Messages of God's Love: 2018
Table of Contents
Jeremiah Tells the Truth
The great city of Jerusalem had lost something, and they could not find it because they did not look for it in the right place. They had lost the favor of God. In fact, they had thrown it away as if it were worth nothing!
We have lost the favor of God too, because we have sinned against Him. Do you know where to find God’s favor? The Bible gives us the answer—right in the strong, loving arms of Jesus! His death on the cross, where He shed His precious blood to wash away our sins, is the reason why God can give to you and me something much better than what we lost. Don’t keep on looking for God’s favor in the wrong place.
In today’s story, Jerusalem was in trouble. The city was under siege—that means that the great army of the king of Babylon was camping all around the city. The people inside the city walls were starving hungry, and no food came in.
King Zedekiah, the king of Jerusalem, was a people-pleaser. It seems that he listened to anything and tried to please everybody.
The prophet Jeremiah was not a people-pleaser. He listened to what GOD SAID, and he told THE TRUTH, no matter what people said. Jeremiah was as hungry as the rest of them—maybe even more so—but still he told the truth as God told it to him.
Jeremiah’s message from God was that Jerusalem would NOT be saved. He told the people that the king of Babylon would destroy them. The only way they would live was to surrender to the king of Babylon. But the people hated this message! King Zedekiah may have believed it, but he didn’t have the courage to do what Jeremiah said.
Do you have the courage to say, “I believe that God’s message is true. I know that God will punish this sinful world that deserves it; I will take Jesus as my Savior RIGHT NOW”?
Most people hated Jeremiah’s message, and they got the king’s permission to put him in prison. They chose the worst part of the king’s dungeons—a dark hole with oozy mud at the bottom. They dropped him down into the hole with ropes, and his feet sank in the oozy mud.
But God cares what happens to His messengers. King Zedekiah had an Ethiopian helper named Ebed-melech who believed and trusted God. When he heard that Jeremiah was in that terrible dungeon, he went to the king and said, “My lord the king, these men have done evil. [Jeremiah will] die of hunger . . . for there is no more bread in the city.”
The king told Ebed-melech to take “thirty men . . . and take up Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon.”
The kind Ethiopian helper did more than he was commanded. He remembered how thin Jeremiah was, and he got some ropes and then searched around for old rags to pad the ropes to make it softer for Jeremiah’s armpits as they pulled him out. This did not give Jeremiah freedom, but it put him in a much more pleasant place and assured that he would have a small bread supply every day.
Then the king called for a secret interview with Jeremiah. He told the king the very same message he had told him before—that judgment on Jerusalem was sure to come. Jerusalem had sinned, and God MUST punish sin.
“I am afraid,” said the king.
Maybe you are afraid too. If you don’t know Jesus the Savior of sinners, you should be afraid! But listen right now to this message from the Word of God: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). If you come to Him now, you will find His loving promise to be true: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). The ones who are lost are those who will not come to Him now.
What happened to Ebed-melech? God promised him that he would be saved from the judgment that fell upon the city. Why? Because he was kind to Jeremiah? No. God said, “Because thou hast put thy trust in ME.”
It is not your good deeds that will save you, but it is your trust in God that makes the difference for all eternity. No good deeds could ever wipe out the sins of the past, but the precious blood of Jesus is enough to make you spotless when you stand before the throne of God. Will you trust Him for this?
Was King Zedekiah captured after all? Yes, he certainly was. You may read that sad story in the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 39, in the Bible.
Jeremiah’s life was saved. God has special purposes and plans for those who trust and obey Him. We can only say, as Jesus Himself said long ago, “Come and see” (John 1:39).
MEMORY VERSE: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
True Stories of Bibles - the Bullet-Pierced Bible
“That’s a shame to shoot a bullet through a Bible!” someone said. “Nobody should do that!”
“But I think it’s wonderful,” the soldier said. Holding up the Bible with a hole in it, he said, “This saved my life! I was at the front line, and we had to crawl from trench to trench when I suddenly felt a hard blow to my chest, accompanied by a piercing pain! What just happened? I wondered.
“As usual, I carried my pocket Bible with me. If it had not been for the Bible in my shirt pocket, the enemy’s bullet would have reached my heart! I received only a minor wound that did not take long to heal. I acknowledge this to be God’s mercy!
“The bullet-pierced Bible saved my life twice: First, when it showed to me the way to the Savior, and second, when it stopped the deadly bullet.”
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Lovers of the Snow
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18
Most everyone likes the beauty of snow and the way it covers unpleasant spots. Children like to play in it, and older ones on toboggans or skis also enjoy it. Snow-capped hills and mountains are beautiful subjects for photographs. Then, too, deep deposits of snow on mountain peaks and slopes are a wonderful provision of the Creator to replenish fresh water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs during hot summer months.
Most people prefer not to stay outdoors during snowstorms, but there are creatures for whom the Lord God has given snow a special importance. Polar bears in their white coats are well camouflaged on snow and ice and can sneak up on unsuspecting prey without being seen. The same is true of white foxes in the Arctic areas.
In some places where snow becomes very deep, activities go on beneath the surface of the snow that are never seen from above. Field mice, ground squirrels, porcupines and even some birds make tunnels along the ground leading to their feeding areas. They can do this without the threat of being caught by their enemies. Working in groups several feet below the surface, they sometimes press down the bottom layer of snow, making a cozy place for warmth and safety.
Then there are animals and birds of various sizes for which the Creator has provided white coats in winter. If they become aware of an enemy nearby, they lie down or curl up in the snow and are never seen. Weasels and Arctic hares are examples of this. Even big snowy owls have been given white feathers for winter. The wide-winged, pure-white snowy petrel, a sea bird of Antarctica, also benefits from its coloring.
Other birds and animals are temporarily provided with special feathers or fur on their feet for winter. These feathers or fur act as snowshoes so they can easily travel over the snow’s surface. Fur and feathers of other creatures do not change in color, but they are given thicker, extra-warm winter coats. Ruffed grouse, threatened by an enemy, will plunge into a snowbank and, completely hidden, remain there until danger is past.
Other animals benefitting from snow are deer, elk and moose. Deep, crusty snow enables them to reach higher to eat tree branches that they could not reach in summer.
In the sight of God, our sins stand out as bright as scarlet, but He invites us to become white as snow in His sight, by admitting that we are sinners and accepting the Lord Jesus as our Savior. When we do this, we become His children and are assured of a home in heaven. The Bible tells us to do this now! “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Angelfish Are Beauties
“Thy way is in the sea, and Thy path in the great waters, and Thy footsteps are not known.” Psalm 77:19
The Creator has made homes in the seas for more varieties of fish than we can count, both small and large. Some are very unusual looking, and many of them are beautiful creatures.
Several varieties of small, colorful fishes are named angelfish and are very pretty. They live mainly in the warm waters along the Atlantic Coast from Florida to Brazil. Some from the Amazon River in South America are highly prized in many North American aquariums. There are also varieties of large angelfish that are fished commercially and sold to fish markets, since most are good to eat.
Florida’s blue angelfish, for instance, is one of the outstanding beauties. It is deep blue on its entire back, with two blue ribbons surrounding its head, separated by a dark brown ribbon. The bottom part of its body is an even more brilliant blue, and a blue and amber snout adds a little more to its beauty, as well as a brilliant, fan-shaped, yellow tail. It’s not difficult to see how it got its name.
One of the more striking ones is the clown angelfish. One variety of these has a light-pink head and shoulders, but the rest of its body, all the way to its tail, is a dark orange marked with wide bands and a central, bright-green stripe that turns deep blue toward its tail. In addition to this, a huge fin on its back is deep blue, but a similar fin below is light orange with narrow blue stripes. Getting a close look at one of these would convince you that, with such a combination of colors, it is well-named.
Another very attractive variety is the queen angelfish. A typical one is a soft speckled green all over, except for an outstanding yellow tail and fins. It is also decorated with a thin but bright-red line all along its narrow top and underside. There are about a dozen varieties in this group, most of them living off the shores of Florida, but with some venturing as far north as the New England coastline. When fully grown, they are about two feet long and are a good catch for anyone fishing.
The Bible tells us that on the fifth day of God’s creation He said, “Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life.... And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters [oceans, lakes and rivers] brought forth abundantly.... And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:20-21). When we see these and other wonders, how good it is to know the One who created it all and who still watches over them. He watches over you and me too.
Miracles Are Not for Sale
A little girl named Beth was very sad because her younger brother was sick, and her family could not pay for an operation to make him well again.
Beth had saved some money of her own in a jelly jar, and she counted the money over and over again. She had $11.11. Off she went to a close-by drug store with her jelly jar of money.
Standing at the drug store counter, Beth waited and waited and tried her best to get the attention of the pharmacist, but he just didn’t come. Finally, she dropped a coin on the counter to make a loud noise to get his attention. It worked, and the pharmacist came over to the counter, but he was a little annoyed with Beth.
“Little girl, my brother has come to visit me and I am busy talking to him,” the druggist said. “I haven’t seen him for a long time,” he added in an irritated voice.
“But, mister,” Beth said, “my brother is going to die, and I came to buy a miracle. The doctor said only a miracle could save him.”
“We don’t sell miracles, little girl,” the pharmacist said.
Some of you boys and girls may have had very serious illnesses that you recovered from, but there is a disease called “sin” that brings death, and every one of us has this deadly disease! The Bible says, “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). But have you heard about the miracle that God offers to every sinner for the deadly disease of sin? You can’t buy His miracle to remove your sin, because it is free! “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye...without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1).
Beth was trying very hard to get help for her little brother, and she was willing to pay for the help. “I have the money here with me,” she said to the pharmacist and emptied out her jar of coins on the counter. “My little brother has something in his head that is going to make him die,” she pleaded.
Overhearing the conversation, the pharmacist’s brother came over to the counter, and he began to ask Beth some questions. He explained to her that he was a special kind of doctor that could possibly help her little brother. And then he asked, “Where do you live? Will you take me to your house so I can see your little brother?”
This doctor, who was a neurosurgeon, was able to help Beth’s little brother, and an operation saved his life. It seemed to the family that it really was a miracle that saved the little boy’s life when it had looked so hopeless. They knew that the Lord Jesus was able to bring about miracles, and they thanked Him for it. Little Beth was so thankful for what the doctor had done for her little brother that she gave him the $11.11 from her jar.
But what about your deadly disease of sin? There is nothing that you can buy to remove your sins, and there is no doctor that can operate to heal you from your sins. But there is the miracle that God offers you “without money and without price.” It is the blood of the Lord Jesus that can remove every one of your sins. The Bible tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son [cleanses] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). The cost has already been paid by Him, and it is offered to you completely free! “Ye know that ye were not redeemed [saved from your sins] with . . . silver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
Have you come to the Lord Jesus to receive the miracle cleansing He offers for your sins? You can’t buy it, but you can accept it with a thankful heart.
MEMORY VERSE: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
Benjie's Bike Ride
The morning began as usual. But since it was beautiful summer weather, Benjie decided to head toward the mouth of the bay on his bike after lunch to take some pictures with his camera. He is an eager biker and enjoys riding all over town on his battery-powered bike. So he set out to enjoy the afternoon.
Benjie was enjoying his ride. The breeze through his helmet was refreshing in the heat. Suddenly a car, which had just passed him on the road, made a quick, right-hand turn directly in front of him! Benjie had no choice of what to do since there was nowhere to go. Fearing what would happen if he jammed very hard on his brakes, he ran into the car and slammed onto the pavement. When the two young men in the car saw Benjie on the pavement, they were very upset and quickly called for an ambulance and the police.
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). You really don’t know what is going to happen today or even in the next few moments. Are you ready for eternity? The Lord Jesus is calling you. Are you telling Him, “Later, I’ll ask Jesus to save me later.” “Later” may be forever too late. The Bible says, “Behold, now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
As Benjie lay on the road in terrible pain, he knew that whatever the outcome, the Lord Jesus was his Savior and was taking care of him. He also knew this Bible verse: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
Boys and girls, do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? He loves you and will care for you. He is longing to hear the voice of a child calling on His name, just as Benjie did as a child.
He was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he received good care from the skilled doctors and nurses. They were able to put his dislocated shoulder back into place and put a cast on his broken arm. As they worked on him in the hospital, he felt the comfort of the Lord Jesus with him. He remembered the verse, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). He knew he wasn’t alone during this painful time.
Would you like to know such a wonderful, caring Savior? God sent His only Son to die in your place. Maybe you know this verse: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
During this time, Benjie was able to talk to a hospital worker, telling her about his Savior Jesus and how He died on Calvary’s cross for our sins. He wanted her to be ready to meet Jesus. He has known the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior for many years, and his heart overflows with thanksgiving. It is his joy to tell the love of God to any who will listen.
Children, Benjie wants you to know that the most important thing in your life is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your very own Savior while there is still the opportunity to be saved. When he set out to take pictures that day, he had no idea that he would end up in the hospital. When we begin each day, we also don’t know what the day will bring. However, we are invited to know Jesus, the One who holds the day in His loving hands. What a privilege to wake up each morning knowing that our sins are forgiven and that we have a loving Savior who guides us through each day with His tender, loving care.
MEMORY VERSE: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
Lucy Wants to Go Swimming
Three-year-old Lucy was at a Bible conference with her parents and little brother Brandon. On their way to breakfast, they had passed right by the outdoor pool. It was a bright, sunny morning, and the pool looked inviting. But it was cool enough that Lucy and Brandon had worn jackets to the breakfast room.
When I came to breakfast, I sat across the table from Lucy and enjoyed visiting with her and her family. As soon as she was finished eating her breakfast, Lucy exclaimed, “Now I can go swimming!”
“Lucy, it’s too cold to go swimming. Don’t you remember wearing your jacket when we came to the breakfast room?” Mommy explained.
“Who would go swimming with you?” I asked Lucy.
“My daddy! He would keep me warm!” she explained to me.
It was good to hear of Lucy’s trust in her daddy. But how could he keep Lucy warm in the cold water?
My conversation with Lucy reminded me that I can have that same trust in my heavenly Father. When I was still a young girl, I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I understood that I was a sinner and that I could not go to heaven with even one of my sins. I believed that Jesus had died on the cross to take the punishment for my sins. And so I confessed to Him that I was a sinner and trusted Him to be my Savior. That made the Lord Jesus’ Father my Father too. And now I can trust my heavenly Father to care for me every day!
God has told me in His book, the Bible, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3). Then in Proverbs 16:20, He also says, “Whoso [trusts] in the Lord, happy is he.”
Will you join me in trusting the Lord Jesus every day?
The Quail's Nest
Mr. and Mrs. O’Neil were working outside on the property they had recently purchased. There was a lot of cleaning up to do in this place that had been abandoned for many years. In the corner of the yard was a pile of wood—2x4’s and other odds and ends that made it look like a junk pile. They decided today was a good day to work on this pile, and so they started picking up the different pieces of wood and putting them in the back of their pickup truck to haul away. They had not taken off very many pieces of the pile when, all of a sudden, a female quail flew up almost into their faces. That made them wonder what else could be under this pile of wood, and so very carefully they took off one piece of wood at a time.
Sure enough! There in the midst of all the junk was a nest with nine beautiful little eggs, speckled and waiting to hatch into baby quails. Of course, Mr. and Mrs. O’Neil were sorry they had scared the mommy bird away. They decided to stay away from the nest for a few days, hoping the mommy bird would come back and sit on her nine little eggs and care for them until the babies hatched. But, sadly, that didn’t happen. They waited for a couple of days and never saw the mommy bird come back to care for her little eggs that would have turned into beautiful baby quails.
You know, in Isaiah 49:15 it says, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” Isn’t that a wonderful reminder? Even though this mommy bird was frightened and flew away and never came back, we can be sure that won’t happen to us with our heavenly Father. He will never forget that you are one of his very own children, if you have accepted His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Savior. Then in Hebrews 13:5 it says, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” This is a promise God Himself makes to every one of His children.
Are you trusting this One who can truly be trusted? Are you one of His children?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Fooling the Enemy
“Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings, from the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies.” Psalm 17:8-9
If the Creator hadn’t provided a means of protection, many creatures wouldn’t have a chance of fighting back or escaping from their enemies. Many of their enemies would devour them with one bite, if the opportunity presented itself. Here are some examples of the Creator’s protection.
Several small beetles are colored bright red, orange or yellow, others are plain-colored, and still others are a combination of the two. Each of these beetles is either poisonous, has a terrible taste or has a bad smell. As a result, many creatures have learned to avoid them, as well as those with similar color combinations, as they are not able to distinguish one from the other.
A wide variety of caterpillars, wasps, bees, flies and even small birds have been given distinctive markings of various kinds. These creatures are protected from harm because they don’t look like something edible. Some resemble stones, sticks, blades of grass or other non-edible objects. Some caterpillars cover their backs every day with flower buds, leaves or grass. An unusual variety of beetle plasters its back with mud each day. Another one, which lives on chalk-white cliffs, powders its entire body with fresh, white dust, making it practically invisible to its enemies.
One of the most amazing insects is an orange and black fly by the name of zonose. Its wings, which are spread out while resting, are transparent but have black, matched markings on each wing that look exactly like a jumping spider’s legs, including other black spots on its body—all contributing to its disguise.
In the oceans in many parts of the world, large fish will gobble down smaller fish. However, one called the cuttlefish can change its color in less than a second to blend perfectly with its surroundings. In fact, there are a great many fish that can do this very same thing. When they see an enemy approaching, they seem to sense that their coloring hides them. They remain perfectly still while the enemy swims by without even being aware of their presence.
These are just a few examples of helpless creatures being protected from cruel enemies by means of fooling them or being invisible, using the remarkable and interesting camouflages the Creator has provided for them. Of course, they are not aware of His care, but He kindly looks after them just the same.
Those who know the Lord Jesus as their Savior are often aware of our enemy, Satan, who never tires of trying to discourage or harm us by evil suggestions and teachings. Our opening Bible verse should be our constant prayer, guide and encouragement. Do you know the Lord Jesus as your very own Savior? If so, you can ask Him to hide you under the shadow of His wings.
Found Out!
It was a beautiful January day with a foot of snow on the ground. Danny, who was nine, and his sister Jill, who was eight, were looking for something fun to do. After talking together, they finally came up with a plan that they were sure would be a lot of fun!
They had to plan carefully, though. They did not want anyone to know what they were up to. So they waited until their mother was busy with their baby brother and would soon have to put him down for a nap. They figured this would keep her busy for quite a long time, giving them plenty of time to carry out their plan.
They quietly put on their winter jackets and boots and left the house, then walked across the road and went behind a row of pine trees. Behind the row of pine trees was a field that had a barn. In the barn were mounds of hay, and this is what Danny and Jill were headed for.
Then they got very busy. They carried several armloads of hay outside to the field behind the barn. After a while, they felt that they had a big enough pile of hay. Now for the fun part of their plan! Danny took out some matches that he had, struck one and lit the hay. At first, the flames were tiny, and the hay only burned a little bit. But soon they began to shoot up and crackle and snap! Danny and Jill were delighted! Their plan had worked just as they thought it would, and they could hardly wait to see all of the hay disappear in flames!
But Danny and Jill had forgotten something. God tells us, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). Just when they were really beginning to enjoy watching the flames go higher and higher, they heard footsteps crunching through the snow and coming towards them! Oh no! Who could that be? Looking up, they saw their mother coming around the corner of the barn with her heavy boots and winter coat on. There was no time to run, and not even enough time to hide! There was no denying what they had done—she had caught them in the very act! Quickly, they all threw snow on the flames, and the fire was soon put out.
Their mother had to punish both Danny and Jill. She gave them a good scolding and then she gave each one what the Bible calls “the rod of correction.” There was a very wise and good reason for this. What Danny and Jill had done was foolish and dangerous, and they knew it was wrong to play with matches or start any kind of fire. Starting a fire could have caused a lot of harm and damage. What if the fire had gotten too big for them to control? What if the wind had picked up and the barn had caught on fire? They could have easily burned themselves in trying to control the fire. This is why our all-wise God says, “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him” (Proverbs 22:15).
But there was something else that Danny and Jill had forgotten. The Bible tells us, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). They mistakenly thought that nobody could see them, but God was looking down and saw everything they did. Not only that, but their mother realized that they had been gone too long and that it was too quiet. In love, she came looking for them and found them before any harm could be done.
Boys and girls, God wants us to come to Him while we are young so that we do not have to suffer everlasting punishment for our sins. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Jesus died for our sins on the cross. When we put our trust in Him and let Him forgive our sins, then we can be sure that we will spend eternity with Him in His happy home in heaven. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Not only that, the Lord Jesus will help you to please Him if you ask Him to. “Unto Him that is able to keep you from falling [sinning], and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 24). Why not put your trust in Him now, while you are young? He will help you do what is right.
MEMORY VERSE: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3
A Sixth Grader's Question
Mrs. Williams teaches science to the fifth and sixth grades in the public grade school near her home. She enjoys teaching science as most of the students find the different science subjects all very interesting.
But Mrs. Williams was going to have to interrupt her teaching for a number of weeks, because she was scheduled for surgery. Her doctor told her that she would have to take off four weeks of teaching before she could return to her teaching job.
She waited until it was her last teaching day to tell all her students that they would be having a substitute teacher for the next four weeks. Then she explained to them the reason was that she had to go to the hospital to have surgery.
After she finished, a Korean boy named Matthew raised his hand. When Mrs. Williams asked him if he had a question, he said, “Yes,” and then he asked, “Would it be okay if my family prayed for you?” A surprised and delighted Mrs. Williams quickly told him that she would be honored if they prayed for her recovery, and then she thanked him for his thoughtfulness and kindness.
The Bible tells us, “Be ye kind one to another” (Ephesians 4:32). Are you boys and girls kind and thoughtful to your teachers as well as to your friends? And what about your parents and brothers and sisters?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Another Unusual Anteater
“Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually. Remember His marvelous works.” 1 Chronicles 16:11-12
The silky anteater lives in the forests of southern Mexico and down through Central and South America. It is very small—only about the size of a squirrel—but has a long, furry tail that makes it look somewhat larger. Its little body has honey-colored fur, and it has a rather pretty face, with round, black eyes and a pointed snout ending in a pinkish nose.
In securing its food, composed of termites and ants, teeth would be of no value. Instead, the Creator has provided it with a pointed nose and a long, sticky tongue which it pokes into the nests of these insects and pulls them out in great quantities.
Besides being smaller than its relatives, the silky anteater is also a tree-climber, whereas the larger anteaters spend their lives on the ground. To aid in tree climbing, it has been given an extra joint on both hind feet, enabling its toes to bend around a tree branch for a good, strong grip—another provision of the Creator to help its food-searching activities. It also has a prehensile tail (a grasping tail similar to a monkey’s) which it uses to suspend itself head downward. Then it can use its strong front claws to tear bark off a tree, where it usually finds food. This special tail also may work like an extra hand, helping it to hold tightly to a tree.
Silky is a night worker and spends daylight hours curled up in a nest of dry leaves in a hollow tree trunk. She’ll leave her one tiny baby in this nest while she forages for food. She nurses the baby for a short period, but then feeds it on digested insects which she regurgitates, until soon the little one is able to scramble around and find its own food.
Because these animals hunt only at night and hide in the daytime, they rarely encounter enemies. But when they do, they defend themselves by rearing up on hind legs and slashing their opponent with the long, sharp claws of their front feet.
Do you think God takes note of this obscure little creature? The exceptional provisions for its way of life tell us that He certainly does! We are further assured by the Bible verse that says, “In whose hand is the soul [life] of every living thing” (Job 12:10). Another verse states, “The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat [food] in due season” (Psalm 145:15).
How much greater is His love for you and me! He not only takes care of our daily needs, but He has prepared a home in heaven for all who will accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as their Savior. Have you done this?
The Entangled Raven
As Paul and Lorraine drove by the playground, they were surprised to see a flock of at least 25 ravens hovering near the ground. They all seemed to be cawing and squawking and frantically flapping their wings. Paul slowed the car and then was able to see that one of the ravens was caught in the soccer net.
“I have to free that raven,” Paul said. He parked the car and got out. Slowly he walked toward the captured bird. The other ravens now became even more frantic, trying to beat at him with their wings. But Paul patiently edged toward the goal, speaking very softly to the upset birds.
How kind and patient the Lord Jesus is with us. We are lost, guilty sinners caught in our sins. And like those birds, sometimes our friends try to keep us from accepting the freedom the Lord Jesus longs to give us. Do you know that Jesus loves you so much that He was willing to come down from heaven and die on a cross of shame so you could be set free from your sins? No one else loves you like that!
Soon Paul was right beside the poor, caught raven. He smoothed the bird’s feathers and began to try to loosen it. But he found that the raven had worked so hard to get out of the net that it had managed to wrap the net around and around itself. There was no way Paul could release the bird without cutting the cords of the net.
The Bible tells us, “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins” (Proverbs 5:22). Those cords of our sins holding us so tightly can only be cut by the Lord Jesus. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Lorraine searched in the glove box of the car and found a knife. It wasn’t long before Paul had cut the net and the raven was free. For a moment the bird just sat on the ground watching Paul and Lorraine, and then it flapped its wings and flew away. When the raven flew, all the other ravens cawed. In their own way they seemed to be glad that their friend was free. For a while the birds flew in a circle above the playground, cawing for all they were worth. Then they flew away.
Luke 15:10 tells us, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” The Lord Jesus wants us to be thankful too. He says in Psalm 50:23, “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Me.” So let’s praise Him and thank Him as long as we’re on this earth. One day soon all of us who have been washed from our sins in His precious blood will “fly away” to heaven in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. That’s when the Lord Jesus Himself will come from heaven and take all His blood-bought children to heaven. How happy we will be then!
The Wonders of God's Creation: Camouflage in the Seas
“[God does] great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” Job 9:10
Around coral reefs and other areas of the oceans where sunlight penetrates, many fish would be easy targets for larger fish, mammals and birds unless protected in some way. And so God has given them camouflage for protection.
An example of this is the ten-inch, bright-red sea dragon, living in the red seaweed along Australian shores. It looks quite similar to the sea horse. The sea dragon is a poor swimmer and would be devoured quickly by larger fish except that the Creator has given it an interesting disguise. Not only is it helped by its red color, but also it has been given weed-like growths all over its oddly shaped body, including its head, chin, back and stomach. This makes it look like a sea plant with new leaves sprouting on it.
In South America and the Philippines there are also several small fish that both look and act like leaves of the mangrove tree that grows there. One fish, almost as thin as a leaf, swims on its side near the surface and moves about as slowly as a drifting leaf while it finds morsels of food here and there.
The Nile catfish is the only known fish that swims upside down, just the opposite of other fish. Their backs are light-colored and bodies are dark—thus they are safely camouflaged.
Flounders, that are common around North American and European shores, can change color to match the bottom of the bay as they slowly swim along the bottom. The same is true of several fish which live around Bermuda. They can change color almost instantly when swimming over different colored parts of the ocean floor.
Sponge crabs look ordinary enough but cover themselves with a sea sponge, which they cut with their claws to make a coat over their backs. As the crab grows, the sponge does the same. Or if the sponge dies, the crab just gets rid of it and cuts another one to fit.
Another variety, the decorator crab, will often cover itself with bits of coral or limestone or certain sea plants. To other sea creatures it just looks like seaweed drifting by.
None of these amazing creatures arranged for its unusual camouflage, nor did it happen gradually over a long time. The Bible, which always tells the truth, says, “God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life” (Genesis 1:20). Another verse, speaking of God, says, “He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength.... [He does] great things past finding out” (Job 9:4-10).
It is good to read the Bible every day, and when you do, ask the Lord Jesus to make it all plain and helpful to you. He will be pleased to have you do this.
A Skunk in Trouble
Most of us are not at all interested in coming anywhere near a skunk, unless it’s behind glass in a zoo. But what would you do if you came across a skunk in trouble outside? Would you try to help it? A few of us might, but a lot of us probably would not.
It was well-known that Mr. Rood, a biology teacher, loved animals and all the things of nature. He was often called on to take care of injured creatures of one kind or another. This time the urgent telephone call was about a live skunk seen walking down the middle of the main street in the next town, and this skunk was in big trouble.
Mr. Rood changed into old clothes, grabbed a pair of old gloves, and then drove over to the town that had called. It was still early in the day, so there wasn’t much traffic when he pulled onto Main Street. He had no difficulty spotting the skunk and quickly parked.
In the wild, skunks are always searching for food. Often they’ll visit garbage dumps to search for food that people have thrown out. They will also walk along the roadside picking up food that has been carelessly thrown out of car windows.
That seemed to have been the case with this poor skunk. He had found an empty tin can and stuck his head inside to lick it out. When he was finished cleaning out the bottom of the can, he tried to back out. It didn’t work. The jagged edge of the can caught in his fur, and the poor skunk was stuck with a can on his head!
Mr. Rood had no trouble spotting the skunk because it was clattering along Main Street, bumping into parked cars and running into the curb.
That poor skunk had a big problem that he couldn’t solve. Often people have problems that they can’t solve, too. But the biggest problem that every one of us has can be solved, although we can’t solve it by ourselves. That problem is our sins.
We’ve all told lies, disobeyed our parents and done other things that we know are wrong. Every one of those is sin . . . and that means we are all guilty sinners. The Bible tells us, “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men. . . . There is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Psalm 14:2-3). But this sin problem can be solved!
And the skunk soon had his problem solved, too. This poor skunk couldn’t do a thing to free himself from that tin can. But Mr. Rood came to his rescue.
As he walked up to the skunk, he began to talk to it in a soothing voice. The skunk must have heard him, because it stopped and turned toward him, can and all. Then, as Mr. Rood continued talking softly to the skunk, he scratched the pavement with his fingers so the skunk would hear him as he moved closer. He slowly placed his hand on the tin can and waited . . . but the skunk didn’t make a move or struggle. When Mr. Rood couldn’t find any ragged splinters of metal that might hurt the skunk, he gave the can a sudden yank! Off came the can and the skunk fell back, turning a backward somersault!
The skunk quickly got back on his feet, looked at Mr. Rood, and then trotted off and disappeared under a hedge. The few people watching from a safe distance must have breathed a sigh of relief. I think Mr. Rood probably did too.
The skunk’s problem had been solved. Do you want to know how your sin problem can be solved?
God loves you and me more than we can understand . . . but He hates our sins. Because He loves us so very much, He planned a way to free us from our awful sins. His plan was very, very expensive. His only Son, Jesus Christ, would have to bear the punishment for sin and die, shedding His blood so that all those sins could be washed away forever.
The Lord Jesus also loves us more than we will ever understand, because He followed God’s plan exactly! He took the punishment for sin on Calvary’s cross and died. Then a soldier thrust a spear into His side. His precious blood shed there has the power to wash away your sins and mine forever, if we will only believe that it was for us.
You know, that skunk could have turned and run away when he heard Mr. Rood talking to him and moving closer. But the skunk must have trusted him. Have you heard the Lord Jesus’ loving voice saying to you, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden [with sins], and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)? Won’t you trust Him?
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men. . . . There is none that doeth good, no, not one.” Psalm 14:2-3
The Four-Year-Old Who Was Really One
We were sitting in a restaurant having an early breakfast, when a couple came in with a bright-eyed little boy. We both said, “Good morning!”
The little boy said to us, “You know what?”
“No,” we said. “What?”
The little boy said, “I’m four, but I’m really only one. I was born on February 29th and this is leap year. There are usually 28 days in February, but in the ‘leap year’ there are 29 days,” he explained to us very carefully.
We said, “Happy birthday, big one-year-old boy! Lots of people celebrate the birth of another little boy some think was born on December 25. Do you know who it is?”
“Oh, I know,” the birthday boy said. “It was Jesus.”
“We’re glad you know that,” we said. “We hope you grow up to love the Lord Jesus, because He loves you. Jesus came into the world to save sinners like all of us. He died on the cross to save those who love Him. He doesn’t want any of us to go to the place where the devil and his demons will be.
“Thank you for telling us about your February 29th birthday.”
Many of you boys and girls know that this year is not what they call “leap year.” Our next “leap year,” with an extra day added in February, will be the year 2020. That’s in two more years, and then the birthday boy will have another true birthday.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Grand Saguaro-A Desert Giant
“Blessed be the Lord God . . . and let the whole earth be filled with His glory.” Psalm 72:18-19
In parts of Arizona and New Mexico and the country of Mexico, the deserts are extremely dry. The surface of the ground may have a few spiny cacti but is mainly covered with rocks that become very hot in the sun.
Among the cacti are the towering saguaros. They have bare and heavily ribbed green trunks and branches, some as high as 60 feet. No two of them look alike. One may look like a huge totem pole with no branches, and another may have just one branch almost as tall as its trunk. Usually there will be twin branches on opposite sides, branching out about five or ten feet above the ground and forming a big “U,” almost touching the sides of the trunk. In some areas there may be just a few saguaros, and in other places great numbers of them grow, each with its own shape.
Saguaros have no leaves or bark, but the trunk and branches have a dozen or more thick, deep, vertical ribs. For a short time each year, pretty white flowers bloom that produce fruit that can be eaten.
With the sun beating down on them so fiercely day after day and with hardly any rain, how do saguaros manage to grow and stay alive? The answer is that the Creator has designed them in a very special way. At certain seasons heavy rains soak the ground in which they grow. For the saguaros to benefit from these rains, their roots are just a few inches beneath the surface and spread over a wide area in a great mass of small roots and fibers, unlike most trees that send roots down deep. These shallow roots are able to quickly absorb water coming their way, which is then drawn up into the trunk and branches to be stored in the thick ribs for future use. Saguaros benefit from even light rain or dew, because the Creator has arranged for the mass of small roots and fibers to grow so near the surface.
Some birds make nests by boring holes in the fleshy trunks. When this happens, a waxy coating covers the exposed edges, preventing evaporation of any of its valuable water. This waxy coating dries so quickly that it doesn’t seem to bother the birds.
The opening Bible verse says that the whole earth is filled with the Creator’s glory. When we realize that all things have been made by Him, we can see that these amazing desert plants were specially designed by Him. How good to think of His wonders in all created things and to agree with the psalmist who wrote, “I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all Thy marvelous works” (Psalm 9:1).
Saved In the Nick of Time!
It was a cold Friday afternoon in January. John Hughes and his nephew Chris both worked in construction and had spent the morning remodeling a home in Los Padres Estates, California. By early afternoon, needing to run a quick errand, they left in their Ford Ranger. They just happened to be carrying a tow chain because they had helped a neighbor that morning who was stuck in the snow. Little did they imagine the part that tow chain was to play in the saving of a trapped truck driver’s life!
About 1:10 p.m. in the afternoon, they noticed a big rig that was carrying heavy, 20-foot-long steel pipes, stacked four tiers high on a long flatbed. They also noticed that its brakes were smoking. It was travelling about 35-40 miles per hour in the far right “slow truck lane.” Chris, who was driving their Ranger, passed the big rig at about 65 miles an hour.
When he passed, he noticed an off-ramp for runaway trucks. These are escape ramps in hilly country that allow trucks and buses to stop that are having breaking problems. They are usually a long, sand or gravel-filled up-hill lane and are usually connected to a steep, downhill grade. Chris thought, “That’s where I would go if I were driving that rig!” But the big rig didn’t use it. As the big rig began to catch up to Chris, he saw that there was a car in the way to the escape ramp along with other traffic.
Afterwards, when speaking to reporters from a newspaper, the Hughes’ faces still showed the horror that they had felt. As the big rig flew by them, going 100 miles per hour by now, they looked down at the half-mile steep hill, known as the Grapevine, below them. They could see about 60 cars all bunched up at the bottom. They felt that they were going to witness a terrible disaster!
But the truck driver saw the cars at the bottom of the Grapevine too. He made an instant decision that saved many lives that day. He shot into the right lane—then disappeared. All that the Hugheses could see was a cloud of dust and metal pipes flying, along with a lot of metal debris.
The truck driver had crashed into the back of another big rig, instantly bursting into flames. When the Hugheses drove up to the crash site, John jumped out to see if he could help, while Chris pulled over. Then he ran over to John with a pocket knife to cut the top of the driver’s seat belt. Then they tried to pull the cab door open. But it wouldn’t budge! They tried pry bars, with another man joining them in the effort. Still, it would not budge. By this time, the smoke had turned from white to black. The driver, Philip Frear, kept saying, “Can you guys hurry—I’m burning!” Time was running out for the truck driver – they needed to come up with a way to open the cab door fast!
The truck driver was trapped and could not save himself. He needed to be rescued from his burning cab or else he would burn to death! Boys and girls, we need rescuing too. We are all sunk deep in sin, totally unable to please God or to save ourselves. Because of this, we are not fit for God’s presence and are headed for a lost eternity without God, to perish forever in the lake of fire. But God loves us so much, He had the perfect plan to rescue us from the penalty that our sins deserve. He sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, to bleed and die on Calvary’s cross for our sins. Then He rose from the grave and is now in heaven waiting and willing to receive anyone who calls on Him to be saved from their sins. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
Suddenly John remembered the tow chain. Running back to his truck, he grabbed the tow chain and wrapped it around the frame of the Ranger. Then he backed the Ranger up to the cab and told Chris and the other man to wrap the chain around the top of the cab door. Then John slammed the Ranger into 4-wheel drive and pressed the gas pedal to the floor, jerking the Ranger forward. It worked! The cab door was torn off its hinges, allowing John to cut the lower safety belt, freeing Mr. Frear, who tumbled into John’s arms. He was saved just in the nick of time, because Mr. Frear’s legs were on fire!
The Hugheses stayed with Mr. Frear until firefighters and medical help arrived. They were also able to help the driver of the big rig that had been rear-ended to get out of his cab. Both John and Chris marveled at the “coincidence” that they happened to be carrying a tow chain that day. Without it, they would not have been able to save Mr. Frear’s life.
But God, in His mercy and kindness, sent the Hugheses at the right time and with the right equipment to save Mr. Frear’s life. And in His mercy and kindness, He is allowing boys, girls, men and women to put their trust in Him for their salvation today. The truck driver’s life was saved, but when you put your trust in the Lord Jesus, He will save your never-dying soul forever! Only then can you be certain of spending eternity in heaven with the Lord Jesus. God’s Word tells us, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Do not wait for a better time – it may never come. Anyone can die in an instant or in an unexpected way, as this story proves. Or, the Lord Jesus may come for His own, taking those who have put their trust in Him to be with Him in heaven. Then it will be too late for you—the day of salvation will be over!
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3). Why not accept and trust Him as your Lord and Savior right now and be safe?
MEMORY VERSE: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Forgotten Food
“[The Lord] giveth food to all flesh [living things]: for His mercy endureth forever.” Psalm 136:25
Early American settlers in the New England area enjoyed a food called groundnuts that has since been almost completely forgotten. These grow wild, not only in that part of the country, but in other places all the way south to Florida and west to the Mississippi River. The Indians told the Pilgrims about groundnuts, and then they enjoyed them too.
What are groundnuts? They are part of the root system of a vine that is related to peanuts and beans but that climbs over bushes. To find the groundnuts, their purple-flowered vines are given a tough pull, which uncovers the long roots growing just a few inches deep. Each root may have as many as 40 round or oval “nuts.” Some are about the size of a hazel nut and others are more like a golf ball in size. They are attached to the root, a few inches apart from each other.
A man who discovered some of these growing wild just a few years ago took a supply home and cleaned them. His wife cooked them in a pot of boiling water for about ten minutes, until they became soft. After mashing them and adding butter, they found them every bit as good as baked potatoes and went back to the woods for more. In addition to boiling, they discovered they were also good roasted in hot ashes.
The result of this new discovery is that now there is one berry grower who has become so fond of groundnuts that he raises them to sell. Properly cared for, the plants produce tons of groundnuts on just an acre or so of farmland. He hopes that people living in areas where they grow may again include them in their diets.
It would seem that many farmers, hearing about this, would start growing them. But, like many wild things, there are some problems. For one thing, they are rather hard to cultivate, as they not only prefer wet, marshy soil, but the vines easily get tangled up. To avoid this they have to be staked. Harvesting is also time consuming, similar to digging up other foods such as carrots, beets and potatoes.
But perhaps someday this tasty food will be on the market in some places. As a rediscovered part of God’s creation, the nutritious food will once more be helpful in providing a tasty variety on many dinner tables.
Although they have been forgotten all these years, groundnuts were included in what God the Creator said as He prepared the earth for every living thing: “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so” (Genesis 1:11). We should never forget to thank Him often for the wonderful way He has provided all necessary things for us.
Lost in the Snow!
Twelve-year-old Greg Holzworth from Raynham, Massachusetts, was out in the woods building a tree fort. His dog Shadow was with him, and it was snowing pretty hard.
As Greg worked on his fort, Shadow wandered away and began barking. Greg went to look for him and found Shadow in a briar patch. Greg explains what happened next.
“When I got there, Shadow took off, and I followed him. It took a while, but after I finally caught up with him, I turned around and tried to follow my tracks to go back. But I soon discovered that those tracks were completely covered with new snow. Everything looked the same, because it was all covered with deep snow. I was lost, and I was beginning to get scared!”
Have you ever been lost and scared? You may not have been lost in the woods, but maybe you’ve been lost in a shopping mall or at a zoo. Even worse than any of these, we all need to admit that we’ve been lost as sinners. And the sad news is that some of us still are!
The Bible calls us “lost sheep.” Isaiah 53:6 says, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” We are lost in our sins.
Greg could not find his way home. He was too cold and tired to continue walking, so he sat against a tree. Fortunately, by building a wall of snow he was able to protect himself from the biting winds. But he knew he couldn’t stay warm through the long night hours. He still needed a covering. Because his hands were so cold, he was unable to break branches off the trees to cover himself. Greg tells how he found a solution.
“I was scared and I was freezing cold. All I could think about was staying warm and getting home. As I lay there, I called Shadow (weighing 80 pounds) over to me, and then he climbed up and lay on top of me. His warm body kept me warm,” Greg said.
How wonderful—a covering! Jesus wants to be a “covering” for lost boys and girls (and grown-ups too) who are wandering in this dreary, bitter-cold world of sin. He wants us to trust Him for the protection He offers. The Lord Jesus could say of Himself, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). The Lord Jesus Christ gave His life for each of us by dying on the cross of Calvary. He died so that we might live. I hope that you will be able to say, like David the psalmist, “I will trust in the covert [covering] of Thy wings” (Psalm 61:4).
When Greg did not return home by dusk, his father went into the woods to look for him. Then later, when her husband did not come back home, Greg’s mother called the police.
Police from Raynham broadcasted a call for volunteers and neighboring police departments to help in the search. Even with the temperature near zero and a wind chill factor of 20 degrees below zero, more than 100 volunteers showed up.
Eight inches of newly fallen snow slowed the search, and it wasn’t until 1:00 a.m. that a team of volunteers found Greg and Shadow. Francis Leary of Raynham was a member of that search party that wouldn’t give up.
Mr. Leary’s devotedness to finding this lost boy reminds me of how the Lord Jesus seeks lost sinners. The Bible states plainly that “the Son of man [the Lord Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). And He never gives up!
When Greg first heard the men calling his name, he couldn’t answer. His throat was too raw from the cold. But Shadow barked.
“I thought I heard someone calling me, but then I didn’t hear it again and I figured it was just my imagination. I laid back down, but Shadow started barking again. Then I got up and started yelling as loud as I could, and they found me!” Greg thankfully explained.
Like Greg, we as lost sinners must answer a call. It is the voice of the Lord Jesus that calls us. Have you heard His call? Have you answered Him? “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7). Failure to answer Him will eventually result in your being lost forever. Don’t miss out on God’s salvation! Answer His call TODAY!
MEMORY VERSE: “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7
Helpless Fish
Where we live, there’s a little creek that runs through our property. One day in September, we discovered that the creek had mostly dried up because the summer had been very dry. However, there was still one big puddle of water. There were probably nearly a hundred small fish living in that puddle. Right away we realized that the helpless fish would all die if we did not do something to help them. Some were dead already, and the puddle would dry up more, and soon they would all die.
One of my brothers went to get Dad and some butterfly nets, while the other one got a bucket and filled it with water. By scooping the fish out of the puddle and into the bucket, we managed to save most of them. Then we released them into our pond that was full of water.
A lot of people are just like those fish—helpless! That’s because Romans 3:23 in the Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” And another verse explains that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). That’s pretty awful to think about, because that death is forever in that terrible place called hell.
But we have good news for you! God loves each one of us, and He made a way of escape for everyone who would accept His plan of salvation. He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins. When we are truly sorry for our sins and believe that Jesus died for us, God forgives us. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Will you believe and accept the salvation that God is offering you? If so, someday you will live with Jesus in God’s happy home in heaven.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Sled Dogs
“In whose hand [the Creator’s] is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10
Every March one of the world’s most interesting races takes place. It covers 1000 miles of snow- and ice-covered land, rivers and lakes between Anchorage and Nome, Alaska. This is perhaps the toughest of all races ever run and takes the competing teams two weeks or more to finish. The people involved run most of the way at the rear of their heavily loaded sleds.
These sleds are pulled by a dozen or more strong dogs, usually including Alaskan malamutes, Siberian huskies, and Eskimo dogs, all of which have been trained for months by their owners. The dogs are selected for strength, endurance and ability to work together in teams. All have thick fur, enabling them to withstand the extremely cold conditions. This thick fur has coarse outer hair and another coat of fine hair next to the skin so that they never get “soaked to the skin.” When resting or sleeping, their heavily furred tails wrap around their bodies, helping to keep them warm.
But it is not only in this amazing race that sled dogs are needed; they are needed for more practical purposes in the freezing climates of Greenland, Europe and Asia as well.
Trappers and prospectors, for instance, could not get along without them in places where no other transportation is available. Eskimos, Indians and other natives of those areas also find them a real help in getting around in cold winter months.
Many of these sled dogs look fierce and untamed and occasionally fight between themselves, but they are usually friendly with their master. Some owners take special care of them when on trails of harsh snow and ice, putting special boots on their feet and ankles, but leaving the toes uncovered. This is because they have very thick fur on their toes, and their strong claws give them a good grip on slippery surfaces.
But it is not only in the frozen north that sled dogs are popular. In parts of Europe and other countries, dogs of various varieties pull carts loaded with cans of milk, firewood and other items, as well as children enjoying a ride. At times just one dog will pull these wheeled carts.
As we consider different animals, it’s not difficult to see how the Creator has designed each one in a special way for its own life pattern. More importantly, we should consider how He has provided for each of us in a special way. The Bible tells us in many places how He cares for us. Here is one: “Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works . . . and Thy thoughts which are to us-ward. . . . They are more than can be numbered” (Psalm 40:5). Have you ever thanked Him for His loving care over you?
The Story of Five Sisters
Those five girls were on a camping trip that lasted for 40 years. There were no roads and no cars or trucks, and there also were no stores to buy food or clothes. There must have been a million campers, and somewhere in that crowd was one tent for Zelophehad, his wife and his family of five daughters.
They had many adventures in those 40 years that the Bible tells us about. Best of all, they had a promise from God—He would give them a good land when their camping trip ended, and each man would have a good, valuable piece of land on which to raise his family. Believing God’s promise made them feel secure and happy.
But those five sisters did some thinking. Every man? they said. But our father died along the way, and we have no brothers. Is there not any land for us girls?
Maybe some of you girls sometimes feel like that too. And maybe you are asking, “Does God have anything for us girls?” Wait and see what happened.
Those five sisters did not get angry and make a fuss. They went to their leader Moses and explained the problem to him. Moses did not know what to do, so he asked God for the answer. That was the very best thing to do.
Will you do that too? If you want a place in God’s home in heaven, talk to God about it, and He will give you a promise from His book—an unbreakable promise written in love long ago for you. The only ones who are going to miss out are the ones who don’t care. Will you read His Word, the Bible, and find His special promise for you?
Moses told the girls God’s answer. Yes, the five sisters may each have a place in the promised land, and this would be true for every girl without a father or brothers.
The others in the tribe thought it over. It won’t work, they said, because if they marry husbands from another tribe, the brides will take the ownership of the land with them. So then our tribe will be the loser.
Moses told them God’s answer to that problem: Let them marry someone from their own tribe, and no one will be losers. What a perfect solution!
Now those five sisters had a poor start in life with the loss of their father, but suddenly they became rich—real land owners. And when they would marry a man from their own tribe, they would have two pieces of land! They and their husbands would end up doubly rich!
And if you trust God, whether you are a boy or a girl, you’ll be rich too. And if you marry someone who wants to put Jesus first, you’ll be doubly rich too. Don’t trust yourself or your religion; trust the all-wise God who wrote the Bible. He is the One who has all the promises and blessings stored up for you. It is Jesus who said, “In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you” (John 14:2).
But when the five sisters went back to their tent, they still had nothing. Their father was dead, and there was nobody but girls to do the work. But they had a promise! If they were absolutely sure of the truth of God’s promise, they went home smiling and they would be happy doing their work. They were rich girls, and eventually doubly rich—even with only work ahead right now.
Yes, and we Christians are rich too. Maybe we have lots of work and no fancy clothes or expensive cars, but we already HAVE a promised home in heaven with Jesus, and we can enjoy what’s coming right now. God’s Word has made us rich!
It all came true for those five girls. They all followed God’s instructions and married in their own tribe, and their promise of double riches became real!
If you are a real Christian, why not enjoy your riches right now? They are all yours! “Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).
You may read the first part of this story of the five sisters in Numbers chapter 27 and the second part in chapter 36.
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9
Lori's Warning
I was in the car recently with my son Dave and his family. We were going home from a happy day visiting with other close relatives. The young cousins had played at the park, eaten lunch together, taken naps, played at Ed’s house and eaten supper together too. Now everyone was tired, and we were heading home.
Jimmy, the youngest one in the car, had already fallen asleep. The rest of us were continuing to visit when suddenly, from the very back seat, Lori called out, “Stop, Daddy, slow down! There’s road construction!” She had seen danger ahead and had called out a warning.
Boys and girls, we are calling out a warning to you right now. Do you know that there is danger ahead for you? The Bible tells us, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20). It also says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Sin is a terrible thing, and God is too holy to have sin in His presence. But because He loves sinners, He has provided a remedy for sin: “The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Now that you know there is danger ahead because of your sins, will you follow God’s directions to safety? Right now you can tell God that you know you are a sinner and that you believe that Jesus died for your sins. Then you will be safe from the punishment for sin that is coming.
Dave listened to the warning that Lori called out and slowed down, and we had a safe trip the rest of the way home. If you listen to God’s warning and follow what He has told you, you will have a safe trip all the way home to God the Father’s house in heaven above. And that’s where Jesus is.
The Wonders of God's Creation: A Great Imitator
“The heart is deceitful above all things ... who can know it? I the Lord search the heart.” Jeremiah 17:9-10
Known as walking sticks, or stick insects, these relatives of katydids, crickets, grasshoppers and earwigs come in many varieties throughout North, Central and South America, as well as Asia. North America alone has about a dozen different kinds. Some measure only two to three inches long, but in Asian countries some may be twelve inches long when stretched out on a branch. The larger ones, when roasted, are considered a very tasty food by the natives.
Walking sticks usually remain perfectly still on twigs or even flat blades of grass or leaves. Their long, slender bodies look so much like a part of the tree or plant that insects coming from behind innocently climb up and walk along their backs.
Unlike most insects, these strange brown or green creatures have no wings but have six long, flexible, thin legs, all about the same length, that seem awkward in climbing over twigs and branches. When folded under their bodies, their legs look like a part of a branch itself.
Walking sticks remain motionless on the twigs, branches or leaves, blending so perfectly they are nearly invisible. Their strange appearance hides them from their enemies. Even people searching for these unusual creatures may walk right by one lying on a bare branch and not discover it until, by chance, the person thinks he is grabbing a branch for support and discovers it trying to wriggle away from his hand.
These insects are greedy leaf-eaters, sometimes damaging walnut, oak, locust, hickory, cherry and other trees. The female usually drops one hundred or more eggs to the ground one at a time, which will hatch the following spring. They are neglected, and few survive. As the young grow, they shed their skin five or six times.
In many ways these walking sticks represent an illustration of the deceitful ways of Satan and his efforts to spoil our personal lives. How much better to have our trust in the Lord Jesus, our Creator, and ask Him to help us do what these Bible verses tell us: “He that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain [keep] his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile [dishonesty].... For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous [honest and true], and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter 3:10-12).
Gentle "Storm"
A mother deer and her fawn were feeding next to Long Island Sound. A walking trail wound around the edge of the large body of water, and tall grasses and forestland grew thickly on the other side of the trail.
The fawn had big brown eyes and long ears that twitched as it chewed leaves and grasses. Small white dots could be seen on its back.
Deer have keen senses of hearing and sight. As they eat, they are constantly lifting up their heads and looking around for the approach of enemies. Some animals have sharp teeth and claws to defend themselves, but not deer. They depend on their eyesight, hearing and speed to outrun anything chasing them.
The mother and fawn were munching on grass when something startled them. In an instant, the mother bounded off into the forest. Frightened, the fawn bounded off in the opposite direction. In a few short leaps, the fawn splashed into the water!
The instinct to run away was so strong that the small deer kept running deeper into the water. Soon its feet no longer touched the ground, and it began to swim. By moving its legs in a running motion in the water, it swam farther and farther out into the deep water. In minutes it was 100 yards away from the shore. The great effort of the long swim tired the little deer. It swam slower and began swimming in circles, like it didn’t know the direction it needed to go to return to the safety of the shore.
Just about then, a man and his two dogs came walking down the trail. One of his dogs was a collie and calmly walked at the man’s side. The other dog, named Storm, was a large retriever that loved the water. Storm was constantly running in and out of the water, swimming and splashing, and then running back to his master.
As Storm was running back and forth, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stood still, staring out over the water. He had spotted the fawn’s head in the water, and watching the fawn, he sensed the little animal was in distress.
“What is it, boy?” his master asked. The man looked to see what had caught the attention of his dog, and then he spotted the fawn. Storm looked up at his master as if to ask, “Can I swim out there and bring it back to shore?”
After a moment, the man said, “Okay, Storm, go get it!”
That’s all the dog needed to hear! He ran into the water, and with strong strokes, he quickly covered the distance. The fawn made no attempt to avoid the dog. Storm swam right up to the fawn, opened his mouth, and firmly but gently clamped down with his teeth on the back of the fawn’s neck. The fawn went limp in the grasp of the dog’s mouth. Pushing the fawn in front of him, the dog turned and swam back to shore.
When they made it back to dry land, Storm dragged the fawn out of the water and onto the pebbly beach. Gently he dropped the fawn, which fell in a heap and lay as still as death. The gentle dog, nudged it with his muzzle as if to say, You can get up, little buddy. This went on for a few minutes before the fawn, wobbling, once again got up on its feet.
When the mother deer didn’t come back for her baby, Storm’s master made arrangements for it to be taken to a wildlife refuge. At the refuge, it will be cared for until it is about a year old when it will be released into the wild once more.
It was a good thing for the fawn that Storm came along when he did to rescue it. And what a good thing it is for us too, that when we were in trouble because of our sins, the Lord Jesus came to save us.
When God looked out over this world, his heart went out to all the people living in it. He saw each member of Adam’s race in trouble because of their sins. This trouble was far more than they could ever deal with on their own. It’s as if God saw each person in self-will headed away from Him and into a lost eternity.
He truly loved them. In love and compassion, He had to do something to bring sinners back. God opened His heart and gave the greatest gift He could possibly give. “God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Thankfully Storm didn’t have to give up his life to save the life of the fawn. But it was very different for the Lord Jesus. He had to die in order to rescue sinners. “Without shedding of blood is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22). Willingly He went to the cross and suffered, bled and died. Because of His death, those who repent will have forgiveness. Isaiah 55:7 reads, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” To be pardoned means to be forgiven and to have the dark stain of sin removed from your heart forever.
If you are headed away from God because of sin, you are headed away from the only One who has the power to help you. You are headed to a lost eternity. Won’t you stop before it’s forever too late, realize your danger, and look by faith to the Savior of sinners?
The Lord Jesus gave His life for you. Through faith in Christ you may have your sins forgiven and have your life turned around for God. He is able to help you in every way that is good and right on your way home to heaven.
Please don’t turn Him away. The fawn couldn’t avoid being hauled out of the water by Storm, but sinners in their self-will can say “no” to Christ and continue in their sins. If they go on in their sins, God will have no choice but to eventually punish them in hell. What a terrible mistake it is to put off coming to the Savior by faith! “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
MEMORY VERSE: “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6
The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Migrators
“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done. . . . They are more than can be numbered.” Psalm 40:5
The more we learn about migrating birds and other creatures, the more amazing it is to think how they find their way from one place to another. Scientists can only guess, and if the migrators could talk they couldn’t tell us either. But those who believe in God as the Creator of all things plainly see that He has given them that ability.
Birds such as geese and storks make flights of more than 1000 miles over land and water, traveling north in the spring and south in the fall. Arctic terns make the longest migrations of all—about 12,000 miles twice a year, between Antarctica and nearby islands to the Aleutian Islands, Greenland and the northernmost islands of the Arctic Ocean, where little ones are hatched and raised. Leaving the little ones behind, they return late in August by way of Hawaii—a long, long trip over water. The young ones, never having made that flight, nonetheless follow them later on the same route. How can they do this with no guide to help them? Oh, but they do have a Guide—the Creator who directs them the whole way!
Many more birds, such as robins and geese, make long flights in the spring and again in the fall. They stay on the right course through rain, fog, storms and dark nights to reach their destinations. Sometimes their numbers are so great they become spread out for many miles, and none get lost.
The migration of animals is also amazing. In a past article we told of thousands of caribou that travel in the spring and fall between the United States and Alaska. In Africa there are also great migrations of wildebeests, gazelles, elephants and other animals that migrate back and forth many miles.
Fish of all sizes, from tiny sardines to huge salmon and tuna, are among others that migrate, as do a great number of insects that find their way over great distances every year. Their true Guide is the One who created them and who is always watching over them.
These long-distance travelers need no maps or signals to tell them where or when to go, but the journeys and food supply along the way are all scheduled by their kind Creator.
Do you know the very same One has prepared a way for those who know Him as their Lord and Savior when it is time for them to leave this world? His Word, the Bible, tells us: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). How important it is to accept the Lord Jesus now as your Savior. Then when that important moment comes, He will take you to His wonderful home in heaven!
Grandma's Warning
One Tuesday afternoon, my family decided to take our Grandma to one of our favorite restaurants for her birthday. On the way, Grandma told us she had heard that there was to be a big storm that evening. We did not argue with her, but we didn’t really believe the storm would come. After all, it was a beautiful day, and the weather forecasters sometimes say we will get rain, and then it never happens.
But when we left the restaurant, to our surprise rain was starting to fall. Still, we did not pay much attention to it. But Dad had an idea. “Let’s go out to Lake Michigan and watch the storm come across the lake.” We thought that would be fun, so Dad drove to a street with lots of trees right beside the lake. We parked close by to watch the storm come across the lake.
Before long, the wind got very strong—so strong that we could feel it shaking our car. The trees near us were being blown wildly, and the rain poured down heavily.
“We’d better get out of here!” Dad said, as he started the car. We hadn’t gone very far before we came to a tree that had fallen across the road. What do we do now? we all wondered.
Dad got out of the car and tried to move the tree. It was so big that Mom got out to help, but they could not move it. Soaking wet, Dad went to the door of the nearest house and asked for permission to drive through their yard to get around the tree. They said “Okay,” so that’s what we did. Pretty soon we came to another tree fallen across the road. This time we were glad to see a narrow path around it. Dad got out and held the branches back while Mom drove around it. We had not gone very far before we had to stop again. This time three trees had fallen across the road, and there were cars on the other side of the trees also wanting to get through.
Dad found a way around the trees and guided the other cars past them, and then he drove our car through. Finally, we made it to the end of the street, admitting that Grandma and the weather forecasters had been right, after all.
Here’s a question for you. Has anyone ever given you a warning? Did you listen and obey the warning?
We have a very serious storm warning for you right now! The storm that is coming is much greater than what our family drove through and much worse than even a tornado or hurricane. It is a storm of God’s judgment. The Bible warns us in Romans 3:23 that every one of us has sinned. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” That includes you and me. We all have done things that we know are wrong. God must punish sin because He is holy, and that is why His judgment for sin is coming.
But we have good news! “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). God sent Jesus down to earth to take the punishment for sin by dying on the cross. The blood that He shed there is what provides a way to be saved from that “storm of punishment.” Then three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and is alive now in heaven. He loves you and is willing to wash your sins away if you will come to Him in prayer, telling Him you are sorry for your sins and believing that He will wash away all your sins, just as the Bible says.
If you ignore this warning, you will have to suffer the punishment for your sins yourself in that terrible place called hell. Don’t wait! Settle the matter right now and be sure your sins are gone! “Today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Today if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 3:15
Peter's Ice Adventure
At last, the first signs of spring! The ice in the river was finally breaking up!
Peter, age six, was having fun jumping on the ice cakes near shore. He was pretending they were islands, each one a different size, and some were almost too small to stand on. He saw another small one farther out. Would he be able to get to it? At last he jumped his way over to it. It was pretty small, so he sat down on it so he wouldn’t lose his balance. This one was floating slowly away from shore, so slowly he was hardly aware of it. At first it was fun, but soon Peter discovered he had floated too far out to jump back to another ice cake near shore. He knew he was in trouble and began to call for help.
At home, Peter’s mother heard his cries. She called to her neighbors as she ran to the river. Several followed her. For a few moments they watched fearfully as Peter drifted slowly away from shore.
Peter’s mother, a believer in the Lord Jesus, quickly prayed, asking Him to help them. She believed the verse, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). How she loved her son!
“We must find a boat,” the neighbors shouted. Another neighbor nearby saw what was happening and quickly pushed his rowboat into the water.
Peter was far out from shore now . . . his floating ice island was almost in the middle of the river! His mother called to him, “Sit still, Peter; don’t move!” She knew if he moved, he would tumble into the icy water. Peter obeyed.
How important it is to obey our parents. But to obey God’s voice calling to us to accept His Son Jesus as Savior is even more important. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Children, don’t put it off; accept Him now before the current of sin takes you far away and you are lost forever.
God’s eye was on Peter, and the rescue boat reached him in time. He was pulled into the boat—safe at last! Oh shore, his mother rejoiced and thanked the Lord Jesus for His goodness and mercy to Peter. And he was so glad to be safe in his mother’s arms.
Wouldn’t you like to be safe in the arms of the Lord Jesus and out of danger?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Vicious Barracuda
“God created great whales, and every living creature . . . which the waters brought forth abundantly.” Genesis 1:21
There are several species of barracuda, a saltwater fish, ranging from those about the size of a salmon to some close to six feet in length. All have razor-sharp teeth and strong jaws and are swift, fearless and destructive. They have a few natural predators such as sharks and killer whales.
The great barracuda are found in the warm Atlantic waters of the West Indies, Florida and the Bahamas. These grow to six feet long and are more dangerous to sea life than a shark. Smaller species also live in the Atlantic Ocean off the shores of Cape Cod south to Brazil. Those in Pacific Ocean waters are active from Canada to Panama and are mostly among the smaller species, rarely attacking people.
One called the California barracuda, about three feet long, is among the nicer-looking species, black-gray on top with silver or yellow sides and white stomachs. Others have dark green or blue backs with dark bars on backs and sides. Actually these colors change somewhat at times, usually to blend in with their surroundings.
These brutal creatures often make a trial bite of a prospective victim before eating it. Even when not hungry, some will play around with a victim and then may leave without attacking it.
Barracuda eat just about anything that moves, but favorites include sardines, anchovies, silversides and mackerels. In spring their small yellow eggs are laid among underwater plants and left to hatch by themselves.
Some fishermen dislike barracuda because they steal bait from their lines. If caught on a line, they will leap into the air until they break the line. Other fishermen on the Pacific Coast and Florida consider it good sport to fish for the smaller ones in those areas, just for the fun of catching them. Several species are good to eat, although the meat spoils quickly, but some are also poisonous.
The Lord God did not create these fish to be vicious, but when Adam and Eve foolishly brought sin into the world, it affected the life of every living thing. Happily, after those who love the Lord Jesus have been called to heaven and judgment is pronounced on those who have refused Him, there will be a time when all creatures will live together in peace.
How nice it will be for those in heaven to look down and see a world at peace. We hope you will be among those happy ones in heaven.
Monkey Came Back
We named our fluffy, outdoor kitten Monkey, because the name fit his actions. When he was small, we would bring him into the house to play. He raced around, climbed the furniture and, when we sat down, he swatted at our shoulders from the back of the armchair. He was more like a monkey than a kitten.
As Monkey got older, his play became rough and unpredictable. His swiping paws with their claws sometimes drew blood, and we didn’t know what to expect when we petted him. We decided to give Monkey to some friends who thought they could train him into a nice pet.
Jesus said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Jesus will never get tired of us and push us away if we come to Him, but, sadly, that is just what we did to Monkey, our pet kitty. We loaded him into the back of our car, drove two miles to our friends’ home and dropped him off. Monkey hid under their bed, probably scared of his new surroundings. Our friends offered him food, water and a litter box, but he stayed under the bed all day.
Not knowing what else to do, they opened the back door to let Monkey outside for just a few minutes. But he rushed out the door, climbed over the fence and disappeared!
Our friends called to tell us that Monkey had run away. We were sorry he was lost, but we didn’t go hunt for him. Our hope was that another family would find him, adopt him and take good care of him.
Do you know that, unlike us, our loving Father in heaven is looking for his lost children? He made a way for you and me to return to Him. He loves us very much, but it’s our sins that separate us from Him. The Bible tells us that “the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). He sent His Son Jesus to Calvary’s cross to die for you and me. If we come to Him, we can have our sins washed away by faith in Jesus’ shed blood and be made ready for heaven.
We left some cat food in our garage just in case Monkey came back, but we didn’t expect to see him again. What a surprise when, after two weeks, Monkey showed up at our house! Somehow, he knew which direction to travel to find his old home. Of course, after that we took good care of Monkey, loving him, petting him, feeding him and taking him to the vet when he got sick. Monkey was home!
This reminded us of a story in the Bible about a young man who left his father’s house to live a life of sin. He soon ran out of money, and then his friends left him. When he had nothing to eat except pig food, he decided to go back home and confess to his father that he had sinned in what he had done.
His father saw him coming when he was still a long way off and ran and kissed him. Then he prepared a welcome feast to celebrate his lost son’s return. The father said, “Let us eat, and be merry, for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found” (Luke 15:24).
This is a little picture of God the Father welcoming his lost children back home. Won’t you come home to the loving Father today, confessing that you are a sinner and want your sins washed away in the blood that Jesus shed on the cross?
MEMORY VERSE: “The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.” 1 John 4:14
Out of Control!
The day was clear and sunny as the students gathered around their instructor at the Sunset Pilot Training School. These young pilots had already learned much about flying. Now they were going to learn how to “recover” when the airplane goes into a spin. One at a time the students went up with the instructor to practice what they had learned in the classroom.
John Roberts, one of the students, waited for his turn. He was a good student who learned easily and now was anxious to show the instructor what he could do. Finally, his turn came. He listened carefully as his instructor reviewed some last-minute points with him.
They climbed into the small plane and taxied down the runway. Soon they were in the air, climbing steadily over an unpopulated area until they reached 12,000 feet.
The instructor told John to put the plane into the spin. John eased back on the control stick, kicked on full rudder, and put the plane into its spiral dive toward the earth. That part was rather easy to do.
When the order was given to pull the plane out of the spin, John found this hard to do. He tried his best, but nothing seemed to work. Sweat poured down his face as he realized that he had lost control of the plane! As it hurtled closer and closer toward the ground, the plane shuddered as it spun round and round. It looked to John like there was no hope. The plane was going to crash! He fearfully looked over at his instructor.
The instructor calmly spoke to John over his headset: “Relax, John. It’s all right. I have control of the plane.”
A few minutes later they were safely on the ground again. John was still visibly shaken knowing that if it had not been for the instructor, he would have been killed instantly in the crash.
What about your life? Have you lost control? Are you spinning downward and not able to help yourself? Do you realize that unless you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Savior, you are heading for a crash landing in your sins?
Your life does not have to end that way! The Lord Jesus loves you and will take over the controls of your life if you will let Him. He does not want you to crash—to die in your sins.
The Lord Jesus Christ was wounded and died on Calvary’s cross for any who will believe in Him. Accept Him now as your Savior and know for sure that He will pilot you safely through this life to heaven. His promise is found in Isaiah 41:13: “I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Frogs and Toads Beyond Number - Part 1
“God made . . . everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind.” Genesis 1:25
Many people don’t like frogs or toads, but these creatures are beneficial because they eat tremendous amounts of insects that would otherwise be pests. In remarkable varieties, millions of frogs and toads are in just about every warm part of the world. Here are a few.
The golden toad lives in Costa Rica. The entire body of the male is a bright golden orange, but the female has areas of mixed colors—most made of spots about the size of a penny.
Another unusual one is the red-eyed Mediterranean tree frog. It lives in the swamps of Spain. Its throat and lower mouth are white as snow, but sides are pale yellow with big spots of black. Its underparts are bright green. It can change colors to match its surroundings if danger is near.
A tiny one in Chile has the strange name of rhinoderma darwini. Its back and legs are bright red, but its belly is dark green. Instead of laying eggs in ponds, this one lays them on moist ground. When they hatch and begin to develop, the male frog snatches them into his mouth. He doesn’t eat them, but keeps them there until the frogs finally develop and hop out.
Poison-dart frogs have this name because their poisonous skin is used by some South American hunters on the points of their hunting darts. This frog’s eggs are laid on damp ground. When the young hatch, the mother carries them piggyback to a water-filled plant high in a tree. She brings them food there until they are able to care for themselves.
Still another variety seems to eat the eggs it lays. The female actually tucks them away in the back of her mouth where they grow into froglets. Then she spits them out without harm.
In North America all frogs lay eggs in water and leave them entirely on their own. But in some tropical places, certain species provide additional care for their eggs, as well as the tadpoles hatching from them.
In parts of Europe, an unusually long-legged brown frog, covered with black spots, rises on its long legs and puffs out its round body with a fierce look. It does this to scare away snakes that come to attack it.
In our opening Bible verse, the truth of God’s way of creation is explained to us with the words “after his kind.” This makes it plain that nothing would ever be able to change into something else. All things—including humans—were created just as we see them today. Another Bible verse also plainly explains this: “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another flesh of fishes, and another of birds” (1 Corinthians 15:39). The Bible gives us the truth.
(to be continued)
The Raid of the Midnight Bandits
After work, I loaded a bunch of camping equipment into the back of my van and then picked up a group of boys who had been coming to Sunday school. They ranged in age from 9 to 13 and talked the whole way as we drove to the campground. We drove through Chicago, turned south and then drove around the southern tip of Lake Michigan. Then we turned north through the farm country of northwestern Indiana. After a couple of hours, we finally arrived at our favorite campsite at Indiana Dunes State Park. I did not realize that the park was the scene of frequent crimes by bandits that raided at night.
We found a campsite and quickly set up our large tent. After sitting for the long drive, we all felt like walking. By this time it was already dark, so I held the one flashlight we brought. We walked up and down several tall sand dunes that were right next to the campsites in the trees. We saw the beautiful moonlight reflected on the surface of Lake Michigan. Then we turned away from the lake and hiked into the dark, shadowy forest. In the forest we quickly lost all sense of direction. We walked on not knowing exactly where we were going until we stumbled into a swamp. You might think that was scary. Instead, it was actually fun! We guessed which way to walk to get back to the campsite, and this time we were right! All the while we were walking, we didn’t see signs of any robbers, but I bet they saw us and heard us and thought to themselves, These guys are going to be easy pickings.
It was probably 11 p.m. by the time we got back to camp. The boys crawled into their sleeping bags. You’d think they would have been talked out after being together for a few hours and dead tired, but they weren’t. They were just as chatty as ever. Instead of trying to quiet them down, I decided to take my sleeping bag outside by the front zippered door of the tent. My small Shetland Sheep dog, Mickey, like a good bodyguard, lay down beside me. Soon I was sound asleep and unaware of the world around me.
Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up with a start. I don’t know what it was that awakened me. Mickey was still lying down next to me, but I could tell his body was in a state of high alert. His ears were perked up like he was trying to hear every little sound, and he was looking hard into the darkness.
“What is it boy?” I asked him, and then turned on the flashlight. I swept the beam of light slowly in a semi-circle to see what was going on. The beam of light didn’t fully light the darkness. For the most part, I could only see the dark silhouettes of trees and bushes, but behind every tree and bush I could also see a small pair of beady eyes reflecting light back at me. I figured they must be raccoons. It seemed like every raccoon in the states of Indiana and Michigan was surrounding our large tent and sneaking up to it. There were so many pairs of eyes that there was no way I could count them!
After I thought about it for a little while, I came to the conclusion they could do us no harm. Our food was safely locked in the van, so I went back to sleep.
Early the next morning, I was awakened by the squealing of small animals arguing. I opened my eyes and, looking almost straight up, saw two raccoons about 30 feet above me in the branches of a nearby tree. They were fighting over the ownership of a package of cinnamon rolls.
They were so surprised by my waking up that they both lost hold of the package. The badly ripped package fell to the ground. “Oh, wow!” I realized immediately that the raccoons had been in the van! As I walked over to the van, inside a fat raccoon scampered to the front seat, climbed up the partially open window and squeezed out.
“Oh, no!” I said as I saw my mistake. I had left the front driver’s side window open a few inches. It was all the space the clever raccoons needed to squeeze through and steal all our food! The contents of two grocery bags had disappeared, the ice chest had been opened, and all the food had been robbed out of it too!
Other than making a big mess, they hadn’t done any damage to the van. I cleaned up the mess and then drove to the nearby camp store to buy food for breakfast for the boys. We had to cut the camping trip short for lack of food, but it still was a lot of fun. It was a camping trip that I’ll always remember, because of all the pairs of eyes I saw peering at me in the night.
Now I would like to share with you about a pair of eyes that really do see everything! A verse in the Bible reads, “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). That means everywhere you go and everything you do, the Lord is watching. Even at this very moment, the eyes of the Lord are in every place, and one of the places He is looking is straight into your heart.
Sadly, because of sin, there may be a lot of darkness in these hearts of ours. The truth is that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 6:23). The little word “all” includes each of us. To be a sinner means a person is headed towards eternal punishment. God doesn’t want anyone to end up in the darkness of hell. He wants all to come to repentance and faith in Christ that they might be with Him forever in heaven. When a person believes in Christ and His work on the cross, God forgives their sins and makes them one of His sons or daughters. Galatians 3:26 reads, “Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”
The eyes of the Lord are in every place. You can’t hide your sin from Him. What you can do is get down on your knees and tell Him you are sorry for your sins, and then put your faith in the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who loves you and died on Calvary’s cross for you. He said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
If you haven’t done so yet, won’t you trust in Jesus Christ right now for salvation?
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:2
The Wonders of God's Creation: Frogs and Toads Beyond Number - Part 2
“By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth . . . . All things were created by Him, and for Him.” Colossians 1:16
In last week’s article we looked at unusual frogs and toads in different parts of the world. Here are a few more.
A tiny frog in Central America, the pygmy marsupial, lays a small number of sticky eggs each spring. Somehow, using her legs, the mother transfers them into slits on her back where she carries them for many days. She does this until they are ready to hatch into tadpoles. Then she finds a good spot in the water, hops in, releases the eggs into the water and swims away, leaving them to take care of themselves.
The glass frog of South America is well-named, for its entire body, including the legs, is transparent and looks like it was made out of glass. Its eggs look like little green-colored beads or marbles. At hatching time, the father frog guards these eggs and makes sure they are always kept moist.
The last one we will look at is the desert spadefoot toad, whose home is in a hot, desert area of Arizona. This shy brownish-green fellow, with huge, bulging green eyes, is only seen when heavy rains fill up otherwise empty streambeds, making pools along the edges. Then, amazingly, several of these may come out of the muddy ground. The females lay a few eggs which they attach to rocks and plants at the edge of the water. Several days later little ones hatch out and find food of some kind, enabling them to grow full size. When the water in the stream begins to dry up, they quickly bury themselves in the mud, using their back feet as shovels, and will remain there until new rains come—maybe many months later. No one has been able to figure out how they live and even grow down in the muddy ground. It is certainly another of the wonders of God’s creation, and we know He is caring for them even in their unusual way of life.
If space permitted, we could go on and on, always being reminded of the wonders of God’s creation and His preserving care over all things. Just think how much more He cares for men and women, boys and girls. One way is that He has given us the ability to read His Word, the Bible, and learn how good He is to us. There we learn how much He loves us and how the Lord Jesus gave His life on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of those who trust Him. How thankful we should be that He gave His life for us, so that we could accept Him as Savior. Have you done this?
It wasn’t a real snake. It was made of brass, twisted around a pole and placed very high for everyone to see. I expect you would like to know why that serpent of shining brass was up there in the sunlight that day. Here is the story:
The people of God were camping in the desert near the end of their long, 40-year journey. They had many, many tents, all pitched in a certain order that God had commanded. God had taken good care of His people for all those long years of travel. Now their journey was almost over, and the shortest way was straight ahead, through the land belonging to their father’s brother.
Can we use your highway? Moses asked.
NO! And it was a definite answer!
We won’t spoil anything, and we’ll pay for whatever we use.
The answer was still, NO!
God’s people were really discouraged. God would not let them fight about it, and they were all angry inside.
Do you understand how they felt? Do you feel like that too when things are not fair? God cares about your disappointment. In fact, He cared so much about His people’s disappointment that He made their trouble a whole lot worse!
Are you saying, “I don’t understand”? We have a God who is much wiser than we are. He can see that we don’t always need a smooth trail, but we always need Him.
God sent fiery serpents (serpents are snakes) slithering under the tent walls, and their terrible, poisonous bites began killing the people.
If God hates complaining, you and I deserve to die too, and that’s why God tells you this story. He wants to save you, but first of all He wants you to understand that you need to be saved.
The people cried out to Moses, “Ask God to take away the snakes!” They were ready and wanted to be saved now, but they chose the wrong way of salvation. If God only took away the snakes, there were all those people who were already bitten who would certainly die, and that would be a lot of deaths.
Are you ready to be saved now? If you cry out to God, be sure to let Him decide how to save you. He has already sent His only begotten Son to die for you, because He knew you needed Him. Let Him save you by the blood of Jesus who died for you! God has no other way.
The Bible does not say if God took away the snakes. However, it does tell us that He told Moses to make a serpent of brass and set it up high on a pole so that everyone could see it. The reason for the brass serpent was this—one look at that serpent on the pole meant instant cure! The bitten person was healed at once . . . it only took one look!
No doctor in the world could ever plan a cure like that, and no arguing could change it. God’s promise was true; all they needed was just to look. And God’s promise is true for you too. Jesus who died on the cross is the only Savior of sinners. His way is perfect. Why will you die without Him? “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22).
I cannot tell you what happened to the snakes on the ground, but I know what happened to the brass serpent on the pole. We’ll tell you about it next week. Or if you can’t wait that long, you may read what happened in 2 Kings 18:4.
MEMORY VERSE: “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:22
A Baby Robin in Trouble
It was spring, and something was going on in our neighbor’s yard. We could hear a pair of robins chirping frantically and see them nervously flitting from branch to branch. When we looked closer, we discovered a baby robin on the ground. It had fallen out of the nest. The father and mother robin were very upset and were keeping a watchful eye on their baby.
Something else was keeping an eye on their baby bird too . . . a neighbor’s cat! As the cat started creeping through the grass, the father and mother robin dove down again and again, chirping loudly and pecking at the cat. The cat couldn’t go any closer to the baby robin because the parents kept flying at the cat and pecking it.
We were afraid the cat might eventually win out, so we picked up the little robin . . . and now the parents were scolding us! The baby bird seemed to be so scared and hungry. It kept opening its mouth wide and chirping sharply, as much as to say, “I am hungry and I need help!” And we were going to help it and do what we could to save the little bird’s life.
Do you children realize that you are in danger too, just like that baby robin? If you have not been saved from your sins, there is a Savior to help and save you too. The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). He sees you and loves you and cares about you.
The news reached another neighbor that we had found a baby robin. She had an empty birdcage, and the next day she adopted the helpless, hungry little bird. She nursed it like a mother would, and each day the baby robin seemed to grow a little stronger. Finally, after about a month, the young robin could fly on its own. All that summer the bird never seemed to leave her backyard and would come to her for food when she called it.
The Lord Jesus will do the very same for you. Because He loves you, He died on Calvary’s cross for you. He will wash away all your sins and give you eternal life so you can live with Him in heaven someday. Will you come tell Him that you are a sinner and want Him to wash your sins away? Here is what He will do: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). He will take care of you until you are safely home in heaven with Him.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Eat It … Don't Smell It
“God said, Behold, I have given you . . . every tree, in the which is the fruit. . . . To you it shall be for meat [food].” Genesis 1:29
Some time ago we looked at jakfruit trees, which have fruits that smell terrible but that taste unusually good. These are popular with the people of India.
There is another awful-smelling but good-tasting fruit that grows in the Philippines and Indonesia. It is called the durian and is about the size and weight of a coconut and grows hanging down on long, strong stems. This melon-like fruit is dark green, oval shaped and covered with thorn-like knobs. When a fully ripe durian fruit drops, it can badly injure a person and even kill an animal if it hits them.
In spite of their awful smell, the local people wait impatiently for durians to ripen and drop. So do elephants, tigers, wild pigs and other animals. Because of their awful smell, visitors will seldom even taste this fruit. The local residents claim they taste like rich custard, flavored with almonds. They sometimes eat them fresh, like an avocado or cantaloupe, but more often they are either cut up or mashed, then mixed in ice cream, candy, cake icing or other confections.
When durian is sliced and served on a plate in a restaurant, everyone soon knows it is there. Though foreign visitors may get up and leave, even if they haven’t finished eating what they ordered, the local residents consider this fruit a real treat. They sometimes come back with the remark, “Well, it’s just like limburger cheese. Lots of people don’t eat it because of its odor, but many others enjoy it and don’t let the smell bother them.”
Did the Creator make a mistake when He provided these lands with jakfruit and durian trees? No, they are simply another example of His providing a great variety in all He has created. Perhaps He primarily intended them as food for birds and animals, giving them a strong odor so these creatures can tell when they are ripe.
This world has many problems, but in heaven everything will be perfect! There will be no unpleasant odors there. How nice to know that God has prepared a heavenly home for those who have had their sins forgiven by asking His Son, the Lord Jesus, to be their Savior. His invitation to all is “come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Have you come to Him? Are your sins forgiven?
What Happened to the Brass Serpent?
Do you remember the story from last week about the brass serpent on a pole? The children of Israel had been bitten by poisonous snakes, and God instructed Moses to make a serpent (snake) out of brass and mount it on a pole. God’s instructions were that the people only needed to look at the brass serpent to be healed from their poisonous snake bites. It was a simple matter of look and live!
Wasn’t that an amazing brass serpent? No, not really. The secret was in the God who made the promise. Maybe the serpent had to be polished to keep it shiny, but it was only a brass statue on a pole and had no real power in itself. God tells you this story because He wants you to see that the power is all His own. Religion will not save you, but God can!
This amazing metal serpent seemed to be a treasure which the people felt must not be destroyed. Keep it, they decided. It saved our lives!
Do you think that the church can save you? No, that isn’t God’s way. Do you think that some man or woman, whoever they are, could say good prayers for you and make sure that God would listen? No, that isn’t God’s way either. These people made the same mistake about the shiny brass serpent, thinking that it had saved their lives! And it seemed to grow more important to them as the years went by.
They gave the serpent statue lots of honor. They even burned incense to it! That means they took some sweet-smelling dried plants, the best they could find, and burned them to make a cloud of scented smoke around the serpent. This seemed very nice, but they did not search to find out what God had commanded, so all their sweet smells were worthless!
God is not hard to please. He has already provided all you need to be saved: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). He does not ask you to fold your hands and pray to the cross. No, He asks you to pray to Jesus Himself—the Lord Jesus Christ. He will save you from your sins and give you power to choose His ways and to live for Him.
The king at that time was Hezekiah. The brass serpent had been kept and treasured all through the life of David and Solomon and many others, but King Hezekiah knew that making an idol out of the serpent was wrong. He didn’t worry himself about what other great kings had done. He saw that cloud of sweet incense being offered to that ancient snake statue and he said, No! That is just a piece of brass! And he broke it to pieces!
We hear no more about it, but I hope the people listened to King Hezekiah. God doesn’t want worthless worship—don’t worship “things,” no matter how valuable they may be now or have been to you in the past.
And I hope you listen to God’s message too. We read in the Bible that our God wants worshippers! . . . He wants you! He will not make you an unhappy slave; instead, He wants to save you from the pain and suffering of eternal punishment for your sins. He wants to give you everlasting joy with Himself in heaven forever!
Yes, life is a rough road, and God does not promise to take away your troubles now. But He does promise to stay with you through your troubles and always, until He comes to take you home to heaven.
“In the world ye shall have tribulation [trouble]: but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
You may read about King Hezekiah destroying the serpent of brass in 2 Kings 18:4.
MEMORY VERSE: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
God's Unusual Workers
“Your Father [knows] what things ye have need of” (Matthew 6:8).
Mr. Wang, the old Chinese preacher, and his wife lived in a little mud house next to the chapel that was surrounded by a small courtyard. When persecution against the Christians began, the old couple was told not to leave the courtyard, because they might be killed. They had enough rice and other grain in the house to last them for a long time, and Christian friends brought them vegetables. But gradually the wood to cook their food was all used. Wood was hard to find in the countryside where they lived. People looked everywhere for dry sticks and grass to build fires for cooking their rice. The Wangs could not expect help from their friends, but they prayed to the Lord about their need.
One morning when they were completely out of firewood, Mrs. Wang went into the courtyard. There at her feet on the ground were some dry branches. She happily gathered them up and soon had a nice fire going, and she was able to cook their breakfast. The old couple ate their meal with thankful hearts.
But where did the branches come from?
God has His workers. Crows were building a nest in the high tree that was growing in the courtyard. As they gathered sticks, grass and branches, they dropped many that fell into the courtyard. The birds continued to drop them day after day, until the Wangs’ little shed was filled with branches for fuel. There were also green twigs with tender leaves which the Wangs fed their little goat.
When the persecution was over, Mr. and Mrs. Wang gratefully told their friends how God had provided for their needs.
“O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so” (Psalm 107:1-2). “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Springtime Is a Welcome Time
“Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone.” Song of Solomon 2:10-11
Before our calendars actually display the springtime months, God’s creation already shows its nearness. Have you noticed flocks of birds overhead, migrating northward? Their songs and calls remind us that the miracle of spring is already in progress.
In ocean waters, fish of various kinds are affected by the coming of spring too. Schools of thousands of fish find their way to faraway shores to enter rivers and streams. You may actually watch them swimming upstream to lay their eggs.
Even insects awaken to this change from winter and begin their important jobs for which the Creator has designed them. Some, like angleworms, centipedes and beetles, will drill into the soil, opening little holes where the soil can receive fresh air and spring rains. Others fly among early flowers and blossoms in search of nectar, unaware that they are part of God’s design of pollination as they travel from one flower to another.
Even your dog or cat will make you realize the nearness of spring. Have you noticed your pet’s heavy winter coat of fur is thinning out for a lighter summer coat of fur?
Activity on farms is picking up. Farmers are out on their tractors, turning over and cultivating the soil for spring planting. In many homes, families have fun planning and planting early vegetable gardens and flower beds. How good that freshly turned soil smells! God has supplied food and water in the soil for newly planted seeds. They will soon send up tender shoots into the sunshine of spring.
Trees and bushes in parks and forests, looking bare and sad through winter’s cold, now come alive with new buds and leaves on their bare branches. Forest floors and many open areas display a lovely delicate green as new grass appears. The first wildflowers appear, some of which poke their pretty heads through patches of snow not yet melted away.
What an amazing time of year it is for those of us who closely watch the progress of spring. This miracle confirms the truth that none of this just happens to take place, but all is ordered by the Creator as a delightful means of ushering in the springtime, welcomed by all. The promise in His Word, the Bible, is this: “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).
Springtime represents a lovely picture of the change in the life of a boy or girl, man or woman, who has accepted the Lord Jesus as his or her Savior and has “passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). Have you experienced this most important “springtime” in your own heart?
Pauline's Sore Hoof
Dad and I went out to do the evening chores. As usual, our big gray cow, Pauline, came into the barn to be milked. Dad noticed she was limping on her right front leg. However, she seemed to be fine otherwise and was eating as usual, which was a good sign.
I lifted her hoof, and examined it and found a swollen area on her leg right above the hoof. After Dad had milked her, he held her hoof while I tried to clean off the mud and then cleaned out between the two halves of the hoof. Since I work for a vet, I have my own tool for jobs like this. With my tool and my fingers, I dug around between the two halves, up where they join together, and that’s where my tool hit something hard.
Dad held on tightly to try to keep Pauline from moving while I reached in and felt around with my fingers. Aha! I found a stone in there, but it was stuck pretty tightly. I had to stick my fingers way in, feeling around before I could get a grip on the stone. Aha again, as I pulled it out triumphantly and held it up. It was a wedge-shaped, triangular stone, about a fourth the size of a golf ball. It had to have been very painful for her to walk with that big stone stuck in there!
We led her out into the lean-to, which is a shed open on the front side, and she walked better than before. We decided to keep her in the lean-to overnight and fed her some hay in there. That was so she wouldn’t have to walk in the mud to get her hay that we kept in another place.
Poor Pauline, there was no way she could have gotten that stone out by herself, no matter how hard she tried. It took a special tool to reach in where the stone was stuck, and then it also took my fingers to grasp the stone to pull it out. Once again she was a happy cow. If she could have talked, I think she would have said, “THANK YOU!”
Each of you boys and girls have a difficult problem called sin. But like Pauline who couldn’t pull out the stone by herself, you can’t get rid of your sins by yourself. However, there is a way to have all your sins washed away. The Bible tells us who can do that for you: “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). God’s very own Son loves every one of us so much that He wants us to live with Him in heaven someday. However, we can’t live with Him if we still have our sins. They must be washed away! Once you’ve let Jesus wash them away, you will be so very happy and relieved to have them gone forever! Then the door to heaven is open for you.
Next morning Dad told me Pauline was walking without a limp, eating and acting normal and gave a normal amount of milk. How thankful we were to have found that pesky stone and removed it for her. And we are thankful that we took care of the problem and didn’t decide to just “keep an eye on it.” Pauline is a “happy” cow once again, and we are happy too.
And every person who has come to the Lord Jesus to have his or her sins washed away is a very happy person to know their sins are gone! They can happily look forward to living with Jesus in heaven someday.
“Unto Him [Jesus] that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
MEMORY VERSE: “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
A Story About Nothing
This story is about nothing—nothing at all. That’s what you brought into the world with you when you were born: Nothing!
There was a man in Italy who knew how to make money—lots of it—-and he became a very rich man. He had an expensive car and much more. He also had in his car one little New Testament which he had stuffed out of sight in his glove compartment, because he didn’t know what to do with it.
Think of that! The eternal Word of God, showing the way to everlasting joy and with the answer to all the sins and sorrows of life and death . . . and he didn’t know what to do with it! He knew how to handle money and how to make more. He knew how to get a beautiful house and how to meet important people, but he didn’t know God’s simple way of salvation. How poor can a rich man be?
Then came the car accident. The ambulance was called, and there was nothing he could do but wait. His injuries were not severe, but he knew very well that he could have been killed. His hand reached for the ownership papers of his car, and his fingers came up with that little New Testament. For the first time, he opened it and read that verse about “nothing.” It was 1 Timothy 6:7: “We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.”
“I felt as if I had been struck by lightning!” he said later. He realized that if he had been killed, all his possessions would be reduced to zero. Nothing would be left for eternity. Not a single penny of all his riches would be his the moment after his death.
But after death there is something that would still be his—his sins! These you cannot get rid of after death. They must be gotten rid of before death or they are yours forever, through the endless ages of eternity. Will you please, at this moment, picture this awful truth—standing before God in your sins!
However, the awful debt of my sins has been paid by the One who loves me and died for me on Calvary. His precious blood cleanses from all sin now, and this cleansing is forever! After I’m gone, everything I own will also be left behind for someone else. But, Jesus is mine forever! I cannot lose Him because He cannot lose me. When God looks at me, He sees Jesus, now and forever.
The rich man in the car accident began to read the Bible earnestly, and he soon accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior and was then baptized. Will you also receive this loving Savior as your own? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Don't Argue With a Bluefish
“They that go down to the sea . . . see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.” Psalm 107:23-24
Huge schools of bluefish live in the Atlantic Ocean off the shores of Eastern Canada and the United States to the southern tip of South America. They have been known to migrate in tremendous numbers, at times in schools more than 50 miles wide, from which individual groups separate from time to time to go their own way. It is estimated that many thousands of tons of them are caught by fishermen throughout the world, but mostly off the eastern coast of North America.
Bluefish are about 15 to 24 inches long, have a forked tail and usually weigh 1 to 4 pounds. But some grow over 3 feet long and may weigh more than 30 pounds. Their name comes from their bluish-green color. They are fierce and usually hungry, never seeming to satisfy their hunger with enough fish and eels, their main food. They catch these with mouths wide open and often swallow them whole.
Some fishermen call the bluefish the fiercest fish in the ocean. When hooked, they fight hard and sometimes even attack the person taking it off the hook, severely biting hands, fingers and arms with their dagger-like teeth. When a bluefish catches a fish too large to swallow whole, it will bite it in half. Another bluefish will immediately grab the other half.
They are not the least bit afraid of people. If a person falls into water close to a bluefish, it may not hesitate to attack the person with its razor-sharp teeth. If not quickly rescued, the bluefish may cause the person’s death.
These fish are not in demand as a commercial fish, because they do not keep well, and freezing them spoils the taste. Therefore, they are mainly a sport fish for fishermen who want some excitement. A hooked bluefish will fight and leap into the air as it tries to shake the hook out of its mouth.
The opening Bible verse speaks of the wonders of God’s creation in the depths of the oceans. It is certainly wonderful to think of the wonders of His creation in this great planet on which we live and to realize that its great oceans cover more than 70 percent of the surface. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 1:7, “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full: unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.”
Some researchers have marveled at the wisdom of the Creator who arranged for such perfection. In Psalm 139:6,14, David said it so well in speaking of the wonders of creation, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.... I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works.” We all should agree with David.
Patrick and the Climbing Wall
Patrick’s mother led him by the hand into the tall building that had an indoor climbing wall. Five-year-old Patrick was small for his age, but he was quick and strong for his size. His eyes lit up and a big grin spread across his face when he saw the wall. He had climbed the wall a few times before and knew it was a lot of fun. The wall was about 30 feet wide and 25 feet high. It looked like it was made out of brown sandstone and had foot and toe holds, none of them very large.
A worker fastened Patrick into a shoulder harness and made sure it was good and snug. Then the worker snapped a safety line onto the harness. One end of the safety line had been passed through a pulley system in the ceiling of the building. Patrick’s mother held the other end of the line in her hands. She would keep a close watch on Patrick as he climbed. If he stumbled or fell, she could quickly pull him away from the wall and gently lower him to the ground.
Just about as nimbly and quick as a mountain goat, Patrick found the necessary foot and toe holds and climbed the wall. When he got to the top, he called out with a big toothy grin, “Mom, I made it!”
“Okay, Patrick, good job,” she called to him. “Now push off and jump, and I’ll lower you to the ground,” she instructed.
This part was as much fun as the climbing. Patrick pushed off from the wall and did a free fall. He had complete trust in his mom and the safety line. For a few moments it felt as if he were flying, as his mother slowly let out the rope and lowered him to the ground.
“Can I do it again, Mom?” he asked.
“No, Patrick. Once is enough for the day,” she told him. She unsnapped the safety line and was just about to unbuckle his shoulder harness when an old friend came up to her, greeted her, and the two of them began talking. For a few minutes she took her attention off Patrick. It was all the time he needed to climb the wall the second time. And he climbed it just as nimbly and expertly as he did the first time. When he got to the top, he called out, “I’m ready to come down now.”
His mother turned around and saw him at the top of the wall! Seeing he had disobeyed her, she exclaimed, “What are you doing up there?” She took the safety line into her hands and was about to yell “Jump!” . . . in fact, she had just started to say the word when she realized, with a terrible fright, that the safety line was no longer attached to Patrick’s shoulder harness! She had almost told him to jump to what would have been certain injury or even death! She stopped herself just in time and instead told him in a very commanding voice, “HANG ON AND DON’T MOVE!”
Let me ask each of you boys and girls right now, Do you have a “safety line” connected to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Savior of sinners? Your answer can be “yes” only if you have had your sins washed away in His precious blood. It is the privilege of each one who has come to the Lord Jesus in faith to know they are forgiven from their sins and safe. Forgiveness and safety cannot be earned by good works that anyone has done, but only because they have placed their faith in the saving power of the Lord Jesus. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
The manager saw the whole climbing-wall incident and realized Patrick’s danger. He quickly brought a ladder and climbed up to Patrick, carried the boy down and handed him to his mother, who was quite upset because of what had just happened.
When anyone truly believes on the Lord Jesus from his or her heart, they become a child of God and belong to Him and are safe forever! “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).
If anyone who belongs to Jesus is called from this life on earth, Jesus will bring that child of God safely to Himself. It is like a safety line that is firmly attached to each one who believes on the Lord Jesus, and it is a safety line that will never be detached or break or fail!
Sadly, many people are passing through life without that safety line, because they have not put their faith in the Savior of sinners. Patrick would have been badly hurt or even killed if he had jumped the second time he climbed the wall when no safety line was attached to his shoulder harness. Those who have never placed their faith in the Savior will come to the worst harm possible. When they die, the Bible says they will be sent away into the blackness of hell forever.
Oh, be wise! No person should climb a high rock wall without a safety line, and no one should go through life without a personal saving faith in the Lord Jesus! Won’t you receive Him as your Savior today, so that all danger of dying in your sins and waking up in everlasting fire will be past? “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
MEMORY VERSE: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
True Stories of Bibles - The New Testament Washed Ashore
Close to the shore of Spain, a German ship sank in a violent storm. A few days later some parts of the wreck and sailors’ clothes were washed ashore. In one of the jackets, a New Testament was found in which was written:
Markus Rotmann, Kolkwiese 12, Hamburg
Read the first time at my sister Lotte’s request.
Read the second time because of fear of God’s judgment.
Read the third time and all the other times because of love towards my Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Golden Eagle
“Ye have seen . . . how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto Myself.” Exodus 19:4
The national emblem of the United States is a beautiful bald eagle accompanied by the words, “IN GOD WE TRUST.” This gives the message that the country is strong and “in good hands.” It would be wonderful if more people could honestly say, “IN GOD WE TRUST,” wouldn’t it?
The golden eagle is just as impressive a bird, with its dark brown feathers and a patch of golden brown feathers on the back of its head and neck. It has a sharp, down-turned beak, as well as contrasting yellow feet on which long, curving toes with sharp claws provide fierce weapons. It is one of the largest birds of prey in North America, with a wingspread of 6-1/2 to 7-1/2 feet. They are generally found in northern Europe and Asia and in the western United States and Canada.
In contrast to the bald eagle that eats mostly dead animals, the golden eagle prefers live food. It is an excellent hunter of snakes, mice, squirrels, rabbits and other young animals, as well as fish and eels. It soars high in the air and with keen eyes spots its victim moving about. Then it swoops down at terrific speed to capture it, with the victim probably never knowing what caught it. An eagle will also rob ospreys and other birds flying with a fish or other food in their beaks, frightening them into dropping the food. The eagle then catches the falling food and takes it to its nest for its mate or eaglets.
These birds mate for life and are very affectionate to one another. They return year after year to the same nest, making necessary repairs and adding new sticks and soft grass and leaves for a fresh lining. A new nest may be only 3 feet across, whereas an old one may be 8, 10 or even 20 feet across.
The 2 or 3 eggs laid each year are creamy colored, spotted with brown or gray marks and are incubated for more than a month. Both parents take turns sitting on the nest. After hatching, the little eaglets first get food popped into their mouths by the parents, but before long they learn how to feed themselves by tearing apart the captured food. They also get lots of practice flapping their wings and jumping up and down before actually flying. After learning to fly, they stay with the parents several months before being on their own.
This Bible verse tells us of the Lord’s care over those who are weak: “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31). The eagle’s care over its young ones is good, but the Lord’s care over boys and girls, as well as men and women, is far greater. Do you ever thank Him?
Lucky's Rescue
Something was whimpering . . . it caught the ear of Staff Sgt. Jeff Brinley as his boat was passing flooded homes in New Orleans. Then he saw what it was—a starved and exhausted black puppy, standing with all four paws on a 2-by-4 board. Jeff lifted the two-month-old little dog into the boat and made a place for him to lie down on some military gear. Later he scrawled his own name and phone number on a piece of cardboard, tying it to the pup he had already named Lucky. He hoped to see the dog again.
The National Guard unit from Ohio had been conducting search-and-rescue missions by boat in the flooded and devastated city following hurricane Katrina. Most of the surviving people had already been rescued from the floodwaters. But now, instead of people, the Guardsmen were finding many four-legged pets that had been left behind by owners. Some were dogs that had been tied up. The Guardsmen would rescue those they could reach by boat, and they tossed food to any they couldn’t reach. Some dogs even swam to the boats to be rescued. But this puppy could only whimper. He was probably too young to know how to swim or just too scared.
What boy or girl wouldn’t rescue a whimpering, tired little puppy in need of food and a place just to lie down? There was no doubt the puppy wanted and needed human help; he whimpered when he saw the boat passing. But do you boys and girls understand that because you are sinners, you need to be rescued too? You are caught in the floodwaters of sin. However, there is a caring, loving Savior who sees you in your need and is just waiting to rescue you. You only need to tell Him that you want Him to save you. He will hear your call and wash you clean of every sin stain. The Bible says, “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1).
The Guardsmen turned all the dogs over to an animal rescue group from Arkansas. From there many of the dogs were transferred to other animal rescue groups from other states that made visiting trips south to take any adoptable animals back to their own cities.
At the end of his unit’s search-and-rescue mission, Jeff went home to Columbus, Ohio. At the same time, Lucky also traveled northward, ending up in the care of PAWS Chicago, another animal rescue group that was finding homes for some of the rescued pets.
One day after Jeff got home, his telephone rang. It was PAWS Chicago contacting him to tell him that Lucky was in their care and was safe, healthy and ready for a new home. Somehow that piece of cardboard tied on the puppy with Jeff’s name and phone number had stayed with the dog through his travels. Jeff soon made the trip to Chicago where he and Lucky were reunited. Lucky now has a good home and a loving master who is kind and takes good care of him.
Any boy or girl or grown-up who calls to the Lord Jesus to be saved from their sins will one day soon be reunited with their Savior. He promises to come and take all those who belong to Him to His home in heaven to live with Him. It says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, “The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout ... then we which are alive ... shall be caught up ... in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
Have you let the Lord Jesus rescue you? If not, you only need to call to Him to be saved and you will have a home waiting for you in heaven. “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21
Use Your Own Name
Uncle Norman had been telling the children Bible stories and helping them to memorize verses. After they had memorized them the way they are written in the Bible, Uncle Norman liked to have the children use their own names in the verses.
One time he was teaching them Galatians 2:20: “I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” The children repeated the verse one at a time. When most of them had learned the verse by heart, Uncle Norman asked, “Is there anyone who would like to put his or her own name in that verse?”
A little boy about seven years old held up his hand very high and straight.
“Yes, John,” said Uncle Norman, “will you come stand beside me and say it using your own name?
John stood beside Uncle Norman and repeated as though he really meant it, “I, John, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved John, and gave Himself for John.”
Has the Lord Jesus touched your heart so you know for sure that He loves you? And can you say that verse using your own name and really mean it? Try it. “I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved _______________, and gave Himself for ______________ (Galatians 2:20).” Maybe you would like to write your name in the blanks too. But what is most important is to be sure that God has written your name in His book of life. In Luke 10:20 the Lord Jesus told His disciples to “rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” But in Revelation 20:15 God warns us, “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”
Has God written your name in His book of life?
Wonders of God's Creation: The Spectacular Humpback Whale - Part 2
“Behold, [God] spreadeth His light upon [the world], and covereth the bottom of the sea.” Job 36:30
On both the Atlantic and Pacific seacoasts, great numbers of people gather each year to watch the migrations of the humpback whales. They sometimes see whole schools breaching (leaping into the air and landing with a great splash), as if competing with one another. At other times, they are seen lob-tailing (standing on their heads with the rest of their bodies in the air), waving their big flukes (the lobes on their large tails) and making huge splashes when they drop back to the surface. Frequently, they lift their tails above the water and smack them down, making tremendous waves. No wonder people gather by the thousands to see these performances!
Playful by nature, like porpoises, some of these giants will play tag with a large boat for an hour or so, coming up on one side, swimming underneath and popping up on the other, to the amusement of all on board.
The 6000-mile migrations end in warm, shallow bays where the calves are born underwater. Some of these new calves are as long as 13 feet. Usually a female “nurse” is on hand and helps the mother push the newborn up to the surface for its first breath of fresh air. Isn’t it amazing that the little one has been given an instinct by the Creator so that it doesn’t inhale water right after birth and drown? After breathing in fresh air for the first time, it drops back under its mother, and, again, a God-given instinct tells it to nurse her warm, rich milk. While nursing, it must return to the surface for air over and over again, but each time continues its nursing until its hunger is satisfied.
The bull whales have a large number of cows and calves for which they are responsible, but when danger comes, they usually swim away, leaving the cows to take care of themselves and their calves. That’s not very brave of them, is it?
As in the past, humpbacks are still a target for the whaling industry. However, in 1966 a legal suspension of hunting activity was made to protect them. Their numbers have recovered to approximately 80,000 worldwide now.
It is interesting that in the Bible where the ocean is spoken of, it says, “There is that leviathan [whale], whom Thou hast made to play therein” (Psalm 104:26). So we see that the Lord God, the Creator, intended whales to enjoy their playfulness, just as boys and girls do. And He is pleased for children to be happy and playful, as long as they are also obedient, kind and thoughtful of others. True happiness is one of His great gifts and comes from faith in Him and His Word which tells us, “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he” (Proverbs 16:20). Is this true of you?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Migrators
“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done ... . They are more than can be numbered.” Psalm 40:5
The more we learn about migrating birds and other creatures, the more amazing it is as we wonder how they find their way from one place to another. Scientists can only guess, and if the migrators could talk, they couldn’t tell us either. But those who believe in God as the Creator of all things plainly see that He has given them that ability.
Birds such as geese and storks make flights of more than 1000 miles over land and water, traveling north in the spring and south in the fall. Arctic terns make the longest migrations of all—about 12,000 miles twice a year between Antarctica and nearby islands to the Aleutian islands, Greenland and the northernmost islands of the Arctic Ocean, where their young are hatched and raised. Leaving the young ones behind, they return late in August by way of Hawaii—a long, long trip over water. The young terns, never having made that flight, nonetheless follow them later on the same route. How can they do this with no leader who knows the way to help them? Oh, but they do have a Guide—the Creator who directs them all along the way.
Many more birds, such as robins and geese, make long flights in the spring and again in the fall. They stay on the right course through rain, fog, storms and dark nights to reach their destinations. Sometimes their numbers are so great they become spread out for many miles, and none get lost.
The migration of animals is also amazing. Thousands of caribou travel in the spring and fall between the mainland United States and Alaska. In Africa there are also great migrations of wildebeests, gazelles, elephants and other animals that migrate back and forth many miles.
Fish of all sizes, from tiny sardines to huge salmon and tuna, are among others that migrate, as do a great number of insects, like the Monarch butterfly, that find their way over great distances every year. Their true Guide is the One who created them and who is always watching over them.
These long-distance travelers need no maps or signals to tell them where or when to go, but the journeys and food supply along the way are all scheduled by their kind Creator.
Do you know the very same Creator has prepared a way for those who know Him as their Lord and Savior when it is time to leave this world? His Word, the Bible, tells us, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). How important it is to accept the Lord Jesus now as your Savior. Then when that important moment comes, He will take you to His wonderful home in heaven.
Rabbit Rescues Homeowners
Mr. and Mrs. Finn had spent the last two years remodeling their home. They were just six days away from being finished with this big project. But it was not to be finished in six days as they had planned.
The Finns certainly were not expecting a fire to nearly burn down their home while they were sleeping in it! We don’t know if they had ever read a verse in the Bible that tells us, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth” (Proverbs 27:1). And another verse says, “Ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14).
Mr. Finn had worked the night shift at his job and had gone straight home and gone to bed. About 30 minutes later, he was awakened by the sound of furious scratching on their bedroom door. Knowing that something wasn’t quite right, he got up to check it out.
Opening the bedroom door, he saw that their house was on fire! He quickly scooped up Rabbit (which was their pet rabbit’s name) that had been the frantic little door scratcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Finn were able to make their escape out of the house.
Neighbors helped them fight the fire until four fire trucks arrived to put out the blaze. Thankfully, the three were all unharmed, even though Rabbit had been breathing in smoke for probably 30 minutes. Rabbit must have been a very healthy animal to be able to do that without any problem afterwards.
Mrs. Finn realized that Rabbit had saved their lives, since they probably would have awakened much later if Rabbit hadn’t kept scratching on their bedroom door. Investigators believe that a heater may have caused the fire. But why didn’t the smoke detectors sound an alarm to warn them?
During their house remodeling, they had removed the smoke alarms so they could paint the ceilings. But the Fire Brigade’s commander had this warning for everyone. “The lesson to learn from this is that even if a smoke alarm is removed, it can still be put up on a high shelf. Remodeling should never be a hindrance to fire safety!”
Removing the smoke alarms was not a wise decision. Smoke alarms would have awakened them much sooner, preventing any serious fire damage to their home or risking their lives as well as Rabbit’s.
God, who loves us, has also faithfully warned us of soon-coming judgment of fire. If we die or if the Lord Jesus comes for His own, those who have rejected the Lord Jesus as their Savior will end up in the lake of fire. The Bible says in John 3:18, “He that believeth not is condemned already.” None of us can count on tomorrow being “just another day.” This is why we need to receive Him as our Savior right now!
God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to bleed and die on Calvary’s cross to take the punishment we deserve for our sins. When we ask Him to forgive us from our sins, He promises that He will. He also promises to give us “eternal life” and that we will never perish. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Make a wise decision today and listen to God’s warning. Tell Jesus you are sorry for your sins and trust in Him for your soul’s salvation. Then you can know that no matter what happens, you will be safe in heaven with Jesus forever!
MEMORY VERSE: “He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18
The Moose Sanctuary
After Doug arrived in Canada, his uncle Jim took him on a trip to Jasper National Park. This was a real treat for him, and he was excited. He had heard about this wonderful park and how the Canadian government had set aside a huge area, called a sanctuary, where animals could roam about in complete safety.
Uncle Jim knew one of the game wardens who was happy to take the two of them on a tour. Nothing pleased the game warden more than to show off the features of the reserve. Then began an exciting time for Doug as the game warden pointed out many interesting animals along the way. They saw black and brown bears, buffalo, beavers, sheep with beautiful curved horns, and goats which roamed high up among the rocky peaks. Then Uncle Jim turned to his game-warden friend and said, “I’m sure Doug would like to see a moose.”
The game warden cupped his hands around his mouth and gave a loud, strange call. After repeating it several times, there was a sound of crackling among the brush, and out into the open dashed a great majestic animal with huge antlers.
“It’s all right,” the warden assured them as he tossed some treats to the animal. “What do you think of our moose?”
Doug turned to his uncle in surprise and exclaimed, “I’ve never seen an animal like that before,” and both men chuckled.
Later on their way home, Uncle Jim talked about what all they had seen. “The moose is the largest of the deer family, and hunters attract them within gunshot range in much the same way as what you saw the game warden do. They imitate the call of a moose so well that one of them is sure to think it’s one of his mates, and he rushes to investigate. However, in the sanctuary the moose are safe.
“You know,” Uncle Jim went on, “the same thing is true for anyone who comes to the Lord Jesus and finds safety in Him. Satan will try to attract them to harm them, but in the Lord Jesus they are safe, because He is much stronger than Satan and He protects them. He is their sanctuary. Remember, Doug, that “whosoever [puts] his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25). “Greater is He [the Lord] that is in you, than he [Satan] that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
Wonders of God's Creation: The Spectacular Humpback Whale - Part 2
“Behold, [God] spreadeth His light upon [the world], and covereth the bottom of the sea.” Job 36:30
On both the Atlantic and Pacific seacoasts, great numbers of people gather each year to watch the migrations of the humpback whales. They sometimes see whole schools breaching (leaping into the air and landing with a great splash), as if competing with one another. At other times, they are seen lob-tailing (standing on their heads with the rest of their bodies in the air), waving their big flukes (the lobes on their large tails) and making huge splashes when they drop back to the surface. Frequently, they lift their tails above the water and smack them down, making tremendous waves. No wonder people gather by the thousands to see these performances!
Playful by nature, like porpoises, some of these giants will play tag with a large boat for an hour or so, coming up on one side, swimming underneath and popping up on the other, to the amusement of all on board.
The 6000-mile migrations end in warm, shallow bays where the calves are born underwater. Some of these new calves are as long as 13 feet. Usually a female “nurse” is on hand and helps the mother push the newborn up to the surface for its first breath of fresh air. Isn’t it amazing that the little one has been given an instinct by the Creator so that it doesn’t inhale water right after birth and drown? After breathing in fresh air for the first time, it drops back under its mother, and, again, a God-given instinct tells it to nurse her warm, rich milk. While nursing, it must return to the surface for air over and over again, but each time continues its nursing until its hunger is satisfied.
The bull whales have a large number of cows and calves for which they are responsible, but when danger comes, they usually swim away, leaving the cows to take care of themselves and their calves. That’s not very brave of them, is it?
As in the past, humpbacks are still a target for the whaling industry. However, in 1966 a legal suspension of hunting activity was made to protect them. Their numbers have recovered to approximately 80,000 worldwide now.
It is interesting that in the Bible where the ocean is spoken of, it says, “There is that leviathan [whale], whom Thou hast made to play therein” (Psalm 104:26). So we see that the Lord God, the Creator, intended whales to enjoy their playfulness, just as boys and girls do. And He is pleased for children to be happy and playful, as long as they are also obedient, kind and thoughtful of others. True happiness is one of His great gifts and comes from faith in Him and His Word which tells us, “Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he” (Proverbs 16:20). Is this true of you?
The Big Bears
There were lots of bears in the woods surrounding the village where Mac and Meg grew up. Their daddy told them that it was safe to play in the woods as long as they were talking or making noise and following the trails through the woods to the cliffs. If the bears heard you coming, you would never see them because they would leave. He said that bears were shy of people, and that the only time there would be danger was if you got between a mother bear and her cubs. When that happens, the mother bear becomes angry and may attack the person.
Mac and Meg had some school friends that lived a short distance from them. Their family had two cows that sometimes spent the day grazing in a clearing in the woods. This clearing was a large, open area where bushes and grasses grew. Bert (6) and Bess (8) followed the trail to the clearing to bring the cows back for milking. When they got there, they saw two bears in the clearing with the cows! They quickly turned around and ran as fast as their feet could carry them back home!
“Daddy, daddy, there are two bears in the clearing!”
Mr. Norton quickly loaded his gun and headed for the clearing, instructing Bert and Bess to stay home! They had run for refuge to the safety of their home.
Dear boys and girls, you also need to run for refuge to the Savior of sinners. The shepherd boy David, in the Bible, could say, “The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the [strength] of my salvation, my [stronghold] and my refuge” (2 Samuel 22:3). David knew he couldn’t defeat the enemy by himself, and neither can we. We need to have our sins forgiven. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6).
Mr. Norton was able to shoot and kill one of the bears. The other bear escaped. After he had his cows safely in the barn and taken care of, Mr. Norton took his horses and wagon back to the clearing. With the help of an older son, they loaded the dead bear onto the wagon. Then He hauled the wagon out to the road.
Word spread quickly through the village that Mr. Norton had shot a bear and that it was by the side of the road. That evening Mac and Meg’s daddy went to see this large bear, and he took Mac and Meg with him. By this time it was dark, and many other neighbors were there too, shining flashlights on the bear. Even though Meg knew the bear was dead, it looked very scary to her, and she held tightly onto her daddy’s hand, trusting him to keep her safe.
Boys and girls, the Lord Jesus came to earth to save us from our enemy, Satan. When Jesus died on the cross, Satan was defeated. However, Satan is still out there making trouble, but if you and I have our trust in the Lord Jesus, He will protect us.
This little story should not close without a word of warning to our young readers. Few of you live in an area where you are in danger from wild animals. However, there are other dangers present. Cell phones and gaming have great danger for you. Do you obey your parents in what games you play and what you watch? Satan has used the Internet to destroy many young lives. Is what you play or watch pleasing to the Lord Jesus?
Here are two warnings: “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15). “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:20).
MEMORY VERSE: “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.” Colossians 3:20
My Happy Day
When I was a boy in the fourth grade, there was a very bad boy named Carl in my class. Carl was always getting into trouble with the teacher. I felt really sorry for him. As I lay in bed, I got this strange feeling that I was praying for Carl because he was a bad boy, but I knew I was no better. Sure, I wasn’t getting into trouble because I came from a Christian home, and I was taught how to behave myself. I went to Bible meetings where I learned to speak to older people respectfully.
My teachers said I was a “little angel,” but as I lay in bed that night, I realized that I was just as much a sinner as Carl was. So right then I got out of bed, knelt down beside my bed again and told the Lord Jesus that I was a sinner. And then I thanked Him for being the Savior of sinners.
The next morning Mom looked at me and asked, “What are you so happy about?”
“Mom, last night I told the Lord Jesus that I was a sinner.”
Mom asked another question: “And what did Jesus do about your sins?”
I was so happy to tell her that He had washed them away in His precious blood, just like the Bible says. That became a very happy day for her too!
Boys and girls, and grown-ups too, have you told the Lord Jesus that you know you are a sinner and want Him to wash your sins away?
“Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5). “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Owl's World - Part 1
“God created . . . every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:21
Although there are many varieties of owls throughout the world, we are not very aware of them, mainly because most of their activities are carried on after dark. For centuries owls have been a symbol of wisdom. However, geese, crows and ravens are all smarter than owls.
People can recognize an owl by its large, broad head with a ruff of feathers around its large eyes. This ruff covers enormous ear openings.
Most owls spend much time perched on tree branches at dusk or through the night, but some hunt during the day as well, yet manage to keep well hidden. In many ways they are useful to man, helping to control rats, mice and other rodents, as well as insects that damage crops.
Their flights are as silent as a shadow, yet amazingly accurate. In the darkness their sensitive ears pick up the faint sounds of mice or other rodents on the ground below them. They fly directly to their victims, capture them and then have dinner.
Owls’ extremely sensitive, large eyes see remarkably well in almost total darkness. Both eyes point forward, unlike the eyes of most birds. They are not able to move them sideways; instead, they must swivel their heads to follow a moving object. Their heads turn quickly, and this has resulted in the mistaken idea that the owl can turn its head completely around.
There are a great number of varieties, from the smallest 6-inch elf owl to the largest 24-inch great gray owl. We will look at a few of these interesting birds in this and the two following issues.
We will begin with the barn owl. This fairly large owl is sometimes called the monkey-faced owl and makes its home in any convenient place—from a hollow tree or up to the top of a church steeple. However, it usually nests in barns or other farm buildings and lives peacefully with nearby pigeons. It has long, slender legs and wings that spread 3 feet in flight.
The barn owl is a pretty bird, with a heart-shaped face and dark eyes. Its body is snow-white below with spotted back and wing feathers in tones of golden or chocolate brown. Like all owls, it has a strong, sharp beak and pointed, vicious talons on its four-toed feet, with which it catches its prey.
Being an expert mouse catcher, a barn owl also hunts for other rodents, frogs, lizards, sparrows and even blackbirds, never seeming to satisfy its huge appetite.
As we consider these unusual birds, it is good to remember the Bible verse that says, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 145:9). This includes you. Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness and kindness to you?
(to be continued)
“Ambush” means an attacker is hidden in an unexpected place to take someone by surprise. Before we tell you this story, we remind you that it is one of God’s Old Testament stories. God has written it so that we may learn from it, but today we do not go out to attack others as God’s people were told to do before Jesus came. The New Testament tells us of Jesus our Savior who came to suffer and die for sinners like us, and Jesus said, “Follow Me.”
He also said, “Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you” (Luke 6:27).
“Ai” was a small name for a small city. Israel had just conquered the great city of
Jericho, so of course Ai would be easy. A few thousand soldiers could settle that little problem. No need to ask the Lord about that!
Are you a good person with just a few sins—not very many at all? You can handle a little problem like that without Jesus . . . or can you? Read this story and you might change your mind. Israel went up to fight against Ai and ran away defeated. Not only that, but 36 of their men were left dead on the ground—defeated—and Ai was a small city!
Joshua, the leader of God’s people, was down in the depths of despair, but he took his problem to the right place—God—and He had the answer. We will skip part of the story and then tell you God’s plan to conquer that small city
Thirty thousand men were sent out at night to lie in ambush behind the city, watching and ready for the signal to move. Then Joshua and his men, in plain sight, attacked the city, and the soldiers of Ai rushed out to chase them. They were probably saying to themselves, Yea for us! Let’s defeat those Israelites again! But there was one important thing that they did not know. Joshua knew, and his men knew, but the soldiers of Ai did not know about the ambush behind the city. They were doomed and did not know it! To them it looked like an easy victory.
God knows your heart too. He knows you are a sinner, and His promise of judgment against sin is unbreakable! Maybe you feel that this is your time of fun, but God has promised judgment to come!
Nobody told Ai about those men in ambush, but God is telling you right now of His judgment soon to come. God had no plan of escape for Ai, because they were wicked and had already made their choice against God, and He has not changed. There is still a way of escape for you, not because God will forget to punish you, but because Jesus Himself has taken all your fiery punishment upon Himself, but only if you will come to Him now. His perfect love casts out fear. Yes, the punishment is real, but we know that our Savior and His love for sinners is real. Will you thank Him for this without waiting a moment longer?
The men of Ai probably shouted for joy as every man from the city rushed out to chase their attackers. But the men in ambush kept watching Joshua. When he stretched out his sword toward Ai, they had their signal, and every one of them rushed to the city and set it on fire! The chasers suddenly found themselves chased and turned around to see their city burning! . . . hopeless! . . . no place to run! Nothing but total defeat and no survivors.
God wants you to know this story because right now there IS a place for you to run. Jesus said, “Come unto ME” (Matthew 11:28), and in the strong, loving arms of Jesus you will find safety forever. If Jesus is your Savior, the judgment of God against your sin is behind you, not ahead of you. And in Christ you will find a great deal more than just safety. The love of God and His wisdom and power have no end and no boundary, and it is all for you. Will you trust Him now? Judgment to come is not a risk but a certainty! Our God keeps all His promises. We have found Him to be our Savior for today and forever.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).
You may read this story for yourself in the Bible, in Joshua 8.
MEMORY VERSE: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
Hamburger Buns
I have just returned from the thrift store of a large bakery. This is where the bakery’s day-old bread, hot dog and hamburger buns, cookies, sweet rolls, pies and doughnuts are sold at prices much less than their original price. There is often a “bargain table” where certain items are even cheaper. And sometimes there is a “bonus table” that offers certain items free when you buy over a given dollar amount.
The hamburger buns I wanted did not have a price on them. I carried them to the checkout counter and the cashier told me what the bargain price was. Seeing an opportunity to tell her the news of God’s love in giving the Lord Jesus to die for sinners, I asked, “Do you know what is a better bargain than the price of these buns?”
She replied, “If you could get them free.”
When I asked the cashier if she knew about salvation, the free forgiveness of sins, she said, “I go to church.” My reply to her was that God forgives those who don’t go to church just as freely as He forgives those who do. In the little time it takes to pay for one item, it was not possible to tell her that even the worst sinners are also freely forgiven when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Belonging to a church or going to Sunday school or Bible studies is not the way sins are forgiven. The Bible says, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). It is the work the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross in full payment for our sins that makes it possible for God to forgive all sinners. It is only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus that can wash away our sins. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Owl's World - Part 2
“I [the Lord] know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
Today we will look at the interesting great horned owl. Weighing about three pounds and measuring 22 inches long, this is the second largest in the owl family. It is found in many places throughout North America. It has the nickname winged tiger, because of its boldness and power. This is the only owl that destroys chickens, ducks and geese, but it makes up for this destruction by keeping down the rabbit population.
The name “great horned” comes from the two tufts of feathers on top of its head that look like ears or horns. Its actual ears are not visible but are hidden under light feathers on the sides of its head. Its hearing is thought to be the most sensitive hearing in the bird and animal world. With this hearing it can pinpoint the squeak of a mouse or the faint rustle of a beetle moving through dry leaves up to 300 feet away!
This owl does not have to rely entirely on its ears, for its eyes are as large as a man’s and 35 times more sensitive. With eyes pointing forward, it watches an object with both eyes. Its vision is so keen that it can observe prey a long way off that would be impossible for our eyes to see.
Without moving its body, its large, swiveling head enables it to locate prey in almost any direction, either by actual sight or by what its sensitive ears pick up. Taking off from its perch, the owl focuses on an unsuspecting target. The shape of its wings and its fluffy feathers muffle the swishing sound that most birds make when they fly. It silently swoops down, landing on the prey with its legs braced forward, and in one quick move it tosses the victim’s head back, breaking the neck and killing it instantly.
The great horned is the boldest of all owls in defending its nest of three eggs. It is not uncommon for a person trying to get close to be suddenly dive-bombed, receiving painful cuts and torn clothes.
After hatching, the baby owls rely on the parents for food for 9 or 10 weeks, but eventually it is up to them to catch their own. Learning to fly is difficult. On their first flight attempts, they sometimes end up on the ground. Unable to fly back, they grip the bark of the tree with their claws and hooked beaks, climbing up to a branch, resting a while, then continuing to climb to a higher perch, before trying to fly again.
In our next issue we will look at two more of these remarkable birds and the ways the Creator, knowing all about each one of them, has designed them for their particular way of life. The opening Bible verse tells us this.
Picking Strawberries
In the State of Washington, the strawberries begin to ripen in the month of June. Many people like to go to the fields where they are grown to pick and fill their own boxes with the delicious, juicy berries. Then they take them home and enjoy making jam and pies, or just eating them fresh in a bowl with sugar and cream.
One June our family went to the U-Pick field to pick berries. After the people have finished picking all they want, the field owner weighs their boxes and charges them by the pound for the berries they have picked. We had picked about 75 pounds that day and carried them to the weighing shed to pay for them. As we waited our turn, we noticed the two girls ahead of us having their berries weighed. One of them asked the owner, “How much do we get?”
The owner replied in surprise, “I don’t pay you . . . you pay me!”
The girls had made a big mistake! They thought they were working for someone who would pay them for picking the strawberries. They had not talked to the owner first to find out if they could earn money by picking berries for them. This reminds us of people who think they can do good things for God to earn their way to heaven. They don’t bother to find out first if that is what God asks them to do. If they would read the Bible, which is God’s Word, they would learn that God plainly says that it is “not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5). Another Bible verse says that “all our righteousnesses [good works] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). It’s plain to see that we cannot earn our way to heaven!
So what can we do?
There is nothing we can do—it has already been done for us. The Lord Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt of our sins, so all that is left for us to do is accept Him by faith as our Savior. “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
The girls soon realized their mistake. What could they do? They had no money to pay for the berries they had picked. The owner said to them, “You should have asked first. How would you like it if somebody went into your yard and dug it up and then expected you to pay them for doing it?”
The owner finally had them sit down and pick the stems off the berries and then paid them what they would have paid their hired pickers who worked in the commercial field. The girls were very embarrassed, but they did as they were told and got the money and went home.
People who are trying to work for God to earn their salvation will someday be worse than embarrassed. They will be speechless before the great white throne of God’s judgment, which we read about in Revelation 20:11. All the trouble the girls had could have been avoided if they had just asked the owner, and you can escape the judgment of God by doing what He tells us plainly in His Word, the Bible.
Salvation is a gift, and a gift is not earned. Have you accepted God’s gift of salvation?
MEMORY VERSE: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5
Lost in a Shopping Mall
One Friday evening my family and I drove to an inside shopping mall to walk around for some exercise. It was too cold outside to walk any farther than from the parking lot to the door of the mall. We all enjoyed walking inside together where it was warm. Then my sister Lisa and I decided to go a different way from where the rest of the family was headed. There were all kinds of interesting stores that we had not seen before.
Time passed and Lisa and I were having fun with our alone-time together. We even went into a tea store that had samples of different flavors of tea that we could taste in little paper cups. We weren’t aware of how much time was passing.
Meanwhile, the rest of our family, who had stayed together, began looking for us and could not find us anywhere in the mall. We were having too much fun to even think about what time it was. I guess we were lost, but we didn’t know it and weren’t worried about it either.
Have you ever been lost? It can be scary if you know you’re lost. However, there are children and grown-ups who are actually lost and don’t even know it! They are lost in their sins, and that will keep them out of heaven! A Bible verse explains this: “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). God cannot have even one sin in heaven, so He has made a way for each of us to be cleansed from our sins: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). It’s a gift from God, but you must truthfully admit to Him that you know you are a lost sinner and want to accept His gift of being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son. Don’t wander around any longer being lost in your sins. Settle the matter right now!
Lisa and I just went on wandering around in the large mall. Suddenly, we spotted our family, who when they saw us seemed quite relieved. We didn’t know it then, but they were thankful they finally found us! Lisa and I did admit that we were having such a good time together that we didn’t know we were lost. We were thankful they didn’t give up on us but continued looking until they found us. Our wandering around time was over.
Will you accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior and let Him wash you clean of your sins right now? Then you will happily be on the road to heaven when this life is over! And everybody wants that! “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). He is looking for you!
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Owl's World - Part 3
“[God] doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number.” Job 5:9
The small burrowing owls are ground dwellers and have heads as round as a ball and long legs. They are covered in light-colored fluffy feathers from neck to feet, but elsewhere they are a soft brown.
These owls live in open country, mainly in the western half of the United States and in Mexico. They make their homes in underground burrows, sometimes digging out their burrows themselves but preferring to find one abandoned by ground squirrels or badgers. They come out of their burrows in the cool of the morning and evening to hunt for lizards, mice, gophers and insects but retreat to the burrows during the hot hours. These owls can see well in daylight and are strictly daytime hunters.
Half a dozen baby owls are usually raised each spring, with the parents caring for them a long time. Eventually the young ones learn to make it on their own.
The 24-inch great gray owl is the largest in the owl family with a wide wingspan. Part of the year it makes its home in the far north. In times of snow, it plunges through the snow to catch mice and other rodents active on the ground underneath. But when the snow becomes frozen hard, finding food becomes difficult, and it usually migrates to southern Canada and some of the western states.
Its pale yellow eyes look small in its large, round face that is heavily ringed. The rest of its head is covered with short, light-brown feathers, and it has no ear tufts. The rest of its body is darker brown mottled with white.
This owl builds a nest made of sticks and moss high in an evergreen tree. It will use old nests of other large birds when possible. It hunts chiefly by night but also at dawn and dusk. Those in the far northern range hunt by day during the summer.
If space allowed, it would be interesting to look at the boreal, long-eared, northern spotted, screech, barred, saw-whet and Arctic owls as well as many other varieties. But those we have looked at are examples of the ways of most owls.
They are all a reminder to us of the wonderful detail which the Creator provides for all His creatures. But let us not forget the wonderful detail in His loving care for each of us.
The psalmist expresses this so well in these Bible verses: “I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all Thy work, and talk of Thy doings” (Psalm 77:11-12). Another verse says, “O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that [trusts] in Thee” (Psalm 84:12). Is your trust in the Lord?
The Lost Hunters
“Are we ready to go yet, Grandpa?” Mr. Hanson had promised to take his grandson hunting, and eight-year-old Sammy was anxious to be off. Mrs. Hanson packed them a nice lunch and they were soon on their way, following trails through the woods away from the village. Once they left the village, it was three miles straight to the highway or any other homestead. It was a beautiful November day, and they were hoping to bring home some rabbits or other small game.
Time passed quickly and it was late afternoon, so they started out on a trail that they were sure would bring them out to the village. They wanted to get home before it got dark. They knew that once they came to the marsh stream it was a short way from there to the village, but they were unable to find it!
The Bible tells us, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). Boys and girls, there is only one way to heaven. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).
Mrs. Hanson began to worry. It was getting dark, and her husband and grandson had not returned. She had a hot supper waiting, but 6 o’clock came and then 7 o’clock, and no sign of them. She finally called the police. They came, but they told Mrs. Hanson that they did not know the woods and had no idea how to find them. The best they could do was to blow a big horn at intervals. This would help them if they could follow the direction the sound came from.
Meanwhile, Mac, who had gotten up very early that morning to guide some hunters to a distant place, returned home and was enjoying his supper. Mac’s neighbor, Bruce, came in and told Mac that Mr. Hanson and his grandson were lost in the woods, and that Mrs. Hanson had called the police. So Mac and Bruce went to the Hanson’s home to see what the problem was. By this time Mrs. Hanson was very worried. She said her husband had a heart condition, and as the temperature was dropping quite low, she didn’t know if her husband could survive the night.
Mac spoke to the officers and told them that the wind was blowing in the wrong direction for the hunters to hear the horn. Sound carried far in that area, and if they listened carefully, they could hear the faint hum of traffic on the highway several miles away. Mac explained to the officers that he grew up there and knew all the trails through the woods even in the dark. He also told them he had a pretty good idea where to look for them. He was sure they would have headed toward the sound of the distant traffic, in the opposite direction from the village. So the officers turned off their horn, and Mac and Bruce went to seek the hunters.
Boys and girls, the Bible tells us, “The Son of man [the Lord Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). The Lord Jesus loves you so much that He came to die on the cross so that you could be with Him in heaven. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
After walking for 45 minutes, Mac and Bruce came to a logging road, and they followed it. Soon they heard, “Pop, Pop.” It was the sound of a 22 rifle being fired. Mac knew it was Mr. Hanson and Sammy letting searchers know of their location. Mac called out, and they soon came upon the hunters. The grandfather was exhausted and could not walk. He was sitting on the ground while Sammy fired the rifle at intervals. Bruce stayed with the hunters while Mac hiked out to a home where the owner had an old bus that was used to haul logs out of the woods.
Harry McCavour was happy to help. He and Mac jumped in his old, small bus and drove to the hunters. Soon Mr. Hanson and Sammy were on board with a warm blanket wrapped around them. In a short time they were home, safe and warm and enjoying a good hot supper.
Do you think that when Mac and Harry came back with the old bus that Mr. Hanson and Sammy refused the ride? Did they say they would find their own way back? Did they say they could find their way home in the morning when it was light? No indeed! They were very thankful to be rescued!
Boys and girls, you too are lost sinners on your way to a lost eternity if you have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior. Are you using excuses to put off coming to the Lord Jesus? Don’t put it off!. Let the Lord Jesus wash your sins away today! He loves you so much that He gave His life on that awful cross to save you from a lost eternity. Just as Mr. Hanson and Sammy heard Mac call to them and they gladly answered, so the Lord Jesus is calling to you today. He wants to wash away your sins and make you ready for His heavenly home. “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
True Stories of Bibles - The Damaged Bible
It was in France that a salesman offered a Bible as a gift to a family. The head of the family accepted it, but he immediately tore a dozen pages out of the Bible and lit his pipe with them. The salesman went away disappointed and sad.
A few years later, he again came into this region and called at the same house. During the war, this family had lost a son, and his few belongings had just arrived. Among his possessions was also a Bible. The salesman took it in his hand and saw that it was the very same Bible he once gave to the family and from which the pages had been torn out.
The fallen soldier had written in the back of the Bible the following: “Despised and scoffed at, but finally believed. Through it I was saved.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: Unusual Bird Nests
“An eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young . . . taketh them, beareth them on her wings.” Deuteronomy 32:11
Bird nests come in a great variety of sizes and shapes. Hummingbirds build tiny nests, 1.5 inches in diameter. By comparison, a new eagles’ nest may be 3 feet wide, but, because they add new material every year, an old nest may be 10 to 20 feet wide. Storks add new material to their large nests every year too. A lady told of hanging a pair of man’s socks outside to dry, and when she went to get them later, she found a bird was using one of them for a nest and had already laid two eggs in it. And a farmer who found his lost ball of string, which had an opening in its center, discovered that it was now a nest with three baby wrens inside.
Many seabirds lay their eggs on bare, rocky ledges and sit on them until the baby birds hatch. The penguins have an unusual nesting arrangement. The female lays just one egg right on the bare ice. She scoops the egg onto her overlapping webbed feet and turns it over occasionally. When the little one finally hatches, it is kept warm in the same spot on the parent’s feet until it develops enough feathers to come out into the open.
Cliff swallows make their nests out of mud. They plaster one beakful of mud at a time against the side of a barn or the bare cement of an overhanging bridge.
Flamingos also use mud to make their nests. A large area of mud flats alongside a seashore will often be covered with hundreds of their high-walled nests. These nests are all close together and look exactly alike, but the birds always find their own. The female makes her nest while sitting in the mud with legs folded under her. Then beakfuls of mud are placed in a circle a few inches wider than her body. She eventually forms a circular wall all around herself that looks like a tiny open-top mountain. After this hardens, she lays just one egg. Both parents take turns incubating it for about a month, until the baby bird hatches.
There are hundreds of other kinds of nests, all telling of the wonders of God’s creation. He is the One who has provided birds with both instincts and abilities to build just the right kind of nest for their individual needs.
The Lord God, the Creator of all things, watches over everything He has created. The Bible often tells of His care of birds. One verse gave special instructions to the children of Israel: “If a bird’s nest chance to be before thee . . . in any tree, or on the ground . . . thou shalt not take the [mother bird] with the young” (Deuteronomy 22:6).
Did you know the Lord God also watches over you all the time?
Supper was over and the dishes had been cleared from the table. As Daddy opened his Bible, the children listened closely while he read them more stories of Jesus. Tonight they were reading in Luke 5 about the Lord Jesus calling His disciples.
The Lord Jesus sat down in Simon’s boat to teach the crowd of people on the shore. When he had finished speaking to them, He told Simon to “launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a [catch]” of fish. Simon didn’t want to, but he finally let down one net and was very surprised at his huge catch! He even had to call his friends, James and John, to bring their ship over to help carry some of the fish! Then the Lord Jesus said to Simon, “From [now on] thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they [left everything behind] and followed [Jesus].” Later in the chapter, the Lord Jesus saw another man called Levi (or Matthew) collecting taxes. He said to Levi, “Follow Me. And he left all, rose up, and followed [Jesus]” (vss. 27-28).
When Daddy had finished reading, the children had lots of questions. Then it was Daddy’s turn to ask questions. He asked each of them an easy one. Little Julie was only four, but she loved the Lord Jesus and had trusted Him as her very own Savior. Daddy asked her, “What did Jesus’ disciples do after He called them?” He even gave her a clue by showing two fingers of his right hand following two fingers on his left hand.
At once Julie blurted out, “They were copycats!”
Yes, the disciples followed Jesus and did what He told them to do. They copied His perfect example. Boys and girls often copy the examples of those around them. Some are good examples to copy, but some are not good examples. No matter how good an example someone is, he or she will still make some mistakes. Children who are following that example will often make the same mistakes.
But the Lord Jesus never has, never will and never can make a mistake. Each of us must decide if we are going to follow Him or go our own way. If we follow Him and obey His Word, the Bible, then He will guide us all the way to His home in heaven. But if we go our own way, it will take us down a path of sin that leads to punishment in hell.
Like Julie and her daddy, those of us who have been saved from our sins want to be followers of Jesus and copy His perfect example. The Lord Jesus loves us much more than we love Him, and He wants us to learn as much about Him as we can. We can do this by reading our Bibles carefully and by talking to Him in prayer every day. He will help us and guide us to be “copycats” of Him.
“Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21).
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps.” 1 Peter 2:21.
Saved Through a Child's Book
Randy and his family lived across the street. He was the kind of person who was successful at everything he did. He had no use for God and no time for Him either. However, his children came to a little hobby class that we had in our home. But one day Randy sold his house, and the family moved quite a long way into the country, where he built a large and very beautiful house on his grandfather’s farm.
One Friday night some years later, we went out to visit Randy and his family. As we rang the doorbell, we saw through the window a very strange but happy scene. Randy and his children were sitting around the kitchen table reading the Bible! With a big smile, Randy answered the door with a cheerful invitation, “Come in, brother!” Then he quickly gave us an unneeded explanation of the happy view we had seen through the window: “I got saved!” Later that evening in a quiet moment, he told me what had happened.
Randy was always successful and on top of every situation. But the Lord brought Randy to the end of himself. In his despair, he went up into the loft of the farm’s machine shed and sat down on a crate. He did two things then that he had never done before—he prayed and he cried: “God, help me!”
Through his tears, he looked down into a box of junk beside him and saw a frying pan, a coffee pot and a little children’s book. The little square book was the kind moms give their young children to look at, with lots of pictures and just a few words. (Randy showed me the book.)
When Randy opened the book, imagine his surprise when through his tears he read on the first page, “To Randy because Jesus loves you.” Randy said, “As I remember it, the book went like this: ‘This story began before there was a sun or moon or earth or stars. God had a Son, and He planned to send His Son to be the Savior of sinners just like you, so that you could be like His Son.’”
Randy didn’t need to give the Lord Jesus anything or ask Him for anything. He just needed to take his place as a guilty sinner before God and accept that Jesus had died for him on the cross. Soon all of Randy’s family was blessed, just as he was.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:31).
One-Word Answer
“Who can tell me in one word the way to get to heaven?” the Sunday school teacher asked her four- and five-year-olds. Several hands went up.
“Okay, Peggy?”
“Sunday school,” replied Peggy promptly.
“What do you say, Megan?”
Megan suggested, “Praying,” and Lisa added, “Being good.” But not one of those answers was the answer the teacher was waiting for.
Then small, dark-eyed Alison shyly put up her hand and whispered, “Jesus.”
That was the answer the teacher was waiting to hear. What would your answer have been?
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Meat-Eating Plants
“The grass [withers], the flower [fades]: but the word of our God shall stand for-ever.” Isaiah 40:8
Some time ago we reviewed a few unusual plants—the yellow pitcher, the red sundew, and the warty butterwart. Each of these plants traps and eats insects by dissolving them into a juice which the plant can absorb.
Another meat-eating plant is the bladderwort, which grows in swampy areas. Its stems, rooted in the muddy bottom, produce leaves and flowers that float on the water surface. This plant attracts underwater bugs, some of which can’t resist taking a nibble of the bladder-like swellings on its underwater stems. But the moment they touch it, a “door” flies open, and they are sucked inside. The door closes behind them, and they turn into food for the bladderwort plant.
A similar water plant, the Venus fly-trap, grows in shallow ocean waters along the coasts of North and South Carolina. A small white flower grows on top of the plant, nestled in a tuft of leaves that have short, stiff hairs on their edges. When a small object touches one of these hairs, the leaf snaps shut, capturing whatever touched it. If it is a pebble or something indigestible, the leaf promptly releases it, but if it’s an insect, the leaf immediately begins to digest it, and the plant is nourished.
A plant that does not actually eat insects is the beautifully flowered passion vine of South America. It attracts insects that find its leaves and sweet nectar appealing, but the insects damage the plant when they get to the flowers. So the Creator provided guardian ants that love the nectar that drips from the flowers, and they will not allow other insects to climb to it. However, the ants can’t do anything about birds and insects that fly to the plant, wanting to get at the pollen deep inside each flower. To safeguard the important pollen, each plant has been given a stiff, collar-like opening that can only be entered by the Creator’s specially designed, long, curved beak of an unusual hummingbird that He has arranged to live close by.
Another vine also in South America, the passifiora, has delicate, fragrant blue flowers and relies on bees to pollinate it. But other insects find that when they chew its leaves, a poison is given off that makes them very uncomfortable. Most of them seem to sense this and leave the passifiora alone.
It is interesting to hear of these and other amazing wonders of God’s creation, but we know they will not last forever. He tells us in the Bible that all will be destroyed in a coming time when God is going to bring the world into judgment. But there is one thing that will last forever. Read the beginning verse again to find out what it is.
Do you obey it?
The Story of Samson
Samson was a strong man—a very strong man. He did not become strong through exercising and weight lifting; he was strong because it was God’s choice to make him that way. The nation of Israel, where he was born, was under the control of the strong Philistine army, and they were afraid to do anything to get free.
Samson found a woman in the land of the Philistines who seemed just right for him to marry, and he went to visit her. It was a difficult trip for a man, even a strong man, to take alone. Suddenly, a loud roar, which was much too close, alerted him that a fierce lion was about to spring on him—teeth, claws and all!
I don’t really think that Samson’s strength was in his muscles, but in the power of God. He faced that hungry, vicious lion with his bare hands and tore that hungry animal to death! Samson said to himself, I won’t tell anybody about the lion . . . this is my secret.
Later on, he passed the same spot again, and there in the dead lion’s body was a surprise—bees—lots of them! In the dead lion’s body, he found a large amount of sweet honey. (And do you know something? This happened thousands of years ago, but the bees back then knew how to store their honey in six-sided cells of beeswax, just like they still do today.)
A handful of dripping honey was just as sweet as our honey is today, and I’m sure it left Samson licking his fingers and his hands. He shared the honey with his father and mother too, but where the honey came from was still his secret.
God has secrets too. Why does He send troubles into our lives? You and I have troubles which hurt and scare us and make us cry. If God really loves us, why does He send troubles to us?
That is one of God’s secrets. The lion did not run away, but God gave Samson the strength to win the victory over the lion. And here’s something else to think about. After a while, he found sweet honey in that lion carcass, and it was good food for others as well as himself.
The biggest trouble that anyone in the world has ever faced was the cross of Calvary where the Savior Jesus was crucified. Our Jesus could have called for angels to destroy those evil men, but instead of that, He let them nail Him to that cross, and He suffered in the darkness for our sins. Now He is risen and has gone back to heaven. And right now He says to you, “O taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). And the sweetness of knowing Jesus as your Savior is not just for today . . . it’s for forever!
Maybe all you can hear today is the roar of great, big troubles. Maybe you see the teeth and claws of some danger which seems to be ruining your life. Will you remember that our Lord Jesus has already conquered the power of our enemy Satan? Jesus promised there would be troubles in your life. But then He adds, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Someday you will find a blessing hidden inside that trouble. But until then, God keeps His secrets. Can you trust Him? . . . even if you can’t see how any good could come from your trouble? His wisdom is perfect, and His love never fails!
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33).
You may read this story of Samson and the lion in the Bible, in Judges, chapter 14.
MEMORY VERSE: “O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.” Psalm 34:8
A New Coat
A flock of sheep grazing peacefully in a field is always a pretty sight. Few of us think about how hard it is sometimes to take care of them through the cold winter. At this time of year, sheep are growing long, thick wool coats to keep them warm through the winter. In the spring when the lambs are born in the fields, they sometimes die because it is still too cold. They do not have warm, woolly coats when they are born. So if they arrive while there is still snow on the ground, sadly, some usually die.
Sometimes a mother sheep will die, leaving a little lamb without a mother to nurse it. The shepherd then has to find a way to take care of the little lamb so it will not die too. He can either try to feed it himself from a bottle or find a mother sheep to take care of it. However, usually no other sheep will accept the lamb, because it is not her own.
Now what do you suppose the shepherd does? He looks to see if there is a mother sheep whose own baby lamb has died. He finds her dead lamb, removes its skin and carefully places it over the body of the living lamb that has lost its mother. It is just like putting on a coat. The shepherd then takes the little orphan lamb to the mother sheep that has just lost her own baby. She sniffs the lamb all over, smelling mostly the coat of her own dead lamb. She thinks it must be her own baby, and she accepts it and nurses it.
This is just what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for those of us who have accepted Him as our Savior. He is that Lamb who died on Calvary’s cross for us. Because of all that He did there for us, we can claim Isaiah 61:10, “He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness.” God the Father accepts us, not because there is anything good in us, but because He sees us wearing the “coat of salvation” that the Lord Jesus has given us.
Have you thanked Him today for dying on the cross so you could be saved from your sins and someday live with Him in heaven forever? “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own Him be glory and dominion forever and ever” (Revelation 1:5-6).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Lively Spider Monkeys - Part 1
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11
There are many species of monkeys in Central America and the northern parts of South America, and all have long, prehensile (grasping) tails. The Creator also gave them long legs and arms—all important to their way of life. They use their tails not only to grasp branches, but the tips of their tails have a remarkable sense of touch, enabling them to capture tasty insects or other creatures out of crevices or holes in trees. If a spider monkey is mortally wounded, it will curl its tail around a branch as it dies and remain suspended until it is removed or its body decays.
The long tails and sprawling legs of these monkeys make them appear awkward when on the ground, as they walk with the soles of their hands outward and the feet inward. But in trees they are skilled acrobats and move swiftly and gracefully about, using their long arms, legs and tails, and they can cover 30 feet in one flying leap.
The red-faced variety is only about a foot long from nose to tail; its tail adds another 2 feet. The name “red-faced” is not entirely accurate, for its head is actually a dark-copper color, showing some red in bright sunlight. The rest of it is mostly shiny black.
These residents of tropical rain forests in both Central and South America are much loved by most people. They will swing by their tails or lean against a tree for hours at a time. But if threatened, they scoot away so swiftly that nothing but a bird could keep up with them.
A hunter told of trying to shoot one of these in the top of a tall tree. It fell headlong for about 30 feet, at which point its tail wrapped around a limb, bringing it to an immediate stop. It hung there briefly and then took off, making its escape before the hunter got in another shot. Aren’t you glad it got away? So am I.
Another species, living along the Amazon River, is the variegated with quite similar habits to the others. Its black fur is somewhat longer and its tail more bushy. Those who have watched it report that it will sit for great lengths of time high in a tree, without moving; then suddenly it becomes active, swinging swiftly backwards and forwards in an upside down position, just like the pendulum of a big clock.
Another interesting variety will be considered in the next issue. Meanwhile, let us remember that these creatures are part of God’s creation in which He took delight, as our opening Bible verse tells us. Like God, we too may take delight in His creation.
(to be continued)
A Father's Love for His Son
Tony Lethbridge was worried. His 17-year-old son, Samuel, should have been home hours ago! What could have happened to him?
He had gone out with some friends on Saturday night in the nearby city of Newcastle, Australia. He should have been home by Sunday morning, at the very latest. After dropping a friend off 30 miles from his parents’ home early Sunday morning, he just seemed to vanish— without a trace!
His father was so concerned that he went to the police for help, but the police told Mr. Lethbridge that his son probably decided to run away. However, his father knew better, saying, “That’s not Samuel.” He knew his son’s character. He knew something was seriously wrong when his son didn’t show up or even phone him!
After Sunday went by without a word or trace of Samuel, he knew that he had to do something. Far too much time had gone by. He remembered another instance where a person had crashed and died from their injuries, because help didn’t arrive in time. He decided that on Monday morning he would hire a helicopter and go looking for his son.
Because Mr. Lethbridge loved his son, he was willing to do whatever was necessary to find him. He did not want him to die alone and without anyone to help him. Because God saw that we were sinners, lost, and on our way to everlasting punishment for our sins, He had compassion on us and sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. . . . God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6,8). What strong love God had towards us, to give His only Son to die for us!
Early Monday morning, Mr. Lethbridge arrived at Skyline Aviation Group, a local company that hired out helicopters. Speaking to Lee Mitchell, pilot and co-owner of the company, he asked him if he could hire a helicopter for $797, which was all the money he had with him at the time. Mr. Mitchell agreed, even though the charge would normally have been $956 per hour. He could see that Mr. Lethbridge was deeply worried and concerned about Samuel. Since Mr. Lethbridge often suffered from air sickness, it was decided that Samuel’s uncle would go up with the pilot.
Fifteen minutes after takeoff, they spotted Samuel’s car, wrecked about 65 feet off the road. He had been just 12 miles from home! Samuel, who was alive, was very badly injured and had to be cut out of the car. He had a number of broken bones and was taken to the hospital where he was placed in intensive care. But at last he was where he could receive the necessary care and treatment that he needed to make a recovery.
One rescuer said that “Samuel was very lucky to be alive, knowing that it was about 30 hours after the crash when he had been found.” Mr. Mitchell, the pilot, stated, “It was fairly easy to spot his car from the air. It would have been nearly impossible to see the car from the road, because it was well below the road level.”
As you can imagine, there was much relief and joy at how well the “search and rescue” turned out. Do you think that Samuel’s father cared about the time and money that he had to pay to find his lost son? Not at all! His love for his son was greater than that!
Boys and girls, when we come to the Lord Jesus to have our sins forgiven, “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This is what it means to be saved from a lost eternity in hell, without hope and without God. Not only will you be happy, but so will all the holy angels in heaven! Listen to the wonderful words of Jesus: “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10). Have you repented of your sins?
MEMORY VERSE: “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10
Lost in a Store
Have you ever been lost? Once my brother and I were lost in a store. A discount store is a very big store when you’re only six years old and you’re lost in it. We started running all over the store looking for our mother, and she was running all over the store looking for us. It would have been better if we had just stayed where we were and called to her.
There is another kind of being lost, but it is different than being lost in a store. Each one of us is born into the world with a sinful heart, because our parents are sinners too. And because we are sinners, we are “lost” in our sins. You know, our mother knew my brother and I were lost and she was looking for us, because she loves us. And the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, is looking for lost sinners, because He loves sinners too. The Bible tells us that “the Son of Man [the Lord Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). You may not have known that you are lost in your sins until right now. But you can stop right where you are and call to the Lord Jesus. He will find you and gladly save you from your sins. He wants you close to Himself so you won’t be lost any longer.
We were two scared little boys, but we finally decided to go to our car in the parking lot. We knew that eventually our mother would come to the car. And that’s where she found us, sitting sadly on the hood of the car.
It’s not fun to be lost, but it’s wonderful to be found. If you are still lost in your sins, the Lord Jesus is still looking for you. Just call to Him and tell Him that you are a lost sinner who needs to be saved. He promises, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). And “whosoever” means boys or girls or grown-ups—anybody! Will you let the Lord Jesus find you and save you?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Lively Spider Monkeys - Part 2
“God made the beast of the earth after his kind . . . and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:25
In last week’s issue, the red-faced and variegated species of the spider monkey family were reviewed. Today we will look at the wooly variety, which is, in many ways, the most remarkable member of this family.
The wooly’s homelands are in the tropical forest regions of Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Venezuela. Much of those forest areas have been cut down, and many are concerned that these creatures will soon have no place to live. But efforts are underway to set aside areas for the protection of the wooly spider monkey.
An adult wooly, weighing over 30 pounds, will measure about 5 feet in length, including a long, fur-covered tail. Except for a dark face, slightly flushed with red, its body fur appears quite light when it is standing facing you, but the fur on its backs is much darker. On some there are areas of deep orange as well, and they all have a cute appearance.
Their antics are amazing, such as dangling out in space from a slender branch, holding on only by a tail and one arm. But when a mother leads her little one around, she is very careful. To travel from one tree to another where the space is too great for the baby to swing, she will pull the branch to which it clings farther across, or she may leap to the other tree and work one of its branches across so the little one can safely reach it.
At other times, she will stretch herself over the area, grasping one side with a strong arm and the other side with her tail. Then baby monkey merely walks across her body to make the crossover. At other times, a mother can be spotted with a little one clinging to her back as she scampers through the trees.
For the most part, woolies are peace-loving and playful, enjoying swinging back and forth under a high branch while hanging on only by their tails. But they will chase away other species that try to compete in picking fruit from a tree, which, including the leaves and flowers, represents most of their food.
Wherever seen, monkeys are interesting animals, and we can understand the Creator’s taking pleasure in creating them. The Bible, God’s Word, does not teach that mankind evolved from monkeys and apes. God’s Word, which is our only sure and true source of knowledge of such things, plainly teaches that when God made Adam, he was instantly a complete man. If in all things we trust and believe what God says, we are always on safe ground.
Sudden Allergy Attack!
Mr. and Mrs. Daley, and their children were travelling home from a vacation in Thailand. They were flying on Singapore Airlines to their home in Melbourne, Australia, which was a seven-hour flight. When it came time for snacks to be served, the Daley’s asked for a nut-free meal because their son was severely allergic to peanuts. He was given a special meal, but hundreds of other people on the plane were served peanuts with their meals.
When hundreds of people opened their packages of peanuts, the air was soon filled with the dust and smell of peanuts. All of these tiny fragments of peanuts going up into the air can make people with allergies to peanuts very sick! Within a few minutes, 3-year-old Marcus said, “I don’t feel good,” before becoming severely ill. His father said that “he started vomiting, his eyes were starting to swell, and he couldn’t speak properly.” Fortunately, Mr. Daly was a doctor who specialized in respiratory conditions. They had come prepared with anti-allergy medication and were also carrying four EpiPen’s filled with adrenaline. After using one EpiPen and other medication, Marcus was soon feeling better.
The flight attendants also did their best to help Marcus. They collected all of the peanut packages from the people surrounding the family and did not serve anymore peanuts during the flight.
Food allergies are a serious condition to have and should not be ignored or taken lightly. A doctor who specialized in food allergies said, “Food allergies can develop suddenly with no prior warning, especially in regard to milk, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and eggs.” If a person does not receive treatment in time, an allergy attack can be deadly. EpiPen’s are filled with adrenaline, and when they are injected into the thigh, it opens a person’s airway in the throat, allowing them to breathe comfortably. Many lives have been saved because of this life-giving medication.
Have you ever wondered why there is so much sickness, pain and suffering in the world that we live in? It is because of sin, and man’s rebellion against God. When God created Adam and Eve and put them into a beautiful garden, He told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was the only thing they were told not to do! But Adam and Eve listened to Satan and ate of the forbidden fruit. This disobedience to God made them sinners with a sinful nature. Every boy and girl born into this world has inherited this sinful nature. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sickness, disease and sorrow are the result of man’s sinful disobedience towards God.
Just as there is a cure for an allergy attack to nuts, so there is a cure for our sins. When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their place in the Garden of Eden. Because God is holy and pure and just, He cannot allow sin into His presence. How could sinful boys and girls, men and women be saved? God knew that we were helpless sinners, so He sent His holy, spotless perfect Son to die on the cross for our sins. Because the Lord Jesus’ work on the cross was perfect and complete, God raised Him from the dead on the third day. “ ... I declare unto you the gospel ... by which also ye are saved ... how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (1 Corinthians 15:1,2,3-4).
As serious as a food allergy is, our sinful condition before a holy God is even more serious. If we do not ask God to forgive our sins for Jesus’ sake, we cannot go to be with Him in heaven when we die. This is why Jesus says, “ ... him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37). When you come to Him, your salvation is certain and secure. “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28).
The Daly’s were prepared and knew what to do when Marcus became very sick. But not everyone is prepared, and some people don’t even know that they’re allergic to nuts until they have a sudden allergic reaction. This is what happened to one family returning to New York from a vacation in Aruba. Ten-year-old Luca ate just one cashew nut and became very sick. Fifteen minutes after eating the cashew, he complained of stomach and chest pain and was having difficulty breathing. The stewardess quickly asked the passengers if there was a doctor or nurse on board. Fortunately, there was a nurse on the plane who was willing to help and knew what to do. Two teenage girls gave up their EpiPen’s for a life-saving injection of adrenaline. The first one didn’t work because it was defective, but the second one did. The nurse then looked after Luca until they landed. Thanks to the quick-thinking stewardess, and the kindness of strangers, Luca made a recovery.
The sacrifice that the two teenage girls made was greater than you might think. What if they had suffered a severe allergy attack themselves and needed their EpiPen’s? Giving up their pens was a potentially life-threatening sacrifice, but they did not think of themselves. They only saw a young boy in need and did what they could to help him. But the Lord Jesus did give His life for us. He knew that that was the only way to save us from our sins. Just as the nurse knew what to do to help Luca, the Lord Jesus who is the Great Physician, is the only one who can heal us from our sinful condition. What is His treatment? Not an EpiPen, but His precious blood “ ... the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Snoopy in the Clothes Dryer
Last summer, four kittens were born on our family’s small farm. Since they are outdoor cats, in the fall they often cuddled together in the straw-lined, wooden “cat house” that my dad and brothers built for all our cats. They also huddled together close to the clothes dryer vent near the ground when the dryer was running. They liked the warm air that came out of it.
About 10:30, I stepped outside to take a short break after a busy morning. As I was standing on the door step, my sister Joy came rushing up to me with a worried look on her face. She had gone outside just a minute before I did.
“Snoopy is stuck in the dryer vent!” she exclaimed. He was named that because of his curiosity.
Not very ready to believe that he would do such a thing, I looked toward the vent, thinking maybe he had just stuck his head in a little bit to get closer to the warmth. But no; he was in the dryer vent with only his back legs and tail hanging out. My sister hurried over to him and was just about to pull him gently out, when he disappeared from view completely! One of my brothers knelt on the ground and felt around for him, but he was already out of reach. Meanwhile, I went back in the house and told Mom. She was just about to turn the dryer on but stopped.
Back outside, we called his name, hoping maybe he would change his mind and back out, but that idea didn’t work. While my sister and brothers stayed outside to make sure none of the other kittens followed him, Mom and I went into the house and downstairs to see where he was in the dryer vent hose. We wanted to disconnect the hose to get him out. We knew that he was only trying to stay warm. We also knew that what looked to him like a warm place to stay was actually a trap, and that without our help he had no chance of getting out by himself.
When we got downstairs, he had already worked his way through most of the hose and was heading toward the dryer itself. So upstairs we went again. Mom pulled the dryer forward so I could crawl over and then behind it to unscrew the hose from the dryer at the top where we believed he would be stuck. When I removed the hose, I looked down it and listened. There was no sign or sound of Snoopy anywhere!
Mom trudged back down the stairs, thinking maybe he had fallen backward and was struggling in a lower part, but she couldn’t feel or hear him moving down there either. Then she told me to look in the dryer itself. And there he was, about a foot in, as far in as he could possibly go, unable to move either forward or backward. Snoopy was TRAPPED!
I wonder if any of you reading this story find yourselves trapped, like Snoopy. Of course, you’re not stuck in the back of a clothes dryer, but maybe you are trapped in a maze of sin and guilt. You started out doing things you told yourself were harmless, but little by little you got deeper and deeper into sin. Now you know you’re in trouble, and you cannot get yourself out. God judges your sin, and because He is a just God, He cannot overlook sin. I was just like you once, too. The good news is that there is hope for you, just as there was for me!
But what about Snoopy? I called his name and I could see him wiggling, but he was very quiet and probably very scared. Reaching in, I grabbed his hind legs and carefully and gently pulled out a dust-covered and bewildered kitten. I was happy to have him back safely in my arms.
Like Snoopy, you need a Savior. God loves you and has provided a way for you to escape His wrath against your sins. About 2,000 years ago, God sent His Son Jesus to earth. Jesus died a cruel death on a cross, was buried, and rose again, defeating death and forever freeing everyone who will believe that He died for their sins. If you believe that Jesus took the punishment for your sins on the cross, God will accept Jesus’ sacrifice as payment for your sin. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). Will you let Him free you?
MEMORY VERSE: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36
Looking for a Friend
Tony was looking for an old friend. When he got near where his friend lived, he stopped to ask someone how to get to his friend’s house. The man giving him directions lived in the area. After receiving the directions to his friend’s house, Tony asked, “Is that the best way?” The man who gave him the directions answered, “That is the ONLY way.”
Boys and girls, there is no other way to heaven except through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that “all have sinned,” and “that through this man [Jesus] is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 13:38). If you and I are going to be in heaven, it must be through faith in one Person, the Lord Jesus, and the blood He shed on Calvary’s cross. We must open our hearts to receive Him as our very own Savior. The Bible tells us this is the ONLY way to heaven. Jesus said, “I am THE way” (John 14:6).
The good news of the gospel must be believed, and God expects us to believe what He says. “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures. . . . He was buried, and . . . He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
Do you believe what God says about the way to heaven? You must if you want to be in that happy place where we all want to go. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for THERE IS NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Adorable Kit Fox
“Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” Song of Solomon 2:15
The kit fox, or desert fox, is the smallest fox in North America. An adult is only about 20 inches long, and little ones are so tiny and adorable that if you got a peek at one you would want to pick it up and hold it. Besides being tiny, they are so cute with pretty, light tan fur on their sharp-pointed faces, necks and legs and a slightly darker color over their backs and long, bushy tails.
The pleasant looks on their tiny faces, with their dark eyes and black-button noses, topped off by a pair of large, perky ears, all make an unforgettable picture. These little ones are so tiny you could hold one in your hand. The parents are equally pretty.
At one time there were large numbers in western North America, but today there are only a few, most of which live near Bakersfield, California, in oilfield areas. There are also some in northern and central Mexico.
Kit foxes do not need to drink water since their prey provides enough liquid for them to survive. Their choice of food is mostly rats, mice and ground squirrels. But as these too are becoming scarce, the hungry kit foxes are sometimes spotted at night prowling around marketplaces, no doubt hoping to find some bit of meat or other food.
They use the same den year after year, but their worst enemy, the coyote, is often able to break into their dens and destroy the foxes. So kindhearted people now provide man-made dens for them, properly buried in the ground. These are made of steel pipes welded together in suitable shapes with an opening just large enough for the foxes, but not the coyotes. California officials also have learned of the serious threat of coyotes and hunters as well, and they are trying to keep hunters, settlers and industries from coming into those areas, since this will destroy the small number of kit foxes that are left.
It’s sad enough to think that coyotes and other larger foxes are their enemies, but hawks and eagles also go after them. No doubt the Creator of these lovely creatures has put protective kindness into the hearts of people, and it is hoped the authorities will continue to do what they can to preserve them.
We cannot overlook that the opening Bible verse refers to some damage little foxes have always done, and it reminds us that this world can never be a perfect place while our chief enemy, Satan, remains in it. The wonderful hope of those who know the Lord Jesus as their Savior is His promise to soon call us to heaven, where no sin or sorrow will ever be. Will you be part of the great number who will be there?
A Young Boy's Courage
On Thursday, February 1, a school bus left La Grange Middle School in Texas to take the children home. Karson, a 13-year-old boy, just happened to be riding the bus that day. Usually his mother picked him up, but on this particular day she couldn’t, so she told her son to take the bus home.
A few minutes later, sitting in the bus, Karson and the children noticed that something was very wrong. The driver missed a turn and went off the road into a ditch! Then he had to back up. This is when Karson started to realize the seriousness of the situation. He later said that the driver then started driving in circles and going off into the ditch on almost every corner. Karson realized that he needed to do something quickly, or there was going to be a crash!
There were seven people on the bus – four younger children, Karson and a tenth-grader named Kyler, besides the bus driver. Karson quickly called 9-1-1 on his cell phone to let the police know what was happening. Since the children were crying and upset, he told them to go to the back of the bus and told Kyler to hold onto them.
Then Karson sat on the driver’s lap, who was getting weaker by the minute, and moved his feet out of the way so he could drive the bus. Turning on the flashers, he drove a good two miles before coasting to a stop near a bridge over the Columbia River. In the meantime, Kyler stayed on the phone with the police. When they caught up to the bus, the driver, who was clearly suffering from a medical emergency, was taken to the hospital for treatment.
Karson knew he needed help and did the right thing by calling 9-1-1. Boys and girls (and men and women), we too need help. We were all born into this world as sinners. As sinners, we could not possibly enter into God’s presence in heaven with our sins. We all need a Savior! God knew this and loves us so much that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for our sins on the cross. Now all we have to do is put our trust and faith in the Lord Jesus. When we believe that Jesus died for us, we can then ask Him to forgive all our sins. He is faithful and willing to do so and promises eternal life in heaven for all who come to Him. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). It’s as simple as “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Karson’s mother, along with many others, were all so grateful that an accident had been avoided. Karson had remained calm and acted quickly, thinking of each next step that had to be taken. What if they had gone into the river? Karson said, “We would’ve all died, because the driver would have swerved off pretty much into the river and off that hill, too.”
Thankfully, they did not have an accident and die. We too are saved from the “horrible pit” of our sins when we receive the Lord Jesus as our Savior. None of us have to remain lost and in our sins without Christ. When we call on the Lord Jesus for salvation, the Bible says, “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings” (Psalm 40:2). When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior, He fills us with joy and happiness. “He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God” (Psalm 40:3).
Karson’s mother said, “There was a reason he was on the bus that day!” Yes, God was merciful in saving their lives. And He is waiting to save you from a “horrible pit”! Won’t you come to Him today? Then He will put a “new song” in your mouth, “even praise unto our God”!
MEMORY VERSE: “He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2
An Unwelcome Guest
It’s not very often you have to say to a guest that they aren’t welcome and you are forced to chase them away. However, we have had to do that very thing.
We heard strange knocks on our front door recently. We looked out the door window into the eyes of a very hungry thief! The thief was a squirrel that was clinging to our door decoration of corncobs! When we began to open the door to chase him away, he scampered off very fast.
That will be the end of the squirrel, we thought. But it wasn’t very long before we heard the strange knocks again. You might have already guessed that the same bold squirrel was back, and we chased him away for the second time.
Then a little later we heard a BIG noise at the front door. When we checked this time, off ran the bushy-tailed, four-legged thief with a whole corncob in its mouth! We opened the door to check the decoration and noticed that two cobs were missing! Then later that day all the cobs were gone, and only the bow that tied them together was left!
The squirrel thief was a little amusing to us because we have used this same corncob decoration for a few years without a problem. But one thing we were sure of—that bushy-tailed thief had a good meal that day with lots of corn to hide away for later.
The Lord Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart today. He is not knocking as a thief; He’s knocking because He loves you. He says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup [eat] with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). He also says in John 10:9-10, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
Have you opened your heart’s door and let the Lord Jesus come in?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Jumping Spiders
“All that forget God . . . [their] hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider’s web.” Job 8:13-14.
Let’s look at spiders that are specifically called jumping spiders. There are some 4,000 varieties of these. They are all small, less than 3/4 of an inch, and are the most colorful of all spiders. If you should see one, look at it through a magnifying glass and see the beautiful colors of these pretty little creatures. While frequently found in parts of North America and Europe, the greatest number prefer warm climates, such as Central America, northern South America, New Zealand and Australia. Many of you have probably seen these little spiders on your window sills or screens in the summer. The hair on their legs helps them walk across very smooth surfaces like glass more easily.
They are provided with unusual eyes—some of them having as many as eight, so they can see motion in just about every direction all at the same time. They can also spot birds or other enemies that might be a threat to them.
In contrast to the vast number of other spiders, jumping spiders do not weave webs and then wait for insects to get caught in them. Instead, they creep up on their prey or lie in wait and pounce on it. Although their legs are short, they can jump more than 50 times the length of their bodies.
Finding a good spot on a big bare rock or bare limb of a tree, a jumper first anchors a silk thread (called a dragline) so it can climb back up in case it misses its prey. It seldom has to wait very long before spotting a fly, mosquito or other insect perhaps a distance of 4 to 8 inches away.
How can it get to that insect that is suddenly visible? Most of the jumping power is supplied by the fourth pair of legs, and the dragline stretches out to match the jump being made. Having feasted on its catch, the spider may explore a bit for more food and then it follows the dragline all the way back to its starting point where the line is discarded.
Incidentally, in spite of the trailing dragline, these jumps are so fast and silent that an intended victim seldom gets away. The spider injects a wee bit of poison, then it devours its catch and looks around for other potential victims before climbing back up its dragline.
Read again the Bible verse at the top of the page. How foolish it is for anyone to just try to forget about God and take up with the temporary pleasures of this world. This verse tells us it will trap them like a spider’s web. Another verse tells us: “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:6). Which verse applies to you?
Doug's Tree House
Bill was a carpenter, and whenever there was building material left over from a construction job, he would bring it home for his son Doug to use in his building projects.
One time Bill and the other workers were tearing down a house because a new mall was to be built where the house stood. There were lots of good building materials from the house: boards, windows, shingles and all kinds of useful things. Bill gave them to Doug and his friend, and they made plans to build a tree house.
After they got the floor and walls built, the roof was next. Bill gave them instructions about how to lay the shingles. “Start at the bottom edge of the roof and lay overlapping rows until you reach the peak.”
All day Saturday the boys worked hard shingling the roof. They began at the bottom of the first side and worked their way up to the peak, and then they kept right on going down the other side until they reached the bottom edge again. They were very tired at the end of the day, but very pleased with their work.
That night it rained.
In the morning they ran out to their tree house. It was all wet inside! They discovered that they had made a big mistake. They had laid the shingles on the first side exactly right. But instead of beginning at the bottom edge on the second side, they had gone over the peak and worked their way down. The shingles on the second side had acted just like funnels and directed the water inside the tree house. They were two very disappointed boys. They thought they were following Doug’s dad’s instructions, but they had not listened carefully.
God has instructions for us in the Bible too, and He wants us to listen to them carefully and follow them well. He wants “all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). But if we are going to understand God’s message to us, we must be like David and pray as he did: “Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day” (Psalm 25:5).
If Doug had thought over his dad’s instructions, he would have stopped at the peak and started again at the bottom on the second side, working back up to the top. The tree house roof looked nice and neat, but it leaked terribly. All the shingles on the second side had to be taken off and put on in an entirely different order.
In the Old Testament the children of Israel said, “All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient” (Exodus 24:7). But we are unable to do that because we are born in sin and we are sinners through and through. God knows that, and so He made a completely different plan. He sent His own beloved Son to bear the punishment of our sins on the cross so we could be free from sin and live to please God. That is the only way we can become free of our sins. The ten commandments are good, but trying to keep them will not save us from our sins. And it is good to do good works, but doing good works will not save us from our sins either. God tells us this in Titus 3:5: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His [God’s] mercy He saved us.” God’s instructions tell us to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Are you following God’s instructions?
MEMORY VERSE: “God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3-4
The Lost Letter
We were expecting Gramma’s weekly letter to arrive. Mom watched through the living room window as the mailman came up the front walk. He dropped one envelope through the letter slot in the door. Mom saw it fall to the floor, and she walked quickly over to pick it up—but no envelope was to be seen! She knew it had to be there, because she had seen it! Looking closely at the floor, she discovered a crack just at the edge of the door frame. I brought her a flashlight, and shining it down the crack we could see Gramma’s letter.
Mom tried so hard to get it out, but the crack was too narrow for even tweezers to grasp the letter. She finally gave up and waited for Dad to come home from work. As soon as he came in, she told him about the letter.
Dad worked and worked, trying to get the letter out of the crack. He was able to move it with a thin wire, but he couldn’t grasp it or snag it on a hook. He finally had to make the crack a little wider with a wedge. And what do you think he found? He found not just one letter, but several pieces of mail! Some of them looked like they had been there for a long time.
The whole family watched while Mom and Dad opened the mail they had just found. Some pieces were advertisements now almost ten years old! It was surprising to see how prices had gone up in the ten years the mail had been down the crack.
The most interesting piece of mail was for me. It was six years old and was from my best friend. It was an invitation to her house for a party!
I know about a wonderful letter which also has an invitation in it. Maybe this letter is lying somewhere in your home and you have never read it. This letter I’m talking about is the Bible. It contains God’s loving invitation to spend eternity with Him in heaven. He tells us how much He loves us and wants us to live with Him forever. He tells us about the wonderful home He has all ready for us.
The Bible also tells us that no sin can ever enter God’s wonderful home (Revelation 21:27). It tells us how Jesus came down to earth and died for sinners. He rose again from the dead, and He is now in heaven waiting for us. He has sent this invitation for us to believe Him and come to live with Him in heaven when our life on earth is over.
Have you answered His invitation? I did not accept my friend’s party invitation because I did not receive it in time. But can you say that? You have probably heard God’s invitation before, and He is waiting for your answer right now. We do not know how long He will offer this invitation. Tomorrow may be too late. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Importance of Water
“God . . . covereth the heaven [sky] with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth.” Psalm 147:7-8
The human body is about 60% water, which, next to oxygen, is the most important substance enabling us to live. Almost everything in nature demands water. The Creator has satisfied this need through clouds, dew, rain and snow, as well as the unseen humidity of the air.
Not all places on the earth have the same amount of water. Desert areas do not receive the same amount as rain forests or swampy areas where trees and other vegetation grow right in water. Yet the Creator has placed the forms of life best suited to the climate in each part of the world. Consider the cactus and trees of deserts where rain may only fall two or three times a year. The Creator has so formed the vegetation that, when rain does come, they can store it in their roots and trunks for later use. Camels crossing desert sands drink huge amounts of water before traveling and can then survive comfortably for a week or more without drinking.
Grown-ups use up to three quarts of water a day. Not all of it comes from liquid we drink—almost everything we eat has water in it. For example, meat is often 70% water, potatoes 80% and watermelon more like 97% percent.
Farm crops need lots of water either from rainfall or irrigation, as do grass and flowers. This is also true of trees, whether fruit bearers, leafy oaks and maples, needle-bearing evergreens or giant redwoods. Where does all the water come from, and is there the danger that we may run out?
Solomon wrote, “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full: unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again” (Ecclesiastes 1:7). This brings our attention to one of the most remarkable provisions in God’s creation: The amount of water in the world in clouds, snow on mountains and the contents of lakes, rivers and oceans (aboveground and underground) remains the same. None of it is ever lost! The oceans hold just so much, and in spite of rivers, rain and snow draining into them, there is a perfect balance. Evaporation sends just the right amount back into the sky to return later as rain or snow, keeping the perfect balance by the only One who could design such a cycle—the Creator Himself.
Because water is so vital for maintaining life, the Lord used water as a symbol of accepting Him as Savior to give us everlasting life. He said, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).
Have you taken a drink of that water?
Niagara Falls Rescue
“Dad, there’s somebody in the water!” screamed Kara.
Frank Kennedy spun around and saw a woman being swept down the Niagara River, about 30 feet from the falls. Without hesitating, he bolted over the metal railing and ran to a spot at the river’s edge where he thought he could reach out and grab the woman. As she swept by, he reached out, but he missed her!
The Kennedy family had left early that June morning to return to their home in Pennsylvania. With relatives in Toronto, they had gone to visit Niagara Falls many times before, but Scott wanted to see them again. So Frank and his wife decided they would stop once more for a short visit.
They were walking on a pathway leading to the railing that overlooked the American Falls when Kara spotted the helpless woman in the swift current of the river. Where Frank first tried to grab her was only 15 feet from the falls. When he missed, she disappeared behind a bush, and Frank feared that she had gone over the crest.
As he rounded the bush, he saw her again just as she lost her grip on the bush she had grabbed. She was grasping at rocks as she continued to be swept along in the 23-mile-per-hour current. Frank instantly jumped onto a rock, braced himself and reached out. He yelled to the woman to grab his arm, and she did. They both held on as tightly as they could, but Frank could not pull her over to the bank. They were only five feet from the crest of the falls, and the strong force of the current kept pulling her away. In Frank’s words, “I couldn’t move her.”
What a frightening spot to be in. We might find it hard to imagine what it was like for that woman to be so close to death. And yet this could well be your story too. You may think you are standing on safe ground. But does anyone know that he or she will be alive tomorrow? And if you should not live until tomorrow, what about your sins? Have they been forgiven? If not, the Bible warns in Revelation 20:15 what will happen to those who die in their sins: “Whosoever was not found written in [God’s] book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” You may be as close to death as being just five feet from the crest of Niagara Falls.
Help came for Frank and the woman desperately fighting to save her life. Four people quickly grabbed Frank to prevent him from being pulled into the water. Then together the five of them were able to pull the woman up onto the bank.
There is help waiting for you too. The Lord Jesus Christ cares very much about you, and He is waiting right now to forgive your sins and give you the peace of knowing that your name will be in God’s book of life. Are you willing to admit to Him that you are a sinner and need His forgiveness? “In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14).
His offer of forgiveness is that close for you. Will you reach for it and accept His forgiveness?
MEMORY VERSE: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:14
Mr. Woodchuck's Rescue
Jim and Holly had watched the woodchuck in their backyard for most of the summer. Some days he seemed unafraid and would come close to the house. He would sit up as though he were trying to look through the windows in the back door. Other times he would run off to hide at the slightest sound.
One afternoon Holly went to the basement to do the laundry, and who should be looking in the window at her but Mr. Woodchuck! He had fallen into the window well, and it was too deep for him to get out. He was trapped in there. He just kept frantically scratching at the window and the metal sides of the window well. He needed help to get out.
Have you ever needed help? There are times when children and grown-ups need help too, and if you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you can turn to Him anytime. He always hears us, and He is never too busy to listen and help. Psalm 91:15 encourages us: “He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him.”
Jim came up with the idea of putting a long board down into the window well to see if Mr. Woodchuck would climb up the board and get out by himself. So, that’s what they did, but when they went back a little later, Mr. Woodchuck was still sitting on the bottom of the window well. They decided that he was too tired from trying to get out, and now he really needed help.
Do you know how much many of us are like poor Mr. Woodchuck? We try our own ideas of what we think will get us to heaven. We do kind deeds, go to Sunday school, and maybe even give money to missionaries. But that won’t do. We need a Savior. We need the Lord Jesus Christ to save us from our sins since it is our sins that will keep us out of heaven.
And Mr. Woodchuck needed someone to save him from the window well. Jim came up with a better idea. He found a 5-gallon bucket, tied a rope on it and lowered it into the window well. Using the board, Holly pushed Mr. Woodchuck into the bucket. Jim pulled the bucket up, giving Mr. Woodchuck a ride out of the window well to the freedom of the yard. Jim had set Mr. Woodchuck free from possible death in a few days if they hadn’t saved him.
Christ Jesus loves you and me and He came into the world to save us, and He is ready and willing to save each sinner who comes to Him. “What must I do to be saved?. . . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31). That’s all you have to do to be set free from your sins.
Mr. Woodchuck could not thank Jim and Holly for getting him out of the window well, so he just wandered off. But if you let the Lord Jesus Christ save you from your sins, you can thank Him for dying on the cross to make your salvation possible.
Are you free from your sins?
The Wonders of God's Creation: The White Pelican
“God that made the world and all things therein . . . is Lord of heaven and earth. . . . In Him we live, and move, and have our being.” Acts 17:24-28
The white pelican is found in many places around the world, including the United States and Canada. Its huge, broad bill with a pouch on the underside is the most noticeable feature about it, along with its beautiful wings which spread 8 to 10 feet across. Although this large water bird walks awkwardly, it is graceful when flying or swimming.
Pelicans thrive on a diet of fish and sometimes work together to catch them. Large numbers of these birds will swim together in a line, beating the water with their wings. Frightened fish find themselves trapped as the birds scoop them up in their open bills. With their stomachs filled, they return to shore to digest the meal and soon fly into the air in great flocks. They are often seen flying single file.
These large birds nest in groups of a thousand or more on the shores of an island or inland lake. The females lay just two eggs that take a month to hatch. The chicks have no feathers at first and are quite ugly, but the mother is very attentive, keeping them well fed with fish which she first digests and then brings back up into her pouch. Opening her upper bill wide, she lets the little ones help themselves, which they are always ready to do, practically crawling into her pouch in their hurry. The little chicks stay in the nest three months before learning to fly and then are taught how to catch their own fish.
With their 8- to 10-foot wingspan, adults glide on air currents, covering as much as 40 miles or more a day over water in search of fish. When a fish is spotted near the surface, the bird dives down and scoops up several quarts of water in its pouch along with the fish. Lifting its head to let the water run out, it then gulps down the fish.
It is easy to understand why fishermen don’t like the competition from pelicans. Actually, much of pelicans’ catch is made up of sick or injured fish, which the fishermen wouldn’t want anyway.
The Bible verse above causes us to think of God as the Creator of every living thing on earth. But what is more important is that everything we do depends on His care and loving-kindness. How important it is to accept His invitation to take the Lord Jesus as our Savior. His Word, the Bible, says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). When we do this, He calls us His sons and daughters and assures us of eternal life with Him. Are you clean and forgiven?
Bear the Dog
Dear Children,
This is a story about a dog named Bear. The reason he is called Bear is because he is all black and was born with a short tail.
One morning while visiting with Bear’s owner, we were walking around the back of their house, and there was Bear. But he sure didn’t look like Bear. He was covered with little green burrs stuck in his fur, and he looked like a green monster!
I said to Mr. Monroe, his owner, “Where has that dog been to get covered with burrs like that?”
Mr. Monroe said, “He’s been some place where he shouldn’t have been!”
Say, boys and girls, doesn’t this remind us of sin? We go places, do things and say things that we shouldn’t. Then we try to cover up our sin as if nothing has happened. God says in His Word, the holy Bible, in Numbers 32:23, “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Bear couldn’t possibly hide his burrs. I thought that if we could just put a nice coat or blanket over him, we could hide all those burrs and he would look like Bear again.
But you see, boys and girls, God says in Proverbs 28:13, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” If we had covered Bear with a new coat, the burrs would still be underneath, and they would hurt him since these burrs are full of tiny needles. Sin is just like a burr—it hurts and hurts, and unless it is removed, it gets worse and worse.
Mr. Monroe got a brush. We only called Bear once, and did he ever come quickly! He seemed to know what we were going to do.
The Lord Jesus calls you to “come” in Matthew 11:28, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Are you ready and willing to come just as you are? Bear came just as he was. He couldn’t help himself at all.
When Mr. Monroe finished cleaning the burrs out of Bear’s hair, do you think he was sad? No, sir! He wagged his tail and seemed as happy as could be. His burrs were gone!
God says in 1 John 1:7, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin”! Will you trust the Lord Jesus today? Let His precious blood cleanse you today, and then your sins will be gone!
With lots of love,
Grampa and Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
A Young Girl's Kindness
One single act of kindness can go a long way and touch many hearts for good. This is what happened in the true story that I’m going to tell you.
Mr. Lawrence was a sixth-grade school teacher in Alabama. One day his class noticed that he seemed sad and worried. Noticing this, the students asked him what was wrong. He told them that over the weekend his wife’s father had died and that he was worried about his wife. The students said they were sorry to hear that, and then they continued on with their day’s work.
When class was over and the children were leaving, one of the girls handed Mr. Lawrence a note that she had written. It said, “This is for your wife. I know it cost a whole lot when my daddy died, and I don’t really want ice cream today anyways.” The note also said, “Mr. Lawrence, I’m sorry.” Inside the folded note were three quarters, which was her ice cream money.
This young girl showed sympathy for Mr. Lawrence’s wife. Boys and girls, do you know what sympathy is? It is a feeling of sadness for someone who is in distress. Along with that feeling, there is a deep desire to help that person. Mr. Lawrence was very sad over the loss of a loved one. This young girl did what she could to show her sympathy; she wrote a note of kindness and gave up her ice cream money. Wasn’t that a kind thing for her to do!
The Bible tells us of God’s love for us. He looked down from heaven and saw boys and girls, men and women sunk deep in sin and unable to save themselves. Because God loved us, He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on Calvary’s cross for our sins. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). The Lord Jesus died to pay our sin-debt towards God. When we confess our sins and ask the Lord Jesus to come into our hearts, God will forgive us and make us ready for heaven. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).
Mr. Lawrence was deeply touched and wrote, “I wish the world would pay more attention to children. We could learn a lot from them.” Mr. Lawrence was absolutely right! Did you know that Jesus loves little children? The Bible tells us that young children were brought to Jesus so that He could touch them.
His disciples were not pleased and scolded those that brought the children to Him. But Jesus was very displeased with His disciples; He told them not to forbid the children to come to Him. Then Jesus took the children up in His arms and blessed them, saying, “Suffer [allow] the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein” (Mark 10:14-15).
What did Jesus mean? Jesus was telling the people around Him that unless they believed on Him with the faith and trust of a little child, they could not possibly be saved. This is the kind of faith that Jesus wants us to have. Come to Him now while your heart is young and tender. The Bible says, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Why not put your trust in Him now? He will not turn you away! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved “ (Acts 16:31).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The River Otter
“[God] made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is.” Psalm 146:6
The river otter is a streamlined, beautiful animal, having a thick, warm fur coat. Its thick, flexible body is 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 feet long, including its tail, and weighs 11-31 lbs. Its webbed feet make it an excellent swimmer that can swim underwater for a quarter mile without coming up for air. It lives throughout Canada, Alaska and the lower 48 states.
This is one animal that seems to have been given the ability to really enjoy life. It loves to play all kinds of games with other otters, even wrestling and playing hide-and-seek. Just about any loose item it comes across becomes a plaything. It is famous for sliding down muddy slopes or icy hills into the water. Both young and old alike spend hours tobogganing in this manner. They seem to enjoy the sensation and the cool bath at the end of the slide. On snow, they sometimes make a quick run and then fold their legs under them for a fast slide on their smooth stomachs.
Their homes are usually burrows dug in the bank of a stream or river. Sometimes they will use an abandoned burrow of some other animal. One to five pups are born between February and April. Water is the otter’s natural home, but even so, the pups have to be taught to swim. They soon become very fast, skillful swimmers and easily dive for fish—their main food. They also eat crawfish, frogs, snails, insects and sometimes a snake.
Coyotes, foxes and badgers are its enemies, but the river otter is so fast on its feet that it can only be caught when taken by surprise. If a fight results, it usually gets the best of its enemy because the Creator has provided it with very sharp teeth and claws.
The habits of the river otter are certainly amusing as we observe its way of life. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if humans could live together in such a happy way like the otters? Sadly, the human race seldom does because of the evil nature that is within us. Satan takes advantage of it in every possible way. Scripture refers to us as “fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and [are] by nature the children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3).
But there is One who can change our hearts: “Our Savior Jesus Christ; who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a [special] people, zealous of good works” (Titus 2:13-14).
When we know this One as our Savior, we receive a new nature and can say, “Let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy. . . . Let them also that love Thy name be joyful in Thee” (Psalm 5:11).
Wasps Everywhere!
Sam and his dad were looking forward to a few quiet days at their cottage on the lake. They were both a little excited as they pulled their car up in front of the old place. Dad got his keys out to unlock the cottage door. Sam suddenly stepped back a little as he noticed wasps between the window shade, which had been pulled down, and the glass in the door. Sam pointed them out to his dad, not knowing this was just the beginning.
As Sam’s dad slowly opened the door, they could hardly believe what they were seeing. There were wasps all over the floor, on the walls and even in the light sockets! As they walked across the floor, they made a crunching sound as their shoes squashed the wasps. Dad found a broom and began sweeping wasps out the door. They didn’t fly around; they seemed to be sleeping. He swept them out by the hundreds!
Finally, Sam and his dad were ready to settle down for the night. But poor Sam just could not sleep as he kept hearing a buzzing sound. Finally he and his dad got up and turned on the light and looked under the bed. Sure enough, there was another layer of wasps under there! Thankfully, neither of them was stung; the wasps seemed to be dormant.
Often boys and girls try to treat their sins the same way Sam and his dad treated the wasps. They think they can just sweep them away and that’s the end of them. They might try “sweeping away” their sins by doing good deeds, being kind to others, being especially good, or even going to Sunday school. But it doesn’t work that way! Just like more wasps kept turning up, those old sins and then new sins keep piling up. The Bible gives us a warning: “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
The Bible also says there is only one way to get rid of our sins. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Have you trusted the Lord Jesus to wash away all your sins in His blood, including the ones you’ve hidden under your bed that no one else knows about? Have you accepted Him as your Savior?
Sam and his dad were very glad they did not get stung by any of the wasps. Many of us know how much a wasp or bee sting can hurt. The Bible tells us that sin also has a sting, and it is a serious sting—it is eternal death in everlasting punishment. “The soul [person] that [sins], it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4). Accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior right now. He loves you and will take away that sting of everlasting punishment. Soon heaven will be your home where there is no sin and only everlasting joy and happiness with your loving Savior.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
MEMORY VERSE: “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23
Too Late
Mr. Edwards was a happy Christian who lived on the beautiful island of St. Vincent in the West Indies. He lived in a little house on the side of a volcano called Soufriere. His job was to check on the volcano so he could warn people if he thought it was going to erupt.
Every day Mr. Edwards would climb up the side of the volcano and check the temperature of the water in the crater at the top. Then he would report to the authorities what it was.
Not everyone liked hearing the reports Mr. Edwards gave of the water temperature getting higher. Some people grumbled that he was just trying to scare everyone. Others laughed and said that old Soufriere had been around a long time and had never done much damage.
Maybe you boys and girls feel the same way about what you hear in Sunday school. Perhaps you think you are just being told scary stories. But the warnings you have been given are all true.
The Bible has told us about the judgment that is coming on this earth. We have been warned to “flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7). We are also told that “the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. . . . The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10).
No one could predict exactly when Soufriere would erupt, and no one can predict exactly when God’s judgment will fall on this sinful world. We need to pay attention to the warning in Matthew 25:13 which says: “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.”
One morning Mr. Edwards got up, read his Bible and prayed for God’s help for the day, as he usually did. He was just finishing his breakfast when he heard the first rumblings. Alarmed, he realized that Soufriere was about to erupt! Leaving his breakfast, he ran down the mountain shouting to all the villagers to run for their lives!
Some of them just laughed. “Mister,” they said, “we’ve heard those noises all our lives and nothing ever happened.” Others said, “There’s still time . . . we’ll start getting our things together and we’ll leave soon.”
“No! No!” Mr. Edwards shouted. “Leave now! The volcano may erupt any minute!”
Some believed the warning and ran with Mr. Edwards down the mountainside to safety. But others weren’t in any hurry to leave, and some just decided to stay behind in their homes.
Suddenly the volcano erupted with an awful roar! And for those who had not paid attention to the warning, it was too late! More than 1000 people were killed because they didn’t believe Mr. Edwards’ urgent warning.
In the Bible, God has warned you of judgment that’s coming. Do you believe His warnings? Put your trust in the Lord Jesus now before it is too late. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Importance of Oxygen
“Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150:6
What is colorless, tasteless and invisible? Oxygen, and it is essential for almost all living creatures—including people. Even fish need oxygen, and the Creator has provided them with gills to absorb oxygen from water.
Oxygen is important for many things. Hospitals use it every day to help save lives of seriously ill people or victims of accidents. Also, without it there could be no fire in your fireplace or furnace, no pure water to drink, and almost every living thing on earth would die.
With all this demand for oxygen, is there the danger that it may run out? No. The Creator well knew how much of this element would be needed to sustain all forms of life, and He provided an abundant supply when the world was created. He also planned for oxygen renewal.
Incidentally, if oxygen and hydrogen (which are the two elements of water) are separated from each other and exposed to fire, they would instantly make the fire burn more fiercely. But here is something amazing: When they are combined in the form of water and applied to a fire in a large enough quantity, they extinguish the fire! This is another wonderful provision of the Creator for the safety of humanity.
God, our Creator, has arranged a remarkable partnership between people and plants. People must have oxygen; plants must have carbon dioxide. The Creator designed each to supply what the other needs to maintain life.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, which they need to live, and release oxygen into the air, which we need to live. For us to inhale this oxygen-enriched air into our lungs, we must first exhale carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide, harmful to our bodies, is exactly what trees and other vegetation need to live.
Let us always remember that our oxygen comes from trees and other plants of the world. We must be careful to avoid unnecessary destruction of plants—our only source of life-sustaining oxygen.
The Bible verse at the beginning of this article speaks of using our breath to praise the Lord. Have you ever thanked Him for His marvelous plan of salvation, as well as His amazing provisions for us in creation? Another psalm expresses it: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:2).
The Treasure Hunter
We met him on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the capitol of Canada. He was not an elected member, full of importance. He was not a tourist, with a camera and maps. He was not a gardener, to make the grounds look pretty. His eyes were fixed on the ground, with just one purpose in his mind—treasure hunting.
His equipment was a metal detector, a dull knife, and a shoulder bag. We watched him as he patiently and carefully covered each foot of ground. The sound of the metal detector’s beep set him digging quickly into the grass, turning up an old bottle cap, a rusty nail, a pin, but nothing worth a second look. It was just junk for his bag, but he kept on hunting and hoping.
Patience, I thought. That’s what a treasure hunter needs. I wouldn’t bother with his kind of treasure hunting. Would you? But I might be interested in another kind of treasure hunting. It all depends on what treasure you have in mind and how sure you are of finding it. Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field” (Matthew 13:44). This is one of God’s parables, telling us that the Lord Jesus Himself is the treasure hunter and the field is the world.
Jesus did not come full of importance, or to just look around, or with plans of improvement. He knew exactly what the treasure was—He came to seek and to save lost sinners! “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). There is no doubt that I was a lost sinner. And isn’t it wonderful that we can be His treasure?
If the treasure hunter in Ottawa had turned up a diamond ring, would it have been his own for keeps? I don’t know. It was not his property on which he was searching. But I know that the Lord Jesus, who came to seek the lost, had to do more than just find us in the world. The world was His property because He had made it, but Satan had taken it over, and now it must be bought back, at great cost. In the Bible story, the treasure hunter was so full of joy when he found the treasure that he sold everything he had and bought the field.
Did he really? Did Jesus give up everything in order to have His treasure? Think of Him, the King of glory, nailed to a cross. He had no crown—only thorns, no place on earth for His wounded feet, no water for His thirst—He died as a criminal. Yes, He gave up everything He had. But when He died, He won the victory over sin and Satan, and by His precious blood, He bought the field.
But you notice in the Bible story that the man who found the treasure hid it. The Lord Jesus is still not showing to the world that we are His treasure. We who belong to Him are mostly common people and many of us are very poor. But we know that our Lord and Savior will come at a future time and show the world that we who have been saved from our sins are His treasure. Who is more joyful about this wonderful future— Jesus or His treasured people? Jesus, of course! “They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels” (Malachi 3:17).
Are you part of Jesus’ treasure? Are you saved from your sins?
MEMORY VERSE: “They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels” Malachi 3:17
Mmmmm, Coconut Ice Cream
Tom was standing on a long extension ladder that was leaning against a coconut tree. That tree must have been about 30 feet tall. In his hand he had a long pole with a saw on the top. Soon a cluster of coconuts came crashing down to the ground. We all helped carry them over to the compost pile. Then Tom took a large machete, over two feet long, and began slicing through the tough outer husk. Working only on one side of each nut, he soon exposed the hard inner shell. Then he made two holes through that shell into the nut and drained off the “coconut milk.” Finally, after opening a half-dozen coconuts, he had collected a pitcher full of coconut milk and a big pan full of coconut meat. We were soon to have a real treat, something that we had never had before—fresh coconut ice cream!
Cream, eggs and sugar were added to the chopped coconut meat. This was all poured into a container inside the ice cream freezer. Ice and salt surrounded it. We took turns turning the handle of the freezer until the thick, rich ice cream was just right.
It had taken Tom all afternoon to prepare this treat for us to share. We all ate it slowly and greatly enjoyed the delicious, fresh flavor of coconut ice cream. We really appreciated all the work he had done to make this possible. We told him how much we enjoyed it and thanked him over and over.
When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we confess to Him that we are sinners. God sent His Son here to open the way for sinners to live in heaven someday. That way is open for all who trust in the finished work of Christ to take away their sins forever. In John 17:4, speaking to His Father, the Lord Jesus says, “I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.” The work is all done, never to be done again. “This Man [the Lord Jesus Christ], after He had offered one sacrifice [Himself] for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12). There is nothing now for us to do but believe. Then we know that our entrance into heaven is sure!
We really enjoyed our fresh coconut ice cream. Perhaps someday we will taste it again. But there isn’t a pleasure or a treat on this earth which could be as wonderful as the joy we have as Christians. We have the joy of knowing that our sins are gone forever and of soon being with our Savior in heaven! There is nothing for us to do but believe and then thank Him for dying on the cross for us.
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life” (1 John 5:13).
The Wonders of God's Creation: The World of Insects: Part 1
“Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not: Fear ye not Me? saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 5:21-22
Do you know how to tell if something you see crawling or flying is really an insect? One quick way is to count its legs. Insects always have six legs—no more and no less. Spiders are not true insects because they have eight legs.
The word insecta means “in sections,” and this is also true. All true insects have three body sections joined together—head, thorax and abdomen. The legs and wings are supported by the middle thorax section. Most insects have four wings, but some have only two, and some don’t have any.
When the Lord God created the world and everything in it, He must have had much pleasure in creating the insects since they represent the largest group of visible forms of life. There are over 900,000 species of living insects that are known. Ants are probably the most abundant insect species on earth. Some insects are so small they can only be seen through a microscope. The fairy fly, for instance, is only one-hundredth of an inch long but is perfect in all its parts. At the large end of the scale is the fifteen-inch insect called walking stick, found in New Guinea.
In proportion to their size, insects are the strongest creatures on earth. In experiments, a bumble bee was able to pull more than 300 times its weight, and a beetle carried more than 800 times its weight! When insects walk, their front and back legs on one side and their middle leg on the other side all move at the same time. The Creator may have arranged this so they can keep their balance and are always firmly on the surface.
Most insects begin life as eggs, hatching as larvae or nymphs, then change to pupae and finally appear as fully formed adults. Having no skeleton or bones, they have been given an armor-like skin for protection. As they grow larger, this splits open and drops off, and a new protective skin soon hardens and replaces it. This happens several times as the insect grows larger.
Insects breathe, but they have no lungs; they hear, but they have no ears; they smell, but they have no noses; they have eyes, but they cannot close them. Their hearts can pump blood backward or forward. These strange features about insects remind us of the opening verse of this article. The Lord scolded those people who refused to use their eyes to see His ways or to use their ears to hear His Word. No wonder He called them “foolish people, and without understanding” (Jeremiah 5:21). We hope none of you will be so foolish! “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Hebrews 4:7).
(to be continued)
The Fight in the Zoo
The leopard is a member of the “big cat” family. Some others are the lion, panther and jaguar. A full-grown leopard is a beautiful animal, with a dark background color, but the dark circular spots shaped like rosettes all over its body can still be seen. Both its teeth and claws are long and sharp. A male may weigh up to 198 pounds and can be more than seven feet long from its nose to the end of its tail. A female weighs up to 132 pounds and is not as long as the male.
The leopard’s strength is unbelievable! When cornered, it can fight another animal well beyond its weight and size. This was seen in one of the zoos in Chicago a number of years ago.
In the “lion house” at this zoo, a pair of large leopards had a cage with both an inside and an outside area. Next to the leopard cage was a cage with three young lions in it. Their cage also had an inside and an outside area, but both areas were separate from the leopards’ areas.
One day while the leopards and lions were outside in their own separate areas, the keeper was cleaning the inside cages. When he finished, he forgot to close the door between the leopards’ and lions’ inside cages.
When the animals went back in, the lions soon found the door open into the leopards’ cage and attacked the two leopards. A terrible fight began!
The three lions charged the two leopards. The attack was met by the male leopard. Keeping his body between his mate and the lions, he fought savagely. The snarling and growling of the leopards mixed with the roars of the lions increased as they sparred and tore at each other, until the building almost shook with the noise of the fight.
The keepers tried to stop the fight by spraying water from fire hoses directly at the fighting animals. Finally, with the help of the hoses, the keepers forced the lions back and into their own cage. The door was closed and locked.
The noise ended and the fight was over, but it was too late for the male leopard. His back was broken during the fight, and he died shortly after. Yet he had fought so fiercely protecting his mate that the keepers found she was almost unharmed.
In a far more wonderful way, the Lord Jesus Christ died to save all who would believe in Him. There on the cross He endured Satan’s power, but of more importance, He endured God’s punishment against sin—our sins. The Lord Jesus did not sin and could not sin. He died for sinners like you and me, taking the punishment for any sinner who would accept Him as his or her Savior. How great is His love! “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
We did not love Him—He loved us! For those of us who know Him as our Savior, His love came to where we were and saved us. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Will you accept His love and let Him be your Savior?
MEMORY VERSE: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
"The Worst Storm That Ever Was"
Several years ago the country of England suffered severe storms that uprooted old, old trees and caused much ruin and unhappiness. But none of them compared with “the great storm of 1703.” Day after day, raging winds and rain forced families to stay indoors and kept all boats and ships in harbors.
Finally, after two weeks, November 25 was the first clear day with calm seas. Seamen were eager to sail again. People sighed with relief that now the winds had calmed down and they could get some sleep.
A man named Mr. Winstanley was anxious to get out to some rocks in the English Channel. Four years earlier he had built a great lighthouse on the Eddystone Rocks. He and a few men were going across to make some small repairs. He was proud of his lighthouse and felt in his own mind that nothing could destroy it. He even said he wished he could be inside it during “the worst storm that ever was.” He and his men landed on the rocks on November 26 and began their repair work.
However, unknown to everyone, a hurricane coming across the Atlantic Ocean was growing stronger and stronger. By midnight the roar of the wind that had reached 100 miles an hour was terrifying. The hurricane hit and raged for three hours. Tidal waves drove a wall of water over the countryside. Thousands of trees were uprooted, and houses were reduced to rubble. Roofs rolled up like paper and were blown into the distance. Inside was no safer than outside, and while many were killed on land, thousands died at sea.
Do you want to know what happened to Mr. Winstanley and the men who were in the great lighthouse? The big yellow light was beaming brightly just before the hurricane hit, but the next morning only the rocks were left! This famous lighthouse and all who felt safe in it disappeared without a trace.
How sad it is to put faith in something that will fail when the testing time comes. God warns us that a day is coming when the anger of God will be poured out on a world that rejected His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9, we are warned that those who do not believe or obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ “shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord,” and those who do believe and obey will escape all of it. They are safe in Christ, the Rock, and can say with confidence, “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that . . . we should live together with Him” (1 Thessalonians 5:9-10). That is the difference between a believer and an unbeliever. One is safe from the storm, and the other is destroyed by the storm. It is not too late to trust in the Lord Jesus for salvation right now. “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust” (Psalm 18:2).
Are you safe from the coming storm of destruction? Jesus is the only one who can keep you safe.
The Wonders of God's Creation: The World of Insects: Part 2
“God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” 1 Corinthians 1:27
Many books have been written about the unusual features of the world’s 600,000 varieties of insects. Approximately a third of the insects are beetles, some of which have unusual habits. We have already written in other articles about the living bomb, the sexton beetle, and the ladybug. Here’s another example: The beetle that eats cork, glue, mustard plasters and certain medicines is called the drugstore beetle. Some unusual beetles have unusual names.
There are other unusual insects besides beetles. One of the most beautiful insects is the morpho butterfly, which is covered with a million tiny, colored scales on each wing. Another unusual insect is the water strider that skims over water—its middle legs work like oars, the hind legs act like rudders, and the front legs are free to catch its prey. It has been given air-filled “shoes” made of hair that allow it to float.
Another resident of ponds is the brown water bug. This one grasps other water insects in a hug of death while its sharp beak draws out the victim’s blood. When the female is ready to lay her legs, she grips her mate tightly and glues the eggs onto his back. Then she leaves him to incubate them in the sun for many days, until the young hatch.
God has made some insects experts at camouflage. The ambush bug is so well hidden by its green and yellow colors that it cannot be seen until it moves. The dead-leaf butterfly is easily seen when flying, but it looks like a dead leaf when resting. The long-horned grasshopper has wings that look like leaves that have been partly eaten away. There is one variety of the walking stick which has a green-brown body with red, thorn-like growths that make it look like part of a bramble bush.
Certainly insects are among “the weak things of the world” that confound “the mighty.” How good to know that “God made . . . everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:25). Each one was given every perfect detail at the moment He created it.
He had a much greater joy when He brought mankind into the world, for He had His heart of love set on each of us even before the world was made! How sad that many have not responded to that love nor realized that their sins made it necessary for the Savior to die on Calvary. There He bore the sins of all who will admit their guilt and put their trust in Him. How wonderful of God to provide such a way of salvation! Have you accepted His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Savior?
God Cares for Baby Sparrows
We were working on a community college expansion project. It was Friday afternoon, and we were erecting steel canopies on the new buildings. As we worked, I noticed a small hole in the cinder block wall about the size of a golf ball. Two sparrows were flying in and out of it.
There must be a nest in that cinder block, I thought. So I got a ladder and climbed up to look in. Sure enough—open, hungry mouths!
We had several canopies to erect and the last one would cover the hole. I tried to think of a way to rescue or move the birds. The only way I could think of was to break out the cinder block, but that would get me in trouble with the masons who built the cinder block wall. But the thought of covering the hole and having those young sparrows starve to death was really bothering me. God tells us in Matthew 10 that nothing can happen to a little sparrow without our Father in heaven knowing about it, and I didn’t want to be responsible for harming those baby birds.
Finally we got down to the last two canopies. I was really getting worried when my foreman came over and said we were going to stop working there and move to another building. What a relief! God was looking after those sparrows!
Do you know that God is watching over you so carefully that He even has the hairs of your head all numbered? You can’t do that for yourself, because that numbering started with your first hairs when you were a baby. But God can. And He will take care of you in any situation if you will trust Him and confess Him as your Lord and Savior. So God is telling each of us now, “Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 10:31-32).
For now the little sparrows were safe, and I was relieved. I hoped that before we had to return to that job on Monday they would have grown enough to be able to leave the nest.
First thing Monday morning I got a ladder to check the birds. They were all still there. Right then I made up my mind that even if the masons got really angry with me, I was going to move that nest!
As I started to pound on the cinder block with a hammer, I was startled when one sparrow flew out of the hole, quickly followed by three more. I startled them, they startled me, and all ended happily. The birds were free, the canopy was put up, and the masons didn’t get angry with me. It was another proof to me that “all things work together for good to them that love God” (Romans 8:28).
I am so glad that God tells us how He watches over even the little sparrows, and I saw it firsthand. But you and I mean even so much more to Him than little sparrows! Do you know how much He loves you and me? So much that He sent His only Son Jesus to die on Calvary’s cross for us. While Jesus hung there, He bore the punishment for the sins of any who will truly admit from their hearts that they are sinners and accept Him as their very own Savior. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
I also know His great love firsthand, and you can too.
MEMORY VERSE: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Hide and Seek
Almost everybody knows how to play “hide and seek.” I think it is one of the first games that children learn to play. What fun it is to have your daddy hide and then try to find him. Where could he be? In the closet? No. Behind a curtain? No. Under a bed? No. “MAKE A NOISE, DADDY . . . WE CAN’T FIND YOU!”
It does not take long for children to learn how to find someone. They soon know all the good hiding places, but it is harder to teach children how to hide. They have to learn to be very quiet, to stay completely out of sight, and to keep very still. All three of these are hard for children to do.
I can remember when my children were quite small and just learning to play hide and seek. I had told them to go hide while I counted up to 50. They ran off squealing as I counted, 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... and all the way up to 48 ... 49 ... 50! “HERE I COME, READY OR NOT!”
I looked carefully all over downstairs and then went upstairs into their bedroom. What do you think I found? They were very quiet and they were perfectly still, but they were not out of sight! They both were lying on the floor with their heads under the bed. They couldn’t see anything, and so they thought they were hidden. But the rest of their bodies, from their shoulders down, was in plain sight!
Are you trying to hide from God? Some people are. What they are really trying to hide from Him are their sins. How foolish! The Bible says that “[God’s] eyes are upon the ways of man, and He seeth all his goings” (Job 34:21). What does God see? “The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Yes, He sees and knows everything about us, so why try to hide? It is impossible! We must bow before Him, admitting that we are sinners, and accept His Son the Lord Jesus as our Savior. Then we won’t want to hide from Him any longer, but we will want to be as close as we can be to Him “who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Dandelions for Lunch
“The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat [food] in due season.” Psalm 145:15
Most everyone is familiar with the bright-yellow wildflower that grows in lawns and meadows throughout the temperate regions of the world. Dandelions open in the morning and close in the evening, and there are few children who haven’t picked the feathery, cottony seed heads and blown them off the stem with a puff of breath. Gardeners usually consider the dandelion a troublesome weed.
So how would you like a nice, scrumptious dandelion salad? Sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? But, actually, people in many places enjoy this unusual treat. There are fine restaurants in the United States and other countries that offer it on their menus. Dandelion leaves are served not only in salads, but are used in other recipes as well.
These include dandelion soup, pancakes, dandelion gelatin, coffee and sweet dandelion juice. Actually dandelions are healthful, having vitamin C, iron, potassium and other important minerals in their leaves. It also is quite possible that at some future time there may be dandelion medicines for certain kinds of sicknesses.
To meet the demands of these restaurants, as well as people who want to use their own dandelion recipes, there are farmers who now grow great quantities of these plants. They are grown in greenhouses where they are carefully irrigated and protected from harmful insects.
This all started more than forty years ago in Vineland, New Jersey, which is now called the “Dandelion Capital of the World.” Dandelions are also grown in Ohio, Texas and a few other states, including California. Many supermarkets and specialty food stores now sell them.
Young leaves of the dandelion plant are used for most recipes, but the flowers are sometimes added to a salad or hot food. The roots are dried and ground up to make a good-tasting coffee substitute.
Actually, many other flowered plants have long been used as food, prepared in restaurants in other countries. These include rose petals, marigold blossoms, hibiscus flowers, nasturtiums, violets, Johnny-jump-ups and others, as well as the blossoms of some trees.
We don’t recommend picking dandelions or other wildflowers and eating them. It is hard to tell if there are harmful insects or even poisonous spray on them. Markets must get them from farmers who have carefully grown them in licensed greenhouses.
The Bible verse quoted above reminds us of the care the Creator gives to all living things. We can be thankful that He has given us so many more varieties of food than what wild creatures enjoy. When we think of the wonders of His ways with us, we agree with the psalmist who said, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord” (Psalm 145:9-10). Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness to you?
The Stuck Gummy Bear
It was Valentine’s Day, and the second graders were having a lot of fun! There was lots of laughing in the classroom, and the boys and girls were enjoying candy as a special treat. One little girl, 7-year-old Makayla, was chewing on a gummy bear, a favorite candy of many boys and girls. She describes what happened next: “My desk partner made me laugh really hard when I ate a gummy bear, and then I tried to swallow it, and I started choking!”
Makayla was in trouble and she knew it! But as she started to choke and her face turned red, a classmate noticed her grabbing her neck. Eight-year-old Andrew Ramirez knew just what needed to be done. Quickly, he came over to her, and later he told what happened in his own words: “I saw Makayla choking, grabbing her neck and I quickly gave her the Heimlich maneuver.” Up came the gummy bear, which Makayla promptly spit out into the trash can. When Makayla was asked by a newspaper reporter, “Wow! Were you scared?” She answered, “A little bit . . . just a little.”
When Andrew’s father came to pick up Andrew and his five-year-old sister after school, his sister told their father, “Andrew’s a hero! Andrew’s a hero!” But their father just laughed and thought that she was exaggerating. He was soon to find out that it was all true! Andrew’s father, who is a doctor in the local medical center’s emergency room, was amazed that Andrew knew what to do.
“Heimlich maneuver! That’s a big word! Do you even know what the Heimlich maneuver is?” his father asked.
“Yeah, you taught me, Dad,” Andrew answered.
Yes, Heimlich maneuver is a big word. But salvation is an even bigger word! Salvation tells of God’s love towards lost sinners. “There is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Romans 3:12). Boys and girls and men and women are all sinners before God. Because of this, God says, “The wages of sin is death [hell]” (Romans 6:23). Because of our sins, we were all headed for hell . . . but . . . “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). “Christ died for us” — that’s you and me – God has made known His love toward us in sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. This is God’s wonderful plan of salvation! Now, all we have to do is believe it and accept it. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).
Though Dr. Ramirez had forgotten that he had taught Andrew the Heimlich maneuver, Andrew did not forget! In fact, he had been practicing the maneuver so that he would know what to do when someone needed help. He explained exactly what to do: “If they’re choking, you get behind them and put your arms around them right about here, and then you just push back hard, like you’re giving them a really big hug.” Then he said, “If she turned blue, she would have to go to the hospital too, and I didn’t want that to happen.”
Makayla, who was very thankful, said, “I was very surprised! This boy helped me!” When asked if he would like to be a doctor, Andrew said, “Yes, I would like to be a doctor very, very much.”
Boys and girls, there are those dying in their sins all around us. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you have good news to share with your friends and neighbors! Tell them of God’s love for them and how they can be forgiven for their sins through Jesus’ death on the cross. God promises eternal life to all those who put their trust in Him. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28).
MEMORY VERSE: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:27-28
The Open Door
One summer day, my brother and sister and I were invited to Joe and Judy’s house for an afternoon of fun and pizza. We decided to go to the lake on bicycles, and their mom would walk there. At the end of our afternoon of fun, Joe and Judy’s mom called their dad, who was already home from work, to let him know it was time to go pick up the pizza for supper.
When we were biking back to their house on the main road, we saw their dad leaving to go pick up the pizza. Since their mom was walking back to the house, we suddenly realized that we would be the only ones at the house, and we would be locked out.
The back door was always unlocked, but now with nobody home it would be locked until their dad got back. We tried opening a few windows, but they were locked. Suddenly Joe said, “I know a way to get in!” Joe’s bedroom was over the garage, and the window lock was broken. Since there was a ladder on the porch, my brother James went to get it so I could climb through the upstairs window with the broken lock and then unlock the front door from the inside.
When I was up there trying to pry open the screen, their dad arrived, and knowing what we were trying to do, he stopped to watch. Then he called up to us with more than just a smile in his voice, “Did you try the front door?”
As it turned out, the front door had been unlocked the whole time! James and I exchanged looks that said, Why didn’t we think of that?
That is just like the people who think they can get into heaven their own way. They try every way based on their own works. What they don’t realize is that the only way is through an “open door” that is based on the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross. They can try their whole lives and never come any closer to heaven. John 14:6 says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.”
Are you still trying to get into heaven without using the “open door” that God has provided through the death of His Son, the Lord Jesus, and His shed blood?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Beneficial Blackbirds
“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
Millions of blackbirds are found in parts of Europe, as well as the 15 different kinds found throughout the United States and Canada. The most numerous and perhaps the prettiest are the red-winged blackbirds. They get their name from the male blackbirds, which have shoulder feathers tipped with bright red and yellow. The rest of their bodies are mostly black.
The eastern red-winged blackbirds live from the Rocky Mountains east to the Atlantic Ocean. The San Diego, Rio Grande and Nevada redwings live west of the Rockies.
Redwings nest in large groups in swamps, in marshes and in cattails or tall grass. Nests are usually made of mud, plant fibers and grass, with small twigs woven in. They are lined with soft material such as moss, soft leaves and feathers.
Farmers like blackbirds, not only because of their pleasant calls, but mainly because they eat weed seeds and many harmful insects. Some insects they eat are too big to swallow whole, so the bird will hook it on a sharp thorn and dispose of it in smaller bites.
Large flocks often gather in open fields, spreading out to find seeds and insects. As they all move forward, those in the back soon discover that nothing is left for them, and they take off, flying over those in front, landing just ahead of them and finding plenty to eat. When the others in the back find nothing left, they will fly ahead and begin feeding in a new part of the field. This goes on until the field has been cleaned. Then the flock will fly to another feeding area.
In some parts of North America, some redwings migrate in the fall to warm winter climates, while others remain behind. Those remaining are okay as long as the winter is mild, but, sad to say, many do not survive when severe cold sets in. It is mostly the females that migrate; the tougher males merely wait for their return in the spring—if they survive until then.
Birds of every kind form an important part of God’s creation, and the Bible often refers to His care over them. But His love and care for us is far greater. King David said, “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!” (Psalm 139:17). In another place he said, “Show me Thy ways, O Lord; teach me Thy paths. Lead me in Thy truth, and teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation” (Psalm 25:4-5). He will show His love and kindness to all who pray to Him in that way. Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you and lead you?
The Story of Ten Men
They were ten very unhappy men—unhappy because they were not only sick, but their disease could not be cured. The law said that anyone having the terrible disease of leprosy must not come near to anyone, not even to their own family, because others could catch the disease. Each of those ten men had the awful, lonely, disease of leprosy.
At the time those ten men lived, there was no cure. There are doctors now who have wonderful success in curing leprosy, but they can never restore what the disease has done to a person’s body. Only God can do that.
Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem when the ten men saw Him. Nobody else knew what would happen to Him in that city, but Jesus knew. It was just outside of Jerusalem that there was a place called Calvary where He would die on a cross for sinners like you and me.
As Jesus came to their village, the ten men were near enough to see who was coming. They shouted with all that was left of their voices, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
Jesus saw their misery, and He knew that their problem was deeper than leprosy. “Go show yourselves unto the priests,” He told them.
Now, if you have read the law of God, you will know that the priests’ duty was to say whether or not it was really leprosy, but the priests could not heal the disease. If the sick person really had active leprosy, he was shut out. And that’s exactly the best any person on earth can do for a guilty sinner. Are you a sinner? Then nobody can do anything for your sins. Nobody but One! Only God can take away your sins! And Jesus is God.
As those ten men went to find a priest, on the way every one of them was cleansed completely, without a trace of leprosy remaining! What excitement went right through them! They knew the priest had not performed the miracle of curing them—that was impossible, for they had not even seen him yet.
Now what did they do with their cured, healthy bodies? Well, what are you doing with yours? or what would you do if you had one? Maybe you can think of lots of ways to have fun, and lots of friends to go out with, and plans to work on. We don’t know what nine of them did, but there was one—just one—whose heart was full of praise to God—only one of the ten who were cured.
That one man turned back and with a loud voice glorified God. He was not ashamed of being the only one, for his voice was loud. He was so grateful for being healed that he not only glorified God, but he also fell down at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him.
Jesus was glad, but He was sorry too. “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” Jesus asked. Sadly, none of the other nine men who had just been healed returned to give glory to God and to thank Jesus.
God wants to give you far more than a healthy body. He wants to give you the forgiveness of your sins, and He will do this if you will call to Him.
Are you wondering, If Jesus is in heaven, how can I call to Him? Do you know about the Bible verse that says, “Christ died for our sins . . . and . . . He rose again” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)? He is alive in heaven, and His hearing is so perfect that He can even hear what you are thinking! Distance is nothing to Him. Call out to Him wherever you are, and He will hear and He will forgive every one of your sins! When He has forgiven you, get down on your knees and thank Him, and then tell others about Him.
Then Jesus said to the cleansed man at His feet, “Arise, go thy way: thy faith [has] made thee whole.” We can’t tell you where he went or where you will go after you are forgiven, but the wonderful news is that Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. Never! Not even if you die, because then you will live with Him in His happy home in heaven forever!
You may read this story for yourself in Luke 17:11-19.
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Counterfeit Money
The newspaper story with the headline “Counterfeit Money” reported that a man admitted to printing counterfeit (fake) $20 bills. Until he was caught he was really doing well for himself. But anyone who happened to have received any of the fake $20 bills would lose what they had, without refund. Some might not even understand why a $20 bill that looked exactly like it should, could not be passed off as a real one. No doubt, most people would be very angry at being deceived, at being a loser and a victim.
But even a $20 bill is only a small thing, no matter how many a person might lose, when compared with being deceived about the way to heaven. Many religious ideas are being passed off today as the real thing. They are well organized and made to look true, but they are only counterfeits. Jesus Christ is the only one who stands the test and can truthfully say, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). God was His witness and spoke from heaven for all to hear, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). And then God raised Jesus from the dead, giving us the assurance that He was the “Sent One”—the only way.
Would you like to own some counterfeit money? Of course not—it’s worthless! Would you like to think you might be following a counterfeit way to heaven? No—the danger is too great! God sent His Son and called Him Jesus. He is the real Savior. Check to see if your religion is counterfeit! If it is, you are not losing just money: You are losing eternal life!
“The Son of Man [Jesus Christ] is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them” (Luke 9:56).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Stars of the Sea
“Thou . . . art Lord alone; Thou hast made . . . the seas, and all that is therein, and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
About two thousand kinds of starfish, or sea stars, abound in the world’s oceans. The greatest numbers are found along the Pacific Coast of North America. There are many varieties, and most have 5 pointed arms, but there are some which have more. The sunstar has 13 arms, and others have as many as 50!
It is common for starfish to eat dead sea creatures, but they also eat live clams, oysters and crabs. A clam or oyster tightly closes its shell when attacked, but the greedy starfish attaches a suction-cupped arm on each side of the shell to pull it apart. The shellfish holds out for a long time, but the starfish has more strength and finally pulls the shell apart. Then, placing its stomach over the victim’s body, the starfish slowly digests it.
Starfish may appear to be harmless little sea animals, but many of them are actually vicious. They will attack other starfish of their own kind or another variety, and it is not always the biggest that wins out.
The stomach is on the underside of the starfish’s center and is like a piece of soft but tough elastic. The starfish crawls over the victim and covers it with its stomach. Then it patiently waits while the food is slowly digested. It is amazing how large a victim can be eaten that way. The meal may take several days or even weeks to digest.
A surprising number of starfish, in a wide variety of shapes and forms, live in the ice-covered waters of Antarctica near the South Pole. One of these is so different and pretty that it has been named feather star. Instead of solid arms, its body is covered with beautiful, long, yellow “feathers” with thin centers that wave back and forth in the ocean currents and snare small particles of food that drift by.
Another outstanding one, the odontaster, is bright red and eats anything dead or alive, from the tiniest algae to large marine creatures. One named brittle star has a round, smooth, tan body, about a foot in diameter, and five long, spindly legs, tapering to points at the ends. These probe around for food to bring to its stomach.
While many of these creatures seem strange to us, the Creator had a definite purpose in placing them in the seas and preserving them, as the beginning verse reminds us. But He does not love them as He loves every person on the earth. This is expressed so well in the Bible verse that speaks of those who know the Lord Jesus as their Savior. It says, “I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Have you accepted that love and thanked Him for it?
Alone on an Island
Many years ago, a young man lived all alone on an island in the Pacific Ocean . . . because it was his decision. But let’s go back to the beginning of the story.
The man’s name was Alex Selkirk. He was born and raised in a small town in Scotland and had always been a rebellious boy. When he reached his teens, the problem he had been to his parents and teachers only got worse. Now this behavior got him into trouble, not only at home and school, but also with the town police. Between the ages of 14 and 18, he ran away from home twice. Other times his conduct landed him in jail.
The last time he ran away, he went to a large town that was a seaport. Dreaming of adventures in other countries, Alex got a job on a sailing ship that was ready to leave the port. However, he soon found out that life onboard ship was no different than on land. Again it was his conduct that got him in trouble. He was always quarreling and fighting with the other members of the crew.
One day, the ship was anchored in a bay of a small island so the crew could make minor repairs. During this time, Alex got into an argument with the captain. In anger Alex demanded, “Put me off this ship! I would rather stay alone on this island than work on your ship!”
The Bible tells us that people who do things when they are angry are often sorry later: “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools” (Ecclesiastes 7:9). Alex was going to regret his decision!
“Agreed!” shouted the captain. “Get your gear and off the ship with you!”
Alex got his sea chest that held his clothes and tools, and without any more discussion, he was rowed ashore. Lifting his gear out of the small boat, he stood on the shore unafraid as the small boat returned to the ship.
Alex stood on the shore watching them, still angry at the captain. Suddenly his feelings changed—his anger was gone and now he was afraid as he thought about what an awful choice he had made! He realized he would have to stay alone on the island where there was no shelter, no food, no other people, and possibly wild animals. He might never have another chance to leave or see another person.
Alex began waving his hands and shouting, “COME BACK! COME BACK!” But they did not turn back. He thought he heard the captain laugh. The sailors climbed back into the ship, hoisted up the small boat, and soon the ship sailed out of sight.
Alone now, Alex became angry again, but this time it was in fear. He was angry with himself, with the captain, with everything!
He soon realized it was going to take hard work to survive. He found a cave in the rocks and built a fire outside to keep wild animals away. He found dried seaweed for a bed and set his sea chest across the narrow entrance of the cave. Then he rolled himself in his blanket and went to sleep.
Many days passed. Still angry and lonely, he survived on fish and fruit. He still blamed the captain for all his problems. Every day he watched for a passing ship, hoping he could signal it to come rescue him.
After many days of feeling sorry for himself, Alex found a small Bible in his chest. Since he had never owned one, he didn’t know how it had gotten there. Perhaps one of the other sailors on the ship had placed it there. Hungry for something to read, he took the Bible along to his lookout place on the rocks. When he opened it, he read this verse: “They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in” (Psalm 107:4).
Alex thought this verse described himself, lonely and in trouble. He read on: “Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses. And He led them forth by the right way” (vss. 6-7).
As Alex read of the Lord’s care and that “His mercy endureth forever,” he knew that God’s mercy had been over him. For the first time, he realized that his own will and behavior had been the real cause of all his troubles.
Alex knew that God sent His Son to earth to suffer for man’s sins, but he had never thought that he needed to be forgiven. For the first time, he felt ashamed of his life. He knelt down on his lookout rock and confessed to God how wrong he had been, and he accepted Christ as his Savior and Friend.
After that, Alex did not feel so alone since he knew the Lord was with him. He began to search the island and found much to help and interest him. The trees and plants were pretty, and he found fruit and nuts that he had not seen before. He built a small hut with shelves and benches in it where he could sleep and be dry when it rained. He tamed a wild goat and some rabbits which were company for him. Now even the roaring of the seals, which he had thought sounded so terrible, sounded friendly to him.
Each day Alex read his Bible and found new things to enjoy. He cut a notch in a tree to keep track of time. He even began remembering some of the hymns he had known as a boy. So the days passed pleasantly, and he even found that he enjoyed the quiet.
At last one day Alex saw a ship in the distance. He built a big fire on the sand to attract attention and waved a white cloth tied on a pole. It was seen by the ship’s crew, and a boat was sent to shore. With only the few things that he could carry, Alex was rescued from the island which had been his home for over four years.
Some months later, Alex finally got back to Scotland. He was a different person from the one who had left. He had learned much about himself, and the love and mercy of God had given him a new life.
Without Christ, each of us is on a course that is leading to everlasting punishment in hell because of our sins. Alex Selkirk was stopped in his sinful path, and the quiet time alone with God’s Word, the Bible, resulted in his salvation. Have you stopped to listen to God’s Word? He loves you and wants you to know Him and be saved. The Lord Jesus Christ was punished on the cross by God for the sins of all who would believe and accept Him as their Savior.
Some people are so angry with everything in life that they blame God and ignore His love. Only by spending time alone reading the Bible can we see His wonderful love. Then accepting Him as our Savior, we can go on with a changed life that will be pleasing to Him.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear” (Psalm 46:1-2).
MEMORY VERSE: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear.” Psalm 46:1-2
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Round-Tailed Ground Squirrel
“The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
There are over 80 varieties of squirrels throughout the world, and most live in trees. But today we will look at one that lives on the ground—the round-tailed ground squirrel.
These are quiet little animals that live in the hot, dry deserts where few other animals can survive. Unlike their bushy-tailed cousins, they are plain-looking with long, round tails. Their light-brown fur is soft and smooth and kept clean by frequent licking.
As the Lord God has done for all His creatures, the ground squirrels are well-matched for their surroundings. Their legs are long with feet that have sharp, tough claws. Special hairy soles on their feet help them move over loose sand. Equipped like this, their front feet can rapidly dig tunnels a foot deep, with their back feet kicking out the sand that accumulates.
When a hawk, coyote, fox or snake appears, our little friend scurries into the nearest available hole, even if it belongs to another animal. As it scurries, it lets out sharp squeals, and the whole colony takes shelter.
The young, sometimes a dozen, are born in March or April. Growing rapidly, they soon leave the underground nest to live on their own in the desert.
At the start of winter, this fat, plump squirrel hibernates in its underground home, curling into a ball with its tail curled over its body. If you could see one, you might think it was dead. But this winter sleep of several months, without needing food or water, is the Creator’s way of protecting it when it would otherwise die from the cold and lack of food. They awaken in the spring and soon pop up from their burrows. Now thin and hungry, their main interest is finding food, and they soon fatten up on new plant growth. In fact, they often eat so much that they can barely get back into their burrows.
The Bible tells us we can learn from the animals (see Job 12:7). The lesson we can learn from this squirrel is to get away quickly from danger and into a hiding place. King David said, “Thou [the Lord] art my hiding place” (Psalm 32:7). Yes, He is a secure place of safety from the attacks of Satan, who wants to lead us into danger and trouble by tempting us with things that are not pleasing to God. The wise instruction of the Bible is this: “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away” (Proverbs 4:14-15).
The only way we can do this is by knowing the Lord Jesus as our Savior and looking to Him for help. Is He your hiding place?
Have you ever heard of an animal called a pocket gopher? We live in the Midwestern United States, and we have them in our area. Pocket gophers are small, brown animals with sharp teeth and claws that they use to dig their tunnels and make underground homes. They are considered a pest and do a lot of damage with their digging habits.
We live just outside the city limits and have a big yard that provides a lot of fun for our grandchildren to play in. One day, our youngest granddaughter, five-year-old Maci, came to spend the night with us. It was a warm, spring evening, and we were outside playing while Papa was working on some outdoor projects. Suddenly he said, “Maci, come look at what happened in our yard!”
Maci asked, “What happened, Papa?”
Papa took her over to the mound of fresh dirt he had discovered right next to a small, deep tunnel. After telling Maci what the dirt was from and why that tunnel was there, he told her that we needed to trap the gopher that dug the tunnel! He explained that he didn’t want it to dig up any more of the lawn. Besides that, gophers sometimes chew into underground wires and make a lot of trouble for homeowners!
Papa knew he had some old gopher traps in the garage, so he and Maci went looking for one. Papa asked Maci if she would like to help him, and she decided that it would be a good idea to be his helper. There is a Bible verse that says, “By love serve [or help] one another” (Galatians 5:13). We can apply that to our parents and brothers and sisters, but we can also apply that to our grandparents. Maci was very willing to help Papa with this chore. It involved setting the small wooden trap with a wire device. Then the set trap had to be placed just inside the hole at the beginning of the tunnel going into the ground. Maci’s job was to keep checking to see if the gopher was still in the hole or running away from the hole as Papa worked to set the trap in the best spot. When they finished the job, it was close to bedtime, so we all went inside for bath time, story time, prayer time and then sleep time.
The next morning was a school day. I woke Maci up to get ready for her school day. Papa had not left for work yet, and he said to Maci, “Can you go outside before you leave for school to see if we caught that gopher in our trap?” Maci and I walked over to the area and looked into the tunnel . . . and what did we see? That little gopher had gotten caught in the trap, and there was no way he could get free!
Isn’t that just like sin, boys and girls? It can trap little people, and big people too, in a sin that they can’t get away from. Some people die because of a terrible sin, and others are sent to jail because of a sin they have committed. Proverbs 5:22 Says, “He shall be holden with the cords of his sins.” That sounds just like the little gopher that was caught in that wooden trap!
There are many different kinds of sins in this world we live in. But we each can be saved from all our sins by the Lord Jesus Christ who loves us so much He died for us. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Maci and I had to leave to get to school on time, and Papa was able to get rid of the caught gopher before he left for the day as well. While the animal was just doing what it does naturally, we as sinners also do bad things because of our sin nature. We can have a new nature by accepting the Lord Jesus as our Savior. He will make all things new for us. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Then we can please God and know that the Lord Jesus, who loved us and died in our place, will take us to His happy home in heaven when this life is over.
MEMORY VERSE: “By love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13
Fearful Finches
Do you like feeding the birds and seeing which kinds come to your feeder? We live in the city, so we don’t get many different kinds of birds, but I love to see all the birds that do come to our feeder.
One day I was sitting watching a little house finch at the feeder, and he was nervous. He took a seed, and then looked to see if I was coming any closer. Then he took another seed and turned to watch me. I thought, Silly bird. Doesn’t he know I won’t hurt him since I put that food out for him?
But then I thought of how often we are like that with God. He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to die for us and to show us how much He loves us. But how often we think He is going to be angry with us when we fail or sin. And sometimes we think that He is just waiting to pounce on us for our failures. How sad it must make Him when we think that way and don’t think about how much He loves us!
I would just love it if the birds would come eat out of my hand. And God our Father would love it if we would just trust Him, even when we fail, and come to Him right away and confess what we’ve done wrong. He says that He will forgive us and assure us of His love once again. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
Boys and girls and grown-ups too, don’t make your heavenly Father sad by doubting that He loves you. Trust Him with all your needs and all your worries. Trust Him even when you sin. Though your sins make Him sad, He still loves you all the time! “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).
The best things in life come from God our Father. Stay close to Him, and you will always be happy.
The Wonders of God's Creation: About Salamanders
“God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind ... . And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:24-25
Salamanders are closely related to lizards. To maintain the moisture in their skins, most are found near ponds, streams or marshy places. However, some in the tropics live high in treetops where they get moisture from cup-shaped leaves that hold water from frequent rains.
In size, they range from one inch to five feet long, and in colors, from orange-red to very dark brown or black or with mottled skins of mixed colors. All salamanders’ legs are short, but their tails are usually almost as long as the rest of their bodies.
The Creator has given all salamanders large eyes with good vision, as well as long tongues that can flash out so quickly that, even if watching closely, you likely would miss the action. It is not necessary for them to chase the millipedes, flies and other insects that they eat. Salamanders wait perfectly still on a rock or other bare surface until a victim comes by, and then they capture it with a flick of their tongues.
While some species give birth to their young, most salamanders hatch from eggs. The eggs have been laid at the side of a stream or pond, and after hatching, the young live on insects that come near them. When grown, they live in nearby brush or grass or go into burrows or under a pile of moist leaves.
Some salamanders have very flat bodies, allowing them to squeeze between tight leaves of moisture-retaining plants. These have been provided by the Creator with webbed front and back feet, enabling them to cling to the smooth, wet foliage. Their tails can wrap around tree branches, which also helps them when looking for food.
An unusual feature God has given salamanders is their ability to grow new tails, legs and other body parts when they are torn off. Also, like a chameleon, they can change the color of their skins to match the rocks or soil around them.
These interesting creatures are seldom seen because they hunt mostly at night. They destroy great quantities of insects and pests that would otherwise be eating farm crops, fruits and other products. This may be one reason for their present place in God’s creation.
Did you ever stop to think that God has a definite reason and place for you in His creation too? The Bible tells us this: “Every man [person] hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that” (1 Corinthians 7:7). “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister [use] the same [gift] one to another, as good stewards [managers]” (1 Peter 4:10). The Lord Jesus will show you how to use your gift to please Him if you will ask Him.
Sudden Allergy Attack!
Mr. and Mrs. Daley and their children were travelling home from a vacation in Thailand. They were flying on Singapore Airlines to their home in Melbourne, Australia. It was a seven-hour flight. When it came time for food to be served, the Daleys asked for a nut-free meal, because their son was severely allergic to peanuts. He was given a special meal, but hundreds of other people on the plane were served peanuts with their meals or as a snack.
When hundreds of people on the plane opened their packages of peanuts, the air was soon filled with the dust and smell of peanuts. All of these tiny fragments of peanuts going up into the air can make people with allergies to peanuts very sick! Within a few minutes, 3-year-old Marcus said, “I don’t feel good.” Then he became severely ill. His father said that “he started vomiting, his eyes were starting to swell, and he couldn’t talk properly.” Thankfully, Mr. Daley was a doctor who specialized in respiratory conditions. They had come prepared with anti-allergy medication and were also carrying four EpiPens filled with adrenaline. After using one EpiPen and another medication, Marcus was soon feeling better.
The flight attendants also did their best to help Marcus. They collected all of the peanut packages from the people surrounding the family and did not serve any more peanuts during the flight.
Food allergies are a serious problem to have and should not be ignored or taken lightly. A doctor who specialized in food allergies said, “Food allergies can develop suddenly with no prior warning, especially with milk, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and eggs.” If a person does not receive treatment in time, an allergy attack can be deadly. EpiPens are filled with adrenaline, and when they are injected into the thigh, it opens a person’s airway in the throat, allowing them to breathe comfortably. Many lives have been saved because of this life-giving medication.
Have you ever wondered why there is so much sickness, pain and suffering in this world that we live in? It is because of sin and man’s turning against God. When God created Adam and Eve and placed them into a beautiful garden, He told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was the only thing they were told not to do! But Adam and Eve listened to Satan and ate of the forbidden fruit anyway. Their disobeying God made them sinners with a sinful nature. Every boy and girl born into this world has inherited this sinful nature. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sickness, disease and sorrow are the result of man’s sinful disobedience towards God.
Just as there is a cure for an allergy attack to nuts, there is also a cure for our sins. When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their place in the Garden of Eden. Because God is holy and pure and just, He cannot allow sin in His presence. How could sinful boys and girls, men and women be saved? God knew that we were helpless sinners, so He sent His holy, spotless, perfect Son to die on the cross for our sins. Because the Lord Jesus’ work on the cross was perfect and complete, God raised Him from the dead on the third day. “I declare unto you the gospel ... by which also ye are saved ... how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
As serious as a food allergy is, our sinful condition before a holy God is even more serious. If we do not trust God to forgive our sins for Jesus’ sake, we cannot go to live with Him in heaven when we die. This is why Jesus says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). When you come to Him, your salvation is settled and secure. “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:28).
The Dayleys were prepared and knew what to do when Marcus became very sick. But not everyone is prepared, and some people don’t even know that they are allergic to nuts until they have a sudden allergic reaction. This is what happened to one family returning to New York from a vacation in Aruba. Ten-year-old Luca ate just one cashew nut and became very sick. Fifteen minutes after eating the cashew, he complained of stomach and chest pain and was having difficulty breathing. The stewardess quickly asked the passengers if there was a doctor or nurse on board. Fortunately, there was a nurse on the plane who was willing to help and knew what to do. Two teenage girls gave up their EpiPens for a life-saving injection of adrenaline for Luca. The first one didn’t work because it was defective, but the second one worked. The nurse then took care of Luca until they landed. Thanks to the quick-thinking stewardess and the kindness of strangers, Luca made a recovery.
The sacrifice that the two teenage girls made was greater than you might think. What if they had suffered a severe allergy attack themselves and needed their EpiPens? Giving up their pens was really a life-threatening sacrifice, but they did not think of themselves. They only saw a young boy in need and did what they could to help him. But the Lord Jesus did give up His life for us. He knew that that was the only way to save us from our sins. Just as the nurse knew what to do to help Luca, the Lord Jesus, who is the Great Physician, is the only one who can heal us from our sinful condition. What is His treatment? Not an EpiPen! It’s His precious blood! “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
MEMORY VERSE: ““All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Wonders of the Stars
“When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him?” Psalm 8:3-4
The wonder with which King David looked up on a starry night remained with him as long as he lived. Not many people today see the stars as he did. That’s because of smog, smoke and other pollutants that are now in the atmosphere.
Actually, without a telescope, the human eye can see only a few thousand separate stars. However, when the Milky Way can be seen, about one hundred billion stars are visible, but they are so far away that no individual star can be picked out.
Our relatively small solar system—the sun with its nine planets and moons—is part of the Milky Way galaxy. But the earth, the sun and the Milky Way are a very small part of the total heavens. Current telescopes have uncovered an estimated one hundred billion galaxies which contain more than one hundred billion, billion stars. Astronomers admit they do not know what lies beyond, and some acknowledge that this vast display had to have a “superior power” to create and control it.
We know from the Bible that the Lord Jesus Christ is the “Superior Power.” “By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible. . . . All things were created by Him, and for Him: and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:16-17).
The next time you are at a beach, pick up a handful of sand. Do you think you could count the grains? Respected astronomers claim that the total number of stars in the universe is greater than the number of grains of sand on all the ocean beaches of the earth!
Who but the divine Creator could put all those stars in space, set them in motion and keep them in their orbits in perfect order? King David tells us, “He [counts] the number of the stars; He [calls] them all by their names” (Psalm 147:4). Men can only guess at the figure, but the Lord knows the exact number! Men give names to those they can see, but the Lord calls each one by name. What a reminder of His greatness and untiring interest in all things He has created!
Looking at this spectacular display, it is no wonder King David asked, “What is man that Thou art mindful of him?” Yes, God is mindful of every person, including you, and He invites you to share eternity with Him in a place of greater wonders than the starry skies. If you have admitted that you are a sinner and let Him wash your sins away in His blood shed on Calvary, you will be with Him forever in the wonders of heaven. Are you looking forward to that time?
Guess What the King Did
That is very hard to guess, but I won’t tell you the answer yet. The king’s name was Hezekiah, and he was 25 years old when he was made king. His father, Ahaz, was a very wicked king who kept losing battles and trying all over to get help. He gave presents to the enemy king—all sorts of valuable things from the house of the Lord and from his own house. But it was all of no use. The enemy only gave him more trouble, and he died without salvation. The country was in bad shape.
That was when Hezekiah became king. The first thing he did was open the doors of the house of the Lord and repair them. Then he prepared the priests for the worship of the Lord.
Now that was a very good start. The Lord should come first in the life of every good king, and He should come first in your life too. Today we can’t really come into the holy presence of the Lord the way Hezekiah did, because there isn’t any golden temple to go to and no altar for animal sacrifices. But God tells us that since Jesus died we don’t need animal sacrifices. We can now come into God’s presence by the blood of Jesus. He became the perfect sacrifice for sins on the cross. God will accept Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins if you will accept Him as your sacrifice.
But Hezekiah had his troubles. The king of Assyria who came against him was a very bold and boastful king. He boasted to the people, “I’ve conquered everybody else, and I can conquer you. Don’t listen to Hezekiah. Don’t let him tell you to trust in the Lord.”
But here’s what Hezekiah did, and this is the answer that you could not guess. Hezekiah trusted the Lord! In fact, he trusted the Lord more than any king before him or after him. God records this in the Bible, and it’s still there in 2 Kings 18:5, even after 3000 years! God must have valued it a lot!
And God values it if you will trust Him. Trust Him right over the top of your problems. Trust Him because His Word says, “The Son of God . . . loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Trust Him because He has promised that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, and what God says is the truth!
The king of Assyria boasted that no god could save anyone from his power— “and how much less shall your God deliver you out of [my] hand?” And he wrote letters against the Lord. But Hezekiah knew what to do with those letters. He spread them out before the Lord, and he and Isaiah prayed and cried to the Lord about the problem.
Do you know what happened next? The Lord sent an angel who killed all the mighty men and all the leaders and captains in the enemy’s camp. And the enemy king returned to his own land defeated and ashamed.
But the enemy king didn’t seem to learn anything by his defeat. He went back to the house of his evil god, and his very own sons took his life there with their swords.
It’s a sad story, but the best thing to learn and remember is that Hezekiah trusted the Lord, and that is exactly what He wants you to do too. God has told us that we will have problems in this sinful world, but the devil and all his demons cannot defeat anyone who is simply trusting the Lord. “Behold, God is my salvation: I will trust, and not be afraid” (Isaiah 12:2). This is a good verse to memorize.
You can read this story for yourself in 2 Kings, chapters 17, 18 and 19.
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, God is my salvation: I will trust, and not be afraid.” Isaiah 12:2
The Coyote and the Cat
Dear Children,
I have a story to tell you about a coyote and our cat that we love very much!
The clock said 6:00 a.m. It was time to get up. So up I get, and I always look out the bedroom window as there are trees and a pond in our front yard. This morning I was surprised to see a coyote in the front yard! He was sitting watching our cat that was fairly close to him.
As I watched, the coyote got up from his sitting position and moved slowly toward the cat. Now then, that cat started to walk toward the coyote! The cat had only moved five feet when the coyote backed away. The cat stopped as well. They watched each other for about two or three minutes, then the coyote moved toward the cat again! The cat started to walk toward the coyote as well, but again the coyote backed away, and again the cat stopped too.
Little did the cat realize it was gradually losing its only place of safety, which was a big tree not far behind it. The coyote knew what it was doing; it was luring the cat away, bit by bit, from that tree and safety. Then it would suddenly charge, and the cat would have no place to run or to climb for safety, and Mr. Coyote would kill it!
Children, I thought about Satan trying to lure you boys and girls away from Sunday school where you learn about the Lord Jesus Christ and how much He loves you. Satan puts things in front of your eyes that are sin—he will whisper in your ears things that are wrong. He says, “Go ahead and do it. No one will ever know.” But God knows! God sees! God hears! John 8:44 tells us that Satan is the father of lies, but John 1:17 tells us that “grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” We can always be sure that what Jesus says is right and true.
But now I know you want to find out what happened to the cat. I called to Grandma to come and watch. Wow, she didn’t like what she saw at all! She ran out the front door, down the steps, screaming at the coyote with all her might! It was kinda funny, but I didn’t let her see me laughing as I probably would have been scolded for letting it go this far. The coyote took off, and the cat was saved. Grandma was happy. I was too. I wouldn’t have let the coyote get the cat either.
Dear children, the Lord Jesus Christ came to save us from going down to hell. Have you come to Him for that place of safety? He loves you and will wash your sins away just as soon as you tell Him you believe He came to die for your sins. Will you trust Him today? “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
Love, Grandpa and Grandma
The Wonders of God's Creation: Mice and More Mice - Part 1
“[God] giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” Acts 17:25
Have you ever found a nest of five or six baby mice? They are so tiny and cute! Maybe you wondered what to do with them, knowing that if allowed to live they would become very troublesome. If you disposed of them, the mother mouse, who scampered away when you discovered her nest, would miss them for only a little while, because soon there would be more babies to take their place.
Mice give birth around five to ten times a year and average six to eight babies born each time! The babies grow so fast that when the females are about two months old, they begin raising families of their own. So the mouse population can increase very quickly. If all of these mice survived, within a year’s time there would be thousands of mice, starting with the original pair. Thankfully, this never happens because most of them do not live long.
There are many kinds of mice, but most of us have seen only the little gray house mice, and they can be a real nuisance. But they are interesting little fellows, with their black shiny eyes, long whiskers, long, narrow snouts, round ears and long tails. They may live as long as a year in a hidden corner of an attic or basement. But when we realize how much damage they can cause, our main concern is to get rid of them.
Still, they are God’s creatures, and He has provided them with the ability to survive in spite of many enemies. We know that when the world and its inhabitants were formed by the Creator, all were at peace with one another. But the sin of Adam and Eve spoiled that perfection and brought hostility and bloodshed among various creatures. Ever since, mice have been the prey of cats, dogs, snakes, owls, hawks, coyotes and many others. They have survived through the centuries only because God has given them much skill and enabled them to bear many offspring.
Not all mice are destructive. Some wild ones are important to the maintenance of wild areas. Although seldom seen, because they are nocturnal, there is scarcely a square foot of the deserts and sagebrush areas of North America that they do not visit every night.
Although mice may not be visible to us, because they are mostly creatures of the night, they are never hidden from the One who created them. He keeps them under His watchful eye at all times. He says, “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?” (Jeremiah 23:24). Isn’t it nice to know He is watching over these little mice as well as over each one of us?
(to be continued)
Smuggling on an Airplane
Have you ever tried to smuggle a candy bar into class at school or into your room at home? The reason for smuggling it in is because it is against the rules to have it there. Most teachers have the rule, “NO EATING DURING CLASS!” and most mothers make the rule, “NO EATING CANDY BEFORE SUPPER!” Candy bar smugglers usually get caught and are punished. Smuggling is a sin—even candy bar smuggling.
This smuggling story happened quite a few years ago. In Buffalo, New York, a 16-year-old boy had a ticket for a flight that was going to Chicago. He told the ticket agent he had an 18-inch, nonpoisonous, northern water snake he wanted to take with him on the plane. The agent explained that since he did not have a suitable cage to carry it in, he could not take the snake on the flight.
A little later when the flight was announced, the boy got on after first assuring the ticket agent that he no longer had his pet.
Before the boy sat down in his seat on the plane, he took off his jacket. After carefully folding it, he placed it in the compartment above his seat and latched the little door closed. The plane took off.
A little while later another passenger happened to notice a tail sticking out from under the edge of the overhead compartment door . . . and it was moving! The passenger pointed it out to a flight attendant who opened the compartment door. The smuggled snake flopped out and down onto the lap of the very startled lady sitting beside the boy. He quickly caught the snake, and it spent the rest of the flight in a box in the back of the plane.
Airplanes have rules about taking pets on board. They must be in a suitable cage. This boy broke the rules by stuffing it in his jacket pocket. Once the plane took off, he figured he had gotten away with it...but he hadn’t. That tail sticking out gave it away!
And you and I cannot get away with breaking God’s rules. When we break any of God’s rules, He calls it sin. Smuggling is just one kind of sin. Telling lies is another. Disobeying parents or teachers is another. Sounds like we’re all sinners, doesn’t it? Well, that’s exactly right. A verse in the Bible says, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). So there is no question about it—every one of us is a sinner, including you and me.
When the plane landed in Chicago, the boy and the box with his snake were taken to the airline’s office. He was scolded for what he had done and warned never to do it again. Then he had to sign a paper turning his snake over to the airline. They in turn gave the snake to the Anti-Cruelty Society who would find a suitable home for it.
The Bible warns us about the consequences of sin—sin must be punished because God is holy and just. The Bible also says that God loves each one of us, and He wants to forgive all our sins. But still, there’s punishment necessary for those sins. Because He loves you and me so very much, this is what He did. He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to bear that punishment for sin on the cross: “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:28). If you are really sorry about your sins, confess to the Lord Jesus that you are a sinner. He promises He will forgive you, and then you will not be punished for your sins because He already was punished for them when He died on the cross and shed His blood.
Won’t you accept God’s love for you and thank the Lord Jesus for taking the punishment you deserve?
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:28
Too Late!
David and Michael were the first two boys to arrive at school that morning. They both were good at the game of marbles and wanted to play each other again. So while they waited for the bell to ring, they drew a chalk circle on the blacktop and crouched down to begin their game.
Soon the schoolyard began to fill with students, and the air rang with loud shouts and laughter. The noise level rose until suddenly the bell rang, and the students lined up and filed into their classrooms.
The sudden quiet made David and Michael jump up, scattering their marbles. Where had everybody gone? Quickly gathering up their marbles, they raced for the school door, but they were late. They had arrived in the schoolyard in plenty of time, intending to go in when the bell rang, but they were so absorbed in their marble game that they put off going into school. Now they would get a scolding from their teacher and be marked tardy.
Are you doing just what David and Michael did? You know you are a sinner. You know the Lord Jesus died on the cross and shed His blood to save sinners. You know you need to accept Him as your Savior, but you think, There is still time left. I don’t want to stop what I’m doing right now . . . I’ll do it later.
The Bible warns us that “they that were ready went in with him . . . and the door was shut” (Matthew 25:10). Those who were left behind could never get in. The door was shut forever.
Of course, David and Michael got into school even though they were late, but if you put off accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you may be shut out of heaven forever!
When the Lord Jesus comes again to call all those who belong to Him to be with Him in heaven, the door to heaven will be permanently shut. No one will be able to quietly creep in later. It will be too late forever! Won’t you accept the Lord Jesus right now? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Mice and More Mice - Part 2
“Be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.” Isaiah 65:18
There are many kinds of wild mice which can be found in the mountains, in fields and woodlands, in swamps, near streams and in deserts. The short-tailed field mouse, also called a vole, is one of these. It is only about five inches long, including its stubby tail. It lives underground in damp meadows. It can be a real nuisance when it eats the seeds of newly planted wheat and later devours the mature wheat heads. This mouse also gets into barns and storage bins. Some farmers keep several cats around to catch these pests.
The white-footed or deer mouse is six to eight inches long and has large ears, bright eyes and gray fur, but white belly fur and feet. This mouse is not so destructive since most of its food is seeds of wild plants, nuts and berries. But it can cause problems in orchards by eating tender tree bark and roots. It makes its nest outdoors, storing food for winter and carefully cleaning every bit of it before storing it away.
The grasshopper mouse is about the same size as the house mouse but looks fatter. This one is unusual in that it is a meat eater rather than a plant eater. It is helpful to people by feeding mainly on grasshoppers and other insects, including scorpions. It also eats worms and almost any little animal it can overpower, even other grasshopper mice.
The outdoor pocket mouse, though tiny, has a long tail with a brush on the end, enabling it to jump three or four feet into the air. After filling its cheek pouches with food, it scampers off to its nest, packing the food away and rushing back for more. It wisely covers the openings to its runways while absent. Although wild, if caught and held gently, this little fellow acts like a pet and likes being stroked with a finger.
Two other interesting mice are the Japanese waltzing mouse that hops around in circles for no apparent reason, and the singing mouse, which chirps a wide range of notes, but not in a melodious way.
All of these mice are closely related, but the Creator has made each a distinct variety. How do you think they learned all these interesting ways? They did not need to learn them because they are God-given instincts, passed on from generation to generation.
The Bible tells us that God feeds all His creatures: “The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat [food] in due season” (Psalm 145:15). He also provides the food for you and me by wisely sending the necessary sunshine and rain for plants to thrive—the source of everything we eat. Before you eat your meals, do you stop to thank Him for your food?
An Important Warning
A gasoline leak at a gas station in Halifax, Nova Scotia, allowed vapors to seep into sewers. These vapors could easily explode. The authorities ordered all people from several hundred homes to leave the area. Electric power was switched off so sparks would not cause an explosion.
The same thing had happened in Saint John, New Brunswick, a short time before, and there had been explosions and fires. So when people were told what had happened in Saint John and that they had to leave their homes for the same reason, they believed it!
Some in panic grabbed their children and ran. Others looked around the house and said, “What shall we take with us?” There was no time to think; they had to leave right away. No one was prepared for such an event.
One of these days something that has never happened before is going to take place. There will be no time to get ready then. Do you know what that is? The Lord Jesus is going to call all who believe on Him to go home with Him to heaven. Even those who died trusting in Him will be included. They will be raised up from their graves, and we who are living will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord Jesus in the air. “The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
If you want to be ready to go with Him then, you must trust Him now. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Those who do not trust in the Lord Jesus will be left behind when He comes. They will never have another opportunity to be saved from the punishment of hell. The Bible is plain about this: “That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness [sin]” (2 Thessalonians 2:12).
In Halifax the dangerous vapors were removed and there were no explosions or fires. However, God has warned us of sure judgment for any who are not saved from their sins. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Do not wait to see; it will be too late then! God loves you. Won’t you trust Him right now? He will save you from the judgment that is coming. That’s His promise.
Charlie the Squirrel
Dinner was served, and all the family and relatives were seated at the long table enjoying their meal. Mother had set the desserts out on the counter in the kitchen. There were two pumpkin pies, one mince pie, and an apple pie too!
Outside on the back porch was Charlie the squirrel. He sat very impatiently on the porch railing, jerking his big bushy tail. His dark little eyes darted here and there. You see, the kitchen window was open and he could smell food.
Charlie was waiting for the children to come out to feed him. They all liked him and thought he was so cute. They had fed him for a long time, and he had become used to “people” food. He did not gather nuts and acorns as he had done before. No, Charlie preferred “people” food.
But “people” food is not the right kind of food for squirrels. God has given them lots of seeds, nuts and acorns to keep them fed and happy. But Charlie still preferred “people” food. And aren’t we just like Charlie? God has provided good food and good things for us, but we often prefer the bad. We all have a nature in us that likes the “bad food”—that likes to sin. “There is no man which sinneth not” (1 Kings 8:46). And that sinful nature we each have leads us into trouble that we can’t get out of. Now let’s see what happened to hungry Charlie.
The children were too busy eating to notice Charlie on the back porch. And he was tired of waiting for them to bring him something to eat. He jumped up onto the windowsill and looked into the kitchen. He saw those pies sitting on the counter, and he could smell them too! The only thing keeping him from those pies was the screen in the window. It didn’t take long for his sharp, little claws to make two long slits in that screen.
First his little nose peeked in through the opening, and then his head went in, and then all of Charlie went in. He jumped across to the counter and walked right through those pumpkin pies!
Just then the swinging doors opened and Mother came into the kitchen. Seeing Charlie on the counter, she called, “Come quickly! Charlie’s in the kitchen!” What confusion there was as everyone rushed into the kitchen to help chase Charlie out.
Poor Charlie, not only was he in big trouble, but he was so scared he didn’t know which way to turn. There were flapping towels and swinging brooms coming at him from every direction. Finally he found the opened door and scampered out to the safety of a tree.
God loves you and me and has provided a way out of the trouble our sin nature has gotten us into. He offers to forgive us our sins and to give us a new nature that prefers the “good food” that will make us happy. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). That new nature can be yours simply by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. He will be that open door to safety for you. The Lord Jesus says, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture [good food]” (John 10:9).
Are you willing to give up that “bad food” that your sin nature prefers for the “good food” that Christ offers you?
MEMORY VERSE: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Falling Into a Sewer Pipe!
It was the afternoon of Easter Sunday, and Jesse Hernandez along with his family, cousins and friends were celebrating at Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Jesse, who was 13, along with his cousins, decided to explore on their own. They went to the other end of the park to an abandoned concrete building. They either climbed over the chain link fence or slipped through a hole to get in. Then they went inside the building and were having fun by jumping on the wooden planks that were there. Suddenly – without warning – a wooden plank collapsed, and Jesse fell 25 feet down a four-foot pipe!
His cousins called to Jesse hoping for an answer, but they heard only the echoes of their own voices. They quickly ran to their parents for help who immediately called 9-1-1 for emergency help.
Over a hundred firefighters, sanitation workers and police officers joined in the search for Jesse. The pipe that Jesse had fallen into had been built many years before to release dangerous, poisonous gases from the sewer system that flowed beneath the city of Los Angeles. The sewer system was so toxic and hazardous that the rescuers dared not go down into it themselves.
They began to study maps of the layout of the vast maze of pipes that ran under the city, trying to figure out where Jesse might come out. It was a complicated network of fast-flowing sewage that flowed at a speed of about 14 miles an hour – too fast for someone to stand up in. And the pipes were too slippery to hold onto. Some of the pipes emptied out into the Los Angeles River, so they sent a rescue crew in that direction. Other pipes led to a treatment plant, so they sent rescue crews in that direction. More rescue crews were sent out that specialized in prying people from small spaces.
Jesse had fallen into the sewer pipe at about 4:30 in the afternoon. As the hours went by, his chances of surviving became less and less, because of how poisonous the environment was. But those searching for him did not give up!
As the hours went by, they decided to lower cameras into the sewer to look for clues as to which way he might have gone. The cameras floated on what looked like a miniature surfboard and had lights for eyes so that they could see. One-thousand-foot-long video cables connected the cameras to monitors inside nearby trucks. As the cameras slowly floated through the pipes, workers in the trucks could see on their video screens exactly what the cameras saw.
The rescue crews had a plan to narrow down where Jesse might be. They dropped the cameras down through maintenance hatches that were spaced out about every 1,000 feet and opened into a large, dome-shaped area. At first, they only saw brown sewage water sloshing through the pipes. But at about 4 a.m. Monday morning – about 12 hours after Jesse had disappeared – they saw something else: a pair of smeared handprints on the wall of the sewer! A little farther down, they saw another smudge on the wall suggesting that Jesse had thrown his shoulder against the wall.
Now they knew they were on the right track! Quickly, they went to the hatch nearest to the handprints, intending to lower the camera there. This particular hatch ran under a major highway, so the California Highway Patrol shut down a lane of traffic so that the sanitation workers could open the manhole cover. They expected the shaft to lead to a dome-shaped area with dark swirling water below. Instead, THEY SAW JESSE about 11 feet down, wedged into the shaft, peering up at them and calling for help!
Wasting no time, they quickly lowered a hose down to Jesse and pulled him up to safety. Jesse had travelled about two-thirds of a mile from where he had fallen into the sewer pipe – that was a journey he’ll never forget!
It had taken nearly 13 hours for rescuers to find Jesse. They were able to decontaminate him right there. They also gave him a cellphone so that he could call his family to let them know the good news that he was OK.
What a frightening experience to have! I think that any one of us would have been scared as well, if we had fallen 25 feet into a dark sewer pipe! Jesse was wet, cold and scared when they found him, but in a later interview he said, “I was just praying to God to help me and not to die.”
Jesse had done the right thing in calling out to God. Do you think that God heard him so far down in that dark sewer? He certainly did! The Bible, God’s Word says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15). Not only did Jesse call out to God, but so did several of his family members. They had cared enough to spend the night at Griffith Park, holding hands with their heads bowed in prayer.
Boys and girls, you might not realize it, but if we do not know Jesus as our Savior, God sees us as sunken deep in the miry clay of sin. We are just as helpless as Jesse was to save ourselves! We need Jesus to save us! Because we are such helpless sinners, God sent His Son Jesus to bleed and die on the cross for our sins. When we put our trust in Jesus, asking Him to forgive our sins, He will save us. To be saved means that our sins are gone, and we will spend eternity with Him in His happy home in heaven. “In Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).
Have you come to the Lord Jesus to have your sins washed away? Then He will give you joy, peace and happiness forevermore..
MEMORY VERSE: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Frisky Marten
“Who [knows] not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing.” Job 12:9-10
There are countless beautiful and interesting animals living in the wild, rarely seen because much of their activity is at night or they live in places difficult to reach.
One of these is the marten, living in much of Canada, Alaska and other parts of the United States. Sometimes it is incorrectly referred to as a sable or fisher-marten, but it is somewhat different than these, although closely related. This animal’s soft fur is usually grayish-brown above and lighter below. In past years, hunters trapped them in winter months, when their fur is at its best quality, but this hunting is generally no longer permitted.
The marten is a slim, fur-covered mammal, about two feet long and looks similar to a weasel. It has a rather pointed face, with large ears and large, alert eyes—provisions of the Creator to enable it to identify sounds quickly and see well when hunting at night.
It is mostly at home in trees where it can keep up with the liveliest squirrel or chipmunk. Part of its tree-food comes from birds’ eggs and small birds taken from nests, but it finds other food on the ground as well. This includes almost all small animals, such as squirrels and mice, snakes and ground birds. It has a “sweet tooth” and is not afraid to rob a beehive, since its thick fur protects it from bee stings. Unlike the fisher-marten, it will not go into deep water but does catch frogs and fish near the shore.
In late spring, the mother usually gives birth to two or three young in a den, usually made in a hollow log or a tree. The young are born with a light covering of soft fur and are extremely tiny, weighing only an ounce or so, but they are fully grown in three months. While growing, they are frisky and full of pep, often having harmless fights among themselves. Later that energy is spent in continual hunting for food or fighting other animals.
Though martens are rarely seen by people, they are always seen by their Creator who reminds us in Jeremiah 23:24, “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?” And this Creator, the Lord God, whose eyes are always on them, is the One who provides for them as well, for He cares for all His creatures.
How thankful we should be that He is also watching over each of us. The Bible assures us of this: “The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He [ponders] all his goings” (Proverbs 5:21). Is He pleased when He sees the ways of your life each day?
A Fig Tree but No Figs
I’m sure some of you children like to eat fig bars—a cookie with a fig filling. And maybe some of you even like to eat fresh figs or dried figs. Or, perhaps figs are no treat to you; however, they were a special treat in today’s story. Well, they would have been . . . but there weren’t any. Here is the story.
The disciples of Jesus were those men who listened to Him and traveled with Him. They had spent the night in the town of Bethany, in a place where Jesus knew they would be welcome. In the morning they set out for Jerusalem, and Jesus was hungry.
If you are hungry sometimes, Jesus knows and understands, because He was hungry too. Now where could He and His disciples find some breakfast? In Bible times, there were no restaurants or places like McDonald’s where they could get some breakfast, and they didn’t have a packed lunch either. They would have to eat what they could find growing along the roadway.
As they walked along, they saw a fig tree with leaves. This was a good sign, because the fruit grows before the leaves come out, so this tree must have an early crop of figs. Jesus came closer to look for figs and pick them.
Do you know what He found? Lots of leaves, but not even one fig! So Jesus and His disciples were still hungry. It makes me sad to think of that, because you and I might have a good religious attendance but with no fruit for Jesus at all. Compare it to something like this: What good is a house all fixed up with a stove and washing machine but not having electricity?
The first response to the love of Jesus in your heart is to love Him back. That’s where the growth begins, but there is no growth without a beginning. That fig tree was like many of Jesus’ dear people in Jerusalem. They talked a lot about God and religion, but they had no love for Jesus, the Son of God. They were all leaves and no fruit.
Jesus did not add fertilizer to that tree so that it would grow figs the next year. He cursed the fig tree, and the curse of God makes bad things happen. He said to the tree, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” And the fig tree dried up from the roots! This was a surprise to the disciples, but Jesus knew a secret that they did not know.
That tree might have been big and beautiful or scrawny and poor, but the fruit it produced for Jesus was the same—nothing! I wonder which tree is the most like you: big, pretty leaves, giving nice shade for travelers, or crooked branches and diseased leaves. The result for fruit was just the same—nothing! The curse of God was because the tree grew no fruit.
God tells you this story because He wants you to know that He loves you. He is hungry for your loving answer. He came right down to this world where we live and found lots of religious people. But from those same people He didn’t receive love—they nailed Him to a cruel cross. He knew this before He came, but He loved us, even while He bore the punishment of God for the sins of those who would believe who He was and repent of their sins. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood” (Revelation 1:5).
If Jesus cursed the fig tree that had no fruit, is there any hope for us? No! No hope without Him! But we have a risen Savior who has forgiveness and cleansing for all who will accept Him. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15).
You are a sinner. Will you let Him save you now? He has not promised you another opportunity after today.
You may read this story of the fig tree in Matthew 21, beginning at verse 17.
MEMORY VERSE: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15
Jonathan and Samson
Jonathan is a little boy five years old, and Samson is his playmate. Samson is a big, white German shepherd dog, and he is two years old. Samson and Jonathan play together all the time. Jonathan throws the ball and Samson brings it back to him and drops it.
One day Samson brought the ball back to Jonathan, but he wouldn’t drop it when Jonathan told him to. So Jonathan had a talk with Samson and explained to him that he was supposed to “drop it” when he was told to. But Samson just didn’t want to do what he was told!
Boys and girls, doesn’t this remind us of what God has said in the Bible about us and sin? The Lord Jesus says in Matthew 11:28, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” But in John 5:40 the Lord Jesus says, “Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life.” Sounds like we’re not willing to do what the Lord Jesus tells us either.
Three times Jonathan told Samson to drop the ball, and he wouldn’t do it. What do you suppose happened next? Did Jonathan pull the ball out of Samson’s mouth? No he didn’t. Instead, he put his mouth right up close beside Samson’s ear and said very loudly, “DROP IT!”
Then Samson dropped the ball. I had a good laugh when I saw that, but poor Samson’s ear must have really hurt!
I thought to myself that sometimes the Lord Jesus has to speak very loudly to us, too. Why? Because in Matthew 13:15 the Lord Jesus says, “This people’s heart is waxed gross [without feeling], and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed.”
Oh, boys and girls, don’t close your ears to God’s Word. John 5:24 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life.”
Don’t be like Samson—he wouldn’t obey. If you won’t do what God has said in the Bible, the Lord Jesus will have to say to you what He said in John 7:34, “Ye shall seek Me, and shall not find Me: and where I am, [there] ye cannot come.” How sad.
How much better to follow what Isaiah 1:18 says: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lacewing Fly
“The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the Lord shall rejoice in His works.” Psalm 104:31
Only about one-half inch long, the lacewing is a pretty little fly with transparent wings in pale shades of green. It is a real friend to farmers.
When laying eggs, the female first deposits a spot of “glue” on a branch or stem of a bush. Then, before this spot of glue hardens, she flips her tail upward, producing a long, thread-like stalk. The stalk quickly becomes tough and hard, and she repeats this process time after time. Then she places an egg on the top of each stalk, spacing them far enough apart so they will not eat each other when they hatch, because they are vicious, hungry little larvae.
In about a week, the larva appears. Cutting its way out of the egg, it slides down the smooth stalk, using its tail as a brake. The mother fly has arranged her nest of eggs close to where aphids are feeding on a plant. These aphids become food for the larva for about two weeks; then it is ready for a change. Attaching itself to the underside of a leaf, it spins a thread of white silk, wrapping itself in a cocoon where it will undergo a 12-day change.
While in the cocoon, the larva develops specially designed cutting jaws. Using these, it slices around the top of its cocoon, leaving a small section as a hinge and anchor post. Pushing the lid open, it crawls out and spins another thread on which it dangles from the anchor. Soon its veins fill with blood, the wings dry, and it has become a full-grown lacewing fly. Now it returns to what it does best—eating aphids for the rest of its life. As it eats away, it becomes a friend to farmers by helping protect their crops from these harmful pests.
It is interesting to see how the mother lacewing makes such careful preparations for her young: first by making the eggs look like part of a plant, and then by placing them where they will immediately find food when they come out of the eggs. This is another example of how God has given instincts to His creatures so they may fill their part in His total plan of creation.
God’s ways with you and me are far more important than with these insects. He has given us a conscience to remind us that we are sinners and need a Savior. In addition, He has given us hearts and minds capable of receiving this loving Savior, and it is through Him and His death on the cross that we can enter heaven. He tells us, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Have you accepted this wonderful gift?
Fred's Adventure
The people who worked in the large grocery store named him Fred. He had been living in the store for nearly two weeks. He seemed to be happy and content as he glided across the 25 aisles. Customers pushing their carts up and down the aisles didn’t seem to bother him.
Before living in the store, Fred had lived his entire life outdoors with his many friends and relatives. You see, Fred is a little sparrow, and sparrows belong outside. But one day when the doors were propped open, he swooped inside, maybe just to see what it was like in there.
He liked what he found. There was lots of room to fly. He found fresh green plants in the produce section to peck and nibble on. After the first couple of days, a lady who worked in the store began putting out some bread crumbs and other food for Fred. He ate it and liked it. Everything seemed pretty nice for Fred in his new living quarters.
Fred isn’t the only one looking for something different. Sometimes a boy or girl gets tired of the same old friends, the same old backyard, and the same old games. He wants something different . . . something new for a change. Then one day a school friend asks him to come to his house after school. The friend explains that his mom isn’t home and he has some secret things he wants to show him. Sounds like fun! Sounds enticing!
If Fred could talk, he might warn that boy or girl how his adventure turned out. But since he can’t, we’ll tell you what happened and include this warning God gives us from the Bible: “My son [or daughter], if sinners entice thee, consent thou not” (Proverbs 1:10).
After a few more days of flying around the store, the manager decided it was time to get Fred out of there. They tried catching him with fishing nets.
Now Fred was scared, and I’m sure he wanted to get out of there. He was discovering that a store was not a good place for a bird to live.
Then the manager called the Anti-Cruelty Society for help, but they just laughed. They suggested the store turn off all its lights and leave the doors open, thinking Fred would fly toward the daylight and out the door. But the manager couldn’t do that because the store is open 24 hours a day.
So for now, Fred has to go on living in the store even though he isn’t welcome. He probably wishes he were back outside enjoying the sunlight and trees and seeds that he used to eat, but he doesn’t know how to get out.
And this is just the way Satan traps boys and girls. When boys and girls are looking for something different, Satan often sends someone to tempt them to try smoking, or to look at bad magazines, or to take drugs with the promise that they will make them feel good. Satan knows just how to present his temptations . . . he makes them look like something fun or daring the first time. But then when boys and girls discover that what they are doing is not good and is not fun anymore, it’s often a habit they cannot stop. Satan does not care, because he has them trapped.
We hope there is a way out for Fred, but for boys and girls we know there is a way out. The Lord Jesus Christ loves you and He cares very much about you. He wants to save you from your sins and their habits, and He is the only one who can. He says: “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no savior” (Isaiah 43:11). When the Lord Jesus died on Calvary’s cross and rose again alive, He broke Satan’s power of sin. And now He is able to free every boy and girl who will come to Him, believing that He died for their sins. God tells us, “If the Son [the Lord Jesus] therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). And that’s a promise!
Will you let the Lord Jesus free you from your sins and Satan’s power?
MEMORY VERSE: “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” Proverbs 1:10
A Safe Way Is Provided
We were visiting friends in Mexico City and had been invited to breakfast with other friends who lived across the city. On our trip back to the home where we were staying, we were driving on a very busy street with several lanes of traffic going each direction.
Suddenly, there was a traffic slowdown, and we were wondering what the problem was. Then we reached the trouble spot and saw something very sad. An ambulance was parked in the left lane with a policeman guarding it. In front of the ambulance was a woman lying on the street. She must have tried to cross the busy street and had been hit by a car.
When we were able to drive on, we went under an overhead walkway for people to cross that busy street in complete safety. We wondered, “Why didn’t she use the overhead walkway to get safely across the street?” It’s a good question, but the woman is the only one who can answer it.
Now here is a good question for you. Are you using God’s way to get to heaven?
People think there are many ways to get to heaven. But God’s Word, the Bible, clearly tells us there is only one way, and it is perfectly safe and sure, because God has provided it. In the Bible, God tells us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And in Romans 6:23 God tells us, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Because God is holy, He must punish sin, so the only way we can escape the punishment for our sins is if someone else will take the punishment for us. And God, in His goodness and grace, has provided that perfect substitute for us.
God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to take our judgment for us. Now God offers forgiveness as a gift to every person who will simply accept God’s Son as their personal substitute. John 3:16 says, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Let me ask you again: Are you on the way to heaven? Have you accepted God’s gift? “He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Seaweed - Pest or Blessing?
“Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving.” 1 Timothy 4:4
Did you ever hear someone say, “We can’t picnic on that beach because it’s covered with seaweed,” or, “There’s a good fishing spot, but it’s got too much seaweed,” or, “Don’t swim there; you’ll get caught in seaweed”? Seashore visitors find such statements common. Yet the good things about these rather unpleasant plants outweigh the problems, and their part in the ocean is in accordance with the Creator’s plans when He made the world with many seas and oceans.
There are many kinds of seaweed. The most common is the brown kelp. This is a giant species, which in Pacific Coast waters grows as tall as a 20-story building. Another is known as rockweed. Dulse comes in several red-brown varieties. One drifting around the Sargasso Sea in great masses is called sargassum. Millions of small eels that are born each year live in this variety.
Seaweed can be a problem to someone cruising offshore when it gets tangled in his outboard motor. But it is very welcome to a sea otter, attaching itself to a strand to keep from drifting while napping or to a fish escaping from a shark.
The beginning Bible verse refers to all created things, including seaweed, which, in one way or another, are beneficial to mankind if used properly. Did you know that thousands of tons of seaweed are harvested and sold for millions of dollars every year? It is used by a variety of industries, as well as being a healthful food for people in many countries.
Seaweed is often an unseen, but important, part of glass, soap, vitamin pills and important medicines. Your toothpaste probably has some in it, as well as the pudding and pie your mother makes from store-bought packages. Shaving cream, cosmetics and paint, as well as chocolate goodies, ice cream, some candies and a long list of other products have seaweed as one of their ingredients.
Next time you visit the seashore and see whip-like or fan-shaped pieces of seaweed washed ashore, think how the Lord God has made this lowly sea plant a part of His benefits to mankind, and then thank Him for it.
Seaweed nourishes our bodies, but it is even more important to accept the spiritual food God provides through His Word, the Bible. In it He invites you to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8), and He promises, “Blessed is the man that [trusts] in Him” (Psalm 35:8). A man who did so exclaimed, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16).
If you have not received this joy in your heart, read the Bible and find the meaning of “taste and see that the Lord is good.”
The Damaged Water Tank
Many water towers make excellent landmarks for knowing when to get off at a highway exit or for finding your way around town. Many of these water tanks are higher than the tree tops and can be seen for miles. If you wanted to use your imagination, you could say that some look like giant golf balls sitting on top of very long legs. Other water tanks look like giant eggs, sitting on top of a giant egg holder. And some are even designed to look like farm silos. Many of them are painted white, gray or light blue so they don’t draw attention, but others are painted or designed on purpose to catch your attention.
In Gaffney, South Carolina, their water tank stands tall and is painted to look like a giant peach. This is because they grow and sell tons and tons of peaches. In Plant City, Florida, they have a water tower that is painted to look like a giant strawberry. Can you guess what fruit they grow in and around this town? Kirtland, Ohio, has a giant water tank that is disguised to look like a grain silo. The tank sits right in the middle of a very busy farm. There is an impossible-to-miss, enormous water tank in Alabama that is painted in bright red and white candy stripes. Other water tanks have been painted to match the scenery near them. Oak Harbor, Washington, has a tank painted with pines trees. It blends in perfectly with its surroundings.
These tanks are all painted with an expensive, high-quality, oil-based paint that resists fading and chipping from the sun, wind and rain. It can cost thousands of dollars to repaint these tanks. In Frazier Park, California, someone had spray-painted big, blue, ugly letters on their town’s water tank, which was painted white. The letters read “MEEKO” and “TAZ.” Then someone covered those words by spray-painting “CROCK” and “LUCKY” on top of them. Finally, in a third act of vandalism, someone spray-painted “J ROCK” on the side of the tank.
Company officials from the Frazier Park Public Utility District were very concerned. They had been planning to use their customers’ water-payment money to replace water pipes that had been installed in 1926. Money that had been set aside for this project now had to be used to repaint the water tank. Having no idea who was spray-painting their tank, they had the local newspaper print a story, asking the people of Frazier Park for help in finding the person responsible. The penalty for graffiti vandalism can be up to a year in jail or the state prison and up to a $50,000 fine.
No doubt the person who was doing the spray-painting thought it was a lot of fun. When they didn’t get caught the first time, they did it again. After the second time, they became even more confident that they were getting away with it. Boys and girls, sin is just like that. At first, it can seem like a lot of “fun.” If we are not corrected or caught, we think we are getting away with it and become even more determined to continue in our sins. But God, who is all-knowing, says, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23). What exactly does that mean? It means that there is nothing hidden from God. He knows every thought and everything that we have ever done or said. We will not be able to hide even one sin from Him. Because God is holy and pure, He cannot accept sin into His presence or into His home in heaven.
But God, who loves us and is not willing that any should perish, sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. He shed His precious blood on Calvary’s cross, dying for us and rising from the dead on the third day. He offered Himself up, a perfect sacrifice to God in our place! Today, God is offering you His free salvation, if you will receive it. “It thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9). When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior, He will help us to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).
Just two weeks after the story appeared in the local newspaper, a 22-year-old man was arrested. Two concerned citizens had called the number given to say they knew who “J ROCK” was. When he was questioned, police discovered even more evidence against him—he had the letters “J ROCK” tattooed on his left arm. There could be no doubt that they had caught the guilty person responsible for damaging the Frazier Park water tank!
The Bible tells us that if we do not receive the Lord Jesus as our Savior and accept God’s free gift of salvation, we too will be caught in our sins. One day, we must all stand before God. We are told that the books will be opened, and “whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
Boys and girls and grown-ups too, has God written your name in His book of life?
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Strange Happenings in a Lake
“The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season.” Psalm 145:15
One year, Roger and his wife chose a well-known fishing lake in the wilds of British Columbia for vacationing. After a week of very poor fishing, they decided the reports they had heard were false. Not only were there no fish to be caught, but they also observed that there weren’t any birds in the area. They decided to move on.
Suddenly, a commotion at the far end of the lake caught their attention, so they got into their boat to investigate. At first what they saw appeared to be a cloud rising and dipping over the surface of the water. Coming closer, they saw that the “cloud” was actually a great flock of birds darting after flying insects that were coming out of the water and flying from the surface. Then they got a special thrill in discovering that part of the commotion was caused by great numbers of fish leaping out of the water after the insects.
Getting their rods out again, they were able to catch many of these fish, which quickly took their “artificial flies.” After about an hour’s time, all became quiet again. The birds flew off, the insects were no longer present, and the fish returned to deep water. Later they learned this is a common sight in many Canadian lakes where the bottoms have large populations of larvae, hatched from eggs dropped into the water by a female fly. After several months in the mud of the lake, they are ready to “molt” and experience a change of life. Rising to the surface, they shed their hard shells and come forth as a flying insect with pretty, lace-like wings.
When this change is made, they must rest on the surface a few minutes for their wings to harden. Then they take to the air, find companions, and soon a new supply of eggs is dropped into the water—the whole cycle starting over again. It is while this is going on that the fish get excited, leaping out of the water to catch all they can. The birds also catch many of them as they fly from the surface of the lake. However, so many thousands hatch at one time, they cannot all be caught and great numbers escape.
Since all this takes place in about an hour, it raises some questions: (1) How is it that thousands of the larvae come together to one spot and make this change at the same time? (2) How do the fish from all over the lake know it is going to take place? (3) Where did the birds come from and what compelled them to fly to this remote spot at just the right time?
It is not hard to provide an answer. We know that the Creator is “Lord of all,” and He has given necessary instincts to all involved to carry out their part at just the exact moment He has arranged.
We are reminded, too, that “He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world” (Acts 17:31), and that “every one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12). Have you prepared yourself for that day by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as the One who has taken your place, so you will be free from judgment?
Speagle de Beagle
A short time ago, someone either lost or abandoned a cute little beagle dog in our neighborhood. He showed up on our doorstep looking for food. We talked to all the surrounding police stations and animal shelters to see if we could find the dog’s owner, but nobody seemed to be looking for a “lost” beagle.
The dog was almost fully grown, and he was really cute. The children wanted to name him Spot, but the beagle did not pay any attention to the name. He acted like he didn’t even hear us no matter how or what we called him. Finally, someone called, “Here, beagle!” and to our surprise he came running. We then tried, “Here, speagle!” and he came running to that too. He was then named “Speagle de Beagle.” It looked like Speagle had found a home . . . almost.
He was well-liked by everyone except Brutus, the family dog, and Fluff, the family cat. Brutus’s problem was one of jealousy. But Fluff’s problem was very serious—Speagle wanted to hunt him down and finish him off!
One day Corrine stopped to pet Speagle, but Brutus got jealous. He whimpered and trotted over to them. Being a much bigger dog than Speagle, he picked Speagle up by the scruff of the neck and carried him several feet away from Corrine. Then he dropped him and trotted back to Corrine, hoping to be petted himself. Instead of being petted, he was given a scolding for what he had done. He hung his head in shame.
Speagle’s problem with Fluff was far more serious. The family cat was scared off into the woods and chased up a tree a few times. So we decided Speagle had to be tied up. But that didn’t last long, because Speagle chewed right through the rope. Then we tried keeping him in a pen, but he chewed his way through the door! He chased Fluff into the woods once more, and this time Fluff didn’t come home for nearly a week! We were all worried. We did not know whether Fluff was dead or alive.
Because Fluff was already an important part of the family, the decision was made—Speagle had to go. We tried to find a home for him, but nobody wanted the cute little beagle, so we took him to an animal shelter. We hope they found a good home for him, but we don’t know.
Yes, even though Speagle was lost and needed a home, he had a nature that loved to hunt animals smaller than himself. Sadly, he could not fit into our family.even though we liked him and wanted to keep him.
Boys and girls, God loves you and wants you in His family, too. But we have all sinned and have ways that are not pleasing to God. We could not help Speagle because we could not change his nature. But God has the power to help you. He can forgive your sins. He can give you a new nature, a new life, and the promise of a home in heaven!
God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to die on Calvary’s cross to save lost sinners. “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). If you have not accepted Him as your Savior as yet, you are lost in your sins. But if you accept Jesus as your Savior, He will wash away your sins and will give you a new life and nature that want to please Him. He will also make you a part of His family forever. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). What a happy home in heaven awaits all who will receive Him. Won’t you tell Jesus you accept Him as your Savior and Lord now? He will wash away all your sins, and you have His promise of a home with Him in heaven when this life is over.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:27-28).
MEMORY VERSE: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
The Runaway Tricycle
One day Tommy and Billy were riding their tricycles. Their daddy was walking along with them. It was fun to ride their tricycles farther than they were allowed to go alone.
When they turned down a steep hill, somehow Tommy’s feet slipped off the pedals. Faster and faster he went down the hill. He wasn’t really scared. Perhaps he was too young to think of what would happen if he hit a tree or couldn’t stop before he reached the busy street at the bottom.
Back at the top of the hill, Daddy made Billy get off his tricycle so he wouldn’t go down the hill too. Then Daddy prayed, asking the Lord Jesus for help for Tommy.
Every Christian (boy, girl or grown-up) has this very real help. In fact, the Bible says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
Daddy’s trust in the Lord Jesus was not disappointed. Tommy’s tricycle hit a bump in the sidewalk, and it flipped him onto the grass! Tommy was not hurt, and the tricycle wasn’t even damaged!
Once the three were together again, what do you think Daddy did? He did what the last part of Psalm 50:15 says—he thanked the Lord Jesus for keeping Tommy from getting hurt. He didn’t wait until they got home; he prayed right there on the sidewalk!
At that time, neither of the boys knew the Lord Jesus as their Savior. God allowed them to grow up, and each of them has admitted his sinfulness to God. They both have put their trust in the Lord Jesus as their very own Savior, so their sins are gone forever!
The Word of God tells us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), and “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). It doesn’t matter how old you are right now; you may come to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive Him as your very own Savior. Don’t wait. Tomorrow could be too late. “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Ever See a Reindeer?
“Thus saith the Lord . . . I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground.” Jeremiah 27:4-5
Reindeer, closely related to caribou, were once wild animals in the northern parts of Scandinavia, Siberia, Greenland, Europe and Alaska. However, over the years many have been tamed by Eskimos and others who raise them in great herds.
Fully grown they are about six feet long and about four feet high at the shoulders. Both males and females develop huge, sharp-pointed antlers that are seldom used except when males are fighting each other.
Large numbers are still in the northern areas of Canada, Alaska, Greenland and other northern lands of the world. Many are tamed by people who lead them in big herds from one area to another as seasons change. The herdsmen lead great herds to the seacoast areas in spring where they feed on lichen (called reindeer moss) through the summer, putting on weight for cold winter months when they return inland.
An impressive sight on these treks is watching a herd swim across a wide river or lake. All that shows above the water are their necks, heads and antlers. An onlooker might wonder how they get across without tangling antlers with each other, but the Creator has His eyes on them and guides them safely across.
What do the herdsmen do with the reindeer? They milk them daily, enjoy meals of reindeer meat, and use them to pull sledges. Their furs are also used to make parkas (warm coats with attached hoods). The people in those lands would hardly dare to venture outdoors in severe weather without parkas. Mattresses are also made of their skins stuffed with their thick warm hairs. Also, their skins are made into warm, comfortable mukluks (boots) for the tender feet of babies and young children, as well as adults.
The antlers of reindeer are made into handy tools. Parts of them are also carved into decorative items, as well as dolls and other toys for children.
It is such a task for the people of those countries to supervise these huge herds, and with access now to more modern ways of living, many wonder how long the present practices will continue. Quite likely, before long, much of it will be discontinued, and the reindeer will just be left to care for themselves in the wild. But we can be sure of the Creator’s kind and watchful eyes on them, whether cared for by people or allowed to return to the wild “on their own.”
If the tender thoughts of a kind Creator can be directed to the wild and tamed beasts, how much more is His love directed to us? He tells us in the Bible: “I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3). Have you ever thanked Him for His great love?
The Waters of Marah
Have you had a good drink today? No matter what you like best to drink, the main part of it is water. There are dozens of ways to get the water our bodies need, and everyone needs it every day, no matter where you live. Even thousands of years ago, everybody needed water to drink every day.
What is all this water made of? Maybe it’s a surprise to you to learn that it’s made of hydrogen and oxygen, and neither of these is wet to begin with. Hydrogen is a gas that makes balloons go up, and oxygen is a gas that comes from green plants in sunshine. Who ever thought of putting those two together and making clear, wet stuff for us to drink? God did! And you can’t live long without it!
There were about two million people walking across the desert, more than three thousand years ago. They were gloriously happy and free, because God had just brought them through the Red Sea on dry land and had drowned all their enemies when they tried to follow them! They felt as if all their troubles were past, and now the day was a good day.
As they walked, they got very thirsty, but there was nothing to drink that first day, and that made them not quite so happy. And then there was no water on the second day either. Finally, on the third day, they saw water sparkling in the distance. Water at last! Stoop down and drink!
Oh, but it was horrible stuff ... bitter! We can’t drink this water! And then they got angry. Whose idea was it to bring us here? Moses, it’s your fault! What are we going to drink?
I think each of us can understand their unhappiness at this point. Have you wanted something, like right now, and what you found was no good? If you looked around, you could probably find somebody to blame. And you could scowl and make a big fuss about it, and maybe you could find others who shared the disappointment with you.
Does God care about your problem? Oh yes! Remember, He sent His only Son to die for you. Is there any greater proof of His love than this? Tell Him your problem, and let His perfect wisdom, not yours, give you the answer.
Those two million people had a real setback, but they went to the wrong person about it. They should have told God their problem. Remember, He is the God who made hydrogen and oxygen when He created the world, and it was God who put them together to make water for us.
Moses cried to God, and the answer was not what anyone would have expected ... God showed him a tree! Now how could a tree solve the problem of the undrinkable water?
Are you remembering that God has also shown you and me a tree—the only way to solve our sin problem? The Lord Jesus was nailed to a tree made into the shape of a cross. God has shown us that the wonderful Savior who died on that cross had to take the sins of every believer on Himself, and those sins are gone forever!
Moses cast that tree into the water of Marah, and the water was made sweet! How wonderful for all of those terribly thirsty travelers. Where did the bitterness go? That is God’s secret. It is enough for us to know that God knows how to deal with every problem, and He loves and cares.
The story does not end there. God has better secrets than you ever thought of asking for. The next place they came to was Elim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees! His blessings are for those who trust Him and wait patiently for Him.
“My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
You may read this story for yourself in Exodus 15:22-27.
MEMORY VERSE: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
"The Cookie Man"
Danny and his family moved from Cleveland to Chicago. Since Danny’s father was transferred by the company he worked for, they were given no choice—the whole family had to move. Even though Danny was only four years old, he had been very unhappy about leaving his grandma behind in Cleveland. The family had always lived near her, and Danny did not like to think that he would not be seeing her almost every day.
Every week since they had moved four years ago, Grandma had sent some of her homemade cookies to Danny and his family. She knew what their favorite kinds were: chocolate chip, peanut butter and sugar cookies. Every week the big delivery truck pulled up to Danny’s house in Chicago to deliver the box of cookies from Grandma. Danny always called the delivery man, “The Cookie Man.”
Once again, Danny’s father was being transferred. This time it was to far-off Puerto Rico. Danny thought about having to leave all the friends he had made in Chicago, and he felt sad. That week when “The Cookie Man” arrived with the box of cookies, Danny suddenly had a terrible thought: Does “The Cookie Man” go all the way to Puerto Rico? He quickly asked, “Mr. Cookie Man, do you deliver in Puerto Rico?”
“No, Danny, we don’t deliver there.”
Poor Danny would not be able to receive his grandma’s “box of love” from “The Cookie Man” after he moved to Puerto Rico!
Isn’t it good to know that God’s gift of love is available anywhere in the world? It does not depend on a delivery man. God’s gift of love is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). No matter where we live, we can receive God’s gift simply by accepting the Lord Jesus as our Savior.
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world:
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight;
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
The Wonders of God's Creation: Africa's Flying Squirrel
“I will meditate also of all Thy work, and talk of Thy doings. . . . Thou art the God that doest wonders.” Psalm 77:12,14
It is easy to see how the African flying squirrel got its name, even though it is not really a squirrel nor does it actually fly. It lives high in the trees of Africa and is rarely seen, because it is active mostly at night.
This flying squirrel is about the size of an American gray squirrel with a bushy tail as long as its body. The Creator gave this pretty little fellow smooth, soft, mole-like fur. He also supplied it with several special features for its survival.
One of these features is a fold of skin on each side of the body that connects the front and back legs. When the squirrel stretches out its legs, the folds of skin also stretch to form gliding “wings.” It seems to be flying, but it is actually gliding.
Because the folds of skin are attached so securely to its body, this squirrel cannot walk or run. Most of its traveling is done by gliding from one tree to another. When ready to glide, it lowers its head and pushes off with its hind legs. Using its bushy tail as a rudder, it glides through the air to a lower point on another tree. Anyone watching this spectacular glide would think it would crash. But at the last instant, it turns and lands head up, ready to explore the new tree. This is the way the Lord God created this flying squirrel, and even the young do not have to practice these moves.
This animal has an unusual method of climbing trees. Like a measuring worm, it grasps the trunk with its front claws, arches its body, and pulls up both hind feet. Then, with the claws of the hind feet clinging tightly, the front feet let go and move upward. In spite of this awkward way of climbing, it moves quickly up the tree. It is helped in its climb by tough scales covered with sharp, hard spikes which are found near where the tail and body are joined. These spikes dig into the trunk, not only helping the hind legs to hold tightly, but also helping to push the body upward.
God has made a way of life for each of His creatures. Man, God’s special creation, has been told in the Bible of two ways. Man is warned in Proverbs 14:12 That “there is a way which [seems] right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” But in John 14:6, the Lord Jesus is called “the way, the truth, and the life.” He is also called the “new and living way” by which we can “draw near [to God] with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (Hebrews 10:20,22). Which way are you following?
When I was a child and lived on a farm, our family received a Saint Bernard puppy. That was a happy day for us children. We named him Caesar, and it wasn’t long before he grew up to be a very large dog. It was lots of fun romping and playing games with him.
What an appetite Caesar had! A big bowl of food was gobbled down in no time. But he earned his food, because he was a help around the farm. He was always willing to do things for us. He watched for the mail carrier, who put the mail wrapped in the morning paper in Caesar’s mouth. Then he always brought it right to one of us.
Mother had a garden in which she grew different kinds of vegetables. When she would get a basket and go to the garden to pick fresh vegetables for dinner, Caesar always went with her. After Mother filled the basket, she would give it to Caesar to carry. Carrying the full basket was not easy for him, but he managed to bring it right into the kitchen. Then the cook stove had to be lit. A big pile of wood and kindling was kept in a dry place near the house. When we children carried some of this wood into the house, Caesar was always right there to carry a few pieces too.
As we got older, my brother and I had to walk a mile to the railroad station to take a train to a Chicago high school. Our faithful, devoted Caesar knew when it was time for us to arrive home in the afternoon. He would go lie on the back porch until he saw us coming. Then he would bound up to meet us and carry some of our books strapped together back to the house.
Caesar was also an excellent watchdog. One afternoon he saw a stranger go into the basement of our house. Caesar knew just how to handle that situation. Instead of following the stranger into the basement, he stood at the door growling, as if to say, “You stay there until my master comes; he’ll take care of you!” Father did just that, and then Caesar got extra food for his supper as a reward.
How many of you boys and girls are as obedient to your parents as Caesar was to his family? God’s Word says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). To obey is one of the best things we can do as Christians. Why was Caesar so obedient? Because he loved his master and wanted to please him. These are the same reasons for us to obey too. Our Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, loves us very much and wants us to be obedient children. By reading the Bible, we can learn how He wants us to please Him. When Caesar was told to do something, he did it. If we read in the Bible that the Lord Jesus wants us to do something, then we should obey. By being obedient to God and to His Son Jesus, we as His children can live a life pleasing to Him.
First, though, each of us must become one of God’s family. Caesar was not born into our family; we had to pay for him. We also must be brought into God’s family, but we cannot pay money to become a member. You see, the price has already been paid. The Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross, and there He was punished for the sins of all who would believe in Him. Those who are saved from their sins become part of His family. Won’t you accept Him as your Savior now and become a member of His family? “Now therefore hearken unto Me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep My ways” (Proverbs 8:32).
MEMORY VERSE: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1
Receiving an invitation gives us happy thoughts for an enjoyable time together with friends and family. We may be invited to a friend’s birthday party, and we look forward to a happy time of games and celebration. We may receive a dinner invitation, and we look forward to the enjoyment of a good meal and happy conversation with family and friends. We may get an invitation to a wedding, and we look forward to celebrating that happy occasion with the bride and groom. It is important to think of the kindness of the one who invited us, and to honor that person by appreciating the extra time and effort they have put forth for us.
I had an experience where this was not the case. I received a spoken invitation to come for dinner at a certain time, along with other people my age. It would be a happy time together in this home. But, sadly, I began to doubt that I had really received the invitation for the dinner, and I thought that maybe I was mistaken about it. When the time came, I drove past the house, but still didn’t know for sure that I was really included, so I didn’t go in. Later that evening, the person who had invited me said, “We missed you at dinnertime.” I felt sorry that I had not thought of her kindness and effort for the dinner she had prepared.
We read a story of something similar in Luke 14:16-24. “A certain man made a great supper, and [invited] many: and sent his servant at suppertime to say to them that were [invited], Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse.” How sad that each one who had been invited did not appreciate the effort put forth for them, and they asked to be excused! They all missed out on the supper that was prepared for them.
This story is told to remind you and me of a most important invitation that God has sent to each one of us. He invites us to accept a full and free salvation from the guilt and punishment of our sins. Each of us needs to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as our very own Lord and Savior. And this invitation is open to everybody! “Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). We pray that each person reading this will not make excuses, but will accept the truth of God’s Word and receive the salvation so freely and lovingly offered. This is an invitation you don’t want to miss out on for any reason!
The Wonders of God's Creation: The Cheerful Cardinal
“He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills. . . . By them shall the fowls . . . have their habitation, which sing among the branches.” Psalm 104:10-12
There are so many beautiful birds throughout the world—all part of God’s creation—that it is impossible to select one as being the prettiest. But somewhere near the top of the list is the lively, cheerful cardinal.
The male is particularly showy in his bright red feathers with a black, mask-like face and throat and black tips on his wings and tail. He has a perky, red, feathery crest on top of his head. The female is also pretty, but her pale brown with reddish tinges is not quite so showy.
Both male and female are cheerful, swift and busy birds. They have a variety of lovely songs that can be heard long distances through the forests of the eastern United States and as far west as South Dakota and Texas. They are also welcome residents of Ontario, Manitoba and Nova Scotia and an attractive addition to any neighborhood fortunate enough to have a pair. Farmers are happy when they settle nearby, for they eat great quantities of insects and harmful weed seeds.
Although the female’s song is softer than the male’s, it too is clear and cheerful, and both sing throughout the year. And that’s another nice feature—they don’t migrate. How striking is the flash of their bright red feathers as they fly over the snow or perch on a snow-covered tree branch to sing a happy song!
In springtime males and females nest in low shrubbery to raise a family—the male winning his mate by bringing her seeds and cracking the hard shell for her. She seems content to do most of the nest building as long as he feeds her. The finished nest is lined with soft material, and then a clutch of three to four bluish-white eggs is laid in it, hatching out in about two weeks. Two to four clutches are produced each year.
The baby cardinals are fed by both parents. After about ten days, they are ready to take their first flight. Soon after they fly, the mother leaves them, and the responsibility of teaching them the ways of bird life is left to the father. But he seems to enjoy doing this.
Do you think God cares about cardinals? Yes, He surely does, for they are His creation and included in this Bible verse: “These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat [food] in due season” (Psalm 104:27).
And how wonderful is God’s care over you! He includes you in another verse that says, “God our Savior; who will have all men [all people] to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4). Are you one who has been saved by confessing to Him that you are a sinner and accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior?
A Last Cry for Help
On a Saturday afternoon, Mr. Clemmons was working on his Mustang convertible in his backyard. He was trying to remove the transmission when suddenly the car slid off the blocks and jack holding it up and fell on top of him! Trapped beneath the car, unable to move, he yelled for help. But who would hear him? His family was out on errands, and few neighbors were within hearing distance.
Mr. Clemmons was in a terrible situation! Even though he was lying on his side, he was finding it difficult to breathe. Yet he found the strength to call for help for an hour and a half! Realizing that he was at the end of his strength, Mr. Clemmons later said, “I asked God to help me, to give me one more call and send an angel my way . . . it would be my last call before I gave up.”
After that last call, Mr. Clemmons looked up and was amazed to see 9-year-old Malachi, a neighbor boy, running towards him! He had been playing in a nearby backyard and heard Mr. Clemmons’ last call for help. He couldn’t tell exactly what the problem was, but he thought he heard something about being stuck. When Malachi got close enough to see what the problem was, he quickly grabbed the jack and, with Mr. Clemmons’ guidance, got it under the car. Then he pumped the 2-foot handle to raise the car off Mr. Clemmons. When the weight of the car was lifted, Malachi quickly ran to his aunt’s house to call 9-1-1 for help.
“My uncle taught me how to use a jack, so I knew what to do,” Malachi explained.
A short time later, a tow truck arrived. They were able to use another jack to raise the car high enough so that onlookers could pull Mr. Clemmons out from underneath the car. He was immediately taken to the hospital where they found he had six broken ribs and a fractured pelvis.
It is the truth that our sins trap us, just as sure as Mr. Clemmons was trapped under his car. Our sins will pull us down to the very pit of hell, because no sin can enter into heaven. “There shall in no wise enter into [heaven] anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination [sin], or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (Revelation 21:27).
The Bible tells us that there is no need for our sins to take us to hell. Trapped in our sins and just as unable to save ourselves as Mr. Clemmons was, God’s love for us found the only way to be saved. It is so simple that any boy or girl or man or woman can be saved and made ready for heaven. God sent His Son Jesus to die on Calvary’s cross and to shed His precious blood for our sins. He died on that cross and was buried. But He rose from the grave on the third day and now lives in heaven. “I declare unto you the gospel . . . by which also ye are saved . . . how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins? Tell Jesus that you know that you’re a sinner, and trust Him to forgive you. He will hear you just as He heard Mr. Clemmons’ call for help. Your sins will instantly be forgiven. “What must I do to be saved? . . . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31). Never let a day go by that you don’t thank the Lord Jesus for what He has done for you!
Mr. Clemmons was quick to let others know that he was so thankful for what Malachi had done for him. “I don’t think I would have survived another 30 minutes,” he said. “It was getting really hard to breathe. He is truly my guardian angel.”
Malachi did go to visit Mr. Clemmons in the hospital, and they are now good friends. They have made plans to work together on Mr. Clemmons’ motorcycle and Mustang. Mr. Clemmons has said that he will never get under a car alone again.
MEMORY VERSE: “What must I do to be saved? . . . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
Acts 16:30-31
A Train Without an Engineer
Mr. Cowdery couldn’t believe his eyes. As he glanced up from his work, he saw train #634 slowly leaving the Caterham Station south of London. “It’s a runaway!” he thought. “I’m sure there’s no one aboard that train!” He rushed to the telephone and got in touch with the signal man. Soon the alarm had been passed from station to station down the track.
At the next station, they decided to try to jump on the moving train and stop it. But when the train reached the station, it was going at least 20 miles an hour. The train thundered past, but an attempt to jump onto it was just too dangerous!
Ahead, train after train was turned off onto sidings to allow the runaway to pass safely through on the main line. The driverless train hurtled for nine miles at speeds up to 40 miles per hour through the south London suburbs. At one point, it rushed along the busiest line in the country at the beginning of the rush hour. Everywhere in its course there was confusion and a frantic attempt to clear other trains out of the way.
The train was going too fast for anyone to jump on. No other trains were close enough behind to catch up with it. What could be done? Finally they switched the train onto a siding at Norwood. There it smashed into the buffers and was derailed.
A train without an engineer is like a boy or a girl who does not have an “engineer” in their lives. And who is the Engineer? The Engineer is the Lord Jesus Christ. A boy or a girl who does not have the Lord Jesus in his or her life is bound to end up with a wrecked life. The Bible says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). We may think that we know the best way, but if our way is not God’s way, it is the way of death.
“Jesus saw a man, named Matthew . . . and He saith unto him, Follow Me. And he arose, and followed Him” (Matthew 9:9). Each of us should be like Matthew.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28).
The Wonders of God's Creation: Turkeys-Wild and Tame
“Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?” Job 39:13
Wild turkeys are large game birds of North America related to pheasants. The sight of a big turkey displaying its beautifully feathered body, particularly when out in the wild, is something a person is not likely to forget.
Except for one all-white variety, brownish-red is the prominent color for many of them, blending with blue, tan, brown and orange—and a little white trimming. These colors are best seen when a male is trying to win a female companion. He fans out his massive tail feathers to display his beauty. Then he adds to this display soft gurgles and an occasional loud gobble, which is so loud it can often be heard a mile away. Male turkeys are called toms, females are called hens, and chicks are called poults.
The wild turkey of North America lives as far south as Mexico. At one time many lived as far north as Maine and southern Ontario. The Indians found them an important source of food, and they were a favorite bird of the pioneer hunters. By the end of the nineteenth century, the wild turkey had been hunted almost to extinction in much of its original range. Today it has been reestablished in much of its original range. In every place, they are a favorite fall game bird for many hunters. However, turkeys have amazing eyesight and are very stealthy.
Over the years, raising domestic turkeys has become a tremendously big business—at times just a few in a farmer’s backyard or hundreds and even thousands raised on large turkey farms. This contributes to an immense market for corn and other grains for these always-hungry birds as they are fattened up for year-round markets.
Most of us look forward to the November and December holidays and the roast turkey dinners that represents a big part of them, along with other lucious foods. After a prayer of thanksgiving to the real provider, the Lord Jesus, the delicious dark and white meat is enjoyed, along with stuffing and tasty vegetables and a piece of apple or pumpkin pie for dessert. Yum, yum!
The beginning Bible verse is one of many in which the Lord was causing Job to realize that his pride was wrong, in spite of his boasting. When the Lord finished, Job replied, “I have heard of Thee . . . mine eye seeth Thee: wherefore I abhor [am disgusted with] myself, and repent” (Job 42:5-6).
It is good for each of us also to be humbled when we think not only of the Lord’s wondrous creation, but also of His great love for us. He invites us to trust in Him and His finished work on Calvary’s cross and to accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Nothing is more important! What about you? Is He your Lord and Savior?
How God Protects the Animals
Everything has enemies. Animals fight each other. Fish kill one another. Insects prey on other insects. Birds chase bugs wherever they see them. Spiders try to catch prey in their webs. Because sin is in the world, there is hatred everywhere. But God has equipped living things with some marvelous ways of defending themselves.
No matter what color the top of a fish may be, the underside is white or nearly white. This keeps its enemies below it from seeing it easily in the water. The backs of some fish are colored to match the surroundings. I once watched a flounder as it swam around in the water. When it gradually sank to the bottom where there was lots of sand, I could hardly tell what was sand and what was fish. Another fish, when attacked, throws out a black, inky substance like a smoke screen. While its enemies are trying to find it in the dark, murky water, it gets away.
A very strange little fish gave me a good laugh one day at the seashore. The tide was going out, and I was slowly following the water as it retreated, looking for unusual fish. I spied a strange-looking one, something like a littleneck clam. I hurried over to get it. But that little fellow bored his way down into the sand so fast that he was out of sight when I reached the spot. I stooped over to put my hand down into the hole and up came a squirt of water and sand right in my face! Of course, by that time the little fellow had escaped. Wasn’t he smart! He somehow knew I couldn’t see with my eyes full of sand and water.
The spider, the wasp and the bee defend themselves by their bite or sting. Snakes are defended by their ugliness, their strength, and also their terribly poisonous bite.
Brilliantly-colored birds are very easily seen in trees and bushes. So the Lord protects them by giving them swift flight. Some of the large, brightly-colored birds, like the parrot, have such very strong beaks and sharp claws that their enemies are afraid to attack them. Eagles fly so high and so swiftly that other birds can’t follow them, and the hunter can’t reach them.
Lions defend themselves by their strength and so do elephants. They also have speed and can hurry away quickly. The Lord made alligators without the ability to run very fast, but He gave them a coat of armor, thick, hard, and stiff, to protect them in their slow progress. He also gave them many sharp teeth and tremendously strong jaws and tail.
The turtle is a strange little animal. It has a “house” made of a very hard substance, almost as hard as stone. When danger is near, it pulls back into its house, closes all the “doors” and “windows,” and waits to see what will happen. If a dog barks, it does not open the “door” to see what is going on. It knows better. The dog would try to pick it up. As long as it stays in its shell, the dog cannot kill it. There is no taste to the shell, so nothing wants to eat it.
So, you see, all living things have some means of protection—even children like you. The heavenly Father knows that boys and girls are not very wise or strong. So He gave them fathers and mothers to take care of them and give them food and clothes. And He provided the Lord Jesus Christ to protect them from sin and Satan, the worst enemies of all. The Bible says, “The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). That means that Jesus died on the cross so that God wouldn’t ever have to punish you for your sins. Wasn’t it good and wonderful of Him to do that for you! “Giving thanks always for all things unto God” (Ephesians 5:20).
No one is safe from sin and Satan unless he belongs to the Savior. But all who trust Him are safe. Boys and girls, have you put your trust in Jesus? If you haven’t, won’t you do it right now? Accept Him as your Savior. Then He will always defend you against all enemies.
Just as the turtle has its shell and the alligator its thick, hard hide, so boys and girls who trust the Lord Jesus are given armor for defense. Read about it in Ephesians 6. Every part of it represents the Lord Jesus in His protecting care. He keeps the thoughts and minds of those who believe His Word. He guides the feet in paths of obedience as taught in the Bible. He will love you through life, through death, and through eternity.
MEMORY VERSE: “Giving thanks always for all things unto God.” Ephesians 5:20
Mr. Nelson's Mistake
Early one winter morning as I drove down our street, everything was covered with six inches of beautiful new snow.
I drove past Mr. Nelson’s home. Instead of a wide cement driveway back to his garage, he has two narrow cement strips, just wide enough for his car’s tires . . . if he drives straight. This snowy morning I suddenly noticed something. Oh, oh. Mr. Nelson missed his driveway strips. There were his car tracks for everyone to see, about three feet off the snow-covered cement strips.
A short time later I had an errand up the street. When I reached Mr. Nelson’s driveway, I chuckled. He had taken a shovel and filled in those telltale tracks with snow, thinking he could hide his mistake. But no matter how carefully he tried to smooth over those tracks with the snow he added, he could never hide them. He only made his mistake more noticeable. The only way to erase his mistake was for the snow to melt.
Our sins are like that. We may think we have hidden them, and sometimes we can hide them from our parents and friends for a time. But there is One who knows the thoughts we have deep inside; we can’t hide one sin from God. He said, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).
The Bible tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Jesus has washed away all my sins. Have you let Him wash away yours?
The Wonders of God's Creation: Wolves Are Tough
“Beware of false prophets [teachers] . . . in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
It’s often hard to tell one species of wolf from another, because there may be several colors of fur in one pack. They are rather handsome animals. Those in Europe are mostly gray in color, while the North American wolves may be white, gray, brown or black.
Few dogs match them in size. Some wolves measure as much as six feet from nose to tip of tail and may weigh 150 pounds or more. They also have longer legs and larger feet than dogs. Incidentally, the animals called prairie wolves are actually coyotes, but all are part of the dog family.
Large numbers of wolves live in the middle areas of the North American continent and in smaller numbers in almost every other part of the United States and Canada. There are estimated to be more than six thousand in the state of Alaska, most staying there year-round. A few are in Glacier National Park, Montana, and some are beginning to show up in other national parks.
All wolves have sharp eyesight along with a keen sense of smell and hearing, so that it is difficult for hunters to get near them. Wolves can travel for hours at about 20 miles per hour. They are master hunters and experts at hiding, sometimes pressing against a big rock or the side of a bare hill that matches the color of their fur. A person might walk close by and never see a well-hidden wolf.
Wolves have strong family ties and often mate for life. Pups get lots of attention, not only from both parents but also from others in the pack. They soon outgrow that time of life and are assigned a place in the pack when hunting or traveling.
Each wolf, regardless of age, is always in its own position in the pack. The pack leader is never challenged unless seriously injured or getting old, when it’s time for another leader to take over. Packs often travel great distances in their search for an elk, deer, caribou or occasional bear that is not too big for them to handle. When on its own, a lone wolf is continually looking for smaller prey, including rabbits, weasels, squirrels, birds and even large insects, frogs and fish.
The Bible often warns about false teachers, as in our opening verse. They are like vicious wolves, wanting to capture us with their evil ideas. But the Bible also provides excellent instruction to any who want to turn away from evil: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things [the good and pure things] shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
Another verse tells us that “the word of the Lord [endures] forever” (1 Peter 1:25). Are you trusting in the Bible’s pure and sure promises?
A Girl Named Achsah
Achsah was a little girl born in the wilderness long ago. She had many adventures; some were fun and some were unhappy. But there was one thing that made her different from other little girls. Her father was Caleb, and he was one of the few older men in camp.
Why was he still alive when the other older men had died? I will tell you why. God had promised to give the children of Israel the land of Canaan, and Caleb and another man named Joshua were two of the twelve men sent to spy out the land and see how good it was. The men came back and said that it was a very good land, but all except Caleb and Joshua said it would be impossible to take it over because the people living there were too strong.
But Caleb and Joshua knew the unbreakable promises of God. They knew that God would keep His promise to give them the land of Canaan no matter how strong the people were who lived there.
The other men died who spied out the land and gave a bad report. But Caleb and Joshua lived, and they got the land of Canaan just as God had promised.
Do you know some of God’s unbreakable promises? Here’s one: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). No earthquake or explosion in the world can ever break that promise! Do you believe that promise from God?
Caleb’s daughter Achsah grew up to be a very nice young lady, and Caleb looked for a brave, young warrior to be her husband. He said, Whoever conquers the city of Kirjath-sepher can marry my daughter!
The brave young man who conquered Kirjath-sepher was Othniel, and he and Achsah were soon married. But there’s more to the story. Her father had given her a very good south land for their home together, but she needed something more. She got on her donkey and went to find her father. Then she stood and made her request: You have given me a south land. Please give me also springs of water. She knew desert land could not grow much without necessary water.
That was an excellent request! Caleb gladly gave her double what she asked for—he gave her both upper and lower springs. There were no wilting seedlings in her garden! She was willing to be a worker and make sure that her land would supply plenty of food for her family. Her husband Othniel was a conqueror, and together they worked willingly.
Are you a willing worker for God? He has not promised beautiful gardens and plenty of money, but He has promised that He “shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). He doesn’t promise to supply all your wants but all your needs.
If you have not been washed from your sins by the blood of the Lord Jesus, this is your most important need! Here is another of God’s unbreakable promises for you: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
You may read this story for yourself in Joshua 15:16-19.
MEMORY VERSE: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31