“DO all things without murmurings and disputings, that ye may be blameless and harmless," is God's admonition to us. He knows the proneness of our hearts to fall out with our lot and surroundings, but He brings in Jesus the humbled One, as much as to say," Consider Him. He left the sphere of glory and power, majesty and command, for a condition of humility and weakness, trial and servitude, to learn obedience in the things which He suffered.”
Submitting as the true Servant to the mighty hand of God, He was exalted in due time. So should we be exalted in due time, but alas! we seek to rise up instead of being content to lie down. "One thing thou lackest," was Christ's judgment of the rich and morally endowed young ruler, for he went away sorrowful, having great possessions; he would not submit himself to the will of the divine Master. Submission would have brought poverty and a cross on earth; fellowship with the Son of Man, treasure in heaven.
“One thing is needful," were our Lord's words to one, a murmurer at being left to "serve alone." Another chose the needful thing, for sitting submissive to His word, she contented herself with His sufficiency. She learned, too, how He could sympathize in the deepest sorrow, which rent her heart at her beloved brother's death. She bowed beneath His hand—a willing vessel, to be exalted in due time by having her loving service unto Him recorded as a lasting memorial of her.
The first lesson the Lord sets for us is a ruling one in His school, viz., submission to Him, His word and will. All grumbling arises from having our wills thwarted in some degree, our tastes not complied with, or plans frustrated; but our God must rule; His "way" is perfect, and He will have our "way" perfect, too. He found us altogether opposed to Him, but He broke us down. Blessed be His name. He is the God of power as well as love. Do we not forget this, and so live as though we were not dependent on Him for every breath we draw, every motion of our limbs, every function of our constitution? If we forget, He remembers that we are dust. Yet in infinite mercy He still maintains His sway, and bends our wills, stubborn too often, alas! by the way of tears and suffering. Yet all is to cause us from the heart to say, "Thy will, not mine, be done.”
If we consider the history of His earthly people Israel, we find them murmuring again and again. In judgment He ever remembers mercy, so He leads them about for forty years, all to prove and humble them—to show what was in their hearts and what was His heart. He knew from the beginning they required a practical demonstration of the evil ever ready to spring from within. Here, then, is a great purpose in their long sojourn outside Canaan. He will fashion us after the pattern of His Son. Testing found no contradiction in His will, in ours it does.
Let us, beloved, look up to Jesus for succor by the way; accept our times from our Father's hand, learning to say with one of His suffering ones, "My. Father always does the very best for me." Thus may we rest in His love, wisdom and power, and under His tuition learn in measure to say with our Lord Jesus, "Even so, Father; for so it seemeth good in Thy sight." T. R. D.