More Than Conquerors

Address—Dn. Spence
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We have been talking to the young people about a subject that I call. I put put it under the title of Kingdoms at War.
We've been talking about two kingdoms that were opposed to each other, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Darkness.
And we've been talking about two other kingdoms opposed to each other, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the Devil.
We're not going to go back into that again today, but it's it's been a subject that's been interesting to me and we've covered some of the.
Some of the theories behind it, some of the verses, some of what the Kingdom of heaven really is. And if you would like to know a little bit more about the Kingdom of heaven, well ask our young people because they know quite a bit about this now.
Today we yesterday we talked about the armor of God that will help all of us in the battle that we're fighting. We talked about the tremendous battle that's going on in the heavenlies of which we have become a part. And we talked about the armor that was so necessary. Today, the subject of my talk is what I call.
More than conquerors.
And we're going to look at 3 chapters in the book of Romans.
6-7 and eight. And we have about 35 minutes to do this. We're just going to take selected portions from each of those chapters and we are going to just kind of give a little thought from each one of the chapters, because in these three chapters we see a tremendous struggle going on. But before that struggle, we see some principles laid down in the work of the privacy that gives us victory over the struggle.
And then?
In Chapter 3, we'll look at the power that is ours, and we're going to talk some about the eternal purpose of God in our lives and the glory that's beginning to shine into our hearts and that is there as a gulf of our lives.
So we'll start off with Chapter 6.
Verse 3.
Knowing not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into his death, therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death, that life as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, Even so we also should walk in the news of life. Or if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall also be also in the likeness of his resurrection.
Knowing this.
Notice is that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin, for he that is dead is freed from sin. Sorry that were to stop reading in this chapter because it is so good, but we're going to talk a little bit about some of the fundamental of our.
Salvation in the work that was accomplished with trust.
Now I have felt the need of this, of the book of Romans in my life. It's interesting how you kind of get through life without ever getting the fundamentals sometimes of salvation. And Romans has it. And we've been working on a series of tape ministries on the book of Romans that will be available soon. And these are done by a person that some of you know my brother John and he's been going over it with.
The young Mary's out in Southern California.
And this will be available through Maurice Smith and.
It helps us get a foundation for the whole work of Christ.
In this chapter we find that we have the the word or the words old man and notice that in verse 6, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him. Now I don't know that I could even explain this, but I'm going to try to explain it to you a little bit. The old man.
At any time that you find the old man mentioned in the Bible.
In the New Testament.
It is a it is a person that has been taken care of, has died, has been crucified. Anytime you find that and you'll, you'll find it in several different books. I think there's three mentions of it in the New Testament. But each time, if you, if you look in the proper, in the right translation, every time it's in the past tense. It's dead. It's something crucified. It's something gone.
Anytime you find the flesh mentioned in the Bible, you will find that it is something alive. It is something active. It is something that you and I need to put to death. You find that.
From the book of Colossians, maybe we could just turn over there momentarily.
The Colossians Chapter 3.
Notice in verse 9.
Light one to another scene that he had put off.
Put on the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new men, which is renewed in the knowledge, in the knowledge, in knowledge, after the image of him that created him. But notice first five mortify or foot to death. Therefore your members which are upon the earth, fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil, concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatrous, notice the difference.
The old man is good up.
But the members of that old nature, that fleshly nature.
Or that which you must appreciate.
You must put to death.
I don't, I hope we aren't over anybody's head here. But here's here's the way I would explain it to young people. Here is a plan for a tree, let's say, that is, that is growing And this tree, you know, has a tremendous root system. They say that there's as much as of the tree below the surface as there is above the surface. So this root system is going all over under the ground.
And I have likened this tree, for lack of a better illustration, to that which is below the surface is as the old man, and that which is above the surface as the flesh.
And you see what?
Romans is talking about Romans chapter 6. Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him.
At this part of that whole structure, that which is below the surface, that which is unseen, that which is at the root of it all, is something that God calls the old man. And this whole, this whole area, the old man, is something that was crucified.
It was cancelled out at the cross, whereas there is still that which is above the surface that comes out in our thoughts, that comes out in our lives, it comes out in our nature, and that is what you and I must deal with. That is the flesh that that we must.
Put to death. OK, so in in this chapter we find that we have we have an old man. And this old man at one time before the cross, he was in charge, and we were under the ******* of this old man, and he dominated our lives. He made slaves out of us. He caused us to sin, and it was impossible for us to break that tremendous *******. There was no there was no human power that was.
Large enough.
To break the domination of that old man who traveled along through life. And so the Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross. And when he went to Calvary's hill, there he died upon the cross. And not only was he nailed to the cross that day, but our old man, our old man was also nailed to the cross. And that's where we got rid of the old man. The old man in our lives is no longer.
A factor.
He's no longer there. That which is at the root of it all is gone. He is dead.
He has been crucified at the cross. Our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed, and henceforth we should not serve sin. So you see, you and I who have come to know Christ as our Savior, we have been washed in the precious blood of Christ.
Have had this old man canceled out, and we are no longer that. We should no longer serve sin.
That's something that the world knows nothing about. But you and I do recognize that we do know that not only was this old man crucified, but God does a thorough job when he doesn't work. This old man is now buried and there is a grave, and we'll put.
The old man's grave, there he is buried and gone forever. He is never going to be resurrected. He's going to be left in that grave. And you and I have a part of us that has gone crucified, dead, buried that will never be dug up, will never be resurrected.
And it is that. It is that old man that's so dominated man.
So there has been, there has been in in. As we look back at the cross, there has been something that that has been accomplished besides our sins and that has to do with that old man. He's dead bear it gone forever. And so the new man now is in control of our lives and we have a new man that can walk in.
In perfect harmony, in perfect fellowship, in perfect communion with our righteous and holy God, in that wonderful I I I can't think of anything so exciting as that, anything that ought to thrill our souls. To think that I can walk every day of my life in communion with the God who died for me on the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ, and I can walk in freedom from the power of domination of sin.
I could not do that before.
Now that has been accomplished, that the cross may show in my outline that we've had the execution, we've had the burial. But in in this all we have also been resurrected. We have been like it says in verse 5. If we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection. And herein lies the victory of our Christian lives.
You know, we've talked about being called into a Kingdom, the Kingdom of heaven.
We've been talked, we've talked about the testimony that that Kingdom should present and some of our young people are interested in preaching the gospel and we want to encourage that because that's a part of the Kingdom of heaven and.
Here we find in these verses that.
The We have not only been buried, but we have been raised.
And that is where the victory really comes. I remember Chapter Brown, and you remember this too, that he often gave the illustration, and I think this is almost verbatim. He would say Now you go down Windy Moon and you, you go down to the slum section. You go down to the Skid Row section of Des Moines and you see a man there who is under the power, the influence of alcohol. And you see this man week after week, stumbling into a bar, playing there on the street corner under the influence of alcohol.
And one time you come along and you find that this man is gone. Say, where did he go? Well, he died this past weeks. Where is he? He's over in the Moor and you go over to the morgue and you see his body laying in the casket and you come up to him and you tap him and there's no response. You open up a can of alcohol and you had to put it in front of his face. No response.
Why? Because he has died to sin. He is dead to sin. And you know, therein lies the victory in our lives when we recognize that we have been crucified with Christ, as Paul said to the Galatians. Nevertheless, we live. Yet not I but Christ liveth in me. That is at resurrection. Life liveth in me, and the life which I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
That is the.
Principles are the foundation of victory in this battle that we face.
In our lives.
Now that we've kind of got a little bit of the fundamentals, let's go over to Chapter 7.
We'll kind of move in on the Apostle Paul here.
In verse 14, where we know that the law is spiritual, but I am the carnal soul to understand. Now notice the struggle that is going on for that which I do, I allow not for what I would that do I not, but what I hate that I do.
If then I do that which I would not, I consent under the law that it is good.
You see, what he's saying is if I do, do the things I don't want to do.
I'm agreeing with the fact that the law was right. I have something in me, a conscience that is agreeing with the law. That's what he's saying.
OK, verse 17. Now then it is no more I that do it but sin that dwells in me, says you see I I'm going to go to the root of this problem. It is a sinful nature that is dwelling in me that that is dominating.
For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing takes a long time to learn that, doesn't it? Young people and brother? It takes a long time to learn that in me, that is in my flesh draws nothing good. Sometimes we have to go through life, and we have to go through some experiences and find out that we were under the domination of the flesh when we did that.
And we we have gone out, and we have done things for the Lord sometimes in the flesh.
We have had to learn that in the flesh dwelleth know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing, for to will is present with me. But how to perform that which is good? I find that for the good that I would I would I do not, but the evil which I would not, that I do now if I do that I would not. It is no more I that do it, but sin.
It will attend me.
And so notice what we've got here is a struggle, A tremendous struggle going back and forth.
My brother Lowell described this yesterday as the the old and new nature struggling against each other. It's kind of like.
A couple of dogs inside of us. It's kind of like an old lion inside of it. So, you know, you take a lion and you take this lion and you put them in a cage and then you decide to starve him to death. Well, what is going to happen to him? He's going to cause a lot of difficulty.
He's going to raise a protest.
He's not going to give up easy and you know, if you if you go out into the jungles.
The dangerous, the dangerous areas are places where lions have are starving because they will attack without any fear. They will attack without fear. And when you, you and I begin to starve that old nature you, you begin to take away that which it has been feeding on. What happens? Why we find that there's a protest that is raised, but he's not going to give up easy. There's going to be a struggle.
Yesterday out of the picnic at the street.
We had a tug of war and one side with full aways and then the other side would rally and they would pull them back and it's that kind of tug of war that is going on within our soul we we had.
We had a picture of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God that dominates that new nature.
And the Cape, the old nature being dominated by the devil. And that kind of struggle goes on within us.
And if you don't have a struggle going on inside of you, then there's something wrong.
Because here is the apostle Paul that describes this struggle. The great apostle Paul, did he have a struggle? Yes, he had a struggle. The things that he wanted to do, he could not do. There were times when he set out to do things. There were, there were things that he wanted to do for the Lord. And somewhere along the line that old nature took over. It dominated his life and he did the very things he did not want to do. And you and I have found this, haven't we?
We have found that even in the past few weeks that there have been times when that old nature.
Took over it, pulled us over, tugged us over on the other side and we fell into scent. Said things that we shouldn't have looked at, things that we shouldn't have thought about, things that we shouldn't have, things like that. Where the the struggle was going on, we lost. If there is no struggle going on, then we're probably not safe. It's got to be a struggle going on. It's possible that that a Christian can become so starved.
So spiritually starved that he is fainted and he appears to be as an unsafe person. That's possible.
But in general, there's a struggle going on. You want to go to the meetings.
And then something comes in. You want to read your Bible? We've had a lot of encouragement in these meetings to pray.
And you know that you should get down on your knees and craving for the day starts.
Somehow there's a struggle. There's things that come up.
There's a telephone call, this school work that needs to be done and this struggle goes on. And you, you keep putting that off until it's too late. You know that you should do that and yet you don't do it. And I know that too. And I lose. Paul was going through that tremendous struggle.
With, as I put on the outline, sin controlling the world, attracting the body, yielding to it.
It's a struggle that goes on every day of our life.
And you and I have a responsibility in this struggle to judge ourselves.
We have a responsibility. How are we going to win this battle? Well, as we go down here in verse 24.
Notice that Paul comes to this point, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Think of that. Here is the great apostle Paul struggling with these things.
And finally, he asked himself the question, who will deliver me? How am I going to get the victories?
And he says I'm going to get it through surrender.
I'm going to get it by surrendering totally 100% to the Lord Jesus Christ who shall deliver me from the body of death. And there's the answer. See, when he gets to the point of surrender, he just looks up. And there is the Lord Jesus Christ in resurrection glory on that the other side of the grave, where no sin can touch him, where no evil can touch him, where no human hands can ever once again hurt him.
He sits there in the presence of God, at the right hand of God, that place of power. And Paul looks up and he says there is my answer.
That is all that Christianity has to do to to to tell you as you go through this struggle that you surrender. And I surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ and say I can't do it myself, but there is a man up there in the glory that can do that for me.
And that is Christ.
OK, now we're going to go over to Chapter 8.
In chapter six, we had the principles of the victory that has been won for us. In Chapter 7, we're talking about the practice, the struggle that's going on, and in Chapter 8 we have the power of that new life.
Now, someone has said if you have an outline from young people, probably have an outline, you have an outline. I say Chapter 8 begins with no condemnation. Notice that there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. Now, the rest of that verse should not be there, but should end up down in verse four. That's a mistranslation. In other words, that the fact that there's no condemnation is not dependent on my walk. It's not dependent. That's a mistranslation.
But chapter 8 begins with no condemnation and likely to correct your outline. Chapter 8 ends with no separation. You notice that the end of it spelled false persuasion. I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
I've said this before, and I'm going to say it again, we have we have a guarantee on our eternal leg.
We have a guarantee that can never fail. I've given this illustration before. Perhaps you've heard it. You go down and buy something and you get a guarantee on it. And that guarantee lasts as long as that company lasts. I bought a battery in Southern California. I bought this battery and I put it in my car and after I had it about six months, it failed. So I took it back to the people that I had bought it from and I said.
Your battery failed. And here's my receipt and here's my guarantee. It was a one year unconditional.
Guaranteed said if the battery fails within that year it will be replaced free of charge. They check the battery and it had a bad cell in it. They looked at the guarantee and they said but I'm sorry that we no longer have this guarantee.
We've changed the guarantee and I said but you can't change a guarantee. A guarantee is a guarantee and it's good as long as the company lasts.
If you can change the guarantee that it has no value and they said I'm sorry but we don't agree.
And I said, well, let me talk to your manager. Manager comes out and I explained to him what has happened and he says he's right, you're wrong. Give him a new battery. You see, they guarantee lasts as long as the company lasts, if they've guaranteed something for life.
Then it's good for life. I have a hose that I bought from Sears and I bought it. Had to pay a little bit more for it because it had a lifetime guarantee on it. Anytime it fails, take it back to Sears. As long as I live, as long as Sears last, they will replace that post. Here is a guarantee that is forever.
False persuasion. And he looks at all the possibilities. He says that we will never be separated from God.
From the Lord Jesus, we will never be separated in death or in life. He looks at the worst possible thing that could happen, and he says that won't separate you. There's no purgatory to go through. You're not going to be separated from God and death or in life. Nothing can happen through the broad expanse of life, nor angels, nor principalities. All those powers that we were talking about yesterday, the powers of darkness that want to take us into spiritual ruin. There's not one of them.
That can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. Nor things present nothing today, nor things to come. Look out through life and you don't know what's going to happen. We don't know of the disaster, the trials. That may be false. We don't. We don't know what's going to happen. But one thing that we know is that no matter what happens, we cannot be separated from that love nor height. It's like Paul good, he says, I I, I don't know where else to go, but I'm going to go out to the edge here.
And I'm going to look straight up, infinitely high. I'm going to look straight down, infinitely low. I'm going to cover every creature, angels, men, anybody. And he said there is nothing he's got, he's got it all covered that can separate us from the love of God, which is in prejudice. So this chapter starts with no condemnation, and it ends with no, no separation and in between here.
What we have is no defeat for the Christian, nor defeat.
Like to just look at a few verses and just cover a few points here in chapter 8 verse 2. For the love the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
For what the law could not do in that it was weak to the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh.
And for sin condemned sin in the flesh.
The death on Calvary's cross freeze me, sets me free from sins. Principle of condemnation.
As people go through life, pair of people right in this community you do not know about salvation. They've never been born again. They're not members of the Kingdom of God. And those people are under the condemnation of sin. They're under the condemnation of sin. But when I come to know Christ as my Savior, it frees me from that, and there is no condemnation whatsoever.
Now notice verse 11.
But at the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth dwell in you. He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken make alive your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are dead, It's not to be the flesh to live after the flesh, and so on. Well, let's read verse 13. For if we live after the flesh he shall die, but if he lives, if he through the Spirit be mortified the deeds of the body, he shall live.
So here's what God has done for us. The Holy Spirit has come to indwell us. He's come to live in. And in a sense you might say we have two persons of the Godhead within us. Because there was verse 10 that if Christ be in you.
And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin. Notice the last part of verse 9. Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he's none of his. So we are indwelt by the Lord Jesus Christ and his spirit that that is the tremendous privilege, a tremendous plus in the Christian life, and got in the same spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead, shall also quicken our mortal bodies. We're we're based out in newness of life like we had in this little.
Illustration here.
To walk with him. In that newness of life, the Holy Spirit has come to take over, and he's begun a good work in us, and he's going to finish it, and he's come to indwell us. That third person of the Godhead, that infinite God is dwelling within our hearts and within our life. If that doesn't make a difference, I say nothing will think of that as you walk around, as you go to school, as you go through life. The third person of the Godhead dwells within you.
Knowing Spirit and the purpose of that Holy Spirit is to unite you to Christ.
To unite us together in one body as Christians, and to give us.
That quickening, that newness of life and power in our lives. And so that's why he says that if we live after the flesh, we're going to die. But if we live after the spirit, we will mortify the deeds of the body and we will live. So the effect of that spirit is to cause us to judge ourselves, and that judging of ourselves brings that light out into the open.
OK, the third thing that I want to look at is in verse 18.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that which shall be revealed in US. I just want to stop and talk a little bit about this.
About this verse, here is the Christian.
All of you who have an outline have an outline. Something like this. Here is the Holy Spirit and the New.
Man. And here's the Christian walking through life and he has a He's on an upward pathway that is headed for future.
And that need to think about that we are in a path where the senator glory. But you say I'm suffering. I'm going through some trials. Nobody knows what I've been through.
I'm suffering at this time. I've got a certain sickness. I'm having difficulty with school. I have certain physical problems. I've had an accident with my car I've had. I've lost some friends, maybe there's a girlfriend or a boyfriend who has turned me down. And it seems like the trials that we go through are the worst possible kinds of tribes, doesn't it seems like if we could choose some trials to go through, we would not choose the ones that we're going through.
We would pick the trails that somebody else is going through, but God is using these trials in our lives in a very special way.
You know, if you would, you would take a little prism. You can buy them in stores. And you take this prism and you look at it and you find that it has been ground with certain facets all the way around. And you take this prison and you hold it up to a light. In fact, I should have brought one to hold it up to this. If I held it up to this light, what would happen is as this light traveled through the prism, the prism would break it down into different colors.
Like the colors of the rainbow. And maybe you've seen some of those hanging in windows as the sun comes up in the morning and shines in. There are little different colors that dart around the room. It's it's very intriguing and very interesting.
And I believe that what is happening in our lives here is that.
That through the sufferings of this present time, that God is grinding in our souls, a facet that is someday going to display the glory of Christ in a very special way. You know, if every if every diamond ring were the same, if every prison were the same, so that they all hung up in in in the light, and they all displayed this colors in a certain fashion.
Well, that would be nice, but to think that God in in glory, in that glory to come, every one of us as we are held up to the glory, that sunshine and glory there in the presence of God the Lord Jesus Christ as he shines into our souls in that coming heaven. And each one of us are going to display the glory of Christ in a little different way because of the facets that have been ground into our souls through trial.
Yeah, interesting. I think it's so neat. Here, here, here. You and I are on the way to glory and what happens? There are clouds on the way, and these clouds are causing rain to fall into our lives. But oh, the blessing that is going to come out of it. And we are being fashioned and molded into that same image.
That's I'll just read it. You don't need to turn to it.
One of my favorite verses, 2nd Corinthians 318 But we all with open face, beholding, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord, and as I believe that.
The looking glasses of those days were much inferior to what we have today. Sometimes they were a piece of metal or a piece of glass, and they they somewhat distorted the view. Nevertheless, they were a looking glass.
And I believe that what the Apostle Paul is talking about in the 2nd Corinthians 3 is being brought face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ in his word. You know, maybe you know that as a couple gets married.
Notice a couple? They often look different when they get married, but you look at some 50 years later.
50 years later and what do they look like? They look alike.
Notice that because they have sat across the table from each other and viewed each other every day. And so oftentimes you know these little minds that we don't like to get called wrinkles. They have. Why the wrinkles are the same in each one of them because they have feud each other at a very close, from a very close vantage point. And so it is when we take this book, the word of God, and we open it up and from it we see the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and see his face in this book.
We are changed. We are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. That is it. It is an ever upward path of glory. It is ever upward. We are changed from glory to glory. In this chapter they have been talking about Paul has been talking about Moses. And Moses went up in the mountain to get the law and when he spoke with God.
And the law was written down. He brought those tables of stone down. And what happened? His face shone. His face shone so much it was so bright that they they could not behold his face. And they covered it with a veil, and that that glory.
That shone on his face was a fading blurry. As time went on, it faded from their views. Moses did not go through the rest of his life with a sack over his face because the glory faded. But with you and I as we behold the glory of the Lord from his Word, and we walk in communion with him, it is an ever increasing glory, so that other people should look at you and say that person has something different. Remember we were talking about the Kingdom of God.
And now that the effect of the Kingdom of God is to produce, it is to to produce a moral effect in this world of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
That is something that ought to radiate from our life, so that other people look at us and say they've got something that I that I that I want, that I need.
I believe that we need that. We need that kind of thing, that glory that will show from our cases. So there there is the pathway, theoretically, the Christian. Now let's go back to, I'll go back to Romans chapter 8 and verse 28.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are called the called according to His purpose, for whom he did foreknow. He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first born among the many brethren. Oh, beloved brethren, I I look at this verse, and these verses are beyond my comprehension.
To think that God in that past, in eternity, look down through this very day, and He wrote her names down. He chose us out. He foreknew us. He knew all about us, and He did. The ones that He foreknew, he predestinated. What did He predestinate? Predestinate them for? To be conformed to the image of his Son, To be conformed. And you know, this is where we find a lot of victory in our lives, to accept every circumstance in our lives from the Lord.
Everything, you know, that little track that used to see around called disappointments, are his appointments. And we don't understand certain things. We don't know why certain things have happened in our lives. But one thing that we know is that we know that all things work together for good to them that love God who are the called according to his purpose. And I have no doubt in my mind that the devil is just like in the days of Joe going into the presence of God.
To bring us into trouble and trial, I have no doubt about that. But if we accept everything from his saying, I know that that's for my good, then the devil goes down to defeat. I believe that right right in that verse is one of the formulas, the main formulas in our lives for victory no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. And so I've got on my little sheet there something like this that says.
Sins with sins.
Sins. Power.
In sins presence.
All these things once stood against us. The cross is canceled out, the penalty of our sins.
Cancel it out.
In his broken the power of our sins.
Completely broken. Broken it by burying and burying the old man. And then someday we are going to be set free from the presence of sin altogether. That's going to be cancelled when you're coming in.
Say that here we've been talking about kingdoms at war and.
How to get to victory and I think we've.
We've talked about it today and we need to go out there into this world that we live with confidence and in community with the Lord Jesus Christ. We've got a job to do, we've got a testimony to give and he has called you and I for some reason, out of all of the peoples in this community.
To bear that testimony, to produce that effect, To walk with Christ.
And to do it not in defeat, but to do it in victory over sin, it's going to require that you and I get into the presence of God on a daily.
Moment by moment, basis in the judge that which is not. In other words, we take that we take, we take that tree of the flesh, and we put it into the same grave where the old man lays, and that that's there in his victory, take that flesh, put it in the place of death.
And you will find then it has no effect. OK.
Bauer has he.