A GENTLEMAN was walking down a country road one day when he passed a dear happy little girl playing in a field among the flowers. Little Nell was all alone but she seemed to have no fear as she sat and sang and made chains with buttercups and daisies.
“Whose little girl are you?” he asked.
“Mother’s,” she answered with a happy smile.
“And where do you live?” he inquired again.
“At home, sir,” she replied with the same bright smile.
“Ah,” said the kind man to himself, as he walked on. “Those are two beautiful words for a child — ‘Mother’ and ‘Home.'"
But I know two words sweeter still and happy are they who can use them as simply and joyfully as little Nell. These words are “Father,” and “Heaven.”
“Whose child are you?” and “Where is your home?” are two great questions for all of us. If you can answer these questions rightly it will make you happy indeed. Can you say, “God is my Father, and heaven is my Home"?
May God grant that none of our readers may any longer refuse the offers of the Saviour’s love, but come at once to the blessed Lord Jesus who has said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"; again, “Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.” Then you will rest in the assurance knowing that through faith in His dear Son God is your loving unchangeable Father, and heaven your destined eternal happy home.