ground, because cold air blows into the house. But I opened the door, and guess who we saw sitting as close to the door as possible and meeeowing?
Yes, it was Skamper! And was he ever glad to see us, and Chelsea’s tail was wagging a-mile-a-minute! Our prodigal cat had returned, but he was not in very good condition. His eyes had blood around them, his nose was scratched, and his front leg was cut and bleeding. So Gramma had to clean him up before we fed him and put him into his bed. If Skamper had stayed at home, this would not have happened, but we were so glad to have him back again!
The prodigal son in the Bible story wasn’t in very good condition either after his money ran out. The only job he could get was feeding a farmer’s pigs, and he finally got so hungry he wanted to eat the pig food. He had no bed to sleep in and nobody gave him anything.
Finally he said to himself, Why am I living like this? Even my father’s servants have plenty to eat. I will go back to my father and say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, and I’m not worthy to be called your son. Make me one of your hired servants. So the prodigal son went back home, starving and dressed in his dirty rags.
What a joy it was for the father to see his son coming along that dusty road! It makes us think of the words of the Lord Jesus in John 6:37, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” When the son reached his father who ran to meet him, he said, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight and am no more worthy to be called your son.
And this is what the father said to his servants: Bring the best clothes and put them on him, and kill a fat calf and let us have a feast! For my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!
What a joyful reunion for all! And so, children, the prodigal son and Skamper remind us of the sin of disobedience. But the prodigal son was willing to confess his sin to his father, and his father forgave him! And God our Father is willing to forgive your sins if you will come to Him and confess that you are a sinner and that you believe that Jesus shed His blood to cleanse you from your sins. God tells us in Jeremiah 31:34, “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” What a wonderful promise for anyone who will come to the Lord Jesus to be washed clean from his or her sins!
So our two stories about Skamper and the prodigal son both have happy endings ... Skamper came home and the prodigal son came home. Now, how about you? Are you still out there in this world of sin thinking that nobody loves you? You are wrong, because God loves you very, very much, and He is waiting and watching for you to “come home” to Him to have your sins forgiven. Will you come right now?
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
MEMORY VERSE: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
The Wonders of God's Creation: Fingernails, Toenails and Hair
“God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him.” 1 Corinthians 12:18
Did you ever think how amazing it is that when a person reaches twenty (or near that age) his or her body stops growing? The Creator has wisely arranged this, for if our spines, legs and arms kept growing, what a peculiar assortment of giant people there would be!
However, three parts of our body do not stop growing—hair, fingernails and toenails. Why is that? Actually it is a kind provision of our Creator. Consider that single hairs keep falling out and in time there would be none left if new hair didn’t push up through our scalp and grow a little bit every day, which it does at the rate of five or more inches every year. This means that every twenty years more than eight feet of new hair replaces what has fallen out.
But why should our fingernails and toenails keep growing? We can be thankful they do since nails sometimes get broken or damaged. If a new supply didn’t grow, the ends of the fingers and toes would soon be exposed to all the painful bumps and accidents now absorbed by the nails. They are really wonderful pieces of armor!
Also think how useful our fingernails are in picking up a coin dropped on the floor or a needle on a flat tabletop and many other small things. Without fingernails, how would you untie a knot in a thread or in a piece of string or in a fishing line? How would you relieve an itch if you had no fingernail to scratch with?
Some may think fingernails and toenails are bone, but that is not true. They, like our hair, are made of a material called keratin, which our body produces from the food we eat. How does it get to these specific parts of the body? Our brain is constantly giving instructions to every part, and it’s as though it were speaking to the stomach and saying, “Now as soon as that food is digested, send some keratin up for the hair, some to the ten fingernails and some to the ten toenails.” This isn’t just imagination; it’s actually the way our body responds to the brain’s commands! When these instructions are carried out and the new part forms behind the old one, it pushes it out a little, until finally it’s so noticeable that you may find it necessary to trim your hair or those nails on your hands and feet.
This is all part of the Creator’s wonderful arrangements for us, as our opening verse expresses. Each member of the body responds just as He has established. Let us not fail to thank Him daily for providing every little, important detail of our bodies. “Giving thanks always for all things unto God” (Ephesians 5:20).
Two Boxes of Money
Do you save pennies in a piggy bank or dollar bills in a drawer? Saving is a good habit for children as well as grown-ups to have, but where you save your money is important too. Here are two interesting stories about saving money that happened in our town.
The first story is about a family that moved to the United States from a country where the government was unstable. The man and wife worked hard in their new life, and, by being careful spenders, they were able to save a little money each month. They didn’t trust the banks to keep their money safe, so they put the money they were saving in a box and hid it in a corner of the attic.
When the man and wife thought they had enough money saved to buy what they needed, they went up to the attic to get the box and count their savings. But what a surprise they found! A mouse had chewed through the box and then chewed up all their dollar bills and made a nice soft nest out of them! They had a useless pile of fluff instead of money to spend.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus taught this very lesson. He said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust [or mice] doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-20).
We don’t know the rest of the story, except this family had to start all over saving their hard-earned money. I hope they learned to store it in a safer place than in a cardboard box in the attic.
The second story has a little different ending. A man and his wife bought an older house that needed to be fixed up. When the man climbed up to the attic to see what condition the structure was in, he came across a box of money—-quite a lot of money! He contacted the previous owners, but they said it wasn’t theirs. They didn’t know to whom it belonged. They told the new owner he might as well keep it to pay for the remodeling work he had planned.
What an unexpected surprise! The man and his wife were thankful for extra money to pay the workmen they hired. But what about the people who stored that money in the attic? They never got to enjoy their savings. They either forgot it was there or died before they could use it. It was almost like the money the mice chewed up—useless for those who had saved it.
We all should be wise about saving and storing money. More importantly, we need to have a better treasure than money. Have any of you children sung this song in Sunday school?
Oh, yes, oh, yes, there’s something more,
Something more than gold:
To know your sins are all forgiven
Is something more than gold.
If you will ask the Lord Jesus to wash away your sins in His blood, you will be saved forever. This valuable treasure of having your sins forgiven is worth a whole lot more than a world full of gold that only buys things for this life! Jesus will save you for eternity, and no one can take you out of His hands. He says, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:28). What a safe place that is!
After our sins are forgiven, we can live for Jesus each day. He promises to take care of us while we’re living here on earth, and then He will take us to His home in heaven. Our hopes should be up there, not here where things will sooner or later disappear or disappoint us. Many people today are sad because problems in this world have caused everything they trusted in to fail. If you want true happiness, trust in the living God and His Son Jesus. “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust” (Psalm 18:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.” Psalm 18:2
Indian Arrowheads
Some friends and I were hiking up a trail beside the river that runs near our home. Lying among the stones and pebbles, we found a lot of old Indian arrowheads made out of flint. The stones and pebbles around them had been worn smooth and round by weather and water, but the flint arrowheads were just as sharp and jagged as when they were made.
They made me think of our Lord Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever. His love never changes, and His holiness never changes. He will never allow one sin to pass unnoticed or unpunished. But His love for you and me took Him to the cross to bear our sins in His own body. He set His face as a flint to go to Jerusalem. He did not change His mind even though He knew that the people in Jerusalem hated Him and would nail Him to a cross to die. He also knew God had a wonderful purpose in it all for you and me: “God ... made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:20-21). That wonderful purpose was that you and I could be saved from the punishment we deserve for our sins.
Do you believe that He died for your sins?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Monkeyshines
“Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit.” Joel 2:22
There are about 125 species of monkeys in the world. Here is a short summary of three of them—all natives of South America.
The capuchin monkey, with its twelve-inch tail, has a rather pretty blackish or golden-olive color and a white-bordered face and chest. It is one of the cleverest, full of pranks, and quickly makes friends with people as well as with dogs and other animals. Little ones ride on the mother’s back as she scrambles through the trees.
Years ago these monkeys were useful to street musicians who earned a meager living on the streets playing music on their hand organs. The capuchin, held on a long leash, climbed up to balconies and upstairs windows with a tin cup for people to drop in money. Then the monkey brought it back to its master.
Another is the spider monkey, which has long, black or sometimes red, glossy hair. It is somewhat larger than the capuchin, with long, sprawling legs and arms, which accounts for its name. However, its long limbs give it an awkward walk—its front hands point outward and the hind feet point inward.
Its two-foot-long tail is like an extra hand, gripping tree limbs tightly so that its body can hang from a tree limb while it searches for food or just enjoys a good swing. It sometimes uses this flexible tail to hook insects out of holes that are too deep for its hands to reach. The spider monkey is also quite an acrobat and easily carries its little ones on its back as it runs among the branches of tall trees.
The short-tailed red Uakari is about the size of a cat. Its coat of long, red, silky hair covers its entire body, including a stubby tail, but its face, like that of nearly all monkeys, is bare. It is full of mischief but very strict in training its young. When angry or excited, its face turns scarlet, its fur rises and its cries sound like insane laughter.
These agile animals always amuse us with their tricks and antics, but they are an example of God’s creatures that seem to enjoy His goodness to them. We do not expect them to know about the Creator’s care, but the Bible tells of His care over all living things, more particularly over each of us. Job 12:10 says, “In whose hand is the soul [life] of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” What love He has shown us—and not only in caring for our daily needs! He provided His Son, the Lord Jesus, to bear on the cross the sins of all who trust in Him, so that when our life on earth is over, we will be in heaven with Him forever. Will you be there too?
Will a Penny Be Enough?
In Bible days, one penny was what a man was paid for a whole day’s work. I think it must have had more value than a penny does now. But it looked much the same as the little, copper penny you see today, and it had a picture on it too.
Maybe your penny has a picture of Abraham Lincoln. The penny in our story today had a different man’s picture on it, but I won’t tell you whose picture it was. Read the story and see if you can find out.
There were clever men in Jerusalem when Jesus was there. Some of these men, who were called Pharisees, thought they had made a trap that would catch Jesus and get Him into trouble. Among the many miracles Jesus had done, He had fed great crowds of people and had healed everyone who came to Him. And He did these wonderful things without charging anybody or accepting a penny of donation from anyone. Why did they not want Him?
They asked Jesus a trick question, and here is what they asked Him. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?
Jesus could see right into the hearts of those Pharisees, just as He can see into yours. And He knew they were trying to trick him with the question. His answer was, Show Me a penny. Then He asked them, Whose picture and engraving is on this penny?
They answered, Caesar’s. Everything around them that day was a reminder that Caesar was in control. Caesar is dead now and his country is not in power. But our Jesus is alive in heaven, and the day is coming when the kingdoms of this world will become His kingdoms!
Jesus answered the Pharisees’ question, Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.
The Pharisees were silent. They had nothing to say, but they did not change their minds. They had already decided to put Jesus to death.
You and I were not there that day, but Jesus’ words are for us too—today. Give to God the things that are God’s. Remember, God is in control.
We pay our taxes, and that is quite right. Jesus is not asking for your pennies; He wants you yourself. Pennies will still be here after you are dead, but if you belong to Jesus, you are His forever! All the pennies in the world will not pay what you are worth to Him. He loves you so much that He willingly went to Calvary’s cross to die for you.
You may be clever enough to make a trap for someone, but nothing can change the Word of God. John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Is there such a thing as perishing? God says so, and He did not write the word “die” in that verse, because “perish” means far more than dying. It means to suffer eternal punishment after death.
There is only one God who can give you everlasting life, and He is the God who loves you so much that He gave His only Son to die for you. The Pharisees did not want His Son. Do you?
You may read this story in Mark 12:13-17.
Did you find the answer to the question about whose picture was on the penny they showed to Jesus?
MEMORY VERSE: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
The Protector
Many of us have seen llamas either on a farm or in a zoo. The llama has thick, brown hair, a long neck and looks something like a small camel, but it does not have a hump. It is a strong animal, eats grass and low shrubs, and does not need to drink much water. The llama is used as a pack animal, especially in South America. When a llama is angry or being attacked, it will become aggressive and might even spit in its enemy’s face, even if it’s a person.
We visited a family that has seven sheep and one llama. The sheep often follow the llama around the pasture, but the real reason for keeping them together is for the llama to guard the sheep. If dogs, other animals, or even people come near the sheep, the llama will chase them away. The llama is a protector for those sheep.
Isn’t it good to know that if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, He is guarding you at all times? He tells us in Psalm 34:7 that “the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him.” Do you know Him as your Saviour and protector?
During summer when the weather is hot, the sheep and llama will spend the day in the barn or find shade elsewhere. But when evening comes, the llama heads for the pasture and nearby river to graze and drink, and the seven sheep follow along. It was interesting to watch them walk in single file across the pasture, always together. The llama was like a shepherd to those sheep.
Are we who know the Lord Jesus following Him, our Shepherd, to the green pastures and still waters of His Word? He not only wants to protect us, He wants us to enjoy the food and water He has for us in His Word, the Bible. “How sweet are Thy words unto my taste” (Psalm 119:103). His Word can also be our guide to lead and protect us. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). Are you reading God’s Word daily and enjoying its sweetness and guiding strength?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Ants With a Dairy
“How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” Psalm 119:103
Those who grow gardens know about the little insects called aphids that live on the stems of tender plants. The aphids pierce the plant with their mouths and suck out the sugary juices. When the gardener finds aphids, he usually tries to get rid of them. However, there are many places where they live unnoticed by the gardener.
The aphid uses only a small amount of this sugar in its body. The rest, known as “honeydew,” comes through its pores and appears as little droplets on its outer surface. Certain ants that search out these aphids know that by stroking the aphid’s back with their antennae, the aphid will give up the honeydew. This is then used as food for the ant colony. Sometimes ants are found taking care of a large colony of aphids. As they stroke the aphids’ backs, they look like milkmaids milking their cows.
If a good supply of honeydew is available, the ants eat their fill and then take it to other ants in their nest. These ants, known as “honey pots,” eat all the honey brought to them until their abdomens are stretched to their limits and they look like round, amber-colored balls. When they can’t hold any more honeydew, they crawl to the ceiling of a chamber in the colony where they hang upside down and “go into storage.” Sometimes they hang this way for a year or more, a remarkable feat, because when full of honey they weigh about eight times their normal weight! A colony might have three hundred or more of these honey pots. In winter months when the aphids are gone and food is scarce outside, the honey pots allow their companions to draw the rich nectar from them.
Strangely, the aphids don’t seem to mind the ants stroking them, and maybe they enjoy it. Sometimes the ants build an earthen barricade around their “cows,” apparently to make sure they stay there. The eggs of the aphids are sometimes taken into the ants’ nest before winter and given good care. When they hatch in spring, the ants carry them to the new shoots of juice-producing plants, and then move them from time to time to the best spots.
The ants greatly enjoy the flavor of this honey, but Scripture tells us of something that has even more sweetness: “The judgments [words] of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward” (Psalm 19:9-11). Does the name of the Saviour, as well as His words, have that sweet meaning to you?
The Blind Groundhog
One of the signs that winter is over and spring has come to our cold part of the country is that we begin to see groundhogs. These animals, sometimes called woodchucks, sleep through the winter and come out of their burrows in the springtime. Groundhogs are really pests, because they burrow large holes in lawns, gardens and farmers’ fields and love to eat crops and nearly anything planted in the vegetable garden. Normally we want to get rid of them, but a lady in our area had an unusual story.
This lady was walking along when she saw a strange sight. A groundhog was stumbling around with a soup can stuck tightly on its head. The soup can was covering its eyes and ears, so that it was truly blinded and probably couldn’t hear very well either.
The groundhog staggered along, heading towards the busy road ahead where it would soon have been killed. The lady called for someone to help her catch the groundhog, but to her surprise the poor, frightened creature stopped near her feet and lay down. It allowed her to hold him while she tried to remove the soup can. He did not even try to get away. When she got the soup can off his head, he looked up at her, scared, dazed and exhausted, then seemed to get his bearings and scurried off.
This little animal had his eyes blinded, but he accepted help and was set free. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that “the god of this world [the devil] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,” so that they do not receive the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). That morning the lady was not looking for an animal to save, but Jesus came on purpose “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). That’s you and me.
It would be well for each one of us to do as that groundhog did—fall at Jesus’ feet and put ourselves into His hands, for Jesus is able “to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). He is able to open blind eyes and blind minds.
“Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21
Lost in the Pacific
It was October of 1942, and the B-17 Flying Fortress had run out of fuel and was forced down in the Pacific Ocean. Captain Eddie Rickenbacker and his crew of seven men drifted in three rubber rafts in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. I’m sure that in the heart of each man were the same questions: Will we ever make it out of here alive? Will we be rescued? Or will we die?
For twenty-four days the men suffered from the heat. They endured storms. Sharks rammed into their nine-foot rafts. And worst of all, after only eight days their food was entirely gone or destroyed by the seawater.
John Bartak was one of the crewmembers, and he was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He managed to keep his Bible when they abandoned the sinking plane, and each day he read it and shared it with the others. His trust was in God, and he knew that “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). God delivered Jonah from the belly of the great fish, He delivered Daniel from the lions, and He delivered David from a lion, a bear and a giant. He raised Lazarus from the dead, He fed thousands of people with just a few loaves and fishes, and He gave sight to the blind. John Bartak knew what God could do.
James Whittaker, in one of the rafts, was an unbeliever. He grew irritated with Bartak and did not want to hear what he had to say. He did not believe God could save them. He said it would take an absolute miracle! They were out of radio range, and they were out of food. It looked utterly hopeless.
One day Captain Rickenbacker sat in the raft with his hat pulled down over his eyes, and a sea gull landed on his hat. All the men looked at Rickenbacker. He made a quick move and grabbed the bird. They ate it and used the intestines of the sea gull as bait to catch fish. The crew lived to tell the story, and James Whittaker had a change of heart.
God created us, and He loves us. He works in many different ways to draw people to Himself. We are rebellious and, like sheep, we’ve all “gone astray. We have turned every one to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). Is God speaking to you in your life? Has He given you some difficult situation to make you call on Him? Sometimes he brings us to impossible situations so that we might realize we need help outside of ourselves—His help.
The Bible, God’s Word, “is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). When we read it, our faith in God becomes strong. Psalm 19:10 says God’s words are to be desired more than gold. Do you believe it? If you could have a million dollars or a Bible, do you realize that the Bible is the real treasure? John Bartak knew he had a treasure in his God and in his Bible. When he was in great need, he could have peace and confidence in his God. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).
Are you trusting in God, with whom all things are possible?
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Few Strange Fish
“Lord, Thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.” Acts 4:24
Among the many varieties of fish in the world, God has created some very interesting ones. Did you ever hear of the kissing gourami? When it isn’t busy feeding, it will swim up to another gourami, plant a kiss on its lips and move on to kiss another. Why do they do this? No one knows except the One who made them.
In parts of South America and Africa, ponds form during the rainy seasons where there had been only dry ground or swampy marsh before. Miraculously, small fish often “suddenly” appear in these waters, swimming around until the ponds evaporate in the hot sun. Then the fish die, but meanwhile they have laid eggs in the muddy bottom. The eggs partially incubate in these muddy nests before the mud dries. When the rains return, these eggs finish incubating and hatch into a new generation of fish. It seems that the Lord God, the Creator, wants to keep this strange fish as an example of the marvels of His works.
Another interesting species that is preserved in a different way is the large African lungfish. These fish, which actually look more like eels, live in seasonal ponds and bury themselves in the mud when the water has almost completely evaporated. There they form a cocoon to protect themselves during the long hibernation, curling up with their tails over their eyes to protect themselves and preserve moisture.
This fish is able to breathe either air or water; tiny holes in its cocoon admit enough air to keep it alive while hibernating. Its body activities almost stop during this time, and it looks like it is dead. It actually can stay alive for as long as four years this way, living off its fat and muscle tissues until rains come to fill the pond again. Then it breaks out of the cocoon and lives the usual fish’s way of life. An unusual feature about this lungfish is that even when it is living in water, it must occasionally rise to the surface for air.
In some ways this is a picture to us of death and resurrection, which are mentioned so often in the Bible. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He said, “The hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear [My] voice, and shall come forth” (John 5:28-29). He further explained that those who have faith in Him will come forth to everlasting life with Him in heaven, but those who die in their sins will come forth to judgment and be sent into everlasting darkness. How important it is to obey God’s Word while we are still alive: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
No Survivors?
This was the alarming newspaper headline. The small ship Pelican had been caught in a huge whirlpool near a break in the Mississippi River levee and had capsized, drowning all its crew, or so the newspaper reported. But why was the Pelican on the river? What is a levee? Why did it burst open? And was the newspaper report really true?
For weeks rain kept falling from the skies across the Midwest, overflowing rivers and streams that flowed into the Mississippi River. The riverbanks had been built up with high walls of earth called levees. These kept the river flowing toward the Gulf of Mexico and not spilling out to cover the small towns and farm fields that bordered the mighty river. Slowly the rushing waters rose higher and higher, threatening to spill over the tops of the levees. Worse yet, the pressure of millions of tons of water, pushing against the tired dirt walls, saturated them with water and weakened them.
All of us have been in similar trouble. We’ve sinned: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). All it takes is one sin to keep us out of God’s presence, but we have been guilty of raining down many sins—pride, envy, covetousness, anger—to name a few. We try to prevent others from noticing our sins, and maybe we succeed for a while, just like the levees were able to hold back the floodwaters. But God wants repentance, not efforts to hide them. He said to a group of self-righteous people, “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).
Up and down the river, boats like the Pelican brought men to the edges of the levees to pile on more dirt and boards to push back against the rising waters. In some places, work crews had more than a thousand men. One of them, Sam Tucker, was disliked by leaders in the community and was poorly treated. They felt they were better than he and ordered him to do the heavy work, with little care or concern for his safety or health. He was one of many they viewed as rejects.
The Lord Jesus was treated in much the same way when He was here. “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed him not” (Isaiah 53:3).
Then far to the north, winter snows melted and spring rains followed, all adding to the already swollen river. Soon over thirty thousand men were working around the clock to pile sandbags across the tops of the levees to hold back the weight of what was now billions of tons of water.
The morning of April 21, 1927, the levee burst as a roaring wall of water tore out a hundred-foot-long section. All along the river, sections of the wall crumbled and collapsed as alarm bells clanged and fire whistles shrieked as thousands raced for higher ground.
Farther north, the Pelican with twenty crewmembers was helping with the work on the levee when suddenly the waters broke through and began ripping open an ever-larger hole. Water began to swirl and churn toward the break, pulling everything that floated with it. The Pelican was caught in the turbulence and then overturned as it was sucked through the gaping hole. Thousands of workers and refugees who lined the levees watched in horror, unable to do anything to help. Only one man had the courage to act.
Sam Tucker grabbed a rowboat and took off alone to chase the capsized ship. The rushing waters carried his boat toward the levee break, as he desperately worked to keep his tiny rowboat upright. Then he chased down the Pelican on the spreading floodwaters. He managed to pull two of its crew from the raging waters to safety. The disliked and rejected man was the only one with the courage to risk his life for others.
Were there no survivors as the newspaper said? Many died, but not all, thanks to Sam Tucker’s courage. Do all on this earth have to perish in their sins? Many will, but none need to, because of the work the hated and rejected Jesus Christ has done to rescue us from danger. “Scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:7-8). Sam Tucker courageously dared to die, but Jesus Christ voluntarily took the wrath of a holy God against sin to provide a way of escape for you from that flood of your sins. Will you receive His love and forgiveness?
MEMORY VERSE: “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed him not.” Isaiah 53:3
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Dipper Bird
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord.” Psalm 145:9-10
The water ouzel, or dipper bird, is an interesting bird about the size of a robin and has bluish-gray, waterproof feathers. It lives mostly in the Sierra Mountains of California, the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington, and the mountains of British Columbia. You might get a glimpse of one along a swiftly flowing stream with rapids and waterfalls. However, it will be well hidden and difficult to find.
The life of the dipper bird is spent near these mountain streams. It is a cheerful bird, full of happy sounds but with no distinctive song. It flies rapidly over its watery homeland, following the stream’s course and never taking a shortcut between bends, as most birds do. A waterfall is its greatest delight, as it flies through the spray or darts behind it.
Of course, it cannot spend all its time this way. Like all birds it must keep busy finding food, which comes almost entirely from the bottom of the stream, usually in shallow areas, but sometimes in deeper water. It eats all kinds of water bugs and other insects and especially likes mosquito larvae and periwinkles. It catches these larvae by walking along the bottom of the stream with its body completely covered by water. Gripping the rock bottom with its strong feet and working its wings like oars, it can walk through strong currents safely.
Finished with underwater food gathering, it will suddenly pop out of the water, fly to a rock or log and burst into song again. It nods and curtsies, bobbing up and down as it sings. This is where it gets its name of dipper bird.
No canyon is too dark or isolated for this bird, just so there is a waterfall nearby. In springtime, the male and female together build their nest by a waterfall. The nest is made of moss, woven into an oven-like shape. It is usually placed on the ledge of a rock where spray from the water keeps it moist. Ferns grow up and surround it, concealing it from enemies.
Just as God watches over the lowly sparrow and not one falls to the ground without His knowing it (Matthew 10:29), so He watches over this cheerful dipper bird. He provides for all its needs and gives it the ability to carry on its unusual way of life.
And we are assured of His care over us too. In a more special way, our Saviour has said to those who love Him, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:5-6). Do you know Him as your Saviour, and do you thank Him for His loving care, watching over you every moment of your life?
The Soccer Game
“If God is trying to tell me something, a letter would be nice.”
That’s what Brian said after the soccer game, because he was really shaken up that day and seemed ready to listen to God.
What does it take to make a person ready to listen to God? If you have ears to hear, then listen right now, for God has already spoken to you in the Bible, and He also instructs, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15). God wants to get your attention, just as He wanted Brian’s attention.
Brian was goalie for his team. It wasn’t the best kind of day for a soccer game; the whole field was a soggy mess. It had been raining earlier in the day, and the sky was looking black again. Suddenly a vivid flash of lightning split the sky, and something happened that Brian will remember as long as he lives.
“The St. Regis team was coming down on me,” he reported, “and suddenly I felt the hum of electricity all around me. Then the ball was just rolling along by itself and everybody was down.”
Twenty-one players, plus the referee, had dropped in their tracks. Only Brian remained standing. “I just stood there, looking over the field at all the bodies. It was a weird feeling.”
Something so unusual feels like a message from God, and Brian was not mistaken. The truth is that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Don’t wait until you are in a field full of fallen friends. You might very well be one of them. NOW is the time to listen to God.
One by one the fallen players began to stir and get up on their feet. All but the referee. He remained down. The paramedics were called, but it was too late to restore his breathing. He was pronounced dead.
The news reporter asked Brian how he felt about it. He recalled his close brush with death in a car accident a short time before, and he made the comment we have already mentioned—”If God wants to tell me something, a letter would be nice.”
But, Brian, God has already written a letter! He has cared for His wonderful letter through fire and storm for thousands of years, and there are more copies printed every day. Read the Bible. Find out that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). Find out that if you believe in the Son you have everlasting life. The message could not be simpler, and it is repeated over and over. Read John 3:16, John 6:47, and Romans 6:23 for starters.
What will it take to make you ready to listen? Perhaps your own death will be the message that will make you listen and remember the warning of this story. But then it will be too late to receive God’s loving gift. Hell is an awful reality.
Are you listening right now? God loves you. He wants you to accept the gift of everlasting life from His Son, Jesus Christ. He died on Calvary’s cross for the sins of those who will come to Him for forgiveness. Will you come right now so God doesn’t have to speak louder?
MEMORY VERSE: “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:27-28
Daisy on the Loose
On the outskirts of our city there are two large dairy farms. The Marysville farm is farther out the north end near the Naskwaak Valley. The other is a Holstein dairy farm, about four miles away and closer to the city.
One evening, the Holstein dairy farm brought their cows in for milking, and as they counted them, a strange cow followed the herd into the barn. This strange young cow, that we’ll call Daisy, was very frisky, so the farmer penned her in, hoping to find her owner. However, in a few minutes Daisy jumped over the pen and ran out into the open field to freedom.
A few days later, Daisy was sighted trotting around a large store parking lot and running back and forth across the streets. The news of this frisky cow on the loose appeared in the newspaper and on the radio, so everyone knew about the roaming cow.
The police took up the chase in hopes of capturing Daisy. Daisy’s real owner from the Marysville farm told the police that they could shoot her on sight. She was too wild and was a danger to the public.
However, it is a month later now and Daisy is still free. She can eat grass wherever she pleases, close to the woods like a deer. She seems to enjoy being wild. She doesn’t know that death could be in her near future.
You and I have hearts that love to be free to do whatever we please, without having to obey anybody. But like Daisy, death could be in the near future for any one of us; we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. The Bible warns, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). And for anyone who doesn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, death means the loss of a Saviour’s love and forgiveness and an eternity of everlasting punishment in outer darkness.
Each one of us is described in this Bible verse: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6). Are you willing to let Jesus find you, bring you back to His loving arms, and let Him wash away your sins? He is looking for you, not to harm you, but to save you, because He loves you so much.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Bad-Tempered Camel
“The multitude of camels ... [and] the dromedaries ... shall come.... [Their riders] shall show forth the praises of the Lord.” Isaiah 60:6
A camel is not a pretty animal, nor is it known for its good behavior. It is one of the most awkward of all domestic animals and among the most difficult to manage. It has several bad habits, such as biting people or animals and spitting on strangers. Still, this animal is very useful to desert dwellers, where it is known as “the ship of the desert.”
The Arabian camel, sometimes called a dromedary, has only one hump, but the Bactrian species has two. These humps serve a very useful purpose. When the animal is well fed, the humps store fat and stand erect and firm. As it travels across the desert without food for several days, the camel can absorb the nourishment stored in these humps. Then the humps shrink and become flabby. But when the camel feeds again, the humps resume their proper shape.
Camels can go without water for days or even months, depending upon the time of year. They need less water in cooler months but will drink five gallons a day in hot weather. They also get some moisture from their food.
There are many ways the Lord has made special provisions for this large animal. Each foot has two wide, smooth, hard pads so it can walk easily on hot sand. At rest periods, it folds its front legs, dropping its forepart to the sand. Then it folds its long hind legs, and the whole body drops down. Its knees and chest, which would be painfully scraped by the sand in the process, have been given thick, hard pads for protection.
During sandstorms, men cover their faces with cloths to survive, but a camel needs no special care. An extra lid, heavy eyebrows and long lashes protect its eyes, while its large nostrils automatically close to narrow slits to keep the sand out.
The special needs of this peculiar animal were all provided for from the very beginning by an all-wise Creator. Without this care, they would never have survived in the harsh deserts.
As we think about how the camel’s special needs have been taken care of, it is a reminder that God has made a promise to those who love Him. To those who trust in His Son, the Lord Jesus, He has promised to “supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). This assures us that there is no limit to what He can do for every boy and girl, man and woman.
He delights in all His creatures, but to mankind He has made special provisions, not only for this world, but also for the world to come. He has given the promise of eternal life in heaven to all who accept His Son as Lord and Saviour.
Have you accepted this wonderful gift?
The King Was in a Rage
Here is the story of a great king of Judah named King Asa. In his younger days as king, he trusted in God and won a great victory. A million men had come to make war with the little country of Judah. Having a much smaller army, King Asa prayed with all his heart to God about fighting against this great enemy. When the battle was over, King Asa’s country was victorious and much richer than before. He knew it was God’s victory, and his heart was filled with praise.
The prophet named Oded went out to meet King Asa and told him, Be strong, and don’t let your hands be weak. This encouraged King Asa so much that he gathered others from Israel for a great feast to thank God for the victory. There were animal sacrifices and trumpets and shouting and good promises to follow God with all their hearts and with all their souls.
Did you ever feel like that? Did you ever praise and shout and make music and feel as if you could follow the Lord forever? Joy and victory and promises are good, but they won’t keep you forever. It is exciting to be with other Christians and praise the Lord together. But days and years pass, and Satan has his sneaky plans for you, even if you are a real Christian and your intentions are good.
Satan had another plan to bother King Asa, and this time the enemy was closer to home and not nearly so big and scary-looking. The enemy’s plan was to build up the city of Ramah and cut off supplies to King Asa. So what would the king do this time?
King Asa thought up his own plan, and maybe it was a good plan. He sent silver and gold to King Benhadad and said, Go fight with my enemy. The plan worked. The enemy king stopped building up Ramah, and King Asa carried off the stones and timber and used it for his own buildings.
Maybe that was a smart idea, but where were the sacrifices and praise to God after this victory? And where was the music and shouting? And what about those promises he made to God after the first victory?
It’s not much use to make promises to God, because we are too changeable to keep them. But listen to this! We have a wonderful Saviour who has gone all the way to Calvary’s cross to keep His promise to sinners like you and me! If He has saved you and you really want to follow Him, then He will supply strength every day, if you ask Him. You can’t do it alone. Don’t count on your promises; count on His! His power can never fail!
King Asa wasn’t trusting in God; he had trusted in gold and silver. It worked. But that is not the end of the story. Now God sent Hanani the prophet to tell King Asa that what he had done was wrong. This is what he said: “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
King Asa was in a rage about this. Hanani’s message did not please him at all. To make sure he did not hear it again, he shut up the prophet in prison. But can anyone silence God?
King Asa got a disease in his feet. He didn’t turn to God first about the problem; he turned to the doctors and hoped they could help him.
If you are a true Christian, remember, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). The doctors can probably help you, but also remember that all skill and wisdom comes from God. Psalm 107:19 says, “They cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He [saves] them out of their distresses.” God is sure to do the best thing for you, and if the disease is not healed, He will stay with you right to the end. He promises, “I will never leave thee” (Hebrews 13:5).
For two years King Asa suffered from this disease until finally he died. God did not forget that joyful victory in his younger days, but how sad that King Asa did not continue to trust in God. And it’s sad that he was in a rage when the prophet told him what he had done was wrong. He did not die triumphantly.
And God remembers how you trusted Him once, maybe years ago. He has not changed. His wisdom, love and power are forever the same. He loved you enough to send Jesus to die for you. Trust Him now and turn to Him every day of your life.
You may read this story in 2 Chronicles 14-16.
MEMORY VERSE: “They cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and He saveth them out of their distresses.” Psalm 107:19
Can You Write Your Name?
Paul is in kindergarten, and he has just learned to write his name. Can you read it here? (You will have to hold it up to a mirror to see it correctly.) Paul writes his name on books, paper or anything he can find—even on the wall, which, of course, he should not do. Young children love to write their names once they have learned how. When my younger sister learned to write her name, she wrote, “Amy, Amy, Amy,” everywhere!
We like to be able to write our names, but it is far better to have our names written in heaven! If you have trusted Jesus as your Saviour, then you can “rejoice, because your [name is] written in heaven” (Luke 10:20).
The Wonders of God's Creation: God's Promise in the Sky
“I do set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant [promise] between Me and the earth.” Genesis 9:13
How beautiful is the big arch of a brilliant rainbow, reaching across a stormy sky with both ends appearing to be anchored to the ground. What an amazing sight this must have been to Noah and his family. The rainbow that they saw was the first time in the world’s history that God produced this wonderful sight. It was a promise from God that floodwaters would never cover the whole world again. This is something to remember every time you see a rainbow.
Scientists tell us that this colorful display “is an arch of prismatic colors caused by refraction, reflection and dispersion of light in falling raindrops.” It is not yet fully known how pure, clear light can carry in it seven distinct colors, nor how the colors show in perfect bands so vividly. They are always in the same order: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red—the red always on the outside in the prime rainbow, but on the inside when a second rainbow appears as a reflection of the first one.
Scientists are seeking to understand how a raindrop, multiplied many millions of times, can bring the colors out in this order with the rainbow remaining stationary while the raindrops are falling rapidly through the air. Surely, if there were not a control over this remarkable display, the colors would merge together and the rainbow would lose its shape. We know the power of the very Creator of the universe is the control. It is He who can conceal those colors, while supplying the world daily with clear, brilliant light from the sun. Then, according to His promise, they shine out in the “bow in the cloud” to remind the world that He rules both the heavens and the earth: “The heavens are Thine, the earth also is Thine: as for the world and the fullness thereof, Thou hast founded them” (Psalm 89:11).
The seven colors are called “cardinal” because, by mixing any of them, other colors may be produced. For instance, red and yellow make orange; red and blue become purple, but in the rainbow we see them as pure colors.
While the rainbow is a reminder of God’s earthly promise, there is something more important as a reminder of His great love. That is the value He saw when His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, shed His blood on Calvary, for it is “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son [that] cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). It is the value of that blood that protects everyone whose faith is in the Lord Jesus from the terrible punishment that is coming on this world. Before that fearful time comes, everyone whose faith is in Him will be safe with Him in heaven.
Have you put your trust in that shed blood and accepted Him as your Saviour?
A Bold Predator
Peter, one of the apostles, spent about three years with the Lord Jesus and saw him cast out demons. So he certainly knew that the devil was very real! Peter wrote this verse: “Be sober, be vigilant [watchful]; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
I thought about what Peter wrote when a woman living in our area reported seeing an unusually bold animal that came into their farmyard and caught a young goat. The animal resembled a wolf or coyote but had a different look and color. And it acted strangely too. It was not the least bit frightened when they tried to scare it off. It just stared back at them, with the goat dangling from its mouth.
They eventually were able to get the animal to drop the goat, which was wounded with teeth marks on its neck but was still alive. The woman reported this to the police, because she was afraid of this bold predator that was not afraid of them.
The police arrived in answer to the woman’s call. As they were standing talking, the same animal returned with a chicken in its mouth. In all, they lost five chickens—their blood and feathers all scattered around. As the story unfolded, it turned out that the little goat had escaped from the safety of its pen through a small hole and had no protection from this devouring animal. The chickens also had been outside the safety of their coop when they were taken.
This should help us to understand now what Peter was warning us about. God loves us so much, He wants us to be very aware and watchful of the devil, or Satan, our very bold enemy who is waiting to trap us. He offers many lures, and boys and girls can be easy victims when they are young—just a little lie, some little deceitful thing, or a little disobedience all lead to Satan’s territory. We are only safe when we stay close to the Lord Jesus and remember His promise, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). The devil is very bold and very strong, but we have the comfort of knowing that “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
Boys and girls, if you are ever tempted to go where you know Jesus would not want you to go or do what He would not want you to do, remember this story of the goat and the chickens that left the safety of their pens and coops. If you leave the protection God has provided through staying close to the Lord Jesus, you will become a victim in Satan’s territory. He is a bold predator, and you can be sure he is watching closely and waiting to trap someone like you.
“In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge” (Proverbs 14:26).
MEMORY VERSE: “In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge.” Proverbs 14:26
The Missed Flight
I was standing at the check-in counter at one of the gates at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, asking for some information from the agent. While I was waiting for him to get the answer for me, an older, well-dressed man came up to the counter. He asked one of the other agents when he and his wife could board flight 700 for Miami, Florida. The agent’s mouth dropped open in surprise. She turned around and pointed out the window behind her.
“Sir, flight 700 is that plane, just backing away from the gate,” she explained. “There is no way that you can get on that flight now. I started announcing it was time to board that flight over half an hour ago, and I made several announcements, telling people to get on the plane.”
The man and his wife evidently had sat through all of the boarding announcements and for some reason either had not heard or responded to a single one of them. The agent told them that the only thing they could do now was to go to the ticket counter and try to get a new reservation for the next flight to Miami later in the day.
That man and his wife thought they were all ready for their trip. They had checked in and received their seat assignments, their luggage had been checked, and they were very close to the door of the plane they wanted to take. However, because they did not actually go through the door and get on the plane, all their preparation was useless. They were told by the agent not just once but many times to board the plane, but they didn’t get on.
Are you any different? The Bible says there is judgment ahead for every person who dies still in their sins, but there is a way to be saved from your sins and from that judgment. You may think that you are very close to being saved by going to church or Sunday school, memorizing Bible verses, and living good and honest lives (which are all good things). And yet, if you do not put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are still lost in your sins, heading for that judgment.
Perhaps God has warned you many times to “flee from the wrath to come” (Luke 3:7). He invites you to accept His beloved Son as your Saviour today while there is still time. Some day very soon the door of His mercy will be shut forever, and then you will never have another chance to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. That man and woman probably were able to get on another plane a few hours later to go to Miami, but if the Lord Jesus comes or if you die and you have not accepted Him as your Saviour, you will be lost forever. There will be no second chance. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Twinkling Firefly
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18
The firefly is a beetle that is fascinating to all of us. Seeing their little lights flashing on for a second or two on warm summer evenings is an interesting experience. They are also sometimes called lightning bugs. Many children who see them like to catch some in a jar so they can watch them up close as they turn their lights on and off. In some tropical areas there are large firefly species, and people keep them in bottles to use for light.
Scientists would like to duplicate this kind of heatless light, because it is much more efficient than electricity. They know how the light is produced, but the chemical reactions, one set to turn on the light and another to turn off the light, are so complex that man has not been able to use them. We should not be surprised at this, because it is a very special reaction created for these insects by God their Creator.
The firefly begins life in the ground; even its eggs have a glow to them. Before it is ready to fly, it develops into a glowworm. You may have seen these shining as they crawl around looking for food.
There is another illuminated insect found in some caves in New Zealand. This little fly, while still in the worm stage, gathers in groups of several thousand on the ceilings of caves and glows in the darkness. After attaching itself to the roof of the cave, a two-foot-long string drops from its mouth with small, sticky balls on it. It waits in the darkness with its taillight glowing, until it feels a victim struggling to get loose from one of the sticky balls. Pulling it up, it eats the victim along with the string. Then it lets down a new string.
There are over 500,000 species of insects throughout the world, and God has made each one different. This variety speaks of His handiwork and never-tiring care over them. All these little creatures, as we see them today, are the same as they were the day they were created thousands of years ago. God designed each one to reproduce after its kind. Furthermore, they always obey His laws without question, and by doing so every need is provided for.
These lighted creatures remind us that the Lord Jesus was announced as the true Light of the world. God has given His people a special kind of light that He also wants displayed. His Word, the Bible, says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
It is only when we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour by faith that He brings us “out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Then we can please Him in our activities and shine out for Him.
Julie's New Dress
Julie had just come home from Sunday school. It was a nice, sunny, summer day, and she was wearing a brand new dress. It was a pretty outfit, and she liked it very much. After lunch her mother advised her to change her clothes, but Julie didn’t want to. Instead, she decided to go for a walk in the field behind her house.
How many of you boys and girls have memorized this Bible verse? “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:20). This is God telling you to obey your parents. Do you? Children who don’t do what their parents’ tell them can never be sure everything will turn out okay. In Julie’s case, there was an unpleasant surprise awaiting her!
On a large stone out in the field, a huge snake lay motionless, sunning itself. Julie was just about to step on the stone when suddenly she saw the snake. She screamed and started running for home as fast as she could. But in her hurry, she tripped and fell flat on the rough ground. To her horror, the front of her dress was covered with dirt and green stains. Her pretty new dress was ruined.
Psalm 38:18 explains what happened next: “I will be sorry for my sin.” Julie dreaded showing her mother her new dress. She was very sorry she hadn’t followed her mother’s advice to change into other clothes. She knew what she had done was wrong.
When we disobey our parents, it is sin. And sin has very unhappy results: “The wages of sin is [eternal] death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). If you belong to the Lord Jesus, you can tell Him about your sin and that you are sorry, and God says your sin is forgiven. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). But if you don’t belong to the Lord Jesus, you will have to pay for your sin after you die, in that awful place called hell. Nobody wants to be sent there, and you don’t have to go there either, if you will come to the Lord Jesus now. Confess to Him that you are a sinner and want to have your sins washed away in His precious blood. He loves you and will gladly forgive every one of your sins. Then a place will be reserved for you in heaven. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
If you are still in your sins, settle the matter with the Lord Jesus right now!
MEMORY VERSE: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7
A Wonderful Chinese Word
There are some beautiful gospel pictures hidden in the writing of the Chinese language. In the old Chinese writing they had thousands of characters to represent things. In our language we have the alphabet with letters that we put together to make words to describe things or thoughts.
The Chinese character for MAN is like this, as if a boy put his hands in his pockets and then spread his feet apart.
The Chinese character for COME is quite interesting. First, a cross is made. By itself it stands for the number TEN in Chinese, reminding us of the Ten Commandments. No person has ever in his life kept them completely except for the Lord Jesus, because He was without sin. All of us are sinners and deserve death. God said, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
But if we put a MAN on the CROSS, like this, how wonderfully we see what Jesus the Saviour did for us when He was lifted up on the cross that we might be saved from the punishment for our sins. We must confess what we are and have done, and then trust in Him for our eternal salvation. We have each sinned and broken God’s laws and commandments in one way or another. But the Lord Jesus was made sin for us, suffering there on the CROSS; then He died, and His blood was poured out, making it possible for sins to be taken away.
Now in this large character what else do we see? “Oh,” you say, “there are two other MEN, one on each side of the MAN on the CROSS.” That is exactly right. And that is the Chinese word for COME. When Jesus was put on the cross there were two thieves crucified with Him, having to die for their own sins. One of these two men repented of his sins, trusted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and asked Him to remember him when He came into His kingdom. Jesus said to him, “Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with Me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).
We do not read in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 23, that the other thief believed. He did not repent of his sins, and so he died with his sins unforgiven. He must spend eternity forever away from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you heard the earnest message of welcome from the Lord Jesus when He said, “Come unto Me” (Matthew 11:28)? Oh, do not miss His forgiveness that is offered free to sinners. Jesus is no longer on the cross, but at God’s right hand, still waiting for you to COME to Him, as is so wonderfully illustrated by our Chinese word picture.
“Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Colorful Parrot Fish
“Thy way is in the sea, and Thy path in the great waters. The sea is His, and He made it.” Psalm 77:19 and 95:5
The interesting parrot fish received its name because of its bright green and red colors and its parrot-like jaw. Great schools of a million or more live in southern oceans.
This fish has about fifty bluish-white teeth that are so strong it can pull apart and chew hard, brittle coral to get at the tasty algae found in it. A mature parrot fish chews enough coral each year to make thirty pounds of sand. Over the centuries this has resulted in many pretty sandy beaches along the shores of Australia and other countries. But, sad to say, much beautiful, valuable coral is destroyed by these fish since they do not distinguish between rare, priceless coral and ordinary varieties.
In June the parrot fish have a strong urge to leave the quiet, shallow, protected reef where they live and swim into areas where the water is eighty feet deep or deeper. They join millions of their kind there that have obeyed the same God-given instinct. They all become excited, and soon they are swimming violently around until, as if by a signal, all dash to the surface and then immediately turn and swim down toward the bottom. As they descend, the females release millions of eggs that the males cover with a substance called milt.
This same event is repeated many times by different groups at these spawning places. Soon it is over and the group breaks up, all going back to the quiet waters of their homes and leaving innumerable masses of eggs to hatch out later in the open sea.
One variety of this fish blows a cocoon of mucus around itself at night, carefully leaving small holes for breathing. This gives it an appearance of having been carefully wrapped in a silk blanket, which it discards in the morning. This process is repeated each night. Although it is uncertain why this variety does this, it may be a provision made by the Creator for protection from night-prowling enemies.
Does the Lord God, their Creator, care about parrot fish? Yes He does, for the Bible tells us, speaking of all the fish in the seas, “These wait all upon Thee, that Thou mayest give them their [food] in due season. That Thou givest them they gather: Thou openest Thine hand, they are filled with good” (Psalm 104:27-28).
We also know from the Bible that in greater measure His love has been shown to all the people of the world. The psalmist joyfully said, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand” (Psalm 139:17-18). We should gratefully thank Him every day for His wonderful love and care over us.
Two women from Canada made a trip to the South American country of Ecuador and began visiting some of the cathedrals and other old buildings. They enjoyed looking at the Spanish architecture of an earlier time.
There was an admission fee to one old building. Since they had changed their own money into Ecuadorian money, they each handed over a 50-cent silver coin to the attendant. She took the coins out into the courtyard and let them drop, one at a time, onto the flagstones. One coin made a definite “ting” sound, but the other just fell plop on the stone.
The attendant returned, and handed the coins back. One was a counterfeit, and apparently she didn’t trust two women who were trying to pass false coins. Both coins had looked exactly the same to the two visitors, but only one coin had the ring of truth to it. The other coin was a “pretender” and had to be thrown away.
The Bible tells us about something else that looks like the real thing but is only a “pretender.” It is a plant called “tares” and grows up among wheat. It looks and grows like wheat, right up until the heads of grain start to form, and then the tares are found out. Not only do they not produce grains that can be used for food, but if the tare seeds are ground into flour along with the wheat seeds, that flour can cause sickness. Tares are good only for burning.
The Lord Jesus talked about wheat and tares and how the wheat is like the true children of His kingdom and the tares are “pretenders” who will eventually be separated and cast away from His presence. He said, “Gather ... together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into My barn” (Matthew 13:30).
Boys and girls, it is very important to make sure you belong to the Lord Jesus, that your sins are forgiven and your name is written in His Book, so that you will never hear the awful words, “I never knew you: depart from Me” (Matthew 7:23). Jesus gave us these parables because He loves us and is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Make sure you have come to the Lord Jesus and have “the ring of truth,” so that you will not be bundled with the “pretenders” to be burned.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Chico's Witness
“Shine, mister?” beamed Chico as he stopped in front of the businessman with scruffy-looking shoes who was reading a newspaper. The cabin of the Staten Island ferry was crowded this cold morning. A sharp wind kept most of the rush-hour passengers from strolling on the open decks during the twenty-minute ride to downtown New York.
“Okay,” answered the businessman. He placed his right shoe on Chico’s shoeshine box and went back to reading his paper.
Chico worked quickly and whistled a happy tune as his brush and rag kept time to his music.
“What are you so happy about?” grumbled the businessman.
Chico flashed a broad, toothy smile and tapped the businessman’s left foot to indicate he was ready for the other shoe. While the businessman changed shoes on the shine box, Chico prayed for courage to speak a word for his Saviour.
“Mister, you’d be happy too if you knew Jesus as your Saviour. A few months ago I was headed for real trouble. I was runnin’ around with a gang that was stealin’ and fightin’ most of the time. My mom was at work all day, my dad’s in jail and my grandma’s almost blind, so I came and went as I pleased. One day some of us went into a store-front meetin’ to make trouble. We started cursin’ as loud as we could, but the preacher just asked everyone to sing a hymn, ‘Christ is the Saviour of sinners.’
“As they sang, my buddies all left. Somehow I felt glued to my seat. Every time they sang the part,
Saviour of sinners,
Saviour of sinners like me,
Shedding His blood for my ransom,
This is the Saviour for me.
“I felt something inside that wanted to know more about this Saviour. I sat through the whole meetin’, and at the end I just sat there with my head down, wishin’ for all the world I could say He was my Saviour. I guess the preacher saw me, because he came and put his hand on my shoulder and asked me if I wanted to have peace and joy and know for sure that my sins were forgiven. I said, ‘You bet I do!’
“Well, mister,” Chico continued as he put the finishing touches to the second shoe, “that preacher explained it all to me, and I got down on my knees and accepted Jesus as my Saviour...and I’ve had a heart full of joy and peace ever since then. My old gang thinks I’m nuts, but they know somethin’ has happened to me. And it can happen to you too, mister, if you’ll accept Jesus as your Saviour.
“That’ll be $2.00,” he said, tapping the businessman’s foot to indicate the shine was finished.
“Here, keep the change,” said the businessman, handing Chico three dollars. He picked up his briefcase and headed out to the windswept deck.
Here we must leave the businessman with his thoughts and alone with God. But what about you? Do you know Chico’s Saviour?
“The Son of man give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lofty Giraffe - Part 1
“O Lord, how great are Thy works! and Thy thoughts are very deep.” Psalm 92:5
Some people become scared when they are up only as high as eighteen to twenty feet off the ground, yet this is the height from which a large giraffe views its surroundings. The giraffe is the world’s tallest animal, and about half its height is in its long neck that has a mane so short that it looks as if it were trimmed with clippers. Its pretty head has two short horns, standing straight up. Its large deer-like eyes have long, black lashes that reveal its normally gentle character. High in the air, its eyes can see in almost every direction without turning its head.
The giraffe’s long neck has only seven vertebrae (the same as people), but these are large, strong and quite flexible. The neck’s exposed surface serves as a cooling tower in the hot African climate, and the longest windpipe in creation exhales stale air from the lungs. Then with great force it inhales, bringing in a fresh supply of air, which also helps to cool it.
God has placed a wide and interesting variety of animals throughout the world, and He has adapted each one to its own particular surroundings. In East Africa there are a dozen species of the giraffe, all pale fawn or cream colored with large rust, yellow or brown spots over their entire bodies. No two have exactly the same pattern. Perhaps the natives originally called them “zarafa,” meaning “swift creature,” because they did not know what else to name a beast that looked something like a cross between a leopard and a camel.
The high, bobbing head of a running giraffe is an immediate signal of danger to its companions, and they all promptly begin running. Actually, they have very few enemies, except that lions and hyenas will kill the calves if the parents are not close by to defend them with their sharp, powerful hooves that can kick in all directions. These twelve-inch hooves, at the base of seven- or eight-foot leg bones with long, strong muscles, can easily kill a lion. Usually the only adult giraffes lions will attack are the sick or injured. When giraffes need to defend their young, or when fights occur between jealous males, the necks of giraffes, topped with tough, horned skulls, also make vicious weapons when slammed against an opponent.
When the psalmist thought of the Creator’s marvelous creation, he wrote, “Let all the earth fear the Lord: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:8-9). As we consider the many ways the Lord has provided for all living creatures, we also should “stand in awe of Him” and thankfully accept His loving offer to be not only our Creator, but our Saviour as well.
(to be continued)
The Story of a Fig Tree
I have never seen figs growing on a tree, though I have often seen a fig tree in a big public space like a shopping mall. Have you?
Fig trees in Bible times had leaves like a maple tree but much bigger. In fact, when Adam and Eve wanted to cover themselves so that God would not see them, they sewed fig leaves together and made aprons. Most of you know the rest of their story, and you know whether their fig-leaf aprons worked out.
In today’s story, there was a fig tree planted in a field of grape vines. That’s a funny place to plant a fig tree with its big shady leaves, but that’s where it was, and I think the man who took care of the field really liked it. But, after all, it was not his to decide one way or the other about the tree. He was the caretaker of the field for the owner.
Do you have a field too? Maybe you do, even if it’s only a space to run around in or maybe play a game of ball or maybe have a vegetable garden. Is it yours? Psalm 24:1 Says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.”
Does God really own the world? Yes. You mean the whole world? Yes, it’s all His. Even if it’s in a mess? God didn’t make it a mess. He made it very good, and it still belongs to Him even if we have made it a mess.
One day the owner of the fig tree came looking for juicy, ripe figs, when it was time for the figs to be ripe. Do you know how many figs he found? None at all ... not even one!
Oh well, maybe the tree needs to grow more. But the second year was the same, and the third year too. About then the owner thought, What’s the use? No figs ... not even one. Cut it down, he said. It’s just taking up valuable space.
Now this is scary. God has a lesson in this story of the fig tree that applies to you and me. We live in God’s world, and we know that planet Earth is somewhere in space and that God is the owner. Has He really said, “Destroy it”? Yes He has, and He has promised it will happen. Read 2 Peter 3:10 and see.
But the fig tree in our story had a caretaker, and the caretaker told the owner that he had a plan for the tree. And our Jesus had a plan too. In fact, it was God’s plan, and God and Jesus His Son followed through with the plan with complete togetherness.
This was their plan: Jesus the Saviour gave His life for us. We are sinners and deserve to be totally destroyed, Earth included, but Jesus our Saviour has died to redeem us. And now God is waiting ... waiting ... will you come to Him now? Will you be the fruit that God is waiting for in a world that does not want Him? “Our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity [sin]” (Titus 2:13-14).
The caretaker’s plan for the fig tree was to wait another year. I will dig up the soil and add fertilizer, and we’ll see if it bears fruit next year. And so God is waiting. He has not yet destroyed the world we live in, but He has promised that it will happen! While He waits, He is busy and the Caretaker is busy. Jesus sends troubles to wake up sinners, which is like digging up the soil. And He sends blessings and invitations like the one you are receiving right now, which is like the good of the fertilizer.
The story in Luke 13:6-9 does not tell us what happened to the fig tree, perhaps because God wants you to give Him your answer right now. We can see that the world is saying “No” to God’s ownership, but He is waiting for your answer. You are one person, and He loves and cares about you. Are you one of the fruits of His harvest? God Himself wants you. Will you come?
MEMORY VERSE: “Our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity.” Titus 2:13-14
A Stray Kitten
One day a stray kitten came to our house. He stayed around, and now he seems to love us. All we did was give him something to eat, show him a little love and name him Teeny. Now Teeny comes and rubs against our legs, purring so loudly he sounds like a little motor. Teeny was only a little stray kitten, but how the children love him.
Doesn’t this remind us of the Lord Jesus? He picks us up, lonely, stray sinners and brings us to Himself. He shows us His loving kindness, watches over us, and sees that we have everything we need. We are just drifting in this world with no purpose to our lives. But when we come to the Lord Jesus, we find a purpose for living and a home.
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting place,
And He has made me glad.
How happy He must be when we thank Him for all that He has done and when we tell others about Him.
“Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house: they will be still praising Thee” (Psalm 84:4).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lofty Giraffe - Part 2
“The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honorable and glorious.” Psalm 111:2-3
Female giraffes, called cows, weigh 1000 to 1500 pounds, compared with bulls, which reach 2000 pounds or more.
Mothers show tender, loving care to their calves for several months, until they grow big enough to join the adults. During the early morning daylight, a mother will hide her calf under a bush or in tall grass. Lying with its neck and head curled over its back, it blends in with the coloring around it and is not easily seen. Meanwhile, the mother is busy finding her food, returning about noon and again at night to nurse her calf.
Frequently several mothers with calves form a group. At night one stands guard while the others sleep with their own calves. Then in the morning when it is time to go searching for food, one or two of the mothers remain behind to “baby-sit” all the calves. If lions or hyenas come near, the baby-sitter bellows loudly. All the giraffes who hear the bellow come running to attack or chase away the intruders. These are God-given instincts that show His care over them.
Giraffes can live on grass and other ground plants, but it is much easier to reach the leaves and tender twigs of trees and tall bushes when eating their daily requirement of a hundred pounds or more. The leaves and blossoms of acacia trees are a favorite food. Acacias have sharp thorns, but lips as tough as shoe leather handle that problem. It is interesting to see how God gave them this eating habit to enable certain acacia trees to reproduce. It has been discovered that the seeds of many of these trees will not germinate until they have passed through the four stomachs of a giraffe and then are discarded.
Getting a drink is not an easy job for a giraffe. It must lower its head to reach the water and then raise its head to swallow. This raising and lowering of its head about twenty feet would normally cause such a rush of blood that the giraffe would black out and fall over. But the Creator planned for this too. Within its veins and arteries, a system of valves keeps the blood flowing evenly, no matter what movement may be made. Also, at the base of its brain, blood vessels automatically expand when its head is lowered and contract when suddenly raised. What a Master Designer we have! God’s creation worked right the first time. There was no problem here for so wise a Creator.
An animal this big needs lots of blood, and so it has been given a larger heart which weighs about twenty-five pounds and pumps blood through its body at the rate of fifteen gallons a minute.
The next time you see one of these interesting animals in the zoo, think how wisely the Lord God, its Creator, has provided for all its needs.
Defeated, yet Still Dangerous
When Danny Anderson was a young boy, he loved to go hunting for rattlesnakes with his dad. He gave Danny some good advice: “Never touch a rattlesnake!” That’s very good advice, since rattlers will often strike at moving objects in front of them, and their bite delivers deadly poison from their fangs. The kind of rattlesnakes where Danny now lives inject a poison that kills living tissue, stops blood from clotting, and can shut down vital body organs. If the bite isn’t treated right away, it can cause death and almost always leaves some kind of scar. That’s why I’m sure Danny wishes he had listened to the advice he got from his dad when he was just a boy.
Danny, now 53 years old, has often seen bull snakes around his property. They aren’t poisonous and are actually helpful to farmers by eating rats and mice. Danny had never once seen a rattlesnake in the five years he’d owned this property, but they can be found not far away.
One Monday night, he was feeding his horses when a five-foot rattler slithered up where Danny and his son were working. Acting quickly, one of them grabbed an irrigation pipe and pinned the snake to the ground. While it struggled, the other one grabbed a shovel and cut off the head, hitting it a few times for good measure. That’s when Danny made his big mistake. He thought, Wouldn’t a rattlesnake head make a nice souvenir?
This rattlesnake reminds me of another deadly enemy of mankind—Satan. He was conquered, defeated and crushed by Christ at the cross. Even Satan’s best weapon, death, was taken away from him when Christ was raised from the dead—”Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54). But that doesn’t mean we should challenge Satan or ignore his power. He is a very clever and sneaky enemy! He acts like a roaring lion as he attempts to scare Christians away from faithfulness to Christ and obedience to their Lord. We should remember the warning of Satan’s poison and use the Word of God to resist his efforts. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
But Danny didn’t remember his dad’s warning. He said, “When I reached down to pick up the rattlesnake’s head, it raised up and almost did a back flip and bit my finger! I had to shake my hand real hard to get it to let loose.” Experts say that the rattlesnake’s heat-seeking sensors and touch sensors can both function for a while after death and cause the snake’s muscles to react without the brain telling them what to do. Scary!
Danny would have ignored the little bite, but his wife insisted they head for the hospital. Ten minutes later, with his tongue already swelling and the snake poison spreading, they reached the nearest hospital. In minutes he was in an ambulance, heading for a larger hospital where he could get a full, six-shot, antivenin treatment. Two days later he came home from the hospital.
Danny thought it would be fun and quite safe to pick up a rattlesnake head. Careless people think it would be fun and harmless to go places and do things where Satan still has his power. He hides his deadly poison in things that look inviting.
Have you read books or magazines, played games and enjoyed entertainment that has the poison of sin mixed with it? Danny’s wife had the best advice: “Get out of there and head for the hospital right away!” And it’s a good thing Danny listened. The Lord Jesus gave us the perfect example for resisting Satan, by using His Word to defend against the devil. You can read about it in Luke 4:1-13. Notice how many times Jesus says, “It is written,” and then quotes the Word of God.
Danny says the next time he sees a rattlesnake he’ll kill it, but then he’ll grab a shovel and bury it right there! And you and I should follow God’s instruction in Proverbs 4:14-15 when we meet up with sin: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.”
MEMORY VERSE: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” Proverbs 4:14-15
"Can't You Talk?"
I remember seeing a picture of a little girl and her duck. The little girl looked as if she were talking to her friend. The title underneath the picture was, “Can’t You Talk?”
I can imagine that the little girl had been talking away to her little duck, but, of course, he never answered her. We all know why—a duck can quack, but it cannot talk and it never will. It was born a duck, and it will never be anything else.
I sometimes think of this when we try to talk to boys and girls about the Lord Jesus. If we talk about games, pets or school, there is lots of chatter. But somehow when we begin to talk about the Lord Jesus, they do not have much to say and want to change the subject. Why is this?
You and I were born sinners, and we need to be saved from our sins (born again). In John’s gospel chapter three, the Lord Jesus says to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.” I did not want to talk to anyone about the Lord Jesus either, until I was born again. When the Lord Jesus saved me and washed away my sins, I found that I wanted to be with others who also loved my Saviour. Together we would talk about Him.
What do you do when someone wants to talk about the Lord Jesus? Do you join in the conversation, or do you want to change the subject?
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it” (Malachi 3:16).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Beautiful Autumn Leaves
“Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 16:33
King David spoke these words as he encouraged God’s people to praise the Lord for all His wonderful works. Trees are a good example, for they are an important part of God’s creation, and in their autumn beauty, they seem to “sing out” to their Creator.
Although many trees keep their leaves or needles year-round, many species drop their leaves in autumn. But before they fall, there is usually a brilliant and varied display of color in these leaves. Red maples and sugar maples, along with oaks, blaze with fiery red, orange and gold; dogwoods turn a shade of purple; sassafras take on scarlet and orange; poplars and aspens become golden yellow. Other species add their various beautiful colors and make the forests almost appear to be on fire.
Leaves are to a tree what lungs are to humans, controlling the passage of air and moisture to and from the tree. Chlorophyll in the leaves is like blood to humans, converting the water and air into living tissue. Sunlight provides the energy for this process.
Under the guidance of the Creator, every leaf is a miniature chemical factory, performing simply and efficiently in supplying sugar as part of the tree’s food. (The remainder comes from the roots.) Leaves continually give off moisture, which, along with their shade, provide coolness on a hot day. The leaf’s chemical activity absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and in exchange gives off oxygen, so vital to air-breathing man, animals, birds and insects. Without the forests and other plants of the world, there would not be sufficient oxygen to sustain all this life.
As fall approaches, a small ring of tissue begins to dry where the leaf stem is attached to the tree. It is at this point, called the abscission layer, that the leaf will separate from the tree. Little by little this layer interferes with the leaf’s processes, and soon the green color fades away as its chlorophyll is cut off. Then the spectacular colors appear—red, orange, purple, gold and yellow. These colors have been in the leaf all along, but the green chlorophyll has hidden them. Finally, the leaves are forced off by wind and rain, and a corky seal closes off where the stem was attached.
What a treat it is to be present when this wonderful color change takes place. The Bible tells us, “The Lord hath made all things for Himself” (Proverbs 16:4), and He surely has great pleasure in seeing this lovely display. However, this beauty is only temporary, but we are assured that “the glory of the Lord shall endure forever” (Psalm 104:31). All who know Him as their Saviour will be in the presence of His glory and beauty for all eternity. Will you be there?
The Chimney Blackbird
When the weather begins to turn colder, have you ever noticed that blackbirds and starlings collect around the tops of warm chimneys? If it gets crowded up there, sometimes there is pushing and shoving and squawking among the birds to find a warm spot.
One September afternoon, a blackbird had somehow gotten inside the oil furnace chimney above the roof of our house. Even though the furnace was off, there was warmth from the morning use of the furnace, and the bird either fluttered or fell to the bottom of the chimney. But soon it wanted to be out of there!
We could hear the bird fluttering and scratching, but it could not fly back up to the top opening. It was hopelessly trapped, and we felt sorry for it, as it struggled inside the chimney to get out.
The only way for that blackbird to have its freedom was for us to take apart the top of the furnace so we could reach the bird and take it outside to set it free. After considerable effort, we finally were able to capture the bird inside the chimney.
This blackbird was black to start with, but now it was blacker with the soot and filth of the chimney. We carried it outside to the garden hose. But even after most of the soot was washed off, that blackbird still remained black—because it was born a blackbird.
You and I each have a sinful nature that we were born with, and we can’t change it. But we can have the soot and filth of our sins washed away. However, water won’t do it, nor will trying to lead a good, clean life help. Being helpful to our friends and neighbors won’t remove a single sin either. God’s Word says, “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses [good deeds] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). That makes us just as helpless to remove our sins as that blackbird was to get rid of the chimney soot. But the garden hose was the remedy for the blackbird. The bird was washed clean and set free.
God and His Son Jesus are offering you and me the remedy to remove our sins forever. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross has the power to wash us clean from every sin and to set us free. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
The blackbird was released—clean and free again. But have you been released—clean and free? Have you been to Jesus to have your sins washed away?
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
So that not one spot remains?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Nothing can for sins atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Nothing good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
Anna and the Sheep
Anna was just four years old when her father and mother took her for her first visit to a farm. Soon they were busy talking to the farmer, and little Anna set off on her own to visit the sheep.
“Here, lamb, here, lamb,” she called as she chased the curly-haired animals. But the sheep all ran off and then stood watching her from the other side of the field.
Finally Anna stopped running after them and stood quietly looking at the sheep she could not catch. Now it was the sheep’s turn to be curious. One of the bigger, bolder lambs came over and sniffed Anna. Anna pulled back. The sheep reached out with its tongue and licked her hand. Anna didn’t like that and called her mother, “Maamaa.” All the sheep pricked up their ears. The lamb licked Anna again. Again Anna cried, “Maamaa.” Now all the sheep began to crowd around this strange creature that talked like they did. Soon the whole flock encircled her as she stood crying for her mother, “Maamaa, Maamaa.” Poor little Anna was very scared.
Have you ever felt uncomfortable among Christians? Maybe you can talk like a Christian, but perhaps you don’t really belong to the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus. To become one of His sheep you must be born again. Each of us has been born once into a human family, but we must also be born into God’s family to become a Christian. When we truthfully tell the Lord Jesus that we’ve done wrong and that we need His forgiveness of our sins, He will forgive us and give us a new life, His life. Then we become one of His children, one of His sheep.
Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine.... My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:14,27-28).
Hearing what he thought was a sheep bleating, the farmer interrupted his conversation with Anna’s parents and said, “Whatever could be the matter with the sheep? I’ll go and see.”
The farmer hurried over to the flock with Anna’s parents following along behind. They were very surprised and amused to discover the trouble. The farmer made his way through the flock and picked up the unhappy little girl, who was very glad to go back to her mother’s arms.
Are you really one of the Lord Jesus’ sheep? Have you accepted Him as your Shepherd?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Musical Katydid
“Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made heaven ... the earth ... the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
Katydids live mostly in the tropics, but one hundred species also live in southern and eastern parts of the United States. These large, green insects are about two inches long and are relatives of crickets and grasshoppers. The loud, shrill mating call of the male sounds like “katy did katy didn’t,” which undoubtedly is where their name came from. But often they make a strong, penetrating screech or some consider it a loud, chirping call.
Their colorful two-inch bodies are attractive. The Creator has given them the ability to change color. Most often they are a pretty shade of green, but the color automatically changes to match the plant on which they are climbing or resting. Birds, which would like them for dinner, can be right next to them and not even be aware of them. Many of the katydids look so much like lichens (a kind of fungus) that when they climb up a plant or tree trunk covered with these rootless plants, it is almost impossible to tell where they are as long as they remain still.
These insects are active in summer but are heard most often during late summer and autumn when the weather is very hot. The males make their shrill, rasping call by rubbing together the rough areas of their wings. These sounds are made especially loud by paper-thin, tiny amplifiers under their wings. Their calls, along with those of crickets, locusts, cicadas and many other insects, create an amazing chorus when uninterrupted on an otherwise quiet afternoon. Some katydids begin their song at twilight and continue all night.
The Creator has provided this insect with remarkable hearing. It has been determined that they can distinguish many sounds that our ears are not capable of hearing. In some species, their long, thin, V-shaped antennae are longer than their bodies.
Most katydids live in trees and bushes and eat young twigs and leaves. Their long hind legs enable them to travel quickly over the tree branches. They can also fly short distances. Starting in early fall until frost appears, the females lay their flat, oval, slate-gray eggs in the ground or in plant tissue. The eggs hatch in spring.
Whether it is a whale, an elephant or other huge animal, an ostrich, a hummingbird or a tiny insect, let us never forget that all creatures are part of the Lord God’s wonderful creation. This also includes you, and if you trust in Him as your Saviour, He has a home in heaven waiting for you when your life here on earth is ended. Will you be there?
A Close Call
It had all started as a fun adventure. Marie Peary and her mother had boarded a ship, named the Windward, to search for her father, Robert E. Peary. He had been away from his family for two years, as he tried again to reach the North Pole, and the family missed him. The Windward was taking supplies to the great explorer, and Marie and her mother hoped to meet him too.
At their first stop, they found that Peary had gone farther north, to Payer Harbor. They picked up some of his supplies, as he had left instructions to do, and also many of the Inuit men of that area who wanted to go along to hunt musk ox. One of those who joined the ship was Marie’s good friend Koodlooktoo, a teenage boy. At Payer Harbor they once again met with disappointment; Marie’s father had gone on still farther north. The ship’s captain explained to Marie and her mother that it was getting too late in the season to wait any longer for his return and that they would need to return to Newfoundland. But that very night a blizzard wind blew the ship onto rocks. By the time the ship was repaired and ready to sail, it was too late ... the ice had frozen them into the harbor. Marie didn’t mind. She loved the Arctic where she had been born, and she loved adventure.
One day Marie, who was seven, and Koodlooktoo, who was fifteen, set out on a four-mile walk across the frozen bay to Cape Sabine. The Windward’s captain wanted to know the condition of the ice at the Cape, so he could make plans when they could sail. The two friends walked across the ice in the bright moonlight of the long Arctic night and had their lunch on a hill overlooking the Cape. They could see that the ice to the north was still unbroken. But when they turned to head back to the ship, to their alarm they found a deep, wide channel where the ice had broken up. They would have to find a new way home!
The detour journey back was much longer than the morning’s walk had been. Wearily they struggled on, sometimes up to their waists in snow, sometimes slipping as they went up icy hills. Marie begged Koodlooktoo to stop for a rest, but he wisely refused, knowing that if they fell asleep in that cold, they might easily freeze to death.
Finally, from a hilltop, Marie saw the welcome lights of the ship shining through the darkness. What a welcome sight! In her exhaustion, she sat down and started to slide down what looked to her like a smooth ride down the hill to home, in spite of warnings from Koodlooktoo that the slope was actually a glacier that could have a dangerous cliff.
I wonder ... have you been warned that you are on your way to a place of danger? If you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are on a dangerous road, the slippery road to hell where you will be punished for your sins. But “God is love” (1 John 4:16), and He has made a way to rescue you from that eternal punishment. It is through the death of His own Son.
Koodlooktoo saw his little friend hurtling to possible death, and he acted as only a brave and loving friend would. He threw himself down the icy slope, whizzing past Marie. Kicking his legs and flailing his arms, he found footing when he was nearly on the edge of a cliff. As Marie slid wildly toward him, he reached out and caught her before she went over the edge.
What love it took for Koodlooktoo to risk his life to save his young friend! The Bible says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Koodlooktoo risked his life to save Marie, but the Lord Jesus gave His life to save you from eternal punishment. He went to the cross of Calvary, where God placed upon Jesus all the sins of those who would believe on Him and punished His Son for those sins that we had committed. Won’t you accept such wonderful love and be free from the penalty of your sins?
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
MEMORY VERSE: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Hit and Miss
While they were waiting for their parents to finish chatting, Robby and Eric were busy cramming their pockets with stones to throw at the sturdy old oak tree in the front yard.
“Look at me, Grandma! Watch me hit that big tree!” Robby called, nodding his head toward the oak tree and winding up like a baseball player eager to strike out the man at bat. But the stone flew right past the tree, followed by several more stones that also flew right past the tree.
Six-year-old Eric watched the younger boy for a while and then threw his stone. A direct hit!
“Good aim, Eric. You directed that stone right to the center of the tree. That’s like our Bible memory verse for this week, isn’t it? ‘The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ’ (2 Thessalonians 3:5).”
Then Eric said, “You’d have to take your heart right out and put it in the Lord Jesus’ hand for Him to do that.”
We can’t actually do that, can we? Yet the Lord Jesus does say, “My son, give Me thine heart” (Proverbs 23:26). We can let Him control our hearts and guide us in all our ways.
Are you letting Him do that?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Inside Your Ear
“Hear the word of the Lord...and let your ear receive the word of His mouth.” Jeremiah 9:20
Sound results from changes in air pressure. The human ear detects these changes as wavelengths, vibrating from forty to forty thousand times each second. They range from the quietest whisper to the explosion of a bomb.
The outer ear “catches” sounds and sends them to the inner, working parts of the ear. Without the outer ear we still would hear plainly, but many sounds would go by unheard.
Between the outer ear and the eardrum is a twisting canal. It is lined with hairs and wax that trap dust, water and even small bits of dirt or insects that could cause damage.
The eardrum is a membrane about one-half inch across. This is where the transmission of sound begins. As sound waves hit this membrane, it acts much like a drum, and the sound travels through it to the middle ear. This has three tiny bones connected together called the anvil, hammer and stirrup. These magnify the drum’s vibrations by about twenty times. The tiny stirrup then taps it all against the fluid of the inner ear.
The inner ear is a hollow area protected by hard bone. It is filled with a watery fluid and contains the cochlea, a twisted snail-like tube. This is lined with thousands of sensitive cells, each of which responds to just one certain sound. When the fluid vibrates from the tapping of the stirrup, only the nerves corresponding to that particular wavelength rise up to wave back and forth. When this takes place, a small electrical signal is made and sent to a corresponding circuit in the auditory nerve, which carries it instantly to the brain. There are about thirty thousand of these circuits ready to respond! While each tone is kept separate from every other one, confusion could easily result with so many sounds arriving at the same time. And yet, in a remarkable way, our brain separates everything into its proper order and makes it intelligible.
All of these processes are done at the same time by two ears, and the brain receives the messages in exactly the same way from both. This is another example of the wonders of God’s creation. No human could ever invent anything like it nor could the body develop such remarkable parts by itself.
Since God has given us this remarkable sense of hearing, we should be careful how we use it. The Lord Himself said, “Take heed what ye hear” (Mark 4:24). He knew that many things would reach our ears, and we must learn to separate the good from the bad. And so He has invited you to “incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live” (Isaiah 55:3). May each of us desire to hear God’s wonderful Word, not just in our ears, but in our hearts as well.
The Little Prodigal Son
There is a very well-known story in the Bible about a man who had two sons. One of the sons left home, did as he pleased, and then came back home when everything went wrong. The father welcomed his returning son and forgave him. It is known as the story of “The Prodigal Son,” and you can read it in Luke 15:11-32. But now I am going to tell you about another father with two sons. This father’s two sons were little boys. Timmy was five years old and Stevie was three years old.
One day Timmy told his father that he was going to run away. His reason was that he was having trouble with Stevie, his little brother. Timmy and his father found a suitcase, and his father helped him pack his belongings, putting in some books because he might want to look at them. He left his room, and his father said he would walk up the street a little way with him.
But the suitcase was heavy, and Timmy asked his father to carry it for him. His father said “No,” because he would be going back home, and Timmy should get all the practice he could now of carrying it alone.
As they were passing a fast-food place, his father bought Timmy a hamburger. Since he couldn’t eat it all, his father said to put the rest of the hamburger in the suitcase, as that would be all the food he had with him.
Back on the road again, instead of continuing on his journey, Timmy started back towards home, still hauling the heavy suitcase. They turned into the house, and his father went inside, but Timmy went around to the back.
Do you think his father forgot all about Timmy now? No. Both his father and his mother were watching from the window. They saw him open the suitcase, take out the books and look at them. They saw him when he got up and walked around. Then he came into the house and said he had decided to give his little brother another chance. So the suitcase was unpacked, and the runaway was home!
These two fathers in the stories give us a picture of our heavenly Father and His love and care for us. Sometimes he allows us to do as we please and even make wrong choices, but it is always with the desire that we will return to Him and His love and offer of forgiveness.
Although Timmy was never far from his father, yet somewhere on his runaway journey he changed his mind about his brother and decided to go home. When God sees that we are truly sorry for our sins and willing to change our minds and ways, He too is always ready to forgive, take us back and wash us clean.
Aren’t you glad we have such a gracious God? He is ready to pardon and quick to forgive when there is true repentance. “Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness” (Nehemiah 9:17). Then He receives us as His children and welcomes us home.
“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness.” Nehemiah 9:17
Beautiful Colors
Matthew and Angie came in from playing and said, “Mommy, we have decided blue and green are God’s favorite colors, because He made so much of them.”
When we look around outside we can see that they were right. There is the blue sky overhead and the green grass and trees everywhere.
The blue sky reminds us of heaven where the Lord Jesus is waiting to take His own children (those who have accepted Him as their Saviour). He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.... I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:2-3).
Green trees, plants and grass remind us of growing. The way children grow is by eating the good food their mothers prepare for them. The good food for growing and learning more about Jesus is the Word of God, the Bible, which we should read every day. Memorizing verses from the Bible helps us to think of them as we work and play. (Matthew and Angie were thinking about the Lord Jesus as they played outside. Can you remember why?) “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11). Yes, knowing what God has said in His Word can keep us from sinning.
There are other pretty colors too. Red reminds us of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross for us. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The yellow of the warm sunshine reminds us of God’s love that was shown when He gave up His only Son, Jesus, and His loving care over us every day. “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Let’s not leave out white. Some of us see lots of beautiful white snow in winter. White snow covers over the plants and leaves that have died. This reminds us that the Lord Jesus wants to remove our dark sins and make us white as snow. “Come now ... saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
Can you remember what each of the five colors reminds us of?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Merry Rock Wren
“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!” Psalm 113:5-6
In the dry foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the sweet song of the six-inch rock wren is often heard. Its gray colors blend in closely with its rocky home among the boulders, sandstone cliffs and rocky hills.
What an interesting home the rock wren has! Its small nest is made of twigs, grass and plant stems, lined with shredded bark, dry grass and pieces of fur. There is nothing unusual about the actual nest; it is the wall that is built beside it that is unusual. After the nest is built in a crevice under a big rock, the male and female gather small pebbles and rock chips to make a stone wall in front of the nest, leaving only a small entranceway. No doubt the Creator gave the wren this skill to help protect its nest from snakes, rodents and birds of prey, which would eat their eggs.
About six white eggs, speckled brown on one end, are laid twice a year. In only two weeks the chicks hatch out. The parents are attentive and protective, staying close by and bringing spiders, moths and other insects as food to the young chicks. Before they are big enough to fly, the parents lead them out on the rocks for exercise. If danger appears, they immediately obey their parents’ signal to “freeze” or find a hiding place. Isn’t it interesting to see how God has put such wisdom in the parents?
The rock wren has been given a long bill to reach food in cracks and under rocks. Its short legs have sharp-clawed toes, allowing it to cling upside down to overhanging rocks. Although it does drink water when it is available, it can get along without it, getting moisture from what it eats.
This little bird is another excellent example of how the Lord God, the Creator, has supplied everything His creatures need. The Bible reminds us: “Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the [needs] of every living thing” (Psalm 145:16).
The same One who watches over the little rock wren has His eye on you too. In a special way, His “delights [are] with the sons of men.” He says, “Now therefore hearken unto Me, O ye children.... Blessed is the man that heareth Me.... For whoso findeth Me findeth life.... But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul” (Proverbs 8:31-36). These are serious but wonderful words. The Lord God wants you to know Him, not only as the provider and preserver of your life, but as the One to whom you may go as a needy sinner. He wants you to accept Him as your own Saviour and thank Him for taking the punishment for your sins. Have you done this?
The Queen Was Afraid
Maybe some girls need a lot of makeup and hair coloring to make themselves beautiful, but not Esther. All the other girls did their best, but everyone agreed that Esther was the most beautiful of all. The king thought so too, and Esther became queen. But the king was a busy man, and it was a whole month since he had taken time to see his queen. Shushan the palace where they lived was a very big place.
Queen Esther was a Jewish orphan who had been brought up by her Uncle Mordecai. Only ladies were allowed in the part of the palace where she stayed now as queen, so her uncle walked outside every day to where he could share news with Esther who was so dear to him.
One day Mordecai’s news was bad, very bad. The king had a special advisor named Haman, and this evil man said that he would pay a huge reward to have all the Jews in the kingdom destroyed.
Agreed, said the king. You choose the day and write out the order, and I will sign it. And Haman did, and the order was sent out in a great rush, and the king and Haman sat down to drink.
But do you know something? You may get very angry about something, but you can’t change God’s Word, no matter who you are. Nothing and nobody in the world can change God’s plan.
God has a wonderful plan. He sent His beloved Son, Christ Jesus, into the world to save sinners. The devil didn’t like that plan, and he tried to kill Jesus even when He was a baby, so He couldn’t be your Saviour. It didn’t work. So then the devil wanted to get people to throw Jesus over a cliff or kill Him with stones ... but the devil can’t win!
God’s plan was for Jesus to give up His life on the cross for sinners, which He did. So now the devil will try to keep you from listening to God’s Word, and he will fill you with lies about it. But God’s Word stands true forever! Just as God has a plan for sinners to be saved, He had a plan to save the Jewish people. Read on in the story and see what happened.
Mordecai sent a message to Queen Esther, that she should plead with the king for the life of her people, the Jews. But she was afraid. She had reason to be afraid, because the king did not listen to anybody. He carried a golden scepter in his royal hand, and if you came into his presence uninvited, it could mean death for you ... with no second chance! He was a man of power. But our God is all-powerful!
No wonder Queen Esther was afraid. If she went uninvited before the king, he might order her death! She begged Mordecai and all her friends to fast (not to eat anything), to prove that they cared too. After fasting for three days, she went in to the king. What would he say?
I wonder if you know that God Himself who inspired this story and the people who shared in giving it to you care very much about you right now. We know God’s answer if you come to Jesus. We know that Jesus Himself invites you over and over again. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Why are you waiting?
When Queen Esther approached the king, he held out the golden scepter, and the queen came and touched the top of the scepter. It was a silent action of welcome, and it meant life to her—not death!
Now think of the far, far better welcome of our God to you. If you come in the name of Jesus, there is no doubt about your welcome. And it’s everlasting life that He gives, not just honor from a king who died long ago.
Once the king welcomed Queen Esther, she said, Come to a banquet that I will provide for you and Haman. And the king very willingly agreed, and Haman did too. Everything seemed to be working out right, just as evil Haman had hoped. He went home and boasted to his family and friends, but that is not the end of the story. God tells us a secret that Haman did not know.
Are you finding in your life today that things seem to be working out right? This is not the end of the story for you either, because you are a sinner. And if the matter of your sins is not settled between you and God, no amount of boasting or the approval of friends will ever settle it. God says, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).
We’ll tell you the rest of the story next week, or you may read it for yourself in the Book of Esther.
MEMORY VERSE: “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Octopus
The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
In spite of its frightful appearance, the octopus is usually a very timid creature and will not attack a person unless he tries to invade its home. There are more than 150 varieties of octopuses. Some are less than an inch across, others are thirty feet or more from the tip of one outstretched tentacle to the tip of an opposite outstretched tentacle, but most are only about three feet across.
This odd resident of the ocean has a body with a large, dome-shaped head, containing not only its brain, but also its stomach and other organs. These are covered by a membrane called a mantle. It has huge, human-like eyes behind its mouth and strong, parrot-type beak. Eight snake-like tentacles stretch out from its body, each having on its underside about one hundred suction cups that attach themselves with a vise-like grip onto anything. The eight tentacles also act as feet to move along the ocean floor and as hands to pull up and over an underwater rock.
A large opening in the mantle is always moving, sucking water over its gills and out through a siphon. This siphon can be pointed in any direction to provide jet propulsion. It also squirts inky fluid to make a “smoke screen” when pursued. Attached to the octopus’s skin are little bags of pigment. When these bags are held open, various colors are exposed, which the octopus can change to appear striped, mottled or a solid color, to match its surroundings. How wonderfully the Creator has designed this creature for its way of life deep in the ocean!
The octopus does have enemies—squid, whales and large eels. As a result, it hunts at night. In daytime it hides in a cave where it piles old shells and rocks by the entrance.
Do you think God sees these octopuses deep on the ocean floor? He certainly does. The Bible tells us, “Thy way is in the sea, and Thy path in the great waters” (Psalm 77:19). God sees and cares for everything He has created and He never takes His eye off them.
But He has a special care for you and me whom He has created “in His own image” (Genesis 1:27). We are the only creatures invited to come to Him in faith. His Word assures us that “the Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He [knows] them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).
If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you may say as the Apostle Paul did, “I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
What Happened to Haman
Do you remember the story of Queen Esther? She had invited the king and his friend Haman to come to her apartment for a banquet, and they were very glad to accept her invitation. The banquet was set for the next day.
Haman went home and bragged about the royal invitation. Then he added, But there’s one problem—everybody bows down to me except Mordecai the Jew. Hang him! said his wife. Build a gallows fifty feet high so everybody can see! Haman agreed, and the gallows were built.
But the account in the Bible tells us something that Haman did not know. Two doorkeepers at Shushan the palace were angry with the king and whispered their plan to murder him. Mordecai, who was Queen Esther’s uncle, heard of this secret plan to murder the king, and he told the king. The two would-be murderers were executed, and this plot and Mordecai’s telling the king of the plot was written in the history books of the kingdom.
The king had a bad night after accepting Queen Esther’s invitation, and he just could not sleep. Bring me the history books, he told his servants. Now read to me. When the account was read of the two doorkeepers’ plot to murder him, he asked, How was Mordecai rewarded for telling me about the plot? He received no reward, said the reader.
Certainly God causes people to remember, but sometimes He causes us to forget. Do you have sins in your life that you want to forget? Unless your sins are washed away in the blood of Christ, they will come back to torment you forever! Won’t you come to that wonderful Saviour right now to have your sins washed away? He promises to reserve a place for you in heaven where there won’t be any sadness—only joy.
Then the king asked who was in the court. Only Haman was there, coming early to ask permission to hang Mordecai on the high gallows he had built for that purpose. Before Haman could ask about hanging Mordecai, the king asked him, What should be done to the man whom the king delights to honor?
Of course, that’s me, thought Haman, and he piled on all the honors he could think of—the king’s horse to ride on, the fanciest clothes, and an announcer to tell the people that this man was honored by the great king. Then the king ordered, Do all you said to Mordecai the Jew!
Haman couldn’t refuse the king’s order. So it was done, every word of it, and he went home to his wife in total misery. His entire plan had turned upside down!
Boys and girls, and grown-ups too, don’t let this happen to you. Surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ right now, and you will find that in due time you will share His honors too. He knows all your secret sins, but He loves you anyway and wants you to share heaven with Himself.
Queen Esther’s banquet was only the beginning. She had another one the next day, and that was when she poured out her tears and her hopeful wish for the safety of her people. She begged the king for the lives of the Jewish people.
Who planned this crime? asked the king, and she put the blame where it belonged—Haman—who was sitting right there.
The king was furious! He went out into the palace garden. While he was gone, Haman begged the queen for his life, but it was too late. When the king returned, one of the servants suggested that Haman should be hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordecai. And that is what happened.
Have you found yourself in this story? You may come boldly, not fearfully, to Jesus, telling Him you are a sinner and that you want Him to wash away your sins. He will save you, not just for today, but forever!
Or you may refuse to come. Then your place is in this story too, not just for one day, but forever in that awful place where the fire is never put out. You are urgently invited to come and be joyfully washed clean from every sin. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7).
You may read the entire story in the Bible in the Book of Esther.
MEMORY VERSE: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
Matthew's Message
One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets of town, being extra careful because the roads were wet and slick. Suddenly my son Matthew spoke up from where he was sitting. “Mom, I’m thinking of something.” This announcement usually meant he had been thinking about some fact for a while and was now ready to explain to me all that his seven-year-old mind had discovered. I was eager to hear.
“What are you thinking?” I asked.
“The rain,” he began, “is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away.”
“That’s really good, Matthew.” Wondering if we could learn a little more about the subject, I asked, “If it rains again tomorrow or maybe next week, I’m going to have to turn my windshield wipers on again. What does that tell you?”
Matthew didn’t hesitate one moment with his answer: “If we sin again, God will forgive us.”
I will always remember this little lesson whenever I turn my windshield wipers on.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Little Joey and Big Boomer
“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3
In Australia kangaroos are a familiar sight. Sometimes they are considered a pest because they eat grass needed by the many flocks of sheep, and they also trespass into people’s gardens. Even traffic signs warn drivers about kangaroos on the roads.
These animals have small heads and rather large ears, but what is most noticeable is their hind legs and feet. Their front legs and feet (used more like arms and hands) are about half the size of their hind legs and feet, which on some species are three feet long. They also have large tails that give them support when grazing or leaping. Both their tails and the strong claws on their hind feet can be used as powerful weapons when needed.
The great gray and the great red kangaroos are the largest. Before man came to Australia, great numbers of them covered the plains, but shepherds have killed many of them. These big fellows, about seven feet high, weigh two hundred pounds or more and travel in fifteen-foot leaps.
A baby kangaroo is called a joey. It is born undeveloped and is only about an inch long. It is amazing that it survives, but God provided protection for these little ones. The mother has a pouch shaped like a pocket, close to the ground, where the baby is sheltered from anything that might harm it. Within three minutes after a joey is born, it crawls into this pouch. It could not live any longer than that if it were not for this safe hideout. How remarkable that God gave it this instinct to search for a hiding place so promptly.
When a joey is safely in the pouch, he quickly finds his mother’s milk. Because he is not strong enough as yet to suck, the mother pumps milk into his tiny mouth. This continues for about four months. Soon fuzzy fur begins to appear on the joey. When he weighs about ten pounds, he will begin to venture outside his mother’s pouch. He is more than a year old before his diet changes from milk to grass. Then he is no longer a joey but is known as a boomer, or sometimes called a roo.
God not only created these unusual animals, but He takes care of them too. Psalm 145:16 says, “Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.”
Animals are not able to thank God, but we are. We should not only thank Him for His care over us, but we should also acknowledge His love and accept His gift, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only through His work on the cross that we can be saved from the punishment of our sins and have everlasting life. Have you accepted Him as your Saviour and thanked Him for dying for you?
A Bus Driver's Prayer
I had a good job driving a city bus, and most of the time I enjoyed it. However, sometimes people got on my bus who looked so evil they scared me. Their faces were not the least bit pleasant or peaceful. They looked sour and full of anger, and when they talked, they sounded vicious and vulgar.
What was I, a bus driver, to do about it? What could I do?
The happy part of this story is that I had come to know the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. I knew He loved me so much that He had left heaven’s glory to come into this sin-cursed world to die for my sins. And I also knew He loved all the passengers that rode on my bus, just as much as He loved me. And He loves you that much too. Did you know that?
But that’s not all. He not only wants to forgive our sins, He is able to forgive them. Because He is sinless and holy and has given His life on the cross to pay the debt of our sins, He can now give power to everyone who receives Him to become sons of God. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12). Wouldn’t you like to be a child of God, to be a part of His family? If you believe and become one of His children, you will one day live with the Lord Jesus in His home in heaven. That’s one of His promises!
But what could a bus driver do to help make all this happen to the people who rode on the bus? I could pray.
The Lord Jesus said, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint [give up]” (Luke 18:1). So that’s what I did. All the time I was driving, I was also praying for those sad and angry people who rode on my bus. I prayed that God would touch their hearts with His wonderful love and that they would have His peace in their hearts. Then I would look at them in my mirror and see them looking relaxed. Some would be asleep, and some would even have a bit of a smile on their faces. I knew then I wouldn’t have trouble on the bus that trip. Then I’d pray again that God would make them want to have His peace all the time and that somehow He would let them hear and believe the gospel of His grace.
God loves to answer our prayers: “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Matthew 21:22). He encourages us to pray continuously: “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And don’t be afraid to ask: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7).
The Lord Jesus is waiting to hear from you.
MEMORY VERSE: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7
A Squirrel and a Blue Jay
The squirrels in the park are used to being around people since children and adults often feed them. One day two boys were giving peanuts to a squirrel. After the squirrel took a peanut out of their hands, he ran a little way into the woods and dug a hole. He dropped the peanut in the hole and then covered it with dirt and leaves to hide the place. He would come back later, dig it up and eat the peanut, just as squirrels usually do.
A blue jay, quietly sitting on a branch, was watching the action. Blue jays can be noisy at times, but this one sat still and quiet. After the squirrel buried the peanut and ran back to the boys for another one, the blue jay flew down from his branch and dug up the peanut. Then he carried it in his beak as he flew back to the tree to eat it.
This reminds us of a parable in the Bible that tells of a man planting seeds. Some of his seeds fell on hard ground. The seeds stayed on top of the ground, and so the birds came and ate the seed and nothing grew.
Jesus explained that this is like people who hear the Bible read but do not pay attention to what they hear. The devil comes and takes away what they hear so they learn nothing from it, just as the birds came down and ate the seed. If you or I do not pay attention to what the Bible tells us, we will not learn from God.
Jesus has told us the truth. We are all sinners and need to believe in Him. It is so simple if we do exactly what Jesus told us in this verse. “He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life” (John 6:47). If you believe in Jesus, trusting only in Him to save you from your sins, you have everlasting (or eternal) life. When Jesus comes, He will take you with Him into heaven.
Satan is like the blue jay. He does not want boys and girls and men and women to believe on Jesus. He wants you to forget that you need to be saved from your sins.
Now I’ll tell you the rest of the story. One time the squirrel turned around quickly and saw the blue jay stealing his peanut. The squirrel made a loud, chattering noise, scolding the blue jay, and the blue jay just flew up into the tree. The squirrel ran up the tree to chase him, and the blue jay quickly flew away ... with the peanut.
The Bible says, “Resist the devil, and he will flee [run away] from you” (James 4:7). Don’t listen to anyone who says that you are all right the way you are and that you don’t need to be saved from your sins. That is a lie from the devil who does not want you to be saved. Instead, believe what Jesus says and let Him save you.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Handsome Goldfinch
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father [being aware of it]. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29,31.
The goldfinch, often called the wild canary because of its lovely song, is one of America’s most beautiful songbirds. It is about five inches long and is found over most of the United States and southern Canada.
The male is an exceptionally pretty and compact, neat little bird. In the spring and summer he is dressed in bright yellow feathers with a contrasting jet-black cap, wings and tail feathers with pretty cross stripes of white. His legs and short, sharp beak are orange-brown. But in the fall and winter his bright yellow body changes to look more like the olive-brown female.
These birds fly in a rapid up-and-down wavelike motion. It is delightful to watch this display and hear their distinctive lovely songs. They seem so happy in the way of life the Creator has arranged for them.
Their nests are made of thistledown and fibers from various plants and are woven so tightly that the nests will hold water. The inside of the soft nests will have three to six pale blue eggs. These are laid from July through September and hatch out as cute baby chicks after about two weeks. While the mothers incubate the eggs, their mates faithfully bring them quantities of seeds to satisfy their hunger.
The Creator has made the goldfinch a seed-eater rather than an insect-eater. And in His wisdom He has arranged for their young to hatch out in the late summer, just as seeds are ripening with the most nourishment and are easy to find. Thistle seeds are their favorite, and climbing about the prickly thistle plant does not seem to bother them a bit. There is also a variety of other food for them as well, including ripe berries and the seeds of grass, weeds, wheat and oats.
The baby goldfinches are not able to digest whole seeds, no matter how ripe they are. Until they are older and able to gather and digest their own food, the parents feed them by eating and digesting the seeds in their crops, which is a pouch in their throats where digestion begins. Then they place their beaks in the little ones’ mouths and bring up the digested food.
How did the goldfinch—and all other finches—know to delay their nesting until late in the summer? And how did they learn such an unusual way to feed their little ones? We know the answer. The Creator gave them the instincts to do these things when He first created them, and each new generation does not need to be taught again, because these instincts come naturally to them, just as the Lord God planned it.
Dutchess and the Kelp Bed
Dan Sandberg drew back his throwing arm, holding a stick of driftwood. He let it fly, throwing it as far as he could out over the bay. It hit with a splash more than a hundred feet from shore. His wife and three children, wearing winter coats, watched as Dutchess, their Labrador retriever, ran across the beach, leaped into the chilly water and with powerful strokes swam towards the stick. This was her favorite game.
Dutchess was getting close to the stick when she swam through a bed of bull kelp. Bull kelp are strong, tubular, water plants that sometimes grow as much as fifty feet long and look similar to the bull whips that wagon drivers used in years past. These kelp plants tend to grow together, making underwater forests. They attach to rocks at the bottom of the ocean that anchor them in place, and at the top they have air sacs that act like balloons to hold them at the surface of the water.
Dan and his family watched as Dutchess suddenly stopped swimming. It seemed as if something had reached out and grabbed her, holding her in the same spot. They quickly realized the kelp had trapped her.
At first the family coaxed her to swim harder and break free of the seaweed. “Come on, Dutchess ... you can do it!” they called from the shoreline. But no matter how hard she tried, Dutchess couldn’t break free.
This is a lot like the problem of sin. All of us, whether old or young, have been trapped in sin. This certainly is serious. God is holy, which means He loves goodness, but He hates sin. He cannot let sin go unpunished; He would not be just if He did. People who die in their sins will pay the penalty for their sins for all eternity. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). But God loves you so much that He has made a way for you to be washed clean from every sin. The very next verse says, “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28). He will set you free from your sins.
But could Dutchess be set free from the kelp? Dan knew they had to do something before the cold water sapped the dog’s strength, causing her to drown. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and dialed 911. Dan didn’t know if the police would come to the aid of a dog in danger, so he was relieved when the dispatcher told him help was on the way.
In a few minutes, a police car pulled right up on the beach and two officers got out. One of the officers, Andrew Huett, loved dogs. When he heard Dutchess had been in the water for nearly fifteen minutes, he knew he had to act fast to save her.
Officer Andrew decided to swim out to save the dog. He opened the trunk of the police car, grabbed the spare tire and then waded out into the bay carrying the tire. The shock of the cold water almost took his breath away. When the water was too deep to wade, he pushed the tire in front of him and, kicking his legs behind him, swam the long distance out to the dog.
When he got near to Dutchess, he saw the problem. She had grabbed onto a long piece of kelp with her mouth and for some reason would not let go of it. Officer Andrew spoke softly to the dog so she would know he was her friend. Then he slowly reached over and pulled the kelp out of her mouth.
Freed from the kelp, Dutchess was able to swim on her own strength back to shore. When Officer Andrew, blue in the lips, straggled out of the bay, his partner gave him an emergency blanket to warm him up.
There is a way to be saved from your sins. God could not watch people perish without doing something about it. In love He sent His Son into this world to be the Saviour of sinners. The Lord Jesus went all the way to Calvary’s cross where He took the punishment for the sins of all those who would believe on Him. “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
Faith in the One who gave His life at Calvary is the only way to be saved. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is God’s love that opened the way for sinners to be saved.
And it was Officer Andrew’s love of his own dog that made him willing to swim out in the icy, cold water to save Dutchess. When they thanked him over and over, he told the family, “I have a dog myself, and I couldn’t imagine standing there and watching my dog drown.”
MEMORY VERSE: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
The Wonders of God's Creation: Weaver Ants Are Fantastic - Part 1
“Go to the ant; thou sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise.” Proverbs 6:6
Ants of all kinds (there are thousands of species) are among the most remarkable insects in the world in their organized way of life and cooperation with one another. Solomon, who wrote the above Bible verse, could not have used a better example of wisdom in action.
Scientists tell us ants’ tiny brains contain half-a-million nerve endings that send messages to all parts of their bodies, instructing them what they are to do. When they are together, they “talk” to one another through body actions and by means of chemical odors, and they seem to understand one another perfectly. God-given instincts enable them to do things in ways that seem to us almost impossible. Not one of them is selfish, but will even give its life for the good of the others.
Weaver ants live in Africa, Australia and Asia and make leafy nests in treetops. When selecting a new nest location, they in some way agree on the leaves best suited for this purpose, and often these are quite difficult to reach. To solve this problem, they form living chains. One ant acts as an anchor on an overhead branch; then others, one by one, hold on with their legs around the middle of the last one in line, making the chain a little longer. This continues as far as necessary, until the chosen leaves are reached. The long chain of ants remains in place, perhaps for a whole day, while others walk along it to reach the new spot. These workers pull the chosen leaves together and lift the sides to form a tent, all of which requires teamwork.
But how do they make two or three leaves hold together? It’s hard to believe the method they use. A number of them, after helping pull the leaves together, return along the living chain to the home nest while the remaining ones stay on the job. At the home nest, each ant picks up a larva (an ant not yet fully formed) and carries it along the chain to the new location. In a way only the Creator could arrange, each larva is then told to produce a continuous, sticky, silk thread. While producing this thread, each larva is passed by the ants along the joined leaf edges and woven through them, until the whole new nest is sewed and glued together. Then each larva is taken back to the home nest while work on the new home continues. Isn’t that amazing?
The activities of these little creatures should turn our thoughts to God who has made them and taught them their ways. Job 5:9 says, “[God] doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.”
We will consider more of the amazing weaver ants in the next issue.
(to be continued)
Colorful Birds
Dear Children,
It is seven o’clock in the morning, and I have just come back into the house after feeding all the birds. It snowed most of the night, leaving about ten to twelve inches on the ground. Most beautiful ... but the snow has covered up most of the birdseed that I had scattered around on the ground last night. So I needed to get back outside to scatter more seed on the ground.
Gramma and I really enjoy feeding all these beautiful, different-colored birds. These little creatures always remind us of our God and His wonderful creation. When Gramma and I see all these different colored birds coming to eat, it reminds us of children around the world.
“Grampa, what do you mean?”
Well, we sing a little song in Sunday school, and maybe you sing it too. Here are the words, and they will explain what I mean:
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world:
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight;
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Jesus died for little children,
All the children of the world:
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight;
Jesus died for all the children of the world.
When our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, was here on earth, there were some mothers who brought their children to Him. Luke 18:16 tells us, “Jesus called them unto Him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Did you notice, children, that He called them to Himself? And He is calling YOU today, whatever color your skin is! Will you come and accept Him as your Saviour?
Gramma and I are so glad that God made birds in different colors. When we see a blue jay, we think of the clear, blue sky that our Saviour left behind when He came down to His earth that He created. And the cardinal reminds us of the precious blood that He gave for you and me at the place called Calvary. The black bird reminds us of hell and outer darkness, where every person will be sent if they do not trust in the precious blood of Christ for salvation. And the little yellow bird, the goldfinch or wild canary, reminds us of the golden street of heaven where every person who has trusted the Lord Jesus as his or her own Saviour will walk together. And the little white snow bunting? Why it reminds us that our sins are gone.
“Grampa, you forgot about all the little brown birds!”
Oh my, yes I did. These little brown sparrows and wrens remind us of the wooden cross where our Saviour was so cruelly nailed by those who hate Him. We hope that you love Him and do not hate Him.
God takes care of all the birds, no matter what color they are. And it does not make any difference to God what color skin we have. He loves each and every one of us! John 3:16 tells us “that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Yes, He is still waiting for you today. Will you come? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Lots of love,
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
The Dog Who Bluffed
There was that dog again, straining at his rope, jumping up and down, snarling and barking at our ponies that were feeding on the other side of the fence. “You think you’re pretty big and scary, don’t you?” I said to the dog one day as I went to get Lightfoot, my pony. But the dog just barked all the louder.
Then one day the gate was left open by mistake, and Lightfoot wandered out of the meadow into the yard next-door. When I went over to get him, it was really funny to see how that dog was behaving. He was shaking and trembling as he tried to flatten himself against the back of the house. Lightfoot stood switching his tail and cocking his head from side to side as he inspected the cowering dog.
The dog’s snarling and barking were only a bluff. Now he was scared and wanted to hide.
Sometimes we act pretty big and brave, but things have a way of becoming bigger than we expected. What happens then? Do you have someone you can turn to for help, even when your father or mother isn’t around? Is there someone who is able to look after you no matter what happens? Only the Lord Jesus can do that. But is He your friend? Do you know Him well enough that you can trust Him?
Let me tell you something about the Lord Jesus. He loves you and cares about you so much that He died for you on Calvary’s cross. He knows all about your sins and wants to wash them away and make you clean. He wants to be your trustworthy Friend.
Will you let Him be your Friend? You only need to tell Him that you know you are a sinner and that you want Him to wash you clean from your sins. He will give you the faith to believe and trust Him. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Will you let Jesus be your special Friend whom you can always count on? If you will, this verse can be your very own: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee” (Psalm 56:3).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Weaver Ants Are Fantastic - Part 2
“The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.” Proverbs 30:25
Brown-colored weaver ants are less than half-an-inch long, equipped with strong legs and two long antennae protruding below their black eyes. Connected behind the front section of their bodies by a small segment is their main and largest section—the gaster. It contains their stomach and three glands, each of which puts out a special odor on command. One odor is a general alarm for all ants to come quickly, another odor calls for help from nearby workers, and the third odor is used to make a trail-marking smell.
An ant, smelling either of the first two odors, immediately reacts. If it’s a general alarm, it hurries back to the soldier ants that guard the colony and then on to others with the message. Meanwhile, it has left its own trail-marking scent so that while it spreads the message, these can all follow the scent to the rescue. If the call is just for nearby help, then the messenger ant stops telling others when enough are contacted. None ever refuse to go.
The weaver queen lays thousands of eggs throughout the year. She is much larger than the others and requires lots of food, but she never leaves the nest. Certain workers are assigned to feed and care for her, including a continual licking of her body to keep her clean and cool. Other inside workers feed and care for the eggs and the hatched larvae. Still others are selected for outside work, including the soldiers already mentioned.
Some of the outside workers maintain “dairies” of aphids and other insects which, when gently licked, give off a sweet moisture. When the “milkers’“ stomachs are full, they pass it through their mouths to waiting workers who then take it back to the nest for the queen and workers there.
The food of the weaver ants is mostly insects and seeds, and certain members are given the job of finding it and storing some, just as our opening verse indicates. Sometimes a worker will capture an insect too large to carry, so it passes the word along by one of its special odors, asking for help, which promptly comes. If the prize is still living, they spray it with acid until it no longer resists, and then they carry it to the nest.
Aren’t these provisions of the wise Creator wonderful to think about? We must conclude that only the Lord God could make such creatures and keep them from the first day of their creation, which turns our thoughts to the Bible verse, “Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!” (Psalm 113:5-6). That statement includes you. Have you given Him the right place in your life?
Working for a Penny a Day
Maybe you read the story earlier this year about the penny that had Caesar’s picture on it. Here is another story about the same kind of penny. It was worth more than the little brown penny we use today, because this happened when Caesar was alive, and his picture was on each coin.
This is the story of a man who had a vineyard where he grew lots of grapes. He needed a lot of workers for the job, because grapes don’t grow on trees like apples do. Grapes grow on vines that have to be trained to climb a support. The fields where they grow have to be weeded, and the vines pruned and cared for, until big, juicy clusters of grapes hang ready for harvesting. No ladders are needed, just workers.
One morning the owner went to the marketplace and found men looking for a job. A penny a day, he offered them, and the men were glad for a job and agreed to work for a penny a day. It was a common day’s wages at that time.
But one group of workers was not enough. The owner went back to hire another group and found men standing idle and promised them, I will give you what is right. They must have trusted his honesty, because they also went to work. Twice more that day the owner went to hire more workers, and finally when the workday was almost over, he found more men standing idle and said to them, Why are you standing all day doing nothing?
They answered, Because nobody has hired us.
Go also into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.
They trusted him, and they also went to work in the vineyard.
Are you like those men? Maybe this is the last time you will hear the voice of God calling you. This may be your last chance to be saved. Will you listen? Will you come? “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live” (Isaiah 55:3).
Then came sunset, and the owner said to his officer, Call the workers and give them their pay, beginning from the last hired to the first hired.
Do you remember the promise the owner had made to the first group of workers? A penny a day, he had said, and he was a man who kept his promises.
But here was a surprise. Even the last workers hired late in the day received a penny! The first workers saw this, and they held out their hands for more than a penny. But no, they had agreed for a penny, and a penny was what they received. Not fair, they grumbled. These men worked only one hour, and you gave them the same pay as those of us who worked hard all day in the heat!
Friend, said the owner, I do you no wrong. Didn’t you agree with me for a penny? It’s yours. Now take it, and go your way. I will give to the last workers just what I gave to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own money? Are your thoughts evil because I am good?
That’s a question for you to think about. If you grumble, remember that God is in control, and it’s God you are grumbling about. He is right in everything He does.
The truth is that, because Jesus died for me, God can pour out His blessing on me when I didn’t deserve it at all. That’s what is called “grace,” and let me tell you that God is the God of all grace. His riches are far more than a penny—they are unsearchable riches! Don’t fight for an extra penny, but rather come, right now, and receive from Him the grace and forgiveness for your sins that only God in His great love for us could think of giving! And it doesn’t matter if you are a big sinner with lots of sins or a little sinner with not so many, His grace and forgiveness are the same for each one who comes to Him.
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
You may read this story for yourself in Matthew 20:1-16.
MEMORY VERSE: “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live.” Isaiah 55:3
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Plant With Honey Jars
“O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1
The beautiful poinsettia grows tall and bushy in some southern climates. It is actually a native of Mexico. In warm weather it is covered with green leaves, but these turn yellow and fall off when the weather becomes cold. Meanwhile, beautiful red, pink or creamy white “bracts” have been growing. These bracts look like flowers but are actually part of the leaf system. In northern climates, small poinsettia plants are grown in greenhouses and are familiar to us as potted plants during the winter holidays. Poinsettias are not poisonous, as some thought.
Each stem of this plant contains a green ball, forming part of the bract. This holds the actual flowers, which are quite plain. Inside the female flowers is the seed-bearing pistil. Inside the male flowers, pollen-bearing staminates appear. These flowers stand erect and are without petals such as ordinary flowers display. But both kinds of flowers are equipped with something ordinary flowers do not have. On the side of each green ball, a yellow, funnel-shaped “honey jar” grows, gradually filling with sweet nectar.
When the female flower becomes mature, it grows six little arms at one end. When these appear, it is as if it were saying, “I am ready for the pollen necessary to produce seeds.” But it cannot produce the pollen itself. This must come from one of the male pollen-producing flowers.
Now we see the purpose of the bracts with their bright leaves and honey jars attached. Bees, butterflies and other insects are attracted to these bright colors and sweet smells. They go into the various flowers to get the delicious honey. When they enter the male flowers with pollen-bearing stamens, they become covered with pollen. As they move from flower to flower, they brush against the pistils of the female flowers, leaving some pollen on them. This is called pollination. From this pollinated pistil another crop of seeds will be produced.
Besides getting honey, some of the insects enter the flower for another reason. They lay their eggs inside the poinsettia, and the plant is used as a source of food when the larvae hatch.
We see again that God has neglected none of His creation. Whether animals or plants, He is always watching over them. Here is one of the many instances where He has arranged for two entirely different species to help one another. The insects get their food from the honey jars, and the plants are pollinated so that their species continues.
“The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honorable and glorious: and His righteousness endureth forever. He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion” (Psalm 111:2-4).
My Fast Bike Ride
I loved my bike! It was really cool. And I liked to show off on it a little bit too.
One summer evening I’d been at Bible Study with my family. When it was over, I thought, I’m gonna take a short cut and get home before my dad does. So I hopped on my bike and pedaled as fast as I could. Sure enough I beat him home!
I proudly stood my bike up in front of the porch where everyone would be sure to see it when they drove up. Then I sat down and waited. And I waited some more. Then I began to get worried. I knew I wasn’t that much faster than my dad. I got on my bike and rode back to where we’d had the Bible Study. No one was there!
Now I was really worried. On my bike again, I hurried home. When I got there, they weren’t there either. I threw my bike down, and then I crumpled on the grass and cried my heart out. I thought Jesus must have come back and taken all my family with Him to heaven, and I was left behind. I kept telling myself I knew I should have asked Jesus to save me. Why didn’t I do it long ago like Mom and Dad had said?
My family still didn’t come home, and I couldn’t stop crying. I was sure it was too late for me to be saved now, but I didn’t know what else to do, so I began to pray really hard. I said, “Dear, Lord Jesus, I know You love me and died for me. If it’s not too late,” I sobbed, “and if You haven’t come yet to take all the saved people to heaven, please save me now. I know I’ve often been bad, but please, please forgive me.” Then I just lay on the grass and cried and cried.
I can’t tell you how happy I was when our van drove into our driveway and the other kids came tumbling out, shouting, “Hey, Danny, you missed a trip to the ice cream store, and we all got big ice cream cones!”
But, you know what? I didn’t care. The Lord Jesus hadn’t come yet after all, and now I was SAVED! I felt so clean inside and so happy! I kept thanking the Lord Jesus over and over. And I’ve been thanking Him ever since, because I know He loves me and died for me and keeps me and provides for me every day of my life. What an awesome Saviour I have!
Is He your Saviour? Are you ready for when He calls all the saved people to go live with Him in heaven? Or will you be left behind? “Except ye repent ye shall ... perish” (Luke 13:3). “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).
MEMORY VERSE: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5
Two Old Documents
I recently saw a copy of a document that was over a hundred years old. This document must have been very good news to certain people living back then. It was a Royal Proclamation by Queen Victoria, on the occasion of her Golden Jubilee, offering a pardon to any and all who had deserted the English Army or had used deceit or trickery to leave the Army and were hiding inside or outside of the country. By law, these men deserved imprisonment or some other penalty if they could be found. Part of the document read, “We grant our most Gracious Pardon to all (who have offended) within the meaning of Section 13 of the Army Act.”
However, there was a condition to the pardon. It would apply only to those who identified themselves by letter within two months if they lived within the country of England or four months if they lived elsewhere. We can only imagine how this good news would free those who were hiding in guilt and fear of being caught for their crimes. If they followed the instructions of the Royal Proclamation, they would not have to pay the penalty they deserved.
But I have a far older document, written almost two thousand years ago, which has much more wonderful news. This document not only applied to the people who lived back then, but it continues to apply to people today! It is God’s Royal Proclamation, written in the Bible, offering a most gracious pardon to all who have sinned and fallen short of God’s standards. This includes all of us, unlike the pardon offered only to the Army offenders, because the Bible says, “There is none righteous, no, NOT ONE ... . There is no difference: for all have sinned” (Romans 3:10,22-23).
However, with this offer of pardon there is also a condition. The sinner must come to God in true repentance, confessing that he or she is guilty of sin. Then, believing that Jesus Christ took the punishment and paid the price for sin by dying on the cross in the sinner’s place, he or she can accept God’s offer of forgiveness. Only “the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). There is no other way to be saved from the punishment we deserve for our sins. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
What good news that each one of us is free to take God’s offer of pardon! Don’t you agree that the Gracious Pardon from the King of kings is far greater than that of the Queen?
Have you accepted God’s offer of pardon?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Walrus
“God created great whales, and every living creature that [moves].” Genesis 1:21
One of these great creatures is the walrus, and what a strange animal it is, with its long tusks, whiskers and clumsy body! It lives in the regions near the North Pole where the terrain is mostly ice and water. A walrus feeds mostly on clams, shrimp, sea urchins and plants that grow on the ocean bottom. It uses its tusks to dig out this food from the ocean bed. Its tusks are also useful weapons against its enemy—the polar bear. A full-grown walrus may be ten feet long and weigh as much as a ton.
How can the walrus live in such adverse conditions, where an unprotected man would quickly freeze to death? And, being a mammal, how can it dive to great depths for its food without drowning? The answer to both questions is that God has created it in a very special way that enables it to survive.
The walrus’s chief protection from the cold is a thick layer of blubber between its skin and flesh. The walrus needs to maintain a comfortable body temperature and could not do so without this insulation. God has also provided a built-in “thermostat” that automatically starts blood pumping from the blubber to the muscles, flesh and internal body organs the moment the animal enters the freezing water, keeping it very comfortable. But in leaving the water and returning to the ice or seashore, it would be too warm with all that hot blood circulating through its body, so the “thermostat” goes to work and the right proportion of blood returns into the blubber and skin where the heat radiates off. Exposed to the air, it is soon back to a comfortable temperature.
As this is an air-breathing mammal, God has given it “valves” that shut off its breathing whenever it dives beneath the surface, where it may stay a half hour or so. Then when it surfaces, the “valves” open again and it can resume breathing. Without that provision it would drown.
We do not know just why these strange animals were created. They do, of course, provide food for the Inuit people, as well as skins, blubber and ivory tusks that are useful. It might seem odd that such unusual creatures would inhabit the cold places of the north, but God had His purpose in placing them there and adapting them to such harsh surroundings.
But, while God watches carefully over all the animals, He is more intensely interested in every boy and girl, every man and woman, whom He has created and does not intend for us to remain on this earth forever. He invites us to accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our Saviour, and when we do He promises us “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4). Have you accepted this wonderful invitation?
The Lifeboat Captain Who Wouldn't Quit
“You’ll never make it! Don’t go out into this storm! I’m telling you, it’s madness, and you’ll be throwing your lives away!” A retired sailor pleaded with Joshua James as he followed him into the boat barn where the lifeboat was kept. Outside a violent storm howled, with giant waves pounding the beach.
“We’ll make it,” Joshua snapped back through gritted teeth.
The year was 1878—the last days of the great sailing ships. A giant hurricane had battered the coast of New England for days. In a last-ditch effort to avoid being wrecked on shore, five ships had dropped their anchors off the coast.
From bitter experience, the local town folk of Hull knew that the five ships were doomed. In the powerful storm, it would only be a matter of time before the anchor lines snapped or the ships would begin to drag their anchors. Then the boats would smash on the rocks, resulting in the deaths of all on board.
Joshua knew the lives of the people on the ships were in his hands. If he didn’t go out into the storm, the ships’ crews and passengers would all perish. But no one would blame him if he didn’t go.
“I can’t order you to come with me,” he said, addressing his life-saving crew. “It’s dangerous, and there’s a chance we might not make it, but I am going to try ... even if I go alone. Who will come with me?”
Joshua James didn’t have any “give up” in him when it came to rescuing lives. Thank God there is a Saviour who doesn’t have any “give up” when it comes to saving souls. The Lord Jesus came from the glories of heaven to this sin-troubled earth. With courage far greater than any other man, He faced hardships and dangers without hesitating. He obeyed God’s will perfectly in all things, even when it meant going to the cross. At Calvary, He gave His life so that you and I—sinners—might have a way to escape the punishment we deserve for our sins. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Joshua’s question to the life-saving crew brought a quick response. Each man immediately agreed to follow him out into the frightful storm.
As they hauled their lifeboat onto the beach, the roar of the surf was deafening. Rain and sea spray, whipped by the wind, stung their faces and made it hard to see. With Joshua at the tiller, they launched the lifeboat into the pounding surf.
The eight men strained at the oars. The lifeboat rode the giant waves like a roller coaster, often disappearing in the giant swells. Men watching on shore would gasp with relief when the lifeboat would reappear. After an hour of pulling at the oars, they were only halfway to the first boat. But then the wind suddenly became so fierce that the lifeboat was driven back to shore in only a matter of minutes.
Lesser men would have given up after suffering this setback, but not Joshua. Once again he launched the lifeboat.
By changing direction, the lifeboat finally made it to the first ship, which was heaving up and down on the wild seas. When the side of the ship was lowest in the water, Joshua would yell out the order for his men to draw close to the ship, and a passenger was dropped over the side into the waiting lifeboat. The passenger would free-fall several feet to be caught by one of the lifeboat crew. Then, before the ship would heave out of the water again, the lifeboat crew would strain at their oars to move the lifeboat out of the way of the ship, so it wouldn’t smash the smaller lifeboat to pieces.
The storm showed no sign of letting up. After carrying a load of passengers to shore, time after time, Joshua and his men put out to sea to make the dangerous trip back to the doomed ships.
On the last trip, the exhausted crew didn’t have the strength to pull on their oars to avoid the rocks on the coast. A giant wave lifted the lifeboat and smashed it against large boulders. Those in the lifeboat were only saved from disaster by the quick thinking of the men on shore who linked arms to make a human chain so they could pull the struggling passengers, crewmembers and lifeboat crew out of the water.
In a feat never to be repeated in records of lifeboat rescues, Joshua James and his men brought every crewmember and passenger from the five ships to the safety of the shore. The rescued men and women knew they owed their lives to the lifeboat captain who wouldn’t quit.
Our lives are full of storms, and no one will live forever. The worst storm a sinner will face is death and then God’s judgment. Before you face that storm, won’t you trust in the One who not only loves you and cares for you, but also has the power to save you? Christ Jesus died and rose again that all who believe on Him might receive the gift of eternal life. If you believe on Him, you too can have the promise of heaven. Apart from faith in Christ, there is no other anchor that will keep you safe; there is no other Saviour for sinners. Only the Lord Jesus can deliver you and me from the punishment we deserve for our sins and make us acceptable for heaven. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
MEMORY VERSE: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Persistent Flea
“God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise ... that no flesh should glory in His presence.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
Perhaps the flea is one of the “foolish things” referred to in this verse, for it certainly does baffle the wisest of men.
Why are fleas so hard to get rid of? There are several reasons. For one, when you try to kill a flea by pinching it or trying to squash it, it relaxes its body to absorb the pressure and then hops safely away. Another reason is their reproductive ability. Including all the offspring produced by one pair, as many as six thousand can hatch in a little over a month! Eggs, the size of a large grain of sand, are laid in the fur of an animal. These roll off to the ground where they hatch in just a few days. The larvae look like tiny white threads and immediately begin searching for food. They are not yet interested in blood but eat decayed plant life.
Within the first two weeks, the larva molts twice and greatly increases in size. It pupates by wrapping itself in a sticky silken cocoon in which its six legs, antennae and mandibles (jaws) develop. It comes from the cocoon as a full-size adult with a hard, flat-sided body.
Strong legs allow this adult flea to jump onto a passing animal where it works its way through the fur to the animal’s skin. Its sharp mandibles pierce the animal’s skin, searching for a blood vessel. A flea has two tubes within its mouth—one to draw out blood and the other to pump in saliva to keep the blood from clotting. The animal tries to relieve the bite pain by scratching the wound. This produces more blood, to the benefit of the flea.
Although they have no wings, their strong legs allow them to jump a foot into the air and as far as two feet between hops. A man in proportion to the size of a flea and with the same ability could jump to the top of a skyscraper or hop over two football fields at once.
Why did the Creator make fleas? It is well to remember that He created all things perfect, and fleas were not originally a nuisance but part of His overall perfect creation. Sin soon marred the world, bringing death, pain, sickness and sorrow with it. The present character of such insects as flies, mosquitoes and fleas is the result of sin.
Undoubtedly God would have all of us listen to His Word: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). Turn to Him and learn of His wisdom. You will find that it leads to everlasting life through trusting in the Saviour “who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity” (Titus 2:14).
A Wise Decision
“I have a lighter here,” the teacher said to the class as he held up the slender tube. It was one of those lighters you could use to start a campfire or light a kerosene stove. The teacher flicked the switch and said, “See, it’s only a little flame, just a very small one. I wonder if I could have some volunteers to hold their fingers in this tiny flame for five minutes?
There were no volunteers.
The teacher put his own finger in the flame for a second or less. That was enough for him. He flicked the switch again, and the flame was gone.
But there is a fire that lasts forever. It’s not just a tiny flame, but a whole lake full of fire—fire that shall never be put out! God has written, “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15). How awful!
Is your name written in God’s book of life? If not, perhaps you are asking, “How do you get it written there?” There is only one way. You must truthfully admit to the Lord Jesus that you are a guilty sinner and want Him to save you—to wash you completely clean from your sins in His blood. God has written in 1 John 1:7, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” It’s time, right now, to make that decision to be saved.
The teacher then told the following story of one who made the wise decision.
When the magnificent ship Titanic began to sink after colliding with an iceberg, there were not nearly enough lifeboats for the passengers and crew. Many people threw themselves into the icy water of the North Atlantic Ocean rather than go down with the ship. Perhaps they thought that somehow they would still be saved from a watery grave ... and some were saved.
One of those swimming in the icy water was John Harper. He swam quickly from one person to another, urging them to repent of their sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in their last moments of life. He swam up beside one young man and asked, “Are you saved?”
“No,” the young man answered.
John explained, “Do you realize that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross so you could have all your sins forgiven? Won’t you take Him now as your Saviour before it is forever too late?” But the young man wanted nothing to do with the gospel.
John took off his life jacket and passed it to the young man, saying, “Here, take this life preserver. You need it a lot more than I do,” and he swam off to speak to other people about eternity and their never-dying souls.
Before long, he saw the young man again and asked, “Are you saved yet?”
The young man still answered, “No.” But this time he was ready to consider God’s wonderful offer of salvation, and he did accept Jesus as his Saviour. A wise decision, and his name was written in God’s book of life. Later, he was also saved from the water and lived to be a faithful witness of God’s grace.
God pleads with you to choose life. “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
When the teacher asked for volunteers, no one chose to hold his finger in the flame for even five minutes. Why would you choose to spend eternity in the lake of fire? To refuse Christ’s love and offer of free salvation is to choose such an awful death for eternity.
Will you choose life?
MEMORY VERSE: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.” Deuteronomy 30:19
Mr. Squirrel's Hiding Place
“Get your trowel and check the new concrete at the bottom of the steps,” Grandpa called out to me from the house. It had been a busy day of pouring concrete. The steps had been one of the last things we had worked on.
When I looked at the steps, I saw that a patch of the new, wet concrete had been dug up. As I smoothed out the spot again, my trowel uncovered an acorn. Digging around with the point of the trowel, I found four of them!
When I told Grandpa about it, he laughed and said that he had seen Mr. Squirrel digging in the new concrete. That is why he had asked me to check the steps. Mr. Squirrel had found the soft concrete, busily dug holes in it, and then buried his acorns.
As I smoothed out the concrete, I thought about what was probably going to happen. Mr. Squirrel would return during the winter and find the concrete as hard as rock. He thought he had found a good hiding place, but he had buried his acorn treasures in the wrong place. It was a place where he would never find them again, even if I had not dug them out.
There is a lesson for us to learn from Mr. Squirrel. The Lord Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth...but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-20). Many people are storing their treasures in the wrong place. They only worry about “treasures” for themselves in this life. They work hard for food, clothing, cars, houses and other things which are necessary, and it is right to work for those needs. But they become so concerned about these things that they do not think about God and the treasures that He wants us to have.
Where are your treasures? Are they in heaven because you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? Or are they only on earth because you are still a sinner lost in your sins? Think about it—Where are your treasures?
“Christ; in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2-3).
The Wonders of God's Creation: How Many Bones in Your Body?
“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.” Psalm 139:14
Your body has more than two hundred bones (not counting teeth). You may think your bones are hard and solid, but they contain about 25% water and 30% organic matter, plus important minerals such as phosphate, magnesium, iron and salts. Bones form the framework of your body, storing these minerals and distributing them in just the right amounts to help keep every part of your body healthy.
Your bones also have blood vessels, nerves and marrow inside them—all extremely important. Many of these bones are quite porous to keep them light, yet still strong. What a wonderful designer and provider our Creator is!
The pituitary gland, located at the base of the skull, controls the growth of the bones as well as other organs and functions in the body. Without its controlling hormones, one arm might be longer than the other, legs would not match, and fingers and toes would grow to different sizes and lengths.
Did you ever stop to think that your hand, with its nineteen bones, is far superior to the “hands” of animals or birds? Your four, flexible fingers and thumb make it possible to firmly grasp, pull or push objects and to operate mechanical and musical instruments. Just think how your eight wrist bones provide strength and enable you to bend your hands backward, forward or sideways. And how wonderful the thumb is! Just try tying a knot or using a hammer, a saw, a needle or a pair of scissors without it.
Your feet are another display of the Creator’s wisdom. Ankle bones extend backward to form the heel, while others go forward to make the sole and toes. This arrangement helps you to keep your balance. The arch of your foot, which is flexible and strong, absorbs the pounding that takes place when walking or running. If it were not designed this way, the rest of your body could not stand the shock. Incidentally, the muscles in your back also automatically keep you in balance, but if your back, legs and feet were not provided with proper bones, you would not be able to stand at all.
These are just a few of the ways our bodies remind us of how the Lord God has provided for us. The psalmist said, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!” (Psalm 139:17).
Our thoughts toward the Lord Jesus should certainly be full of thanksgiving. It was His great love that made Him die on the cross so that, through faith in Him, we might have our sins forgiven. The invitation to us is, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker” (Psalm 95:6). Have you ever stopped to think of this great love and thanked Him for it?