Moses and Faith

Hebrews 11:23‑30
Address—C.H. Brown
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General Meeting Detroit, November 1960, Addressed by Chapter Brown.
All we had to do is take a look at the power of the Ferrari survive the other.
Call me.
Portion that I have before me, I want to read the verse in Philippians.
The third chapter.
Flipping 3 verse.
First one.
Finally, my brethren rejoiced in the Lord.
To write the same things for you to meet it to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.
It's this sentence I have before me to write the same things to you.
Me indeed is not great, but for you it is safe.
Well, that's sort of an apology.
For writing to the Philippians those things he had told them so often.
Because I know I told you all this before.
But I don't mind telling you again.
And I think it's good for you.
So I hope you will bear with me if I read.
A very familiar portion and one of the evil.
Heard that news on occasions like this over and over again.
I think scriptures of such a character that if we approach it.
Independence and asking to be part of God.
He can always give us something new from it, even though we've heard it many, many times before.
So in terms of the 11Th of the Hebrews.
We all know this is the Faith, the faith chapter.
We read from the 23rd verse.
By faith Bodies, when he was born was hit three months of his parents because he saw he was a proper child.
And they were not afraid of the King's commandment.
By faith Moses, when it was come to years.
Refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.
Choosing rather to suffer affection with the people of God.
And to enjoy the pleasures of San Francisco.
Assuming their approach of Christ, greater riches.
And the treasures in Egypt.
Or he had this respect.
Under the recompense of the reward.
By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king.
For he endured as seeing him as invisible.
Two days he kept the Passover.
And the sprinkling of blood.
That he had destroyed the first born to touch them.
From my faith they passed through the Red Seas by dry land.
Which the Egyptians are saying to do or drown.
By faith, the walls and Jericho fell down after they were accomplished about seven days.
The Faith chapter.
Faith is the.
Substance. Are they substantiating?
The things hoped for.
The evidence of things not seen.
Faith is just as real and dynamic. A thing is electricity.
I don't suppose anybody's ever best to see electricity many things that.
They can't see, but we can see the effects.
So remember that.
Faith is something that does things.
It's the substance. It's good.
It has.
An unseen power substance to it.
You can see the effects of it.
But if someone says, well now show me your faith.
You'd have a a difficult time.
You asked me to show you my pocket knife. I can do it.
But let's show your face.
Faith is the.
Substance. A thing to vote for, the evidence of things not seen.
But all what a powerful factor. Expense.
The lives of God's people, down to the aces.
Here's a man with the name of Moses.
He comes into this world and humble circumstances.
Things were trying for the children of Israel with the time Holding was born.
They had some dear parents.
Does that have over you young folks this afternoon?
Some of you I can recognize and remember the heritage. Some of you I've known for.
Virus is generated.
The wonderful thing to have God returned.
Moses has the right kind of parents, Shirley.
When he was born, they they hit him.
I don't know whether this little babe was manifested any of the Adam rebellion against that process of being in or not.
But they saw he was a proper child, he child worth saving.
And the hitting from the animals.
Your parents, if they're Christians and then trying to hide you.
For many of his call off.
Much of the world.
Marcus would spell sorrow in your Christian life.
How have you reacted to it?
Have you ever gotten down on your knees and thank God that you have parents that have the courage to hide difference?
Or would you rather just turn you loose?
I'm saying I you can just take on from here. You're you're on your own.
We're not going to give you any advice. We're not going to say no anything. You just have your own way. You're like parents like that.
Not if you're wise, you wouldn't.
Sometimes young people take the bit of their teeth, they say, and go out on their own.
But all the unspeakable tragedy that followed that kind of self will.
Moses didn't have the wisdom to take care of himself this time.
Wisdom comes with years.
What is going on with God?
But his parents said he was the star.
They were not afraid of the King's commandment.
Ages the type in the world.
You get various animation scriptures.
Philistine is an enemy in the land. Those are enemies within. Professor Criticism.
Then they get the ammetes.
Well, there you get the entity of the place trying to ruin your life.
Here's Jesus the world.
How many Christians life has been ruined by fear of offending the world?
You know God and Prince of this world.
The God of it religiously, and the Prince of it politically.
But these parents were not afraid of the King's commandment.
What is the King's command?
Well, the God of this world has a mold.
And he's determined to force you into that bowl.
And turn you out as though you're in a process of assembly line production.
So that you come out at the end of a thorough world.
That's what he would do with him. He had his opportunity.
But these parents were determined that their child should not go through processing.
They were not afraid of the King's commandment. Thank God for parents like that.
Sometimes the world.
Puts the pressure on parents.
They say you're doing your children an injustice. You're denying them this and you're denying them that.
And they have the right to these things.
Well, thank God for parents that have the courage to say we're not rearing our children.
After the accepted standards around us in the world today, we're seeking by the grace of God.
To bring them up according to the truth of the word of God.
They're not afraid of the King's demand.
You can't always go on your parents protection.
There comes a time when.
Is right at your door.
There comes a time when you have to take over.
So we're reading that money 1St, 24th verse.
Thy same closest like for how many years?
Yes, came the year.
Can't always ask father or mother to solve the problem.
You have to face this itself.
When he was coming here.
The first thing we read about him doing is refusing. He refused to recall the son of Pharaohs daughter.
That's the way life started out by refusing.
And you know much of your life, young folks.
If you're going to live for God in this world.
Much of your life will be a process of refusing.
Well, remember that we live in the enemies land.
This is not our home. Let's strangers and pilgrims here.
For those around us who go not to Lord.
Are constantly seeking.
To have us join with them in their pleasures.
Their ambition, their purposes, their desires, their schemes, their propaganda.
It's a constant battle all the way through.
But one of the first words that you've got to have in your Christian vocabulary is and old.
No, Moses.
Well, no matter how many of us would refuse. But Moses refused.
You know, he was the heir.
The throne of Egypt.
Refused to be called the son of Pharaoh.
They have adopted it. That put him in line.
For the Thrones of the greatest nation in the world.
He's headed right for him.
Did he do right when he refused? Did he?
Having a mind of God when he turned down an opportunity like that.
And may be dead.
But how many would have stood with him in the decision?
How many that pointed the finger at him and said poor fool.
I'm running with that. Oh, if I could just have had the opportunity of that boy had.
I certainly would have taken advantage of it.
The son of Pharrell, daughter.
I'm 87, No.
Well, I wonder, have you learned to say it?
Or are you allowing the?
Popular concept.
About to be paid for your life.
Doesn't make so much difference where you are.
Sometimes people say well.
I don't want to send my children to school.
Because they have to be exposed to the world.
Well, one doesn't doubt the sincerity is.
Paris, there are others that may talk that way.
But where can you go in this scene? Where can you live a normal life?
Without being exposed to the world.
The world doesn't confine itself to some of the activities that you might find in school.
Or a high school or college or professional education.
The world is all about.
As the Lord Jesus and that wonderful prayer that he made.
He didn't ask his God and Father.
Is all out of the world.
We did that for that.
We actually keep them from the evil that's in the world.
Now, I'm certainly not advocating for a moment.
The Spirit of.
Of just deliberately going out as the lion did and say who will give me a man to fight for me.
And a fear of Brahmano that walks out and says, I'll, I'll tackle the world, try to take care of it. I'm not asking for that spirit.
But I do say that.
Regardless of where we are.
Satan is going to have his his temptations. He's going to speak to forces.
And the step lock step at that headed way.
When the world around.
Have with the courage to say no.
How about it in the office where you work?
You happen to say no a good many times, don't you?
If you don't, we got one to get mixed up with what's going on.
The other day in Montreal.
Things there.
Buried brother. I'm known him for a good many years.
Some of you heard me tell this before, but the tips? Oh, pardon me.
But I think it has a point to it.
He went to work in this office the first day.
Think office, You know many deaths then.
The big fellow or 6 feet tall. That's a tremendous voice.
The first day it went there, he took his Bible with him and.
Lot of minutes before time to settle down the word.
Looked at this Bible like that, says Man. Here's where I stand.
Ladies, Bible down to the desk. We went to work.
I'm not telling you this imitating. I'm not telling you to do that same thing.
But in principle, it was a wonderful thing to do.
In other words.
And let it stand be known at the very start.
The result was.
He didn't have to say no.
When somebody asked him to Will you have it? Will you have a cigarette? He didn't have to say no. What?
Why, he just covered all the negatives and that one old stand that he's taken.
No one said we're going to go out and have a drink.
No one said. Would you like to show the night?
No one said whatever. Like have a liberal, a little game. The stakes aren't very high. They're going to meet for a few minutes after dinner. Did you have to say no? Certainly he didn't. He'd already said this.
Taking his stand on the book.
That was.
All these things.
Oh, how wonderful.
If we can learn to refuse.
And it'll be that all through your Bible.
You can't get past, you can't graduate, you can't get a degree where you're not having to say no because we live on the enemies land.
Temptations all around.
Well, that's the negative side.
Now on the next verse we get something else.
Not only where does they know?
We not only learn the negative side, but we choose choose things rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
What a wonderful thing.
That process of choice is.
It's what makes us laugh.
Life is a series of choosing.
Everyone in this room this afternoon.
What is because of the choices he's made?
Life consists of little else in that.
Start the day that way.
Open your eyes in the morning.
Well, have to make a choice. We're going to get up now. We're going to rest 5 minutes long.
You get up.
And you dress for the day.
Values. Choose what suits you're going to throw.
You make choice all the time.
Go down to breakfast.
Make a choice. What do you want for breakfast?
And then when you start to work, when you get to work about first it's choice, choice, choice all the way through, right down to the time when you finish the day.
Joyce Joyce Joy.
That's what forms carry.
Well, Moses chose rather.
How many chose rather? That shows that there were alternative choices to be had.
Chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God.
Than to enjoy the pleasures of sin. Percy.
Two kinds of people in this world.
The people of God and the people of the world.
And they're all around us.
You wouldn't have to walk 5 minutes from here.
Find those who would have absolutely no use.
For this precious book.
For the very lines of truth that we're seeking to bring out this afternoon.
They would be violently opposed to them.
No, there are the people of God.
And there are the people of this world.
Ye are of this world.
What the Lord Jesus said to the unbelievers of his day.
But he said I'm not of his work.
Ye are from beneath. I am from above.
So in commending his disciples.
The Lord to God, his Father.
He said. They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world.
Northern ladies choice is that I'm going to cast in my life.
With the people of God.
For the wonderful thing here, young folks.
That's the happiest decision you'll ever make.
When you cast in your loss.
With the people of God.
All thank God they're here on this world.
We find them all around us.
But we have to recognize them.
It's not the majority. It's not the Great Teaming Brawl. Or no.
But here and there, intermingled are the people of God.
The other day.
I went into one of these laundrettes.
You out a little bundle of washing that accumulates on a trip bike fence.
He gave a pamphlet to.
The lady sitting next to me there, she was also there on the same kind of an errand.
The moment she saw the pamphlet.
He said that sounds good with.
How do I like that starter response?
So that led to a conversation.
And you know, we found ourselves.
100% agreement.
That we believe that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins.
But he arose again.
He ascended into heaven. They sent down the Holy Spirit that He formed the Church.
And he was coming any moment to take his old up, to meet him in the air.
That lovely conversation.
We were just oblivious.
For those others in the place.
Who gave every sign of being of this world, their language, their heavens, The things they were reading is they sat there waiting.
All told the story.
Belong with the world.
Presently this lady's son fine clean looking.
Young fellow about around 30 years of age came in.
And with this.
Becoming motherly, Pride introduced her son.
We had a monthly conversation about the things of Christ.
I've never seen him before and he's never seen me before.
What was the latest?
Belong to that company in this world.
People of God.
Choosing rather to suffer affection with the people of God.
Well, we learned in the scripture doing not that.
Those of us that know and love the Lord Jesus.
Find ourselves in an adverse world.
We may have to suffer.
Special persecution on the place.
Right now.
While we're sitting here and comparative peace and quiet.
We know that in other parts of the world.
Dear children of God.
That love the Lord Jesus just as much as we do.
Who have just as good a right to peace and quiet as we have.
Are languishing in prison.
They're neglected, they're persecuted, They're starved. Some of them are dying.
Their families taken from them.
The enemy has the power over them.
Their suffering, affection with the people's thoughts.
Some of them have been offered their liberty.
If they will deny Christ.
If they will quit their praying and reading their bibles and speaking about Jesus, they can go free.
But they choose rather to suffer a place than with the people of God that enjoys the pleasures of sin for his season.
Yes, the pleasures of sin.
Let's not say that there's no fun in being out in the world in sin.
It has its pleasures. It does.
You wouldn't find such modest news running after it if it didn't have some pleasure.
But what is written over the whole thing?
Far as either.
Yes, for a season, Payday comes along. It all has an end. The curtain falls and then walk.
Oh yes, that's.
There's the Rob.
That's the thing they don't want to think about.
They don't want think about.
They had a man out in California.
He lived in a palace.
The modern millionaire.
Lived a very wicked life.
And it was understood by his most eminent friend.
Nothing with one word that must not be mentioned in his presence.
All his friends knew was.
Don't you ever mention that word death in my presence. I don't want to hear it.
Quite limited.
The point is on the man wants to die.
And after this.
Judgment. Oh, that's where the trouble was.
You know you're in heaven sometimes turns into doors.
But your conscience does.
That man had a natural conscience that told him Sunday.
Going to stand in the presence of God and give an account of that wicked life of you.
And he died, yes.
He died. He had a funeral that cost several $1000.
But he died.
I mean there.
As a mirror public expense.
The Glaziers of Sin Forest season.
How thankful we can be here, uncle.
That we've been preserved from a life like that. Oh, what a mercy it is.
Oh, we ought to get on our knees every night and thank God.
For his mercy and saving our soul.
Might be preserved from the decease of Satan.
And end up at the last in hopeless outer dark.
Moses refused and Moses chose.
Now there was something else. The 26th birth.
Moses has seen their approach of Christ, the greater riches on the treasures in Egypt.
Every man has his criteria.
His standards.
What are we by doing?
Supposing that someone were to give you a slip of paper.
And a pencil and say no.
Write down.
Would you like to make a list like that? Would you be honest?
Would you make it out so that somebody else would have the privilege of reading?
Howard is conformed with Moses plan.
Perhaps he didn't write this out, but he thought it through.
And what was it that he esteemed, that he desires, that he values? What was it to which his committed himself?
Why he has seen the Reproach Christ.
Reproach of Christ.
Greater riches, riches.
Than the traitors in Egypt.
This man.
Is one of the parables of Egypt.
They discovered his.
And they found that it cost $15 million to bury.
That an expensive barrier.
But he was just as dead as those of them buried in the paupers tomb.
Moses might have had a barrier like that.
But you know, Moses.
Had one of the rare privileges of any man that ever lived.
I don't know of any other man. I at least I can't think of it at this moment.
Our movement said that God married.
Oh, how wonderful to happen. God thinks of much of me that he just takes over your barrel and seats doing himself.
How different that was from the burial that?
A seemingly reproach of Christ.
If you're going to live for the Lord Jesus Christ in this world.
You'll mind that it carries with it a major reproach.
Let us go for it there or unto him outside the camp.
Bearing his reproach.
They that will to live godly in Christ Jesus.
Shall suffer persecution.
Doesn't say they may, It says they can.
They that will deliver God.
That's part of it.
Peter writing in his day.
Says if you need, if you suffer from Christ.
Happy are you for the spirit of glory and of God rest upon.
If you suffer from pride.
What do they mean when he says the spirit of glory rest upon you?
Well, I think it means this.
And if you're suffering from Christ?
Actually suffering from Christ.
It marks you out as a candidate for growth. I think that's it.
The Spirit of God and the glory rest upon it, March you out of the candidate for gold.
Oh, what a wonderful.
To suffer for Christ.
Greater riches than the Prajers in Egypt.
Very few people in this world.
I've never heard of.
This poor disease.
Where, if you've ever heard of.
But all things are the multitudes that have been blessed through the faithfulness of Moses the man of God, Moses the man of God.
For he had respect under the recompense of the reward.
All young folks who have not been fully.
Let's not sell out.
Let's learn to evaluate things in the light of eternity.
He had respect.
Under the recompense of the reward, payday is coming.
Oh, yes.
It's coming.
Oh, how glad we'll be. How thankful we'll be in that day.
We didn't sell out.
I've just been visiting up.
For Canada.
And I visited in the neighborhood.
Of that dear young brother that was so tragically taken out of this world this year.
Only 20 years of age.
But you know the thing that hit my heart good as I went in and long in and out among those that knew the story?
They knew him intimately.
Thing that made my heart black was that that dear young man.
That made Christ his choice, and not only that.
But he was living for Christ.
He was bearing the reproach of Christ.
He was one who was marked up.
As one who was on the Lord's side.
It wasn't an indifferent light.
It wasn't a DRAM meaningless confession.
Everyone who knew him intimately knew that Christ was the opportunity to talk.
He had respect under the recompense of the reward.
Oh, how glad.
The dear young man is now.
Made the right choice.
I'm glad he'll be in that day when all passes and reviews the judgment seat of Christ.
That a few brief years, only 20 years.
That his few brief years were lived from God and was testimony for Christ.
All dear young believers here to say, let's just wake up, let's not make the final mistake.
I'm thinking that we've got to have our fling in the world.
Our taste of the platters of sin.
And then we're going to turn to God.
Satan not received.
Most of great views Moses chose.
Moses esteemed and now the 27th verse.
And by faith he for soaking, just not fearing the wrath of the king.
My faith he forsook Egypt turned his back on.
Have you done that?
Some of you keep Diaries.
Is there an history somewhere in that dire years?
It says by the grace of God.
Today I made my my decision.
I turned my back on each I for two feet.
That decision day came in Moses life.
We have to make it.
There came the time when it was now or never.
He had to make that decision, make it quick.
Well, he made it.
He decided to more save Egypt.
Have you made that decision?
Forsake this world.
All the cross of Christ.
By which the world is crucified unto me.
I under the world, the cross of Christ.
By which the world is crucified under me, and I under the world.
I notice this expression not fearing the wrath of the king.
Here's an encouraging word for you dear parents here this afternoon.
You remember what was said about Moses parents in that 23rd verse?
They were not afraid of the King's commandment.
And we're not afraid of King's commandment, the parents.
Well, they brought that boy up accordingly. They acted accordingly. They were not afraid of King's abandonment.
And you know, in the ways of God.
That same thing came out in the light of that boy.
The time came when he was on his own, as we've already said.
And you find him of the same spirit with his parents.
He forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king.
Oh, remember parents?
If you seek Father Grace of God.
You'll be faithful.
With those dear children.
You can expect in God's time.
But that training will not be in vain. It comes out in the boy here.
He too is not fearing the wrath of the king.
He groups of people.
And now the next thing about him.
He endure.
In viewing? Oh yes, we'll be tested.
You don't know anything about a good soldier until he's been tested.
It isn't just having his shoe shine and being able to March with his shoulders back.
Be able to put on a good review day.
Appearance. That is my test out of soldier.
It's the forefront of the battle and testimony my brother is in encounter not.
Well, the test comes.
Test came the most.
He might have met Africa made that decision too.
Wanted the wilderness, the backside of the desert.
He might have said on further consideration.
On further consideration, I decided I made a huge mistake.
I'm going to split back, humble myself and see if I can't get it what I missed.
Oh no, none of that for Moses.
He endured.
He went on.
He grew. He developed.
When the time came for him to leave the people of God.
What I know wonderful leader he was.
We need to have a long schooling army gears on the backside of the desert.
But he'd been there with God.
When the time came going to be out in the foreground.
And he gave a good account of himself.
Ian Hewer.
Young folks, great thing to endure.
You go round and some of us have done for good many years.
And you say, well, what about Kim or John or Jack or whoever, whatever name you want.
And how's he cutting along? I remember him and I was here before. How's he coming along?
Well, it does your heart good.
When you ask that question and someone.
Breaks us a broad smile and.
That's all Jacks really, Jack. Wonderful.
God is done wonderful things to that boy.
He's just a joy to resolve.
I've had that experience over and over again. Doesn't my heart go?
But sometimes, you know.
He strikes sad calmness.
And it's just as though someone was going to.
Hang a recent crease.
Shake your head.
Oh, poor boy. I'm just sorry to have to speak about it.
With the noise gone back, right back into the world.
He didn't endure. Go, he went back.
Not so with Moses.
He endured.
What enabled him to endure?
He saw him who was invisible. God, does that sound like a contradiction?
God isn't the least.
Sit appraised.
To make contradictions.
God is.
Any embarrassment at all?
In such blessed, wonderful holy contradiction.
The words full of them, but the child of soccer rejoices.
The interval comes along and that's all they can see what lies on the 3rd.
But always this wonderful to think.
That Moses have the eyes of faith.
Let's Pierce through That penetrated the unknown, and he looked up to a God whom he learned of value and to know.
He saw him with the eyes of faith.
It was just as real to him.
Though he meant face to face for this.
He saw him who is invisible.
Well, beloved, you and I can have that experience.
Many of their Christians.
Has burned of the state.
Has gone down into death with joy in his heart, with sorrow on his lips. How could he do it?
'Cause he saw him, it was invisible.
He died victoriously because the eye of faith led him to know and to recognize him.
Who to the natural eye is invisible?
On the 28th, 1St through Faith against the castle.
Through faith he kept, he believed was on set.
God told.
That night, everyone can take a laugh, keep it up for four days and kill it.
Wrinkle of blood upon little, the two cycles.
Moses did it. He acted on the direction.
He kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood.
Well, I'm talking supposedly to young Christians.
And I take it for granted.
That you have done this, that you have appropriated the Lord Jesus Christ as your own savior.
You've come to Jesus.
As a horrible Sinner.
You said I need the blood.
I need the Lamb of God.
And you said yes.
And you got saved.
You know that the blood is all the little in the signpost.
And you hear God say, when I see the blood, I'll Passover you.
So you know there's no judgment for you.
You believe you've received Christ, he belongs to you, and you're a peaceful God.
Or how wonderful that is.
By painting kept the family and the strengthening of blood.
No salvation without the blood.
But now let's just make one other point here.
He kept the Passover.
We had in our meeting this morning.
About the remembrance of the Lord.
I wondered, have you ever kept that?
Have you ever done what the Lord ask you to do?
Have you followed through now this address up to this point?
All the way along you said Amen, Brother Brown. Amen. Amen.
Are you going to say Amen to what I'm saying now?
If the Lord can speak to you.
I'll put it stronger.
The Lord has spoken to you.
Do this in remembrance of me.
Have you done it?
You say No, I haven't.
What the reason why?
Ah, you know, there's a reason.
There is something deep down in your life that means more to you than Christ.
And you're saying no to love like that?
It seems to me to be so very sad.
To have the Lord come tonight.
And he made And you would have to say, Lord, I I never once thought enough of you.
To do what you asked me to do.
Never once.
Did I eat with bread and drinking cup and loving remembrance of what you did for me?
By saying he kept the Passover and strengthen your club.
So I want to go down to the 30th 1St because your time is up.
Faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were accomplished 70.
The one that said no, you can't go into the promised land.
We're going to keep you out.
But they were comfortable for seven days. That's the perfect number.
And then the walls collapsed where the Internet took the city.
You know, there's some people.
Marching around your citizens are unbelief.
Marching round and round in prayer.
All thanks gone through the prayers of the Saints.
Thank God for the for the thousands of souls that have been broken down and said yes to the pleading of the Spirit of God, because.
Dear ones and loved ones were going round and round.
In prayer of round and round, never ceasing 7 days.
Pray, pray. Pray.
All that wonderful to know.
Sooner or later, they answered God.
Or may we be men and women of faith and prayers. They will never cease to go round and round as we follow them in prayer for our loved ones, wherever they are. That was great.