sends the following letter: ―
In the Field, 23-5-18.
“ ... ...I have realized the all-sufficiency of the promise: ‘My grace is sufficient for thee,’ and I have been constrained to say, out of a heart overflowing with gratitude: ‘I will rejoice in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.’ As I have often remarked before, life out here is anything but conducive to growth in grace, but just.’ Recently have been able to look far above my everyday surroundings, and have by God’s grace been... ‘In the world, yet not of the world, which is, of course, essential to happiness in Christ.... The knowledge that you, and other dear friends are praying for me is a great stimulus to me, and my own personal prayer is Lord, increase my faith.’ Faith in the divine promises is simply indispensable, and the promise that ‘While they are yet speaking I will hear,’ is comforting ... ...― “Yours in His service, LANCE-CORPORAL W. B―.”
“P.S.— I am always pleased to receive your letter and ‘Message.’ Sincerely hope that dear Dr. Wreford has quite recovered”
This dear soldier was very unhappy when you sent me his first letter; the second letter I had from you. You will rejoice in knowing he is so happy, an has been restored some time in soul. ―A. A. L.