The Rev. R. M. Stevenson, writing to the editor of “The Bible Witness,” says: “The real menace to Scotland is not the liquor traffic, bad as it is, but this hydra-headed monster called Modernism.
It is causing multitudes of young fledglings to graduate from our universities and divinity halls atheists, and not men of God at all. The reaction on the life of the nation in a short time is going to be terrific, and is going to bring, down a judgment on the people for tolerating such a thing in a land that has been consecrated by the blood of martyrs-men who willingly gave their lives for the very Book that is now being ruthlessly and shamefully torn to shreds in the pulpits Sunday after Sunday by men who have the boldness to call themselves ministers of the Gospel. May God save us from such men!
I have reached the painful conclusion, after having gone through three universities myself, that the great majority of preachers in the pulpits of Christendom today are ignoramuses, not from an academic, but from a Scriptural point of view. As one goes from church to church it is painful to note the ignorance of the people concerning the true dispensational teaching of the Word of God; but when there is added to that, as in Many cases, a totally indifferent attitude towards the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith―the very props of Christianity―to say the least of it, it is alarming! Who is to blame for it all?
I say the Preachers,
the swarm of unconverted, modernistic time-servers who are reaping a good living out of the credulity of the people they are supposed to be serving, while all the time withholding from them the all-important Bread of life.
May the Lord have mercy on such blasphemous and apostate preachers. I am afraid my leniency towards them would be slight if they were left to me, for in reality they are soul-destroyers, and ought to be treated as such. I would pack them off, bag and baggage, to the school where they belong, and that is
The minister of one church gave a series of Sunday evening lectures on “The Legends and Myths of the Bible.” Amongst his other “legends” he made out that Christ was the illegitimate son of Joseph and Mary! He got certain of his people―pillars of the Church (?)―to believe that about 90 per cent, of the Bible is all myth. Think of it! Row in the name of all reason could the Holy Spirit ever bless such a church?”
A lengthy report of a recent sermon preached by Dr. Stevenson in the Island of Lewis appears in the “Highland News.”
“Dr. Stevenson made it very clear that the so-called science and advanced thought of the hour which is destroying peoples’ faith in the God of the Bible, in the Christ of the Bible, in miracles, in the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and is seeking to destroy the Bible itself, has no right whatever to enter a Christian pulpit.
‘How is it possible,’ said Dr. Stevenson, ‘for any blessing to come to Churches where the ministers follow such destructive critics as Kant, Hegal, Schopenhauer, Astrue and Eichorn, and throw doubt on our Lord’s incarnation, the Resurrection, and the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures? The Holy Spirit can never work through a lie, and such preaching and teaching is a lie from beginning to end.’
... The Bible is either God’s inspired Word, or it is nothing at all. I have waded through the philosophies of scientists, higher critics, and evolutionists about as much as any man of my age, and I say to you without fear of opposition or contradiction from any source whatsoever―
This Is God’s Book —
the Book of your fathers, the Book of the Covenanters, the Waldenses, the Hugenots, the Book of the Reformers, the early Christian martyrs, the Apostles, the Prophets―the Book of God!
Take this Book, read it, study it, believe it every Word. This Book has outlived the men who denied it, and it will outlive the destructive critics who today are doing their utmost to destroy it.