Messages of God's Love: 2019

Table of Contents

1. Four Anchors
2. A Kernel of Corn
3. The Wonders of God's Creation: Kings and Emperors of the Penguins - Part 1
4. 30 Below Zero
5. The Wonders of God's Creation: Kings and Emperors of the Penguins - Part 2
6. "Help! We Are Sinking!" (the Shipwreck)
7. The Protector
8. The Wonders of God's Creation: Ever Meet a Walrus?
9. The Bright Red Yo-Yo
10. "Passes Only"
11. The Wonders of God's Creation: Hidden Outdoor Life
12. A Terrifying Hailstorm
13. Am I Really Saved?
14. The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Unusual Monkeys
15. A Letter's Long Journey
16. Indian Arrowheads
17. The Wonders of God's Creation: An Exciting Sight
18. Set 3
19. Lost in the Blizzard
20. A Happy Surprise
21. The Wonders of God's Creation: Likable Sables
22. Ginger's Trick
23. "For Lost Children"
24. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Colorful Parrot Family - Part 1
25. The King Rides a Donkey
26. Smart Jake
27. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Colorful Parrot Family - Part 2
28. Stuck in the Ice
29. The Best Book
30. The Wonders of God's Creation: Animals of Many Stripes
31. The Story of Speedy the Turtle
32. Scamper and Scooter
33. The Wonders of God's Creation: Some Birds Like Poison
34. The Beggar Boy
35. The Dangerous Toy
36. The Wonders of God's Creation: A Glass of Water, Please
37. Traffic Lights
38. The Kitten Mystery
39. The Wonders of God's Creation: A Cat or a Fish?
40. Miracle on the Snake River
41. Lost and Found
42. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Changeable Chameleon
43. Cinder the Spotted Dog
44. Stop for Red Lights!
45. The Wonders of God's Creation: Rhesus Monkeys
46. The Trapped Ducklings
47. Mercy!
48. The Wonders of God's Creation: Friendly Sheep Dogs
49. Just One Mistake
50. Susan Forgot
51. The Wonders of God's Creation: Whales Eat Their Fill of Tasty Krill
52. A Missing Bird
53. An Alert Engineer
54. The Wonders of God's Creation: What Goes on Inside a Beehive?
55. Saved Through a Friend at School
56. Florida's Red Tide
57. The Wonders of God's Creation: Tamarins in Danger
58. The Runaway Cat
59. Bible Questions and Answers
60. The Story of Jacob's Ladder
61. Mr. Mac's Trap
62. The Wonders of God's Creatio: Spiders Aren't Popular
63. A Mother's Care for Her Son
64. Footprints
65. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Fierce Goshawk
66. Bruno and the Blizzard
67. Tornado Soup
68. The Wonders of God's Creation: Farms in the Ocean
69. The Chimney Blackbird
70. The Dangerous Secret
71. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Elephant Seal
72. Another Story of Jacob
73. The Sparrows' Rescue
74. The Wonders of God's Creation: Some Helpful Dogs
75. Treasure in Plain Sight!
76. The Wonders of God's Creation: Are Those Really Eyes?
77. Big Sister Saves Baby Brother
78. Bear's Adventure
79. The Wonders of God's Creation: For Your Sweet Tooth
80. Trooper, the Faithful Dog
81. Do You Learn the Memory Verse?
82. The Wonders of God's Creation: Kestrels and Peregrines - Part 1
83. Who Shut the Door?
84. Something God Cannot See
85. The Wonders of God's Creation: Kestrels and Peregrines - Part 2
86. Tell the Truth
87. The Fishbowl Mystery
88. The Wonders of God's Creation: The White-Tailed Ground Squirrel
89. The Soccer Game
90. The Blind Groundhog
91. The Wonders of God's Creation: Carbon Dioxide and You
92. Sheba the Sheep Dog
93. The Lost Rattle
94. The Wonders of God's Creation: Whistling Swans
95. Desert Fire!
96. Chantel and Lassie
97. The Wonders of God's Creation: An Underground Resident
98. Buried in an Avalanche
99. Matthew's Message
100. The Wonders of God's Creation: Be Thankful for Chickens
101. Tina the Flying Cat
102. Tornado!
103. The Wonders of God's Creation: Butterfly and Moth Facts - Part 1
104. Dishonesty Is Sin
105. A Trip to Alaska
106. The Wonders of God's Creation: Butterfly and Moth Facts - Part 2
107. 06/22/2019 - A Letter From the Radens
108. Cookie the Brave Cat
109. The Wonders of God's Creation: Helpful Oxpeckers
110. The Foolish Frog
111. Mr. Squirrel's Hiding Place
112. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Stately Moose
113. Locked in the Dump!
114. Mother Duck and Her Ducklings
115. The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Honeybees
116. Neither Rain, nor Fever, nor the Measles
117. "Ann, Come!"
118. The Wonders of God's Creation: The White Whale Shark
119. The Rescued Doll
120. The Fawn That Was Saved
121. A Quick Prayer
122. A Lesson From the Blue Jays
123. The Wonders of God's Creation: Charming Sandpipers - Part 1
124. Bubble Gum on His Nose
125. Eggs, Eggs, and More Eggs!
126. The Wonders of God's Creation: Charming Sandpipers - Part 2
127. Trapped
128. A Hungry Red-Winged Blackbird
129. The Wonders of God's Creation: Helpful Guinea Pigs
130. Saved at Sea
131. Protection
132. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lively Marmosets
133. The Baby Goose's Mistake
134. Lost for Seven Years
135. The Wonders of God's Creation: Nitrogen Is All Around You
136. A Close Call
137. The Light Hurts
138. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Manta Ray
139. A Special Act of Kindness
140. Great Love
141. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Prickly Hedgehog
142. The Little Watchman
143. Bible Puzzle
144. The Wonders of God's Creation: Look Out for Water Snakes!
145. Are Bumblebees Fuzzy?
146. God Answers Prayer
147. An Unexpected Experience
148. The Wonders of God's Creation: The Crocodile's Friend
149. The Partridge
150. A Fearless Cat
151. The Wonders of God's Creation: Mushrooms-Good and Bad

Four Anchors

Isn’t one anchor enough?
Perhaps you have heard of the Halifax anchor, which was large enough to hold a strong battleship. It was made of the heaviest iron and weighed ½ ton, but that made it all the worse when trouble came. There was a great explosion on that ship on the morning of December 6, 1917, in the Halifax harbor, and the great iron anchor was thrown two miles through the air, chopping off trees like a lawn mower on grass. About 2000 men, women and children were killed in that explosion, with another 9000 injured, and the anchor did not save them.
There’s a story about anchors in the Bible. One anchor was not enough. They had four, and they had good, experienced sailors onboard who knew how to use them. Did these four anchors save the sailors? Read on and see.
Paul the Apostle was a prisoner on that ship. Inspired by God, Luke wrote about Paul’s journey. You can read his story in the Book of Acts, chapter 27, in the Bible.
The ship sailed on the Mediterranean Sea on its way to Rome, but they were tossed about by stormy weather. After two stormy weeks, they checked to see how deep the water was. They used a line that reached to the bottom of the sea, and each check showed that the water was a little shallower. That told them they must be coming closer to land, but nothing could be seen in the dark, stormy night.
So they threw out four anchors to hold the ship where it was and waited for daylight. Perhaps they were too scared to think about being hungry, but it had been two weeks since they had eaten anything. Paul was not scared, because God had given him a promise of safety all the way to land.
What good is a promise? It depends on who makes the promise. In this case it was God who promised, and nobody, nobody, nobody can break God’s promise!
In the early dawn, Paul suggested everybody on board eat some food, and he set a good example by thanking the Lord and eating. The others all followed and ate too. Then they threw the wheat into the sea to make the ship lighter.
When there was more daylight, even through the rain they could see a creek flowing out from land into the sea. Then they threw off the anchors into sea, and we never hear of those anchors again.
Don’t trust in useless anchors! They may be all right for this life, but they’ll never take you safely into eternity. Be sure you are trusting in the promise of God—”Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3). No useless anchors and no religion will ever take you to God’s city of holiness.
The sailors hoisted the mainsail and the wind drove them to shore where they ran aground. The front end of the ship stuck fast, and the back end was being smashed by the violent waves. The ship was now a total wreck!
Kill the prisoners! cried the soldiers onboard. They might escape!
No! said the centurion who wanted to save Paul. Let those who can swim jump in first, and then let the others grab a broken piece of the ship and float to land.
Who was drowned? Nobody. God had promised Paul that there would be no loss of life, but only of the ship.
If you don’t know God’s promises for yourself, read your Bible and find out. You may lose all your things here, and certainly you will leave them all behind when you leave this world, but you cannot break God’s promise. “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).
Is there an anchor worth trusting? If you read Hebrews 6 you will find the only One. This “hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast . . . even Jesus” (Hebrews 6:19-20). Since He rose from the dead and is already in heaven, and since He is my Savior, He has promised that I will be there with Him someday too.
Is Jesus your Anchor? Will you be in heaven with Him too?
MEMORY VERSE: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36

A Kernel of Corn

Have you ever thought of how even a little kernel of corn can remind us of the Lord Jesus Christ and His work for us on the cross?
A kernel of corn is a seed. On the inside of the little corn seed there is something so wonderful that no one in the whole world can make it, no matter how wise he may be. That wonderful thing is life.
If we plant the kernel into the moist, warm soil, something very interesting happens. The outside body of the little seed will die and a new plant will begin to grow. Soon the growing plant will burst through the top of the ground to enjoy the sunshine and rain from heaven. It will grow and produce ears of corn. These contain many new little kernels, just like the one that was planted and died. One seed died so that a great many more could live!
That’s why the little kernel of corn reminds us of the Lord Jesus and His work on the cross. He died for sinners, He was buried, and He rose again according to the Scriptures. Because of His death, we who have trusted in Him as our Saviour have received everlasting life. And just as it was necessary for the seed to die before there could be many new ones, it was necessary for the Lord Jesus to die so that you and I could be saved and receive everlasting life. You must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your very own Savior in order to receive everlasting life. If you have not yet accepted Him, you are still “dead in trespasses and sins.” Won’t you accept Him right now?
“He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life” (John 5:24).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Kings and Emperors of the Penguins - Part 1

“Unto thee it was showed, that thou mightest know that the Lord He is God; there is none else beside Him.” Deuteronomy 4:35
There are millions of penguins of many varieties. Most live in the cold Antarctic regions. In this and the following issue we will look at two varieties of these birds—the Kings and Emperors.
Penguins walk with a clumsy waddle. They stand together in dense crowds, often shrieking noisily at one another. They cannot fly, but they are excellent swimmers. Their strong wings act as flippers and, along with their webbed feet, provide power for diving and swimming. They can dive more than 800 feet deep and stay below as long as 15 minutes. The Creator, who made the salty oceans their homeland, made it possible for them to drink salt water and eat snow since freshwater is hardly ever available.
King penguins avoid ice and snow when possible and prefer small islands in the sub-Antarctic with bare or rocky shores. Great numbers crowd together so tightly that from a distance they look like a pretty carpeted field.
They are brightly colored. Their heads are deep brown or black, fringed with red at their necks with a strip of orange and yellow. Backs and wings are dark blue, contrasted with white bodies. Orange spots on each side of their head look like brightly colored earmuffs.
A pair does not make a nest as most birds do. Instead, when the single egg is laid (on bare ice), the male takes over its care. He works it into a warm spot between his two feet and covers it with a soft pouch the Creator has provided for this purpose. He stands there for nearly two months, without food or water, turning the egg over from time to time.
Amazingly, the female, who has been feeding in the ocean all this time, returns the very day that the baby hatches out. (How did she know the right time?) She then takes over feeding the chick with pre-digested food. Meanwhile the male takes to the water, stuffing himself with seafood and returns in two weeks to help out. From then on the parents follow the two-week, switch-over schedule until the little one can take care of itself.
Here is another example of God’s care over all His creation, far beyond our ability to understand. The Bible tells us that “known unto God are all His works” (Acts 15:18), but nothing compares with the care He shows to every human being. The Lord Jesus gave His life on the cross to pay for the sins of all who know Him as Savior. How can we know Him as Savior? When a prison keeper asked, “What must I do to be saved?” the answer was, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31). Do you believe on Him and have the eternal life He promises?
(to be continued)

30 Below Zero

Minnesota winters can be harsh and bitterly cold. A 72-year-old man went out in the backwoods to hunt grouse and got lost. He nearly died because of the subzero temperatures and deep snow.
Dave Quiser called his daughter on Christmas Day, 2017, to tell her that he was going hunting and to let her know where he would be. As he drove along the narrow, unplowed logging road, a tire on his pickup truck got stuck in the ditch and wouldn’t budge. He was unable to call for help because he had recently sent his cell phone in for repair. He was forced to spend Christmas night inside his truck, running the engine and heater to keep warm in the 30-below-zero freeze.
When his daughter didn’t hear from her father by that evening, she got worried. She had neighbors check to see if he was home, and when he wasn’t, she called 911. It was 10 p.m. on Christmas night. Immediately, a search-and-rescue party was formed to find Mr. Quiser. Though they searched all night, they were unsuccessful in finding him.
Mr. Quiser was not where he said he would be. Ten miles into the logging trails from Cook, Minnesota, he had been backing out from a narrow logging road when he got stuck. He was actually a couple of miles from where rescuers were looking for him. It would not be until just after 4 p.m. the next day, Tuesday, before he would be found by two loggers who happened to be driving down a back county road. They had no idea that rescuers were looking for a missing person. When he was picked up, he was actually another two miles from where his truck was.
Earlier on Tuesday, fearing that he might run out of gas before nightfall and believing that he needed to get to a main road in order to have a chance of being found, Mr. Quiser picked up his walking stick and started on the three-mile hike. “I have emphysema and the farthest I’ve been able to walk is one mile,” he told CBS Minnesota. He started walking. He was actually able to walk for two miles before he finally fell, unable to walk anymore. Then he began to crawl on his hands and knees, ripping the knees out of his pants. On he went through bitter, burning cold. “I couldn’t get up, but I wasn’t going to quit!” he said.
Mr. Quiser’s “never quit” attitude showed how important surviving was to him. He would have most certainly died if he hadn’t reached warmth and treatment. It was also important for the rescuers to find this lost hunter, to the point where they searched through the long 30-degree-below-zero night and into the next day. And it meant enough to Mr. Quiser’s daughter that her father be found that she had called 911 for help. Much time, energy and effort were put forth by all of these people, because they really cared about Mr. Quiser’s scary situation.
But there is something much more important than saving life and limb, as precious as that is. It is your eternal well-being. We all have a never-dying soul and spirit that will either go to be with the Lord Jesus after we die or will go down into hell, separated from God forever. Your soul is your feelings, intellect and emotional make-up; your spirit is that God-conscious part of you. How important is it to you to know God and His way of salvation? “Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). With “all your heart” means that you really care and are seriously committed to making peace with God–you’re “not going to quit” until you do.
Sheldon Sokoloski and his son Prestin decided to go out and move a bulldozer of theirs, which was why they were driving down a back county road. In the gathering darkness, they just happened to see Mr. Quiser crawling on his hands and knees! By this time, he was so cold that he had trouble communicating. Loading him into their truck, they rushed him to the local hospital, which was 20 minutes away. From there, he was transferred to a regional hospital with a burn center. Both hands and feet were badly frostbitten.
“He got lucky,” Sokoloski said. “The county had already plowed the road we were on and I don’t think anyone else would have been driving there that night. It doesn’t get much traffic.”
God was gracious in sparing Mr. Quiser’s life. One doctor even stated that if all continued to go well, he might not even lose any fingers, which would be a great relief to him and his family. His daughter had only praise for the many hundreds of people who searched for her father, and especially for the Sokoloskis who rescued him.
God is graciously offering you true happiness, salvation and eternal life today. Do not look in all the wrong places, such as good works, strange beliefs, or what others believe. Only trust God and His Word, the Bible. God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for your sins. It is only by acknowledging our sinful condition before God and trusting the finished work that Jesus did on the cross, that we can be saved from a lost eternity. Faith in Christ alone will save us. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). To decide for Christ is the most important decision in life that you can possibly make. You will never regret coming to know the Lord Jesus as your own personal Savior. Do not carelessly ignore or shrug off God’s gracious invitation to come to Him!
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

The Wonders of God's Creation: Kings and Emperors of the Penguins - Part 2

“[God] in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10.
In our last issue we looked at the King penguin. Now let’s explore the one called the Emperor penguin. Perhaps both names, King and Emperor, were chosen because these birds are the largest of all penguins. They stand three to four feet high and weigh from 40 to 50 pounds.
There are similarities between the two, but also definite differences. For instance, Emperors do not like grassy or muddy places for homes; they choose only snow or ice in cold Antarctic areas. Colonies may vary from a few hundred to a million or more.
Another difference is in their coloring. The Emperor’s head is black. Its sharp, strong beak is grayish, with a red mouth and bill plates (lips). The yellow of its chest extends partway around its neck, with snow-white below the yellow. Thick, waterproof feathers hide its legs from view. A solid black coat on the back makes a group standing together look like short men dressed in tuxedos.
They mostly stand when not in water. Very seldom does one stoop over unless feeding a young chick. Then the parent bends over to deposit previously eaten and digested seafood in the chick’s mouth.
They seem to enjoy sliding on snow or ice. When they come to a long, sloping, smooth place, they get down on their stomachs and use their strong, narrow wings like arms to push off. At the same time they kick their feet and enjoy a good long slide, like a boy or girl on a sled.
Penguins can swim faster than fish and catch them from behind, using their strong, spike-like beaks. Sometimes they swim at great depths for 10 or 15 minutes. If you have tried holding your breath for even one or two minutes, you will realize how wonderfully the Creator has designed them for this purpose.
Mother and father Emperors incubate just one egg each year. They handle this responsibility differently than the Kings do. The father takes the first turn, holding the egg on his feet in a warm pouch for two weeks (compared with two months for the father King). Then the mother, who has been feeding in the ocean, returns to take her two-week turn, and then they switch again. At the end of about two months the chick hatches, and both parents share in its feeding until it is big enough to care for itself.
As the opening Bible verse indicates, every living thing has been created by God, and He watches over all. When He gave life and form to each creature, He “saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:21). Although “evolution” tries to leave God out, how much better to believe the truth—what God tells us in the Bible.
Set 2

"Help! We Are Sinking!" (the Shipwreck)

“SOS . . . SOS . . . SOS.” The radio operator sent out his call for help: “HELP! WE ARE SINKING!” Far out on the Pacific Ocean a little ship, the Helen B. Sterling, was fighting to stay afloat in a terrible storm. Mountain-high waves were sweeping over her decks. Again and again they crashed over the ship. Water was pouring in through several damaged areas, and it seemed that it would be impossible to keep the ship afloat much longer.
Going again to the radio cabin, the captain told the operator to continue sending out the SOS call. Maybe someone somewhere would pick it up, although the captain knew there was little hope of another ship being close enough.
Are you aware that you need help? Do you realize that you are in danger because you have sinned—and that you cannot help yourself? Or are you still looking around to see if there is something you can do to please God? We know from the Bible that there is only one way to be saved from our sins, and that is through the Lord Jesus Christ. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).
The Lord Jesus loves you and is waiting for your SOS call for help. Do not be afraid, like the captain was, that no one will hear. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1). He is waiting and wants to save you. He shed His blood on the cross so that sinners just like you and me can be saved. All that you have to do is believe that He died for your sins.
The storm grew worse, and the brave sailors realized that they could not last much longer. The ship was beginning to break apart from the constant pounding of the waves. Again and again the radio message went out: “SOS . . . SOS . . . SOS.” Would anyone hear?
Many miles away the Australian battleship Melbourne was steaming toward home. Suddenly the SOS call from the Helen B. Sterling was received on the radio, and the message was quickly sent to the captain. Immediately the great battleship changed her course and at full speed headed toward the sinking ship.
As the hours passed, the Sterling, battered by the mighty waves, was slowly filling up with water. Could the Melbourne reach her in time? It seemed impossible.
Going to the radio cabin again, the captain had the following message sent out: “Can’t last another hour! Waterlogged. Sea sweeping right over us. Clearing boats, but impossible to survive in these seas . . . Good-bye.”
Is this the call of your heart and life? I hope that it is! As sad as it may seem, it is only when we know that there is nothing we can do to help ourselves that we will turn to God, who has been waiting to save us. He is willing, able and wants to save us. We only need to tell Him!
Although the message from the Sterling was sent without any hope of a reply, the answer from the Melbourne was “music” to their ears: “We are certain to reach you! Keep heart!”
The captain of the Melbourne kept his word. Just before the Sterling sank, the great battleship came alongside. With much difficulty the crew of the sinking ship was brought on board to safety!
Sometimes boys and girls don’t really understand that they cannot get to heaven while they still have their sins. To be rescued from their sins, they must first call to God for help. The battleship Melbourne would not have even known about the Sterling if the call for help had not been sent. But God loves you and knows all about you, and He is just waiting for your call to be saved.
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).
MEMORY VERSE: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6

The Protector

Many of us have seen llamas either on a farm or in a zoo. The llama has thick, brown hair, a long neck and looks something like a small camel, but it does not have a hump. It is a strong animal, eats grass and low shrubs, and does not need to drink much water. The llama is used as a pack animal, especially in South America. When a llama is angry or being attacked, it will become aggressive and might even spit in its enemy’s face, even if it’s a person.
We visited a family that has seven sheep and one llama. The sheep often follow the llama around the pasture, but the real reason for keeping them together is for the llama to guard the sheep. If dogs, other animals, or even people come near the sheep, the llama will chase them away. The llama is a protector for those sheep.
Isn’t it good to know that if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, He is guarding you at all times? He tells us in Psalm 34:7 that “the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him.” Do you know Him as your Savior and protector?
During summer when the weather is hot, the sheep and llama will spend the day in the barn or find shade elsewhere. But when evening comes, the llama heads for the pasture and nearby river to graze and drink, and the seven sheep follow along. It was interesting to watch them walk in single file across the pasture, always together with the llama in front. The llama was like a shepherd to those sheep.
Are we who know the Lord Jesus following Him, our Shepherd, to the green pastures and still waters of His Word? He not only wants to protect us, but He also wants us to enjoy the food and water He has for us in His Word, the Bible. “How sweet are Thy words unto my taste” (Psalm 119:103). His Word can also be our guide to lead and protect us. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105). Are you reading God’s Word daily and enjoying its sweetness and guiding strength?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Ever Meet a Walrus?

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.” Psalm 145:3
What a marvelous sight it must be for a person standing on an Alaskan cliff to see a great mass of huge, brown walruses sprawled on the ocean shore below. There are sometimes hundreds or thousands of them—some lying on their stomachs or sides and others lying on their backs—all pressed tightly together with their long, white tusks pointing in every direction!
None seem to worry that the sharp tusks of others might stab them. However, a latecomer working his way through the mass is always met with angry snorts and grunts and even some jabbing with the tusks, but not enough to really harm it. Seems like they are saying, “GET OUT OF HERE!”
Walruses live only in the cold Arctic, far from civilization. They eat about 200 pounds of clams, snails, oysters, fish and other marine life daily from the ocean. When not busy looking for food, they like to rest on shore, sprawling closely together to share each other’s warmth. At certain times of the year, these masses break up into smaller groups.
These giants continue to gain weight. An old male may weigh 2000 to 3000 pounds! Their entire bodies are covered with a thick, black layer of wrinkly blubber, covered with orange-brown hair, providing wonderful insulation, just like a warm blanket, from the icy-cold waters.
Walruses are anything but pretty. They have puffy, whiskered muzzles with long tusks that point downward from their upper jaws. These tusks are actually extra-long teeth, 6 inches or more in diameter and taper to a sharp point at the end. They are about 36 inches long and weigh about 12 pounds each.
The Creator designed their tusks to handle several jobs: for protection from their enemies (polar bears), for pulling themselves up on the ice, and for digging shellfish from the ocean bottom. Tusks of the males are much longer and thicker than the females’.
Eskimos are now the only people allowed to hunt walruses, and for many they are a main source of food. Catching one is a great event, not only for the amount of meat it supplies, but for its valuable ivory tusks and its skins which make good leather.
Animals such as these may seem strange to us, but they have a definite place in God’s creation. When we think of all He has created, small and great, we can only agree with the Bible verse that says, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11).
King David said, “Happy is he...whose hope is in the Lord his God; which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is” (Psalm 146:5-6). This is true happiness.

The Bright Red Yo-Yo

Dear Children,
Let me tell you what happened when Gramma and I went shopping in a big department store in the mall.
We were walking along together in the store and passing the counter where the toys were. I noticed a boy about seven or eight years old trying out the yo-yos. I told Gramma to go ahead as I was quite interested in what he was going to do with them.
I walked around the corner of the counter where he couldn’t see me, just to kind of spy on him! You know, he tried out every color yo-yo there was. He finally decided on the bright red one. It was a beauty! He put his hand into his pocket, brought out his money and counted it, then shook his head as if to say, “Not enough.” He counted it again, and then put the money back into his pocket. Then guess what? Quick as a flash, he grabbed that bright red yo-yo and put it in his pocket!
I know what you’re thinking—”Uh-oh, Grampa, that’s stealing!”
Yes, children, that is stealing. God has said in His Word, the holy Bible, “Thou shalt not steal” (Romans 13:9). Do you think this young boy knew that what he did was a sin? Yes I do, and I know you believe it too. If he didn’t know it was a sin, he would not have picked the yo-yo up so quickly and hidden it in his pocket!
So I walked around the corner very quickly and said in a real gruff voice, “What did you put in your pocket?
Boy oh boy, did he ever jump! And at the same time he put his hand into his pocket, pulled out the yo-yo and threw it back onto the counter! And he said with a very shaky voice, “Nothing, mister, nothing...Are you a policeman?”
Well, that was another sin, because he told a lie! Two sins in less than a minute!
I did not tell him if I was a policeman or not. But in a gruff voice I asked him, “Why were you going to steal that yo-yo?
This time he told the truth. He answered, “I don’t have enough money to pay for it.”
So what should he do now? He wants the yo-yo, but he doesn’t have enough money to pay for it? Children, no one in this world has enough money to buy a place in heaven either. Your sins and mine must be forgiven, and they can be forgiven, because God’s Word says, “The blood of Jesus Christ His [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). It also tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 that being cleansed from our sins is a gift of God. Jesus paid the price, so it’s free!
“But, Grampa, what happened to the little boy?”
Okay, I’ll tell you. He and I counted his money again—not enough. Then I reached into my pocket and pulled out some coins, put some into his hand, plus a little extra because I told him there is tax that has to be paid too. He picked up the bright red yo-yo, looked me right in the eyes and said, “Mister, thanks a whole lot!” I watched as he almost ran to the checkout counter with his prize.
I wondered if he would tell his classmates at school how he got the yo-yo. I thought about the man in the Bible who the Lord Jesus spoke to and said, “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee” (Mark 5:19).
Maybe you can sing this little song:
Telling others, telling others,
My work now is telling others;
Since the Lord saved me,
I’m as happy as can be:
My work now is telling others.
Lots of love from Grampa & Gramma
MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt not steal.” Romans 13:9

"Passes Only"

Do you know what a toll is? Maybe you have traveled on a toll road or crossed a toll bridge where you have to stop at a closed gate. You must pay a fee before the gate will open, and then you can drive through and continue on your way.
As we were driving on a toll road with many lanes of traffic, we came to a row of tollgates. Most cars had to stop and pay the fee. However, there was one open gate that had a sign over it that said, “PASSES ONLY, and we drove right on through that open gate without even slowing down.
What made the difference? Since the authorities had provided a way of easing traffic by paying the toll in advance, it was simply that our driver had contacted them and paid the required fee ahead of time. They had given him a small box to stick on his windshield, and this small box was our “pass.” It beeped, and that beep told us that our car was allowed to pass through that open gate. We felt so privileged, and I wanted to announce to all the other cars, “Our toll has already been paid!  ... You can apply for it too.”
The Lord Jesus said, “Not every one that [says to] Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that [does] the will of My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). What is it that will allow one person to enter heaven while another will be turned away? It is simply the fact that anyone who comes to God by the way He has provided will receive a “pass” to heaven. God knew that we are all sinners. He sent His beloved Son to die in our place, and all who truly accept the Lord Jesus as their very own Savior will be given the Holy Spirit to live in them—the proof of God’s ownership. They will find an open gate to heaven—they will not be turned away. God’s promise is sure: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no [way] cast out” (John 6:37).
And the best part is that the invitation to “COME” is offered to everyone! You can get this “PASS” right now and announce to others that your fee has already been paid by the death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you want God’s “pass” to enter through the open gate to heaven, you must get it ahead of time—before you leave this world. Take the time right now to come to the Lord Jesus. Tell Him from your heart that you are sorry for your sins, and accept Him as your very own Savior. He will not turn you away from heaven’s gate.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Hidden Outdoor Life

“Yea, the darkness [hides] not from Thee; but the night [shines] as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee.” Psalm 139:12
Most of us don’t give much thought to the living creatures God has formed to fill important but hidden places in the world around us. The very soil we use for gardens and farming and the grassy lawns we walk on are good examples.
Just a teaspoonful of soil may contain countless tiny forms of plant and animal life that can only be seen with a microscope. The most important of these are bacteria, which help keep the soil clean and replace nutrients when they decompose dead insects and vegetation. Of course, we all know there are a variety of worms and millipedes, as well as moles and other creatures beneath the surface, but we can’t grasp how many there actually are. All of this life is a part of the Creator’s great plan and is important in the process of enriching the soil in which much of our food is grown.
Rocks on a hillside are often covered with moss or other growth, and many living things hide underneath these soft covers, including tiny mites, beetles, ants, centipedes, even mice, toads, moths, snails and innumerable other things. Rainwater trapped in a crevice of a rock is often the home of larvae wriggling their way into becoming mosquitoes. A rotting log is also sure to contain untold numbers of hidden life, including microbes, more bacteria, several kinds of ants, termites, slugs, lizards and others.
Enjoying a saltwater beach, few people are even aware that living creatures are hidden in the sand. Tiny crabs, shellfish, various worms, fleas and numerous other insects are there, and a great amount of unseen life is out in the ocean waters beyond them.
Underwater creatures also hide under rocks or around underwater vegetation in streams, ponds and swamps or in the shelter of an overhanging tree. You would be amazed at all the nymphs, larvae, crawlers, worms and even spiders down there, along with others which become an important source of food for tadpoles and fish.
But there is One from whom nothing can hide—the Creator Himself who made it all. The Bible reminds us, “There is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested [made known]” (Mark 4:22).
If any reader is trying to hide from God, it is impossible, “for His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He [sees] all his goings” (Job 34:21). Just stop and consider that He knows all about you, and realize how important it is to say, as the psalmist did, “Show Thy marvelous loving-kindness, O Thou that savest by Thy right hand them which put their trust in Thee.... Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings” (Psalm 17:7-8). Have you put your trust in this loving Savior?

A Terrifying Hailstorm

The cows were all lying dead in the field one day, and their keepers were lying dead beside them. Whatever could have happened? I’ll tell you the story. And since this is one of God’s stories from the Bible, we may be sure that it is true.
Pharaoh, king of Egypt, was using the children of Israel as slaves to make bricks for his building projects. God told Pharaoh, “Let My people go!”
No! said Pharaoh. He wanted to keep them as slaves.
Perhaps you said “No” to God and to His Son Jesus yesterday when He reminded you again of your sins. Nothing bad happened, and you got up this morning healthy and well. So did the Egyptian people . . . for a while. But God sent them nine warnings before He sent the tenth one—death of their firstborn. Has He sent warnings to you?
One of those nine warnings was a furious storm of thunder, lightning and hail so huge and heavy it pounded everything flat, including people and animals. If the weather forecast warned you of a terrible storm like that, you would make sure that you and everything you owned were in a safe shelter. But this warning to Pharaoh was not from the weatherman; it was from God, and Pharaoh did not listen!
Do you listen to God? He never makes mistakes. His Word tells you over and over again that God will punish this sinful world. Do you have a safe shelter from that punishment?
Perhaps you don’t know where to find shelter. That’s why God gave us the Bible, and that’s why we are telling you this story. Jesus, the Savior of sinners—Jesus, who died for our sins and rose again and lives in heaven—Jesus, the Son of God, is the perfect and only shelter from that judgment which God has warned is coming against sin and sinners.
There were some Egyptians who feared God and listened, and they brought their livestock home. But I’m afraid that word “some” did not include very many. There was no escape from the pounding hail and fiery lightning for anyone or anything left outside. The fields were covered with the dead bodies of people and animals.
Pharaoh cried out to Moses to ask God to stop the deadly storm. You notice that Pharaoh himself did not cry to God. He had to beg Moses to ask God to stop the storm. But God loves you, and He wants to hear a cry from your own heart, not just asking for peace and good health, but to cleanse you from all your sins by the precious blood of Jesus. Do you see that sin is the real deep-down problem in your life?
Moses stretched forth his hands toward heaven and the hailstorm stopped. This did not bring life again to the cows and their keepers, and it did not teach Pharaoh his lesson—that God is true and He must be obeyed.
From the rest of the story in the Book of Exodus, it is plain that Pharaoh never learned. Will you listen and learn? You can never get past the power of God, and you can never guess the love of His heart until you come to Him through Jesus. You will find that “God is love” (1 John 4:16). What He will do for you is a million times better than stopping a hailstorm! In His mighty love and power, He will do far more than all you ask or think.
“In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge [safety]” (Proverbs 14:26).
MEMORY VERSE: “In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and His children shall have a place of refuge.” Proverbs 14:26

Am I Really Saved?

I was terrified! There was no doubt in my mind that I was a sinner. And I knew that there was a place called hell—a place of total darkness where people were sent forever who had never confessed to the Lord Jesus that they were sinners and let Him wash their sins away. I knew it was all true, because the Bible said so, and I believed the Bible.
Because I was so afraid, I did what the Bible said—I called upon the name of the Lord and asked Him to save me from my sins. Romans 10:13 says, “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” But still I wasn’t really sure I was saved. Questions would come into my mind like, Do I really believe? What if I don’t really trust enough? and other scary thoughts. I also knew the Lord Jesus was going to call all the Christians to heaven sometime soon, and I was afraid I would be left behind. So I memorized my uncle’s telephone number, and I would call him if I came home and my mother wasn’t there and she hadn’t told me she would be gone when I got home from school. When he answered and said “hello,” I would hang up without talking, so relieved that he was still there. I knew that when the Lord came to take all the saved people to heaven, my uncle would go with the rest of the Christians. So when he answered the phone, I knew the Lord Jesus hadn’t come back yet. Whew!
Was I really saved? Yes, God’s Word says so! He didn’t say “might be saved,” but “shall be saved.” I finally became sure that I was truly saved from reading the Bible. One day I read Romans 4, especially the last part of the chapter, and realized that the real question was, Did I believe that God was satisfied with what Jesus did on the cross for me? Oh, yes, of course God was satisfied! It says that He “raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered for our offenses [sins], and was raised again for our justification” (Romans 4:24-25). When I saw how God felt about the wonderful work His Son had done, then I was sure that I was saved. I realized that my being saved doesn’t depend on how I feel! It only depends on what the Lord Jesus has done.
Are you sure that you are saved?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Two Unusual Monkeys

“Behold, God is mighty, and [despises] not any: He is mighty in strength and wisdom.” Job 36:5
All monkeys in South and Central America are active only in daylight hours except for one kind—the owl monkey. People who have seen them tell us they are cute little fellows with velvety gray and white faces, white eyebrows and tiny beards, along with bright yellow chests and underparts.
Although these monkeys are gentle when young, when older they come up with many annoying tricks to play on those who may be caring for them. One writer said, “At a year old they are gentle and affectionate, at two years they are playful but can be annoyingly angry, but at maturity they are simply troublesome and full of mean tricks.”
When other monkeys are getting ready for a night’s sleep at sunset, owl monkeys are just getting started, usually traveling in pairs. They’ve had their sleep during the day. How can they see in the dark? The Creator has provided them with special, large, orange eyes with black pupils, enabling them to find fruits and insects just as easily as other monkeys do in the daytime.
Our second monkey is known as the wanderoo, or sometimes it is called the black monkey. This monkey lives in India. It is very sober looking and acts rather dignified. It has a big head completely surrounded by a wreath of grayish-white thick fur reaching to its cheek, which, like the rest of its body, is coal black.
An adult is about three feet long from nose to the tip of the tail and weighs as much as 80 pounds. Its whole appearance has a dignified and grandfatherly look.
Its manner of eating is unusual. It stuffs its mouth with all it can hold, puffing out its cheeks, before swallowing any of it. This seems to be just another way of showing its dominance over everything around it. The other monkeys don’t seem to argue with it either. Actually, they show it a lot of respect, as some people also do.
These are just two of the amazing varieties of animals and other wild creatures of whom the Bible tells us, “For Thy [God’s] pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11). As we look at the wonders of God’s creation, we can’t help but be impressed. Have you ever agreed with what the psalmist said, “I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old. I will meditate [study] also of all Thy work, and talk of Thy doings” (Psalm 77:11-12)?

A Letter's Long Journey

Hurricane Irma was a vicious storm that struck Florida in the beginning of September 2017. A few weeks later, on September 29, a Key Largo couple was walking around their neighborhood to see what damage had been done. Up against a chain-link fence was a pile of garbage. They noticed a plastic bottle in the pile of garbage, and upon closer inspection they noticed a note inside! Who could have written it, and what did it say?
The Huennigers were amazed to find out that the note appeared to be written by a grade school class. It had traveled all the way from Scotland, which is on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This note-in-a-bottle had travelled over 4,400 miles—a very, very long journey! Here is what the note said:
“We are learning all about Pirates.
We would like to see how far this message goes.
Please write and tell us where you found the bottle.
We are: Class 213, Chapelpark School
Academy Street
Forfar, Angus, Scotland”
But it was missing one important piece of information—the date. How long ago had it been written? Mr. Huenniger didn’t think that the note was that old, since the bottle had no sea life stuck on it, like moss or barnacles. In fact, he said that they had almost missed seeing the note because the bottle was heavily frosted.
Mrs. Huenniger was curious. She decided to write back explaining how the note had been found, and to ask when it had been written. On November 2, she got a response. Fiona Cargill was writing to say that it had been her class that had written the letter over 30 years ago! How surprised the Huennigers were! The letter also said that the students had been second graders and that the school had been closed down in 2008. The mailman had delivered the letter to the replacement school, and they had contacted her, even though she had retired a year ago. The teacher also sent a class picture of the children dressed as pirates.
Since the children thought that pirates would put notes in bottles, they decided that that’s what they would do. A fisherman carried it out to the North Sea to give it the best chance of going a great distance. In all, they had sent a total of five bottles. One of them was found while they were still in class. It had travelled about 500 miles away from Forfar to the Faroe Islands.
These boys and girls were about 7 and 8 years old at the time. Now they would be almost 40 years old! Does that seem very old to you? Add 30 years to your age and see if you think that’s old.
There is a message that has been sent from God to man that is much, much older than 30 years. And it has travelled much farther than 4,400 miles. It has reached every part of the world, reaching every nation. Thousands of years ago, God had men that followed and loved Him write down His message. What a message it is! It tells how God created the earth and how He created man. It tells of man’s fall into sin, and how he became a sinner in the sight of a holy and righteous God. It tells of man’s need of a Savior and of God’s wonderful plan of cleansing from our sins. This is the message told in the Holy Bible, God’s Word.
Because we have all sinned, we have a desperate need. We need to be cleansed from our sins. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Unless we are made pure and clean in God’s sight, we cannot enter heaven. God loves us so much that He does not want anyone to perish in a lost eternity. He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on Calvary’s cross for our sins. He has paid our sin-debt towards God. Now all we need to do is trust Him for our soul’s salvation: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Will you let the Lord Jesus forgive your sins and thank Him for dying on the cross for you? “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9). Put your faith and trust in Him today, and He will give you eternal life. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28). This is God’s wonderful message to you! Will you accept His message to have your sins washed away? Then you will live in heaven after your life on earth is over!
MEMORY VERSE: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Indian Arrowheads

Some friends and I were hiking up a trail beside the river that runs near our home. Lying among the stones and pebbles, we found a lot of old Indian arrowheads made out of flint. The stones and pebbles around them had been worn smooth and round by weather and water, but the flint arrowheads were just as sharp and jagged as when they were made. That’s because flint is hard, dark quartz.
They made me think of our Lord Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever. His love never changes, and His holiness never changes. He will never allow one sin to pass unnoticed or unpunished. But His love for you and me took Him to the cross to bear our sins in His own body. He did not change His mind even though He knew that the people in Jerusalem hated Him and would nail Him to a cross to die. He said, “I set My face as a flint” (Isaiah 50:7) to go to Jerusalem. He also knew God had a wonderful purpose in it all for you and me: “God . . . made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:20-21). That wonderful purpose was that you and I could be saved from the punishment we deserve for our sins.
Do you believe that He died for your sins?

The Wonders of God's Creation: An Exciting Sight

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.” Psalm 19:1
Watching a shooting star streak toward the earth is exciting. Actually there are thousands heading our way most of the time, but they are only visible at night.
Shooting stars are more correctly known as meteors. They begin usually as broken or burned-off particles of comets streaming through space. Countless numbers of them eventually group together in what is called a meteoroid swarm, and when their orbits through space bring them near the earth, some are pulled away from the group by the earth’s gravity. Although invisible until they enter our atmosphere, the friction of passing through air causes them to burn at white heat. This becomes a streak of fire in the sky for just a brief moment. Most break and burn up completely before reaching the ground.
There are regular periods of these displays, usually occurring from midnight to six o’clock in the morning. Late July is one period, as well as early August, late October and early January. Of course, it’s necessary to be away from bright lights to see them really well. And it’s no use looking for them on a cloudy, rainy or foggy night, or even when a full moon is high in the sky.
It is estimated that thousands of tons of meteors enter the earth’s atmosphere every year, and in just one of these displays there may be 200,000 or more visible in a six-hour period.
Larger ones, weighing five pounds or more, produce a much brighter display than the smaller ones. Some of these do land on the earth without completely burning up. These are called meteorites. They rarely result in any damage, as most land in ocean waters, deserts, forests or mountains. Many museums have some on exhibit which were found by hikers.
In a few instances, some have been found that weighed several tons. Near Winslow, Arizona, a historic spot named Meteor Crater is where one of these landed long before America was discovered. The meteor itself is apparently buried deep in the ground but has left behind a huge crater that is well worth seeing.
Many things call our attention to the wonderful creation of the Lord God—so many we can never know them all. But perhaps in heaven He will unveil them, one by one, to those who will be there with Him.
Astronomers admit they don’t have any idea how many stars there are, but the Bible tells us the Lord “[counts] the number of the stars; He [calls] them all by their names” (Psalm 147:4). He has told those who love Him that He is their “Bright and Morning Star” who will soon be coming for them. Will you be one He comes for?

Set 3

Set 3

Lost in the Blizzard

It had been snowing heavily all that Sunday morning. My family and I had been invited to my cousin Bob’s house for dinner. After the Sunday worship meeting, Bob took my two oldest children along with his two oldest in his car and started for his house. His family lived in a small town ten miles south of our city. We took Bob’s two youngest children and our youngest in our car but stopped off at home first to put a snow shovel in the car.
As soon as we drove out of the shelter of any buildings, I realized how serious conditions were. It was a whiteout! I couldn’t see beyond the car’s hood, and snowdrifts were forming across the road. I drove about two miles and then decided to turn the car around and go back home. I had to get out two or three times in the bitter cold to shovel the car out of drifts. We finally reached the safety of our home. What we didn’t realize was that we would not know where our loved ones were in the other car from noon until 6:00 the next morning. We simply had to pray to the Lord for their safety. Isaiah 32:2 was our comfort: “A man [the Lord Jesus] shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert [shelter] from the tempest [storm].”
Bob’s wife, Mary, had to stay home that day, so you can imagine the worried phone calls between us all afternoon and evening. In small towns, people often go out of their way to help one another. Mary finally called a state trooper friend who rounded up a big front-end loader and two snowplows. They started at midnight, digging their way toward the city, through the sub-zero, howling blizzard. Finally, at 6:00 the next morning, they came to a group of 40 cars stuck in large drifts! Among them was Bob’s car, and all were safe and warm inside!
We were so grateful to Bob for his care of our children and to our Lord Jesus who watched over their safety. We were thankful that Bob also had a full tank of gas starting out. This permitted him to run the car’s motor and heater from time to time to keep them all warm.
A few travelers stranded in the snow that night ran out of gas. Some died in their cold cars, and some left their cars and died in the deep snow. They remind us of the five foolish virgins in Matthew 25 who had no oil in their lamps. They were not true Christians, cleansed from their sins; they were “pretending” Christians. When the call came to meet the bridegroom, who is like Jesus, the door was shut, and they were left outside to die in their sins. Do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to take your sins away? Or will you be left behind to die in your sins and suffer the punishment for them?
A rescue team was sent out to those lost in the snowstorm, and God has sent His beloved Son to rescue sinners from dying in their sins. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish [die], but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). When God’s Son was born into this world, the angel proclaimed: “Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). In Luke 19:10, Jesus proclaims, “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
How thankful and happy we were to hold our dear rescued children in our arms again. I’ve often thought that when the Lord Jesus calls us away and all the saved are caught up to the Father’s house in heaven, safe from the awful storm of God’s judgment on this wicked world, how sad it will be if some of our loved ones are left behind to die in their sins. “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3). “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).
MEMORY VERSE: “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18

A Happy Surprise

Do any of you boys and girls who live in North America watch for the different kinds of birds to come back in the spring? It’s usually in March when we look forward to hearing that first red-winged blackbird’s call off in the distance or that first robin’s cheerful call. Sometimes we see them before we hear their calls. About the same time of year, some of us are expecting to see some much larger birds, the sandhill cranes, winging their way north in large groups of Vs. Most of these cranes make their summer homes much farther north, so we don’t see them on the ground, but we see hundreds of them flying high in the sky.
But there is something very interesting about the sandhill cranes. We don’t see them first—we hear their calls as they are flying, and then we look up to find them high in the sky. Even though we are expecting them, it is always a happy surprise to hear that first group calling as they are flying high overhead. It might still be cold weather, but it’s a signal that spring is on its way! And who doesn’t look forward to spring!
The sandhill cranes’ calls are very unusual. It’s a trumpeting, rattling “gar-oo-oo” that can be heard for more than a mile. Sometimes they are flying so high that we can’t see them, but we can still hear their unusual calls and know that they are up there on their way north, following God’s plan for them.
Many of us are expecting to hear another welcome call, and this one will be coming from the sky too. For those of us who belong to the Lord Jesus, He has promised to come again in the clouds and call us home to heaven. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 that He will call us with a shout and with the trumpet of God! Won’t that be a wonderful sound? And He might call us home to heaven today! Then we will see our Savior face-to-face and live in His happy home in heaven for all eternity.
But sadly, not everyone will hear the Lord Jesus’ call. There are many boys and girls and grown-ups too who have never accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They will not be included when He calls those who belong to Him to heaven. They will be left behind for God’s judgment.
What about you? Are you expecting to hear that wonderful call that might come any day? It will be such a happy surprise!

The Wonders of God's Creation: Likable Sables

“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21
Although a member of the weasel family, sables look very similar to pine martens, both being about the same size. They have cute, small, pointed faces, with sharp little button noses, dark eyes and large pointed ears, usually held upright.
A typical full-grown sable will be about 20 inches long, including its 5-inch-long, bushy tail. They are nimble little beauties. The color of most varieties is a rich-looking, glossy dark brown on the upper parts of their bodies and gray on their heads, with a pretty yellowish shade under their throats and bellies. However, the ones of highest value are those that are almost black on the backs and sides, with an orange or white area under their chins.
Furriers love to receive these beautiful furs from the trappers. They make warm, snug-fitting hats for both men and women, as well as luxurious, expensive coats and jackets. A choice fur will sometimes bring the trapper enough money to live on for a year, and a well-made lady’s sable fur coat might sell for $100,000!
Sables are found in many places, including Siberia, Mongolia, China, Korea and some of the north Pacific islands. But because of the extremely long, very cold winters where they live, the Siberian sables are the most valuable of all, because their fur is thicker, glossier, softer and more durable than all others. Many refer to them as “soft gold,” and over 100,000 of these are bought yearly by furriers in many parts of the world who pay high prices for them.
Actually, since the entire world is plagued with troubles of many kinds, these high-priced pieces of fur clothing are no longer very popular for several reasons—their high cost and the rarity of these animals. This means that the rare sable may not be in such extreme danger of being wiped out by trappers much longer. Many of us will be happy to see that take place.
How about the sables themselves and their way of life? As long as trappers leave them alone, they do well with a mixed diet of nuts, berries, insects and an occasional small animal, as well as birds’ eggs and fish available in shallow waters. These nimble little beauties are surprisingly clever at avoiding the many traps that are set out for them by trappers. Hopefully, as the demand for their fur actually decreases, their numbers will increase.
The Bible verse quoted at the beginning does not mention sables, and it is not likely that Adam and Eve had coats made from them. The Creator purposed for these nimble animals to live in colder lands rather than the Garden of Eden. But they were, and still are, part of His creation, in which He delights.

Ginger's Trick

Peter and Joy were spending their summer vacation at their aunt and uncle’s farm in the country. During breakfast one morning, Aunt Margaret told them some sad news. She said that their Uncle Bob had to let his hired man, Joe, go because he had left the field gate open for the third time in two weeks. As a result, the horses had gotten out onto the road. Peter and Joy were very disappointed since Joe was their special friend on the farm.
When they prayed together after breakfast, the children added a special request that Joe would be able to come back to the farm.
As they walked across the farmyard, Joy said, “I’m sure Joe is being blamed for something he didn’t do.”
“I agree,” replied Peter. “He’s always careful about all the gates. In fact, he’s gone back lots of times to make sure they were fastened.”
“Look, Peter! Here comes Joe!”
Both children waved to the young man who was coming down the road carrying a basket. He told them he was sure he had fastened the gate each time and that he would like to know how it opened by itself. Joe seemed unhappy, and the children tried to cheer him up.
“We believe you, Joe.”
Then Peter told Joe about their prayer and asked if he had prayed about it too. Joe smiled and said that he did not believe in prayer.
This came as a surprise to Peter and Joy. They told him that they prayed about lots of things. They shared with him some of the answers they had gotten to their prayers.
“Well, guess I’d better get busy. I’m going to pick blueberries,” Joe said as he jumped off the gate they had all been sitting on.
“Sounds like fun! Can we come along too?” asked Peter.
“Sure, but you’d better ask your Aunt Margaret first.”
In a flash, Joy swung off the gate, saying to Peter, “You wait here. I’ll run and ask Aunt Margaret if we can go.”
Peter sat on the fence watching Ginger and Clover, Uncle Bob’s two horses in the next field. Then something strange happened. The horses came up to the gate, and Ginger put his head over it and began to work on the latch with his mouth. Imagine Peter’s surprise when the gate opened and out trotted the horses down the road.
The children’s prayer had been answered. The mystery of the open gate was now solved! But Peter realized he’d better do something quick—the horses were out and headed down the road again!
He called over to Joe who was picking blueberries, and he came running. Peter told him what had happened, but Joe didn’t wait to hear much. Telling Peter to go get his uncle, Joe took a shortcut across a field hoping to catch the horses.
Ginger and Clover, who were enjoying their freedom, soon saw Joe waving a stick when they turned on the bend in the road. They stood still for a moment, and then they turned obediently and trotted back. They had not gone far when they met Peter and his uncle in the pickup. They followed the horses home and locked them up in the stable.
Later back at the house, Peter explained to everyone what Ginger had done. When Uncle Bob heard, he laughed and said, “Now I know why Ginger was sold so cheaply—mine aren’t the only gates that horse has opened.” Then he turned to Joe and said, “I’d like to thank you for your promptness in getting the horses. And I’m sorry for blaming you wrongfully. I hope you will continue to work on my farm.”
Joe thanked him and said he was glad it was all straightened out and that he would like to continue working on the farm.
Peter and Joy were so pleased. Everything had turned out as they had prayed it would. They explained to Joe that God was answering their prayer at the very moment when Joy told Peter to wait at the gate while she went to ask Aunt Margaret about picking blueberries. If Peter had gone with her, he would not have seen Ginger open the gate.
This impressed Joe very much, and he thought to himself how he wanted to learn more about the children’s prayer-answering God.
Wouldn’t you like to learn more about the loving God who has promised to those who believe in Him, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1)? It is only by admitting that we are sinners and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior that we can have these promises: “The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:6). And, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).
Won’t you accept Him as your very own Savior right now?
MEMORY VERSE: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5

"For Lost Children"

Some years ago a group of Christians was holding open-air meetings on the boardwalk at South Beach, Staten Island, in the city of New York. It was a Sunday afternoon in the middle of the summer season, and the boardwalk was crowded with people.
A tall man began to preach the gospel. He pointed to a fenced-in area near where the meeting was being held and called attention to a sign on the fence which read, “FOR LOST CHILDREN.”
The preacher, who had six lively children of his own, told the crowd that he had carefully shown this enclosed area to his children and read them what the sign said. Then he explained to them that if they ever got lost in the crowd on the boardwalk, they were to look for the enclosed area with that sign and wait in it for Dad and Mom who would look for them there.
It is frightening to be lost, but to admit that you are a lost sinner is a good thing, for the Bible tells us, “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save what which was lost” (Luke 19:10). The Lord Jesus left heaven above to come here to seek and to save those who are lost in sin. He died on the cross and shed His precious blood to save us and bring us to God. Have you ever admitted to God that you are lost and want to be saved?

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Colorful Parrot Family - Part 1

“[The Lord God] doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” Job 9:10
Parrots are one of the few kinds of birds that can be captured in the wild, taken into a house or aviary and soon become “one of the family.” They are popular as pets because they become affectionate and tame and can be taught to talk. Probably many of you have had some contact with parrots.
Some parrots not only mimic people with words plainly spoken, but they also learn how to use them. Some will call for certain foods by name or greet people with a loud “hello” or “good-by.” Some have even been taught to call out the word “want” for something they want, as well as “no” when they don’t want what is being offered to them. However, teaching a parrot to talk takes a lot of patient training, and not all parrots can learn that much.
There are many varieties of parrots, ranging in size from the small, brilliantly colored lorikeets of Australia, which are about 10 to 12 inches long, to the largest, the hyacinth macaw of Brazil, which measures about 40 inches from beak to the tip of its tail. These are a deep blue color all over, except for yellow eyes and a small yellow band across the neck.
The 315 species of parrots are found in many parts of the world, including Africa, the Philippines, southeastern Asia, Australia and New Zealand. About half of the species are found in Central and South America, as well as the tropical areas of the West Indies. None are natives of North America.
In their homelands, parrots prefer to nest in holes in dead trees, and with strong beaks and claws, they will enlarge holes that are not big enough. They usually cover the floors of these nests with small bits of wood or leaves. The burrowing parrot is an exception to the tree-nesting parrots. Large colonies of these dig burrows into cliffs close to one another and can make an awful noise when all are chattering or calling at the same time. Another, the night parrot of Australia, hollows out a nesting spot in the base of a clump of coarse, tall grass.
These remarkable birds are included in the opening Bible verse as it talks of wonders of God’s creation without number. He is the One who has provided so great a variety of wonders. Revelation 4:11 reminds us that all were created for His pleasure: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Next week we will take a look at some of the individual species of parrots and their distinguishing colors and habits.
(to be continued)

The King Rides a Donkey

This is a wonderful story, for no king in the whole history of the world would be able to ride an untrained donkey. But this King, who was born in a stable, was the Creator of all things. The fish and the birds and the animals obeyed His commands, including a donkey. Perhaps in this they were wiser than you are. Do you obey His commands?
Jesus sent two of His disciples to go into the city where they would find a mother donkey and a colt tied up where two roads met. They were told to untie them and bring them to Jesus, and if the owner questioned them about it, they would say, “The Lord hath need of him.”
This happened exactly as Jesus had said, and now He was ready to ride to the temple in Jerusalem. And the wonder is that God had the prophet Zechariah record hundreds of years before that this would happen and on this very day.
Is this wonderful God your God? He certainly is mine! And I never want to say His name carelessly as many others do, because I know Him and reverence Him. I wish you knew Him too!
The disciples took off their coats and threw them onto the back of the colt, and Jesus sat on him. Other people spread their coats on the road and cut down branches of palm trees and spread them on the road. Poor donkey? No, he was not a poor donkey! If the branches were in his way, he just stepped a little higher and kept on going. He was carrying Jesus, the Son of God, on his back. That untrained little donkey was the willing servant of the One who created him. The air was filled with shouts, but that little donkey showed no fear.
“Hosanna!” cried the crowds. “Hosanna to the Son of David!” That word “Hosanna” means “bestow blessing.” Perhaps even the crowds did not know why they said this. It is very good to praise the Lord, but better still to kneel and praise Him when you are alone and there is no one but God to hear you.
After that wonderful donkey ride, Jesus went into the temple and found them selling things in there for religious offerings and making money. God had told them long ago how to build a temple for His praise, and now the temple was being used in a wrong way and for themselves. You have heard of the kindness and love of Jesus, but have you heard that He hates sin? Jesus did not destroy those men, but He upset the tables and poured out the money and drove them all out. We do not have a God who does not care if we sin. No, He cares very much!
That very same week the crowds were shouting again. This time the King who had ridden on an untamed donkey was wearing a crown of thorns and was clothed, by the soldiers, in a purple robe, just to make fun of Him. This time the rulers had decided that He spoiled their religion and their self-importance, and the people agreed.
“Away with Him! Crucify Him!” they shouted.
Were you there that day? No, but you have the same decision to make as if you were there. If He were dead, it might not matter, but Jesus is not dead! He is the Son of God, the Savior of sinners. If you say “No” to Him, then you are saying, “Away with Him!” just the same as the crowd did. Since He is living and is coming back, it is impossible for you to go on without a decision.
Jesus loves you and died for you. Won’t you receive Him as your Savior? “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
MEMORY VERSE: “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Smart Jake

One mild day in March, even though snow was still on the ground, the ice on the pond was getting very soft and no longer safe. Two of our grandchildren came to visit us, bringing two of their friends. I warned all of them not to go near the pond since the ice was very soft. They said, “Okay, Grandpa.”
The Lord Jesus has warned us of wrath to come. “Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Matthew 3:7). God knows that judgment is not far away, and so He has given us a way to escape this “wrath” through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The children took our dog Jake outside with them and were having a good time in the wet snow. They would make snowballs and throw them so Jake would chase them. (Gramma and I were watching all this through the living room window.) Then one of the boys got the idea to throw snowballs out on the ice to see if Jake would go after them. But somehow Jake knew the ice was unsafe and would not go out on the pond. God has given some animals instincts that we humans do not understand.
However, while the children watched, one boy decided to try the ice anyway. He got out about two feet and broke through! Now, if the children had obeyed us and stayed away, this would not have happened. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1).
The children knew who they could turn to for help. They came straight to the house as fast as they could run. We were waiting for them at the door. Off came the water-filled boots and wet snowpants.
“What happened?” Gramma asked. She knew all along what had happened. And God knows all things too, for He tells us that “the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3).
“Jake pushed me in,” answered the boy.
“Well,” Gramma said, “if Jake pushed you in, why isn’t Jake wet too?” Now what could he say?
The children finally very sheepishly admitted they had done wrong, and we forgave them. BUT, work had to be done to clean up their disobedience. Clothes had to be washed and dried.
And our Lord Jesus Christ has completed the work for our salvation on the cross of Calvary through His own precious blood. He will wash your sins away if you just run to Him. He is waiting for you.
Will you trust in the finished work of Christ? “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Colorful Parrot Family - Part 2

“Oh Lord, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things.” Isaiah 25:1
A photographer using color film or an artist with a good selection of bright colors will always find parrots interesting subjects.
The parrot called rainbow lorikeet is a good example of one with many bright colors—red, blue, green and orange all blending so beautifully. This one lives in Australia and, contrary to the appetites of most parrots, its food is mainly soft fruit and nectar from plants and trees rather than nuts and seeds.
The blue-naped variety of the Philippines is another very colorful one. The head feathers behind its reddish beak are a brilliant green, with a large patch of blue on its neck (which is how it got its name). The rest of its body feathers are a combination of light green, blue, yellow and black—very pretty.
The country of Peru has an abundance of macaws, which are the largest type of parrot. These weigh between two and four pounds and can reach lengths of nearly 3-1/2 ft. from the beak to the tip of the tail. They also have a wingspan of up to 60 inches. These large parrots have large, yellow beaks, which are conspicuous because the head, throat, neck and shoulders are all bright red. The wings are orange and the body is a brilliant blue. Another feature of macaws is their long, pointed tails which have a blend of green and red feathers—strikingly beautiful birds.
The blue and gold macaw, also of Peru, is well-named. It has bright blue top feathers, and its neck is yellowish-gold in back but black in the front. Its white, round face has a small, sharp, black beak.
Another part of this family lives in nearby Brazil. It is the well-named scarlet macaw. With the exception of a few blue spots, its entire body is a display of brilliant scarlet feathers, including its wings and tail.
The red-spectacled parrot also lives in Brazil. Its name comes from a wide band of crimson-red across the top of its head that also surrounds its eyes. It has a short tail, mostly deep green in color and red on parts of its wings. It is noted for its exceptionally long, strong claws.
If you have a parrot in your home or schoolroom, you may say, “Our parrot isn’t colored like any of those!” That’s an interesting feature of these birds—the Creator has given us such a great variety of parrots that it would be difficult to try to describe them all.
They remind us again of the splendor of God’s creation. And not only has He created them, but the Bible tells us that He watches over them at all times. Do you know that He watches over you with an even greater care? He invites you to “ the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Isaiah 26:4). Is He your Savior?

Stuck in the Ice

It was a beautiful springtime evening, and Mr. Jones had hopes of a nice, smooth overnight ride as he drove his car onto the ferryboat Marine Atlantica. It would be a 96-mile crossing over the Cabot Strait from Port aux Basques, Newfoundland, to North Sydney, Nova Scotia. In the back of his mind, however, he was thinking that this was not the best time of the year to make the crossing, because of drifting ice problems. Each spring the frozen St. Lawrence River breaks up and sends its heavy ice out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This often plays tricks on boats and ships traveling through these waters.
The trip was quiet and smooth for the first hour or two, so Mr. Jones settled in for a little sleep. Suddenly he was awakened by a grinding sound and felt the ferry shake and lurch as it began to pound its way through an ice field. (These ferryboats are built for this task.) However, to his concern, the ferry soon was forced to a stop.
Are we stuck? he wondered. No, the ferry backed up and then pushed forward again with a ramming drive through the ice. They moved on for a while before the ice again forced the ferry to a stop. The ferry continued this backward and forward travel through the ice.
For Mr. Jones and the other passengers, sleep by now was impossible! They all were wondering, Will we make it? . . . Will we get through the ice?
The answer was NO! They finally came to a complete stop—the ice won out! The wind pushing against the drifting ice field held the ferryboat captive. The captain shut down the engines. There was nothing else he could do.
What a reminder this is of how helpless we are. Every man, woman and child born into this world is a born sinner. We have no power to free ourselves from sin. But then comes the sweet ray of sunlight: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6).
By now it was early morning and beginning to get light. Every direction they looked, the passengers could only see the white of the widespread ice field—no other ships and no sight of land. How helpless they felt! What about getting to North Sydney? What about this day’s plans? Needless to say, Mr. Jones and the other passengers were filled with uncertainty.
After another two or three hours of waiting, some thought they heard the sound of a plane. They were right. A helicopter was coming, sent out by an icebreaker boat to find the ferryboat. Help was on the way! Someone had heard they were in trouble!
Boys and girls, do you know that the Lord Jesus has His eye upon you as a poor, helpless sinner in this world? He loves the people He has created, but He doesn’t love their sins. “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Psalm 14:2-3). But there is hope for any sinner, just as there was hope for the stuck ferryboat.
Finally, on the horizon the passengers could see a ship coming. Everybody was so happy and relieved. As they waited for the rescue ship to arrive, Mr. Jones, who loves the Lord Jesus, overheard a father tell his young son, “They are coming to save us.” What do you think crossed Mr. Jones’s mind? He was thinking of how the Lord Jesus first came into the world as a baby. His reason for coming—”He shall save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). The Lord Jesus obeyed His Father’s will—He came all the way to the cross of Calvary to meet us in our need to have our sins forgiven.
The John A. McDonald coast guard icebreaker was a happy sight, as it plowed open a pathway through the ice. Hear that sound! Cracking, rumbling, ice breaking up in every direction—nothing could stop the icebreaker! Its hull was bright red, making it easy for the helicopter to see it from the air. Then, to the eager interest of all the passengers, the icebreaker made a complete circle around the ferry, breaking up the ice and setting it free from its ice prison.
And, boys and girls, are you free from the prison of your sins? “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). What happy, what wonderful freedom for those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior! Yes, they are free from their prison of sin!
Happiness and relief showed on the faces of all the passengers as the engines of the ferry were once again started. Then Mr. Jones suddenly thought, But where is the icebreaker going? Will it leave us? What if we get stuck again?” His fears didn’t last long, for the icebreaker, without stopping, took the lead and broke open a path for the ferryboat all the way to the open waters of North Sydney! Can you imagine how glad Mr. Jones and the other passengers were to drive their cars off the ferryboat and onto the solid ground of Nova Scotia!
And for you children who have accepted the Lord Jesus as your very own Savior, here is one of His promises to you: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). He is an all-the-way-home-to-heaven Savior! Is He your Savior?
MEMORY VERSE: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6

The Best Book

The Bible is the best book,
The book we hold so dear;
A storybook, a picture book,
A book of songs to cheer.
The Bible tells of Jesus,
Now in His home above;
The Bible brings
The message sweet

The Wonders of God's Creation: Animals of Many Stripes

“I [the Creator] know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
Wild zebras graze on the grassy plains of Africa. They group together in either small or large bands, usually on the open plains, but some prefer the rough mountain areas. When the grass is fresh and tall, they eat only the tops. However, if food begins to get scarce, they will nibble lower on the grass stems. Eventually they move to a new location, but each band waits for its strong stallion leader to give the signal before moving on.
Most adult zebras are 4 to 5 feet high at the shoulders and weigh around 500 pounds. They may live 25 years or more. They are members of the horse family and live very peacefully when they are with horses. However, the different species do not mix in breeding.
Snouts, ears and tips of tails are usually plain black. On some the tail reaches almost to the ground, but on others it may reach only as low as the knees.
Zebras have parallel black and white stripes that are arranged in exact designs. On some species, the colors are more a combination of brown and yellow. Each animal’s stripes are distinctive, although they all may appear the same. On some the stripes cover the animal’s complete body, including head, neck, back, stomach and legs, but there are some species with plain white stomachs; also the legs of some have ring-like stripes all the way down to the hooves, while on others these are just half-circles and the insides of the legs have no stripes.
The Creator has provided these animals with special characteristics to help them survive in their often-threatening environment. Besides their stripes that are a camouflage to hide them from their enemies, they have excellent sight, keen hearing and a sensitive sense of smell that quickly detects an approaching enemy. Their reaction to such a threat is interesting. When their sense of smell alerts them a lion is dangerously near, they immediately form a tight circle, with their heads facing in and their sharp-hoofed legs facing out, kicking out as the enemy gets near. The lion, sensing the danger of a hard kick from one of those hooves, wastes no time in leaving.
A Bible verse warns us that we have an enemy threatening us: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). But verse 10 tells those whose faith is in the Savior to resist that enemy by faith in “the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus.” Do you know Him as your Savior?
Set 4

The Story of Speedy the Turtle

It was a delightful warm spring day, perfect for young Jennie to enjoy playing outside. While walking down the street, she noticed a big pile of sand which was being used by some workmen to build a new sidewalk. Suddenly, she noticed something moving in the sand! She stepped closer and discovered a baby painted turtle struggling to get out of the huge sand pile! Jennie realized the turtle would soon die if left in the sand to be covered over by cement, so she picked up the little turtle and brought him home to show her sister and brothers. Jennie’s mom helped her find a fish tank for the turtle to live in, and soon the little creature was swimming happily in the tank.
Did you know that just like the little turtle, you need to be rescued too? Each one of us has gone his own way, and we are stuck in the quicksand of sin. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But God does not want us to keep struggling helplessly in sin; He sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue us. “The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). God sent Jesus into the world, and Jesus died on a cross and shed His blood so that our sins could be forgiven.
Jennie decided to name the turtle Speedy. He needed a resting place in his new home, so Jennie put a small rock in the tank so he could climb up on it and rest. Then she learned that turtles like to eat earthworms. It was great fun to find a long worm in the garden, then drop it into the tank and watch Speedy gobble down the worm, gulp by gulp. Speedy seemed quite happy in his tank.
Jennie put the tank outside the back door each summer day so he could enjoy the warm sunshine. At night, Jennie brought the tank inside so Speedy would be safe in the house. However, one evening she forgot all about Speedy sitting outside in his open tank in the dark.
In the morning, Jennie suddenly remembered the little turtle. She ran outside, but Speedy’s tank was empty! On the sides of the tank, there were some muddy paw prints. They were raccoon paw prints! And raccoons like to eat turtles! Jennie was so sad when she realized that poor Speedy had likely been eaten by a hungry raccoon, prowling about in the dark.
Jennie had forgotten about Speedy, but God will NEVER forget a child of His. He tells His people, “Yet will I not forget [you]” (Isaiah 49:15). Once you belong to the Lord Jesus, you are safe forever. You can never be lost in sin again. Jesus tells us in John 10:28, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” And we are doubly safe because the next verse tells us, “My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand” (John 10:29). We pray that you will move out of the quicksand of sin and into the safety of the Father’s hand! Will you do that right now?
MEMORY VERSE: “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:28

Scamper and Scooter

Scamper and Scooter belonged to six-year-old Amy. She loved her two kittens, and they seemed to love her just as much. They played together in the house and in the backyard.
One day Scamper seemed to be sick. She would not touch her bowl of food and didn’t want to play. Later that day, Amy found her lying under a bush in the backyard mewing sadly. Amy ran to the house as fast as she could. “Mommy!” she shrieked, running into the kitchen. “Come quick! Scamper’s very sick, and I think she’s going to die!”
Her mother quickly went outside to see Scamper. Looking down at the little furry kitten lying limp on the grass, she had to agree. “Oh my, Amy, she doesn’t look very good. But we’ll do everything we can to help her get better.”
Scamper was placed in a big box in the kitchen, and Mother coaxed her to drink a little warm milk. But when bedtime came, she was no better. Even Scooter seemed to mope around without his playful sister.
Amy’s bedtime story from the Bible was about the man, sad and sick with palsy, who was brought to Jesus to be healed. And he went away happy and completely well! As she listened, Amy had an idea.
“Mommy,” she said, “if Jesus can make sick people get getter, do you think He could make Scamper get better too?”
“I’m sure He could, honey, if it is His will. Why don’t we ask Him?”
So at the end of Amy’s bedtime prayer she added, “Please, Lord Jesus, make Scamper better again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Amy got out of bed early the next morning and ran down to the kitchen to see Scamper. The box was empty! Oh my, what has happened? Had her kitty died? Then a loud “mew” came from under the table, and Scamper walked out, stretching sleepily and coming to Amy to be petted. She seemed to be all better.
Mother came in during Amy and Scamper’s happy reunion. “You won’t forget to thank the Lord Jesus for answering your prayer, will you?” she reminded Amy.
So right there in the kitchen, Amy and Mother knelt down beside the kitchen chairs while Amy thanked the Lord Jesus for making Scamper all better again.
Does the Lord Jesus hear a child’s prayer? He certainly does! And His answer will be whatever is best, since He is the only one who knows what is good for us.
Wouldn’t you like to have the Lord Jesus help you each day? If you haven’t already accepted Him as your Savior, come to Him right now, telling Him that you are a sinner and want Him to wash away your sins. Then He will be your Savior too.
“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Some Birds Like Poison

“The tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” James 3:8
The hooded pitohui (pronounced pit-o-hooey) is a bird about the size of a blue jay and lives in New Guinea. Its coloring is a brilliant combination of orange and black. An amazing detail about this bird is that it relies on poison to make its enemies leave it alone.
How does the poison work? Actually it is a very fine substance (like talcum powder) that clings to the surface of its feathers. Any enemy that gets its mouth around any part of the bird’s body immediately lets go and hurries away from the awful poison taste.
People who live there call it a “rubbish bird” and carefully remove all feathers when preparing one for dinner—taking the skin off as well—before roasting or stewing the meat. They say it tastes just like chicken. Incidentally, there are two other varieties of the hooded pitohui that do not have this poison on them.
In the forests of Trinidad, there are long-tailed birds known as violaceous trogons. They are very pretty, with tails black on top and striped like a zebra underneath. The rest of their feathers are a combination of brilliant colors.
These birds often perch on the branch of a tree close to the ground, carefully studying a large, active ant’s nest below them. Suddenly one will fly directly to it, shoving its head and shoulders into the nest, disturbing the ants. Soon the bird becomes covered with ants, even spreading its wings out and allowing the ants to crawl on and under the exposed feathers.
This is all done very quickly, and then it flies back to its roost with many ants clinging to its feathers. Why does it do all this? It is thought that when the trogons get mites or other insect pests that irritate them or cause their skin to itch, they sense that the ants, with their poisonous bites, will go after the pests until they are all gone.
It is not known what the trogons do about the ants after they eat all the pests, but perhaps they fly to the ground again and shake them off so most of them can return to their nest.
The opening Bible verse tells us that our tongues can be full of “deadly poison.” Verse 15 also tells us that this does not come from above (from heaven), but it is earthly and comes from Satan. Verse 17 explains that what comes from God is pure, peaceable, gentle and full of good works. And that’s what He likes to see in each of us.
Is your tongue like verse 15 or like verse 17? We hope it is like verse 17.

The Beggar Boy

As he walked through the marketplace, Ersin’s sandals slapped the dusty cobblestones. It was getting to be late morning with the bright sun rising higher and hotter, and still he had not eaten a bite of food. He looked into the faces of those he passed, searching for someone kind who might give him something to eat.
He walked by a fruit stand full of crates of brightly-colored, ripe fruit. The owner eyed him suspiciously. No handouts here, he thought to himself.
Ersin rubbed his empty stomach. Hunger was twisting it into a knot. Then the wonderful odors of food coming from an outdoor cafe made him turn. He walked over and stood at the edge of the cafe staring. A man and a woman were eating ham and eggs and sipping hot coffee at a table. He could tell they were Americans. He had no problem begging from the people of his own town, but these people were strangers. Ersin watched them eat. As they finished and were about to pay the bill, Ersin went up to the man and woman, meaning to beg only for a coin to buy a piece of fruit. He stood before them, but he was so shy that he could not say anything.
Seeing the boy standing there, the man asked, “Have you eaten breakfast, boy?”
“A coin, Señor, a coin?” the boy begged, hoping to buy only a piece of fruit.
“A coin? No! I will buy you all you can eat! Sit down. Señora, cook this boy all he can eat and give him something to drink. I will pay the bill.”
Ersin ate a meal like he had not eaten in a very long time.
How kind that man was to Ersin. But do you know the kindest man there ever was? The Lord Jesus, like the man who bought the meal, is a kind and generous giver. If we come to Him in our misery and unhappiness, He knows exactly what we need. He knows that sin brings us into misery in this life and will take us into hell after death. He knows that sin is too big a problem for us to handle by ourselves. It is such a big problem that even other men, no matter how wise and kind, cannot free us from the burden of our sins. The Lord Jesus, the greatest giver of all time, is the only One who can save us from our sins and from eternal punishment. And He has already made all the arrangements.
To save us from our sins, the Lord Jesus died on Calvary’s cross. The very One who in the beginning created man died for His creature’s sins. Now all who are truly sorry about their sins and believe on Him receive the gift of eternal life. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Will you come to the Lord Jesus and receive the greatest gift of all? “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Come to Him by faith and you will certainly find out what a giver He is! The Lord Jesus will do more for you than you could ever think: “Unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).
He’s waiting right now to hear from you. “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
MEMORY VERSE: “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23

The Dangerous Toy

Earl was playing in a field near his home one day when he found something interesting. It was a heavy metal canister that looked like it would be a lot of fun to play with, so he tugged and rolled it home to his yard.
There, for the next four years, Earl enjoyed his toy. When he played “Spaceman,” it was his rocket ship. When “Cowboys and Indians” was the game, he rode the canister as his horse. It got dragged here and there and was used in many different ways as he and his friends played together.
Then one day Earl’s mother got a surprise. She was reading the local newspaper and a picture caught her eye. The object in the picture looked a lot like the canister Earl so often played with, so she quickly read what the article had to say about it.
The more she read, the more worried she got. She laid down the paper and looked out the window at Earl’s toy. The newspaper story described a live U.S. Army bomb that had recently been found nearby, and it told how the Army had been called in to dispose of the bomb safely.
Earl’s toy wasn’t another bomb, was it? No, it couldn’t be. After all, he had played with it for four years and nothing had happened. Just the same, the longer she looked at it, the more worried she got until finally, just to be on the safe side, she called the police.
The police came promptly to investigate, and after checking with the Army, they decided that what Earl had been playing with for the last four years was actually another live bomb! Working very, very carefully, they removed the bomb to a safe place for disposal.
Earl had been playing with death for four years without knowing it. How about you? I know you aren’t sitting on a live bomb, but are you doing something even more serious? Are you playing around with the most important matter of your soul’s salvation?
The Bible warns us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Have you taken that warning seriously? God’s Word is serious, and His warnings are plain and clear!
God does more in His Word than warn us of sin and its punishment. He also tells us lovingly of the way we can get rid of our sins and enjoy happiness instead of judgment. He says in Romans 6:23 that “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” John 3:16 also says that “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Don’t play around with something as serious as your soul’s salvation. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior today!

The Wonders of God's Creation: A Glass of Water, Please

“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” Proverbs 25:25
Nature requires plenty of water, and God supplies it in abundance. To our bodies it is truly the fountain of life and accounts for about three quarters of a person’s weight. If you weigh 100 pounds, water will make up about 75 pounds of it. That’s why it is important to drink lots of it through the day, especially when you are active and perspiring.
Animals, birds and insects need water too, in different amounts. Plants, trees and flowers also need water; some can’t survive unless they are growing directly in water. Others, growing on the bank of a river, stream or lake, may not get much rain, but the Creator has provided them with roots that go deep into the soil and draw up a good supply.
Oceans, lakes and rivers are the largest display of water, but again, the wonderful design of the Creator is evident in the great amount of unseen water underground that is available to us through wells and pumps. In addition, the atmosphere contains huge quantities of water that are visible when clouds appear in the sky. It is amazing how suddenly on a sunshiny day the blue sky can turn into threatening, black clouds that release their moisture as rain. Although we may not be aware of it when the sky is clear, tremendous amounts of water are always overhead—millions of tons of it—ready to moisten thirsty soil.
How does all that water get into the air? This is another example of a wonder in God’s creation. Ecclesiastes 1:7 says, “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” Lakes and oceans don’t normally get too full, because evaporation from these bodies of water equals the amount that rain, snow and rivers have added to them.
Some of this evaporation is seen when the weather is foggy. More often we are not aware of it, because the moisture rising invisibly eventually forms new rain clouds or perhaps snowstorms on the mountains and valleys, where it will finally be on its way down the rivers again.
Another way that water evaporates into the air is from plants. Plants take up water through their roots and release it through their leaves.
The Lord Jesus declared, “Whosoever [drinks] of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst” (John 4:14). By this He means that when a person trusts Him as Savior, that person will be filled with the gift of eternal life, and the thirst of their heart is forever satisfied. He invites you to drink of that water right now if you haven’t yet. This is certainly the “good news from a far country” (heaven) that the opening verse speaks of.

Traffic Lights

While driving a car, have you ever gone through a red light and been pulled over by the police? If so, you know how frightening it is to have the policeman talk to you. He will give you a ticket no matter what excuse you give.
However, it is possible to go through a red light without worrying about the police. It only happens when you are in an ambulance. It happened to me once.
My friend and I had taken the private commuter bus to a shopping plaza where we planned to do some shopping. While getting on an escalator, I missed the first step and fell. That caused my friend behind me to also fall, but she didn’t get hurt. I got a nasty cut on my left leg between the ankle and knee. It bled and really made a mess.
The store manager brought chairs for us to sit on. After he called for an ambulance, he wrapped towels around my leg. Our bus driver found us sitting there and he told me, “You will have to go to the hospital to see if there might be a broken bone.” No one likes to go to a hospital, but like it or not, that is where they took me.
First the paramedics came. After putting on a temporary bandage, they slipped on a strange-looking plastic boot. Then I was put on a stretcher and carried to the ambulance.
What a loud, wailing noise that siren made! All the cars on the street quickly pulled over to the side to let us pass. We had the right-of-way and only slowed down for traffic lights as we sped along.
Before long we arrived at the hospital. From the ambulance, I was put in a wheelchair and then wheeled right into the emergency room.
The doctor’s words to me were comforting: “No bones broken, but I’ll have to put in some stitches. It won’t hurt because I’ll make it numb first.” My friend waited in another room. Our bus driver had said he would stop at the hospital a little later to pick us up. So it wasn’t long until we were back home.
The ambulance has every right to go through red lights, and the driver won’t be punished. But the rest of us can’t! God has also put red lights in our lives to slow us down and to make us stop and think. He wants us to think about our sins and their punishment. You know, some people drive through red lights and don’t get stopped by the police—they “get away” with it. But we can never “get away” with our sins. Every one of them will be punished. God gives you a choice about the punishment for your sins. You can accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior by believing that He suffered the punishment for your sins on the cross, and you will go free. “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). Or you can refuse His loving offer of freedom and bear the punishment for your sins in hell forever. “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15).
The choice isn’t very hard to make, is it? Why not settle the matter right now while you’re stopped at this red light, by accepting the Lord Jesus as your own Savior and be free!
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” 1 Peter 3:18

The Kitten Mystery

They were three miles into the Gulf of Mexico on a fishing boat when Maggie spotted something bobbing in the water. At first glance it looked like it could be a sea turtle or a piece of kelp. What else could it be that far out in Homosassa Bay?
As the boat moved closer and slowed down, they could tell it was something alive and could hear its distressing cries. It didn’t take long to discover the object was a tiny, orange-colored kitten. The little creature was paddling furiously and screaming at the top of its lungs.
They were three miles from shore, so where had the little kitten come from? Had it fallen off another boat? How had it managed to survive for even a few minutes in the choppy, saltwater waves? The frantic kitten was doing all it could to stay afloat, but it would have been only a matter of time until its strength gave out. And then . . . we know what the sad ending would have been.
People have sad endings to their lives too, especially those who leave God out and are struggling in their sea of sins. Some don’t seem to care about their sins or try to forget about them. But there are some who, like the little kitten, know they are in trouble and are doing everything they think might help. They paddle furiously in their good deeds and church attendance, but they aren’t any closer to rescue than the kitten was. Deliverance has to come from a rescuer!
Maggie was the rescuer for the little kitten. When the boat moved in closer, she scooped up the water-logged tiny creature, dried him off and kept him with her for the next eight hours, until the boat would dock. She said that “he was exhausted and stressed out, and his heart rate was high.” But, thankfully, he would survive.
Who is the rescuer for sinners? We find the answer in the Bible in Romans 5:6: “When we were yet without strength . . . Christ died for the ungodly.” God saw us struggling in our sea of sins, and because He loves us and cares about us, He sent His beloved Son, Jesus, for the very purpose of rescuing sinners. Matthew 18:11 Says, “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to save that which was lost.” Jesus died on the cross, bearing the punishment for sin in the place of any sinner who would come to Him for rescue from their sins.
A few days later, Maggie took the little kitten to a veterinarian who said the 10-week-old, 1-pound kitten was healthy, in spite of its brush with death. Now he lives in Maggie’s loving, caring home and has been named Nemo.
Rescued sinners have a wonderful, loving, caring home awaiting them in heaven. And one day very soon, our Savior Jesus Christ is going to take all the rescued sinners to His home in heaven to live with Him forever. Will you be included?

The Wonders of God's Creation: A Cat or a Fish?

“Thy [the Creator’s] way is in the sea, and Thy path in the great waters.” Psalm 77:19
The catfish probably got its name from the whiskers around its mouth, since they are similar to a cat’s whiskers. These whiskers give it a warning signal of dangers and are also an important means of finding food.
There are many species of freshwater and saltwater catfish. Freshwater catfish are found in the Great Lakes and other lakes, rivers and streams throughout North America. They aren’t a pretty fish, except that some species have a rainbow of colors on fins, tails and bodies. The most outstanding is called the blue catfish. Fully grown, it may reach 5 feet in length and weigh up to 100 pounds. Others vary in size, all the way down to only a pound or less.
Some that live in ocean waters along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico include the white catfish, the sea catfish, and the gaff-topsail. Most like waters with muddy bottoms where they prowl for food and where they can quickly wiggle into the mud when escaping an enemy.
Catfish have no scales, but they have very sensitive skin. This enables any part of their bodies to detect food that may be hidden in the sand or mud, as well as locating bugs on underwater plants, another source of food. The Creator has provided well for them, both in food and in protection from harm in muddy, dark waters.
After the female lays her eggs in the spring, the male gathers them all into his mouth to incubate them. He eats no food while carrying them in his mouth, until well after the young hatch, a period of two months. Then he deposits the little fish in nearby weeds. The parents sometimes find them to be a tempting bit of food. But the young ones, soon aware of the danger, swim far away to live on their own.
Catfish are good to eat. Tremendous quantities are caught in the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes. The demand for catfish is so great that huge quantities are raised in fish “farms.” Many of these are kept alive in special tank cars and shipped to restaurants throughout the country.
Isn’t it nice to realize that the Lord God, the Creator, watches over all His creation, including these unusual fish? But how much greater is His love and care over boys and girls, as well as men and women. He gives this loving invitation to each one: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).
Have you responded to His invitation?

Miracle on the Snake River

Once again Mr. Benn looked up at the deep-blue sky above the towering canyon walls of the Snake River and thanked the Lord for perfect weather. Having gone down this river before did not make white-water rafting any easier, and especially not today! With the unusually high waters, he knew that the real test of the rapids would begin a few more miles downstream. He was more experienced than the two teenagers in the raft, but he knew they were both strong. Kevin and Jason laughed as they exchanged stories back and forth. As the raft approached the first set of rapids, they asked Mr. Benn about the treasure-decorated hat he wore, filled with every souvenir pin possible.
“Before coming here,” Jason began, “I never could have understood the excitement of white water . . .” but the rest of his sentence was lost in the roar of the rapids. The three rafters quickly threw their strength into guiding the raft through the swirling waters. Mr. Benn remembered that just ahead was the biggest set of white-water rapids. Suddenly a wave jerked the raft. Mr. Benn was thrown from his seat out of the raft and sucked into the deadly whirlpool. His knowledge of rafting made him aware of his danger in the freezing waters swirling around him. He knew there was only one way he would make it out alive. And there it was! Just within his reach was the coil of rope someone must have just thrown to him.
Yards of rope tore through his hand as he was sucked deeper into the whirlpool. One hand strained to hold the rope; the other hand held his treasured hat. The bag at his end of the rope not only signaled the end of 50 feet, but it would have signaled the end of Mr. Benn if . . . . Instantly, knowing this was life or death, he let go of his hat and clung to the rope with both hands!
Which would you choose—a hat or your life? “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life.” That’s what the Lord God offers you in Deuteronomy 30:19. But how can you reach God’s safety rope of life? “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth upon him” (John 3:36). There’s your answer.
All this time, the raft with the two teenagers had continued downstream—pulling, pulling—and now had finally pulled Mr. Benn free of the whirlpool.
Jason blinked in surprise. “Hey, Kevin, there’s Mr. Benn in the water! He must have fallen off!” Dropping their paddles in the raft, they pulled in the rope, dragging a gasping Mr. Benn to safety.
“Thanks for tossing me the rope, Kevin.”
“But I didn’t . . . ! Did you, Jason?”
Reaching for his paddle again, Jason stopped suddenly. . . . “No.”
The roar of the next set of rapids was the only sound as each one silently considered what had just happened. Looking back into the spray, Mr. Benn realized that God Himself had thrown the rope out to save his life.
And this same God is saying to you, “Whoso findeth Me, findeth life” (Proverbs 8:35). GRAB THE ROPE . . . IT’S FOR YOU!
MEMORY VERSE: “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth upon him.” John 3:36

Lost and Found

“Scoot . . . go outside!”
Hearing that angry voice and with a little help out the door, Nipper seemed to know that he was not wanted in that house. Down the back porch steps and out into the cold rain the little brown and white dog was led to the cold garage.
Poor Nipper was lost. He had followed a little girl home from school who had petted him and seemed friendly, but he was not welcome in their house. They had found out from his collar tag that his name was Nipper.
He had wandered away from his home and gotten lost. For two days he had roamed around, looking for his home, and he had not found very much to eat. He could not have known that there were four children at home crying for him and that they had been hunting and calling for him during those two days.
That evening the friendly little girl told her daddy about the little dog that had followed her home from school. Later, as he was reading the paper, he suddenly asked her, “Is that little dog brown and white?”
“Yes, he is, Daddy.”
“Is the name on his tag Nipper?”
“Yes it is!”
“It says here in the ‘Lost and Found’ column that someone has lost a little brown and white dog with that name. Is he still around?”
“I think he’s out by the garage, trying to keep dry,” his daughter answered, relieved. “Want me to check?”
Nipper was still there, and after a telephone call, Nipper soon heard the familiar voices of four children calling him. Their parents had driven them right over to pick up their lost pet.
I wonder if any lost boys or girls are reading this story today. Do you know that in the Bible God talks about “lost” and “found” people? Some boys and girls are “lost,” but some have been “found,” and they are so happy!
God describes the lost ones very carefully. He says they have sinned and cannot go to heaven. The name they carry is “sinner.” They cannot find their way to heaven by themselves.
Someone is searching for lost boys and girls like you. “The Son of Man [the Lord Jesus Christ] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). He loves you very much. If you will let Him find you and wash away your sins, you will no longer be “LOST” . . . instead you will be “FOUND!” Then someday He will welcome you into His home called heaven.
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Changeable Chameleon

“Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people . . . . Be thankful unto Him” (Psalm 100:3-4).
There are more than 80 species of chameleons, a lizard relative, ranging from 3 to 20 inches long. They live among the trees of Madagascar, Africa, India and southern Spain, as well as in desert areas. Sometimes called a ground lion, the name seems appropriate as the males look ferocious, many having from one to four horns protruding from their large heads, as well as crests or loose flaps of skin over their short necks. However, they only look fierce and are entirely harmless.
With the exception of one called stump-tailed and a few others, all have long tails to grab onto a branch, just like monkeys do. This is particularly important for the Madagascar giant which lives in treetops. Along with strong, sharp claws, the tail enables it to move quickly and safely from branch to branch as it hunts its food. How wisely the Lord God has provided for all their individual needs!
Unlike their cousins—the geckos, which have no eyelids—the chameleon’s protruding eyes are almost completely covered by eyelids, leaving only a narrow opening. But their eyes, which turn independently of each other, can look forward and backward at the same time—a great help in finding food and escaping from enemies. Incidentally, if an enemy grabs one by its tail, it just lets its tail drop off and scoots away. A new tail soon grows!
For the most part, chameleons are slow moving. However, their long tongues unfold out of their mouths too quickly for flies, beetles and other insects to escape.
All chameleons can change their color instantly when frightened or wishing to conceal themselves. No one can really explain just how this is done, but it is a further provision of the Creator in His care over them. Color changes are usually in shades of green, yellow, brown, blue or may be mixed.
The many species of this little creature speak of God’s pleasure in making varieties different in appearance from one another and yet all remaining true chameleons. The Bible says, “For Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11). Lacking strength to either attack their enemies or defend themselves, we can also see how the Creator has wisely provided for their needs in securing food and in protecting themselves by wonderful disguises.
As our opening verse tells us, the Lord God has also created every one of us and wants us to be His special people in ways an animal could never know. This can be done only when we admit to Him that we are sinners in need of a Savior and accept Him by faith in our hearts. Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Set 5

Cinder the Spotted Dog

Cinder was a Dalmatian puppy with a spot on her nose that was in the shape of a heart. True to the heart-shaped spot, she turned out to be a loving companion.
After we picked out the puppy we wanted from the litter of squirming spotted pups, the owner ran a little test for us. She put Cinder in a separate room, walked out of the room, and then called to her. The reason she did this is because some Dalmatian puppies are born deaf, and she wanted to be sure Cinder could hear. Cinder heard her call and came running.
How is your hearing? Have you heard and answered Christ’s call? “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live” (Isaiah 55:3). Or are you deaf to His call?
While Cinder was still young, my wife took on the time-consuming job of boundary- training her. If Cinder strayed beyond the boundary of our large yard, she would be scolded and told to “stay home.” Eventually Cinder learned her boundaries and didn’t have to be tied up. She could then wander about the yard in safety.
My wife then took her to obedience school and was discouraged that Cinder would not “heel” for her. The trainer said that possibly Cinder was too young. But one day we were walking in the grass beside a road when Cinder got too far ahead of us. I called in a loud voice, CINDER, HEEL!” She wheeled around and came back and fell in place at my left side. She knew what “heel” meant all right, but she needed a stern voice to make her obey.
Those of us who belong to the Lord Jesus often want to go our own way, even when we know His Word tells us not to. Then He sometimes has to get our attention by using a stern voice to keep us walking in His way.
When I kissed my wife good-bye before going to work, Cinder would came stand on her hind legs and place her front paws gently on my chest, wanting her good-bye too. Every morning she would sniff my trousers, and if I had on my yard jeans, she would wag her tail. She knew I would be home with her that day.
When I rode my bicycle on our country roads, Cinder liked to run beside me. One warm afternoon we went about two miles, and on the way home, I noticed she was running in the grass and limping badly. I stopped the bike and got down to examine her feet. To my dismay, I found the center pad on the bottom of each foot had a split in it. We went home slowly with her limping slowly and painfully. I thought I should bandage the wounds, but the animal doctor said to keep her quiet and leave the wounds open. This way Cinder could keep them clean by licking them. She limped around for several weeks, and the pads eventually healed up.
As I think about Cinder’s painful injury, I think of One who suffered far more terribly than Cinder’s suffering. Our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, said in Psalm 22:16, “They pierced My hands and My feet.” At His crucifixion, soldiers stretched Him out on a cross of wood and pounded big iron nails through His hands and feet. Then they lifted up that cross and dropped it into a hole. But it was in the three hours of darkness that He suffered the most, when God placed upon His perfect, sinless Son the sins of all who would accept Him as their Savior. At the end of those three hours, He cried out, “It is finished,” and He gave up His life. What love was told out on that cross—God’s love to us and Christ’s love to His Father and to us.
But the grave could not hold Him. He rose from the dead, and His disciples saw Him alive, and they saw the wounds from those nails in His hands and feet. All those who believe in Him will see those nail wounds in our blessed Lord when He takes us home to heaven.
Will you be there to see them?
MEMORY VERSE: “Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live.” Isaiah 55:3

Stop for Red Lights!

Mr. Peters lived in New York City. Usually when he was driving around town, traffic was so heavy that he did not bother to check if the traffic lights were red or green before he crossed an intersection. He just pushed his way through the crowd of cars and taxis along with everyone else.
One day Mr. Peters was driving in the suburbs with Mr. Grant, a friend. Mr. Peters was talking excitedly to Mr. Grant, telling him a story. Mr. Grant suddenly interrupted, “Hey,” he shouted, “you just went through a red light!”
Mr. Peters looked in his rearview mirror. Sure enough, he had just driven right through a red light. Rather embarrassed, he apologized to Mr. Grant, “I’m so sorry  ... this is the first time I’ve ever done that! I don’t ever remember going through a red light before!”
It was true that Mr. Peters did not remember, since he hardly ever noticed what color the traffic lights were. Then he went on with the story he had been telling.
Suddenly Mr. Grant broke in again. “Uh, you just went through another red light!”
Horrified, Mr. Peters looked back again. Yes, he certainly had driven right through another red light! He shook his head. “I can hardly believe this,” he said seriously. “The first time I’ve ever gone through a red light, and now I’ve done it twice in one day!”
Mr. Peters was mistaken. He had gone through many red lights, but he did not realize it because he never paid attention to them. Going through red lights is sin—it’s illegal. God says, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord [carefully examines] the hearts” (Proverbs 21:2).
Sometimes we need someone to point out our mistakes, especially sinful ones. We like to think that others have made worse mistakes and that they are the ones who need the help. We need to remember that God looks at each of us differently than how we see each other. He sees and knows all about you and me and our sins and says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). He also says, “[How] shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to [God’s] Word” (Psalm 119:9). The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ died and shed His blood to wash away sins. He is patiently waiting in love for all who will turn to Him in faith and accept Him as their Savior.
Are your sins washed away?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Rhesus Monkeys

“We know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.” 1 Corinthians 8:4
Rhesus monkeys are distinct from other members of the ape family. They live in the Himalayan area of Nepal, high in the mountains between India and Tibet. From the back, their fur is usually reddish above the hind legs, but gray over the rest of their bodies, including their legs, heads and beards. Long tails look like pieces of rope, and their fingers, toes and faces are bright pink.
These monkeys are naturally wild animals, but we are going to look at some that are tame and live in heathen temples. It is sad to think that the native religion is based on worshipping idols that represent false “gods.” One idol the natives worship is called the “monkey god.”
Perhaps because they look a lot like miniature humans, the Rhesus monkeys are given privileges that their relatives in the nearby mountains do not enjoy. They are permitted to live in the temples and surrounding grounds where the worshippers spend much time. The monkeys are very tame and are allowed to climb over idols and ornaments in the temples, even though the native people are not permitted to.
Steps going into the temples, or the hilly grounds around them, are favorite places for the monkeys. This is because worshippers hand them lots of food treats. In addition to these handouts, when the idol worshippers place food as an offering at the base of the idols, the monkeys lose no time in gobbling down the food just as soon as the person’s back is turned.
Many fables are told by the temple priests about the “sacred” roles of these monkeys. They convince the people that the monkeys are truly sacred and should be pampered and never harmed. If a native is annoyed with a monkey or even scolds it, that person is in real trouble if a temple priest hears about it.
We can’t help but feel sorry for these people who are taught from childhood about these false gods and the idols and animals that represent them. Let us all hope and pray that they will listen to the truth of the love of the true God, told to them by missionaries outside the temple grounds. What a wonderful account they can hear of the love and forgiveness the Lord Jesus Christ is offering them. The Bible clearly tells them they only need to confess that they are sinners and believe that He died on the cross for their sins.
A God who loves them is such a contrast to their worship of idols and monkeys that only fill them with dread and terror. It would please God to hear you pray for these people, that they might learn and believe the truth of the only one true God who loves them.

The Trapped Ducklings

Dear Children,
Last year we had many wild ducks and geese in the creek behind our house. We made sure that we fed them each day, and the parent ducks always brought their families to the feeding area for Gramma and me to see. Then when the right time came in the fall, they all flew south, just as God has said in His Word!
I want to tell you a story about a mother duck that brought her eight babies into the city and almost lost all of them.
Mr. Petersen was walking along the sidewalk in Vancouver. On his left side was a creek, and on his right side was the road. He was rather surprised to see a duck come waddling up beside him, quacking away, and he was even more surprised when she grabbed his pant leg. He shook the duck off and continued walk, but he kept his eye on the duck to see what she would do next.
The duck waddled away just a short distance and sat down on the grate of a storm sewer. Then, to Mr. Petersen’s surprise, the duck came back and grabbed him by the pant leg again! Quacking, the duck then waddled off and sat down on the same sewer grate.
Mr. Petersen thought to himself, I better have a look at this. He walked over to where the duck was sitting. The duck moved over so that he could see down through the grate into the sewer. Sure enough, in the water below, eight pairs of eyes from eight baby ducklings were looking up at him! Momma duck, not understanding the ways of city life, had led her babies right over the grate of the storm sewer. Being so tiny, they fell right through the grate with no way to get out!
Mr. Petersen decided he would just have to rescue those babies! He immediately called the police, and three of them came and removed the grate. Then very gently, they picked up the eight baby ducks, one at a time.
When Momma duck had her eight babies safely out of danger, she turned and with her family behind her, waddled off down the grassy bank into the creek, and they all swam away.
Mr. Petersen and the three policemen must have been kind people to show such interest in this duck. Gramma and I got to thinking how kind our God and Father in heaven was to give His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die for our sins on a cross at Calvary. That mother duck couldn’t say thanks to the kind men who rescued her babies, but we can sure say thanks to God for giving His Son to die for us!
We sometimes sing together in Sunday school:
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul;
Thank You, Lord, for making me whole;
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so full and free!
Gramma and I hope that everyone who reads this letter will “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
We love you all,
Gramma & Grampa
MEMORY VERSE: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31


It was early morning when Daddy drove the car over the back roads between Bedford, New York and Torrington, Connecticut. The family was looking forward to visiting friends who lived in Torrington. Most of the way the speed limit was 55 miles per hour. Daddy kept the car right at that speed since they did not have time to spare if they were going to get there on time.
Suddenly, just as they came into a little town in Connecticut, Daddy saw flashing red lights behind them. He pulled over to the side of the road to let the police car pass. But, instead, the police car stopped right behind them. “Looks like he’s after me!” Daddy said, as a very stern policeman came up to the car window.
“Let’s see your driver’s license and registration card,” ordered the policeman. Three-year-old Kip stared wide-eyed at the policeman’s bright badge and the revolver in his holster. He had never seen anything like this, and here it was happening to his Daddy! Lana, who was almost five, watched soberly as the officer took Daddy’s cards and looked them over. The policeman told Daddy that he had been traveling 50 miles an hour in a 35 mile-per-hour zone, and he reached into his pocket for his book of tickets and a pen.
This was too much for little Lana. A flood of tears ran down her face as she looked up into the face of the stern policeman and sobbed, “Please don’t put my daddy in jail!”
The officer’s stern look melted immediately into a smile. He put away his ticket book and then warned Daddy to be more careful in the future.
Daddy did not have to pay the fine for driving too fast. Lana’s tearful plea brought mercy to Daddy. Mercy means not getting what we deserve. Daddy was guilty of driving faster than the speed limit, and he deserved a ticket. The policeman showed mercy to him for Lana’s sake.
It made Daddy think of the wonderful mercy that God has shown us. Every one of us is a sinner and deserves to be shut out of heaven and punished for our sins. But God in mercy sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take the punishment on the cross of Calvary that we deserve.
Have you admitted to God that you are a sinner and deserve everlasting punishment for your sins? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior and thanked Him for taking the punishment you deserve? “God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins” (Ephesians 2:4-5).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Friendly Sheep Dogs

“Be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create.” Isaiah 65:18
Different species of dogs are used in herding flocks of sheep. Without using dogs, raising the woolly animals would often be impossible. These dogs are generally all called “sheep dogs” regardless of what species they are.
Years ago in many pasturelands of America located close to mountains or forests, a serious problem developed with coyotes killing great numbers of lambs and sheep. Rarely could the sheep dogs they used then stop the coyotes for fear of their own lives, and owners and shepherds didn’t know what to do about it.
In searching for an answer, they heard that in parts of Europe where wolves were killing sheep, the problem had been solved by using “guardian dogs” that could live right with the flocks and protect them. In the country of Yugoslavia, flocks of sheep were accompanied by dogs that looked almost like the sheep themselves, both in size and the color of their fur. More searching found the same answer in other parts of Europe, although the dogs were not all the same kind. There are at least four different kinds, and maybe more in other countries.
Some of the dogs were brought to America and put in with flocks of troubled sheep. It was soon observed that these European dogs did not behave like the usual American sheep dogs. They were very friendly with their woolly companions, walked and slept among them, and worked their way through the flocks without frightening them or causing them to run off.
At nighttime the coyotes learned something too. These dogs were not afraid of them but chased them away and even killed them if they got in a fight. The owners and shepherds happily discovered that their loss of sheep to coyotes was greatly reduced. Ever since then guard dogs have been used in large numbers wherever there are coyotes.
It is interesting how friendly these dogs are with the sheep. This is due partly to the fact that from the time they are puppies they live with the sheep, look very much like the sheep, and grow up apparently thinking they are all one family. They lie down together and rub against each other in a friendly way, and the dogs will even lick the sheep on the mouth, just like a kiss.
This is another example of the wonders of God’s creation. The dogs’ protective ways over the sheep remind us of the Bible’s warnings to us about Satan. He is likened to a wolf who is seeking to catch sheep (people) and harm them.
But the Lord Jesus Himself assures us: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27-28). Do you know Jesus as your Good Shepherd?

Just One Mistake

It was racing swiftly many millions of miles from earth. On it traveled through the vast empty space between the planets. Back on earth in the lab in the hills above Los Angeles, everyone watched and waited. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. After all, more than 250 people had worked on this spaceship. It had cost many millions of dollars. It was about 7 feet tall and weighed 1,387 pounds. They had calculated and planned every detail.
Unfortunately, there was one small mistake. Just one calculation was wrong. This little mistake sent the spaceship too close to the planet Mars. Flying about 23 miles away from Mars, it was suddenly pulled into the Martian atmosphere. It crashed and burned!
Many people think their little journey of life seems right on track. Everything looks good. What could possibly go wrong? Yet every boy and girl and grown-up has a problem. Each of us has sinned, and it is not a little problem! We have all gone off course and are not going to end up where we want to go. Will you find this out before it is too late? The spaceship was only 60 miles off-course, but it proved fatal.
During the 9-month journey starting in December 1998, the spaceship with its special cameras had traveled 461 million miles. There was no shortage of time to fix the problem. It was a careless mistake, but nobody realized something was wrong. But you and I should know something is wrong in our lives, because the Bible plainly tells us that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). It even tells us that “there is a way which [seems] right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). Are you on the way that only seems right? Have you been mistaken? Or are you truly on the right way?
The scientists made a simple mistake because they used the metric system of measurements to navigate the spaceship. The contractor who built it had used the English system of measurements.
It is very possible that you and I are also using the wrong measurements. We compare ourselves with other people and say, “I’m really not as bad as he or she is.” But we need to use God’s measurements. His standard is the only true and accurate one. He says we have “all gone out of the way, [we] are together become unprofitable; there is none that [does] good, no, not one” (Romans 3:12). If we measure ourselves by God’s standard, we see that our calculations are wrong! We are not on the right course, and we need a course correction!
The NASA laboratory said the search for radio signals from the spaceship might as well be called off. They said, “There is no hope of finding anything.” What an unnecessary loss. And yet you are far more valuable than this spaceship. It was worth 125 million dollars, but you are priceless—you do not have a price tag! God says, “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). Nothing could ever buy you back if you die in your sins. What an unnecessary loss!
Listen to the warning; it’s not too late! God tells us to repent and believe the gospel that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). To repent means to change your mind, to think differently. Change your mind about sin; it is serious! Change your mind about your course in life. If you want to be in heaven, you must be saved from your sins!
The loss of the spaceship was expensive. They can replace it and try again. You cannot be replaced, and there is no second chance. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many” (Hebrews 9:27-28).
MEMORY VERSE: “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:27-28

Susan Forgot

Once a week it was grocery-shopping day. As soon as school was over, the boys hurried home so they could go too. Mother loaded the two babies into the carriage while the boys took Susan between them. Then off they all trooped down the street and over the hill to the supermarket.
The two boys thought it was great fun to load the cart they were pushing with groceries while Mother followed behind with her cart full of babies. She would tell the boys which things to take off the shelves. Annie, the smallest, sat in the cart’s baby seat, and Mark rode in the bottom of the basket. Susan lay on her tummy on the rack underneath the basket and was reminded very plainly to keep her hands off the floor.
Almost always it was a happy time for everyone, but one day Susan disobeyed. She started dragging her hands on the floor. Mother didn’t notice what Susan was doing, and a moment later the cart, heavy with three children in it, rolled over one of Susan’s fingers.
Susan screamed! Mother stopped the cart with the wheel right on top of the finger, because she didn’t see what was making Susan scream. Susan screamed louder! Mother moved the cart, but the poor little finger was badly squashed. Blood was oozing out all around the finger nail and the whole end was turning black and blue.
Susan had forgotten that God says, “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:20). And so their happy time ended sadly.
But “what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17). That question is answered in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8: “The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance [strong punishment] on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Have you obeyed the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you let Him wash your sins away?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Whales Eat Their Fill of Tasty Krill

“God created great whales . . . which the waters brought forth abundantly.” Genesis 1:21
In the cold Antarctic Ocean, krill are found in vast numbers. The name krill includes extremely small shrimp, red crabs, tiny lobsters and fish larvae, all averaging about two inches in length and all swimming together in huge schools that often cover several miles. They are found in all the world’s oceans.
Tiny shrimp make up the greatest part of these groups. Their eleven pairs of legs are extremely important to them—the five back pairs are shaped like paddles for swimming, and the six front pairs are used for capturing tiny food particles. To do this, they throw out each leg in a circular motion and draw the food particles into their mouths.
Where do krill come from? They begin life deep in the ocean as eggs too small to be seen easily. The larvae hatching from these various kinds of eggs don’t grow to full size for four years. During this time they don’t look at all like the adults.
It is the grown krill that are hunted, since they are very nutritious and tasty to whales, seals, porpoises and other marine life. When aware that a hungry enemy is near, sometimes krill wriggle out of their shells. The empty shells hold their shape, deceiving the hungry enemy. Then the now-unprotected krill drops deep into the ocean and remains there until a new shell grows to cover it over.
Whales, mainly baleens, living or migrating through this area are krill’s greatest enemy, and one of them can swallow as much as five tons of krill a day. When gulping a mouthful of krill-filled seawater, the whale traps and crushes the krill by closing its huge mouth. The seawater squirts out before the whale swallows the remaining krill.
In addition to whales, it is estimated that millions of penguins and seals, as well as numerous kinds of sponges and fish, dispose of many tons of krill each day. Yet krill continue to reproduce in great numbers.
Isn’t it remarkable how the Creator provides these tiny bits of sea life to meet the food needs of so many larger creatures and yet enables the krill to replenish their numbers year after year? It is a reminder that He is looking upon all the substance of the sea, earth and sky at all times and is in control of each one.
However, these ocean creatures have only a short life and then cease to exist, whereas every person has his lifetime here on earth and then enters eternity to exist forever. Where will your eternity be spent? If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, it will be in heaven with Him and the vast number of others who have accepted Him as their Savior. If not, it will be in an awful place the Bible calls “outer darkness.”
Will you choose heaven?

A Missing Bird

Tracy had a pet parrot named Wyler. Although Tracy’s family all lived in Illinois, she and her parrot lived in Colorado.
In April Tracy decided to take a little vacation and drive back to Illinois to visit her family. Since she had no one to take care of Wyler while she was gone, she decided to take him along with her on the trip. She would take him inside his cage, and he’d be right at home.
By Friday Tracy had gotten everything ready to go. Now all she had to do was pack her little car, set Wyler inside in his cage, and they’d be off. But there was one thing Tracy hadn’t thought about—Wyler’s cage was so big it wouldn’t fit in her little car!
Now what? She couldn’t leave Wyler behind, so she’d have to find something else to carry him in. She scrambled around and found a cardboard box large enough for him but small enough to fit in her car. She cut out some breathing holes for him, put in some food, and then in went Wyler into the box for the thousand-mile trip to Chicago.
Saturday afternoon Tracy and Wyler arrived safely. Tracy carried Wyler’s box into her parents’ garage and set it down. Her family had heard her car drive in and came running out the door to greet her. While they were busy talking and laughing, Wyler decided he’d had enough of that box and started working on those breathing holes. In about 15 minutes’ time he gnawed his way out of the box, flew out of the garage and perched in a 40-foot tree, and then flew off into another tree just as high. Wyler was free!
Have you ever wanted to be free to do just as you please? Sometimes as children or teenagers we don’t like the rules our parents have made. Sometimes we don’t like the rules at school, either. And often we don’t like the rules that God has given us in the Bible. We feel “caged in,” and we’d rather be free to go our own way. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6).
Suddenly, Tracy and her family realized what had happened, but it was too late! Wyler was free, and nothing they did to lure him back worked. Tracy was upset, but hopeful that if they left some food outside in the box, maybe he would come back.
They waited all day Sunday, but no Wyler came back. Monday morning came, and still there was no sign of Wyler.
By then Tracy was afraid she might never get her bird back. She called the Community Services at the police station to report “a missing bird.”
Late Monday afternoon several boys were sitting on the beach by Lake Michigan. It was a cold, windy April afternoon, and they were huddled in their winter jackets as they sat and watched the waves roll in. They heard a strange noise behind them in the bushes and decided to check it out. Much to their surprise they found a large, colorful parrot trying to work his way into the bush to stay out of the wind and keep warm. (Wyler was discovering that being free wasn’t such a good idea after all.) The boys decided this bird had to be somebody’s pet, so they contacted the nearest police station to report “a bird found.”
In Luke chapter 15 we read the story of the prodigal son who felt “caged in” and wanted to be free to go his own way. “The younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me....And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” But in time he found that his freedom only brought him problems and sadness. Some of us have also learned that going our own way only brings problems and sadness. When we go our own way, it is always away from God, and that is the way of sin.
Just as the prodigal son’s father never stopped loving his son and waiting for him to come back, God never stops loving us. He is patiently waiting for anyone who will come back to Him. It doesn’t matter how ragged and sinful your life might be, God offers total forgiveness through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, for anyone who will return to Him.
Wyler was soon delivered to his relieved and happy owner and continued his vacation— in a bird cage where he was safe, warm and lovingly cared for.
When the prodigal son returned home, his father welcomed him with open arms. “When the son was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. . . . This my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry” (Luke 15:20,24).
When you and I return to the Lord Jesus, He not only forgives our sins, but He promises that He will care for us and never leave us. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee . . . .The Lord is my helper” (Hebrews 13:5-6).
MEMORY VERSE: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee . . . .The Lord is my helper.” Hebrews 13:5-6

An Alert Engineer

Stan, the train engineer, pulled out of the Jersey City freight yards with 60 cars behind his engine. He was heading west toward Bayonne, New Jersey.
As he approached 22nd Street, the beam of his bright headlight cut through the darkness and caught the outline of two boys on the overhead bridge that the train was about to pass under. One of the boys looked as if he were holding something out over the railing of the bridge.
He’s going to drop that on the train! Stan thought. Quick as a wink he jumped out of his seat, turning to face the rear of the train just as the huge cement block bounced off the hood and came crashing through the windshield. Shattered glass flew everywhere, covering Stan’s back and head but, thankfully, not giving him any serious cuts. The block landed squarely in the seat and embedded itself where he had been sitting only a moment before!
The Lord Jesus tells us to be watchful: “Watch thou in all things” (2 Timothy 4:5). He often forewarns us of trouble to come, and He wants us to be alert and on guard, not only against physical danger. He also pleads with us “as strangers and pilgrims, [to] abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11). “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

The Wonders of God's Creation: What Goes on Inside a Beehive?

“We were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children.” 1 Thessalonians 2:7
A beehive may have 20,000 to 40,000 or more bees, including the all-important queen, a few male (drone) bees and workers. The whole activity of a hive centers around the queen. She often lays 2,000 eggs or more daily. In addition to the queen’s area, the section of the hive set aside as a nursery is also very important. Here the queen deposits the eggs, one to a cell. While she does this, “nurse” bees feed her bee milk from glands in their heads and keep her spotlessly clean.
The nurses also take care of the eggs until they hatch into grubs. Then they prepare “royal jelly” which is fed to the grubs for two days. After this the diet is changed to a mixture of pollen and honey, called “bee bread.” When a grub grows large enough to fill its cell, it weaves a silken web around itself, and a nurse makes a wax cover for the cell. Twenty-one days later a fully developed bee comes out.
What responsibilities these nurse bees have! Although they have no leader, each one seems to have its own duties and knows just what to do. Such wonderful instincts were given to honeybees when the Lord God first created them, and they never change.
The hive workers also take nectar and pollen from the outside workers, called “foragers.” They change it into honey, royal jelly or bee bread, as required, using special chemicals in their bodies. Other workers are used as guards at the entrance of the hive. In hot weather they all work to make air conditioning by continually fanning their wings to circulate the air. When it gets cold, they group together and do activities that raise the temperature to just the right degree. Who do you think taught them to do these things?
Some of the eggs produce male bees, called “drones.” These drones do not work and are fed by the workers. Once a year the queen chooses one of them for a mate. The workers then get rid of the remaining drones, killing them or driving them out of the hive.
At the end of two or three weeks, nurses give up their inside work and become foragers. Their life span in this activity is only a month or so. During this time each bee collects enough nectar to make a teaspoon and a half of honey.
The beehive and its busy bees provide an amazing display of God’s creation. It shows us His power in preserving His works over the ages of time. The activities of the bees are also an example for all of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. We see how the bees work together and are never lazy. This is just what the Bible tells us to do: “Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works” (Hebrews 10:24).
If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior, how good it is to encourage and work with others in ways that are pleasing to Him.
Set 6

Saved Through a Friend at School

It was bitterly cold that Tuesday afternoon in January. I wasn’t looking forward to waiting outdoors for my friend, Betty, as I’d done every Tuesday since school started in September. I enjoyed walking with her on the long walk home, but on Tuesdays she stayed after school along with some other students for a Bible study. If students weren’t actually involved in an after-school activity, they were not allowed inside the building. So I would wait for Betty on the front steps, because I didn’t go to the Bible study. I simply wasn’t interested in “religion.”
But that day it was just too cold to wait outside for her. “What do you do in there anyway?” I asked.
“Oh, we pray . . .”Betty answered, and then hesitated, wondering how to continue.
But before she finished, I exclaimed, “Baloney! You stay in there for a whole hour! You can’t tell me you pray that long!”
“Come and see,” she said.
I wasn’t too eager, but I went with her to the classroom where the students met. At least it was better than waiting outside in the cold.
They sang some songs I’d never heard before. The chorus of one stuck in my memory:
“He lives, He lives,
Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life’s narrow way.
He lives, He lives,
Salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart.”
Then they prayed and several of them spoke from the Bible for a few minutes each.
I don’t really remember what they said, but the Lord Jesus imprinted two verses from the Bible permanently on my mind: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), and, “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). In my heart I admitted that the first of these certainly applied to me; I knew I was a sinner.
As we walked home from school that afternoon, we didn’t talk much. Somehow I didn’t feel like talking. As I look back on it, I’m sure Betty was praying for me.
That night when I was ready for bed I went to lie down, but first I felt I must kneel before the Lord Jesus. When I knelt, He brought a memory vividly to my mind. The memory was of an Easter dinner at our house when I was younger.
My grandparents, aunt, uncle and several cousins were seated around the table with our family. I was sitting at the end beside my dad, and I turned to him and said, “Boy, am I glad Jesus was born so we can have this good dinner together.”
But my father answered, “This isn’t the day when we remember His birth; this is the day we remember that the Lord Jesus rose from the dead.”
I looked at my father, not believing what he had said. Standing up, I pounded my small fist on the table and said, “He couldn’t rise from the dead. If someone’s dead, they’re dead! No one can come alive again!”
My father didn’t argue with me, and dinner continued as though it had never happened.
For 11 years I had not thought about what I had said that Sunday. But God says, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9). And as I knelt beside my bed, He brought my sin of unbelief before me. With true thanksgiving, I confessed that the Lord Jesus Christ had truly risen from the dead and was even now living and calling me to Himself. As I knelt there, a great peace and joy flooded my soul. My sins were gone! I belonged to the Savior!
Now, 50 years later, I still belong to Him and I will belong to Him forever. And it’s not because of anything good I’ve done, either before or since He so graciously saved me, but because He died on Calvary’s cross to wash away my sins. He paid the penalty for all my sins and unbelief, and now I am His, and His forever!
Have you confessed to Jesus that you are a sinner, and do you truly believe that He died for your sins and is alive right now in heaven? If you can say “Yes,” God’s Word promises that you are saved from your sins and have everlasting life.
I have never been sorry for my decision!
MEMORY VERSE: “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

Florida's Red Tide

Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean? It’s fun to jump up and down in the waves as they roll towards the shore. But the beaches in south Florida are closed sometimes because of “Red Tide.”
“Red Tide” becomes a problem when there is too much of a certain algae growing in the water. The algae grows so fast because of pollution dumped in the water. Thousands of fish have died and washed up on the shore. The natural toxins in harmful algae can cause several different illnesses. People going to the beach may start to cough and get a sore throat.
The term “Red Tide” reminds me of something very important mentioned in the Bible that is also red. Can you think of what it might be? If you think of Jesus’ blood, you are right. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. After He died, a wicked Roman soldier took a spear and jabbed it into the side of Jesus. His blood flowed out. We read in 1 John 1:7: “The blood of Jesus Christ, [God’s] Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” When I was a little girl, I could not understand how Jesus’ blood, that He shed about 2,000 years ago, could wash away my sins now. I have since learned that it is God who saw that blood and uses it to wash my sins away, not me. All I have to do is believe that Jesus loves me and died on the cross for my sins. When I trust Him and His death on the cross, I am saved and ready to go to heaven someday. Have you let Him wash away your sins and make you ready for heaven?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Tamarins in Danger

“God said, Let the earth bring forth . . . the beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” Genesis 1:24
Tamarins, natives of South America, are part of the monkey family. Let’s look at two species that are in danger of disappearing, because the forests in which they live are being cut down or burned.
One is the cotton-top (called pinche by the people of Colombia, where they live). Its soft-gray, gentle face is emphasized by a large, upright mane of pure white hair, dropping over an orange-brown collar. The rest of its body is entirely white.
Another, the golden lion of Brazil, is now one of the rarest animals on earth, with only about one thousand living in the vanishing forests. It is about two feet long, including its tail, and weighs only about one and a half pounds. It looks almost too fragile to live in the wild, but it thrives there.
Thick, orange-red, velvety hair frames its pretty face with its pleading eyes, small nose and large, square mouth. It prefers thick bushy areas under tall trees; this also supplies many of the insects it eats. Wild bananas and other fruits are favorites too.
At times tamarins make their homes in hollowed-out trees, where the mother, with two little ones, teaches them to make their own way in the forest. It is amazing to see her leading her little ones over branches or along a vine stretched between trees.
The father brings up the rear and keeps an eye on the youngsters as well. Coming to the end of a vine, one by one they leap to nearby tree branches, the little ones jumping successfully without any training.
It is usual for young tamarins to stay close to their parents for quite a while and help take care of baby brothers and sisters. Surprisingly, the otherwise gentle females are often quarrelsome with one another (even sisters and mothers and growing daughters), until a father moves in and quiets things down.
Recently some of the golden lions have been taken to zoos in the United States where large numbers of babies have been born. Many of these have been taken back to Brazil and placed in more natural homes, where they seem to be thriving under the watchful eyes of forest officials. Efforts are being made to save the remaining forests of Brazil, which would also help increase the tamarin population.
Does God, their Creator, know about these tamarins? He certainly does. A Bible verse assures us, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 145:9). It is also written, “His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He [sees] all his goings” (Job 34:21). What does God see when He looks on your ways?

The Runaway Cat

Have you ever lost a pet? If it was a pet you really loved, you would have been very sad. Maybe you put up notices around your neighborhood, describing your dog or cat. The notice probably included your phone number. And how you waited and waited for a phone call, hoping someone had found your pet.
Jeanette put an ad in the paper about her cat that was lost. She hoped if somebody found Oscar that they would be checking the “Lost and Found Pets” column in the newspaper and would call her.
Oscar had taken off one evening and hadn’t come back. Normally he would return a few hours later and jump up on the windowsill to wait to be let in. But by the next morning he still hadn’t returned. Jeanette went out looking for him, calling his name over and over again. When she couldn’t find him, she began to wonder what had happened to him. They had moved to this house a few months earlier, so maybe he was lost in the new neighborhood. Maybe he had gotten hit by a car. Maybe he had taken off to go back to their old home. She waited and wondered, and how she missed her pet. A week went by with no news and no cat.
Jeanette couldn’t understand why Oscar would run away. She loved him and he had everything he needed. There was always plenty of food and fresh water, and he had balls and string to play with. She brushed his fur, scratched behind his ears, and gave him cat treats. And he had a nice warm bed. What more could a cat want?
Cats aren’t the only things that run away from owners who love them. Every one of us has run away from God, and He loves us very much. Do you wonder why we run away when God has given us so much and loves us? The Bible says it’s because of our sins. “Your iniquities [sins] have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you” (Isaiah 59:2). We are lost in our sins. And God misses us terribly, because He loves us so very much.
Jeanette kept looking for Oscar every day and hoping the phone would ring with some news. She put cat food in a little plastic dish out on the windowsill where he would sit. She left the garage door open five or six inches so he could get in out of the cold and snow. But another week went by. The cat food was untouched, and the weather turned colder.
Maybe we don’t understand why pets sometimes run away, but we can understand why people run away from God. Our sins make us guilty before God, and sometimes it’s hard to admit our guilt and that we are sinners. Some of us think we’re pretty good and, after all, we’re doing the best we can. But that really doesn’t make any difference—we are still sinners lost from God. “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22:23). Yet, He still loves us and wants us back, so much that He sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus, to take the punishment for our sins on Calvary’s cross. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
At the end of the second week, Jeanette came home one evening at 5:30 and went in the front door. She noticed that the cat food on the windowsill still hadn’t been touched. Just as she turned to pull the storm door closed, in the darkness she saw something coming up the front walk. It sure looked like a cat, but was it Oscar? She looked closer at the skinny, muddy creature, then she threw open the door and scooped up her meowing pet, hugging him and burying her face in his muddy, matted fur. Oscar had come home!
Have you heard the Savior calling your name? He has been looking for you for a long time. He misses you and is anxiously waiting for you to come to Him. If you’ll just come and tell Him you are a sinner and that you are sorry about your sins, He’ll gladly wash every one of them away in His blood. Jeanette was so glad that Oscar had come back that she never once thought of scolding him for running away and coming home muddy. And the Lord Jesus will never scold you or tell you that your sins are too dirty—He’ll be so glad that you’ve come back!
After Jeanette welcomed Oscar home, she cleaned him up and put out fresh food and water. He went right over and began to eat. Oscar was home at last!
The Savior is waiting for you with open arms, no matter where you have been! Will you come back to Him? He will be so happy if you do, and so will you.
“The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
MEMORY VERSE: ““There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:22:23

Bible Questions and Answers

You will need a Bible to be able to look up the answers to the questions, using the references at the end of each question. Then find the correct number in the list of numbers to answer each question. Write your number answer at the end of the question. Then cross out that number in the list below.
8 300 16 4 969 8 5 1
1. Methuselah lived for how many years? (Genesis 5:27) __________
2. On what day did God create whales? (Genesis 1:23) __________
3. How many stones did David use to kill Goliath? (1 Samuel 17:49) _________
4. How many people were saved in the ark? (1 Peter 3:20) __________
5. How many days was Lazarus dead before Jesus raised him from the dead? (John 11:39) _________
6. How old was Josiah when he became king? (2 Kings 22:1) __________
7. How old was Uzziah when he became king? (2 Chronicles 26:1) _________
8. How many men did the Lord give to Gideon to fight the battle against the Midianites? (Judges 7:7) __________

The Story of Jacob's Ladder

“Go,” said Jacob’s mother. “Go,” said Jacob’s father. They both loved him dearly, but Jacob’s twin brother did not love him at all. In fact, he was angry enough to kill him, so it seemed best that Jacob should go away for a while to save his life.
His brother Esau had reason to be angry. Esau was the firstborn, so he had the right to the blessing—a double share of his father’s possessions—but Jacob had stolen Esau’s blessing by selfishness and lies. Now the right to the blessing was gone, gone forever, and Esau could not get it back. The blessing was now Jacob’s.
You have a right to blessing from God too, just because you were born into the world. Satan cannot steal it from you unless you give it to him or throw it away. “God so loved the world”—that includes you, doesn’t it? God loved you so much that He gave His only Son for you, and He is telling you about it right now. Don’t throw His message away!
Jacob wanted Esau’s blessing of the double share, and he chose wrong ways to get it. But this was not necessary. God knows what to do. God is ready to give you a better blessing than you ever thought of asking for. Don’t throw it away! Jesus died for sinners like you, and He wants to give you not only forgiveness for your sins, but a home with Himself in heaven forever. And this home is where only God’s children are welcome to come. You know you are a sinner, so what is your answer to the Savior of sinners?
Jacob went away to find his uncle Laban, but it was a very long, tiring journey on foot. Night came, and he found a spot to lie down on the ground and used a stone under his head for a pillow. Now a stone for a pillow doesn’t sound very comfortable, but in his sleep, he had a very wonderful dream.
In his dream, Jacob saw a ladder so high that it reached right up to heaven. On that ladder were angels, going up from earth to heaven and coming back down again. Did you notice that they started at the bottom and went up? Is that a surprise? We think of angels as heavenly beings, but they must have been down on earth already. Perhaps they had been appointed by God to guard Jacob on his journey, and in his dream Jacob was allowed a glimpse of them, although they were really there all the time.
He woke up and remembered the dream, but not with joy. In fear he said, “How dreadful is this place! This is ... the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
Why should that frighten him? Wouldn’t you like to go to heaven? The truth is this: If your sins are not forgiven, you would not be happy in heaven, and the real presence of God would be terrifying to you.
That morning Jacob tried to make a bargain with God. He promised God that if He would take care of him and bring him home again, he would give Him ten percent of his wages!
But that money would not take away his sins and bring God’s blessing. And there is nothing you can do—nothing to take away your sins—but let Jesus save you. He gave His life’s blood for you, and there is nothing more for you to do but to accept His gift. A million dollars cannot buy it. Jesus has paid the price, and you can be justified freely by His grace: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). Look to Jesus right now and take His free forgiveness and thank Him for it. You may not have another chance. Don’t throw away your blessing!
I think Jacob trusted himself rather than God that day. However, he remembered his dream, and he set up his pillow-stone for a memorial before he went on his way.
There is more to the story, which we will tell you another day. You may read this part of the story for yourself in Genesis 28:10-22.
MEMORY VERSE: “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24

Mr. Mac's Trap

Mr. Mac set an animal trap in his backyard, but it was not a trap that would hurt anything it caught. He was trying to trap a pesky raccoon that was always getting into their garbage can. So he baited the trap with food that he thought the raccoon would like.
One day, instead of the pesky raccoon, a pretty white cat got caught inside the trap. The cat must have smelled the food in the trap and crawled inside to eat what was intended for the raccoon. The trap door snapped shut behind the cat, making him a prisoner. The friendly cat patiently waited to be rescued, which Mr. Mac did as soon as he saw what his trap had caught.
Satan, our enemy, has traps set for boys and girls, but his traps are harmful! The Bible says, “The snare [noose] is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way” (Job 18:10). Only the Lord Jesus can rescue us from Satan’s evil trap of sin. If you belong to the Lord Jesus, He will help you to be on your guard to recognize Satan’s evil traps and avoid them. Here is a good Bible verse for boys and girls who belong to Him to remember: “Thou [the Lord Jesus] hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy” (Psalm 61:3).
Mr. Mac had to bait the trap again with more food to catch the pesky raccoon. Finally, the real culprit was caught, and he was a huge, well-fed raccoon! Mrs. Mac was the first to see him in the trap, but she did not know what to do with him. So she covered the cage with a large, white sheet of plastic since it was raining.
The next morning the plastic sheet was gone, but there was a pile of shredded plastic in one end of the cage. The raccoon had pulled the plastic sheet inside the trap and was making a cozy nest for himself to keep warm and dry, because it was cold and wet.
Mr. Mac took the trapped raccoon far away, to let it go free. He hoped that the raccoon would never come back.
If you are a boy or girl who has not accepted the Lord Jesus as your very own Savior, come to Him today, telling Him that you are sorry for your sins and that you believe that He died to wash them away. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth [washes] us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Then you will be able to ask Him to protect you from Satan’s evil traps. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).

The Wonders of God's Creatio: Spiders Aren't Popular

“The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.” Proverbs 30:28.
It seems most people don’t want to talk about spiders, and they definitely don’t want to find one creeping on their bare arm or neck! It’s easy to understand why. Spiders are not attractive, like a bird or brightly colored butterfly, but are rather scary-looking.
Many people think spiders are poisonous, or at least dangerous. However, spiders are actually helpful, because they eat large quantities of flies, mosquitoes and other harmful insects. But still, it is most unpleasant to walk into a sticky web and have it cling to your face, neck or arm.
The many varieties of these often unpopular eight-legged creatures have some amazing ways which the Creator has provided for them. Scientists have discovered that there are 50,000 to 100,000 species throughout the world, some of which are extremely interesting.
Some are as tiny as the head of a pin. Others range in size up to the largest one discovered so far, the hairy South American bird spider. This giant measures almost 12 inches across its body, not including the legs! It catches and disposes of small birds and creatures the size of lizards.
People in North America don’t need to be concerned about giant spiders, but they should be aware of the six species that are poisonous—the sack spider, the brown recluse, the black widow and other related widows—the brown widow, the red-legged widow, and the varied widow. Most of these choose dark, hidden spots for their homes. If it is necessary for you to crawl through a dark attic or an unlit basement, be sure you have a flashlight to make certain there is no poisonous spider there.
Incidentally, of the four “widow” spiders, only the females are known to bite people. They are so vicious that when a male spider wants to be friendly, she will often kill and eat the poor fellow. Males do not bite.
The silk-like webs of spiders are strong and elastic and are constructed in a variety of shapes. Some spiders, wanting a new home base, climb onto fence posts or branches and release silk. As the strands become longer, the wind lifts the spiders off their perches and floats them off to a new area, often many miles away. This is called ballooning.
The Bible verse quoted above reminds us that the Creator is aware of spiders. If He looks on these odd creatures which have only a short life and then are gone forever, how much more does He think of you and me who have a soul that lives forever after our time on earth is over. Our Lord’s invitation to us, young and old, is, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). If you have not yet accepted that loving invitation, won’t you accept it today?

A Mother's Care for Her Son

Most people look forward to summer. I think we all look forward to the trees and flowers coming to life again. Warm weather also means that we can enjoy the outdoors once again without having to put on heavy sweaters and jackets.
This is exactly what 5-year-old Mason McNair was doing one day in May in LaGrange, Georgia. He was staying with his grandparents. One day he got a tick on him, and when his grandparents were getting him ready for a bath, they saw the tick on his skin and immediately pulled it off. It was a good thing that they noticed it, because ticks can be very dangerous! They are often carriers of diseases that can make a person extremely sick, causing them to have much pain and discomfort.
The area around the tick bite soon became red and swollen, so Mason’s mother immediately took him to the doctor. The doctor gave him an antibiotic to take for the next ten days, hoping that this would kill any infection that Mason might have gotten from the tick. But on the last day of taking the antibiotic, Mason got much worse instead of better. He developed a rash, fever, fatigue, diarrhea and stomach pain.
Poor Mason! Within 18 hours, the rash had spread over much of his body. His mother knew that something wasn’t right, so she called his doctor. The doctor thought that the rash was a delayed reaction to the antibiotics that he had been taking and should clear up within six weeks.
Mason’s mother had a bad feeling about this. She just knew that it was something more serious than a reaction to the medicine that Mason had been taking. She called her sister who was a veterinarian (an animal doctor) for advice. Her sister told her to search for answers online. She also suggested that Mason get a blood test done for tick-bite diseases.
This was good advice, and Mason’s mother did just that. Because of the symptoms that Mason had and the time in which he developed them, she believed that he had Rocky Mountain spotted fever. If this disease is not treated, it can have serious results. A person can lose their arms, legs, fingers or toes, or experience hearing loss, paralysis or mental disability.
Mason’s mother went back to the doctor and showed him her research. The doctor agreed with her and then gave Mason the correct antibiotic to help him get better. It worked! And within three days Mason was feeling much better. How thankful she was that she had done her research and that the doctor was able to give Mason the right antibiotic!
Most tick bites are not dangerous as long as they are pulled off a person in a short amount of time. But Mason’s mother wanted everyone to know just how dangerous they could be and what symptoms they should watch for.
Mason was not cured of Rocky Mountain spotted fever until he got the right medicine for it. Until then, he was a very sick little boy! Boys and girls, did you know that we are all “sick” and that we will surely die unless we find a cure? Jesus said, “They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). Many people think that they are righteous or too good to be sinners in God’s sight. Our sins are what make us “sick” in God’s sight. If we die in our sins, we will not go to heaven to be with Jesus. We will die and go to the worst place called hell.
The Bible tells us that there is a way to be cured, or cleansed from our sins in God’s sight. First John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Because “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3), we can tell God we are truly sorry for all of the bad things we have done. He wants to forgive us. God wants us to believe in our hearts that Jesus died on the cross for us and that He rose from the dead and is waiting for us to join Him in heaven. When our sins are truly forgiven, then we have “eternal life.” “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Boys and girls, are your sins forgiven?
MEMORY VERSE: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3


Maybe you would like to try this. Unroll a few feet of aluminum foil on a carpeted floor and then walk on the foil. What do you see?
A Sunday school teacher asked Conner, one of his students, to shut his eyes. Then the teacher walked quietly to the back of the carpeted room and then up to the front again where he had started.
“Okay, Conner, open your eyes. Now see if you can walk exactly where I walked.”
“I can’t do that,” Conner said. “You told me to shut my eyes, and I couldn’t see where you went!”
Then the teacher said, “Some people say they can’t see Jesus, so they can’t follow Him. But now I want you to close your eyes again.”
As soon as Conner had closed his eyes, his teacher unrolled a long strip of aluminum foil on top of the carpet. Then he walked where he had walked before. When he was back at the front of the room, he told Conner to open his eyes. “Now can you walk exactly where I walked?”
“Yes,” said Conner. Jumping up, he placed his feet in his teacher’s footprints that were clearly marked in the foil. “It’s easy now!” he said.
Jesus didn’t leave His footprints on foil, but if we read our Bibles we can see very plainly what He was like and how He walked through this world. He says to us, “Follow Me” (Luke 9:23). Be sure to read your Bible prayerfully every day, and Jesus will help you to trust Him and walk in His steps. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Fierce Goshawk

“Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south?” Job 39:26
There is a wide variety of hawks in several countries of the world. The goshawk (or goose-hawk) got its name because at one time it was noted for killing geese bigger than itself. It is only about two feet long and a bold hunter. Mice are one of its most frequent catches. Its home is often in dense forests, both in Canada and the northern United States.
The eastern goshawk is the most common of the three species in North America and spends most of its time hunting birds and small animals. One feature that helps its hunting is that its short wingspan enables it to fly through dense forests that most other birds avoid.
It has short, rounded wings and a long tail that enable it to twist and dart at lightning speed, changing direction instantly when pursuing small animals or other birds. It likes to nest high in a tree where it may watch for prey or unwelcome creatures approaching. It shows no fear of any bird or animal or even people.
The goshawk’s appearance gives a clue to its fierceness. Feathers are black, gray and white, and its round, orange eyes with black pupils add terror to those who get a look at them. Legs are heavily feathered with strong claws on the feet. This predator’s face is centered with a short, hooked, black beak, from which small victims it has captured frequently dangle as they are being flown home to feed pure-white chicks. They are always hungry for more.
The mother is a most vicious defender when little ones are in her care and will quickly attack anything approaching that she thinks is a threat to them. The father is more satisfied to make threatening screams that sound cruel enough to send intruders away in a hurry.
The father is good at capturing food for both the mother and chicks. When bringing food, perhaps a pigeon, he makes a clicking signal a short way from the nest. The mother bird hears this and flies out to snatch the food from his beak. Sometimes, while she is still flying below him, he will drop it, and she always catches the prey as he goes back to find more food for the brood.
Hawks were peaceable birds until Adam and Eve brought sin into the world. Sin resulted in upsetting all living things, as this short account of goshawks has brought to our attention. So hawks are mentioned in the Bible as “unclean” birds, which meant they were not to be eaten by the people of Israel. Also, when God spoke to Job about some of the wonders of creation, He asked Job the question in the Bible verse at the opening of this article. He wanted Job to think about these wonders and remember God’s wisdom and power. And we should remember them too.
Set 7

Bruno and the Blizzard

One late winter day many years ago, Mac and Meg and their cousins Roy and Ila were in high school. An hour after school began, an announcement came over the loud speaker. It announced that a very severe blizzard was sweeping in and that the school was closing! All students were told they needed to make their way home as quickly as possible. This blizzard was not predicted, so it was totally unexpected. In a short time, Mac and Meg, Roy and Ila found themselves on the street in front of the school with no way of contacting anyone to get a ride the 12 miles to the village where they lived. A bus had brought them in that morning, but no bus was scheduled to return to the village for several hours. They decided to just start walking in the hopes that someone would come along and pick them up. So that’s what they did.
After several blocks, they came to the bridge over the falls. At this point Meg said, “Uncle Hudson lives nearby.” (His house was right on the cliff overlooking the harbor.) “We should go and stay with him and Aunt Fanny.”
The others said they wanted to keep walking, but Meg decided to go to her uncle’s house. Mac and Roy and Ila continued on over the bridge, and Meg turned and walked down the long hill to the entrance to her uncle’s fish yards. This hill was on a busy city street, but not one vehicle passed her on the way. The whole city was shutting down, because all were seeking shelter.
No sooner had Meg stepped off the street at the bottom of the hill when a huge animal appeared out of the swirling snow and took hold of her wrist! Meg was startled, but she quickly realized that this was her uncle’s St. Bernard dog, Bruno. Meg knew that in the far-off country of Switzerland, these dogs were trained to rescue people buried in avalanches and lost in the snow. Bruno had sensed her coming in the storm and came to help her reach her uncle’s house in safety. He held her wrist gently in his mouth all the way up the long driveway and up onto the porch, right to the front door! Uncle Hudson and Aunt Fanny were surprised and welcomed Meg in, glad that she had come to stay with them. However, they were concerned for the others, who eventually made their way back to the village safely.
Dear boys and girls, this true story reminds me of the One who came to “seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Our Savior, the Lord Jesus, is the Good Shepherd. He came into this world to die on that awful cross so that He could rescue us from our sins and the storm of judgment that is coming upon this world. Do you know that He says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37)? Meg found welcome and refuge from the blizzard in her uncle and aunt’s house. The Bible tells us that God is “a refuge from the storm” (Isaiah 25:4). The Lord Jesus wants to forgive your sins so He can welcome you to the safety of His Father’s house in heaven. Won’t you trust Him as your Savior today?
MEMORY VERSE: The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10

Tornado Soup

The large can of tomato soup had been pushed to the back of the cupboard shelf for the last time. It was the end of the week, and there were no other groceries left in the house that would make a quick lunch for Joseph before he ran back to school.
Even though Joseph loved food, somewhere in his six years of life he had firmly decided that he did not like tomatoes! However, today there was no choice. Joseph’s mother opened the can, heated the soup, but not too hot, and poured it into a soup bowl. Joseph watched with keen interest.
“What is that?” Joseph asked, as he got a whiff of the good smell.
Joseph’s mother had hoped that he would not ask any questions. There was no extra time today to discuss what he did and did not like for lunch. But suddenly she realized that she had to make a quick decision. If she told him the truth, that it was tomato soup...but, of course, all mothers must tell their children the truth, so the decision was easily made.
“It’s tomato soup,” she said softly, trying to be casual about it.
TORNADO SOUP!” Joseph exclaimed. He misunderstood what his mother had said, and excitedly swooped his spoon into this new lunch food. His mother had barely realized what had happened when she saw that the soup was already gone!
Then Joseph’s mother had another decision to make. This time it was easier.
“That was tomato soup, Joseph,” she said calmly.
“I don’t care what it was!” Joseph exclaimed. “I love it!”
You know, it is not always easy to tell the truth, but it is always wise. Even when we do not have good results as quickly as in this story, God always blesses the truth, because He is truth, and telling the truth always pleases God. Lies, however, do just the opposite. God’s Word of truth, the Bible, warns us in John 8:44 that the devil is a liar and the father of lies. This means that when we lie we put ourselves on the devil’s side, and he is not a good father! He knows telling one lie calls for telling another to cover up the first one. Telling lies is sin and hardens our consciences so that all too soon we begin to think a lie is not really so bad.
Have you told even a small lie to your parents or teacher or friend? It is very hard to confess that we told a lie, but when we do, it clears the conscience, makes us happy, and opens the door to God’s mercy. God says, “He that covereth [hides] his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).
Along with this story are prayers that you will be helped to always tell the truth. The Lord Jesus and His holy angels and your parents will all rejoice for this great victory in your life.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Farms in the Ocean

“By the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water.” 2 Peter 3:5
Ocean waters cover nearly three-fourths of the earth and are an important part of God’s creation—the home of fish and other creatures He provided for our food. When it has become difficult to feed people where there is little farmland and food is scarce, sea farms have been established. Following are examples of what can be grown in a sea farm.
MARINE PLANTS: Certain seaweeds have always been an important food for people as well as domestic animals. Kelp is one outstanding seaweed with stems growing as long as two hundred feet. But crops of kelp are never certain because they receive no care and are often destroyed by fish. Now, however, some natural kelp areas are being “farmed,” and new areas are being planted, screened and tended carefully, resulting in large crops.
SHELLFISH: Oysters, clams, crabs, lobsters and other shellfish have been taken out of the ocean in great quantities and are becoming scarce in some places. Sea farmers now set aside protected places where they control the number of shellfish harvested. One big oyster farm is in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and smaller ones are in other parts of North America, as well as in Italy, Japan and other places.
SALTWATER FISH: Today there are fish hatcheries where eggs are taken from freshwater fish and hatched in ponds or tanks alongside streams and lakes. “Fish farms” have also been established in ocean waters where eggs of local saltwater fish are hatched. The fingerlings are raised to full size in wire cages that have been dropped into deep water where they grow safely and rapidly, providing a new source of nutritious food.
These new sources of seafood from sea farms are helping to feed the increasing numbers of people who don’t have enough food. No doubt additional sea farms will soon be helping out with ever-improving methods.
A Bible verse tells us: “[The Lord] causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb [plants] for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth” (Psalm 104:14). And He also provided seafood for part of our food. God has provided plenty for everyone, but there are not always people willing to share with others, and much food is wasted while people go hungry.
When we help take care of someone’s need, it pleases the Lord Jesus. He tells us that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). We should be glad to help those in need, and this should also include telling them of the love of God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who wants all to know Him as their Savior. This is man’s greatest need.

The Chimney Blackbird

When the weather begins to turn colder, have you ever noticed that blackbirds and starlings collect around the tops of warm chimneys? If it gets crowded up there, sometimes there is pushing and shoving and squawking among the birds to find a warm spot.
One September afternoon, a blackbird had somehow gotten inside the oil furnace chimney above the roof of our house. Even though the furnace was off, there was warmth from the morning use of the furnace, and the bird either fluttered or fell to the bottom of the chimney. But soon it wanted to be out of there!
We could hear the bird fluttering and scratching, but it could not fly back up to the top opening. It was hopelessly trapped, and we felt sorry for it, as it struggled inside the chimney to get out.
There was only one way for that blackbird to have its freedom. We would have to take apart the top of the furnace so we could reach the bird and take it outside to set it free. After considerable effort, we finally were able to capture the bird inside the chimney.
This blackbird was black to start with, but now it was blacker with the soot and filth of the chimney. We carried it outside to the garden hose. But even after most of the soot was washed off, that blackbird still remained black—because it was born a blackbird and had black feathers to begin with.
You and I each have a sinful nature that we were born with, and we can’t change it. But we can have the soot and filth of our sins washed away. However, water won’t do it, nor will trying to lead a good, clean life help. Being helpful to our friends and neighbors won’t remove a single sin either. God’s Word says, “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses [good deeds] are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). That makes us just as helpless to remove our sins as that blackbird was to get rid of the chimney soot by itself. But the garden hose was the remedy for the blackbird. The bird was washed clean and set free.
God and His Son Jesus are offering you and me the remedy to remove our sins forever. The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross has the power to wash us clean from every sin and to set us free. “The blood of Jesus Christ [God’s] Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).
The blackbird was released—clean and free again. But have you been released—clean and free? Have you been to Jesus to have your sins washed away?
MEMORY VERSE: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7

The Dangerous Secret

Many years ago, Queen Mary of England made a law that no one was allowed to read or own a Bible. However, a blacksmith lived in the village of Harrant, and he loved the Lord Jesus and His Word. This blacksmith kept his Bible hidden in a wall of his home. He and his little daughter, Elsie, would spend many happy hours reading it in secret.
After hearing the Queen’s new law, Elsie’s father told her, “These are dangerous days for us. The Queen has ordered all Bibles to be gathered up and burned, and anyone found with one in his possession will be put to death. However, I cannot part with our Bible. It is the only copy left in this village. Let me warn you, Elsie, don’t tell anyone that we have it!”
The days that followed were very upsetting for everyone who loved God’s precious Word. Soldiers sent by the Queen were sure there was a Bible hidden somewhere in Harrant, and the village was searched again and again.
When the soldiers learned that the blacksmith was the only person in town who could read, they took him to prison. Elsie was cared for by their kind neighbors, but thinking about her father in prison made her very sad.
One day the soldiers came again to Harrant and searched every house. When they came to the blacksmith’s house, they said, “We’ll burn the house and shop to the ground! If a Bible is hidden in there it will be burned!” As the soldiers came near the house, Elsie hid in the bushes to watch. She was heartbroken as she watched them set fire to the house and shop. When the house was burning furiously, the soldiers left.
As Elsie watched her house burning, she thought of the Bible still hidden inside. She also thought of her father in prison because he had protected the only Bible in the village. Suddenly she dashed to the burning house and ran inside. The intense heat burned her skin and singed her clothes, but she stumbled to the wall where the Bible lay hidden. She quickly slid it out of its hiding place and hid it in the folds of her skirt. She was barely able to get back through the smoke and flames before collapsing outside the blazing house.
There, an hour later, the villagers found her still unconscious. Underneath her they found the Bible she had saved. They treated her burns, but she had scars from the burns for the rest of her life.
Most of us have a Bible in our homes, but do we value it as Elsie and her father did? Are you remembering to read it every day? Job said that he esteemed the words of God’s mouth more than his necessary food. (See Job 23:12.)
How good of God to give us His precious Word. It tells of His beloved Son, that precious Savior God has provided for sinners. Time that we spend reading our Bibles is never wasted. If we are faithful in reading it, the Lord Jesus will turn that Word to joy in our hearts. “Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart” (Jeremiah 15:16).
Have you read something from the Bible today?

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Elephant Seal

“God created great whales, and every living creature . . . which the waters brought forth abundantly.” Genesis 1:21
It’s not hard to see where elephant seals get their name. Some of these huge mammals, sometimes called sea elephants, weigh as much as four tons! But the name comes not so much from their size, but from the large, 15-inch nose of the male. It laps clear over his chin when his mouth is closed, reminding us of an elephant’s trunk. The females only weigh about a ton when full-grown, and their noses are not quite so large.
It is quite a sight to see these orangy-pink or dark-brown, twenty-foot-long bodies stretched out in a huge mass of a thousand or more on a sunny beach. It’s not unusual to see several large seals napping while another, half their size, is taking its nap sprawled across their backs for lack of other space.
The bodies of elephant seals have thick, tough, wrinkled skin, and their faces have long whiskers. Their big flippers take the place of feet and legs, enabling them to move about on the sandy or rocky shores or, on rare occasions, to fight one another. They are excellent swimmers and can dive deeper than most submarines, up to four thousand feet, in their search for fish or other seafood. They have been known to stay underwater a full hour before coming up for air.
Most of these seals live along the California coast, sometimes traveling as far as Alaska or Hawaii, but always returning to the beach where they were born. Some that live on the beaches of Georgia migrate clear across the Atlantic Ocean in the fall to the Orkney Islands north of Scotland. This is where their pups are born and raised, and then they swim with the parents on the long trip to the United States the next spring. Incidentally, pups are born with their eyes already open and are able to swim immediately.
At certain times great battles take place in the big colonies. Each male (bull) wants to have the greatest number of females (cows) under his care. Most have three to forty cows, and a few bulls may have more than a hundred. The weakest bulls, however, may not have any and live apart from the others.
Mammals such as these, with their unusual appearances and ways, remind us that the Bible says of the Lord God, “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11). But He tells us in another verse that His creation of people is extra special: “My delights were with the sons of men” (Proverbs 8:31). In this verse we can hear His loving voice saying to you and me, “Hearken unto Me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep My ways” (verse 32). Are you one who is willing and happy to keep His ways?

Another Story of Jacob

Do you remember the Bible story we had several weeks ago about Jacob, the man who went to sleep using a stone for a pillow and dreamed about a ladder reaching up to heaven? Here is another story about the same man, but he is not as young as he was when he had that dream. He is married now and has one daughter and many sons.
Jacob had been very mean to his twin brother Esau when they were younger, and now he was afraid of Esau. Jacob was planning to go back home again with his large family, and he was very rich with herds of cattle, sheep and goats, which he would also take home. However, the news reached him that Esau was coming to meet him.
A bad conscience makes anybody afraid. If you are afraid to meet your brother after you have done something wrong to him, how will you ever meet God? Maybe you can forget it for a while, but when you meet God, you will find the record of all your sins is there! What will you do?
God knows how you feel, and He cares. When Jesus was on the cross in total darkness, God punished Him for my sins—all of them—even the ones I have forgotten. And when Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED,” the necessary punishment for my sins was not only finished, but they are gone forever, and I can meet Him with joy and not be afraid! But what about you? Did Jesus bear the punishment for your sins? Can you join us in thanking Him now and forever for taking the punishment that we deserved?
Jacob, who was worried about meeting Esau, sent his family on ahead while he stayed alone by the brook that night. That’s where the Angel of God met him and wrestled with him. The struggle lasted all night, for Jacob was determined to win and not to give up.
Then the Angel touched Jacob’s hip, and suddenly it was out of joint. If the Angel had power to do that, He could have done a whole lot more! But God’s way is perfect—. His will is to bless and not to destroy.
Let me go, said the Angel. It’s almost sunrise.
Jacob was crippled now, but he was ready to ask for what only God could give. Are you ready too? Are you ready to give up and ask instead of arguing? Are you ready to receive God’s blessing instead of fighting for your own way?
I will not let You go except You bless me, said Jacob.
What is your name? asked the Angel.
God knows your name very well. God is asking right now if you will tell Him that your name is “sinner.” Will you tell Him? “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). If you will tell Him right now that you are a sinner, then He is ready to save you. That’s what Jesus came to earth to do!
Jacob told the Angel of God that his name was Jacob, and immediately the Angel gave him a new name—”Israel.” This new name means “prince,” and it covered up the old, deceitful name of “Jacob.” What a nice new name.
Did you know that if you are born into God’s family, you have a new name too? You won’t know what it is until you are in heaven with the Lord Jesus.
Then Jacob asked the Angel of God, What is Your name? But he never got a clear answer, perhaps because God has many names, and each one of them fits our need and yet is far beyond our thoughts. One of His names is “Wonderful,” and He is wonderful today and for all eternity!
Jacob got the blessing that he wanted from the Angel of God, and so he was the winner in the wrestling. He was also a cripple for the rest of his life, but in his old age he worshipped God, leaning on the top of his staff. You can be a winner too, and God will give you more than you ever thought of asking for. If your life ends in true worship, your eternity will be joyful worship too. “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).
MEMORY VERSE: “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

The Sparrows' Rescue

A kind old man was walking down the street one day when he met a boy carrying a cage full of sparrows. The old man stopped the boy and asked him what he was going to do with those sparrows.
The boy answered the old man’s question, “I’m gonna take ‘em home and feed ‘em to my cat.”
The old man asked the boy, “What would you charge me for that cage full of birds?”
“Ten bucks,” the boy quickly answered.
Ten dollars was a lot of money in those days, but the man reached into his knapsack, brought out ten dollars and gave the money to the boy.
The boy looked at the old man as though he were out of his mind, then quickly dropped the cage, grabbed the money and started running. He probably thought the old man might change his mind.
Now, what do you think the old man did with the cage full of sparrows? He took them to a meadow outside the city, opened the cage and let them all fly away to freedom. Instead of a cruel death, those sparrows were given life, freedom and peace! What a wonderful exchange!
Have you been set free from your sins and the punishment you deserve for them? Have you met Jesus the Savior of sinners who loves you and wants to set you free, or are you still locked up in Satan’s cage? Jesus says, “[You] are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31). He paid far more than ten dollars to set you free! He paid with His own life’s blood on Calvary’s cross when He died for you and me. Come to Him! Trust Him! “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Some Helpful Dogs

“They are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.” Isaiah 56:10
George Washington had a beautiful home overlooking the Potomac River where he kept riding horses, a small flock of sheep and some Doberman pinscher dogs. The dogs were not just pets; they were also guards of the valuable property.
Dobermans, as well as German shepherds, are still excellent police dogs. They are highly intelligent and can be trained for police work. Some city police departments have as many as two dozen or more for emergency work.
Both kinds of dogs are considered top performers for police work; however, the Dobermans are preferred where summer heat is a problem, since they don’t have the thick coats of the German shepherds. They are trained by experts while still pups. When older they are put in the charge of a policeman or guard with whom they will live and develop a strong, friendly bond. The dogs don’t mix with other people or other dogs and have deep loyalty to their master.
One kind of work for a policeman and his dog is to patrol department stores or other businesses during night hours. They go through each floor. The dog is on a long leash, held by his human partner, and goes behind each counter and mannequin—paying attention only to what may be hidden behind them.
The dog’s keen sense of smell immediately detects a thief who may think he is well hidden. Moving close to him, the dog growls fiercely, with its strong teeth exposed, until his master, sizing up the situation, may command “Watch him!” The dog will guard the thief while the policeman calls on his short-wave radio for backup help. If the thief tries to escape, the dog will quickly move in and cause him to change his mind, but will not harm him otherwise.
But this isn’t the only service the dogs do when in these buildings. As they move from place to place, the dog’s sharp sense of hearing and keen sense of smell may lead the policeman to some piece of equipment that is overheating or making an unusual noise. The intelligent dog seems to sense that something is wrong. Often the short-wave radio is used again with a request to send help.
The opening Bible verse, describing dumb dogs, is what the Lord says about those who did not return His love in past days, compared with those who did return His love. Of those who did respond to His love and kindness He said, “Even them will I bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful” (Isaiah 56:7). And that’s where true joy is found today—in the hearts of those who know Him as their Savior. Just as there are helpful dogs and dumb dogs, there are people who return God’s love and those who do not return God’s love. Which are you?

Treasure in Plain Sight!

How many of you boys and girls have ever dreamed of finding hidden treasure? The man in our story had real treasure hidden in plain sight—right in his backyard, and he didn’t even realize it for several years!
Before we tell you this story, try to remember these verses. The Bible tells us that there is something more valuable than gold! “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19). This simply means that silver and gold are items that over time will rust away. It is only the precious blood of Christ that can wash away our sins and make us fit to enter into heaven. The value of the blood of Christ will never perish or fail over time!
Mr. Emanuel lived on Staten Island, New York. He and his family had moved into their home in 2011. It had a nice backyard with lots of trees in it. Behind the trees was a rusted metal box that they could see from their deck and from the sofa in their family room. But they thought nothing of it. Mr. Emanuel assumed it was just an electrical box or maybe a cable box. Besides, it was partly buried in the ground and there was poison ivy growing all around it. Occasionally, he would throw mulch on it to make it blend in with the surroundings.
In the spring of 2018, Mr. Emanuel decided to plant bamboo in his backyard for more privacy. The winter had been harsh, and the deer had eaten the leaves off the lower branches of his trees. This made the rusted, ugly box very visible, so he decided to totally redo his backyard. He called a man who specialized in unusual plants and had years of experience working in yards, gardens and zoos in the New Jersey and New York area. He went by the nickname of Bamboo Bob.
Walking through the backyard for the first time, Bamboo Bob noticed the rusted box buried in a few inches of dirt. He and his workers looked it over and realized that it was not an electrical or cable box. They helped the homeowners dig the box out of the ground and discovered that it was actually a safe with a dial on it! It was about 2 feet wide and 1-1/2 feet deep. It was also heavy! They estimated that it weighed between 80 and 100 pounds. Mr. Emanuel shook the safe to see if he could hear jingling, and when he couldn’t, they moved it to the back deck. Then Bamboo Bob and his workers went on with their job in the backyard.
Are you curious about what was in the box? I don’t know how Mr. Emanuel waited until the end of the day to open the safe, but he did! Then he pried it open with a pick, and what do you think he found? The first thing he saw were $100 dollar bills, stacked three inches deep! There were also bags of gold, earrings and other jewelry. Wow! What a find!
Because the safe had been out in the weather for so long, it had a few rusty holes in it. This caused the money to be wet and stuck together. Mr. Emanuel spent the next few days carefully peeling the money apart and drying it out. It totaled about $1,600.00. There was so much gold that he began to weigh it on his kitchen scale. It weighed around a pound! Boys and girls, it takes a lot of gold to weigh that much!
At first, Mr. Emanuel thought that he would keep this treasure, but then he found an address in the safe. Looking online, he discovered that it belonged to a neighbor whose house he passed every day when he walked his dog.
So what do you think he did?
He walked around the corner to his neighbor’s house and asked the lady if she had ever been robbed. When she said “Yes,” he told her, “I think I have your stuff.”
The two of them walked back to Mr. Emanuel’s house. When she saw the safe, she was amazed! She and her husband had been robbed at the end of 2011, nearly seven years ago. Police had told the couple that they would never see their life’s savings again!
When the robbery happened, they had reported it to the police. A very wicked man had been robbing their neighborhood and other nearby neighborhoods for several years. When he was finally caught in 2016, he said that he had stolen over $4 million worth of property and was responsible for more than 100 burglaries! The police believed that he was responsible for stealing this couple’s life savings, as well. When the safe was stolen, it was reported to have about $40,000 in cash and jewelry, with a value of $52,000!
When Jesus lived and walked on this earth, He spoke about treasure. This is what He said: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal” (Matthew 6:19). This is exactly what happened to the treasure in this story. Because a thief stole the safe and threw it into someone’s backyard, much of the money had been rain damaged and was destroyed, greatly decreasing the value of the treasure.
But Jesus then went on to say, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal” (Matthew 6:20). What did Jesus mean? He meant that when we ask Him to forgive our sins and we put our trust in Him for our salvation, we will have treasure in heaven.
This is what it means to be “redeemed [or bought] . . . with the precious blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19). Every time we do something for Jesus, we are laying up treasure for ourselves in heaven! God tells us what pleases Him in His Word, the Bible. “I rejoice at Thy word, as one that findeth great spoil [treasure]” (Psalm 119:162). Do you love the Lord Jesus? Are you laying up for yourself treasure in heaven? Read your Bible every day, and you will find great treasure for yourself!
MEMORY VERSE: “Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold  ... but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

The Wonders of God's Creation: Are Those Really Eyes?

“The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down.” Psalm 146:8
The eyes of many animals, birds and insects can perform in remarkable ways. One of the most outstanding animals with unusual eyes is the horny-toed lizard, which makes its home in the deserts of Arizona. It is an amazing creature not seen by many people. This is a strange little fellow with a wrinkly brownish-tan body, capped with a pair of reddish ears on top of its horny, grim-faced head. It also has two big areas of red flesh around its dark eyes.
On occasions this lizard curls up into a wrinkly ball, its body resting on legs pulled underneath itself. It confronts an enemy by sitting upright, and with its head raised, it will suddenly shoot out a series of dark red globs of blood over its head in such an amazing manner that its attacker is frightened away. The bloody shots may shoot up six feet or more and can have a bad smell that makes the enemy leave it alone.
Another interesting example is the strange-looking jumping spider which has two big black eyes above its jaws, while slightly higher and a short distance away are two more, smaller, dark-colored eyes. It appears that the bigger eyes look ahead, and the smaller eyes see only what is behind.
A small fish called anableps spends much time at the water’s surface. The upper half of its unusual eyes sees things in every direction above the surface, while at the same time the lower half sees only things below the surface. Thus, while resting right at the surface, it can keep fully alert to everything in front, behind, above and below it.
The eyespot grasshopper has been provided with light-green round spots on the back of its dark brown body that look like huge eyes. These keep enemies away that otherwise would attack it. Something similar takes place with the silk moth, colored mostly in bright red. When a bird sneaks up from behind, it is suddenly frightened away when the moth, sensing its approach, opens its wings and two snake-like “eyes” are exposed.
The pretty yellow butterfly fish is often the target of larger fish. On swimming closer, the larger fish discover two big, white-rimmed, coal-black “eyes” with a partly open mouth below them and turn away in fright. But actually these are only markings. The Creator provided these to preserve this pretty little fish from hungry enemies. The actual eyes on the front of the fish are concealed by wide black stripes.
These are just a few of the many wonders of God’s creation. Perhaps in the delights and wonders of heaven, we who know the Lord Jesus as our Savior will hear from His lips about many other created wonders. Will you be there?
Set 8

Big Sister Saves Baby Brother

It was an exciting day for Lexie! She was turning 9 years old, and her family was planning a big birthday party for her, even though she could not run and play like other children, because she had cerebral palsy and had to be strapped into a wheelchair. But she was a happy girl anyway. What she did not know then was that things were going to get even more exciting. And she was going to play a big part in it all!
Her father had gone to pick up her older brother, and her mother was upstairs getting dressed to receive guests. Her baby brother, Leeland, who was one year old, had just wakened from his nap. As she sat in her wheel-chair waiting for the celebration to begin, she saw her brother toddle into the room. Then he opened the sliding glass door, which he had never done before. He closed it and went onto the back deck and suddenly disappeared into the swimming pool! It all happened in a flash of time—what could she do?
Not only could she not run to help him, but she was also unable to speak. She did the only thing that she could do to save her baby brother. She screamed as loud and as long as she could! Her mother instantly knew that something was terribly wrong, and she came flying down the stairs. Her grandmother, who was in the kitchen helping to prepare the meal, came racing into the room. Lexie didn’t say anything—she just pointed to the sliding glass door. Grandmother ran outside to the edge of the pool and looked down. There was Leeland! She quickly grabbed him, lifting him out of the pool. Lexie’s warning had been in time! When Leeland was taken to a local hospital to be checked, doctors confirmed that he was fine.
Lexie’s mother was so grateful that Leeland’s life was saved. She could not help but cry and give Lexie a big hug, thanking her for saving Leeland’s life. She realized that a few seconds made the difference between tragedy and life. Lexie’s love for her little brother and quick thinking was honored by the Halifax Regional Police and other local officials.
Within two days after Leeland’s fall into the pool, the family had a fence with a locked gate placed between the house and the pool. They wanted to make sure that there was no more danger of Leeland, or anyone else, falling into the pool!
This very sweet and touching story reminds us of God’s love toward us. He knows that we are helpless sinners in need of a Savior. Leeland could not save himself, and neither can we save ourselves.
This is why God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. Because of this, God will forgive us for our sins if we trust Him to. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). Because God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9), He has provided free salvation to every boy and girl and grown-up who will put their trust in Him. To refuse God’s way of salvation is eternal tragedy—to accept God’s way of salvation is eternal life! We hope that you have put your trust in Jesus for your soul’s salvation. If not, He is giving you another chance to come to Him today!
MEMORY VERSE: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise . . . but is long-suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Bear's Adventure

It was late afternoon, and seven-year-old Louise and her cousins were enjoying playing outdoors. Louise’s two dogs, Bear and Tippy, were running in the yard as they also enjoyed the summer weather.
Suddenly, Tippy was upset about something and tried to get the attention of the girls. It took a few minutes of barking for the girls to understand Tippy’s message. They followed him.
When the girls discovered what had Tippy upset, they were upset too. Bear had crawled about 50 feet into a big, empty, underground pipe that was part of the irrigation system, and only his head was poking up through an opening in the pipe. He could see the girls, but he would not pull his head down to crawl back out. He was whining as though asking for help. The girls were too young to figure out how to help Bear, but they knew Louise’s daddy would be the best person to help the dog, so they called him. When you have difficulties and need help, do you know who to turn to? Jesus says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble” (Psalm 50:15). “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). Isn’t it wonderful to know that the Lord Jesus hears and understands us at all times. He says, “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).
Louise’s daddy crawled into the big pipe as far as he could, but he could not reach Bear or get him to move. Bear was frightened, and by now it was getting dark. Louise was really upset and worried. She did not know what would happen to Bear if they could not get him out. Because Louise had been taught by her parents that the Lord Jesus cares about all our problems, she was praying that somehow they could get Bear out of the pipe. Then here is what happened.
When it was completely dark, Louise’s daddy hung a spotlight at the entrance to the big pipe. And that’s all it took! When Bear saw the light, he wiggled around, pulled his head back out of the opening, and crawled out toward the light. He sure got a lot of hugs when he finally came out.
Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Have you turned to the Light? Jesus is also the Savior of sinners. Is He your Savior? Won’t you come to the Light and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness” (John 12:46).

The Wonders of God's Creation: For Your Sweet Tooth

“I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live . . . . My meditation of Him shall be sweet.” Psalm 104:33-34
The word sugar does not appear in the Bible. The closest reference is when the Lord says, “To what purpose [comes] there to Me . . . the sweet cane from a far country?” (Jeremiah 6:20). People in the land of Israel apparently did not grow sugarcane but sent away for it. The natural sweetener they had in their own land was mostly a constant supply of honey, which is often referred to in the Bible.
We may be sure the Creator included sugarcane for our use when He caused vegetation to grow on the earth. In the many years since then, it has been grown in great quantities throughout the world.
In preparing sugar from canes, it is first ground in big rollers, squeezing out the sweet juice. This juice is treated to remove anything that might be harmful and then put in big tanks where the water is removed. This leaves sugar crystals to be further processed until it appears just as it comes to your kitchen table. Bakeries and candy makers are among the largest users—some buying tremendous quantities for their products.
Sugar is an important part of our diet. A grown person eats about one hundred pounds a year in candy, ice cream, cookies, cakes, pies and breakfast cereal. Its chief value to us, aside from a sweet taste, is how quickly it is digested and can raise energy levels for a tired or hungry person. But we have to be careful about how much we put into our bodies, as too.
Other sources of sugar have been discovered over the years. The main one is the sugar beet, which is grown in fields and dug out of the ground just like a potato. It is processed in a refinery in much the same way as cane sugar. Looking at a sugar beet as it comes from the ground, it is hard to imagine the amount of sugar it will produce.
You are perhaps familiar with the sweet maple sap that comes from maple trees in some northern parts of North America. This is sometimes refined into dark sugar. There is also grape sugar with its special sweet taste, another called malt sugar, and sugar made from corn, sweet potatoes and even carrots.
In addition to enjoying God’s love and singing to Him, the psalmist exclaimed, “How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth” (Psalm 119:103). In another place he says, “More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb” (Psalm 19:10).
The more we read God’s Word, the Bible, the sweeter we will find His loving words to us. Have you tasted that sweetness?

Trooper, the Faithful Dog

Do you know what the word “faithful” means? The dictionary uses words like “dependable,” “steady,” “loyal” and “true” to explain what it means. Let me tell you about a dog named Trooper that lives in Iowa, and I think you’ll understand a little more about that word “faithful.”
I’m not sure exactly what kind of a dog Trooper is, but he’s a pretty big dog with a coat of thick, white fur. He’s friendly, but he doesn’t jump up on you. You only need to call his name and he comes right over with his long tail wagging, waiting for you to pet him or scratch his head. And he is a faithful dog. I have no doubt that he is very faithful to his master, because he is so faithful in another way.
Trooper lives about a mile away from a little meeting hall where Christians go to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and to hear and learn about Him. For some years now, Trooper has also gone to the same little meeting hall. He doesn’t go inside; he waits outside. When the people arrive, Trooper is there to greet them. When they come back out, he is still there with his tail wagging.
You may think that he is waiting for his master to come out, but his master does not attend this little meeting hall. Yet Trooper is there every Sunday morning at 9:30, every Sunday evening at 7:00, and every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Whenever there is a meeting going on in that hall, Trooper is one of the first to arrive and the last to leave. And he doesn’t come in a car or van . . . he walks.
Iowa has some pretty harsh weather. In summer the temperature sometimes will go above 100 degrees, often followed by thunderstorms with lots of lightning. In winter it often goes below zero with blowing and drifting snow. But Trooper is always at the little hall right on time, and he waits outside regardless of the weather until everyone has gone home again. He is dependable, steady, loyal and true. Trooper is faithful.
Do you have a faithful friend? Someone you can count on to be dependable, steady, loyal and true to you? Most of us have at least one friend we can count on. But there are some things that even our faithful friends or pets cannot do. They cannot be with us all the time. If Trooper were closed up in the house, he could not get out to be at the meeting hall on time. And something else our faithful friends cannot always do no matter how much they want to—they cannot always keep their promises. All it takes is a heavy snowfall, and many promised plans are canceled.
Now let me tell you about one faithful Friend who can be with you all the time and who always keeps His promises! His name is Jesus. He loves you and has made some promises to you that He will always keep. In Joshua 1:5 He says, “I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake [desert] thee.” In Hebrews 13:5 He says again, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
And He has made some other promises to you that He will keep if you will let Him. If you will come to Him and admit that you are a sinner and believe that He died on the cross for your sins, He promises to forgive you! “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). And He adds another promise to that one—a home with Him in heaven. “I go to prepare a place for you . . . .that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:2-3).
There are many more promises that He has given to us in the Bible. And He will keep every single one, because He is God, and “God is faithful” (1 Corinthians 1:9). “He is faithful that promised” (Hebrews 10:23). Closed doors or bad weather will never keep Him from being dependable, steady, loyal and true.
Is Jesus your faithful Friend and Savior? He wants to be.
MEMORY VERSE: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

Do You Learn the Memory Verse?

Have you noticed that part of the memory verse is in darker type? We’ll explain why.
We are happy that many of you memorize these verses every week. Memorizing God’s holy Word is very important. Can you think of some reasons why? One very important reason is given to us in Psalm 119:11. It says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.” If a verse has been learned, the Lord Jesus can bring it into your mind just when you need it most—to help you do or say what is right and what will please Him.
Some of you children probably learn these verses by yourselves. Some of you younger ones may have someone help you learn them. Perhaps there are some very young children who are only able to learn part of the verse each week. Since our memory verse this week is longer, we have printed in darker type a part for beginners to learn. We do this each time we have a longer verse.
We hope this will encourage everyone, even the very young, to memorize Scripture.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Kestrels and Peregrines - Part 1

“God created . . . every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:21
Kestrels and peregrines are closely related birds of prey; both are falcons and members of the hawk family. The kestrel is often called a sparrow hawk and the peregrine a duck hawk. Today we’ll learn about the kestrel, and we’ll look at the peregrine in the next issue.
The kestrel is a pretty bird with a cap of bluish-gray, brown and rust colors on its white head and an outstanding display of rust, bluish-gray, black and spotted-white feathers over the rest of its body and wings. It builds its nest in a tree, on the side of a high cliff, or sometimes even on a ledge of a tall building.
Kestrels make their homes in just about every part of the United States, Mexico and southern Canada. Where winters are cold, they migrate south in the fall, but in the southern states they remain year-round.
Like all hawks, their food is mainly small animals, such as mice, moles, rats and also fish. They also dispose of many insects, like caterpillars and dragonflies. Being the size of a blue jay, they don’t attack even the smallest birds in the air, for they are not swift enough to catch them. However, if they see one of the smaller birds, like a sparrow or chickadee, hopping or resting on the ground, they will fly silently over it and then drop down and capture it. People are not happy to see them catch birds but are glad when they catch mice, rats and insects.
Kestrels spend much of the daylight hours hovering over open fields or perching on posts or electrical wires near open fields. Their sharp eyes are alert for prey to eat on the spot or to take to a mate or to young birds in the nest. They have a peculiar habit which will help you identify them. When perched on a post, they often pump their tails up and down, as though they are trying to keep their balance. They also have an unusual call; it sounds like they are repeating, “klee-klee-klee.”
The mother bird lays about five eggs in the spring, and the young hatch in about four weeks. A month later they are ready to fly and are soon on their own.
Kestrels are part of God’s creation, and He has much delight in them. But their lives are for this world only, compared with humans who have a never-dying soul. God gives us a special invitation: “[Let] the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God” (2 Thessalonians 3:5). Are you aware of God’s love for you? Do you know His Son, the Lord Jesus, who loves you so very much that He died for you?
(to be continued)

Who Shut the Door?

Maybe you have heard the story of Noah and the boatload of animals. The whole story is so wonderful and so different from the picture book stories that you see in bookstores.
You have probably heard that Noah built an ark. He built it exactly the shape and size that God had planned. It was not painted red and blue or yellow and green, but it was covered all over with black tar to make it waterproof. It was more important for this very special boat to be waterproof than to be pretty.
The ark had one door—a front door. There was no back door. And here’s a puzzle for you to think about as we tell you this story. Who shut the door?
It is not hard to picture the door wide open and large enough for a pair of elephants to go through. So it was certainly big enough for anybody who wanted to go in, not just to explore but to stay. There was no sign that said “No Trespassing,” and there was no cashier to take money. The open door was an invitation to “COME IN!”
Why would anyone want to go into the ark? Because God had Noah build it to save people from a big flood that He was going to send as punishment for their sinfulness. He has provided a different kind of ark for you and me. Our sinfulness deserves punishment too, but God sent His Son Jesus to bear the punishment for sin on the cross as the substitute for anyone who will accept Him as his or her very own Savior. Jesus said, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved” (John 10:9).
All the animals went inside the ark, and there was food for them inside too. Then Noah and all his family went in, eight people, but the door wasn’t closed yet. It stayed open for seven more days, with the invitation for all the people to come into the ark and be safe from the coming flood.
Wasn’t it kind of God to keep the door open for seven more days? Noah had warned the people that God said He was going to send a flood, and anyone outside of the ark would drown. God kept the door open for any who might accept the opportunity to go in and be safe from the coming judgment. But nobody else went in . . . they didn’t believe God.
God has given us a warning of coming judgment for our sins. Just as He had Noah build the ark as a place of safety from the flood, He sent His Son Jesus into the world to make a place of safety for sinners from the coming judgment for their sins. The door of salvation is open right now, waiting for you to come in. God does not tell us how long it will remain open—maybe just seven more days or maybe seven more minutes! When it’s God’s time, He will shut the door and leave you outside if you do not come in now while it is still open.
Who shut the door of the ark? God did. The Bible doesn’t tell us that the door was ever opened again until after the flood was over. When God shuts a door, it remains shut until He opens it.
Then it rained for 40 days, and the water bubbled up from underground too. There never was such a flood before and never has been since. Even the mountains were covered with water. When God sends judgment, there is no way out!
The ark was not built like most boats, with a pointed prow at the front. It just floated safely—the higher the water, the higher it floated. No leaks and no drips. It was three floors high, and Noah and his family probably lived on the third floor, because there was a window for them up there, just as God had planned.
After a whole year, they felt the ark resting on a mountaintop. There were two ravens in the ark, and Noah sent one of them out, but it flew away and never came back. Then Noah sent out a dove, but it flew back again because the floodwaters were still too high—the ark was the only place it could rest. Noah took the dove inside the ark again.
Then a week later he sent the dove out again, and this time it came back with an olive leaf in its beak! That was a good sign that the trees were beginning to leaf out again. Maybe you’ve seen a picture of a dove with a leaf in its beak, and now you know the story.
A third time Noah sent the dove out, and this time it found a place to live in the fresh green trees and did not come back again. Then Noah removed the covering of the ark and looked and saw that the ground was dry. Very good news! It is always good news when you trust what God says. Now the eight people inside and all the animals were free to come out of the ark and live on the clean earth.
God is giving you an opportunity to be washed clean from all your sins through the death of Jesus. Have you accepted His loving offer to be saved from the punishment you deserve? Have you come through His open door? If not, He warns, “These shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal” (Matthew 25:46).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9

Something God Cannot See

Timmy said to his mother, “Guess what my Sunday school teacher told me yesterday.”
“What did she tell you, Timmy?”
“She told us there is one thing God can’t see!”
Mother asked with a surprised voice, “Are you sure your teacher told you that? Why, God sees everything!”
Timmy said with a smile on his face, “She said that God can’t see our sins when they are all covered by the blood of Jesus!”
Mother quickly agreed, “That’s exactly right, Timmy. God tells us that in the Bible. He says, ‘I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins’ (Isaiah 44:22). ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin’ (1 John 1:7).”
Is the blood of Jesus covering your sins?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Kestrels and Peregrines - Part 2

“I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are Mine.” Psalm 50:11
In last week’s “Wonders” article, we looked at kestrels, and now we will look at their close relative, the peregrine falcon. You may recall that both groups are members of the hawk family and live in the same areas throughout the world, including the United States, Mexico and parts of Canada. Their nesting habits are similar—sometimes in the hole of a tree trunk, on a ledge of a rocky canyon or even on a high ledge on the side of a tall building.
Male peregrines are mostly mottled brown and tan over their bodies and legs, with darker brown on their wings and tops of their heads. Females have lighter grayish feathers over their backs and heads, contrasting with soft white throats and chests.
Compared with the blue jay-sized kestrel, peregrines are about the size of a big crow. One look at their hooked beaks and long, sharp talons would convince you they can be very tough enemies of rats, mice, rabbits, squirrels and other land animals, as well as birds as big as sea gulls.
“Peregrine” means “traveling or wandering.” They will at times fly hundreds of miles searching for a meal. While kestrels don’t have enough speed to catch other birds in the air, peregrines can overtake many birds. They fly as high as 1,000 feet, their sharp eyes all the while searching far below for prey.
These birds could not do all this remarkable hunting if the Creator had not provided them with eyes like telescopes. They can spot a squirrel on the ground a thousand feet below or see a flying bird a great distance off and soon overtake it. Sometimes when mates are flying together and the male captures a bird, the female will fly upside down below him and let him drop the captive into her open claws to take to the nest for their young. At other times, flying alone and capturing a bird at a time when he’s not hungry, the peregrine will kill it in the air and then drop it to the ground. When he comes back later to pick it up, he might catch a rat or other animal nibbling on it.
Adam and Eve brought sin into the world. After that, many animals and birds, such as these hawks, became meat eaters for the first time. But another time is soon coming when everything will be happy and at peace again.
Before that takes place, those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior will be with Him in heaven and will happily look down on a renewed world that will then be at perfect peace. Will you be one of those looking down from heaven on that happy sight? You can be if you will accept the Lord Jesus as your very own Savior.

Tell the Truth

CRASH!” went the glass from the window as it shattered onto the back porch. Kevin stared at the broken window. He could hardly believe it. I didn’t know I could throw a football that far. The throw had been a nice spiral, too, but it went right through the back porch window. I guess I shouldn’t have thrown it toward the house, he thought as he ran up to see what had happened.
Looking at the mess he thought, Mom and Dad are going to be mad at me when they get home. And I’ll probably have to pay for the new window, and I hardly have enough money to buy Mom’s birthday present. Maybe, just maybe I won’t have to tell them I did it. If they ask me, I’ll have to tell them, but if they don’t ask me, then maybe it won’t be like lying.
Then something popped into his mind. He remembered what his Sunday school teacher had said just the week before. They had been reading in Acts about Ananias and Sapphira and what happened to them when they lied. “Boys,” their teacher had said, “telling the truth is so very important. There is no such thing as ‘a little white lie’ in God’s sight. Those who are not Christians think nothing of lying about something if it will help them. But the penalty that fell on Ananias and Sapphira shows what God thinks about lying. Yes, boys (and girls), a lie is an awful thing, and often it is just the beginning of a path of sin. Also remember that an acted lie is just as bad as a spoken lie. Someday one of you may be tempted to hide something by keeping quiet. In God’s sight that is just another way of lying. When Satan tells you to keep quiet, ask God to help you to tell the truth and not sin by keeping quiet. He will help you do what is right and pleasing to Him.”
Just then Kevin’s parents drove into the driveway. As Kevin went around to the front, he asked God to help him tell the truth.
Kevin’s father immediately saw that something was bothering him. “What’s wrong, Kevin?” he asked.
“I broke the back porch window with my football, and I’m really sorry.”
“How did it happen?” asked his father.
“I threw my new football toward the house, and it went lots farther than it’s ever gone before . . . then SMASH! I’ll pay for the new window, Dad.”
“That’s all right, Kevin,” said his father, putting an arm around Kevin’s shoulder. “Accidents happen. I’m just glad that you came and told me about it right away.”
As they talked more about it, Kevin told him how he almost didn’t say anything about the window. But then he remembered what his Sunday school teacher had said—that keeping quiet is another way of lying.
“Son,” said his father, “I’m glad to see that you’ve learned a lesson today. It’s so easy to lie even without opening your mouth. I hope you’ve learned something else too. When you’re tempted to do something wrong, ask God for help to do what is right. Never think you can do it by yourself.”
“Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue” (Psalm 120:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.” Psalm 120:2

The Fishbowl Mystery

Our family was given a pet one day, a beautiful, dark blue Betta fish, also called a Siamese fighter fish. At our house, fish never seemed to live very long, but we decided to try keeping this beautiful tropical fish.
The children named him Purple, which described his deep, violet-blue color. We never tired of watching this two-inch-long tropical fish swim gracefully around in its fishbowl. We all agreed that with long, fluttering fins and tails in a variety of jewel-like colors, these fish are another example of God’s delight in creating beautiful things.
Purple ate his food eagerly when it was dropped into his bowl. He even devoured small minnows that the children caught in a nearby stream. He attacked the minnows viciously, as his name of “fighter fish” tells us.
One day, after we had kept Purple for a few months, the children found a large snail shell. They all agreed that it would look nice in Purple’s bowl, so after scrubbing it to make sure it was clean, Mom dropped it in and everyone ran off to play.
A little while later, Mom looked up from her work in the kitchen and noticed that the fishbowl looked empty. I wonder where Purple is? she thought.
Looking into the bowl closely from all angles, she was puzzled at Purple’s disappearance. He couldn’t have just jumped out, she told herself.
Suddenly, she thought about the shell she had put into the fish’s home that morning. She took it out to examine it more closely. There was no sign of Purple, so she cracked open the shell. There Mom found the lifeless body of poor, little Purple, curled into the farthest curve of the shell. He had gone inside and couldn’t turn around to swim back out, so he had suffocated.
The opening in the shell may have seemed like a nice place to hide, or maybe Purple was looking for food inside. We’ll never know what made him swim into the shell. It reminded the family of the Bible verse that describes people doing the same thing. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 16:25). Why would anyone choose a way that ends in death?
If we open our Bibles to one of the very first pages, we read about the serpent, Satan, tricking Adam and Eve into disobeying God. Ever since, he has been attracting people to his wide, smooth road that seems so nice, but ends in death in that awful place called hell.
Oh, don’t believe Satan’s whispered lies which tell you that you can go any way you want, and that God’s way doesn’t matter. Remember our poor little pet fish that chose a way that led to its death. Instead, follow Jesus, who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The White-Tailed Ground Squirrel

“Thou hast made . . . the earth, and all things that are therein . . . and Thou preservest them all.” Nehemiah 9:6
Many kinds of ground squirrels are found in the desert. Most of them are harmless and curious and fun to watch. One of these is called the white tail or antelope chipmunk and is often mistaken for a true chipmunk. It is identified by its black and white stripes ending at its shoulders, whereas the chipmunk’s stripes go to the tip of its nose.
The white tail is easily recognized as it scampers along with its white-backed tail held over its back. It spends all its time gathering seeds and nuts, stuffing them into its cheek pouches and then carrying this food to store in its den. It also eats parts of cactus and yucca plants, beetles, crickets and other insects.
It is amazing to see the white tail climb a spine-covered cactus, stuff its pouches with seeds, turn around and go back down headfirst to the ground, never getting a scratch from those sharp needles. How can it possibly do this? This ability is, of course, one of the special features supplied by its Creator who wisely provides for every need and who “[does] great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number” (Job 5:9).
Like most other ground squirrels, the white tail lives in the rocky foothills. The entrance hole to its den is always hidden under a boulder or behind the covering of a bush. Since rattlesnakes, coyotes and hawks are a constant threat, it has other hidden entrances that are ready for any emergency.
In its underground den, it builds a nest lined with feathers, grass and other soft materials. There are usually a dozen or more babies born each spring. These are nursed by the mother until they are strong enough for the outside world. Once outside, the little ones are great fun to watch . . . so full of life and amusements as they play together. But the mother keeps a sharp eye on them to see that they do not wander from her hidden shelter. The family stays together until the young ones are big enough to care for themselves.
As part of the wonders of God’s creation, these little animals remind us that “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Psalm 33:5). Referring to that goodness, the psalmist also said, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6).
Have you thanked Him for His goodness to you? He has promised that you may also live in His heavenly home for all eternity, but only if you willingly admit that you are a sinner in need of salvation and accept Him as your Savior.
Set 9

The Soccer Game

“If God is trying to tell me something, a letter would be nice.”
That’s what Brian said after the soccer game, because he was really shaken up that day and seemed ready to listen to God.
What does it take to make a person ready to listen to God? If you have ears to hear, then listen right now, for God has already spoken to you in the Bible, and He also instructs, “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15). God wants to get your attention, just as He wanted Brian’s attention.
Brian was goalie for his team. It wasn’t the best kind of day for a soccer game; the whole field was a soggy mess. It had been raining earlier in the day, and the sky was looking black again. Suddenly a vivid flash of lightning split the sky, and something happened that Brian will remember as long as he lives.
“The St. Regis team was coming down on me,” he reported, “and suddenly I felt and heard the hum of electricity all around me! Then the ball was just rolling along by itself, and everybody was down on the ground.”
Twenty-one players, plus the referee, had dropped in their tracks. Only Brian was left standing. “I just stood there, looking over the field at all the bodies. It was a weird and scary feeling!”
Something so unusual feels like a message from God, and Brian was not mistaken. The truth is that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). Don’t wait until you are in a field full of fallen friends. You might very well be one of them. NOW is the time to listen to God!
One by one the fallen players began to move around and get up on their feet. All but the referee . . . he didn’t get up. The paramedics were called, but it was too late to restore his breathing. He was pronounced dead.
The news reporter asked Brian how he felt about it. He recalled his close brush with death in a car accident a short time before, and he made the comment we have already mentioned— “If God wants to tell me something, a letter would be nice.”
But, Brian, God has already written a letter! He has cared for His wonderful letter through fire and storm for thousands of years, and there are more copies printed every day. Read His letter—the Bible! Find out that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). Find out that if you believe in God’s Son Jesus and that He died for you, you have everlasting life! The message could not be simpler, and it is repeated over and over. Read John 3:16, John 6:47, and Romans 6:23 for starters.
What will it take to make you ready to listen? Perhaps your own death will be the message that will make you listen and remember the warning from this story. But then . . . it will be too late to receive God’s loving gift of eternal life in heaven! Hell is an awful reality!
Are you listening right now? God loves you. He wants you to accept the gift of everlasting life from His Son, Jesus Christ. He died on Calvary’s cross for the sins of all who will come to Him for forgiveness. Will you come right now so God doesn’t have to speak louder to get your attention?
MEMORY VERSE: “Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” John 6:47

The Blind Groundhog

One of the signs that winter is over and spring has come to our cold part of the country is that we begin to see groundhogs. These animals, sometimes called woodchucks, sleep through the winter and come out of their burrows in the springtime. Groundhogs are really pests, because they burrow large holes in lawns, gardens and farmers’ fields and love to eat crops and nearly anything planted in the vegetable garden. Normally we want to get rid of them, but a lady in our area had an unusual story.
This lady was walking along when she saw a strange sight. A groundhog was stumbling around with a soup can stuck tightly on its head. The soup can was covering its eyes and ears, so that it was truly blinded and probably couldn’t hear very well either.
The groundhog staggered along, heading towards the busy road ahead where it would soon have been killed. The lady called for someone to help her catch the groundhog, but to her surprise the poor, frightened creature stopped near her feet and lay down. It allowed her to hold him while she tried to remove the soup can. He did not even try to get away. When she got the soup can off his head, he looked up at her, scared, dazed and exhausted, then seemed to get his bearings and scurried off.
This little animal had his eyes blinded, but he accepted help and was set free. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that “the god of this world [the devil] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,” so that they do not receive the good news that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). That morning the lady was not looking for an animal to save, but Jesus came on purpose “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). That’s you and me.
It would be well for each one of us to do as that groundhog did—fall at Jesus’ feet and put ourselves into His hands, for Jesus is able “to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). He is able to open blind eyes and blind minds.
“Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Carbon Dioxide and You

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150:6
Some time ago we gave our readers information on the effect of oxygen and nitrogen on our lives and on other living things. Today we’ll consider carbon dioxide—what it is and what it does. The dictionary describes it this way: “a heavy, colorless, non-burning gas.”
Trees and plants need great quantities of carbon dioxide, which they get from the air moving around them. Humans and animals, however, can’t use it. We have to have oxygen every moment to stay alive. The Creator has designed a wonderful arrangement to maintain this balance. Every breath you inhale draws both oxygen and carbon dioxide into your lungs. The lungs give the blood its oxygen supply and also remove carbon dioxide from the blood. The carbon dioxide is discarded when you exhale.
But that’s only part of the story. By a process called photosynthesis, plants and trees use the carbon dioxide out of the air and release oxygen back into it. Thus vegetation, which uses the part humans and animals cannot use, releases the oxygen so necessary to humans and animals. Isn’t that an amazing design!
Of course, we need to be careful about going into unused caves, or hiding inside a big box, or entering a small space where there is no fresh air. Workmen that have to go into dangerous places are wise to wear special masks. And it used to be that miners without ventilating equipment would take caged canary birds into mines with them. These cute little birds would fall off their perches if too much carbon dioxide accumulated. When that happened, the miners grabbed the cages and didn’t waste any time getting outside with them, saving the lives of both the canaries and themselves.
But in spite of some dangers, carbon dioxide has some very good uses. It adds the fizz to soft drinks, and that’s where the name “carbonated soda” comes from. Another important use is in fighting fires with extinguishers loaded with this gas. Blown over a fire quickly enough, the vapor from the carbon dioxide keeps oxygen from reaching the fire and will put it out. And yet another use is found in bakeries, because yeast, which is used in making bread, produces carbon dioxide, which helps the bread to rise.
Surely when we think of this wonderful gas created by the Lord God, we should praise Him for His loving care over us, as the opening Bible verse tells us to. That love was most wonderfully expressed when the Lord Jesus gave Himself on the cross as a sacrifice to God for the sins of each one who comes to Him to be his or her Savior. Any who do this are assured of a happy home in heaven with Him when life on earth is over. Come to Him today, if you have not yet done so. He will warmly welcome you.

Sheba the Sheep Dog

Sheba was a cuddly little ball of fluff when Alan and Mary put her into the corral with their sheep. Alan had picked her up that day from a neighboring farm where she had been born right in the corral with their ewes and lambs. Now, when she was six weeks old, she was so little and affectionate that the whole family would have loved to make a pet out of her. But she was a Great Pyrenees pup, and they had bought her to protect their sheep from troublesome dogs and intruders. If she were to be a good sheep dog, all her love must be for the sheep. She must learn to think of them as her family.
Sheba quickly grew into a large, strong dog, and when she was about six months old she began to set herself up as the leader of the flock. When she barked, she expected all the sheep to get behind her. If any did not, she would take them by the scruff of the neck, knock them down and wrestle with them until they were willing to follow her as their leader.
Sometimes the Lord Jesus has to wrestle with us too, when we are stubborn and want to go our own way. But it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance, and the writer of Psalm 119:67 says, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy word.”
Since the corral can be seen from the highway, quite a few times drivers have screeched to a stop and raced up to the house to tell Alan or Mary that a white dog was in their corral killing their sheep. Alan tells them that Sheba is not killing them; she is guarding them, and he offers to take them out to the corral to watch.
As soon as Sheba sees a stranger approaching, she barks savagely, and all the sheep crowd in behind her so she is standing between them and the intruder. God has put it into the instincts of these Great Pyrenees dogs to so love and care for the sheep that they will sometimes give their lives to protect the sheep from harm. This is a wonderful picture of our good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, who willingly gave His life to provide safety for His sheep. Sheba hasn’t been put to that test yet.
The Lord loves you so much that He willingly gave His life to save you from that roaring lion Satan, who is walking around looking for someone to destroy. Run to the Lord Jesus for safety, and be sheltered by His precious blood that cleanses us from all sin and opens the door of heaven for us.
“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11

The Lost Rattle

Little Josh had such a nice rattle. It was shaped like an hourglass, made of clear, firm plastic and inside were many brightly colored little balls floating in a liquid. Josh loved to turn it upside down and watch the balls go from one end to the other. But now the rattle was lost!
Josh’s mother had always kept the rattle in her diaper bag. That was so whenever they went somewhere, Josh would have it to play with. He liked it so much he would play quietly with it for a long time. Now both Josh and his mother missed it very much.
Even though it had been gone for a couple of months, Josh’s mother was still fretting over it. It had been such a favorite toy and such a help to her. Then she remembered Psalm 37 where it says, “Fret not thyself. . . . Trust in the Lord. . . . Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” It’s such a little thing, she thought. Still, I should pray about it and not fret. So that’s what she did—she prayed about the lost rattle.
Have you ever lost something and missed it a whole lot? Maybe it was a ball, or a ring, or something very special. Sometimes you find it very quickly, and sometimes it takes a long time. However, sometimes it is never found. But even while that ring or ball is lost, it still belongs to you. God has something that is lost too that He loves very much—you and me. He made us and brought us into the world, but we are lost from Him because of our sins. And He wants each one of us back very much.
That day Josh had a skin rash and had to go see the doctor. What a long wait for their turn, and how his mother wished she had that rattle. She reminded herself again to pray instead of fretting about it. While they sat, they watched a noisy teenager talking to the lady at the desk. The teenager was tired of waiting for his turn to see the doctor too. Just for something to do he reached inside the lady’s window, picked up a toy and started flipping it first one way and then the other. Josh’s mother stared at the toy—it was a rattle just like Josh’s!
“Excuse me,” she said to the lady at the desk. “Did someone leave that here?”
“Yes, about two months ago,” answered the lady. “I usually throw things like that away, but this one was so special I kept it here, hoping the owner would come for it.”
“I believe that is my little boy’s rattle,” his mother said.
The lady smiled as the teenager handed Josh his rattle. “I’m really glad to have found its owner,” the lady said.
It had taken Josh’s mother two months to find his rattle. How glad they were to have it back. And there is good news for people who are lost. It is found in the Bible in Luke chapter 19, verse 10. “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” God the Father sent the Lord Jesus down to this world for one purpose—to look for and to save those who are lost in their sins. He is anxious to have you and me back.
The Lord Jesus died and shed His blood so that all who believe on Him would never have to be punished for their sins. Isn’t God’s love in sending His Son to die for your sins enough reason for you to accept Him as your Lord and Savior? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
Jesus told a lot of people one day that there would be joy in heaven over one sinner who is sorry about his sins and turns back to God. Have you done that?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Whistling Swans

“When I applied mine heart to know wisdom . . . I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out [all] the work that is done under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 8:16-17
There are seven species of swans, all graceful and lovely. Many of us are familiar with the one called trumpeter. The one we will look at today is a close relative, the whistling swan.
This swan nests around the Arctic Ocean and the Hudson Bay region of Canada and flies to southern Canada and the United States for the winter months. It is strictly a water bird, larger than a goose and very graceful when either swimming or flying.
Among the seven species, the whistling swan has the sharpest, most piercing call, which accounts for its nickname whooper. Actually it doesn’t do much whistling, but makes a loud, musical “woo-ho, woo-woo.” It’s the whistling-like calls as it flies that have given it the whistling name.
Although related to ducks and geese, this bird looks a lot different and is much larger. It doesn’t mix with them except when they might by chance pick the same wintering home. Migration follows three flyways—one down the Atlantic coast, another along the Pacific coast, and the third over the Midwestern United States. They fly in long lines and at great heights, at speeds up to 50 miles per hour!
Watching swans swimming in a pond or lake is a lovely sight, with their long, straight necks and sharp eyes searching the water for a fish. Beautiful snow-white feathers completely cover this lovely bird except for a yellow spot between the nostrils and eyes. The feet, legs and bill are black.
Full-grown males may weigh 25 pounds or more and have wingspreads as much as 7 feet across. But in spite of their size, they float gracefully on lakes and ponds and are excellent swimmers. Leaving the water is something to watch. First, they flap their wings vigorously, to raise their bodies in the water. Then, with wings still flapping, they run along the surface with their necks stretched out. Finally, they pull their feet back under their tails and are airborne. When returning to the water, they glide down, and when just above the surface, they extend their feet to touch the water first, then glide before coming to rest.
These birds mate for life, showing much attention to each other, as well as their young. Cygnets (baby swans) are raised in huge nests, five or six feet across. It takes almost five months of the parents’ protection and training before they are on their own.
The psalmist certainly enjoyed the creation of the Lord and often wrote about it. “The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.... He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered” (Psalm 111:2-4). Do you remember to thank Him for His care over you, and have you accepted Him as your Savior?

Desert Fire!

Living in Idaho, farm boys learn early to make their own fun. Boys grow up to be young men, but they still enjoy adventure. This story happened to four young men. Jerry, Rich, Paul and John. A pastime they often enjoyed was riding their motorcycles on the desert west of town. There were always interesting trails to follow, and they liked the challenge of climbing hills and jumping rocks and gullies on their motorcycles.
One hot, dry, August day, the sky to the west looked strange. They decided there must be a large fire on the desert! Since there was a break in their harvest work, the four young men decided to take that time and head west on their motorcycles to check it out.
About 15 miles out they caught up to the racing fire, which by then was licking up tender grass and sage brush in a four-mile-wide path. Since the wind was blowing the fire away from them, Jerry and Rich decided to see if they could locate an old lookout tower not far away.
They found the old tower, but it had toppled and was ruined. So they got back on their motorcycles and headed back to where they had left Paul and John. Suddenly they realized the wind had changed direction, and now they were trapped by fire on all sides!
Jerry and Rich realized their danger and were anxious to do something about it— and pretty quick! I’m sure anyone would feel the same way if they were trapped like Jerry and Rich were. And yet there are boys and girls, and grownups too, who are trapped in their sins and don’t seem to care. Every one of us is a sinner. Not only are we born in sin, but we continue to sin all our lives. And the Bible clearly tells us that “the wages of is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). As God looked down from heaven, His heart of love longed to make a way to rescue us.
God also looked down and saw Jerry and Rich trapped by the leaping flames. He always loves to be our help and strength in times of trouble. As they looked around, the only place the flames weren’t leaping was where the fire had already burned. Quickly they ran to a patch of blackened dirt where the fire had already burned. They stood there choking in clouds of smoke, blown by the changing wind. Now they feared the smoke, but that seemed to be lessening. They took some deep breaths and raced through the smoke to clear air. Those gulps of air were nearly used up when they finally came out of the smoke and saw blue sky. We know God was helping them! How thankful they were to be safe on the other side. Now they could look forward to seeing their two other cycle-riding friends again.
Take time to think about this, boys and girls: what escape has God made for us? He sent His only Son to come to die at Calvary. There Jesus bore our judgment and took our place in the death we deserved for our sins. There is no other way to escape than for you to accept Jesus as your own Savior, confessing that you are a sinner and believing that He suffered for your sins. If you will accept Him right now, you don’t ever need to fear punishment for your sins. Instead, you can rest in His words, “It is finished,” and His promise, “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3).
Remember, fire can’t burn twice, so if Jesus bore our judgment for our sins, we’ll never have to fear that judgment falling on us.
MEMORY VERSE: “I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3

Chantel and Lassie

One day not long after my mother was taken home to heaven to be with the Lord Jesus, my granddaughter, Chantel, was busy packing her suitcase as if she were going on a trip. Chantel is only six years old.
After packing her suitcase, she picked up the leash for Lassie and went outside. She brought Lassie inside on the leash, then picked up her suitcase, and the two started out the door.
Her mother said to her, “Chantel, just where do you think you are going with that suitcase and Lassie?”
Chantel answered, “Me and Lassie are going to heaven to see Great Gramma. We miss her, you know.”
So Chantel’s mother sat down with her and explained to her that you just can’t walk to heaven. Chantel knows where her Great Gramma is. You see, Great Gramma knew the Lord Jesus as her very own Savior, and when she died, she went to live with Him in heaven.
Do you know anyone in heaven? Heaven is a very beautiful place. The Lord Jesus said in John 14:2, “In My Father’s house are many mansions.” If you die, will you go to heaven? You will if you are saved from your sins. But if you are still in your sins, you will go to the terrible place called hell, “where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched [put out]” (Mark 9:44).
Great Gramma accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior many years ago, and He washed all her sins away in His precious blood. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Are your daddy and mommy going to heaven? Will you be with them in heaven? Why not accept the Lord Jesus as your very own Savior right now and know for sure that someday you also will be in heaven?
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13).

The Wonders of God's Creation: An Underground Resident

“Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:24
The mole is a little underground animal that thinks it is hidden from every eye, but it doesn’t know about God, its Creator, whose eye is always on every living thing.
About eight inches long, the mole is a tireless, rapid digger which the Creator has prepared for its underground life. Its body has a round shape with a narrow, pointed nose that helps it dig through the soil. Its front feet, which do the digging, have long, broad claws and are twice the size of its back feet. It has tiny eyes and is almost blind, which is suitable for its underground life. In spite of small ears, it has good hearing, as well as a keen sense of smell.
The mole’s fur also has a special design. It looks and feels like velvet and is made up of short hairs that lie smoothly in any direction in which they may be rubbed. This enables it to move forward or backward in the tunnels without getting its coat full of dirt.
This little fellow spends all its waking hours either enlarging its tunnels or hunting for worms, insects, spiders and snails. It always stays underground except for very short trips outside to eat a few green plants.
Their tunnels are always wide enough for two moles to pass and lead from one feeding ground to another, with a living area in between. As a safeguard, two circular rooms are made at different levels that connect to each other. When danger threatens, the little animals can escape through any of the many runs that come out from these rooms. Since it likes a lot of water to drink, it makes little wells in the passageways, enabling it to stay underground.
People with lawns and gardens often consider the mole a pest because its tunnels near the surface raise the soil slightly. But it does have a useful place in God’s creation by controlling many harmful insects and improving the soil by loosening it as it digs.
How instructive it is to see the wisdom of God in providing for each of His creatures according to the special needs of its environment. Have you considered His goodness in providing for your needs? The Bible says, “God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Most blessed of all, He knows the need that each person has for deliverance from sins and judgment. He has also provided a Redeemer, His own beloved Son Jesus, for all who put their trust in Him. “[He] gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world” (Galatians 1:4). If you have not yet accepted this wonderful gift, do so today and thank Him for it.

Buried in an Avalanche

Jason Kostner is a young man who enjoys skiing on Mt. Shasta in California. He is somewhat unusual in that he often takes his dog along. His dog is an Australian Shepherd named PJ who loves to run. PJ sometimes even rides the chairlift with Jason to the top of the mountain.
One day in April when there was still plenty of snow on the mountain, Jason started skiing down the part of the mountain called the “Powder Bowl” with PJ running along behind him. The Powder Bowl is just south of what is called “Avalanche Gully.”
While he was skiing down the slopes, he suddenly felt the snow shifting under his skis. He looked around and saw that the entire snow-covered mountainside was sliding down in an avalanche! Just for a moment he was able to see PJ, and the avalanche of snow was curling over the dog  ... then PJ was out of sight.
The next thing Jason knew was that the bank of snow racing down the slope hit him and sent him flying through the air in a cartwheel. He was able to land in a kneeling position on his skis. Quickly he raised himself and was able to ski out of the path of the avalanche, but he knew PJ was trapped somewhere in the snow.
As fast as he could, Jason made his way to the bottom of the slope where the avalanche had finally come to a halt. He anxiously scanned the huge pile of snow, but there was no sign of the dog. He called loudly, “PJ!  ... PJ!” But no PJ came bounding towards him.
Have you ever been buried in snow or somewhere else where you couldn’t escape? What a hopeless feeling that is. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners, and we are buried in our sins: “There is no difference: for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:22-23). The good news is that there is saving help for sinners: “The Son of Man [Jesus] is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). And He is searching for sinners buried in their sins right now. He is the help and answer for sinners.
But how could Jason help PJ? He knew that if PJ was buried in the avalanche, there was only a slim chance of finding him alive. Avalanche victims have only a fifty percent chance of surviving if they are found within twenty minutes after they are buried in the snow. But Jason was not willing to give up hope. He called for help on his cell phone.
An Avalanche Search and Rescue team made up of a golden retriever dog named Cider and his trainer happened to be nearby. They raced to the avalanche area, knowing that minutes might make the difference between life and death for PJ. Cider was a little older than a puppy and had been trained in search and rescue procedures. The dog searched for an hour without picking up any scent.
Then another trainer and his dog arrived. Kenai was also a golden retriever and had more experience than Cider. The trainers widened the search area and led the dogs in a crisscross pattern over the snow.
Jason really loved his dog and did everything he could to find him. He didn’t give up hope even when finding the dog alive seemed impossible. And do you know that God really loves you and is searching for you, and He has not given up hope. In order to find you, He sent His very own Son Jesus Christ from heaven to this world of sin where, on Calvary’s cross, He paid the penalty for the sins of every person who would believe on Him as his or her Savior.
Suddenly Cider picked up a scent and started digging just the way he was trained to do. Soon the men were helping him dig. Four feet down into the snow they found the body of PJ. Carefully they lifted him out of the hole. His body was limp, and there didn’t seem to be any body heat as they laid him on top of the snow. Then to their astonishment, PJ opened his eyes and looked at them! He was still alive!
A sense of relief washed over Jason. They wrapped the dog in blankets and rushed him to a veterinarian who assured Jason that with rest PJ would recover.
You don’t have to remain buried in your sins. If you will truly admit from your heart to God that you are a sinner who needs to be saved and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, He will forgive every one of your sins, removing them forever! Will you let Him save you from your sins? He is your only hope.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
MEMORY VERSE: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

Matthew's Message

One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets of town, being extra careful because the roads were wet and slick. Suddenly my son Matthew spoke up from where he was sitting. “Mom, I’m thinking of something.” This announcement usually meant he had been thinking about some fact for a while and was now ready to explain to me all that his seven-year-old mind had discovered. I was eager to hear.
“What are you thinking?” I asked.
“The rain,” he began, “is like sin, and the windshield wipers are like God wiping our sins away.”
“That’s really good, Matthew.” Wondering if we could learn a little more about the subject, I asked, “If it rains again tomorrow or maybe next week, I’m going to have to turn my windshield wipers on again. What does that tell you?”
Matthew didn’t hesitate one moment with his answer: “If we sin again, God will forgive us.”
I will always remember this little lesson whenever I turn my windshield wipers on.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Be Thankful for Chickens

“O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of His praise to be heard.” Psalm 66:8
Most everyone has seen live chickens and knows that is where the eggs come from that we cook in so many different ways. In former days, even city folks kept a few chickens in their yards and enjoyed fresh eggs, as well as an occasional roast chicken dinner. But today they are usually raised by the thousands on what are called poultry farms. Eggs are shipped out daily from these farms to markets and grocery stores. More than five billion eggs a year are marketed in the United States alone.
American Indians never saw chickens until the Pilgrims brought some Rhode Island reds with them from England. Now there are over 50 varieties, including cornish, New Hampshire, white rock, Rhode Island reds, Plymouth Rock and the white leghorn, which is the most common and produces most of the eggs sold in the United States. Some 450 million hens supply these. A champion white leghorn can lay 361 eggs in one year, but most lay between 100 and 300.
Like all birds, chickens actually lay eggs to produce baby chicks. If they could steal away from the poultry farm and make hidden nests in which to lay 8 to 10 eggs, they would keep them warm under their fluffy feathers for about 3 weeks until they hatched and then take good care of the chicks. But on today’s poultry farms, that is impossible since the eggs are removed continually. Incidentally, young hens less than a year old are known as pullets and young roosters as cockerels.
Part of the interesting work of poultrymen is raising chicks in warm areas called incubators. Special fertile eggs are placed in these incubators, hatching in 20 days. When it’s time, the little chick inside the shell pecks its way out with its strong little beak. At first it is not very cute because its feathers are wet. But after an hour or so it dries off and is so cute you’d want to pick it up and hold its fluffy little body to your cheek. But you might get a gentle peck from its tiny beak in return.
Although poultrymen must be given credit for their careful work in raising these millions of chickens and marketing their eggs, it is really the Lord God, the Creator, who designed this amazing way of a chicken’s life beginning in an egg. And He further designed chickens in such a way that poultrymen can raise them for us as a wonderful food supply.
The Bible tells us, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). As the supplier of everything we need, we should be continually thanking Him, especially for His loving care over us.
Set 10

Tina the Flying Cat

Mr. Carl is a firefighter. One day his station got a call from an upset cat owner. Mrs. Hutchin’s cat was up in one of her trees and would not come down, even with much coaxing. The fire department has a rule that they follow. They are willing to help cat owners with this kind of a problem as long as no other calls come in needing help with fire or medical related issues. These problems would get help first. So the way was clear for Mr. Carl and the other firefighters to head over to Mrs. Hutchin’s house.
Sure enough, there was Tina the cat high up in an evergreen tree. Mr. Carl’s coworker, Mr. Tim, put the ladder up and also was very sure to put on his heavy-duty, long, leather gloves he uses for catching animals. He started climbing the ladder, and Tina was not happy to see him coming! She hissed at him as he came closer. He reached out to pick her up and she hissed again and tried to scratch him with her claws. Then she climbed up the tree a little higher. It was impossible now for Mr. Tim to reach her even with his high ladder.
The men down below decided to throw a rope up to Mr. Tim so he could make a loop and toss it over the top of the tree. This way they could pull the top of the tree over from below until the cat was within easy reach for Mr. Tim.
At first it looked as though this was going to work. Then suddenly the top of the tree broke and flew off, and poor Tina was hurled into the air and landed out of sight some backyards away! Mr. Tim came down from his ladder empty handed, and the men had no idea what happened to Tina or if she even survived her flight. She was nowhere to be found!
Three days later, Mrs. Hutchins came to the Fire Station with a plate of cookies. She thanked the men for their efforts and told them that Tina had returned home just that morning. She reported that Tina seemed perfectly fine and healthy, even after her unwelcome flight and landing.
Boys and girls, this story reminds me that perhaps there are some of you who are like Tina the cat. You are in need of someone to save you from your dangerous, helpless, hopeless situation—you are in need of the Savior of sinners!
Many of you know the story of how the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came into this world to rescue and save us from our sins. He sacrificed so much! He reaches out to you, and you only run away from Him. When He was here on earth, the Bible says, “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not” (John 1:11). Not only did they not receive Him, but they also hated Him and nailed Him on a cruel cross to die.
Boys and girls, don’t be like Tina! Don’t refuse God’s outstretched arms of love or you too will be cast out . . . not to flying through the air to an unknown landing, but to a terrible place of everlasting punishment that was only meant for the devil and his angels.
Oh, come to the Savior now before it is forever too late! He loves you and waits for you with outstretched arms. He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
MEMORY VERSE: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28


One very warm day, Mark, Steve and Tim decided they wanted to go fishing down by the lake. They found their rods, then dug some worms to use for bait. Finally they headed down the road beside the lake to a place where there was a dock.
They had lots of fun fishing that day. We don’t know if they caught anything, but most boys love to fish even if they don’t always catch something. They sat on the dock for a long time, sometimes silently peering into the water, sometimes just quietly talking together. (Everyone knows that loud noises and shouting and laughing will scare away fish.)
After a while the wind began to blow and dark clouds appeared in the sky. The boys soon realized that a storm was blowing up and that they had better start for home. They quickly reeled in their fishing lines, gathered up their stuff and hurried up the road. What they did not know was that they were in real danger—a tornado was heading their way!
Boys and girls, do you know that you are in danger—greater danger than being caught in a tornado? If you do not have the Lord Jesus as your Savior, then your sins are not forgiven. The storm of God’s judgment on sin is coming soon, and you are not ready to meet God. Come to the Lord Jesus in prayer and admit to Him that you are a sinner. He wants to be your Savior and will gladly wash away your sins. Then you will be ready to live with Him in heaven.
As the wind gusts grew stronger and stronger, the three boys ran faster toward home. But they soon saw that they would not be able to make it all the way home safely before the storm broke. Steve said, “There’s a house . . . let’s go in there and wait till the storm is past.” Tim thought it was a good idea too, but Mark said, “No, I’m going home.”
How important it is to be saved RIGHT NOW! God’s Word, the Bible, says, “NOW is the accepted time ... NOW is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Take the only safe way—God’s way of salvation—and don’t waste time trying other ways. You may be too late if you do.
Steve and Tim ran to the safety of the closest house, but Mark ran on toward his own home. The tornado struck with terrific force, taking down huge trees and telephone poles and hurling large objects through the air. No one knows for sure what it was, but something flying through the air struck Mark and killed him before he ever reached home. How sad when he could have been with his two other friends in the house that offered safety.
Oh, be warned in time and escape from the judgment that is coming soon. The Lord Jesus loves you and invites you to come to the safety of His arms. He says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Butterfly and Moth Facts - Part 1

“The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.” Psalm 111:2
Butterflies and moths are often mistaken for one another, but there are several marked differences between them. One way to tell them apart is that butterflies have a pair of black antennae that look like thin pieces of wire with black balls on the ends, while the antennae of moths are feathery and pretty. Another way to tell them apart is to watch them as they land. A butterfly at rest holds its wings upright over its body, while a moth lands with its wings wide open. A butterfly has a tapered body, while a moth’s body is usually thick and hairy. Another difference—butterflies are day fliers, while most moths fly only after dusk.
Butterflies and moths are often extremely pretty. One moth in the eastern United States, called cecropia, is a beautiful blending of deep brown, tan and white over its large wings and oddly checkered body and is one of the largest in North America. Another is the luna. Its wings are a light green, but entirely circled with a dark brown border in front and light tan elsewhere, including its body. The name luna (relating to the moon) tells us that it is active only at night.
One of the most outstanding and best-known butterflies is the monarch. Great colonies of these, hatched during summer months in the United States and Canada, make quite a sight migrating in the fall to several places in California and Mexico, beautiful in their black-bordered, deep-orange wings and black bodies. Their parents had flown in the opposite direction in the spring, but died before the fall. How do you think the young ones know where to migrate or what direction to take without their parents to lead them? This is just another example of the Creator’s care over all things He has created. David wrote in Psalm 145:9, “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Incidentally, these young monarchs, fully grown through the winter months in the south, will return to the same northern spots the next spring, hatch new babies there and die. This same pattern continues year after year.
Another lovely butterfly is the swallowtail, common in many North American gardens. Its wings are a delicate yellow, bordered and marked in black when seen from above, but from below, the border has a front band of black, then deep blue, followed by more black, with a row of bright-red, curved crescents.
David, who wrote many of the psalms, enjoyed thinking about creation, as the opening Bible verse shows. He knew who made the world and everything in it and that it is only by the Lord God that all living things have been brought into the world and are cared for.
(to be continued)

Dishonesty Is Sin

Mr. Barnes was a very wealthy man who lived in the early days of this country. It was one of his chief pleasures to walk through the countryside near his home, and as he walked he often noticed a particularly fine herd of cattle. One day he stopped to visit the rancher who owned the cattle and purchased a cow from him with the agreement that the cow would be delivered to his estate the following day.
The next day as Mr. Barnes was out for his morning walk, he saw a young boy trying his hardest to lead the cow over to Mr. Barnes’ field. The boy, who did not know Mr. Barnes, called to him. “Please sir, would you come and help me with this cow. She is so stubborn!”
Mr. Barnes went over to help. As they walked along together he asked the boy, “How much do you expect to get for delivering the cow?”
“I...I don’t know,” the boy stammered, “but I’m sure to get something because the people who are buying the cow live in that house, and those people are very kind to everyone.”
By now the stubborn cow was walking along nicely, so Mr. Barnes excused himself and took a path through a wooded area that led to his back door. As soon as he got into the house, he gave one of his trusted workers a 50-dollar bill and told him to give it to the boy who was delivering the cow. After the cow had been left at the estate and the boy was returning to the ranch, Mr. Barnes went out again and met the boy on the road.
“Well, how much did you get?” asked Mr. Barnes.
“Five dollars,” answered the boy.
“Only five dollars? You must have gotten more than that,” said Mr. Barnes.
“No,” answered the boy, “that’s what I was given, and that was plenty, don’t you think?”
“No,” said Mr. Barnes. “I’m surprised it wasn’t more. I know Mr. Barnes well, and I believe that if you come back with me, you’ll get more than five dollars.”
The boy agreed, and they walked back to the house together. When they went in, Mr. Barnes called his hired workers and asked the boy to tell him who it was who had given him the five dollars.
“It was him,” he said, pointing to one of the workers.
When the man realized his dishonesty had been discovered, he admitted it and tried to excuse himself. But Mr. Barnes interrupted the man’s excuses and demanded that he give the fifty dollars to the boy immediately. And he said to the man, “Your dishonesty has cost you your job and your good name. I hope you soon learn that dishonesty is not only very foolish but a terrible sin as well.” And he fired him from his job on the spot.
Just as the sin of that dishonest man was revealed, God will also one day reveal every sin, hidden or exposed, and judge every sinner for his or her sins. “There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 12:2).
But God has made a way of escape from that judgment for your sins. He will forgive you if you will come to Him now and confess that you are a sinner and accept the cleansing for your sins that He freely offers you through the death of His beloved Son on Calvary’s cross. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Are your sins forgiven, or do you still face the punishment for them?
MEMORY VERSE: “There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.” Luke 12:2

A Trip to Alaska

When we started off for Alaska, my husband and I loaded up our car with several big boxes of food as well as all the things we thought we would need to keep house for a couple of months. Then we piled in many books and tracts and all our clothes.
Our little car was crowded to the limit when we went to say “Good-bye” to some of our friends. One dear Christian lady brought out a large box and said, “You must take these tracts to the folks in Alaska.” Earle was looking doubtfully at the car, not sure where we could fit in anything else. But she was insisting the tracts should go with us.
So we took the box and set it on the back seat. For the first thousand miles or so, it seemed as though every time one of us wanted to nap or get something we needed, that box was always in the way and had to be moved.
Then we picked up Alvin. We didn’t usually pick up hitchhikers, but we felt that here was one the Lord would have us stop for.
We soon found out that Alvin Ferguson was a true Christian. Ever since his wife had died, he had spent most of his time going from one little town to another throughout the Midwest, giving tracts to the children at the local schools. He also was visiting hospitals and speaking to everyone he met of God’s wonderful love in giving His only begotten Son to die for lost, guilty sinners.
The day we met him, Alvin was about 1,000 miles from home, and his backpack was empty. He had just given away his last tract and was praying that the Lord would provide him with more. Right then we knew who that box of tracts in our back seat was for! And once again the Lord had kept His promise in Philippians 4:19: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Alvin needed more tracts, and we needed to get that big box out of our way.
We had dinner with Alvin, found him a place to sleep, and loaded his backpack and pockets with tracts until not another one would fit . . . and the box was empty! And then we had to go our separate ways, but not before we thanked the Lord Jesus for His wonderful ways of taking care of us. Our Lord Jesus never fails to provide.
Is there anything you need? In Matthew 7:7 God says, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Are you still lost in your sins? Then you do need something—you need to be saved from them! God says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). Will you let Him save you?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Butterfly and Moth Facts - Part 2

“The Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile [corrupt] body, that it may be . . . like . . . His glorious body.” Philippians 3:20-21
In the last issue we looked at a pair of lovely moths and a pair of beautiful butterflies, but these are only examples of the hundreds of thousands the Creator has made.
What do they look like when they are first born? They actually hatch, for they come from tiny eggs laid by the females. There is a great variety of moth and butterfly egg shapes—some are smooth, others are covered with hair, some are flat, and still others are round or oval.
These usually hatch in just a few days, but instead of a pretty butterfly or moth coming out, it is always a caterpillar (larva) that hatches. This is the part growers of vegetables and flowers don’t like, for the caterpillars immediately start eating leaves, flowers and buds. They can do a lot of damage, but quite often they eat invasive or useless plants too. Some of the caterpillars become food for many birds and other insects. And some caterpillars are camouflaged to protect them from their bird and insect enemies.
As the caterpillars grow, their skins become too tight and split, to be replaced by looser coverings. This may happen several times. They finally attach themselves as cocoons to leaves or plant stems with a silk-like thread drawn from their heads. In Japan, silk moths are raised from cocoons in great numbers for their silk threads, which are used to make silk clothing.
Before very long, the caterpillars reach a changing point in their lives. Some make burrows in the ground that they crawl into, and others crawl into curled-up leaves. Still others stretch out on a plant stem and spin a silk covering around themselves and the stem. In contrast to this, others do not make this kind of a cocoon but just attach themselves to a twig with a few strands of their silk thread, forming what is called a chrysalis. It may have patterns that make it look like a leaf or some other part of the plant.
Inside the cocoons or chrysalises, these creatures begin to change from a caterpillar to a moth or butterfly. In the spring they come out of their temporary homes—this time having wings, which at first are wet and soft. But before long their wings begin to unfold, and now they are no longer caterpillars but fully developed moths or butterflies. When fully dried, they fly off and are the rest of their lives beautiful specimens of God’s creation—no longer pests.
The beginning Bible verse tells of a wonderful change promised to each of us who knows the Lord Jesus as our Savior. As we think of lowly caterpillars becoming something beautiful, how much greater will be a Christian’s change in that wonderful time! Will you be included in that change?

06/22/2019 - A Letter From the Radens

Thirty-four days ago our precious son, Brian Philip Raden, left Michigan for Heaven. We can’t wish him back, but oh—the absence is so hard— to rebuild our lives and find we’re walking around this hole in it all the time. Brian lived with us, so it’s constantly when I’m shopping I think of his favourite snacks and go to buy them, and set a place for him at the table—it’s a lot to change. I miss his smile and hearty laugh, and ability to brush off hurtful things, saying we should be mindful of the person who said them, as they must be unhappy. Brian battled Autism—a mild form—but even a mild form changes how you process information, gives you some awkward ways of moving at times, and has other aspects that make you different.
We were on vacation, in Kirkland, Washington, and had set a time we’d call home every night. We’d set 6pm, as that meant 9pm, here in Michigan. We called on April 19 to get the biggest blow—Brian had died of an apparent aneurysm in his sleep. Randy had wondered why he was sleeping in so late, and decided to open his door and check on him. Randy and Brian were very close brothers, so I can’t imagine that moment for Randy!
April 19 is the day we lost another son of ours, David Stanley, and I was so happy to be so far away, time zones’ away, and occupied with meeting new friends and doing different things that day, that I wouldn’t reflect so much on it ... when God chose the same date to take another son of ours to be with Him in Heaven.
We are so thankful for our large family. We had our family from 1970 – 1980—the years when “Zero Population Growth” was very, very popular, and we were certainly out of step with that. We struggled now and then with finances, but learned how to be creative with rice, beans, potatoes, cheese and peanuts, and were thankful for a plain but nutritious diet, as we grew veggies in our yard. Stan and I used to be happy that the neighbor children liked to eat with us—they said it was so fun, as it was always like they had a bunch of company over when they ate at our house.
We now treasure those times of big family meals and laughter—and are thankful we have so many of our children within easy travel distance of our home now. They all came home to be together here, and we cried a lot together, but also laughed a lot, too at past family happenings. I am so thankful for each child—exactly who and how they are, and our in-law children whom we couldn’t love more than if they were born to us.
It’s easy to get stuck in our losses—and they will never be forgotten. But we have so many blessings, too, for which we can’t even count, so have much to be thankful for.
We want to thank you for your kind and generous way of telling us you have grieved with us, and that you care. That has meant so much to us. It was like getting special visits from you in the mail—except I didn’t have to cover my tears in embarrassment. They do cleanse the soul ...  ... but when you are British and very fair-skinned, salty tears make your eyelids sore and peel, so I have to move on and rebuild our new-normal.
Thank you for caring and sharing with us. It has meant so very, very much.
Stan and Laurie Raden

Cookie the Brave Cat

Cookie was just a little cat, but she was a mother and very proud of her kittens. Certainly she was not about to let any harm come to them.
One day a friend of ours came to visit us, and by his side was his big German shepherd dog. Immediately the dog spied the cat and took off after her.
“Wow, you’d better rescue your cat! That dog will tear it to pieces!” our friend exclaimed.
I started to run toward the cat, but there was no need. Cookie was standing still with her back arched, her hair bristling and her eyes flaming with anger. In a moment the dog was in front of her, and Cookie’s quick front claws were raking his nose and reaching for his eyes. That big dog tucked his tail between his legs and streaked across the yard yowling. Then he ran out of the gate. His owner couldn’t believe what he saw.
Cookie followed the big dog a little way and then turned back to her kittens. She took quite a few backward looks to make certain that dog hadn’t changed his mind about coming back. The kittens didn’t even know they were in danger, but Cookie did, and she protected them.
If you’ve trusted the Lord Jesus as your Savior, then God in heaven is your Father, the One who made the heavens and the earth. He is greater and stronger than anyone or anything, and He promises never to leave or forsake any of His children. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).
Are you wondering how you can become one of His children and be sure He will be protecting you? You only need to pray to the Lord Jesus wherever you are. Tell Him you are a sinner and want Him to forgive your sins and receive you into His family. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12-13). Then He tells us to “fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine” (Isaiah 43:1).
Are you one of His children and are you being protected by Him?

The Wonders of God's Creation: Helpful Oxpeckers

“The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the Lord shall rejoice in His works.” Psalm 104:31
South of the Sahara Desert in Africa are forests and fields where many wild animals and birds live. Among the animals are giraffes, rhinos, buffalo and warthogs. These feed on grass and foliage which often conceal insects that leap or fly onto the grazing animals. These insects eat into the skin of the animals, causing much discomfort and pain. Some animals will roll in a dusty spot in an effort to get rid of the insects. However, most of the pests just seem to hang on a little tighter.
The Creator has provided relief for the animals. The oxpecker, a bird about the size of a large pigeon, finds the insects good to eat and easy to get. The oxpecker clings to the animal’s back, side or head where, gently swinging its bill back and forth through the hair, it finds and eats the ticks, lice and other insects.
There are two varieties of these birds—one called red-billed and the other yellow-billed, both of which have dark wings over light-brown bodies, short legs and strong claws.
These birds spend most of the daylight hours on the backs, sides, legs and faces of the distressed animals and remain there several hours or even a full day, eating the insects. The birds may take naps or even get into noisy fights with one another, but the animals pay no attention. They never try to shake the oxpeckers off, even when they peck insects from tender spots like eyes, ears and nostrils. The animals seem to know the birds are doing them a big favor.
As a matter of fact, if the Creator had not provided such relief, none of these animals would survive very long, for the open sores the insects cause would result in infections that would have wiped them out long ago. Of course, the animals don’t understand that, but God has given them a sense that oxpeckers are really their friends.
The Creator has been kind to send these helpful birds to the animals. But some may ask, “Why does He allow the harmful insects to bother them?” When God created the world and all things in it, every insect was harmless. But when Satan tempted man and he became a sinner, all things were spoiled, including insects.
Our sins will keep us from entering heaven forever when life on earth ends. But Christ has died on the cross to put those sins away forever from all who accept Him as their Savior. A Bible verse tells us, “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34).
Have you admitted to Christ that you are a sinner and accepted Him as your Savior? If so, you are assured of a home with Him in heaven. And that’s good news!

The Foolish Frog

Mr. Donaldson told the children at hobby class a story about a foolish frog.
“The foolish frog had a long, sticky tongue, and he could catch flies so well that he grew bigger than any of the other young frogs. In fact, he could catch flies so well that he became very proud of himself. When the weather began to grow cold and the other frogs began to jump into the pond where they could hide safely down in the mud through the winter, he thought they were very foolish. As for himself, he was going to stay on his rock and grow fat feasting on flies. Then when it got really cold, he would jump into the pond and hide in the mud at the bottom.
“One night little white flakes of snow came falling down from the sky, and the frog got so cold he could hardly move. In the morning he said to himself, I must jump into the pond and hide in the mud!
“When the sun came up, he hopped stiffly off his rock and over to the edge of the pond. Safe at last, he thought as he jumped into the water. But the water had become hard ice! He dived again, but he couldn’t get into the pond!
“Later that morning a young boy walking to school noticed something green on the ice. He went over to inspect it. “What a foolish frog!” the boy exclaimed as he looked at the fat frog frozen on the ice.”
Mr. Donaldson asked the children if any of them were as foolish as that frog by putting off coming to a “place of safety” until it was too late.
He had the children repeat together 2 Corinthians 6:2, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation,” and he urged each child not to wait any longer to come to the Lord Jesus to be saved from their sins.
When Mr. Donaldson had finished speaking, Brian turned to where I was sitting with my little grandson on my lap and said, “You’d better get saved quick! You’re getting old!”
I told him, “I am saved! I was saved when I was 16. But it would have been better if I had been saved when I was 7 (that’s how old Brian was), or even sooner.”
“What does all this ‘gettin’ saved’ mean anyway?” Brian asked.
“It means we must come to the Lord Jesus and let Him wash our sins away in His precious blood.” Brian just looked at me as if he didn’t understand what I was talking about. So I asked him, “Brian, have you ever done anything bad?”
“Nope!” he answered, shaking his head slowly from side to side, as if he was in some doubt if his answer was honest.
“Well, if you’ve never done anything bad, I guess the Lord Jesus didn’t come for you,” I said. “God says, ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’ (1 Timothy 1:15). I know I’ve done lots of bad things, but I also know that the Lord Jesus has forgiven me, because He died for my sins.”
Sometimes it’s hard for us to admit that we’ve done wrong, but God cannot lie, and He says that all of us have sinned! “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). So whether we admit it or not, we all stand under the judgment of God until we’ve come to His Son, the Lord Jesus, to have our sins washed away. In John 3:36 God tells us, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
First, are you willing to admit that you are a sinner? Second, are you willing to come to Jesus right now and let Him save you from your sins?
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2

Mr. Squirrel's Hiding Place

“Get your trowel and check the new concrete at the bottom of the steps,” Grandpa called out to me from the house. It had been a busy day of pouring concrete. The steps had been one of the last things we had worked on.
When I looked at the steps, I saw that a patch of the new, wet concrete had been dug up. As I smoothed out the spot again, my trowel uncovered an acorn. Digging around with the point of the trowel, I found four acorns!
When I told Grandpa about it, he laughed and said that he had seen Mr. Squirrel digging in the new concrete. That is why he had asked me to check the steps. Mr. Squirrel had found the soft concrete, busily dug holes in it, and then buried his acorns.
As I smoothed out the concrete, I thought about what was probably going to happen. Mr. Squirrel would return during the winter and find the concrete as hard as a rock. He thought he had found a good hiding place, but he had buried his acorn treasures in the wrong place. It was a place where he would never find them again, even if I had not dug them out.
There is a lesson for us to learn from Mr. Squirrel. The Lord Jesus said, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth . . . but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-20). Many people are storing their treasures in the wrong place. They only worry about “treasures” for themselves in this life. They work hard for food, clothing, cars, houses and other things which are necessary, and it is right to work for those needs. But they become so concerned about these things that they do not think about God and the treasures that He wants us to have.
Where are your treasures? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and are you now laying up your treasures in heaven? Or are your treasures only on earth because you are still a sinner lost in your sins? Think about it: Where are your treasures?
“Christ; in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2-3).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Stately Moose

“God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind . . . and God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:24-25
Moose are often seen on roads and in towns of Alaska, but they keep more hidden in forests on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border. They can be found all the way from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast.
The moose is the largest American animal. A full-grown one will be about seven feet high and weigh 1500 pounds or more. Its antlers are immense, rising from the top of the head and spreading six feet wide or more. They look like two gigantic hands turned upward with an armor of spike-like “fingers.” They are a vicious weapon when a moose defends itself.
Because of its great size and strength, a healthy moose is not likely to be attacked by other animals. But if one is sick or weak from age, it is apt to become a victim of a hungry grizzly bear or pack of very hungry wolves.
The upper part of a moose’s muzzle extends three or four inches over its chin. This muzzle has huge nostrils. A short, coal-black triangular beard hangs from the neck. The ears are large and, in contrast, its tail is just a short stub. Its coat is a deep brown color.
Sadly, the young calves are often the victims of wolves and other creatures when the parents are not close by. Only about half of these younger ones make it through their first year. But the mothers try to keep them from wandering off and have been seen helping them cross ponds too deep for their short legs by giving them “piggy-back” rides all the way over.
Favorite foods include leaves and twigs of trees, as well as water lilies and other water plants. This is why they are often found wading in ponds or along lakeshores.
Unlike most wild animals, a moose crossing a road or railroad track (sometimes alone and at other times a large group) usually pays no attention to traffic. It may even stop in the middle of a road or railroad track to watch a truck, car or train approaching. Experienced drivers of trucks and private cars, as well as engineers of trains, are always alert to this when going through moose country, and many drive more slowly so they can stop in time to avoid a collision with them.
How interesting to look on these and other examples of the marvels of God’s creation and have the assurance that He has pleasure in creating and watching over them. Psalm 36:6-7 tells us, “O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy loving-kindness, O God!” Another verse tells us, “His eyes are upon the ways of man, and He [sees] all his goings” (Job 34:21). What does He see as He looks on you?
Set 11

Locked in the Dump!

Jon, the handyman, was given the job of cleaning out Mr. Vodnik’s garage. It was filled with all kinds of things. Some things Mr. Vodnik wanted to keep, some he gave to Jon, and some were to be thrown away.
Jon took out those things that needed to be thrown away. Then he built shelves for the remaining articles so they could be kept in order and easily reached. When the job was finished, there was quite a pile of things that needed to be hauled to the city dump. But Jon would need help, so he called Ben to help him.
Together Jon and Ben drove to the dump, paid the entrance fee, and drove on around the little hill to the dumping area. Time was short, so they had to hurry. “Throw this out . . . keep this . . . this is still good.” Paint, boots, light bulbs and other usable things were put in a pile. They finally finished sorting and dumping and then drove back around the hill to leave. But when they got to the dump office, no one was there to let them out. The heavy steel gate crossing the road was closed, chained and locked. They were locked in the dump!
What an uncomfortable feeling that was!
Soon they flagged down a lady who was driving slowly by. They asked her to call the sheriff to help them get out. It was beginning to get dark, and they could be in trouble if they were still in there after dark.
Do you think Jon and Ben were thinking of all the useful things they had sorted out from the trash? No, they wanted out! What a picture of boys and girls and grown-ups too who are spending precious time with the things of this world that seem attractive. Is this a picture of you? Where will you be when time runs out and the gate to heaven is closed and locked?
“Look, Jon, here comes the sheriff.”
Thinking perhaps they were robbers, the sheriff asked, “Do you have a dump fee receipt?”
“Yes, here it is. The dump keeper forgot us, locked the gate and went home.”
The sheriff tried to call the dump keeper, but all he got was the answering machine. The sheriff couldn’t help them. He said, “You will have to leave your truck here and come back for it tomorrow.”
Just like the dump keeper who forgot the two men and went home, your worldly friends may forget you, too, and go on their way, interested only in themselves. They may not care if you spend the rest of your time here on earth locked up with the trash of this world. But we want to warn you that very soon the open gate to heaven will be closing forever! The Bible says, “And while they went to buy, the [Lord Jesus] came; and they that were ready went in with Him . . . and the door was shut. Afterward came also the [others] . . . saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He answered and said . . . I know you not” (Matthew 25:10-12).
How did Jon and Ben get out? They climbed up and over the top of the gate, and left the truck and all their “treasures” behind. They were thankful to finally get home to their families and supper. So it will be for you, too, if you belong to the Lord Jesus. All who have trusted in Him to wash away their sins will soon be with Him, leaving everything in this world behind.
If you are still locked in your sins in “this present evil world,” be real about your need, and run for the open gate of grace before you are locked out of heaven forever! Come to the Lord Jesus Christ who loves you and died for you, and be saved from the coming judgment soon to fall on this world. Then you, too, can say, “Our Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world” (Galatians 1:3-4).
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).
MEMORY VERSE: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.

Mother Duck and Her Ducklings

While we were vacationing at a lake, we really enjoyed watching the wild ducks and the other water birds. One mother duck and her ducklings that we often watched always seemed to show up for breakfast and supper. You could hear mother duck quacking as she and her babies swam up the lake toward our campsite. Mother duck always gave loud “QUACKS,” but her babies just gave little “quacks.” She was very careful with her babies—she never let them get too close to shore. She knew there was danger on shore.
It made me think that God has warned us of danger ahead. He has said in His Word, the holy Bible, “Flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3:7). Another verse says, “Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him” (Romans 5:9).
When those baby ducks got too close to shore, mother duck gave a loud “QUACK,” and those little ducklings all quickly swam right back to her.
Boys and girls, God has spoken very loudly to us too, through the Bible. Hebrews 1:1-2 Says, “God . . . hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son [Christ Jesus].” He also says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Those baby ducks were quick to obey their mother. Will you be as quick to obey God? Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

The Wonders of God's Creation: Amazing Honeybees

“The judgments [ways] of the Lord are true and righteous....sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 19:9,10.
Honeybees are among the most interesting displays of God’s creation. Some might say, “They’re just small insects busy making honey and can’t be very important.” But honeybees are important to both man and the blossoms they visit. They are the only insects that produce food eaten by man, and many fruits and vegetables would die out if bees did not help fertilize their blossoms. Let’s take a closer look.
Their colonies come in all sizes, some containing as many as 50,000 bees—all one family. There is only one mother, the queen, in each colony, and she lays all the eggs. The drones are males and are kind of lazy. The workers are females and do all the chores except lay eggs. Several worker scouts select a spot to build a hive (or nest) which will include a special place to keep the thousands of eggs the queen lays. These eggs are guarded by “nurses” until the larvae hatch and become fully developed bees.
It is always interesting to learn how birds build their nests and how fish and animals make their homes. The hives of wild honeybees are interesting because they are made in a most unusual way. The first thing many worker honeybees do is build honeycombs in which to store pollen that other workers bring in from blossoms. Starting at the top of a cave wall, a hollow tree trunk, or the inside wall of a barn, the workers make beeswax and attach it at a suitable spot. Then, working slowly down, little six-sided, open, wax cells are formed, joined one to another and stuck tightly to the wall. Each of these cells is exactly the same size, no matter how many bees are making them. Some of these cells will hold eggs that the queen bee has laid (one to a cell), and the rest will store pollen. The pollen stored closest to the eggs becomes food for the developing bees. The pollen not used for food turns into honey. Isn’t it wonderful how the Creator of heaven and earth enables them to do this without any previous training?
When the hive becomes too crowded, the Creator has given the worker bees the instinct to build special cells for a few new queen bees. They feed these larvae special food called royal jelly. Before they emerge as new queen bees, the old queen, a few drones and many workers leave the hive as a swarm. The swarm settles on a spot that worker scouts have already selected and forms a new colony and builds a new hive.
The opening Bible verse refers to the ways of the Lord being “sweeter . . . than honey.” And another verse says, “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones” (Proverbs 16:24). If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, He will help you to have that sweetness in your heart.

Neither Rain, nor Fever, nor the Measles

For many years Mr. and Mrs. Albert invited boys and girls to come to Bible classes. They lived for several years in South America and were often surprised at how much the poor children wanted to come to the classes.
“Who could that be at our gate?” asked Mrs. Albert one morning. “It’s not even daylight yet.” She looked at the clock and saw that it was only 5:45 in the morning. She dressed quickly and went to the gate and found Gladys sitting there.
“Buenas dias,” Gladys said.
“Good morning—is there something wrong?” asked Mrs. Albert.
“No,” replied Gladys, “I just came for the Bible class this morning.”
“But the Bible class isn’t until 9:00!” Mrs. Albert explained.
The Alberts were surprised that their early morning visitor wanted so much to be at the Bible classes that she came over three hours early!
Another day, Liliana and her friend walked a mile to come to the class. When she arrived, Mr. Albert noticed that she did not look well.
“Is something wrong with Liliana?” he asked.
“She has a fever,” her friend replied.
Mr. Albert knew that there was an epidemic of dengue fever in the town. When he saw how sick Liliana was he asked his wife to read the Bible with the children that morning, and he took Liliana immediately to the doctor. Her temperature was 103, but she had walked a mile to come to the Bible class! An hour later she was in a doctor’s office receiving medicine.
Again, the Alberts were surprised at how badly these poor children wanted to come to the Bible classes.
Some of the children would walk in pouring rain and cold wind with only a piece of plastic or a sugar bag over their shoulders. Others couldn’t wait until the gate was unlocked. They climbed over the sharp spikes in the gate to get into the yard early.
On still another day, Mr. Albert noticed that Myra had funny red spots on her face. When he looked more closely he said, “Why, Myra, I think you have the measles!”
“Oh, yes,” she said unconcerned.
“You should be home in bed,” Mr. Albert said.
“Oh, no!” Myra begged. “Please don’t send me away! Please let me stay!”
Are you surprised, like the Alberts were, that these poor children would want so much to be at the Bible classes? Have you ever made an effort to go where the Word of God is read? Is it important to you? You need to listen to God’s Word because it tells about God’s wonderful love in sending His Son, the Lord Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. It tells us that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). But the Lord Jesus loves you and gave His life that you might be saved. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
Just wanting to be at the Bible classes did not save these boys and girls from their sins. And just reading the Bible or going to listen to God’s Word will not save you either. You need to believe on the Lord Jesus and accept Him as your Savior. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9). To be saved, it is not necessary to get up while it’s still dark, or walk in the rain, or go to Bible classes even when you are sick. You only need to let Jesus save you. He wants to save you right now! “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).
Several years have passed, and the Alberts have moved. They do not know where Gladys, Liliana and many of the other children are now, but they do know they will meet each one of them in heaven who accepted Christ as his or her Savior. And we hope to meet there too!
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13

"Ann, Come!"

Four-year-old Ann and her mother were on a vacation at the seashore. They both were enjoying the sun and sand and especially the water. Although Ann was just a little girl, she was having great fun playing in the sand and splashing in the shallow water along the shore.
As Mother watched Ann playing in the little waves that lapped the sand, she suddenly saw a huge wave rushing toward the shore. The wave was much higher than Ann, and it was almost to shore. There was not time for Ann’s mother to run and snatch her out of danger! The only thing she could do was to shout, “ANN, COME!
Ann turned and ran as fast as she could, straight to her mother, just as the wave crashed on the sand where she had been playing. How thankful Mother was to have her little girl safe.
What if Ann had not paid attention to her mother’s call to come? She may have been swept out to sea and drowned! Ann had been taught to obey her mother’s voice at once. Even the reply “just a minute” would have made it too late. She heard her mother’s voice and came.
The Lord Jesus Christ has told sinners, “Come unto Me.” He wants to save sinners from an awful punishment for their sins. He went to the cross and took that punishment on Himself. He is now saying “Come ... and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Have you obeyed His call? Don’t want any longer! Accept Him as your own Saviour right now, for danger is very near. Don’t say “just a minute” or “in a little while” or “some other time.” Listen to His voice and accept Him right now! “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The White Whale Shark

“By Him [the Lord God] were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth.” Colossians 1:16
There are about 350 kinds of sharks in the oceans of the world. We usually think of these creatures as dangerous, and many are, including the one known as the white whale shark. When one of these twenty-foot, fearsome-looking citizens of the sea is spotted, it is easy to see why they are called whale sharks. They swim extremely fast and can keep up with big ships as they follow them for the food scraps that are being thrown overboard.
These sharks are found in many places, mainly off the coasts of South Africa and Australia, but along the Pacific coast of North America as well. They usually travel alone or in pairs and are always on the lookout for fish and other seafood, including seals, sea lions and small porpoises.
Their most common method of capturing food is to hide in rocks deep under the surface, waiting for a seal or other victim to swim by. They make a quick dash, attacking the victim from underneath if it is too large to be swallowed whole. Their jaws have many strong, sharp teeth, with spare ones embedded under those on top. The spares soon fill in the space of any that break off.
It is through its snout that a great white senses the nearness of other creatures swimming nearby. This is a more reliable way of locating food than by their rather poor eyesight. Incidentally, it is thought by marine experts that the rare attack on a human is the result of mistaken identity—probably thinking a swimmer is a seal. These experts suggest that where sharks of any kind are likely to be, it is best for swimmers not to wear dark swimming suits. They say divers and others who wear black wet suits may really be asking for trouble.
Baby white whale sharks are about three and a half feet long at birth and look just like a miniature of the mother. They stay close to her while learning how to catch their own food.
We might wonder why such vicious creatures were placed in the oceans, but they were not vicious until sin came into the world and spoiled all of God’s creation. But there is a day coming, after those who know the Lord Jesus as their Savior are taken to heaven, when all creation will be at peace again. This is the time referred to in Isaiah 11:6 where we are told, “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid [baby goat]; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.” Will you be with us in heaven looking down on this happy, peaceful scene?

The Rescued Doll

Mr. Dale was a grown-up man. You would never think he would be interested in dolls. He didn’t think he was either.
It was “junk-collection day.” At least once a year people could throw out trash from their basements, attics, garages. yards, or from anywhere. They would pile this junk near the curb, and big-city dump trucks would pick it up. The trucks carried away the old, worn-out, useless things and took them to the city dump.
My, what a lot of no-good things there were: pieces of old, rotten wood, broken chairs, worn- out mattresses, old rugs, torn window shades, broken toys, and all kinds of dirty, broken things.
Mr. Dale was driving to work on the morning of junk collection. As he looked at all the piles of junk along the curbs, he suddenly saw a face looking out of one of these piles. It was a dirty face with a mass of tangled, matted hair . . . some little girl’s old doll.
Suddenly, Mr. Dale thought of his own daughter when she had been small. She was going to college now. But when she was a little girl, she just loved dolls. And here looking at Mr. Dale with sad, round eyes was something that once had been a lovely doll. She could be cleaned up and dressed with new clothes. He was sure some little girl would be happy to have her.
So Mr. Dale stopped the car and backed up. He pulled the doll out of the junk pile and put her in the trunk. Then off he went to work.
That night when he arrived home, Mr. Dale showed the doll to his wife.
“Poor thing!” Mrs. Dale exclaimed. “She sure is a mess, but nothing on her is broken. I think I could fix her up to be just as pretty as she once was!”
Yes, she was really dirty. Her hair was a mess and her 29-inch body hadn’t been washed for a very long time. But it wasn’t long before the doll was getting a good scrubbing and a shampoo.
After she was cleaned up, Mrs. Dale made her some new clothes. How pretty the doll was now! Then they had to decide what to do with her.
“I know what I’ll do with this doll,” said Mrs. Dale, “I think my cousin Marian might like to have her.” Miss Marian was a lady who lived 35 miles away. She had many little friends. These young friends came twice a week to Miss Marian’s house to hear Bible stories about the Lord Jesus. They liked to hold something while they listened. How happy they would be to have this beautiful, clean, just-like-new doll to love and hold!
So that’s just what happened. The doll was named Barbara, which was Mrs. Dale’s first name, because she had helped to make the doll so beautiful.
Now the little girls take turns holding the doll when they listen to a story. Miss Marian never forgets to tell them how Barbara was once a poor, dirty, ruined doll going to the trash dump. But Mr. Dale found her and rescued her. Then she explains to her little friends how that’s just what the Lord Jesus does for us. Mr. Dale found Barbara the doll and saved her, and the Lord Jesus finds boys and girls and saves them from their sins if they will let Him. He washes away their sins in His own precious blood, and dresses them in His own sinless loveliness. Then He gives them His own name. Everyone who belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ is called a Christian—and that means a “Christ One.”
He loves you very much! Do you belong to Him? “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” (Revelation 1:5).
MEMORY VERSE: “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5

The Fawn That Was Saved

Andy Hadley liked animals, and he lived in a wooded area which had plenty of deer and other wildlife. One morning, while walking across a field, he heard barking dogs running toward him. Just beyond him, on the other side of a fence, he saw a poor tired fawn, with its sides heaving and its tongue hanging from its mouth. The little fawn had enough strength left to jump the fence; but when it tried to run from the dog that came through the fence behind it, it simply fell down at Andy’s feet.
Later, telling the story, Andy said, “I couldn’t stand there and see the poor fawn torn apart by the dogs, not after it had come to me for protection. As the dogs gathered around, I defended the little creature. I stood there and fought the dogs for half an hour. I did not want any dog to capture the little fawn after its weakness had trusted me to save it.”
Poor sinners who cast themselves on the mercy of the Lord find Him to be a Savior and a Defender. Had the little deer depended on its own strength and continued running, the dogs would soon have caught and killed it. And those who try to outrun sin, Satan, and the judgment of God will find that they cannot run away from sin and the punishment it requires.
If you are not saved from your sins, you are in great danger! God’s Word, the Bible, says, “Flee from the wrath to come” (Luke 3:7). Run to the Lord Jesus Christ! He is the only One who can save you! You will find in Him a Friend—One who defends all who will put their trust in Him. On Calvary’s cross, He took the punishment and received all the mighty blows of God’s eternal judgment against sin, so that you and I might be spared. Now God can say, “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
Are you still running in your sins? Why not trust the Lord Jesus to save you forever right now!

A Quick Prayer

Have you ever had one of those days after school was out for the summer when you got kind of bored? I was about ten years old at the time of this story I’m going to tell you. It was a hot day, and it was late afternoon. I had already ridden my bike all around our neighborhood and was looking for something else to do.
Our street had a dead end, and just beyond the dead end was a steep bank where, a few weeks earlier, many loads of dirt had been unloaded by big dump trucks. It had been fun watching those big trucks dump their loads of dirt. Then a new guardrail had been installed at the dead end to keep cars from rolling down the steep bank and into the ravine below. However, there were a couple of paths around the guardrail, and I followed one of them on my bike.
As I was sitting on the edge of that bank on my bike, the dirt felt cool on my bare feet. I could see the steep twenty-five-foot drop down to the bottom of the ravine. About halfway down, wild blackberry vines were growing thick. I sat there wondering if the berries were ripe yet and then got to thinking that maybe there were ducks down on the swamp and maybe there was even a wild animal slinking around down there at the bottom. I was so lost in my daydreams that I forgot where I was . . . until my bike started to roll over the edge of the bank and I couldn’t stop it!
I was in big trouble now, as I hung on to my bike for dear life as it rolled down that steep bank. I couldn’t stop it and I couldn’t get off! What can I do? Will I die? my mind screamed! I cried out, “HELP ME, LORD!”
I must have blacked out because I didn’t remember anything else until I woke up all tangled up in my bike. The blackberry vines had cushioned my fall and prevented me from going farther down the bank, possibly to the bottom, to what would have been a much worse landing.
I hurt all over, and it was hard to get untangled from the bike in the middle of those thorny blackberry vines that were scratching me all over. It was all I could do to push the bike back up the hill. But at the same time, I knew that the Lord Jesus had answered my frantic, three-word prayer, and I was so thankful!
I attended Sunday school regularly and had learned that Jesus loved me and had died for me. I also knew that I was a sinner and that Jesus wanted to wash away my sins. One day when I was younger, I told the Lord Jesus that I was a sinner and wanted Him to wash away my sins. Now I belonged to His family!
In Sunday school I also learned Bible verses. One of them that must have come back to me as I went over the bank was, “Call upon Me [the Lord Jesus] in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15). And that’s exactly what I did: I called . . . He delivered . . . and I’m still thanking and praising Him for helping me that day.
Have you come to Jesus to have Him wash your sins away? If so, then you can call on Him for help whenever you are in any trouble. It doesn’t have to be only big troubles, like mine was. You can call on Him for help with little troubles too.
“In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me” (Psalm 86:7).
MEMORY VERSE: “In the day of my trouble I will call upon Thee: for Thou wilt answer me.” Psalm 86:7

A Lesson From the Blue Jays

Dear Children,
I want to tell you what Gramma and I saw this morning. We watched a mother blue jay and one of her babies fly in and land on one of our bird feeders.
The baby sat there with its feathers all fluffed out and its little beak wide open. It was waiting for its mother to put some food into its mouth. The mother bird would eat some seed for herself, then put some into the baby’s beak. This went on for about five minutes. Then they both flew away.
In a very short time, Mother and the baby were back again for more seed. But this time Mother did not feed her baby, even though the baby sat there with its beak wide open, ruffling its little feathers. Mother blue jay acted as though her baby wasn’t even there.
Gramma and I thought this was very strange for Mother not to feed her baby! Then they flew away.
Again, in a very short time, they both returned. It was this third time that Gramma and I realized what Mother blue jay was doing. Children, have you guessed what Mother blue jay was doing?
I hear one of you say, “Grampa, she is teaching the baby blue jay to feed itself.”
You are right!
Again, even though the baby ruffled its feathers and opened its beak, Mother still did not feed it. Then, all of a sudden, that little bird realized, If I am going to get something to eat, then I must feed myself!
Right then and there, that little baby bird learned how to feed itself. CHEERS! ! We watched both Mother and the baby feed themselves to the full, and then they flew away back into the trees.
Yes, they often came back to the feeder, along with others. One morning Gramma and I counted eleven of them!
Dear children, each Sunday your Sunday school teacher reads to you from God’s Word, the holy Bible. Your teacher explains to you how you can have your sins forgiven and be ready for heaven. Like Mother blue jay teaching her baby, your teacher can tell you all about God’s way to heaven, but it is up to you to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for yourself. Someone asked long ago, “What must I do to be saved?” The answer is, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31).
We sometimes sing this song:
A little child of seven,
Or even three or four,
May enter into heaven
Through Christ the open Door.
Love from Gramma and Grampa

The Wonders of God's Creation: Charming Sandpipers - Part 1

“Thou art worthy, O Lord . . . for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11
When we look at the great variety of birds the Creator has placed on the earth, it is not difficult to understand the above Bible verse and see that He had real pleasure in creating them.
There are many millions of sandpipers in many varieties throughout the world. They are found mostly in North America and Europe but some live in other countries also. The one most often seen in Europe is known as the common sandpiper, and the two most common ones in North America are the spotted and the western. Some of them are given nicknames such as “stilts,” “shanks” and “peeps,” because of their special habits.
Most sandpipers migrate, spending fall and winter in warm southern areas and flying thousands of miles to northern Canada, the Yukon and Alaska in spring. As an example, over six million of the western species leave South America in May for northern places where they nest, raise their young and find abundant food provided by a kind Creator.
Some of these fly along the Pacific coast, others across Midwestern states, but the greatest number prefer the Atlantic coast. Whichever route is taken, many stops are made along the way for eating and resting. They fly in great masses, but not in formation like geese and ducks. Sandpipers find much of their food in water or on sandy shores, eating mostly at night. Food includes many kinds of small sea life, such as clams, mussels, a small fish now and then, and many insects caught while flying over the seashore. Large groups often stand perfectly still on the sand, heads pointed into the wind, and many, if not all, stand with one leg tucked up under their feathers. They are also interesting to watch as they run rapidly in a group, feet in shallow water, some stopping now and then to poke their beaks into the sand or water to snatch a tasty bit of food.
Sandpipers usually nest on the ground, scraping out a shallow round spot and lining it with grass. Two or four eggs are laid, with both parents taking turns incubating them. By late fall, parents and young are ready to make the trip south to their winter homes.
In the following issue we will look at a few of the interesting varieties in more detail. Meanwhile, if you are near a sandy lakeshore or ocean beach, keep your eyes open and you may see them.
We have already mentioned the Creator’s pleasure in placing these birds on the earth. Another Bible verse tells of His watchful care over them: “Thou hast made . . . the earth, and all things that are therein . . . and Thou preservest them all” (Nehemiah 9:6). Have you thanked Him for His watchful care over you?
(to be continued)
Set 12

Bubble Gum on His Nose

Most children like to chew bubble gum. It’s fun to blow bubbles with it and then make them pop. Mike was no exception. In fact, maybe Mike liked to chew bubble gum even more than most children. Sometimes he would chew it in school, even though it wasn’t allowed.
His teacher had made the rule, “NO GUM CHEWING IN SCHOOL” back when school had started in the fall. But Mike and some of his friends often disobeyed that rule. They would just hold the gum in their mouths when the teacher was facing them, but when her back was turned they would make bubbles and quietly pop them before she turned around again.
Mike knew he was disobeying and probably felt even more guilty about it, because he was a Christian. As a young boy, he had come to realize that when he disobeyed it was a sin, so he was a sinner. From the Bible he had learned and believed that the Lord Jesus Christ loved him even though he was a sinner and that Jesus had died on Calvary’s cross to wash away his sins. But Mike didn’t always want to please his Savior. Sometimes disobeying rules was more fun.
The teacher knew what was going on behind her back. Since the usual punishment of having to stay after school didn’t seem to cut down on the gum chewing, a different punishment was needed.
One morning the teacher announced, “Anyone caught chewing gum in class will have to wear it on the end of his or her nose for the rest of the day!” Most of the children thought it was a funny punishment and laughed. This only encouraged Mike to see how long he could get away with it.
He had a big wad of bubble gum in his mouth, and each time the teacher turned her back he would chew real hard and then blow a bubble, quickly getting rid of it before he got caught.
Finally, the teacher caught him. And Mike had to put that big wad of pink bubble gum on the end of his nose.
At first he thought it was funny, and he snickered, making the children laugh too. But after a while it wasn’t so funny. When he looked down to do his math and reading lessons, all he could see was that big, pink blob of gum on his nose. He just couldn’t forget it was there. He couldn’t go out for morning recess because the teacher said the gum might drop off, and he had to wear it the whole day! Even when they ate their lunches it wasn’t any fun for Mike, because other children in the lunchroom laughed at him, saying how funny he looked. It was no longer fun to disobey the rules.
Mike was having to learn a much-needed Bible lesson: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). Sin always has its punishment. But even though Mike was being punished for disobeying the rule, there was something else he needed to remember.
When school was finally out, Mike quickly tore off that ugly gum and threw it away. However, there was still a little dried piece stuck to his nose. Mike didn’t know it was there, but his mother and dad saw it when he sat down at the dinner table. They asked him about it and soon found out the whole story.
His parents were very sorry to hear what Mike had done at school. His dad talked to him for a long time, explaining that although they were so unhappy and disappointed with his conduct at school, what was even more important was that Mike certainly was not a good model of a Christian. After seeing how he acted, why would his friends or his teacher want to become a Christian? He was just another bad boy.
Mike realized then how much he had displeased the Lord Jesus as well as his parents. He was sorry—so sorry that the next day he went to his teacher and told her that he was sorry that he had been so bad. He also told her that he was sorry because he had made the Lord Jesus displeased with him, too.
Perhaps if Mike will begin trying to please the Lord Jesus at school, he might be the means of leading his teacher and his friends to want to know his Savior who loves and died for sinners. The Bible tells Christians to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
MEMORY VERSE: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Eggs, Eggs, and More Eggs!

Our farm has 22 laying hens and one rooster. The hens were laying 15 to 20 eggs a day. We don’t have many buyers for our eggs, and our family of four cannot eat that many eggs every day. So our problem was what to do with all the extra eggs. We did give some away, but still we had lots left.
I decided the best thing to do was to pray about it, asking the Lord to send us a buyer that would buy lots of our eggs. I asked my sister, who lives out of town, and also a friend to pray with us too about the problem of our surplus of eggs. I was, of course, quite curious as to how the Lord would answer those prayers. Less than a month later, a neighbor, named Jennifer, asked Mom if we had any extra eggs. She wanted to start buying any extra eggs we had to give to a church that has a “food pantry” once a month. And Jennifer wanted to pay for the eggs!
(Perhaps some of you boys and girls don’t know what a “food pantry” is. It is a place where needy people can come and be given donated food—like our eggs. Jennifer donates the eggs she buys from us to the “food pantry.”)
We were so happy for that wonderful answer to our prayers! We still sell eggs and give eggs away, but once a month Jennifer comes and buys whatever extra we have for the “food pantry.” Now we all thank the Lord for answering our prayers to solve the problem of too many eggs and what to do with them. And we also thank Him that our extra eggs are feeding hungry people who don’t have money to buy food. That makes two answers He gave us for one problem!
“My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Charming Sandpipers - Part 2

“Of Him [the Lord God], and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory forever.” Romans 11:36
Last week we looked at the lovely sandpipers in general. Here are some interesting facts about a few of them.
The one named spotted is one of the best known all along the Pacific coast. It is usually seen running along the shore, stopping now and then to teeter up and down several times, then running again. This has given it the nickname “tip-up.”
The large-beaked spoonbill and the broad-billed are among the great migrators. Their large beaks contrast with the small beaks of others. The westerns, also migrators, are very pretty with white breasts and underparts and mottled dark and light brown wings, tan heads and sharply pointed beaks.
An unusual one that doesn’t migrate is named eastern. It spends winters and summers in the midwestern United States in deep woods, wading in shallow ponds and swamps, stirring up food with its feet.
The greater yellowlegs has long, colorful legs, making it nearly a foot tall. Another tall one is the nine-inch-high stilt, living along the Atlantic coast and in Texas.
Among the shorter ones is the least, probably given this name because it is so small. It is quite pretty with black wings, speckled top and tail feathers and white underparts. Its head, with a sharp, black beak, fits snugly into its round little body. It often stands a long time on one leg, with the other tucked under its body and completely hidden.
The one called purple is really black with gray and brown markings. Its winter home is in Central America, but it migrates far north in spring and summer. Then there is the red-headed, with a long, black beak and pretty, reddish feathers so smooth against its small skull that it looks almost bald.
A provision the Creator made for many birds is in Delaware Bay, near Washington, D.C. This is where great numbers of horseshoe crabs migrate each spring and lay millions of eggs, which many birds eat. Great numbers of sandpipers find this a good stopping place when migrating north, including the semi-palmateds. Feeding on this tasty treat, they fatten up for the last lap of a several-thousand-mile migration. Many other kinds of birds join them in this feast.
We must stop here, although there are many more interesting species. These are all examples of God’s creation, placed on the earth by Him and are dependent on Him for their short life span. They do not know of God’s care over them, but we can know about His care over us and thank Him for it. The Bible tells us, “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7). Do you know His care, and do you trust in Him?


The telephone rang and rang one spring afternoon, and I ran inside to answer it. It was Mary Jane, a retired schoolteacher who lives alone on a nearby farm.
“I hate to bother you,” she began, “but I need some help.”
Mary Jane raises sheep for wool and meat. She takes good care of her flock and really seems to love them. Her border collies help her round up and move the sheep, but sometimes she needs friends or neighbors to give her a hand with other chores.
Sheep can’t survive on their own. They need someone to provide food and water, to trim their hooves, to shear their wool and to make sure they are well and safe. Mary Jane tries hard to be a good shepherdess, but sometimes trouble comes to the farm.
This particular afternoon Mary Jane had a problem. When she went out to check her sheep, she noticed one ewe lying by herself near a gate. Going closer, she could see that the sheep had squeezed her head through the gate to reach some hay that was stored behind it, and she had gotten herself stuck.
Several weeks earlier Mary Jane had wired an extra panel onto this gate to keep the sheep out of the hay . . . or so she thought! This ewe got the hay she was after, all right, but when she tried to back up, her head got wedged in tightly between a set of vertical bars and the horizontal gate bars. She seemed to sense that it was no use struggling, and she just lay down to wait for help. She had probably been there for hours and would have eventually died of thirst if no one had freed her. Mary Jane had tried and tried, but she couldn’t get her out.
My son and I hurried down to the farm to see if we could help. It was interesting to watch the dog running excitedly around and around this downed ewe, giving her a nip at each turn, as he was trained to do to get her up. It was no use. This situation required more help than a dog could give.
With extra hands to push and pull, and with some creative thinking, the three of us twisted the ewe’s head free of the iron bars. She got up and walked over to the water trough for a good, long drink.
In John 10:11, Jesus tells us, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd [gives] His life for the sheep.” This is more than any human shepherd can do. It describes perfectly the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. We deserve eternal judgment because of our sins, but He died to pay the debt we owed to God. Now, “he that . . . believeth on Him . . . hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).
Our enemy Satan sometimes acts like a wolf disguised in a sheepskin. He moves among the weak lambs and sheep, trying to get them to listen to his lies. He would like to snare us in one of his traps—the love of money, pleasure or popularity—anything but confessing that we are sinners and coming to Jesus for forgiveness. But Jesus promises, “[You] shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” And, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, [you] shall be free indeed” (John 8:32,36).
We are unable to save ourselves. Only Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, can release us from Satan’s iron grip and give us a new nature that wants to please Him. Won’t you come to this loving Savior today? Then you can say with the psalmist David, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want [have need]” (Psalm 23:1).
MEMORY VERSE: “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11

A Hungry Red-Winged Blackbird

A little red-winged blackbird had come to the feeder to get something to eat. It did not know that while it was pecking away at the seeds, one of its toes had become entangled in the mesh of the feeder. It must have been trying to pull away for quite some time.
When Mike arrived home, he saw what looked like a wet black rag hanging limply from the feeder. Wondering what it was, he went out to take a closer look. The “rag” suddenly starting flapping wildly. Then he could see that it was a bird caught by its foot.
Mike put on some gardening gloves and very gently cupped the little bird in his hand. Then with great difficulty and with the help of a penknife, he was able to pry the wire off the bird’s claw and release it from the mesh. He held the quivering little bird for a few moments, then opened his hands and off it flew, bleeding a little but free.
I think a lot of us are like that little blackbird. We go about our daily lives quite unaware that sin and sinful habits may be forming themselves, one strand at a time, into a heavy cord. Finally we find ourselves entangled, quite unable to get free and needing some outside help. Just as the little bird had a savior come along who set it free, we have a Savior, the Lord Jesus, who stands ready and able to set us free from that heavy cord of sin. He is waiting to hear us call to Him to be set free. We have the promise from the Bible, God’s Word: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15). And we know that “He [Jesus] is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). If you come to Jesus, whether you are young or older, He will set you free from all your sin and give you the gift of eternal life. Then you can sing as King David did in Psalm 124:7: “Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.”

The Wonders of God's Creation: Helpful Guinea Pigs

“I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm.” Jeremiah 27:5
In some parts of South and Central America and Mexico, guinea pigs are considered a choice food, roasted and served with potatoes or rice. They are inexpensive and easy to raise. But being gentle and small as a little bunny, they are also often treated as pets and allowed to scamper around the house. Very clean and quiet, the only noise they make is like that of a kitten, but instead of a “mew,” their call is more like “coo-ee,” and because of this they have the nickname “cuy.”
Guinea pigs come in a variety of colors—black, white, tan, brown and a bluish-purple. A full-grown one in the wild weighs a pound or two, but when provided with plenty of food, they often reach four pounds. They are cute, have no tails, rarely bite and are a favorite pet for children. It is hard to figure how they got the word “pig” included in their name. They are rodents and are not pig-like at all. Instead, they are clean and pretty with soft fur, small, dark eyes and a head shaped more like a baby seal than a pig. Often they will be heard chattering quietly in squeaky tones.
In the wild, mothers give birth to six to twelve young and only care for them for about six weeks. After that they can take care of themselves. Those raised commercially, along with those in private homes, total in the millions. Since they are so popular as a food product, many natives find raising and selling them an easy way to make a living.
In North America and other parts of the world, guinea pigs are not thought of as food. Besides being kept as pets, many are used in scientific experiments. Scientists infect guinea pigs with diseases and then try to cure them. This has been very helpful over the years in developing many good medicines and keeping off the market those that are harmful. Perhaps you have heard someone say, “Don’t make a guinea pig out of me!” What that person means is, “Don’t use me to test anything.”
As we consider the great variety of birds, fish, animals and other creatures, we are amazed at how the Creator designed and provided for each species. The Bible tells us that the Lord God had pleasure in creating each one.
Let us also remember that His special love and thoughts are toward every boy, girl, man and woman in the world. He has promised that all who come to Him, confessing themselves to be sinners and accepting Him as Savior, have His promise, “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Is He your Savior?

Saved at Sea

Our story took place during the first years of World War I. England’s factories were heavily damaged, so the United States shipped equipment over to England. The ships carrying the equipment were always in danger, and it was very important that the equipment safely reach England’s shores!
Jamie McClare’s whole life revolved around the sea. When men were urgently needed for the Merchant Marine, he left his fishing boat in Maine and volunteered, not only himself, but his Newfoundland dog, Blackie, as well. The Newfoundland is a remarkable breed of dog known for its faithfulness, good nature and life-saving instincts.
The captain of Jamie’s ship was glad to have Blackie on board. He had heard of the amazing things a Newfoundland can do, including rescuing drowning sailors. Newfoundlands have been known to dive 20 feet under water to save someone who is drowning. Since they have been bred as working dogs for fishing ships, it is almost as if they have developed a sixth sense for the sea. They are very large, and their love for people is just as large. They cannot see a person in danger without coming to their rescue.
The ship’s first Atlantic crossing was almost over, and Blackie had become friends with everyone on board—from the ship’s captain down to the ship’s cook who fed him. They all felt more comfortable with this giant of a dog roaming the decks in the tense atmosphere of war.
One dark, dreary morning when the ship was 100 miles from England’s shore, the roar of a plane engine was heard. The plane was hidden by the heavy gray clouds until it was right over them. Before the crew knew what was happening, they were under attack!
In the confusion, all the sailors ran for cover . . . except Tom. A ricocheting bullet struck him in the arm and knocked him off the ship. He fell over the railing into the cold, dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean!
Blackie saw Tom go overboard. Without waiting for even a moment, Blackie leaped into the water and powerfully swam to Tom just as he was going under. Tom put his good arm around the dog’s neck and held onto him until a lifeboat came about 20 minutes later. Both Tom and Blackie made it back to the ship safely. Tom knew he owed his life to the lifesaving instincts of Jamie’s dog, and he would never forget it.
Every one of us who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior realizes that He came to rescue us, too. Not thinking of the pain or the agony to Himself, He went to Calvary’s cross. Why did He do this? Because He loved us and saw that we would die in our sins unless He came and took our punishment instead.
When Tom was wounded and fell into the Atlantic Ocean, he knew he could not save himself. Do you realize that without the Lord Jesus there is no hope for you? Has the truth that you have sinned ever bothered you? Have you felt how helpless you are before a holy God? Have you ever felt the great depths of everlasting punishment facing you, as Tom felt the depths of the ocean pulling him down?
If you haven’t, won’t you think about what God’s Word, the Bible, tells us in Romans 3:23: “All have sinned,” and that “all” includes you! Having sinned, you have “come short of the glory of God.” That means that you will never make it to heaven as you are!
“Oh,” you might say to defend yourself, “I have sinned, but I will save myself.”
No, God will not accept our “saving ourselves.” We must be saved His way—by admitting that we are sinners and by accepting His Son Jesus as our very own Savior. Tom was wounded and saw that he could not save himself. If it weren’t for Blackie, Tom would have been lost at sea.
God’s good news is now going out to everyone. Each person who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her Savior will be free from the punishment of his or her sins in hell and will be in heaven with the Lord Jesus for eternity. Won’t you accept Him as your Savior today?
“Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:22).
MEMORY VERSE: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


Since we had always lived in the eastern part of the United States, we thought that the high boots and broad-brimmed hats of the Southwest were just a fancy way to dress. We didn’t know that cowboys and others wore these for good reasons. But we changed our minds after we had walked for a while under a blazing sun through the knee-high grasses of a Texas meadow. We had to keep close watch for scorpions, rattlesnakes and other poisonous critters. Then we understood the very real advantage of those high boots—to protect the legs from poisonous bites. And those big hats acted as umbrellas, not only to keep the eyes shielded from the bright sun, but to protect the head and neck from sunburn and sunstroke.
But we need protection from something even more dangerous—the penalty of our sins. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can protect us from the penalty that we each deserve. “[Jesus] was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement [penalty] of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed [protected]” (Isaiah 53:5). Have you told the Lord Jesus that you know you deserve the punishment for your sins and that you want Him to save you? Have you thanked Him for loving you and dying for you? If you haven’t done those things yet, please do them right now. You will always be happy that you did, and so will He. “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Lively Marmosets

“Consider it in thine heart, that the Lord He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.” Deuteronomy 4:39
If you think monkeys in the zoo are interesting, you would really enjoy seeing the miniature marmosets in the rain forests of Central and South America and Mexico. These are true monkeys but are the world’s smallest ones. With few exceptions, a full-grown marmoset is only about the size of a small kitten, but at first glance their long, furry tails make them look nearly twice as large.
They are captivating little creatures, with small, round faces surrounded by a long cap of white fur. The rest of their fur is a variety of colors. Their diet is made up of fruits, insects and the green stems and leaves of shrubs and trees.
Unlike most animals, baby marmosets are cared for mostly by their fathers. It is not uncommon to see a tiny one clinging to its father’s back as he scampers through the trees, but at feeding time, it goes back to its mama.
God has given us marmosets in many varieties, one of which is known as the golden marmoset, named for its bright, silky, golden fur. It is a truly beautiful little animal. But perhaps the most graceful of all is one called silky marmoset. Its fur also has a golden sheen but is more chestnut in color.
The smallest is understandably named the pygmy marmoset. It is only about the size of a large mouse. Its lovable appearance includes long, soft fur behind its ears, draping over both sides of its head, like an expensive cape and almost hiding its pretty face and large mouth. The rest of its fur is rather dark, and its long tail is circled with light-colored rings. Many people consider the pygmy marmoset the prettiest of all monkeys, large or small.
Another, almost as small, is called the buffy-headed marmoset. Its light-brown face, inquisitive dark-rimmed eyes and black chin whiskers account for its name. Its heavily furred arms and legs are dark or light brown or sometimes blackish. This one lives in small groups apart from the others, and it is difficult to get more than a quick glance at one as it scampers through the lower branches of the deep jungles of Brazil where it lives.
It’s good to know these interesting creatures are always under the Creator’s care, as the Bible verse tells us: “The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 145:9). Have you ever thanked Him for His extra-special care over you and His love in providing a way of salvation for you? Have you accepted Him as your Savior? “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).

The Baby Goose's Mistake

Dear Children,
Some of you have asked if I would tell you what happened to that baby goose that I found on the lawn when I was cutting the grass. Okay, here’s what happened.
I was cutting the grass on the south side of the property when I came across this baby goose lying flat on its back. It was wiggling its feet, wings, neck and head and was really struggling hard to turn itself over onto its belly. So I stopped the lawn mower, put my gloves on, and walked over to see if I could help it.
I very gently picked up the baby goose and then walked over to the narrow part of the creek that runs through our property. I carefully placed the little goose in the water with its feet down, and away it swam! Boy, did it move fast! But this is not the end of the story!
“Tell us what happened next, Grampa!”
Well, along that part of the creek there are many bramble bushes that are full of thorns and tangly vines. And that baby goose swam straight across the creek and into one of those bramble bushes! I was not very happy with that baby goose. I looked at it and said, “What a stupid goose! Maybe I should just let you stay there, and some fox or coyote will have goose for dinner!”
“You didn’t leave it there, did you, Grampa?”
No, I didn’t. But untangling that goose was going to make a lot of extra work for me. I had to go to the house, put on my chest waders to wade across that part of the creek, and also pick up my long-handled landing net.
When Gramma saw all this going on, I told her what happened. She said, “I am coming to help you.” I told her that was great because I would probably need help.
Now I got to thinking, Why did this baby goose do this? And I’ll tell you the two reasons I came up with: First, it was afraid of me and did not realize I was trying to help it. Second, it had no one to guide it or tell it which way to go. Its parents were out in the main creek and it was alone, so it did what it thought was best. And, as we have seen, it made a mistake. That was the wrong direction to go! It made me think about boys and girls and grown-ups who go through everyday life doing what they think is best. But sometimes a mistake has been made, and they find themselves in trouble.
You know, children, when it comes to knowing the way to heaven, we cannot make a mistake, because God’s Word, the Bible, plainly says in John 14:6, “I [Jesus] am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” If you follow what God tells us, you won’t make a mistake!
“That’s right, Grampa. We learned that in Sunday school. Now what about the goose?”
Well, I had to wade across the creek to untangle that goose from the bramble bush, and it wasn’t easy. I’m glad Gramma was there to help. Now I had the baby goose in my hands again, and Gramma asked, “What are you going to do with it this time?” I told her to come with me and see. We both walked together along the creek until we came to the pond. The pond joins the main part of the creek and there is open water on the south side.
Now, I spoke kindly to this baby goose and said, “You see that open water out there? That’s the way to go! You will find other geese just like yourself out there . . . and don’t get sidetracked . . . go straight out! . . . because if you do get sidetracked, I can’t rescue you again! The water out there is too deep for me!”
Well, children, whether that goose understood me or not, he made no mistake this time. Straight out he went just as fast as his little feet and legs could paddle! He was rescued!
And so, children, thank God for Sunday school teachers, dads and moms, grandpas and grandmas, aunts, uncles or anyone else who will point out to you from God’s holy Word the right way to heaven! God’s Word does not make a mistake, and we don’t want you to either.
Lots of love,
Gramma and Grampa
MEMORY VERSE: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 14:6

Lost for Seven Years

It certainly was a mystery when a cat named Smokey suddenly reappeared seven years after she had vanished from her owner’s backyard!
Denise had held out hope that Smokey would return someday. Even though she had moved, she still had the same phone number. Nonetheless, she was quite surprised when she got a call telling her that the Animal Control Service had her long-lost pet!
“I don’t know where this cat has been for seven years!” said Denise. The Animal Control Service had used a small identification tattoo on the cat to trace Smokey to her owner. Smokey is slowly getting reacquainted with her owner and new home.
Denise says it is important to have your pet marked with permanent identification.
I wonder if you have Jesus’ identification mark on you, showing that you belong to Him. God can see it, because He sees that you are covered with the precious blood of His beloved Son. When the call comes to go to heaven, will you go to be with Jesus? or will you be lost forever? It all depends on whether or not you have that identification mark.
Thankfully, Smokey wasn’t lost forever because of the identification mark on her body that showed she belonged to Denise. Are your sins covered with the blood of Jesus showing you belong to Him?
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Nitrogen Is All Around You

“In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is.” Exodus 20:11
In an earlier article we considered the importance of oxygen. Nitrogen is also extremely important, and the Creator has arranged that the air we breathe is more than three-fourths nitrogen and only about one-fifth oxygen. While oxygen is the more important of the two, by itself it would be far too strong for us. So the Creator has wisely combined the two in just the right balance (along with small amounts of other elements) to provide us and all air-breathing creatures with just the right combination for our comfort and health.
In addition to this, if oxygen were present in larger quantities, a fire could probably never be put out, but nitrogen, which does not burn, keeps this from happening. Actually no plant, animal or person could survive without nitrogen.
In spite of there being so much nitrogen in air, our bodies could not survive unless some were provided by another source. Once again we see another wonder of God’s creation . . . He has provided that vegetables, fruit and cereals we eat contribute large amounts. Also, since animals, poultry and fish have it in their bodies, we get an additional supply when they are included in our diets.
Where do plants get this extra nitrogen? Much of it comes from the air and some from the soil through their roots. But one of the spectacular ways is through lightning which brings large quantities to plants, some of it passing on through their roots and into the soil for other vegetation.
Much of the fertilizer and plant food sold by garden supply stores also has a high quantity of sodium nitrate in it, which is a means of providing nitrogen-rich food to the plant. But sometimes a plant can get too much of it. An example of this is a tomato plant that is covered with too much leaf and not enough fruit.
In Psalm 40:5 we read, “Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to usward. . . . If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.” As we look at these wonderful works, it should cause us to agree with the psalmist who said, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For He is our God; and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand” (Psalm 95:6-7).
Not only should we worship and thank Him for His marvelous works, but, more importantly, also thank Him for His love in providing His Son, the Lord Jesus, as the Savior for all eternity to all who put their trust in Him.
Set 13

A Close Call

It was a lovely sunny day in midsummer. Susan asked Debbie to go fishing with her. Since Debbie was only five, she asked her mother if she could go. The answer was “no.” Susan was a few years older so she didn’t feel she needed to ask her mother.
When Debbie’s mother went back to her housework, Susan whispered to her friend, “Oh, I’ll take care of you, Debbie. It’s so safe on the pier, and we’ll be all right.”
Now Debbie really wanted to go because she loved fishing. She liked to bait the hook and was quite good at taking the fish off the line. But she had always gone with a grown-up. Sometimes they would take a bucket along and put the live fish in water in the bucket, and she would watch them swim around. Thinking of how much fun they would have, Debbie decided to go with Susan anyway.
What these girls didn’t know was that the day was going to end in near tragedy! The Lord Jesus, who loves them, had His eye on them. He knew what they were doing, and that day they were going to learn an important lesson about obeying. “Children,, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). How important this is, boys and girls, even though sometimes you feel you are wiser than your parents.
All went well for a time. The tide was just right for fishing, and the water was so clear they could see lots of fish. They could even see the fish biting the hook!
Suddenly, everything changed when Debbie decided to throw a pebble in the water and watch the ripples. A moment later Susan heard a big splash! You guessed it. Debbie had fallen into the water, but she couldn’t swim! A frightened, struggling Debbie looked up, only to see Susan running away!
Debbie paddled with all her might to keep her head above water. She was so scared! Was she going to die? . . . She knew she was not saved! Would she go to hell? What seemed like a long time to her was only a few minutes until some people came running to the pier with Debbie’s mother in the lead.
Her mother was almost beside herself with fear. She was sure Debbie would have drowned by now, but Debbie was still paddling and was, oh, so tired. Debbie was quite a distance from the pier, so a long pole was held out to her. She clung to it and felt herself being pulled to safety.
How happy and thankful her mother was, and how she thanked the Lord Jesus for His goodness to Debbie. Shortly after this happened, Debbie accepted the Lord Jesus as her own Savior.
Have you accepted the Lord Jesus as your Savior, or are you going to wait until you are faced with death? Jesus loves you and is calling to you today. All you need to do is answer Him, “Yes, Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and I want to be saved right now.” “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)..
MEMORY VERSE: “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

The Light Hurts

“You should just kill it, lady.”
The lady ignored the teenager who offered his advice.
“Those things carry rabies,” the teenager added.
The lady continued bending over the tiny grey-black creature on the ground.
“It must have fallen from under the bridge, poor thing. It doesn’t look hurt, only stunned,” the lady said to the people who were gathering around. “Does anyone have a paper sack?”
Another woman took a blouse she had just bought out of its bag and handed the bag to the lady. The lady scooped the bat up in her gloved hand and gently placed it in the bag.
“Thanks,” she said. “I think it is only stunned by the sunlight. I’ll keep it in the bag until it gets dark out tonight, and then I’ll let it go in the park.”
“Hope you get it home okay,” the woman said. The two rescuers exchanged smiles and went on their ways, as did the people who had been watching.
Later that night the bat was released. It flew off into the darkness. What the lady said was right—the bat was not injured, but only stunned by the bright light of sunshine.
The light of God’s Word, the Bible, stuns us when we are not familiar with it. It clearly shows us that we are sinners. Romans 3:23 tells us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” And as sinners we can do nothing right toward God, no matter what we do or how hard we try. The light of Isaiah 64:6 shows us why: “We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses [good deeds] are as filthy rags.” As a result, our sins are leading us to the darkness of hell. The light shows us a very frightening picture of ourselves—the truth that each of us is a sinner and headed the wrong direction!
But the light of God’s Word also shows us that there is a remedy for sin. “The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14). The remedy for sin is to believe in Christ as your Lord and Savior. The suffering for sin He bore on Calvary’s cross is more than enough to put away every one of your sins.
Don’t run away from the light. It may hurt at first when you see yourself ruined by sin, but God loves you, and He has provided the remedy for sin. He offers salvation in Jesus Christ. “The Lord is not . . . willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Are you willing to step out of the darkness of your sins and step into the light of God’s wonderful love and forgiveness? “I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Manta Ray

“God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth . . . after their kind.” Genesis 1:21
The manta ray is the largest member of the ray family and lives throughout the tropical seas of the world. It measures up to 22 feet across its “wings,” 10 feet long from head to tail, and weighs up to 3,000 pounds. Its mouth can be 3 feet wide! Surprisingly, it has very small teeth and is actually one of the harmless creatures of the sea, unless harassed.
This gentle giant can be found close to the shore, as well as out in the open sea where it swims almost continuously as it searches out the best feeding areas. It feeds mostly on plankton (tiny plant and animal life) and schools of small fishes. This majestic fish will sometimes “breach” like a whale.
A diver who saw one tells that at first he was afraid of it, but then he was surprised to find it quite friendly. After looking the diver over, the manta ray dropped down below him, barely moving. In a bold moment’s decision, the diver also dropped down and gently landed on the manta ray’s back with his legs spread out and his hands on its shoulders. Soon its wings began to slowly beat, and the diver realized he was off on a trip with no idea how it would end. But he was pleased to find that he wasn’t thrown off, and that the manta ray seemed to like his company. The ride didn’t last long but was quite a thrill.
Some others have had similar experiences such as this diver had. We hope each one was impressed with a real awareness of the wonders of God’s creation, for all the creatures of the oceans are included in the Bible verse that says, “By Him were all things created . . . and He is before all things, and by Him all things [continue to exist]” (Colossians 1:16-17).
The Bible also tells all boys and girls to “remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1), and to know Him not only as the One who created and watches over them, but as the God who loves each and every one. He invites you to know His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Savior. He died on the cross to put away the sins of all who trust Him to forgive them. He will then accept you as one of His own children, with the promise of a heavenly home when life on earth is ended.
If you do not belong to Him yet, don’t wait any longer! Come to Him in prayer and accept Him as your Savior this very day. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

A Special Act of Kindness

Gerry Suttle lived in Riesel, Texas. Her husband had died and her children did not live nearby, so she lived alone. One day, she was very surprised to receive a call from the chief of police. He explained to her that the city had sent her a letter a few weeks before telling her that she needed to appear before a judge. He further explained that it was the law in their city that a homeowner’s grass could be no taller than 18 inches! The reason for this was so that rodents and snakes would not have a place to breed, and also tall grass and weeds looked unsightly. Because she didn’t appear before the judge, an arrest warrant had to be sent out.
Poor Gerry! She said she had never received the letter. The problem was the lot she owned where the grass was much taller than 18 inches was across the street. Yet another problem was that being 75 years of age, she was not physically able to mow the grass. Gerry was very worried—what could she do?
Boys and girls, Gerry wasn’t strong enough to mow her lawn. And we have no strength to save ourselves from our sins and a lost eternity of punishment in hell for our sins. That is why God sent His dear Son Jesus to suffer and die for our sins on a cruel cross. “When we were yet without strength, in due time [at the right time] Christ died for the ungodly” (Romans 5:6). When we put our trust in Him, His shed blood cleanses us from all our sins and makes us ready for heaven. Have you trusted the Lord Jesus as your Savior?
The next day after the news report, the Reynolds brothers, who did not know Gerry and had never met her, showed up in her yard with their push lawn mowers, weed whackers and trimmers to cut the lawn and tall grass. When the boys were asked later about their hard work, Blaine Reynolds said, “We haven’t met her yet, but she’s 75 years old and needs some help mowing. That’s the least we could do.” His brother Brandon added, “I really wouldn’t want her coming out here and doing it, or paying someone else to do the job when we could have done it for free!”
It was not an easy job! Texas has hot summers, and it was June and well over 90 degrees! There was also a lot of grass to mow—two acres of it! And it was hard work for young hands to push a mower through very tall grass. Hedges and bushes also needed to be trimmed.
As the boys began to work, people began to gather. Two young men were so impressed with what the boys were doing that they decided they would also like to help. So they went home and got their riding mowers. With all of this help, they got the job finished in just two hours!
Gerry could not believe her eyes when she looked out the window and saw four young people all mowing the grass for her. She could hardly find words to express her thankfulness and appreciation for what they had done for her!
The Bible tells us of the kindness of God towards each one of us. “After that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:4-5).
Because the grass had been cut, hedges and bushes trimmed and weeds pulled out, Gerry was able to call the police and tell them the job had been finished. Eventually all charges were dropped against her, and her case was dismissed—all because of four young people who saw a need and took action.
When we receive God’s free gift of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus, we receive a new nature that wants to please God by doing what is right and good. “Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works” (Hebrews 10:24). Not only will we have a good effect on others, but the Bible tells us there is a reward for doing that! “They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).
Boys and girls, if you belong to the Lord Jesus, you can be one of those “that turn many to righteousness” by telling others about God’s free gift of salvation. Will you do that?
MEMORY VERSE: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us” (Titus 3:5).

Great Love

A missionary working in an African country tells a personal story which helps us understand a little of what Christ has done for us.
Shortly after she arrived at the sprawling village of thatched mud homes, some visitors arrived to ask help for a friend who had an infected tooth that wouldn’t stop bleeding. She and a helper went immediately to see him. They quickly realized he needed more help than they could give, as he was losing a lot of blood. They got him into their truck and headed for the nearest hospital.
The doctor on duty could not stop the bleeding. He said the man needed a blood transfusion immediately or he would die.
The problem was to find matching blood quickly. So right there on the spot the missionary offered her own blood. It matched! Her blood was used, and a transfusion was given to the dying man. His condition improved very quickly, and after some treatment, he was able to return to his village that night.
It did not take long for word to spread around the village that the missionary had given her own blood to save a man she didn’t even know. Many came to her saying, “You saved his life and you didn’t even know us. You must love Africans very much!”
Isn’t that just what we can say when we read that “the Son of God  ... loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20)? We were strangers and far from God, yet Jesus gave His life to save us from eternal death, so that we can live with Him forever.
Yes! He must love us very much!

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Prickly Hedgehog

“I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by My great power and by My outstretched arm.” Jeremiah 27:5
Unless you have traveled in northern Europe, Asia, southern and eastern Africa or New Zealand, it is not likely that you have ever seen a wild hedgehog.
There are people in England who make friends with hedgehogs and tame them by setting out food at night, which is when these animals do their hunting. They usually eat any kind of insect, slug, caterpillar, small mammal or snake they may come across, as well as leaves, nuts, seeds and birds’ eggs. And this is why some people keep them as pets—to get rid of insects and other house pests.
Although when fully grown they are only about nine inches long, the Creator has provided these unusual little animals with an excellent means of protection from harm. Except for their smooth heads, the backs of hedgehogs are covered with a complete armor of sharp, bristly spines (like a porcupine’s) down to their stubby tails. These spines normally lie flat while the hedgehogs are resting or searching for food. But when a dog or other animal threatens them, they roll into round balls, tucking their heads into their chests and drawing their legs up tight, which leaves the sharp spines pointing in every direction. A dog or other creature that is stupid enough to grab this black, prickly ball in its mouth immediately yelps in pain and is left with some of those spines stuck in its mouth, nose or tongue—a rather painful lesson to learn!
Hedgehogs have this name because they make their homes under bushy hedges, hiding there in the daytime and coming out only at night. A male and female pair stay together throughout their lives. In nests of woven moss and grass, they raise three or four little ones each year. The young ones’ spines at first are soft and few in number, making them look like young birds. Hedgehogs hibernate in winter, but may come out briefly to search for food and then promptly return to the nest.
These funny little creatures remind us again of the pleasure our Lord, the Creator, had in bringing so many varieties of life into the world. But we read in the Bible that His greatest delights are with men and women, boys and girls. For all who will accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior, He has prepared a place in heaven where all will be peace and love, which will be a wonderful change from this world of sin, sickness and death.
Have you heard or read that wonderful message, “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 144:15)? Have you confessed to Him your need of a Savior and accepted His wonderful promise of eternal life?

The Little Watchman

Most mornings on the farm were very busy as the children were getting ready for school. They hurried to be ready in time to catch the bus that came out into the country to pick them up.
Jimmy discovered that, from the back bedroom window, they could see the school bus coming over a hill for just a second or two before it was out of sight again. The time it took the bus to get from that hill to their farm allowed them just three minutes to get ready. Jackets were quickly zipped, lunches and books were gathered up, and with a good-bye kiss they dashed out across the road, usually just as the bus was pulling up. This worked pretty well, so Mother decided they should keep someone by the back bedroom window as a watchman. Since Sharon was the oldest of the children not old enough to go to school, she was chosen to be the watchman.
At first Sharon rather liked this idea, and she kept sharp eyes watching for that one glimpse of the big yellow bus, which started their three-minute countdown. She would run as fast as she could out into the kitchen and give the warning call to everyone, “HERE COMES THE BUS!” This was quite a game, and she was an important part of all the activity, so she liked it.
However, after a few weeks the fun of this “new game” wore off, and she found the waiting and watching rather boring. One morning as she was watching for the bus, the kitty wandered into the bedroom. Sharon began to play with her. Happy was her favorite pet, and Sharon liked to drag a string around in circles with Happy chasing it. They played with the tie on her housecoat and were having such fun. Suddenly Happy scooted under the bed, and Sharon, forgetting she was the watchman, dived after her. They crawled clear to the other side, as Sharon tried to catch Happy.
Just then Sharon’s little sister Anna toddled into the bedroom, still in her sleepers. She saw Sharon’s feet sticking out from under the bed where she was still trying to catch Happy. Anna pulled herself up to the window, stood on her tiptoes and rested her chin on the windowsill. Just then she saw the yellow school bus appear for a moment at the top of the hill before it dipped out of sight again. How much she understood about all of this would be hard to say, but she turned around and toddled off to the kitchen, and there she said as loud as she could, “HEAH COME DA BU!” Then she lost her balance and fell down in the middle of the floor.
Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at her.
“Does she know what she’s talking about?” someone asked.
“She’s probably trying to copy what she sees Sharon do. Isn’t that cute?”
But they weren’t doing anything about it—none of them believed what the little “watchman” had said! As she sat there with her finger in her mouth, she pointed a chubby little finger in the direction of the bedroom. Jimmy glanced at the clock and said, “Hey, look what time it is! We’d better be gettin’ out there!” So everyone hustled into their jackets, snatched up their books and lunches and made a fast exit . . . just as the bus rounded the corner.
I wonder what happened to Sharon? Mother thought when things grew quiet. She picked up Anna and went to the bedroom. There was Sharon still playing with the kitty, unaware that she had failed her job of being a watchman.
God has His watchmen too. In Isaiah 21:11 He asks, “Watchman, what of the night?” The watchman answered, “The morning cometh, and also the night.” For those people who have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are still in the darkness of their sins. Those sins will take them into the darkness and punishment of hell forever. But for those who have accepted Christ as their own Savior, the “morning” that the watchman saw tells that our Savior is coming soon. Then all who have accepted Him as their Savior will be immediately brought into His presence in heaven.
We should be faithful watchmen to warn others that the Savior will be coming soon, and the time to get ready is right now! “Now is the accepted time . . . now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). The warning call has been given— “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh” (Matthew 25:13). Are you ready? If you are not saved when He comes, you will not have another opportunity! Accept Him as your Savior today!
MEMORY VERSE: “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.” (Matthew 25:13)

Bible Puzzle

Fill in the blanks to finish the names of these Bible characters.
Abi_ _ _ plotted against Moses (Numbers 16).
M_ _ _ wrote one of the four Gospels.
_ _ _anah was Samuel’s father (1 Samuel 1).
C_ _ _ace was the queen whose treasurer was baptized by Philip (Acts 8).
Chi_ _ _ _ was a son of Naomi (Ruth 1).
Eliza_ _ _ _ was the mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1).
An_ _ _ _ was Simon Peter’s brother (Matthew 4).
A_ _ _ail gave David some good advice (1 Samuel 25).
Ta_ _ _ha was another name for Dorcas (Acts 9).
Ti_ _ _ _ y was called by Paul, “My own son in the faith” (1 Timothy 1).

The Wonders of God's Creation: Look Out for Water Snakes!

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion . . . [is] seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
Snakes are usually thought of as creatures that live on land, but there are many that live in lakes, ponds and even some parts of the ocean. All water snakes are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater a long time, swimming as deep as 50 feet.
Several varieties are in various areas of Canada and the United States. One commonly found in Ohio and Illinois is called the queen. The Graham’s water snake is common in Pennsylvania and north into Canada. Some others include the striped, Clark’s, flat-tailed, and red-bellied species. The brown is the longest—up to 5 feet long. These freshwater snakes are not poisonous and are usually harmless. However, if some of the larger ones are stepped on, they can give a painful bite.
There are about 50 species in the ocean waters of the Philippines and Australia, and all are as poisonous as rattlesnakes or other pit vipers. These are usually about three feet long and are rather pretty creatures with a variety of colors and patterns. They often stay in deep water a long time, searching for seafood, but come to the surface for air after about 30 minutes.
Water snakes may swim in groups of a dozen or more, but sometimes there will be hundreds of them hunting together. Some people make a living by capturing them and selling their skins to tanneries and shoemakers, to be made into belts, shoes, handbags and other items.
Strangely, these people don’t wear gloves or special clothing in their work with these poisonous serpents. They swim up behind a snake and grab it tightly behind its head with their right hand. Then they quickly transfer the snake to the other hand in which three or four others may be held, before swimming to a boat where they are quickly killed and stowed away for skinning later.
In the Bible, Satan is referred to as “that old serpent, which is the Devil” (Revelation 20:2), and as “a roaring lion,” as quoted in our opening verse. Satan is described as a serpent because he wants to sneak into our lives with evil thoughts, and like a fierce lion, he will harm us in any way he can. He wants to keep us away from the Lord Jesus who loves and cares for us.
In a wonderful contrast, the Lord Jesus is called “the Lamb of God, which [takes] away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), and “a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Peter 1:19). When Satan tempts you to do anything bad or evil, ask the Lord Jesus to help you to be strong. He promises, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15).

Are Bumblebees Fuzzy?

Bumblebees are pretty with black and yellow bands of color. They make a noisy buzzing sound as they fly around. They are busy gathering pollen and sweet nectar from flowers. Have you ever wondered if bumblebees are fuzzy?
Nathan was a little boy who wanted to find out if bumblebees are really fuzzy since they look fuzzy. He also knew they could sting, so he figured out a plan to find out the answer to his question. He decided he would very quickly wipe his finger across the back of the bumblebee and then quickly pull his hand away. Do you think he had a good plan?
You can guess what happened! “OUCH! OOOOWW!” The bumblebee was faster than Nathan’s finger, and it stung him! Some things in this world are very pretty. Many things seem like they would be fun to do, but instead they hurt!
Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were allowed to eat anything they wanted, except the fruit of one tree. God was testing them to see if they would obey Him and trust Him. Even though there really was plenty to eat, Eve listened to Satan’s suggestion and went over to the tree. Eve saw that it was good for food. Its fruit looked so pretty, so she ate some. Then she gave some to her husband, and he ate some too.
It may have tasted very good, but it had a sting in it! What was the sting? SIN AND DEATH! “The sting of death is sin” (1 Corinthians 15:56).
The Bible warns us of other stings. One is in Proverbs 23:31-32. “Look not thou upon the wine when it is red . . . in the cup. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder [snake].”
When people talk about sinful things, they make them sound so nice, but they don’t tell you about the sting in them. God’s Word gives us many good warnings about sin. Here are some of them: “My son, if sinners entice thee [tell how good something is], consent [agree] thou not” (Proverbs 1:10). “Go not in the way of evil men” (Proverbs 4:14). Look up these verses in your Bible and read on a few more verses. You will find the sting for disobeying the warning!
Nathan’s bumblebee sting was painful, but it did not last long. However, the sting of sin is very bad! It brings sadness in life, then death and after death the punishment (Hebrews 9:27)..
“All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). What can be done for those who have been stung by sin?
In the Old Testament there is an interesting story about some very bad stings. In Numbers 21 we are told that the people of God were discouraged and were angry with God and with Moses. They complained about the food God gave them faithfully every day.
God sent fiery serpents (poisonous snakes) that bit the people and many died. The people soon realized they had done wrong by complaining and came to Moses and said, “We have sinned . . . against the Lord . . . .Pray unto the Lord, that He take away the serpents from us” (vs. 7). Moses prayed, and the Lord told him to make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole. When anyone who was bitten looked at this serpent of brass, he lived!
What does this story mean? Jesus explained it when He said, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15). Jesus is the Son of Man. He was “lifted up” on the cross to die. Any sinner who “looks” at Him by faith and believes that Jesus died for him or her is saved from their sins. That terrible sting of death and judgment is gone forever. The saved person has eternal life. That is the happy life that God gives!
Do you have eternal life? Will you look to Jesus now? Then instead of trying the sinful things that bring a sting, you can trust God for your happiness and obey Him. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17).
MEMORY VERSE: “The sting of death is sin.” 1 Corinthians 15:56
Set 1

God Answers Prayer

Names have meaning and often carry a message. This is also true when boats are given a name. “AFRICA MERCY” is the name of a ship that travels around the world, giving free surgeries to people who have no doctors or hospitals nearby. In the 1800s, clipper ships were given names that described how fast they sailed, such as “THE COMET” and “THE FLYING CLOUD.” The boat in our story today had a very special name. See if you can guess what it is by the end of the story!
Tyler and Heather had been good friends since the fourth grade and had decided to spend the day swimming off the coast of Vilano Beach, Florida. At first, it was a lot of fun, and they were really enjoying themselves. But what they did not realize was that a riptide was carrying them out to the open sea!
When they finally realized that they were in serious danger, they had already drifted almost two miles out to sea! Tyler and Heather tried to help themselves by spending the next two hours in an effort to swim to shore. But it was no use! No matter what direction they swam, they made no progress. After two hours of fighting the waves and holding on to each other to stay above water, they were at the end of their strength.
In desperation, they cried out to God for help. They knew they could not last much longer. Do you think that God heard them? Even before they cried out to God for help, He was providing the perfect answer to the trouble that they had gotten themselves into! God tells us in the Bible, “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).
Captain Wagner had decided to take his boat from South Florida to New Jersey, even though the sea was rough and it was windy. It would be an adventure, he thought. About two miles out, above all the wind, waves and engine noise, he thought he heard a desperate scream!
Looking carefully, he spotted arms waving in the air above the waves. It was Tyler and Heather, who by this time were very close to drowning. They were both so weak that they could not climb the ladder to the swim deck of Captain Wagner’s boat. The crew had to literally pull them out of the water. Captain Wagner later said, “Exhausted and near the end, the boy told me he called out for God’s help. Then we showed up.” He then told them the name of the boat that had rescued them was “THE AMEN.” Boys and girls, do you know what Amen means? It means “So be it,” or “Let it be so”!
In a Facebook posting, Captain Wagner wrote, “I told them the name of my boat. . . . That’s when they started to cry. The two young people were gracious and grateful to us and to God. We know it was really God all along. There’s a verse in the Bible that says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me” (Psalm 50:15). This is true whenever we call out to God to forgive our sins. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, God will instantly forgive us when we call out to Him in true repentance. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Come to Him now!
We are happy to say that everyone in this story gave thanks and glory to God for His kindness in saving two young lives. When Tyler was interviewed a few days later, he said, “From us crying out to God, asking Him to send someone to save our lives, and then a boat named ‘AMEN’ rescued us! There is no way that it wasn’t God’s answer!”
MEMORY VERSE: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15

An Unexpected Experience

Steve was very happy when his work ended on a Thursday night in the town he had been sent to. Now he was able to head home, about a two-hundred-mile drive. Since it was winter, he knew to expect any kind of stormy weather while driving home. He was driving the company’s rented truck, so he felt quite safe and secure in this large vehicle.
But the surprise came suddenly and without warning! The highway looked clear and dry, perfect for driving, but it wasn’t. It was covered in black ice, which is impossible to see, especially at night.
Suddenly Steve lost control as the truck slid sideways off the road and rolled over three times, finally landing on its side. It was good that he had his seat belt on or he may never have come out of the accident alive. As it was, to get out of the truck he had to climb through the back window, which had been broken out as the truck rolled. His seat belt had held him in the seat and prevented him from being injured as the truck tumbled. He didn’t seem to have even a scratch.
Just as he was carefully crawling out of the broken window, something caught his eye on the ground that looked like a book. Yes, it was a book, and the title of it was “Fully Rely on God.”
Now I’m happy to tell you that Steve is a Christian, but he could hardly believe the message sent to him that night! Where it came from, he did not know, but he was impressed. He made up his mind then and there that he certainly would read the book. He took it to work with him the next day to read on his lunch hour.
Proverbs 8:33 says, “Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.” And the best instruction in the world is found in the Bible, the book we can “Fully Rely On.” No doubt, the book Steve found pointed him to the Word of God.
Have you read your Bible today and listened to its instruction?

The Wonders of God's Creation: The Crocodile's Friend

“Thy judgments are a great deep: O Lord, Thou preservest man and beast.” Psalm 36:6
We are all familiar with the vicious-looking jaws and teeth of the crocodile, which are able to rip apart the flesh of almost any animal or even a person. But while these teeth are very strong and sharp, they sometimes become infested with leeches and other parasites. However, God in His wonderful creation has provided an unusual way to remove these parasites from the crocodile’s teeth.
At times a crocodile will crawl onto a bank of the Nile River and lie with its jaws wide open, sometimes going to sleep in that position. Soon a little African bird, the spurwing plover (sometimes called the crocodile bird), comes along and sees the open mouth as an invitation to dinner. It will fly down and enter right into those terrible-looking jaws! It hops around the inside of the crocodile’s mouth, pecking out and eating all the parasites.
What an amazing thing this is! The crocodile usually snaps its jaws closed on anything that touches them—except when it is the crocodile bird! Somehow it knows that this bird is its friend, and it will not harm the bird—truly amazing!
This bird helps the crocodile in other ways besides cleaning its teeth; it feeds on insects living on the crocodile’s body. And flies are always bothering these big creatures too. The flies attack the crocodile’s eyes and sometimes cause sores to develop. This little bird goes after those flies too.
It is doubtful that either the bird or the crocodile behave this way because of any real friendship, but rather because there are benefits for both of them. Yet we cannot help but wonder at this unusual partnership. It is another example of how the Creator God watches over all creation.
How does this little bird know it will not be crushed in the jaws of the big reptile? What keeps the crocodile from snapping its jaws shut when the bird is inside? The answer is that this partnership was arranged by God, whose interest is not only in creating, but also in taking care of all His creatures.
While the crocodile does not harm the little plover, it will quickly attack anything else. The crocodile’s habits remind us of an enemy whose evil ways can trap us. The Bible warns us, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). This enemy wants to keep our thoughts away from God, knowing that this will lead to unhappiness and judgment. Our protection, through faith, is in the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, who “is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him” (Hebrews 7:25). Do you have the Savior’s protection?

The Partridge

Lynn was awakened from a sound sleep by a loud noise on the porch. It sounded like big snowballs hitting the plastic that covered the screened-in porch during the winter. Soon the noise stopped and she went back to sleep.
In the morning, Lynn went out onto the porch to investigate. She found a large hole ripped in the plastic and the screen. Feathers were all over the floor! Looking around, she found a large, frightened partridge huddled in the corner, trapped on the porch.
Looking over the bird, Lynn could see that it was nearly featherless in spots. It was in sad shape. And as the Lord Jesus looks down on this world, He sees the sad results of sin. He sees the mess and unhappiness sin causes in the lives of each one of us.
The family’s pet bird had recently died, so Lynn carefully picked up the partridge and put it into the empty cage. The poor bird just sat there, looking sadder by the minute. At first the bird would not eat or drink, but after a few hours it seemed to become used to the cage and ate a little food and looked a bit more alive. The family thought they might be able to keep it for a pet.
We are like the bird. We get used to our sins, and they don’t bother us much anymore. The Bible tells us there is pleasure in sin, but only for a season—a very short time.
The partridge didn’t like the cage for long. After a couple of days the poor bird became frantic, trying to get out. He began to look so pitiful that the family decided they would have to let him go.
Even though the partridge had plenty of food and water in the cage, it was an unhappy bird because it was not free. Satan keeps sinners supplied with all kinds of pleasures too, but that doesn’t make them happy. They need to be set free from their sins.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, loves sinners and came down to earth for one purpose—to die on Calvary’s cross to free the sinner from his sins. The Lord Jesus has taken the punishment for sin.
Are you unhappy in your cage of sin, and do you really want to be free? All you need to do is accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, and He will set you free from your sins. John 8:36 plainly tells us, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
The family took the cage outside, and Lynn opened it. For a few moments the partridge just sat there, not knowing that it was now free to fly away. Then it seemed to understand and flew straight out of that cage prison and up into the clear, blue sky—no longer a captive, but a free bird once again.
In Psalm 124:7-8 David tells those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus for salvation, “Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers [trappers]: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Have you escaped from your cage of sin? Have you accepted the salvation the Lord Jesus Christ lovingly offers you?
MEMORY VERSE: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

A Fearless Cat

In our small yard in town, we had two calico cats. The older one was small, but she was a real fighter. Her name was Heidi, and she was not afraid of either man or animal. When we yelled at dogs to scare them out of the yard, Heidi would chase them with great fierceness. We were quite concerned that sometime she would chase one of them beyond the boundary of her territory, for fear the dog might turn on her without our being there to protect her. She would run after the dog, striking with her claws at his backside to keep him moving. One time she even jumped up and rode on the back of a large dog to hurry him on his way. After the dog was sent off with his tail curled under, Heidi would trot victoriously back to the yard with her tail held high.
The younger cat, Kinza, was larger than Heidi and solidly built. She did not spend much time in the front yard. She liked the safety of the backyard with its high fence, trees and shrubs. We sometimes called her “fraidy cat,” because she could be easily startled and would run and hide. She usually curled up under a bush in the backyard to sleep, while Heidi would stretch out on the front lawn and sleep in the open on a hot day.
Heidi is no longer with us. We miss her and her watchful patrol across our front yard. When she didn’t come home one day, our children were looking for her and found her lifeless body in the field across the street. She must have been caught out there in the open by a large enemy and had no place to run for safety.
Heidi was a brave cat and very sure of herself, but Kinza knew her weakness compared to the large dogs living on our street, and she kept out of sight of her enemies.
Perhaps you may know people who are like Heidi. Instead of seeing themselves as sheep needing the protection of the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, they see themselves as being larger and stronger than they really are. Our enemy, Satan, is just waiting to trap those who think they don’t really need the Lord Jesus. These people have no fear and think only “fraidy cats” need His help. These are the very people Satan lures into his territory to become his victims. “Your adversary [enemy] the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
Do you know that the Lord Jesus loves you and waits with His arms wide open to save and protect you? “The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10).
We hope you are a Kinza rather than a Heidi.

The Wonders of God's Creation: Mushrooms-Good and Bad

“Many, O Lord my God, are Thy wonderful works which Thou hast done, and Thy thoughts which are to usward.” Psalm 40:5
There are over 38,000 kinds of mushrooms or toadstools. Generally, the name “mushroom” is used for the few kinds that are safe to eat and “toadstools” for those that are poisonous. But all are interesting as part of God’s handiwork in creation. There are many shapes and sizes. Some are as large as a soccer ball, while others are no larger than a common straight pin. Their colors range in shades of brown, black, orange, red, violet, pink and white. Some grow on tall stems; others grow close to the ground.
Their names include the huge puffball, weighing up to 20 pounds and each year producing millions of spores (seeds). Because of their distinctive colors, one is called red blusher, another inky cap and another scarlet cup. This last one grows so close to the ground that it looks like a bright-red soup bowl. The jack-o-lantern is a brilliant orange color. Turkey-tails grow on trees and stumps. Their undersides, colored like turkey feathers, contrast with a smooth white or tan top. Deadman’s finger looks like a dirty finger sticking out of the ground from a giant, buried hand. Two, the horn of plenty and the son of the woods, are found in great numbers. Then there is one with large, outstretched petals that looks like a vegetable starfish. Another, spreading its petals on the ground, has a smooth, round center that looks like a brown cookie.
One of the more common mushrooms in the midwestern United States is the tan colored morel, often found in woodlands under oak trees in late spring. This one is safe to eat and looks like a partly folded miniature umbrella, full of irregular-shaped spongy wrinkles.
These are just examples of a few. A good rule to follow is to leave all mushrooms alone, unless you are with a mushroom expert who can tell the difference between poisonous and nonpoisonous. An edible kind may have poisonous relatives that look similar. Eating only one of certain poisonous varieties is enough to cause death. Of course, those for sale in grocery stores are safe and make good eating.
In a way, mushrooms provide an example of the two forces that are in the world—good and evil—and perhaps the Creator would like us to think of them that way. The Bible tells us to “abhor [hate] that which is evil; cleave [cling] to that which is good” (Romans 12:9). A person who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her Savior and uses the Word of God, the Bible, for guidance will be given wisdom to recognize evil and stay away from it. That person will find happiness in holding tightly to that which is good. But we need to continually ask God’s help to recognize good and evil, just as mushroom hunters need wisdom in the mushrooms they choose for eating.