Messages of God's Love: 2010
Table of Contents
The Wasteful Chickadee
Winters are long and cold where we live, and we always put out seeds for the birds to help them survive until spring. Once I was a bit annoyed at a chickadee, as it seemed to be very wasteful of the sunflower seeds. It kept throwing them down from the feeder. Now and then it would choose one, open it and eat it, but many were dropped to the ground.
I decided to check on those dropped seeds and found to my surprise that, although they looked like very ordinary sunflower seeds, there was no kernel inside. Of course, it was the kernel the little bird wanted to eat. Sometimes the outer shell of nuts or seeds develops, but the kernel inside does not grow and mature. The chickadee had no trouble knowing when there was nothing inside. Empty shells are fit only for throwing away.
This story, boys and girls, will help you to understand how God is able to easily tell those who belong to Him and those who are not His own. A verse in the Bible says, “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His” (Romans 8:9). When Jesus told Nicodemus that “[you] must be born again” (John 3:7), He went on to explain to him that he needed to be born of the Spirit—He needed that new life inside, and that would make him a child of God.
Nicodemus found it very hard to understand this, and you may too, but Jesus made it simple. He told him that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). If you believe that Jesus was God’s plan to save us and that by Jesus’ death on the cross He paid the price for our sins, you can come to God, telling Him you know you are a sinner and that you are truly sorry for your sins. He loves you and will joyfully receive you and give you His Holy Spirit, and that will mark that you belong to Him. The kernel inside of the sunflower seed is the new life for a future sunflower plant, and the Holy Spirit inside of you marks you out as one of God’s children with a future home in heaven. The Bible calls it everlasting life.
How do we know this for sure? “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13).
Do you have that new life that promises a home in heaven?
MEMORY VERSE: “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” 1 John 5:13
The Forgotten Pan
Kurt and Kathy and their three children live in a large farmhouse. Kurt has worked hard to fix up the house for his family. It is a nice place to live, as there is plenty of room for the children to play and for Kurt and Kathy to work.
One evening Kathy decided that the family would have a special treat for supper—fried shrimp. She put a big pan of cooking oil on the stove to heat so she could fry the shrimp. Then she decided to take a shower, and she forgot about the pan of oil heating on the stove. Kurt and the children were in the living room and did not know that Kathy was heating oil on the stove or that she was in the shower.
Have you ever forgotten something? I’m sure most of us would have to answer “yes.” Sometimes we forget a name or an important date or where we set something down, but usually it doesn’t cause a big problem. But forgetting something can be serious, and here is one very good example. The Bible warns us, “Beware lest [you] forget the Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:12).
What about the problems that are ahead for you if you forget God and do not take His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Saviour? The Bible says that “the wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17). What a terribly serious result to think about!
Kathy forgot about the oil heating on the stove, and it had a very serious result. Suddenly, there was a very loud explosion in the kitchen. The oil in the pan had gotten so hot that it exploded! Kurt ran to the kitchen, calling for Kathy. He saw right away that the area around the stove was in flames.
This was a serious emergency. Kurt and Kathy lived several miles from the closest fire department, and even though they called 911, they knew it would be a little while before help arrived. Kurt remembered they had two fire extinguishers upstairs in the house. And it took only a few seconds for him to run for those two extinguishers.
Kurt was able to get the fire under control by using the extinguishers on it. By the time the fire department arrived, there were only a few small sparks left of the fire. How thankful Kurt was that he remembered they had those fire extinguishers!
The Bible warns us of the serious result if we forget God. Ecclesiastes 12:1 instructs us to “remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” When you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you can know for sure that He will not remember your sins. Here’s what Hebrews 10:17 says: “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.” That is a far happier result.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The World's Strangest Animal
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18
The 18-inch duck-billed platypus, which is found in Australia and Tasmania, looks like a mix of several animals and birds. Although it has a bill like a duck, fur like a beaver, short legs like a lizard, claws like a muskrat, cheek pouches like a monkey and lays eggs like a turtle, it is a true mammal. No wonder people who think it evolved can’t figure out what it evolved from.
However, the Bible record assures us this is another of God’s creatures, adapted by Him to its way of life. Its duck-like bill makes it possible to get food from the muddy bottom of a stream or pond. Its beaver-like fur is waterproof and keeps it warm in and out of water. The short legs help it to easily move along its long tunnel to its nest. It is able to store food in its cheek pouches while continuing its hunting. Its webbed feet make it an excellent swimmer. In addition to all these features, the male’s hind legs are equipped with poisonous spurs for protection from enemies. When the webs of its front feet are pulled back, claws are exposed.
It is hard to get a look at this little fellow because it stays in its tunnel during the day and hunts mostly at night. Even though no ears can be seen (just ear slits), its hearing is unusually good, as are its sense of smell and touch.
Before the female lays her eggs, she increases the length of the tunnel to about 20 feet with a hidden opening on land. She brings in leaves and grass to make an underground nest where she lays from one to three eggs. She curls her body around the eggs for a week to ten days, until the one-inch-long, hairless babies hatch. Using her tail to hold them close to her body, she nurses the babies. She keeps them hidden in the nest until they are several months old and nearly full-grown.
We may wonder why God made such a distinctly strange animal. We can be sure He had a definite purpose and that He gives the platypus the same care that is given to all His creation.
Have you stopped to think that God made man with a special purpose in mind? He said of those called by His name, “I have created him for My glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him” (Isaiah 43:7). This assurance is given to all who have put their faith in the Saviour’s work at Calvary: “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:9). Can you apply this promise to yourself?
The Story of a Hunter
Most hunters today hunt for wild animals with a gun, but this is a story of people long ago who had never heard of guns. But most everyone knows about bow-and-arrow hunting, and this is what the hunter in this Bible story used.
Esau was a clever hunter. Sometimes he brought home a deer for his family, and his mother knew how to cook it just right. The good smell of roasting venison made everybody’s mouth water. Esau’s father, Isaac, especially liked it. Esau was his favorite son, and even the thought of such a venison dinner made him feel good.
Isaac was the father of Esau and his twin brother Jacob, and Isaac was a very special son of Abraham. He knew God in a way that most people did not know Him. He knew that the line of God’s blessing to every nation was to be passed down through himself, since he was the only son of Abraham and Sarah.
That blessing was a very special promise from God, and no one could break it. Now that he was old, Isaac wanted to pass the blessing down to his favorite son, and he wanted to get ready for this special occasion by eating something that made him feel good. Esau was the hunter, and Isaac asked him to bring home a deer so he could have a venison dinner. So Esau got his bow and arrows ready and went hunting.
But Rebekah, Isaac’s wife, had a favorite son too. She wanted the best blessing for Jacob. Now Jacob was not a hunter, so Rebekah said to him, Go bring me a young goat and I will make a roast that smells delicious, and your father will like it.
They were all busy, trying to make God’s promise of blessing come true by their own efforts. God let them try to work things out to suit themselves, but nobody can break God’s promise.
Your whole life may be spent trying to earn God’s favor, but your efforts will never win. God had His own wonderful plan—Christ died for our sins and rose again. The work is finished, and nothing can change His love for sinners. God’s blessing for you comes through His Son. Come to Him now and accept His loving blessing, and don’t try to win it by your own efforts. “The Son of God ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Jacob went out to the pasture, and a young goat was not hard to catch. Rebekah’s roasting meat soon smelled so good. Then Jacob dressed up in Esau’s clothes, and his mother covered his hands and neck with furry animal skin, because Esau was a hairy man. They did this so his father Isaac, who was blind, would think he was Esau rather than Jacob.
And so Jacob went in first to his father, and the old man was puzzled at the sound of Jacob’s voice. He said, The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Esau. His clothes had the hunter smell too, and the roast was delicious. Isaac was fooled, and he gave the blessing of God to Jacob, the younger twin.
In spite of all their cheating and lying, Isaac’s giving the blessing to Jacob could not be changed. Jacob got what he wanted, but he did not have a happy life.
Then Esau, Isaac’s favorite son, came home with the deer he had killed. This might have been a joyful feast, but it wasn’t. Isaac cried out with frustration and pain, and Esau cried out with anger and disappointment when he heard that Jacob had already received the blessing.
The blessing that Esau had been so sure of was lost forever. It was a sad, sad cry—Bless me also, O my father! Yes, there was a blessing for him too, but it was temporary, and there was anger and fighting in its future.
You can’t make God’s promises come true by your good works or break them by your sins. The blessing God offers you was completed when Jesus said, “It is finished!” (John 19:30). Look up to Jesus and believe, and then thank Him, and let me tell you one thing—it will change your life! God will show you how blessed you are, until He takes you to His home in heaven forever.
“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
You may read this story for yourself in Genesis 27.
MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.” Romans 4:7
Car Burning!
Have you ever seen a car burning?
As we traveled along a highway, we saw a car up ahead totally enveloped in flames! Our hearts sank. We wondered, Was anyone in the car?
As we got closer, two young men were running away from the flames. Then we saw several suitcases on the ground near the car.
“Oh, what a relief! Everyone is safe!” We knew they would save other people before saving their suitcases.
These young men were saved from the burning car. But were they saved for eternity—saved from the burning fire of God’s judgment for their sins?
“God our Saviour, who will have all men to be saved.... There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5). Just tell Him that you are a sinner and want Him to forgive your sins, and you will be safe from that terrible fire of judgment. “What must I do to be saved?... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: It Fooled the "Wise Ones"
“It is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” 1 Corinthians 1:19
Many years ago, the fossil of a strange fish was found on a shore of the Indian Ocean. It was an unusual fossil with a hollow spine and, unlike other fish, had paddle-shaped fins attached to its body by “stubs.” It was given the name coelacanth. After much study, scientists decided that this type of fish had been extinct for 30 million years and was the great-grandfather of present-day fish. They thought that the way its fins protruded showed it was about to change to a land animal with legs and arms. Other identical fossils were found, but no one ever thought anything resembling this could be alive today. They all thought that it had evolved into other creatures long ago.
Imagine the embarrassment of these “experts” when, in 1938, a live coelacanth was caught off the coast of South Africa. All theories about this “extinct” fish were shown to be wrong, as others were caught and exhibited all over the world. Furthermore, the living ones were exact duplicates of the fossils, with identical fins and tails. They had not evolved but had continued just as God had made them since the day He created them.
The coelacanth is indeed an unusual fish. The largest one caught weighed 209 pounds and was five feet long, steel blue in color with heavy scales. Seven paddle-shaped fins protrude like limbs, and it has an extra rudder at the tail. Living in depths of 650-2000 feet, it has been supplied with glowing eyes. This fish is just another example of the interesting variety of creatures that God has put on the earth and in the seas.
We can always trust and believe the Bible, the Word of God, in everything that it tells us, and we should reject the incorrect teaching of evolution, which denies God’s hand in creation. Those who teach it usually omit the fact that evolution is a theory based on ideas and not on facts. Since they cannot prove those ideas scientifically or in any other way, it is evident that Satan is using evolution to try to take away the truth of the Bible and the knowledge that God is the Creator. The Bible tells us, “By Him were all things created” (Colossians 1:16). It also says, with respect to where our hearts should be, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).
This is the promise of God for everlasting life. Do you truly believe and accept His Word in your heart, and have you confessed this to others?
Lost in the Blizzard
It had been snowing heavily all that Sunday morning. My family and I had been invited to my cousin Bob’s house for dinner. After the Sunday worship meeting, Bob took my two oldest children along with his two oldest in his car and started for his house. His family lived in a small town ten miles south of our city. We took Bob’s two youngest children and our youngest in our car but stopped off at home first to put a snow shovel in the car.
As soon as we drove out of the shelter of any buildings, I realized how serious conditions were. It was a whiteout! I couldn’t see beyond the car’s hood, and snowdrifts were forming across the road. I drove about two miles and then decided to turn the car around and go back home. I had to get out two or three times in the bitter cold to shovel the car out of drifts. We finally reached the safety of our home but little realized that we would not know where our loved ones were in the other car from noon until 6:00 the next morning. This was before people had cell phones, so we simply had to pray to the Lord for their safety. Isaiah 32:2 was our comfort: “A man [the Lord Jesus] shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert [shelter] from the tempest [storm].”
Bob’s wife, Mary, had to stay home that day, so you can imagine the worried phone calls between our houses all afternoon and evening. In small towns, people often go out of their way to help one another. Mary finally called a state trooper friend who rounded up a big front-end loader and two snowplows. They started at midnight, digging their way toward the city, through the sub-zero, howling blizzard. Finally, at 6:00 the next morning, they came upon a group of 40 cars stuck in large drifts. Among them was Bob’s car, and all were safe and warm inside.
We were so grateful to Bob for his care of our children and to our Lord Jesus who watched over their safety. We were thankful that Bob also had a full tank of gas. This permitted him to run the car’s motor and heater from time to time to keep them all warm.
A few travelers stranded in the snow that night ran out of gas. Some perished in their cold cars, and some left their cars and perished in the snow. They remind us of the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25 who had no oil in their lamps. They were not true Christians, who are cleansed from their sins; they were pretending to be Christians. When the call came to meet the bridegroom, who is like Jesus, the door was shut, and they were left outside to perish in their sins. Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to bear your sins away? or will you be left behind to perish in your sins?
A rescue team was sent out to those lost in the storm, and God has sent His beloved Son to rescue sinners from perishing in their sins. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). When God’s Son was born into this world, the angel proclaimed, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). In Luke 19:10, Jesus proclaims, “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
How thankful and happy we were to hold our dear rescued children in our arms again. I’ve often thought that when the Lord Jesus calls us away and all the saved ones are caught up to the Father’s house in heaven, safe from the awful storm of God’s judgment on this wicked world, how sad it will be if some of our loved ones are left behind to perish in their sins. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3). “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).
MEMORY VERSE: “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18
Mystery of the Bobbing Light
It was early morning and wouldn’t begin to get light for another hour. The street I was driving on didn’t have any streetlights, so it was quite dark outside. Suddenly, up ahead I saw a white light close to the ground, and it was bobbing up and down and sometimes moving sideways. It wasn’t a steady light you might see on the front of a bicycle, and it wasn’t blinking.
As I drove closer to this strange light, sometimes it would disappear for just a few seconds, but then it would be there again, bobbing up and down. It was a mystery.
Soon I was close enough to see a lady walking a big, black dog on a leash, and then I discovered what the strange, bobbing light was. The lady had trained her dog to carry a flashlight in his mouth to light the way as they took their early morning walk. And when the dog would turn his head as he walked ahead of her, that bobbing beam of light seemed to turn off for a few seconds. The mystery of the bobbing light was solved.
It was a good way for the lady and her dog to light the sidewalk ahead in the darkness. Anyone who is a true believer in the Lord Jesus as his or her Saviour needs a light for the pathway in this dark, evil world. The Bible, God’s Word, tells us how we can have the necessary light so that we don’t stumble and fall. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). Reading and following the instructions that God has written is the best way to light our path. He said, “I am the light of the world: he that [follows] Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).
Do you have the “light of life” to light your next step?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Who Put the Rings Around Saturn?
“When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him?” Psalm 8:3-4
The expanses of outer space are filled with wonderful displays of God’s creation, but man has been privileged to examine only very few of them. With the use of space probes and new technology, some parts of our solar system have now been more closely observed, and we are able to learn more of what the Bible means when it says, “One star differeth from another star in [its] glory” (1 Corinthians 15:41).
One of these displays is the second-largest planet, Saturn. This planet is approximately one hundred times the size of the earth and about a billion miles away. Circling around it is a magnificent halo of rings. These rings have always been there, but they were not known to astronomers until Galileo discovered them in 1610 with his small telescope. In recent years, space probes passing Saturn have sent back remarkable close-up photographs of these rings, leaving astronomers puzzled as to how the rings got there and what keeps them in place.
The rings surround the planet at its equator, but they do not touch it. Their position seems to change as Saturn orbits the sun in an elliptical (oval-shaped) orbit, but they are always parallel to the planet’s equator. There are three major rings consisting of hundreds or even thousands of narrow “ringlets.” It is estimated that there could be as many as ten thousand ringlets, which are probably continuously changing over time. The three major rings are very wide. Astronomers say the outermost ring may measure as much as 180,000 miles across.
Astronomers believe the rings are actually made up of trillions of chunks of ice, from particles as small as a grain of sand to boulders larger than a house.
Those who know the Lord God as the Creator of all things don’t need to wonder who put the rings around Saturn. God Himself placed them there, and ever since the days of creation we may be sure He has enjoyed their beauty. He is the One who keeps them in their amazing pattern. King David expressed it well when he said, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).
How important it is to recognize that it is God who has brought all things into being. The Bible plainly says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). It is important to not only know Him as your Creator, but to know Him as your Saviour as well. “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14). Won’t you accept His invitation to come to Him right now and accept Him as your Saviour?
The Shoeshine Boy's Question
A man stopped to have his shoes polished by a shoeshine boy. The boy had his equipment handy and had offered to shine the man’s shoes for a dollar. While the boy’s hands were busy with the job, he said to the man, “Mister, do you love God?”
Perhaps no one had ever asked the man such a question before, and he was not pleased. “What difference does it make to you whether I love God or not?” he asked the boy.
“Lots of difference. If you love God you will be able to pray that my mother and I will get a new place to live. The house where we are now is gonna be torn down, and we have no place to go. I heard yesterday that God answers prayers for people who love Him. Now I’m asking everybody, and I can’t find anyone who loves God!”
The man seemed bothered by the conversation and he said, “Ask somebody else. In this city full of churches, you’ll find someone who loves God.”
At the end of the day, the boy was totally discouraged. In the whole day, I haven’t found one person who loves God, he thought. But one of his shoeshine customers directed him to Steve, who was a real Christian believer.
Steve brought his Bible and had a good chat with the boy. “God so loved the world,” Steve read, “that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Steve explained to the boy about the God who loved him so much that He sent His only Son to die for him. The boy began to understand that his new friend loved God because God loved him first. Steve explained that you can’t stir up love to God in your own heart. It grows in your heart in answer to the great love God has for you. One way God has shown us His love is that even though we are sinners, Christ died for us. The Son of God gave Himself for me. When you think of that, you can only love Him back!
“Thank you, sir,” said the shoeshine boy. “Now I think I know God well enough to ask Him myself.”
Steve said he heard the boy pray in simple trust. And our faithful, loving God delights to answer prayer. A few days later, the shoeshine boy and his mother were happily settled in a new place to live.
“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us” (1 John 3:16). “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
MEMORY VERSE: “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us.” 1 John 3:16
Inside Out and Backwards
His mother asked, “Casey, you know the little tag on the neckline of your shirt goes in the back and not the front, don’t you? Your shirt seams are showing too! You are inside out and backwards!”
“Well, the right side was dirty, so I put it on inside out,” Casey answered.
His mother quickly said, “You do have another shirt you can put on.”
Casey said, “That takes too much time, and I’m in a hurry!” And away he went with his friends.
Later after supper, Mother and Dad had a little talk with their busy son. “Tonight is prayer meeting,” Casey was told. So he washed his hands and face and combed his hair. “I’m ready to go,” he said.
Dad said, “Son, get your Bible and we’ll see what it says about how we look and act. Please remember that we are going to be with the Lord Jesus tonight.”
“Let’s look at Genesis 41:14. ‘Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment [clothes], and came in unto Pharaoh.’ Now notice, Casey, that Joseph didn’t put on fancy or expensive clothes, but he got cleaned up and wore clean clothes. You remember the story, don’t you?” Casey nodded. “That was showing respect and being discreet, which means wise,” Dad said.
He went on, “Verse 39 says, ‘Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath showed thee all this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art.’ And in verse 41 Pharaoh said, ‘I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.’
“When we go to meet the Lord Jesus, we don’t want to look dirty or sloppy. Dressing neat and clean is being discreet. It shows that you have respect for the Lord Jesus. Then I am sure He is pleased to see you there.”
Casey’s mother gave him a big hug and a clean shirt.
Then Dad said, “Now take your Bible and look at Proverbs 3:21-22: ‘My son ... keep sound wisdom and discretion: so shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.’
“Now I want you to write out these four verses we’ve just read. Study the word ‘grace’ in Proverbs 3:22. If you have a stiff neck, you do not bend your neck in submitting to correction. In this verse, the father is telling his son not to be stiff-necked.
“Now, Casey, write out these four verses we have talked about and put them on my desk before you go to bed.”
In the morning, Dad found the four verses written out and on his desk. He went to his son, hugged him and praised him for being obedient.
“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother” (Proverbs 1:8).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Strange Kiwi
“God [gives] it a body as it hath pleased Him.... All flesh is not the same flesh.” 1 Corinthians 15:38-39
A strange bird called the kiwi is found only in New Zealand. Since it hides in its burrow until late evening or night, many people living there have never seen one. Its name comes from its call, “kee wee,” which is only heard as it moves about in the darkness.
This is the smallest of all birds that cannot fly, while the ostrich is the largest. Although it is a true bird, it looks something like an animal without a tail and even has cat-like whiskers. It is about the size of a chicken and is covered with pretty, soft, gray and brown feathers. It has strong legs and feet and can run rapidly through the undergrowth.
The Creator did not forget to give the kiwi the ability to fly. Instead, He took pleasure in forming it just the way it is and gave it special ability to live on the ground. Since worms and underground insects are its main food, it has been given an unusually long, strong bill to dig with. It hunts mostly in moist or swampy ground where the digging is easiest. Every other bird has nostrils at the base of its bill, but the kiwi’s nostrils are out on the end of its bill. What do you think is the reason for this? Those who have studied this bird believe it smells the food it is searching for through these openings on its bill. Its small eyes do not see much in the dark, but its keen sense of smell enables it to find all its food, including snails, berries and certain vegetation.
Burrowing under the roots of a tree, a pair builds a nest and lines it with leaves and grass. The female usually lays just one very large, white egg, which weighs one-fourth as much as the kiwi itself! The kiwi’s egg is the largest in proportion to its size of any bird on earth.
After the female lays her egg, the male incubates it. For over two months he stays on the nest, only eating and drinking on quick trips outside. The hatched chick is covered with soft, dark fuzz called “down.” After only a few days, the chick wanders off to make its own way, and the parents seem to forget about it.
God watches over these strange birds, just as He does over all His creatures. We are also part of His wonderful creation, but we have a responsibility to Him as to what we do with our lives. He gives us good instructions. “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1); “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Are you doing these things?
Set 2
The Safety Booklet
It was stuck in the door—a booklet on safety. I found it when I returned home from the store. Carrying it into the house, I laid it on the table along with the other mail.
Later, looking through the mail, I noticed the booklet again. It was all about downed power lines and what to do and what not to do if you should be near one. I read it from cover to cover and then set it aside with the other mail for my husband. I remember thinking to myself that there was a lot of good information packed into that little booklet. However, I soon forgot about it.
My husband found the booklet a few days later when he went through the stack of mail. He also read it and remarked about how good it was.
After that the booklet would be found in most any room of the house. Each member of the family who read it thought it was too good to throw away, so they would set it somewhere else. Then another person would pick it up and read it.
Sometime later our son Rick, who was seventeen at the time, was driving on the main street of town during a heavy rainstorm. The winds gusted to hurricane force. Rick was following a bus that had stopped for a passenger. He was waiting for the bus to move on so he could make a right turn.
Suddenly several live power lines fell across Rick’s car, snapping, buzzing and shooting fire! Rick didn’t move, he didn’t panic—he waited for help. After several minutes many people gathered nearby, shouting advice to Rick about what he should do. Most of what they told him was wrong, and he would have been killed if he had followed their advice. Rick calmly sat still and waited.
Thirty-five minutes passed before the power was finally turned off and Rick was told that it was safe to move the car.
Later I asked him how he had known what to do. He led me to his car. Opening the door, he pointed to the booklet that had been around the house for several weeks and somehow had ended up on the front seat of his car.
Yes, Rick had been in real danger. But by acting correctly and not listening to bad advice, he escaped injury and possible death. How many of you are not acting wisely about eternal life? Do you know the danger you are in if you are not saved? Each of us as sinners is on a dangerous road that leads to hell. But God in His love for us has provided a way of escape. He tells us about it in His Word, the Bible, where we find exact instructions on how to be saved from our sins and receive everlasting life. Read them for yourself: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Be careful! There are people who are giving wrong instructions. They have their own ideas. Don’t be misled by what they say. Read what God says in the Bible, and then do what He tells you. If you have a Bible in your home, have you read it? Rick would not have known what to do if he had not read the safety booklet. God shows us plainly the way to heaven, but we must go His way or not at all.
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6
A tiny, homeless kitten that’s been taken into Grace Shelter is a warm, furry bit of love that everyone adores. Grace Shelter is a place for people with special needs, and everyone there loves this kitten. This is the story of how the little kitten was given a loving home.
Last September, while Marcia, the Shelter manager, was on her way back to work from her lunch hour, a kitten ran past her and out into the street. She scooped the kitten up and carried it back to work with her.
Several of the people who spend time at Grace Shelter were sitting on the back deck, waiting for Marcia to return. When they saw her holding the tiny stray, they immediately fell in love with the kitten. Of course, the question was asked, “Can we keep her?”
Marcia posted signs in the area about the lost kitten, hoping the owner would come forward and claim his or her pet, but no one did. She asked the director of the Shelter if the kitten could stay there, and he agreed.
Now everyone has fallen in love with the kitten they’ve named Gracie. Her favorite spot to sleep is on the sill of the office window where she is able to see everything and everyone.
Has the Lord Jesus lovingly picked you up as a homeless lost soul? He is a “shelter in the time of storm” if you put your trust in Him. He wants to cleanse you from all your sins and provide you with everything you need.
Gracie will probably spend a long time cheering up people at the Shelter, but her life span may only be twenty years. The Lord Jesus has promised those of us who belong to Him a loving home in heaven that will last forever! He gives us everlasting life. Are you going to be there?
John 3:36 says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Will you accept God’s offer of a loving home in heaven by accepting His Son Jesus as your very own Saviour?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Mighty Elephant
“Behold now [the elephant], which I made ... . He [eats] grass as an ox.... His bones are like bars of iron.... The shady trees cover him.... He [drinks] up a river.... His nose [pierces] through snares.” Job 40:15-24
Except for whales, African elephants are the largest creatures on earth. They may weigh five or six tons.
When a baby elephant is born, the excited herd groups around the mother to protect her, and one of the females becomes an “auntie” to help with the baby. The 250-pound baby cannot walk immediately after it is born. It has to be helped to its feet over and over again, until it can stand alone. It grows to full size in about twenty years and may live to be sixty years old or more.
The elephant is a friendly and curious animal. It eats leaves, grass, roots, water plants, and other vegetation. Sometimes it will shake a fruit tree and eat the fruit that falls to the ground. Each day an adult eats at least four hundred pounds of food and drinks fifty gallons of water. The Lord God placed them where there is plenty of food for them to eat.
The elephant’s ivory tusks are often several feet long and may weigh two hundred pounds or more. God compensated for the weight of the tusks by lightening the head bones with numerous air pockets. The tusks can push heavy objects out of the way, dig for roots and even become weapons when the elephant is angry.
An elephant’s trunk is an amazing structure. It has 2500 muscles and is actually a stretched-out nose and lip. With it the elephant can pluck a single blade of grass, uproot a large tree, and pick up water, dust or mud to spray on itself when it is hot or bothered by insects. The trunk is also used as a trumpet to call its companions. When needed, it becomes a weapon and sometimes is used for spanking a baby.
When the elephant is angry, its ears stand out threateningly, but the Creator has also given them a more practical use. Perspiring like most other animals does not cool an elephant. Instead, it cools itself by waving these big ears back and forth. An entire herd doing this is an impressive sight.
The elephant not only follows its God-given instincts, but it is also very intelligent. However, no matter how smart these and other creatures are, it is only man to whom God has given a never-dying soul: “[Man’s] spirit shall return unto God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7). A person will either go to heaven or hell, depending on what that person’s decision is concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tell us, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
Which group are you in?
Lost in the Woods
As you read the following story, I hope you will think of the Lord Jesus who came down to this world “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). That’s you and me! He also promised to be our Saviour, Guide, Comforter and Friend when we call on Him and follow Him all the way to His home in heaven.
This story is about Jack who loved biking. After work he would often go exploring new forest trails. One pleasant evening he decided to ride the trails through a rather dense forest. He really was enjoying the stillness, the new scenery, the ponds and the birds. He kept riding for a good many miles. Then, noticing the sun was going down, he decided it would be wise to head back to the main road.
He pedaled as fast as he could, hoping he was choosing the right trails back to where he started. However, he began to notice landmarks that showed he was back at the same spot where he had been earlier, and darkness was closing in. Frantically he tried one path and another, until, to his alarm, he realized that he couldn’t find his way back—he was lost! Now he was really scared, and he did the only thing he could do—he called loudly for help.
That same evening another biker, Rob, who knew the trails very well and had often helped others find their way out, was also heading for home. He came to a crossing where there was a shortcut to the main road, so he stopped for a moment to decide whether to take it or enjoy a longer ride. Just at that moment he thought he heard something. He listened, and a far-off sound broke the stillness. Was it a call for help? Again he heard it, so he quickly mounted his bicycle.
Do you think he took the short cut and got away as fast as he could? No, he took the longer trail and pedaled as fast as he could. Soon he rounded a curve and saw in his headlight the lost man standing by his bicycle. When Jack saw the light coming, he called, “How do I get out of here ... I’m lost.” And not only was he lost, he was shaking with fear, cold and hunger. Rob rode up, and reassuring Jack that he could lead him out, opened his backpack and gave him some snack food and a drink. He waited until Jack calmed down, and then, lending him his spare light, Rob rode ahead and said, “Follow me.” And off they went.
We can only imagine the relief and thankfulness of that young man. He was following a guide with a light and knew he would arrive safely home. He was so grateful to Rob, he did not want to lose this new friend. “I would like to ride with you when you go biking,” he said. “I want to keep in touch with you ... you know the way.”
You and I do not need to get lost on our journey through life. The Lord Jesus knows the way that we should take, and He invites us to follow Him. He says, “I am the light of the world: he that [follows] Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Jack desperately wanted to get safely home, and like him, we are all hoping to get safely to God’s home in heaven. However, we will only get there if we follow the One who knows the way, the Lord Jesus. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man [comes] unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). The Bible warns that “there is a way that [seems] right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25). How wise it is to call on Him before we lose our way.
Are you on the only way that leads to everlasting life?
MEMORY VERSE: “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 16:25
One little match can start a big fire, but Mike wasn’t worried about that. He just wanted to start a little fire, one he could sit by and enjoy in the pine forest near his house. He had used up at least a couple of packs of matches trying to start the fire before his mother caught him. He was reaching up into the little blue jar on the fireplace mantle to get another pack when she walked into the living room.
Deciding to find out what he had been doing with the matches, she discovered a pile of pine needles that he was trying to burn. Thankfully, in gathering the pine needles he had also gathered some wet pine needles and dirt. That was why the pile wouldn’t burn, which probably prevented the whole pine forest from going up in flames.
Matches are like sin. One little match could have started a fire that might have burned down the whole pine forest, and one little sin can start a bad habit that could ruin your whole life. The Lord Jesus not only wants to save you from your sins and the punishment you deserve in hell, but also from the terribly destructive power of sin in your life right now. If you have already trusted Jesus as your Saviour but have allowed some sin in your life, tell Him about it. He promises that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Scary Squid - Part 1
“The sea is His, and He made it: and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship ... our Maker.” Psalm 95:5-6
Millions of squid live in the world’s oceans. Many of them are found off the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland on south to the United States’ waters, and also along the Pacific coastal areas from the Aleutian Islands to South America. They are more abundant in the colder waters, but there are also unknown numbers elsewhere.
The longest on record was fifty-seven feet from tip to tip, but larger squid undoubtedly live in deep places of the ocean where they are rarely seen. These are very vicious squid, able to kill small whales, porpoises and octopuses, and would not hesitate to kill and devour a person. But the Creator keeps them at depths where men do not venture except in submarines.
There are nearly four hundred species of squid, ranging from huge giants down to only six inches long. The smaller common squid represents the greatest number and is harmless. It lives on tiny forms of marine life.
Regardless of size, all squid have slender, soft, boneless bodies that are dark gray with red spots. They have two fins at the tail end and eight long, snaky arms attached at the head end. These arms are equipped with rows of round sucking discs. A fifty-pound squid can spread these arms out about ten feet beyond its body. They also have two additional, long, whip-like tentacles that reach even farther. The purpose of these arms and tentacles is to catch and hold fish and pull them into their mouths where they are rapidly eaten.
Long before airplanes had jet engines, squid used jet propulsion for swimming, provided by the Creator. It works by a loose mantle that fits over the squid’s body below its eyes. This fills with water which squirts out through a muscular tube, making it move backward. However, the tube is flexible and can be pointed up, down, ahead or sideways, to move the creature any direction.
Except for those seen at sea aquariums, it is unlikely any of us will come face to face with any of these creatures. However, they are really a wonderful example of God’s handiwork. As the Bible states, “God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind” (Genesis 1:21).
But He is not only the God of creation; He is also the God of love. Another Bible verse tells us, “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9). Have you experienced that love by accepting His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour?
Where Is Peter?
King Herod knew everything; at least he thought he did. Peter was preaching to the people about Jesus and that He was alive, and it made King Herod angry! Everybody knew that Jesus had been crucified and had died on that agonizing cross. And they all knew that He had been buried in a cave, and a huge stone had been rolled over the entrance to the cave. The stone had been sealed, and Roman soldiers stood on guard to make sure no one stole the body of Jesus. So how could Jesus possibly be alive?
But He IS alive! Peter was absolutely sure of this, and what he was preaching made King Herod so angry he said, Arrest that man! And Peter was arrested and put in prison, with far more guards than an ordinary prisoner. There were sixteen soldiers, four at a time, appointed to guard him. And they put big, rattling chains on his wrists, along with three locked doors between him and freedom.
But the next morning Peter was gone! Sandals, coat—everything was gone—except his chains. If the king was angry before, he was furious now. Somebody must be to blame for Peter’s escape! Somebody must pay for this!
King Herod was up against the power of God, and no amount of rage was going to change God’s plan. Perhaps you feel angry too when people tell you that you can’t do wrong and get away with it. It is impossible! God says twice, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4;18:20). But the good news is that this same Jesus who died and rose again from the dead is ready to save you right now. He died to save sinners like you and me. He wants you! Will you come to Him right now?
King Herod ordered that all those soldiers should be executed! They must be to blame for letting Peter escape, and King Herod was going to show his power.
God has power too, but He does not show His power like that. He made the earth and all that is in it by His mighty power. What then could He do to you since you have disobeyed Him? Here is the greatest wonder in the whole world’s history—”Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). He could not save sinners unless He took those sins upon Himself and paid for them. And that is what He did in those three hours of darkness on the cross. The work is finished! And His payment is big enough for your sins too.
Will you say “No” to this offer? Will you refuse the Saviour who died for sinners? If so, then you must bear the punishment for your sins forever, and nobody could say that God does not care. God proved that He cared when He laid all the sins of every believer on His Son and punished Him instead. If you refuse the Saviour of sinners, then you must spend eternity without God, without love and without light.
King Herod was eaten by worms after that, and he died an awful death. God has not forgotten, and King Herod will pay for his own sins.
But I have not told you where Peter went after he left the prison. Herod did not know, but I know, because I read the story in Acts 12. Would you like to know? Then get a Bible and read the story yourself. It is too wonderful to miss!
MEMORY VERSE: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4
Tracks in the Snow
Have you ever seen animal tracks in the snow? Maybe your cat or dog has made tracks all over the yard, and you recognized that they were your pet’s tracks. Tracks certainly do show that an animal has been walking around. Recognizing your pet’s tracks is one thing, but not recognizing the tracks can be a little scary and can be a warning to “beware”!
Lots of cats had been missing in one part of our city. Everyone was told not to let their cats go outside, because there were bobcats roaming around. Since there was deep snow in the woodlands, animals such as bobcats were forced to hunt for food in populated areas.
One morning we saw strange tracks in the snow in our backyard. The tracks came right to our back step! We phoned the animal control number and explained what the tracks looked like. The officer there knew immediately that they were the tracks of a bobcat. This meant that a bobcat had been lurking in our backyard, looking for a victim to catch!
The Bible warns us about Satan, our enemy, doing the same thing. First Peter 5:8 warns us to “be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, [walks] about, seeking whom he may devour.” But those of us who have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Saviour can ask Him for protection from our enemy. “Whoso [puts] his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
In the spring when the snow started to melt, do you know what melted last in our yard? It was those tracks made by the bobcat—they had turned to ice! Sin leaves its mark, and the result of sin lasts a long time, just like those bobcat tracks. But if we will come to the Lord Jesus and tell Him what we’ve done, He gives us a promise in Hebrews 8:12: “[Your] sins and [your] iniquities will I remember no more.” God does not remember them, if we are one of His children and they are confessed to Him.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Scary Squid - Part 2
“They that go down to the sea in ships ... in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.” Psalm 107:23-24
While the squid is an enemy of fish and other marine creatures that are smaller, it also has many enemies of its own that consider squid a very nice answer to their hunger. Sea life larger than themselves—killer whales, porpoises, octopuses and other kinds of large sea creatures—gobble up the small- and medium-sized squid when they get the chance.
But a squid has several means of defense. In addition to being able to swim away faster than nearly anything else in water, the Creator has given it other means of self-protection. For one thing, its strong arms can often wind around an attacker and kill it, even if it is larger than itself. It also has two other very interesting defensive weapons that it uses. One is the ability to change color almost as fast as you blink your eyes. This helps it to hide from an enemy by blending in with its surroundings. Another is to shoot out a cloud of thick black ink, sometimes even making it in a shape that looks just like itself. Then it backs quickly away while the badly fooled enemy attacks the inky mass and, to its surprise, finds nothing there. Aren’t these amazing survival features the Creator has given squid?
The shallow ocean shores of some California islands are one place where great quantities of squid are caught. Every winter millions of them, six to eight inches long, come there to lay tremendous quantities of eggs, and fishermen (as well as sharks and other big fish) are always waiting for them—somehow knowing just when this will take place. They scoop up tons of them, but scarcely make a dent in their numbers. The same thing takes place in the Mediterranean Sea where they are caught in a similar manner. Millions of tons go to the world’s fish markets from these and other places every year.
Ocean workers, mentioned in the opening Bible verse, as well as cruising tourists, tell of interesting encounters with squid. One common thrill is to see smaller ones jump from the water, by means of their jet propulsion, as high as twenty feet and fifty feet in distance. Sometimes they accidentally land on board bigger boats and at other times jump over smaller ones.
Truly the works of the Lord are marvelous, and though we may not understand why He created some of these strange creatures, we know they serve His plan in ways known to Him. He also has a plan for every boy and girl, and every man and woman. Have you thanked Him for His love for you and asked Him to show you what His plan is for you and how you can honor Him in your life?
Bought for a Dollar
Heartbreaking cries came from the little Chinese girl, as the stick came down again and again on her back.
“Didn’t I tell you to sweep the courtyard and gather sticks for the fire? You’ve been playing around instead, you good-for-nothing brat! You’re not worth the rice I feed you,” screamed the harsh woman.
The five-year-old child stood trembling, big tears rolling down her cheeks. Her black eyes looked large in her thin face. Thick black hair hung in tangles down her back. Her ragged clothes were torn, and her tiny arms looked like twigs.
Five long years before, a tiny child wrapped in rags had been put in the Chinese woman’s arms. “We don’t want her,” a voice had said in the darkness. “Sell her or do whatever you want with her.” Mrs. Chou had an illegal business selling unwanted children as slaves to rich people, who paid her well.
And now, five years later, this child’s life was one of complete misery. It reminds me of what life is like for many who don’t know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Whether they know it or not, they live as slaves of a cruel master—Satan. He has no love for any of them and only uses them for what he can get out of them. Thankfully for the little girl, her life with this cruel woman was about to change.
A knock was heard at the door. Peeking through the door at the wall of the compound where she lived, Mrs. Chou saw foreigners, a man and a woman, and she suspected they had come to spy on her for the government. But the man called out, “We are your friends; we have come to do you no harm.”
When Mrs. Chou let them in, she was shocked to hear the woman say, “We have heard that you have several unwanted children here. Would you be willing to let us have one of them? You see, I have no children of my own, and I want to raise a little girl as my own daughter.”
Mrs. Chou led them through the pigs and chickens to the back of the house. By the dim light of an oil lamp, they could see several small children huddled together in a big room that was filled with an awful smell and the shrieks of small babies. The lady gasped in horror! How could anyone live in such a terrible place? she wondered.
She looked around, and then she saw her ... a tiny, ragged girl whose eyes were still red from crying from her beating and her face covered with oozing sores.
“Oh, no! You don’t want that one,” Mrs. Chou told her. “She’s a thief and a wildcat ... now this one ... .” But the lady broke in: “Yes, I want her. She looks like she needs a mother more than all the others. How much do you want for her?”
“A silver dollar. That will pay for the rice and bean curd she has eaten.”
As the little girl looked at the missionaries, her eyes filled with terror. She had heard that these “foreign devils” took Chinese children to their homes to take their eyes out to make medicine with them. As Mrs. Chou pushed her toward them, she began to shriek, “NO! NO, I DON’T WANT TO GO!” She threw herself on the ground and began to kick as hard as she could. When she had settled down a little, the lady leaned down and spoke gently to her. “We won’t hurt you. We want to be good to you and love you. Won’t you please come with us?”
Silly child, we might think. Who wouldn’t want to go with someone who was speaking kindly to them, rather than stay in such filthy, cruel misery? This little girl had no idea of what love and kindness were, and she clung, strangely enough, to the horrible life she knew.
I wonder if anyone reading this is like this little girl. Has Satan filled your heart with fear of what life might be like if you were to accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and follow Him? Satan likes to tell people they will be slaves—no freedom, no happiness and many other lies. Satan is a liar and the father of lies! Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep” (John 10:10-11). Jesus always tells the truth. God is pleading for you to listen to Him and to turn away from Satan’s lies. How could God want anything but good for us after loving us so much that He gave His Son to die for us?
Little Chen Li, the name her new parents gave her, was forced by Mrs. Chou to go with the foreigners. What the little girl found waiting for her were many wonderful things—a clean home, clean clothes, good food and best of all, a father and mother to love her. It took time, but all the love and kindness eventually made her fear disappear, and in its place was a heart full of love for her father and mother.
Chen Li was bought for only a dollar. Do you know that the largest possible ransom has been paid to buy you? God has paid for sinners with the blood of His own Son! Chen Li could not understand the love of her new parents at first. They bought her to give her love and to make her clean and happy. That is exactly what God wants to do for you ... to cleanse you from your sins, fill your heart with joy and give you the peace of knowing you are loved by God your Father. He also promises a future home in heaven. This can all be yours because of the price His Son Jesus paid to redeem you. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cleanup Committee
“There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen.” Job 28:7
You would not want a vulture or a condor as a pet. Their naked heads and necks, often covered with warts or loose-hanging skin, and large, hooked beaks make them unattractive. Among the many kinds, he largest is the South American condor, which stands about four feet high with a multi-colored head, topped with a crown of loose skin. The California condor is almost as large.
Condors have a graceful, soaring flight of hundreds or even thousands of feet in the air. South American condors, living high in the Andes Mountains, may fly as high as 20,000 feet. Rising on air currents, they soar in wide circles, often for hours without flapping their great wings. They have been provided with an excellent sense of smell and the keenest eyesight of any creature and can spot a dead animal from as high as 5,000 feet. Something amazing happens when they find a dead animal. Although only one or two of these birds may be seen in the sky, the minute one drops down to feed on carrion (a dead animal), others quickly appear in the sky, also dropping down to squabble over the prize.
We can see why the Creator designed them as He did. Their heads and long necks have no feathers so they can easily reach into the dead animal’s body. Feathers would get so filthy they could never get them clean. The sharp hook on the end of their beaks helps tear off pieces of flesh. Their tongues, lined with “teeth” that point inward, move the food into their gullets. When several birds are present, a carcass is stripped to the skeleton in minutes. Frequently they eat so much they have difficulty becoming airborne again.
California condors are rare because the large animals they eat are scarce and man has killed many. They also have a slow rate of reproduction. They do not breed until they are six years old and lay only one egg every two years.
Although so unattractive, vultures and condors are an important part of God’s creation, and He has provided them with the features so necessary in their lives. They are helpful because they eat dead creatures which otherwise might decay and spread disease.
While vultures are suitably occupied in their way of life, they make us think of foolish people whose appetites are for the “dead things” of the world and who have not obeyed the important Bible verse, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15).
God’s Word, the Bible, points to the right things to occupy us. A wise person who proved this said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16). Are you a wise or foolish person?
Set 3
A Litter of Nine Puppies
Dear Children,
I want to tell you about a litter of nine puppies that were born to a mama dog that belongs to our niece. The puppies looked like little teddy bears, so we called them the teddy bear puppies. They were so roly-poly and cute, but I am sad to tell you there was something wrong with one of the puppies.
“Grampa, what was wrong with the puppy?”
Before I tell you about it, I want to say something about each one of us. We read in the holy Bible, God’s Word, that you and I were born in sin and that we have a sinful nature. You see, children, our first parents, Adam and Eve, when they lived in the Garden of Eden, sinned against God when they disobeyed Him. And so now it is very easy for us to sin by being disobedient, telling lies, stealing, cheating, saying bad words and other things we do. We know it is wrong to sin, but we do it just the same. Romans 3:23 tells us very clearly that “all have sinned,” so every single one of us is guilty—every one of us has something wrong—SIN.
Now I’ll tell you about the puppy that had a problem. When the animal doctor looked at all the puppies one by one, he discovered that one puppy was blind in one eye. Gramma and I couldn’t tell which puppy had a blind eye, because they all looked the same to us, except for their different colors. They played together and ate together. They did not understand that one of them couldn’t see out of one eye. But my niece knows the puppies so well that she knows exactly which one of these puppies has the blind eye, just by looking at them. But you and I wouldn’t be able to know just by looking at them.
Children, we do not look at ourselves the same way that God sees us. He looks right down into our hearts! The Bible tells us in 1 Samuel 16:7, “The Lord [sees] not as man [sees]; for man [looks] on the outward appearance, but the Lord [looks] on the heart.” He knows whose heart is still full of sin and whose heart has been cleansed from sin.
“But, Grampa, what will happen to the puppy with the blind eye? Would anybody want it?”
Well, I have very good news for you. That little puppy was already promised to a good home where it is loved and cared for. I know that will make you happy, and it made Gramma and me very happy as well.
Children, listen closely now. Do you and I have any right to be in that happy place called heaven where there is no sin? No, we do not! Our sins will keep us out! But our Father in heaven loves us so much that He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to a place called Calvary. And on that cross at Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ gave His lifeblood for you and me! Galatians 2:20 says, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” He paid the price to cleanse us from our sins so that we can be in heaven, and He wants us there with Himself. Will you be the boy or girl who will believe that Jesus died for your sins and accept Him as your very own Saviour today? Remember what 2 Corinthians 6:2 tells us: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
Boys and girls, will I see you in heaven someday? I surely will if your sins are gone.
Lots of love from Grampa
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
"Love Your Enemies"
Long ago in the United States, there was a man who had slaves, as many people did in those days. He had one slave who was a very good servant, and he loved this slave named John.
One day the master and John went to the market where slaves were sold. There they saw a very old man who was to be sold as a slave. His hair was gray, he could no longer stand upright as he had when he was young and strong, and he shook from weakness.
John begged his master to buy that man as his slave. The master was surprised, but he bought the slave, just as John wanted him to.
John carried the weak old man home to his own cabin and put him in his own bed. When the old man was hungry, John fed him. When he was thirsty, John gave him water. He put the old man in the warm sunshine when he was cold and moved him to the shade when he got too hot.
“What is the meaning of all this?” the master asked John one day. “Is this man your father?”
“No,” John answered.
“Is he your friend or brother?”
“No,” said John. “He is my enemy. Years ago he stole me from my home in Africa and sold me to be a slave. I am now doing what the Bible tells us to do: ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you’” (Matthew 5:44).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Creatures With Many Legs
“Every creeping thing that [creeps] upon the earth shall be an abomination ... or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things ... them ye shall not eat.” Leviticus 11:41-42
The first of our two creatures is the centipede. This name means one hundred legs, but it is just a general term since not all of the fifteen hundred centipede varieties have the same number of legs. The most common have only thirty (fifteen pairs), but large tropical centipedes may have more than three hundred! Centipedes suggest danger, since their first pairs of legs have poisonous claws used to kill their prey. In the tropics, there are large centipedes whose bites can be very dangerous; however, the common variety in North America cannot pierce human skin, and their victims are only earthworms and small insects.
These long, thin, blind creatures are composed of many segments, each segment having one right and one left leg attached. Most centipedes are born with very few segments, but at each molting new segments and legs are added. Active at night, their days are spent hiding underground, under stones or in a piece of rotten wood.
We might wonder why the Creator put these strange creatures on the earth, but they are all part of His divinely planned creation, and He gives them the ability to make out very well in their unusual lives.
Then there are the millipedes. This name means “a thousand legs,” but two hundred would be more accurate. Their brown, cylindrical bodies are much like the centipedes’ except that each segment has four legs, and most varieties have only thirty or forty segments. There are other differences too. Millipedes, without poisonous claws, are entirely harmless. And rather than worms and insects, their food is mostly decaying plants or moist vegetation, which is why so many appear in damp flower beds.
They are often a nuisance because they damage plants, but there is no need to be afraid of them. In fact, they themselves are afraid when exposed and immediately coil up in a tight little circle, their heads in the center and their legs all pulled under their bodies.
While both these creatures are part of God’s creation and under His care, we are reminded that in Old Testament days, under the law, God told His people not to eat them (see opening verse above). Instead, He named clean animals and birds that stand up or fly above the earth as their proper food.
We are not now under those laws, but we see an important lesson in them. God does not want us to find our pleasures in the sinful things of this world, but He tells us to “seek those things which are above.... not ... things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1-2). This is the way of true happiness, which you will see if you follow it.
Our Ride on the Subway Train
Have you ever ridden on a subway train? It travels underground through long tunnels that men have built. That way the train avoids all the traffic and stoplights on the streets above that all the cars and buses have to deal with, and so it is a faster ride.
When you want to get off the subway train, you reach up and pull a cord. That makes a beeping sound that tells the conductor that you want to get off at the next stop. Then he will stop the train at the next station, open the door and let you get off.
When my brother and I were still quite young, our grandma would often take us downtown on the subway. On one of these trips, Grandma and I got on the train and had just sat down when we heard a loud banging on the window. We looked out, and there was my brother, pounding on the window frantically and crying, “LET ME IN! LET ME IN!” The doors of the subway train had closed before he had a chance to get on!
You may never have been on a subway train going to the city, but every one of us in this world is on a “subway train,” and it’s not headed for a happy time. No, the train we are on as soon as we are born is headed for that awful place called hell, because each one of us is a sinner. I was on that train once, but I’m not on it any longer. I called to the Lord Jesus to take me off and put me on His “gospel train.” I confessed to Him that I was a sinner and had done lots of bad things. I told Him I was sorry about them and wanted Him to save me from the punishment I deserved for my sins.
Now, if you’re going to get on a subway train, you must have a ticket, and you also need a ticket to get on God’s “gospel train.” But the wonderful thing is that the Lord Jesus has already bought a ticket for you or anyone who is truly sorry for his or her sins and wants to be saved. He paid for those tickets with His very own blood. After He had died on Calvary’s cross, one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and then blood and water flowed out. And a Bible verse says how wonderful and priceless that blood of Jesus is: “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). That’s the answer to our sin problem!
I didn’t know what the answer was to my brother’s problem as he pounded on the subway window, crying to be let in. I’ll never forget how scared Grandma and I both were. But Grandma quickly called to the conductor to open the door and let my brother in before he got left behind in the subway tunnel.
The conductor quickly opened the door, and you can imagine just how fast my brother jumped on the train. Nobody had to tell him twice not to wait a second longer! But how many times have you heard the gospel message, that God loves you and sent His beloved Son to die for you? Are you still just standing around on the platform, not sure you want to get on the “gospel train”? It is God’s plan of escape from the punishment for your sins. Don’t wait! That door will soon close, and you’ll be left behind.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
MEMORY VERSE: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3
Inside or Outside?
How many of you have sung this song in Sunday school?
One door and only one,
And yet its sides are two—
Inside and outside,
On which side are you?
One door and only one,
And yet its sides are two—
I’m on the inside;
On which side are you?
Do you know what this song is asking? Here is a story to help you understand.
One day Tom and Tracy went to visit some friends. As they were walking near their friend’s house, a very large dog from a neighbor’s house ran toward them with a deep, “WOOF! WOOF!” Without even knocking, Tracy opened their friend’s front door, jumped inside and slammed the door behind her. Tracy was safe! She was on the inside, but poor Tom was left on the outside with that big dog.
If you have put your trust in the Lord Jesus, you are safe on the inside. You are safe from the judgment that is coming on sinners. All who are sinners are on the outside and will be cast into the lake of fire. They are not safe; they face terrible danger. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are safe. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
What about Tom who was left on the outside? Happily for him, the big dog was friendly and did not hurt him. Then he came inside too.
Now let me ask you, “On which side are you?” Are you safe on the inside with the Lord Jesus? or are you in danger on the outside, facing the punishment for your sins? “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation [worth being accepted by all], that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Beautiful Leopard
“Can [a person] change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.” Jeremiah 13:23
Leopards live in parts of Africa and in Asia from Israel to China, Malaya and Sumatra. They are the third largest member of the cat family. Only lions and tigers are larger. Besides being beautiful animals, leopards are graceful, alert and smart. They are good climbers and spend part of their time in trees.
The leopard is fierce and prefers to hunt alone. Its tawny color and spotted pattern blend with the grasses and leaf shadows, enabling it to crawl through brush or lie on a tree branch undetected by its prey. Unbelievably strong, it can carry prey weighing 80 to 150 pounds up into a tree 10 to 25 feet above the ground before it settles down to eat.
The Creator has given the leopard excellent sight, smell and hearing. It is extremely patient in hunting impalas, antelopes, jackals, monkeys, sheep, goats and dogs. It may watch its victim for an hour or more before beginning its stalk. Then it creeps toward it and makes a swift, final dash with a great leap onto its catch. At other times it may stretch out on a tree branch over a game trail. It lies entirely motionless until something comes along, and then it drops down onto its prey.
A litter of two, three or four kittens is born in a cave, hollow tree or den underneath a big rock. The mother has the responsibility of feeding and raising them. After four months, she teaches them to hunt and to take care of themselves. About two months later they leave and are on their own, probably never having seen their father.
The questions in our opening Bible verse have only one answer: A person cannot change the color of his skin, and a leopard cannot change the spots on its coat. The rest of the verse draws a parallel: If we could change our skin or the leopard could change its spots, then we could also change from being sinful to being good. But the Bible states the facts: “There is none that doeth good,” and “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:12,23).
How then can we ever hope that God will accept us since we are sinners? This is a most important question, and the answer is again found in the Bible: “God [commends] His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). By believing that Christ died for your sins and accepting Him as your Saviour, you are “born again,” and everyone with this new life belongs to God as His child and is assured of spending eternity in heaven. Do you have this new life?
A Visit to Philippi
There was a day when the Apostle Paul and his fellow traveler Silas visited Philippi. They heard about a prayer meeting down by the riverside, and you may be sure that’s where they went. There were no cushions or comfortable chairs, just dirt and pebbles on the ground to kneel on for people who really wanted to pray to the God of heaven. A Christian lady by the name of Lydia was also there.
Paul knew a lot more about Scripture than the people of Philippi did, but this was not for showing off but for sharing. God opened Lydia’s heart to invite Paul and Silas to come and stay at her house, even though she knew that Paul was not a popular person in town.
Paul and Silas went out the next day, and behind them followed a young slave girl who was very good at telling fortunes. She was so good that she made lots of money for her masters. She followed Paul and Silas, shouting, These men are servants of the most high God. They show us the way of salvation! For many days Paul listened to the slave girl repeating this, but he soon saw that it came straight from the devil. No, he would not have the devil’s help in the message from God! He turned and cast out the slave girl’s evil spirit by the power of God that is stronger than Satan.
It was wonderful relief for the poor girl! The power of Satan was broken in her life, but her masters also got no more money since she no longer had the evil spirit that could tell fortunes. Her masters were furious, and they knew how to stir up trouble for Paul and Silas. They dragged the two men to the marketplace and called the town’s officials to punish these intruders who they said were teaching unlawful things against the Romans.
Were they really teaching unlawful things? No. But we don’t read that Paul and Silas said a word in their own defense.
The officials gave orders to beat their bare backs, and this was not a little beating. Paul knew the beating was not fair, and he also knew that if he said, I’m a Roman, they would stop their beating right away. But still Paul didn’t say anything. God was their defender, and they left the matter with Him.
After the beating, the jailer chose a horrible dungeon for them and locked their feet in stocks and then went to sleep. Why not? He didn’t care about them.
But these prisoners were different. They prayed in prison and then they sang praises! The other prisoners heard them, but the jailer slept on.
Now here’s something to remember: God knows what to do! He sent an earthquake, a very special earthquake that threw open the prison doors and loosened every prisoner’s chains and stocks. It woke the jailer so that he jumped out of bed terrified!
One look at the open prison doors and he said, They’re all gone! The officials will kill me for letting them go, so I’ll take my sword and kill myself! But don’t forget, God cared for that jailer, and Paul and Silas cared too.
Don’t kill yourself! cried Paul from the prison. We are all here!
It was midnight, and the jailer called for a light. He ran into the prison and came trembling and fell down before Paul and Silas and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
What did he mean? Not saved from the officials, because he thought using his own sword was the answer to that. Here was a power he did not understand. Saved from what? From the power of God against him. Do you feel this too? The power of God is against you and your sins, and you cannot escape by taking your own life. There is only one way of escape, and here it is—”Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). The jailer believed, and he was saved from the power of God against his sins.
He brought the two prisoners home, washed their beaten backs, fed them, and was baptized, he and all his household, believing in God and rejoicing. What a night—and what a happy family!
If you would like to know what happened next, read this story in Acts 16 and find out.
MEMORY VERSE: “What must I do to be saved? ... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:30-31
The Jailer
There were two men locked in a jail one night
For preaching the Word of God,
And for telling the lost of the way to heaven
Through the Saviour’s precious blood;
And this was their message to anxious souls:
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!”
Their backs were sore with many a stripe
And their feet were fast in the stocks,
But they prayed and sang praises to God that night,
Behind all the bars and locks;
And this was the word made their hearts so glad:
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!”
The prisoners heard their song that night,
Though the jailer was fast asleep,
But God sent an earthquake and broke all the bands
And awakened him out of his sleep;
He was sore afraid, for he knew not this word,
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!”
He drew out his sword to kill himself
When he heard Paul’s voice in the night,
And he called for a light and sprang into the jail,
All shaking and trembling with fright;
And he cried, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!”
He brought them home, and he washed their stripes,
And he fed them with tender care,
For his heart was rejoicing in God that night,
And his household all had a share;
And this was the word made them all rejoice:
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!”
And if you’d have a share in our joy today
And a share in our home on high,
Then wake up and see, in the sight of God,
You have sinned and are ready to die;
But God in His love has this word for you:
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!”
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cute Baby Chick - Part 1
“The birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head.” Matthew 8:20
Aren’t baby chickens cute? They are so little with bright eyes, tiny beaks, legs and feet, and their bodies are covered with soft, yellow fuzz! The Lord Jesus enjoys these little creatures too, for they are part of His marvelous creation.
Where do they come from?
“Oh,” you answer, “they come from an egg.”
Right. But where did the egg come from?
“It came from a chicken,” you reply.
Both answers are correct, but let’s see just how the Creator arranged for this to happen.
Most eggs laid by hens are “infertile” and end up being used for cooking. Baby chicks never come from these eggs, but when there is a rooster in the flock, the hen produces fertile eggs, which are the beginnings of baby chicks. Fertile eggs begin inside the hen’s body as a single cell too small to see. This single cell is a little white spot smaller than a pinhead.
A microscope would show the white spot (called the germ-spot) resting on the yolk, which is formed first and is made of six separate rings. Albumen (the white of an egg) forms around the yolk and germ-spot in another series of layers. The first almost liquid layer develops around the yolk, enabling it to float and keeping it safe from damage. Next to it a tough, flexible membrane grows which is strong enough to protect the inside of the egg when it later drops into a nest. Then a third layer is just a thin covering. All this time the germ-spot is resting on top of the yolk, waiting for the right moment to begin growing into a living chick.
Over all this, two more sheets of white membrane form to become a lining inside the two-layered shell. In every egg a small chamber is left vacant at the rounded end—right where the baby chick’s head will lie when developing. Later we will see why this is necessary. In God’s marvelous programming, the germ-spot is now ready to develop into a living chick. We will outline in the next issue just how this takes place.
Of course, in addition to chickens, there are millions of birds hatching each year in many sizes, shapes and colors. However, all of them begin life in the same way, except that some take longer to hatch than others.
As the verse at the beginning of this article reminds us, the birds have nests in which to lay their eggs, but when the Lord Jesus came to earth He had nowhere to lay His head. What a loving Saviour He is. “Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).
(to be continued)
Danger on the Side Path
Lou and Chou walked quickly and silently down the steep mountain near their home in China. They were happy to be going to a Bible school in the valley along with other Christians. The two young men hadn’t known Jesus as their Saviour for very long, but already they had spent a lot of time preaching about Jesus in their village. The two friends had worked hard for a month, hunting wild animals to sell to earn money. They had saved up enough to live on while they studied the Bible with the missionaries. Even as they walked down the mountain, they carried their bows and arrows with them, and their sharp hunting knives hung at their sides.
Suddenly Lou saw something exciting. “BEAR TRACKS! I’ve always wanted to shoot a bear,” said Lou. “I’m going to follow the tracks!”
“But what about the Bible school?” said Chou. “We won’t make it tonight if we waste our time chasing a bear.”
“It won’t take us long,” Lou urged. “We can get to Bible school a day late. Think how the villagers will respect us when they see a bearskin! They will call us brave and respect what we have to say.”
Chou didn’t want to give in, but he knew how the villagers had scoffed at their message and had even sometimes thrown stones at them when they were preaching. Perhaps that last argument of Lou’s was too much for him. He stopped arguing and followed his friend.
The two young men turned off the path and followed the bear tracks for several miles, working their way through thick brush. Then suddenly there in front of them was the biggest, blackest bear they had ever seen! It was scratching at a tree, perhaps looking for honey.
Lou turned to Chou and whispered, “You stay here. I’m going to climb a tree and shoot at him from above. That way I’ll get a better aim at his neck. When I’ve killed him, you can help me skin him.” Lou climbed a nearby tree as quietly as he could and soon got his chance. The bear turned, and Lou’s arrow zinged through the air. It missed! Quickly he shot another arrow. It missed too! Now the bear was getting mad. He saw Lou and started toward him. Another arrow shot through the air, and this one found its mark. The bear dropped to the ground.
Lou scrambled down the tree, shouting, “Come on!” to his friend. But just as he was about to plunge his knife into the bear’s throat, the huge bear got to his feet and jumped on him with all of its weight and fury. Chou ran for cover, but the bear clawed Lou’s face and body furiously. Finally Lou dropped to the ground, and the bear slunk off into the woods with the arrow still stuck in his neck.
Chou ran back to his bleeding friend and called, “Lou, Lou, are you still alive?” Lou answered weakly, “Go quickly and call someone to help ... maybe the missionary,” then he fainted. Chou knew he couldn’t leave his friend there and go for help, so he struggled, half dragging, half carrying Lou back to the trail they had left. How he wished he hadn’t listened to Lou’s convincing arguments to get him to leave that trail!
Chou knew he needed help to save Lou’s life. He bowed his head and began to pray: “Oh, God, please forgive our mistake! Send someone along to help. We are so sorry. Please forgive. We should have gone on to the Bible school instead of taking the side path.”
Have you ever found yourself in real difficulty because you’ve done something you knew you shouldn’t do? How often we do things that seem harmless, thinking no trouble will come to us. We expect to gain something by doing what we want instead of following God’s plan for us. Perhaps we don’t end up in as much trouble as Lou and Chou had, but our “side paths” have unhappy results that affect our lives. It is Satan who encourages us to go our own way, knowing it will cause us harm. He is a thief who only comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10). “Be sober, be vigilant [watchful]; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, [walks] about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
God heard and answered Chou’s prayer. A group of men came by, and Chou asked them to carry Lou to the safety of an inn. Then Chou went on through the night to get the missionary. He immediately returned with Chou and operated on Lou, which saved his life. Later, his face showing the cruel scars of his recent injuries, Lou told them at the Bible school that it was wrong to take the side path, and that he and Chou should have gone directly to the school. His confession encouraged other young Christians to follow Jesus more closely and not let Satan sidetrack them.
Satan not only sidetracks Christians, but he especially tries to deceive those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Satan is a clever enemy who occupies people’s minds with distractions and prevents them from thinking about God and life after death. You and I have never-dying souls that will spend eternity either with the Lord Jesus in His happy home in heaven or with Satan in that awful place called hell. The Lord Jesus loves you and died to save you from your sins so that you could spend eternity with Him. Will you let Him save you?
“God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17).
MEMORY VERSE: “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:17
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cute Baby Chick - Part 2
“How often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!” Luke 13:34
Last week we reviewed how a fertile egg is formed, which is the beginning of how a chicken or bird comes into the world. What takes place after this fertile egg is formed and laid in the nest is also interesting.
The warmth of the mother hen’s body (99.5 degrees) is exactly right to incubate the egg so that the various parts of its little body can develop. First, the head develops. The next day a beating heart appears with blood vessels to carry food nutrients to the different parts of the chick as they form.
Then skin, bones, the brain, nerves and other parts develop as the days pass. By the eighth day everything is well formed, including areas where feathers will later appear. All this growth requires food supplied by the yolk and a constant supply of oxygen inside the egg. The Creator arranged this supply of oxygen by designing the shell with thousands of tiny pores that allow air to pass through.
Up to now the process has taken about three weeks. Then, while still being incubated by the mother and just two days before hatching, the fully formed chick begins to breathe with its lungs for the first time. But this requires more air than can enter through the shell. How is it going to get more air? The answer is that the flat spot at the rounded end of the egg (which we mentioned last week) has been holding extra air for just this purpose. As we noticed before, the little chick’s head has been formed right at this very spot. Its beak reaches into this spot where it finds enough air for the last two days of incubation.
The chick now begins to break out of its shell by pecking at it with a temporary, hard “egg tooth” that has grown on the end of its beak. This egg tooth is in place just long enough to help it escape from its shell and will drop off later.
How can anyone doubt that this wonderful process is the result of God’s creation? Aren’t you glad to know it was the Creator, the Lord God, who designed chickens and their eggs for our benefit?
The mother hen or bird anxiously waits for the little ones to hatch and then gives them her protecting care. The Lord Jesus was thinking of this when He spoke sadly about foolish people who would not accept His love and care (look at our opening verse). He wants to let His love rest on you and invites you to cast “all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Have you made Him happy by accepting this kind invitation?
Set 4
New Eyes
The week had been a busy one, and I was tired as I boarded the plane to return home. I hoped this flight would be peaceful and relaxing. I found my assigned seat on the full plane and sat down next to a little girl of six or seven years old. She smiled up at me through a pair of thick glasses and pleasantly chatted while I settled in. She told me that the lady next to her was her grandmother, and across the aisle were her parents with a younger child. They were able to take this trip because the airline had advertised that children could fly free that month.
After the plane took off, the little girl got out crayons and paper and quietly began coloring. She didn’t seem at all worried about flying or upset to be sitting next to a stranger. My little girls were almost grown now, but I remembered how much they had liked to draw and color pictures at her age.
“Do you know about the Lord Jesus?” I finally asked the little girl. Looking up at me with a radiant smile she said, “Oh, I love the Lord Jesus, and He’s going to give me new eyes someday!” What a joy it was to see her faith! Her bad eyes were a real problem for her, but she was looking forward to the day when she would get new ones and would see Jesus in person!
We landed and got off the plane after a nice flight. As I waited to pick up my suitcase, my new little friend ran up with her grandma in tow. “I forgot to say good-bye,” she said, with her happy smile. As we parted, I realized that she already had a pair of new eyes, eyes of faith! Oh, she will get her new physical eyes when she gets to heaven, but her eyes of faith allowed her to see Jesus now and to believe on Him who is invisible.
Do you have new eyes yet? If you believe on the Lord Jesus right now, He will wash your sins away, making you ready for heaven. He will give you eyes of faith to trust in Him.
When Jesus was here on earth, He cured people of their sicknesses and even healed the eyes of blind men! He asked one of these blind men whose sight he had just restored, Do you believe on the Son of God? The man said, “Who is He, Lord, that I might believe on Him?” (John 9:36). When the man found out that the One talking to him was the Son of God, he said, “Lord, I believe. And he worshipped [Jesus]” (John 9:38). Two miracles happened that day—the man’s physical eyesight was restored and his spiritual eyes were opened.
I’m looking forward to meeting that man in heaven and the little girl too, without her thick glasses. I hope I will see you there as well!
“Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no [way] enter therein” (Luke 18:17). “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
MEMORY VERSE: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Those Troublesome Roots!!
It was only a little tree that needed to be cut down. We were clearing an area for a garden, and that little tree was right in the middle. It didn’t take very long to cut it down. Then we started to dig out the stump, but underground we found the largest roots that I had ever seen for such a small tree! Those roots twisted around each other and everything else and were six inches around in places! That little tree was causing us big problems.
As we worked, we found another source of our root problem. It was a stump of an old tree about five feet away that had been cut down. Its huge roots had grown all over the yard, and that stump also had to be removed. After two days of digging, we finally managed to get enough of those roots dug out so that we could plant a garden.
The Bible talks about roots that are troublesome: “Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you” (Hebrews 12:15). Besides bitterness, there are roots of anger, jealousy, greed, selfishness and even hatred. And even boys and girls, just like young trees, can develop these roots. Have you ever been so angry with someone that you hit them or did something else mean? Do you remember being so jealous of a friend that you told a lie about that person? Have you ever wanted something so much that you took it even when you knew it belonged to somebody else? What about always wanting to be first and pushing others out of the way to get there? Oh my, all these are tangled roots of sin that will cause problems even in young lives. And if these roots of sin are allowed to continue, they don’t go away—they grow bigger and bigger and bigger! And as boys and girls grow into teenagers and then into adults, those roots of sin just keep growing bigger and more serious.
Only Jesus can remove those little and big roots of sin in our hearts. He can give us a whole new heart and life, if we will trust in Him. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7).
Have you come to Jesus to be washed clean of your sins?
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Tale of Two Fishes
“The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” Psalm 93:4
The betta Siamese fighting fish of Thailand has an unusual way of making a nest and raising a family. The male does the work by going to the surface and blowing a nest of bubbles, adding a cement to hold the bubbles together. Then he finds a mate and takes her to see the nest.
Usually the female decides it is a good place to raise about three dozen babies. However, she doesn’t seem to know how to get her eggs into the nest. Each egg that she lays drops to the bottom of the lake. But the male swims after each egg, picks it up in his mouth, and blows it into the bubbly nest. How do you think they learned to work together this way?
When the babies hatch, the parents stay close by to guard them. The babies are not allowed out of the nest until they are big enough to take care of themselves.
These are little fish, not over three inches long, but they are under the watchful eye of the Lord God, their Creator, just as much as the largest fish. The Bible tells us, “The eyes of all wait upon Thee” (Psalm 145:15). How nice to think of the Creator, the Lord God, not only creating them, but always taking care of them in their never-changing ways.
The stickleback has this name because its back has spiny fins sticking up sharply as a warning to its enemies. Like the Siamese fighting fish, these also have an unusual method of nesting.
The male picks up pieces of vegetation that he finds floating on the water and weaves them together to form a nest. This nest has tunnels at each end and is attached to a living plant just under the surface of the water. After the nest is finished, he looks for a mate. Soon they move into this double-ended nest and raise their family in it.
There are so many unusual and interesting kinds of life throughout the world, and many have not been seen by man. But the eyes of the Lord are always on each of His creatures. He cares for every one of them and takes delight in watching how they always obey Him, with each one following the pattern He set up in the days of creation.
We must never forget that He is also our Maker. “Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves” (Psalm 100:3). We should obey His Word and please Him by accepting the salvation He so kindly offers through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7).
Mr. Mac's Trap
Mr. Mac set an animal trap in his backyard, but it was not a trap that would hurt anything it caught. He was trying to trap a pesky raccoon that was always getting into their garbage can. So he baited the trap with food that he thought the raccoon would like.
One day, instead of the pesky raccoon, a pretty white cat got caught inside the trap. The cat must have smelled the food in the trap and crawled inside to eat what was intended for the raccoon. The trap door snapped shut behind the cat, making him a prisoner. The friendly cat patiently waited to be rescued, which Mr. Mac did as soon as he saw what his trap had caught.
Satan, our enemy, has traps set for boys and girls, but his traps are harmful! The Bible says, “The snare [noose] is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way” (Job 18:10). Only the Lord Jesus can rescue us from Satan’s evil trap of sin. If you belong to the Lord Jesus, He will help you to be on your guard to recognize Satan’s evil traps and avoid them. Here is a good Bible verse for boys and girls who belong to Him: “Thou [the Lord Jesus] hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy” (Psalm 61:3).
Mr. Mac had to bait the trap again with more food to catch the pesky raccoon. Finally, the real culprit was caught, and he was a huge, well-fed raccoon! Mrs. Mac was the first to see him in the trap, but she did not know what to do with him. So she covered the cage with a large, white sheet of plastic since it was raining.
The next morning the plastic sheet was gone, but there was a pile of shredded plastic in one end of the cage. The raccoon had pulled the plastic sheet inside the trap and was making a cozy nest for himself to keep warm and dry, because it was cold and wet.
Mr. Mac carried the trapped raccoon far away, to let it go free. He hoped that the raccoon would never come back.
If you are a boy or girl who has not accepted the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour, come to Him today, telling Him that you are sorry for your sins and that you believe that He died to wash them away. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth [washes] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Then you will be able to ask Him to protect you from Satan’s evil traps. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15
Untamed or Tamed?
Several horse trailers drove up, and cowboys were all around each one as they brought out rearing, bucking wild horses. They were getting ready for a contest in which three-man teams would try to saddle wild horses and ride them around a one-half-mile track. They were beautiful horses but untamed and dangerous.
The people watching cringed and caught their breath as the teams of men struggled to master the horses, saddle them and then mount them. The horses were rearing into the air and neighing in fear and anger. The men moved cautiously, jumping out of the way of sharp hooves.
And then the accident happened. A cowboy got into the saddle on one of the horses, only to be thrown to the ground as the horse reared and took off running. The cowboy lay perfectly still.
The other men gathered around him while the wild horses took off around the track. The contest was forgotten as men looked anxiously toward the announcer for help. Finally an ambulance drove up, put the young man on a stretcher and took him away.
We can compare this untamed wild horse to the story in the Bible in Mark 11, about the colt “whereon never man sat.” Normally an untamed colt would be fearful and resist having someone sit on its back. But the Lord Jesus needed this colt, and it became gentle and obedient for Him. People laid their clothes on the colt’s back for Jesus to sit on. As He rode the now tame colt, other people spread their clothes and branches of the trees in the road. The Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the gentle colt. The people cried out, “Hosanna; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mark 11:9). They were honoring Jesus, and yet they didn’t fully realize who He was.
In God’s eyes, are you “tamed” or “untamed”? We all need “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21). If you do not believe God and resist Him and disobey Him, you are like those wild horses, bucking and rearing and doing all you can to keep from being mastered by the Lord. “The natural man [receives] not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned [understood]” (1 Corinthians 2:14). You must be “born again” by receiving Christ as your Saviour before you will be “tamed” and happy to have God in control of your life.
God loves us so much He sent His only Son, Jesus, to bear the punishment for our sins. Will you let Him “tame” you by admitting honestly that you are a sinner and accept Jesus’ work on the cross for your sins?
“All we like sheep [or wild colts] have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity [sins] of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Polar Bear
“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who [dwells] on high, who [humbles] Himself to behold the things ... in the earth!” Psalm 113:5-6
The white, cold, lonely world of the Arctic is the polar bear’s home. The Lord God shelters the polar bear from the cold with a thick layer of fat underneath long, shaggy fur. Its fur has insulating air spaces between the hairs. This impressive animal is about five feet high at its shoulders, seven feet or more long, and may weigh half a ton. It is extremely strong and can pull a 500-pound seal out of the water with just one paw.
God has prepared it well for its surroundings. When the sun shines on snow and ice, Eskimos have to take special care to avoid painful snow-blindness. But the polar bear has been given three eyelids and a special membrane to protect its eyes. Then too, this big fellow easily crosses ice floes and travels over ice and snow with little effort. It would be difficult to walk on such slippery surfaces if the bear were not equipped with a covering of tough hair on the bottom of its feet that gives it a good grip. God has given it partially webbed feet and specially jointed legs that help make it a very good swimmer.
While its sight and hearing are poor, the polar bear’s sense of smell is keen and will alert it to prey as much as twenty miles away. It lives in an icy den where the female gives birth late in winter to two or three cubs, which are about the size of chipmunks. Two months after they are born, she takes them out of the den and begins their two-year training.
Polar bears eat mostly seals. The bear lies on the thick ice, waiting for a seal to pop up at its breathing hole. Sometimes the bear will quietly swim to the edge of the ice where a seal is sunning and catch it. Besides seals, polar bears eat salmon, foxes, birds and occasionally a reindeer. Trappers have to keep a wary eye open when one is around, since they will kill sled dogs and steal animals from traps.
It seems cruel that the polar bear must kill so ruthlessly. It was not like this in the beginning. Sin brought this change into the world. However, there is a time coming when “the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox” (Isaiah 11:7).
But before that peaceful time comes, God is going to bring punishment on this sinful world and all those who have refused the gift of salvation He is offering. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour who died to bear that punishment in your place, if you will only accept His invitation to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Will you accept His invitation today?
The Great King Solomon
How old was Solomon when he became king?
He was somewhere in his late teens ... a very young man to be king over so many thousands of God’s people. His father, King David, chose Solomon to be the next king, and the young man must have felt his need of wisdom and understanding.
What would you do? Go to a university and study royalty and the laws of the country? A leadership program might help, but Solomon felt his need was deeper than that. In fact, he may not have slept very well when he found himself in such a high position as king. That was the night when God appeared to him in a dream and asked him one big question—Solomon, what shall I give you?
Suppose God asked you that question on one of your sleepless nights, and you knew He had the power to give what you asked for. What would you say? Think about it for a minute.
Solomon answered, I am only a little child, and I am leader of Your chosen people who are more than can be counted. Give me an understanding heart. This was a wonderful beginning, both for him and for you. Wisdom and understanding are God’s good gift and may be found every day in reading the Word of God—the Bible.
God was pleased with King Solomon’s answer. He didn’t ask for a long life or riches or victory over Israel’s enemies. No, he asked for wisdom, and God gave him a wise and understanding heart and all the extras too.
I wonder if you have ever asked God for wisdom. Of course, it would be senseless to ask for wisdom and then start looking for it in foolish places and wasting your time. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10), and you will find it in the book God has written—the Bible. If you look for God’s wisdom, you will also find joy and wonderful riches that will last much longer than gold.
King Solomon was given so much wisdom that he could design and build amazing buildings and design beautiful gardens without hiring special people. He knew all about trees and plants, philosophy and music, all without a university education. People came from other countries to hear his wisdom and learn from him. He didn’t need an education degree—God gave him wisdom, and he just used it.
Is wisdom enough? If you know what is right, will you be sure to do it? King Solomon knew what was right, but, little by little, he let go of it. God had said, “If thou wilt walk in My ways” (1 Kings 3:14). Did you notice that little word “if”? King Solomon’s royal line depended upon walking in God’s ways.
Here’s something for you to think about. If getting to heaven depended on you, even just a little bit, you would never get there. You can be sure that Jesus Himself will take you to His Father’s house, because Jesus did ALL the work on Calvary’s cross. You cannot add anything to the finished work of Christ.
King Solomon’s visitors probably went home thinking that he was a very intelligent man, and he certainly was. But he did not know how to say “no” to himself. God had told him not to have lots of horses and lots of wives. But he brought lots of horses from Egypt, and he had seven hundred wives from countries that had many gods and didn’t believe in the only true God. Here’s the sad part: His wives turned his heart away from the only true God—the God who had given him wisdom and understanding.
Is there something that is turning your heart away from God? King Solomon never thought anything would turn his heart away from Him, but that’s just what happened. He built places of worship for the wicked gods of his wives, and they sacrificed and burned incense there, and King Solomon worshipped their gods too. This didn’t happen all at once. It came about step by step, until he was worse than the people of those countries—because he knew better!
Maybe your friends think of you as a Bible person, but is Jesus your very own Saviour? If you are a true believer, you have the Holy Spirit living in you, and He will give you the power to say “no” to the little steps into sin before they grow into big ones. If you want God’s wisdom today, look for it in the right place! It is our Lord Jesus Christ who is our wisdom and righteousness and Redeemer.
You may read about these parts of King Solomon’s life in 1 Kings, chapters 3 and 11.
MEMORY VERSE: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Busy Hummingbird
“I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders.” Psalm 77:11
It is thrilling to watch this pretty little bird darting about the garden. It dips its long beak into a flower, then flies backward a short distance before zooming off in another direction. The hummingbird weighs less than an ounce and sometimes beats its wings two hundred times per second!
Have you ever seen a hummingbird’s nest? The male brings load after load of light material to his mate, and they work together to build the nest and tightly fasten it to the branch. Then the male flies off to collect silk threads from several spider webs. He brings these to the nest by flying backward so he will not get tangled in them. He covers the outside of the nest with these threads to add strength. When the nest is finished, he covers it with moss to camouflage it from enemies.
Hummingbirds are great travelers. North America is only their summer home. They migrate in the fall, with the males leaving first and the females and young leaving later. They fly to Central America, some going by way of Florida and Cuba. Others take a shortcut across the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of 500-600 miles over water with no rest stops.
We are told these birds eat nothing while migrating these great distances, which is sometimes as much as two thousand miles. This is remarkable, for when nesting and raising their young, they must eat the equivalent of their own weight in nectar and insects every day to survive. The secret of flying such great distances without food is the fact that they store up fat by eating extra food in advance of their flight.
In spite of much study, no answer has been found to explain why they leave when they do or how they know to return at the exact time their favorite flowers will be blooming. But we do know that their Creator has given them the ability to make their journeys at just the right time, and He directs them over the many miles they must travel.
The Bible does not mention the hummingbird by name, but it does tell us, “The sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young” (Psalm 84:3). The One who enables the sparrows and swallows to nest and raise their young is the same One who also provides for all the needs of the lovely hummingbirds.
He assures us, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye” (Psalm 32:8). Are you listening to His instruction? Are you willing to let Him guide you in the path of life? Our Lord Jesus Christ always proves to be a loving Saviour to all who put their trust in Him.
A New Family for Katya
The old road full of puddles and potholes crossed the town to the old building standing in the big yard. This was the orphanage, the place where children lived when they did not have a dad or mom to take care of them. At the back of the yard, dirty water from the farmer’s field ran into the creek where the children played as they swatted the mosquitoes.
Mr. Max pushed the old door open and went inside with his interpreter. As he looked around he asked, “Why are all the children outside now except this little girl?”
“Oh, little Katya has no shoes. She can’t go outside,” the lady in charge said.
Mr. Max reached into his bag. “Last week before I came to Siberia, my wife picked up a pair of little shoes for ten cents at the second-hand store. I brought them today. In fact, they are the only ones I have here.”
Amazingly, the shoes fit the little girl perfectly! Do you think this was just by chance, or did God send those shoes to a little girl who He was watching?
Katya looked up through lonely eyes. In her cheerless surroundings, there was something about her that was appealing.
The visitors had brought watermelons and other food for the children and then called them all inside and read a Bible story to them. They told about God loving each child there and how He knew every child’s name and even little Katya’s shoe size. They explained how the Lord Jesus came from heaven to die and take the punishment for our sins, so God could bring each person into His family if they would believe on Him. The Bible says, “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).
The next year Mr. Max returned to visit the same village near the Ural Mountains in Siberia. He was anxious to see little Katya again. But she wasn’t there! Had she died? Was she sick? Was she hiding?
The lady who was in charge of the orphanage explained: “Some men came here and wanted to adopt some of the children. We knew they might harm them, so we hid them at the hospital.”
Mr. Max found the hospital, and the nurses gathered the children together. They listened to a Bible story, a message about God’s love and how He wants to wash us clean from sin and bring us into His family. He gave a little doll to Katya, the first doll of her own, and then left to visit other towns.
In Canada, Mr. Max again told about visiting Siberia and about a little girl in an orphanage who was in danger. He explained that she needed a mommy and daddy to love and protect her. He was talking about Katya.
One day he got a phone call from Texas, which was very far away. A family had heard about Katya and wanted to adopt her. But there was a problem—they were not able to pay the price to bring her to their home, so it didn’t work out. I am so glad that the Lord Jesus was willing and able to come from heaven and to pay the price that was required that I might be brought into the family of God. It cost Him His life!
Then one day a letter came to Mr. Max from Michigan. A family there was willing to go to Siberia to see Katya and to pay the price to adopt her. Mr. Max sent photos and details of the sad little girl. After many months had passed, he wondered what had happened. Then one day he went to his mailbox, and there was a letter and a photo of a smiling, happy little girl. Katya’s whole life and future had changed!
Her new parents wrote, “Katya already can speak English, and she does not want to speak any Russian language now. She loves it here, loves playing games and playing in the snow. Her future is bright.”
When this sad, hopeless little girl came into her new family, everything changed. And this is what God’s salvation does for us. Everything in our lives takes on a whole new meaning as we grow in the love of our Lord Jesus and get to know Him better.
When we come into God’s family, our future is truly bright. We know we will be in heaven for sure ... what a bright future! To have our sins washed away and to be brought into God’s family is a blessing greater than words can tell, and it can be yours today!
Jesus said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
MEMORY VERSE: “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12
What Do You Do First?
We were going through the Book of Acts in my Sunday school class of children in the early grades. When we came to chapter 6, in trying to explain what “daily ministrations” were, I asked the class, “What do you do when you first get up in the morning?” Most of the children answered, “We get dressed.” A few said, “We eat breakfast.” But Brian sat quietly, shaking his head “no.” So I asked Brian, “What do you do?” And he said, “First we pray.”
What a sweet reminder of the really important things from a young eight-year-old. Boys and girls, do you thank the Lord Jesus for taking care of you through the night? And do you ask Him to take care of you and help you through the day to do what pleases Him?
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Insect-Eating Plants
“I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders.” Psalm 77:11
Many animals, birds and insects eat plants, but did you know there are some plants that eat insects? This is truly remarkable, because plants cannot travel from one place to another to capture their food, and they do not have eyes or ears to help.
One example of an insect-eating plant is the sundew that grows in certain swamps. The name comes from drops of sticky fluid on its leaves that glitter in sunlight like drops of dew. The leaves are also covered with small hairs. If an insect lands on these hairs, the sticky fluid traps it. Immediately all the hairs near that spot fold in around the insect and hold it captive. The plant then absorbs its prey into its system, and the hairs go back in place to wait for another victim.
The butterwort has fleshy leaves that produce a sticky substance. When an insect lands on a leaf, the edges curl in and trap it. The insect dies and is digested by the plant.
The pitcher plant has pitcher-shaped leaves that form a trap for insects. The lower edges of its leaves fold together to form a tube. The top edges are open and allow rainwater to collect in the bottom of the tube. The pitcher produces a sweet juice on the inside that attracts insects. It also grows bristly hairs at the top of the pitcher that all point downward. Once an insect lands in search of the sweet juice, it passes over these hairs pointing downward that prevent it from crawling back out. The insect eventually falls into the water at the bottom and drowns. In time, the plant digests the insect.
One insect we would like to see trapped by this plant is the mosquito. But the female can fly down into the pitcher, lay her eggs in the liquid and then fly back out safely. After the larvae hatch and grow, the new adult mosquitoes escape the same way.
A certain wasp, in parts of the South, bites a hole in the bottom of the pitcher, allowing the rainwater to drain out. Then it crawls through the hole, making its nest inside without harm. How did the wasp learn this trick? Only the Creator God could give it this knowledge.
These unusual plants certainly have no intelligence to figure out ways of capturing food. Only God could provide food for these plants.
We are reminded that the devil also has many traps in which he catches those who are not careful. If we know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and walk close to Him, He is able to protect us from evil. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Set 5
Saved by "Man's Best Friend"
“Go get some firewood from outside,” Austin’s mom said to him. Austin is an eleven-year-old boy who lives 150 miles north of Vancouver in Western Canada. This part of Canada is all mountains and woods.
He stepped into his boots and pulled his jacket around his shoulders. A light fixture from the garage wall faintly lit up the darkness. The snow crunched under his feet as he walked to the woodpile. The boy’s dog, a golden retriever named Angel, walked by his side. Out of the corner of his eye, in the faint light, he saw a shape rushing towards him. It moved too fast for a dog.
He suddenly realized it was a cougar. Before he even had time to scream out for help, Angel leaped up to defend the boy against the attacking cat, and a horrible fight broke out.
Austin watched stunned for a second. The cougar was bigger than Angel and an expert fighter. Austin realized he had to get away quickly to the safety of the house. He ran into the house and tried to tell his mom what was happening. At first she didn’t understand what he was trying to say because he was so frantic. Then she heard the sounds of Angel whimpering outside.
She called the police for help. Police Constable Chad Gravelle was patrolling the neighborhood. Within a few minutes he arrived at the home and, holding his flashlight, went into their backyard. He found the cougar and the dog near the back porch. The cougar was standing over the dog with the dog’s head in its mouth. The officer drew his pistol and fired two shots at the cougar, killing it.
The officer pulled the body of the cougar off the dog. Angel lay still on the ground; the side of her head was wet with blood where she had been bitten. At first, the officer thought the dog was dead too. He was surprised when, after a few seconds, Angel gasped for breath and stood shakily on her feet.
Later, Officer Gravelle credited Angel with saving the boy’s life. Angel was taken to a veterinarian to have her wounds treated and is expected to heal and be just fine.
Dogs are sometimes called “man’s best friend,” and in the case of Angel, risking her life to save Austin, you can easily see why. Everybody should have a friend so faithful and true. And as a matter of fact, we do. This friend is so faithful that even when we didn’t deserve it, He stood between our enemy and us and died in the sinner’s place. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
The enemy we face is Satan, who, like a raging lion, seeks to destroy all he can. We are no match for his power or craft. Without help from the sinner’s Friend, the Lord Jesus Christ, each one of us would certainly be lost.
This is how much the Lord Jesus loves you. He was willing to die in your place so that you might come to Him in faith, accepting Him as your own Saviour, and spend eternity with Him in heaven. Is there any other friend as faithful and loving? He truly is a friend who saw your great need and was willing to help you at a great cost to Himself—He died for you!
The Lord Jesus is the sinner’s friend. The word “friend” comes from an ancient word that means “to love.” No one has ever loved you like He does. Will you respond to His love?
He is patiently waiting for souls to turn from their sin and to trust Him. When they trust Him, they receive the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life.
Austin’s life was saved by “man’s best friend.” Wouldn’t you like to be saved for eternity by placing your faith in the sinner’s friend, the Lord Jesus Christ? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15
Favorite Toys
Most little boys and girls have a favorite toy. It might be a truck or an airplane or a doll or something else. I’m sure if you would ask your daddy and mommy if they can remember their favorite toys, they would say, “yes,” and they could probably tell you what that toy was.
Most of us have favorite things, and some have favorite friends. Sometimes school teachers have favorite students. However, God does not have favorites like we do. He does not love some of us a little more than others. He loves each one of us so much that He sent His own Son Jesus to die for us.
Have you ever tried to count the grains of sand at the beach? What a high number that would be! But God’s loving thoughts about you are a much higher number than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of this world added together! The Bible tells us this in Psalm 139:17-18. It says, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.”
Now, can you count how many loving thoughts about God and the Lord Jesus you have had today?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Miracle of Springtime
“While the earth remaineth ... cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22
Those who most enjoy the pleasure of springtime live in areas where winter is cold and harsh with lots of snow and ice. Springtime seems a long way off when the long, sharp icicles are hanging down, and the trees (except evergreens) are standing leafless.
But what is the new sound that we hear this morning? There’s water dripping somewhere outside. Searching around, we find the rooftop snow has begun to melt and is running down the gutters of the house. Drops of water are forming on the tips of icicles and are dripping to the ground. Let’s hurry and pull on our boots, put on our jackets, pull up our hoods and head outside to look for other signs of spring!
When outside, we discover the snow and ice are slowly melting from the warm wind that has been blowing from the south during the night. As the day warms up, we notice the frozen stream is beginning to show signs of melting. Water from melting snow is seeping around the edges of the ice. Soon the ice will break away from the shore, and as the melting continues, a jumble of small ice floes will crash along, rushing faster and faster downstream.
But most signs of spring are silent. One of the first is a plant called skunk cabbage. As far back as January its roots started growing again. Before the snow has all melted, its yellow flower and leaves appear. Many insects coming out of hibernation are attracted to it. In the flower garden, crocus plants push their bright, colorful flower buds right through the snow. Pussy willows display their soft, fuzzy, gray flowers. Many birds soon appear, returning from the south, but we’ve been hearing the cardinal’s beautiful springtime call since early February. All nature seems to be coming back to life.
Sap rises in the stems and branches of bushes and trees, and we see their leaf buds are swollen and beginning to burst open. Soon the trees of the orchard will burst forth with their beautiful blossoms. Farmers start preparing the soil for planting, and the newly exposed earth smells so good.
What a wonderful miracle springtime is! It is God’s way of reminding us that in His power life can come from death. It is a beautiful picture of the change in every person’s life who has accepted the Lord Jesus as his or her Saviour. The Bible assures us, “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
Do you have this new life? “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Are You Pretending?
When I was thirteen, I had the opportunity to go horseback riding all by myself. I had often gone with a group, but never alone. I had saved up the fifty cents necessary to pay for a half-hour ride. My mom had given me permission to go, so I headed off to the stables.
The stable manager helped me get settled in the saddle and said a cheery, “See ya later.” So Brownie and I trotted off up the road.
Not long after we had turned the corner, we rode past a pasture full of cows. I was pretty good at imitating the sound of a cow mooing, so I thought I’d try mooing at these cows and see how they reacted.
Maybe you have already found out that it’s not a good idea to pretend you are something that you really aren’t. The Bible tells us about a man who pretended that he was a faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus. His name was Judas Iscariot, and maybe you remember reading about him in the Bible in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Of course, the Lord Jesus could see right into Judas’s heart and knew he was really a thief and not a true disciple at all. But Judas had the other eleven disciples fooled. However, he ended up hanging himself when things didn’t turn out the way he had planned.
Now, as Brownie and I were trotting down the road, I pretended I was a cow and let out a few loud moos to see if I could fool the cows. And I did fool them! They all came running over to the fence, mooing loudly as they ran.
But things didn’t turn out quite like I had planned either. Brownie was terrified of the cows running towards us and all the noise they were making, and he couldn’t get back to the stable fast enough! He knew his stable was a safe place, so he turned and galloped back as fast as he could. He never slowed down, and I had to duck my head down on his mane so it wouldn’t get bumped on the way through the stable doorway!
Of course, the manager wanted to know what had happened to cause Brownie to come home at such a speed, when we had only been gone for five minutes. After I told him, he said, “That was a foolish thing to do! I’m not going to give you your fifty cents back, and that’s all the ride you can have today. You should have known better.”
It’s not very serious to lose fifty cents and a horseback ride, but if you try to fool God by pretending you are saved when you’re not, that IS serious! You will end up in the “lake of fire,” along with the devil. “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).
God wants us to be real and true—to honestly repent in our hearts for the sins we’ve committed and to accept His Son as our very own Saviour. The Lord Jesus loves us so much that He came into this sinful world to die on the cross, shedding His blood, so that you and I could be washed clean of every stain of sin. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Don’t be a “pretender.” Accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour right now and know for sure that you are on your way to the safe place called heaven. “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
MEMORY VERSE: “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Proverbs 29:25
The Cookie Man
Danny and his family moved from Cleveland to Chicago. Since Danny’s father was transferred by the company he works for, they were given no choice—the whole family had to move. Even though Danny was only four years old, he had been very unhappy about leaving his grandma behind in Cleveland. The family had always lived near her, and Danny did not like to think that he would not be seeing her almost every day.
It was now four years later, and every week since they had moved to Chicago, Grandma had sent some of her homemade cookies to Danny and his family. She knew what their favorite kinds were: chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies. Every week the big delivery truck pulled up to Danny’s house to deliver the box of cookies from Grandma. Danny always called the deliveryman the “Cookie Man.”
And now Danny’s father was being transferred once again. This time it was to far-off Puerto Rico. Danny thought about having to leave all the friends he had made in Chicago, and he felt sad. That week when the Cookie Man arrived with the box of cookies, Danny suddenly had a terrible thought: Does the Cookie Man go all the way to Puerto Rico? He quickly asked him, “Do you deliver in Puerto Rico?”
“No, Danny, we don’t deliver there.”
Poor Danny would not be able to receive Grandma’s “box of love” from the Cookie Man after he moved to Puerto Rico.
Isn’t it good to know that God’s gift of love is available anywhere in the world? It does not depend on a deliveryman. God’s gift of love is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and you can read all about His wonderful gift in the Bible. You can also take your Bible with you. No matter where you live, you can receive God’s gift simply by accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Peculiar Aardvark
“Thou hast made ... the earth, and all things that are therein ... and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
The four- to six-foot-long, one hundred fifty-pound African aardvark is unlike any other creature in the world. Its nearest relative might be a pig; in fact, the name aardvark means “earth pig.” It was given this name by Dutch settlers in Africa in the 1600s. But the aardvark’s similarity to a pig is mostly in its long snout, nostrils, brown body and bristly hair. Its long, upright ears look more like donkey ears, its tail is something like a kangaroo’s, and its arched body is not too different from a hyena’s.
There are two things the aardvark does very well. One is finding termite nests, which look like concrete mounds. Approaching one, the aardvark listens carefully to determine if termites are inside. Hearing their movement, it tears the mound open with its powerful claws. Then it laps up the termites with its twelve- to eighteen-inch-long sticky tongue.
But termites fight back, just like ants fight when their nests are entered! Both insects have “soldiers” with sharp mandibles, but in attacking the aardvark, they find that its skin is so tough that they cannot bite through it. In addition, the Creator has provided nostrils and ears that seal tightly when invading insects’ nests, so these are protected too.
Aardvarks are also experts at digging. Their dens are in tunnels about ten feet long with six or more entrances, and this requires lots of digging. No problem! Their strong front legs and sharp claws go through even hard dirt faster than men can with shovels. They stay in these dens during the day and come out at night to raid anthills and termite nests, adding other insects, fruit and gourds to their menu when available.
Babies are born in the den. They have skin so loose and full of wrinkles that it looks like it is several sizes too big, but they soon fill it out. To keep her little ones hidden, the mother moves into a new burrow about once a week. Before long they are taken out to learn how to hunt, and within a year they are on their own.
For all the strange appearance of these animals, they indicate God’s pleasure in placing such a great variety of life on the earth at the time of its creation. For each creature He has provided what is exactly right for its way of life, and He watches over each one all its days.
The Bible tells of something else that brings pleasure to Him: “I know also, my God, that Thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness” (1 Chronicles 29:17). Is your life pleasing Him? It can please Him only if you have confessed that you are a sinner and have asked the Lord Jesus to forgive and cleanse you, accepting Him as your Saviour. If you have not done this yet, why not do it right now!
The Rich Man and the Beggar
Not everybody could afford to buy a purple suit, but this rich man wore purple, because everybody knew that it was the most expensive color you could buy. And his meals were extra good too, not just for a treat now and then, but every day. And even though he spent lots of money on clothes and food, he still had lots of money left for whatever he wanted. He was a very rich man.
His house had a gate, perhaps because he wanted to be sure that thieves didn’t get in. Outside his gate were stray dogs running loose on the street. And there was one more thing outside his gate; you’ll never guess what it was. It was a beggar.
The beggar’s name was Lazarus, and he lay there often. The dogs came and licked his sores. He probably was very thin, and when dinnertime came, all he could do was wish for something—anything—to eat.
Lazarus died, and the angels carried him up to Abraham’s arms in heaven. He was no stranger there, because he knew all about Abraham. Do you know about him? Abraham was an old man when God promised that he and Sarah would have a son, and Sarah was very old too. But Abraham believed God.
Do you believe God? Do you know that He has a promise for you if you will believe Him? He has promised forgiveness for your sins through the precious blood of Christ. Even though you have never seen Jesus, will you just simply believe this because God says so? Abraham did. And the beggar felt at home in the arms of Abraham because he believed God too.
The rich man also died and was buried, probably with an expensive funeral. But after he died, he wasn’t rich anymore; all his riches were left behind. He went into eternity with nothing.
The Bible tells us that the rich man was very unhappy where he was; in fact, he was in torment. God allowed him to see the beggar Lazarus in heaven in Abraham’s arms, and oh, how the rich man begged for a drop of water, just one drop! He cried, Father Abraham, have mercy on me. Send Lazarus to bring me a drop of water to cool my tongue. I am tormented in this flame!
But Abraham said, No. You had good things in your lifetime and he only had troubles. Now he is comforted and you are tormented.
You see, both men had gone beyond this life, and now there was a great separation between them—one was in heaven and one was in hell—and by the law of God, this separation would be forever. Nobody—nobody can ever cross over. No boats or planes or anything else can cross that separation.
But you are alive, and that separation is not yet settled for you. Jesus is willing to save you today, and after that He will give you the power to live for Him.
After his death, the rich man pleaded that his five brothers should be told about the awfulness of the torment of hell, but it was too late. If they don’t believe God’s Word now, they won’t believe even if someone comes back from the dead to tell them.
Did someone rise from the dead? YES! Jesus rose, and it is Jesus Himself who invites you to trust Him now. He never told a lie. His home in heaven is ready for all sinners who believe, and the door is still open!
That great, endless separation between believers and unbelievers is as real as Jesus said it is, and there is no changing it after death. Will you make your decision right now?
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
You may read this story for yourself in Luke 16:19-31.
MEMORY VERSE: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
Chasing Butterflies
When Rita was a little girl, she and her family lived near a little town in southern Mexico. Rita’s father was a rancher and grew wheat, corn, garbanzo beans and other vegetables on their ranch at the foot of high, tree-covered mountains. Colorful birds were common around Rita’s home, and the rainy season brought many brilliant flowers and insects.
One day while Rita and her brothers were weeding a field for their father, huge butterflies appeared. They were bright blue, green, red and yellow. Some were as big as a grown-up’s hand!
The weeding was forgotten as the children chased the butterflies through the field. They would almost catch one, and then it would flutter away. Sometimes one landed on one of their hands before it fluttered off. But when this exciting play was over, all Rita and her brothers had were empty hands and weeding to finish!
Are you chasing after something that you think will make you happy? A new toy? An exciting vacation? Fancy clothes? A special friend? Lots of money? If you got what you wanted, would your happiness last? No. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:25 that the pleasures of this sinful world only last a very short time.
The only thing that can really satisfy your heart is knowing that your sins are washed away with the blood of the Lord Jesus, who loves you and died on the cross to save you. Come to Him today for salvation, and you will find happiness that will last forever. “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he” (Proverbs 16:20). Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Tough Seagull
“God ... [teaches] us more than the beasts of the earth, and [makes] us wiser than the fowls of heaven.” Job 35:10-11
Part of the fun of being at the seashore is watching the seagulls. They can be seen soaring high in the sky, walking on the sand, or just resting on the water. Their high-pitched “meews” are loud enough to be heard above the noise of the waves. Occasionally they will give harsh squawks when they fight over a scrap of food. There are many varieties of seagulls, but the herring gull is the most common. Its head, back and underside are white with partly black wings, and its beak and web-footed legs are orange.
Although they are pretty and fun to watch, they often fight among themselves. Most are bullies and get into fights with each other by rough pushes with stiff, half-open wings or nasty pecks with their sharp beaks. But they are part of God’s creation in spite of this, and He has made them strong, swift and wise in many ways. He has also given them great skill in using air currents to glide along tirelessly with their wings outstretched. Frequently they will stay with a ship for many miles, watching for food scraps. Although mostly scavengers, they like fresh fish, clams and oysters too. Unable to break the shell of a clam or oyster, a gull will carry it high in the air and drop it onto a rock to break it open.
These birds live in large groups, making nests on the ground where their eggs and chicks attract many enemies. When a gull discovers an enemy, it gives a loud shriek. This brings the whole colony rushing at the thief with hooked beaks and club-like wings. It takes a bold intruder to risk these attacks. When very small, a hungry baby taps on a red spot on the underside of its parent’s beak. The parent then brings up food for the baby to eat. They are given more solid food later.
In some ways seagulls remind us of Satan, by seeming to be so attractive when they are actually fierce and aggressive to one another. Satan makes himself attractive in the things that he offers us, but he is a deceiver and tries to bring evil into the life of every boy and girl. The Bible says this about him: “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). Another important warning is given: “Be sober, be vigilant [watchful]; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour [destroy]” (1 Peter 5:8).
As our opening verse states, God has made us wiser than the fowls. This God-given wisdom tells us that there is a place of safety from the devil: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). Have you made Him your place of safety?
A Tale of Two Tails
Dear Children,
My letter to you this time will be partly happy and partly sad. I’ll tell you the sad part first, as I always like to finish my letters on the happy side.
You have read many happy stories about our dog Chelsea, a beautiful Dalmatian, and also about some of our other pets. But Chelsea was getting pretty old, and she had a big problem with her legs. The animal doctor sadly told us that she would not be able to walk anymore.
Yes, we enjoyed having Chelsea as our devoted, loyal companion for twelve years. Gramma and I were very sorry and sad to part with her. We buried her over by the tall pine trees. We both thanked God for giving us Chelsea for those happy years. As Gramma and I buried Chelsea, a number of Bible verses came to mind. One was Psalm 90:12, which says, “Teach us to number our days.” Now notice that the verse says “days” and not “years.”
“Why is that, Grampa?”
That’s a good question. Let’s look for the answer in Proverbs 27:1: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” And so, children, we live one day at a time! Chelsea had reached the end of her days, but we have many happy memories of her and lots of pictures.
“Will you get another dog, Grampa?”
Well, Gramma and I prayed to God about this very question. We are getting older, and we know that a puppy takes a lot of work and training. We still weren’t sure, but then one morning our phone rang.
When I answered the phone, the voice of a man whom we did not know said, “I hear you are looking for a Dalmatian dog. I have one here. He is five months old and needs a home. Will you take him?”
Wow! Gramma and I did not know what to say. So I said, “We will think about it.”
“Grampa, didn’t you and Gramma want the dog?”
Yes, Gramma and I wanted the dog, but at our age we know that a puppy means lots of work, so it was a big decision. So Gramma and I asked God for wisdom about what to do. We hope and trust that anyone who reads this story always takes time to ask for God’s help on any decision, big or little, in life.
A few days later the man called back about the dog, and we told him “yes,” we would take the dog. The man lived fifty miles away. When we drove to the house to pick up the dog, his three children were very sad, yet happy to see this last puppy of the litter going to a home where they knew he would be happy and well cared for.
So now we have another Dalmatian, and we’ve named him Wesley. As of today, he is seven months old. He has learned to sit up, sit down, beg, shake a paw, and catch food, and he knows his name. But he also gets into a lot of things that he is not supposed to. Wesley and our two cats, Mittens and Spunky, are great friends already. In fact, Wesley will go looking for Spunky if the cat is not at the back door in the morning. You see, Mittens and Spunky are barn cats, but they come to the house for breakfast.
Yes, this letter does have a happy ending. And for each person who reads this story, we hope and pray that when your life is finished, it will have a happy ending with the Lord Jesus in heaven. Psalm 144:15 says, “Happy is that people ... yea, happy is that people whose God is the Lord.”
Lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
A Great Discovery
In 1848, Jim Marshall was crossing a stream in California. Looking down, he spied a bright, shiny object in the water. He had discovered gold!
At first Jim thought he would keep his discovery a secret. But news of the discovery leaked out and traveled across the nation like a prairie fire. The California gold rush was on!
Soon prospectors flooded into California from all over. Men from every walk of life came to seek gold and their fortunes. Because many of the men made the trip to California in 1849, they became known as the “forty-niners.” California’s population exploded from 15,000 to 80,000 in that one year alone.
Only a handful of men struck it rich in a big way. The others had to work hard to earn a living.
Jim Marshall was the first to discover gold, and his discovery sparked the gold rush. However, there is a far greater discovery for each one of us to make in our lives. It is to learn that Christ, the Son of God, is the Saviour of sinners.
Jim Marshall was working at his everyday job when he made his discovery. And you, too, may be going about your everyday life when you learn of God’s great love in giving His Son to die for the sins of any who will accept Him as their Saviour. No discovery is so great as the discovery of realizing for the first time that “Christ died for me!”
It is by faith in Christ that we receive God’s gift of eternal life. Anyone who receives this gift is far richer than the man with the most gold in this world. “Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold ... but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
“I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:28).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Bacteria-Invisible but Important
“The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.” Romans 1:20
Bacteria are a tiny form of life. Some are so small that 50,000 lined up in a row would cover only one inch. Yet they are a very important part of God’s creation, and without them life as we know it could not exist. They are present in water and air, and a teaspoonful of garden soil contains billions of them.
What do they do? One main purpose is to break down other materials. Bacteria take chemicals from these materials and change them into forms that can be used by other living organisms. For instance, gardeners often make “compost piles” of grass clippings, leaves, kitchen garbage, weeds and other plant material, sometimes adding dirt and manure. Bacteria attack these materials, and the process of breaking them down generates heat. Different kinds of bacteria work this material over and over and, helped by the heat, change most of it into rich, soft humus. When added to gardens, this humus helps to produce good crops.
Other kinds of bacteria convert material into ammonia, which is picked up by the roots of plants. Some bacteria change materials to carbon dioxide, which is released into the air for use by plants and trees. Man uses certain bacteria to make butter, cheese, vinegar, yogurt and other food products.
Many billions of bacteria are inside your body. Most of the body’s bacteria are helpful and necessary to maintain life—one of the most important functions being the digestion of food. Without these bacteria, your body could not use much of the food you eat.
But some of the body’s bacteria are harmful, causing sickness and disease. Some harmful bacteria live on your teeth and others on your skin when they are not carefully cleaned. Bacteria cause cavities in your teeth, and when you cut yourself, those on your skin can cause infection or blood poisoning.
This makes us think of Satan, a greater enemy, who does great harm to us when we are careless about our manner of life. The Bible tells us that he “as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). When this evil one comes to us with his temptations, we should immediately turn to God and pray, just as King David did: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). God can deliver us out of any temptation.
Isn’t it wonderful how God has created such a tiny form of life to do such a big job? “God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27). Do you know our Creator as your God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Saviour?
Set 6
The Stolen Car
Whoever would think that having your car stolen would turn out to be a blessing? But God sometimes works in a way that tests our faith and supplies our needs at the same time.
We were visiting our friend Sharon and her two young children while her husband was out of town on business. On Saturday evening while we were chatting at the supper table, the subject of her car came up.
“Oh, yes. It’s a good little car, and I really depend on it,” Sharon said, “but it needs an oil change, and it needs the brakes checked, and some other things too.”
The next morning when we got up, Sharon asked us, “Did either of you drive my car this morning?”
“No, we don’t even know where you keep the keys,” I answered.
“This is strange,” she said. “It’s not in the driveway where I parked it yesterday.”
We both looked out the second-floor window. We could see the driveway and all around the neighborhood, but we didn’t see a little yellow car.
“We’d better pray about this,” I said. “It must have been stolen.”
I prayed first, that the car would be found. Then Sharon prayed for the person who had stolen the car, that whoever it was would find the tracts that were in it and read them and be saved by trusting in Christ’s precious shed blood.
Then Sharon picked up the phone to call her insurance agent. But she stopped. She said she knew he would be going to his Sunday morning worship service, so she put the phone down, saying, “I’ll wait until this afternoon. I wouldn’t want him to have this theft on his mind this morning ... it might interfere with his worshipping the Lord.”
After breakfast, we all left in our car for our worship service. After we came back, Sharon called her insurance agent and the police.
The police officer answering her call said, “Oh yes, we already have your car at the garage.” Then he went on to tell her that a photographer had been down at the railroad tracks taking pictures of the trains. He noticed a bright yellow car hidden in the tall grass where no one would be able to see it unless the person was standing right by the tracks. He had thought that it was a very unusual place to park a car, so he called the police, and they had picked it up.
When we drove Sharon to pick up her car, the people at the garage told her that the law required that they thoroughly inspect every stolen car, changing the oil, checking the brakes and putting each vehicle back into tiptop shape for the owner. So they loaned Sharon another car until they finished the required work on her car.
We left the garage with thanksgiving in our hearts for the Lord’s goodness. While we ate lunch together, we had a good chuckle over God’s method of providing car care. Then Sharon said, “This is just like what God says in Isaiah 65:24: ‘Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.’”
“That’s right,” said my husband. “And it reminds me of Philippians 4:19 too: ‘My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’”
Do you have a problem that’s bothering you? If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, it doesn’t matter if you are a little person or a big person; He wants you to tell Him about your problems. He delights to answer prayers, and He sometimes solves problems in unusual ways.
MEMORY VERSE: “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24
Safety First
At the cottage where the family was staying, the lake was over ten feet deep right off the end of the dock. Anna’s parents were quite worried about their little girl being around such deep water. They were afraid she might fall in and drown. They talked over what they should do about it and decided the best thing would be to teach Anna to swim. So they all got into their bathing suits and went down by the shore where the water was shallow.
First, Anna’s mother held her in the water and her daddy reached out his arms for her to come to him, just a few inches away. Anna sputtered and kicked, and soon she was in her daddy’s arms. Then her daddy held her in the water while her mother stretched out her arms and called Anna to come. By the end of the afternoon Anna was having a great time and could swim several feet.
Of course they didn’t want Anna to fall into the deep water, but they wanted her to be able to swim even just a few feet, in case she did. They wanted her to be ready.
If you should fall into the deep waters of death, would you be ready for eternity? Have you trusted in the strong, loving arms of the Lord Jesus who can carry you safely into heaven?
“Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).
God is listening. He loves you even more than Anna’s parents love her, and He doesn’t want you to fall into the waters of death unprepared. If you have not come to Him to have your sins forgiven, call to Him for forgiveness right away. He assures us that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). That’s all that is necessary to be ready for an eternity with Christ in heaven.
Don’t you want to be safe and sure that you are ready for heaven?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Friendly Ladybird Beetle
“O Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1
How often have you watched a pretty little ladybird beetle (or ladybug), with its orange-red body covered with black polka dots, crawl over your finger and said: “Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home; your house is on fire, your children will burn”? Of course, we really wouldn’t want her children to burn, because these insects are one of man’s best friends.
These colorful beetles save growers millions of dollars every year. All the tiny insects they eat on citrus trees is one of our greatest benefits. Another is in the control of the Colorado potato bug, which is a serious pest all over North America. They also eat aphids, as well as many other plant-eating insects.
The female lays up to two hundred eggs, depositing them in cracks of bark or under leaves in areas where aphids live. When the larvae hatch, they immediately devour the aphids. After a few weeks of eating at a great rate, a larva reaches full size. God-given instinct tells it to attach itself by its tail to the underside of a leaf where it forms a shiny chrysalis. Later it emerges as a fully developed ladybug, able to fly from one place to another, eating harmful insects in great quantities.
Our pretty friend has been provided with two unusual means of escape from its enemies. It can produce a foul-smelling fluid that makes it unattractive to its enemy. If this fails, it can “play possum,” and the would-be captor, thinking it is dead, will often leave it alone.
In late autumn the ladybugs hibernate, some going into buildings and some under the bark of dead trees or other sheltered places. In the western states, millions of them fly long distances to the mountains and hide in the rocks. One group was estimated to contain 750 million! In the mountains, the dormant ladybugs are hunted by collectors and shoveled into sacks to be refrigerated until spring. Then they are sold to orchardists and farmers, who are happy to buy them to place among their trees and plants.
God, who created these helpful little creatures, uses them so wonderfully to aid mankind. It should make us wonder in what way we may serve Him? The Psalmist said, “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves” (Psalm 100:2-3). The Lord Himself invites us to serve Him. He has said, “If any man serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be: if any man serve Me, him will My Father honor” (John 12:26). If we know Him as our very own Lord and Saviour, it is a real privilege to serve Him.
The Candles That Wouldn't Go Out
I was sitting in my recliner chair with my grandson sitting on my lap. Reid had just turned two years old, and we were looking at his birthday pictures. The week before, his mother and father had taken him out of town to celebrate his birthday with his other grandparents and aunts and uncles.
Unknown to the others at the birthday party, one of the young uncles had put non-extinguishable candles on Reid’s birthday cake. These candles are the kind that keep relighting by themselves. When it was time for Reid to blow out the candles, he blew on them with a mighty blow, and they all went out. But a few seconds later, the two candles were burning brightly again! He blew again, and the same thing happened—each candle suddenly had a bright flame again and continued to burn.
Upset, Reid began to cry. His mother scolded her brother and changed to regular candles on the cake. Once more Reid gave a mighty blow, and both candles went out ... and stayed that way.
As Reid and I looked through the pictures, we came to one showing the pretty decorated cake with the two candles shining brightly and a little boy crying. As we looked at the sad picture, I said, “Couldn’t you blow out the candles, Reid?” “No,” he wailed and began crying again. I comforted him and told him that sometimes people like to play tricks on someone, not realizing they are going to upset the person, and they are sorry afterwards.
When the Lord Jesus was here on earth, He said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). For over two thousand years, Satan, the enemy of our souls, has been trying to extinguish that light, but he has not succeeded. The light of the gospel is still shining in this dark world, and souls are being saved every day.
When Reid was a little older, he confessed to Jesus that he was a sinner and needed Him to wash his sins away. What the Word of God says in 2 Corinthians 4:6 became true for Reid: “God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
As believers, we are to display that light: “[You] were sometimes darkness, but now are [you] light in the Lord: walk as children of light” (Ephesians 5:8). Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
When Reid graduated from college, he became friends with a girl who did not know the story of Jesus. He began to tell her that God loved her so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for her so that her sins could be washed away.
One evening when Reid went to visit her, she met him at the door with good news. She said, “Last night I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.” How happy they both were! He was happy because he had let his light shine in telling her the way to be saved. And she was happy because she now had the light of Jesus Christ in her soul. They were eventually married and are happily going on as lights for the Lord Jesus, telling family and friends about their Saviour.
If you are already saved, don’t hide your candle under something: “Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a [basket], but on a candlestick; and it [gives] light unto all that are in the house” (Matthew 5:15). This is one time when it’s good to have a candle shining brightly that can’t be extinguished.
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
Merlot Comes Home
If Merlot could talk, what a story he could tell! Merlot is the name of a pretty, fluffy cat. He disappeared June 21, 2008, when he was eleven months old. His owners said, “We thought for sure that he must have gotten killed by a wild animal, because he was really small.”
Many months later and about one hundred miles away, the cat was picked up and taken to an animal rescue hospital. They were able to trace his owners by a microchip in the cat’s neck. The microchip gave the name, address and phone number of the owner.
Sixteen months after the cat disappeared, on November 8, 2009, the owners received a call from the rescue people about the missing cat. The lady who answered said she had almost forgotten about the cat, but when Merlot was described to her, she knew it was their lost pet.
Do you know who will never forget about you, even if you are still lost from Him? If you are still in your sins, you are lost from God, but He is not willing to give up finding you. Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of Man [the Lord Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” He loves you so much He died for you. Will you let Him find you and save you from your sins?
Merlot came back just as friendly as he was before he left his home. It seemed that kind people had cared for him, and he looked clean and healthy. The family was overjoyed to have their loving pet back home.
And when you come to the Lord Jesus to have your sins washed away, the Bible tells us that there will be much joy and happiness. “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Importance of the Oceans
“God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:10
The oceans cover about three-fourths of the world’s surface. Although God created billions of stars and planets, none except the earth, as far as we know, has more than a trace of water on it. This is understandable, for He had special purposes in mind when He made the earth. “He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18). The abundance of water found on the earth is essential to the preservation of every form of life He placed here.
Without the oceans, great extremes of temperature would make life impossible, since it is the action of the oceans that makes up for the uneven heating of the sun. The earth receives the greatest amount of heat at the equator. The heat becomes less and less north or south of the equator, making the North and South Poles very cold. Millions of people, along with plant and animal life, live between the equator and these icy poles. This would not be possible if it were not for the oceans’ effect on the climate.
As the sun heats the waters near the equator, they expand, creating currents that move to the north and south. These currents travel thousands of miles and, because warm water rises, they carry the heated water on the surface. And since cold water falls, the cold water the currents meet drops below and flows in the opposite direction—back towards the equator where they are warmed, and the process is repeated.
Warm ocean waters are a large reservoir of heat that has a great influence on air temperatures. Great amounts of heat are stored in these sun-heated waters. This heat is not lost through radiation as fast as it is from land. That is why the air above the oceans is cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than the air above land.
Solomon wrote: “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full: unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again” (Ecclesiastes 1:7). His observation was true. The flow of waters into the oceans is balanced by evaporation, and the seas never overflow! Only a divine Creator could so delicately control these great actions so that they are always in balance.
It is estimated that in one hour the heat of the sun will evaporate over five thousand tons of water from one square mile of ocean. Think of the great amount of vapor that is lifted into the skies when the sun shines on millions of miles of ocean!
Surely God’s ways are past finding out. Isn’t it amazing to consider that He made the oceans to contribute to the comforts of His creatures? Have you ever thought about His ways and purposes for you?
Don't Join the Crowd!
Forty-two children make quite a crowd. And when they all shout the same thing, it makes lots of noise, and it’s fun. But when they are shouting words that are mocking someone, that is wrong! Do you know what the word “mocking” means? It means to make fun of someone or to insult the person. You may know what it feels like to have someone make fun of you. It makes you unhappy and want to run away. And if it’s a big group of children all making fun of you, that makes it even worse!
Now listen to this story about Elisha. He had just seen a wonderful sight. He had seen his dear friend Elijah go up to heaven in a whirlwind, with a chariot of fire and horses of fire. Fifty men had gone to search for him, but, of course, they couldn’t find him ... Elijah was in heaven.
I wonder what those forty-two children had heard about Elijah and Elisha. There were no telephones or cell phones or e-mail to pass the news around, but everybody had heard the story. And to some, it was just a story.
What is it to you? If God tells a story, is it just another tale, and it doesn’t matter if you get it all wrong? We are very sure that God’s Word is true, and we don’t dare change it or laugh at what God has said.
To those forty-two children at Bethel, it was just a funny story about Elijah going up to heaven. When they saw Elisha go by, they shouted at him to go up too. They said, Go up, bald head! And they said it again, mocking Elisha. Maybe Elisha had lost the hair on his head, but God tells us to respect old age.
Would you have joined in their shouting if you had been there? God says, “Thou shalt not follow a [crowd] to do evil” (Exodus 23:2). It is important to obey the Word of God, and even if you must stand alone, God stands with you!
Elisha knew that this was a serious thing for children to do, and he turned and cursed them in the Name of the Lord. Those children very suddenly stopped their mocking, and they probably started screaming instead. God controls what animals do, and God sent two mother bears out of the forest to attack them. Those two angry bears had claws, and they tore those forty-two children. There’s nothing so angry as a mother bear, and this time God directed the bears’ anger against the mocking children.
Maybe as you and I read this story, we can remember when we were as bad as those children. God hates sin now just as He hated it then. Should I be afraid? Will bears or something else attack me? Listen to the good news.
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). He also tells us, “Perfect love [casts] out fear” (1 John 4:18). I don’t know where those children could have run for safety, but I know where you can run. Right now there is refuge and safety in Jesus Himself. He took all the anger of God against sin—all of it—so completely that He could say, “It is finished” (John 19:30). His love casts out fear, forever!
I don’t know what may happen in your life before He comes, but I know you will never have to bear your troubles alone. His promise is, “I will never leave [you], nor forsake [you]” (Hebrews 13:5). If you are afraid, come closer to Him and see how His perfect love casts out fear.
You may read this story about Elijah, Elisha and those 42 mocking children in 2 Kings, chapter 2.
MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.” Exodus 23:2
A prisoner was trying to escape from his cell. Somehow he had gotten a small saw and cut the bars from the cell window. He also made a long rope by tying together his clothes so he could go down, hand over hand, to the ground two stories below.
But the rope of clothes was not strong enough for his weight. It came apart, and he fell to the ground and broke his leg. Even so, and in spite of terrible pain, he was able to stand up and escape to the forest nearby. He walked for many days, looking for a place to hide. But the pain from his broken leg, along with hunger and thirst, made him so weak that the police caught up with him. He was taken back to prison.
We are all born prisoners of sin and try different ways to escape from our sins. Some of us try to escape through good works, while others of us look for a religion that might give us freedom. But these ways are only weak ropes made of dirty clothes that we wear to try to cover our sin. Sooner or later those ropes break, and we fall into unhappiness and suffering. And, at the end of our lives, death and punishment for our sins is ahead in the lake of fire. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
But this isn’t God’s plan for you and me. He loves us and has already prepared a way of escape that does not depend on something we have to do. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into this world to save sinners. He died on the cross and took on Himself the punishment for sin. Now He invites you and me to leave the ropes made of rags we are carrying and trust in Him, the only Saviour God can accept. Only those who trust Jesus have been freed from the terrible prison of sin and will be taken, very soon, to His home in heaven.
“We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses [good works] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). “He that [believes] on the Son [has] everlasting life: and he that [believes] not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God [abides] upon him” (John 3:36).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Scoundrel Birds
“O Lord my God, Thou art very great; Thou ... [dost send] the springs into the valleys.... By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.” Psalm 104:1-12
The sight and sounds of birds usually produce pleasant thoughts; many of them cheer us with their pretty colors and sweet songs. But this is not true of all birds. Certain species are too lazy to build their own nests and hatch their young, forcing others to do this work for them.
Cuckoos often lay eggs in the nests of robins, warblers, sparrows, magpies and even crows. Some of them lay as many as a dozen eggs during nesting season, placing just one in each nest. They do this while the nest’s owner is away, and on her return she is unaware of the new egg, so it hatches along with her own. Though the baby cuckoo is not at all like the mother’s own chicks, she feeds and cares for it as if it were her own, even when it grows to be twice as big as she is!
The cowbird sometimes takes over the nest of another bird. On occasion she will roll out the owner-bird’s eggs, lay her own and take over the nest, not allowing the other bird to return to it.
The males of the honeyguide species will attack a bird sitting on its own nest, forcing it to fly off. Then his mate comes and lays her egg for the nest’s owner to hatch. Young honeyguides are vicious and peck to death the chicks of the true mother when they hatch. All birds that do this are called “parasites” and have similar bad habits, either killing their nest mates or pushing the eggs out of the nest.
These adult birds do not always get away with these activities. Sometimes a bird realizes a strange egg is present, rolls it out of the nest or leaves it and makes a new nest, laying eggs of her own. The house wren and yellow warbler are not easily fooled. Seeing an egg of a different color or size, the wren punctures it and pushes it out. The warbler simply builds another nest on top of the original, laying new eggs and letting the other egg spoil. If crows or robins catch these scoundrel birds doing these things, several will work together to chase them away and often kill them.
Certain finches, ducks, orioles and weavers also follow these bad practices. Their behavior makes us think of Satan who is always looking for an opportunity to put his thoughts into our hearts and minds. The Lord Jesus said of him, “The same is a thief and a robber” (John 10:1). In contrast, He spoke of Himself, saying, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (John 10:9). Are you letting Satan into your life, or have you entered through the Living Door to know God’s salvation?
The Markers Within Reach
Little Danny was bored. It wasn’t much fun to have one of his brothers at school and the other brother out playing with the neighbor boy. But, being a typical three-year-old, it didn’t take Danny long to find something to do—especially since his mother was busy in the kitchen.
Wandering through the living room, he discovered one of his favorite things to play with—markers! His brother had left them within Danny’s reach when he went outside to play. Even though Danny knew that his mother didn’t want him to play with them, he just couldn’t resist his brother’s marker set—especially the nice big black one! If he played very quietly with it, maybe Mother would not find out what he was doing.
Off came the cap of the big black marker. He touched the damp, inky tip and squished it against his fingers. Then he started drawing on his hands. This was more fun than drawing on paper! But suddenly Danny wasn’t thinking anymore about how much fun it was. He set the marker down and looked at his hands. What a mess they were! Now Mother would find out what he had been doing!
The quietness of Danny’s play made his mother do some checking, and when Danny looked up from his inky, black hands, his eyes met his mother’s. She didn’t look happy. Danny knew he had done wrong, and there was the ink all over his hands to tell his mother what he had been doing.
Often we are tempted to do things that we know are not right, thinking that we will get away with it if no one finds out. But there is One, our loving God and Father, who sees, hears, and knows everything. Danny’s mother often sang to him this little Sunday school song:
Oh, be careful, little hands, what you do,
Oh, be careful, little hands, what you do,
There’s a Father up above looking down in tender love,
Oh, be careful, little hands, what you do.
Every one of us needs to remember that God has said, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
Mother scolded Danny and warned him not to play with pens and markers again, unless he asked her first. It was a big job trying to get all that black ink off Danny’s hands.
Sometimes there are things in our hearts that we know are wrong, but we don’t want to give them up. We need to talk to the Lord Jesus about them and tell Him about these sins in our hearts.
Mother’s scolding and the long scrubbing of his hands to clean them didn’t change Danny’s heart. Only God can change a heart. Danny still wanted to play with pens and markers without asking.
A few days later Danny found a blue pen on the table that Mother was using for writing her grocery list. This time he took it with him out to the deck at the back of the house. It was a pretty day, and he could have lots of fun with the pen out there ... where Mother wouldn’t see him. Danny didn’t have any paper with him, so he used the next best thing—his legs. Up and down he scribbled, from his socks all the way up over his knees and on up his legs. Pretty soon he had blue ink all over them.
Again his mother found him. This time Danny had to be punished and then scrubbed and scrubbed to get his legs clean.
There was something else dirty about Danny. It was his heart. Disobeying and self-will are sins and make hearts dirty, and there is only one thing that can clean hearts from sin. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, He bore the punishment for sin and shed His precious blood to wash sins away. Nothing else will do. “Though thou wash thee ... and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before Me, saith the Lord God” (Jeremiah 2:22). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “Come now ... saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).
Have you let the Lord Jesus wash your heart clean from all your sins? He is waiting for you to come to Him about them.
MEMORY VERSE: “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23
Can God See Us?
“Can God see us in our house?” asked three-year-old David as he looked at the star-filled sky above him. His grandmother had just reminded him of his Sunday school memory verse—”Thou God seest me” (Genesis 16:13).
“Yes, He can see us in the house,” said Grandmother. “And He can even see us at night.”
“But we close the curtains on our windows at night,” was David’s reply.
David’s grandmother patiently explained how God can see everything we do, He can hear everything we say, and He knows everything we think. So there is no hiding from Him. Children are not the only ones who think it is possible to hide from God. Teens and grown-ups both sometimes think this way about their sins. But God has said, “There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed [uncovered]; neither hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 12:2). God does not want us to try to hide from Him but to admit our sins to Him. “He that [covers] his sins shall not prosper: but whoso [confesses] and [forsakes] them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Big Hippopotamus
“God made the beast of the earth after his kind ... and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:25
The hippopotamus is a huge, three- to four-ton animal. It grows to fourteen feet long and five to six feet high. Next to the elephant, it is the world’s heaviest land animal. Its enormous head has tiny ears and small eyes on each side of its lumpy forehead. It is equipped with a sharp-toothed mouth that can cut a crocodile in half with one bite or bite another hippo viciously when they are fighting.
The Creator has provided this water-loving beast with nostrils located on its large snout so that it can lie underwater with just the top of its snout above water. If it goes completely under, valves automatically close so it can stay down for five minutes or more.
Short, thick legs with wide feet are spaced far apart to support its great weight when on land. Yet a hippo can gallop with surprising speed and can easily outrun a man. It lives in streams, rivers or lakes where mud baths are available. Besides its usual diet of water plants, it goes ashore at times to feed on grass and rough vegetation. A mature hippo eats about two hundred pounds of vegetation a day.
A mother hippo usually gives birth to one, fifty- to seventy-pound baby a year. A baby hippo is rather ugly, with its big head and loose skin over rolls of fat, but the mother guards it carefully and often lets it ride on top of her head. The baby hippo nurses for over a year.
A hippo’s skin is about two inches thick, with many wrinkles that attract irritating insects. Knowing this, a variety of birds ride on the hippo’s back to feast on these pests. The hippo seems to realize these riders are helpful and does not scare them away. This is another example of how the Creator often provides two extremely different creatures to benefit each other. Another provision of His care is how hippos avoid sunburn when out of water in the hot African sunshine. Glands lying just under their skin moisten it, much like sunscreen protects your skin.
As we consider the care the Lord God gives every creature, we are reminded that His care towards us is even more wonderful. Animals have only one life, but we have a soul that lives forever, even after death. While most people hope to be in heaven, many forget that no one can enter that sinless place still in their sins, and they need to follow the Bible’s instruction: “Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).
Happily we read how God planned for this: “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). Each of us must make this our own personal belief. Each needs to confess to the Lord Jesus that he or she is a sinner and in faith accept Him as Saviour. Have you done this?
Set 7
Be in Time!
I like fast trains, so whenever we travel in Europe, I am excited to ride the rails. Commuter trains in Western Europe go fast, often around 80 miles per hour, even on short trips. And the bullet trains go really fast, up to 186 miles per hour!
At each stop along the line, passengers get on and off. Sometimes the doors on the train are closed as it is waiting, but you can press a button beside the door to open it. There is a serious moment at each stop when the conductor closes all the doors for the last time. Because these trains run on a schedule, you must get on or off the train quickly. First the conductor loudly blows a warning whistle. Sometimes people jump on just in time at this last warning. Then the doors shut tight. I have seen people come running frantically to the closest coach after the doors close and press the button earnestly, trying to open the door. But it does not open; they are too late! Those latecomers’ faces often show disappointment and frustration.
Are you going to be “on time” for salvation? Have you put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ? Or are you waiting around until it may be too late? You need to accept Him as your Saviour NOW, so that your sins will be washed away, making you ready for heaven. “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). You need to be saved NOW, because death can happen at any moment to any person. Even more important than that, the opportunity to be saved closes when the Lord Jesus returns to take all who have believed on His name to heaven. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Most people think that they are good enough for heaven but don’t realize how holy God really is. God hates sin! The Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Without trusting in the Lord Jesus, you can do nothing to save yourself. “Without faith it is impossible to please ... God” (Hebrews 11:6).
We were riding the bullet train and had arrived at our stop in an underground station. The train would continue nonstop to Paris. We quickly got off the train with our bags. A family behind us was calmly taking their time. The mother got off, then another woman, and then they helped the children down. Slowly they unloaded their suitcases. The two men still inside the train were chatting and doing something with another suitcase. Suddenly the warning whistle blew and the doors closed!
“Papa,” one of the children cried. But their father didn’t seem concerned. He tried to open the door from the inside by pressing the “door open” button. He and his friend seemed surprised when it didn’t open. He tried again. Then he seemed alarmed! He began punching and banging the door! His wife outside began to shout to him, but they couldn’t hear each other. The children began screaming, “Papa, Papa!” and their mother huddled down beside them on the platform. The other woman ran as fast as she could to the front of the train to try to catch the attention of the engineer. She shouted and waved her arms.
We knew how serious their situation was. The long nose of that train was pointed down the black tunnel to travel nonstop to Paris. These men were about to be separated from their families for quite a long time, just because they were too slow to get off the train. And there they stood, looking out the door window at the crying children and their silent mother on the platform with nothing they could do.
I know you would like to hear me say that we found a solution for them, but there was absolutely nothing we could do to help. But I can report that as we were climbing the stairs to go aboveground, I saw the engineer’s head poke out the window, and the frantic woman at the head of the train tried to tell him what had happened over the noise of the engine. That engineer had the ability to open the door, which he did for those men. If he had not heard that woman who ran to the head of the train, he would never have known about that situation, and the train would have left the station with the men still inside.
Those two men had a second chance, but God’s Word never says there will be a second chance for people who reject Christ. People like to think that there could be such a thing as a second chance, but the Bible does not teach that. The time to call on God’s grace and mercy is now! In the time of Noah’s ark, judgment was announced, and the way of escape was made. God left the door of the ark open for seven days for anyone who wanted to go in to be safe with the eight people who were already inside. It was free salvation for anyone who believed God’s message. Then God shut the door. After it began to rain and the floods came, the people outside would most certainly have changed their minds about getting into the ark. Noah did not see their agony—the only window was in the roof. But if he had seen them pleading with him to open the door, what could he have done? Nothing! God had shut the door.
God has set before you an open door. BE IN TIME!
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
MEMORY VERSE: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Marvel of Birds' Eggs - Part 1
“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
There are over nine thousand known species of birds in the world, making up many millions that are active every day. In springtime millions of birds’ eggs are in nests throughout the world in a great variety of sizes, shapes, colors and markings. The smallest (some no larger than a pea) are those of a hummingbird, and the largest are those of an ostrich, twenty-four times as large as a chicken’s egg.
Each part of an egg is important. A substance called albumen surrounds the yolk, and the shell holds it all together. The yolk provides food for the almost-invisible cell that will eventually become a bird, and albumen (the white part in a hard-boiled egg) provides moisture. But food and moisture would do no good if the developing bird couldn’t get oxygen or get rid of the deadly carbon dioxide given off with every breath. Calcium is also needful so strong bones can form.
How can all of this take place when the new life is completely surrounded by the shell? The Creator has wisely designed the shell with tiny holes (pores) that can only be seen with a microscope, but which allow air to enter and carbon dioxide to leave. The shell also gives off part of its own calcium for the calcium needs of its tiny resident. An extra supply of air is also stored in a separate area at the end where the chick’s head will form and, by using its special “egg tooth,” will break out of the shell. This takes lots of energy, and without the extra air supply the little chick would never make it. So you see, an egg is really a far more wonderful plan of the Creator than we can fully understand.
The body of the mother or father bird sitting on the eggs gives just the right amount of warmth to help the little bird to develop. While sitting on the nest, a God-given instinct tells the parent to turn each egg over from time to time so that the yolk stays in the center and all parts get their share of heat.
Scientists can examine eggs and the manner in which so many varieties are formed but cannot understand how this all came about, unless they acknowledge that it was the Lord God who created and now preserves them. God’s Word, the Bible, tells us, “God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ... that no flesh [person] should glory in His presence. But of Him are ye [Christians] in Christ Jesus ... that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:27-31). Do you acknowledge your Creator?
(to be continued)
What Saved Ah Tzu?
Ah Tzu groaned with pain and struggled to get free. Moments before, he had been chopping wildly at the tree whose branches now pinned him to the ground. He hadn’t been as careful as he should have been, and the tree had toppled the wrong way. If only he hadn’t been in such a hurry! But after spending the day on the mountains watching Auntie’s goats, he had been talking to another goat herder and had forgotten about getting wood for Auntie’s evening fire.
Ah Tzu lived with the woman he called “Auntie,” but she was not his aunt and had no real love for him. She had rescued him from the cabin where his mother had died when he was a tiny baby. Auntie had raised him with her own family since that day. Now that he was big enough to take care of her goats and get her firewood, at least he earned his keep. But life was hard—so hard that when he had overheard a stranger talking about a new God that came from heaven to die for us so we could live forever, Ah Tzu had turned away. He didn’t want to live forever if it meant living like he lived now.
The boy’s wild struggles to get free from the big tree were useless. He began shouting, hoping someone would hear and come to help him. No one did. Then he thought of the gods Auntie worshipped and called on them to help him. Instead of help, he heard the call of a mountain wolf in the distance.
The sun sank, and Ah Tzu realized with terror that he might die right there. Soon the wolves might come, and he would be helpless to defend himself.
But then he remembered the stranger preaching in his village about the God who died for us. What was it that she had said?
“His name is Ye-su (Jesus), and if you believe in Him, you will live forever. He loves every one of you, and when you call to Him, He will answer you.”
Well, he hadn’t wanted to live forever when he first heard the stranger talking, but knowing he might die that night, he suddenly thought it would be worth calling on this new God for help. And so he said, “Oh, Jesus, please look at me and help me! I will die tonight if You do not hear me!”
The night was still. Suddenly he heard a tremendous crack of thunder, and a strong wind came up from the valley below him. It caught the big branches of the tree and gradually turned it over, sending it hurtling down the side of the mountain.
It took a moment for Ah Tzu to figure out exactly what had happened. But finally he stood up, amazed at the miracle that Jesus had done for him. His arm was still crushed, but he forgot the pain in the pure joy of being saved from death. He whispered, “Thank-you, Jesus, for hearing and answering my prayer.” The flashes of lightning lit his way as he raced home, and the claps of thunder did not frighten him.
Before he turned to the Lord Jesus to help him, Ah Tzu had come to a hopeless place in his life and needed a miracle. What about you? Do you know that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15)? God loved all the people in this world so much that He sent His Son to die for us, so we can go to His happy home in heaven when we leave this world. But this free gift of eternal life in heaven can only be yours if you accept it. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). You don’t have to do anything to be saved from the penalty for your sins; simply believe that Jesus has done it all for you on the cross and accept Him as your very own Saviour. He loves you and wants to have you live forever with Him in heaven.
But if you refuse to accept this gift of God’s love, you will have to pay the penalty for your sins in that awful place the Bible calls “the lake of fire.” “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
Will you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your very own Saviour right now and be saved? “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13
“They’re for you!” said my six-year-old son, Mark, as he handed me a wilted bunch of dandelions.
“Why, thank you,” I said as he proudly gave them to me. “I think they need some water. Why don’t you get a glass for them.” Mark quickly got a glass of water so the flowers could “have a drink,” and we put them on the table for the whole family to see.
You know, dandelions are everywhere—in the city, in the country, and along the roadsides. I don’t think I’ve been any place where they don’t grow. The yellow flowers are such a bright color that they attract our attention. Yet, in just a few days the pretty flowers are gone, and in their places are gray puffballs that children like to pick and blow. Isaiah writes in the Bible of the flower fading (Isaiah 40:7). How important it is to have that new life in Christ “that [fades] not away” (1 Peter 1:4).
The roots of dandelions grow so very deep that they seem to be a part of the earth. If we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we become “one with Him.” He has given us a new life that cannot be separated from Him. The Lord Jesus said, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:28).
Do you have that “new life”? Time is short, so don’t put off accepting Jesus as your Saviour. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Marvel of Birds' Eggs - Part 2
“Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air.” Genesis 2:19
Among the millions of eggs in birds’ nests throughout the world, some are round and others are oval or pear-shaped. They have a wide range of colors and markings—from pure white to pink, brown, blue, green, yellow and even black.
It is a provision of the Creator to use an egg’s coloring primarily to match its surroundings so it can’t be easily seen. For instance, those of many desert birds match the color of the sand, rocks or brush around them. A striking example of how the pretty, soft-pink color can conceal an egg from its enemies is found in the egg of the African sand grouse. She makes her nest on the ground underneath a camel’s foot tree, which has leaves the same color as the eggs. When the leaves fall around or into the nest, the eggs are almost impossible to see.
Eggs of owls, woodpeckers, kingfishers and many other burrowing birds are always white, so the parents can easily see them in their dark homes. Another example of the Creator’s provision is the plovers that nest on sandy or rocky ground. Their eggs are entirely covered with markings that perfectly match the sand or gravel on which the nest rests.
With seabirds that make their homes on rocky cliffs without using a nest, the Creator has arranged an exception to uniform coloring. In a small, crowded space where eggs laid by many birds of the same kind lie almost next to each other on the bare rock, amazingly, the color of each bird’s eggs are often different from those of its nearby neighbor. Otherwise no mother would be sure which were her own.
Occasionally, nests easily seen contain brightly colored eggs that seem to invite being snatched by nest robbers, but instead they are left undisturbed. That is because these eggs have a very bitter taste. No matter how hungry a snake, mongoose or other robber might be, after one experience they definitely are not interested in eating another.
The variety of egg shapes is also of interest. Many seashore birds, such as those already mentioned that lay their eggs on the bare ledge of a cliff without a nest to hold them, have eggs that are pointed on one end and large on the other. When these eggs are accidentally bumped, they won’t roll over the edge and be destroyed; they just spin around in a circle.
We know birds never give a thought to the wonderful design of their eggs, but we can easily see that they are special provisions of the Creator. A Bible verse tells us, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 145:9). This includes you. Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness and tender mercies toward you?
The Story of Seth
Have you heard the story of Seth who we read about in the Bible? His father was the only man in the world who never was a little boy, and his mother was the only woman in the world who never was a little girl. Have you figured out who they were? Here’s another clue: Seth’s father was made of the dust of the ground, and his mother was made from her husband’s rib. Now do you know? Keep reading for the answer.
Since God is true, we are sure that the Word of God is true, and this is God’s story. It is not made up by men who were just guessing because they were not there. You can read this story about Seth in Genesis 4:25 to 5:8.
God called Seth’s parents by the name Adam. He had the same name for both of them, and perhaps your father and mother have the same last name too. That is God’s way.
Seth was the third child in the family. He might have had two older brothers, named Cain and Abel, but there was jealousy in Cain’s heart, and that spoiled everything. I think each of us can understand that the sin of jealousy spoils many people and many things.
The time came for an offering to the Lord, and Cain brought a very nice offering of fruit from the ground. Wouldn’t God be pleased with that? I expect you and I might be pleased, but God looks right down into the heart, and what he saw in Cain’s heart were the sins of pride and jealousy. Cain deserved death for his sins, and his offering showed that he did not care.
Here’s the problem. I have the sins of pride and jealousy in my heart too, and so do you. We also deserve death for our sins. There is only one hope for us, and that is the death of a Substitute in our place.
Abel brought the best sheep of his flock for His offering to God. It was killed as the substitute for the sinner, and blood poured out. God accepted his offering.
There was time for Cain to do the same, but Cain boiled with anger because his brother’s offering was accepted and his offering wasn’t. Maybe you understand this feeling too. You know someone who is saved by the precious blood of Jesus, but you aren’t. There is still time for you today. There is room for you to be saved by the precious blood of Jesus. He loves you and wants to be your Substitute so you can be saved too. Don’t let anger keep you away.
Cain was so angry that he killed Abel his brother, and that was the first death and the first murder in the world’s history, but it certainly was not the last. After killing his brother, Cain was afraid and utterly miserable, so he moved away. His descendants made wonderful things out of metal and invented the harp and other musical instruments. Maybe they forgot the whole ugly past, but forgetting does not take the sin away.
After that Adam and Eve had Seth and many more sons and daughters. Seth lived 912 years, so he had time for a big family and many grandchildren and great grandchildren.
We don’t know much about Cain’s family, but we do know one very, very wonderful thing about Seth’s family. If you read in Luke 3:38, you’ll find his name. Thousands of years later and many generations later, he had a granddaughter named Mary whom God chose to be the mother of Jesus while she was still a virgin. So Seth was an ancestor of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in between those times, he had a grandson named Shem who was in the ark with Noah.
These things were God’s secret. The devil knew a little, but not much, and he tried hard to break that line which brought our Lord Jesus into the world, but he couldn’t change God’s unbreakable promise.
Are you truly saved? If so, the devil and all his wicked angels cannot take you to hell. If you aren’t saved, no one else but the Lord Jesus can save you. If He died for you, don’t you think He loves you? Will you trust Him now?
“The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
Jesus First Loved You
One day, Susan, a young girl, went to talk to a man who loved Jesus very much. She thought he would be able to help her. She had a big problem in her young life, and this problem was that she did not think she loved Jesus. Susan really wanted to love Him, so she told this older man her problem. He said, “My dear Susan, don’t think about your love for Jesus. Think about His love for you! Keep saying over and over, ‘Jesus loves me.’ Say it many, many times, and then come see me tomorrow.”
Susan did just what the wise older man suggested. The next day when she went back to see him, the man could see from her face that now she was happy. Susan told him, “Now I love Jesus. How can I help but love Him!”
You and I can also think of how much the Lord Jesus loves us, and soon we’ll find we love Him very much in return. The Bible says, “We love Him, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). If your heart is feeling sad or empty, do what Susan did. Don’t look at how much you love Jesus, but think of how much He loves you. Soon you too will be able to say, “How can I help but love Him!”
“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation [acceptable sacrifice] for our sins” (1 John 4:10).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Marvel of Birds' Nests
“Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young.” Psalm 84:3
We have been looking at birds’ eggs and some of the unusual nests built by birds in various parts of the world. With most nesting birds, the female picks the spot and starts to build the nest by herself. The male bird may show up later and not approve of his mate’s work and make her change it or do it over again. Or sometimes he will rearrange the work she has already done.
Many birds do not even make nests. In last week’s article we looked at the seabirds that lay their eggs on bare rocks. Others, like the royal tern, just make a slight bowl-shaped spot in the sand where one egg is laid fully exposed. Often thousands of terns do this as a group, with the sandy “nests” nearly touching each other. Penguins, flamingos and many other birds nest in similar huge groups. Their nests are close together, yet when each mother returns from gathering food, she knows which nest is hers.
The European cuckoo, too lazy to build her own nest, invades another bird’s while the owner is away. She knocks out one of the existing eggs and lays one of her own, which matches almost perfectly those already there. When the true mother returns, she is unaware of what has happened. When the little cuckoo eventually hatches, the true mother accepts it and raises it even though it doesn’t look like her own babies.
The softest nest of all is made by the eider duck in the maritime provinces of Canada. The mother duck plucks enough down from her own body to make a soft, warm, comfortable lining for her eggs and the ducklings that will eventually hatch.
An ornithologist once wrote, “How well suited the lining of a bird’s nest is, not only for the comfort of the young, but to keep the eggs from breaking. The tender and brittle eggs, which you can hardly carry in cotton, lie there without harm.”
Certainly the wonders of God’s creation are not hard to see in every phase of bird life. He looks after even the lowly sparrow as well as the more exotic birds for their whole life span. But King David, who wrote the opening Bible verse, was also thinking of the goodness of the Lord Jesus to the people of the earth when He invited them to let Him be their Shepherd and Saviour, with a promise not only for this life, but for the life hereafter. King David wrote, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6). If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you can also apply to yourself what King David wrote.
As Mrs. Torrey cleaned up her kitchen, she thought how strange the weather was for this time of year. It was January and unusually warm—almost 70 degrees! The sky was growing dark and it looked as if they were in for a storm. As she looked out the kitchen window, she could see the trees swaying in the wind.
Hearing the rumble of thunder, Mrs. Torrey suddenly remembered that her little dog was outside. She dried her hands and went to the front door to call her dog. As she opened the door, a flash of lightning clearly showed a tornado off in the distance and coming toward the house! Horrified, she urgently called, “Tippy, Tippy, come, quickly!” She searched the growing darkness for the little dog and frantically called again, “Tippy!” The little dog sprang into the house, and together they hurried to the basement stairs to go down to a safe spot. As Mrs. Torrey started down the steps, she knew that the tornado had already reached them. She could hear the fury of the wind and the frightening roar of the tornado.
Storms often speak to us of judgment. Exodus 9:23-24 tells us what happened in the land of Egypt. “The Lord sent thunder and hail, and the fire [lightning] ran along upon the ground; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail, and [lightning] ... with the hail, very grievous.” The Egyptians had been persecuting the children of Israel, so the Lord was judging the land of Egypt because of it.
When King David cried to the Lord for relief because of the persecution of his enemies, Psalm 18:13-14 describes how the Lord answered that prayer: “The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave His voice; hail stones and coals of fire. Yea, He sent out His arrows, and scattered them [David’s enemies]; and He shot out lightnings, and discomfited [upset] them.” God used that severe weather for good—to get rid of David’s enemies.
Many people, especially children, do not enjoy thunderstorms. At night some will pull the covers over their heads and plug their ears! And certainly we all would fear a tornado. Sometimes God sends severe weather to remind us that judgment is coming on this world full of sin. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” The next time there is a thunderstorm, remember that it is reminding you of the power of God. But also remember that “there is therefore now no condemnation [no judgment] to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). “God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17). God loves you and wants to save you from the coming judgment.
Mrs. Torrey, who is a dear Christian lady, and her dog were kept safe during the tornado. Later when she looked outside, she was shocked and saddened to see the destruction from the tornado. A tree had been uprooted in the neighbor’s yard on one side, and on the other side the tornado had destroyed her neighbor’s garage. Three houses away, four of her neighbor’s houses were missing—completely gone except for the foundations. Other homes had been completely destroyed in the town, but not one person was killed. The tornado had come on a Saturday evening, and many people were not home. However, they all had a big cleanup job ahead of them—rubble was strewn everywhere.
The Lord Jesus is in control of the weather. In Mark 4:37-41 we read about one time when He was on earth and a storm came up. “There arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.” And this is what He did: “He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”
Let’s remember that God wants all men to be saved from that storm of judgment that is coming. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, for that very reason. He wants to save us from our sins so that we may be safe in heaven when He sends that judgment. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
Have you come to the Lord Jesus to be washed clean from your sins? Are you safe from
the coming storm of judgment?
MEMORY VERSE: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36
Space Is Important
One summer I planted a packet of Chinese cabbage seeds in my garden. I think every one of those seeds must have sprouted, because they came up so thick. So I dug up some of those little cabbage plants and moved them farther down the row, leaving six to eight inches of space between each one. But I didn’t finish the job that day, and I never did get the rest of them transplanted.
The crowded plants that were left as they had come up grew tall and weak and spindly. They finally went to seed without ever giving us any food at all. But the ones that had been transplanted and had more space grew into nice, thick heads of cabbage. They supplied us with quite a few salads during the spring and early summer.
Each time I walked by that row of cabbages, it was a good object lesson to me of how we do need to give space in our day to the Lord Jesus, to read His Word, the Bible, and to pray. This will help us to grow to be strong Christians and produce fruit for our Saviour.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Gorillas Can Be Gentle
“I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by My great power.” Jeremiah 27:5
A full-grown gorilla can be six feet tall and weigh five hundred pounds. An animal this large with a heavy, black, fur coat certainly looks threatening, but if you’re kind to one and it gets to know you, it can be as gentle as a Shetland pony. People studying the habits of gorillas have spent many pleasant days with them in their African forest homeland.
Actually, wild gorillas are rarely seen as they are shy and disappear quickly when approached. As many as six family groups (a group being a male, two or three females and young ones) often live together, sharing feeding grounds. A male gorilla is much more powerful than a human, with its massive bones, broad shoulders and long arms. Its open, vicious-looking mouth reveals strong jaws and tusk-like teeth, surrounded by a wrinkled, oily-black face with a large, flat nose and furry ears. Underneath it all is a rounded “pot-belly” stomach.
Males have a frightening habit of letting out ear-splitting screams while thumping their hairy chests. When several do this together, it is easy to understand why a listener would consider them fierce animals. But all this noise seems to be just that—harmless noise—merely “letting off steam.”
Such big animals need lots of food, and most of the day is spent eating bamboo shoots, tree buds, vines, ferns, thistles and wild celery, which they particularly like. They are not meat eaters.
Females give birth to one tiny baby, weighing from three to five pounds. It is helpless and remains with its mother for about three years. At first the mother carries the baby by holding it gently to her chest. When the baby is about three months old, it is strong enough to ride on her back and has fun sliding down her sides. Groups of little ones play together, climbing and swinging on trees or sliding down tree trunks. They often play while the parents take daytime naps. Each night the adults make new nests on the ground or in the lower branches of a tree, pulling grass and tender branches together, something like a huge bird’s nest. But they only use them once and make a new one each night.
While gorillas and other apes look something like men, they are not related. The first chapter of Genesis makes it very plain that man was a separate creation, distinct from beasts, fish and birds. This is confirmed again in the New Testament, which tells us plainly, “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds” (1 Corinthians 15:39). There are those who try to teach otherwise, but the Word of God is always true.
Set 8
Dangerous Magnets
Kenny was a busy two-year-old who loved playing with his older brother. He was always delighted when either he or his brother was given a new and exciting toy.
One day Kenny found some tiny magnets on the rug that had fallen out of one of his brother’s new toys. He had no idea what they were when he picked up several of those magnets and put them in his mouth. It wasn’t long before he swallowed them.
Because the magnets were so small, there was the good possibility that they would pass through his body without causing harm. However, it was the nature of those magnets to pull together, and that caused a very sad ending to this story.
Most boys and girls, and even grown-ups too, will go through their daily lives without thinking about the results of sin. We know from the Bible that God hates sin, and no sin can ever enter His wonderful home in heaven. There’s a verse in the Bible that says, “All have sinned” (Romans 3:23). That makes each one of us a sinner, and our sins will keep us out of heaven, which will be an even worse ending to our lives.
Not long after Kenny had swallowed those magnets, he began to feel very sick and began having pain that got worse. His parents decided that they had better take him to the hospital. What they didn’t know and what the doctors didn’t know was that two of those little magnets had pulled together in such a way that Kenny’s small intestine was twisted and blocked. It makes us very sad to tell you that in just a few minutes after Kenny arrived at the hospital, he died from the results of the blockage caused by those tiny magnets.
Those magnets were so small that it makes us wonder how they could cause such a serious problem for little Kenny and be responsible for taking his young life. But the truth is—they did. Kenny was too young to understand that magnets, little or big, can be dangerous. But any boy or girl who can read this story can understand that our sins, whether little or big, are dangerous. God doesn’t call certain sins “little” or “big.” In His eyes they are all SIN and are dangerous, because even just one sin will keep us out of heaven. God says, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4). And that death for unforgiven sinners is to spend eternity in that terrible place called hell. It is a real place where the devil and his angels will spend eternity.
God doesn’t want to send any of us there, because He loves us so much and wants us to live in heaven with His Son Jesus. He sent His Son to Calvary’s cross to pay the price for the sins of any sinner who will come to Him to have his or her sins forgiven. How wonderful that because of Jesus’ suffering and death, God is offering forgiveness to anyone—that includes you and me. One of His promises is in Jeremiah 31:34 where He says, “I will forgive their iniquity [sin], and I will remember their sin no more.”
Boys and girls, if you have not accepted God’s forgiveness for your sins through faith in His Son Jesus, don’t wait. Do it right now, and I’ll see you in heaven someday. “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31:34
Penny's Memory Verse
Sometimes little children say funny things because they misunderstand something we tell them. That’s what little Penny did.
Every day after supper the children would repeat the Bible verse they were learning for Sunday school the next Sunday. The verse they were learning that week was Proverbs 14:9: “Fools make a mock at sin.”
When it was Penny’s turn to repeat the verse, she looked up at her daddy and said, “Daddy, I thought Indians made moccasins.”
Daddy laughed, “Yes, Penny, Indians do make moccasins.” Then he repeated the verse, saying each word very clearly, “‘Fools-make-a-mock-at-sin.’ That means they do bad things and laugh and say they are having lots of fun doing them,” he explained.
Then he went on to say, “Did you know that there’s another verse in Proverbs 26:12 That says, ‘Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.’ That means that even if you are very naughty, and even if sometimes you are having fun when you’re being naughty, Jesus still loves you. He died for people like that. And if such a person would turn to the Lord Jesus and confess how bad he has been, God would forgive him, because the Lord Jesus died on the cross to save sinners. So even if you have been a fool and have made a mock at sin, if you tell the Lord Jesus you are sorry and that you want Him to forgive you, He will.
“However, if you are wise in your own conceit, it means you think you are okay just the way you are and don’t need to be forgiven. That is simply not true. The Bible tells us that every one of us is a sinner, and we all need to confess to God that we are sinners and need to be forgiven.
“So I hope you won’t be a fool who thinks it’s fun to be naughty. But remember, it is even worse to be naughty and think that you’ll get along all right without God’s forgiveness.”
Penny was thoughtful for a minute. Then she said her verse: “Fools make a mock at sin. Proverbs 14:9.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Four Unusual Frogs
“There is a time ... for every purpose and for every work.” Ecclesiastes 3:17
One of the first signs of spring throughout North America is a nighttime sound of high-pitched peeping from ponds and marshes, announcing that the little peeper frogs are coming out of their winter mud-hibernations. These peepers are less than an inch to four or five inches long and appear the first day temperatures rise to about 50 F. The males appear first, soon followed by the females that have been attracted by their pretty chorus. Tiny tadpoles soon hatch from sticky eggs laid in great numbers in shallow water. It takes these tadpoles most of the summer to change into mature frogs.
The Coqui frog of Puerto Rico is also small—less than two inches long. Only the males “sing,” but their group croakings are about as loud as a noisy motorboat. These noisy little creatures usually sleep in the daytime and come out only at night, but after a heavy rain they all come out and sing together, day or night, making a terrible racket.
Ecuador is the home of the pouched frog. The female has a pouch on her back where her male companion tucks in the dozen or more eggs she has laid. When the eggs are ready to hatch out as miniature frogs, the mother goes to a nearby pool and releases them out of her pouch by using a long toe on one of her hind feet to pull open a slit on her back. The tiny froglets, happy to leave their crowded home, hop into the pool and start life on their own. Soon they climb to the high tops of tropical trees where their bright-green bodies are well-hidden among the leaves. Some of the leaves hold little puddles of rainwater, providing the moisture all frogs must have.
Another South American species is called the poison dart, because natives use a poison found in them to make their arrows and other weapons more effective. The eggs of these frogs are laid on watery ground, and when these little frogs hatch out, the parents carry them by piggyback to plants growing high among the treetops. Here they find necessary water, just as their cousins, the pouched frogs, do.
Not everyone likes frogs, except people who enjoy biology and perhaps young boys. But they are God’s creatures and are under His watchful care. They serve His purpose in our interesting world. We may not understand His purposes for all creatures, but we can understand a wonderful purpose He has for all boys and girls and grown-ups who love Him. He says in Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
Does this verse apply to you? If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, it surely does.
The Special Lamb
The little lambs tried to run this way and that. The sheep farmers had to be quick as they guided them up onto the two pickup trucks. Today the lambs would all be sold at the market. It was an hour away, so they had to be on their way soon.
Garth looked over the lambs. They looked so fine. They weighed about sixty pounds each and would sell for a good price. Then he saw it. There it was in his truck—that special lamb. It looked up at him as if to say, “Hey, where are we going today?” He smiled as he thought about the care and the time he had spent with the lamb.
The mother had rejected this lamb shortly after it was born. It was really an orphan. Garth had taken special care of it. Many times he had held it close. He had used a baby bottle to feed it. As it got older, he made sure it ate the special grain. It had grown fast and strong with all the special attention it got, and it recognized Garth. When he would walk out to the field where the sheep grazed, this special lamb would run over as if to say, “Hi. I’m glad to see you.”
It was the finest lamb in his truck today. It was a little bigger, stronger and more beautiful, he thought. This one will get the best price today, he said to himself.
At the market he spoke to the man. “You must bring this special lamb out all alone to be sold. I don’t want him brought out with all the others. He is special.”
The buyers were at the market, ready to bid on the sheep and lambs. Out came the lambs Garth had brought to the market. The price went up. It was $1.10 per pound, then $1.15, and finally $1.20. It was a good price, and Garth was pleased.
Then his special lamb was brought out. Garth waited with anticipation. He could see it was different from the others. He held his breath as the price went up. First it was 60 cents. Then it went to 62 cents, and then it stopped. Would anybody want to pay more? He looked around. Didn’t they see how special this lamb was? It was worth more, much more!
“Sold!” the man called out.
Poor Garth. Only 62 cents! What a poor sale; he couldn’t believe it. Out in the market yard he saw his special lamb again. Through misty eyes he said good-bye. He knew what it was worth even if nobody else cared.
A few years later when Garth accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, he thought back on his special lamb. He had learned that the Lord Jesus was God’s Lamb. He was a very special Lamb, and God sent Him into the world to die for our sins. Yet many people did not care about God’s Lamb. Many people did not value Him at all or see anything special about Him. Even Garth for many years had not cared for God’s special Lamb. Now he was so glad that he could honestly say, “God’s special Lamb is my Saviour and has cleansed me from all my sin.” “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).
Is God’s Lamb, the Lord Jesus, special to you? Have you accepted Him as your very own Saviour, and have you ever taken the time to just thank Him for coming to our world to save us? Do you know how much He is really worth? The Bible says, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable [priceless] gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” John 1:29
She Needed a Quarter
Many years ago, a lady boarded a bus and a moment or two later the conductor asked for her fare. Reaching for her wallet, she suddenly discovered she didn’t have it! She looked all through her purse, but the wallet wasn’t there. She realized then that she must have left it at home on the table when she took out the quarter for her bus ride that morning. The bus driver told her she would have to get off if she couldn’t pay her fare.
It was a hot day, and she was miles away from home. What could she do? Seeing a park across the street, she went over to sit down on a park bench so she could think what to do.
She was stumped, but then she remembered she had God to turn to for help! She would tell Him about her problem. Opening a pocket New Testament she carried, her eyes fell on Philippians 4:19, which was underlined: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Her need at that moment was a quarter for bus fare for her ride home. She closed her eyes and told the Lord Jesus about the problem, and immediately she was sure that her “need” would be supplied. How? She did not know, and that did not matter—God knew.
As she sat on the park bench, she began to trace letters in the gravel path with the point of her umbrella. She traced the words, “God is love.” As she was writing the last letter, her umbrella point turned up a quarter in the gravel, and her heart gave a big thump—there was the quarter she needed! She closed her eyes again and thanked God for showing her the quarter. He had supplied what was needed for her bus fare home.
No need is too small and none is too large—the Lord is able to supply them all. Whether you are a little person or a big person, do you have a problem in your life? Talk to the Lord Jesus about it, and count on Him to supply your need. “This is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He [hears] us” (1 John 5:14).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Desert-Wise Cactus Wren
“Who is like unto the Lord our God, who [dwells] on high, who [humbles] Himself to behold the things ... in the earth!” Psalm 113:5-6
The cactus wren is about the size of a robin and is the largest member of the wren family. Its brown feathers mottled with white, along with the bright red or orange iris of its eyes, make it a pretty bird.
As its name indicates, the cactus wren lives in the hot deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The Creator has given this bird the ability to thrive in these harsh deserts, and it seems quite content there. It has been given a remarkable instinct to place its nest among the needle-like armor of spiny cholla and other cactus plants. This defense is so good that its enemies (owls, wood rats, ground squirrels and snakes) do not attack it often. The wren is so sure of this protection that it makes no attempt to conceal its nest, which is built only about three feet off the ground.
The straw-colored nests are often as big as a man’s head. Shaped like a flask, they are constructed of desert plants, grass and twigs and lined with soft, wooly fibers and feathers. These nests show the God-given skill handed down from one generation to another. When finished with her nest, the female wren builds a landing platform that is surrounded by sharp cactus spikes. This platform permits her to enter a passage, sometimes a foot long, which leads into the nest itself.
However, the male bird does not share this nest. Instead, if he cannot find an abandoned nest to use, he builds another one nearby. He is not as careful about its construction as the female is with hers. The female’s nest may be reused year after year, but the male’s nest often will fall apart during the first winter’s storms.
Cactus wrens are wary creatures, although they do select high perches for singing their lovely songs. However, when searching for food, they prefer to fly close to the ground where they are screened by desert bushes. Most of their food is insects and seeds of desert plants. When hunting, these wise birds know that much food can be found under stones, so they turn these over to catch the insects that live in the coolness underneath. Some of these stones may weigh half as much as the birds do.
Our opening verse tells us of our Creator God who, though mighty, humbles Himself to look after all His creatures. This also includes you, and not only does He care for your needs, but the Bible tells us, “The Lord [searches] all hearts, and [understands] all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek Him, He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake Him, He will cast thee off forever” (1 Chronicles 28:9).
Are you seeking Him or forsaking Him?
Do You Have the Right Key?
God doesn’t really need a key to keep people from entering His home. In Revelation 1:18, Jesus is the great Judge who says, “I ... have the keys of hell and of death,” but it does not say that He has the keys of heaven. Of course not! Heaven isn’t locked!
But if I tell you one of God’s stories, maybe it will help you to understand why some people do not find a welcome in His presence. And if you are not welcome, there is no way for you to enter His home. Jesus is the door, and there is no other door to heaven. He says, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved” (John 10:9).
There was a poor mother in the land of Canaan who had a very unhappy daughter at home. Satan was troubling her terribly, and she was just miserable. You know, Satan sends his demons to trouble people today too, and if he gets a chance, he drags people down into bad habits, bad thoughts and wicked acts.
This poor mother knew that nobody could help her daughter but Jesus. So when Jesus came to her town, she followed Him, calling, Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me. My daughter is miserably troubled by a devil.
But Jesus, who has all power and love, didn’t answer her. Maybe He did not hear her, so she called out to Him again. There were disciples with Jesus that day, and they did not like all that noise. They begged Jesus, Send her away, for she is calling after us.
These disciples had seen Jesus heal many others, but this mother and her daughter were different. Israel was God’s chosen nation, but this mother and daughter were not Israelites—they were Gentiles. The disciples seemed to think that God had no blessing for outsiders.
But did you know that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16)? That doesn’t leave anybody out—not you and not me! God’s wonderful love includes anybody who is willing, no matter what nationality you are or what color of skin you have.
So why then didn’t Jesus answer the lady? You see, she called Him, “Son of David,” but Jesus is lots more than the Son of David to me! He came into the world to save sinners, and I am a sinner! Are you? If you answered, “Yes,” then you may be sure that He will answer your call, because He came to save sinners. The precious blood of Jesus can wash completely clean the very worst sinner who comes to Him.
Jesus answered the complaining disciples by saying, I am not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This was before His death and before Israel finally refused Him and crucified Him. So at that time He came to His own nation of Israel.
The poor mother heard what Jesus said, but she did not go home sadly and say, “No blessing for me.” Instead, she came and worshipped Jesus and said, Lord, help me!
Maybe you have said that, and no help came. Listen to the rest of the story.
Jesus said, It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs! Then the mother answered, Truth, Lord, but the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.
You see, she was not insulted to be called a dog. Are you insulted if Jesus calls you a sinner? Or are you ready to say, “Truth, Lord”?
Jesus answered, O woman, great is your faith! And He promised her that she would have what she asked for. Her daughter was healed right away!
It doesn’t take a long time for Jesus to save you, because the price for your sins was already paid when He died on the cross. Nothing stops Him from keeping His promises. Will you come to Him in faith today, believing that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15)? And you don’t need a key, because Jesus is the door, and the door isn’t locked.
You may read this story for yourself in Matthew 15:21-28.
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9
Skipper the Hero
Jason was spending a day at Muskrat Lake. He brought his dog Skipper along since the two of them went everywhere together. They were having a good time when suddenly Jason and Skipper saw a rattlesnake. It was ready to strike at Jason! Before he could think of what to do, Skipper attacked the snake. Instead of biting Jason, the snake bit Skipper. The snake was later killed, but Skipper’s life was in danger.
Jason’s family rushed the dog to an animal doctor who helped him recover from the snake bite. Skipper is fine now, and no one is more pleased with his brave dog than Jason. Skipper even had his picture in the newspaper with Jason beside him. How thankful Jason was that Skipper saved his life.
How thankful we should be, too, that the Lord Jesus took the punishment on the cross for every person who would accept Him as his or her own Saviour. He suffered there for sinners so that we wouldn’t have to bear our own punishment for our sins after we leave this life. What a wonderful Saviour He is! “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).
We hope that everyone reading this story can truly say, “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Can you?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Don't Argue With a Jaguar
“Every beast of the forest is Mine ... . And the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:10-11
A jaguar can easily be mistaken for a leopard since the brownish-yellow fur of each, covered with black spots, is so similar. But there are some differences. The adult jaguar is larger, and many of the circular spots covering its body have a darker black spot in the center, while those of the leopard are solid. Some South American jaguars are almost coal black.
The jaguar, up to 8 feet long including its 2½-foot tail, may weigh up to 290 pounds. The huge mouth in its large head has strong, sharp teeth and a long tongue covered with tiny rasps that help get the last bite of flesh off the bones of its victims. Out of that mouth also comes a frightening roar. This ferocious cat is the most feared animal in Mexico, Central and South America.
Huge, well-padded paws have fearsome claws that, like a house cat’s, remain hidden in the toes but are extended as fierce weapons when fighting or catching prey. However, in spite of this fearful feature, it is a handsome animal with small, erect ears, beautiful eyes and large shoulders.
The jaguar is not afraid of water, jumping into a stream or pond to catch its prey, which might be a fish, turtle or even a small crocodile. Normally it stalks the animals in high grass or brush—seeing, but not being seen—silently creeping closer and then suddenly pouncing on its victim—a deer, peccary, armadillo, tapir or other animal. Its muscular legs and large shoulders provide plenty of strength to drag even a heavy victim a mile or so away, where it may hide a part of the kill to eat another day.
A jaguar prefers to live alone except when raising its family of two or three cubs. It often travels many miles a day hunting for food. When not on the move, it likes to stretch out on a tree limb or a smooth, shaded rock. Being master of the rainforest, it has no fear of attack except by hunters.
The Bible does not mention the jaguar, but the Lord, wanting His people to change their bad ways, said, “Their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten Me ... . As a leopard by the way will I observe them” (Hosea 13:6-7). This means that while they forgot Him, yet, like an unseen leopard (or like our unseen jaguar), He was watching everything they did. Farther on in the chapter He adds, “In Me is thine help” (vs. 9).
Have you forgotten Him and are you careless in your ways? Oh, how lovingly He invites you to confess it to Him and accept Him as your Saviour before it is too late! If you have not done this, won’t you do it right now while there is still time?
Jiggles Needs a Bath
Jiggles is a small dog who works and plays on our farm. She is also our pet.
One summer evening when I was fixing supper, there was a “click, click” on the patio door. Jiggles was tapping on the glass door with her toenails. I knew what she was saying: “I want in, please!” I was busy, so I didn’t open the door right away. But Jiggles really wanted in, so she knocked again by jumping up against the glass, bumping it with all four feet at once—ka-thump, ka-thump—”Hey, open up ... I want in!”
Stop for a minute and listen. Do you hear someone knocking on the door of your heart? It’s Jesus knocking! He tells us in Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.” He wants you to let Him in. He loves you very much and wants to wash your sins away so He can have fellowship with you and then take you to live with Him in heaven. Will you open the door of your heart and let Him come in?
I went to open the door, but what I saw was a very, very dirty Jiggles who had been in some very dirty place. I told her, “No way are you coming in the house! You are as dirty as a pig! You need a bath first.” Jiggles likes to sit in my chair and share it with me, and sometimes she hops up on the bed. If I let her come in the way she was, in no time everything would be dirty!
In John 14:2 God tells us that He has a house in heaven, but in Revelation 21:27 He tells us that nothing can enter His house that would spoil it—no dirty sins. We must have our sins washed away before we can enter His home. And only one thing can wash us clean— “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Jiggles needed a bath, and only after she was scrubbed clean was she welcomed into the house. And if you will come to Jesus and let Him wash you clean from all your sins, He will welcome you with open arms into His home in heaven when your life here on earth is over.
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20
Final Inspection
A verse in the Bible says, “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). Here are two more that describe all of us: “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10), and, “All have sinned” (Romans 3:23). This is a very dark, hopeless picture of you and me, until we read this message of hope: “But God ... loved us, even when we were dead in sins” (Ephesians 2:4-5). The following illustration might help us understand this great love of God.
At one time I had a job in a factory that manufactured clothing for men and women. Hundreds of people worked there, and each person had his own particular job in designing the style, cutting the material, sewing the garments or sending the finished articles of clothing to various stores where they would be sold to customers. But there was one department that was perhaps the most important of all. It was called “FINAL INSPECTION.”
In this department, a group of workers checked the finished garments, and anything less than perfect was rejected and sent to the Factory Shop. This was a factory store where the employees could buy these garments very cheaply. When employees went into that store, they could look at all the racks of clothing and say, “Nothing here has passed Final Inspection— there is not one perfect garment in this store ... ‘no, not one.’” They have all been rejected.
Perhaps this gives us an idea of how God sees the whole human race. We were all born into a world that has been ruined by sin, due to the disobedience of our very first parents—Adam and Eve. As a result, not one of us could pass God’s “Final Inspection,” because we are all sinners, and God cannot have sin in His presence. Our flaws may be different, but every single one of us is imperfect because of our sins, without any hope of being able to make ourselves presentable, since God sees all our efforts as “filthy rags.”
Here is where the good news of God’s love and grace comes in and becomes our only hope. The Bible tells us that God loved this world of flawed, sinful people so much that He gave His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be our substitute and die in our place. He is the only perfect, sinless man who ever lived, so that by believing in Him our sins and imperfections are removed forever. God no longer sees us as “rejects”; He sees us as perfect, like Jesus.
The Bible says in Romans 5:8 that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” How gracious of God to receive us as perfect when we accept His Son as our Saviour. We will never have to fear being rejected by Him, because we have Jesus’ own promise: “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation [judgment]; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
Do you have God’s promise of everlasting life? Or will you face rejection and judgment?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Spittlebugs or Froghoppers
“God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ... and things which are despised ... that no flesh [person] should glory in His presence.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
There are millions of insects in the world, and some are so small they can only be seen with a microscope. Yet in some way each one has its part in keeping nature in balance, even though it is hard to see how some can be useful when they are such a nuisance. But besides being helpful in a way we may not recognize, the opening Bible verse tells us that God allows them to help keep us humble rather than proud. Another verse informs us, “God [resists] the proud, but [gives] grace unto the humble” (James 4:6).
One such insect called the spittlebug, or froghopper, is an example of this. Have you ever wondered what those globs of white froth are for on grass stems and plants in a field or in your own yard? The next time you see one, open the small mass of bubbles and you will find inside two tiny nymphs clinging tightly to the stem, sucking juice from it.
That mass of bubbles is not spit. It is partly digested plant sap that the nymphs mix with a material similar to what is used by some other insects for spinning silk cocoons. Of course, they don’t realize the Creator gave them this unusual ability to protect themselves from the hot summer sun, as well as from other insects and birds that would quickly eat them. The sticky froth also hides them and stops the predators.
By the time the nymphs are fully grown, the bubbly foam has disappeared and the nymphs have turned into flat, hopping insects about half an inch long. These spittlebugs are brown, greenish, or sometimes red and black. They are also called froghoppers because they hop from plant to plant and seldom fly. The grass and plants on which they feed while protected by the froth sometimes wither away and die. Then, as adults, the spittlebugs fly into pine trees and damage them severely by eating the needles, making them a real pest in parts of North America.
These insects seem to be mainly a nuisance, yet God has created them for a purpose, which perhaps only He can understand. But we can see how they help to keep us humble when we think of how much effort has been made to get rid of them, and still, year after year, they continue to show up.
God is never pleased with proud ways. So let us always remember His promise: “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon Him; for He [cares] for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).
Set 9
A Close Call
“YIPPEE! WE’RE GOING WHITE-WATER RAFTING!” yelled Mark, as he raced to his tent to put on his bathing suit and find his life jacket.
Soon the sturdy, yellow, inflatable rafts were loaded onto the pickup truck, which started down the bumpy, gravel road to the river. A bus followed full of campers and their leaders. Everyone knew the river was full of rapids, and they were all eager to accept the challenge.
It was quite windy that day, and the river was a lot rougher than usual. The waves were tipping the rafts so much that a commercial raft from another group flipped over, dumping everyone in the water. The leader of the raft Mark was on became concerned that they could flip over too, dumping all of them in the water. Then who would be able to get them out from underneath their large, overturned raft? Right then, an extra-big wave picked up their raft and stood it almost on its end.
“MAN OVERBOARD!” someone shouted. Quickly the others pulled him back into the raft. Then someone noticed that Mark was missing! But where was he? They couldn’t see him in the water. The only place he could be was under the raft!
They quickly lifted one corner of the raft, and out popped Mark, gasping for breath. They dragged him up into the raft and checked him over. He was okay, just shivering with cold and fright.
“What if we hadn’t found you?” the leader asked him. “Where would you be now?”
Mark hung his head. He knew he was a sinner and that he wasn’t saved. He also knew that if he had drowned he would be in eternity without ever having asked the Lord Jesus to wash away his sins.
The leader in charge of the raft reminded Mark of the tremendous price Christ had paid so his sins could be forgiven. He explained again how Christ had suffered for our sins in His own body on the cross. “[God] hath made [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Mark was very serious.
Later that day, the camp director asked Mark if he would like to pray to receive the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and be saved from his sins. Yes, Mark was very willing.
Mark’s mother and brother had also realized how serious Mark’s close call had been. They knew that they needed to have the matter of their own sins settled too, and they both also prayed to receive the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and to be washed clean from their sins.
There was lots of rejoicing in the camp that night! Everyone was so thankful that Mark had been saved from drowning and also that he, his mother and his brother had been “rescued” from spending their eternity in the lake of fire, paying for their own sins. But there was rejoicing in more than their camp that night: “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10).
Like Mark and his mother and brother, has there been joy in heaven over your repenting of your sins and letting the Lord Jesus wash them away in His shed blood?
MEMORY VERSE: “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10
A Hooked Loon
Two fishermen were in a boat near Thunder Bay, Ontario, when they noticed a loon acting rather strangely. Loons are water birds, much like ducks, but they can swim long distances underwater as they catch fish to eat. They usually do not let people get close to them. They will dive underwater, coming up much farther away. But the loon that these two fishermen were watching actually came right up beside the boat. The bird even allowed them to pick it up!
The men lifted the loon into their boat, and then they could see that it had a fishing line wrapped around its beak, neck and wings. It also had four hooks and three wire leaders stuck in its body. The men took the loon to shore where they cut off the fishing line and removed the hooks with pliers. While they worked to free the loon, it remained quiet until they finished.
“I really think this bird came to our boat for help,” one of the fishermen remarked. “During that painful process of removing the hooks, it never struggled or made a sound. We even took a picture of it before we let it swim away.”
Somehow the loon seemed to know that the men could help it. Boys and girls and grown-ups have someone special they can go to for help. They can be healed not just from illness, but be healed from their sins, a disease each one of us has that needs the healing remedy from the Great Physician. This Great Physician’s name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can take away sin and give peace and comfort. The blood He shed on Calvary’s cross is God’s remedy for sin.
The Lord Jesus said, “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). Have you gone to the Great Physician for the healing remedy for your sins? He loves you and is waiting to hear from you.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Palm Trees-Another of God's Gifts
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord.... For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters ... neither shall [he] cease from yielding fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
The Bible often speaks of palm trees. Exodus 15:27 tells us that when the Israelites were thirsty and weary in the desert, “they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten [70] palm trees” where they enjoyed a good rest. Another occasion is found in John 12:12-13, telling of “much people ... when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet Him.”
Palms grow throughout the tropics and other places where there is abundant sunshine and it is warm year-round. Varieties include cabbage palms, sagos, palmettos and the well-known date and coconut palms. An oasis of palms around a well of water is always a welcome sight in the desert. They also add beauty to many ocean islands, leaning over the shoreline. The Creator has so formed them that they stand firm in the strongest winds, fronds (leaves) trailing in the wind and their flexible trunks bending gracefully. Coconuts float and are often carried on ocean waves to distant shores, where they take root and soon add beauty and supply food to yet another spot.
It is easy to see why palm trees are considered one of the Creator’s great gifts to mankind, providing daily food for millions, as well as timber, fuel and a long list of useful things. Soap and candles are made from coconuts and sugar from the tree’s sap. The fruit of some is dried into starch, used in puddings, and parts of the fronds are made into clothing.
Date palms provide one of the most reliable foods for people in many places. Large date palm groves grow in the southern United States, their fruit appealing to the appetites of those who like their sweet and nourishing quality. They also are used in cookies, breads and cakes, as well as candies.
As we speak of the wonderful fruit coming from so many of these palms, we are reminded that we are told in God’s Word to be “fruitful” in our lives, just as our opening verse states. Another verse in Colossians 1:10 says, “Walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work.” Also in Luke 6:43-44, “A good tree bringeth not forth corrupt [bad] fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit.”
What kind of fruit shows itself in your life? When a Christian really wants to please the Lord and be helpful to people around him, the Lord will always help him or her to do so, when such a desire is told to Him in prayer. Is this something you do?
Loose on the Expressway!
The black dog running loose on the expressway got to be pretty good at dodging traffic during the morning rush hour. He was also good at dodging the police who were doing their best to catch him before he got killed or caused a serious accident. Cars were braking hard and zigzagging around him, trying not to hit the long-legged, half-grown pup as he ran between the lanes of traffic and sometimes crossed lanes.
Others besides the police were trying to catch the dog too. He was being offered dog treats, which didn’t seem to interest him. After several hours and frequent narrow escapes with cars, he eventually left the expressway and disappeared into a forest preserve. Then the traffic helicopter following the dog from the air and reporting his whereabouts to a radio station lost sight of him. They thought the chase was over.
However, the very next morning the chase picked up again. The same black dog was on the loose in rush hour traffic on the very same expressway! It was a repeat of the day before, with the police trying to get him out of the fast moving traffic so he wouldn’t get hit or cause an accident. And once again the traffic helicopter was following the dog and warning drivers of the dog’s whereabouts.
Was the dog unaware of the danger he was in? Was he too young to know that any one of those cars could have killed him? Maybe it all seemed like fun to the dog, but his life was in serious danger.
What about you boys and girls and teens? Are you unaware of the danger zones that are out there, close by in your neighborhood and maybe available right in your own home? Some of those danger spots include certain video games, magazines, movies, television shows and Websites on the Internet. Satan plants his bait wherever you might go looking for fun. Some of you might be too young to know the danger zones. But some of you might be tempted to try some of these things anyway. They look like fun and you’ll know when to stop. That’s exactly what Satan wants you to do—try it—and soon he’s got you hooked on something dangerous, not only for your eyes, ears and mind, but for your very life!
Now whatever got the dog hooked on running around on an expressway during rush hour we’ll never know. It was terribly dangerous, and on the second day one car did hit him, but it didn’t seem to slow him down—he kept running.
After several hours, three squad cars did manage to corner him by a fence where he almost got away by scooting under it. But a quick police officer caught the long-legged pup by the scruff of the neck and put him in the back seat of the squad car. The officer said the dog promptly fell asleep while on the way to an animal hospital. They didn’t know if the dog was seriously hurt.
Boys and girls and teens, are you listening to your parents’ warnings about the evil and dangerous things that are easily available to you? Yes, it may look like fun, but it’s Satan’s bait that will lead you into sin and habits that are difficult to break and may threaten your life. Your friends from school may try to get you involved. But God’s Word warns, “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away” (Proverbs 4:14-15). Doing exactly what this verse says is the smart thing to do. You’ll avoid a lot of sadness and regrets.
We don’t know how animals feel, but this stray dog had to be pretty miserable for a while. Besides being exhausted and dehydrated with a high fever, one leg was injured but not broken, and his paw pads were worn down and had large blisters on them. He had no collar or ID tags, so when he has recovered, they will find a good home for him where somebody will love him and train him to obey.
If this young dog could talk, he might warn you not to fool around with dangerous activities. He might say, “It’s NOT worth it!” He did not lose his life, but he came very, very close. And you could too, if you ignore your parents’ warnings and especially God’s warnings from the Bible. Here is some very good advice from God: “Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not” (Proverbs 8:33).
MEMORY VERSE: “Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.” Proverbs 8:33
Being Thankful
The “suppertime” call rang out, and Nathan and Grandpa took their places at the table. Nathan’s eager eyes saw Grandma’s homemade bread and other goodies on the table. He folded his hands and waited...and waited. Though Grandpa was hungry too, he was finishing a little conversation with Grandma.
The wait was too long for hungry Nathan, so he put his little hand on Grandpa’s arm and said, “Say grace, Grampy, say grace.” So with heads bowed, Grandpa thanked God for His love in giving the Lord Jesus to die on the cross and for the food that He had again provided for them.
Grandpa’s prayer had pleased Nathan, so when eyes opened, he looked up at his grandpa with a big smile and said, “The Lord Jesus loves that!”
What a truth and lesson we have from a three-year-old. The Lord Jesus does love to hear our thankfulness for everything He has provided for us. Salvation from our sins through His precious blood is, of course, the greatest. But our food, health and safety are also included in His daily care for us. Ephesians 5:20 says, “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Life-Saving Instincts - Part 1
“Be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.” Isaiah 65:18
Every creature has God-given instincts, enabling it to survive and prosper even in hazardous conditions. What’s more, the instincts are already present when the creature is born and are not something that has to be developed, although the instincts do grow keener as they are used. Evidence of this is perhaps more noticeable in birds, fish, animals and insects than in other living things, but all have been well supplied with instincts by the Creator, according to their particular conditions of life.
One of the most outstanding examples of instincts is the migration of birds, which we have explored in past issues. The more we learn of their long migratory flights so precisely taken over prairies, mountains and oceans and in all kinds of weather, the more we are amazed at the instincts provided by the Creator, enabling them to complete these flights. Or consider the lovely monarch butterflies. The adults fly each summer from Mexico and California up into Canada and Alaska, lay their eggs and then die. But as the following winter approaches, the young butterflies, which have never been beyond the place of their birth, migrate south in huge numbers to the very trees that their parents left many months earlier.
We could also look at the great distances whales migrate, or the long travels each year of caribou, antelope, yaks, gnu, salmon, eels and other creatures throughout the world. All these migrations, and many, many others, are guided by God-given instincts and repeated faithfully by each new generation. The most intensive study of researchers cannot explain how these migrations can take place so accurately, but all we need to know is that they are part of God’s creation, and He has provided these creatures with the instincts that bring about their travels.
Instincts work in other ways as well. Here are two that we humans use day after day. The blinking of your eye as something suddenly approaches it is one, and the immediate raising of your arm to fend off an unexpected threat when there is not time to do anything else is another. Can you come up with some others?
Wild animals have been given an instinct to avoid poisonous things, such as certain mushrooms, berries and roots. A deer, for instance, will eat leaves from bushes all around an oleander bush, but instinct tells it to leave that poisonous bush alone. Humans do not need this instinct since we can be taught what is poisonous, because God has given us the intelligence for this. His careful provisions for all His creatures, including humans, remind us that “He hath made the earth by His power, He hath established the world by His wisdom” (Jeremiah 10:12).
(to be continued)
The Tower
Frankie was about three years old when he built a tower out of wooden building blocks. He got about five blocks stacked up, but then the whole thing tumbled down. He laughed and tried again.
But Frank is a man now, and if he is a good builder he will start building a tower with plans. Some towers reach very, very high into the sky. He will need helpers to study the bedrock underground and decide what the depth of the foundation should be. He’ll also need to decide on the number and strength of the steel beams to be used, as well as everything else that will be needed. It will take lots of planning.
And there is one more thing that Frank needs to figure out. How much will it cost to build this tower, and does he have enough money to pay for it? There is no use in being right about the details if you can’t pay the bill.
Most of us agree that heaven is up in the sky someplace. The disciples saw Jesus go up to heaven after His resurrection, until a cloud received Him out of their sight. It was far better than a tower ... it was God’s power! And the disciples definitely wanted to go to heaven too, but they couldn’t build a tower to reach heaven or pay for it.
Maybe you would like to go to heaven too, but do you have enough money to pay your way? If you want to travel anywhere, you can’t go even halfway without money. And what good is halfway? You don’t want to be dropped in the middle of the ocean!
There’s a story in the Bible about a man who didn’t figure out everything first. He just set to work to build a tower and figured that it would all work out somehow. But it didn’t!
If you want to reach heaven where Jesus is, the whole price must be paid before you go. Here is the good news. Just before the Lord Jesus died on the cross, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). No one else but Jesus could have taken our load of sins on Himself and paid for them. No one else could have suffered as He did from the hand of a holy God and then shout, “It is finished!”
Here’s something else to think about. Do you have your ticket to heaven? It is offered as a gift, so you don’t have to pay for it, because Jesus already paid for it on the cross. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). All you have to do to receive this very special gift is to tell Him that you know you are a sinner and accept His wonderful gift of eternal life with thankfulness. You don’t need to build a tower to reach heaven. Jesus is the way, and He has the power to take you there.
The builder in our Bible story got half finished building his tower when he ran out of money. All he had was a half-finished tower. There was no hiding his foolish mistake. Maybe he was really a smart man, but he didn’t stop to think that he would need lots of money to build and finish a tower.
Are you like that too? Have you really thought about what it takes to reach heaven? I don’t mean money, because you can’t buy your way to heaven with dollars. What I mean is, Are your sins washed away, since not one sin can enter God’s heaven?
Lots of people passed by that unfinished tower, and they laughed at the foolish builder. They said, This man began to build a tower and was not able to finish! He may have been a rich man at the beginning, but he had nothing now except a half-finished tower. What a wasted life!
Are you building your life without Christ? You may be successful right up until quitting time, and then find that you have missed heaven after all. The Lord Jesus is the only One who can pay your way to heaven. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
You may read about this man and his half-finished tower in Luke 14:28-30.
MEMORY VERSE: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
Eight tiny puppies were recently abandoned in a park in very cold weather. They were left in a sealed, plastic storage container. Two teenagers walking in the park saw the container and heard cries coming from inside. When they took off the lid, they were shocked to find eight starving puppies! These little pups couldn’t save themselves. They were trapped in the cold tub and probably would have died if the two teenagers hadn’t investigated.
The Lord Jesus has come to seek and to save those who are lost. We cannot save ourselves but must be rescued from our sins and guilt. John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world [that includes you and me], that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
In the case of the puppies, an animal rescue shelter took over their care, feeding and cleaning up the starved puppies. When they are old enough, they will be put up for adoption in pairs to families who will love and care for them and train them too. At present, they are doing quite well.
We can be adopted into God’s family by accepting the gift He has freely offered to us—His precious Son Jesus to be our Saviour. Accept this loving gift today and be on your happy way to heaven! Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us, “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Life-Saving Instincts - Part 2
“Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone; Thou hast made ... the earth, and all things that are therein ... and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
A friend wrote to us of his experiences with chickens when he was a boy. On one occasion he brought home a rather large freshwater crab from a fishing trip and was curious to see what a rooster in the barnyard would do with it. He set the crab down in front of the rooster, and immediately, with a couple of jabs of its strong beak, it pecked off the large claws, then pecked a hole in the crab’s back and proceeded to eat the meat inside. The rooster, of course, had never seen a crab before, but the Creator had given it an instinct to know what to do.
Another time one of the hens with baby chicks was allowed outside her coop for some exercise when a strange, small dog suddenly appeared. Immediately the hen flew onto the dog’s head and, almost smothering it with her wings, began to peck its head with her beak. The frightened dog tried to run away, but the hen stayed with it and would have continued her attack if she had not been pulled off. Here was another instance of instinct, enabling the hen to know what to do, although she had never had such an experience before.
The letter went on to tell of some chicks hatched in an incubator, not yet exposed to living outside the brooder. Like chicks everywhere, when awake they seemed to be always chirping noisily, but when a strange sound was heard every chick immediately became silent. Now, they didn’t have a mother there to teach them, but through a God-given instinct they knew what to do when something threatened.
Our friend also commented that boys and girls have to be taught to obey, and some do not learn very well, whereas the chicks were instinctively obedient to the instincts given them by the Creator. He also pointed out that, although we are sinful by nature, the Lord Jesus offers eternal life to all who will come to Him in faith, admitting their sin. His promise states, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise [in no way] cast out” (John 6:37). A new nature that delights to obey Him comes with the new eternal life He gives.
We thought you would find the stories of this man’s experiences with chickens interesting examples of how God-given instincts help so many of His creatures. We hope that each one of you has come to the Lord Jesus, confessing that you are a sinner and accepting Him as your very own Saviour. If you have not yet done this, why not accept His invitation this very day.
Help From Above
The station wagon was filled with happy boys as their leader carefully steered around the mountain curves. The group was headed for a late summer outing in the mountains.
“Oh no,” the leader announced, “I think I’ve missed the turn for the lunch spot I had planned. How about if we stop in the wide turnout at the side of the road ahead? Anybody hungry?”
The answer was a deafening “YES!” These boys all lived in the city and rarely came to the beautiful mountains. The car could hardly contain their excitement. No sooner had the wheels stopped than four boys, three in their early teen years, burst out into the sunshine, looking for adventure.
“Hey, Mickey, look at that waterfall down there!” yelled Bud. “Let’s go!”
Ignoring the calls to wait, the four boys foolishly plunged down the bank for a closer look. Like some of the boys and girls of today, they were thinking only of pleasure for the moment and didn’t pay attention to their leader’s warning. Their attitude was, “Have your fun and worry later!”
The four boys, skidding recklessly down the steep bank, realized too late that there was a sharp drop below ... and the bottom was rocks, icy water and the “cool” waterfall. Furthermore, it was a long way down. They clawed in vain for something to grab that might stop their plunge. “My whole life—my sins anyway—flashed across my mind, and I really prayed,” Bud confided later. Two of the boys managed to slide in a curve, helping to slow themselves, but that was not the case with Mickey and Scott.
The other boys and the leader were still back at the car fixing lunch. They were not aware of the trouble that Mickey, Scott, Bud and Joel had gotten themselves into. When lunch was ready and the four were not back yet, it was decided to eat without them.
Bud and Joel didn’t appear until lunch things were being packed away. White-faced and solemn, they reported their fall. They said, “Mickey can’t seem to walk, and Scott is groggy, but maybe a sandwich might help ... . “
It was then that our friend in charge looked over the bank and gasped. “I think I’d better call for help. There’s no way I could go down there!”
The nearest fire department soon arrived. Excited but relieved, the boys thought the problem was solved. However, the firemen soon came back up and reported, “The one boy has a broken leg, and it’s too steep for us to bring him out. We’ll have to lift him from above,” was the fireman’s serious report. They radioed for a “chopper.”
The little troop of boys and their leader grouped together for prayer. Never had they all been so deeply concerned.
Again we are reminded of those who madly rush after sinful pleasures, until perhaps they run into serious trouble. Maybe they make some promises to God and try to be “good” for a while, but then soon forget them. The sinner is helpless to get free from Satan’s grasp by his own power. No, help must come from above. How good it is to read in the Bible that God’s ears are open unto our cries for mercy. “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6).
God, looking down, saw our desperate need and sent His own beloved Son to lift us from the pit of sin. Just as the helicopter later carefully lifted our injured friend Mickey from the dangerous rocks, our blessed Saviour made Himself fully responsible to lift us up and away from Satan’s grasp. He did this by taking the punishment for our guilty sins upon His own pure self and enduring God’s wrath against them. Now the saved sinner can say, “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay” (Psalm 40:2).
Are you on that fatal slide to the pit of hell, or have you taken the lifeline from above—Jesus, the Son of God?
MEMORY VERSE: “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay.” Psalm 40:2
"Who Does Jesus Love?"
A box was sitting on the table with a question printed in large letters on the side:
Each child in the Sunday school was asked to come up to the table, one at a time, look into the box, and then return to his seat without saying anything. As each child looked into the box, they began to smile as though they had a special secret.
Now what do you think was in that box that would answer the question, “Who does Jesus love?” It had to answer the question for every child who looked in the box.
If you guessed that it was a mirror, you are right!
When we go to the grocery store to buy some fruit, we don’t want to buy apples or bananas or anything else that has bruises or bad spots. We like to choose only the really good fruit.
But the Lord Jesus isn’t picky like we are. He came into this world to save sinners, and because of our sins, we all have bruises and bad spots! Yet the Lord Jesus was willing to pay for us. He didn’t pay with silver or gold; He paid with His own precious blood! Why would He do that? It was only because He loves us so much.
If you’ve already asked the Lord Jesus to wash away your sins, or if you are still lost and guilty before God, there is something for you to remember. Every time you look in a mirror, remember that you are one person who Jesus loves very much. “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Comical Puffin
“Hast thou not heard, that ... the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?” Isaiah 40:28
The colorful bird called the puffin lives in the Arctic waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It has a comical look because of its bright-orange, high, flattened bill with blue and red stripes. Its white, puffy face is topped with a black skullcap. Add to this a body with a black collar and cape and stubby, orange legs and feet. Though it seems to be a strange-looking bird, it is well-suited to its environment.
The puffin is an expert swimmer and diver and is skillful at catching seafood to eat. Its beak can hold several fish crosswise while pursuing and catching others. How does a puffin manage this? The answer is spines on its tongue and on the roof of its mouth that spear the fish and hold them firmly. They usually catch about ten fish during each dive.
Some colonies of puffins contain hundreds of thousands of birds. Sometimes they make their homes in burrows or they may build nests on cliff ledges where the female lays one white egg. The eggs are a remarkable example of the Creator’s special care. Instead of being oval like chickens’ or round like other birds’, puffins’ eggs are round on only one end and pointed on the other.
Why do you think the Lord God made their eggs such an odd shape? When He created puffins, He knew that their eggs would be laid on rocky ledges. A round or oval egg would easily roll off the ledge if left unattended even for a moment. However, a pointed egg just turns in a small circle and can easily be returned to the nest.
It takes almost a month for the chick to hatch. While the chick remains in the nest, it is fed a continual diet of fish. When the tired parents leave the fat chick after about six to eight weeks of care and constant feeding, the young bird eventually goes to the edge of the cliff and flies down to the water. Soon it is diving for its own food. It later migrates north with the colony, returning south in the spring to the same rock on which it was born.
These birds live in the northern oceans of the world but are not forgotten by the One who created them. The Lord God once said, “Consider the ravens [and other birds]: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God [feeds] them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?” (Luke 12:24). He is making it plain that He thinks more highly of human beings than of the rest of His creatures. He has shown this by giving us a never-dying soul and a home in heaven for those who trust in Him.
Set 10
Ice Cream for Breakfast
Have you ever had ice cream for breakfast? I hope not! It is not a good breakfast food, but that’s just what Peter wanted one morning. He thought he deserved it, and his mind was made up that ice cream was the only thing he would eat for breakfast that morning.
Peter was a lonely, 9-year-old boy. His family was in an unhappy state, since his mother and sister no longer lived with them. Peter and his father lived in an apartment together. His father drove a taxi and often was not there when Peter got home from school, so Peter spent many hours alone.
A friendly Christian couple, Albert and his wife Anna, lived in the same apartment building. They knew that Peter was usually alone in the afternoons, so they often invited him to their apartment to play games, have something to eat and hear Bible stories.
One afternoon, Anna thought she smelled something strange and opened her apartment door to the hallway. Smoke! She ran for the caretaker, and he came running. He quickly found that the fire was in Peter’s apartment. Peter was again alone and had tried to fix his own supper after he got in from school.
The fire wasn’t too serious, but it got Peter into a good deal of trouble, and he was sent to a foster home. Albert and Anna also moved to another home, and they did not see Peter for some time. When they did see him, it was a surprise.
One cold December night several months later, there was a knock on their front door. When Albert opened the door, there stood Peter! His father was also there, and he asked, “Could Peter stay with you for a couple of weeks? Things aren’t working out at the foster home, and I wondered if you could give Peter a place to stay for a while.”
Albert looked at Anna and Anna looked at Albert. They both looked at Peter. He had nothing with him except a bag of potato chips ... no clothes, no pajamas, not even a toothbrush!
Albert and Anna were both thinking to themselves, Stay for several weeks and he brought nothing with him but a bag of potato chips? However, they had become quite fond of Peter and wanted to help him, so they agreed that he could stay.
For several days all went well. Peter enjoyed the attention he received, and it was fun to go shopping with Anna to pick out some new clothes, a toothbrush and a few other things. Peter often said “thank you” and behaved himself quite well.
Several mornings later, Anna heard Peter already out of bed and in the kitchen, so she went downstairs to make his breakfast. To her surprise, Peter was already making his own breakfast! He had taken the ice cream out of the freezer and was piling it high in a dish.
“Peter,” Anna said, “you can’t have ice cream for breakfast!”
“Why not?” demanded Peter.
“Well, it’s not really good for you,” Anna explained. “You need something more nourishing than that for breakfast.”
“But I want ice cream!” Peter insisted.
Anna tried to gently explain and reason with Peter, but he thought he deserved something better for breakfast than any of the regular breakfast foods that Anna offered him. He wanted the best, and as far as he was concerned ice cream was the best.
Peter seemed to forget that he had been kindly received in this home. He apparently forgot about the new clothes, the good meals and the happy time he was having. He forgot to be thankful, and when he didn’t get something he thought he deserved, he got quite angry. He said, “If I can’t have ice cream for breakfast, then I won’t have anything!”
And so it turned out that Peter spent quite a long morning with an uncomfortably empty feeling in his stomach. I’m thankful to tell you that he accepted happily what was offered to him at an early lunch.
Now I have not told you this story just to show you Peter’s faults. No, I have told you because I am afraid that you and I sometimes are very much like Peter. Have you and I been thankful for the good things that God gives us? Have you ever thought that God owes you something? We do not deserve any of God’s good gifts, because we are sinners. The Bible says plainly, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Do you think that you deserve to go to heaven because you have tried your best? God says that “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).
God gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for us when we were still far away from God and loved our sins. He offers His free salvation to us, not because we deserve it, but because He loves us.
Peter refused to eat anything when he was not allowed to have ice cream. Have you refused God’s offer of salvation because you want to have it your way? If so, you will end up with no salvation at all—”Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). No salvation means you will have to bear the punishment that you deserve for your sins. “If ye believe not ... ye shall die in your sins.” “After this the judgment” (John 8:24; Hebrews 9:27).
God loves you, cares for you and has given you many good gifts. He still offers you His greatest and best gift—the gift of salvation. Will you accept it? “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
MEMORY VERSE: “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Musical Cricket
“God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:25
For its small size the male cricket is a very noisy insect whose chirps can be heard a mile away on a quiet night. These sounds are made in much the same way as a musician playing a violin. The upper surface of each wing is equipped with a scraper. This is drawn over the lower part of the wing that has a hundred or more rough crossridges. By moving its wings, the chirp sound is made. This “music” is the way the Creator designed crickets to “talk” with one another.
Toward the end of summer, the female cricket makes a hole in the soil about an inch deep and deposits about three hundred little, banana-shaped eggs. The young crickets hatch the following spring and immediately begin searching for dead insects or tender plants to eat.
As the young cricket grows, its outer skeleton splits open and drops off. This is called molting, and it is repeated sometimes a dozen times. When the final molt takes place, the wings and other parts of the body are fully developed. The common, black or field cricket is about an inch long when it emerges from its final molt. It has two long antennae at the front of its head that act as feelers. The cricket is able to fly but seldom does, preferring to move over the ground by jumping, like its cousin the grasshopper. Mature crickets (which do not live through the winter) live a short but busy life, eating a variety of things. They prefer tender, juicy plants, often doing great damage to farmers’ crops. However, they also move into houses and other buildings, eating clothing and bookbindings.
In cold weather crickets chirp less, and in hot weather they chirp more. Do you want to know what the temperature is? They say that if you count the chirps for 15 seconds, then add 40, you will have the temperature in Fahrenheit degrees. Try it sometime.
Crickets represent part of God’s creation and have their place among all that He has made. He has not only provided special features for their way of life, but He also watches over them, providing for all their needs.
What does the Bible say about His care over you? Acts 17:24-25 says, “God that made the world and all things therein ... [gives] to all [people] life, and breath, and all things.” And in Romans 8:31-32 These wonderful words appear: “If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”
Have you ever thanked Him for His wonderful gifts to you?
The Tornado
One afternoon, Paul and Jean were playing on the shore of Lake Erie. High on the bank above them was their cottage. They really loved spending the summer right on the lakeshore, away from the city! Father came here each night after work, and Mother was always there with them at the cottage. During the days, Paul and Jean had a wonderful time at the lake, looking out the window of the cottage and watching the boats go by. Sometimes they watched the big waves when the storms came over the lake. And there were always the seagulls circling and crying overhead that they could watch.
Many days, like today, they played down by the lake, swimming, building sand castles, skipping rocks, and eating the picnic lunches Mother packed for them. But today something was different. A storm was gathering, and they could see huge, black clouds in the distance. Somehow it didn’t make them want to stay by the water, away from Mother. They decided to head home.
Mother was surprised to see them home so soon. When she asked them why they were back, Paul told her that a storm was coming with big, black clouds.
Mother hurried to a window to look out across the lake, and what she saw filled her with alarm. A cloud shaped like a funnel was headed straight for their cottage! It seemed to be bouncing along the lake, sometimes dipping low and touching the water, other times rising in the air. She quickly realized it was a tornado!
Then Mother remembered ... God was with her and the children. Turning to them, she said, “Paul and Jean, come with me. Let’s go down to the cellar and pray. That big cloud coming over the lake is bringing danger. Let’s ask our heavenly Father to protect us.”
They ran down the steps into the cellar and prayed, asking God to save them and their cottage from the tornado. God’s Word, the Bible, says, “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him” (Psalm 91:15). “It shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).
God did hear them, just like He promised, and answered their prayers to protect them. When the tornado reached the shore below their cottage, it hit against the high bank where their cottage sat, bounced up in the air, and went over the top of the cottage. Then it came down to the ground again behind the cottage and continued on its destructive path. How thankful the family was that God hears and answers the prayers of His children. “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust” (Psalm 91:4).
Children, there is something coming to this earth that will be much worse than any tornado. After the Lord Jesus takes all who truly trust in Him up to heaven, there will come such an awful time on this earth that even big, strong men’s hearts will fail them for fear. God is going to judge this world for all the sin that has taken place here. And even worse than that, people who won’t accept the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, as their Saviour now will spend eternity in an awful place called hell, which is the lake of fire.
However, we have good news for you. Not one of you has to experience either of these horrible things. God has made a way of escape! He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross, where He was punished for the sins of anyone who will accept Him as their very own Saviour. If you will believe God’s good news that Jesus took all the judgment you deserve for your sins, you will be safe from the judgment coming on this world. He now offers this loving gift of salvation to you, because He loves you so much. But you need to accept this priceless gift to make it your own.
If you know you have sinned, why not talk to God in prayer and tell Him you want to accept His free gift of salvation? He says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise [no way] cast out” (John 6:37). That means that if you go to Him in prayer, telling Him you have sinned and that you want the Lord Jesus to be your own Saviour, He will hear your prayer and make you His own child forever and ever.
Why not do that right now and be safe forever?
MEMORY VERSE: “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust.” Psalm 91:4
Who Protected Grandpa Walt?
Grandpa Walt had a busy day planned. He had just stepped out of the door of the bank and was walking briskly down the street to take care of some other errands, when a tall young man suddenly fell in step beside him.
“Well, you’re lookin’ good!” the young man remarked breezily to Grandpa Walt. “Where are you goin’?”
Grandpa Walt was a Christian, and he seemed to feel the Spirit of God giving him a warning signal. This man was up to no good, Grandpa Walt was sure.
Turning to the stranger with a quiet smile and with true certainty, Grandpa Walt answered happily, “I’m going to heaven! Christ died on the cross for my sins, and one of these days He’s going to take me to heaven ... I can hardly wait!”
Like a flash, the young man began to walk faster and was soon lost in the crowd.
God’s Word, the Bible, says, “Surely He [the Lord Jesus] shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler.... His truth shall be thy shield and buckler” (Psalm 91:3-4).
Have you learned the power of God’s Word in your life? It not only can save your soul for eternity, but it is able to protect you from harm during your lifetime. The Bible says, “Even to your old age ... will I carry you ... and will deliver you” (Isaiah 46:4).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Man's Friend - The Horse
“In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD.” Zechariah 14:20
Isn’t it amazing that some large animals like horses, which can weigh a ton or more, can be taught to obey a boy or girl weighing less than a hundred pounds? God arranged this in creation and declared in Genesis 1:26 that man should dominate all living creatures.
Centuries ago men discovered that a horse’s mouth could be used to control it. Between its front and back teeth is an open space. A metal bar, called a bit, is placed there and a bridle is attached to it. This is then used to direct the horse wherever the rider wants it to go.
King David in the Bible wrote about horses: “Be ye not as the horse ... whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle” (Psalm 32:9). This advice warns us not to resist God or He may have to turn us in the right direction by some stronger action.
A horse keeps its “baby teeth” until it is five years old, and then new, strong teeth replace them. But over the years these wear down, so an experienced horseman can tell a horse’s age by counting its teeth and looking at their condition.
Have you noticed that a horse’s eyes are situated more on each side of its head than in front like yours? The Creator gave it this extra safety precaution so it can see to each side. They have larger eyes than any other land animal.
A horse’s entire body helps it to receive sounds. Besides its ears, its hooves sense sound and pass it on through its bones and nerves. A horse has sharp hearing and can move its ears to catch sounds from almost any direction. Its ears are also a clue to its disposition. Straight forward—it is interested and usually friendly. Laid back—look out! It may be angry or annoyed.
God gave the legs and feet of a horse a special design. As a horse runs, its foot hits the ground with a powerful force. An elastic ligament above the hoof stretches out so the full force of the animal’s great weight does not hurt the lower part of the leg. This feature prevents the leg bones from breaking and becoming useless and allows it to gallop and jump without harm. Yet a horse can sleep standing upright. Its legs are provided with “lock-joints” which remain firm and straight even though the horse is sound asleep.
These wonderful animals did not develop their unusual abilities by themselves. Everything about them shows the wisdom of the Creator when He placed them among earth’s animals.
The psalmist said, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7), and, “Blessed is the man that [trusts] in Him” (Psalm 34:8). Are you trusting in earthly things or are you trusting in God?
Moses, Take off Your Shoes!
You may have heard the story of the baby Moses who was found floating in a little basket in the Nile River. An Egyptian princess found him and adopted him, so he became the king’s grandson.
The royal palace made sure that as Moses grew up he was given an excellent education. He knew more about the pyramids than historians know today, and he probably saw the pyramids often. But along with all his learning, he had a secret sadness. He knew he was a Hebrew boy and that the Hebrews were hard-working slaves of the Egyptian people who mistreated them badly.
Moses’ heart was deeply troubled when he saw how the Egyptians continued to abuse the Hebrews. He knew the Hebrews were God’s chosen people, and, being a Hebrew by birth, his loyalty led him to refuse to be called the king’s grandson. He gave up all the royal pleasures and chose instead to endure the hardships the Hebrews were going through.
Is following God really worth that much? Wouldn’t it be better to have everybody respecting him as the king’s grandson, rather than standing on the side of God? Ask yourself this question. If Jesus is truly your Saviour, is it better to stand with the world and not let anybody know that you belong to Jesus? You might lose your friends if you tell them, “I belong to Jesus.”
Moses lost his place in the royal family. In fact, he almost lost his life, but he went off to the desert and got a job looking after the sheep of a man named Jethro. Was this new position better or worse? Wait and see ... .
Moses had been working there for forty years, he had married Jethro’s daughter and had two sons. By now he was eighty years old. Maybe he had forgotten his Egyptian education, but he had learned a lot more. He was a listener now when God spoke—and that’s worth learning. Have you learned to be a listener when God speaks?
One day Moses saw something very puzzling—a bush on fire. Even though it was burning with fire, it was not burning up. He decided to go closer to see why the bush didn’t burn up. Moses, Moses, called a Voice from the burning bush. Then Moses answered, Here am I. The Voice continued. Don’t come closer. Take off your shoes, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.
If you heard God’s voice calling you like that, would you answer Him or would you run away? The Bible is God’s Word, and He is calling you by name today! Are you listening? He has better news for you than He had for Moses, because you are living in the time after the Lord Jesus died on the cross. He doesn’t tell you to take off your shoes. Instead, you will be given a son’s place in the Father’s house. God wants to make you one of His children, if you will accept His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your very own Saviour. He promises a position in His family that will be yours forever! Will you answer, “Here am I”? “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).
The Voice continued, I am the God of Abraham and of Isaac and Jacob. There was no doubt about whose voice it was. Still Moses did not run away, but he hid his face. He was afraid to look upon God.
It is a good thing for you and me to be afraid of God, because He hates sin ... but that’s not the end of the story. I know that Jesus died for my sins, including every secret sin, and I come before Him with joy because my sins are gone—washed away by His precious blood. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
Boys and girls, do you know whose voice is speaking in the Bible? It is God Himself speaking to you. You may close the book and try to forget, or you may be afraid of His holiness, but how much better to stand up as a forgiven sinner and a true child of God and answer Him with joy. Which shall it be? God loves you and really wants you to be a part of His family. He says, “Come unto Me” (Matthew 11:28).
You may read this story of Moses for yourself in Exodus 3.
MEMORY VERSE: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7
One-Word Answer
“Who can tell me in one word the way to get to heaven?” the Sunday school teacher asked her four- and five-year-olds. Several hands went up.
“Okay, Peggy?”
“Sunday school,” replied Peggy promptly.
“What do you say, Megan?”
Megan suggested, “Praying,” and Lisa added, “Being good.” But not one of those answers was the correct answer the teacher was waiting for.
Then small, dark-eyed Alison shyly put up her hand and whispered, “Jesus.”
That was the correct answer the teacher was waiting to hear. What would your answer have been?
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Fierce-Looking Lobster
“Behold, God is great, and we know Him not.... He [spreads] His light upon [the earth], and [covers] the bottom of the sea.” Job 36:26,30.
Lobsters are strange-looking creatures of the sea. They are easily recognized by their stiff shell, large fantail, spindly legs and large claws. Dark green or dark blue (they don’t turn red until cooked), they blend in with the ocean floor. Eyes with thousands of facets are atop two stalks, and two wire-like antennae that detect food or danger extend out in front. They do not have ears but listen through the sensitive hairs on their legs.
They have five pairs of legs. The first pair ends in large claws that extend in front of the head. These are for defense but also are used to crush shells of clams and oysters to get at the meaty parts. The other four pairs are for walking. The large fantail has four pairs of swimmerets, providing power for swimming or scooting away backwards when frightened.
Male lobsters are cranky and hostile, and it is not unusual for them to lose a claw or leg, which amazingly grows back eventually.
A lobster never stops growing and reaches thirty-five pounds or more if it lives long enough. But its armor-like shell doesn’t grow with it. Every summer the lobster splits its shell and steps out of it. Its new shell, which has formed under the old one, is soft and gives the lobster no protection. It hides under a rock or piece of seaweed while its new shell hardens.
The female lays thousands of eggs usually only once every two years. She carries them safely under her large tail for eleven to twelve months before shaking the babies out of their eggshells. The baby lobsters rise to the surface and drift in the ocean currents, sometimes traveling great distances before they sink to the ocean bottom three to five weeks later. As they drift, they are easy prey for other sea creatures and birds. Those that escape these enemies grow to maturity but then may become victims of lobster traps and wind up on dinner tables.
The result is that not many lobsters live very long. No doubt this is why the Creator provided the female with the ability to produce so many eggs. Those that manage to escape all the hazards can live as long as fifteen years.
Some might think God would not be concerned about lobsters on the ocean floor, but the light of His vision goes even to “the bottom of the sea” (see opening verse). The Bible tells us, “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest [visible] in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13). This includes you and me. Have you ever thanked Him for His care over you? But more important, have you accepted His offer of salvation through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ?
Hidden Danger
My daughter’s garden was dry and needed to be watered. That was something I knew how to do. It was just a matter of unwinding the hose, attaching a sprayer and then turning on the faucet. After finishing the first two steps, turning on the faucet was next. However, a plastic flowerpot was turned upside down over the faucet, so I picked it up by the bottom and turned it over to set it down. Then I noticed something inside in the very bottom ... and an alarm went off in my head. It was a black spider, and I was remembering a warning I had been given. It could be a black widow spider, so I gently set the flowerpot on the ground and went to get my daughter. I was hoping Grace could tell just by looking at it.
I had been told that black widows hide in dark places, but I had only seen what one looks like in pictures. I didn’t live in this part of the country where people come upon them, hiding in dark corners of their yards or sheds or other outside buildings. But since I had been warned about them, I tried to be watchful when doing any gardening work, especially getting tools out of the garden shed.
The danger with black widow spiders is that their bite is poisonous and can cause illness, severe pain and sometimes death. If one bites you, you must go to the doctor right away to get help. You don’t wait around, hoping it will get better on its own. And that’s something like sin. The Bible says, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4). And since we are all sinners, we need help, because our sins don’t go away on their own. Doctors can help us with poisonous spider bites, but they can’t do anything for us about our sins. Only one Person can remove our sins: “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Another verse says, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
Grace had seen black widow spiders in her backyard, so she knew what to look for. On the underside of these spiders is a red or yellow marking in the shape of an hourglass. But how do you turn them over to look for the marking without getting bitten? She knew what to do. She bumped the spider out of the flowerpot onto the ground. It landed on its back, and we got a glimpse of that small, red marking before it quickly flipped over again and started running. She already had a long-handled tool in her hands to kill it before it got away. End of poisonous spider, and a happy ending to the story.
But will your life have a happy ending in heaven? Not if you die in your sins. God faithfully tells us where those people will spend eternity: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15). God’s book of life has the names of every boy and girl and grown-up who has had their sins washed away in the blood of Jesus. Their lives will have a happy ending in the joy of heaven, forever with their loving Saviour Jesus.
If a black widow spider bit you, would you go to a doctor right away? I expect your answer is, “Yes, of course!” So what are you going to do about your sins? Dying in your sins is far, far worse than a poisonous spider bite! Your sins will take you into a lost eternity forever—away from the God who loves you so much. Why not pray to the Lord Jesus right now? Tell Him, from your heart, that you are sorry for all your sins and that you want Him to wash them away. This is too serious a matter to put off.
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15
Carrie was a pretty little blond-haired, four-year-old. Her mother and father, sister and brother, and grandparents all loved her. But there was something wrong with Carrie. As I sat in the hospital room holding her, I wondered if she would ever open her eyes again. She groaned and whimpered as I gently washed her face and put clean pajamas on her.
I was Carrie’s nurse for the night, and later I read on her chart what had happened to her. I felt like crying. Carrie had been a normal baby, then grew to the toddler stage, and then to a little girl. Then one day for some unknown reason she suffered a stroke. Now she was unconscious, her brain had stopped working right, and she lay there helpless. There was not one thing her parents could do, and there was not one thing even the very best doctors in the children’s hospital could do.
Children, as you are reading this, do you realize that you have a worse sickness than Carrie has? It is the disease of sin. You know that you have done many naughty things. Just one of those sins is enough to keep you out of heaven, that happy place where Jesus lives. But there is Someone who can save you from the disease of sin. God loves you so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for you. Now God is offering to give you free forgiveness from all your sins, through the blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no one else who can save you from the disease of sin. Carrie’s condition seems hopeless, but yours is not—there is a remedy for sin. Come to Him today before it is too late.
“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Beautiful Oriole
“All the earth shall worship Thee, and shall sing unto Thee; they shall sing to Thy name.” Psalm 66:4
The lovely oriole has always been a favorite bird of Europeans, with its musical flute-like songs. When Europeans migrated to North America, they were happy to find orioles here too. Altogether there are nine native oriole species living throughout the United States and southern Canada, with some as far north as Nova Scotia. Most migrate to the Caribbean Sea area or Colombia for the winter.
East of the Rocky Mountains, the Baltimore oriole is the most common species. In the West, it is the Bullock’s oriole, and in the South it is the orchard oriole. All of these robin-sized birds are examples of the wonders of God’s creation. The males have a beautiful coloring of black and orange or deep yellow, but the females are not as brightly colored. This is a wise plan of the Creator, because it helps them to remain hidden when hatching their eggs.
This insect eater is interesting not only because of its beauty and song, but also because of its unusual nest. The nest is usually built as a deep pouch hanging from a fork of a tree. A favorite building material is orange milkweed, which is stripped into long fibers. The female weaves these strips into a basket nest with her beak. Long strands of grass may also be used, or fibers and leaves from trees or desert plants. Whatever the material, their complicated, hanging nest is made by intricate stitching, tying of loops and knots, and perfect shuttle-like weaving. A soft lining such as wool, fine grass or even horsehairs is added. The nest is open at the top but hidden underneath large leaves or branches, concealing it from enemies. These happy birds seem to enjoy the swinging motion of their suspended nests.
Orioles don’t need lessons on how to build such strong, wonderful homes. The Lord God has given them this ability to make a nest just like their ancestors made hundreds of years ago. The One who delights in all His creation gave the oriole this unusual skill.
Few birds sing as much as the oriole. The loud musical voices of various species differ from each other and are always pleasant. They seem to be saying that this bird is happy and content with the way God has provided for it. When we think of all that He has done for us, shouldn’t we be happy too? Yes, and we should also be thankful, as the Bible verse tells us: “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).
The “unspeakable gift” was the giving of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be the Saviour of all who will accept Him as their very own. Have you done this, and can you join in the song of our opening verse?
Set 11
Run, Wesley, Run!
Dear Children,
This letter will probably make you laugh a little and still pass on a serious message as well.
“Okay, I’m listening, Grampa.”
Well, here is what happened. Gramma and I were sitting outside beside the side door to our house. We were watching the birds come and go to the feeding stations and admiring our God’s wisdom in creation. Wesley, our new dog that I’ve told you about before, was behind the barn, doing some hunting on his own. Suddenly, he came running from behind the barn as fast as his legs could carry him! Then he stopped, looked back, then started running again ... right up the steps to where we were sitting. He stopped in front of the door and wanted inside. Something was chasing Wesley and flying right behind him!
“Grampa, what was it?”
It was a big bumblebee! Children, those bees can sting! And Wesley, as young as he is, was smart enough to know that.
Now, do you know that the word “sting” is in the holy Bible? Get your Bible and open it to 1 Corinthians, chapter 15 and find verse 56. This is what it says: “The sting of death is sin”! Oh, my! That means that every time you break just one of God’s commandments, that sin is a sting of death! Have you ever thought about this? Telling lies, cheating, swearing, disobeying your mum and dad, and breaking other commandments are all stings of sin.
So how many times have you been stung by sin? Yes, lots of times. What is the result of all these stings? The result is hell and the lake of fire! But our loving God, our Creator, does not want you to end up in that terrible place. He has given us a way of escape. In other words, He has provided a remedy or healing for all those stings of sin. The remedy is found in your Bible. Turn to 1 John 1:7: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” And remember, God’s remedy is FREE! Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Children, a gift is FREE and you don’t work for it—it is GIVEN to you!
When I was growing up, I had lots of sin stings. But you have a terrible sting out there today that I never had to deal with—it’s called drugs! Do what Wesley did when that bumblebee was chasing him ... run, run as fast as you can away from it! But if you have been stung by drugs, remember this, our Lord Jesus Christ came into contact with ten men who were lepers. That means they had the hopeless disease of leprosy, and He healed them all! And He can forgive your sins as well. You can read about those ten men in Luke 17:11-19.
“Grampa, what happened to Wesley? Did the bee sting him?”
No, Wesley didn’t get stung. I picked up the broom that stands beside the door, and using it as a baseball bat, I swatted that bee and made a home run! Boy, was Wesley ever happy! His tail was wagging, and he wanted to give me a big lick!
And you’ll be happy too when you come to Jesus and tell Him that you want Him to heal all your sin stings by forgiving them. Will you do that today? You’ll be happier than Wesley was!
Lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “The sting of death is sin.” 1 Corinthians 15:56
Christopher, who was about five years old, went with his father to a gospel meeting—a meeting where his father preached to the people and told them about how the Lord Jesus loves them so much that He died on the cross so that any who will believe on Him will be saved.
As they walked home from the meeting, Christopher held his father’s hand tightly. His father was feeling a little sad because no one had said they would come to the Lord Jesus to be saved that night.
All at once Christopher said to his father, “Daddy, I got saved tonight. I asked the Lord Jesus to wash away my sins, and He did!”
You can guess how happy Christopher’s father was to hear his young son confess the name of the Lord Jesus. Romans 10:13 tells us, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,” and this is just what Christopher did.
One day soon after, little Christopher said, “Daddy, there’s an old man in that little house up on the hill, and he is very sick. Could you go tell him about the Lord Jesus?”
His father answered, “Why don’t you go, Christopher, now that you are saved.”
But Christopher said, “Oh no, Daddy, I couldn’t do that.”
But the more he thought about the old man so sick and lonely, the more he wanted to go. It took a lot of courage, but he went, and the Lord Jesus helped him.
He didn’t know what to say, but he remembered his memory verse, and so he repeated it: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” And the old man did just that! He knew he needed help, and so he called on the name of the Lord Jesus and he was saved. How happy he was, and how happy young Christopher was that he had gone to tell him about the Lord Jesus.
If we know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, He wants us to tell others about Him. He will give us the courage if we ask Him.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The All-Important Sun
“The heavens declare the glory of God.... In them hath He set a tabernacle [home] for the sun.” Psalm 19:1,4
Without the sun, all life on earth would cease. It is the source of all energy, starting with photosynthesis (the process by which plants use the energy of sunlight to produce their own food) produced in green plants and trees and the food they supply. It evaporates water from the oceans. This vapor fills the air, providing humidity to keep living things from shriveling, as well as providing the moisture for rain. The sun’s heat produces winds, refreshing the air. These winds stir up the oceans and lakes, adding oxygen that freshens them also. It is the source of light for an otherwise dark and dead world.
The sun is almost 93 million miles from the earth, but it takes only 8-1/2 minutes for its light to reach us. The composition of the earth and its distance from the sun are exactly right for the forms of life the Creator has placed here. To provide the fullest benefits, God has tilted the earth’s axis by 23 degrees. This exposes various parts of the world to the sun’s radiation in such a way as to make possible the cultivation of twice as much land as would be possible if the earth were always at the same angle to the sun. This is very important because all of man’s food originates from plants.
In space there are stars estimated to be two billion times brighter than our sun, but God has made the sun just right for our needs. It is 860,000 miles in diameter, and, if it were hollow, it could contain over a million earths! It is a huge nuclear furnace, changing four to five million tons of its matter into energy every second. Yet it does not burn itself out, nor become smaller in size. Who but God could provide such a furnace as this!
The sun dominates the nine planets of our solar system and is responsible for holding each one in its course. No collisions are possible, because the speed of each planet as it travels in its orbit, together with the gravitational pull of the sun, makes it maintain a uniform distance at all times.
Who do you think put these heavenly bodies in such a precise pattern? Who set their speeds through space and established their travels around the sun so accurately? Only God, who put all this in motion, could have kept them in the same circuits and timetables ever since they were created.
The author of Psalm 84, impressed with the majesty of the heavens, referred to the Lord as his sun and shield. “The Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee” (vss. 11-12). Is He your sun and shield too?
Vapor Lock!
Our 1977 van had a problem. Even though it was thirty-one years old, once it was started and going, it worked very well. It was a camper van with a refrigerator, sink, cabinets and comfortable beds—everything we needed for camping. But this was the problem—it really didn’t like to have its engine idling when it was hot. Vapor lock would set in, and we would have to wait for about thirty minutes while the engine cooled off before it would start again.
One day we were returning on an Interstate highway from a long trip. We came around a curve and found ourselves in a construction area. All the cars and trucks ahead of us had come to a complete stop. After about five or ten minutes, traffic started up again ... everyone, that is, except us! Our van wouldn’t start. Once again it was vapor locked, and there we sat in the fast lane, with a cement barrier on our left and traffic whizzing by on the right.
Earl was trying to push the van out of the way of traffic, but the cement barrier made it impossible. We were in a very dangerous spot! Because of the curve, other drivers couldn’t see us until they were almost on top of us. And I wondered what would happen if two big trailer trucks came roaring around that curve side-by-side! Both of us were praying that the Lord would preserve us from an almost-certain accident.
Suddenly, a man in a pickup truck stopped, parked his truck in front of us, and got out a big hook and towrope. Then he hitched us up to his truck. “I’m going to take you to a safe place,” he said, hopping into his pickup.
We heaved a big sigh of relief as he towed us to a place made for truckers to pull off the road and rest.
“Thank-you, thank-you,” we said as he came to collect his towing equipment and say good-bye. We offered to pay him for his help, but he wouldn’t accept any money. When I handed him a gospel tract, he said, “I already belong to the Lord Jesus. Keep that for someone else.” Then he was gone as quickly as he had come.
Was he an angel that the Lord Jesus had sent in answer to our prayers? He looked just like any other man.
You know, God the Father sent His Son Jesus into the world to be our Saviour. The Bible tells us this in 1 John 4:14: “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” Jesus didn’t look any different than other people, but He was the sinless Son of God. God sent Him here for a very special purpose—to die on Calvary’s cross for sinners like you and me and take the punishment for the sins of every person who would accept Him as their very own Saviour.
You and I are in desperate need of salvation. We can never be accepted into heaven with our sins. It’s as though we have vapor lock, and here is the help we need. The Lord Jesus Christ loves us and wants to wash us clean from every sin and take us to that safe place where we can have rest and happiness. And it won’t cost any money either, because Jesus paid the full price. “[You] were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold ... but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
Are you redeemed? Are you prepared to go to the safe place called heaven?
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold ... but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18-19
One Stolen Grape
Carlos had been taught since he was a small boy that stealing was wrong. When he and his cousin were walking through the supermarket, his cousin began pulling off grapes, one by one, from the produce display and eating them. Carlos was surprised and did not join his cousin in stealing grapes.
Still, the grapes looked awfully good, and no one seemed to notice his cousin taking them. Finally, Carlos could resist no longer. When he thought no one was looking, he reached out to take a grape—only one—from one of the bunches. Imagine his surprise when, instead of a single grape, he found a small bunch had pulled off in his hand! The single grape just would not come loose from the bunch.
“Hey!” shouted one of the supermarket employees at Carlos. Frightened, he raced out of the supermarket and looked for a place to hide. However, the only place he could find to hide was under a jeep parked at the curb. His heart pounding with guilty fear, Carlos lay under the jeep. He wondered what he should do if the owner of the jeep were to come out and start his vehicle.
What a mess Carlos had gotten himself into, and all because of a single grape! Boys and girls, let us remember that little things we do can have big consequences in our lives. Adam’s one disobedience shut him out from fellowship with God and from the Garden of Eden. And it only takes one sin to keep a person out of heaven.
I am happy to tell you that when Carlos was fifteen years old, he came to realize that his sins were going to keep him out of heaven. He soon received God’s gift of eternal salvation through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Today Carlos is one of the happiest Christians I know, but he has never forgotten the lesson of the one stolen grape.
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Wandering Albatross
“Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Thy glory be above all the earth.” Psalm 57:5
Over the centuries, sailors traveling on the southern oceans have been surprised to find a lone albatross here or there. Sometimes they are hundreds or even thousands of miles from land. Many have thought these large birds must have been blown out to sea by storms and couldn’t find their way back, but this is not the case.
From the beginning God has given these birds a remarkable sense of direction. Although they may seem to wander aimlessly, apparently they are never lost. They just seem to enjoy being out over the wide ocean expanses. God has given them long, strong, pointed wings with a spread of eleven feet. This allows them to glide great distances for long periods of time. They spend many months away from land, coming to land only to breed. It is assumed they sleep while gliding. When hungry, they drop down to catch a fish; when thirsty, they drink seawater.
An interesting project during the Pacific War shows their sense of direction and ability to fly great distances. The U.S. military established a huge air base at Midway Island in the Pacific, but immediately found this was a favorite area for hundreds of albatrosses that then interfered with air traffic. The decision was made to capture and remove them. In cages, some were taken to the Philippines, over 4000 miles away; some to Whidbey Island in Washington State, more than 3000 miles away; and some in other directions. All were banded and released so they could be identified if seen again.
And they were seen again, as all eventually returned! It was estimated they flew about three hundred miles per day in returning to Midway. How did they find their way over such distances?
While flying over remote areas of the ocean, aircraft navigators require sensitive instruments, along with radio signals, to be sure to stay on course and not get hopelessly lost. How can the albatross cover these many miles soaring so carefree, first in one direction, then in another, and never get lost? The answer is that God has put all this direction-finding ability into its brain. How helpless man looks with all his instruments, compared with the instincts and abilities given to these birds by the Creator.
God has given mankind an intelligence far above other created creatures, along with fresh blessings every day. Yet how many people never give Him a thought, and some intentionally turn away from Him.
God is so “longsuffering...not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). How deeply He loves us: “He ... sent His Son to be the propitiation [offering] for our sins” (1 John 4:10). Do you have the joy of being a child of His through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
What Is Heaven Like?
Maybe you have wondered what heaven is really like. “I want to go there, because I don’t want to go to the other place,” one boy said to me.
A girl said, “No, I don’t want to go there because they sing all the time, and I’d be bored!”
“I don’t want heaven; I just want to be gone to nothing,” said another.
I’m afraid those children have never read the Bible. The only One who knows the answer to our question has written a book for you—the Bible. Surely the Lord Jesus knows what heaven is like. He has lived there since farther back than our minds can go, and after He rose from the dead, He went back to heaven. But since He went back, He has a real body with nail wounds in His hands. He didn’t have those before. So with the Lord Jesus in heaven, it is a wonderful place of happiness! He is also called the Lamb of God.
Have you read the Book of Revelation? It will tell you what is NOT found in heaven—no tears, no sorrow and no pain. But how can God tell you what His home is really like? You may read about the street of gold, and we know gold is valuable and beautiful. You might read about the wounded Lamb with seven horns and seven eyes, and that sounds a little scary.
Let me tell you a secret. These pictures God gives us are symbols, like a beaver or a star or a bear with a hat on. God wants to tell us something, and instead of saying, “I can’t understand,” let’s listen and learn God’s secret symbols.
In Revelation 5, we have three groups praising the Lord in heaven. The first group is twenty-four elders. Elders are people, and it’s easy to count to twenty-four. There were beasts too, and I can’t imagine what they looked like, but they show the character of God. You’ll find them described in Revelation 4:7.
The elders had seats, and there was not one empty seat. You know what? There will be no empty seats in heaven! If you are saved from your sins, even if you are very little, there’s a place for you in God’s home, and nobody can take that place but YOU! It’s reserved just for you.
The twenty-four elders bow down before the Lamb, and they SING! And more than that, the words are sung to that wonderful Lamb who died to save them. Did you notice that they sing to the Lamb and not just about Him? And they sing about His blood. Those twenty-four elders are from every tribe and language and race and nation, and they are kings and priests! You won’t have to stretch your neck for a peek at them; you’ll be right there singing with them, and you won’t be out of breath or bored! It will be wonderful to be there! And the best part is that Jesus will be there!
The next group is way beyond my mathematical ability. There are so many thousands that I couldn’t count that high. They are angels, and they don’t sing about the blood because Jesus didn’t die for angels. In fact, they don’t sing at all. They talk with a loud voice, like a crowd of cheering people. They don’t speak to the Lamb, but speak about Him. They have seven things to praise Him for, and you’ll find them in verse 12.
Then there’s a third group, and no number is given for them. This group includes creatures in heaven (like the birds) and creatures in the sea (like fish), and the writer (John) heard them saying, “Blessing and honor and glory and power”—just four things. They have praises for God and the Lamb, because they are fitted to live where they are, but they don’t have understanding of the One who created them.
After all these praises, the beasts say, “Amen,” and the elders (that’s the saved people like you and me), worship Him who lives forever and ever.
What does your heart say to all this? Are you in that happy number who sing, “Thou art worthy”? You can’t fit into the second or third group, and if you have no place in the first group, where will you be?
I can’t find anything in God’s book about “going to nothing” when you die. In fact, I can read the awful truth in Revelation 20:15 of those not found written in the book of life. Many of you boys and girls memorized that verse a few weeks back. Do you remember its very sad and serious message? If not, it would be good to look it up.
Is your name written in God’s book of life? I sure hope so!
“Every one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).
MEMORY VERSE: “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12
Keeping Guard
You have a little prisoner;
He’s nimble, sharp and clever;
He’s sure to get away from you
Unless you watch him ever.
And when he once gets out,
He makes more trouble in an hour
Than you can stop in many a day,
Working with all your power.
He gets your playmates by the ears
And says what is not so;
He uses many ugly words
Not good for you to know.
Quick, fasten shut the ivory gates
And chain him while he’s young;
For this same dangerous prisoner
Is just ... your little tongue.
“Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3). “The tongue is a little member, and [boasts] great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire [kindles]!” (James 3:5).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Marmot (Mountain Whistler)
“Every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:10-11
Hikers who enjoy the quiet of the high elevations of many mountains in western North America are sometimes startled to hear a sharp whistle nearby. They will usually stop, thinking someone is trying to get their attention. But if they look closely, they are pretty sure to discover that the whistler is a mountain marmot. They will probably find it perched on top of a rock, carefully studying them.
The marmot, between one and two feet long, looks similar to a beaver. It is the largest member of the squirrel family. Short-legged, with its nine-inch furry tail stretched out behind and its small ears perked up, its dark eyes closely watch the hikers. If a hiker should start to climb toward this reddish-furred sentinel, a sharper whistle would warn all other marmots to run into their burrows, which the watcher also would do. Soon it would cautiously look out, and if the danger had disappeared, it would give an appropriate whistle to let its companions know the coast was clear. Aside from the warning whistles, large groups communicate with one another in whistle language. It is easy to understand why they are called whistlers.
Expert excavators, each family digs its own burrow that is from ten to twenty-five feet long. It has an entrance under the shelter of a rock that is big enough to ensure that no bear or coyote can shove it aside. At the end of each burrow, a den is lined with moss and grass, and space is reserved to store food. Frequently, two burrows lead to one den. This provides a safety factor for quick entry and an extra means of escape if necessary. Retiring for the winter with fattened stomachs dragging on the ground, they are well prepared for hibernation until spring. All these details tell of the Creator’s care over them.
Usually four or five pups are born in May, and a few weeks later they begin to wander outside. They stay with their parents through the summer and following winter. The pups playfully roll and tumble together as parents watch, and all have a happy relationship, nuzzling and stroking each other with their paws.
We read in the Bible, “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” (Psalm 36:6-7). Marmots have no way of knowing of the Creator’s watchful care, but we who have been more favored than any other creature are told in God’s holy Word, the Bible, of His constant care. We also read of His love that has provided everlasting life for all who accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their own Saviour. How thankful we should be for such loving care!
Does God Care?
On a summer afternoon, my brother Art and I were sitting in the tent we’d set up in the side yard. We noticed construction workers driving along the side of the road spraying grass seed onto the area where a water line had recently been put in. For some reason, they stopped beside a little patch of tall grass a few feet away from the road, which happened to be along the edge of a plowed field. We heard a noise like a tiny baby goat yelling, and we saw an animal run a short distance along the edge of the field before falling down into the tall grass. Knowing that none of our neighbors in that direction had goats, we wondered what it could be. As we watched, the construction workers stood over the spot, taking pictures with their cell phones. Mom, Art, and I were a little worried about it, but then we realized that it was probably a fawn. We also knew it would be best to leave it alone for its mother to find her baby.
Later that afternoon, we saw a deer walking along the edge of the woods directly across the road from the spot where the fawn lay. We were sure that she would spot the baby where it was, but something scared her before she came to the spot and she ran back to the tree line. After dinner, Dad and Art went over to see if the fawn was still there, and Mom and I followed shortly after. It was the smallest fawn I had even seen, with a tiny head and little legs and hooves that were only about an inch in diameter. A cold rain was starting to fall, and we knew that the baby was too small to be on its own and needed its mother.
We tried to help the little fawn stand, but it was still too weak. We were praying about what we should do. After wondering whether or not to try to move it, we decided to take it across the road and over to the tree line where we knew its mother had gone. Art laid it down in a place near where we had seen the mother enter the woods. It was settled far enough into the grass to protect it, but uncovered enough so that its mother could hopefully find it. We prayed that everything would work out.
The next morning my brother went to check the spot where he had left the fawn. He found lots of deer tracks all around and some small pokes in the dirt where the baby had walked, too. There were also dog tracks, but not as many or as fresh-looking as the deer tracks. We were happy with that report and thanked the Lord for His care for His creatures.
Late that afternoon, Dad called all of us into the kitchen to see something. We had no idea what it would be, but we looked out the window overlooking the open field. The mother deer was nursing her baby in the middle of the field, standing around as if there was nothing to be afraid of and nothing that would harm her nursing baby. They were still there after one of us ran to get the binoculars to see them better!
What a blessing it was to see the mother and fawn together! It was as if God wanted us to know that our prayers for the fawn’s safety had been answered by showing us this scene in a place where nature would not normally put these two creatures during this time. How great is His care and provision for His creatures—animals and people alike! How great is His power over His creation, that all things obey His perfect will! “These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season. That Thou givest them they gather: Thou openest Thine hand, they are filled with good” (Psalm 104:27-28). “Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13).
Does God care about you? He certainly does! “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5). That’s how much He cares!
MEMORY VERSE: “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5
The Hiding Place
Some birds seem to find places for their nests that other birds and enemy creatures cannot easily find.
We were visiting friends who had a lovely hanging plant just outside their backdoor entrance. Every time they came out that door, a small bird sitting nearby on the wash line began scolding them. This continued for days, but no one seemed to know why.
One day they noticed their hanging plant started to look wilted, even though they watered it every day. Finally, they took the plant down and examined it more closely. To their amazement, inside the plant was a small nest, and in the nest were three tiny eggs. The mother bird was nearby really scolding them! No wonder she was so upset! This was her hiding place for the arrival of her babies! She was trying to protect her eggs from harm, and lifting the plant down with the nest inside really had her upset. The plant was carefully hung back on the hook by the back door, and from that time on special care was taken of it until those baby birds were hatched and gone from the nest.
Do you have a hiding place? The person who wrote Psalm 119 had found a special hiding place. And those of you who know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour can have this same hiding place. Do you know where that special place is? “Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in Thy word” (Psalm 119:114). The Lord Jesus is our hiding place. He loves us and promises to give us His protective care: “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust” (Psalm 91:4).
Are you in that special hiding place?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Insects in Watery Homes
“All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3
The Lord God is not only the Creator of the beautiful and spectacular things of nature that we see, but the above verse includes the many things that we are not even aware of. One of the world’s largest insects, called the giant water bug, is one of these.
These insects live in tropical regions, and some are found in North America. Most are two inches or more in length. They can fly, but since their wide, flat bodies float, they usually stay close to their homes in ponds or lakeshores where they prefer quiet water.
Their front legs are wide and flat with sharp edges and are helpful in capturing insects and even fish as big as themselves. Hind legs provide paddle-like power for fast swimming on or below the surface. Their bite can produce a painful swelling, so anyone trying to catch one should be careful.
The male of one variety allows his mate to spray his back with a glue substance from her body, and then she lays one hundred or more eggs on this glue. He carries these around for ten days, until they hatch. Other species glue their eggs on water plants.
Although they are not aware of it, water bugs are always under the watchful eye of their Creator and serve a useful purpose in destroying many harmful insects.
Another insect that lives in a watery home is the damselfly, which looks like a small dragonfly. The female lays her eggs in shallow water among the weeds. Sad to say, often a tiny wasp named polynema, which is about the size of a grain of rice, is likely to show up. Using paddle-like wings as oars, the female dives down to lay eggs, depositing one on each of the damselfly’s eggs already there. Then she swims to the surface and flies off.
By the time the damselfly’s eggs hatch into nymphs that will remain underwater for some time, the polynema’s eggs placed on them have hatched into worm-like grubs that slowly eat their hosts, until they become full-grown wasps and fly away. Because of this, many little damselflies will never become full-grown.
Are you wondering, “Did God create polynemas too?” Yes, but when He created them, they were not harmful in any way. Their harmful change was the result of sin coming into the world—all created things have been affected by sin.
But the time is coming, after all Christians are taken to heaven and God’s judgment against wickedness has taken place on the earth, that there will again be a peaceful creation. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, you will be in that happy home above, looking down on the lovely new creation. Will you be in that happy home?
Set 12
A Harbor Seal's Brush With Disaster
The Strait of Juan de Fuca is an inlet of the ocean dividing Canada from the State of Washington. Passengers on two ships in this inlet were able to view a life-and-death drama between a pod of Orcas, which are killer whales, and a harbor seal.
Earlier in the day, twelve passengers and a boat pilot set out in a large, inflatable boat, called a Zodiac boat, from the Canadian side on a whale watching tour. They got to see more than they expected when they finally located a pod of the black and white Orcas by their tall dorsal fins. These killer whales had spotted a lone harbor seal and were chasing it.
In the open water, the seal didn’t have much chance of escaping the whales. Orcas are 30 feet long, and seals are 5 to 6 feet long. Orcas weigh 16,000 pounds, and seals weigh 300 pounds. Orcas swim at a top speed of 30 miles per hour, and a harbor seal’s top speed is 13 miles per hour. The Orcas certainly had a big advantage over the seal; however, the Orcas were chasing a very resourceful seal!
With the Orcas close behind, the seal realized it needed a refuge or a hiding place, and it needed it fast! The seal swam towards the inflatable boat at full speed, leaped out of the water and onto the rounded end of the Zodiac boat. It then squirmed down onto the deck. The passengers backed away from the seal, giving it plenty of space. The whales circled the area for a short while, and then their dorsal fins disappeared, as they appeared to swim away. After twenty minutes, the seal must have felt it was safe to shimmy over the side of the boat and reenter the water.
But it wasn’t. The Orcas reappeared, and this time they cut off the seal’s path back to the Zodiac boat. Another boat had slowed to a stop to watch the whales. This boat was the Victoria Clipper, a high-speed ferryboat that carried hundreds of passengers. The sides of this boat were high and made out of metal. Even as the seal swam for the ferryboat, with the Orcas close behind, there was no chance the seal could jump over its sides to get away from the whales.
The Victoria Clipper is powered by two turbo jet engines. As the ship sat still in the water, these engines were only partially underwater. To the seal, they were perfect little caves of refuge. The seal jumped out of the water and pulled itself up onto one of the jet engines.
Again, the seal had escaped the whales. This time they lost interest and swam off in search of easier prey. After waiting a while, the seal slipped back into the water and swam off.
When the Orcas first began chasing the seal, it knew it was in trouble and had to find a hiding place and find it fast! It found safety in two unusual places and lived to see another day. A long time ago, King David wrote about God: “Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance” (Psalm 32:7). For all of our troubles, God is a sure refuge or hiding place. This is especially true for our problem of sin.
Over two thousand years ago, God provided a place of safety for sinners when His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, died on the cross. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Sin is hateful in the sight of God, and since He is holy and a God of justice, He cannot let it go unpunished. Those who never repent and come to the Saviour in this life will be lost forever in the darkness and terrors of hell. To make a way of escape for sinners, the Lord Jesus came to earth and died in our place. He is the Son of God, and because of the sacrifice He made at Calvary, all who believe on Him receive the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life. God hates our sin, but He loves sinners and has done everything possible so we might be saved.
There is no other way to be saved from the punishment we deserve for our sins but through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. Those who come to Him find the one hiding place that will keep them safe for time and eternity. “A man shall be as a hiding place” (Isaiah 32:2), and that man is Christ Jesus. Will you accept Him as your place of safety—your hiding place?
MEMORY VERSE: “Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7
Where Are You Going?
Two evangelists started out on a trip, stopping their car now and then to give out tracts in small villages.
One young boy, about ten years old, was handed a gospel tract. One of the men asked him, “Where are you going?”
The boy answered politely, “Oh, I’m just going across the street to the little store over there.”
“That isn’t what I meant,” explained the man. “Where are you going when you leave this world?”
The question took the young boy by surprise. He had never been asked this before. He did not know what to answer.
What would you answer if you were asked this question? Would you hang your head and not answer or wish that you were somewhere else right then?
God has His eye on each one of you boys and girls. You need to prepare to meet Him; He is your Creator. The Bible says, “Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12). Do you believe God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, loves you so much that He died on the cross for your sins? Have you accepted Him as your very own Saviour?
Everyone will face God their Creator someday. This is the most important matter in life to prepare for. Don’t put it off!
The Wonders of God's Creation: Fish-Loving Harbor Seals
“God created great whales, and every living creature ... which the waters brought forth.” Genesis 1:21
There are great numbers of harbor seals from the Arctic Ocean to Mexico on the west coast of North America and from the Arctic down to South Carolina on the east coast, as well as along European and Asian coasts. They are called harbor seals because they stay near shore.
These seals are much smaller than sea lions or elephant seals. A full-grown harbor seal is five to six feet long and weighs up to three hundred pounds. Baby seals weigh about thirty pounds at birth. They are born in spring and nursed for four to six weeks, after which they are on their own. The pups, which can swim right after birth, make loud cooing sounds that are recognized by their mothers when they get separated.
They are appealing mammals, starting out as pups with a smooth, gray skin with patches of dark spots. The adults are speckled dark brown or sometimes almost reddish. They have tan, oval faces with dark eyes, long, white whiskers and large, flipper-like tails. They have a friendly look but are actually timid and quickly wiggle from the sandy shore into the ocean waters when people or animals get too close.
Harbor seals may live for twenty-five years, but they are not as strong as their larger relatives. Still, they are excellent swimmers and can dive 280 feet deep while chasing something to eat. Although good swimmers, they tire rather easily, resting frequently on shore or on a rock protruding out of the water where there are almost always other seals already enjoying sunbathing. Some do their hunting at night.
They feed on kelp, crabs, squid and octopi, and they also enjoy fish, particularly salmon. They can be a real problem where streams or rivers empty into the ocean and great numbers of fish start to migrate upstream. Some of their favorite salmon areas on the west coast of North America include the entrance to canal locks between Lake Union and the salt water in Seattle, the mouth of the Columbia River between Washington and Oregon, as well as at the Trinity and Sacramento Rivers of California.
In addition to being killed by many fishermen, the harbor seals’ worst enemies are sharks, particularly the one called great white, as well as dogs, bear, coyotes and foxes which attack them along the shores where they are resting.
They are indeed one of the wonders of God’s creation, and He cares for them. The Bible says, “In [the Lord’s] hand is the soul [life] of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10).
Have you thanked Him for His care over you? And have you accepted His offer to have His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Saviour?
At the Count of Three …
We were two little girls full of fun and foolishness, that day many years ago when Mother sent us to the spring for a pail of water. The dirt around the spring had been dug out about four feet deep to make a pond from the spring water, and then it was lined with smooth stones. The water level was down about two feet, but it was still about two feet deep.
We had been acting silly, as I carelessly stooped to fill the pail. Oops! ... Slipped!
After my big splash, I looked up expecting to see my sister’s laughing face. Instead, I saw a huge diamondback rattlesnake slithering up on the rocks just a few feet from me. He had come for a drink, too, and maybe wasn’t too pleased that I was there. I knew that I must stay just as still as possible, and also that I could never get past that snake. In a quiet voice I told my sister about the rattlesnake and said, “Go get Mother.”
It was only a matter of minutes until the two of them came up quietly. Mother had Dad’s double-barreled shotgun. Speaking softly, my normally timid mother coolly and firmly gave me instructions: “At the count of three, drop flat into the water and stay down until I pull you up.”
I knew that I must obey exactly. My eyes tightly shut, heart pounding, I heard the clicks as she cocked the old gun.
“One, two, three!”
Believe me, I dived as flat to the bottom of those two feet of water as possible.
Even underwater the boom from that shotgun was deafening. I was sure that the whole pool also had been blown up! Mother wasted no time grabbing me up in her arms. There wasn’t much left of that snake!
What mercy God showed to me that day! A strike in the face from that huge poisonous snake might well have meant death to a small child like me. I had been so careless—so foolish not to watch for danger when we knew there were poisonous snakes around.
The “old serpent,” as the Bible calls the devil, quietly came onto the scene in the very first chapter of Genesis, and he is still in the world today. He is the smartest, most deadly enemy of all. Many boys and girls and men and women go along being deceived by him, living only to find and follow fun when suddenly, as I did, they come face to face with the “king of terrors.” Death is that “king of terrors” (Job 18:14). “The sting of death is sin,” we read in 1 Corinthians 15:56. God says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Here is that terrible “sting”—judgment for all those sins you and I have done. (Would you dare say, “I have never sinned”?) God, however, loves us and is not willing for us to come to the point of judgment. There is hope. “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28). He bore the punishment, so that in Hebrews 8:12 God can say, “Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” You can be one of the “many” whose sins He suffered for if you will receive the message by faith, believing that He suffered for your sins.
As God held back the strike of death for me that day long ago, so also He is still holding back the day of judgment for you, so that you might be rescued from sin and the devil. Follow God’s instructions: “Believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life” (1 John 5:13). Don’t fool around. God expects and honors the sincere, urgent cry to Him.
MEMORY VERSE: “Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” Hebrews 8:12
The European Hedgehog
If you walk by a long hedge or near a woodpile in Germany or a neighboring country, you may see a gray animal with a long nose poking around in the dirt. This animal is about nine inches long and might weigh half a pound. It is called a hedgehog, and it is looking for worms, snails, insects, snakes or mice—anything to eat. My mother saw one in the early morning, pushing a chicken egg across the yard toward its nest. It had found the egg in the barn, and that was going to be its breakfast.
This little fellow has four small feet under its body that are hard to see, because its body is covered with very sharp spines. If you touch him anywhere, he will immediately roll up into a spiny ball. These sharp spines protect the hedgehog from its enemies.
We children would sometimes touch a hedgehog, and we quickly learned that those spines were sharp! After we touched it, we would watch the hedgehog curl up into a ball, and then we would roll it around, just for fun.
It is interesting to watch a mother hedgehog shuffling around with three or four little ones beside her. She makes her nest under a pile of wood or under a thick hedge.
Hedgehogs have no natural enemies except for the fox. When a fox finds one near a pond, he will roll the hedgehog into the water, where the spiny little animal will eventually drown since they don’t swim. Then the fox will open up the spiny ball and have his dinner.
That makes us sad to think that the little hedgehog loses his life to his enemy, the sly fox. This reminds us that boys and girls and grown-ups who belong to Jesus also have a sly enemy who is waiting to harm them. His name is Satan, or the Bible sometimes calls him “the devil.” He is a lot smarter than a fox, and he’s waiting to catch us when we aren’t on our guard. The Bible warns us in 1 Peter 5:8 to “be sober [serious], be vigilant [on guard]; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” But our God is stronger than Satan, and we can always turn to Him for help: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
The Wonders of God's Creation: What Would We Do Without Wheat?
“Thou shalt not sow thy field with [mixed] seed.” Leviticus 19:19
A list of all the seeds planted for food would definitely be very long, for that is the way most plants begin. The Bible speaks of wheat in many places as a type of an outstandingly good seed.
Since wheat is the world’s most important grain crop, millions of acres are grown throughout the world. Much is produced in Canada and the United States, especially in the big open areas of the Midwestern and western provinces and states. It is quite a sight to look at vast acres of ripening wheat standing golden colored, two to five feet tall, gently swaying in a light breeze. There are two kinds of plantings—winter wheat is planted in the fall where winters are not too severe; the other is spring wheat, which is planted in spring.
Good quality seed is most important, and it must be planted in rich soil, well prepared. This is done usually by huge pieces of planting machinery followed by cultivating and then harvesting equipment.
Wheat kernels are so small it would take about 15,000 to equal just one pound. Have you ever looked closely at one of these tiny kernels? The hard outer covering is called bran, and the tiniest part at the bottom is the germ. This is the part that starts a new plant when the kernel is planted into soil. The entire inner part is given the name endosperm. For whole wheat flour, all parts of the kernel are ground up together and then used for making whole wheat bread, as well as many breakfast cereals. Refined wheat, with the bran left out, is used for making white bread or cake.
Of course, farmers don’t normally sell their wheat directly to bakeries or grocery stores. It is usually taken to big cement buildings called grain elevators. These are often placed alongside railroad tracks for wheat storage, and then the wheat is delivered to mills in smaller amounts from there.
A Bible verse tells us, “Except a corn [kernel] of wheat fall into the ground and die [is planted], it abideth alone; but if it die [is planted], it bringeth forth much fruit” (John 12:24). The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross is the most wonderful example of this. Through His death, many, many millions of sinners (much fruit) have been cleansed from their sins and given everlasting life. Heaven will be filled with the great number of people who know Him as their Saviour, and we hope every one of you will be included in that happy company.
Many try to make their way to heaven by good deeds, but that would be like mixing seed, as the beginning verse warns. There is only one way to that wonderful, happy place, and that is to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Our Bumblebee Family
After a very wet spring, we finally put out on the deck some chairs and a table with a large umbrella in the center. We keep the umbrella open so that we can sit in its shade on sunny days. We also have a small, white birdhouse that we hung underneath the umbrella in the center.
We noticed something unusual about the birdhouse as we sat at the table a few days later. Bumblebees were going in and out of the hole! They would circle it a few times and then fly inside and back out again. They weren’t bothering us and apparently we weren’t bothering them.
We weren’t afraid of the bumblebees and were actually glad to have them, because bumblebees and honeybees have become scarce in the last few years. Many die from pesticides being sprayed, sometimes a whole hive of bees dies from bee diseases, and many die over the harsh winters.
Bumblebees are not the same as honeybees that are raised in beehives for the honey they produce. Bumblebees are wild, but they are very necessary and valuable for pollinating our fruit trees, vegetable and flower gardens and wildflowers. They are a large, round, black and yellow bee that looks fuzzy and has a loud buzzing sound as they fly from flower to flower. They usually never attack people unless they feel threatened, and they never swarm. So we were willing to have them use the birdhouse, and we enjoyed watching their activity.
After a few weeks, we saw baby bumblebees flying out of the hole and back in again. We found it very interesting to know the adult bees were raising a family! Under the umbrella was an ideal place for them. It gave them shelter from the rain and hot sun, and the birdhouse itself was even more protection. My daughter used a black marker and printed on the front of the birdhouse, “BEE HAVEN.” And now, after three months, they are still flying in and out, ignoring us as they go about their business of collecting nectar and at the same time pollinating all the blossoms they can find. At sundown they fly back into their haven to rest for the night.
You and I can have a haven of rest in Jesus. He will be a shelter for us from the storms of life. When we realize we need a resting place with Him, we must have our sins washed away by the blood of Jesus. God’s Word tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Once our sins are washed away, we will be not only saved now, but will rest forever in His heavenly home. “Then are they glad because they be quiet; so He [brings] them unto their desired haven” (Psalm 107:30).
Jesus is inviting you now. He is saying, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What a wonderful invitation! Will you accept it?
MEMORY VERSE: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Alison is a fine young lady who graduated from college. It was a thrill to watch her climb the steps to the platform and receive her diploma. It took her a little longer than most of the students to climb those steps, because she had to walk with the help of two special canes. The dean kissed her on the cheek, and everyone clapped for her. Her mother wept with happiness.
You see life has always been a little more difficult for Alison. She was a normal baby for the first few months of life. Then suddenly she got quite sick with a disease called cerebral palsy. Alison’s life as a child with this disease was difficult for her and her family. Much time and money was spent on medicines, therapy and operations.
When Alison was only eight years old, her father suddenly died. Then she and her mother had to take care of themselves.
Through all of these problems, I have never seen a happier, sweeter, more pleasant person than Alison. It has always been a pleasure to be around her. Everywhere she goes people love her.
Why do you suppose she is such a lovely person? I believe it is because we see the loveliness of Christ in her. You see, she and her mother are both believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Alison went back to college for more studies. Her purpose was to be able to help other people who are handicapped to make the most of their abilities. She gives the Lord Jesus all the credit for her abilities and skills.
Boys and girls, we have so much to be thankful for when our bodies and minds are whole. Have you thanked God for this? I hope so!
However, each one of us is born with another kind of handicap—our life is handicapped with sin. “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). Sin brings ruin and judgment with it. But God loves sinners and wants them to be whole. Because of the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus, on Calvary, God can take your sins away. In heaven Alison will have a changed body, free from its handicap of cerebral palsy and its handicap of sin. But right now she has a saved soul because she came to the Lord Jesus to have her sins taken away.
How about you? Are you saved? Wouldn’t you like to be?
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The World's Best Flying Machine
“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap ... yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” Matthew 6:26
The Creator made birds to excel as flying machines. Like an airplane they have wings, propellers, steering apparatus and provisions for takeoff and landing. All of these functions are performed better by a bird than by any airplane.
In another article we noted the intricate design of their light feathers. The bone structure also shows the wisdom of the Creator. Everything about the strong, flexible skeleton is designed to avoid excess weight. A bird’s reinforced tubular bones are hollow, yet strong. They contain a spongy network that fills with air as the bird breathes.
In fact, the whole breathing system of a bird is an important part of its being able to stay in the air. The lungs are a series of spaces around breathing tubes. These are connected to additional air sacs among the muscles and flesh. By pushing all exhausted air out of its lungs, a bird is able to draw back in an unusual amount of oxygen for its bloodstream. The circulation of air inside the bird has a cooling effect too. How wisely the Lord provided for these lively, feathery creatures!
Most of the bird’s flying power comes from the muscles of its breast. These muscles are connected to an unusually large breastbone. The breastbone is located in the underpart of its body so the bird will not be top-heavy. The neck, the most flexible part of its body, also helps balance it in flight. It has fourteen vertebrae—twice the number that a giraffe has!
Almost all birds are excellent fliers, but many heavy ones have difficulty getting airborne. Some, like swans, need a runway. While running down their runway, they beat their wings furiously to lift in the air. They all take off into the wind, just as airplanes do. Occasionally after landing on small lakes or ponds, water birds have to wait for a good breeze in order to leave.
Others seem to be aware of the difficulty of taking off from level ground and land on high spots. From there they can benefit by the pull of gravity to later get themselves well launched. But whatever the situation with any particular bird, God has provided it with the means and skills to take care of itself in ways that amaze us.
The psalmist, thinking perhaps about these and other wonderful things, wrote, “Let them praise the name of the Lord: for He commanded, and they were created.... Praise the Lord from the earth, ye ... flying fowl: kings of the earth, and all people ... both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: let them praise the name of the Lord: for His name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven” (Psalm 148:5-13).
The Man on the Roof
Peter lived in a country that had no snow, and so the rooftops were flat. People could easily go up to the rooftop for a little quietness and fresh air.
Peter went up to the housetop to pray, not a quick prayer at bedtime, but really a time for seeking God’s will for the day. Then he felt very hungry, and while they were cooking a meal for him, he fell asleep, and in his sleep he had a vision.
Are you wondering what a vision is? It’s something like a dream but far more real. Now God speaks to us from the Bible, and it is complete. God has nothing more to write. If we want to know His will, the Holy Spirit will bring the Word of God to us, as we are ready to hear it.
Did you notice that Peter’s food was not ready? Maybe that is a reminder to us that in Peter’s time the Word of God was not complete. So God spoke to His people in different ways when they were hungry to know His will. Today you and I have the complete Bible to turn to, to learn what God wants to tell us.
Peter saw the vision of a great sheet, let down from heaven by the four corners. In that sheet he saw all kinds of animals, creeping things and birds. Then a Voice said to him, “Rise, Peter; kill, and eat” (Acts 10:13).
Something inside of Peter shuddered at the sight of this kind of food. God had told His people long ago that they must not eat anything unclean. So how could a Jewish man eat these unclean creatures? Peter answered, “Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean” (Acts 10:14). But how can you say “No” when the Lord speaks?
Peter was right in what God had commanded the Jewish people earlier, but since Christ had come and died for us, no man or animal was to be treated as unclean. The Lord Jesus said, “God so loved the world” (John 3:16), and that includes every nation, every sinner, and every person who believes in that precious Saviour of sinners. That means you too, no matter where you were born or what color your skin is.
God knew Peter’s problem, and He repeated the vision three times so Peter would understand. But he was still puzzled. It was so opposite to the religion God had given His people long ago.
Suddenly, Peter’s thoughts were interrupted by three visitors asking for him. I don’t think Peter heard their knock on the door, but God told him they were there and added, “Go with them ... I have sent them” (Acts 10:20).
There was no doubt now who had sent the visitors, even though they were Romans and not Jews. Peter and a few others walked with them until they reached the home of Cornelius, a Roman centurion.
Now God had already spoken to Cornelius. He had sent an angel to tell him to bring Peter, and so there was a group gathered in his house all ready to hear what God had to tell them. Here they were, and Cornelius’s heart overflowed with joy! Can you guess what he did? Maybe you’ll be surprised. The story is in Acts 10, and we’ll tell you about it in next week’s Sunday school paper. But while you wait, would you like to find out for yourself? Look in verse 25.
MEMORY VERSE: “God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Mickey the Macaw
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan really valued Mickey their macaw. Not only was he a family pet, but he cost lots of money! A macaw is a long-tailed parrot with beautiful blue, red, yellow and green feathers. These birds come from the warm climates of Mexico and South America, so Mickey had to live indoors at the Morgans’ home in Illinois.
One summer day Mickey escaped from the Morgans’ house. No one seemed to know just how he got out, but there he was at the top of a tree! Mr. and Mrs. Morgan called the fire department, which arrived with a snorkel truck to try to capture Mickey. The snorkel lifted a fireman right up to the top of the tree. But each time the fireman would get within reach of Mickey, he would fly off to the next tree. It certainly looked like an impossible job to catch Mickey.
Have you ever thought of your value to God? Matthew 10:30 tells us that God values us so much He knows exactly how many hairs we each have on our head! We also know that God’s love for us is so great that He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to wash away our sins. Have you let the Lord Jesus wash away your sins and be your Saviour? Those who have done this belong to Him and are called His jewels: “They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels” (Malachi 3:17). Are you one of His valuable jewels?
After several attempts to capture Mickey had failed, a fireman came up with a great idea, and it worked! The fireman hooked up the fire hose and sprayed Mickey lightly with water until his feathers were soaked. Mickey was now so heavy with water that he could not fly anywhere. Now it was an easy job to raise the snorkel and catch Mickey. How glad the Morgans were to have Mickey safe indoors again, even if he was all wet!
The Morgans would not leave Mickey in the treetop, and the Lord Jesus will not leave His own children in this world. He values His children so much that He has prepared a wonderful home for them in heaven. Very soon He will come to take those who have accepted Him as their Saviour to that home. “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3).
Will He take you to His home in heaven?
Beth's Rough Ride
“Aw, come on, get on ... you can do it! It’s not very steep.” Beth’s cousins were trying to teach her to ride a two-wheel bike down their long, bumpy driveway. She was only six years old, and it didn’t look very easy for her first ride. The boys finally talked her into it, and Beth slowly climbed on as they held her steady.
“Just hang on and go! Turn the handlebars the way you want to go,” they all yelled as they ran along beside her.
Beth bumped along slowly, and then as she picked up speed she started to giggle. This is fun! Why was I ever scared? she thought. Brushing under tree branches and splashing through a puddle, she passed the house halfway down the hill.
Now Beth began to think about how she was going to stop at the bottom. She had left her cousins far behind, so there was no one to help her. Here came another puddle ... then another branch to duck under ... then ... oh no! ... the end of the driveway! “HOW DO I STOP?” yelled Beth.
But it was too late! She disappeared over the edge of the driveway and landed right smack in the middle of an old blackberry patch full of stickers!
“Ouch!” Those stickers hurt! She even had some in her mouth. Beth’s rough ride landed her right in the middle of painful trouble.
Are you on a downhill ride through life? Do you know how it will end? Are you on your way to a lost eternity? Maybe you are going along having fun, unaware of what’s ahead. Halfway down the hill Beth was cruising along having fun, but she didn’t know there was a blackberry patch at the bottom, and she didn’t know how to stop. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). You need to be warned that a lost eternity in the lake of fire is ahead for you if you go on through life without trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive your sins. He loves you and personally died for you on the cross so He could wash away your sins with His own blood. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Ephesians 1:7).
Don’t wait any longer. Tell Jesus today from your heart that you are truly sorry for your sins and want Him to wash you clean from all of them. Your ride may be almost over, and you want to be sure of a future home in heaven with Jesus.
MEMORY VERSE: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
Peter's Message
Do you remember last week’s story of how Peter came down from the rooftop and went with three guides to the house of Cornelius, the Roman centurion? He got a wonderful welcome there, and everyone was eager to hear the message God had given Peter. In fact, Cornelius was so delighted that he knelt down at Peter’s feet to worship him! Peter immediately told him, Stand up! I also am a man!
Perhaps you need to learn that lesson too. Our message for you is important if it comes from God, and it would be wise for you to look in your Bible to see if our message is true. Don’t worship the messenger, no matter who the messenger is or what clothes he wears.
Should we worship Jesus? Yes indeed! Jesus said, “He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father” (John 14:9). Anyone who does not honor Jesus does not honor God the Father who sent Him.
Cornelius said to Peter, We are here to listen to everything that God commanded you.
Here was Peter, who was Jewish, looking at that roomful of Romans, who were Gentiles, and the first thing he told them was, God is no respecter of persons. This was something Peter had just learned when God had given him the vision of a great sheet let down from heaven with all kinds of animals, birds and creeping things in it. God had told him, “Rise, Peter; kill, and eat”!
Peter had said, Not so, Lord, but the Lord had not made a mistake. Up until then the Jewish people could only eat what God called “clean animals,” but the Gentiles ate all those creatures in that great sheet. Now the Jews and Gentiles could eat the same thing.
God is no respecter of persons. Are you Jewish? Are you Gentile? Are you little or big? Are you black or white? Are you from the east or from the west? God has no favorites. Jesus said, “I am the door” (John 10:9), and He has no other door for sinners to enter heaven no matter who you are. This was hard for Peter to learn, and maybe it is hard for you to learn too.
Peter told them that God had commanded him to preach the peace of Jesus Christ who is Lord of all. Jesus, raised from the dead, is ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead, and through His name, whoever (Jew or Gentile) believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins.
This was astounding news to the Romans who were listening that day, and they believed it. This Jesus, whom the Romans had crucified, was the Judge of the living and the dead! This did not frighten them because the Judge Himself was their Saviour.
And then the Holy Spirit came from heaven to live within them. They praised the God who had saved them. Peter saw no reason why they should not be baptized, and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.
He stayed a few days, but nobody was worshipping Peter. They were a happy group of believers, with the power of the Holy Spirit within them. They understood that this was all really God’s plan and not Peter’s. Peter was only the messenger.
You may read this whole account in your Bible in Acts, chapter 10.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Well-Protected Armadillo
“Let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because Thou defendest them.” Psalm 5:11
In God’s creation, each creature species has been provided with distinctive features designed for its manner of life. The name “armadillo” comes from a South American Indian word meaning “armor.” This armor covers the armadillo from the tip of its pointed snout to the end of its long tail, including legs and feet. Flexible and tough, this armor crosses the back of the armadillo in bands connected by bony rings. The parts over its shoulders and head, lower back and tail are separate pieces. Though it looks like it is ready for battle, it is actually a peaceful animal.
The underpart of its body is not shielded, but has a thick, tough skin. This all-over protection is not only helpful against attacks by large animals, but enables it to travel through thorny undergrowth without harm. It has been given other means of defense too. Where the soil is soft, it escapes by burrowing rapidly with its long claws. Once it is underground, it is almost impossible to pull out. Some varieties can roll into a tight ball so they are completely protected by their armor.
Although the armadillo has only very small teeth at the back of its mouth, like its relative the anteater, it has a long, sticky tongue, used to catch great quantities of ants, termites, beetles and other insects. The fangs of snakes cannot pierce its armor, so all reptiles fear it since it can kill them by pressing its armor’s sharp edges into them. Besides killing and eating snakes, it eats spiders, earthworms and land snails, but its main food is the destructive fire ant. It is a real help to farmers.
It is interesting to watch one cross a stream. Since it is able to hold its breath for as long as five or six minutes, it walks along the bottom of the stream to reach the other side. The weight of its armor keeps it from floating away. But if it decides to swim across, it swallows lots of air, which keeps it on the surface while it paddles along.
Females of the nine-banded species almost always bear quadruplets (four), and they are either all males or all females—never mixed. Their armor is soft when they are born, but it soon toughens and hardens.
We can see that the Creator was very careful in providing the armadillo with such protection, but did you know that God offers you armor too? In Romans 13:12 it is called “the armor of light.” In Ephesians 6:11-17 we learn that faith in the Lord Jesus as our Saviour provides armor to protect us from any attack of our wicked enemy, Satan. In this scripture it is referred to as “the whole armor of God,” and everyone who trusts in the Lord Jesus as Saviour is invited to put it on.
Are you wearing this shelter and protection?
One Little Mistake
There are several verses in the Bible that you may never have noticed or thought about, but it would have been good for Matt, the man in this story, if he had read them and acted on them. The verses are in Proverbs 4:25-27: “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder [think about] the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left.”
Matt was well-known as one of the best rifle shots in the world. He had taken first place in almost every contest. Now he was in Athens, Greece, at the finals, and once again he was in the lead. He only needed to get near the bull’s eye in his last shot, and the gold medal would be his!
All eyes were on Matt, waiting for his last shot. He steadied himself and was ready to shoot. BANG! He saw that his aim was on target, and he looked at the scoreboard to check the result.
Strange ... there must have been an error, for no score registered. A gasp went up from the officials and his coach. Yes, there certainly was an error—a major error! Officials had to tell Matt that he had hit the wrong target! He was standing in Lane 2, and he had hit the target of Lane 3!
The unbelievable had happened, and Matt, with tears running down his face, knew he had missed the gold medal by one small mistake. He said afterwards that he was concentrating on staying calm and didn’t even look at the lane number. “I probably should have checked, and I certainly will from now on,” he said sadly.
It is not only Matt. Each one of us should think about the path we are walking. We are not in Athens at a rifle competition, but we each had a starting point in life, and we each will have a finishing point. If you hope to be in heaven after you reach your finishing point on earth, there is one very important rule that must be followed—God says nobody will be accepted in heaven if they are still in their sins. He also says there is only one way to have your sins removed: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). For those who make the mistake of ignoring what God has said about sin, the cost will be GREAT—far greater than losing a gold medal! It will mean an eternity in the blackness and darkness of hell, with the devil and his demons. How wise it would be to decide on God’s remedy for sin right now—today!
Once the matter of our sins has been settled with God, it would be well to keep our eyes on that heavenly prize of eternal salvation at the finish line. Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us, “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”
If we set the Lord Jesus always before us and keep our eyes focused on Him, He will be our “target.” He is the secret of ending with a big victory and not with tears of sorrow and regret.
MEMORY VERSE: “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus.” Hebrews 12:1-2
The Shiny Iron
Mother was ironing the dresses the girls were to wear. Eighteen-month-old Emily was watching closely. Swish, swish went the shiny iron. Soon Mother was finished and set the iron on the counter to cool while she went to tie the boys’ shoes.
Just that quickly Emily started pushing a chair over to the counter. “Oh, no you don’t, sweetheart. That’s HOT!” said Mother, scooping Emily up in her arms.
How often God gently warns us to stay away from things that would harm us. But Emily really wanted to get that iron. The next time she tried to reach it she got punished. Sometimes God must speak to us more forcibly if we continue in a wrong path. But He graciously warns us in His Word, the Bible. May we faithfully read it and carefully store it up in our hearts so that we may be kept from sinning against Him.
Now it was Mother’s turn to get dressed. Just for safekeeping, she took the still-hot iron into the bathroom with her while she got ready. Soon there was a knock at the bathroom door. Maggie needed help with a stuck zipper.
While the door was open and Mother was busy working on the stuck zipper, Emily toddled in and grabbed the iron she wanted so much.
She quickly dropped it, but she had to pay for her self-will with a badly burned hand. Boys and girls, let’s not be like little Emily, wanting what we think will please us. Let’s be like the Lord Jesus who said, “I delight to do Thy will, O My God” (Psalm 40:8).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Fantastic Flamingo - Part 1
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18
There are six species of flamingos, which are some of the most beautiful and outstanding birds throughout the world. Three species live in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Chile and Bolivia and on the Galapagos Islands west of South America. The others live in Central America, Mexico, parts of Africa and the Bahama Islands. Because plume hunters killed so many of these beautiful birds, flamingos no longer live wild in the southern United States. On one of the Bahama Islands, the government protects a colony of a species known as the Caribbean, consisting of over a thousand beautiful, orange-red birds.
It is a beautiful sight to see a flock in flight. Their colors range from pale pink to deep scarlet, or combinations of the two with white accents. During the nesting season, most of the South American group, as well as those in Central America and Mexico, are exceptionally beautiful. Their plumage turns a brilliant red over their entire bodies, except for their beaks, which are a combination of light pink, white and jet black.
One species known as the greater flamingo is the largest and most numerous. It can be as tall as six feet with a wingspan of five or six feet and can fly thirty-five miles an hour. Another species, called the lesser flamingo, is the smallest.
Each flamingo (regardless of species) has a long, curvy neck, with its heavy body held high on long legs with webbed feet. During resting periods, it stands on just one leg with the other lifted up and bent, and its head is snugly tucked under a wing. Its box-like beak is distinct from that of any other bird; the lower part is like a scoop and the upper part forms a lid.
When feeding, its bill is thrust upside down with the scoop open into the ooze at the bottom of a marsh, and its flexible neck swivels this around in circles to collect food of various kinds. Then it lifts its head out of the water, pressing the two beak halves tightly together to squeeze mud and water through the sieve-like center edges. The food that remains (algae, small shellfish and other creatures) is passed into its throat by its long, oily tongue.
While the opening verse assures us of God’s watchful eye over these birds, they, of course, are not aware of their Creator or of His care. But He has given us His Word, the Bible, to tell us this is so, and more importantly to tell us of His special, loving thoughts toward us. It is a very rewarding book to read. Do you read it every day?
(to be continued)
Jarhead, the Bear Cub
Two bear cubs and their mother were pawing through a small garbage dump in central Florida, looking for food scraps to eat. The black bear cubs were about four months old, playful and curious. The mother bear was fiercely protective of her cubs and kept a close watch over them.
One of the cubs found a large jar made out of clear plastic. Although the jar seemed to be empty, the cub’s keen sense of smell must have told it that something good might still be inside. The young bear pushed its head into the large opening to give the bottom of the container a good lick with its long tongue. But it quickly found out that there was no food in the jar.
It was time to get the jar off its head and move on to other possibilities in the dump. The cub tried shaking its head from side to side, clawing at the plastic jar, then rolling on the ground, but nothing worked. The jar fit too snugly around the cub’s neck. Annoyed, the cub bellowed for its mother. She came running, but this was a problem she was not able to solve.
If someone who didn’t know better had seen the cub romping around with a plastic jar on its head, they might have been tempted to laugh. But there was nothing funny about it. Getting stuck in the jar could cost the cub its life. A lot of people are making that kind of mistake when it comes to sin. They think sin is harmless, when in reality it causes the death of the sinner. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20). The death of an unsaved sinner is tragic: “Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30). Fools who don’t know any better may make a mock of sin, but unforgiven sin always leads to eternal death.
Hours passed. When it was time to nurse and drink their mother’s milk, one cub nursed all he wanted, but the cub with the jar over its head could only nestle against its mother. Although the cub could see its mother through the plastic jar, that didn’t help with its hunger and thirst.
Someone saw the bear family walking down a dirt road and realized the cub needed help. This person called the Florida State Fish and Game Department and told them about the cub’s difficulty. The wardens decided to try to catch the cub so they could remove the jar. But to protect themselves, they knew they would have to catch the mother bear first. They set traps for the bears with all kinds of bait, but the bear family avoided the traps for nine long days.
On the tenth day the wardens decided to call off their search for “Jarhead,” the name they had given the cub. Ten days is a long time to survive without water and food, and they assumed the cub had probably died. They were getting ready to collect their traps when they received a call from someone who had spotted the bears running down a trail. One of the wardens grabbed a tranquilizer gun and jumped into his truck to drive to the spot of the sighting. The warden realized this might be the young bear’s last chance, and he didn’t want to make any mistakes.
He got out of the truck, listened closely, and heard some rustling in nearby bushes. Lying on his belly so he could see through the undergrowth, he was shocked to see the mother bear just five feet away. She got frightened and ran directly in front of the warden, but he made a shot. The tranquilizer dart whizzed through the air and struck the mother bear in her hip. She ran several yards and then collapsed.
The warden saw the cubs that had been trailing their mother. He ran toward them and tackled Jarhead, wrestling the cub to the ground. Another warden helped him tug the jar off its head. They set the cub down and turned their attention to the mother lying motionless on the ground. The two wardens were able to pick her up and carry her to a large cage on the back of the truck. They left the gate of the cage open and stepped back. Within minutes, the two cubs ran to be with their mother lying down in the cage. The wardens closed the gate, locking them in for the night. They wanted to keep an eye on the cub and its mother until the next morning to make sure both were healthy enough to release into the wild.
The mother bear awoke out of her drugged sleep, and both cubs were feeding at her side. The next morning the wardens opened the gate of the cage and stood back, giving the bears plenty of clearance. The three bears sprinted out of the back of the truck and disappeared once more into the woods.
The cub needed help from someone greater than itself to take that jar off its head, and sinners need help from someone much greater than themselves to remove their sins. Wonderfully for them, God sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to make a way to deliver souls from the death their sins deserve. He gave His life at Calvary where He shed His precious blood so that all who believe on Him might have their sins washed away. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Faith in Christ is the only way a sinner can be cleansed from their sins and escape sin’s deadly power. You can be very sure that the Lord Jesus is seeking you even at this moment. “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). If you want to be cleansed from your sins, you will need to come to Him by faith. He loves you and is waiting to set you free and be a part of your life forever.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Fantastic Flamingo - Part 2
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
Flamingos live in great colonies on lakeshores, river mouths, shallow ponds and marshy places, preferring water that is slightly salty. A nest is made by rolling mud (sometimes mixed with pebbles) into little balls with their beaks to a selected spot and tamping the balls in place until the nest is six inches to three feet high above the water. It looks like a miniature mountain with a large crater on top, designed to hold a single egg. In the hot sun this nest dries almost as hard as cement. And that’s all they do to their nest; they do not line it with soft material as most birds do.
There may be thousands of nests in one colony. Each one looks identical, but every bird knows which is its own. Just one egg is laid each year in late winter or early spring. The parent flamingos share in incubating it for about a month and feeding the young bird after it hatches.
The gray, fluffy chicks are covered with soft down. Their bills at first are straight and legs are short, but these grow quickly. At two and a half months they can fly and are nearly full-grown in a year’s time. However, they do not turn pink until four years old. Then, with great displays of their pretty wings, necks, heads and legs, mates are chosen, and soon a new pair is building another nest and raising their own little chick.
Shrimp are flamingo’s favorite food, and these along with small crabs help account for their brilliant red plumage. They also eat great quantities of algae, plankton, insects and fish. In Kenya where food is plentiful, it is not unusual to see these lovely birds feeding in groups of thousands, turning a large water hole into a beautiful pink area in the otherwise dry desert. Visitors sometimes ride in airplanes to get the best view of them.
For many years these birds were cruelly killed for their beautiful feathers as well as for their very tasty meat. But we are thankful that in most places they are now protected.
It is not difficult to think of the Creator’s pleasure in creating such lovely birds, and He gives us the assurance in the Bible that He is good and kind to them. And it is He who provides for our needs too. But He has done more than that, as we read in Hebrews 11:40, “God [has] provided some better thing for us.” This promise is, “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). It is only through faith in the Lord Jesus that this wonderful gift can become ours. Have you accepted Him as your own Saviour? Is the gift of eternal life yours?
The Choir Leader
Asaph was a very good choir leader, back when David was king of Israel. The men and women in the choir were all standing in perfect order, and when Asaph lifted his hand to give the starting signal, every voice was raised in perfect harmony. It must have been wonderful to hear. God made the human voice on the sixth day of creation, and the notes of the musical scale are the same now as they were then.
God was pleased with their harmony, for He had created it. But at the same time, He looked right down into the singers’ hearts to see if they meant what they were singing. The words were beautiful words of praise, but they were empty words if they did not come from a heart full of praise.
Asaph was an excellent leader, but at the same time he had a problem deep down in his heart. Yes, he knew God is worth trusting, but he wondered, Why do wicked people succeed? There are people who cheat and steal and say bad things. They live as they like, and they continue to be healthy and rich and respected. But what about the rest of us? We try to live Christian lives and be honest and kind even when others don’t know. But we don’t have wonderful jobs and good health and good looks ... all those nice things go to somebody else. It doesn’t seem fair!
Maybe you have the same problem down in your heart. You have tried hard, but success passes you by and piles up for somebody else. It makes you doubt the wisdom of God, and you know it isn’t right to doubt Him. What should you do?
Asaph found the answer, and if you read Psalm 73, you will find out as he did. “I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end” (vs. 17). You see, Asaph went to the right place to find the answer. He went to the sanctuary of God, and if you want the answer, you do the same. Kneel down and tell God your problem, and look in His Book, the Bible, for the answer.
Asaph learned from God that He set those wicked people in slippery places. Maybe you can understand that, if you’ve ever tried to walk in slippery mud on a hillside, with nothing to grab onto. Down you go, and you land in whatever happens to be at the bottom.
Don’t try to go the way of those wicked people that seem so successful. They will be brought to despair. Over and over again you are warned not to follow what they do.
Asaph found security in God. “I am continually with Thee; Thou hast holden me by my right hand ... . God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:23,26).
The wicked may go on being successful, but Asaph was looking beyond time into God’s great forever, and his heart was satisfied. He said, “It is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God” (Psalm 73:28). And when he lifted up his hand to lead the choir, he did so with a heart that rested in God.
“Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 144:15
The Motor Died!
We were in real danger! Eight of us were out in a boat, on a very big lake, on a very dark night, when the motor died. It stopped and just would not restart. We were not only drifting toward the dam, which was bad enough, but a huge barge that couldn’t stop was warning us with its bright lights that we were drifting in its way!
This was our first time out in the boat, which was new to us. In our excitement at going for just a short ride, we were not properly prepared for an emergency. We had no paddle and no tools!
Life is something like that boat ride. We must be properly prepared for the journey so it will not end in disaster. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus loves us and will be our guide through life, if we will let Him. Drifting along without His guidance and saving power will certainly end in disaster.
And it looked like that’s where we were headed—for disaster! All eight of us know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, and we have read verses from the Bible many times, instructing us to ask Him for help when we are in trouble. “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me” (Psalm 86:7). “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
We were to learn, once again, about the power of prayer. The eight of us joined together in prayer, asking the Lord Jesus to help us and preserve our lives. We know He heard us and answered that prayer. While John held the flashlight, Brad tried to make adjustments to the motor. Suddenly, that motor came to life, and we quickly turned the boat around, avoiding the dam and getting out of the path of the barge! What a relief! We were saved! And we all thanked the Lord Jesus for His powerful care over us that night.
Disaster in the boat is not the only thing the Lord Jesus has saved us from. He has saved each of us from an eternity in hell after our lives here on earth are over. Each of us in that boat has confessed to being a sinner before God and has accepted His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as Saviour. We each know that we have safety and security for all eternity.
What about you? Do you have safety and security now and for all eternity?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Fish With an Unusual Eye
“Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He ... in earth, in the seas, and all deep places.” Psalm 135:6
About the only thing most people know about a flounder fish is that it is very good eating and can be purchased at fish markets year-round. There are two unusual things about this fish, however. It can change its color to match the surroundings as it moves from place to place, and early in its life one of its eyes changes location.
The female lays about a million eggs in spring, which do not hatch until late summer. Various creatures eat many of the eggs, but those that survive to hatch soon develop into small “fry.” These are also choice food to other fish, so that out of a million eggs only a few hundred are likely ever to become full-sized fish.
At first a baby flounder looks like a typical fish, but within a few days its body begins flattening as something amazing takes place. While the right eye remains in the same location, the left eye begins to move up and over the top of the head—a little bit each day—and finally comes to rest beside the right one. (In a few species the right eye does the traveling.)
Why do you suppose the Creator provides this unusual experience to these little fish? The reason is that the flounder is a member of the “flatfish” family. Being a rather inactive fish, a flounder will spend most of its life lying flat on its left side in the sand or muddy bottom of the ocean floor, snatching whatever food comes by. If the left eye remained in its original place on the left side, it would be of no use and would only be harmed by the sand or mud on which it was lying. So the Creator provided this unusual way of placing both eyes where they are useful. We can see this as an example of the pleasure He had in designing so many amazing things throughout His creation, as stated in the opening Bible verse and again in Revelation 4:11: “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Another verse tells us to “stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God” (Job 37:14). This is good advice.
You are of much more value to God than a little flounder fish. He loves you and wants you to accept His love by confessing that you are a sinner and need the Saviour who is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. When this is done sincerely, He immediately accepts you as His own child and assures you of a place in heaven with Him when you leave this world. If you have not yet taken this important step, come to the Lord Jesus today!