THE following have been received in reference to the two articles in the June number: The words are very seasonable. There does seem amongst us too much of an undue holding the doctrines of grace in theory, whilst the grace of the doctrines, and the fruits of grace, seem to a great extent to have little importance attached to them. The Duties of a Trustee I think is worthy of close attention. As it says, indeed, how many are there who really preach the Gospel fully? We have felt pained sometimes to hear ministers who always direct their remarks to one class of hearers, those already called by grace, and seeming to have no idea of addressing those who are still unconverted. Is it surprising that there are few, if any, conversions under such ministry? Our prayer is that the Lord will stir up in the hearts of both ministers and hearers a passion for souls, and earnest desires that His kingdom may be extended, the strongholds of sin weakened, and His Name and grace exalted.
H. W.
Please send further copies of Try the Spirits, which is most timely and valuable. Whatever are men thinking about? I have always thought that the best evidence of being saved oneself is to desire the salvation of others.
J. E.
Accept the best thanks of many here for the good words of, “S. B.” and “JONATHAN JONES” in the June number. O that the Lord would stir up many godly and able men to “preach the gospel to every creature!” We have too long been in bondage to men; but disobedience to God will certainly bring chastisement upon us.
S. M.