A WOMAN was recently having a conversation with a Christian man who had called on her while going his round of business.
She was very sad, having just lost a dearly loved daughter. After telling him of her loss, any speaking of her grief, she told him what a good child she had always been.
“One day," she said, " my daughter came home from a meeting, and said, 'Mother, I’m converted.'
“' Converted, my dear?’ I said; why you don't need to be converted. You've never been wicked; you've always been a good girl Just fancy you talking about being converted.'”
The Christian man was able to point out what a mercy it was, that the girl had come to the Saviour, for "All have sinned.”
The poor woman did not seem to understand.
Satan had deluded her into thinking it was all right for her child without that. Thank God! the girl had learned better.
Yet how many there are in this present day who think just the same. “No need of conversion," they say," it is old fashioned now. People used to believe that, but they know better now.”
So they go' on just as Satan wants them to; go on to a Christless grave, an eternity spent with the one who has deceived them. Reader, if you have thought like this woman, I beseech you to wake up before it is too late. You are listening to the same one who in the Garden of Eden said, “Hath God said?" The same deceiver, almost the same words. One hears it on every hand; God's blessed word called in question.
God has said; He has spoken; and He is speaking to you now. And as the blessed Lord Jesus said when He was here to a man who wanted to be taught: "Ye must be born again." He could not teach the man until he had a new nature to be taught. However good you may think you are, you will not do for God like that. “You must be born again.” You must have a new nature and a new life. Own yourself lost, helpless, undone without Christ, and accept all He has clone to save you. The work is clone by the blessed Son of God. "It is finished.”
Souls are being saved, many of them, many who, twelve months ago, were going on heedlessly, have turned to the blessed Saviour, believed Him, trusted Him, rejoiced in Him. Don't be left outside.
“God's house is filling fast; yet there is room.
Some guest will be the last; yet there is room.''
F. C. C.