UNDER this heading we purpose giving month by month, as God may provide, brief extracts relating to the work of the Lord both at home and abroad.
We trust that by this means the interests of all our readers, and especially that of young Christians, may be quickened, and a spirit of prayer and earnest supplication for souls be promoted.
Never has there been such world-wide intercession for a time of spiritual awakening. Answers have already been given in many parts of the world. Let us keep on praying both in our closets and in public.
Welsh Revival.
We have frequently been asked whether the work in Wales has not altogether subsided? A Christian friend wrote recently: — “When in Wales for my holidays I heard and saw much to make me thankful to the Lord for His saving power. The coming winter will see blessing in Wales quite as great as last winter, I believe. The people expect this themselves, and there is much prayer going up everywhere.” Praise God!
Indian Revival.
The marvelous awakening is spreading in every direction. In Poona it began by two girls in the Zenana Training Home holding a little prayer meeting every night. After a short while the Holy Spirit wrought, and many in the Home were found praying and crying throughout the whole day in agony of soul, confessing their sins to God, and asking forgiveness one of another, crying aloud for mercy, &c.
The meetings are now being continued every night until a late hour.
One writes: — “Our hearts are on fire.... We have seen God’s power manifested by faithfully proclaiming the Word of God, with no attempt to excuse the people in their sins, and by earnest intercession.”
A missionary from another part writes: — “As far as I can see things stand thus: Most of the nominal Christians are wakened up. Some are genuinely converted. Believers are mightily quickened. In some there is burning fire for the salvation of others.”
The spirit of prayer seems to be characteristic of the movement everywhere.
Brethren, do we pray enough? Are we definite enough in prayer? Do we come together for prayer with hearts exercised to present special requests to God? Do we believe that God is? Do we believe He hears? And do we believe He is able and willing to grant requests that are according to His mind and Word? Is there not often much formality and deadness in our prayer meetings?
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
Work amongst London Messenger Boys
It was a great pleasure to be present at the last meeting of a London brief Mission held for the purpose of reaching these lads.
The bright faces of many amongst them gave evidence that they had taken the right side. We spoke to quite a number, asking if, and for how long, they had known the Lord as their Saviour? “I was saved last year, sir” — or “Just two months” — or, “Only last week.” Many stood up to confess Christ in public, and quite a number requested to be prayed for.
There is plenty of work to be done amongst all classes. Let each truly saved soul pray the new convert’s prayer, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” ED.
The spirit of prayer seems to be characteristic of the movement everywhere.
Brethren, do we pray enough? Are we definite enough in prayer? Do we come together for prayer with hearts exercised to present special requests to God? Do we believe that God is? Do we believe He hears? And do we believe He is able and willing to grant requests that are according to His mind and Word? Is there not often much formality and deadness in our prayer meetings?
Revive Thy work, O Lord!