Messages of God's Love: 2011
Table of Contents
Cattle Brands on the Open Range
A cowboy’s life on the open range is full of dust, sweat, danger and hard work. One of the hardest jobs a cowboy has to do is cattle branding.
The end of a branding iron is heated red-hot in a campfire. Swinging a lasso from horseback, the cowboy ropes a calf and then jumps from his horse and wrestles the calf to the ground. Quickly he yanks rawhide strips from his belt and ties the feet of the calf together. Once the calf is down and tied, the cowboy presses the hot iron against the rump of the calf, leaving a burn mark about the size of a large hand. This mark is permanent and will never disappear from the hide of the animal for the rest of its life. Branding might sound cruel, but cattle have very thick hides, and cowboys are careful not to burn through the skin of the animals they brand.
Brands are necessary, because cattle from different cattle ranches graze together on the open range. The brands give the ranchers a way to identify the rightful owner of the cattle. This is especially important when it is time to round up the cattle and drive them to market.
Cattle branding also discourages cattle theft, which is called “rustling.” It is much harder for a thief to move and sell animals that have a recognized brand. Sometimes shrewd rustlers will change a brand by using what is called a “running iron.” For example, they might steal a steer with a brand like the Bar E, and by using a running iron, change it to a Bar 8. To prevent this unlawful practice, cattlemen keep careful records of honest brands being used on the range.
It makes good, common sense to brand cattle to prevent trouble over ownership rights. Do you know God, the maker of heaven and earth, has ownership rights over you? “Behold, all souls are Mine” (Ezekiel 18:4). He has those rights because He is the Creator who made you and me. However, some rustling has been going on. Each one of us has decided to live like our lives are our own. The motto of our lives might sadly be, “Not God’s will, but my will be done.” It turns out that each one of us is guilty for the rustling of our own souls. We have listened to Satan’s interest in telling us what and what not to do.
Cattle are sort of mindless creatures that don’t care who they belong to as long as their needs are met. They don’t even know when they wander away. This is not true with the souls of sinners. God gave us hearts that are never at rest until we learn to love our Maker, and He wants each of us wanderers to come home. He wants us to realize that we are living sinful lives and that we need Him to set things right. To make a way for sinners to come back to Him, God sent His Son Jesus: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, sinners can come back to God. When we return to Him and admit that we are sinners, He gives each one the gift of eternal life. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
When a soul believes on the Lord Jesus, God redeems them, or buys them back from the life of sin and Satan’s hold on them. The price He paid to buy them back was the precious blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Ephesians 1:7). Any who believe in Christ are really His twice. They belong to God by creation and also by redemption.
The world is like an open range where those saved from their sins and those not saved live their lives. God knows which brand they are wearing in their hearts—those redeemed by the blood of His Son Jesus or those wearing Satan’s sinful brand. One day soon He will round up all those who have been redeemed so that they will live forever with Him in heaven. But those who have never repented of their sins and returned to Him will spend eternity in the darkness of hell.
God loves you and wants you to return to Him. Before another day goes by, stop in your tracks and realize your need of God’s redeeming love.
MEMORY VERSE: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
A Lesson From the Caribou
A man who worked for the Royal Canadian Air Force some years ago tells the following story:
“In bad winters, the caribou sometimes find it hard to get enough food to eat. My job was to find the migrating caribou in my plane and then drop tons of hay to them.
“About 400 miles north of Winnipeg we located a large herd. Many of them were lying down, too weak to stand. When we dropped hay near them, the weak ones made no attempt to get up. But as we circled and watched, we saw a strange sight. Several of the stronger caribou walked over to the hay, picked some up in their mouths, and laid it in front of the helpless caribou before feeding themselves.”
What a lesson in kindness to others! Every kind action or deed of love that you do for others, if done as unto the Lord Jesus, will not lose its reward. The Lord says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me” (Matthew 25:40).
“I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
What kindness can you do for the Lord Jesus today?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Snails Can Be Beautiful
“He hath made everything beautiful in his time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11
Most of us do not think of snails as being beautiful but only as pests in our gardens. It is true that many things in God’s creation are outwardly unattractive to us, but God sees an inward beauty in them, sometimes visible to us only under a microscope.
Even the common garden snail has a rather pretty spiral house on its back. The outside of its shell is skin-like, the middle is much thicker, and the inside is coated with a thin, smooth, shiny surface. This shell has been designed by the Creator to provide a safe, comfortable home.
Among the thousands of kinds of snails in the world, some live on land, some in water, and many spend their lives in trees. A number have very beautiful, valuable shells. These include shells from some marine species with beautiful knobs, ridges and spirals. Among these beauties are the cowrie and olive varieties, which are common in southern waters. Hawaii and other Pacific islands have many tree snails with very pretty markings.
When the common garden snail hatches from its underground egg, it is fully formed, complete with a tiny shell. It must immediately find food. Although it has poor eyesight, the Creator gave it a keen sense of smell by which it finds what it needs. Its tiny tongue, which is covered with thousands of little hooks and sharp teeth, makes quick work of destroying tender plants and flowers—one reason why gardeners find them to be a real pest.
Another objection to snails is that they leave sticky trails behind them. This trail, made by mucus from glands in a snail’s body, makes a soft, elastic cushion that is moist and so tough that it can crawl over the sharp edge of a razor blade and not be cut! This cushion has been supplied by the Creator to protect the soft underside of the snail from the dry, rough surfaces it crawls over.
But not everything about snails is objectionable. Some people consider certain kinds to be very good food. The shells of brightly colored snails are made into jewelry, buttons and other decorative objects. Also, there is one snail called the decollete that, instead of eating plants, kills and eats garden snails. This one is a real friend to gardeners.
Can it be that the Lord God cares about little creatures like snails? Yes He does, for the Bible tells us that “the Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 145:9).
But more than this, He has a special care for each person who has accepted the Lord Jesus as his very own Lord and Saviour and has trusted in His work on Calvary’s cross to take away his sins. Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:27-28). Is He your Good Shepherd?
Wesley's Warning
Dear Children,
Hello again from Grampa, and a big “WOOF WOOF” from our dog named Wesley. At 6:45 this morning, I was taking him out for our usual walk. It had snowed overnight, and many tracks of various animals were very plain to see—rabbits, squirrels, foxes and even an opossum. Wesley wasn’t paying attention to the animals’ tracks because he had found a mouse tunnel under the snow, and he was determined that he was going to catch that mouse.
By this time, I was heading back to the house. I had given him plenty of time to catch that mouse, but he couldn’t seem to do it. As I reached the door, I turned and called, “Wesley, Wesley,” and then I whistled for him. He lifted up his head both times, looked at me, but kept right on digging in the snow. I wondered what I should do next. Get the broom? Get the leash? He heard me and knew I was calling his name. But Wesley was being real stubborn and disobedient!
Boys and girls, do you ever act like that? Are you sometimes just plain stubborn or pretend you don’t hear and don’t bother to answer? Sure you do, and God sees it and calls it sin! Well, God took care of this Wesley problem for me, real quick!
“Grampa, how did He help you with Wesley?”
Here’s what God did. In our backyard down by the edge of the creek, we have a very tall oak tree, and a blue jay had landed on a branch right near the top. I didn’t see that blue jay land in the tree, but I sure heard him begin screeching about something! Up here where we live, these blue jays are nicknamed “sentinels” or “watchdogs of the forest.”
“Grampa, why are they given those names?”
I’ll tell you why. When blue jays know or see that danger is near, they screech as loud as they can. This is what they are saying: “Be on guard! Be on guard!” And all the creatures in the forest will fly or run for cover instantly! Wesley heard that screech from the blue jay, and he ran to me as fast as his legs would carry him through that deep snow. He wasn’t worried about the mouse now, because he knew the blue jay was calling, “Be on guard! Be on guard!” This blue jay was sitting where it could see the danger that was near, and it was warning all the other creatures to run for safety. So Wesley ran straight to me, because he knew I would protect him.
Boys and girls, listen to what our God says about you and me. We read in Genesis 2:7, “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” So young or old, we are each a living soul. God gave the first man a name; He called him Adam. But Adam became disobedient and would not listen to his Father God. So then what happened?
Disobedience is sin, and God must punish sin. We read in Ezekiel 18:4, “Behold, all souls are Mine ... the soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Those are very serious words from our Father God. But our Father in heaven is a very loving Father God, and He has given you and me a choice to make. Will you choose heaven or hell? We read in Acts 16:30 about a big, strong prison guard who cried out for help: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And the immediate answer is in verse 31: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved”!
Even though neither Wesley nor I knew what the danger was that made the blue jay screech its warning, Wesley was wise to run to me for protection. Now, will you be wise and come to the Lord Jesus Christ today to be saved? Or are you going to be stubborn and have to face the awful punishment of hell?
“I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
With lots of love,
MEMORY VERSE: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.” Deuteronomy 30:19
Following Instructions
Carl was on a business trip and was going to fly from one city to another in a small plane. He watched the pilot start the airplane and they took off. It was a clear day, a good day for flying.
Several hours later, however, they flew into clouds, and they could not see where they were going. They were still in thick clouds as they reached the city where they were to land. The pilot realized he needed help from the control tower. He radioed the control tower for instructions.
Carl noticed that the pilot listened very carefully to what he was being told to do. He did not let anything take his mind off what he was doing. His whole attention was taken up with what the man in the control tower was telling him, and they soon landed safely on the runway.
We should be doing the same thing if we belong to the Lord Jesus. He wants us to be happy while we wait for Him to come to take us out of the world to live with Him in heaven. He wants us to follow His instructions. He does not want us to be hurt by Satan, the enemy of our souls. Satan is watching closely, trying to do us harm and to lead us away from the safe path of following our Saviour. We need to be reading God’s Word, the Bible, every day and also praying and listening to what the Lord Jesus has asked us to do. Then we will be happy and be kept safe from many things that would take our thoughts away from our precious Saviour who loved us so much that He gave His life for us on Calvary’s cross.
“The Son of God ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lowly Sparrow
“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.... Ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31
How pleasant it is to think that God is aware of even a small, common bird such as the sparrow. But everything is of concern to Him whose eye is on all living things. If He watches each little sparrow, He must watch over you and me much, much more, because He says, “Ye are of more value than many sparrows.”
This plain little bird is known as the house sparrow because it makes its nest around houses, barns or other buildings. It is also called the English sparrow since the British brought them to North America in 1850.
Although we see many sparrows hopping about on paved streets and sidewalks in cities, they actually prefer living in brush beside cultivated fields. There they find food in the form of seeds, caterpillars and insects.
Scientists have been able to determine that young sparrows’ food has to be at least 70% larvae and insects. As they grow, the amount of “living food” drops to only 3%, while adult sparrows feed almost entirely on seeds. Since the parents must feed the little ones until they mature, how do they know the babies need a diet so different from their own? Certainly they have learned this from God, the One who created and watches over them.
The sparrow does have some amazing features. Its vision is far superior to the human eye. Flying over the ground, it can spot and stop for a seed on a grass stem. It apparently can also pick out special colors that indicate food. Its eyes, about one-fourth the size of a man’s, are large for its body. It can see ahead, to both sides and slightly behind. This permits it to keep alert for hawks, buildings, trees or other objects while flying.
Its feathers are complex. There is a central shaft in each feather called the vane. From this vane there are barbs (branches) all along its surface. Each barb interlocks into its neighbor and provides a strong, tough surface. Special muscles turn all or part of the feathers instantly, so its feathers and wings can raise, lower or rotate automatically. This provides lift, direction and balance while in flight. In cold weather, additional fuzzy down grows at the base of each feather, providing warmth and insulation.
We can easily see that the Creator has given this little bird all necessary provisions for its life. The Bible tells us, “Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing” (Psalm 145:16). He not only feeds and cares for each sparrow, but He also sees when life ends for one of these little birds. How closely He must watch over you and me who are of more value than many sparrows!
The Story of Two Kings
King Jehoshaphat came to visit King Ahab, but it might have been better if he had stayed at home. Jehoshaphat was a friendly man, and he thought a visit to Ahab would be a good thing to do. So he came with a great deal of royal fuss, and Ahab made a great feast for him. One king should have a good dinner, but imagine the fancy feast for two kings! And all their attendants shared the feast too.
Ahab got to thinking that here was a chance to have help fighting Ramoth Gilead. So he said to Jehoshaphat, Will you go with me to battle?
Yes, said Jehoshaphat. I am like you, and my people are like your people. We will go with you to the battle.
Just a minute, Jehoshaphat. You are a true believer, and Ahab isn’t! Why did you come, and why did you feast with him? Now you are going to share his battles. If you are a real believer, God will give you strength to say “no.”
Be careful, Christian boys and girls. Ask God if you should share with unbelievers. Satan has traps in that road. And you will stumble other believers too.
The believing Jehoshaphat did have some doubts in the back of his mind, so he suggested asking the word of the Lord about this risk of fighting Ramoth Gilead. Okay, said Ahab, and he called four hundred prophets together who brought good news of success. Yes, they said. Go up to battle. God will deliver Ramoth Gilead into the king’s hand.
But Jehoshaphat was not satisfied with that answer. Perhaps he noticed that those prophets spoke of “God,” and he spoke of the “Lord.”
Have you noticed that too? Unbelievers may speak of God, but they rarely say a word about the Lord Jesus Christ. True believers acknowledge that He is their Lord and Saviour.
Is there another prophet of the Lord besides? asked Jehoshaphat.
Yes, said Ahab, but I hate him, because he always predicts evil about me.
What else can we true believers say to you if you have no Saviour? We don’t want to comfort you with lies. God says you are a lost sinner, and it is true. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And if you die a lost sinner, your eternity will be tragically all evil! But we can happily tell you that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour of sinners, and God Himself has no other way: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
So Ahab agreed to call Micaiah, the one prophet of the Lord, and they would hear his prediction. At first he fitted in with all the others, but Ahab knew that this was not the true message. Then Micaiah told the truth: I saw all Israel as sheep having no shepherd. And Ahab instantly understood what the message meant.
Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, Didn’t I tell you he always predicts evil? Then Ahab made his own decision—he believed the four hundred prophets instead of Micaiah, the prophet of the Lord.
What will you do? Will you believe what most say, or will you believe the Word of God? “Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89).
Perhaps you would like to hear about the battle that day. If you think you know what happened, don’t be too sure. We’ll tell you next week what happened, or you may read it for yourself in 2 Chronicles 18.
MEMORY VERSE: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
Lost on an Ice Flow
Two native Inuits, an uncle and a seventeen-year-old nephew, went hunting together in the Territory of Nunavut in northern Canada above the Arctic Circle. The snowmobile they were using broke down, and as they walked to get help, they became separated.
To make matters worse, the teen was set adrift when the ice he was on broke off. Thankfully the uncle was found and picked up in a few hours, but a rescue team had to be sent out to find the lost teen. It’s not easy to make a rescue of this kind in that harsh climate, and these brave men risked their lives to find him. There were times when the rescue team almost gave up and turned back.
When we think of the harsh, sin-filled world we live in, not once did the Lord Jesus think of giving up and turning back when He came to rescue lost sinners. He finished the work that God gave Him to do. It cost Him His life so that you and I could have our sins forgiven and spend eternity with Him. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
The teen not only struggled with hypothermia from extremely cold temperatures, but he soon discovered that a polar bear was also stranded on the same ice flow. He was forced to shoot the bear when it came too close to him.
We are thankful to tell you that after many hours, the rescue team found the teen and took him safely to where his uncle was anxiously waiting for word of his nephew. And we are thankful to tell you that the Lord Jesus loves you so very much that He died for you. He is waiting eagerly for you to come to Him to have your sins forgiven so that you can spend your eternity in His happy home in heaven. “The Son of God ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
Maggie the Dumpster Dog
The janitor of the building where Marvin worked was taking trash out to the big garbage dumpster when he heard something whimpering inside the big steel container. When he lifted the lid, he found a small, black animal inside. He picked up the whimpering creature and found that it was a very sick puppy. Its eyes were infected, its coat was dirty with patches of fur missing, and its little stomach was bloated. It was a pitiful little animal.
The janitor carried the little puppy to Marvin and asked him what he should do with it. Marvin told him to put it in a box and he would call his wife to come take a look at the poor little dog.
Marvin called Louise, his wife. When he told her about the thrown-away puppy, she said, “Marvin, you know I can’t turn a homeless animal away, and we already have three cats!”
“Better come down and look at this puppy anyway,” Marvin told his wife.
When Louise saw the sad condition of the puppy, her heart went out to it. She said, “Let’s take it to the animal doctor and see what he says.”
The condition of this sick, hopeless, unwanted puppy dumped in a steel prison is just like any boy or girl or grown-up who is still locked in the prison of their sins and unsaved. Their condition is sadly hopeless unless they turn to the Saviour of sinners who loves them and has compassion for every lost sinner. The Lord Jesus willingly died on the cross so He could save sinners from their sins. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). He wants to wash away their sins, making them clean and ready for His happy home in heaven.
After a few weeks of medicine and loving care, the little black puppy turned out to be a pretty dog. She has a patch of white on her chest, a light brown muzzle, brown spots over her eyes and cute, floppy ears. They named her Maggie. She had to learn to leave the cats alone, which she did after having her nose scratched a few times.
Maggie is now a happy, trusting companion of her new owners. And the Lord Jesus offers you a happy, trusting relationship with Him, if you will accept the love He offers and let Him wash you clean from all your sins. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
The Story of Two Kings: Part 2
Maybe you remember the story of King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat who were going into battle against Ramoth Gilead. But there was one little detail Ahab had to do first. Last week we read that Micaiah was the prophet of the Lord that predicted Ahab would lose the battle. Ahab hated him and said, Put Micaiah in prison, and feed him on bread and water till I come back in peace.
But somehow Ahab still had a feeling that the Lord was against him, so he thought it would be safer to disguise himself and not wear his royal robe into battle. That way, maybe the enemy couldn’t identify him. But then he told Jehoshaphat to wear his royal robe!
Do you think God won’t know who you are when you stand before Him? Can anyone hide in secret places where God will not find him? No. He even knows the secrets of your heart! Psalm 44:21 Says, “Shall not God search this out? for He knoweth the secrets of the heart.” Now is the time to come to Him with your sins for His cleansing through the precious blood of Christ. Then, instead of facing Him in judgment, you can look forward to that happy day when He will welcome you to His home in heaven.
Of course, the enemy soldiers saw Jehoshaphat right away in his royal robe. They had orders from their leader: Never mind anybody else! Fight the king! And the attack on Jehoshaphat came from all sides at once. What could the believing king do?
Let me tell you, dear believing friend, that there is one thing you can do. God has not promised that you will never die, but he has promised that you are His forever! He says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble” (Psalm 50:15), and you will find that He keeps His promise for all eternity! Even in death He answers, “This one is Mine.”
The believing King Jehoshaphat cried out to the Lord, and God diverted the soldiers away from him. It was God who did this, because Jehoshaphat knew the Lord, and the enemy didn’t. God has power over people even if they don’t know Him.
Of course, soldiers then didn’t have guns, but they had spears and arrows, and they were trained archers. One enemy soldier put all his strength into a shot and sent his arrow powerfully against somebody ... no special target. It was just a guess.
All the soldiers wore armor, and the armor had joints so the soldiers could move. That enemy soldier’s powerful arrow went straight through a joint in Ahab’s armor, and Ahab knew he was fatally wounded. His only shelter was to be carried from the battle where he watched from the sidelines until sunset, and then he died.
A royal funeral would probably follow, but it was too late to change King Ahab’s destination for eternity. Death closes the door of opportunity forever for everyone, as it did for King Ahab. Come now to the Saviour who loves you and died for you, before your door of opportunity closes forever.
You may read the entire story in 2 Chronicles, chapter 18.
The Wonders of God's Creation: About the Salmon
“Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.” Job 12:8
The story of the salmon is a fascinating one. Its eggs are laid in the gravel bed of a cold mountain stream. When an egg hatches, the tiny salmon lives a few weeks on nourishment from the yolk sac to which it is attached. It finally frees itself from this sac and leaves its gravel bed to live in the stream. Mosquitoes breed in great numbers, and their larvae, which the young fish finds in nearby pools, become its chief food.
After six months to a year in these waters, an instinct causes the young salmon to swim toward the ocean. With hundreds and sometimes thousands of other young salmon, it begins its long trip to the ocean, facing backwards (with its head into the current) wherever the stream is swift or there are rapids or waterfalls. By facing upstream, it can control its movements and avoids drowning in the swift currents. How does it know to do this? God has given it that knowledge!
Following its long swim downstream, the young salmon leaves the fresh water and enters the salt water of the ocean. Few other species of fish can adapt to such a change. Scientists have found that the young salmon swim out hundreds to thousands of miles beyond the mouth of the river in which they were born. The salmon spends several years feeding hungrily on smaller sea creatures.
The mature salmon, weighing as much as a hundred pounds, turns back toward the fresh water, returning to the mouth of the river where it first entered the ocean. It fights the current all the way to its exact birthplace. En route it must jump waterfalls ten feet high or higher, shelf by shelf, and covers ten to twenty miles a day. Large numbers make the journey together, each leaving the group when it comes to the little stream where it was born.
At her final destination, a female, with a swoop of her strong tail, makes a trench in the gravel bed where she lays thousands of eggs, which are fertilized by a male. Having finished their work, both of them float down the current and die somewhere along the way. They have literally given their lives to provide life for others.
Do you know the One who gave His life that others might have eternal life? “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Men marvel at the ways of this spectacular fish. God created it this way in the beginning, and ever since it has obediently followed God’s purposes. God wants obedience from us too, and when we do, we have His promise, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6).
Heavy Backpacks
Two young men started out on a very difficult hike recently. It was a mountain-climbing hike that ended up on snow and ice at 10,000 ft. They packed extra clothes in case the weather changed suddenly, which often happens during mountain climbing. They threw in lots of food, a camera, and water bottles—in fact, piles of water bottles. They didn’t want to get thirsty while hiking, but they also thought that carrying the extra weight of the water bottles would be good training.
The day of the hike started out sunny, and the two friends were eager to get up on the mountain. They took down their tent, ate breakfast, and dressed for their adventure. A short drive took them to the trailhead where they strapped on their loaded packs and set off.
The first two miles were on well-worn trails, and the two hikers walked along at a good pace. They thought, This isn’t too bad. Soon the trail left the meadows and headed up across a glacier. Their speed slowed as they climbed across the snowfields. Passing the 8000-foot mark, they started noticing the lack of oxygen in the thinner air and stopped more often for rests and drinks of water.
As they climbed up the trail, they could see their destination way off in the distance. It was a cluster of rock huts forming the base camp for climbers who planned to go on to the top. But as they trudged along, the buildings didn’t seem to be getting any closer. They were SO tired that they each secretly thought of quitting.
Putting one foot in front of the other, they trudged on up the steep slope, encouraging one another as best they could. What a relief when they both straggled in to base camp a little later! The friends took off their backpacks and enjoyed the fantastic view. It was exhilarating to reach this high point, and they almost forgot all the effort it took to get there. They were glad they hadn’t turned to go back before reaching their goal.
Dropping down to rest, the two hikers drank water and ate some snacks before turning around to head back down. Although going down was easier than climbing up, those packs still felt heavy. In fact, the top-heavy loads toppled them over a few times as they slipped and slid down the steep mountain trail.
The young men got back to their car, tired and worn out. When they emptied their backpacks, they still had 30 of the 36 full water bottles they had carried with them. “Whose idea was this?” they teased each other. “No wonder we barely made it!” Their packs were pounds heavier than they needed to be. It was no laughing matter while they were struggling along, needing more oxygen and thinking of turning back. They could have stopped and poured out much of that water, but they stubbornly held onto it.
Was anything wrong with carrying water? No, of course not! Taking some water was very necessary. But the weight of their overloaded packs could have caused a serious fall, or they might have completely collapsed and needed to be rescued. We are thankful that wasn’t how it turned out for them.
Isn’t this a little picture of how it is with Christians traveling along God’s pathway in each of our lives? We need to go to school, we need to have a place to live, and we need food to eat and clothes to wear. Some of us may need a bike or car to get around. We work to earn money to buy what we need and to have money to save for emergencies. But loading ourselves down with lots of money, lots of possessions or too much of anything will just be a burden to us. It will distract us from our goal as we march toward our heavenly home.
The Bible compares the Christian pathway to a race—not a short sprint, but a long, cross-country run. Those who are trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ and have asked Him to wash away their sins will arrive at the finish line. Our Saviour will make sure of that. But we are told in our guidebook, the Bible, to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus” (Hebrews 12:1-2).
What are you carrying in your backpack on your Christian pathway? Let us each take a good look at what we are carrying around with us and empty out the extras that are weighing us down on this earthly race, so that we may “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). We have the promise that “my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
But for any children or grown-ups who have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they have a greater need that should be settled right away! And that need is to have their sins washed away in the blood of Christ. If this need applies to you, we want to tell you that God loves you and sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for you. The blood He shed on the cross has the power to cleanse you from every sin in your life—past, present and future. He wants to lift that burden from you. He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
MEMORY VERSE: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Desert's Joshua Trees
“I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together: that they may see ... that the hand of the Lord hath done this.” Isaiah 41:19-20
The Lord has also planted Joshua trees in the North American deserts, and He has placed many living creatures around them. These trees are found only in the deserts from Utah to California and in northern Mexico. A large display of them can be seen as you drive through the Joshua Tree National Monument in southern California where soil and rainfall are just right for them.
Many of these trees grow as high as forty feet, supported by a thick, woody trunk. They have an assortment of odd-shaped branches that end in clusters of thick, dark-green spikes. A cluster of greenish-white flowers grows in the center of these spike clusters after the winter rains.
The Creator has arranged that Joshua trees do not crowd one another. Each tree needs lots of space to benefit from scarce rain and nourishment from the poor desert soil. He placed them there for a purpose, as they are a shelter and life support for many animals, birds and other kinds of desert life.
Many lizards live there, including the zebra-tailed lizard that scoots over the ground with its striped tail lifted over its body. Another is the long-nosed leopard lizard that always runs upright on its two hind legs. There is also the loose-skinned chuckwalla that never seems to be in a hurry. And there are many others.
Certain tortoises find a good life among the Joshua trees, as do a variety of snakes, including some rattlers. Kangaroo rats make their homes there too. Gophers are all around, and desert wood rats make nests underneath or up in the tree trunks. Mice, jackrabbits and cottontails are also plentiful, and some coyotes, foxes and badgers can also be found nearby.
Great numbers of birds live in the area, including falcons, roadrunners, hawks, quail, ravens and owls. Many of them make nests in these trees, and others nest on the ground underneath. Bats hide in the Joshua trees in daylight and hunt desert insects at night.
Although people may drive by these trees and rarely give them a glance, we see they are really another wonderful example of God’s creation and His constant care over it all. How happy those of us are who know this loving, caring, planning God. We can clearly see a master design and know that all things did not come into being just by chance. This is why the Bible says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). And to remember our Creator means also to remember the love that brought Him from heaven to die on Calvary’s cross for all who will admit they are lost sinners and accept Him as their Saviour. Is He your Saviour?
Tiny Weather Forecasters
Where I live in Australia we are in a rainforest region. Our summer is our wet season in the “underneath part of the world.”
The official weather forecast for today was “continuing fair.” Now that is interesting since in the past nineteen hours we have had over six inches of rain! Our weather people got it wrong.
We are watching something very interesting. For the past few days ants have invaded our houses, which is not uncommon for this time of year. In fact, there are so many we find them crawling everywhere. They are looking for higher ground. The little black ants scurry up and down the walls in long, busy lines, carrying their small eggs up higher to protect them from the water that will soon come. They tuck their eggs in the cracks of the wall and even as high as the ceilings. They know a time of trouble is coming, so wisely they take steps to be prepared.
We have also noticed over the past few days that the ant nests on the ground have had large lips built around them. This is common too. These lips around the nests on the ground are built up like volcanoes around the entrances to keep water from running in. Some lips are three to four inches high. It all means rain is coming.
Sometimes I don’t pay attention to what the weather bureau reports. I watch the ants instead, for they always know. By watching the ants, I knew rain was on the way last night, but the people at the weather bureau with their highly specialized instruments got it wrong. I don’t ignore the weather people; it is just interesting to see that in the simplest of God’s creatures there is an accuracy that man can’t match. Thinking of the amazing ways God’s creation speaks to man, it is hard to understand how man can reject the God who is the Creator of it all.
I am reminded of the verse in Proverbs 6:6 that says, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” God has set lessons for us in His creation, if we are willing to see them. He has given these little ants some kind of an advance warning when the heavy rains are coming, and they obey these warnings. God gives other creatures advance warning of winter coming with its fierce winds, cold temperatures and shortness of food. And they obey these warnings by migrating to warmer climates or storing food or hibernating.
God has also given you advance warning of coming punishment for your sins. But He has made a way for your sins to be forgiven. Because He loves you and cares so much for you, He provided a substitute to take that punishment in your place. That substitute is His beloved Son, Christ Jesus, who died on Calvary’s cross for you so your sins could be forgiven. All that’s left for you to do is to confess to God that you are a sinner and accept Christ Jesus as your very own Saviour. “Jesus Christ ... in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
God has given you advance warning about the coming punishment for your sins. Have you obeyed His warnings? “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous [runs] into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10).
MEMORY VERSE: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10
"I'm Scared!"
Ann and Mary were staying at Grandma’s house for the night. They were sleeping on the floor in the living room. All the shades were closed, and everything was very quiet.
Suddenly, Ann crept over to Mary and whispered in her ear, “Wake up, Mary! There’s a man on the porch! He’s walking around, and I’m scared!”
Mary quickly got up and they hugged each other, and then they prayed and asked the Lord Jesus to help them. They called Grandma to come and she came in quickly. Both girls excitedly told her their fear of a strange man on the porch.
“Did you look out the window?” Grandma asked. Going to the window, she opened the shade and looked out.
“Come and see who your visitor is,” Grandma said. “Don’t be afraid. It’s all right.”
The girls peeked out and looked right into the face of a javelina—a big one! In fact, there were three of them! Grandma hugged the girls and explained that javelinas were wild pigs and had long, hard hoofs like ordinary farm pigs. When these animals walked around, it did sound as if there were several pairs of shoes walking on the porch!
The javelinas were rather large, about the size of a big dog. They were busy eating a bag of birdseed that had been left on the porch. Soon the seed was all gone, and they wandered off into the night.
Grandma said to the girls, “Don’t be ashamed of being afraid tonight. It was a very scary thing on a dark, quiet night like this. When you called me after you prayed, you did the right thing. You didn’t yell or scream, and you didn’t run away or cry. You prayed and asked the Lord Jesus to help you, and then you wakened me to come. Hearing the sounds on the porch as you did, you were right to be concerned. You were also right in knowing you could trust Jesus to help you.”
Do you boys and girls ask the Lord Jesus to help you when you are scared or worried? He is always listening and promises to help you and guide you. Next time, talk to Him first, like Ann and Mary did.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Friendly Llama
“In whose hand [the Lord’s] is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10
The llama is a native of Bolivia, Argentina, Peru and the mountains and plains of some other South American countries. It is the largest member of the camel family in South America, even though it has no hump. It is difficult for a stranger to easily tell the difference between llamas and gentle, smaller alpacas and guanacos.
These nimble animals measure about four feet high at the shoulders and have bodies about four or five feet long. Their backs, sides and tails are usually covered with long, dark brown hair, and their necks, heads and legs are a buff or gray color. But there are several variations; some are light tan all over and others are mostly black. They have large, alert ears, and their pretty, dark eyes are shaded with long eyelashes. The Creator has provided them with thick, long hair to keep them warm in the chilly mountains.
Because they are exceptionally clean and their feet are well-padded, some llamas become real favorites with an owner’s family. Sometimes they are allowed to come inside the house to be petted. Baby llamas are picked up and cuddled like a baby and given a sweet treat. Incidentally, their mouths have a smiling appearance, which makes them seem very good-natured.
Llamas are most useful as pack animals, but they are valuable to their owners in other ways too. They can be sheared like sheep for their woolly fur, which is prized because it contains no oil and has a sweet smell even after being spun into yarn. Sometimes their meat is used for food. As pack animals, they can carry loads of a hundred pounds or more and can travel fifteen to twenty miles a day. They are particularly valued over high, dry mountain trails, because, like a camel, they can get along without water for four or five days and are sure-footed with their padded hoofs.
However, llamas can be very stubborn. Owners have learned that it only makes matters worse to punish them when they lie down and refuse to get up until some of the load is taken off. Some refuse to move at all because they are tired. They also set their own walking pace on the trails and will not increase their speed even if the drivers try to make them go faster. But aside from these stubborn streaks, they are valuable and lovable animals.
The Bible verse at the beginning refers to the Lord’s goodness to every living thing and reminds us that every person, young or old, depends on His goodness and care. Have you followed the instruction of this verse? “Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).
What Happened at the Jordan River
The Jordan River rippled along as usual that day, carrying the clear snow-water of Mount Hermon right down to the dark, heavy waters of the Dead Sea.
But it was not an ordinary day. There was a crowd by the riverside that had come to be baptized with the baptism of repentance. They were sinners, and they knew that baptism was the right thing to do. It was turning in the right direction. Every one of us is a sinner before God, and if you are not ready to face up to this, then you can only turn away with your sins. That’s a very serious choice.
It was John who baptized the people in the Jordan River. He was not a man who wore fancy robes, but he knew something that the people did not know. It’s no secret now, but it was then. Even John knew only part of the secret. This is what he knew: There was a Man standing there who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire. And this special Man was younger than John and mightier in power and glory. John said that he was not fit to stoop down and unfasten this Man’s sandals! Who could this Man be? Do you know?
This was a puzzle even to John. In all that crowd, how could he know which was the right Man? God told John the answer, and he listened and remembered: “Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, the same is He which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost” (John 1:33). John had been wondering and watching for this promised sign to come true.
Maybe you too are wondering, Who is Jesus? Where can I find Him? John didn’t look here and there for this powerful Man, but he remembered what God had said, and yes, he found what God had told him was true. He found Jesus. Will you do the same? God’s Word, the Bible, will point Him out to you.
Jesus came to be baptized too. The people all confessed their sins, but Jesus had no sins to confess. Jesus went under the water as the others did, but God was ready to mark Him out so that no one would mistake who He was. A clear voice from heaven said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). John looked, and do you know what he saw? The Spirit of God came down in the form of a dove and rested upon Jesus.
John knew for sure it was Jesus, and you can know for sure too. Later on when John saw Jesus coming to him, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
That is a huge thing, to take away the sin of the world, isn’t it? Sin is a root that goes down so deep that no country can get rid of it, but someday God will! It is God’s Lamb who died for the sin of the world who will remove the whole root from God’s creation.
Jesus had not died on the cross when John saw Him, but He was God’s Lamb—perfect and holy and ready to be offered as the only sacrifice for sin that God could accept. People wondered about John, but he would not take any honor for himself. It was Jesus that God wanted everybody to see—Jesus, God’s holy Lamb, who would die to take away the sins of any boy or girl, man or woman, who would believe in Him and accept Him as Saviour.
We know that sin is spoiling the world now. God knows it too. He has promised to take away the sin of the world, leaving no sin at all in His new creation. He has told us that this world as it is now will be destroyed by fire.
The voice from heaven, the pure white dove, and the Lord’s holy life were marks that pointed to Jesus and Jesus only. If you had been one of the crowd by the river that day, would you have found Jesus? He is the only Saviour of sinners. Is He your Saviour? No one can save you but Jesus. There’s no other way but His way! “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14).
You may read this story in Matthew chapter 3 and in John chapter 1.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14
The Goose and the Pop Can
My wife and I were out for a walk by a lagoon, and we noticed a flock of Canada geese swimming in the water.
As we walked closer to the water, we heard a strange tapping noise. Looking around, we saw a goose with a pop can around his neck. He must have been searching for food on the shore and stuck his head into the pop can lying on the ground. The rusted can had lost its top and bottom, and when the goose lifted his head, the can slipped over it.
The tapping noise was made by the goose trying to remove the can from his neck. We could see that there was only one way to help him and that was to slip the can forward over his head. We carefully walked to the edge of the water, but the goose would not let us come near. Every time we moved closer, he would swim away.
The goose knew he had a problem. What he did not realize was that help was available. He did not trust us to get near enough to free him.
Most people will admit they are sinners, but many do not realize that help is available to free them from their sins. Instead, they try their own methods to get right with God, but those methods don’t work. God tells us in Titus 3:5 that man’s methods are useless: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to [God’s] mercy He [saves] us.” Freedom from sin is available, but it’s only through the death of God’s Son Jesus. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Have you come to Jesus to be set free from your sins?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Unusual Incubator Birds
“Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air.” Genesis 2:19
Among the many strange birds in Australia are those called incubator or thermometer birds.
Incubator birds do not hatch their eggs by sitting on them, as most birds do. They depend upon a very different method of incubation, from which they get their name. Several pairs of males and females working together make a mound of dirt mixed with leaves, moist vegetation and anything that is nearby.
These birds have very strong legs and feet. Walking with their backs to the spot where the mound is being made, the birds move around it in widening circles, using their strong legs to kick everything they find into a central pile. As the pile gets bigger, their circles become wider and wider until they’ve made a hill as high as fifteen feet and perhaps thirty feet wide. Just think how hard they have to kick to get dirt, leaves and everything else up on top of that pile!
Next, each pair picks a suitable spot in the mound and makes a tunnel into it, scooping out a crude nest where the eggs are laid. Then the pair walks away and forgets about the eggs. How are the eggs ever going to hatch inside that big pile? As the leaves and other vegetation rot, they give off heat, and helped by the warmth of the sun, the eggs soon hatch. Then the baby birds come out of the tunnels into daylight to begin life on their own.
How do these birds know to work together with other pairs to make such huge nests? What makes the newly hatched chicks leave the tunnels? And how can they take care of themselves or learn from experience? We can easily see that it pleased the Creator to make a great deal of variety in His creation. Not all birds, animals, fish or other creatures follow the same manner of life. These birds are an example of this, displaying one of His delights in the days of creation. Even now He keeps them in the same pattern of life as when He first placed them on the earth. “Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He in heaven [the atmosphere], and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places” (Psalm 135:6).
If the Lord cares for these unusual birds, how much more does He care for mankind into whom He “breathed ... the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7). He has said, “My delights were with the sons of men. Now therefore hearken unto Me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep My ways. For whoso [finds] Me [finds] life” (Proverbs 8:31-32,35).
We hope everyone reading this will find Him and learn of His wonderful love. “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me” (Proverbs 8:17).
The Wrong Destination
How would you like to be all ready to fly to a lovely warm climate? Doesn’t that sound like fun, especially if it’s cold and snowy where you live! You have bought your airplane ticket, your suitcases are all packed with summer clothing, your money has been changed to the currency of the warm country, and your boarding pass is in your hand. At the airport they announce your flight number and also announce the city where this plane will land. Everything checks out okay. Everyone gets on the plane and finds their seats, and the plane soon takes off.
However, instead of landing many hours later, your plane begins to land much too soon. When you get off the plane, you find yourself in an entirely different place than you expected, and it is cold and foggy! Everybody gets off without a question, and you are wondering if this is some sort of joke.
This is just what happened to a young couple recently. They bought their tickets for a flight to Sydney, Australia, and after landing from a much shorter flight than they expected, they found out their travel agent had made a mistake. Their tickets had been prepared for Sydney, Nova Scotia, instead! Not only did it happen to this couple, it has also happened to three other people at different times. It seems these two cities can cause confusion in the travel business. So if you plan to travel on an airplane, it would be wise to check ahead of time to make sure that your ticket will take you to the right destination.
Have you ever stopped to think that you and I are traveling on the road of life? We are all on the journey from time to eternity—from this life here on earth to spend an eternity somewhere else. Many unreliable “travel agents” are promising tickets to heaven, where we all want to go. But the tickets they talk about are not what God’s Word, the Bible, says about reaching heaven as your destination. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). Jesus is the only way to heaven!
Some of the unreliable “travel agents” will tell you that being a good person and doing your very best will take you to heaven. But the Bible says that isn’t true, because we are all sinners. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Psalm 14:3 says, “There is none that doeth good, no, not one.” And other unreliable “travel agents” will say that if you follow certain rules faithfully and do good works, this will earn you the right to heaven. But the Bible also says that you can’t get to heaven this way either: “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses [good works] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). There is nothing wrong with good works and following rules, but they are worthless as a ticket to heaven!
For the couple that found themselves in the wrong Sydney, it ended well. They were treated kindly and later continued on their journey to Australia. But when you and I leave this earth, our destination is fixed and cannot be changed, so it is very important to make sure our passage is settled with the only perfect and dependable Travel Agent in this world—the Lord Jesus Christ. If you do, you will be sure to arrive at the eternal destination you hope to reach.
MEMORY VERSE: “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6
Timmy's Toast
Timmy was a sweet little toddler, about a year and a half old. One morning, his big brother Ron was fixing his breakfast. “Do you want some toast, Timmy?” he asked.
Timmy nodded his head yes.
Ron popped a slice of bread in the toaster and then lifted Timmy into his high chair. When the toast popped up, he buttered it and set it on the high chair tray.
Timmy didn’t eat it.
Grandma asked, “Do you want some jam on your toast?” Timmy nodded his head yes, and Grandma spread the jam.
Still, Timmy didn’t eat it.
“Aren’t you going to eat your toast?” Grandma asked.
Timmy pointed several times at the toast with his chubby little finger, bowed his head and clasped his hands together. If he had been able to talk, he couldn’t have said any more clearly, “We haven’t given thanks to the Lord Jesus yet.”
Grandma was ashamed she had forgotten. She went over to Timmy’s high chair, bowed her head and thanked the Lord Jesus for Timmy’s toast.
Timmy looked up with a smile and began to eat.
What a sweet reminder about thankfulness little Timmy gave Grandma that morning. God tells us we should “[give] thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Have you thanked Him today for sending His beloved Son to die for your sins? Have you thanked Him for supplying all your daily needs? “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). “Be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Your Amazing Brain
“Thus saith the Lord ... I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.” Ezekiel 11:15
Your brain is a three-pound bundle of gray and white matter, so wonderfully made that only God knows how it works. Medical scientists try to understand it but will never be able to, for it is God’s special creation. People marvel at what computers can do, but all the computers in the world put together could not match what your brain can do.
Researchers have learned many things about the brain’s construction. They know its thirty billion nerve cells are all interconnected; they know that almost every act of your body takes place only after the brain has instructed it. They know that what your ears hear and eyes see are sent to your brain to make sense. They know that your brain lets the taste buds in your tongue tell you if what you’re eating is sweet, sour or bitter. They also know that your brain sends messages to your heart or lungs to work faster or slower, and many, many other actions. Yes, researchers may learn much about the cells and nerves of your brain, but they cannot explain how each of them has its individual part in forming the way of your life.
These processes, among many other things, set human beings apart from animals. When God made man’s body, He made his brain distinct and superior to all other creation. Nothing else but God could produce language, music and technical skills. Did you ever see a cow enjoy a beautiful view or a horse study a sunset? Did a monkey ever invent a piece of machinery or a hog write a poem? Of course not. Such things are true only of mankind, whom God has made in His own image.
Scientists are just beginning to understand some of the workings of the brain. They have determined which part controls thought, memory and function. But they cannot explain how just hearing a certain song will remind you of something that took place years ago, or how the smell of a flower will perhaps instantly remind you of a long-past picnic in the woods.
In other words, although we can see the brain, we cannot see the mind. Like our verse says, only God sees the mind, because it is one of the invisible wonders of His creation. It is through the mind (sometimes referred to in the Bible as the heart) that we understand that we are sinners, responsible to God and need to have those sins forgiven. It is through the same mind that, when we read the Bible, we understand what we read. With it we understand that the Lord Jesus died for our sins and that He will forgive and cleanse us if we accept Him as our Saviour. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10). Have you done this?
"Out of Bounds"
Many of you boys and girls who go to school have played different kinds of ball games, and some of these games have boundary lines. Games like basketball and soccer have boundary lines, and if the ball goes “out of bounds,” there is a penalty—the other team gets to have the ball.
But there are other kinds of boundaries too, and they are serious. It may be a sign that says “OUT OF BOUNDS” in big, bold letters or it may say “NO TRESPASSING.” Both mean you should not go past that point. And if these signs are ignored, there are far more serious penalties to be paid.
Have you ever come to one of those signs? What did you do? Did you obey the warning? Or did it make you want to continue anyway so you could discover why the sign had been placed there?
If you disobeyed the sign, God calls it sin, and there is a penalty to be paid for sin. The Bible reminds us that “whatsoever a man [sows], that shall he also reap [receive]” (Galatians 6:7). Disobeying one of these signs can have a very sad and serious penalty.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn were skiing on a mountainside in British Columbia, Canada, in an area that had been clearly marked, “Out of Bounds.” They took their chances and went anyway. When they tried to find their way back, they discovered they were lost in the cold with no food. They ate snow, which provided them with the needed water to stay alive.
The couple stamped the rescue letters SOS in the snow, hoping that a search plane would spot their signal and send help. Since they hadn’t reported to anybody where they were skiing, they weren’t reported as missing for nine days. Finally a rescue helicopter did see their SOS message in the snow and then spotted a man waving his arms frantically. When they landed to rescue the couple, they found it was too late for Mrs. Blackburn who had died several days earlier.
Mr. Blackburn spent several days in a hospital and then was able to return home. How sad that he went home to his family without their mother accompanying him. What an awful penalty the Blackburns paid for ignoring the “out of bounds” sign.
The Bible tells us that we are all sinners and are facing a penalty for our sins. Romans 3:22-23 says, “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 says, “The wages [penalty] of sin is death.” However, the last part of the verse offers wonderful news for you and me. It says, “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
The Lord Jesus Christ died on Calvary’s cross, bearing the penalty for your sins IF you will believe that He died for them. He loves you so much that He is offering forgiveness to you if you will come to Him in prayer, admitting you are a sinner and accepting Him as your very own Saviour.
You don’t have to suffer the penalty for your sins if you will accept God’s wonderful gift of eternal life through the death of His Son Jesus. Why suffer the penalty of eternal death when God offers you forgiveness?
MEMORY VERSE: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
The Warning Towers
In the Mediterranean Sea off the east coast of Spain is an island called Mallorca. It is the largest of a group of islands owned by Spain and has an interesting history, as well as a delightful climate and beautiful scenery.
One of the many interesting things about the island is a series of stone towers that look like smoke stacks all along the shoreline. They are close enough together that each tower can be seen by the next one in line. In this way, every bend of the shoreline can be watched from one of the towers.
These tall structures were built hundreds of years ago when pirates sailed the Mediterranean, looking for easy victims. Before the towers were built, the pirates would come ashore, often killing, robbing and kidnapping whenever they caught the islanders off guard.
Along with the towers, the people built a city on the north side of the island with a wall around it. This was called the “city of refuge.” This provided a safe place for the islanders to escape from the pirates.
When an unfriendly ship came into sight, its course was closely watched from tower to tower, using lanterns. If it came in to shore, an alarm was sounded. Everyone who heard the alarm ran for safety with their loved ones and all they could carry to the “city of refuge” with the wall around it.
Boys and girls, Satan, just like those pirates, is looking for easy victims. But God has sent His watchmen, gospel preachers, to warn you to escape to a place of safety. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous [wise] runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). The alarm has been sounded! Have you escaped to the only safe place? Are you safe in Christ?
Those who waited too long to run to the city of safety on Mallorca were killed or carried away captive, never to be heard from again. And those who wait too long to run to the Lord Jesus for safety will be lost forever. The Bible says, “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2), and, “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Won’t you run to the safety of Jesus’ arms right now?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Beautiful Darters
“Thou hast made ... the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
Darters are fish from one to eight inches long and are of the perch family. They have this name because of their swift darting movements from one resting place to another. Many live in streams throughout the United States, but their largest numbers are in the Ozark Mountains of the south-central United States. Darters seem to favor those clean mountain streams with the shallow but cold, swift water that races over the rocky bottoms. Most live right in the rapids where they catch insects and other small creatures for food.
There are many species of darters, each with its own distinctive coloring. The stippled darter is one of the prettiest. Throughout most of the year it has transparent blue fins and tail and an olive-brown body with dark stripes on top. But in the spawning months of April and May, the male makes an amazing change. His fins and tail turn bright blue with a fringe of deep orange. The body loses its olive color and turns a pretty mottled blue, silver and gray on the upper half, and the lower half turns a brilliant crimson.
Another good example is the Missouri saddled darter. Again in the spawning season, the male loses its olive-brown coloring and changes to a brilliant green with bright orange bands. When the spawning season is over, he gradually changes back to his original colors until the next year.
While the darters are putting on this brilliant color display, other little fish (about minnow size) sharing the streams go through similar changes. The hornyhead chub turns deep yellow; the bleeding shiner becomes crimson; the redbelly dace turns from silver to bright red with two black stripes.
In many ways these brightly colored fish look like tropical fish seen in aquariums, but they are in no way related. Tropical fish keep their bright colors year-round; these others display their bright colors only in the spring spawning season. Tropicals are rather slow swimmers and used to comfortably warm water; the northern species are active and hardy, since they live in swift waters that are often icy cold. The Creator has made each species to fit in perfectly with its surroundings.
What a lovely display this is of the Creator’s purposes in adding beauty and variety to all His creation. We know each creature was a complete work when the Lord God made it, and when He did so, He “saw that it was good” (Genesis 1).
Let us never forget that “all things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made” (John 1:3). Nor should we neglect the Bible’s good instruction: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
A Lesson From a Dog
I’d like to tell you about a lesson I learned from the dog that belonged to our family. Clarinha was her name, and she was a Dachshund. When she was with us at home, she was very loving and obedient. If a stranger came to the gate, she would bark fiercely, trying to scare them away. She tried to protect us, and she was my doorbell, because I would know when someone was here by her bark.
However, when we went for walks on the road, Clarinha was not very obedient. If I had her on the leash, she would always pull very hard, trying to get away. If I let her off the leash, she would run away as fast as she could and bark at every dog she saw. She acted like she was the “king of the road” and the boss of everybody. She would bark at all the motorcycles passing by. She upset the dogs that she barked at, because most of them were behind gates and couldn’t go after her. She would run off acting like she thought she was the winner. Sometimes we would see a big dog in the road that wanted to meet her. She would bark fiercely at him, and he would run away yelping with his tail between his legs, scared of tiny Clarinha.
I knew that one day she would have to learn her lesson in obedience. I expected that either a motorcycle or a car would hit her, or some bigger dog would pick a fight with her.
One afternoon my three children and I took a walk to the park with Clarinha and Lillie, our other dog. Both dogs were on leashes so they wouldn’t get into danger. I let the dogs loose in the park since it had a fence all around it and the dogs could run free. They played happily together. After some minutes, I looked around for the two dogs. Lillie was there but not Clarinha. Where was she? Then I saw her on the road outside the park! Somebody had opened the gate of safety.
I called, “CLARINHA, COME! CLARINHA, COME!” She looked at me as if to say, “No way; I want to have some fun. I’ll come back later!” And off she ran.
She crossed the road and went to an auto shop where they had two, big Rottweiler dogs behind a fence. One dog got mad at Clarinha and did something he had never done before—he jumped the fence—and then went after her. Clarinha ran as fast as she could back to me, but it was too late. I couldn’t save her as I had my three young children to protect, and I didn’t want this big, angry dog going after them. The big Rottweiler wasn’t afraid of little Clarinha and attacked her, biting her very badly.
We took Clarinha to the animal doctor where he stitched up her wounds and gave her lots of medicine. But Clarinha didn’t heal and died one week later.
Clarinha’s disobedience and wanting to run free finally led to her death. Boys and girls, like Clarinha, you may want to just have fun and not want to obey what God says is necessary to remove your sins. But there will be a day when, just like disobedient Clarinha, it will be too late. There will be no turning back.
The Bible says, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). Suffering for eternity in hell for your sins will be much worse than the one week of suffering that Clarinha had. If you will come to the Lord Jesus to have your sins washed away, you will live forever with Him in heaven. He loves you very much and is waiting for you. Will you obey Him?
“What shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17).
MEMORY VERSE: “What shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” 1 Peter 4:17
Where Is Suzanne?
Suzanne was just a toddler. Suddenly Mother missed her. She called and looked through the house but could not find Suzanne. She went outdoors and called again, but there was no answer. So Mother called to the neighborhood children who were playing nearby. She asked if they would help her find her little girl. Soon they were scattered around, looking everywhere outside where a little child might have fallen, but she was nowhere to be found.
Mother finally went back in the house, and there at the top of the stairs stood a tearful Suzanne. When she saw her mommy, Suzanne asked, “Where were you? I couldn’t find you.” Mother asked her the same question as she picked up her little girl and hugged her close. Suzanne did not answer, but as there were some little rolls of dust in Suzanne’s hair, Mother guessed she had fallen asleep on the floor by the bed and rolled under it out of sight. Or maybe she had just crawled under there to hide when she heard the call, thinking, What fun to come out after a while and say, “Here I am!”
This is like the Bible story of the shepherd searching for his lost sheep. He left the other sheep and hunted until he found the lost one. Then he carried it home, rejoicing, and asked his friends to come rejoice with him. Do you know who this Good Shepherd is? He is the Lord Jesus, and He is calling to every boy, girl, man and woman who does not know Him, “Come unto Me ... and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
“Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7). And there was joy among the children outside when someone shouted, “Suzanne’s been found!”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Water and Ice
“Trust in the living God, who is the Saviour [Preserver] of all men, specially of those that believe.” 1 Timothy 4:10
Everyone knows that, in a container, hot liquids rise to the top and cold ones go to the bottom. Right? No, although this is true of other liquids, water is an exception. Cooler water does become heavy and drops toward the bottom when first exposed to cold air. Warm water beneath rises past it to the surface. This continues until the water temperature cools to 39 F (7 degrees above freezing). When this temperature is reached, something unusual happens. Instead of sinking, the water at this temperature remains on the top, and when the temperature drops to 32 F it freezes there. The warmer water is still underneath, but it can no longer work its way to the top.
Everyone also knows that the hotter things become, the more they expand, and the colder they become, the more they contract. Right? No, water is again the exception. As ice forms, it expands, which helps to make it lighter than the water below. The water temperature under the ice is always 34.2 (more than two degrees above freezing). Continued cold weather may make more ice form, but it is always from the top downward.
Surely the Creator had a wise purpose in making this exception. If we stop to think about it, we will discover at least one good reason. If cold water in a pond, lake, river or ocean continued to drop to the bottom, what would happen? When the temperature reached the freezing point, ice would form at the bottom, building up layer upon layer, until the whole area would become a solid block of ice. No water would remain, and all fish and other marine life would die. When the air temperature warmed up, only the ice on top would melt. The ice below would never melt under these conditions, except in very shallow places.
Not only would all marine life die, but everything living on land would also die. Water in liquid form is essential to the preservation of all life. Streams and rivers would stop flowing, ocean currents would be changed, and so many things would be affected that life could not go on. But as it is now in God’s amazing creation, fish and other water creatures live normally in their liquid environment. There may be a temporary ice covering over them, but life for them goes on in its usual way.
Here is another example of the Lord’s preserving care for all His creation. But while it is good to know Him as Creator, how much more important it is to know Him as Saviour. As our Saviour, He gives us eternal life when we trust in His finished work on Calvary’s cross. “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:15). Do you know Him as your Saviour?
A Man Named Habakkuk
Is this man’s name hard for you to say? One of the books of the Bible is named after him. See if you can find it. Here is a clue: It’s in the Old Testament.
Habakkuk was one of God’s prophets, and he was a true man of faith during a very difficult time for the people of Israel. But I think you will find that his story has a very happy ending.
Maybe you remember that God gave Israel the ten commandments, which were very wise and good. Israel was a happy nation at that time. They had lots of sunshine and rain for their gardens and fields. The fathers and mothers were strong and healthy, and they had many healthy, happy children.
BUT, they did not obey God. (There’s always a “but” if you listen to the wrong voice.) Instead, they chose their own way and went deeper and deeper into sin. God loved them too much to let them go on in their own choices.
What did God send? Troubles. And He has sent troubles into your life too, because He loves you so much, and He knows the end of the road if you choose your own way. It’s like He is saying to you, Listen to Me! Will you listen?
There was another nation called Chaldeans who didn’t care at all about God, and they had very hot tempers and sharp swords. They came against Israel and fought and won. Israel was smashed to bits, and the strong men were either dead or prisoners. God sent bare, brown fields to their land. There was no fruit on the trees, no grapes on the vines, no olive oil for cooking, no wheat or rice or barley, and no cows or sheep for meat. What was left?
Have you ever felt like that? Everything is gone with nothing left and all you can do is cry? There are many right now in America who feel like that. There are some that may have lots of things, but nothing satisfies them, and their hearts are broken. They just want to kill themselves. Is it possible to have a happy ending after all that?
Listen, and you will hear Habakkuk’s song of triumph and joy when everything else was gone. “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength ... . To the chief singer on my stringed instruments” (Habakkuk 3:18-19).
Do you really mean that Habakkuk was joyful when he had lost everything? Well, there was one thing he had not lost. He had the love of God in his heart forever! And he knew Him as the God of his salvation. He did not know, as you and I do, that God has given His only Son to die for sinners, for this had not yet happened. But he did know that God was faithful forever, and he was ready to sing about it. He did not have a big choir, but he had his own happy voice, and he wanted everyone to know, so he played a stringed instrument, like a harp.
We want you to know too. If you lose out on something today, or maybe you lose someone whom you love very much, remember that JESUS IS FOREVER! If you are saved, you can never lose Jesus, because He can’t lose you! “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). And He says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). “Lo, I am with you alway” (Matthew 28:20).
MEMORY VERSE: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5
The Invitation
“Rrrring! ... Rrrring!”
Oh, no, I thought. With all these people calling to sell me something, I’m not getting a thing done! Maybe I won’t answer this time. But when the telephone kept ringing, I decided to answer it. “Hello?” I said tiredly.
“Hi!” said a cheerful little voice. “Could you come to my house to-mo-wo?
Only one little boy I knew said the word “tomorrow” like that. So I answered, “I’d love to come to your house, Tommy!” Then he asked me to be sure to bring my youngest son so they could play cars together.
I was so glad I answered that phone call. Tommy would have been very disappointed if I hadn’t, and our family would have missed out on a good dinner and visit. I almost missed out on a kind invitation by not answering the telephone.
Have you ever missed out on an invitation to a dinner or a birthday party or to a friend’s house? Maybe you were sick or busy or just didn’t want to go. I hope no one reading this is missing out on God’s invitation. Have you heard God’s loving voice calling you to come to Him? “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15).
Just as Tommy invited me to his house, God is inviting you to His house in heaven. Revelation 21 tells us about that wonderful home where there will be no more tears, no more death, no more sorrow, and no more crying or pain. And something else that won’t be in His home is SIN, because God is holy and perfect. He knew we were sinners, but even though He hates our sins, He still loves us. He and His Son had a plan so that we could be in heaven without our awful sins. About 2000 years ago He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to bear the punishment on the cross for the sins of all people who would believe in Him. To be able to live in God’s home, you must tell Him that you know you are a sinner and are truly sorry for your sins and that you want Him to forgive them.
It wasn’t hard for me to accept Tommy’s cute invitation, and it isn’t hard for you to accept God’s loving invitation. Will you accept it right now?
“If we confess [admit] our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Black-Footed Ferret
“Great and marvelous are Thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Thy ways.” Revelation 15:3
When western prairies of the United States were being settled many years ago, millions of prairie dog homes dotted the plains. Because these animals were considered pests, they were hunted and poisoned, so that today hardly any are left.
That poisoning also meant the death of a smaller animal—the black-footed ferret. Not only were they also poisoned, but their main food supply was also gone—the prairie dogs. Now there are also only a few of these ferrets left, mostly in the state of Wyoming where efforts are being made to protect them.
The pretty black-footed ferret is closely related to the weasel, as shown by its slim body, short legs, alert expression and sharp eyes. About two feet long from nose to tip of tail, it weighs only a pound and a half. Its fur is mostly brown, but its raccoon-like face is white with a black streak across its eyes like a bandit’s mask. It has a black streak all along its back, and the tip of its tail and its feet are also black, the reason for its name. Being close to the ground, its agile body is well hidden in the grass as it skims along at high speed.
The ferret is a fierce nighttime hunter, often attacking animals larger than itself. An example is prairie dogs. They often weigh more than twice as much, but although the ferret may get badly wounded, it is rare for them to lose the battle. When it is over, the ferret drags the heavier creature to its burrow for eating. Ground squirrels, mice, rabbits and other small animals are also their victims.
Ferrets sometimes use prairie dog burrows as nests where their kits are born in early summer and raised by the mother. Sometime before fall, each young ferret moves to a solitary burrow where it makes its home and carries back whatever it captures for its own consumption.
In the Lord God’s original creation all things lived peacefully together, but when Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, that perfection was ruined, affecting all living things. And today, lions, tigers, ferrets, hawks, falcons, sharks and many other creatures still attack and kill one another.
But the Bible gives us cheerful news about a coming day when “the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.... They shall not hurt nor destroy ... for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:7-9).
Before that takes place, all who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their own Saviour will have been called to heaven and will look down on this peaceful scene with thankful praise to God for restoring His creation so wonderfully. Will you be in heaven with those people?
A Wait at the Airport
In these days of fast airline service all over the world, often the longest waits are right at the airport. One time I had a long wait when I went to the airport to meet someone coming in on a flight. This happened a few years ago when we were still allowed to walk out to the gate to meet an incoming passenger.
The plane was due to arrive at a little past 8:00 p.m. I arrived with plenty of time to walk to the gate before it was to land. Once I reached the gate, I found out that there would be a one-hour delay.
I was disappointed and a little unhappy about such a long wait. But then I became interested in the reason for the delay. It was not a problem with the plane coming in, because they said it was already on the ground, waiting to come to the gate. The problem was with the plane still sitting at the gate that wasn’t leaving on time. And so the “parking space” was full. It should have left at 8:00 p.m., but it had to wait for some of the flight crew who were late. The announcement over the loud speaker said that the plane would now leave at 9:00 p.m.
This made me think of God’s patient love in waiting for lost sinners and the set time when He will wait no longer. “The Lord is not slack [late] concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering [patient] to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). “Because He [God] hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge [punish] the world in righteousness [justly]” (Acts 17:31).
The gate attendant had to explain to many passengers why the plane was late in leaving and reported that it definitely would leave at 9:00.
After a short while the flight crew arrived and got on the plane. Good, I thought. Now it can leave and my plane can come in. But, no, it did not leave. It remained at the gate until 9:00 p.m. The gate attendant’s promise that it would leave at 9:00 was kept, so that none of the passengers would be disappointed.
This reminds us that what God tells us in the Bible can be fully trusted. He cannot and will not go back on His promises! Anyone who puts his trust in Jesus will not be left behind for punishment. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:27-28).
At exactly 9:00 p.m. the walkway to the plane was removed and the door was closed and locked. Just then, a passenger came running up to the gate and pleaded to be allowed to get on the plane. The gate attendant spoke by phone to the pilot, but the pilot said, “No.” The flight could not be delayed any longer to allow the man to get on. The plane pulled away from the gate, and the man turned away disappointed. He was just a little bit too late.
The pilot could not be blamed for not letting the man get on; the pilot was being very fair and reasonable. And right now there are people who are taking advantage of God’s patience by waiting a little longer to come to the Saviour. Second Corinthians 6:2 warns us that “now is the accepted [right] is the day of salvation.” Don’t wait even a little bit longer! The Lord Jesus is coming soon! He loves you and wants you to trust Him for your soul’s salvation. A missed plane means perhaps only a few extra hours of waiting for another one, but to miss God’s offer of salvation means you will suffer forever in the lake of fire.
“It is time to seek the Lord” (Hosea 10:12).
MEMORY VERSE: “It is time to seek the Lord.” Hosea 10:12
Too Tired
Lorena was tired. She was less than two years old, and she did not like to walk very far. It seemed to her that she had already walked a long way, so she stopped and just held up her arms to her mommy.
Do you think her mommy said, “No, Lorena, I don’t care if you are tired. I want you to walk all the way home by yourself”?
No. Her mommy picked her up, gave her a kiss and carried her home, even though she was tired too.
How many times do you get tired of things every day? Maybe your friends aren’t treating you very nicely and that makes you sad. Or maybe you have been naughty and wish you were always good. Or maybe your special pet or a special friend has died, or even worse, your mommy or daddy. So you are worse than tired; you are heartbroken.
Is there anyone who cares about how you feel when you are tired or sad or heartbroken? Maybe you can’t even seem to tell anyone how you feel. Yes, God our Father cares. He loves you and He has promised to carry you, just like Lorena’s mommy carried her when she was tired. Listen to this beautiful verse: “Even to your old age I am He; and even to [gray] hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you” (Isaiah 46:4).
When we feel too tired, too sad or too heartbroken to go on anymore, we can lift up the arms of our hearts to God our Father and He will carry us. Lorena lifted up her arms to her mommy, and she was carried all the way home. We’ll find out that He is carrying us, just as He has always carried us from the moment we were born. And He will carry us all the way home.
Are you trusting and leaning on our loving God and Father?
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Few Facts About Bats
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
Most of us have heard how a bat can fly about in total darkness and never hit an object that might be in its way. Experiments were tried, blindfolding these creatures and turning them loose in rooms strung with piano wire, twine and other things. The bat just flew all around these obstacles and never once touched them.
God has furnished the bat with a “radar system” far more sensitive than any that man has invented. A bat produces a sound with its mouth that is so high pitched that humans cannot hear its full range. These sound waves strike objects in its path of flight and send back echoes to the bat’s ears. The echoes tell the bat how it must turn to avoid colliding with objects or with each other.
After spending perhaps thirty minutes cleaning itself, this furry little mammal usually sleeps hanging upside down with its wings draped around its body like a cloak. (They are not dirty creatures as many people think.)
God has given bats a sense of approaching winter with its scarcity of food. Some migrate to warmer climates, up to a thousand miles away. Others gorge on insects and put on a layer of fat, then find a dark place, often a cave, where they hang by their hind feet and hibernate for three to six months. During this time, the fat stored in their bodies sustains them until warm weather returns. Then they become active once again and are able to find insects to eat that also have become plentiful.
Although bats are rather strange-looking creatures, they are beneficial to man in destroying vast quantities of harmful insects. It is estimated that they eat half their weight in insects in one night.
Bats are not able to question and understand their ways of life, and they are not able to develop such wonderful abilities by themselves. God is the One who has created them, and He watches over them, providing their skills and caring for them in all their unusual ways. They carry on many of their activities in the dark, and they are well equipped for this. We, too, by nature love a form of darkness that shuts us out of God’s blessings: “This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19).
When the Lord Jesus came into the world, He was “the light of the world” (John 8:12), and He invites everyone to come out of darkness into His wonderful light. When we accept Him as our Saviour, He delights to give us a new title— “children of light” (1 Thessalonians 5:5). Then we have the privilege of shining for Him.
Charlie's Bad Choice
Charlie, a boy of about twelve, usually kept out of trouble. He was raised in a Christian home where the Bible was read. He loved the Lord Jesus, and, in fact, he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour when he was just six years old.
Charlie loved to play football and baseball with his school buddies. They often played the game of marbles in the schoolyard too. Boys did that many years ago, long before computers and video games were around. Where his family lived, the backyard of their house was right next to the schoolyard, so he often found his way there for some of the pickup games going on.
Another game the boys often played was handball. They played it up against the back wall of the school.
One afternoon in the summer, a few boys were playing handball, and Charlie was just standing by, watching. After the boys got tired of the game, some of them picked up stones and started throwing them at the school windows. And you know what happened next ... some of the windows got broken!
Charlie was standing back from the group, just watching what the boys were doing. But a
neighbor saw what was happening and phoned the police.
After they had broken some of the windows, the boys ran from the schoolyard, and Charlie went home. However, it wasn’t very long before a police car stopped at his house. Someone had reported that Charlie was with the boys who broke the windows. Now he was in big trouble!
Make no mistake; Charlie had not thrown even one stone. But he was with the boys who were throwing them! He had to learn a hard lesson that his dad and mom drilled into him, reminding him of the Bible verses in Proverbs 4:14-15: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.”
The big lesson that Charlie had to learn was to walk away from his friends who were doing things that he knew were wrong and go home. He should have gone home when the boys first started throwing stones at the school building.
Boys and girls, you probably can guess that Charlie has never forgotten that lesson, and he has never forgotten that verse either. It’s a good verse for each one of you to always remember and follow.
MEMORY VERSE: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.” Proverbs 4:14-15
Anna's Money
“Anna, you really have dollar signs in front of your eyes, don’t you?” said Grandpa. Three-year-old Anna was dancing around the room, holding a dollar bill tightly across her eyes.
“Yep,” she said confidently, “I’ve got lots of dollars and lots of monies, and I’m going to the store to buy a dolly, and all the candies, and all the pops, and all the gums!”
One of Anna’s older brothers had given her four one-dollar bills and four quarters in exchange for her model horse that he wanted for his farm. Anna had big plans for that money. And you and I do the very same. We sometimes have things that we value and build big plans around them. But our Lord Jesus asked a searching question: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37).
Anna was very happy with her money. When someone would suggest that she give it to her mommy or daddy to keep it safe for her, she’d stuff it all back into her pockets and insist that she could take care of it herself. But a minute later it would be out again, sometimes in her hand, sometimes on the floor, sometimes in a little heap on the couch. The Lord Jesus knows so much better than we do how to keep us and our possessions safe. The only safe way is to give ourselves and all we have into the Lord’s hands for His saving grace and keeping power.
Anna told us several times how she was going to spend her money. “I’ll eat all the candies, all the gums, and all the pops right down into my tummy,” she said.
Anna’s plans for her money were short-term. She was not going to save any of it in a piggy bank for later. She wanted everything it could buy right now. This is how young children think. However, some of us who are a little older think the very same way. Our plans are all short-term. We would rather not think about long-term plans. We would rather get all we can of what the world offers and not worry about long-term plans for the needs of our souls.
Some day all the candy, pop and gum will be gone, but so will bikes, sports, clothes, computer games, cars and money! Everything will be gone! “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10).
Where will that leave you? With a lost soul? That’s really a very scary thought!
While you still have the opportunity, why not settle those long-term plans with God right now? He loves you and wants you to be positively sure that when everything else is gone, your soul will be safe in heaven with His Son, Jesus Christ.
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth ... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven ... for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Proud Lyrebird
“Though the Lord be high, yet hath He respect unto the lowly: but the proud He knoweth afar off.” Psalm 138:6
The musical instrument called the lyre has two curved arms reaching up from the base and a series of strings stretched between them. When explorers in Australia first caught sight of a pheasant-sized bird with feathers spread out U-shaped just like a lyre, they promptly named it the lyrebird.
Actually, only the male bird has the beautiful feathers, and he displays them in winter and spring. He moves around in the forest busily scratching for worms and snails. He is not much of a flier, but he can run fast. When he runs, he holds his long tail straight out behind him so the brush will not damage it.
The lyrebird is a great imitator, not only of other birds, but it will quickly imitate the bark of a dog, the noise of a gasoline engine, the meow of a cat or most any other sound. It is more talented than a parrot in this way.
During winter, the lyrebird looks for a mate. He loudly sings some of the tunes he has copied from other birds. Finding a clear spot in the forest, he scratches up a mound of dirt and climbs up to display his sixteen beautiful tail feathers. He raises them in a lyre-like shape, waving and bending them forward over his head. They look like a delicate, beautiful fan.
He does a lively dance on the mound that may last an hour or more. If a female lyrebird does not show up, he moves on to another mound already prepared some distance away, and he repeats the whole act. This may go on for several days, until finally a female appears. He helps her build an oval-domed nest in the fork of a tree or in the undergrowth where she lays just one egg. Then he deserts her while she hatches out the lone chick and goes back to his mounds to look for another female. This continues well into spring.
The male lyrebird is really a proud creature, isn’t he? The way he deserts his companions spoils our admiration of him. His actions remind us of Satan and even of some persons who make themselves attractive on the outside but are not attractive on the inside. But God is never deceived. The Bible tells us that “man [looks] on the outward appearance, but the Lord [looks] on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). How solemn to realize that the Lord “[searches] all hearts, and [understands] all the imaginations of the thoughts” (1 Chronicles 28:9). We cannot hide from God; He knows all about us every moment of our lives.
How good it is to confess that we need Him to guide and direct our lives and to know “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 20:21). Have you done this?
Saved Through Queen Mary
I first met Alice in 1986 when I visited a nursing home where she was a resident. Without even greeting me, she immediately said, “I was saved through Queen Mary.” I thought to myself, How did she know that I was a Christian? It turned out that she did not know, but, rather, she just delighted to tell everyone that she was saved through Queen Mary. I heard her greet many others in the same way that she had greeted me. Here is her story:
It had happened forty-seven years earlier, and Alice was then a young woman thirty-two years old. She stood outside the gate of Buckingham Palace. She could see the splendors of the royal residence and wished that she could go in. The famous guards of Buckingham were like statues; they stood silently with their eyes looking straight ahead. Alice knew that they were forbidden to speak, but she tried to start up a conversation with one of the guards anyway. Somehow she got him to say something. But very quickly a messenger was sent, and Alice was summoned before the Queen.
You can imagine her fears as she was brought into the presence of Her Majesty, knowing she had been the cause of the guard breaking the rule. However, her mind and her conscience were soon set at rest as she was warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Queen Mary spoke to her of the joy of salvation and of the hope of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you ever felt like Alice, that you were outside looking in? The Queen saw on the face of Alice that she so much wanted to come inside, but Alice could not go into the palace unless she was brought in by the guard. God would like to invite you into His palace, but you cannot go into His palace unless you go with Jesus, God’s Son. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
If you were brought into God’s heavenly palace and you were about to stand before the Majesty of the holy God, would you be like Alice and have fears about the wrong things that you have done? God has a message of peace for you. “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
The guard who escorted her out of the palace told Alice that the queen had often brought in others to give them the same message of salvation and hope. She said that it was her job. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you have the same job as Queen Mary and the same job as Alice—to tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ, your Saviour. We are told in Psalm 107:2, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.”
Have you accepted God’s offer of salvation and peace through His Son Jesus? If so, have you told anyone about Him today?
MEMORY VERSE: “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1
Goose Eggs
Many of you boys and girls have read some of my Grampa’s interesting stories about his dog Wesley and about wild animals and birds that live near his house. I have loved visiting my Grampa and Gramma ever since I was a little girl. I liked to catch frogs, go fishing and even canoe up their creek.
There is something I have seen that happens almost every year in the marsh behind their house. In the spring the Canada geese come back to the marsh to build nests and lay their eggs. I look forward to seeing the cute, fluffy goslings, and if I don’t get to see them, Grampa always takes pictures to show me.
As you know, in the spring God makes it rain a lot so the plants can start to grow after winter. Almost every year the geese build their nests too low in the marsh or too early when it’s still cold. When they build their nests too low, their nests become flooded after it rains, and the eggs float away. If they build their nests too early, it gets so cold at night that the eggs freeze and won’t hatch.
I asked Grampa why they keep making the same mistake. Why don’t they learn from the year before? That is just like us, isn’t it? We do bad things over and over again, even though we know they’re wrong and that they’re sin. Why do we keep sinning? The Bible says we were born sinners: “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12).
It is sad that the geese make the same mistake almost every year, and it is sad that we continue sinning. But there is good news for you and me. Because God loves us so much, He sent His Son Jesus into the world to die and suffer the penalty for our sins. “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
I knew I was a sinner and trusted in Jesus when I was a little girl. I still sin, but when I ask the Lord Jesus to help me and I choose His way, He keeps me from sin. I want to please God because of everything He has done for me.
You know, sometimes those Canada geese are able to lay more eggs after losing their first nest of eggs. I hope this spring I can visit Grampa and Gramma and see some fluffy little goslings. And I hope more than anything else that you will trust in Jesus as your Saviour right away and not wait until spring, so you can spend eternity with Him in heaven.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Beware the Puffer!
“Thou art the God that doest wonders: Thou hast declared Thy strength among the people.” Psalm 77:14
There are many strange creatures in the oceans. One of the most unusual is the puffer fish, of which there are about one hundred kinds. It is also called by other names, such as swellfish, sea porcupine, globefish, and tiger puffer. This fish is found in all oceans, including those along the eastern and western shores of North America.
Puffers are not pretty fish, except for a few of them such as the swellfish, which is bright green on top with yellow sides and white underneath. The protruding eyes of most are unusual, sparkling green or blue and apparently able to see in about every direction at once. Otherwise, these fish are not at all attractive; they have bulging eyes, fat stomachs, rubbery fins and puckered mouths. They have no scales and some have smooth skin.
Our title says, “Beware the Puffer!” for a very good reason; they are one of the most deadly fish in the seas. They are able to raise sharp spines all over their bodies, able to bite with strong teeth, and, most importantly, able to kill with deadly poison.
Puffers, lacking a skeleton or ribs, cannot swim like other fish because their tails and fins are not able to propel them very well. Instead, they often just drift in the ocean, with their fins not doing much good and their tails merely acting as rudders. Because of this, they do not like deep waters but stay near shores where they find their food—clams, oysters, marine worms and even crabs and shrimp. The Creator has given them amazingly strong jaws and hard, sharp teeth, which easily crunch the toughest shellfish to eat the creature inside.
The name puffer describes them very well when they defend themselves. At the threat of danger, they inflate their stomachs with air or water. Their tough, elastic skin stretches until they are as round as a ball and two or three times their normal size. Then they float belly upward on the water’s surface. Some raise those strong, sharp spines on their bodies. It is rare for even a shark to tackle one. When the threat of danger is over, they return to normal size.
Do you think the Lord God, who created them, gives any thought to such strange fish? The Bible assures us that He does: “The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 145:9). We may not understand why such unusual creatures were included in His creation, but we can be sure He had a purpose in creating them and now watches over them as He watches over each of us.
When we think of this, we should remember another scripture: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3).
She Couldn't Stand up Straight
Most of you boys and girls can stand up straight and tall, but this poor lady in our Bible story couldn’t. She had a serious problem with her back, and she had not been able to stand up straight for eighteen years. That was a long time to be bent over!
If you had seen her, you would have said, “Poor lady!” She could not look up as you and I do and see the sky and the tops of the trees and the birds flying. All she could see was the ground in front of her feet. Maybe nobody wanted to be bothered with her, but I’ll tell you a secret, or maybe two secrets. If you had seen her that day, there were two secrets that did not show at all.
You probably have secrets like that too. If I looked at you, I might see how you look today, but God sees all your yesterdays. He sees things you have forgotten and things you can’t forget. And He knows all your tomorrows too. He loves you right now, and He cares a lot about you.
The first secret is that this poor lady was in that bent-over position for all those long years because Satan, the evil one, had done this to her. Her back must have ached and hurt a lot, but there was nothing she could do about it. She could not straighten herself up.
The other secret is that this lady was a daughter of Abraham. Maybe you remember hearing about Abraham and Sarah, that when they were very, very old God promised them they would have a son. Instead of saying, No! We are too old, Abraham believed God. That’s what faith is—believing God when He speaks, even if it seems impossible. That’s why many of us are sure we are going to be with Jesus someday. God has given us the faith to believe Him, even if it means that we will have to come right out of our graves when He calls us home!
Jesus saw this bent-over lady and called to her and put His hands on her and said, Woman, you are loosed from your disability, and she immediately stood up straight! You may be sure the first person she saw was Jesus! She was standing up straight, and everybody could see that!
Her back was as good as new for the first time in eighteen years, and she glorified God. But wasn’t it Jesus who healed her? Yes, but Jesus is God.
Now you might think that everybody would be glad that she was healed, but not all of them were. The ruler of the synagogue was angry because Jesus had healed on the sabbath day. The ruler said, Come some other day of the week and not on the sabbath day! You see, God said that the sabbath was to be a holy day, but the ruler did not know the heart of God. He did not know that God cares enough to heal, whatever day it is. And He cares enough to save you from your sins right now, whatever day it is.
Jesus reminded the ruler that if he had a donkey or an ox tied up, he would certainly untie it and lead it somewhere to drink water, no matter what day it was. Any man cares for his farm animals, and maybe you care for your dog, but Jesus cares even more for you. He cares so much that He gave His precious life for you. Will you trust Him right now, without waiting for another day? Jesus wants you now, and He is the only One who can loose you from Satan’s power. “I will trust and not be afraid” (Isaiah 12:2).
You may read this story for yourself in Luke 13:10-17.
MEMORY VERSE: “God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid.” Isaiah 12:2
Elizabeth's Letter
Little 3½-year-old Elizabeth asked for paper and a pen to write a letter, so I found both and gave them to her. In typical 3½-year-old style, she worked hard at it and finally turned out a letter to me!
Well, to say the least, I was very pleased. But I needed an interpreter, so I asked if she would help me read it.
She picked it up and read:
“I love Grandma.
Everyone loves Grandma.
Even Hope loves Grandma.”
I have framed my love letter and don’t ever want to forget it. It sits on my dresser, and I am reminded that Elizabeth loves me and so does even Hope.
God has written a love letter to us! Did you know that? It says, “God so loved the world [that means you and me], that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever [that also means you and me] believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” You can read it for yourself in the Bible in John 3:16. We also read in the Bible, “The Son of God [Jesus], who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” You can also read this verse for yourself in Galatians 2:20.
Just like Elizabeth’s letter, I have my Bible where I can see it and read it and be reminded that God loves me and Jesus loves me. And then I prayerfully say, “Thank you, dear Father, and thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving me.”
Do you keep your Bible where you can see it and read it and be reminded that God loves you and Jesus loves you?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Janitor Ants and Their Guards
“Blessed be the Lord my strength ... my shield, and He in whom I trust.” Psalm 144:1-2
There are thousands of kinds of ants throughout the world. There is something interesting about each kind and the way the Lord God, their Creator, takes care of them.
Janitor ants have very clean habits and make strong, comfortable nests. Some ants in their colonies are larger and stronger and act as guards. They keep intruders from entering the nest. They are ready to die, if necessary, to protect the colony.
These guards do not go out on the warpath like army ants; they are soldiers ready to serve in a very unusual way. When making a nest, the entrances are carved by the busy little workers into just the shape and size of a guard ant’s head. Once the nest is occupied, the guard takes up his position as a moveable door for this entrance. He stands with the front part of his head plugging the hole, and the rest of his head and body in the nest. His eyes are exposed so he can see everything that approaches. Actually, his head looks so much like the nest that it would be difficult for an enemy to find any of the entrances. Even if it did and tried to enter, it would have a fierce guard to fight off.
Of course, the colony ants have to work outside during the daytime. When they return, they give the guard the “secret password” by brushing antennae together. The guard backs away and lets them in and then immediately returns to his post.
There is more than one species of ant that uses this same method of protection. In the nests of some others, the guard does not back out of the entrance to let friends in. Instead, he crouches down and lets them crawl over the top of his head. Sometimes when an ant is too big to come in that way, the guard comes out of the nest headfirst, lets the ant through, and then backs up into its position again.
Our beginning Bible verse tells us of King David’s complete trust in the Lord as his shield against his enemies. How wise it is to follow the advice of the Bible when it instructs: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).
The janitor ants seem quite safe and secure with faithful guards protecting them. However, there are times when they cannot keep the colony from danger in spite of their best efforts. But for every boy and girl there is eternal safety in God’s promise: “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). The Lord Jesus confirmed this in His own words to those who love Him: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Are you trusting in Him for all things?
Three Horses on the Loose
Do you like horses? Our neighbors, the Cloudberrys, have three horses and several cats. Whenever they travel, our family cares for their animals.
One evening Dad and I drove up to their house to feed the animals and bring the horses in for the night. As we drew near, we realized that the horses had gotten out of the corral and were running around the backyard! Quickly we drove in and hopped out, ready for any excitement that was awaiting us!
We hurried into the barn to decide how to go about getting them back in. Dad walked out the horse door and around the barn, and then he spotted the loose horses. They were contentedly munching on fresh grass.
Dad slowly approached them to encourage them back into the corral. Just as he was reaching for the halter of one of the horses, all three bolted away and continued running around. “Lord, please help us!” I prayed.
After running around and around the yard, two of the horses, Jack and Sir, obediently trotted into the corral. Dad quickly fastened the gate to prevent their getting out again. I was standing near the road to try to keep them from the danger of running out onto the roadway. We still had one more horse to catch.
Blaze was bursting with energy and was prepared to show it to us. He ran past me and then stopped. As I slowly walked up to him, I talked gently to calm him down. In a flash, he started running on the grass beside the road and then down the middle of the road!
“Lord, please don’t let Blaze get hit,” I earnestly prayed as cars flew by, not caring to stop.
This reminds me of a sinner running away from God and headed for danger. Boys and girls, are your sins washed away in the blood of the Lord Jesus? Or are you trying to run away from God? Remember that God sees everything. No matter how hard you try to hide from Him, He can still see you plainly. “Thou God seest me” (Genesis 16:13). Now is the time to turn around and come to the Lord Jesus, God’s Son. He loves you so much He died for you and wants to wash you clean from your sins. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
After I told Dad where Blaze was, Dad took off running to hopefully catch him. Before Dad reached him, Blaze turned around and ran the opposite direction down the middle of the road towards me. Just as he galloped up to the driveway, he turned right, headed across the lawn, and stopped to munch grass near the broken gate latch.
Softly, I talked to Blaze as I encouraged him into the corral. Dad hurried over to shut the corral gate before Blaze escaped from us again.
With the horses safely in the barnyard, Dad and I went into the barn to give them grain and let them come inside. We were very grateful to the Lord for His help and protection of the horses.
But are you still running away from God because of your sins? There is danger ahead! There is everlasting punishment in the outer darkness of hell if you leave this world still in your sins. However, right now there is hope—the Lord Jesus wants to be your substitute. He bore the punishment for everyone who will believe that He died for their sins. He loves you and is waiting for you to come to Him, admitting that you are a guilty sinner and accepting Him as your very own Saviour. Turn around from the danger you are headed for and become part of His family of believers.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
MEMORY VERSE: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
The Titanic's Baker
Many of you have heard the true story of the British steamer ship called the “Unsinkable” Titanic. This ship was believed to be the safest ship afloat in April of 1912. On its first trip from England to New York City, it struck an iceberg and sank in about 2½ hours. Of the 2,200 people on board, only 705 survived. This account is about one of the ship’s bakers who survived to tell his story of the tragic accident.
There were many people thrown into the icy waters of the North Atlantic as the ship went down, and one of them was this baker. He was clinging to some part of the ship and kept afloat a long time after the ship sank. A wave brought another man close by who shouted out to him, “ARE YOU SAVED?”
The baker replied, “NO, I’M NOT!”
The other man, who was an evangelist, disappeared from sight only to reappear a while later. Again the man shouted out, “ARE YOU SAVED?”
The baker answered, “NO, I’M NOT!”
This happened once more, and then the evangelist was gone. His body may have gone to the bottom of the ocean, but we know his soul went up to be with his Lord and Saviour.
The baker finally believed the evangelist’s pleading message and was wonderfully saved for eternity. He was also saved from the icy waters to tell others this amazing story.
What about you? Are you saved from the punishment you deserve for your sins? The Lord Jesus is calling to you right now. Are you listening? He proclaims, “Behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation” (1 Corinthians 6:2).
Tomorrow could be too late.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Unpredictable Lemmings of the North
“In [the Lord’s] hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10
In the cold, snowy, northern parts of the world, a small, furry animal called a lemming makes its home. This plump little rodent is related to the mouse. It is only about four or five inches long, including its stubby tail. Most kinds have grayish or brownish fur.
Living in such cold climates, the Creator has wisely supplied lemmings with warm coats and furry feet with padded soles. Underneath deep winter snows they live active lives, eating grass or other plants.
Early in June they come to the surface of the snow, often so many in number that they look like moving blankets. During spring and summer, two or three litters of young are born and raised, greatly increasing their numbers. When food becomes scarce, they become restless and begin great migrations. At times they are so abundant that they spread out a mile or more wide, all moving, always west, as they eat. They are good swimmers, crossing lakes and rivers as they migrate.
Hungry animals and birds, such as foxes, weasels, owls and hawks, feed on them. The lemmings are in such great numbers that those caught are hardly missed. However, when being chased some lemmings panic, and on reaching the ocean they plunge in and swim on westward and eventually drown. Some remain behind, raise new families, and in a few years their numbers have greatly increased once again.
In Canada, the lemmings live north of the Arctic circle on the mainland and on polar islands where there is vegetation underneath the snow and ice. Although their fur is brown in summer, it changes to pure white in winter. Eskimos use their fur to make warm clothes.
It seems sad that such pretty little animals should become the food of birds of prey and hungry animals or, in desperation, drown in ocean waters. It was not like this in the day of their creation before sin entered the world. Happily, God has promised a future time when this will be corrected. The Bible says, “The creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption” even though “the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now” (Romans 8:21-22). When that takes place, their peaceful way of life will proclaim, “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6).
That time will come after God’s judgment takes place on this sinful world. The animals will be delivered from the suffering they experience in this creation that is spoiled by man’s sin. Those who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour will be taken to heaven before that judgment takes place and will look down with delight on the change when God makes it happen.
Will you be among those in heaven? You can be.
A little farm has a field with a fence around it, and if you look around, you will see two horses in the field. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you walk up close, you will see something a little unexpected.
Looking into the eyes of the larger horse, you will see that he is blind. In spite of this problem, his kind owner has chosen to keep him and has provided a good home and a friend for him.
Like the owner of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we
are not perfect. He knows we are all sinners, but He loves us anyway. In His great love and kindness to us, He has provided a loving Saviour for our sin problem. He also wants to be a close and caring Friend.
There is something amazing about these two horses. If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. Listening for the source of the sound, you will discover that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. And if you look closer, you will see that attached to the horse’s halter is a small bell. The tinkling of the bell lets the blind horse know where his friend is, so he can follow.
As you stand and watch these two horse companions, you’ll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse. The blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is.
When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, he stops occasionally and looks back, making sure that his blind friend isn’t too far behind to hear the bell. Isn’t it amazing that the horse with the bell somehow seems to sense that his friend cannot see and needs his help?
Some of you children may have a boy or girl in your class at school or in your neighborhood who is handicapped in some way. Are you kind and helpful to that person? The Bible tells us, “Be ye kind one to another” (Ephesians 4:32). If you have ever had a cast on your arm or foot, you know it is hard to do certain things. How kind it is when one of your friends or even somebody you don’t know opens a door for you. You are thankful for their kindness and help.
Do you know what the Lord Jesus did when He saw blind Bartimaeus sitting beside the roadway begging? He stopped and healed Bartimaeus’s eyes so he could see! How kind the Lord Jesus was to so many, many people, healing them of their diseases. You and I can’t heal people, but we can be helpful and kind to them just the same. Like the horse with the bell, we can be a friend and help others to find their way.
The greatest kindness this world has ever known was the Lord Jesus going to Calvary’s cross and dying for sinners like you and me. He saw our great need and came down to earth purposely to bear the punishment for the sins of every sinner who would see their need and accept His loving-kindness and forgiveness. Will you admit your need and accept Him as your Saviour and Friend?
“Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness” (Nehemiah 9:17).
MEMORY VERSE: “Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness.” Nehemiah 9:17
The Kind Salesman
A few years ago a group of salesmen went to a convention in Chicago. In their rush to make their flight, one of the salesmen accidentally knocked over a table in the airport terminal, which held a display of apples. Apples flew everywhere. Without stopping or looking back, the salesmen all managed to reach the plane in time for the last boarding call.
All but one! He told his buddies to go on without him and asked one of them to call his wife when they arrived and explain that he was taking a later flight. Then he returned to the booth where the apples were all over the terminal floor.
He was glad he did. The 16-year-old sales girl was totally blind! She was softly crying, tears running down her face in frustration. At the same time she was helplessly groping for her spilled apples, as people swirled about her. No one had stopped, and no one cared about her difficulty.
The salesman knelt on the floor with her, gathered up the apples, put them back on the table and helped organize her display. As he did this, he noticed that many of them had become battered and bruised; these he set aside in another basket.
When he had finished, he pulled out his wallet and said to the girl, “Here, please take this money for the damaged apples. I hope we didn’t spoil your day too badly. Are you okay?” She nodded through her tears.
As the salesman started to walk away, the bewildered blind girl called out to him, “Mister...” He paused and turned back to look into those blind eyes. She continued, “Are you Jesus?”
He stopped in mid-stride, and said, “No miss.” Then slowly he made his way to catch the later flight.
What a good example of being kind and helpful. Can each one of you find a way to be kind or helpful to someone this week? If you belong to the Lord Jesus, this would be one way you could do something to please Him—the Saviour who died for you.
“As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” (Luke 6:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lovely Pintails
“These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season. That Thou givest them they gather.” Psalm 104:27-28
In the large family of ducks, pintails have a prominent place, noted for their speed and handsome appearance. The females (hens) are rather noisy with their loud quacking, but the males (drakes) use double-toned whistles that are much more melodious.
Drakes’ heads are usually reddish brown, with solid-white feathers covering their underparts and reaching partway up their necks. Holding those pretty heads gracefully, they look like statues on the water. The hens, like their mates, have slender necks but dull-colored feathers. The tail feathers of both extend to sharp points, accounting for their “pintail” name. This is particularly noticeable when flying.
Their melodious whistling is one of the first signs of spring when they are preparing to migrate to spots along the border of Canada and the United States and on into the Yukon and Alaska. In the fall they reverse the flights, traveling far and wide. Some from Canada fly to England, some from Alaska to far-off Hawaii, and others show up in India, Russia, Africa and Europe, while a large number make shorter flights to California, Louisiana, Mexico and South America.
In the fall months, pintails are among the first to leave the north, and the following spring they are the first to fly back. On these travels, great flocks nest in prairie country in Canada near the U.S. border, north and west of North Dakota, where there is an ample supply of wheat and other grains left on the ground after harvesting. Some also make California their choice, enjoying the barley and rice grown there. Hunting clubs, government groups and others are working together, planting separate fields of grain in places easy for the birds to reach, thus providing them with their own private farms in order to spare farmers’ crops.
Pintails, along with numerous other ducks feeding in marshy areas, all mix happily together, their many calls blending in a tremendous chatter. As evening comes, pintails, teals, mallards and other ducks all rise from the ponds or fields in large flocks to find roosting places for the night.
With so many millions of birds in the world, do you think the Creator, the Lord God, can tell them apart? And does He really know about each one? Yes, He certainly does, just as the opening Bible verse tells us. Another verse states it this way: “I know all the fowls [birds] of the mountains” (Psalm 50:11).
He also has His eye upon you and wants you to follow His guidance every moment of your life. The Bible says, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6). This is the only true and happy way of life.
Joy in Heaven
Bonnie is a great nanny. She loves the children she cares for and they all love her. There are four children in the family—two older girls and then twin girls. Bonnie often reads them stories, and often the stories are from her own Bible. The four girls all cuddle up as close as they can get to her, because Bonnie makes the Bible stories come alive.
Every day before they eat their lunch, they all bow their heads and close their eyes while Bonnie thanks God for the food they are about to eat. But one day Meredith, the oldest girl, said, “Bonnie, you tell us often that we need to get saved so we can go to heaven when we die. I would like to get saved, but I don’t know how. Would you please help me?”
“Sure!” Bonnie said. “You need to tell the Lord Jesus that you are very sorry that you have been naughty so many times and ask Him to forgive you and wash all your sins away in His precious blood. You know that when He died, He paid the penalty for sin. So just tell Him you are sorry He had to die and thank Him for paying the penalty for your sins, and He will save you.”
So Meredith bowed her head and prayed out loud, confessing to the Lord Jesus that she was a sinner and thanking Him for coming to be her Saviour and paying for her sins. When she finished praying, she said with a big smile, “I’m saved!”
Then Julie, the next sister said, “I want to be saved too!”
“Go ahead,” said Bonnie. So Julie bowed her head and also prayed out loud. When she was finished she said, “I’m saved! I’m sure I’m saved!”
Then Terry, the first twin, wanted to pray too.
“You sure can,” Bonnie said. So Terry also prayed, telling the Lord Jesus she was sorry for her sins and would He please wash them all away.
Now all the sisters looked at Sherry, the other twin. “Don’t you want to be saved?” one of the sisters asked. “The Lord Jesus is coming soon, maybe today, and you won’t be ready. Come on, you can do it.”
But Sherry just sat quietly and fidgeted with her fingers. Then she looked up at Bonnie and said, “I don’t want to pray out loud in front of all these people.”
“You don’t have to,” said Bonnie. “Just bow your head and pray quietly. The Lord Jesus knows what’s in your heart, even if you don’t say it out loud.”
So Sherry prayed quietly and then said with a smile, “I’m saved too.”
What happiness and rejoicing there was around that lunch table as they gave thanks for their food and ate lunch together.
Now all four girls have the Lord Jesus living in their hearts and are trying to please Him in all that they do. They are praying also for their father and mother, that they both will be saved as well.
“I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7). Think of the joy in heaven over FOUR sinners who repented that day! But what about you? What could be more special than YOU being saved from your sins and bringing joy to the heart of God and to all His angels?
MEMORY VERSE: “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:7
A Refuge Refused
Bright streaks of lightning slashed across the sky and thunder crashed loudly. The two men in the little rowboat could not hear each other even when they shouted. Torrents of rain soaked their clothing and nearly blinded them. Waves more than twenty feet high threatened to swamp their small boat and sink it.
Several days earlier, on June 4, 1966, these two men, John Ridgway and Chay Blyth, had started out from Orleans, Massachusetts, to row their small boat, English Rose III, across the Atlantic Ocean to England. Now the storm was threatening to end their plans in disaster.
Finally the storm died down and then fog rolled in. As they rowed wearily on through the fog, a small yellow bird suddenly appeared out of the fog, flying strangely and looking very tired. Chay whistled to it, and John held out scraps of food to try to encourage the little bird to land on their boat where it could rest and be safe. Although it hovered over their boat for a few moments, it turned away from the refuge they offered and struggled on alone in the fog.
Are you as unwise as this little bird? Perhaps you realize you are a sinner and know you cannot get rid of your sins by yourself. Still you struggle and work hard. You try to make yourself good enough for God instead of letting go and accepting the salvation God offers you through the death and shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. The bird was offered a refuge in the boat, and God offers you a refuge. “In God is my salvation ... and my refuge, is in God” (Psalm 62:7). The Bible says about the Lord Jesus Christ: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
As the little bird flew away from the only place of safety, the two men were sad. Chay later wrote in his diary: “It upset us both to think that the bird would probably be dead within a few minutes.”
Won’t you be wiser than the little bird? Accept God’s offer today. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Tidelands
“Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18
Traveling along a coastal highway, the changing views of ocean, woods and meadows can be very pleasant. But occasionally the road may pass a swamp or backwater bay which, when the tide is out, is so muddy and unattractive that we may pass by it with hardly a glance. Do you wonder why God made such places?
He made no mistake in any of His creation, so you may be sure that these areas, which are called tidelands, form an important part of His “balance of nature.” Most of these areas are covered permanently, or at least part of the time, with a shallow mixture of saltwater from the ocean and freshwater from a stream or river. For birds, fish, small animals and many insects this is a real paradise, and many of them could not live anywhere else.
Let’s take a closer look at a tideland. At first it appears unattractive with a few birds being the only visible life. But there is quite a bit more to it than that. First are low bushes, reeds, cattails, sea grass, clumps of flowers and other vegetation, many kinds of birds and numerous other forms of wildlife that enjoy the privacy of all this greenery. Over long periods of time, this vegetation has dropped blossoms, leaves and stalks, producing a soggy mat over the area. This, added to organic material floating in from the sea or washed down from the land, has made a very rich “soup” for the lives of numerous creatures.
Here is a wonderful home for all kinds of creeping, flying and hopping insects, many amphibians, as well as mice, muskrats, rabbits and others. The tidelands also provide a rest stop for migrating birds that arrive in great numbers to eat, rest and regain their strength before continuing their travels.
Numerous kinds of shellfish thrive, enjoying the rich food as the water flows over them. Many fish also swim in with the tide and feed on the “soup.” Before departing on the outgoing tide, some will lay eggs in selected spots. We know, too, that much invisible food for the water-dwellers is there as well.
Through this inspection we realize a little more how the Lord God so carefully and wisely supplies for every need of the creatures He has created. But none of them are able to think about the One who takes care of them. Neither can they thank Him for this kindness. We do not expect them to know that “the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1).
But every person who is able to understand how He has provided for us should be ready to “give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever” (Psalm 106:1). Do you thank Him every day?
Vegetable Stew for a Hundred Men
It was a hungry time, and all those young men must have been really glad when Elisha said to his servant, Put on the great pot and boil stew for the sons of the prophets.
You can guess all the good veggies that would be in that pot of stew and the good smell that came from the steam as it bubbled and cooked. But there was one young man who had an idea, and he thought it was a good idea. Maybe he thought there wasn’t enough stew in that big pot to feed all those hundred men, or maybe he just wanted to add more herb flavoring to it.
This is a Bible story, and we may be sure that God is telling us something important here. Of course, the Bible is a good book, but don’t you think we should add a little something to it? It is a very old book and probably some modern changes or additions would help. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to try? After all, Jesus lived two thousand years ago, and maybe we could add a few up-to-date thoughts and make it easier to read and more pleasant.
God, the author of the Bible, used a great assortment of men to write His Word, but it’s the Word of God all the way through. All you will do is spoil it if you try to add your own ideas.
This young man in our story went out and gathered a whole lapful of wild gourds and shredded them into the pot of stew. He must have been a helpful person, and he wanted to make sure there would be enough stew for everyone. His reason was really good, so wouldn’t it be all right if he made a little mistake?
No, it wouldn’t! And if you make a little mistake about the way to God’s home in heaven, it won’t be all right either. Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6). Could anything be plainer than that? Jesus suffered God’s anger against sin, and Jesus is our Saviour forever. Are you adding anything to that truth? If you are, it may be a whole lapful of lies.
As soon as the men began eating the stew, they said, Oh, man of God, there is death in the pot! Do you mean that a few shreds of wild gourd would cause death? Yes, they would! And even one little lie of the devil could cause you to miss salvation forever, if you believe him. The devil may say that we’re all sinners and Jesus died for everybody and so it’s all right with you. But stop a minute. You will find in the Bible that you are a sinner, and God deals with one sinner at a time. Will you come to Him now, not in bunches or in families, but just by yourself? It has to be personal. “The Son of God ... loved ME, and gave Himself for ME” (Galatians 2:20). There is still time for you right now. There would not have been time if those men had swallowed the stew and then found it was poison. The first spoonful showed that it was poisonous, and they told the right person. They quickly said, Oh, man of God, there is death in the pot! Don’t swallow the devil’s lies. Look and see what God says!
Elisha did not get upset, and he did not scold anybody. He just said, Bring me meal. Meal was ground wheat that was ready for food. Many times the Bible shows us that wheat is a picture of Christ Himself who came to earth and suffered and died for you. Elisha added the wheat meal to the pot of stew, and it removed the poison of the wild gourds. The young men could all eat it now without harm and be filled and happy.
If you know the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour, then you may have a whole lapful of Satan’s lies offered to you by people who don’t know your Saviour. But if you read your Bible, you will find that Jesus Himself is everything you need, and your happiness will be now and forever.
“I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, [your] transgressions, and, as a cloud, [your] sins: return unto Me; for I have redeemed [you]” (Isaiah 44:22).
You may read this story for yourself in 2 Kings 4:38-44.
MEMORY VERSE: “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto Me; for I have redeemed thee” (Isaiah 44:22).
A Blind Girl's Trust
A newspaper reported the story of a fire in an apartment building where a little blind girl spent her days while her father was at work. As the fire spread, the firemen called to the girl to jump from the window of the sixth floor where she was standing. They promised her they would catch her in the net spread out beneath. However, she would not jump and stood helplessly at the window.
One quick-thinking fireman rushed to the place where the girl’s father worked and brought him quickly to the apartment. He immediately called his daughter by name, saying, “It’s Daddy, honey. Jump and we will catch you in the net.”
The little girl changed her mind immediately. She climbed out the window and jumped where she could not see, landing safely in the net below.
What made the difference? She trusted her father. She knew he would not ask her to do something that would harm her...she trusted him completely.
By dying on the cross in our place, the Lord Jesus made it possible for every person to become a child of God, learning every day to trust Him as our loving Father. The more we learn to know Him, the more we understand that He loves us and only asks us to obey Him, because He knows what is best for us. The Lord Jesus tells us, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?” (Matthew 7:11). How wonderful to trust our heavenly Father in the same way the little girl trusted her earthly father.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Barbary Ape
“The eyes of all wait upon Thee.... Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.” Psalm 145:15-16
It’s fun to watch monkeys in the zoo, especially when they do tricks their trainers have taught them. Even King Solomon found them interesting and brought some to Jerusalem, probably as part of his zoo.
There are many species of monkeys and apes in God’s creation, and He has supplied everything they need. Since they do look a little like humans, some people think that humans and monkeys are related, but the Bible assures us this is not so. There are many differences, both in body structure and intelligence. Apes and monkeys are part of the animal creation. Man was formed separately and is distinct and superior to all other created things. The Bible says, “God created man in His [God’s] own image” (Genesis 1:27).
The Barbary ape is actually a monkey rather than an ape. It is a native of Africa but is also a famous resident of the Rock of Gibraltar where it was found when the British came there in 1704. These apes live in large colonies of several dozen, with a powerful male as their leader. He is responsible for the behavior of those in his colony, although the young ones being full of play and mischief are given lots of freedom. Babies are lovingly nursed by their mothers and cling to their mothers’ fur for the first few weeks of life. They eventually grow to be about three feet tall. They have excellent memories and are always curious about anything new or strange.
Like most monkeys, the Barbary ape is a great climber and very acrobatic even though it has no tail. Most of its time is spent searching for food, which includes fruit, leaves, roots, seeds, locusts and lizards. Its sense of smell is poor, but its sight and hearing are excellent.
Barbary apes live where there are many dangerous scorpions that have deadly, poisonous stingers in their tails. But this ape has no fear of them. When a scorpion is spotted, the ape quickly pounces on it in just the right way. Then the tail with its poisonous stinger is twisted off, and the ape has a scorpion dinner. How long do you think it took these apes to learn this trick? Actually, they did not need to learn it, because God gave them that ability when He created them.
We are impressed with God’s watchful care over these interesting apes. But the psalmist was thinking of something even more impressive when he exclaimed, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!” (Psalm 139:17). Have you thought of God’s loving care in providing a Saviour for you? He invites you to come to Him through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that you might have your sins forgiven and have everlasting life.
Too Late!
We were sitting at our departure gate in a large airport last summer. Knowing we had several hours to wait for our connecting flight, we had brought along a game and were busy playing. We were somewhat aware that the waiting area had emptied out as passengers on an earlier flight than ours were called to get on their plane. A little while later, we suddenly heard a loud pounding on the door that led out to the loading ramp. The door was locked, and this man, a late passenger, apparently wanted to get on that plane.
A ticket agent soon arrived at the desk, and the man began to speak frantically to her. He asked if she could unlock the door, because he needed to get on that plane! He was told in no uncertain terms that he was TOO LATE! The airplane door had been closed and locked by the flight crew and would not be reopened except in an extreme emergency. He was locked out!
The man’s problem reminds us of more-serious and solemn closed doors mentioned in God’s Word. Like the airplane door, the time came when all of these doors were closed, and those wishing they could go in, even though they knocked and pounded, could not enter.
One of the doors in the Bible was on the ark that Noah built. He worked on that big boat for a long time. His neighbors watched and laughed at the idea of the coming flood he told them about, since it had never rained before on the earth. When the ark was completed, God told Noah and his family and the pairs of animals that had gathered to go into the ark. Then it says, “The Lord shut him in” (Genesis 7:16). We aren’t told if anyone knocked on the door of the ark, but when it started raining, they no doubt remembered Noah’s message about a coming flood. All the mountains were covered with water, and “all flesh died” (Genesis 7:21). Only eight people thought of the coming judgment and went into the ark. For the rest it was too late!
Another door in the Bible led into a wedding hall. Ten young women in this story were waiting outside for the bridegroom to arrive. While they waited, they slept, until a call went out at midnight that the bridegroom was coming! They all got up and tried to light their lamps. Five of them had oil in their lamps, a picture of the Holy Spirit that comes to live in everyone who trusts in Jesus to save them. Those five whose lamps were lit were called wise, and we will see why shortly. Five of the women were called foolish because they didn’t have oil in their lamps. “While they went to buy [oil], the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10).
What follows are some of the saddest words you could ever hear. The five that were locked out came and said, “Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said ... I know you not” (Matthew 25:11-12). In this story we learn that it is wise to be saved from your sins while God’s door of mercy is still open. We don’t know when it will be shut, but when that happens, it will be too late. “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man [Jesus] cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
We are happy to be able to share one last verse in which the Lord Jesus Himself offers you a way to get ready for the coming day of judgment on sinners. He says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). Will you open up your heart to Jesus right now before it is too late? Tell Him you are a sinner and you want Him to wash your heart clean with His blood. You will become one of God’s children, and you will be ready when the shout comes to take us to His house in heaven. You will be safe inside, and the door to heaven will be shut.
One door, and only one,
And yet its sides are two;
Inside and outside:
On which side are you?
One door and only one,
And yet its sides are two;
I’m on the inside:
On which side are you?
MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.” Matthew 24:44
No License to Fly!
From tiny eggs
Come little birds,
And little thoughts
Hatch into words,
Which then take wings
And fly away,
But may come back
To roost someday!
Before some words
Are airborne things,
We would do well
To clip their wings!
Some words are best
Left in the nest!
Don’t let them fly
Without a test!
The Wonders of God's Creation: How the Body Gets Its Oxygen
“The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7
Body cells keep us alive by performing their various functions. To do this they need a constant supply of oxygen, and this supply begins when we inhale. As the air passes through the nose, it is warmed and moistened. If foreign particles are present, little hairs called cilia stop them. Sneezing or blowing the nose clears out these collected particles.
When we inhale, our two lungs stretch like balloons being filled with air. Then, in about two seconds, the lungs contract and the air is exhaled. This takes place about fifteen or twenty times a minute. Getting a sufficient quantity of oxygen from this air and into the bloodstream is the main function of the lungs. This is why they need fresh, clean air that is free of smoke, dust and fumes in order to maintain good health.
When expanded, the lungs have a surface of about two square feet for the air to pass over, but this is not enough to take care of their work. When God designed man’s lungs, He wisely added to the lung capacity without making that organ huge and bulky. He did this by forming blood channels ending in tiny sacs all over the linings of the lungs. There are about six hundred million of these sacs, which increase the capacity of the lungs to six hundred to one thousand square feet (larger than many classrooms), which is three hundred times the capacity of the lungs alone! Each one of these tiny sacs brings blood to its surface. In the two seconds that air flows over these sacs, oxygen is transferred to the blood. This enriched blood moves on to the heart and is pumped throughout the whole body.
The lungs not only take oxygen out of the incoming air but also remove carbon dioxide from the blood. This carbon dioxide is a product of the body-cell processes and must be removed. The blood carries it to the lungs where it is expelled by the lung’s exhaling action.
This entire process goes on without our thinking about it, except when we have a cold and have difficulty breathing. Only God could design and make our wonderful bodies and their remarkable details, which are the same today as when he created Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God, “in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10), is always aware of everything pertaining to our lives. Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness in watching over you so carefully? “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6).
An Uninvited Critter
Dear Children,
Early this morning, our dog Wesley and I went to the barn to get the birdseed and food for our wild geese and also for the fish that are in the creek at this time of year. Wesley was busy running around outside the barn with his nose to the ground. When I went inside, guess what I saw. It was a possum looking right at me with its big, bright eyes. This possum had chased our cat Spunky out of his house in the barn and had taken it over! I walked back outside and called Wesley. I wanted him to help me chase this critter out of the barn!
When we went back inside, that possum was gone! But Wesley smelled him and was jumping all around the woodpile, which is inside the barn to keep it dry. I happened to look up, and there was Mr. Possum looking down and smiling at us! He was sitting high up on top of the lumber pile that I use for repair work. So I wondered, What should I do now?
Have any of you children ever been in trouble and asked yourself, “What should I do? Where should I go? What will I say or answer?” Sure you have, and so have I. It is not a happy feeling to have.
In the Bible we read about a jail guard who heard about two preachers, named Paul and Silas, who had been telling the people about God’s great love for sinners and how they could have their sins forgiven. This would save them from going down to hell and the lake of fire. Sorry to say, a lot of people didn’t like to hear preaching like this. So they took Paul and Silas to the jailer, and he put them down into the deepest part of the prison.
But Paul and Silas didn’t think about what they should do now. Instead, they prayed and sang praises to God! Then suddenly at midnight there was a huge earthquake! The earth shook so hard that all the prison doors flew open, and the chains on the prisoners fell off!
The jailer, who had been asleep and was now wide awake, thought that all the prisoners had escaped. He pulled out his sword and was about to kill himself. But Paul called out with a loud voice, “Do thyself no harm: for we are all here” (Acts 16:28). When the jailer heard these words, he called for a light and trembling fell down before Paul and Silas and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (vs. 30).
Children, the jailer thought he had to do something to be saved. Paul and Silas told him the true Word of God and said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (vs. 31). And that jailer listened to those most wonderful words from Paul and Silas and was saved right then and there! He only had to believe, and that’s what he did!
Now, what about the possum? We left him there on top of the lumber, but that night I set a trap. Next morning Wesley and I found Mr. Possum in the trap. I carefully picked up the trap, set it in the truck and drove to the conservation area to release him. When I put the trap on the ground and opened the door, did I have to tell him what to do or where to go? Nope! He knew what to do and where he was going.
Dear children, there might be someone who reads this letter who knows how to be saved and knows that they will never be in heaven if they are not saved. Remember, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Please don’t go to bed tonight without being saved. I want to meet each one of you in heaven!
Lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2
Walking Chocolate Bars
A big fire in a chocolate company made a sweet but sticky mess. Chocolate was stored in the area where the fire broke out. During the fire the chocolate melted and formed puddles three feet deep and thirty feet wide. Firemen waded through the mess, getting chocolate on their coats, hands and faces. They joked about being “walking chocolate bars.”
For those of us who love chocolate, this picture is one that brings both smiles and sadness. When we think of what those firemen must have looked like, it makes us smile. But when we think of all that sweet chocolate going to waste, it makes us sad.
There is another picture that brings only sadness to our hearts. Men and women and boys and girls are turning down all the sweetness of God’s love and grace. God showed His great love in sending His Son, “for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son [Jesus]” (John 3:16). But they have turned down Jesus too: “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11). Have you accepted Him as your Saviour? If not, why? God’s love is being offered free, “without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1). Now is the time to accept Him as your Saviour.
“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Not All Flies Are Bad
“There came a grievous swarm of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants’ houses, and into all the land of Egypt.” Exodus 8:24
The swarm of flies sent by the Lord was one of the ways in which Pharoah was punished for refusing to let the Israelites worship the Lord. It must have been a terrible experience, because the housefly is a nasty pest and a carrier of diseases.
But not all flies are filthy and harmful, and many species are actually helpful. One of these has a long name—larvavaridea, also called the flying hedgehog. Its activities are entirely different from the housefly, but they look alike and are frequently killed as a result.
The flying hedgehog has clean habits and does not visit the filthy places preferred by houseflies. Unlike the housefly, it does not lay eggs but gives birth to live maggots. These are laid on leaves of plants that are eaten by caterpillars. The maggot is so tiny that the caterpillar does not see it and swallows it when eating the leaf. Unharmed, the maggot passes into the caterpillar and eats its tissues, finally killing it. The maggot soon transforms into an adult fly and is ready to produce more of its kind. As an adult, it is no hazard to people’s health. Its food is not decayed matter and garbage. Instead, it eats the nectar of flowers. As it gathers this nectar, it helps in the pollination of flowers and fruit.
Another good fly, but with a bad-sounding name, is called the robber fly. It has spiny legs and a sharp beak. Perching on a stone or piece of wood until an insect comes along, it suddenly darts out and catches it in its hairy legs. Then it carries the insect back to its perch to eat. There are more than five thousand kinds of robber flies throughout the world, and all help mankind by destroying harmful insects.
Another interesting fly is the ichneumon, a very small fly. The female has a long ovipositor on the end of her abdomen. Using this, she pierces aphids and lays her eggs inside. When the eggs hatch out, the little grubs eat the aphid. They are also destroyers of the harmful horntail fly, which kills trees by tunneling in them.
There are many other “good” flies. How they destroy harmful pests is another evidence of God’s goodness in keeping mankind from being overwhelmed by bad flies.
But He is good to us in even more important ways than this. We are told in Joel 2:13, “Turn unto the Lord your God: for He is gracious and merciful.” In Romans 2:4 we are warned not to despise “the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long-suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.” Yes, the Saviour wants you to find out and see that He is good. Will you come to Him today?
Nobody Was Home!
It was a beautiful spring day, and it was time for the school children to be let out of school. We lived in the country on a farm and went to a one-room schoolhouse where the teacher taught all grades, 1 Through 8. Our house was over a mile from school, and on nice afternoons we would walk home. My sisters and I always looked forward to enjoying a peanut butter sandwich with a cold glass of milk when we got home. It seemed like that was a good reward for our long walk.
I arrived home ahead of my sisters, went inside and opened the basement door. I called for Mom who seemed to always be waiting for us, but to my surprise there was no answer. I looked around and there was no note, only lunch dishes on the table, clothes lying over the chairs, and shoes on the floor. It looked like Dad and Mom had left in a hurry.
I quickly forgot about my sandwich. The first thing that came to my mind was that the Lord Jesus had come and taken them to heaven, and now I was left behind!
You see, I had heard many times of the love of God and how He had sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross and shed His precious blood for the sins of all those who had accepted Him as their Saviour. I hadn’t done that, and now I thought it was too late! I was going to be lost forever! I had learned the Bible verse, “How shall we escape [the punishment for our sins], if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
There were so many things running through my mind, and tears were running down my face. I knew I had never opened my heart’s door and let the Lord Jesus come in and wash away my sins. I knew the verse that says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will [eat] with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).
Boys and girls, I urge you to open your heart’s door right now and receive the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. He tells us, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Tomorrow might be too late, because He could take all believers home to heaven even today!
I’m thankful to tell you that soon I heard voices, and my parents came into the house. Seeing my tear-streaked face, they quickly explained that the reason they weren’t home was because they had to go take care of something quickly.
God used that scare to save my soul, and I keep thanking Him. It was God speaking to me once again, and maybe He is speaking to you today. “Today if [you] will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7). Won’t you come to Him right now before it is too late? He loves you so very much and is waiting to receive you with open arms just as you are. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7
Hidden Treasures
“The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he [hides], and for joy thereof [goes] and [sells] all that he hath, and [buys] that field.” Mother was reading from Matthew 13:44. She explained to her children its lovely meaning: “The Lord Jesus had considered us as ‘treasure,’ even though we were sinners. He gave His life so that He could ‘purchase’ the world and save His people. The story,” she explained, “could be easily understood by the Jews of that day, because there was a real chance of finding treasure buried years before by men who had gone off to wars and had died and not returned to claim those buried treasures.”
Seven-year-old Casey opened his eyes wide as the word “treasure” was explained. Instead of listening to the story’s meaning, he began wondering ... could there possibly be some treasure buried in his own backyard? He decided to find out!
Now, do you think he found any buried treasure in his backyard? Of course not. Poor Casey was setting his heart on foolish things—buried coins—to buy toys or maybe the delicious doughnuts he loved.
The next morning everyone was hurrying to get off to school. Suddenly Mother cried out, “My change! Children, I had plenty of coins in my purse for your lunch money, and it’s all gone! Come here, every one of you!”
Casey was the last to appear and was not acting quite right. After a few questions, Casey began to cry. “I only wanted to dig up buried treasure,” he sobbed. Sadly, he led Mother to the backyard where all the money was found neatly buried.
“Oh, Casey,” Mother said. “Do you realize that you have acted out what the Bible says? ‘The love of money is the root of all evil’ (1 Timothy 6:10). It made you want what you had no right to take and to sin further by taking the money and trying to hide your sin. Now run to your room and confess this to the Lord Jesus.” “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
The treasures of this world lead many to the lake of fire. Make sure you have found the Source of the real riches—Jesus, the Son of God. “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Desert Cactus
“Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant ... but the water is [bad], and the ground barren.” 2 Kings 2:19
There are about three hundred species of cacti in the American deserts, ranging from the tiny pincushion to the mammoth saguaro. All of these were created to fit into a hot and arid environment where rainfall might come only once a year. If cactus plants were unprotected, desert animals would quickly eat them. However, God has covered them with bristles and spines. Many small birds do find refuge in them, building nests among these bristles and spines where they are safe from predators. This is another way in which God has made special provision for some of His creatures.
Throughout southern Arizona and northern Mexico, the huge saguaros are often seen along the highways. Some of them reach 75 feet, and many live two hundred years or more. The important feature about the saguaro is its ability to store water. Instead of taproots going deep into the soil, God provided it with a network of shallow roots only a foot or so beneath the surface. In the larger plants, these roots may stretch out a hundred feet or more. When it rains on the sandy soil, these roots soak up the water and transport it into the plant. The plant stores the water in its many storage cells, making it look very plump and smooth. During a heavy rain, a ton (2,000 pounds) or more of water will be collected into these cells.
The saguaro has no leaves. This helps preserve its water supply, because leaves not only need moisture for themselves, but also give off water—a process known as transpiration. Looking closely at a saguaro, it looks like a coat of wax has been sprayed on it. This glossy, smooth surface is another means of preserving moisture inside.
The strength of the tall saguaro lies in the ribs that run its full length on the outer surface. These give support against the strong desert winds. The ribs are much stronger than the trunk itself, and native Indians often used them for construction material around their homes.
Many birds drill holes into the sides of the trunk and branches, making nests in the soft, fleshy structure. Normally decay would set in at such points, but the Creator has taken care of that too. A layer of scar tissue immediately begins to cover the wound, and in a short time a smooth, waterproof surface has formed around the opening.
Sometimes Christians refer to this world as being a desert place. We must admit that it is an empty, barren place, unless we have Christ in our lives, for only He can provide “living water” (John 4:10). The Lord Jesus has said, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst” (John 4:14). He extends a final invitation at the end of the Bible: “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). Have you accepted that invitation?
One Tiny Mustard Seed
You might ask, “What kind of mustard seed?” because there are many kinds of mustard. Maybe you put bright-yellow mustard on your hot dog today. Or maybe you live in a land where you’ve never tasted hot dogs, and maybe you never saw mustard. You boys and girls who read this story live in all parts of the world, but God has a message for you today no matter where you live.
I have a wildflower book that lists six kinds of mustard, but I don’t think the one Jesus told us about is one of those in my book. However, I can understand His story, and you see if you can understand it too.
Jesus said that a man took one tiny mustard seed and planted it in his garden. The man must have been a good gardener, because the seed sprouted and grew, and grew, and grew some more. In fact, it grew into a tree! It must have been a really big tree, because birds came and made nests in its branches.
The Bible does not tell us anything more about that mustard tree, perhaps because God wants you to think about that tree just as it is.
When Jesus told that story, He was on His way toward Jerusalem, and He knew very well that He would be crucified there. Why didn’t He go somewhere and hide? I’ll tell you why. It was because He loved sinners like you and me, and He came into the world on purpose to save us. The only way He could do this was by taking our place and dying for us. He loved sinners so much that He did not hide from suffering and death. “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Isn’t that enough to make you love Him forever?
Now, do you boys and girls know what a refuge is? Maybe you’ve heard of a wildlife refuge, which is a place where animals and birds can live and be protected.
I’m sure that big mustard tree was a good, leafy refuge for birds and their nests and babies, but it’s not a good place of protection for you. The tree was so big that everybody could see it. It’s like a big building where people go to say prayers, but even a building like that is not a refuge for you.
You and I need a refuge because we are sinners. Is there no place where we can hide from the wrath of God that we deserve for our sins? Yes, there is a Saviour, and only One: “[The Lord] is my Rock and my Salvation ... . The Rock of my strength, and my Refuge, is in God” (Psalm 62:6-7).
I have seen a tree blown down in a storm, but the great Rock stands firm. This Rock is the Lord Jesus Himself. “A Man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a [cover] from the [wild storm]” (Isaiah 32:2). The full fury of the storm, which is God’s wrath against sin, strikes the Rock, but He is my refuge.
Now think about the story Jesus told. There was a gardener and a garden and a seed that sprouted and grew bigger and bigger. Religion has grown just like that—bigger and bigger, but there is no refuge in religion. Religion cannot save you from your sins. Only Christ Himself can do that, because He died for them. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Have you come to the Lord Jesus who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man [comes] unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6)? There is no refuge from the punishment for your sins except in Jesus. The huge tree of religion can’t do it!
You may read the short story that Jesus told about the mustard seed in Matthew 13:31-32.
MEMORY VERSE: “A Man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest.” Isaiah 32:2
Just in Time!
The 5:03 p.m. commuter train was right on time. On this summer afternoon, Mrs. Griffin could see the headlight of the engine as it rapidly approached. How surprised her husband would be to be met by his wife and two young sons. Two-year-old Kevin was especially excited about meeting his daddy’s train. Ten-month-old Steven was asleep in the stroller, and Kevin sat behind him in the tandem seat.
The train was about a quarter of a mile outside the station as the small crowd that was waiting pushed ahead slightly to get a better view. Just this little movement pushed the stroller over the edge of the platform and down onto the tracks—right in the path of the train! The crowd gasped, but nobody moved! The stationmaster saw what happened, but was frozen with fear. Were those two little children going to be killed under the wheels of the train?
No! In a flash Mrs. Griffin jumped down onto the track and quickly threw Kevin up onto the platform. Then in one movement she grabbed Steven and leaped back up herself, just as the train roared in and crushed the empty stroller!
What made Mrs. Griffin risk her own life to save her two little boys? It was a mother’s love for her two sons that was instantly shown.
There is another greater love that was shown nearly 2000 years ago and is still the same today. It was the love of a Father who offered up His Son as a sacrifice for the sins of this poor world. It is all told in one wonderful verse: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). That word “whosoever” means you and me. It means every boy and girl and grown-up who will put his or her trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you put your trust in Him to receive everlasting life?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Ways of Woodpeckers - Part 1
“The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.” Psalm 50:1
Listen! Do you hear that sound? “Rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat.” High on the trunk of a dead tree we finally see what is making the noise. A woodpecker is hammering its long, sharp beak against the trunk as if it were trying to beat its brains out. However, it knows what it’s doing, as we will soon see.
There are nearly two dozen kinds of woodpeckers in North America and about three hundred kinds throughout the rest of the world. The smallest is the downy, which is six inches long; the largest is the ivory-billed, which is eighteen inches long. All of them climb up and down tree trunks in their search for food. The Creator has equipped them for this by providing them with two strong toes pointing forward and two pointing backward, although some species have just one pointing backward. Their claws dig firmly into the tree, and they also have stiff tail feathers that press against the trunk to give added support.
Woodpeckers are considered by many to be the most baffling of all birds as they slam their beaks against tree trunks hundreds of times a minute several times a day. Any other bird or animal trying to do this would damage its head, neck and body so severely that it would not survive very long. But God designed woodpeckers with unique bodies. He has given them a special job to do, which is helpful to trees and also to mankind—they drill holes in trees in search of wood-eating grubs and insects. For this job they have been given large heads, short, powerful necks, and strong, chisel-like beaks that continue growing to offset the “wear and tear.” Their heads are reinforced inside with bony supports, a lining and an air space, all to protect their brains. How wisely God has made all His creatures!
One reason why these birds drill holes in trees is to make a nest. They first cut an entrance and then enlarge it inside to a foot or more deep and several inches across. Chips falling to the bottom of the hole provide a soft base for the six or more glossy white eggs that will be laid. These nesting holes are used only one season. The abandoned holes are usually taken over by other birds, squirrels or chipmunks.
It is certain that the Lord God, the Creator, takes real delight in these birds since Revelation 4:11 tells us, “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” More importantly, it is through Him that you are here, as Acts 17:28 says, “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.” Are you aware of that care, and have you thanked Him for His love and kindness to you?
A Close Call
A lady who loved her dog always went outside with him and never let her little pet go out alone. However, one day when the weather had turned cold, she let him out by himself, making sure he stayed close to home. She watched by the door in the early morning darkness, but she was completely unprepared for what happened next.
From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of something dark flying low toward her pet. The next moment it covered the body of her little dog!
When she saw that her pet was being attacked by some kind of large bird, the lady quickly went into action. Grabbing her coat, she ran outside to rescue him. She thought at first this large bird was a hawk and tried getting it off her dog. She quickly discovered it was a large owl with sharp talons. It did not want to let go of its victim; the owl intended to have the dog for breakfast! How frightening for the little dog that wasn’t able to defend himself from such a powerful enemy.
Boys and girls, you and I have a very powerful enemy who has his evil eye on each one of us, waiting for just the right moment to attack. That enemy is the devil, and his name is Satan. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your very own Saviour, you have Someone to cry to who will rescue you from the harm the enemy plans for you. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). But God also gives us a warning about the devil in 1 Peter 5:8: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” This means be on guard!
But any of you who don’t know the Lord Jesus may be harmed for the rest of your life. Satan’s plan is to destroy you. He is powerful enough to lure you into harmful habits. He is a liar and may tell you that there is no God and no heaven or hell. He’s a master in tempting his victims to steal little things, then bigger things and eventually leads them into a life of crime. Satan is an expert and will not let you go!
But we want you to know that there is a Saviour for you too, if you will have Him. His name is Jesus, and He is stronger than Satan. “Greater is He [Jesus] that is in you, than he [Satan] that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Jesus loves you and has died for you and is waiting to save you with open arms. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:56). Won’t you accept Him as your Saviour right now?
Like Satan, the owl did not want to let go of its victim, but the lady finally was able to loosen the owl’s grip on the dog’s back. Then the owl flew off into a nearby tree ... without its breakfast. The poor dog was terrified and had a large hole in his back from the owl’s sharp talons. This time the owl had to leave its victim behind, but what about its next victim?
The lady took her frightened, injured pet to an animal doctor for immediate help. The dog had to have antibiotics, and the injury to his back eventually healed. I am sure the lady will never let her treasured pet go outside alone again, especially with an owl in the area that is watching closely. From now on she will always be on guard, just as you and I should be with Satan who is nearby and watching closely.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56
Pretty Purple Berries
Robby was playing outside one summer day. He started to get a little hungry and thought he would taste some pretty purple berries that grew along the edge of the yard.
When Mother saw the purple stains on Robby’s face, she was worried. She knew that the berries were not good to eat. In fact, they could be poisonous, and Robby was not a very big boy. She took him inside and called the Poison Control Center.
The nice lady that talked to Mother told her there was a medicine that would make Robby well again. Mother did not have any of that medicine, so she took Robby to the hospital. The nurses there gave the medicine to Robby, and soon he was better. Mother took him home, and they were able to have a picnic lunch outside in spite of the excitement they had that morning.
Those berries remind me of something we read about in the Bible called sin. The Bible talks about “the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:13), and that means how sin can fool you. Robby thought the berries looked like something good to eat, but the pretty color fooled him because they were really poisonous. Satan sometimes makes sin look pretty, and he does not let you see its “poison.” But God loves you and does not want you to be deceived or fooled. He tells us plainly that “sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James 1:15). Robby could have died if he had eaten more of those berries and had not received the remedy for their poison.
God in His wonderful love to us has provided a remedy for sin: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). The medicine was given to Robby, and he drank it right down just as he was told, so the poison did not hurt him. God’s remedy for you is to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Do just as Robby did; follow God’s instructions right now, and your sins and their poison will be gone forever.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Ways of Woodpeckers - Part 2
“Thou hast made ... the earth, and all things that are therein ... and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
Woodpeckers are pretty birds with barred or spotted black and white or brown and black feathers. Males may have red or yellow markings on their heads. Some, like the pileated and ivory-billed varieties, have beautiful tufts of feathers forming crowns on their heads.
Most of their hole drilling is to reach beetles, grubs and other insects inside tree trunks. They have an amazing ability to hear these insects chewing the wood, and a hole is drilled at that spot. The bird’s tongue darts in to spear the insect.
Their tongues are one of the features setting these birds apart from other birds. While most have tongues attached in their mouths, woodpeckers have tongues attached to thin, flexible bones passing over the skull and coiling up behind it. God made them this way because a woodpecker needs to reach far back in the hole to catch the insect. If its tongue were attached to its mouth, it would not be long enough, so one that stretches out far was provided by a wise Creator. The tongues of woodpeckers are also specially designed in other ways. The flicker has a long, sticky tongue. Any ant, beetle or grub touched by it cannot escape. Other varieties have barbs on the end to pierce the insect and pull it out. The sapsucker drills most of its holes in just the outer layers of live trees. These holes form little wells where sweet sap collects. The end of its tongue has a brush, helping it to lap up the syrup.
The acorn woodpecker drills holes in trees, fence posts or utility poles and then stuffs one acorn in each hole. Often hundreds and even thousands of these storage “cupboards” are made to assure it has plenty to eat in winter.
Woodpeckers are very beneficial to mankind, eating millions of harmful insects. Without their help, many trees would die from the attacks of insects. Thus they are another example of God’s ways of keeping a necessary balance among all things in His creation.
Where do you think these remarkable birds learned how to capture insects hidden inside tree trunks? Where did they receive the specially designed features of their bodies? The Creator gave these abilities and features to them when He placed them on the earth. The Bible reminds us, “In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10).
This also reminds us that we share in His blessings too. We are responsible not only to enjoy them, but also to acknowledge that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He invites us to believe on Him, the only Saviour of sinners, for everlasting life. “He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life” (John 5:24). Do you have everlasting life?
Nobody Loves Me
The hot sun of Trinidad beat down on the two missionaries as they waited in the courtyard of the grade school. James and Tim were looking forward to being able to talk to the students at the morning assembly. They had a wonderful message of God’s way of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ to tell the boys and girls.
James explained the love of God and the love of the Lord Jesus to the students. He told them how that love was shown at the cross when Jesus died and shed His blood to save us from our sins and a lost eternity in hell.
During the talk, James asked the boys and girls to raise their hands and tell him of someone that they knew who loved them. One boy, about 8 or 9 years old, immediately raised his hand, and with a hurt look on his face and sadness in his voice he said, “Nobody loves me!”
Isn’t that sad? To really believe that there is no one at all who has any care or concern for us must be very heartbreaking. What we all want most in life is to be loved, and without love, life is very sad and lonely.
James was happy to tell this boy, as well as all the students, that there is Someone who loves each one of us far more than a parent, family member, friend or any other person in the world. This person is God the Father, as well as His Son, Jesus Christ. He also explained that these two want each one of us to have salvation and happiness more than anything else. Then he explained that each child could have this wonderful love by simply receiving the Lord Jesus as his or her Saviour and Friend. He also told them of the wonderful home in heaven that has been prepared through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Can any of you boys and girls reading this story remember a verse from the Bible that tells us that God loves us? Many of you have memorized and can repeat John 3:16, which says, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Here is another good one: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). And here’s a short one that you can probably memorize right now: “God is love” (1 John 4:8).
We can never say, “Nobody loves me,” because Jesus loves us so much He died for us! When the Lord Jesus was on earth, a man came to Him, and the Bible tells us, “Jesus [looking at] him loved him” (Mark 10:21). This is true of each one of us! Always remember, Jesus loves you, even if you don’t feel loved by anyone else!
MEMORY VERSE: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
A Dog Named Buttercup
Buttercup was so proud of her puppies. This was her first litter, and she was such a good mother to them. Vanessa, Olivia and Alicia, her three little owners, loved those puppies almost as much as Buttercup did. Lots of their friends came over to see the puppies and to hold them and play with them. Buttercup didn’t mind these visitors. She seemed to enjoy the attention to her little family.
As the weeks went by, the puppies grew bigger. The family knew they shouldn’t keep the puppies much longer. It’s always easier to find homes for puppies when they are cute and playful, rather than when they are bigger. And so, one by one, they found a good home for each puppy ... until finally the last one had been given away.
It was kind of hard for the family to give up the puppies, but it was even harder on Buttercup. She was so lonesome she just wandered around. Sometimes she howled because she missed her pups so much.
One day not long after, one of the girls brought home two baby rabbits. The family called Buttercup over to see the little balls of fluff. Once Buttercup saw them she could not take her eyes off them. She began to clean them just like she had done with her own puppies. She quickly adopted them as her own, nursing them and watching over them just as if they were her own babies. And the little bunnies seemed to be just as happy to have Buttercup take care of them. It didn’t matter to Buttercup that they were rabbits. She had adopted a new family.
This story of Buttercup and the little rabbits reminds us of how God has brought poor, lost, helpless sinners into His family. Because of our sins we were enemies of God, and yet He loved us so much that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for us. “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10).
Every one who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour is born into the family of God. “As many as received Him [Jesus], to them gave He power to become the sons of God” (John 1:12).
The little rabbits were loved and cared for by Buttercup, but they could never become dogs. They would always be rabbits. But when God brings us into His family and we become His children, He gives us a new life like His. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away ... all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Soon the Lord Jesus is coming to take His family home to heaven to be with Himself forever. Do you belong to His family?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Always-Hungry Grasshopper
“The locusts went up over all the land of Egypt ... and they did eat every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees.” Exodus 10:14-15
People who live where there are grasshoppers know about these insects. Even if you can’t see them, you know they are there by the noise they make. Actually, the noise is not made with their mouths but by rubbing their wings with their hind legs.
A grasshopper is a most unusual creature. Its head has two long antennae extending forward and curving upward. Its head, shoulders and other body parts are protected with tough armor. It has wings that fold smoothly along its back and extend past its large hind legs.
Locusts are similar to grasshoppers, but that name usually refers to those species that migrate in great swarms and are very destructive to crops, as told in Bible accounts such as the opening verse. But grasshoppers of the western world can also be very destructive, as farmers in the United States and Canada will tell you.
In late summer, a female digs a hole in the ground with her ovipositor and fills the hole with foam. Then she lays as many as 120 eggs in the hole and covers the opening with soil. The eggs hatch the following spring, and the newborn grasshoppers look like the adults except that they have no wings. They immediately begin feeding on tender vegetation and grow so rapidly that they soon shed their armor skins. This is called molting. They molt five or six times before they reach full size. Their wings grow to full size during the last molt.
A grasshopper has six legs. The hinged back legs have strong thigh muscles that power its long leaps. It can leap about twenty times as far as the length of its own body. These powerful legs also push it off to fly.
The Creator has not only provided them with the ability to leap or fly away from enemies (ever try to catch one?), but He has also given them excellent camouflage among the green and brown vegetation they eat.
Perhaps grasshoppers are given to us as a solemn lesson, speaking of those who are destructive, creating nothing good in themselves and trying to spoil the truth of God’s goodness. There are many people who fit this description today, and the Bible warns us about them: “There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers ... teaching things which they ought not” (Titus 1:10-11).
How can we keep from being deceived? Those who do not know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will most easily fall into the snares of such deceivers. But if you have put your trust in Him, a good answer is also provided: “[Build] up yourselves on your most holy faith ... keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life” (Jude 20-21).
Three Willful Cows
It had been a difficult day for three cows named Bessy, Daisy and June. They had been purchased by the Browns at an auction that had been a very confusing and noisy place. Then they were taken by truck to a strange, new pasture where they were unloaded and left alone. The Browns had supplied food and water for the three cows in the safety of the new pasture, but because the cows were still scared and edgy, they jumped over the fence.
Were they looking for their old pasture? If so, they didn’t find it. Instead, they were now in a wooded area where wild animals roamed and where there was no easy source of food and water. There was something else in the woods that would be frightening to any animal—hunters. Gunshots would terrify any animal!
It didn’t take the Browns long to discover that their cows were gone, and they began to look for them. The family wore bright orange vests so the hunters would know they weren’t deer moving through the woods. Every now and then the Browns spotted the three cows, but they would run when anyone moved close to them. They were lost in a dangerous area and didn’t know it.
This world is a dangerous place in which to live, and you may not know it. It has all kinds of dangerous attractions that lure sinners like you and me deeper into sin. Like the three cows lost in the woods, we sinners are lost in this evil world and away from our loving God who wants to save us. He gave His own Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for sinners so we could be saved from our sins and have a happy home in heaven when life here on earth is over. Are you willing to let the Lord Jesus save you? He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
After some time of wandering, the three cows found another fenced-in pasture where there were other cows grazing peacefully. The three lost cows broke through the fence and began grazing with the other cows in the new pasture. It was a peaceful and safe place, and they were finished running away.
When the farmer came to feed his cattle, he found the three cows that he had never seen before. Soon the Browns learned that Bessy, Daisy and June were in this farmer’s pasture. With the farmer’s permission, they left the three in the pasture in the company of the other cows for several weeks before they took them home to their own peaceful pasture. This time they were calm and home to stay.
God has wonderful things prepared for you in His happy, peaceful home in heaven, if you are willing to stop running away and receive His Son Jesus as your very own Saviour. Jesus paid the awful price for the sins of each person who will come to Him, admitting that he is a sinner and needs his sins forgiven. He will joyfully make you one of His very own children and will lovingly provide all that you need down here on earth. When it is time, He will take you home to heaven where all danger and sadness will be over forever. There is absolutely nothing that can be better than that!
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).
MEMORY VERSE: “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12
"Am I Too Little?"
“Am I too little?” asked little Deena after the talk to the hobby class children was over. Most of the children had gone into the next room for cookies and juice, but Deena stood right in front of me. She looked up at me, waiting for me to answer.
“Too little for what?” I asked, not knowing just what she meant by her question.
Her head dropped, and she looked down at the floor. I continued since she seemed too shy to answer my question. “You’re not too little to come to the hobby class. We like to have little girls here.”
Deena still stood looking down as if her question had not been answered. Then as she raised her head I could see that her eyes were filled with tears. She asked, “But am I too little to be saved?”
I picked her up and wiped her tears. Then we sat down on some nearby chairs.
“No, Deena,” I answered, “you are not too little to be saved. It was about children just your age that the Lord Jesus said, ‘Suffer [allow] the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God’“ (Mark 10:14). Then I slowly and simply explained to her the story of the love of Jesus and how gladly He receives and saves anyone from their sins, even little children who will accept Him as Saviour.
When we finished talking and praying, she was a happy little girl. She had some juice and cookies and said to me as she left the room, “I’m going to tell Mommy that Jesus died for me, and I can go to heaven now because my sins are gone!”
What a clear confession! But there is more. The next week she came to the hobby class bringing another little girl with her. Deena brought her friend right up to me and said, “Anne wants to be saved too.” Yes, Deena had both believed in her heart and confessed with her mouth that the Lord Jesus had saved her from her sins. Her joy was so great that it attracted others to the Saviour.
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Lesson From Bluebirds
“Ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee.” Job 12:7
Bluebirds are a real favorite with many people. They are a beautiful blue, have a musical song, and like to live near people. There are only three varieties of true bluebirds, all of which live in North America or Mexico. The eastern lives between the Rocky Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, the western lives in the area from the Pacific Ocean to the Rocky Mountains, and the mountain lives from northern Mexico to Alaska in the western third of the continent.
In early winter, most bluebirds migrate south where food is plentiful, such as insects, seeds, berries and other fruits. Those that bravely stay in the cold areas through winter live in large flocks. At night several crowd into a nest, snuggling together to keep warm.
In early spring as the migrators return, they all select mates and build grassy, cup-shaped nests, unless they find a nesting box provided by someone who loves bluebirds. Eggs are laid and soon hatch out. Raising the chicks is a real chore, since they have tremendous appetites, keeping both parents busy. One birdwatcher reported that during daylight hours food was brought to a nest by the parents about every three minutes! What caring and conscientious parents they are! This is another example of the way the Creator has provided faithful instincts so the babies will be well taken care of.
The chicks grow quickly and fly from the nest within two or three weeks. They perch in nearby trees where the father continues to feed them and teaches them to care for themselves. Meanwhile, the mother has cleaned up the nest and laid more eggs. When the new family hatches, the parents get busy feeding them, just as they did the older ones. But here is where the lesson mentioned in our title may be learned. When the young birds that are already raised see how busy the parents are and how hungry their new brothers and sisters are, they often help in bringing food to the new hatchlings. Isn’t that a helpful thing to do? Only a very few other young birds are known to do this.
Here is a good example of how boys and girls can be helpful to their parents. This doesn’t necessarily mean feeding babies, since there are other ways to show love. This can be done by voluntarily setting or clearing the table, making beds, weeding the garden, taking out the trash and other things that show your parents your love in a helpful way.
When helpful tasks like these are done in a happy spirit, they are always pleasing to the Lord Jesus. The Bible tells us, “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right” (Proverbs 20:11).
Caleb's Reward
Sometimes a reward is a wide ribbon to hang around your neck with a big, round medal on it. Sometimes it’s money to spend, and sometimes it’s a big surprise. Here’s the story of a reward that was a surprise.
Maybe you remember that there were twelve spies sent out by Moses to secretly look over the land that God had promised to give to His people, the children of Israel. The people wondered, Is it a good land? The spies’ answer was, Yes, very good. But the men who live there now are as big as giants! We’ll never win over them! We’ll never be able to live there!
But Caleb believed the Lord. He was one of the twelve spies, and the Bible tells us three times that Caleb totally followed the Lord. He did not report anything about the giants; he only reported that the land was good. Of course it was a good land, and of course they would all live there! Hadn’t God promised this? Wasn’t God’s promise enough?
That promise had been made years before, when Caleb was only a little boy. And when he went with the others to spy out the land, he was forty years old—a full-grown man. He was a strong man too, but no match for a giant! However, Caleb still was very sure, because God had promised the land to them, and he firmly believed God’s promise.
God’s promises always hold true, even for a sick person in bed or a child or an old person in a wheelchair! Do you believe His promises? One of them is in John 6:37: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” You can come to Him no matter what your problem is. His promise to you is good right now, but there is a time limit! When Jesus comes to call all the believers to His home in heaven, then He will close the door, and the promise will no longer be offered! It’s not a good idea to wait!
The children of Israel had finally come to the promised land. They had crossed the Red Sea, God had fed them for forty years without any grocery stores or vegetable gardens, and they had crossed the Jordan River on dry land. Now they had arrived in the promised land.
Can you figure out how old Caleb was by this time? The Bible says he was 85, and even though he was an old man, he was strong, just like he was when he was a spy. If you have a grandfather, he probably is not as strong as he was as a young man, but God can do anything. Perhaps your grandfather has stronger faith than you have, and you should listen to him if his faith comes from God.
When the land was being divided among the tribes, Caleb was given the mountain of Hebron for his possession as his reward. He still did not worry about the giants living there because he had no doubt that he would win over them. He said, “If so be the Lord will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the Lord said” (Joshua 14:12). You don’t need to wonder if he won the fight against the giants. It was not really Caleb, but it was the Lord Himself who won that victory.
You don’t need to worry, either, if the Lord will give you victory over the giants in your life—giants like selfishness and pride. The Lord is absolutely trustworthy, and He promises to help every boy and girl and grown-up that trusts Him.
You may read this interesting story for yourself in Joshua chapter 14.
MEMORY VERSE: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
Love Wins Out
John worked in an animal rescue shelter, and he loved the dogs that were brought in as strays or dogs that the owners could no longer care for. He would feed the dogs and take them out for walks. It didn’t take long for the new dogs to love him too.
John especially liked the shy dogs, and he would patiently work with them until he won them over. But he just couldn’t seem to make friends with Tilly. No matter how kindly he talked to her, she wouldn’t even look at him or come to the front of her cage when he offered to take her for a walk. However, each day he would toss a treat inside her cage.
Then one day after he had walked the dog in the cage next to Tilly’s, she came to the front of her cage and looked at him as if to say, “Is it my turn now?” John opened her cage and she let him snap a leash on her collar. Then she followed him outside.
John was so happy that she had finally warmed up to him. He took her on a thirty-minute walk, and it wasn’t long until she was licking his hand and letting him scratch her behind the ears. Tilly was finally trusting John as her friend. Love and kindness had finally won her doggy heart.
That’s the way the Lord Jesus seeks to win our hearts. We might not want Him as part of our lives, but He just keeps giving us treats that we don’t deserve and talking lovingly to us in various ways. He isn’t pushy but gently tells us that He loves us so much that He died for us. Finally, He wins our hearts, and what a happy time that is for both the Lord Jesus and us when we finally trust in Him.
Is Jesus still seeking to win your heart? Will you trust in Him? “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Ways of the Beaver
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11
Once there were millions of beavers in streams, lakes and ponds throughout the United States and Canada, but to meet demands of fashion, trappers killed them mercilessly for their lovely fur, nearly wiping them out. Fortunately, the fashion designers changed their designs so that beavers were spared to gradually rebuild their colonies. Should you be visiting some of the mountain areas of the West or lakes in the North, you might get a glimpse of this fascinating creature.
Water is a prime necessity for the beaver, and God has provided it with adaptability to its wet surroundings. A full-grown animal will be about three-and-a-half feet long, including a flat tail about five inches wide and a foot long. This tail is most important; a beaver uses it, along with its paws, to plaster its home and dams with mud. Its tail is also a rudder for this excellent, web-footed swimmer and serves as a support while it stands on shore or gnaws on trees and shrubs. When a beaver slaps that flat tail hard on the water’s surface, the sound is a warning for its companions to seek cover from an enemy coming too close for comfort.
This animal is a remarkable engineer, building watertight dams, some a half mile long, to form ponds. It also builds a house or lodge as much as eight feet high and thirty feet in diameter. Several beaver families may live in these lodges and have rooms for storing food for winter and other rooms for raising their young. Here they are safe from their enemies, for their entrances and exits are all underwater, although the living quarters are always high and dry.
A beaver’s most prominent feature is its teeth, which are large, sharp and strong. It uses them to cut down trees, which are then used in building dams, homes or for food. Incidentally, their teeth never stop growing. To keep them from getting hopelessly long, they must wear them down by gnawing.
The amazing skills of the beaver didn’t come about by trial and error. God provided them with every feature and ability when He created them.
God puts a responsibility on all mankind to recognize His Son as the Creator of all things. But more important yet, He has been made known to the world as the Saviour to those who trust in Him or as the Judge to those who refuse Him. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). How solemn the warning, “Take heed ... lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God” (Hebrews 3:12).
He Will Never Let You Go!
It was a hot summer day in South Florida when young Cody decided to go for a swim in the small lake behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind his shoes and shirt, and headed for the dock. He flew into the water and began swimming toward the middle of the lake. He was a good swimmer for his age, but what Cody did not know was that an alligator was swimming towards the shore.
His father, working in the yard, suddenly saw Cody’s danger, as every second brought his son and the alligator closer and closer together. In utter fear, he ran onto the dock, yelling to Cody as loudly as he could!
Hearing his father’s anxious cries, Cody became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim back to his father. It was too late. Just as he reached his father’s outstretched arms over the edge of the dock, the alligator reached him. His father grabbed Cody by the arms, just as the alligator grabbed his legs. Then began a desperate tug-of-war. The alligator was much stronger than Cody’s father, but his father loved his son too much to let go.
For most of you children, your own father would do exactly what Cody’s father was doing in order to save your life. But all of us, young or old, face a terrible danger that our fathers can’t save us from—the danger of our sins that will drag us down into a lost eternity. The Bible warns us that we are all sinners, and we have to answer to God for our sins. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Another verse plainly says that “there is no man [or boy or girl or grown-up] that sinneth not” (1 Kings 8:46). Neither our fathers nor our mothers can save us from our sins, nor can any other person. But there is a Saviour who loves us even more than Cody’s father loved his son. And this Saviour has the power to save each one of us from our sins and from a lost eternity.
A farmer happened to drive by, and hearing Cody’s screams, he grabbed his rifle as he raced from his truck. Taking careful aim, he shot the alligator.
Thankfully, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, Cody was able to come home. His legs had deep scars from the vicious attack of the alligator, and on his arms were deep scars where his father’s fingernails had dug into his flesh as he struggled to save his son.
A newspaper reporter interviewed the boy later and asked Cody if he would show him his scars. Cody lifted his pant legs and then quickly added, ”But look at my arms! I have scars on them too. I have them because my dad wouldn’t let go.”
You and I are like Cody. We may have scars, not from an alligator, but scars from our sins. We have an enemy who tempts us and leads us deeper and deeper into sin, and his name is Satan. But there is a Saviour who loves us so much that He died to save us from our sins, and His name is Jesus. Do you know Him? The Bible tells us, “The Son of God [Jesus] ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). He is much stronger than Satan and will never, never let you go once you belong to Him as His son or daughter! He has a home in heaven reserved for those who will trust Him as their very own Saviour. Will you trust Him and have His protection now and forever?
“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust” (Psalm 18:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.” Psalm 18:2
Timmy's Taste of Trouble
Timmy was the delight of the children. He was a cute little kitten with lots of energy, and he was always getting into things. The whole family liked having him as a pet. One day Timmy’s curious nature got him into serious trouble.
He was playing alone in the basement when he found something new to play with. He probably smelled, licked and played with the object before he finally sank his sharp teeth into it. What he had found was a tube of super glue left out on the desk by one of the children.
Poor Timmy quickly found out that super glue is not good to eat. That little taste of glue was enough to make Timmy foam at the mouth and roll on the floor in pain, because the glue had burned his mouth and tongue.
The family took Timmy to the vet who told them he might even lose part of his tongue. Poor Timmy had bitten into and tasted something that was harmful.
The Bible tells us to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). We are never told to taste (try) things of this world to find out if they are harmful. We are only told to taste of the Lord. Isaiah 7:15 says, “Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.” Only by reading God’s Word, the Bible, will each boy and girl, and grown-up too, know what is good and be able to refuse the evil of this world. I am sure if Timmy had known the pain he would have from that little taste of glue, he would have gladly chosen a bowl of warm milk. God’s Word tells us that the sad end of going on in a sinful path and refusing the Lord Jesus Christ is an eternity in the awfulness of hell. Do not be foolish and refuse to taste of the Lord Jesus by accepting Him as your Saviour. How much wiser to be able to say as 1 Peter 2:3 tells us, “Ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Crab That Is Not a Crab
“O Lord, how manifold are Thy works. ... The earth is full of Thy riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable.” Psalm 104:24-25
The horseshoe is not a true crab. It is a large sea animal more closely related to spiders and scorpions. Because it looks like a crab and lives in saltwater, most people think it belongs to the crab species, failing to notice that it does not have the visible claws of true crabs.
Its name comes from the fact that from the top its shell looks like a horse’s hoof, and from the bottom it looks like a horseshoe. Every year its shell is discarded and a new one grows in its place. A large shell can be more than a foot across. The crab’s whole body is covered by this shell, including one pair of eyes and five pairs of legs. The other parts narrow down to a long, sharp, rigid tail about six inches long. This tail is a weapon of defense and is also a support in moving along the ocean bottom. It also helps the crab to turn over when a wave has turned it upside down.
The back pair of legs push the crab along the sand or mud in shallow water, and there are stiff flaps at the back to keep the crab from sinking into the sand. It moves rather quickly along the bottom in search of food, by scooping with its legs and pushing with its long, rigid tail.
Its food includes sea snails, worms, mussels, oysters and clams. It is understandable that oyster and clam fishermen kill these crabs whenever they can, but there are always millions more to replace them.
Horseshoe crabs leave their winter homes in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea in early summer, migrating north to islands off the Atlantic coast of North America. They crawl up on the beaches to the high tide mark to scoop shallow, basin-like holes in the sand or mud. The females lay from 60,000 to 120,000 eggs in batches of a few thousand in these holes, covering them over before returning to the sea. In about two weeks, these eggs hatch out in great quantities. Hordes of birds have an instinct given by the Creator to know each year just when the migrating crabs have laid their eggs, and the birds are on hand to enjoy a big feast.
What a contrast was the response of King David who wrote our opening verse when he thought about the wonders of God’s creation, compared to those referred to in Romans 1:21: “When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful.” How wonderful to know the love of God and thank Him for His Son, the Saviour of sinners. Are you a thankful person or an unthankful one?
"Ready or Not, Here I Come!"
Have you every shouted those words? They are the final warning shout of the game Hide and Seek before the person who is “it” starts to look for the hidden players. I’m sure many of you children have played this game with your family and friends. The fun of hunting as well as choosing a good hiding place has made this a favorite game in many countries for a long time.
Our family liked to play Hide and Seek when the children were young. We’d turn off most of the lights and, while one person counted to fifty, the rest would run and hide in dark corners, under beds or behind doors. One time, little Ginny squeezed herself onto a shelf in a bedroom closet, and whoever was “it” never found her. The family was getting worried so called, “Come home free!” She appeared with a grin on her face, knowing she was the best “hider,” and therefore the winner of that round.
I remember a game of Hide and Seek outdoors at my cousin’s house when I was young. We ran all over, trying to find good hiding spots while someone counted. Suddenly there was a yell from the barn. Cousin Eric had slid down inside a barrel to hide but then realized he couldn’t get out! His older sister rescued him by tipping over the barrel so he could wriggle out.
This reminds me of how we all at one time have tried to hide from God. No matter how well we think we are hidden, we really are, in fact, stuck. You might remember the story about a man named Jonah who thought he could run away from God. Jonah didn’t like the job God had given him to do, so he got on a ship going the opposite direction, to escape from this job. Yes, he was trying to hide from God. But when a bad storm blew up and threatened to sink the ship, Jonah admitted to his shipmates that he was the cause and told the sailors to throw him overboard, which they did. The storm quieted immediately. God had been watching Jonah, and He prepared a great fish to swallow him. After three days of thinking and praying inside the fish’s belly, Johan finally repented, and the great fish threw up Jonah on a beach. Then he was ready to obey God. Jonah learned that he couldn’t hide from God.
Adam and Eve tried hiding after they had eaten fruit from the tree in the garden that God had commanded them not to eat from. Right away they knew they were naked and sewed clothing for themselves out of leaves. Then they hid among the trees of the garden. When God came down to walk in the garden, He called to Adam, “Where are you?” He knew that Adam and Eve had sinned and that they couldn’t spend time with Him until something was done about it. God is holy, and He cannot have sin in His presence.
How good that God is the best Seeker ever! After He found Adam and Eve hiding behind the trees, He killed some animals and made clothes for them from the animal skins. In this story, early in the Bible, we learn that blood has to be shed in order for sins to be covered. God provided a way to restore the fellowship He longed to have with people. Later on in history, Jesus Himself willingly died on Calvary’s cross, shedding His own blood to cover the sins of whoever believes on Him. “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
If you are still in your sins and hiding from God, we plead with you to come out of your hiding place. God sees where you are and wants to have you as one of His own children. Just answer His call to “come in free” and accept His Son Jesus as your Saviour. You will be glad forever that you let the loving Saviour find you, and He will rejoice too. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.” Romans 4:7
An Empty Feeling
One day my friend said to me, “When I was seventeen, I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart. For a while I was so happy, but now I have this empty feeling in my heart. What can be wrong?”
My friend felt so sad, and maybe you have felt the same way—empty. I was glad to give her some simple advice that could help you too.
A Christian believes God and has let Him wash his or her sins away with the blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. However, something else is needed—Christians need to eat too. I don’t mean real food like oranges, peanut butter sandwiches and pizza! I mean the Word of God—the Bible. The Bible is food for our souls. We need to read it every day to receive strength and direction for our new life in Christ. Obeying the directions in God’s Word and talking to Him in prayer are very important too. If our minds are full of the music, video games and entertainment of this evil world, we won’t feel hungry for the rich treasures of the Bible.
Are you reading the Bible regularly? If not, begin today! Start to fill that empty place in your heart with God’s precious Word, until you are full and running over.
“Thy Word have I hid in [my] heart, that I might not sin against Thee” (Psalm 119:11).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Leaf-Cutting (Parasol) Ants - Part 1
“God made the beast of the earth after his kind ... and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind.” Genesis 1:25
There are over 12,000 kinds of ants throughout the world, all extremely interesting. The one we will learn about today, the leaf-cutting ant, is fascinating in many ways. Some of their colonies in Central and South America contain a million ants or more, and they often dig tons of soil while making their large nests with many rooms.
This ant is not interested in seeds, fruit or any other food except the food it makes in its own home from pieces of green leaves, farmed and tended by them very carefully. Just getting these leaf pieces to the nest is a big project.
First, scouts have the duty of finding a tree with the right kind of leaves and then marking out a trail to the tree with special odors. In ways provided by their Creator, they pass the word when this is accomplished. Then workers, which have sharp mandibles like the teeth of a saw, go to that particular tree. Each selects a suitable leaf and cuts out sections much larger than themselves. These pieces of leaves are passed, one by one, to other workers that lift them up over their heads, like a parasol, to carry them. Each worker carrying a piece joins hundreds of others, walking in a single line back to the nest over the marked trail. The trail may be four hundred or five hundred feet long (which would be like a person walking twenty miles with a heavy load). Usually they make this round-trip several times a night!
At certain times, pesky flies that want to lay eggs in the ant carrier’s body, while it is busy with its load, land on the piece of leaf, waiting for an opportunity to attack. But the ants prepare for this by sending along a tiny sister ant who hops aboard the leaf after it has been hoisted up, scurrying all over it on the way to the nest, to chase away any flies that show up. On arrival, she hops down and returns to the tree to make another trip with another carrier ant.
We might ask, Who taught these ants such amazing skills? As the Bible verse above tells us, the Lord God created the ants, just as He did all living things, and He gave each species different instincts that often amaze us. King David, in thinking about these wonderful provisions, wrote, “The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honorable and glorious. He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered” (Psalm 111:2-4).
When we look at all the wonderful things about us, let us always remember it is God who has made them.
(to be continued)
Mary opened her eyes sleepily. Greg also was waking up. He had come home from his nightshift job only an hour and a half earlier, and normally they would still be sleeping. What had awakened them at this early hour?
There it was again ... a regular thumping sound followed by some scratching on the bedroom door. Thumper! Why was he bothering them? Usually the rabbit was well behaved and quiet while they slept! Then they heard a strange noise. It sounded like windows were breaking somewhere nearby!
They jumped out of bed to investigate and soon discovered the windows they heard breaking were at the back of their own house! And even more frightening, they were breaking because their house was on fire! They grabbed Thumper, called the fire department, and ran outside. Suddenly, Thumper wasn’t a nuisance—he was a hero!
Has anyone ever “awakened” you by telling you about a fire—an eternal one—that may soon overtake you? God tells us in the Bible about a real place called hell, which is described as the “lake of fire.” This is the place where all those who don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ will one day be sent to spend their eternity. It is a horrible place, because it was prepared for the devil and his angels. But sadly, many people are listening to Satan’s lies, and he is going to lead them right to his own miserable place of torment and punishment that will have no end.
For Greg and Mary, there was an end to their fire. Thanks to Thumper their pet rabbit, the three of them got out without harm, and the house itself was saved from being completely destroyed. Even before the fire trucks arrived, helpful neighbors came with hoses to spray water on the flames. Then the fire trucks pulled up and finished putting out the fire.
However, we want to warn you that in hell there will be no end to that fire, and there will be no helpful friends to take away the torment. The Bible plainly says, “There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:42). No happiness there! And the worst part is that it is forever.
This story about Greg and Mary had a happy ending, and so can your life. Right now, if you will listen to the warning from God Himself, you can be saved from such an awful eternity in the lake of fire. The good news is that God loves you so much He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for you. About 2000 years ago, the perfect, sinless, holy Son of God was nailed to a cross where God Himself punished Him for the sins of every person who would believe that He died for their sins. If you will believe and accept what Jesus did for you on that cross, you will be saved from hell, and God promises that you will have a wonderful, happy home in heaven with the Lord Jesus forever. “God so loved the world [that includes you], that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever [that includes you, me or anyone else] believeth in Him should not perish [in hell], but have everlasting life [in heaven]” (John 3:16).
There are only two places to go at the end of your life. Those two places are heaven and hell. Which one will you choose?
“Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:15
A Visit to a Dairy Farm
A kind dairy farmer told the local grade school teacher that he would be glad to show the children around his farm if she would like to bring her class there on a school field trip. The teacher appreciated his offer, and it wasn’t long before the children came to visit the dairy farm.
Of course, the children had lots of questions about the cows, the barns, the milking machines and what the cows ate. One of the children also asked about the big sign on the barn wall. It read:
AM 4:12
“Oh, yes,” the farmer said. “The Lord is coming soon and we must be ready to meet Him. If we are still in our sins, we will not be ready. But God has sent His Son Jesus to die for us on Calvary’s cross. If you tell Him you are sorry you’ve been naughty and want Him to forgive you, you will be saved from your sins. Then you will be ready to meet Him when He comes.”
One little boy went home that afternoon and told his mother, “I have to get saved before I go to bed tonight.”
“What do you mean you have to be saved tonight?” his mother asked.
“The farmer told us today that Jesus is coming soon, and on the wall in the barn it said, ‘Prepare to meet God,’ AM 4:12, and I never wake up that early. So I need to be saved before I go to sleep.”
You may smile at the child’s mistake in thinking that the AM on the sign meant “morning,” when really it is the abbreviation for Amos, the book in the Old Testament where the verse is written. But the little boy knew this was something he should not put off. He was going to look after the most important thing in life right away.
What about you?
“Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Leaf-Cutting (Parasol) Ants - Part 2
“All men shall fear [respect], and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of His doing.” Psalm 64:9
In the last issue we learned how these amazing leaf-cutting ants gather green leaves for a food supply in their nests. What kinds of leaves do they gather? They are chosen with care and always with a preference for orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit leaves. This presents a real problem for fruit growers who discover all the leaves from a single tree have been removed during one night.
What do the ants do with these leaves? Here again we see an amazing procedure in the wonders of God’s creation. Great numbers of worker ants are awaiting delivery of the leaves by the carrier ants. The workers chew the leaves into a pulp but do not swallow it. This pulp is given to other workers who coat it with an acid-like moisture before taking it to a storage area inside the nest.
While waiting many days for this to ferment and produce a coating of fungus, the pulp deposits are carefully guarded by yet other workers. Soon the fungus appears all over the surface of the pulpy pile, and this becomes the main food of the colony.
As this busy program goes on day and night, a certain amount of food spoils. There is also a problem of foreign insects coming in and being killed, as well as the death of some workers. Being very clean creatures, it is the duty of some workers to carry the spoiled food and dead insects promptly to an outside “garbage dump.”
The methodical ants have a highly developed method of distributing the fungus food, which is the responsibility of yet another group of workers. They deal it out as follows: Tiny workers who just tend the garden and feed the babies get the least amounts; leaf-cutters and carrier ants are given portions sufficient to keep up their strength; the biggest amounts go to soldiers, who fiercely defend the nest when necessary, and to the queen and “princesses” who will soon be starting colonies of their own.
If human beings tried such a program, long training would be required, and even then there would be many who wouldn’t work out too well. But the ants need no training. Each one just goes about its own business and stays on the job for its lifetime. This is another example of the Creator’s showing His care for all His creation and reminds us of His word in the Bible: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, [provides] her meat in the summer, and [gathers] her food in the harvest” (Proverbs 6:6-8). Let us each be wise and prepare for a future eternity by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour today.
The Good Samaritan
It was a downhill road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Not a steep slope, but a steady downgrade all the way. We don’t know why that traveler chose to go to Jericho, but if he had known about the thieves along the way, maybe he would have stayed at home. But he didn’t know.
All of us can understand that, because there is so much that we don’t know. We might think, “I can be a little bit bad, but I won’t be very bad. Yes, I know it’s wrong, but I won’t go very far.” Maybe you don’t know that when you are bad, even a little bit, God calls it sin. That makes you a sinner, and a sinner is someone who disobeys God. He says in the Bible, “There is no difference: for all have sinned” (Romans 3:22-23). But even worse, He tells us there can be absolutely no sin in heaven! There is something else you may not know, and it is good news. God loves sinners, and so He sent His very own beloved Son Jesus down to this world to save sinners from their sins. He tells us in Acts 16:31, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Let the Lord Jesus save you right now, before you read any farther!
Now let’s see what happened to the traveler on the road to Jericho. The Bible tells us he met a band of thieves who took everything he had, even his clothes! And if that wasn’t bad enough, they wounded him and left him half dead. At least they didn’t kill him.
The poor, wounded traveler certainly needed help. The first man who came by was a priest. It was the priest’s business to decide if a person needed the kind of help he could offer, but this poor man was beyond the services of a priest. The priest couldn’t do anything but pass by on the other side.
Then a Levite came by. The duty of a Levite was to teach the people the right thing to do, but this poor wounded man couldn’t do anything. What good was a teacher who just looked and passed by on the other side?
Then a third person came by, and the wounded traveler would be able to tell that he was not walking but riding, for he would be able to hear the animal’s clip-clops. Would this man be able to help him? This man was a Samaritan, and the Jews didn’t like the Samaritans. But this man came close and touched the wounded traveler. The Samaritan poured good wine into his mouth and poured oil into his wounds. This made the wounded traveler feel much better. But he still couldn’t walk, so the Samaritan put him on his own donkey. This meant the Samaritan had to walk, and maybe he had to hold up the wounded man too.
They went to an inn, and the innkeeper took care of the wounded man until he was well. Did he do it for nothing? Oh, no. The good Samaritan paid the innkeeper for his services and promised him more money for any extra expense, until he would come again!
Our Jesus has promised to come again. He will do better than this story, for our Jesus is not far away from you even right now. He is near you to help and comfort you until He comes again. Many people did not like the Samaritans, but I’m sure the poor traveler had many good words to say for his rescuer. Do you have a good word to say for Jesus? If He has rescued you from your sins, He is your “good Samaritan.” And He is loving you and caring for you all the way home to His Father’s house in heaven. You should have many good words to say for Him! “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation” (Psalm 68:19).
It was Jesus Himself who died and shed His blood that you might live. Thank Him with all your heart right now, and tell others what He has done for you.
You may read this story for yourself in Luke 10:30-37.
MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.” Psalm 68:19
"It's the Eyes"
Each night before her four children went to sleep, Mommy had each one repeat the Bible verse that they had been given to memorize for Sunday school. The verse for this week was Proverbs 15:3: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
After each of the children had said the verse, Mommy tucked them into bed, kissed them goodnight and went into her own room. Before long she heard someone whimpering and went to see who it was. The three boys were sound asleep, but Esther was crying.
“What’s the matter?” Mommy asked her sad little girl.
“Oh, Mommy, it’s the eyes,” she cried.
“What eyes?” asked Mommy.
“The eyes of the Lord. They’re in every place and they’re looking at all my sins!” sobbed Esther.
“Why don’t you ask the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away? Then He promises He won’t see them anymore.”
Mommy couldn’t have made a better suggestion. God’s Word says, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), and, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Esther knelt down beside her bed and told the Lord Jesus she wanted Him to come into her heart and wash her sins away in His precious blood.
This is what the Lord Jesus promised about Esther’s sins: “I will forgive [her] iniquity, and I will remember [her] sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34).
Esther’s sins are gone! He wants to do the same for you. Will you come to Him in simple faith like Esther did?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The American Black Bear
“The beasts go into dens, and remain in their places. Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.” Job 37:8-9
The black bear, often seen by hikers and campers in forests and mountainous country, is the smallest species of bear in North America. It measures from five to seven feet long and weighs around three hundred pounds. It has short legs with powerful claws and just a stub of a tail. The muzzle is usually tan, and there may be a patch of white on its chest. While technically known as the black bear, it is sometimes light brown or cinnamon in color, but it should not be confused with the true brown bear of Alaska, which is the largest.
Timid by nature, black bears avoid people, and it is rare for them to attack a person unless a mother feels her cubs are in danger. Then she can be vicious with her teeth and claws. This is one reason forest rangers warn people not to feed or approach any wild animals, especially bears.
The black bear’s diet includes grass, roots, berries, corn and other vegetation, as well as fish, small animals, birds and their eggs, ants, bees and honey. Tearing beehives open, a bear is protected from the bees’ stings by its thick fur.
Southern black bears are active throughout the year, but those in the north hibernate individually in caves or dens in the fall, remaining until early spring. During this hibernation period, females give birth to two, three or four little cubs. They are about the size of a rat and are hairless and blind for a month or so. Their mother’s milk is their only food until springtime, when they have grown to about the size of a tomcat.
Coming out of the den, the mother teaches her cubs how to find food and care for themselves. They follow her about like little toy teddy bears. The mother keeps them close by until they are full-grown, which sometimes means sharing her den for another winter.
The cubs, like so many young, wild animals, are full of energy—wrestling, annoying their mother, climbing small trees and swaying them back and forth before jumping off. If a tree is not strong enough for this, they enjoy riding it down to the ground and doing this over and over again.
The hibernating of animals is referred to in the opening Bible verse and assures us that God provided for all creatures of earth when He created them. No one has ever known a bear or other animal to show anger at the discomfort of cold weather.
In this they are wiser than people, who complain about discomforts. How much better to turn over every trial to God, remembering that He says, “All things work together for good to them that love God” (Romans 8:28).
Lost in the Woods
Hundreds of volunteers, police and firefighters searched late into the night for the three young brothers. A spring storm had moved in, and it was raining, cold and windy, and the boys had been out in the woods since 10:30 that morning. But the search finally had to be called off until daybreak. Everyone was worried. How long can young boys survive in pouring rain at 38 degrees with 30 mph winds?
It had been a school holiday in New Bedford, and Brian (13), Robert (11), Matthew (9), their dog Abby and a friend from school went to the woods for a walk. The boys had played in the woods many times, and, in fact, two of the boys had wilderness training. But the woods were deep and there were swamps.
The boys were having fun, but then it turned windy and started raining. They decided that it was time to head for home and tried to take a shortcut. It wasn’t long before they were lost.
Being lost in the woods in bad weather must be frightening. The boys probably realized then that taking a shortcut was the wrong thing to do. They should have gone the way they knew was the right way, but they couldn’t change that now.
Some people will always take shortcuts, even to get to heaven. They haven’t read the Bible’s double warning that says, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25). There are no shortcuts to heaven; God tells us there is only one way. And people who try to get there another way will learn, perhaps too late, that what God says in the Bible is the truth.
At some point, the school friend left the three brothers and their dog and managed to find his way out of the woods by himself while it was still daylight. He reported that the brothers were still lost in the woods, and the search for them began immediately.
Brian, Robert, Matthew and their dog slogged through shin-high swamp water in their wanderings. As darkness closed in on the cold, hungry, tired boys, the temperature dropped. The boys and their dog took shelter from the wind and heavy rain under a tree where they huddled together for warmth.
With the first streaks of daybreak, the search for the three brothers began again. Volunteers, police and firefighters called the boys’ names over and over as they searched deeper into the woods. Several hours later two officers were wading through knee-deep swamp muck when they heard the boys answer their call. The officers found them huddled together under a tree. Abby was standing guard nearby.
Thankfully, the boys recovered in a few days’ time from their twenty-two hours in the woods. It was a scary lesson they learned about following only the right way in the woods and not taking shortcuts.
But are you following God’s way, the only way, to heaven? God tells us in the Bible that the only way to heaven is through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on Calvary’s cross to put away our sins. Jesus Himself says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). If you think you can get there another way, you will have a very sad ending. It isn’t too late yet to change your mind and follow Jesus. Will you follow the example of Matthew in the Bible? “Jesus ... saith unto him, Follow Me. And [Matthew] arose, and followed Him” (Matthew 9:9).
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
MEMORY VERSE: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day
I have a friend who visits the jail at least once a week. He talks to the men who are imprisoned there about the Lord Jesus who loves them. Sadly, some of those prisoners were Christians when they were imprisoned. They know that Jesus died for their sins and that He was willing to be made “sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). What a price Jesus paid!
My friend has a question for those Christian prisoners: “How could you know the price that Jesus paid to save you and then turn your back on Him and do such wicked things that you ended up in jail?”
Those prisoners hang their heads in shame, and almost every one of them gives this answer: “When I stopped reading my Bible, I fell into sin and just kept getting deeper and deeper into it.”
“When I stopped reading my Bible”! Don’t stop! Read it every day, and ask the Lord Jesus to show you what it means and how its precious words can bring purity and usefulness into your life. There is a saying that goes like this:
The Bible believed will keep you from sin,
Or sin will keep you from the Bible.
Make the right choice. “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). Read your Bible!
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Ways of the Owl
“These are they of which ye shall not eat ... the owl ... the little owl, and the great owl.” Deuteronomy 14:12-16
Although owls, as unclean birds, were not to be eaten by the Israelites, they were a part of God’s carefully chosen creation, and He has provided for them in remarkable ways.
The smallest of the two hundred species is the little elf owl, which lives in the cactus of lonely deserts. The great horned owl and the great gray owl, both standing two feet high or more, are the largest. The most common owl is the barn or screech owl. It is a dull-brown bird about fourteen inches tall, marked with feathered legs and stiff, tufted ears. Since it does not build a nest, the eggs are laid in a hole in the ground.
Another, the burrowing owl, makes its nest five to ten feet underground and sometimes takes over a burrow of ground squirrels or prairie dogs, or shares it with them. Other owl species live in hollow logs or holes in tree trunks.
Most of these interesting birds hunt at night, except for the snowy owl of the Arctic that finds its food in the daytime. The Creator has given owls large eyes so they can see in the dark. They can see only a narrow area ahead, but can quickly turn their heads almost completely around, actually seeing more than most other birds. Their eyes are ten times more sensitive to light than the human eye. If exposed to bright light, they have a protective membrane that will cover the eye, reducing the glare. They have also been given strong, grasping talons and sharp, hooked beaks to catch and hold their prey.
Most owls eat mice, rats, small birds, rabbits, squirrels, gophers and even snakes, skunks and scorpions. This makes them one of God’s ways of keeping the populations of these creatures under control.
Their soft, downy feathers offer little resistance to the air when flying, so their flight is almost silent. Their keen hearing is helped by face feathers, curved in a way that they direct sounds to flaps of skin around their specially designed ears. This enables them to focus on the slightest sound and fly silently to it, no matter how dark the night.
In Psalm 102:6-7 we read, “I am like an owl of the desert. I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the housetop.” This gives us a picture of the experience of the Lord Jesus Christ as He went through this world. He was rejected, except by a few who would accept Him as their Saviour. Though He has now returned to heaven, many people still reject His love and mercy. Do not be a part of this Christ-rejecting group, but hear and accept His loving invitation: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
A Young Hero
Earlier this year, in the state of Queensland, Australia, it had rained for three weeks on all but three days. The soil was already saturated when a line of storms hit the city of Toowoomba, dumping an additional 6.3 inches of rain in thirty-six hours. The heavy rains ran down the gullies and streets and into East Creek and West Creek, which meet to form Gowrie Creek. Toowoomba was hit by flash flooding when all three creeks burst their banks, pushing a devastating wall of water through the center of the city. With no warning, many people were swept to their deaths in the onrushing floodwaters.
Even if there had been a warning, there are those who would ignore it. That’s been the history of people through the ages. You may remember the story of Noah in the Bible. God had told him to build a great ark, because there was so much violence in the earth that He was going to bring a flood that would cover the whole earth to destroy everything living. However, in His mercy He made a way of escape and offered safety inside the ark for anyone who believed His warning and went inside. It took many years for Noah to build the ark, and he warned everyone who came by about the coming flood. He also told them of God’s offer of safety inside the ark. Many of you will remember that only eight people went into the ark and were saved—Noah and his wife, and their three sons and their wives. Everyone on the outside lost their lives, because they didn’t believe God’s warning.
This is the story of one family in Toowoomba’s flash flood that had no warning. John and Donna were the parents of four sons. Their two younger sons, Jordan, 13, and Blake, 10, were with their mother, driving in the city about 2 p.m. when they drove through water that at the time was only up to their car wheels. However, their car engine stopped, and Donna called for emergency help on her cell phone. She was unable to call anyone else, as she had no phone credit.
The emergency operator told the three to stay where they were. However, they soon were forced to climb onto the roof of their car after the floodwater rose rapidly. John, the dad, said later that no help came, and bystanders watching the family did not offer help. He said, “All these people were just standing around until an old, scrawny man grabbed a bit of rope, wrapped it around himself and jumped in.
Jordan couldn’t swim and is terrified of water. But when the man went to rescue him, Jordan said, “Save my brother first.” The man rescued Blake and then tried to tie the rope around Jordan and his mother, but the rope broke.
Jordan and his mother were swept downstream. The two were able to briefly cling to a tree, but they were overcome by the force of the raging floodwaters and were swept away.
John wept as he told of his son’s bravery when he knew how terrifying their last moments were. “I can only imagine what was going on inside Jordan’s head to give up his life to save his brother, even though he was terrified of water.” John said, “He is our hero!”
This family was among many who lost loved family members in the flash flood on that tragic day. There was no warning. And there are other devastating events in our world that give little or no warning—earthquakes, tornados, avalanches. But there is a major event coming that God has given us full warning about. His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is going to call out of this world all Christian believers who have had their sins cleansed by the blood He shed on Calvary’s cross. He willingly gave up His life so that any who would accept Him as their personal Saviour would be safely taken to heaven before judgment falls on this evil-filled world.
He promises, “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3). He gave His life that we might live in His home in heaven for all eternity, safe from the judgment this world and those left behind will experience. In His great love and mercy for sinners, He is still saying today, “Now is the accepted time ... now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
God doesn’t tell us when this event will take place; it could be this very day. He warns you and me—”Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man [Jesus] cometh” (Matthew 24:44).
If He comes today, are you ready? Or will you be left behind for judgment?
MEMORY VERSE: “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3
Bible Puzzle
Fill in the blanks to finish the names of these Bible characters.
Abi_ _ _ plotted against Moses (Numbers 16).
M_ _ _ wrote one of the four Gospels.
_ _ _anah was Samuel’s father (1 Samuel 1).
C_ _ _ace was the queen whose treasurer was baptized by Philip (Acts 8).
Chi_ _ _ _ was a son of Naomi (Ruth 1).
Eliza_ _ _ _ was the mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1).
An_ _ _ _ was Simon Peter’s brother (Matthew 4).
A_ _ _ail gave David some good advice (1 Samuel 25).
Ta_ _ _ha was another name for Dorcas (Acts 9).
Ti_ _ _ _ y was called by Paul, “My own son in the faith.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Miracle-Caterpillar to Butterfly
“God that made the world and all things therein ... giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” Acts 17:24-25
When a butterfly looks for a place to lay its eggs, it will select a spot on or very close to a plant that the hatched caterpillar will like to eat. God has given the butterfly wisdom to know just what the little caterpillar will eat.
The little caterpillar has strong jaws and will spend its caterpillar life eating leaves, fruit or small plants. Four times its skin will become too tight, split open and drop off. A new skin will have already formed underneath to replace it.
Birds eat many caterpillars, but the swallowtail caterpillar fools the birds. When a bird comes close, the caterpillar turns over on its back, and two large imitation snake eyes appear. The frightened bird flies away. Could the caterpillar learn this by practicing? No. The Creator provided this means of escape when He first created this caterpillar, and He passed it on to all following generations.
A great change in the caterpillar’s life comes at summer’s end. An instinct tells it to stop eating and prepare for cold weather. It does this by first weaving a net of silk around itself. Then it spreads a liquid all over this new oval home (called a chrysalis), which becomes hard and shiny. These are usually golden colored, although there are other colors too, and each is camouflaged to be hidden in its surroundings. The caterpillar, now called a pupa, remains protected inside through the cold winter.
A miracle takes place inside this shiny chrysalis. When it finally opens in spring, a full-grown butterfly comes out, gradually spreads its wings and flies off with an entirely new life. Its diet now will be limited to the nectar of flowers, sipping it with a long, hollow tongue. When not in use, this tongue coils up inside its mouth like a watch spring.
Most butterflies are brightly colored, including the lovely monarch. Another very pretty one is the painted lady, which makes long migrations between Africa and Iceland. An outstanding one in the jungles of Central and South America is the blue morpha. Color markings of each species are always the same because God has instructed them to reproduce “after their kind,” and they never get mixed up.
The life of these interesting creatures is a reminder that God invites us to also make changes in our natural lives. We come into the world with natures that are selfish and sinful. But God has provided a way for us to be “born again” through the death of Christ on Calvary’s cross. When we accept Him as Lord and Saviour, we are brought into “newness of life ... dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:4,11). Have you made this important change in your life?
Seven Wonders of the World
A group of students was asked to list what they thought the list of the Seven Wonders of the World should include. There were some differences of opinion, but the most votes went to the following:
1. Egypt’s Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter’s Basilica
7. China’s Great Wall
You may not recognize each of the seven wonders, and you may also question some of the choices. What would your choices be? Think about it for a minute.
One quiet student seemed to be having a problem as she worked on her list. “What’s your problem?” they asked her.
“It’s difficult to make up my mind. There are so many things to think about,” she replied.
“Read us your list so far and we’ll help you with it.” Here is her list:
1. To see
2. To hear
3. To touch
4. To taste
5. To feel
6. To laugh
7. To love
The room suddenly went silent as the students realized how they had truly overlooked the simple, amazing wonders that we all take for granted.
All of the items on the student’s list are God-given wonders that most of us enjoy every single day of our lives. All of the choices on the group’s list are man-made, with the exception of one, and most of us will never see many or any of them. The man-made wonders were designed and constructed using the marvelous brain that God designed and gave to each one of us.
One more God-given wonder is your never-dying soul that God has lovingly given to you so that you may spend eternity in heaven with His beloved Son Jesus. However, He holds you responsible for a decision you must make. After your time here on earth is over, your soul will spend eternity in one of two places—heaven or hell. If your sins are forgiven, the happiness of heaven is where you will be with Jesus who loves you and died for you. If your sins are not forgiven, the total darkness of hell is where you will spend eternity in anguish and remorse with the devil and his angels. The Bible says, “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
What is your decision?
If you choose life, you only need to tell the Lord Jesus that you are truly sorry for your sins and that you believe that He died for you and made God’s necessary payment for your sins when His blood was shed. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that [hears] My word, and [believes] on Him that sent Me, [has] everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
There’s nothing more to do and nothing to buy.
MEMORY VERSE: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24
"No Talking in Class"
It was exciting to receive an invitation to Mark’s birthday party. In just a few days some of the boys in Mrs. Lopez’s third-grade class were supposed to go to Mark’s house after school for a game of football and some cake and ice cream.
When Mark’s birthday finally came, it seemed as if the math, reading, spelling and other lessons would never end. The boys were more interested in whispering about the fun planned at Mark’s house after school.
One of Mrs. Lopez’s schoolroom rules was, “No talking in class.” One penalty for breaking the rule was to be kept after school. This is called a detention.
When the bell rang at 3:30 to dismiss school that day, Jordan couldn’t go with them because he had to stay in school. In his excitement, he had disobeyed the “no talking in class” rule and was serving his detention.
God’s penalty for sin is far more severe— “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20). The Bible tells us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). He is coming soon to take all the boys and girls and men and women whose sins have been washed away to be with Himself in heaven. If you, a sinner, have never had your sins washed away by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be left behind.
Mrs. Lopez was kind and let Jordan go after about fifteen minutes, and he ran all the way to Mark’s house, getting there in time for most of the birthday party. The football game had just started.
Accept the Lord Jesus right now so you won’t be left behind when He comes again. “The Lord ... is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). He is still waiting for you now, but He is coming very soon—maybe even today. After He comes to take His own to heaven, you will have no more opportunity to be saved. Make sure that the Lord Jesus is your Saviour right now, so you won’t be left behind. Jordan had a second chance to go to Mark’s birthday party, but we cannot promise that you will have another chance to be saved.
“Now is the accepted time ... now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Shrieking Shrike
“Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?” Isaiah 40:28
Among the birds the Creator has placed throughout the world, there are more than fifty varieties of the shrike. They are usually about the size of a blue jay, and all of them eat nothing but flesh, including insects, snakes, small birds, mice and other rodents.
While most of them have feathers of black or brown with some white underneath, there are three unusual ones—the woodchat, with a brilliant red top on its head; the gray-headed, which has gray on the front of its head, changing to green on its back and tail with a soft-yellow underside; and the plumed helmet, with a white feathery plume above the back of its head.
The great shrike is the most common in North America, with a ten- to fourteen-inch body and a wingspan of more than a foot. Its strong, notched bill is equipped with a sharp, hooked point like other birds of prey. As with other shrikes, it nests in trees or shrubs where a cup-shaped nest is lined with feathers, fibers and hair and sometimes decorated with old snakeskins.
These birds use high, exposed perches as vantage points. They have pretty, warbling songs, sometimes mimicking other birds. But a harsh, shrieking call is made when a victim is spotted, and then, swooping down swiftly, its catch is made in midair or on the ground and is promptly killed.
Since its claws are not strong enough to carry its prey any distance, it usually hangs it on a nearby support. This may be a large thorn, the sharp point of a broken branch, or the barbs of a wire fence. There it tears its prey to pieces and eats what it can, taking some to its nest of babies and leaving the remainder for another meal. This is how it got the nickname “butcherbird” and also why it is an unpopular bird to many people. However, farmers are always glad to have them nearby, knowing they are a help in destroying harmful insects, mice and other pests.
Perhaps the Creator provided the shrike to benefit people in this way, for God’s first thoughts concerning the creatures of earth are toward man. The Bible says, “God created man in His own image ... and God blessed them, and God said unto them ... have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that [moves] upon the earth” (Genesis 1:27-28).
The Bible also tells boys and girls to “remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). How important it is to remember Him not only as the Creator, but to know Him as your own Lord and Saviour. Is this true of you?
Try Digging Holes
Why are those men digging big holes near the river? Have they lost something?
Yes, they certainly have. They have lost fresh water, and there is no water to drink or to bathe in or to use for cooking. What has happened in the land of Egypt?
Moses told Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to let God’s people leave Egypt, and Pharaoh said, “NO!” But Pharaoh did not know that you can’t say “No” to God and get away with it. God doesn’t take “No” from anybody—not then, not today and not ever! God could have killed all those wicked people in Egypt easier than we kill mosquitoes, but our God is merciful and gracious and slow to get angry.
God sent the Egyptians warnings first, and the first warning was turning the water of the Nile River into blood. The fish died and the whole land smelled awful! The pools and ponds were full of blood, and the buckets of water in their homes had turned to blood too. No wonder they dug holes to try to find water. What else could they do for a drink? There were no soda pop or coffee machines back then.
It was a whole week before the sparkling river water flowed again, and then they were busy cleaning up the mess. Even so, God had not forgotten about Pharaoh’s “No.”
Then God sent frogs, millions of them! Frogs in the fields, in the houses, in the beds, in the cupboards and in the mixing bowls. “That’s nothing,” said Pharaoh’s magicians. “We can do that too.” And they did, BUT ... they couldn’t make the frogs go away!
Pharaoh had his share of frogs too, and he begged Moses to take them away. “When?” asked Moses. “Tomorrow,” said Pharaoh.
Don’t you wonder why he didn’t say, “Today”? And we wonder, Why not come to the Saviour of sinners right now, today? There was a tomorrow for Pharaoh, but there might not be one for you. The Bible warns, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1).
Moses let Pharaoh’s answer stand, and the frogs returned to the river the next day, except the ones that had already died. So Egypt had another smelly, clean-up job. But God was not finished.
And since you are reading this story, God is not finished with you either. If you have troubles today, you may also have more tomorrow. He is speaking to you, because He loves you and wants you! That’s why He sent His beloved Son Jesus to die for you. He wants you to come to Jesus right now to be washed clean of your sins. Will you say, “Yes”?
The next trouble God sent to Egypt was lice, tiny, biting lice—in their hair and on their bodies and everywhere. “This is the finger of God,” said the magicians. “We can’t copy this!” Lice are very tiny, but the wisest man in the world cannot make a live one. “This is truly the finger of God. What shall we do?”
In the morning, Moses had the same message from God for Pharaoh, “Let My people go!” Maybe Pharaoh was tired of hearing that same message, but he still wasn’t ready to obey.
Are you ready to obey God? Will you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour today? “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
You may read about Pharaoh not wanting to obey God in Exodus chapters 7 and 8. As you read, remember that God has said, “I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the Lord, I change not.” Malachi 3:6
Are You Thirsty?
In parts of Egypt and other Eastern countries, water does not come out of faucets like it does where most of us live. It has to be carried home in jars or buckets from wells or other sources. In larger towns, there are water carriers who carry a large tank of water on a cart. They go down the streets selling the water to anyone who will buy it.
To attract people’s attention, the carrier will call out in his language, “Thirsty ones, come and drink!” This is much the same as what the Bible says in Isaiah 55:1: “Ho, every one that [thirsts], come ye to the waters.”
However, the water carrier sells the water he carries. This is different from what Isaiah says in the last part of the verse: “And he that hath no money; come ye, buy ... without money and without price.”
Often the water carrier meets groups of children playing in the streets. They are thirsty, but they don’t have the money to buy his water. Some of us live in cities where the ice cream truck comes down the street on hot summer days with ice cream to sell. But unless we have the money, we can’t buy the ice cream.
In those desert countries, sometimes someone will buy the thirsty children water to drink. And sometimes a friend here will buy ice cream for a child who doesn’t have the money. These kind people offer the water or ice cream free to the children! It has already been paid for.
This is the true message of the gospel—Christ has paid the price—the water of life that He offers you is free!
“Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17).
“Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Look Out-A Rattler!
“The wicked are estranged ... speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent.” Psalm 58:3-4
Rattlesnakes are common throughout North America. Of the forty-seven kinds, the largest and deadliest is the eastern diamondback. Some are as long as eight feet and as big around as a man’s forearm. It is one of a group known as pit vipers. This name comes from two cone-shaped pits located in front of and below each eye. These are sensitive to heat radiated from animals, and this is how it locates them in the dark. During daylight it depends more on keen sight and smell; its flicking tongue helps to pick up odors.
The first “button” on a snake’s rattle grows about ten days after birth, and a new one is added each time it sheds its skin. Usually this happens as often as six or eight times a year.
The rattler’s reputation is worse than it deserves. Its main interest in life is to find food, and it does this as quietly as possible. It prefers to hide when a large animal or a person comes along. Unless taken by surprise or provoked, it will seldom attack. But when surprised, it coils its body and is so tense that its tail vibrates rapidly, making the buttons rattle. Its striking action is so fast that the human eye cannot follow it. Two long, hollow fangs pierce the flesh and inject poison into the wound. Small creatures die quickly; larger animals seldom die but have severe pain. When humans are bitten, a medicine (antivenin) is available in every area of the country. Without this medicine, severe pain and even death could result.
The rattler has numerous enemies, including many large birds and animals, and even some snakes will attack it. Its life is not an easy one. In Proverbs 13:15 we are told, “The way of transgressors is hard,” and Galatians 6:7 says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man [sows], that shall he also reap.” Often a boy or girl whose life is full of rebellion has found this to be very true. How good it is when they pray this prayer: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10).
Although rattlesnakes do a great deal of good in killing rats, mice, gophers and other harmful rodents, they still are vicious creatures. We are reminded that the Bible refers to our great enemy as “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which [deceives] the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). But the Lord Jesus, who gave His life on Calvary and destroyed the works of the devil, will turn all who believe on Him “from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins” (Acts 26:18). Have you been delivered from the power of Satan’s darkness and been brought into the wonderful light of Christ’s salvation?
Changed Hearts
Two young friends were both named Eduardo. These two boys were in the same class at school, and both were nine years old. They liked many of the same things and often played together.
But there was one big difference between them. One Eduardo had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and his parents were Christians too. The other Eduardo said, “I don’t believe in God because my dad says, ‘There is no God. He doesn’t even exist!’”
One day the unbelieving Eduardo’s mom and dad had a big fight. His dad told his mother, six-year-old Maria and Eduardo to leave their home. He ordered them to “get out and stay out!” But they had nowhere to go.
When the Christian Eduardo’s parents heard this, they invited the three of them to stay with them in their small apartment until the mother could find a job and a place where they could live. Two months later they were still there, jobless and homeless.
During that time, the Christian family had continued with their daily Bible readings and prayer time and included their three guests. The seeds of love and truth were being sown in the hearts and minds of their guests. “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth” (Romans 1:16).
Maria listened eagerly to the stories they read from the Bible. There was something else that interested her. Before each meal, this family bowed their heads and thanked God for their food.
One day Maria asked if she could thank God for the food. The Christian family said, “Yes,” and little Maria was happy and prayed in a very simple way.
Through the love and kindness of this Christian family and the precious truths they shared from the Word of God with Eduardo, Maria and their mother, all three came to the Lord Jesus to have their sins washed away in His precious blood shed on Calvary’s cross. How happy everyone was!
But after two months of staying with this Christian family who lovingly cared for them, the children’s mother felt they could no longer stay there and be a burden to them. She decided to ask her husband to keep Eduardo and Maria.
As the mother walked to their house, she was afraid. Would her husband still be so rough and angry? But the Lord had been working in his heart too. He said to her, “I don’t want just the children. I want you to come back too.”
Now as the children’s father sees the happy change in his wife and family, his heart is softening toward the gospel message. We can all pray with this family that the father will soon accept the Lord Jesus as his Saviour too.
“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” (Luke 18:27).
MEMORY VERSE: “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27
What Time Is It?
When I was a little boy, an older boy came to our house to take care of me while my family was away for a few hours.
We went outside so I could show this boy our tall maple trees, our apple and plum trees, and our swing set. All these things were special to me.
“Big deal,” was all he said.
Then I showed him our cats, my dog and my sisters’ pony.
He wasn’t interested.
I remember slowly coming to understand that this boy didn’t like me.
We went into the kitchen. He stood looking at the clock. Turning to me he said, “You don’t even know how to tell time, do you?”
“Of course I do,” I lied.
“I don’t believe you,” he answered.
“It’s easy; anyone can do it,” I said.
Then he said, “If it’s so easy, tell me what time it is.”
I looked at the clock. There were three hands of different sizes. I saw the little one moving fast, and the other two not moving at all. I heard a steady tick, tick, tick. What it all meant, I didn’t have a clue.
“3:30,” I guessed.
“3:30 I wish! It’s only 2:00. I knew you didn’t know how to tell time.”
I don’t remember anything else about that afternoon. I only remember that I was ashamed that I got caught lying. That was one of the sins that Jesus washed away when I accepted Him as my Saviour many years later.
That older boy asked me if I knew how to tell time, and the truth is I didn’t know how. Now I have a question for you about time. What time does God want you to receive His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour?
If you don’t know, I can tell you. It’s RIGHT NOW! Not at 2:30 or 11:30, but RIGHT NOW! Now is the time to receive the Lord Jesus and have your sins forgiven. The Bible tells us, “Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
If you are already saved from your sins, that is wonderful. I have another question for you. When is the best time to live to please the Lord Jesus?
When I am finished playing with my friends? No. Maybe tomorrow? No. Now? Yes.
Now is the time to be saved from your sins if you have not already done so. Now is also the time to please the Lord Jesus if you are saved. Now is the most important time in God’s thoughts for us! Tomorrow could be too late.
Do you know what is going to happen tomorrow?
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Monster Fish
“Take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money.” Matthew 17:27
Across the Pacific Ocean the Mekong River flows through fields and hills of northern Thailand, and it is here that a huge fish, called plaa buk, provides the natives with some fishing thrills each year.
A full-grown plaa buk is six to nine feet long and may weigh six to seven hundred pounds. Though it looks like a small whale, it is a member of the catfish family, and its grayish-pink smooth skin has no scales. Much of its weight is in its massive wide-mouthed head, from which its body tapers down to a large upright tail.
To catch one of these fish, natives travel together in a group of large dugout canoes. They spread a huge net between two canoes starting at one shore, with another net between two more next to them and one or two more nets and canoes if needed, until they spread across to the opposite shore. The canoes drift slowly downstream. A net is the only way to catch one of these monsters, since fishing lines would immediately break.
After a plaa buk has been caught in one of the nets, the crews are busy making sure it doesn’t escape. The net is drawn to the shore, and then floated to a riverside dock where there usually are some excited men, women and children waiting to see the action. They hope they may be given a piece to take home, for this fish is considered a very tasty treat.
Ropes are attached to the net, and strong men pull the fish from the water onto dry land, where the audience gets a good look at it before it is killed and cut up for carrying away.
Sometimes these fish are divided among the people, with the fishermen rewarded with the largest portions. But not always. Restaurants in nearby cities will pay a good price for this meat, which they serve to customers who will pay high prices for it. Some restaurants will pay as much as $1000 for just one fish—giving a native more money than he could otherwise earn in a whole year’s time. It is easy to see why these fish are usually sold rather than eaten in native huts!
The Lord God who arranged for a fish to bring a piece of money to Peter (see the opening verse) is the One who knows all the fish of the world. He is their Creator and has placed them in the waters to serve His purposes. He knows all about you too: “Doth not He see my ways, and count all my steps?” (Job 31:4). David also wrote, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker” (Psalm 95:6). Have you ever knelt down before your Maker and worshipped Him?
No Return
The sun was setting over the Atlantic Ocean near Sandy Bay, Saint Vincent. I was standing on Esford’s front steps, leaning against the wall and listening as he told me a very interesting story.
In 1986 he owned a boat, and he and four other men planned to take a trip to Saint Lucia. This is the next island north of Saint Vincent. The trip would be about twenty-six miles across open water. The purpose of the trip was to buy vehicle parts for Mr. Charles, a local Christian from another village and one of the five who would make up the boating group. The trip was scheduled for Thursday evening.
Early that Thursday morning Esford rode his motorbike into the city of Kingstown to run errands and to pick up the necessary travel documents for himself and the other four men. The roads then weren’t as good as they are now, and the drive would have taken two or two and a half hours on a motorbike. Even today it is still a hilly, coastal road with continual twists and turns and hairpin curves.
Having gotten the documents, he was on his way back to Sandy Bay on that same twisty road. A jeep in front of him was driving very slowly, and Esford turned on his signal to show that he was going to pull out and pass the jeep. However, there was another man on a motorcycle directly behind him who did not see his turn signal. This motorcycle intended to pass both Esford’s motorbike and the jeep. Both bikes pulled out at the same time, and as a result they collided. Esford was thrown off his motorbike, and although he hit his head and was bruised in several places, he was not badly hurt.
The accident happened in front of a friend’s house. This friend was a mechanic and made a few adjustments to the motorbike, and Esford was able to continue on his way home.
At first he thought he would still go to Saint Lucia as planned. However, as the time for leaving drew near, he began to wonder if he should take the trip. He discussed it with his wife, and she coaxed him not go to. Since he had hit his head in the accident, she was concerned that something might develop that would need a doctor’s attention. Esford agreed, as by then he wasn’t feeling just right. He decided to cancel the trip for himself and made arrangements for the others to take his boat without him.
At the appointed time, the other four men got into the boat and were ready to push off. Just then, Esford’s cousin David came down to the beach to help with the push-off. The four men in the boat encouraged David to come along in place of Esford. They would be gone for a couple of nights, and he could stay with friends in Saint Lucia. So he decided at the last moment to go.
The five men made it safely to Saint Lucia and went about their business. On Saturday, they again boarded the boat for the twenty-six-mile return trip.
Later Saturday evening, another boat landed at Sandy Bay that had left Saint Lucia that afternoon. The men in this boat asked if Esford’s boat had docked safely, since they had seen it leave a while before they left. When they were told that it had not arrived yet, everyone became concerned.
The Saint Lucia boat returned to sea to search for Esford’s boat, but they found nothing. Sadly, to this day, neither the boat nor the five men have ever been found. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2). “Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12).
Nobody knows what happened. Did they capsize? did they drown? were they hijacked? Whatever happened out there on the open water, only God knows. You can well imagine that it was a very sad day in the community of Sandy Bay. The lost men left behind wives and families. David, Esford’s cousin who had taken his place in the boat, left a wife and five children. And sadly, he had not accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. We can only hope that he cried out to God for his soul’s salvation in his last moments of life.
All that Esford could say at the end of the story was, “God knows what He is doing and has His way in everything.” He added, “There is surely a purpose behind it.”
David took Esford’s place in the boat not knowing what the end result would be. But the Lord Jesus came into this world and took my place on the cross, knowing that it would mean giving up His life and shedding His blood for my sins so I could go free. He took my place! Can you say the same?
If you had been in that boat, where would you be now? Would you be with the Lord Jesus in heaven? or would you be in a lost eternity?
MEMORY VERSE: “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12
God's Amazing Plan
It’s been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made fish, birds and animals ... all before creating Adam and Eve, our first parents. He made and provided what we humans would need to live before any of us were born! And He continues to provide what we need to this very day.
“My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Sea Horse
“Sing unto the Lord, all the earth.... Declare His glory among the heathen; His marvelous works among all nations. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.” 1 Chronicles 16:23-25
The oceans contain strange creatures, many of them frightening, strange and unusual. The sea horse is one of these. It is a bony fish that doesn’t look or act like a fish. It is quite common along the coasts of North and South America, as well as in Hawaii, Tahiti and others of the South Sea Islands. Among the fifty species, there are some as long as two feet, but the more common are only about three inches long. Most are dark gray or black, but some are a pretty pink, red, yellow, blue or white. All are able to change their color to match their surroundings.
The sea horse is well named since its head and the top of its body look surprisingly like a miniature horse. Instead of scales, it is covered with rough, bony plates. Its curved tail enables it to anchor onto sea grass or, hooked to another sea horse, to have a playful tug-of-war contest. Each eye pivots separately, and it can look toward the surface with one eye while searching underwater with the other.
The sea horse swims upright—head up and tail down. In this position it keeps itself balanced and moves by means of a fan-like fin on its back. This fin looks similar to the small propeller that whirls on the tail of a helicopter and enables it to swim forward, backward, up or down.
Another unusual feature of this ocean resident is the manner in which its babies are born. When the female is about to lay her eggs, she swims to her male companion and transfers about three hundred eggs into a pouch on his body. He incubates these for a month or more, until they hatch. Then, held in bubbles containing fifty to a hundred eggs each, he releases them out into the water. As the bubbles burst, the tiny, transparent, comma-size babies separate, and each one begins a life on its own.
God has been pleased to make the sea horse very different from its neighbors, not only in appearance, but also in its peaceful habits. It has no enemies because its hard, bony plates make it unappetizing no matter how hungry they are. Its own diet is limited to small shrimp, tiny fish, crustaceans and plankton.
The wonderful works of the Lord surely deserve the highest praise, as quoted in our opening verse, and should encourage every boy and girl to seek Him. The psalmist said, “The Lord is [near] unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth” (Psalm 145:18). If you have not done this yet, call on Him today. He will hear and answer you.
Boys and Snakes
Dear Children,
Hello again from Grampa and Gramma. Just recently some of our grandchildren came to visit us and stayed with us for three days. They sure had a lot of fun with our dog Wesley. He followed them everywhere they went. When the two boys climbed a tree, Wesley sat there and waited until they came back down. If they walked along the creek, Wesley was right beside them, splashing in and out of the water.
Mitch asked me, “Grampa, do you have any snakes here?”
I replied, “Yes, we have lots.”
“Are they poisonous, Grampa?”
“No, Mitch. We have garter snakes and big black water snakes, which are five or six feet long.”
Mitch exclaimed, “Wow! That’s big!”
So I said to Mitch and Ethan, “Do you know that snakes are mentioned in the Bible?”
“Yes,” they replied, “and they are called serpents. Our Sunday school teacher told us that.”
The very first mention of serpents is found in Genesis 3:1. That’s where we read that the serpent, or the devil, also called Satan (he has several names) is talking to Eve, Adam’s wife, our first parents. Satan is telling Eve a lie! This is the very first lie in the Bible. God calls Satan the father of lies. You can read this in John 8:44. Notice the words of the Lord Jesus: “He [Satan] is a liar, and the father of it.” Wow! So we can see that telling lies is not something new.
Lying is a sin against God. Have you ever been in trouble because you told a lie? Children, all sin must be punished by God, even what we call a little lie. Because the Lord Jesus Christ loves us so much, He willingly laid down His life on Calvary’s cross for you and me. His blood that was shed there can wash us clean from every sin, including lies. He became our substitute, if we will believe by faith that He took the punishment that we deserve.
If you know and understand that you need to accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, don’t wait until tomorrow! God doesn’t promise any of us that we will have a tomorrow. He says, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1).
Mitch and Ethan found lots of snakes, played with them, and then let them all go. Wesley watched them closely and may have been wishing that he could have one to play with too.
Mitch and Ethan and Wesley really enjoyed the time together. But, the fun times come to an end. The boys had to go home, and their home is a long ride from our house. These two young boys have both trusted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and they would say to you,
Come to the Saviour, make no delay;
Here in His Word He’s shown us the way;
Here in our midst He’s standing today,
Tenderly saying, “Come.”
Let all the children now hear His voice;
Let every heart make Jesus the choice;
And let us freely trust and rejoice;
Do not delay, but come.
Lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
Following Directions
Eight-year-old Larry asked his mother for permission to burn the papers in the trash can out in the backyard. Since it wasn’t windy, his mother told him to go ahead. She knew his father had talked with him about fire safety and had taught him how to use matches safely.
Seeing his mother watching him from an upstairs window, Larry waved to her. As the trash started burning she went back to cleaning the bedroom.
Only a few minutes later, his mother heard Larry screaming! She dashed back to the window and saw Larry rolling in the grass with his pant leg on fire. She raced downstairs and outside to Larry. By the time she reached him, the fire on his clothes was out. He had followed the directions his father had explained to him, and that may have saved his life.
God our Father has given us “safety instructions” in the Bible because He loves us and wants you and me to spend eternity with Him in heaven. First off, He warns us that we are sinners and cannot go to heaven if we are still in our sins. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Then He explains that we cannot get rid of our sins by anything we try to do. “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses [good works] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). In other words, we cannot settle this problem of our sins by ourselves. He also warns that all sin must be punished. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Each of us will be punished for our sins after we die unless God’s substitute has already taken that punishment for us. Then He explains who that substitute is. God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to take the punishment for our sins in our place, if we will accept Him as our Saviour. “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28).
Won’t you follow God’s safety instructions right now and accept Jesus as your substitute and Saviour before it is too late?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Those Marvelous Muscles!
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.... In Thy book all my members [body parts] were written.” Psalm 139:14,16
Everyone is aware of muscles. There are over four hundred in the body, although we are completely unaware of some of them. Some can be easily seen, like those in our arms, and others can be felt when they become sore after strenuous exercise. Probably the most important muscle in our body is the cardiac muscle that pumps blood through the body thousands of times a day. Do you know the name of that muscle?
Without muscles you could not blink or move your eyes. Muscles open your mouth and move your jaws as well as move your tongue around in its many activities. You turn or tilt your head with muscles, and every smile or scowl is produced by muscular actions. Food is moved down your throat to your stomach by muscles. The action of the stomach and much of the remaining digestive system is also under their control. Without their help you could not use a fork, sew a dress, hammer a nail or play the piano. Feet, legs, arms and fingers would be useless without muscles, nor could you sit in a chair or even get out of bed. Walking requires the use of about three hundred muscles, and just standing uses one hundred forty-four back muscles to keep a person from falling.
Some muscles, called skeletal muscles, only work when the brain instructs them. Others, the smooth muscles, act on impulse. All consist of thread-like fibers, blood vessels and tissue, bound in bundles and enclosed in a tough membrane. Upon command from the nervous system, these provide the strength for their specific job. When God created man, He designed every muscle perfectly and gave each one its own power plant through chemical energy. Calcium, potassium and other chemicals that come from our food help supply this energy.
The Bible tells us that God created man’s body: “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.... God is greater than man” (Job 33:4,12). Man’s body was made complete in every detail the day he was created by the Lord God. Sickness and death of the muscles and the rest of the body have come into the world because of sin. But the time is coming when those whose faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ will be given perfect bodies: “We look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be [made] like unto His glorious body” (Philippians 3:20-21).
Isn’t this a wonderful promise? But it is made only to those who have had their sins forgiven because they have trusted in the Lord Jesus and the work of salvation He completed on Calvary’s cross.
Have you accepted Him as your very own Lord and Saviour?
A Miracle at a Wedding
Who should be included on the guest list? That’s a question for every wedding and for children’s parties too. Get out the paper and pencil, and we’ll make a list of whom we will invite.
The Bible has a wedding story, and, of course, there was a guest list. Do you know whose name was first on the list? Jesus! And His disciples were invited too. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was there already. Maybe she was a helper.
If you have a party, you can’t have Jesus on your guest list, because He has gone back to heaven. But He has left us one thing. Can you guess what it is?
A picture of Himself? A statue to worship? A big stone church?
Oh, no! He has left us a wonderful book. Do you know what it is called? You are right if you said, “The Bible.” Sometimes this book is loved, and sometimes it is hated more than any other book on earth. Do you have a Bible of your very own? Do you read it? At the end we’ll tell you where you can read this wedding story in your Bible.
They ran out of wine at the wedding. Mary said to Jesus, They have no wine to drink. It’s hard to have a wedding party without anything to drink. They had six big, stone waterpots, really big ones, but it seems they were empty too. Jesus told Mary that His time was not yet come.
You and I can understand that too, because when we ask Jesus for a treat, sometimes He doesn’t answer us right away. That’s because it’s not His time, and His time is always perfect. It’s good just to trust Him and wait.
Mary said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it!
Jesus spoke to the servants and said, Fill the waterpots with water. That was not easy to do, because you remember they were big, stone pots. But they obeyed Jesus with no complaints. They filled them up to the brim!
Then Jesus said, Draw some out and take it to the man in charge of the feast. Water? Just water? Jesus had never done any miracles before, so they had nothing to remember. They did exactly what Jesus said, and they brought some to the feast-master. But what he drank wasn’t water—it was wine! Those waterpots weren’t full of water now; they were full of wine!
The feast-master didn’t know anything about where the wine came from, but the servants knew. He was an important man, but those servants knew something he didn’t know. They knew Jesus and that He had turned the water into wine—a miracle!
Do you know Jesus? He will not turn water into wine for you, but He will wash away your sins if you ask Him. He can do that because He suffered on the cross for those very sins. Maybe you think you don’t need Him. Do you know where those sins will take you? They will take you to hell! But right now, because He loves you, Jesus offers forgiveness through His precious blood. “Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man [Jesus] is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 13:38). Forgiveness for your sins is far more wonderful than turning water into wine!
The feast-master called the bridegroom because he wondered why he had kept the good wine until last. The Bible doesn’t say it was better or best, but GOOD! There’s nothing to be compared with the good that Jesus gives. It’s not better; it’s good! There is nothing in all the world’s joys to be compared to the joy that’s found in Jesus. His wonderful love will never end!
Maybe if you grow old you won’t be able to run and jump as you do now. But the good joy that Jesus gives will still be there in big supply, and it won’t end if Jesus calls you to heaven. Heaven is a place full of joy, because Jesus is there.
You may read this story in your Bible in John chapter 2.
MEMORY VERSE: “Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.” Acts 13:38
The Lost Money
A few summers ago we spent a weekend at a cottage by a lake. All of our children and grandchildren were with us. They all had a good time jumping off a large, inflatable dock into fifteen feet of water.
William, one of the dads, had stuffed a carefully folded fifty-dollar bill into his bathing suit pocket. In the fun of pushing and shoving each other off the dock, the pocket with the money in it became torn. At the end of the afternoon, William noticed that the money was missing from his torn pocket.
William called his two boys aside and told them about the lost money. They decided to pray about it, with faith believing what God has promised in Luke 11:9-10: “ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh RECEIVETH; and he that seeketh FINDETH; and to him that knocketh it shall be OPENED.”
After they finished praying, William swam out to the floating dock and dove into the clear water. When he came back up to the surface, he had the lost money in his hand!
After returning to shore, he said to his sons, “Let’s kneel down and thank the Lord for helping us find the money.”
For the whole family—children, parents and grandparents—that answered prayer was a wonderful lesson on the readiness of the Lord Jesus to answer quickly when we need help right now. If you were to ask any of the children who were there that day, “Does God answer prayer?” they would probably answer, “Yes He does, and sometimes very fast!”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Is It a Mule, an Ass or a Donkey?
“Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle.” Psalm 32:9
Those familiar with work animals would have no difficulty answering the question in our title, but most of us would have a hard time telling these animals apart. Let’s study them a little.
The mule has a donkey for a father and a horse for a mother. Except in rare instances, a mule cannot be a father or a mother—a donkey and a horse are almost always the parents of a mule. But when we reverse the parents—the father is a horse and the mother is a donkey—then the offspring is called a hinny, although it looks just about the same as the mule. Rather confusing, isn’t it?
The Bible mentions mules many times. Even kings rode on them and people gave them as gifts to Solomon. They are about the size of an average horse, but have larger heads, much longer ears, tufted tails and smaller hooves. They are more surefooted and work more slowly than horses. In fact, they are very stubborn and can’t be hurried.
Mules are common throughout the world, especially in Asia and parts of Europe. They make excellent pack animals over mountain trails. The United States Army used thousands before modern machinery was developed.
How about the ass, which is also mentioned in the Bible? The names “ass” and “donkey” are given to the same animal; the male is also called a “jackass” and the female a “jenny.” Although they have bigger ears, they are smaller than most horses.
In the Far East the ass still takes the place of a horse and is preferred by riders. They are also used as pack and work animals. Jesus rode on one: “Behold, thy king cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass” (Zechariah 9:9). You can read this interesting story in Matthew 21.
With few exceptions, asses (donkeys) and mules are stubborn and want to do things their own way. Because of this and the frequent need to use a whip with them, as well as with some horses, we are counseled in the opening Bible verse not to be like them. Instead, another Bible verse says, “With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:7-8). Another verse says, “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves” (Psalm 100:2-3).
When we walk before the Lord as stated in these verses, we need no whip nor bridle and will find how much He loves to bless us.
A Dog That Climbs Trees?
Dad and Mom were having an early breakfast when they saw something unusual. Sitting up in their tree was a dog eating berries! At least it looked like a dog. It had gray and rust colored fur on its back and a white underbelly. It was a very pretty animal, with a pointy nose, big ears, bright eyes and a long, furry tail.
Dad said, “I think I’ll get my camera and take its picture.” The activity frightened the animal, and it climbed down the tree and ran away.
The next morning the family looked for the animal again. This time there was a young one and a full-grown one. The big one climbed the tree and started eating berries. The little one ate the berries on the ground. Dad got a good picture of them that morning, and the family took the picture to the police station.
They asked the policeman on duty if anyone had ever seen these dogs before. “Oh, yes,” the police officer said. “These are gray foxes. They are found in desert places and around rock piles. They often sleep in trees to get away from coyotes, other foxes and even dogs, all of which can’t climb trees.” They learned later that these gray foxes have strong, hooked claws that allow them to scramble up trees. When they come back down, they usually jump from branch to branch or slowly back down like a house cat does.
The Bible tells us a little about foxes. In Song of Solomon 2:15 it says, “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” The owners of grape vineyards do not like foxes, because they will eat the grapes right off the grapevines.
Besides eating fruit, gray foxes eat mice and rabbits and other small rodents. The foxes will climb up on rocks to watch for these smaller animals as they scurry around down below. Even though foxes are pretty animals, they are sly and sneaky and also wild and fierce. They don’t make good pets.
Foxes that can climb were known back in Bible times. Nehemiah 4:3 tells us that two men, Sanballat and Tobiah, were making fun of the Israelites who were building a wall to protect their city. Tobiah said, “Even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone wall.” But these two men were wrong, because the Israelites did build a strong wall.
Some of the prophets in Ezekiel’s time told the Israelites things that were evil and frightened them. The Lord God said, “O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts” (Ezekiel 13:4). Those prophets were being sly and sneaky, just like the foxes.
Do you wonder why God tells us about these animals? Perhaps to remind us that being sly or sneaky is for the foxes and not for boys and girls and grown-ups that know how to please the Lord Jesus. There are several verses that God has given us to tell us how we should behave. “Let no corrupt communication [telling lies] proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good” (Ephesians 4:29). Anyone who belongs to Jesus should always be honest and truthful. Another verse has a good reminder for us: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).
Can each one of you remember to be honest, kind and forgiving this week? That would really please the Lord Jesus, who was always kind, loving and good.
MEMORY VERSE: “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good.” Ephesians 4:29
There Is No "If"
Taylor and his mother were looking at a children’s book of Bible stories. The story about Noah had a big picture called, “Noah Entering the Ark,” which Taylor found very interesting. He could see the animals, birds and Noah and his family going into the ark. His mother explained that they were all escaping to safety from the flood that God was going to use to punish the people on the earth.
“What if the ark had wrecked and it sank?” asked Taylor. “Then everybody in the world would have been drowned!”
“That couldn’t happen, because God was in control,” his mother answered. Then putting her arm around Taylor she added, “There is no IF in John 3:16, Taylor, when God says, ‘Should not perish.’ Can you remember that verse?”
Taylor repeated the verse slowly, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
“God means what He says in that verse,” his mother continued. “If you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and take Him as your Saviour, you will be safe, just like Noah, his family and all the animals were safe in the ark. There is no IF, Taylor.”
How true this is! God says to all who trust in Him that they shall have “everlasting life,” or, as it says in another verse, they “shall be saved.” It is also true the opposite way. To those who choose not to believe, Psalm 1:6 says, “The Lord [knows] the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.” There is no IF about that either.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou SHALT be saved” (Acts 16:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Cheerful Ovenbirds
“The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the Lord shall rejoice in His works.” Psalm 104:31
Ovenbirds were not named because they are baked in ovens, but because their nests look like an old-fashioned baker’s oven. There are many varieties of ovenbirds throughout North and South America. In North America they are found only east of the Rocky Mountains. They are all noted for their lovely songs, especially when a bright moonlit night brings them out to sing in groups.
Bird watchers admire their unusual oven-like nests. However, it takes much searching to find one since they are well hidden. The nests look like ovens or igloos and are constructed with twig-supported mud or clay, with a small opening on the side. Usually they are built right on the ground, up against a fallen tree and near a pile of brush or leaves. They are so well hidden that a person may walk right past one and never see it.
When a male ovenbird wants to attract a mate, he puts on quite a display. With wings and tail spread out, he hops around with his head bobbing up and down excitedly. If a female is impressed, they are soon busy building a nest. This is done very carefully. As it progresses, if they are not pleased with any part, they will remove that section and do it over.
After the eggs are hatched, the mother carefully protects her chicks. When she leaves them for any reason, she stays close to the ground to avoid letting the nest be discovered, running like a mouse for a good distance before taking to the air. When she returns, she does the same.
South American ovenbirds are found in the northern part of the continent, some in deserts, some on ocean shores and others in mountains as high as 16,000 feet above sea level. These usually make their nests somewhat differently from their North American relatives, although following an oven-like pattern. One variety seems to prefer being near people and even makes its nests in plain sight. They are often built snugly on top of a fence post or stump.
Who taught these unusual birds to build such elaborate nests and how to raise and protect their young? Who gave them such sweet songs? Of course it was the Lord God, their Creator, of whom the Bible says, “O Lord, how manifold [what variety] are Thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all” (Psalm 104:24). None of the birds or animals is aware that they are always watched over by their Creator, but we who experience His daily love and care to us should always thank Him. The psalmist declared, “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men” (Psalm 107:8)! Have you ever thanked Him for His love and care?
Jimmy Thought No One Was Watching
There’s a verse in the Bible that says, “Thou God seest me” (Genesis 16:13). When you think about the fact that God is watching everything you do, does that make you a little uneasy, or are you always okay with that? I’m sure each of us would have to admit that, because of what we were doing or what we were watching or saying, sometimes we would be uneasy. Here’s a story about 10-year-old Jimmy who found out that not only was God watching him, but his parents were too.
One day Jimmy was at the store with his mother, and he took something that didn’t belong to him. We all know that is stealing. Jimmy also knew that what he did was wrong, because he quickly hid it in his pocket until he got home.
When Jimmy and his mother got home, he went straight to his bedroom and shut the door. Then he took his stolen treasure out of his pocket. As he unwrapped it, he looked forward to a big bite of what he thought would be a candy bar. But when he took that big bite, he almost gagged! He didn’t know until then that what he had taken was a bar of cream cheese instead of a candy bar. It was a BIG disappointment!
Now he had the problem of figuring out how to get rid of it. He put it back in his pocket and then quietly left his bedroom and headed out to the backyard. From there he went out to the back pasture. He figured that would be far enough away that his parents couldn’t see him.
Back there in the pasture was a big pile of rocks. He took out a few rocks, stuck the bar of cream cheese into the hole and covered it up with the rocks. Now he could wipe his hands clean, go back to the house and be happy like nothing had happened.
But something was bothering him—his conscience. That little voice inside his heart was telling him he had done something wrong, and Jimmy wasn’t happy. He went back to his bedroom because he didn’t want his parents asking him any questions.
Have you ever taken something that didn’t belong to you? Or maybe you told a lie, answering quickly, “I didn’t do it.” What about using a swear word around your buddies to sound grown-up? Maybe you thought you got away with it, but God has written down all these sins after your name in His book. Jimmy thought he got away with hiding his sin under the rocks, but God had other plans for him.
Jimmy had wise Christian parents. They had seen him quietly sneaking out of the house and later going back to his room to be alone. They knew he must have done something wrong, and they loved him too much to let it go.
Soon there was a knock on Jimmy’s bedroom door. When he opened the door, his dad was standing there. In his hand was that bar of cream cheese with the end opened where Jimmy had taken that awful bite. Jimmy was found out; he couldn’t hide his sin anymore. And, of course, he had to be punished.
Every one of us has sinned, and you may be sure that God has seen every single sin. The good news is that He still loves us. He loves us so much that He punished His own dear Son for the sins of any person who will simply believe on Him, admitting to Him that he or she is a sinner and needs to be forgiven. He says in Jeremiah 31:34, “I will forgive their iniquity [sin], and I will remember their sin no more.”
God is waiting to forgive you and to have you truly happy with a clear conscience when you hear the words, “Thou God seest me.” Will you come to Him right now for forgiveness and know that all your sins—past, present and future—are gone forever?
If you are a believer but have done something wrong that is making you unhappy, like Jimmy was, confess it to God and to whomever you have been hiding it from. The Bible tells us, “He that [covers] his sins shall not prosper: but whoso [confesses] and [forsakes] them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13) ... and a clear conscience.
MEMORY VERSE: “Thou God seest me.” Genesis 16:13
The Foolish Fish
Uncle Bob enjoyed his boat, and he loved to be out on the water in it. Something else he loved was fishing. One day he was out fishing with a friend and he exclaimed, “This is like a dream come true ... the whole bottom of the boat is full of fish! They are so plentiful today, I think they’d bite at anything.” To prove his point, he ripped up a paper plate, baited his hook with a piece of it, and, you guessed it, in a few minutes he’d caught a fish! The two friends had a good laugh over the foolish fish.
Now, have you ever been like that fish that got caught with a piece of a paper plate? Sometimes when we are with our friends, we do what the others are doing just because everybody’s doing it. As a Christian, you and I should stop to think and to ask ourselves the question, Will this thing that I’m doing please the Lord Jesus, who paid such a tremendous price to save me from sin and to deliver me from this present evil world? Exodus 23:2 plainly instructs, “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.”
Don’t be like the fish that took that worthless bait. Feed on the Bible, the Word of God. It has only good food for you, and there aren’t any hooks in it either.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Goldenrod and the Gallfly
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
While most plants flower in spring or early summer, goldenrod doesn’t make its pretty display until late summer or early fall. It is usually seen along North American country roads, at the edge of farmers’ fields, in meadows or on hillsides. Those who enjoy its deep-yellow flowers are sorry that it carries a bad name. People who are allergic to plant pollen often experience the worst of their hay fever problems in late summer when the goldenrod begins blooming.
Actually, its technical name of solidago means “to heal or make well.” Perhaps it was given this name before present-day medicines were available and when bandages for cuts and injuries were frequently made by pressing goldenrod leaves against painful wounds. When early settlers did not have tea or coffee available, they sometimes used goldenrod leaves as a pretty good substitute. As a further item of interest, both Kentucky and Nebraska have made it their state flower.
An interesting benefit of this plant, as designed by the Creator, is to help many insects at a time when other flowers are no longer available. It is an important source of pollen to some insects, while to others the seeds and petals provide valuable food. Bees, butterflies and moths come to it, some even crawling into its flowers to keep warm on cool fall nights. Some lay their eggs in the blossoms.
One insect that finds a very special use for goldenrod is the gallfly. Females ready to lay their eggs repeatedly puncture some of its main stems, placing an egg in each hole along with a fluid that causes a “gall” to form. A gall is a lump about the size of a cherry. The egg inside this gall soon hatches into a larva and through the winter develops further into a pupa (chrysalis). In spring the pupa sheds its cocoon and, being very hungry, chews on the nourishing gall. As its body develops, it gains enough strength to butt against the tough outer skin of the gall until it breaks through and then flies away as a mature gallfly.
How interesting to see how the Creator has provided in such an unusual way for this little fly to start its life. It seems natural for us to be impressed with things of great splendor, but often the Lord speaks to us through little things such as this.
As the Bible verse at the beginning reminds us, the Lord is good to all His creatures, but His care goes out to mankind with a special love. This includes you and me, whether we are small or great. It is only through this care and love that “we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Let us thank Him every day of our lives for this wonderful love and care.
A Daring Niagara Falls Rescue
What were the two policemen doing just sitting in their boat? Didn’t they know that just ahead was the edge of the great Niagara Falls?
You would have seen a strange sight if you had watched from the shore of the Niagara River that Saturday morning in June. Soon a helicopter was seen coming and then hovering over the boat. It looked like those two policemen needed to be rescued.
And that is just what was happening. The police boat had been accidentally caught in the fast flowing water. The two policemen had put out their anchor, and their boat was now stopped just nine hundred feet above the falls. The boat engines were not strong enough to move the boat against the strong river current. They needed to be rescued and soon! How long would the anchor hold in those swirling, rushing waters? No one knew, and they didn’t want to find out.
The helicopter overhead brought a rescuer to the two policemen. While the helicopter hovered, Shawn Black of the Niagara Parks Police dangled from a long line and dropped two rescue harnesses into the boat for the men. All they had to do was put a harness on, and the helicopter would lift them up and out of danger and place them safely on the shore.
The men would have been foolish to ignore the rescue harness. It was all they needed. They didn’t need any special lessons or books about safety. They only needed to do what they were told and to put on the harnesses. It was simple.
Do you know that God also has a rescue harness for you and me? The Bible tells us, “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to save that which was lost” (Matthew 18:11). He wants to rescue us and has done everything possible to save us. It really is simple. He is God’s “rescue harness” for boys and girls.
Maybe you are asking, “Well, just what did Jesus do?”
The Bible says it this way: “The Son of God [Jesus] ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). God punished Him on the cross for my sins. He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). He paid the full price for my debt of sin. So now He is the only one who can be the Rescuer from heaven.
Any sinner would be very foolish to ignore God’s rescue harness. But, of course, some boys and girls don’t think they need it. Can you rescue yourself from your sins? Can you wash your own sins away? No, of course not!
I am glad to say that the two policemen quickly put on the harnesses, and soon the helicopter lifted them up, one at a time, away from the boat that was filling with water. I’m sure they will never forget the morning they were rescued from going over Niagara Falls!
I know I will never forget the evening when the Bible showed me how the Lord Jesus wanted to rescue me from all my sins. That evening I thanked Him for taking all the punishment for my sins and for rescuing me and putting me on the happy road to heaven.
Maybe there is a boy or girl reading this who has a few foolish ideas about how you can save yourself. Just throw away those ideas, and come to the Lord Jesus in God’s way—the only way. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of Man is come to save that which was lost.” Matthew 18:11
Queen Victoria's Dolls
Children of all ages love to play with dolls. Girls, and even boys, have played with and collected various kinds of dolls for hundreds of years. Queen Victoria of England played with dolls until she was fourteen years old. She owned dozens and dozens of dolls and had made clothes for more than thirty of them. She especially liked small wooden dolls, one to twelve inches high with jointed arms and legs, called “penny dolls.” She collected more than a hundred of these. She also had a dollhouse where she kept many of the smaller ones.
Queen Victoria became queen at the age of seventeen, but she still loved her dolls and dollhouses. Since the queen was so fond of them, thousands of other people wanted dolls and dollhouses too. Toy makers were kept busy making them. It is strange but true that whatever a king or queen or any important person does, other people want to follow their example.
As a Christian boy or girl, are you setting a good example for others to follow? What we do and say affects others, even if we don’t realize it. We can’t try to please the Lord Jesus by ourselves; we must ask Him to help us each day. “I can do all things through Christ [who strengthens] me” (Philippians 4:13).
If you are not a Christian, then you cannot please the Lord Jesus and set a good example. Have you come to Him as a hopeless, lost sinner and believed that His precious blood washes away all your sins? If you haven’t, do it today, and then with His help you can shine like a light for Him in this dark, sinful world.
“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and [evil] nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Playful Prairie Dog
“God that made the world and all things therein ... giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” Acts 17:24-25
The prairie dog lives in the western part of North America, from Canada to Mexico. It is not actually a dog; it is a rodent in the ground squirrel family. The dog part of its name comes from its shrill warning bark that sounds like a dog’s bark. It is a plump little animal, about a foot long with coarse, grayish-brown fur. It has teeth like a beaver’s to help it gather grass, its main food.
Early pioneers found millions of prairie dogs in the western states. But their population has been greatly reduced since they were considered a serious pest. Farmers found much damage to their alfalfa and grain crops, because prairie dogs ate not only the plants but the roots as well. Early cattlemen did not like prairie dogs because of their burrows. A running horse or cow that stepped into an open burrow often broke a leg. But their burrows provided a great benefit, allowing moisture to penetrate the soil. This prevented floods and water runoff that would otherwise wash topsoil away. It was all part of God’s design in providing balance in the things of creation.
Prairie dogs are sociable animals and live in colonies. They dig their homes by tunneling straight down for twelve feet or more. At the bottom, they dig out several rooms. An emergency exit is always provided, with another tunnel slanting upward to within a few inches of the surface. This is their escape route. If an enemy gets into their burrow, they scamper up this emergency tunnel and quickly dig through the remaining soil and get away.
The entrance to each burrow is topped with a mound of dirt to keep water out. Prairie dogs sit upright on these mounds, yipping back and forth to their neighbors. When outside of the burrow, one is always the “watchdog,” and when he sees anything alarming, he gives several sharp barks. The others immediately dash to their burrows and disappear—all except the male of each family. He sits with his head out so he can see what’s going on and barks continuously. When the whole colony is barking like this, it makes quite a racket.
In the northern prairies, these animals hibernate after fattening up during the fall, but in the south they remain active year-round. Pups are born in the spring, and in about a month they are the size of chipmunks and are full-grown by the end of summer.
The burrows and tunnels of prairie dogs are strongholds (safe places) for them. There is a better stronghold provided by God for those who accept His Son as their Saviour. The Bible tells us “the Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7). Is He your stronghold?
The Woodsman's Story
The two men in this story, back in Bible times, were in a forest where trees grew tall and had strong, wooden trunks, with green leaves at the top. They were the same as the trees we have today. God never changed His method of making trees or people or animals, because He made them right the first time.
Each of these woodsmen had an axe, and each man planned to chop down a tree. Maybe the wood from these two trees was going to be used for building something or maybe it would be burned as fuel for cooking fires or keeping warm. But here’s what happened.
One man raised his axe with a mighty upward swing of his arms, and, without warning, the head of his axe flew off and struck and killed his friend instantly! There was no hope for the woodsman lying on the ground ... he was dead!
The man swinging his axe never intended to do this. It was an accident. But how was he going to prove it?
There were no police in those days—only a person called “the avenger of blood.” This person might be the dead man’s father or brother. And as soon as the dead woodsman’s relative knew that his son or brother had been killed, he would be very angry and begin looking for the person who was responsible.
We do not know the thoughts that went through “the avenger’s” heart, but we all know something of the angry thoughts in men’s hearts today. Men’s hearts have not changed. Anger was active then, and anger is just as active now.
How was the poor woodsman going to escape? He knew his dead friend’s angry relative would be looking for him to kill him in return.
However, God knew all about this before it happened, and He had made a plan for people who had accidentally killed someone. God chose six cities in the land of Israel, and they were called “Cities of Refuge.” Today we might call them “Cities of Protection.” God made sure that there was a good road to each of those cities, and everybody knew about them.
“Run, man, run! Don’t waste a second! If the avenger relative finds you before you get to the protection of one of these cities, he might kill you!”
The woodsman would be safe inside the closest city of refuge until the judges met together to find out if he really planned to kill his friend or if it was an accident. What would the decision be ... yes or no? Of course, the judges could make a mistake, but in most cases it was clear ... the killer must die! But the man whom the judges decided had killed accidentally would be safe in the city of refuge, and no one could harm him. How long would he be safe? Until the death of the high priest. Then he could go home again safely.
Can you put yourself in that story? We are sure God wrote it for you and me, because Romans 15:4 tells us, “Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning.” Have you ever sinned because you wanted to, even when you knew it was wrong? Then RUN! Don’t waste a second!
But where shall I run? There is no city of protection now, and I know God is angry with me!
Here is the biggest surprise of the story. You have sinned against God, so run to the very God you have sinned against! He will welcome you with open arms, because He gave His Son to die in your place. You will be safe forever, because God Himself will have no punishment for you since He loved you enough to pour that punishment upon His Son Jesus. It was “the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
If you are without Jesus as your Saviour, God’s judgment will find you unprotected, and God will not make any mistake.
You may read this story for yourself in Deuteronomy 19.
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
Tommy's Smashed Toe
Tommy was eleven years old, and he had learned the verse, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). Now Tommy liked to swing on the gate in their basement. Even after his dad told him not to swing on it, he did it just once more. It was really fun. Then ... SMASH! ... the ride ended when Tommy’s big toe hit the cement wall ... OUCH!
His toe really hurt a lot! During the night it hurt so much that he couldn’t sleep. The next morning it hurt even more when he walked on it, and he had to limp. His disobedience could not be hidden. That day his parents had to take him to the hospital where the toenail on that smashed toe had to be removed.
Although Tommy is a grown man now, he still has trouble with that toe. It continues to remind him that when we disobey, we don’t get away with it. There is a price to pay for all sin. Have you learned this verse: “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23)? It’s a very good one to remember.
Any of you boys or girls who know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, do you want to do what will please Him? This command is important to carry out: “Obey your parents.” It is so serious that it is written in the Bible twice. We have already given you one reference—Ephesians 6:1. The second place is in the Book of Colossians, which only has four chapters. See if you can find it.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Tragedy in the Ocean
“As the fishes that are taken in an evil net ... so are the sons of men snared in an evil time.” Ecclesiastes 9:12
Some man-made articles are causing real trouble and tragedy for some of the oceans’ residents. Many sea animals, birds and other creatures become entangled in fishing lines, nets, plastic bags and plastic holders from six-pack cans of beverages. These often result in painful injuries, sometimes long-lasting, and even deaths. We have also heard of the damage oil spills cause to ocean and shoreline wildlife.
What is happening? Along comes a whale, porpoise or seal and, not seeing a fishing net, swims into it and is soon entangled. The more it struggles, the more it is entangled and cannot swim to the surface for needed air. The result? It drowns.
A thoughtless person in a boat throws a plastic bag overboard with a few scraps of food in it, and it eventually sinks below the surface. If it is a large bag, a seal interested in the food might poke its head into the bag and not be able to pull back out. Even a small bag might resemble a jellyfish or something else to eat. A seal or porpoise may swallow it and it sticks in its throat. In either case the victim is almost sure to die.
Naturalists have seen more than one of these ocean swimmers who have gotten a plastic holder caught around its head, but no matter how much it struggles it cannot get rid of what has become a tight collar around its neck. Climbing on a rock or lying on the sand, eventually it also dies.
When God placed man upon the earth, He made him responsible over the rest of His creatures, including the fish of the sea. Sadly, sinful man is often careless or cruel to God’s creatures. But there are kind people who spend a great deal of time freeing such victims. One group is called the Whale Hotline. They travel by boat to a captured whale, dolphin or seal on the ocean surface, gently approaching it and freeing it after hours of hard work. Sometimes it may be just one or two people who feel sorry for a trapped creature and do this job.
Sometimes a sea lion or porpoise will be found ashore with a band of plastic around its throat so that it cannot eat. Kindhearted people, with guns that do not kill but put the animals to sleep, gently cut the collar away. Waking up, the animal is free from its trap.
King David prayed, “In Thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed.... Deliver me speedily.... Pull me out of the net that they [his enemies and Satan] have laid privily for me: for Thou art my strength” (Psalm 31:1-4).
Let us look to God, because only He can save us from the evil nets and snares of the devil.
Have You Ever Been Lost?
Dad turned the van into the driveway, left the engine running and opened the doors. Five busy boys tumbled out into the night and ran to the house. Mom gathered up the baby, the diaper bag and a few other packages and followed the boys. Neither Mom nor Dad noticed that three-year-old Luke had fallen asleep in the back of the van and was still sleeping there. Dad started back to the mall to lock it up and to do a little cleaning inside, which was part of his job.
As long as the engine was running, Luke continued to sleep, but shortly after Dad had parked and left the van, he woke up. Realizing he was alone, Luke climbed out of the van and ran to the mall. But the door was locked.
The door to heaven is still not only unlocked, but open. Don’t miss your opportunity to come to the Lord Jesus. He loves you and is waiting with open arms to receive you. “Now is the accepted time ... now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Frightened, Luke began screaming and banging on the door with his little fists, but his daddy was far down the hall and couldn’t hear him. At home, his mommy soon saw that he wasn’t with the other children and tried to call the mall, but Dad didn’t hear the telephone either.
How wonderful that our heavenly Father ALWAYS hears us when we cry to Him. And it doesn’t matter if we are a little person or a big person. He says, “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24). When Ishmael was a young boy and dying of thirst in the wilderness, God heard his cry (Genesis 21:17). When Daniel asked Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah to pray with him for mercies of the God of heaven to understand the king’s secret, God heard and answered their prayers, so the king didn’t put them to death (Daniel 2). Josiah was only eight years old when he was crowned king in Jerusalem. He must have prayed often for God’s help, because 2 Chronicles 34:2 tells us that “he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the ways of David his father, and declined neither to the right hand, nor to the left.” The Lord hears and answers prayers today just like He did in Bible times.
Luke’s mommy began to pray to the Lord Jesus for the safety of her little boy. He heard and answered her prayer in a surprising way.
Meanwhile, fearing that his daddy would never hear him, Luke began running down the busy street beside the mall. But God had His eye upon little Luke and sent a kind man to help him. The man didn’t know Luke and wondered what he should do to help this crying, lost little boy.
Remembering that the supermarket at the very end of the mall was open twenty-four hours a day, he took Luke there and asked the clerk at the service desk if she would make an announcement about him over the loud speaker.
If you are still lost in your sins, don’t you think it would be a good idea to make an “announcement” about it to the Lord Jesus? You could tell Him that you know you are a lost sinner and that you believe that He died on the cross for your sins. The Lord Jesus will forgive your sins, because He took the punishment for them so that sinners who believe on Him may go free.
When the clerk made the announcement, all the people near the service desk looked over to see the lost boy. Now God had already arranged that Luke’s uncle was in the store at that very moment buying groceries, so he went over to see if he knew the little boy. When Luke saw his uncle, he threw his arms around him, and in a few minutes a happy Luke was safely on his way back home in his uncle’s car.
David said in Psalm 86:7, “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me.” Try it. The Lord Jesus will never turn you away.
MEMORY VERSE: “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me.” Psalm 86:7
What Does Your License Plate Say?
License plates are a very important part of every car. In fact, in most places a car must have a license plate to be on the road. It is interesting to notice the colors and designs on license plates from different parts of the country. They often try to pass on a message about that area.
Have you ever watched for license plate messages? I often see a small red car with the license plate RED DOT. Recently, I saw a convertible with the message BREEZ-E! Others I have spotted have been THE GEM, D-LITE and I O LOTS. These people must want others to know that they really like their cars and paid a lot of money for them.
What would your license plate say if you could wear one—HAPPY? MEAN? KIND? SAD? Sometimes the way we are acting or talking passes on a message just like a license plate would. Our actions or talk often are easy to “read” and sometimes, sad to say, the message is not a good one. For Christians, a good license plate to wear would be one that says I’M SAVED. But it would be even better if our actions and talk showed that we belonged to the Lord Jesus. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Travelers of the Bird World
“I know all the fowls of the mountains.... The world is Mine, and the fullness thereof.” Psalm 50:11-12
Billions of birds migrate north each spring and south in the autumn. Large birds, small birds and those in between make up these numbers. Many fly in great flocks, and some make the journey alone.
Included among the great companies are the tiny Tennessee warblers, which weigh only about one-half ounce. They travel three thousand miles overland every fall from Canada and the northern United States to Central and South America and then return in the spring. The wood warbler and the blackpoll follow much the same pattern, some making an eighty-six-hour, nonstop trip over water to and from South America.
However, the greatest traveler of all is the Arctic tern. Every year it makes a flight from the top to the bottom of the world and back—a total distance of over twenty-two thousand miles!
This pretty tern is about the size of a sea gull. It has a forked tail and is completely white, except for a black cap and orange beak, legs and feet. It nests farther north than any other bird, often within 450 miles of the North Pole. There it raises its young during the spring and summer months.
In August or September the terns take off on their great trip. Most of them go to the extreme southern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and on to the Antarctic Circle. Sometimes there are millions of them in these flights. Those nesting in Labrador and Greenland always fly across the Atlantic to Europe. From there, as though there were markers showing the way, they turn south to the west coast of Africa. At the foot of Africa they turn again, flying southeast to the Antarctic region. How do they know where to turn each time?
Those nesting in Alaska and Siberia go south along the Pacific Coast to Chile and Argentina. Some stay there while others continue south to the Antarctic to winter on the ice pack. The birds remain there until April when they return north.
The tern is mainly a fish-eater. While migrating over the ocean, it will drop to the surface to catch a fish in its specially designed bill and continue on its way without stopping.
Surely these truly miraculous trips of the Arctic tern impress us as one of the wonders of God’s creation. Over the centuries it has remained obedient to the instructions the Creator God has given it. And He wants us to obey His Word too. He warns: “Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle.... Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that [trusts] in the Lord, mercy shall compass him about” (Psalm 32:9-10). If we have accepted Him as our Saviour, our real happiness will be in obeying Him.
Wesley in Training
Dear Children,
Some boys and girls, and grown-ups too, have asked us what we are training Wesley to do now. For anyone who may not know, Wesley is our Dalmatian dog that we’ve had for about a year. We started training him when he was six months old. Right now we are training him to bring the newspaper to Gramma. The newspaper is delivered down at the end of our loooong driveway, and neither Gramma nor I like to walk all the way down there in the rain or snow to pick it up and bring it to the house. So we are training Wesley to be our helper.
You will notice that I use the word “training.” It means to understand, or it can mean to learn a certain way to do things. Now, when a person joins the army, there are instructors who train the soldiers what they must do, so that there is no confusion. And in a family, the father and mother train their children. You see, boys and girls, the Bible, God’s Word, tells us about training children. Proverbs 22:6 tells parents to “train up a child in the way he [or she] should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” And so the things that you learn from the Word of God in your early years you will never forget! Gramma and I had three children, and
we taught them when they were very young that Jesus loved them and died for them and how to live to please Him. And then we all went to Sunday school together so they could learn and understand more about Jesus and His wonderful love.
Now, when you train a pet when it is still quite young, it will learn quickly and not forget. Wesley is sixteen months old, and he has not forgotten what he has already been trained to do. So now we are training him to pick up the newspaper and bring it to Gramma.
Wesley sits with Gramma on a chair, looking out the window and watching me as I walk down the driveway and pick up the paper. When he sees me start back to the house, he leaps off the chair, Gramma opens the door, and he races down the driveway to pick up the paper that I throw to him. He picks it up and proudly carries it in his mouth back up the driveway, up the steps and into Gramma’s outstretched hand. He is so happy, and his tail is wagging like crazy. Gramma gives him a big hug and sometimes a little treat.
“Grampa, how long did it take Wesley to learn what you wanted him to do?”
You know, it only took Wesley three times to understand what he was to do. On the fourth time, he carried out his instructions perfectly! You may ask, “Do you give Wesley a lot of treats?” No. He loves being obedient, and we tell him, “Good boy, good boy.” Friends who come to visit us ask if they can watch Wesley carry the newspaper to Gramma, and Wesley loves to show how it’s done. Some people have said that Wesley obeys better than some children they know!
In the Bible we read, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). Boys and girls, do you obey your parents? Are you happy to be a helper for Mom and Dad? That not only makes them happy, it makes the Lord Jesus happy too.
Lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1
Be a Helper
In the house and out of doors
Scrubbing pots and sweeping floors,
Washing, ironing, mending too;
These are things that I can do.
In the house and out of doors
Chopping wood and doing chores,
Pounding nails or driving screws;
These are things that I can do.
I’ll do it all for Jesus,
I’ll do it all for Jesus,
I’ll do it all for Jesus,
For He’s coming very soon.
Ways of Travel in Bible Times
Check the following references to find the ways of travel that were used in Bible times. Then find them in the word search. Look up, down, diagonal, backwards, across—every direction. You may need to use a ruler. Circle each answer in the diagram.
One of these ways of travel may surprise you. It is recorded only once in the Bible.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Mongoose-A Snake Killer
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11
Over thirty species of mongooses are found in the jungles of Asia, Africa and southern Europe, but many have been introduced into some Caribbean and Hawaiian islands. The common mongoose is about sixteen inches long and has stiff yellowish-gray hair that is grizzled with brown and black. Its small ears are set behind sharp eyes on a pointed head and nose. Some species are night hunters while others feed in the morning and evening and rest during the heat of the day. Though they are fierce fighters, they can be easily tamed. These curious animals are attracted to shiny or brightly colored objects and, like pack rats, place many such things in their nests.
Although not immune to poison, they don’t hesitate to attack vicious snakes. Much like the roadrunner bird, a mongoose will slowly circle around a snake and then make a swift attack. The snake strikes back, but the attacker dodges easily and tempts it again and again. Each time the snake becomes more tired, and finally the mongoose kills it. The Indian and gray mongooses are often tamed and used by exhibitors on street corners in India to stage fights with deadly cobras. The mongoose is always victorious, and the owner makes a living with the coins tossed to him for his pet’s performances.
Mongooses mostly feed on insects, crabs, earthworms, lizards, snakes, chickens and rodents. Some also eat crabs and other shellfish. The banded mongoose, which is two feet long from its nose to the tip of its tail and has thick brown and tan fur, is one of these. After catching a shellfish, it stands on its hind legs and hurls its catch to the ground, breaking the shell so it can get at the meat. This species also has an unusual way of eating large eggs. Standing with a rock behind it and holding the egg in its front paws, it tosses the egg backward between its hind legs, smashing it against the rock, and then turns around to eat it!
This little animal is another example of the pleasure the Creator has in the variety of living creatures He has brought into being. Those who love the Lord God can share His pleasure by recognizing that He created all things and by believing His Word, the Bible, which is the only source of all that is true.
Reading the Bible every day helps us to understand the wonders of God’s ways and to see why He tells us, “I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil” (Jeremiah 29:11). Have you thanked Him for His thoughts of peace and love toward you?
One Last Breath
Dorcas Dublin lived in a small, well-kept house in Brighton Village, on the island of Saint Vincent. When I first visited her, she was an elderly lady who had known the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour for many years. Since that first visit, I have been in her home several more times. One afternoon as we sat talking, she told me a most interesting story that I have never forgotten.
For many years Dorcas worked as a nurse in the hospital in the city of Kingstown. As she cared for her patients, she tried never to miss a chance to tell them about Christ, the Saviour of sinners.
One evening as she was making her last rounds for the night, she noticed a young, twelve-year-old boy, lying on his cot, who seemed to be unconscious. She felt a sudden need to try to reach the boy with the gospel. As she remembered later, the Spirit of God must have been nudging her, and she’s so thankful she obeyed.
Not knowing whether the boy could hear her or not, she bent over his weak, sick body and began to recite gospel verses from God’s Word, the Bible. She hoped that if he could still hear, the verses would lead him to the feet of the Saviour who loved him and died for him.
Here are some of the verses that she recited to the boy: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Finally, she repeated the well-known words of Paul and Silas to the jailor in Philippi. The jailer had asked the question, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). Leaning over close to the boy’s ear and speaking very slowly, Dorcas repeated the answer in verse 31: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
As she straightened up, the boy opened his eyes, looked straight into her face and said, “Nurse, I believe.” And then he closed his eyes, took one last breath and died.
As I listened to Dorcas telling me this account with tears streaming down her face, I remembered that God is certainly a God of love and mercy. And yet I also realized how real eternity is and how important it is to be saved. The dying boy in Dorcas’s care had one last opportunity to be saved in his final moments on earth. Boys, girls and grown-ups, never assume that this will be the case with you! The only time God promises to you is NOW! The Bible faithfully and plainly states, “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
If you are not trusting in Jesus, then receive Him RIGHT NOW! The coming of the Lord Jesus is very near, and you do not know how long you have to live. This may be your last chance!
A bumper sticker on a car in front of me caught my attention. This is what it said:
“Those who wait until the eleventh hour to be saved,
Usually die at half-past ten!”
Remember, the best thing in this life is to be ready for the next life.
Are you ready?
MEMORY VERSE: “What must I do to be saved? ... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:30-31
Crafty Ginger
The family had enjoyed a delicious dinner of fried chicken. The children wiggled and shifted on their chairs as they waited. They, as well as their dog Ginger, knew the routine—a chapter read from the Bible and prayer after the meal. Petted and spoiled as she was, Ginger had some manners. She sat during the dinner fairly patiently, only now and then licking her chops and whining softly to let them know she was there. After dinner the table was cleared, the chicken bones collected in a paper bag and everything taken into the kitchen.
At last the family kneeled down for prayer. In an instant, Ginger was heard padding across the kitchen floor right to the bag of bones. Rattle, rattle, crunch, crunch! Ginger paused and scampered back into the dining room for a peek. Yes, still on their knees! She hurried back to the bones before prayer time, her “safe time,” was over. Naughty Ginger!
“She thinks she’s a person,” laughed one of the children. “She acts like a bad girl!”
We smile at Ginger’s crafty trick which got her a good scolding. But are not our own ways just as foolish? Can we hide a lie or naughty deed from God? “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3).
Ginger’s family chuckled at her tricks, but does God think our sinful ways are funny? “Fools make a mock at sin” (Proverbs 14:9). There are no “cute little sins.” Our loving Saviour had to bleed and die for every single sin. When this lesson was realized by one little girl we know, she exclaimed, “Oh, Mommy! Did He do that for ME?” Have you understood this wonderful truth that He died for you? Have you come to the Lord Jesus to have your sins washed away?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Don't Get Near the Portuguese Man-Of-War!
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, [walks] about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith.” 1 Peter 5:8-9.
The ocean-living Portuguese man-of-war is actually a deadly jellyfish. Its beautiful colors are deceptive. Its most visible part, called the crest, is usually a transparent pink, and its body is a bright blue, about eight to twelve inches across. Deadly tentacles (seen only underwater) trail as long as sixty feet below its body. These are covered with thousands of stinging cells containing poison almost as deadly as a rattlesnake’s.
The air-filled crest provides a sail and also helps keep it afloat. But if frightened, the crest deflates, and immediately the jellyfish drops below the surface. When the danger is past, it again pumps air into the crest, and it continues sailing, propelled by the wind.
Some varieties catch their prey by shooting out stinging harpoons, paralyzing the victim and then swallowing it. The more common ones, however, rely on fish bumping into a tentacle and being instantly poisoned by the stinging cells.
Many enemies do not bother the Portuguese man-of-war, but big loggerhead turtles are an exception. These turtles are not afraid to swim right into the tentacles, tearing off bites that they swallow without harm. The turtle does feel the stingers on the soft parts of its body, but it apparently considers the meal worth a little pain.
The man-of-war has an amazing companion that travels with it. A small fish, by the name of nomus, swims among the tentacles without being harmed, picking off scraps of food stuck to them. Swimming in and out of this den of poison, it tempts larger fish to chase it into the tentacle trap where they cannot escape. The relationship of these two unusual companions is another example of how the Creator often uses two dissimilar creatures to help one another.
Swimmers should stay away from these vicious creatures, for they can inflict serious and even fatal stings. Even if a beached man-of-war appears to be dead, avoid it, for its stinging tentacles are still dangerous.
This deadly resident of the sea reminds us of Satan, our great enemy! Just as the man-of-war appears attractive but conceals its deadly poison from view, the devil never tires of trying to deceive every person. The Bible warns us in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that he is capable of appearing as “an angel of light,” deceiving those who discover too late that they are caught in his deadly poison.
The Bible gives the safeguard against this enemy: “The fear [reverence and love] of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death” (Proverbs 14:27). Trust in Him at all times, and when Satan’s temptations come, ask the Lord Jesus to help you turn away from them. Only He can give you the strength to do so.
A Miracle for a Blind Man
The man’s name was Bartimaeus, and his father’s name was Timaeus. Bartimaeus was blind, and he spent his life as a beggar. He sat beside the dusty roadway outside of Jericho and hoped people passing by would give him a coin or two. In Bible times, there weren’t jobs for blind people to earn money like there are today. Begging was all Bartimaeus could do.
One day as Bartimaeus sat beside the road, he heard the shuffle of many feet. A crowd was coming. What was going on? Then he heard someone say it was Jesus of Nazareth coming!
He had heard of the town of Nazareth, but there wasn’t much good to be said about it. Bartimaeus didn’t care about the town, but he did care about the man Jesus. He had heard of the miracles that Jesus had done, and now He was coming down the road near where he was sitting!
Bartimaeus called out, Jesus, Thou son of David, have mercy on me! The people near him told him to be quiet. But there was real faith in his heart and he knew his need of Jesus. No one could stop him, and he called out to Jesus again, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me!
Do you have a need of Jesus? You probably know that He was born in a stable, grew up and died on a wooden cross. But do you know more than that about Him? Have you ever heard that He loves you? Do you know that He is the Son of God and that He came into this world to save you from your sins? That is why you need Him ... to save you from your sins and give you eternal life. You can call out to Him just like Bartimaeus did. And He will answer you, just like He answered Bartimaeus.
When Jesus heard Bartimaeus’s call, He stood still. Then he commanded the people to bring Bartimaeus to Himself. The people quickly told Bartimaeus, Be of good comfort. Rise! Jesus is calling you! The blind man threw off his coat, got up and quickly went to Him.
What do you want Me to do for you? asked Jesus.
Bartimaeus answered, Lord, that I might receive my sight.
Jesus answered at once, Go your way ... your faith has made you whole. Instantly the wonderful miracle happened; Bartimaeus received his sight! And then he followed Jesus.
And Jesus will instantly save you too if you will trust Him. Nothing and nobody else can save you from your sins. This wasn’t just religious faith that saved Bartimaeus, and it wasn’t church faith either. It was Jesus, the Saviour of sinners. And He can do the same for you right now, because He died for sinners. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
Bartimaeus didn’t let the opportunity pass to call out to Jesus. Don’t let the opportunity pass to call out to Jesus to save you. You may not have that opportunity again.
You may read this story for yourself in Mark 10:46-52.
MEMORY VERSE: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15
Miserable Meeshka
The family had just moved to the old farmhouse in Texas, and there was lots of work to be done. Eight-year-old Robby was delighted when Uncle Mark brought over Meeshka, a full-grown golden retriever, to be their watchdog.
Robby and Meeshka had lots of fun together the next day. By bedtime that night they were best friends. But the afternoon of the third day, something was wrong. Meeshka had no energy to play. She just lay on the ground and looked miserable. Pretty soon she started to shake all over and seemed unable to stand up or move around by herself.
Mom called Uncle Mark about the dog, and he told her to call the vet. The family was sure Meeshka was just about ready to die.
Robby was really upset to see his new pet so sick. But he knew that the Lord Jesus hears and answers our prayers. The Lord Jesus promised His disciples in John 14:13-14, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it.”
“Can’t we pray for Meeshka?” Robby sobbed.
“We certainly can,” his dad answered.
So Dad, Mom, Robby, and Danny all knelt down to pray and asked the Lord Jesus to make Meeshka well again.
It wasn’t too long before they noticed Meeshka seemed better, and soon she was up and running around again. That night Robby thanked the Lord Jesus for answering his prayers. “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer [allow] the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22).
The Lord Jesus delights to answer prayer. But He would like you to know Him first. He already knows all about you, and He loves you very much. And He knows about your sins and wants to forgive them. He tells us in the Bible in 1 John 1:9 what He promises He will do: “If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
That makes it pretty simple, doesn’t it? You only need to tell Him that you know you are a sinner and are truly sorry about your sins. He does the rest—forgives you and makes you clean from every sin forever. Then He is your Saviour and true Friend. You will want to talk to Him in prayer every day, and He will answer you.
Is Jesus your Saviour and best Friend?
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Scarlet Beauty
“God created ... every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying ... let fowl multiply in the earth.” Genesis 1:21-22
In the rain forests of South and Central America and Mexico, there are many brightly colored macaws, sharing the forests with closely related parrots. One macaw is named the red and blue. Its upper and lower plumage is a bright red with patches of yellow, and its red tail is tipped with blue.
A somewhat similar one is the blue and yellow. A flock of these in flight is a beautiful sight. Among the larger ones is the Hyacinthine, which is a solid deep blue. Its unusually strong beak that has a sharp point on the upper half and extends beyond the lower half can identify it.
There are many more interesting macaws as well. But the one considered most outstanding has the name of scarlet. It is one of the largest, measuring up to three feet from its beak to the tip of its tail. This one is a brilliant ruby red with blue trimming on its wings and tail feathers. On some the trimming includes green and yellow. Looking down on several scarlets in flight, with wings outstretched and tails straight out, they almost look like pieces from a rainbow in their bright contrasting colors—a beautiful sight!
Macaws resemble parrots in appearance and habits and, also like parrots, are inclined to be noisy. They all have big appetites and have been provided by the Creator with powerful beaks that can easily crack open the hardest seeds and nuts. Most of them hold their food with their feet while breaking it into pieces with these strong beaks. Like chickens and most other birds, they have no teeth but from time to time swallow grit or tiny pebbles into their gizzards, which break down the solid food into needed nourishment.
All macaws and parrots have strong, short, flat tongues which, along with their strong beaks, are used to grasp branches to pull themselves up or sideways to move around. However, when one is tamed, it will never bite its owner, but may just give a playful nip to his ear or cheek.
Macaws do make nice pets and can be taught to say a few words, but we do not expect them to know about their Creator who is always watching over them. Thanks to God’s Word, the Bible, we know His many kindnesses, and we should always be grateful for His care over us. It is important that we be especially thankful for the Saviour’s love in giving His life on the cross so that we may have our sins forgiven. He loves you and will forgive your sins and be your Saviour. You only need to come to Him in simple faith.
Is He your Saviour?
Waiting Till the Last Minute
It was Saturday morning. It was also the last day of the month, which meant that it was the last day for many people to have their cars inspected. As we drove down Wheaton Avenue, we saw a long line of cars waiting along the side of the road. There were new cars and old cars, big cars and small cars, cars with one person in them and cars with whole families inside. All of them were there for one purpose—to get through the inspection station before it closed at 1:00 that afternoon.
As we crossed the next street, we looked down that long block and saw more cars waiting in line. The owners had all waited until the last minute to take their cars in for the yearly inspection. Most of us have done the very same thing—waited until the last minute to do something when we’ve had plenty of notice.
I’m too busy to do that school project right now. Anyway, there’s another whole week before it’s due.
Early this week Dad asked me to cut the grass since we’ll be gone for the weekend. What’s the rush? Think I’ll wait till Friday afternoon.
Mom told me to clean up my room ... but she didn’t say when.
God has warned us that our sins will keep us out of heaven. It’s a matter that each of us should settle with Him right now. But we always have excuses. I’m too busy. What’s the rush? He didn’t say when. But God does have a deadline. And there is a terribly serious penalty for anyone who misses it. “Cast ye that unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 25:30).
As we passed that long line of cars at 10:30 in the morning, Earl just shook his head. “Those cars have at least a four-hour wait, and the deadline is 1:00.” Some of those people were not going to make it through the inspection station before it closed. They had waited too long to come. They had let many days go by with one excuse or another. Now they would have to pay a penalty.
The matter of your sins is far too important to put off for any reason. God has not told us exactly when His deadline is. He has told us that His Son Jesus will be returning soon (no date given) to take back to heaven with Him all who have been cleansed from their sins. He warns us, “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of Man [Jesus] cometh at an hour when ye think not” (Luke 12:40).
Are you ready? Have you been cleansed from your sins? If not, why are you waiting? The Lord Jesus died on Calvary’s cross, paying the penalty for the sins of every person who will accept Him as his or her Saviour. If you will come to Him now, you won’t have to pay the penalty for your sins. But if you wait any longer, you may be too late. God’s deadline could be today!
Those drivers waited too long! Don’t you wait too long!
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
MEMORY VERSE: “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” Luke 12:40.
The Greedy Pigeon
Every day a pigeon came to our feeder. It was always alone and always stayed for a long time eating birdseed. It wasn’t satisfied with the seeds on the ground but would fly up to the feeder, hang onto it and flap its wings to spill the seeds out onto the ground. Then it flew down to the ground again to pick up every seed it could find. This was certainly a greedy pigeon, and this routine went on for many days. Sometimes one of us would walk slowly to the place where all the seed had fallen, and eventually the pigeon would fly away.
Proverbs 15:27 tells us something about being greedy, because people can be greedy too. It says, “He that is greedy of gain [troubles] his own house.” Another word for greedy is selfish, and we all have known selfish people. Selfish boys or girls always want to be first in line or want to have the best of everything. Sometimes they will push and shove others out of the way to get what they want, and some won’t share. Do you like people like that? Probably not. Because other boys and girls don’t want to be around them, greedy or selfish children make trouble for themselves. That’s what the last part of the verse means when it says “troubles his own house.”
And that’s what the greedy pigeon was doing. One day I saw it being very bold and very greedy. Then I had to run some errands and was away for a few hours. When I came back home, I could see a very large bird in the yard by the feeder. When I looked closely, I discovered it was a hawk, and on the ground around the hawk were feathers—pigeon feathers! That hawk was just finishing a pigeon dinner. The greedy pigeon spent so much time eating seeds on the ground that it didn’t look around to make sure there were no enemies nearby, and it got caught. Its greediness made trouble for itself.
This is a lesson not only for children, but for grown-ups too. It’s easier to learn not to be greedy or selfish when we are young. Usually parents and teachers will remind us when we are being greedy or selfish. The Bible has another good verse that will help us to be fair and nice to everybody. “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32). That will make you happy, and that will make the Lord Jesus happy too.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Useful Gourd
“The Lord God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head.” Jonah 4:6
The Creator could immediately prepare that gourd for Jonah, but if you were to plant gourd seeds, it would take much longer to have a gourd. Perhaps you are acquainted with this unusual “fruit” that is ready for picking in early fall. Some are covered with warts and some come with pretty colors and designs and different shapes. They can either be raised in your home garden or purchased at a store.
Growing on the ground like squash or pumpkins, gourds have been popular around the world for centuries. However, they are seldom used for food as the taste is far too bitter. We use them mostly for decoration. After ripening, a curing period is required before the outer skin is peeled off. Then they can be decorated, perhaps by carving beautiful designs on them before painting. Some prepared by skilled carvers and painters make beautiful ornaments for various parts of a house or perhaps to hang as a decoration along with dried ears of corn on a front door.
Musicians sometimes make large gourds into drums, rattles, or use them for the sound chamber of guitar-like instruments. Women in some southern countries make them into hats, cutting large ones in two and painting them in brilliant colors and designs. Other women in Asian countries cut large ones the same way but use them as containers on their heads for carrying articles or even for carrying water.
Other common uses for gourds are as floats for fishermen’s nets and as dippers, spoons and bowls for the kitchen. Some have even used them for wheelbarrow wheels. Others are made into birdhouses. After boring a hole for the bird to enter, these are hung from a tree branch or mounted on a pole near a house or barn.
Gourds, with their many varieties and uses, represent just one kind of plant among an endless variety the Creator has put on the earth for food or to give service and pleasure to mankind. Yet few people pay attention to the Bible verse that says, “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).
How thankful we should be for all His wonderful provisions, but most of all for God’s love in sending His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world to give His life on Calvary’s cross where He bore the sins of all who will acknowledge they are sinners and accept Him as their Saviour. If you have not yet accepted this great love, will you today? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Hannah Goes Missing
David Klamecki loved the Kankakee River in Illinois. All his life he had fished in it, swam in it, boated on it and enjoyed its beauty and the animals and birds that called it home. He was a grandpa now and loved the river as much as when he was a boy.
Late one summer afternoon he took his five-year-old granddaughter Hannah for an outing in his rowboat. She wore a yellow swimsuit and also wore inflatable “water wings” around her upper arms. Grandpa rowed the boat to the center of the river and then just let it drift with the current. Grandpa and granddaughter enjoyed passing the time in small talk as they drifted along. It was a lazy, happy afternoon for both of them.
When they drifted close to a small wooded island with a patch of sandy beach, the two saw a perfect spot to go for a dip in the river and cool off in the hot afternoon. They pulled the boat onto the beach and waded in the welcome coolness of the water. Downstream from the island was a stretch of water called “Whirlpool Bend” because of its dangerous currents, but they were far enough away not to worry about it.
They were floating in the shallow water near the island when Hannah suddenly saw her grandpa stand up and clutch his chest. A look of pain crossed his face, which she didn’t understand. Then Grandpa fell over face down into the water.
Hannah watched, not understanding that her grandpa had suffered a heart attack. It didn’t make much sense to her the way he was swimming with his head down. A current caught him and carried him downstream, away from the island.
“Grandpa, I want to come too, but the water is too deep,” she called to him.
When Grandpa didn’t answer, she took his silence to mean “yes,” and she headed out into the deeper water to join him. She didn’t really know how to swim, but her inflatable wings kept her head bobbing like a cork above the water. She looked around for Grandpa and saw him floating away.
“Grandpa, wait for me,” she called out. She tried to paddle with her arms and keep up with him, but they drifted apart and soon she lost sight of both Grandpa and the island. The current caught the little girl and swept her towards Whirlpool Bend.
Hannah didn’t know that her grandpa had died and was no longer able to respond to her calls. The inability of the very young to recognize and understand death is perhaps God’s way of protecting children from pain, but how much do any of us really know about death? If left to ourselves, we wouldn’t know much about it at all. However, God loves us too much to leave us fumbling in the dark for answers to important questions. He gave us the Bible, and in this wonderful book He explains how He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world so that all who believe in Him might receive the gift of eternal life.
In the Bible we learn that sin entered the world and left a terrible stain of sin on each of our hearts. In order to cleanse our hearts of that stain, “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). His blood shed on Calvary’s cross has the power to wash away every stain of sin. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). When boys and girls believe in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they can know for sure that they will receive a happy welcome in heaven when their time on earth is finished. However, for any who reject God’s Son, there will be no happy home in heaven. Sadly, they will pay for their own sins in the darkness of hell forever.
Hannah’s grandpa was a believer in Jesus Christ. When he died, his soul left his body and was welcomed into heaven, because his sins were washed away in the blood of Jesus.
The river carried Hannah into Whirlpool Bend. Somehow she got through this dangerous part of the river and then floated for almost another mile downriver where she was able to grab an overhanging branch and pull herself towards shore. She fell several times getting out of the river and was soon covered with mud. She wanted to find Grandma’s cottage and set out looking for it. When darkness came, she was still in the woods and curled up on the ground and fell asleep.
The next day a fisherman found the empty boat, and searchers found the body of the grandfather on the shore downriver, but they still hadn’t found Hannah. Searchers in boats went up and down the river looking for her. Other searchers looked through the woods near the river. Hannah’s family were Christians and, after the very sad loss of the grandfather, they prayed that she might be safely returned to them.
The next morning Hannah woke up and began walking. She was hungry and cold, but she continued to walk, even though walking without shoes hurt her feet.
It is not a good thing to be lost in the woods and away from the people who love and care for you. Neither is it a good thing to be lost in sin and wandering away from the Saviour who loves you and wants to care for you. He is waiting for you to call out to Him in faith so that He can forgive your sins and make you part of his family forever. Won’t you call out to Him today? “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
For two days and a night, Hannah struggled to find her grandmother’s cottage. Those searching for her did not hold out much hope that she would be found alive. On the second day she walked into a clearing right where searchers were looking for her. When they saw her, they could hardly believe their eyes. She was covered in mud and had some raspberries in her little hands. One of the searchers got on his radio and shouted, “Boys, she’s alive! She is alive!”
They rushed the little girl to the hospital where her parents met her. They were overjoyed at finding Hannah alive and knew that God had indeed answered their prayers.
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
The Wonders of God's Creation: America's Lion, the Cougar
“The wild beasts of the field are Mine.... The world is Mine, and the fullness thereof.” Psalm 50:11-12
African lions do not live in the Americas except in zoos. The American lion is the cougar, which looks similar to an African female lion. The cougar lives in South, Central and North America. It is often called by other names: mountain lion, puma, catamount and panther.
A full-grown cougar is about four to five feet long, plus its heavy tail, which is two to three feet long. It is an example of the Creator’s handiwork in its handsome appearance and ability to adapt to a great variety of environments. They live in mountains, forests, swamps, jungles and even in deserts.
In some ways the cougar is like the domestic cats that many of us have as pets. It purrs when contented and has soft, dense fur, usually a tawny color but sometimes reddish, silver-gray or even almost black. It has a pretty head with cat-like whiskers, sharp teeth, clear yellow eyes and upright ears. Its lithe, flexible body is supported by strong legs having large, padded paws. These paws are equipped with hidden claws that can be extended as needle-sharp weapons when fighting. The cougar is lord of its surroundings, fearing nothing but hunting dogs.
The Creator has given cougars excellent sight and hearing. Their food includes deer, mountain sheep, rabbits, coyotes, birds, rodents and an occasional fish. They avoid humans but have been known to kill people. Males and females live solitary lives and do not hunt together. Wandering over vast areas, they use rocky ledges for lookouts or crouch in the branches of a tree over a game trail, leaping down on a passing victim.
One to five cubs are born in the spring and are blind for ten days. Only a few inches long at birth, they soon are as cute and playful as domestic kittens. Their tawny fur has black spots, which later disappear. The mother trains them for about a year before they are on their own.
It is sad that the food supply of such a beautiful creature requires the death of others. When the Lord God created the animals, all were at peace with each other, and He “saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:25). But Adam’s sin brought death with it, as the Bible states: “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin” (Romans 5:12). Death came not only to man, but also to every creature in the world.
The Bible tells about a time that is coming when all animals will again live peacefully with each other. However, before that time, all who know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will be taken to heaven, and God’s judgment will fall on those who have refused Him. How important it is to accept Him as your Saviour and Lord now, before it is too late.
Whooooo Is the Smartest?
Uncle Bob asked the children in Sunday school a question: “Who do you think is the smartest—a mouse, an owl or Uncle Bob?”
Two of the children thought Uncle Bob was the smartest. One thought that maybe it was the owl. (Perhaps that child had heard about “wise old owls.”) The rest couldn’t seem to decide who might be the smartest.
Then Uncle Bob said, “The story I’m going to tell you only took a few seconds to actually happen, and I can’t tell it to you nearly that fast.” Here is his story.
One night well after dark, I was driving down a country road that had no streetlights. Of course, my headlights were on, and soon I began to see little mice darting this way and that across the road. Then one little mouse started running right towards my car!
Is that mouse crazy? I wondered. Doesn’t he know that this car could squish him in an instant? You stupid mouse, I thought. Are you trying to attack me? You better get out of my lane!
I had slowed down, but the mouse was still running right toward the headlights. I’m going to hit him for sure! Maybe I better run right over him and kill him; otherwise the wheel will just injure him. So I moved the car over a little so the wheel would line up with the mouse, when all of a sudden, WHAM!—a huge owl crashed into the front of the car. Feathers were everywhere!
I stopped the car but left the headlights on and got out. The little mouse was safe and unharmed under the car, but the owl was dead. Then I understood what I had not seen before.
To answer the question “Who Is the Smartest?” it was the mouse! That mouse knew all about the owl that was chasing it. If the owl caught the mouse, he would be the owl’s dinner, so he raced toward the headlights for safety.
Maybe you boys and girls have learned about owls. They fly and hunt in the darkness of night. Our Creator God has given them amazing night vision and hearing, and they fly almost silently. He designed them to be creatures of the night, and they don’t like the light. Mice are one of their favorite foods since they scurry about at night.
Now our Creator God has given the little mice certain instincts to know that owls are their enemy and that they don’t like light. That little mouse racing towards the beam of the headlights was running to the safety of the light! The mouse just made it, but the owl, intent on catching the mouse, couldn’t change direction quickly enough to miss the moving car and its headlights.
There is a lesson here for all of us. Satan, our enemy, has the power of darkness in this world. John 3:19 says, “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” As sinners, we are under Satan’s power and loving the darkness of this world that leads us away from God and His love for sinners. But God loves us too much to leave us in sin and darkness, and so He sent His Son Jesus to save us from Satan’s power. When Jesus died on the cross and then rose from the dead, He won the victory over Satan and sin and darkness! And now He says to you and me, “I am the light of the world: he that [follows] Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).
You and I no longer have to be under Satan’s power if we will turn to the Lord Jesus to be cleansed from our sins and walk with Him in the light. “God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. ... But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:5,7).
That was a pretty smart little mouse that ran to the light. And will you be a smart boy or girl and follow the Lord Jesus, walking with Him in the light? Jesus said, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide [live] in darkness” (John 12:46).
Are you walking with Jesus in the light?
MEMORY VERSE: “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness.” John 12:46
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Loggerhead Turtle
“By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth.... All things were created by Him, and for Him.” Colossians 1:16
If you were on a Caribbean island beach some dark night in early spring or late summer, you might become aware of a number of large creatures coming out of the surf. They drag themselves with much effort over the sand, higher and higher, until they are above the highest tidewater mark. These are female loggerhead turtles, and each weighs close to five hundred pounds.
Soon each one is busily scooping sand with her flippers, making a hole about seven inches wide and almost two feet deep. After an hour of this tiresome work, she will rest awhile, then place herself over this nest and begin depositing her eggs one at a time every few seconds. Usually one to two hundred are deposited and look like ping-pong balls.
Next she scoops the sand back into the hole and pats it down firmly. Then she scatters the excess sand over the area, making it look so natural that no one would suspect there was a nest of turtle eggs underneath. If you could get closer, you might see tears running from her eyes. This is a provision God gave these turtles for washing the sand out of their eyes. When the job is complete, she returns to the sea, soon disappearing in the waves.
In about two months the eggs will hatch. Before hatching, each baby turtle develops an “egg tooth” on the end of its nose. This is used to break out of the shell. It might seem they would die in their nest deep in the sand, but they work their way to the top, which might take several days. As the baby turtles come to the surface, they run as fast as they can to the ocean. Since they are only about the size of a silver dollar, they must run fast, because there are many creatures waiting to eat them. Birds, crabs, rats and other enemies chase after them, so that very few of these baby turtles make it across the sand alive. In the water there are sharks, fish of all kinds and more birds. Perhaps only six out of the whole nest manage to survive. In five to eight years, survivors reach full size. Then they are safe from natural enemies and live to an old age.
For most of us, our lives are not as full of danger as these creatures’ lives are. God has graciously provided many benefits for each of us and cares for us most lovingly. He knows all our needs and activities too. It is written in the Bible, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee” (Ecclesiastes 11:9). This is followed by the instruction, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). What excellent God-given advice this is for us to follow.
Eyes That Really See
I will make my camp here, said the king of Syria, but that’s a military secret!
But then, for some unknown reason, the children of Israel knew exactly where the Syrian camp would be. This happened more than once. Finally the king of Syria decided there must be a spy among his men. How else would those Israelites know his secret plans?
I’ll tell you how, said one of his servants. Elisha the prophet tells the king of Israel even what you say in your bedroom!
I’ll catch that Elisha, said the king, and he sent his soldiers with horses and chariots at night to surround the city of Dothan where Elisha was staying.
Elisha had a servant who got up early the next morning and came back looking scared. He had seen that the Syrian army had surrounded Dothan. He cried to Elisha in fear, Master, what shall we do?
Do not fear, said Elisha. There are more soldiers with us than with them. The servant might have argued, but he didn’t have time because Elisha began to pray—Lord, I pray, open my servant’s eyes that he may see!
Do you and I understand that it’s only by the eyes of faith that we can see the things that God has prepared for those who love and follow Him? His blessings are real indeed, but if you have not accepted God’s beloved Son Jesus as your Saviour, you do not have eyes of faith, and you will not see His mercies and blessings.
The Lord did open the servant’s eyes, and then he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha to protect him. God doesn’t tell us any more about the servant. Perhaps he believed and followed Elisha’s God, the only true God, or perhaps he didn’t.
Elisha prayed again—Lord, strike the Syrians with blindness. And immediately they could not see. Then Elisha said to the Syrians, This is not the way, and this is not the city. Follow me. And suddenly the man whom the king of Syria wanted to kill became their leader, all the way to Samaria and right inside that city of Israel. Then Elisha prayed—Lord, open the eyes of the Syrians that they may see, and they quickly discovered that they were now captives in Samaria.
It was a perfect chance for the king of Israel to wipe out the whole Syrian army, but he asked Elisha first—Shall I kill them? Shall I kill them? Now was his chance, and he was eager to get rid of this enemy!
Boys and girls and grown-ups, God is not waiting for a chance to punish you! He loves you and is waiting for you to come to Him as a poor sinner comes, feeling truly sorry for all your sins. His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, suffered and died for sinners like you and me. Will you kneel at His feet and tell Him how sorry you are for your sins and that you accept Him as your very own Saviour?
Elisha answered the king of Israel’s question. NO, don’t kill them! Give them bread and give them water, and let them go back to their master.
You and I have a faithful Creator God who gives you food and drink every day. Will you go back to Satan, your old master? Or will you gladly give yourself to God who loves you so much that He gave up His only Son to die for you? “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).
Because of Elisha’s kindness to the Syrian army, they never came back into the land of Israel. What a wonderful lesson in how to treat your enemies! “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).
You may read this story in 2 Kings 6:8-23.
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21
The Magnet
A magnet is fun to play with. It is able to pull objects to itself made from iron and steel. A magnet does not have any effect on wood, glass or even other metals such as brass and aluminum.
An ordinary straight pin used in sewing is made from either brass or steel. It is very difficult to tell them apart by just looking at the silver-colored pins. However, if you put some of both kinds in a bowl and bring a magnet close by, you can quickly tell them apart. The pins made of steel will “jump” to the magnet, while those made of brass will be left behind. They are not made of the right metal to be lifted by the magnet.
The Lord Jesus Christ is like a magnet to this world. The people are all mixed together, just like the two kinds of pins. They may all look about the same, but there are two kinds—those who love Jesus and those who do not love Him.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is going to return. All those who love Him and have their sins washed away by His precious blood will be caught up to be with Him. They are like the steel pins that are pulled by the magnet. But those who do not know Jesus as their Saviour will not be caught up when He comes. They are like the brass pins and will be left behind, shut out forever from heaven. They will never be with Jesus. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3).
When Jesus returns, will you be caught up? Or will you be left behind?
“The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
The Wonders of God's Creation: That Strange Bird, the Hornbill - Part 1
“God created ... every living creature ... and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:21
There are about forty-four varieties of hornbills living in the jungles of Africa and Asia. This strange, colorful bird is the size of a goose, having a large yellow or red saw-toothed, curved bill. On top of this bill is a reddish bony headpiece that looks like a helmet. Each variety of hornbill has its own special headpiece, which lies flat on top of the bill. One species, the rhino hornbill, has a growth pointing forward like the horn on a rhinoceros.
These unusual bills and headpieces result in the death of many hornbills since people kill them for these bony pieces. Many kinds of novelties are carved from them, including handles for knives and daggers, buckles and even small idols and tourist souvenirs. We cannot say that the hornbills are proud of their attractive bills, but we are reminded that the Bible says, “Woe to the crown of pride ... whose glorious beauty is a fading flower.... The Lord of hosts [shall] be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty” (Isaiah 28:1,5). Pride and the beauty of everything on earth will fade and pass away, but the Lord and His Word will endure forever.
Hornbills have black and white feathers on their backs and orange feathers on their breasts, throats and heads. To support their heavy bodies, they have strong legs with tough, claw-like toes on their feet for gripping the branches of trees.
These birds’ loud calls carry long distances through the jungles. The calls sound like a combination of a racing car, a human scream and crazy laughter. Their wings also produce loud booms as they fly slowly through the trees. Orangutans and other apes are attracted by these noises and will swing through the trees, following the birds. They seem to know that the hornbills like wild fruits and berries to eat, and following them will show them where this food is growing, which they also like.
Strange as the hornbill may seem to us, it is part of God’s creation, and He carefully watches over every one of them. We are told, “All things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist [continue to exist]” (Colossians 1:16-17). Each person is also part of His creation, but we have all sinned (disobeyed God), and God cannot accept us in our sins. We must each first come to the Lord Jesus to be cleansed from our sins. Then we are told, “If any man be in Christ [saved by faith in Him], he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Have you come to the Lord Jesus for cleansing from your sins?
(to be continued)
Hiding in the Old-Man's-Beard
Every Sunday evening a service was held in a gospel hall in one of the villages on the island of Saint Vincent. Mr. Bowson would never attend one of those services, even though he had been invited many times. No, gospel services were not for him! Instead, he would sit on the wall across the road with other men from the village. These men were his friends, and they would just sit around chatting.
However, there was one thing that puzzled Mr. Bowson. When the service was over, the people would come out of the building and stand around talking to each other, sometimes for over an hour. He wondered, What could they possibly be talking about? Were they gossiping about their neighbors? Were they criticizing those who would not attend the meetings? Were they talking about him? Yes, he decided that they must be talking about him, and that made him curious and angry! He decided to find out.
One Sunday evening after the service had started and he was sure everyone was inside, Mr. Bowson hid in the tall bushy grass by the front steps of the gospel hall. This thick, bushy grass grows in clumps along walls and banks and is called Old-Man’s-Beard. A person can very easily hide in this grass and not be seen. From his hiding place, Mr. Bowson knew he could hear everything they said when they came outside.
When the gospel service was over, the Christians began to pour out of the hall. Some stood around in the doorway, others stood on the steps, some were in small groups in the little courtyard, and others stood by the road. They were all chatting, but what Mr. Bowson heard was not gossip. They were talking about Jesus and the Bible. They discussed what they had heard in the gospel service and how wonderful it was to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. Some talked about the blessing of being a child of God.
Mr. Bowson was very uncomfortable, not just from crouching down in the tall grass, but because of what the people were talking about. The last thing he wanted to hear was talk about Jesus or verses from the Bible. He wished he could leave, but he did not want to be caught spying. So he had no choice but to stay huddled in the tall grass for an hour or more and listen to the people talking about their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Finally the last believer was gone, and he was able to sneak out and down the road to his home. But Mr. Bowson was never the same again. As a result of what he heard that night while he was hiding, he realized he was a sinner and accepted Christ as his very own Saviour. From then on he attended the services and joined in the happy conversations about the Lord Jesus and His love and what it meant to be saved from his sins. Mr. Bowson passed on the good news of salvation in that part of the island until the day of his death.
We never know when someone is watching us or listening to what we say. If you are a believer, are your conversations such that they can be used by the Spirit of God to win others to Christ? If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, remember that we are to be witnesses for Him wherever we are. The Bible says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
MEMORY VERSE: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Junk Food
Do you like junk food? Things like potato chips, popcorn, French fries, doughnuts, and candy? They all taste good, don’t they? But they certainly aren’t healthy food for our bodies.
Do you know what else likes junk food? The mule deer that live in Grand Canyon National Park. They eat the junk food left by visitors, and some visitors actually hand-feed chips and candy to the deer. The park rangers say the deer really like the junk food and that once they get a taste of it they can’t resist it. After they’ve eaten a certain amount, they get hooked on the stuff, and it is harmful to them. Their bodies lose the natural ability to digest vegetation, their normal food that God has provided for them.
The park rangers found some of the deer in very poor health and nearly starving, with no hope of recovery. So they had to do away with two dozen of them. All because of junk food.
There are other kinds of junk food too—for our eyes and ears. This junky stuff is found in comic books, bad magazines, television, videos and the Internet. Sometimes just a little taste of this unhealthy junk food gives our eyes and ears an appetite for more. Satan will gladly feed us all we want. The more we see, hear and read, the more we want, and it is so harmful. Soon we no longer want what is healthy and good for our eyes and our ears and our hearts. We can become just like those deer, hooked on the junk of this world that causes poor health and starvation of our souls.
Christian boys and girls, beware of Satan’s junk food. Just one taste can soon turn into an unhealthy habit. Satan knows this, and that’s why he makes it so appealing. The Bible gives some excellent instruction to help us: “Submit God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). “O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the [boy and girl] that [trusts] in Him” (Psalm 34:8). “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
The Wonders of God's Creation: That Strange Bird, the Hornbill - Part 2
“[Solomon] spake ... of beasts and of fowl.” 1 Kings 4:33
The hornbill’s head with its big bill and helmet (which we talked about last week) looks far too heavy to be held upright. But actually, it is quite light since the bill and helmet have very lightweight bones. The bill is covered with a thin sheath, and the inside is filled with air cells.
In addition to its unusual head structure, the hornbill also has a strange way of building its nest. The female finds a hole in a hollow tree trunk. She stuffs the hole with sticks and other jungle items, filling it up until its depth is just right. Then she makes a nest, lining it with feathers, which she plucks from herself. She and her mate plaster mud around the hole until it is just large enough for her to climb through. After she climbs inside, they continue plastering the hole until only a slit remains which is large enough for her bill to get through.
Remaining in her cozy “house,” the female lays several eggs and incubates them. Her mate faithfully brings food to her, placing it into her bill, which she sticks out through the slit. When the chicks hatch, the mother stays with them for several weeks. The father continues feeding all of them until the nest is too crowded. Meanwhile, new feathers have grown back on the mother. She and her mate peck at the hardened mud plaster until the hole is large enough for her to climb out. However, the chicks are not yet ready to come out, so the hole is closed up again for a few more weeks, leaving a slit for the parents to feed them. The young birds eventually break out and fly away.
The building of the nest reminds us of the words of Jesus when He was here on earth: “The birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head” (Matthew 8:20). How good of the Lord of all creation to provide homes for the birds and other creatures, while He Himself did not have a place to lay His head!
The hornbills provide everything for the care of their young. It is good to think of God’s care and kindness to us too. “The living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein ... did good ... filling our hearts with food and gladness” (Acts 14:15-17).
Have you ever thanked Him for all the good things you enjoy? Have you accepted that most wonderful of all gifts, His beloved Son as your Saviour? It was the Lord Jesus Christ “who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4). If you have not done this, won’t you accept Him as your own Saviour now?