Moral Character

Duration: 15min
Sing Talk—Brad Erlandson
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Going to be here with you and to be invited and have a chance to share two thoughts with you young people and appreciate your effort to be here too and your desire to be here and our process tonight about.
Term moral character and the benefit of the moral character and the example of moral character and someone in Scripture. And how do you define moral character? It's not something that you can refer to in tangible terms. You can't put. You can't put.
A big poster up on the wall of athletic achievements. You can't point to academic achievements. You can't point to philanthropy.
Generosity. What is moral character? Well, it's something that's highly valued in the eyes of God, and it's.
It's it's.
No, and its way in God's value system. So it's it's referenced in a safe place. He's going to be something he's going to use it and.
Live in a day when moral character is.
He's he's slipping. And so that day, even more needed than ever that there be.
Strong moral character, testimony to God's order and to the goodness and to his honor. And so that's that's what I have my heart in. This one that I want to turn to is a really good example of moral character he rubs shoulders with.
Some of the worst corruption in this world, and he bore a testimony to it and there was a testimony that was received. He didn't start a an effort to reform the world, but he bought testimony to it and that was received.
It off the attention of someone who resented it and that person launches that this morning on that person got their way that's not allowed them and some of this.
From the total session, it's loaded graphic and we're going to read that portion now and then we're going to talk a little bit more about the wall church or so on the Baptist.
Mark chapter 6.
And the background of this is the first couple of verses, first verse of March 6. And what all of that since came in his own country and his disciples following up in verse 12. And they went out and preached that meant to be death. And they passed out many devils and going through the oil, many that were sickly healed Devil and King Harris.
Oh yeah, where his name was spread abroad. He said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead, and therefore money works through show forth themselves in him. Other said that it is his bias, and others said that it is a prophet or one of the prophets. Why? But never heard there obviously go on who might be petted. He is risen from the dead for her itself, and sent forth and lay forth upon John, and found him in prison for ferocious sake.
His brother Phillips wife for his Mary's birth. But John and son of a heritage is not awful to need to have thy brothers wife. Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him and would have killed him, but she could not. Or hear John, knowing that he was a just man, and as holy, and observed him, and observed him to get many things that hurt him. Lovely. This is what I mean about the testimony that.
John the Baptist.
Carried and it was effective and errors knew that what he was saying to him had a.
Had had a value to it and it was it had a power to it and he would listen to him. And so when you rub shoulders, when the sorrow of this world is corruption, this world, there is a path to law. And this morning is there individually. That's what we have here. We have an example of an individual relationship. We don't have an example of God.
A collective effort to perform the world that's not your place and mine young people that is going to be taken care of with the Lords of Purity. He's going to come back and going to set things right. He's going to rise that this.
Speaks of the sunilizing and righteousness through his wings. That's what's going to happen in the coming days and a full of something that's Mr. Garvey may appoint to us. He said this we have to do his phrase and not with judgment.
And so that's what you and I, that's what we that we could present grace and not judgment to this world, which is their testimony that will judge the world. But.
That is left in the answer to hip great disease that can continue on your way.
But that's that's what I responded to. So that's what John was Baptist. We have an example here and his relationship with parents and.
Herod fear God, knowing that he was a just man and a holy and observed him and he heard him. He did anything to hurt him gladly. So there was there was a relationship, there was a change between parents and John the Baptist and.
But there was resented to us it was.
On the part of this one that narrative taken to be his wife and he had no life having to have and that's what I mean by the corruption of this world it's.
It's it's a snowball that's gather a steam morally around us in society today and everybody scratching their head among the among the the ruin of society and yet nobody can do anything about it. Nobody wants to do anything about it either when they're dead and trespassing sick. And so we'll just read on here verse 21 on a convenient day was come and Aaron on his first day made a suffer to his Lord.
Chief of Spaces Gallery. And when the daughter of a said melodious came in and danced and praised marriage, and then that's not with him. The king said under the damsel, and asked her Feed whatsoever thou will, and I will give it to you. And he swear unto her whatsoever without her last of me, I will give it to the half of my Kingdom. And she was more than some other mother. What shall I ask?
He said to him, talking about all the radical people.
Voice removed from the chief of liberal life without any testimony with the quickness of it. And so one of the writers said basically she set her daughter up to this.
And her daughter, daughter was happy to comply and I think she she was of the same nature which will see that as they go along here.
She went forth, and son of her mother, what shall I ask? She said, I cannot have gone about. She came in straight away with taste under the King, and now saying, My will that shall give me my life in charge of the heavens on the baptism.
Your father say bring it in the charger. No, she got it into it. So that's what I mean she was at the same moral character remark. So she's out of this to it and the king was sitting sorry yet we're both safe for their streets and it's not worth it was not rejected.
From evidence he brought it and went together in prison and brought his head out of the charges. Give them to the damsel downfall, David to her mother and the recycle tournament.
There is a testimony in candy bar I criticize enough that you don't lose your tag over it but you it will be honored in a coming day and God here more testimony and she didn't flinch at that that corruption and the consequences that came on us and.
Very foolishly.
They just made this whole I think you saw as you say it doesn't wasn't fair in this whole scene and sorrowfully for him and John is taking home to glory and a couple of other things here about the wall characters drawing about.
To search out their masters and get a little bit more on his his pathway and what is said of him there.
Just a little a little bit here.
Matthew is 3 and verse 4.
The same John had his name on the camel's hair and a leather girdle about his loyal, and his knee was loweness and wild, coming one of those details made about it on the bathroom.
It pictured, it takes a picture of simplicity and contentment and young people. There's never been a day where it's harder to get a life. Simplicity and the consenting.
Got that hands? Healthy money.
So do I and.
Like like that and like the marketing of this world around us. And it's, it's a challenge for you every day to live a massive life.
Hebrews 13 and five, but your conversation will be content with such things that you have where he has said I will never leave you anymore. First statement.
How about just listen to Cancer of Christian Life?
And as you grow older and as you step into perhaps a marriage relationship, we're going to have financial pressures at the benefits. You gotta make ends meet. And that is such an important principle to try to live technically.
Try not to live beyond your meaning if the world wants you to use that piece of plastic to buy this that and the other thing and worry about paying for tomorrow. Well, that's not and my my grandfather said this to my dad said there's no taskmaster like a heavy debt load and.
Try to be careful about what you committed. You may have to will have to.
And that's what that loan for something still that most pictures and, but, but don't go beyond your needs. And I I I know what that means because I did it. I had a heavy deployment and it was a hard math master. The Lord delivered us from it, but it's a hard company and.
So the the world again wants you to.
Wants you to. Just trying to think of a term here, um.
Yeah, financial independence, that's what it is. And it's good to be responsible in your finances and move there, but letting within your means is the key to financial independence.
And I just suggest in your relationships, young women, that young men, you need to take a leave in this and you need to take the responsibility for that financial management and that financial care. And when it goes sideways, you take the responsibility of it. Don't blame somebody else and.
So I just.
Want to want to?
Umm, give this caution and this example from scripture of these things and, and this simplicity and maybe a, maybe it may be a help to your path and mine. A couple of other things that I just want to touch on here while I, while I pay your attention. I heard an address a couple of weeks ago, advice from an older brother to young brother, and it's a, it's a really good address and I would.
I would suggest it for the younger brothers here, for the other sisters here too, because you can use it for checking out some and you go right ahead and do that that that address was given by by Bill Cross and it was given on the European zoom. And if anybody wants a length of that, give me your.
E-mail address.
Your phone, your.
Number and I'll forward it to you. I would, I would highly recommend some advice from an older brother to younger brothers. And it touches on some of these things, but it touches on your responsibility in the relationships of life. So just just a few thoughts and I appreciate your attention and your exercise and your presence here today.